#leh la
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mysterioushimachal · 5 months ago
Manali to Leh Ladakh Biking Trip 2024 | Ultimate Himalayan Adventure on Two Wheels
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hmtholidays · 10 months ago
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Chang La Pass is located at an altitude of approximately 5,360 meters (17,590 feet) above sea level, making it one of the highest motorable passes accessible by road. The pass is situated in the eastern part of the Ladakh region, between Leh and the picturesque Pangong Lake.
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happilyaloof · 11 months ago
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“When I stand and contemplate my fate and see the path along which you have led me
I reach my end, for artless I surrendered to one who is my undoing and my end.”
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kaustubh-wankhede · 1 year ago
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Check out the guide to the picturesque and stunning places to visit in Ladakh in Summer. Learn about the activities, tourist attractions, specialities and much more.
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lehladakhbiketour · 1 year ago
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wafi77hamzi · 6 months ago
Apa yang aku nak citer kat korang nie memang sesuatu kisah benar... Aku nie keje kat satu opis kat KL nie... boleh dikatakan besar jugak la kompeni aku nie... kat opis aku nie ada la sorang akak nie... dia nie dah berumahtangga dan dah ada anak tapi tetek ngan cipap serta bontot dia still power lagi.. Satu ari dia mintak tolong aku repair komputer dia... so aku pun dibawa la pegi umah dia kat Petaling Jaya. Masa tengah repair tu, tiba-tiba dia datang duduk kat sebelah aku so aku buat tak kisah la lagipun nie rumah dia, dia berhak duduk mana dia suka. Aku pun terus la buat kerja aku... lama gak la dia duduk sebelah aku. Pastu dia pi dapur ambik kan air untuk aku. Masa dia datang balik tu, dia terus duduk atas riba aku... aku yang memang sedia terpacak nie pun bebuat malu-malu la.... dia duk diam macam takde ape-ape yang berlaku sedangkan aku tau dia dapat rasa konek aku dah keras macam besi waja.
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Aku dah takleh tahan dah masa tu... terus aku cium tengkuk dia... apalagi dia terus pusing dan mulut kami telah bertemu diantara satu sama lain buat pertama kalinya.... not bad la for a woman yang dah jadi isteri org... oh lupa lak nak kasi tau... akak nie bukan tua mana... umur dia baru 30 tahun... ala tua 5 tahun je dari aku...
Lama jugak la kitaorg bercium... aku nie satu tabiat aku... kalau bercium mesti tangan nak pegang tempat lain... so aku pun ambik peluang pegang bontot dia yang dah lama ku idamkan tu... memang pejal... kalau main ikut bontot memang sedap la kata org. Memula dia tolak jugak tapi aku terus suruh dia pegang batang aku... lepas dapat batang aku dia terus tak kisah dah... aku nak ramas apa pun dia bagi...
Aku terus pegang cipap dia.. dah basah lencun... mana boleh tahan lelama.. aku terus bukak kain dia dan terus tanggalkan panties dia.... aku tengok pantat dia nie terjaga rapi.. ye la orang dah berlaki... kena la jaga bebaik. Aku terus benamkan muka aku kat cipap dia... aku jilat abis air dia... kalau korang dapat dengar suara dia masa dia mengerang tu sure korang melancap tetiap hari la...
Tak sampai 10 minit aku jilat, aku tengok badan dia dah kejang... sure nak climax nie so senang la aku nak hentam cipap dia jap lagi... lepas jek dia climax aku tanya dia "dah puas ke kak?" dia jawab "mana leh puas lagi kalau belum kene konek" apa lagi aku pun terus sua konek aku kat cipap dia... tapi aku tak kasi habis... aku masuk kepala jek pastu aku keluarkan balik.... aku sorong tarik bahagian kepala konek aku jek... ye la.. pompuan... mana puas rasa kepala jek... dia merayu suruh aku masukkan batang aku yang besar dan panjang tu dalam cipap dia...( dia nak suruh masuk abis la tu) tapi aku tetap buat macam tadi... tapi lelama tu aku tengok muka dia macam nak nangis (agaknya dia dah stim giler tapi aku memainkan dia) so aku pun masukkan batang aku sedalam-dalamnya ke lubang pantat dia... muka dia punya la happy bercampur stim masa tu... ha.. tetek akak nie besar la jugak tapi aku tak berminat sangat sebab aku lebih berminat kat cipap dan lubang bontot dia... lama jugak la aku sorong tarik batang aku kat cipap dia dan dia pun dah klimaks 2 kali (sedangkan aku blom klimaks sekali pun) so aku nak ubah selera pulak...
