#lemon's obligatory queue tag
saturnflower841 · 10 days
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Why am I like this
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the-king-of-lemons · 1 year
so like obviously i post all my interests on main because im too lazy to do sideblogs, but also the majority of my followers are from the mcyt days (not that those days are over lol), so whenever someone follows me from another one of my interests i just go: hello??? hi????? why are you here??????? hope you enjoy a shit ton of minecrafter art on your dash all the time!
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moonlit-han · 4 years
if i could comfort you ↠ stray kids: all members
genre: bullet point imagine word count: 1.4k warnings: mild angst, brief description of anxiety attack request: no a/n: as i was listening to another day, it struck me that stray kids need comfort and care just as much as anyone else. they put on such strong and happy faces, but sometimes i’m sure they need to break down. so often we write about how, in our fantasy worlds, we’d like others to care for us. but how often do we write of how we’d care for them?
✧ masterlist & tag list info in bio ✧
bang chan
if i could comfort you . . .
i would tell you everything will be okay
it’s okay to be worried or anxious
but it’ll work out in the end
i would give you all the cuddles and snuggles and hugs
i’d make a blanket fort with plenty of pillows
so you’d never have to come out if you didn’t want to
you work so hard and push yourself to create perfection
but honey you need sleep
i’d run my fingers through your hair 
and murmur soft words as you drift off to sleep
when you’re down and the world feels like it’s crashing down around you
i’d hold you
i’d listen
you could spill all your worries and doubts and everything else
all your secrets
into me and i’d keep them so you could be safe from harm
i’d help you carry the weight of all the expectations and responsibilities you’ve taken on
it’s easier, after all, with two to share a load
i’d wipe the tears from your cheeks when it all becomes too much
and cheer you on even when you can’t muster the energy yourself
i’d make you breakfast in bed (with obligatory pineapple juice)
and run like children through the park with you
i’d help you laugh over anything and everything
bc your giggle is the brightest thing in the universe
lee minho
if i could comfort you . . .
i would let you cry on my shoulder
as i rub your back and rock us back and forth
i’d listen to all your frustration and anxiety
and when the pain is physical from so much dance practice
i’d give you the best massages imaginable
when you’re so busy that you can barely function
i’d feed the cats
and make you food
and remind you to sleep
i’d shower you with kisses in the morning to wake you up
and do it all again at night to help you fall asleep
i’d do all the little things you do for others without them even realizing you do them
i’d give you flowers so your days would be sweet
i’d hold your hand whenever i could
just so you’d know i’d always be there for you
seo changbin
if i could comfort you . . .
i would kiss you sweetly
so, so sweetly
if you felt self-conscious about anything at
i wouldn’t ignore or minimize your feelings and thoughts
but i’d still reassure you that you are perfect the way you are
i’d casually trace spirals and words of love into your skin
and i’d cuddle you just as attentively as you do for me
i’d be the big spoon, tangling our legs together
and nuzzling your neck
when the stress of composition becomes too much
i’d slow dance in the kitchen with you
or go on an ambling walk
i’d bring you sparkly stones or pieces of art
(because you’re my baby crow)
i’d make you tea just the way you like it
and when you go to sleep
i’d be there to hold you tightly the whole night long
hwang hyunjin
if i could comfort you . . .
i would finger-comb your hair to relax you
i’d give your neck and shoulders a massage, too
when all you want to do is stay home and hide from the world
i would stay with you
and bring you yummy food
i’d read you poetry and play calming music
when all you can do is cry
bc people can be cruel and critical
i’d hold you and kiss the tears from your cheeks
when you’re sore and tired and can’t even think for being so tired
i’d help you into the bath and gently wash your hair, making sure to use the lily soap you like so much
i’d wrap you in so many blankets and sweaters
or make sure you have a fan in your bedroom for the night
in the quiet before dawn
when the light is like silver
and you’re restless in your sleep, your brow creased ever so slightly
i’d brush the hair from your forehead
and kiss your cheek
before pulling you toward me so our chests meet
and our breaths and heartbeats synchronize
to lull you back to sleep
han jisung
if i could comfort you . . .
i would try to make everything okay
i’d listen to your fears
and keep them tucked away in a little box you could never find
if all you can bring yourself to do is stay in bed
because the world is overwhelming
and the little voices inside your head talk too loud
i’d stay under the covers with you
nice and safe
we could stay there all day, comfy and happy in each other’s company
giggling about the silliest things
when anxiety gets the better of you
and the tears fall fast
and your breath comes in great gasps
i’d hold you and rub your back
i’d help you breathe steadily
and i’d make sure you drink water
when the pressure of work becomes too much
i would make a blanket nest for you
and queue as much anime i could
i’d hold your hand and kiss you sweetly
and run my fingers through your hair as you rest your head on my chest
i would protect you
lee felix
if i could comfort you . . .
