#like I read things tagged with breeding that aren’t? like to me breeding implies pregnancy or the risk thereof
thus-spoke-lo · 10 months
I long for the day when we can separate creampie kinks and breeding kinks in fics and just write that we want to be stuffed full like a Hostess cupcake without the implications of being knocked up.
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vvh0adie · 2 years
vvh0adie’s BTS request
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These are the conditions and lists of readers and situations I’ll write. End of discussion. Don’t ask for nun else. You will be blocked. This list is subject to change.
Certain kinks aren’t reflective of my own morals.
Only BTS on this blog. Other groups: @kimchicollardgreens
Read faq/dni for banned prompts.
Request: OPEN { ♰ } | Commission: CLOSED { ♰ }
You have questions/need further elaboration on what’s below, send an ask.
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*Honestly my Wips Catalogue is great reference*
Genres? | smut, suggestive, fluff, angst, combo
Aus? | Probably anything but I’m not too sure myself, so send an ask -on anon, if you want- to gauge whether or not I’d be interested in writing for it. I’ll make a tag that archives, so you can reference it.
Personally Liked Aus? | hybrid, friends to lovers, strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers, sci-fi, horror, supernatural, vampire, werewolf, college, time periods.
Demographics? | I do write the typical straight, cis, conventional couple, but I mainly focus on whats below. Please keep in mind that there are certain experiences I’ll never have or are not educated enough on, so I’d appreciate if you followed below. Members and Reader can be:
— Autistic
— Bisexual
— Demisexual
— Sapphic
— Achillean
— Straight
— Cis Female
— Trans/Nonbinary
Body Positive
— Plus-sized/Chubby
— will not be specified unless stated
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Pairing? | mem x mem , mem x reader
Demographic? | Almost always African American-coded Y/N. Since these are free request, I take control of racial implications* to serve this blogs purpose. Black comes in many shades, hair textures, and facial features, so I won’t write distinctly; just cultural familiarities. But you can still request what’s in General.
*note 1: I may not always imply race either. It depends how I’m feeling.
Levels of harm/explicit behavior
*each following level includes every thing before it
No explicit actions of sui*ide/c*tting/substance ab*se, just mentions
Mild punch, kick, slap, etc.
Not done to/no death of reader/member
No explicit death unless already ghost/human turned demon, vampire, etc
Depression: 1
Anxiety: 1
Body Dysmorphia: 1
Violence: 2
Gore: 3
Supernatural/Horror: 4
note: If you’re still confused, please don’t feel scared to send me a private DM cuz honestly you’ll be helping me make this list better.
*This is tailor made, I mean it. You ask, and I’m more willing to deliver.*
Pairings? | mem x mem, mem x reader, mem x my OCs
Demographic? | Since it’s paid you can specify reader to your hearts content regardless of race, ethnicity, sexuality and gender.
OCs? | Yes, if you enjoy a couple and would like to see more of them in your own scenarios, then you’re free to ask. I do ask that you try to keep it in the sphere of their alternate universes cuz honestly they’d just be different characters at that point.
Situations? | You can follow the one for free request or we can get wicked. All cards are on the table. Send me an private DM and we can discuss how crazy we can get. But I still have limits, but for money I’m willing to write much darker. Note: Depending on the severity, they prolly won’t make it to tumblr but on buymecoffee. Or who knows you may be the only person to every read it? If posted on either platform, you will remain anon just like free request.
breath play
gun play
blood/cum/lactation kink
praise kink
knife play
fear kink
heat/wax play
needle play
electric/violet wand play
degradation kink
con noncon
dub con
double penetration
body worship
size kink
group (4+) sex
anal sex/play
nipple play
period sex/care
impact play
pain kink
breeding kink
pregnancy kink
corruption kink
daddy kink
mommy kink
monster/hybrid kink
legal age gap kink
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nessinborderland · 4 years
Be Mine (04)
Pairing: Niragi x Reader / Chishiya x Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Omegaverse
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: You were able to stay unbounded throughout your life. You didn’t want an Alpha; you didn’t need one. You would rather die than to give yourself to some random male. But the man that saved your life thinks differently.
Warnings: Alpha/Omega, Dubious Consent, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Finger fucking, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, Unprotected Sex, Creampie, Breeding, Pregnancy Kink, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Drama, Developing Relationship, Past Abuse, Scars, Death, Blood and Gore, Animal Death
Notes: Okay so, not much to say about this chapter. You'll find out why :) Please mind the new tags :) we don't want anyone getting triggered here. Fun fact: every time I write "x growled" I imagine Perry the platypus from Phineas and Ferb doing his signature growl lmao. Cracks me up every time :D
AO3 Link        Masterlist
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Game, “Akazukin: Red Riding Hood.”