Aku pun tarik keluar batang aku, masa aku tarik tu muka dia cam frust jek tapi aku bagitau dia yang aku nak buat sesuatu yang lebih best lagi... so aku pun suruh dia bangun dan menonggeng... dia ingat aku nak hentam cipap dia dari belakang... dia awal-awal dah kembangkan cipap supaya batang aku senang masuk tapi aku terus benamkan batang aku ke lubang dubur dia... memula tu dia terkejut jugak tapi lelama dia suka agaknya sedap... sambil aku sorong tarik batang aku kat lubang dubur dia tu... sempat jugak la aku tanya... "sedap ke akak?" korang tau apa dia jawab? dia kata " sedap gilerrrr" sambil matanya tertutup. Sambil aku benamkan batang ke dalam dubur dia... sambil tu jugak aku masukkan jari ke dalam lubang pantat dia... masa nie dia memang stim habis sebab aku dapat rasa air mani dia meleleh kat jari aku... aku rasa malam nie dah 4 kali dia klimaks kot...
Aku pun dah nak dekat klimaks tapi aku tahan lagi sebab bontot dia sedap... rugi la bang kalau lepas cepat.... makin kuat aku menyorong batang aku ke dalam lubang dubur dia makin sedap dia kata... so aku pun hentam la kaw-kaw punya... tetiba aku rasa cam nak klimaks... aku memang dah niat dari awal lagi yang aku akan pancut dalam lubang dubur dia so lepas nie akan tercapai la cita-cita aku tu... kini masa untuk aku klimaks pun tiba... aku terus pancut dalam lubang dubur dia... dia yang dari tadi memang dah banyak kali puas tersenyum memandang aku... aku tanya dia lagi sambil kami berpelukkan "macamana akak? dia jawab "sebenarnya akak nak kau pancut kat dalam cipap akak sebab laki akak dah lama tak pancut dalam" aku terus menjawab "alaaaa... kan kita boleh buat lagi" dan dia memandang aku dengar penuh bernafsu...
Hari tu kami buat sex sampai 5 kali... ye la... mana puas buat sekali... lelabih lagi dapat cipap ngan lubang dubur baikkkkk punyaaaaaaa!!!!
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fighter232 · 2 months ago
well....korg leh pggl aku Z ajela...cite ni blaku mse aku remaja....mse tu umur aku 17 thn...aku ni yatim piatu....cite nie blaku mse aku br blk rmh kwn....aku jln kaki je mase blk rmh (aku duduk dgn kwn kt rumah sewa)...
rumah aku ni jauh jgak la dari rmh kwn aku tu...mase nk blk tu,aku nmpk sorg pompuan...umur lebih kurg 20-an la...muke nmpk baek giler...die pggl aku...aku pun g la dekat die...
die kate "Adik,boleh tolong kakak x?" aku pun jawab "Tolong aper kak?" "Sini kejap" kata die...aku pun ikut jela...(padahal waktu tu dh tgh malam)..die pun bwk aku g satu kelab malam ni....besar gak...
pastu tiba2 ader org pgg aku dn ttp mulut aku..aku pun terkejut tp aku xleh gerak sbb lebih kurang 3 org yg pgg aku...diorang ikat aku...aku tgk kakak td tu senyum jer....aku mula takut..aku pun menangis ketakutan...
lepas diaorang ikat tgn dgn kaki aku...dia org pun angkat aku masuk dalam kelab tu....mereka bawak aku masuk dlm satu bilik ni...lpas tu mereka ikat aku kt atas katil...br aku tau yg mereka tu sume pompuan....aku tanya kenape mereka buat aku mcm ni..tp mereka cume ketawa ajer...kemudian aku nmpk lebih kurang 16 org pompuan lg masuk.....
aku mula takut....mereka kemudian ambik gunting dn mengunting baju dh seluar aku...abis terbogel aku dpn mereka...nampak la BATANG aku yg agak pnjg....mereka sume nmpk lbih suke dgn keadaan aku...kemudian...satu per satu drpd mereka isap batang aku....Arrgghh..sedap..tp aku masih lg tkot....