i would simply be there for whenever you need me
i would hold your hand for as long as you wanted me to
when you can’t bring yourself to be upbeat
and can barely think
i’d do all the little things for you that you can’t deal with
i’d make sure your friends (chan, probably) come over
bc the presence of those who love you helps once you’ve had a little time to yourself
i’d bake you something special
and hope that it lives up to your expectations
and i’d get out the nerf guns to play with you
maybe we’d play hide and seek with them, too
i’d cling to you like an otter clings to a shell
just so you’d know i’m always there for you
i would tell you how precious you are to me
and all the things that make you wonderful
since your soothing voice calms me so much of the time
i’d sing to you in all the languages i know
and massage the back of your neck if you’re ever anxious in public
i would kiss your sweet nose
and cuddle you all night long
kim seungmin
if i could comfort you . . .
when you can’t stand being sensible anymore
and just want to scream at the world
i would listen to you
to your ranting and frustration
and i’d just smooth your hair and kiss your cheek
i’d read from your favorite book to you
and make a nice pitcher of water with lemon and thyme or mint in it
i’d hold your hand and occasionally kiss your palm
i’d play music to cheer you up
and when you’re napping because the demanding schedules eat into your sleep
i’d draw you, capturing your soft smile
and the gentle slope of your cheeks
and the graceful slant of your neck and shoulders
so that when you wake, i can show you how lovely you are
if you need reassurance
i’d be there
i’d help you think through whatever’s on your mind
when you just can’t keep going anymore
after a full day of singing
and your throat is almost sore from it all
i’d make you tea and give you a warm compress
and then lay with you, your hand in mine
and your head on my shoulder
yang jeongin
if i could comfort you . . .
i would make sure to get your favorite foods and snacks
so you could simply hunker down and not deal with the world
when the combination of work and school and high expectations becomes too much to handle
i’d hold you as you cry out your frustration
i’d rub your back as you shake from the feeling of having no control over your life
because all the things you need to do just overwhelm you
and i’d assure you that everything will be okay
that you’ll get through it all
and that, no matter what, you’re still loved and amazing
if you’re so tired from life 
and can’t even think, much less cook and plan and even wash,
i’d do as much for you as i can
i’d help you regain control
and make sure that you sleep
i’d put a lavender sachet by your pillow to calm your senses
and curl up with you, slowly trailing my hand along your back
a light reminder of my presence and support
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lcnguor · 4 years
10 Underused Character Questions
Name: Leonora Clemm - Jereau Age: 25+ Your favorite picture of your muse’s fc:
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What would be their twitter name? What sorts of tweets would they tweet?
something random like @deadtired for her personal , she has one for her penname but that’s another story . she will most likely tweet like... every 3 weeks or straight up 5 times a day for an entire week --- there is no between . and it will be mostly about stuff she did or pictures of things she likes , like her pet rabbit .
What’s their favorite genre of movies? Of music?
not much of a movie watcher , nora is more into series --- but really like horror movies or disaster / end of the world ones . she often forgets the titles at the end of the day . as for music , she is quite into alternative rock , but enjoys classic rock and funk . and flamenco --- as much stereotypical for someone that grew in barcelona that sounds .
What’s on their top queue on Netflix?
a bunch of unfinished series , including the Robinsons futuristic remake and if it’s medieval , she surely has seen it . although , she checks another streamer since netflix doesn’t have Britannia . one of the only series she did finish was You and Merli .
What’s their favorite scent? Do they smell like that?
coffee and chocolate , city wise . more natural would be the scent of jasmine . however , she does not smell like any of those , as her hair often has a lemon scent on . nora smells more like citrics in general , especially after a shower . 
Apple or Android?
android , she really can’t get used to apple --- finds it too complicated in terms of connecting one thing to the other and the cloud and whatnot . android is easier and she mostly uses her phone to watch videos , google stuff and play games . she is a candycrush loser .
Favorite Season? Least favorite season?
fall is her favorite season , not too cold , not too hot --- no fucking allergies to deal with . although she does like the rainy part of spring . as for least , she doesn’t have any in particular , perhaps summer mostly because she can’t wear her hoodie and holes up in her apartment with the aircon more often than being out under the sun .
Are they a bottom or top or versatile?
absolute bottom , tho --- she can be versatile depending on the partner , but nora definitely has a thing for being dominated . take note , kids ...
Describe their morning routine. Do they wake up early or sleep in? Do they press the snooze button a bunch of times or do they immediately get up?
it’s not even a morning routine , honestly --- more like dragging herself out if she has to OBLIGATORY wake up early , if not , she just sleeps past midday ... she wakes up , brush her hair , wash her face , brush her teeth , get some shit to eat and then improvise how to continue . she completely gave up on alarms when there is no obligatory dead or alive situation kind of need . 
she is a very simple person ...
If they were to be compared to a canon character, who would that be?
OOF --- that’s pretty easy . Boogiepop from Boogiepop Wa Warawanai in the way she acts and deals with situations but a lot like Rock from Black Lagoon in general aspects , like personality or his empathy and way to adapt to crazy shit .
Finish this sentence, muse : “What would ____ do ____ ”
“What would you do if I decided to stop having such good morals?”
tagged by: @maljefe ♥ tagging: @waveringiridescence , @clawins , @saevus , @ethaeria , @swungbat , @ofsights , @batoushoujo , @clawins , @hesinged , @hitsujie , @fcarher​ 
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