#let's light a match; watch it burn (desires; leon)
azurescaled · 7 months
Leon Info
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Name: Leon Scott Kennedy Age: 38 Height: 180 cm Weight: 75 kg Occupation: DSO Agent Birthday: September 10
Leon comes from a long line of police officers and military members. With a father and uncle who were both active in the force, and were the first people he told about being accepted into the Raccoon City Police Department. However, a week before his first day, he was told to stand by and wait for orders to report. When he received no follow up, he drove into the city, and unbeknownst to him, his worst nightmare.
Upon reaching a gas station outside of the city, it was there he would meet Claire Redfield, a woman searching for her brother, the pair would be separated, after having to leave his car before the two were crushed by an oncoming truck. With the dead walking around, there was no time to stick around, and Leon would do his best to survive until they could meet up again. He made his way inside of the RPD, and met Marvin Branagh, a lieutenant who gave him a knife to defend himself from any zombie that grabbed him.
Leon would find another obstacle in his path in the form of a Tyrant, released to deal with any survivors who could connect Umbrella Corporation to the outbreak. When it seemed as if he was going to be killed by the creature, he was saved by a FBI Agent, who crashed a truck into him, and later helped him make his way through the city. She wanted to bring Umbrella down, and as such, the two worked together, until they reached Umbrella's underground facility, where it was revealed she was simply looking for a sample of the G-Virus. They hadn't quite reached the status of enemies, and to say his feelings for her were complicated, would be an understatement.
He would later be contacted by the US government and "offered" a job as an agent under President's employ, though in reality, it was a way to keep an eye on him after Raccoon. With little choice, he accepted, and would be brutally trained by Major Jack Krauser, who he would also work with on various missions, until the man went missing after Operation Javier, a sting on a drug cartel that went wrong from what he read.
Now? He's been assigned to rescue the President's missing daughter, and in the back of his mind...He hopes that this time around, he can save her. No more loss, this time it can be different. It has to be.
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fvrxdrm · 4 years
The Start of a New World - NSFW (Leon Kennedy x Reader)
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Pairing: Werewolf!Leon x F!Reader
Warning(s): Mentions of werewolf sex, breeding kink
There was a myth, a legend that surrounded the kingdom somewhere in the seven seas. It was no human nor was it an animal, they said; it was a monster. It bore no mercy for those who stepped foot in its domain and those who bore witness to its feral eyes shall see the last of the soaring moon.
Twisted, broken, and begrudged it was. Its vendetta for its fallen clan hardened its youthful heart and those who spilled the blood of its family shall never see the rise of the morning sun ever again.
How cruel they were, those who thought unjustly of them.
How brutish they were, those who shattered their peace.
They were the monsters of their own land and it was only just that their ferocity should go awry.
Its mate was a mere human whose heart was pure and whose beauty was beyond compare: her gentle hair tumbled in the earth’s colors, her lips brought a brightness on every day, both in their perky hue and the sun-golden words she shone, her eyes in the early dawn were the dew, scattering the nascent rays, ever illuminating every soul; withered or not.
She’d caught the hearts of many but none of those carried the most unfeigned love she searched for. Every one of them fancied for her love solely because of her looks, some because of her power and riches, but never because of her, and her desires didn’t match those of theirs.
It was when the moon shone in the blackness of the sky with nothing to hide from the crowd did she find herself meandering through the woods, hoping to void her head from the voices making trouble inside. It was beautiful, she thought. Even in the darkness: the branches were dancing with the flow of the wind, and the rivers sang a silent song that could lull anyone to sleep; crickets were chirping about, and frogs were croaking as they hopped from one place to another. All she could think about was how the nature in front of her was both a dream and a nightmare.
However, unbeknownst to her, as she was wondering what the mystified eyes could see, the creature that the people feared was watching her with marveling golds whilst it hid its existence behind a bush. It was ready to pounce and feast on the intruder’s pristine flesh but somehow, something shed light from deep within its hardened heart. She was one of those pesky humans, it thought, but something told it that she was unlike the others. That she had a heart of gold nobody was deserving enough to possess. And so, it let the hunger go and continued to scrutinize her from afar when the sun had long set.
