#like I genuinely can't try and retrace my steps for to long because of how distressing it is to not fucking be able to remember
Chapter 3 - Cursed
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That night, exhausted as she was, Kisara genuinely hoped she would be falling into a peaceful sleep - Which she did - At first. Except, that sleep didn't last for too long, as the familiar ringtone of her phone rang loudly next to her ear. With a mumbled curse, she reached out her hand and instinctively accepted the call, without as much as opening her eyes.
"Doctor Mashita Kisara here... How can I help...?" she groaned in my phone, not sure if audible or comprehensive. "Kisara? Why did you call me? Are you alright?" Seiji's voice, despite usually being soothing, now sounded somewhat concerned, through the huskiness of his sleep-voice. "What d'ya mean? You called me... I heard the ringtone..." she mumbled, frowning slightly. "That can't be right...? I was awoken by the phone ringtone and accepted your call." he talked slower, as if trying to understand what was going on. "I don't know... I was sleeping until just now... I......... Huh.........?" as soon as she managed to slightly flutter her eyes open, she saw a deathly figure towering over her, which made the girl screech like a banshee and bolt from her bed, throwing the phone at the ghost, running out of the room, out of the apartment altogether, into the dead of night.
She couldn't even hear the faint voice of her name being called through the phone - Her panic had driven her into a frenzy. Her mind couldn't stop running ablaze with morbid thoughts - What the hell was that?! It looked much like the Urashima woman... But how could that be?!  In her flight out of the room, she wasn't able to discern any noticeable difference in her apartment from how it usually is, with the exception that... Her bedroom door was widely open and her front door was unlocked and even slightly ajar.
How could that be?
She has always been a paranoid person, and checked five times to see if the front door is locked or not. Moreover, she cannot fall asleep if her bedroom door is open - She instantly wakes up as soon as it gets opened, even by just a tiny bit. Back when they lived together, Satoru always had to make sure he wouldn't forget the door to her bedroom open, as he had to go through her room to reach the kitchen, every morning, to make coffee.
What the hell was going on? Was she cursed? Why WAS she cursed?  She's not Akira, Kakuya wants nothing with her...
But even so... Since she came back here, to the place where she was born, her spiritual powers have been feeling more intense... She kept seeing death visions, not only of herself, but of the people around her that are involved in this whole ghost mess.
Kaoru with the turtle attack in the bathtub. Akira getting drowned. Seiji getting killed by a boat engine. And herself having the same fate as the Urashima woman - stuck in a suitcase and thrown in the lake.
Ah.... Where am I even...?
She's been running all this time without realising... She couldn't even feel the burning ache in her legs or the fact that she couldn't even breathe anymore... She's not a person to do physical effort, and yet, on these rare occasions... She wish they wouldn't exist.
She should walk back home now... Retrace her steps and make sure nobody sees her, or else they'd think she's some hysterical mad woman who escaped the asylum or something, especially since she was in her sleeping wear and her hair was quite messy.
She didn't even realise how much she ran all the way here, but she could barely walk because of all the fatigue and the relaxation from the adrenaline phase, how annoying. It took what seemed like ages to get back to her apartment, and looking up, she noticed how she left the front door open; She was still heavily scared to get inside the apartment, fearing that the ghost was still there, and she had no idea yet how to deal with purifying it, so she just leaned on one of the walls there and slid down, hugging her knees close to her chest, taking a deep breath, her gaze focused only on her front door, cautious for any slight movement that would give away the presence of the ghost.
She kept panting and thinking of various ways to get rid of that spirit from her home... Until something grabbed her shoulder, making her immediately shoot up and  drive backwards, adopting a defensive stance. "Kisara, it's me, Seiji. Calm down." daring to open her eyes, the girl exhaled in relief, clutching her heart through her shirt.
"Oh my Goodness, Seiji, don't scare me like that! Actually, why are you even here? You shouldn't be here!" she tried to regain herself after that scare. "After you call me and then shriek in the phone like you've seen death, what was I supposed to do?" he raised his eyebrow, crossing his arms. "Go back to sleep, preferably. It was the Urashima woman. I think she made my phone call yours and then made my ringtone act up, so I would wake up and see her. She was right next to my bed..." the girl looked down, gulping as flashes of the ghost's face keep appearing before her eyes. "Her breathing... Her stench... I can still feel her cold breath on my neck... I have chills all over..." she hugged herself, looking away, not realising the terrified look on Seiji's face. "It's getting more aggressive by the night..." Seiji seemed to be frozen in time - Ghosts actually attacking them in the safety of their own home. First her, Akira then... What if it comes for him next? For his family? "We need to get rid of this ghost before it actually does something... With permanent consequences." despite his fears, the boy stepped forward, gathering the petrified, trembling girl in his arms. "Yes... Yes, I will make sure I purify it..." she nodded, almost mechanically. "I won't let it hurt any of you." her voice sounded so weak, so frail, as he's never thought he'll ever hear her. "Thank you for worrying about me..." Kisara muttered, slowly drawing back from the comforting embrace. "Your dad must be worrying about you big time, though. Being the heir of the Yakuza boss, you aren't always safe, especially at this ungodly hour of the night. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you, because of me." The look on Amanome's face spoke a thousand emotions - One one end, he was almost offended that the girl he has a crush on would think so little of him, as to not go out of his way to ensure her safety. What kind of gentleman would he be? Certainly not one worthy of courting such a lady.  On the other hand though, he did feel a sense of warmth in his chest; Miss Kisara cared so much about him that she'd give away her comfort and safety, for his own. How selfless of her, how precious.
