#like I’m full on swooning over the last gif set I reblogged
missmonsters2 · 5 years
Drive Her Crazy || Part X
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PAIRING: Wanda Maximoff x OFC/Reader
Summary: AU. Meet Wanda, the new ‘It’ girl. She’s built her social standing as a social influencer through Instagram and vlogging on Youtube. Queen Bee in her social circle, she’s got everyone wrapped around her finger. She’s perfect, you think. Girls like that require a little finesse, and you’re ready to play the game.
Warnings: Non-healthy relationship, psychological games, smut. 18+ only.
NOTE: Wow, I can’t believe we are finished. Thank you to everyone who read this story, enjoyed it, liked it, reblogged it, or commented! My heart is super full. This is the happiest ending for our lovely crazies 💛
[Please watch out for my next series which will feature Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader, The Color of You 😊]
Count: 5231
“Great work, Vision! You’re good for today.”
Vision sighed, pulling off his headphones, and walking out the recording studio.
He thanked everyone for their hard work on his way out. 
The single he recently released was doing quite well, and he was quickly gaining a fanbase.
His breakup with Wanda had actually inspired some pretty good lyrics, and with some help to finesse the finished product, the single was becoming a hit. 
Vision hadn’t spoken Wanda since they split up at the party, but it’s not like he could avoid the headlines Wanda and her new girlfriend made. It was everywhere because you were so famous.
He still often spoke to Tony who updated him with what everyone’s been up to and Pepper was kind enough to give him advice from time to time.
Digging his hand into his pocket, he felt his ring there. He couldn’t bear to get rid of the engagement ring he got Wanda yet. It felt like it was the only thing left of her he had. 
As he walked out of recording studio, the exit he usually took was blocked off by cleaners, so he turned another way. 
It was a hall of records. Vision smiled slightly as he passed by each one. 
But then he saw one that made him stop.
It was your record, for the first album you released that has now gone triple platinum. 
He saw a couple more of your records framed up.
He was reeling.
This was too weird. 
Someone was passing by, and Vision stopped them. It was Ryan, the engineer that would be helping him with his album.
“Ryan...what’s this? Why are her albums framed up here?”
Ryan gave him a weird look as he gazed over your albums. 
“She’s an artiste at this company. Has been for a really long time. You never see her around, though. She’s been here long enough and produced enough results that they just let her do her own thing. In fact, you guys share the same manager.”
“What?” Vision choked.
Ryan had his eyebrows scrunched at Vision. Maybe he was a fan?
“I-I gotta go,” Vision said as he turned around and bolted out.
“Can I look yet?”
“No, and don’t you dare peek.”
You have your hands over Wanda’s eyes as you safely guide her into your guys’ new home. She had mostly been busy with work, so you had taken the liberty of making sure everything would be set up.
Of course, you still had sent her a billion texts to see what type of furniture and color theme Wanda preferred. 
Today was the move-in day, and you had picked your girlfriend up when she was done work for the day.
“Please, I just want to see now,” Wanda whined, and you hushed her.
“Patience is a virtue, love,” you tease her. You hear her huff slightly.
“Well, I’m very naughty,” she teased you right back, and you had to bite your lip.
Dear lord, you needed to move faster before Wanda decided she wanted to have her wicked way with you without you being able to show her the whole place. 
Once you’re in the perfect spot, you smile as you kiss the back of Wanda’s head gently before releasing your hands. 
Wanda’s eyes flutter open, awe washing over her as she takes a look at the entire place.
It was big. 
It was beautiful. 
It was her dream home.
The soft, pastel colors and marbling of the furniture was a dream. She turns around, jumping into your arms, kissing you right on your mouth.
“I love it,” she gushes. “Thank you for taking care of all this.”
You merely hum happily, leaning in to kiss her again. Wanda walks around the house, touching nearly everything and gushing about how everything looks perfect.
By the time you make it back to the living room, she turns to you, head tilted to the side with her fingers on her chin.
“You know, maybe there is one thing that’s missing,” she says, taking a look around herself. 
“Really? What?” You ask, trying your best to think if you missed anything. 
Wanda looks back at you with a wicked grin.
“I think we need to christen the house.”
Before you know it, you’re revisiting every room in the house again.