mereka semua bermain dgn bdn aku.....isap batang aku...isap telur aku....isap tetek aku....mcm2 lg....aku semakin teransang dn batang aku mengeras....kemudian mereka semua ludah ke badan aku...aaaahhh....aku lebih teransang...mereka terus bermain...lebih kurang 5 org bermain batang ku....
kemudian mereka menggosok2 batang aku dgn laju...pergh...sedap...kemudian aku pun terpancut kn air mani aku....byk sggh....mereka dgn gelojoh meminum air mani ku....aku pun berkata "kak tolong lepas kn sy" dgn nada yg sedih...
mereka semua ketawa dn menanggalkn baju masing2....mereka semua menunjukkan badan mereka yg sggh mengasyikkan itu....kemudian mereka memaksa aku isap pepek diaorg....aku menolak...kemudian mereka mengugut jikalau aku xbuat seperti disuruh mereka akn sunat aku utk kali kedua....
aku pun menurut saja kemahuan mereka...pd mulanya aku isap dgn perlahan....kemudian mereka memaksa aku utk mengisap lbih laju lg....slup slup...aku isap dgn rakus.... mereka hanya ketawa melihat ku...
setiap sorg drpd mereka klimaks di muke aku dn memaksa aku meminum air mereka sehingga habis.....aku pun hanya menurut.....kemudian mereka memasukkan batang aku kedalam pepek mereka dr atas....
aku terkejut dn mereka menghenjut dgn laju...aaahhh ahhh....aku berase sedap...semua drpd mereka melakuknnya....kemudian aku terpancut kedalam pepek seorg pompuan ni....air mani ku terpancut lebih byk dr td... mereka yg laen mula mengisap air mani ku di pepek pompuan itu....
kemudian mereka melepaskan aku dn memaksa aku utk menonggeng...aku pun lakukan....10 drpd mereka mengisap lubang bontot ku...aaahh....sedaaaap....10 yg laen berada di dpn aku dn menyuruh aku menjilat pepek mereka lg....aku jilat sperti anjing kehausan...mereka berkata bagus kpd aku...aku tbe suka dgn keadaan aku ini...
mereka skali lg klimaks dn aku meminum semua air mereka....kemudian mereka memasukkn dildo kedlm bontot aku,....aaahh...rse mcm nk terberak jer....tp sedap....mereka mereka lakukn byk kali...aaahhh...
kemudian mereka kelurkan dn berkata "kn dh besar lubang ni"kemudian mereka semua masukkn jari mereka ke dlm lubang bontot aku...aaahhh...aku meraung lebih kuat....kemudian mereka memaksa aku mengisap jari mereka itu....
aku pun isap...slup slup...kemudian mereka melancapkn aku lg....aku terpancut dn mereka buat lg shingga aku terpancut sklai lg...air mani aku mereka tadah dlm cawan....mereka minum sedikit dn memaksa aku menghabiskan nye...aku skali lg menurut perintah mereka....masin....aku kemudian berkate utk membuang air kecil...
mereka menyruh aku melepas disitu...aku pun dgn x tahan kencing disitu...aaaahhh....first time,....best sgt....kemudian mereka pula kencing..dan mereka kencing di badan dn muka aku...
mereka menyuruh aku minum..aku pun minum dgn hepi...selepas itu....mereka membaringkn aku dn berak kt bdn aku..yuk...byk giler tahi kt bdn aku...aku bau sggh busuk...mereka ketawakn aku....
merka kemudian menangkap gmbr aku..dn memaksa aku utk sain kontrak utk jd slave diorg selama 5 tahun...aku terpaksa sain krn tkot kantoi dgn kwn aku....aku akn dibyr sebanyak 8k sbulan...byk jgak.....
slps itu aku ckp kwn aku yg aku akn pndh ke rumah sedara...padahal aku pndh dkt kelab tu je/...mereka hanya mengurung aku di dlm sngkar sperti binatang...
dn mereka akn bermain dgn aku jikalau mereka horny....skrang ni kontrak aku dh hbs dn aku menjd seorg yg gila seks......
