anjanettexcordonia · 4 years
Chapter 11: The Crash
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Book: The Royal Romance A/U
Catch Up Here: The Spare Masterlist
Rating: Mature (18+); Character Death(s); language
Pairings: Liam x MC; Leo x Madeleine 
Word count: 1615 (+/-)
A/N: Please excuse any grammatical errors. I am sorry ahead of time. 
I apologize for the wait. This chapter has been completed for a little bit, just haven't had time to post. 
Disclaimer: Some characters & some scenes belong to Pixelberry. 
Tags: If you would like to be added or removed please let me know. 
PermaTags: @yourmajesty09​​​ @gkittylove99​​​ @kingliam2019​​​
Series Tags: @mom2000aggie​​​ @indiacater​​​ @sfb123​​​ @hopefulmoonobject​​​ @cordonianroyalty​​​ @texaskitten30​​​
Two weeks had gone by since Cami and Liam had called it quits. Two weeks since Drake had dropped the baby bomb that shifted Liam’s entire world. Two weeks since Cami had shut him out. Cami had cut off all contact other than information concerning their new addition. Liam had yet to speak with her about it. She sent him the confirmation via email of her pregnancy. She had made it clear the only contact between her and Liam would be about her medical care. Liam had sent flowers, chocolates and food. You name it, he tried it. Liam was coming to terms with his mistakes with Cami, but he was still at a loss at how to fix them.
King and Queen Madeleine would be heading off for their one year anniversary trip in Australia soon leaving Liam as interim monarch for three weeks. He wouldn’t be able to leave the country much less the palace. He had hoped the time away from each other would ease some of the tension between Cami and himself. 
“So no word yet?” Leo sat in his study with Liam on the other side of his desk. “Not yet. Her first prenatal visit is coming up soon. I’m hoping to be there when you come back.” Liam responded staring down at his phone in his hand. “Have you told Father and Regina yet?” “No, I doubt it’ll go over very well that I have a lovechild on the way.” Leo rolled his eyes at Liam. “They’ll be fine. Pissed but fine. It’ll just add more pressure to me producing an heir.” Leo scoffed. “Ever the selfless king.” Liam chuckled. “Better you than me.” Leo mumbled as he reached for the bottle of scotch on the desk, “Madeleine is the country's Queen and a freak in the sheets, but mother.. fuck that. She would be a terrible mother.” “Give her a chance. She might surprise you.” Liam smiled at the crassness of his older brother. Bastien knocked on the king's study door. “Your majesties,” he bowed, “the jet is ready.” 
“Safe travels brother.” Liam clapped Leo on the back. And headed out the study door to his quarters. Liam spotted Madeleine down the hall speaking with one of her ladies in waiting, Kiara. “Maddie!” Liam yelled out. Madeleine snapped her head in Liam’s direction. Immediate irritation ser in at his nickname for the Queen. “Prince Liam, and in the presence of others please call me Your Majesty.” “Uh, Your Majesty, May I escort you on your way to His Majesty?” “I’d be honored.” Madeleine spoke in her most regal voice. The two made their way to the palace garages where Leo and Bastien were waiting to take them to their private jet. “I actually wanted to speak to you about something.” Liam spoke softly. “Go ahead Liam.” Madeleine nodded. “I have some news I should break to Constantine and Regina, before the press get wind of it preferably.” “Press? What are we talking about here?” Madeleine stopped in her tracks. “Maddie, you have.. how can I put this..?” Liam paused, “you have a way with words when it comes to my father and Regina.” “What’s the news?” Madeleine raised a perfectly shaped blonde eyebrow. Her ruby red lips were pursed tight, “will this hurt mine and Leo’s reign?” Liam could see the fear in her eyes at his question. “No, I don’t think so. Camilla is pregnant.” Madeleine gasped. She took a deep breath before speaking. “What the fuck Liam? Do you know what this will do to Leo & I? The pressure now produce a fucking heir. We do not want children. We had planned to name your heir eventually.” Madeleine paced back and forth, she abruptly stopped and locked eyes with Liam, “Does Leo know about this?” “He does.” Liam diverted his eyes to the floor, his hands twisted and fidgeted together. “Of course he does. You are going to make this right Liam. Do not say a fucking word to anyone until our return. Who else knows?”