"Miss Kisara, I deeply appreciate you worrying about me and my safety." the young man spoke in a gentle voice, reaching out to hold cup her soft cheeks. "But I am a man - So let me deal with with everything. You've got enough of this... Occult thing to deal with. So let me take care of everything else - Okay?" that innocent, adorable look of guilt and remorse sparkling in her eyes, so afraid to rely on someone else other than herself, made Seiji wish so badly to grab her and kiss those dewy, pink lips of her. "I don't understand - We barely just met - Why do you care so much about me?" a good question, he thought, but also, what wasn't there to like about her? The more he spends time with her, the more interested he becomes, the more he wants to learn about her. "You've got nothing to do with any of this, yet you go out of your way to help Kijima rescue Ami from a ghost - Yet you are asking me why do I care about the safety of a beautiful lady such as yourself." in spite  of the dimly lit alley, he still could see that adorable bashfulness of her lovely face. "So don't ask why I'm here. You should know by now." Kisara looked down for a few seconds; Her heart was beating fast, yet now it felt... Good. She wasn't panicking, nor was she afraid. In fact, she felt... Happy. By the time she found the mustered courage to look up at the Yakuza prince and speak again, she saw him smiling. "... Would it be too much to ask if you would stay the night... Please?" her voice sounded so melodious, like honey down his soul. "I am afraid of sleeping by myself." "Let's get you back inside, it's getting cold." Seiji put his arm around her waist, guiding her to her home. "And don't worry about my dad - I told him I'm having a spontaneous sleepover at this gorgeous young girl." he hummed playfully, watching the small blush on her cheek.
By the time they returned inside the apartment, they both sighed - The floor was a mess, once again. This ghost truly was inconvenient. Kisara brought the boy over to her room, bringing him some of her brother's old clothes to sleep in, and had him choose a movie to watch to sleep, while she went ahead to clean up the mud and watery trails. Once she was done cleaning up, she brought over two mugs of hot chocolate and some leftover slices of the pizza she had done previously, and settled to watch together some horror movies - Thankfully, something better for both their tastes - Slasher horror was much easier to digest, compared to all these obnoxious killer-ghosts.
When they fell asleep, neither knew, for the exhaustion of the day had quickly overtaken them, and the film was long since forgotten. They woke up around late afternoon, a little dizzy and still fatigue over having their sleeping schedule outright shattered to dust. In spite of this, Seiji did suggest that they ditch those two love birds for the day - Instead, they would go deal with some information gathering of their own and taking care of the pesky guards that would stand in their way - Efficient and smart, just as he likes to roll. Though the departure of the Yakuza prince left Kisara unease, spending the  night all by herself and with the potential danger of another ghostly apparition threatening her life, she felt compelled to stay awake until sunrise, keeping the lights in her bedroom open and some fun TV shows airing in the background as she reads whatever book she had around. Annoyingly enough, though it won't be the water bill - The electricity will skyrocket. Hopefully she can afford all that.
That night, Seiji came over to pick her up, with Maruhashi by his side to protect him; Together, they went to the Black Rabbit. There were no greetings when they got inside, but instead, Maruhashi apologised to Kaoru for harassing her, saying that she looked like Momo a lot.
In hindsight, Maruhashi told them again about the woman that was put in a suitcase and thrown in the lake, making Kisara shudder, remembering the blood memory; he then informed the group about the midwife, the culprit in cause, saying that she had a strong attachment to babies, and that allegedly, she would secretly take the stillborn fetuses that died at the hospital. As well as that, after she killed the pregnant woman, she got her hands on a baby that was still alive, so she didn't need her substitutes anymore, so she threw them all in the Urashima Lake.