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zam-jb · 3 months ago
aku kenal ngan tunang aku fajrina melalui ig. kita orang biasa berkenalan biasa je memula tu. dah sebulan hari2 chat tah cam ner aku cakap aku suka kat dia. lama gak baru dia terima. kami terus bekenalan sehingga aku decide ajak bertunang. kitorg jumpa pon 3 kali je masa couple sebelom tunang. then masa bertunang ni lah kami boleh jumpa selalu. tu pon jarang jugak la. sbb kami bz kerja. kami tak pernahlah nak macam2 lah selama tunang ni. setakat pegang tangan salam cium tangan kiss dahi pp je. kdg aku sex chat main double meaning je. hahaha
pejam celik lagi 2 minggu kami akan bernikah. persiapan semua da hampir selesai. exicted mesti la. tp lately ni ina mcm lain sikit. makin nak nikah dia mcm takot pulak. aku cuba menyelami hati dia tanya apa masalah dia jadi mcm best lak excited dia tak macam selalu, dia jawab tak ada apa je. tp aku lelaki aku mesti syak sesuatu. aku push ina suruh bgtau share apa yg dia rasa dan alami smpai timbul rasa takot takot nak kawin. sehingga suatu pagi, di hari cuti umum, aku tengah tidur kat umah tetiba dia call aku ajak aku jumpa. tapi nak ajak pergi 1 tempat yg jauh sikit dr tempat selalu kitorg dating. aku pun oklah, bangun siap2. maklumlah nak jumpa tunang tersayang. aku sampai kat rumah dia lebih kurang kul 7.30 pagi. sampai jer terus dia masuk dalam kereta. kitorg pon gerak la pergi tempat yg ina maksud kan tu. kate nye ada hal keje sikit kt sana. so aku layan je la drive.
sambil kat dalam kereta tu ina membuka bicara terus cakap “abang, ina nak cakap sesuatu kat abg, tapi ina malu..’
aku tanya dia ‘kenaper..’
dia kata “ina tak tahu nak mula macam mana, malu nak cakap..”
aku kata “ish…dah nak jadi bini minggu depan..apa lagi malu.. jujur je cerita kt abg..”
dia jawab “takpe lah nanti sampai sana ina cerita..setel hal keje dulu”
aku diam dengan seribu persoalan di kepala.
btw kitorg pergi ke sebuah hotel 5star. tunang aku ckp ade jumpa client dia last minit pukul 10 appoiment utk deal pasal company nya. Jd bos suruh tunang aku pergi. sampai sana aku asist saja tunang aku sewaktu meeting diorg. 1 jam berlalu meeting habis. aku join hi-tea dgn semua client tunang aku. setel semua majlis, ina terus tarik aku naik lift hotel menuju ke satu bilik. aku ikut saja la. malas nak byk tanya. sampai depan pintu bilik ina keluarkan acess card pintu dan masuk. aku pon macam pelik la. bile plak tunang aku cek in sini. rupenye mmg company bg bajet utk stay sini sbb jauh dr opis. jadi ini first time kitorg beduaan dlm sebuah bilik. aku tetap cool mcm biasa sbb aku paham kerjanya tunang aku ni mcm mana. aku duduk di sofa sambil buka tv siaran sukan.
tiba tiba tunang aku dtg duduk sebelah aku. aku dgn selamba terus merangkul leher ina sambil usap kepala nya.
“Ina ok sayang?” tanya aku
ina terus memandang muka aku “give me hug abg” sambil mendepakan tangan nya
aku terus memeluk tunang aku. macam ade karen dlm badan ni terasa sesuatu aneh yg mengalir dlm badan kami. kami berpelukan mcm da lama tak jumpa. aku pegang muka tunang aku “sayang are u okay??” “Kenapa ni..?” “Apa tak kene..?” soal aku bertubi tubi.
ina melepaskan pelukan.. “abg mggu depan kite da jadi suami isteri kan, tapi ina takut” jawab ina
“apa yg ina takut kan? Abg ade je ni tak lari..”
“ina takut tak dapat tunaikan tggungjawab sbgai isteri” sambung ina
“Apa maksud ina?” soalku
Tunang aku diam je sambil memegang tangan aku ramas ramas jari aku.