Wanda is on cloud nine by the time she reaches her friends for brunch the next day. 
“Hey, girls. Sorry, I’m late,” she greets them as she takes her seat next to Lily. Her other friend Anna from her party and at the charity was there too. Finally, Stacey had been invited by Anna. 
Lily was snickering as Wanda took a seat. “What happened? Miss DJ didn’t want to let you out of bed?”
Wanda immediately flushed red at her cheeks, the heat traveling all the way to her ears.
Because that’s exactly what happened. 
You had tried to convince her to stay in bed longer using your sexy, cocky smirk she liked, and your deft fingers and tongue.
Managing to keep in her in bed for another half hour, Wanda put all her willpower into getting up and running to the bathroom where you couldn’t follow. 
She definitely wanted to stay in bed longer too.
“Damn, girl, you really getting it,” Lily whistled, and Wanda had to push her friend playfully.
“I’m so jealous of you,” Anna whined as she sighed wistfully with her head in her hands. “I can’t believe you’re dating Lady Phantom. I had no idea she was so romantic. Everyone’s been talking about how she serenaded you at your party.”
Wanda only lightly chuckled, cheeks warm from the praises. 
“Oh!” Anna exclaimed as she sat upright, pulling her phone up and searching for something before showing it to Wanda. “Since your last interview where you revealed you were dating her, so many other tabloids are picking it up.”
Wanda grabbed the phone, looking at the headlines.
Wanda bit her lip as she clicked on one of the headlines, skimming through it.
A close source says that Lady Phantom may have whisked Wanda Maximoff right off her feet from new artist Vision. The source says that the DJ romantically serenaded Wanda at her birthday party recently. Swoon! What a lucky girl!
The smile on Wanda’s face was so broad as she passed her phone back to Anna. 
She was the girl who locked you down. 
“It’s crazy how they’ve already got this much information. We just bought the house in Los Altos Hills,” Wanda says offhandedly, casually dropping the neighborhood she now resides in. 
“What?” Stacey exclaims, surprised, and a little bit jealous as well. She had tried to cling to you during the party, but you didn’t seem interested at all. 
“Nice houses there aren’t under $1.6 million and the photos you posted to Instagram...shit, how much was it?”
Wanda just smiled and shrugged, she wasn’t about to brag how you and she got a $5 million dollar house. 
It was crazy to her. She would’ve never been able to buy one of the beautiful houses of Los Altos Hills with Vision.
It just felt like her dreams of having everything she wanted in her life and to share it with the person she loves was all coming true. 
The rest of the brunch went on as usual. The girls were screaming in excitement that she would be doing a photoshoot with David King. Wanda hadn’t even told them that she would be auditioning for a movie soon after. 
“Excuse me,” Wanda called the waitress as she was passing by. “Could I get an order of the traditional breakfast bowl to go? Medium poached eggs and extra hollandaise sauce, please.”
The waitress nodded with a smile before leaving.
“You bringing some for your girlfriend?” Lily asked with teasing in her tone.
Wanda nodded with a smile, “Yeah, we, uh, didn’t have time for breakfast this morning, and she had to go to the studio right after. I’m going to visit her with food.”
Lily sighed adoringly, “Oh, young love, how it is...”
“You’re younger than me, Lil,” Wanda said, and they both laughed. 
Wanda was on her way, closing in on the studio to see you when her phone started vibrating. 
She transferred your food into her other hand that was holding up her bag as she dug her free hand into her back pocket, tongue out as she picked up.
“Hello,” she answered, not being able to check the caller ID before she picked up.
“Wanda--” The voice was frantic.
“Vision?” Wanda answered confusedly. Why was her ex calling her?
“How’ve you been? I heard your single is doing well. I’m happy for you,” Wanda told him warmly regardless of why he was calling her. 
“Yeah, Wanda, listen, you need to break up with your girlfriend. I told you there was something wrong with her!”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Wanda said heatedly. How could he just call to say that?
“I knew this opportunity to sign on was too good to be true. She’s from the same company, even has the same manager as me! I know she sent her manager to recruit me on the day of your birthday. She set me up to not show up!”
“Did someone tell you that?” Wanda asked, her walk becoming brisker as she was getting heated.