"And here I am proven once again that the best horror stories are those depicting the actions of real people, not of anything paranormal." Kisara rolled her eyes, shaking her head in disgust. "That lake again... This is crazy." Akira sneered in anger. "My thoughts exactly. This, combined with sinking the suitcase, it seems the lake is a favourite spot for the culprit. Investigators searched for the fetuses too, but, like the woman's body, they couldn't find them anywhere. They were so small that they probably became fish food." Seiji explained the situation, without displaying an ounce of disconfort. "Urgh, don't be so blunt about something so terrible..." Kaoru tsked in annoyance. "Huuuh, it seems you're surprisingly delicate." Seiji taunted her, making the red head stifle a giggle. "Let's go to Yamato shrine then. The faster we get there, the more we can investigate and get this over with. We don't know how long Akira has before the curse deadline ends." she pointed out firmly. "The only snag is how to get inside. Hopefully the guard today is the same one as two days ago." Kaoru thought it over. "Oh right, the idol otaku. True, it'd help us immensely if he's the one watching the entrance." Seiji smiled mockingly. "You're talking about Yamagami, yeah? He's not on guard duty today." Maruhashi told us quickly. "Maruhashi, how do you know him?" the chestnut haired boy raised his eyebrow accusingly. "He's in the Momo Kuruse Fan Club." he spoke excitedly, making Kisara groan. "Oh, not that again..." she muttered with deep annoyance. "So... He's a friend...?" the Yakuza pried on. "No! Never! There's no way! Yamagami only talks about Momo's boobs! He goes on and on about how it's wonderful they aren't padded. It's like he's insulting her! Momo's charm comes from her beautiful legs and finely shaped a-" Maruhashi began, but was cut off by both Kisara and Seiji. "Why are grown men encouraged to speak so lecherously about the body of a child?! That girl is 16 years old, have some common sense!" the red head was evidently disgusted beyond belief, to the point of cringing. "Be quiet. I couldn't care less about your terrible taste. You have the perfect woman in this room, and your eyes linger on a flat kid that looks like a boy." Seiji looked at his subordinate with a disgusted, that seemed to be his usual expression whenever Maruhashi talks. As the room got quiet from his outburst, he did notice the faint blush on Kisara's face. She was so precious and so unused to people complimenting her so publicly. "Oops. Sorry, I got too hot. I contacted Yamagashi when I was gathering info on the shrine, but... Seems he's missing or something. He disappeared two nights ago while he was on patrol in the park. No one knows what happened, so it doesn't look like anyone's called the cops yet." Maruhashi informed, making the quartet frown in confusion. "That's when we escaped from the shrine, right? So he went missing right after that." Kisara muttered, trying to think of what happened, but she could only blame the ghost. "Let's hurry to the shrine and see how everything stands first, then we can think of a way in... Maybe we'll be in for a pleasant surprise. It might be less guarded than we expect." Seiji smirked knowingly. "A guard up and vanished. I'd think it'd be even more tightly guarded." Kaoru scoffed, bored. "Maybe... A lucky star is shining on us, tonight." Kisara stole a look at Seiji and that charming smile of his, making the both of them hum, as if they were sharing an inside joke. "There were a lot there yesterday. But I do agree we should go. We take too long and you'll die. Forcing our way in might end up being an option." she spoke firmly. "Maruhashi, you stay here, use the laptop and find out what you can about that pregnant woman incident. If you uncover anything new, let us know." the Yakuza ordered his lecherous underling.
The group left for the shrine, and by the looks of it, Seiji's 'premonition' came true, as there were no guards around for the night. Kisara, especially, was very impressed by the obvious blackmail the Yakuza Prince displayed, under the guise of checking on his sick Samoyed puppy. Enthralled, yet very much worried, Kisara stepped away to speak to the boy who volunteered to stay behind as the lookout and backup for them.
"Will... You be okay? All by yourself?" the girl couldn't find the strength to look up at him. "It will keep you away from the ghost, but..." "Kisara, I am a man. Being alone at night doesn't exactly make me uneasy, let alone frighten me." he gently lifted her chin up. "Besides, I think you'd worry more if you let Hazuki here all alone, and I get it, girls are easy targets." he continued, stealing a look towards the gate. "I would worry more about yourself though; You are already prone to spiritual attacks. I don't want to even think what that thing could do to you." Kisara smiled softly, daring to look into those gorgeous eyes of his. "Thank you for being so understanding of my worries... And so considerate." her voice sounded so hush and mellow. "Thankfully, I am confident in my ability to purify ghosts... Far more aggressive than this one. In fact, if I'm not half-dead, it's not a challenge by this point." she chuckled with a little unease, only to see the concerned look on his face; He was seriously debating not letting her go with this mess, though at the same time, he didn't want his best friend to just stumble into such a mess, all by himself. "Oh, uhm, it's fine though, really! I promise! So -- Can you lean down a bit, please?" Though he cocked a confused eyebrow, he did as instructed; It was only then that he noticed the adorable high difference between them. Instead of an explanation, Seiji was surprised with a sweet kiss on his forehead, as Kisara cupped his cheeks. "My brother used to do this before each ghost confrontation. It's like a little protective charm." her smile was so beautiful and pure, and her eyes were sparkling like that of a gentle doe, so enticing and warm, that it got the boy addicted. "Please be safe, Seiji." "You as well." he was able to whisper, watching the girl step away, and towards the gates.
