#like 'hoohoo silly little mortal!!!'
Foul Legacy resting his head on your stomach when you feel nauseous. carrying you to his nest of blankets and pillows so you have somewhere warm and comfy to rest. fetching you any painkillers you need and urging you to drink water and eat small portions of food. curling around you to help you stay warm and fall asleep faster and purring drowsily but refusing to doze off so he can watch over you. chirping and trilling happily when you wake up with a yawn, stretching your arms and looking more at ease than he’s seen you for several hours.
just Foul Legacy taking care of you when you feel nasty <33
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cameoappearance · 5 years
Wortox’s character examine quotes
There are Several so I will be using A Readmore
WILSON = { GENERIC = "Who wants to do science when you can play?", ATTACKER = "That was a mean prank, %s!", MURDERER = "That wasn't a prank! That mortal's dead!", REVIVER = "%s traded a soul for a heart!", GHOST = "Ooo, lunch is here!", FIRESTARTER = "%s knows how to tell a joke!", }, WOLFGANG = { GENERIC = "Hello, hello my giant friend!", ATTACKER = "Hoohoo, %s knows how to throw a punch!", MURDERER = "%s, you've got a taste for souls!", REVIVER = "What a sweet soul %s is!", GHOST = "Can I just get a taste?", FIRESTARTER = "Hyuyu, %s is so funny!", }, WAXWELL = { GENERIC = "He has a bit of magic, that one.", ATTACKER = "Not the horns!", MURDERER = "Eep! Don't banish me from this plane!", REVIVER = "Thank-you, thank-you %s!", GHOST = "What a tasty looking soul!", FIRESTARTER = "%s, you have a funnybone after all!", },
WX78 = { GENERIC = "Hyuyu %s, do you have an off button?", ATTACKER = "Hoohoo, I'll stop grinding your gears! Promise!", MURDERER = "Don't kill the poor little imp!", REVIVER = "What a kind and noble deed!", GHOST = "Not so soulless after all, hyuyu!", FIRESTARTER = "Ooo, the tin can has a sense of humor!", }, WILLOW = { GENERIC = "Oh, you're the funny one!", ATTACKER = "Hey! That's not funny!", MURDERER = "%s! You're just as bad as my old partner!", REVIVER = "Thanks for the leg up!", GHOST = "Ooo, free soul!", FIRESTARTER = "Ooohoo, have you been playing pranks?", }, WENDY = { GENERIC = "Do my claws scare you? Hyuyu!", ATTACKER = "I don't like the game you're playing.", MURDERER = "I was just playing around! Please don't hurt me!", REVIVER = "Thanks for not eating that soul, %s!", GHOST = "Don't worry, I'm not gonna eat you.", FIRESTARTER = "Hyuyu, how funny you are, %s!", }, WOODIE = { GENERIC = "That axe of his sure can tell a joke.", ATTACKER = "I'll stop hiding your axe, promise! Hyuyu!", MURDERER = "Don't kill me, hyuyuyu!", REVIVER = "%s is oh so helpful!", GHOST = "You wouldn't even noticed if I took a bite.", BEAVER = "Hyuyu, you're so funny, %s!", BEAVERGHOST = "What a funny soul! I wonder what it tastes like.", FIRESTARTER = "%s has been a bit of a prankster!", }, WICKERBOTTOM = { GENERIC = "%s needs to have some fun.", ATTACKER = "I'm sorry about the exploding pen gag, hyuyu!", MURDERER = "Hyuyu! Please don't kill me!", REVIVER = "%s wouldn't lose a soul so easily!", GHOST = "Mmm, fresh soul!", FIRESTARTER = "You're having too much fun, %s!", }, WES = { GENERIC = "%s, let's practice our routine!", ATTACKER = "Those punches weren't part of the bit!", MURDERER = "Don't hurt me, %s!", REVIVER = "Thank-you, thank-you, funny friend!", GHOST = "%s, did you get more delicious?", FIRESTARTER = "Ooohoohoo, what have you been up to?", }, WEBBER = { GENERIC = "Hello hello, itsy bitsy spider!", ATTACKER = "Please don't grab my tail!", MURDERER = "You wouldn't murder a helpless imp, would you??", REVIVER = "Hoohoo, that little monster's soft on souls.", GHOST = "Oh don't worry, I won't eat you.", FIRESTARTER = "%s is having so much fun!", }, WATHGRITHR = { GENERIC = "%s, which of your myths mentions imps?", ATTACKER = "Don't hit me!", MURDERER = "Eep! Don't kill me!", REVIVER = "Hoohoo! %s gave a soul a helping hand!", GHOST = "Are you gonna eat that?", FIRESTARTER = "%s has been having so much fun!", }, WINONA = { GENERIC = "Do you think me too silly, %s?", ATTACKER = "Hyuyu, I think I pushed her buttons!", MURDERER = "Eep! I'm but a helpless imp!", REVIVER = "%s, you generous soul!", GHOST = "Just a nibble? You don't need all that soul.", FIRESTARTER = "Ooo, what funny pranks you play!", }, WORTOX =        {            GENERIC = "Oh! What a handsome devil.",            ATTACKER = "Hey! What's with that impish grin?",            MURDERER = "He's stealing all the good souls!",            REVIVER = "Hyuyu, I would have eaten that soul were I you.",            GHOST = "Are you gonna eat that?",            FIRESTARTER = "Hyuyu! What pranks have you been playing?",        },
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