Madeleine snapped. “Drake and Maxwell.” Liam whispered. “Fucking Maxwell, you better make damn sure this doesn’t get out. The King is waiting.” Madeleine marched off.
Liam felt like a scolded puppy as he made his way back towards his quarters. The conversation with Madeleine did not go as he had planned. He had hoped she would understand and help him break the news to his father. Madeleine was right. He needed to make it right. If not for himself or for Cami, for his child. He had hurt her so many times, unintentionally but nevertheless he had hurt her. As she had hurt him. He missed her. He could still feel her touch on his skin, the smell of her coconut shampoo in her hair. God, I miss her. He sat down on the sofa in the living room and fired up his laptop planning to write Cami another email apologizing. Maybe she will respond this time. He popped the cork off his bottle of scotch and poured himself a generous amount.
“Sir, sir..” Liam was awoken from his sleep. He looked around not registering where he was. He was still on the sofa. He passed out on his computer without realizing it. “Come with me now.” The king's guard said. “What?” Liam asked confused. “I need you to come with me now.” Liam stood up and followed the guard into the hallway. There were more than usual guardsmen in the hallways. “What’s going on Tony?” Liam asked, still a little drunk from the scotch. “My orders were to get you to the bunker. That’s all I know.” “Where’s the King father and Queen mother?” “Safe house in Applewood,” the guard responded. 
Liam followed the guard to the bunker deep beneath the palace. The bunker was built in the height of the fighting in Europe during World War II to protect the a Royal family from Nazi occupation. The walls were steel reinforced concrete. It was built to withstand any terrorist attack. In fact the United States built a replica bunker following the war. Liam made it to the War Room as the Cordonian generals called it. He was the Spare so this type of thing wasn’t a familiar concept. He looked around taking in the busy guards tapping away at their screens. More guards talking into ear pieces. “The dove has landed.” The dove. Liam hated the guardsmen nickname for him. Leo was the eagle but he was the dove. 
“Sir we need you to take a seat.” Liam sat down. Olivia came rushing into the room. “Liam, what’s going on?” “I don’t know. No one has told me anything.” Liam walked around the room, confused by the commotion. The last time he had been here was during the terrorist attempt on his family's lives a few years ago. ”Sir, we need to brief you. If you’ll follow me.” Liam nodded his head. The guard led them to a small room, it almost looked like an interrogation room. Liam took a seat across from the guardsmen, Olivia took a seat next to him. The guard flicked on the large TV in the room. Liam looked up at the screen taking in the sight before him. A massive explosion replayed on the TV. “That’s not.. that’s not..” Liam couldn’t speak the words. “Sir, I’m sorry to inform you, King Leonardo and Queen Madeleine’s plane has gone down. It exploded as it made it’s ascent into the air. I’m sorry, Your Majesty, for your loss. And for the country's loss.” The guard bowed his head. Liam couldn’t breath. He felt like he had been sucker punched in the gut. Leo couldn’t be dead. Who would run the country? And then a crushing weight fell on him. The weight of the crown. Olivia gripped his hand trying to hold back her own tears. “This is a great loss to our nation.” Olivia calmly spoke. She watched the shift in Liam as he absorbed the devastating news. Liam went from a father to be dealing with his own insecurities to a king and a leader of a nation within hours. Only two hours ago was he sitting in his brother’s study and now he was gone forever. “What caused the explosion?” Olivia asked the guardsmen. She could see Liam was in a state of shock and in no way capable of asking any questions. “We aren’t sure yet, your grace. It’s under investigation. We will need you both to stay here until we know the cause.” Olivia nodded. “Was it a terrorist attack?” Liam interjected. “No one has come forward claiming responsibility. We will know more tomorrow once the wreckage is able to be investigated more thoroughly.” The guardsmen spoke. Liam lowered himself into the chair. I need you Leo. How am I going to do this without you? Father and now King. 
Five thousand miles away, Cami sat on her sofa sipping warm tea watching television when an alert came across the TV.
Cami dropped her tea cup to the floor. She jumped to grab her phone and scrolled to Liam’s name. Come on come on.. answer.. Voicemail. God damn it Liam. Answer your phone.
“The Cordonian Royal jet exploded during takeoff this evening at Cordonian Royal Airport. Casualties are unknown at this time.”