Just as before, Akira helped the girls jump the fence and went straight to the hiding spot where Kijima left the oars, before rushing to the docks; They rowed towards the island where the woman was killed and went inside the shrine - Yet as always ghosts must surprise them, not with the locked doors, but by them being soaking wet. Nevertheless, ignoring the unnerving, intermittent  sound of a distant baby wailing, they decided to look for the key. Instead, they found a turtle, whose shell looked weirdly similar to that of an infant's face - Seiji was right, the fetus had merged with the turtle, just like the old tales that said baby spirits become turtles. Recalling such a tragic story, Kaoru decided to hug the little animal and soothingly lull it, as a mother would - And the turtle disappeared. Without a doubt, the baby must have been laid to rest... Or something.
Thus, they ended up looking for the other turtle, at Hazuki's insisting - Next to the fountain it was, and repeating the same ritual, she was able to make it disappear again - In spite of the playful mocking from both Akira and Kisara. There came a third turtle also, which the idol asked to aid them in finding the missing guard; Upon being pacified, the echoing groan of a man resounded through the Urashima Lake, triggering a headache to Akira - Kakuya was telling him the curse was reaching its deadline, so they had to hurry.
Back towards the shrine, they indeed found the guard - Dead, and appearing as a grotesque morphing between his rotting corpse and a turtle; The younger girl was so freaked out that the other two were compelled to drag the body ashore, where they coincidentally found the key for the Tamate shrine. Inside, they found a stroller, and a safe-birth amulet, a phone strap merchandise for Momo-whatever in the biggest vase; and a bloody, dirty syringe right next to the mirror. For the last time during this case, the two young ones would touch the blood on the accursed object, allowing their spiritual gift to take over.
Kisara found herself laying on the bed, feeling numb at the extremities, very faint and tired, and in such an extreme pain... In front of her blurred vision, she could see the malefic midwife holding a baby - HER baby - And threatening to kill her and steal the child.
It was probably one of the shortest visions she's ever had, but she was glad she hadn't died this time. Checking the paper wrapped around the paper, they discovered it to be a stillborn certificate... How peculiar. A stillborn certificate for a living baby... Ah, of course, then the midwife truly stole the baby. No wonder the ghost was so vengeful. She probably had no idea that her child was born, or even alive. She must be so confused, and her maternal instincts were keeping her tied to this wretched existence on earth, unable to find peace.
Akira got his signal that the curse was reaching its "Happily ever after" and they knew they had to hurry the hell up, or both he and Ami will die. When they left the shrine, there was a terrible smell, and a voice... The ghost was looming behind Kaoru, and while Akira warns her to hurry, Kisara leapt forward, grabbing her wrist and roughly pushing her behind her.
"Get the boat ready - I'll stall her!" Kisara ordered them, not prying her gaze away from the ghost as she threw the Yoga book at the trees, making the Woman chase it away. "Kisara, we're all set! Come on!" the girl grabbed her attention, urging her to jump in the boat and tell them to start rowing fast. "Did... We lose her?" Kouru panted, trembling softly, letting go of the oars. "I think so." Akira muttered, feeling just as exhausted. "...It's not over yet. Look there!" Kisara pointed the flashlight towards the figure raising from the lake. "You've got to be kidding me!" she gasped, and she took the oars from her hands, rowing away from there as hard as she could. "I don't see her anymore." Akira pointed out. "Let's get to the shore fast." the red head bit her lip, feeling her arms burning from the sudden, intense physical effort. She thought she was used to it by now, but maybe she was getting rusty after all.
The boat started shaking and a pair of hands grabbed the edge, right in front of Kisara, pulling them back from where they came from. "Akira, get the oars, Imma try to pry her off." she handed him the oars, getting the backpack closer to her. She took out the safe birth amulet and forced it into her slimy hands; She started gently stroking it, making her get back into the water, giving Akira the signal to row away. Thankfully, they quickly got to the shore, but as soon as they stepped on the land, they saw the ghost get out of the water again.
