#leo who's also a little ace coded: cool! do you wanna infodump to me while I fix this engine?
fbfh · 2 months
hello! I was wondering if you could write a Leo Valdez X Asexual Reader? I know you write him horny (which is fine-) so I just wanted to see how he would act with an ace reader :)
absotootly babes!!! listen Leo and his ace s/o is so we'll never have sex by leith ross coded. Leo is so head over heels stupid for you that he genuinely couldn't care less about sex stuff, he's just so glad you exist. He's so glad he gets to exist in proximity to you, that he gets the blessing of being around you, hearing you laugh and watching how pretty you look in the light as it changes throughout the day. He loves listening to you talk, loves holding your hand and dancing with you and getting you to laugh that sweet giggle he loves hearing. He loves spending time with you and making you little mechanical trinkets, giving them to you like a bird bringing its mate pretty twigs and colorful bits of yarn. he loves cooking for you, making you your favorite pasta and grilled cheese and soups, he loves making you little snacks and cutting up your fruit for you. He knows you can do it yourself, he just likes when you let him do it for you. he loves opening your drinks and helping you reach stuff that's up too high, he loves fixing any problems you have with your car or your phone or your plumbing or any other problmes you might have. he loves watching netflix stand up comedy specials with you and laughing at them (but not in the way the comedian intended. usually you're both laughing cause it's really bad.) he loves holding you in his arms and playing with your hair and jewlery, tracing shapes along your back. he loves tapping you little morse code messages even if you can't decipher them. he loves eating takeout in bed and showing you all his favorite telanovelas, he loves watching you get ready in the morning, he loves squeezing you in tight exhuberant hugs and kissing your cheeks and nose. he just loves you with his whole heart, so fundamentally. when you first told him you're ace, that you probably definitley won't want to have sex ever, you were nervous. he could tell you were nervous. when you finished explaining he was super supportive. but he was still worried about you. he didn't realize that's what you were nervous about. he literally said "okay, hey. no pressure about anything, ever. I don't wanna derail cause I know this is important but what's got you so worked up estrella? are you okay? do I need to light someone one fire?"
it's barely a joke. he's so accepting and loving and willing to commit arson for you. he adores you so deeply and altruisticallyand you trust him implicitly. he is never ever going to do anything to make that trust a little bit shaky, much less break it.
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