“last aritu kite jumpa ina tertengok hp abg..tp abg jgn marah ye. ina tengok dlm hp abg byk vid sex.. ina tau abg mesti ghairah tgok vid tu.. tp ina tak reti nak layan abg mcm tu nanti..tu yg ina takot nk kawin dgn abg, takot ina tak leh layan suami mcm abg ingin kan.. ina tak pernah buat sex tak pernah pon mcm tu” jawab ina panjang lebar sambil tunduk malu.
aku diam terkedu dgn jawapan tunang aku..dlm hati aku adeh kantoi pulak. mcm mana nak jawab ni. haha. tp aku rileks chill je. aku tau tunang mmg bdk baik. aku pegang muka ina dongakkan tengok muka aku “syg.. abg tau tu.. abg tak kisah la..itu kan nanti abg leh ajar syg..kenapa nk takut sgt, kawin bukan sehari syg..byk masa kita nk buat tu semua nanti” jawab aku cuba menenangkan tunang aku. tunang aku terus mcm terkam peluk aku sampai aku nk terjatuh dr sofa yg kami duduk tu. aku merangkul erat tunang aku terus memusingkan tunang aku yg baring di sofa. kini kedudukan kami baring mengiring menghadap muka masing2. Lengan aku di bawah leher ina sambil mengusap kepala ina yg masih bertudung dan lengkap berbaju kemeja serta seluar. aku usap pipi ina yg kemerahan di depan muka aku. Tunang aku mula tersenyum sedikit. aku dekat kan lg muka aku pd ina, sekelip mata ina terus sekilas mencium bibir aku. lagi laju ina drpd aku. Haha
“ina pandai kiss mulut?” Soal aku berbisik
“Abg ajar la ina sekarang ni..da depan mata abg ni..” jawab ina cuba nk try aku
terus aku lekapkan mlut aku pd mulut ina. ina terus kemaskan pelukan nya pd aku dan cuba melayan bibir aku. maklum la org first time bercium mulut jd kekok la. aku cube membuka mulut ina sedikit mggunakan lidah. Ina mula memberi respon lidah nya sekali. kami mula bermain sup lidah bersama. ina memejam mata seolah hanyut juga dgn permainan mulut ini.
sambil cium mulut tangan aku mula meraba badan tunang aku sehingga la terkena pada buah dada nya yg masih bersarung. Agak keras dan besar juga klu di pegang dr luar. ina hanya melenggokkan bdan saja bila aku pegang buah dada nya. da sedap la tu. haha.
tiba tiba tunang ku melepaskan mulut. “Abg..ina panas lah..ekon tak sejuk ke?” Soal ina tiba tiba.
aku terus bgun dr sofa dan pergi ke remote ekon ejas bg kuat semua kipas dan suhu. seketika itu ina bangun dtg pd aku terus memeluk aku. aku yg dah dah stim dr td benjolan di seluar aku agk jelas. ina memeluk aku dr dpn boleh rasa benjolan btg aku. tp ina menekan nekan lg di tubuhnya. sedang berpelukan aku bisik di telinga ina “can i see u freehair..?” ina tengok muka aku melepaskan pelukan nya lalu ke meja cermin di bilik itu. aku mengekori ina dr belakang lalu memeluk ina dr belakang sedang ina mnghadap cermin utk membuka pin pin yg ade di tudung nya. sambil pelok aku cium cium pipi tunang aku. tunang aku suka di perlakukan sebegitu. Sdg ina melepaskan tudung ina besuara “nak tengok badan abg boleh?” aku tanpa sepatah kata terus buka baju aku letak kan di penyidai almari. ina melihat aku tanpa berkelip mata nya. aku kembali memeluk ina dari belakang yg kini sudah tidak bertudung. Tgn aku di perut ina. aku mencium cium leher ina yg jinjang tu sambil bebisik memuji ina “cantiknye bakal isteri abg ni freehair” ina tersipu malu. Tunang aku pusing mengadap aku dan pelok erat aku. ina mencium badan aku menghirup bau badan aku yg wangi dgn perfume yg dia hadiahkan pd aku. Tgn aku terus melekap di punggung ina. Meramas ramas punggung ina. ina makin menonggekkan punggung nya utk aku ramas. kami bepelukan sambil berdiri. Berpusing pusing sperti menari di dlm bilik super deluxe yg besar itu. Tunang aku mula seronok sudah tiada rasa takut dan sedih mcm td.