The trio started running like crazy, until Kaoru fell to her knees as soon as the other two reached to the fountain. Akira tried to help motivate her to get up, but the poor girl was dead tired. The fountain flashed water, then stopped - The ghost appeared in front of them, revealing her face... That look like a split open shark... Or something. With her breath hitched in her throat, Kisara rushed to stand in front of Hazuki, shielding her from the ghost as she was trying to muster any bit of strength to scramble to her feet and hide behind Akira.
"Akira, do you have that calligraphy flyer?" Kisara snap my gaze towards him, and he started searching for it. "Yeah, here it is." he nodded, giving the Urashima woman the flyer. "That's what you were looking for, isn't it? Your baby?" he spoke with feign confidence. "Tatsumi won silver in the calligraphy contest. Try to remember. Isn't he your baby?" the girl explained to her in a firm voice, making sure her words were heard. "If he is... Then he's alive. Your child is alive!" Kaoru spoke in a gentle voice, trying to sooth the ghost. "Tatsumi... Tatsumi... Uuuuooooo.... My.... BABY........" the ghost cried out, before dispersing in a blinding flash of light.
"... That was the easiest purifying ritual I have ever experienced." Kisara smirked, proud of herself, yet still a little on the edge; Dealing with ghosts was always fickle. "So... We're safe?" Kaoru asked timidly. Kisara looked at Akira - The mouths temporarily disappeared. "Yeah. Yeah, we are. That also means Akira's curse was lifted... For now, at least." she smiled softly at them. "I can't believe it... Chased by a ghost... We even exorcised it... WHAT an experience. That was amazing!" the brunette girl chirped enthusiastically. "...You're hopeless." Kisara chuckled, amused by the girl's antics. "Never again..." Akira grumbled. "Really? I'm ready for a second round myself. Of course, only if lives aren't on the line... That's right, where's Ami? Kakuya said the Urashima Woman kidnapped Ami, didn't she?!" she gasped in realisation. "No, that's not it. Ami won't come back if you don't play with the Urashima Woman." Akira informed. "That must mean Kakuya isn't done with you, I believe." Kisara sighed in annoyance.
In the place where the Urashima woman stood, there was a pool of blood and rocks, and as Akira touched it, he saw Ami. As things got more intense during his vision, Akira got a call from Seiji, saying how they should meet at the Black Rabbit and discuss the details. The trio run towards the bar, splitting up, as per Hazuki's request, trying not to attract unwanted attention.  However, Kisara wasn't familiar with the dark alleys and all the shortcuts those two knew, and with no guiding light to help her figure out the right path, she ended up lost. The guys must have already reached the bar, for she was startled by the familiar tune of her ringtone song, as Seiji called her.
"Are you okay? Where are you?" he asked with a concerned voice. "...I got lost." she admitted with a tired sigh. "All these dark alleys and shortcuts and whatever are going to be the bane of my existence."  "Whose brilliant idea was it to split up, anyway?!" Amanome glared at Hazuki, who plainly admitted to being the mastermind. "Ah, of course it had to be Miss Dumbass." she could hear some protests faint from the other side of the phone line. "Can you look around and spot anything that could tell me your position?" he spoke in a composed voice. ignoring Hazuki. "Let's see... There's this cafe called Rendez-Vous... And a supermarket?" Kisara trailed on, standing under the bright lamp post, the only light source on the whole street. "Go in front of the cafe, I'll come to you. You're pretty close to the bar, thankfully." he spoke reassuringly. "Okay... Thank you, Seiji. And I'm sorry for the trouble." Kisara smiled softly, hanging up and playing Snake on the phone to pass the time.
However, the soothing silence of the night quickly got ruptured by the annoying voice of a man calling out to her. Though she didn't fear Ban, Kisara still felt fully alert and on the defensive.