Everyone’s eyes are locked on the screen.
“Red Riding Hood has to run from the Big Bad Wolf while being protected by the Huntsman,” starts the robotic voice. “One person will be Red Riding Hood, while the others will be divided into two groups: the Big Bad Wolf and the Huntsman.”
“What the- “
“Clear conditions,” the voice continues, “Whoever manages to bring Red Riding Hood to the final checkpoint, wins. The time limit is thirty minutes. After thirty minutes, the losing group dies. If after thirty minutes no one is in possession of Red Riding Hood, both groups die. Is instant Game Over if Red Riding Hood dies or refuses to follow the rules.”
You were terrified of this tale as a child; you had nightmares of an actual wolf coming in the night and devouring you and your mom. Then you had grown up and realized how the tale could be interpreted as a warning to Omegas when it comes to Alphas and their manipulative nature. That hadn’t changed your opinion on the story.
The screen changes to white.
“Now for the groups,” says the voice once again, “Red Riding Hood- “
You gasp; it’s you. It’s a picture of you. You’re Red Riding Hood.
“Big Bad Wolf- “
Your eyes go wide again; Niragi and Chishiya.
“How unoriginal of them,” you hear Chishiya remark with a huff.
“The Huntsman-” and it shows the faces of everybody else in the game. There’s a pregnant pause where everyone just stares down at their phones as it dings.
“Rules,” reads the voice, “No outside weapons allowed. There are axes, as well as other useful weapons hidden throughout the area that are only to be used by the Huntsman. The Big Bad Wolf is not allowed to use any weapons besides the ones already in their possession.”
“What weapons?” you ask no one in specific as you look at Chishiya and Niragi.
They both raise their hands as Chishiya simply replies, “Claws.”
You make a surprised sound, “How are you supposed to protect yourselves like that!?”
They both look at you, and this time is Niragi that says, “I don’t know about this dog but I can do a lot with these.” You don’t fail to notice the threat in his voice as he looks down at Chishiya. The other man just huffs out a laugh.
“The game will commence in five minutes,” says the voice in a cheery tone, “Use that time wisely.”
A commotion erupts as everyone starts realizing what the game consists of. You can’t believe it yourself; you’re nothing more than a pawn in this game. Shouts of “We have to fight two Alphas to death?” and “We can do this, there’s a lot of us.” start all around you. Someone is crying. Some people just run into the dark. You ignore the loud voices around you and focus on your phone as it lights up.
If you stop running or hiding, it’s game over. If you show yourself to the Wolf, it’s game over. If you try to cheat in any way, game over. 
A hand on your shoulder makes you jump. Niragi is looking at you with that expression you hate; betrayal and pain. But now there's also serious determination.
"No matter what you do, you can't stop running," he says. "This seems way too easy for a Ten of Spades, so watch your back."
"What about you?" you ask, eager to cover his hand with yours.
"Oh, so now you worry about me?" he retorts with a bite to his words. You can't help but flinch when his hand drops to his side and his expression changes to a mean smirk. "I'll live so I can kill that motherfucker and make you regret the moment you fucked him." 
"Niragi I- " 
"Save it," he turns your back to you. "I don't wanna hear it." 
You see him walk away, approaching the two other militants that came with him. At least the imminent game made him pause his murder attempt. You take a glance at Chishiya, who is still focused on the screen. You wonder what is going through his head; if you know something about Chishiya is that he always catches details others don’t.
"You!" someone pushes you in the back, and you fall to your knees before you can balance yourself "Who the hell are you?”
Two different growls sound at the same time someone lunges themselves to whoever pushed you. You look up to see Chishiya in front of you in a protective stance. You take the hand he offers you and stand up to see Niragi, currently on the ground punching a man.
“Niragi stop!” you scream. He either ignores you or doesn’t hear you. No one else tries to stop it either; Chishiya simply because he doesn’t care, and everyone else out of fear. The man being beaten tries to fight back but is clearly at a disadvantage. You gasp when you see Niragi’s fingers take the shape of claws. You jump, grabbing his arm before he can slice the man right in the face. “Stop!”
Niragi looks back at you with yellow eyes, and you see as his hand takes a human form again. You pull him out of the crying and bleeding man on the ground. He doesn’t make any effort to stop you. His eyes are locked on you, still animal-like.
“You- you’re part of the game, aren’t you!?” coughs the man Niragi had punched. He sits down holding his nose, quickly dragging himself away from the other man. “You- you have to be!”