“No, but--”
“Then how the hell do you know that’s true? So what that you’re in the same company with the same manager? She tells me she hardly talks to her manager as she essentially handles her own work. Also, even if that were true, no one told you to drink yourself to a blackout state and miss my birthday. You could’ve signed on, had your celebratory drink, and left,” Wanda huffed.
“I am not hashing this out with you again, Viz,” Wanda said finally.
“Wanda, please, listen to me. There really is something off about her. She’s clearly obsessed with you. Who knows how long she’s been plotting to get you.”
“You want me to be offended my girlfriend wants me and finds me desirable?”
“No, I want you to be offended that she has no boundaries and sabotaged me to get you!”
“That’s seriously insane, Vision. She’s a famous DJ, and I’m just a social influencer. Does that make any sense to you?”
“Vision!” Wanda interrupted him. “I don’t want to hear about this again. We’re supposed to have an amicable breakup. Seriously, don’t call me again if you’re going to just say this.”
She could hear him saying something else as she hung up. She huffed again, rolling her eyes slightly.
Wanda tried to shake off the icky mood that the call put her in. She didn’t want to be grumpy when she saw you. 
She placed her knuckles against the door softly as she knocked. 
It wasn’t you who opened the door, but the guy seemed to have recognized her and let her in, putting his finger to his lips to signal her to be quiet.
She sheepishly shrugged her shoulders as she tiptoed in.
There she found you, your back facing her as you were looking over the recording, playing it with headphones on.
Wanda heard you hum lightly before you pressed a button to speak to the singer inside the recording studio.
“That was pretty good, but can you try redoing the last line? Instead of just holding the note on the last word, do a vocal run.”
The singer nodded, clearing her throat as she got ready. 
Everyone watched as she redid it, and it sounded amazing. The difference was so subtle, but it sent chills down their spine. 
“That’s perfect! Great job. Why don’t you take a break?” You suggested.
Once everyone began to relax, you turned around, surprise in your eyes as you saw your girlfriend standing there.
Wanda immediately went over to embrace you, kissing you softly.
Damn, you were so sexy when you worked.
You hummed into the kiss, clearly enjoying it.
“Mm,” you pulled back slightly. “What are you doing here? I thought you had brunch with your friends.”
Wanda gave you a half-smirk, holding onto the lapels of your leather jacket. “Well, I thought since you weren’t able to get breakfast this morning due to your shenanigans, I thought I’d bring you some.”
“What kind of shenanigans?” A dude from the back yelled, and everyone laughed as you rolled your eyes.
You looked back at your girlfriend, adoration just filling your eyes as you looked at her. Grabbing her hand and the food off the table, you led her out.
“C’mon, let’s eat outside. There’s too much testosterone in here.”
The boys laughed again, and Wanda giggled.
You led her out to the back where a lovely table and bench were in the shade under a tree.
Taking out the food, your stomach nearly ate itself, smelling the aroma. 
You really were hungry.
But the hunger was definitely worth keeping Wanda in bed as long as you could this morning.
“So,” you said as you scooped some food onto your spoon. “How was brunch?”
“It was good. Lily, Anna, and Stacey were there.”
“Stacey as in...that girl from your birthday?”
Wanda scrunched her nose up at that but nodded. “Yeah...she totally wants to kill me so she can date you.”
You laughed, bringing your hand to your mouth. You swallowed your food before talking again.
“I highly doubt she could get the drop on you, so no worries there.”
“You’re damn right,” Wanda mumbled as you smiled.
Wanda watched you eat, her mouth curling upwards without her even realizing. You were always so focused on your food while eating, and she thought it was endearing. 
“So,” Wanda says. “Have you...seen the tabloids by any chance?”
Your licking remnants of hollandaise sauce from your lips as you hear Wanda ask that. You nod, scooping more food.
“Mhm,” you say, spoon in their air as you have yet to put it into your mouth. You tilt your head, brow quirked as you look up slightly. “I hear a very, very attractive social influencer has bagged an elusive DJ. Apparently, they’ve been spotted buying a house together. How scandalous.”
Wanda is grinning ear to ear. God, why were you also so funny?
“Yes,” she plays along. “All the tabloids are saying that the DJ is settling down, can you believe that?”