"Well, well, look who came from her ghost hunting adventures. Waiting for your little band of outlaws?" the freelancer journalist called out to her, approaching the dim light. "It's you again. Should I file a restriction order or something?" Kisara rolled her eyes. "See how well the last one worked." Naomasa's smirk widened, watching the discreet eye-twitch. "That's what happens to people who come too close to the willingly-veiled truth." she retorted with venom on her tongue. "Is that so." he chuckled dryly. "With how familiar you are to police procedures, how would you want me to go out of my way and report your recent illicit actions to the police?" "And... What? You'll get a thanks and a pat on your back? Thanks, Ban, you're such a good guy! A good samaritan, but nothing more." she nodded, crossing her arms to her chest, glaring at him. "Got me there, missy." he shrugged playfully. "Lower your hostilities, I come in peace, to give you a friendly little warning. There's someone looking for you, and unfortunately, he is very close to finding you. It's indirectly my fault, which is why I thought that warning you would morally and ethically wash away my sins." he shrugged, wiping that smug expression from his face. "... That's how much police protection is worth, Ban." Kisara's sight averted. "I know who you're talking about. He has been on my tail for years now. To think he'd relocate, just to search for me - Some people can truly be scary, don't you think? Stalking you to the ends of the world and prying into your life from afar, waiting for any opportunity to find you alone and undefended, so they can creep in and..." she sighed, shaking her head. "Never mind. There's nothing else to do. With my brother kicked out of the police force, that restraining order was annulled - Granted, if it wasn't for him being a policeman, I wouldn't have been given that restraining order to begin with. Don't you think that's funny? Young girls like me don't deserve any kind of protection against violent creeps - Or so the police says. Can you even imagine what would happen if that psycho were to find me?" "You demonstrated enough prowess to beat him to death. I'd say you're relatively fine." Ban seemed to be feeling incredibly uncomfortable with the route the conversation was going. "Though that needn't be the case." he muttered in a low voice. Why should a girl need to learn how to defend herself against mentally troubled people? Why aren't those paid to protect the citizens doing their job? Why are the weak and needy always ignored? He had a wife, he had a child - He, with his parental instinct, would be the first to jump in a brawl and rip apart any fuckass who would dare even think about having mal intent against an innocent and faultless girl like Kisara.
He looked down at her, and his scowl smoothened. He saw her fear, he saw her anguish, and he saw her anxiety; And none of these were normal for a girl her age. What if she was his child? How would he react to that knowledge? How would he protect her? ... Rather, why is he feeling that way, all of a sudden? Is it because she looks so small and vulnerable, hugging herself like that? Or was it a normal feeling that all respectable men should have, upon seeing someone weaker, clearly needing aid.
"Miss Kisara? Is that guy bothering you?" an icy cold voice called out from behind the girl, making her jolt in fear, with the smallest squeak. "Seiji." she breathed out. "No... He's not bothering me. He went out of his way to warn me of something." the journalist was rather surprised to see the girl who held a blade to his artery defend him. She then turned to Ban once again. "How did he contact you?" "Searched for me under the pretense of wanting to learn to become an underworld journalist. Proposed good money for being his tutor. That was about a week ago. After I accepted him and his first payment, he wanted his first gig to be about this mysterious girl called Hasashi Kitsune. I traced that name to you - Hence why I appeared before you a few days ago." he explained, fixing his shades. Ban's dark eyes watched attentively as the girl shifted uncomfortably from one leg to the other. "And... Are you going to continue associating yourself to him, in the near future?" it was only seldom that he felt guilty, but seeing the way she tried so hard to hide her distress, it made even he feel... Uncomfortable. "... You could say that was the only deal I ever refunded." he mumbled lowly. "He wasn't worth my time." he watched the girl curtly nod at him; A subtle way of thanking him, no doubt. "I would be more careful if I were you. That's all I had to report, but don't think your little band of rebels is off the hook." he grumbled, turning to walk away from there, unable to erase the pitiful look on the girl's face. "What was that about? Was he threatening you?" Seiji asked, stepping in front of he girl. "He was warning me to be cautious about imminent danger coming my way." she whispered softly.  "Danger? What ever could you mean by that?" she didn't reply. "Kisara, tell me what is going on."
Instead of answering, the girl started walking home, as if remote-controlled, and took out her phone to dial a number. "Satoru, he's found me again." though her brother said nothing, she could almost feel the frustration from the other end of the line. "He doesn't know my address yet - But I can't be sure for how long." "No point in telling you to come back." he sighed deeply. "I'll figure something out. I can't get to you yet. Do you have any old classmates you could contact for temporary shelter?" "... No." she muttered. "But I might know how to keep myself safe for a while." "That's my girl. Call me if anything happens. I'll tell Yashiki about this too. Take care." Kisara nodded silently. "Say hi to him from me. You two take care also. Bye." once again, silence.