This went on for days until they turned into weeks, and then into months, and until she found the wolf lying unconscious on the spot where she usually sat with blood pooling beneath its wounded leg. And being the angel that she was, she untangled the tie of her cotton hood and teared the end of the cloth before heading towards the river and soaking a small part of what remained of her hood. She came back not even a minute later and cleansed the lesion before wrapping what she ripped up with gentle hands.
Throughout the night, instead of focusing on the usual, she kept an eye on the injured wolf until she couldn’t bear keeping her eyes from snapping shut any longer and fell into a slumber against a tree nearby. Somewhere in the late night did the creature finally wake up. Its body was burning in agony and its limbs couldn’t even support it no matter how hard it tried due to the strong hits it took from defending itself from those who attempted to finish its kind which only consisted of the wolf alone. It whimpered and whined, and its eyes roamed around its form until they landed on a colored fabric that enclosed around its injury. The wolf was baffled, to say the least. It looked around for whoever took care of its wound and when the creature saw the very girl he admired, its eyes softened into a dreamy blue.
She took care of him. He knew she wasn’t one of them. She was different. She didn’t see him as a monster, she saw him as another living being, he thought. Surely she’d heard of the myth surrounding the forests and truthfully, she did. But she just thought it was ridiculous and her fellow townsfolk were just making up stories to scare their children from playing outside. Sure, wolves can be scary, but aren’t humans scarier? Animals kill to survive, but humans kill for either the same reason or for their own twisted thoughts’ sake. She had heard of what happened to the lycans a few years ago and she couldn’t blame the last wolf standing for his intentions. The wolf was just another being trying to live the life he should have.
Many months had passed and the girl would often visit the wolf during the night. She would often bring left-overs for him to eat and she would talk to him as if she knew he would understand the words she was saying. Every hello got more and more exciting, and every goodbye got more and more painful, and before she knew it, she was falling for him.
For the normal people, it was weird and unusual for their own kind to be besotted with a being so contrasting to them, but for her, it felt like it was something common, something not alien. She thought about it for a second but then she realized, if this was the definition of humanity, something so full of distress and chaos and misunderstanding, then, she doesn’t want to be a part of it. Fuck the double-standard mentality, fuck injustice, fuck beliefs, fuck them. She was somebody who aspired more than this and she deserved better than this. So, she’s going to listen to her instincts and go towards her own direction. The heart wants what it wants, after all.
And so, that’s how she found herself laying on the ground, bare against the air, with a bundle of fur serving as a furnace on top of her as the wolf licked her skin where hills formed. Her eyes were closed in gratification, the creature pounding her walls with a dick so big and satisfying. He had marked her, and now he was going to make sure she would be filled with his little pups. They would be playing in the grass, eat the food they needed and wanted, and he would make sure all humans were to be killed if they did dare make a move on his children…their children. She was his as he was hers and nobody, not even the devils of the world, could tear them apart.
There was a myth, a legend that surrounded the kingdom somewhere in the seven seas. It was no human nor was it an animal, they said; it was a monster. It bore no mercy for those who stepped foot in its domain and those who bore witness to its feral eyes shall see the last of the soaring moon.
Twisted, broken, and begrudged it was. Its vendetta for its fallen clan hardened its youthful heart and those who spilled the blood of its family shall never see the rise of the morning sun ever again.
How cruel they were, those who thought unjustly of them.
How brutish they were, those who shattered their peace.
They were the monsters of their own land and it was only just that their ferocity should go awry.
Its mate was a mere human whose heart was pure and whose beauty was beyond compare: her gentle hair tumbled in the earth’s colors, her lips brought a brightness on every day, both in their perky hue and the sun-golden words she shone, her eyes in the early dawn were the dew, scattering the nascent rays, ever illuminating every soul; withered or not.
Their children were the start of an evolution and all lycan families were now at peace.
“I’m gonna name you...Leon.”
@lunarastrobabe​ @wesker-stan​
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songofproserpine · 7 years
WIP is now sitting pretty at 44,282 words, making this my slowest day yet, but I don’t really care much. I wrote 5k of Jaime x Sansa slow burn drabbles earlier today, and spent most of the day with my mother running errands. So there was bound to be a little bit of a slump on the WIP.