aku bawa ina ke katil membaringkan ina ke atas katil dengan cermat. Tunang ku hanya tersenyum saja. Lalu aku baring mencium leher ina. Ina mendesah .. “urmmm abgg bestnye mcm ni..” mulut aku terus ke mulut ina terus tarik peluk erat aku dan mula mengulum bibir aku. aku pun teruslah merengkuh tengkuknya. lama betul kitaorang kiss sampai sesak nafas aku kena sedut. ina mula dapat rentak bercium mulut bermain lidah sampai kena gigit bibir aku nak bernapas pun susah. asyik kena sedut jer. ina da mula stim menikmati langsung tak belas kasihan dia terus tarik muka aku dan terus menyedut bibir aku. lebih kurang 10 minit kami bercium bermain sup lidah. sampai tunang aku dah tak perasaan semua butang baju kemeja dia aku dah buka. aku perasan ina pakai bra warna peach. Tunang aku behenti kiss aku dan merenung tajam mata aku sedang aku usap perut nya. Tunang aku lepaskan pelukan “abg..bukaklah baju syg ni nanti renyuk abg” dgn lemah gemalai suara ina. aku dgn semangat mula buka baju tunang aku yg da sedia terbuka tu. lepas buka baju tunang aku .. fuh tersembol lah buah dada tunang aku. besar. selama ni aku tengok dr luar baju je bentuk tetek. tadi pon dpt tekop je. sekarang real tetek tunang aku depan mata aku hanya pakai bra 38 cup B lagi tu. fuh mencanak btg aku dr td keras jd makin keras. dgn badan yg kuning langsat. kurus. fuh mmg body idaman lelaki la tunang aku ni. Aku diam seketika melihat permandangan indah depan mata aku ni. tunang aku tersipu malu smbil cuba menutup dada nya.
aku pon saja usik tunang aku “ni seluar nak buka tak.. renyuk nanti tak cantik dah nak pakai…hehehe” usik aku pd tunang kesayanngan aku ni.
“abg nakal ea abg…” jawab ina tersengih sengih malu
“abg nk buka ke? buka dulu seluar abg tu..” sambung tunang aku.
dengan pantas aku berdiri atas katil depan tunang aku yg sedang baring tu aku buka seluar slack aku. hanya tinggal spender renoma aku je dgn bonjolan btg aku yg mengeras dari. rasa lega sikit dpt lepaskan seluar. seksa dr td tersepit.
“wauaa abg .. sexi la abg pakai spender tu.cantik la abg..” seloroh ina tunang aku.
“tu yg benjol tu ok ke tu.. sakit ke tu..hehehe” sambung ina terkekeh gelak.
aku terus duduk di kaki ina cuba membukak seluar ina.
“abg..tak nak sampai lebih ye..minggu depan je lagi kita nikah. Abg paham kan?..” ina cuba mengingatkan aku batas kami.
“harini je syg bg abg mcm ni semua…” sambung ina sambil bekerjasama membuka seluar dia. Aku hanya tersenyum saja.