“E- Excuse me? you shakily ask in a confused tone. 
“You’re not even a player, you’re just part of the game!” the man continues, “Are you gonna tell me that is a coincidence that this game is the way it is?! All you have to do is follow some rules! You live either way!”
You shake your head, “I- I am not sure what you’re implying, but I have nothing to do with this!" you reply. You confess that yes, you think it’s a big coincidence you got the role you got, but you’re not involved. You had no idea.
The man takes a step in your direction, but Niragi puts himself in the way.
“Watch it,” he says in a commanding tone. “Remember who you’re talking to.” The man holds his stare for a moment, before looking down and taking a step back. Niragi turns to the rest of the group. “Whatever you shitheads are thinking, she’s not involved in any of this. So, unless you wanna die before the game even begins, I advise you to shut up and focus on the game.” The corner of his lips pull up in a smirk, and you see the glint of fangs. “May the best wolf win.”
He then turns to you and your eyes lock. You want to talk to him, explain how and why things happened the way they happened. But you can’t say anything, not when he steps closer with a look in his eyes you can’t quite place.
“You’re wasting time, go!” Niragi orders as he pushes you forward. You stumble a little as you start walking into the dark park. You look back at him and Chishiya, and you nod to each other; they will be able to find you. You’ll be alright. They will be alright.
You bolt into the night. You can barely see anything in the dark, except for the shadows that the moonlight helps casting. You just know you have to run, or you’re dead; they’re dead. The conversation from moments ago keeps playing in your head; could it be possible that this game was made specifically for you? But how would they know that the three of you would be in the same game? It sounded so far fetched; but also...possible.
Hunting horns blast through the air, making you jump and cover your ears at the awful sound. You know what it means.
Game Start.
You start hearing rustling and footsteps behind you as the other players soon follow in your steps; if to catch you or find a weapon, that you don't know. You keep running until you’re out of breath, stopping for just a few seconds behind a large tree. Your legs are shaking and your lungs are burning. The area around you is silent though, and that gives you some peace of mind. You close your eyes and sniff the air. Nothing. 
You’re about to start running again to look for an actual hiding place when a sound makes you freeze in your tracks.
A howl.
And not from a regular wolf. You recognize it instantly.
Never in your life had you heard a werewolf howl until now. After the war, an Alpha fully transforming very rarely happened. The ones that did only transformed in extreme situations, usually to protect a loved one. The regular individual would not transform not even once in his lifetime. And here you are, hearing two of them. It awakes something primitive in you, and every single hair on your body stands up in a shiver. You have an impulse to howl too, but control it at the last second; you’re not doing that. You’re not an animal, as much as the wolf inside you likes to prove you wrong.
You’re startled when a hand covers your mouth, something cold pressing against your neck. You try to move, but the blade nibs at your skin. So you stop, trying to control your breathing.
“Don’t you dare to make a sound.” whispers a male voice. “I’ll chop a finger for every sound you make.”
You give a trembling nod, letting yourself be dragged by the unknown man. He’s way taller and stronger than you, so you don’t even try to fight back. You notice he’s not alone. What seems to be two young girls walk behind you, whispering in agitated voices. 
“Kai, are you sure the checkpoint is this way?” asks one of the girls in a low tone.
The man grabbing you, Kai, shushes her and stops. You can hear him sniff the air, probably looking for signs of an Alpha close by. He suddenly pushes you against a nearby tree and locks eyes with you. You’re surprised to see that Kai is not much older than a highschool boy.
“Mira, press this against her neck,” he whispers to one of the girls. She approaches you, trembling hands holding the small ax against your skin. The boy stabilizes her grip before nodding, “Don’t let her move or make a sound,” he says looking into the girl’s eyes. “If you do and those Alphas hear us, we all die.”
If you’re honest with yourself, you would stay quiet either way; the last thing you want is the blood of those kids in your hands. You watch as Kai takes a map from his pocket, opening it and analyzing it for a few moments.
“If this map can be trusted I’m pretty sure the checkpoint is this house right here,” he points at a place on the map and then ahead on the path, “About three kilometers that way. We can do this.” he checks his phone. “C’mon, we only have about twenty minutes.”
You have been walking for a short moment when the smell hits you.
One of them is close; Niragi, you’re pretty sure. The others smell him too, and you notice in the dark as their eyes widen in a panic and they start running, pulling you with them. You can hear him as he gets closer, like a monster in the night. You try to ignore the exhilarating feeling that goes through you at being chased by him; it’s just like the first time you met.