I have later scenes and chapters sketched out in a bare bones way, including the all important first sex scene. I’m pretty sure that in the draft right now, it’s just one sentence in brackets. [Sex happens here, blah blah]. I have more details written out for the Grand Gesture than I do for the reason why the Grand Gesture should matter, heh.
I’m ready for this story to be done, so I can move onto the frustrating process of (1) picking out a title, (2) revising/editing, and (3) finding a cover to use. Ideally, I’d like to get this WIP polished up enough to go on Amazon by the end of the month or mid-December. I think I can accomplish that, provided I remember to keep it simple and have fun with it.
That being said, I feel like I’m running out of words to describe how alluring a fine pair of eyes can be in a handsome man’s face. But I feel so stifled because this story can’t be as flowery poetic as I’d like it to be, because it’s a contemporary drama. Or maybe it can, and I just can’t think of a way to do that? Bah.
Anyway, here’s an unedited excerpt.
“Reya?” Kai’s voice was like a light guiding her from the storm of her thoughts back to the gentle shores of his company.
She took in a long, steadying breath and focused once more on his face. His plush lips, so quick to frown or slip even lower into deeper scowls, were now curled up in the opposite direction. His smile was kind, quiet, like the voice he had used to sing her to sleep.
Peering at her like that, with his intense artist’s gaze, the sort that made Reya feel as if he were looking past her skin and bones and down into the very contents of her soul, all but took her breath away. How was it possible that such a man could enter her life and stay there, not for a job or for the seedier demands of his employer, but because he found something worth pledging himself to? What does he see in me that makes him look at me that way?
Reya didn’t think she was unworthy or lacking in any way. Whatever negative thoughts she had about herself were born more out of a need to defend herself than to tear herself apart. She knew she deserved better than what the Mac Tirs had done to her. Of all the problems she had to tackle in therapy, that had been one of the lesser issues in need of mending.
She also knew she deserved someone special, be it a lover or a companion or something more, something dire and wonderful and sweet—that would care for her and stand by her through the worst of life’s storms. She deserved to have a life that was like a song, and wouldn’t settle for anyone who could give her less.
As the silence continued, Kai slowly held out his hand, palm up. He didn’t snatch at her, didn’t make a grab at all, the way Leon would have done. He simply stood there, offering some small part of himself for Reya to take.
If they touched, it would be her choice, her decision to make. If she turned away, that would be her choice, too. Nothing about Kai, not in this moment nor in any of the others they shared before, made Reya afraid of him. He was patient. He was watchful. He listened and learned and withdrew into himself to process all that she showed to him. And he did so without that awful, fiendish expectation of a reward. How many times in the past had she seen Leon look at her with a glint in his eyes and a sickle smirk on his face. Like a lion about to feast, instead of a lover listening to fears.
His mother had looked no different, the few times Reya had been forced to stay in her company. She dressed Reya down with a sharp, sweeping gaze, made her feel stripped bare, and then picked her apart with carefully chosen words, all designed to leave a mark.
“How fortunate you are to have my son tend to your every need. I imagine his wallet is as much a comfort as his company.” 
“You carry yourself very well for a girl with so few accomplishments. And how young you are, too. With so little experience in the world. One would almost mistake your confidence for vanity, until they got a better look at you.”
“I always thought that hardships suffered early in life granted someone a certain air of dignity. Something like grace. But that isn’t the case with you, Lunafreya.”
“Lunafreya. What a name. I imagine it came to your parents in a dream or a vision—or at the end of a long, strange trip.” 
Reya shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. But the cold wasn’t something that seeped into her skin. No, it was already inside, biting and gnawing at her, every ice pick like a knife ready to tear the skin off her bones.
“Reya? What’s wrong?” Kai’s voice was so soft, so warm. She shut her eyes and felt his words seep into her.
“Say my name,” she hissed through clenched teeth. “My full name. Please.”
Silence filled the room. She opened her eyes and peered up at Kai. His expression was one of cautious concern, the kind that made her heart ache just to see it.
“Reya,” he said. He licked his lips and tried again. “Lunafreya Ahlgren.”