"Kisara." Seiji called out her name again. "What is happening?" The girl sighed, looking up at him with an empty smile. "My stalker 'ex-boyfriend', as he likes to call himself, found me and Ban warned me he's getting close to finding out where I live." the look on Seiji's face was priceless. "Not only that, but the restriction order I had against him was cancelled after my brother was kicked out of the police force under false sexual harassment accusations." "... The police is damn useless." the boy huffed under his breath. "How long has this been going on?" "About five years, or maybe more." she said. "He was obsessed with me AND my brother. It got creepy very fast, so I tried to stay as far away as possible from him. Thankfully I was smart and Satoru was with me, because he got very violent." "What are you going to do about this?" the girl looked down for a few seconds, before shrugging. "You've got no idea anymore, do you?" she shook her head. "You should have told me." gently, he cradled the girl into his arms, petting her silky hair. "I didn't think he'd find out so quickly that I moved back to my home town." she admitted. "Even my brother has no clue what to do - And he's very shrewd and resourceful." "Someone like you shouldn't have to trouble herself with such awful things." he spoke soothingly. "Did he hurt you?" reluctantly, the girl nodded her head, though spoke none. "... I see I will have to have a little chat with him." he grumbled, his grip on the girl tightening a little. "Don't worry. I won't let him get anywhere close to you. Do you trust me?" the girl nodded. "Then you can sleep assured that no one will be able to approach you." "... Why are you doing all this for me? Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful, but you just met me, yet you care for me more than anyone I've ever befriended." the boy chuckled softly at her oblivious question. "Thought you'd figure it out by now - Ah, no, I get it, you are the traditional type, how endearing. Well, let's put it this way - You are special for me, and that's all I'm going to say for now." he kissed the crown of her head. "Don't worry your pretty head over trivial things - I've got you covered - The same way you protect us from ghosts." she huffed weakly. "I hate ghosts." the boy laughed, agreeing with her. "You will text me when you get home, yes? I want to know you safe." "For you, anything." he smiled dazzling. He waited for the girl to open the door to her apartment - No ghostly sign of any kind. Success. "Go sleep now, you deserve to rest. I will call you if Akira is contacted by Kakuya again, okay?" he gave me a soft smile, making the girl nod. "Alright. I will try to relax for the night." she smiled at him. "Thank you. For everything." the girl got on her tippy toes, planting a quick kiss on his cheek. "Sweet dreams, Seiji. Get home safe."
Although Kisara could barely believe the Urashima woman case was over, it hardly felt fulfilling at all. Not only was it the easiest case, but she didn't quite feel any kind of attachment to her, nor any ease at her passing on, like she did for the Hanayome bride, the Jirogumo from the Love Hotel, or especially the poor young girl trapped in the Kannon soldier. Those truly affected her on a deep level, and she still writhes and has nightmares about them. Humans truly were bloody awful. 
Still, she was well aware things were going to continue getting progressively worse, and the ghosts were going to become even more hostile. If this ghost was gutsy enough to come into her home twice - Then what's to say the others won't do worse? At least, hopefully, their only problem will be purifying no ghost, and no more outside disturbances.
Hopefully, everything will turn out for the best - Eventually.
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actually-2000-mice · 5 years
we just fucking love unexpected expenses that wouldn’t fucking exist if my memory wasn’t so fucking bad
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oisaaac · 4 years
“ Six feet under ”
Pairing: Crowley x Reader
Summary: Crowley decides to pay a little visit to his one and only love.
Warnings: angst, character death, sad boi crowley
Notes: English isn't my native language, so sorry for any mistakes this hasn't been proofread either.
This is very out of the blue and maybe a little cliché idk, but i hope some of you enjoy it nonetheless <3
kinda off from the original show plot but try to bare with me uwu
inspired from billie eilish's song 'six feet under'
Help, I lost myself again
But I remember you
Thick heavy grey clouds shrouded above the cemetery as if it read Crowley's mood. It was the same heavy weight he felt everyime he decides to pay you a visit. The same weight that seems to get heavier as time ticks by.
It had been a year since you died. A year that seems to be dreadfully longer than the time Crowley stayed above earth.
It was always a reminder for him how different his celestial form is from a human being like you. You always joked around that he had to see you die at some point—with grey hair and wrinkling skin while he didn't age even a bit, yet look where he is now.
He didn't expect it to come too soon, too fast, too sudden and too painful. It made him think what was really God's ineffable plan? He couldn't even ask it himself. Besides it was ineffable after all.
He should've seen this coming though. A demon falling in love with a human? Both of you knew things can't get normal. For one he was an immortal under a lot of circumstances and you on the other hand was—fragile. The moment you saw the bright light when you were brought to this world you were already hanging on a thin thread. Surviving for only a small barrowed time. Crowley always thought it was some kind of inside joke made by God, a very cruel joke.
Small droplets started to fall down from the sky as Crowley stood looking at the flowers he have in his hands.
You would've loved this. He thought to himself kneeling down on the moist grass, not bothered by the uncomfortable feeling of the contact with his jeans before staring at your grave stone.
It still feels unreal for him, seeing your name precisely carved on the stone which made his heart wrenched.
Retrace my lips
Erase your touch
It's all too much for me
But Crowley knew he would rather feel the pain in his chest over and over again rather than forget about you even if he could never be the same when he was with you.
His closest friend Aziraphale felt pity for the demon, but loving someone always has a cost to pay and he could only give much reassurance to his dear friend. Besides, he was somehow at fault considering you died in his shop trying to help him. Crowley didn't blame the angel though, knowingly you wouldn't either, but that didn't stop him from blaming himself and giving the silent treatment to the angel (which Aziraphale understood where he was coming from) for months. You would have opposed to if you knew, knowing their friendship was one of the strongest bonds you had ever seen. Luckily they were good now yet Crowley still needed more time to mourn.
