#life is hell right now and I'm trying to arrange the house and unpack while i can bc my partner also works
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cheese-anon-real · 1 year ago
i am clarifying right now that the writing is going to take a while, I'm not gonna get too specific as to *why*, but uh
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jojo-at-his-computer · 6 years ago
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Ooh I love this one so much.
Rohan X Fem!Reader:
You have only moved to Morioh a few days ago, but you already loved this peaceful, if strange town. You were on your own for the first time, and moved here because while Morioh was a small town, it had a lot of weird, interesting landmarks that you wanted to check out. Even the colors of the town seemed different as the sky was always a bright orange as if the town was in eternal sunset.
After 2 or 3 days of unpacking and arranging your house to your liking, today you decided you wanted to visit the shopping districts, maybe get some lunch somewhere. It was a beautiful, sunny, early summer day as you walked through the city. It was warm, but a slight wind stirring every once in awhile. You found a comic store and while buying this week's Shonen Jump, had discovered the newest volume of Pink Dark Boy had released. It was your favorite manga, and you had to add that book to your collection.
"We have a special promotion today," said the cashier as he rung up your purchases, "Buy a manga, and you get a free t-shirt."
"Oh my God, that's so cool!" you beemed. You found a Pink Dark Boy shirt in your size and brought it up to the register and paid for your stuff. After you paid, you immediately threw your new shirt on over your dress, excited to wear it out.
"Thank you! Come again!" said the cashier as you left with your items. You walked around looking at the shops. There was a bakery called St. Gentleman's, which looked like a great place to stop for lunch. You spot a beauty salon called Cinderella, and another shop -
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt yourself being pushed away by another person. Hearing the tires screech and a driver mutter a string of swears, you realized what happened, you had absentmindedly walked in the middle of the road, and a man had pushed you out of harm's way just in the nick of time. You catch your breath as you looked at your rescuer. He was a man in his early 20's about your age with his hair in odd sweeps and held up by a wavy purple headband. His hair was dyed green and matched his deep emerald colored eyes.
"What the hell were you thinking!?" he yelled as he helped you up. "What kinda crazy person would cross the street without looking to see if a car was coming!? You could have gotten killed!"
"I'm so sorry." you stuttered, still in shock with what just happened. "I guess I got distracted. I dunno what I was thinking. Thank you for saving me though." The young man's face softened a bit.
"Well, you're welcome." he answered. "But you should always look before you cross because you might not be lucky next time. Whatever, at least you're not hurt. Are you alright?" He still held onto you. This man was really handsome and you almost wished you could just stay in his arms forever. There was something familiar about him that you couldn't put your finger on.
"I think so," you answered, then noticed you didn't have your purse or your bag from the comic shop. "Oh no, where's my stuff?" The green haired man helped you to your feet, you wobbled a bit still somewhat disoriented.
"Is this it right here?" he asked pointing to your bags which had flung a few feet away. You nodded yes as he went to retrieve it, a few contents had spilled out, keys, wallet, lipstick from your purse, and both the Shonen Jump and manga from the comic store, which the young man picked up an put back in the bags. He noticed the manga and the shirt you were wearing as he handed back your stuff.
"So you're a fan of Pink Dark Boy?" You nodded excitedly.
"Mhm-hm! I read it a the time, I just love it so much. Just got the newest copy today, and this shirt came with it. I'm new in Morioh, so I never been to that comic store before, I'm definitely going again." The man was staring intently at you with a soft smile on his lips, making you blush a little. "So I take it you like PDB too?"
"I guess you could say that." he answered with a chuckle. "May I see your copy for a minute?"
"Sure I guess" you answered, passing the book to him. He took out a pen from his pocket and began writing something on the cover.
"Hey, what are you doing!?" you shout, wondering why the hell he would write in a stranger's book for. He finishes writing and passes the book to you.
"Well, I figured you'd want to have an autographed copy." he answered with a wink. You look inside the cover where he had written. It read "Let's run into each other again sometime. Rohan Kishibe".
Wait, what!?
THE Rohan Kishibe, the author of Pink Dark Boy, he's the handsome stranger who saved you!
"It-it's you!" you stuttered, almost ready to scream. Rohan quickly covered your mouth before you could.
"Don't say that here, or I'll get mobbed by rabid fans!" he said in a loud whisper. You nodded as he removed your hand.
"You're a really good writer and you do all these awesome illustrations!" you said in a loud whisper. "But what happened, why are you on hiatus?" Rohan paused a moment before answering. A lot of things have happened to him recently, including his house catching on fire, and the fact that he and a bunch of teenagers were trying to track down a murderer in town. But for obvious reasons, he wasn't going to talk about that.
"Um, let's just say it's a long story," he answered, "but Pink Dark Boy will resume, eventually. Anyways, I realized I haven't caught your name."
"It's (name)" you say, getting lost in Rohan's beautiful green eyes.
"That's a pretty name." answered Rohan. "I gotta say (name), you might just be the most beautiful fan I've ever met." he said, inciting a blush from you.
"Oh my!" you gasped. "So is it true, you really want to see me again soon?"
"Of course I do!" he answered, "Why else would I have written my phone number?" You looked confused, until he motioned towards your PDB manga. Sure enough, under his signature was his phone number.
"I really hope you call." says Rohan embracing you, your heart skipping a beat. "Maybe we can plan for dinner at a nice restaurant on Friday."
"That sounds wonderful." you exclaimed. "I can treat you, you know, for saving my life and all." Rohan shook his head.
"Don't worry about it, that's on me." he reassured. Before he turned to leave, he steals a quick kiss from your cheek, making you a giggling blushing mess.
"Wait so Friday?" you asked quickly before he turns a corner.
"Friday." Rohan answers with a smile. You give a lovesick sigh as you continue with your shopping. You feel as if you're walking on air as you make your way down the streets, careful to avoid cars this time around. Now to find a nice department store to get a pretty dress for your date on Friday.
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