She dialed another number. “Drake?” “Wellington… you need to get here quickly.” “Where’s Liam? He’s not answering me..” Drake could hear the panic in his voice. “Camilla, listen to me. Leo and Maddie are dead. Maybe Bastien too. We don’t know. Liam’s not doing good. Is there any way you can get here?” “I’m on my way.” 
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anjanettexcordonia · 4 years
The Spare One Shot: You & Me
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Book: The Royal Romance A/U
Catch Up Here The Spare Masterlist
Rating: Mature (18+)
Pairings: Leo x Madeline 
Word count: 1,186 (+/-)
A/N: This is a one shot prequel to Chapter 11: The Crash. It’s just some insight into Leo and Madeleine with a slight twist.  
Please excuse any grammatical errors. 
Disclaimer: Some characters & some scenes belong to Pixelberry. 
Tags: If you would like to be added or removed please let me know. 
PermaTags: @yourmajesty09​​ @gkittylove99​​ @kingliam2019​​
Series Tags: @mom2000aggie​​ @indiacater​​ @sfb123​​ @hopefulmoonobject​​ @cordonianroyalty​​ @texaskitten30​​
“Kangaroos, Maddie..” Madeleine looked down into her husband's deep blue eyes. She couldn’t help but fall in love with him all over again every time she looked into his deep pools of cobalt with flecks of silver that sparkled everytime he smiled. King Leonardo and Queen Madeleine were in the King’s study discussing their upcoming anniversary trip to Australia. Madeleine adamantly protested two months ago when the King suggested The Down Under. The thought of crocodiles and venomous snakes rubbed her the wrong way. Leo eventually convinced her, he always got his way. Leo leaned back in his large office chair with Madeleine on his lap. “And snorkeling with stingrays!” Leo couldn’t hold back the excitement in his voice. “I draw the line at sting rays, My King.” Madeleine’s smooth yet feminine voice as she flipped through their itinerary with Leo looking over her shoulder. “Liam recommended it, why not?” Leo questioned with any eyebrow raised. “I am not swimming with stingrays..” Madeleine murmured. “I bet I can convince you, My Queen.” Leo kissed the exposed skin of Madeleine’s neck, a deep muffled groan rumbled resonated in Leo’s throat. 
A sharp rap tapped at Leo's study door. “WHAT?” Leo yelled at the door in carnal frustration. “Duty calls my dear.” Madeleine whispered. “We will finish this on the plane, Maddie.” Leo winked. Leo’s study door flew open and Liam walked in. “What d’ya want, brother?” Liam headed straight for the bar cart and poured himself a finger of a scotch. “So no word yet,?” Leo eyes his brother across his desk. 
“Ms. Wilson, have our bags brought down to the car.” Madeleine commanded her assistant as they marched from Leo’s study. The petite brunette was nearly running to keep up with Madeleine’s quick pace. “Have Lady Kiara meet me in my study.” “Yes your majesty.” Madeleine’s assistant quietly spoke before dropping into a curtsy and scurrying away. Madeleine being the intimidating and commanding personality, sometimes made it hard for her to express herself. Most people were afraid of her, others were too inundated by her presence, they stayed silent. All except Leo. He brought a side of Madeleine no one else knew or saw. They were happy. 
Madeleine slid into her office shutting the door. She palmed her desk and leaned forward letting out a deep breath. Madeleine had been trained her entire life to be Queen. Her and Leo were betrothed as what was custom at the time. They were an anomaly, an unlikely pair. They fell in love regardless of the arrangement sent forth by their parents before them. Sometimes the burden was too much. The weight of the crown suffocated her. 