“You make it sound so pretty,” she said, and when she smiled she felt the tears press in, traitor tears that always seemed to lurk just on the edge of her mood, ready to spill at a moment’s notice. Reya tried to smile, but she must have gotten it wrong, because the next thing she knew a little bubble of hysteria rose up from her chest and burst free, like a sob.
“How can you do it?” she demanded through her tears. Reya’s gaze never left Kai’s face, but it was getting harder to see him. Angrily, she swept her fingers over her eyes and shook her head, her hair scattering across her damp cheeks. “How can you take what sounds so wrong and stupid, and make it… make… me…”
Her voice trailed off. The last of her strength left her, abandoning her to a fresh wave of shame. Reya knew she wasn’t making sense. Knew that she was trying to put words to a pain that had yet to take on a definite shape in her brain. But this was how grief always came upon her: too demanding to be kept secret, yet too rough and large to stay penned up inside coherent speech.
“Just breathe,” Kai said, his words barely more than a breath themselves. Reya did as he asked, taking in a short, low gasp. But it wasn’t working—her panic was still too near, her skin still frozen solid in fear.
Kai saw this, and wasn’t deterred. “Follow mine if it helps,” he said, and she nodded, eager to begin.
He breathed in slowly, held it, and then let his breath spill out in a quiet hum. Reya listened the first few times before she matched her breathing to his, noticing the way his broad chest lifted up and out with every inhale, and the way his shoulders sank as his breath slid out. His whole body seemed to open and shut like a heart—air came in, and so did tension and pain, nerves all a tangle with fear. And then the air was let out, and with it went all the agony of anxiety.
They stood there, barely a foot apart, breathing in tandem and watching each other closely. The longer they watched and breathed and waited, the silence between them lost a touch of its former frost. As the chill ebbed from Reya’s bones and fled her thoughts, she felt once again the same warmth from the night before. It rose up from the pit of her belly and flourished, like flowers stretching to a newfound sun. She shivered once more, but for a different reason this time—it was for Kai, and the warmth she felt burning between them.
His gaze, so steady and gentle, was like a kiss on her skin. His breath continued, and the closer she listened, the more Reya felt her body relax into the sound of him. It was no different fro the night before, when they shared whispers and fingers trailing over all the secret parts of her that had for so long ached to be touched. Here, now, in the bleak light of a cold autumn day, Kai’s breath continued what he had started the night before, chipping slowly at the ice that had sealed away her heart. And he did it all with looks and breath, did it all without ever needing to lay a finger on her.
Reya shut her eyes and listened. Kai’s breath was a private sound, a small, vulnerable thing meant for her ears alone. She focused all her attention on that precious noise, and let it wash over her. And yet…
I want more. She was a throne of want, and the feeling moved through her like a queen marching to her dais, emboldened by grace and glory. Her want sat rigid and regal in her heart, crowned by desire and reigning with the terrible certainty that only passion could inspire.
“How do you do it?” Reya whispered.
“Do what?”
“You make me feel so brave and holy,” she said, “When all you do is look at me.” Her words as hushed as a sinner at a confessional. But there was nothing wrong here at all, nothing that was in the slightest bit deserving of shame or guilt.
That undeniable fire to once again roared between them, rekindled with a vengeance. Slowly, the way knots come undone after much time and effort. Carefully, with a patience borne of kindness and warmth, not of any demand for a reward.
Without a word, Kai extended his other hand, opening his arms in a silent offer of comfort. He swayed a little as he stood, as if he were fighting off the impulse to dart forward and sweep Reya up into his arms. A part of her wished he would. She wanted him to do the difficult part for her, because the idea of taking even one step closer to him was more than she could bear.
I don’t have the strength to be needy again.
But it wasn’t need that filled her heart in that moment, as she stood teary-eyed and aching in front of Kai. No, it wasn’t a need or a desperation of any kind—it was want. She wanted his warmth, his comfort. Wanted the feel of his strong arms enfolding her, offering her whatever strength she lacked in that moment. She wanted the feel of his heart under her cheek as she pressed herself to his chest and stood there, easing into the shape of him. She wanted to tilt her face back and offer her lips up to his own to be kissed and consumed.
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