You’re trying to hide your grin as you reply. “Buying a house is now settling down? Whew, that is quite the leap. What will the public say when she gets married?”
“Do you think she’s considering marriage?” Wanda asks, biting her thumb lightly as she regards you. God, she hopes you are. 
You’ve finished your food, packing it away back into its bag to be thrown away later.
You look at Wanda.
And by God, she just might be everything you’ve ever wanted. 
The thought of someone else won’t even cross your mind.
If it isn’t Wanda, it just won’t do.
You brush your leg against her lightly under the table, gently smiling as you lean back on your hands a little.
The two of you are gazing into each other’s eyes, just feeling like everything is right in the world.
“I would say that now she’s found the right person, it’s a part of her plans.”
Wanda beams.
The next two week passes by quickly, and before Wanda knows it, she’s heading over to meet up with David King at his studio bright and early.
Her stomach is exploding with butterflies as she walks in.
Wanda wishes that you could be here with her, but you were stuck doing an interview with someone for a magazine today.
David’s assistant recognizes her for today’s appointment, greeting Wanda with a friendly smile and a handshake.
She leads Wanda over into the room where David is just finishing setting up the lighting. 
“Hey!” He greets as he comes in to hug her with a kiss on her cheek. “Are you ready for some collaborating today?”
Wanda nods excitedly.
“Great! Let’s talk about what you want your theme to be. Once we have that, I’ll know what other magazines to send your photos and interview to in addition to posting it on my website.”
Wanda and David sit at the table, he pours her some tea while they work together on what she wants out of this photoshoot and interview.
“I want to show my personality, that I’m not just some dumb social influencer. I won’t just rep anything, and there are brands I really care about working with. I also want to show that I have other interests as well, like...acting.”
David smiles, kindly at her. “Yes, I’ve been told you’ve secured an audition in two weeks.”
Wanda bashfully smiles and shrugs, “Not so much me who secured it, but I definitely don’t want to disappoint her.”
David snorts, “I’m pretty sure you could murder someone, and she wouldn’t be disappointed.”
Wanda just boisterously laughs because she does get that vibe from you, but that just makes it all more endearing to her that you love her so. 
After they’ve settled on themes, they immediately work on taking photos as David wants to use as much natural lighting as he can. David finds that the whole process is really smooth because Wanda is someone who wants to be a part of the process, not just doing everything he tells her.
It’s much more fulfilling to work with her. He is quite happy you got him to take a chance on her. 
Once they’ve taken photos, they’re both looking over them. Wanda gives her opinion on some of the selections as an amateur photographer herself, and David finds it so refreshing.
Wanda was definitely not afraid to give her opinions, ask for perspective, or ask for his reasonings.
In the next part, they work on the short essay David can post to his blog along with the photos. Additionally, he gets her to answer a few interview questions so the magazine he picks to give his photos to can use the answers she provides too.
The entire collaboration takes the whole day, so by the time they finish, the sun has just finished setting.
“It was so great to work with you, Wanda,” David gushes as he goes in to hug her again. “Seriously, I haven’t had such a great collaboration like this in a long time.”
“Oh my god, no, please. It’s such an honor to work with you,” Wanda modestly says, while she raves about him. 
David just grins as her while she turns to get her things in order.
“I’m so glad your girlfriend was able to get me to meet you. I was honestly surprised by the whole thing.”
“What do you mean?” Wanda asks as she starts to pack her things back into her bag.
“Well, you know,” David says with a shake of his hand. “I actually usually have a very strict rule about not working with social media influencers. I’ve tried a couple in the past, but I found them to be incredibly vapid.”
Wanda just smiles, unsure how to answer but pleased that he obviously found her different.
“I’ve actually seen your vlogs and Instagram before, it was my boyfriend Liam who had originally discovered you months ago. Your girlfriend was over that day, and I showed her your profile. I didn’t think she would actually end up finding you, befriend you, and then end up dating you.”
It was like time slowed for Wanda. 
You actually had known of her beforehand?
Wanda immediately flashed back to when she first met you and invited you inside for drinks.
“What do you do for work?”
“I suppose Vision would say I’m a photographer. It’s nothing really, I post vlogs and brands pay me to represent their stuff.”
“No way! That’s seriously amazing. So, you’re kind of famous?”