One of the girls trips and falls right behind you. You flinch at hearing her screaming get louder until it abruptly stops. The other two kids hesitate before Kai stops, pushing you and the other girl to keep running. The girl, Mira, grabs your hand as you both run, and you can hear her crying.
A far away whimper of pain makes you stop in your tracks; one of the Alphas was injured.
“We have to go, please!” begs Mira as she pulls your hand, “Please, we have to-”
Mira’s words are cut short when she falls and you’re pulled down with her. You gasp in pain as you hit the ground, arm stretched into whatever hole the girl fell into. You hear a scream, then silence, as you hear a sound you can’t quite place. It’s dark and you’re not sure of your surroundings, but you could swear that hole on the ground wasn’t there seconds ago.
You’re about to ask if she is okay when the metallic smell of blood hits your nostrils. You squint in the dark, trying to see something in the black hole. The moonlight appears out of nowhere, and you can finally see. You gag when you notice the contorted body of the girl, now impaled in wood spikes. Her eyes are wide, mouth open in a permanent scream.
There are traps.
There are traps everywhere and you can’t see them.
You drag yourself away from the hole, feeling a panic attack start to form as you struggle to get air inside your lungs. You try to shake the image of the dead girl from your mind, shakily rising to your feet. Your phone gives an alarming beep, and you take a look at the screen to realize you have been in the same place for too long. You have to keep moving.
You shake the tears from your eyes and walk by the hole without a second look. 
A scream far behind you snaps you out of your stupor, and you immediately take off running again. You don’t want to think about what might be happening. Despite their numbers, you can’t imagine how Betas can ever win against two fully transformed Alphas.
You’re running through an open field now, surrounded by flowers that you can barely see. A noise to your left makes you look at the line of trees, but you can’t find the source of the sound. 
You’re so distracted that you don’t notice the open trap right in front of you.
You scream as the dented iron snaps around your ankle, pain sparking up your leg. You fall to the ground like a bag of potatoes, and immediately try to open the trap up. But you’re not strong enough, and the iron teeth just dig deeper into your skin. You control a sob as the pain and panic grow; you have to keep moving. You have to hide. A sound, now closer, makes you stop whimpering, and you hold your breath as you see them.
No, not Niragi and Chishiya.
No, not the Huntsman either.
Wolves. Real, wild, one hundred percent animal wolves. A pack of them. No more than twenty meters from you.
You stay still, hoping that they won’t take an interest in you.
But no. Of course that’s not what happens. 
You look around for something to defend yourself with, but you’re defenseless. Here you are, trapped, wounded, on the ground, and without any means of defending yourself. The wolves approach you slowly, like they know you have no means of escaping. They start surrounding you.
“Stay away!” you scream, shaking your arms in hope that the movement will scare them away. “Shoo!”
It does not.
One of the bigger wolves prepares himself to jump. You close your eyes with a sob, waiting for the moment they will tear you apart. 
He’s here.
You feel the air shift as a big dark form covers you. You’re now completely involved in his scent; cinnamon and wood. You keep your eyes closed and brace yourself. The air is filled with the sound of growls and whimpers and teeth ripping flesh. Something warm and wet splatters on you and you know it’s blood. A loud whimper of pain, a strange mix between a wolf and a human, makes you snap your eyes open.
In the moonlight, he’s huge. Terrifying. Beautiful. Bodies of wolves are on the ground. The survivors try to fight the much bigger werewolf. His fur is black as a raven’s feathers, thick and glossy and matted with blood. You can’t look away until he’s done.
Niragi is clearly tired and injured. Saliva drips from his open jaws as he takes labored breaths. He turns to you, and you notice one of his paws is practically mangled, a shine of white bone contrasting with the black fur. A big oozing laceration runs down one of his flanks, and you’re not sure if it was done by an axe or a wolf.
You snap out of your freezing state and make a move to go to him. You scream when the trap still around your ankle makes itself known. He’s on you in less than a second, hovering over you as his snout touches your leg lightly. You can’t resist the temptation to touch him, grabbing the fur of his neck and pressing your face against him.
You feel him when he suddenly changes back into a human, and your face is now pressed on his bare skin. You notice he’s naked, pale skin now almost fully covered in blood and dirt. A cut you haven’t noticed in his wolf form now clearly shows on his forehead, making blood run down his face like a waterfall.
“Niragi-” is all you manage to say. You want to cry, ask him if he’ll be okay. You panic again when you notice how much time you have left; probably not more than ten minutes. Niragi says nothing as he focuses on opening the trap with a grunt. You let out a cry of relief as the thing leaves your ankle. The wound bleeds profusely, so you take off your top, tying a makeshift bandage around the injury with the help of Niragi.