“Your Majesty?” Kiara called through the door. Madeleine sauntered to the door unlocking it to let Lady Kiara in. “What’s wrong?” Kiara immediately noticed the exhausted look in Madeleine’s eyes. Kiara was the closest and only friend to the Queen. “Sit down Kiara,” Madeleine somberly spoke, “I have something to tell you.. And it’s not easy.” Kiara sat on the sofa without a word or question. “What I am prepared to tell you does not leave this room.” Madeleine turned away from desk to face Kiara. “Leo and I, we want to abdicate. Leo never wanted the crown. He only ascended for me.” Madeleine said matter of face. Kiara’s eyes grew wide as if her eyes would pop out of their sockets at any moment. “Madeleine.. what? I don’t understand.” Kiara mumbled. “I was trained for this. It was never my choice. Now, I’m making my own choice. I choose Leo. The pressure to produce an heir is too much.” Madeleine continued, “we have chosen not to have children and abdicate.” Kiara sat listening to Madeleine’s words. “What about Liam?” Kiara asked. “We haven’t told him yet. Leo wants to wait until we return from Australia. There’s a reason I am telling you this Kiara.” Madeleine locked eyes with Kiara. “Liam will have to have a social season since he doesn’t have a Queen. I originally chose the heir to the Greek throne, but that didn’t work out given their history. Liam will need stability after our abdication. It will rock the monarchy.” Madeleine explained as Kiara listened in shock. “What about Queen Mother and King Father? What will they have to say about this?” Kiara questioned. “They won’t be happy, but that’s why I’m leaving nothing to chance for Liam’s ascension. He will need a Queen. Will you accept the crown, Kiara, if it comes to that?” Kiara felt the floor drop from underneath her at Madeleine’s question. “You don’t have to answer now. Take the time while we’re away to think it over.” Madeleine could read the nervous expression on Kiara’s face. 
“It’s nearly time to leave.” Madeleine walked to the door and opened it for Kiara. Kiara rose to her feet barely able to keep her composure. The thoughts of fear and confusion racing through her mind. Kiara and Madeleine made their way out of the door. “Kiara, please keep this to yourself. I know it’s a shock.” Kiara nodded. 
Kiara and Madeleine both spotted Liam headed towards them. Madeleine let out an annoyed sigh at his nickname for her. 
“Prince Liam, and in the presence of others please call me Your Majesty.” “Uh, Your Majesty, May I escort you on your way to His Majesty?” “I’d be honored.” 
Leo tapped his foot waiting for his wife on the tarmac. She was always prompt and on time. ALWAYS. He was the one that was always late. He had a special surprise for her, and he was growing more and more impatient as the seconds ticked by. Finally after twenty minutes of waiting, Madeleine’s SUV pulled onto the tarmac. Leo ran over to open the door for Madeleine himself before Bastein made it out of the driver's seat. “Madeleine my darling.” He kissed her ruby red lips. “What are you up to Leo?” Madeleine raised a perfectly arched blonde eyebrow. “Did you talk to Kiara?” He asked. “I did, but then I spoke to Liam. Did you know he got the American pregnant?” “I did, but they aren’t going to work out. Liam is too confused. He will still need a Queen. He’s a bumbling idiot right now.” Leo explained to Madeleine. “Kiara or no Kiara, it’s still me and you babe.” Leo picked Madeleine up with her arms cradling her knees and her arms around his neck and carried her into their private jet. 
“I have a surprise for you, wifey.” Leo smirked. Leo had sprinkled rose petals all over the cabin of the jet. He had a chilled bottle of champagne and a gorgeous dinner ready for them. He had dismissed the staff so it was just the two of them. “Leo this is beautiful! Do we even need to go to Australia? We can stay right here forever.” Madeleine gushed to her husband. “I love you so much, Madeleine.” 
“Your majesties, we need you both to have a seat and buckle your seat belts for lift off.” The pilot came over the intercom. 
“I love you too Leo.”
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anjanettexcordonia · 4 years
The Spare
This series is only for mature audiences only. 18+ By reading, you are acknowledging you are over the age of 18. Some characters and scenes belong to Pixelberry. 
Trigger Warnings: Mature language, NSFW
a/n: 🍋🍋
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Meet the MC: Cami
Meet the MC: Liam
Chapter 1: Maldives 🍋
Chapter 2: Graduation🍋
Chapter 3: Moving On
Chapter 4: New York 🍈
Chapter 5: Prince Charming
Chapter 6: The Wedding 🍋
Chapter 7: Princess 🍈
Chapter 8: Thanksgiving 🍋
Chapter 9: ‘Tis the Season🍋
Chapter 10: Ex-Mas
Chapter 11: The Crash
Chapter 12: All Eyes (Coming Soon)
Chapter 13: Come Back to Me
Chapter 14: Long Live the King
Chapter 15: Curtains are Closed
Chapter 16: In Case You Didn’t Know
Chapter 17: Miss Me
Chapter 18: Accidental
Chapter 19: Return
Chapter 20: Epilogue
One Shot:
You & Me (Leo x Madeleine)
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