But by what David said, you would’ve already known what she did and that she had a following.
Why did you lie?
Vision’s call from two weeks ago popped into her mind, and she felt like she was going to be sick to her stomach.
God, was what he said true?
“Are you okay?” David asked with worry as he looked at Wanda, who looked a little pale. 
Wanda snapped out of it, turning to him with a smile.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she says, pulling her bag onto her shoulder. “Yeah, it’s crazy how things work out, isn’t it? I’ve got to head home now. Once again, thank you so much, David.”
He hushes her and sees her off.
Wanda is making a beeline, hailing for a cab.
She needs to see you.
“This is beautiful, thank you. Please keep the change.”
You took the bouquet of flowers you just bought from a flower shop on your way home. 
It was filled with all of Wanda’s favorite flowers and wrapped together nicely. You wanted to congratulate her on her big day with David. You knew once he would post it to his site and give it to whatever magazines, Wanda was going to be blowing up. 
It definitely would work in her favor for her audition in two weeks. 
You drove home, idly tapping on the steering wheel as you thought about what to have for a late dinner. You knew it was unlikely that Wanda could eat much today since they decided to get everything done today. 
Maybe order in some pizza?
But then Wanda wanted to stay in shape as much as possible before her audition. 
Maybe lemon & butter salmon?
You pull up into your driveway, turning your car off as you grab the bouquet.
“I’m home!” You call out as you walk in, but there’s no response.
The house is completely dark, which you find strange because Wanda is usually in the living room watching TV or in the kitchen when she’s waiting for you.
“Wanda?” You call out as you walk up the stairs. 
You enter the bedroom.
The small lamp on the bedside is on, and you find Wanda sitting on her chair in front of the vanity mirror you got her.
You walk over to her, but she doesn’t talk to you.
“Baby?” You call softly as you kneel down before her, placing the bouquet down, touching her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
Did something happen?
Was she hurt?
David had texted you when it was over that it went great, and thanked you again for getting him to meet her.
So, what was wrong?
Wanda looks at you with a still expression. She turns her whole body to you and her jaw clenches before she releases it.
“I want to ask you something, and please tell me the truth.”
You scrunch your eyebrows together because you have no idea what she wants to ask you, but you nod.
“Did you,” Wanda breathes. “Did you know who I was before you met me?”
The stillness hits you immediately. 
You regard her, taking in her desperate expression as she looks at you.
You could’ve lied.
You could tell her that David may have shown you her profile before, but you hardly cared to notice or remember it. 
You could’ve told her anything, and Wanda would’ve believed it. 
But...there was something else there.
So, you didn’t.
“I did,” you admitted, watching as Wanda stood up, walking over to the other side of the room with disbelief on her face.
You stood up as well, crossing your arms but making no move to her.
“Why did you lie?” Wanda asked. “Were you stalking me? Is that how you found me at the fast-food chain?”
“I wouldn’t say stalking,” you say as if she was being dramatic. “I came to California for work planned months before, you just happened to be here as well. Was I interested in you? Yes. Did I somehow know that you were going to be there to eat and live in the same community? No.”
Wanda’s mind was reeling. She couldn’t help but replay Vision’s words over and over in her head.
“Did you want me? From the very beginning?”
You couldn’t help but quirk your eyebrow. There was definitely something she was hiding from you.
“As I said, I was interested in you, but I knew you were engaged.”
“Is it true?” She asked, and you’re not even sure what she’s referring to. “That you and Vision are under the same company? That you even share a manager?”
Ah, it hits you. Now you know where this is coming from. Vision had found out what he could. But you knew Charles would never tell him that you had purposely sent him to Vision.
“Yes,” you admit once more. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Wanda asks, frustration in her tone.
You shrug your shoulders. “As I told you, I don’t often talk to my manager as I handle my own affairs. It’s not really any of my business who he decides to sign on.”
“So you didn’t deliberately get your manager to sign Vision on and make him miss my birthday?”
You paused.
Another choice.
You could lie.
It would be so easy to.
But you had to push it more. 
“I did show my manager Vision’s work on SoundCloud,” you say instead. It was true, even if it wasn’t the whole truth.
Wanda understands, anyways.
Her breath hitches, and she’s putting her hands to her face. 
She can’t believe this is happening. 