You were always so kind and gentle, one of the traits Crowley loved about you. Good or bad you seem to look surpass every label knowing it was more than just what they perceive. To you Crowley isn't just the demon who had fallen to spread evil, he was your Crowley; your sassy kind hearted loving demon. He never wanted to have such vulnerability, but he let himself otherwise.
Of course he didn't regret any of it. He would need to die first before he ever regrets choosing a path with you in it. Even if he knew the moment you walked in Aziraphale's bookshop clumsily waltzing in his life only to bring this kind of pain he was currently feeling he would never choose of you not being a part of him. If only he could have had more time just one more second to see you smile, to feel your soft touch, to look directly into your loving eyes that made him feel like he was home. It sometimes brought Crowley anxiety with the thought that he didn't deserve what he was feeling with you—the joy, appreciation and love, yet you always said that he did, he did deserve happiness but the tragedy that comes with it had come unforeseen.
Blow away
Like smoke in air
How can you die carelessly?
Why did you have to go inside? Why didn't you just wait for me. You were human afterall. You weren't built to withstand heavy flames and thick smokes. You've always been so reckless for the sake of others. You knew it was dangerous, but you risked your life nonetheless.
Crowley laid the flowers near your headstone before he caressed the letters of your name closing his eyes trying to remember every detail of your face.
"Just for a second. If you're really listening to everyone's prayer then bid mine. Just for a second. Look at me you've foresaken me and let me fall into the pit yet here I am calling out for you." He looked up calling out to somebody, something or someone who was listening to his mantra. "Please!" He choked through the verge of tears. "I love her. I'll always will. If this is my sin then punish me for eternity, but let me see her just for a second." The only response a low rumble of thunder and finally the heavy clouds opened its gates letting the rain freely fall from the heavens camouflaging Crowley's tears.
They're playin' our sound
Layin' us down tonight
And all of these clouds
Crying us back to life
But you're cold as a night
It was no use. You're gone. The pain settled in his chest eating his insides. It was his punishment after all.
Crowley was soaked by the time he was snapped out of his small trance. He fixed the flowers on your grave before putting the individual red rose in the middle remembering how much you loved that red flower then grabbing the old ones to dispose them before standing up and taking one last glance of you until his next visit.
He whispered his promise that he would come back over and over for the rest of his eternity, he had all the time in his hands anyways.
Six feet under
I can't help but wonder
If our grave was watered by the rain
Crowley turned around to head over his bentley only to be met by your e/c eyes. He didn't even realized his grip on the flowers loosened as he blinked once, twice, more than enough to make sure he wasn't seeing things while raining and there you were like an epiphany standing on your red dress drenched in rain smiling like an idiot at him. You took deliberate steps closing in the gap between the two of you while you kept your eyes locked on his yellow serpent eyes that you grew to love.
"Y/n," Crowley whispered still trying to figure out how.
"Crowley," You put your hand on his cheeks caressing his wet skin with your thumb. You didn't even understood how, but you were happy. You missed him so much that you didn't say another word and just leaned in connecting your lips with his he didn't respond at first, but slowly he recognized you. It was really you, his beloved y/n. He had so many questions hanging on the back of his head, but he didn't dare to utter any of them. He didn't want to let you go and waste whatever miracle it was that brought you here.
All the muscles in each of your bodies molded into one. You and Crowley were in sync like a melody that you both practiced over and over again. Your hands made its way on the back of his neck tangling your fingers on his wet ginger locks, Crowley's hands gripped you tight yet at the same time gently trying not to break you under his touch. The intensity of yearning and all the other emotions that comes with it all swirled into one.
Out of breath you both parted staring at eachothers eyes. "I love you too." You softly spoke your truth.
Maybe whatever was up there was really listening. Either way Crowley held on you to the very last second of your borrowed time.
"We'll be together again someday." You reassured him while you smiled. Crowley just studied your face and for the first time in a while genuinely smiled and was happy. And it was enough as goodbye for the both of you... for now.
Help, I lost myself again
But I remember you
Kinda long A/N: honestly idk what to feel about this if its good or not in my 19 years of existence i always wrote fanfics imagines and stuffs but usually i usually put it up then delete it later because i dont have any confidence of my work but im trying again. this is my first time posting in tumblr though.i hope this is good, like it gave you feels because it did when i wrote it. please don't kill me that i made crowley straight oof 🥺 sorry for any mistakes again! thank you for taking time on reading this and if you reblog and press the heart thingy thank you so much i will love you forever 💕
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