He finally looks you in the eyes as he helps you to your feet, supporting you against him.
“Y/N we-”
That’s all he manages to say.
The next moments happen so fast you can barely process it. 
An arrow comes flying out of nowhere, burying itself into Niragi’s chest. His eyes go wide as he looks at you, a surprised expression in his eyes. You watch him with an open mouth as his eyes turn to gold for a moment. Then he falls to the ground. Rough hands grab you and pull you. Someone is screaming; you realize later that it’s you. Other voices laugh and they sound...excited? Happy? You can’t understand why. You trash around in an effort to get free. Whoever grabbed you punches you right in the face. For a moment, all you see is black with sparks of white. You hear a faint, “We only have five minutes!”. No. Niragi and Chishiya have to find you. They promised. They can’t die. Then you’ll be alone again.
Someone screams again. Loud voices. People running all around you. You hit the ground with force enough to take the air out of your lungs. Someone tries to grab you again, but their grip disappears like they have been pulled away. Tears are streaming down your face, but you can’t open your eyes. You can’t stand up. You hear the familiar sound of a wolf growl.
No; peppermint and rain. 
Then you feel something warm touching you. You feel soft fur under your skin. Then it’s like you’re flying. You grab onto whatever is moving under you out of instinct. You know you have to hold on tight. You try to focus, but it’s too much. 
Then nothing. Darkness. You’re not sure if you lost consciousness or not. A loud sound, similar to a siren, is what makes you open your eyes. You’re on the ground, stone cold under you as you try to sit up, covering your eyes from the sudden bright lights. 
A cheery tone comes from your pocket. You stare at the phone; Game clear.
You finally look around, and there he is.
A big white wolf. 
Not as big as Niragi, but still impressive. His white fur is covered in blood; if his or someone else’s, you can’t say. Your vision turves as you try to stand up and lose your balance. He catches you before you can fall, teeth gently grabbing your jacket. You stare at him in confusion; what the hell just happened? A spark of pain makes you look down at your ankle. Memories come rushing back.
You gasp. No. It can’t be.
“Chishiya, where’s Niragi?” you ask in a trembling voice. His cold eyes stare at you for a moment too long. You’re about to make a move to find Niragi yourself when the white wolf changes right in front of you. Like Niragi, the man is naked and mostly covered in blood. There’s a cut on his arm, still bleeding. A wave of concern runs over you, and you feel yourself panic even more. He sighs before his eyes lock on you.
“He’s dead.”
Next Chapter
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krys-loves-otome · 4 years
30 Days of Fanfic, Day 15
30 Days of Fanfic Tag
My 30 Days of Fanfic Masterlist
Day 15: Content and Trigger Warnings
What do you feel is most important to warn for, and what’s the strangest thing you’ve warned for in a fic? Do you always make use of tags or chapter summaries to advise of upcoming TW and CWs?
Gonna put this under a cut, as we’re talking about trigger warnings! Nothing too explicit, just making mentions of the major four warnings of Ao3 (Graphic Violence, Noncon, Major Character Death, and Underage Sexy Times), as well as me talking about my most common content warnings.
If that’s not your thing, here’s a cute gif of Heisuke for you to see as you scroll past!
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I think it's most important thing to warn for are things that most people might find either triggering or offensive in some way. The most obvious ones that I would tag for (if I wrote that kind of fic) would be the major four from Ao3: Non-con/Rape, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, and Underage Sex.
Other times I'll tag things that make allusions to any of these four warnings, but is not part of the story itself, like implied or referenced character death, past violence, or of past nonconsensual situations.
Not really a strange tag to have, but I always content warn for references to pregnancy and childbirth. IRL, I'm prochoice, but for the fics I write and read, it's one of my biggest guilty pleasures. There are some… aspects of it that I've seen in other places where it's been fetishized, to a degree (expansion, overstuffing, breeding, etc), and I'm pretty sure some of my readers aren't comfortable with the entire process in general, be it because of a general dislike towards babies or children, body and gender dysphoria, the above-mentioned fetishes that can be associated with it, and any other reason that I'm not thinking of, but is a perfectly valid reason to have towards the subject matter.
And, every fic's summary I've written always lists what to expect, whether it can be considered a trigger or not, thus why I'll usually put cw: when making tags on tumblr. I don't know what's a trigger or a squick to one person, or if another person is specifically looking for this content and I just lit the path for them, in a sense, it's always gonna get a mention to someone, one way or another, with me.
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