This time, you begin to walk over to her, standing right before her.
“You’re insane,” Wanda says with a crazed laugh. “Vision’s right. You are obsessed with me. You were sabotaging him to get me! What am I to you even? Some sort of sick prize?”
Your jaw clenches a little. She’s starting to hit on your nerve a little, but you remain patient. 
You close in on her, backing her until she hits the wall. You raise your arms slowly to either side of her head, giving her ample time to leave if she wanted.
But she didn’t.
“I wouldn’t say signing him onto a record label, giving him the spotlight, actually earning money for his work, which I heard he’s doing pretty well now, by the way, is sabotaging him. Here’s the thing, Wanda. Yes, I did set him up. I told my manager to sign his untalented ass on and treat him like a king on your birthday. But guess what? Vision didn’t have to stay. If he really, truly, wanted to leave, Charles couldn’t have done anything about that. No one forced him to keep taking the next drink. No one told him to not care about you.”
Wanda is silent, angry tears come up to her waterline as she stares at you with a clenched jaw. 
“I’m not putting myself up on a pedestal here, but it was me that came through for you every time,” You tell Wanda. “Am I obsessed with you? Maybe. But don’t stand there and pretend that you don’t enjoy my attention. You love the fact that Lady Phantom dedicates sets to you, serenaded you, bought you $100,000 necklace in front of everyone. You love people giving you accolades that we’re together. You love that people are jealous of the fact that they’re looking at me while I’m looking at you.”
You called her out, hitting her right on the dot. 
She can’t even deny it because it’s true. 
But Wanda still loves you. That much is real.
“So what?” She scoffs. “It’s all fake then? Everything you did was a meticulously thought out plan to win me? Everything you did was purposely done to draw me to you?”
“There’s nothing wrong with planning,” you say to her softly. “Even if I did plan it, it doesn’t mean I don’t care. I care very much. My heart was breaking about the fact you were with someone that was dragging you behind, making you feel guilty about wanting more out of life. It broke my heart to think that you spend every year alone on Pietro’s anniversary because he didn’t try to do more for you. It made me angry to hear people snidely make comments about you when Vision didn’t show up for your birthday. I hate when you’re not in the spotlight because that’s where you deserve to be. If someone is stealing it from you, I’ll do everything I can to shift the light to you.”
Wanda had a single tear slide down her cheek. She grabs onto the ends of your jacket, desperate to feel you closer.
She has to know.
She needs to know.
“Do you even love me?” She asks softly, and it nearly breaks your heart all over.
You lift one hand to lower it to her face, cupping her jaw and neck delicately. You move your face closer to hers, giving her all the time she needs to pull away if she doesn’t want you.
”I do. So much. In a way that only you could ever understand.”
Wanda doesn’t pull away.
She never wanted to in the first place.
This was never about breaking up.
You knew that. Which is why you risked telling her the entire truth.
She wanted to know that what you had for her was real, that she could never be replaced.
That you were hers.
You press your lips to her firmly, your tongue swiping her bottom lip as she moans softly. 
She pulls you closer to her, pressing your body to hers completely as she melts into you. She lifts her arms, wrapping them around your neck as she continues to kiss you. 
You push off the wall, redirecting her to your shared bed as you topple on top of her with a knee in between her legs.
You pull back softly, your hand drifting underneath her shirt as you caress the soft skin there.
Her eyes open slowly, and she just looks electric to you.
“I love you,” she says quietly, and you can’t help but press another soft kiss to her as your hand lowers into her panties.
“You secretly love it, don’t you? What I do to you.” You say against her jaw, and it’s a little muffled. 
Wanda’s breath hitches, chest rising as you touch her just the right way against her clit, rubbing through her wet folds.
She nods, but you want to hear it.
“I want to hear you say it, baby,” you huskily say as you tease her. Your other hand is around the back of her neck, just grasping at her hair.  
Wanda’s moaning shamelessly as you circle her clit again, diving lower as your fingers tease her entrance. God, it feels so slippery.
Fuck, she really wants your fingers in her. The knotting in her stomach gets even worse when you nibble her collarbone. 
But she knows you won’t give it to her until she gives you what you want.
“I love it,” Wanda moans. “I love the way you drive me crazy.”
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