Kini sekujur tubuh hanya bra dan panty 1 set peach color terbaring depan aku. Keindahan bukit bukau yg mempersona di selangi tundun yg menarik nafsu serakah tanpa sedikit bulu pon terdapat. sangat menguji nafsu kejantanan. Tp ini semua dugaan syaiton saja. Hahahah.. Aku terus naik ke atas badan tunang aku, ina terus memeluk aku. Aku mulakan semula permainan dari awal mencium dahi ke pipi lalu ke mulut ina. Kehangatan badan kami besatu. Ina mula selesa dgn kehadiran bdn aku di atas nya. kaki ina mula memeluk pinggang aku. tangan aku mencari kancing bra cuba melepaskan kancing bra. Aku mula ke leher ina, ina mula mendengus. tangan aku menyelinap ke tetek ina. bra saiz 38B aku lepaskan. Ina hanya merelakan saja permainan mulut dan tgan aku. mulut aku semakin turun ke bawah. aku ingin rasa nikmat tetek tunang aku ni. aku pandang ina dan minta izin “abg nak isap tetek sayang ye” ina hanya senyum sambil usap kepala aku. aku terus jer peluk pinggang ina dan start mengulum puting ina. aku ni memang pakar bab menyedut tetek ni. pengalaman ngn awek lama dulu ada. Hahaha. aku gomol habis sampai terangkat badan ina kene sedut puting tetek. sekitar tompok coklat puting tunang aku dah basah ngan air liur aku dah. ina mengerang mcm kene rasuk dah. agaknya sedap dan stim sangat. lama aku kerjakan tetek ina hampir 10 minit jugak. Keliling tetek ina penuh love bite aku buat. Tunang aku tak marah sbb kat tetek takde sapa nampak. aku sorang je nampak. huhuhu. aku ni kalau nyonyot memang tak lepas la. lagi dapat tetek mcm tunang aku ni. macam nak telan
terus. kadang aku buat lembut2 antara menyentuh dengan tidak hisapan antara lidah dah sesekali menggigit puting. sesekali aku leret kan jari aku lalu di lurah pepek ina. terasa basah kuyup panty tunang aku. aku tekan biji ina dr luar panty. saja nk bg ina lebih stimm. tp tunang aku punya mengerang bila aku tekan biji dia “uurgghhh..sedap nyeeeeeee
bang..aaarggghhh…ermmmmm…abggg..” lagi stim kalau aku dgr ina ngerang.
Aku masih menjaga batas. kalau boleh tak sampai terlanjur hari ini. cukup geli geli macam ni sampai tunang aku pancut. aku terus kan permainan tetek ina. sebelah tangan aku menggentel habis puting ina ni. aku genggam kedua2 buah dada ina dan benamkan muka aku sambil menjilat kat celah2 lurah tu. kejap aku gigt buat bite. pastu mula menjilat pulak dah nipple ina. lepas aku pun lenguh menjamah tetek ina ni sambil membongkok cam tu. aku mulakan balik mencari mulut tunang aku. kami terus kami bercium dengan penuh keghairahan. ina semakin tak keruan bila da kena mcm tu. “Abg sedap nya abg..bestnye dapat mcm ni abg..kenapa abg tak ajar syg dlu abg…” desah ina yg da semakin di luar kawalan.
sambil kiss mulutt aku saja gesel kan batang aku pd painties ina yg da mmg sedia terkangkang bila aku naik ats ina. ina mula mengerakkan punggungnya ke atas ke bawah bila aku tekan tekan btg aku di tundun nya. ina mengerang halus di telinga aku “abg sedapnya gesel btg abg ni.. sdp abg.. ahhhh ermmm..”
aku yg dengar ni makin tak tahan di buat nye.. “sedapkan syg..da basah panty syg ni.. lg sedap dpt gesel direct ni sygg..ermmm..” aku cuba memancing tunang ku utk buka panty.
“Ahhh bang bestnye..abg buka spender abg je dlu..” balas ina yg semakin sedap di gesel kelentitnya.
Aku pun buka spender aku. kini aku bogel sepenuhnya, tunang ku masih lg berpanty yg sudah basah. ina tgh melenggokkan punggungnya ke atas ke bawah utk menikmati geselan dr btg aku. aku masih belom sentuh pepek tunang aku dgn jari mahupun lidah aku. sebab aku nk simpan utk mlm pertama. nanti kalau keluar semua skill arini , mlm pertama dah takde skill la nk main. hahah.
Aku turun ke tetek ina isap puting ina. ina menikmati lidah aku di puting nya. sambil tgn aku mula menarik panty ina keluar dr posisi nya yg menutup keindahan mutiara berahi. ina seolah paham tindakan aku memberi sedikit kerjasama melepaskan panty nya. Kini kami bedua sudah tiada sehelai pakaian pon pd bdn. bebogel menikmati nafsu kami. aku memegang kedua kaki ina. aku kuak kan sedikit.
ina bangun besuara “abggg dah janjikan tak lebih.. abg nak buat apa ni abg….?”
“abg nak tengok dara sayang utk minggu depan” jawab ku tegas
ina diam dan baring semula. tiba tiba ina terus menguakkan kaki nya seluas luas nya. ina terkangkang luas di depan aku utk memperlihatkan keindahan mutiara indah nya di pagari dara. jelas aku lihat selaput dara putih nya di dlm lobang nikmat yg bakal aku dpt minggu dpn selepas begelar suami yg sah. aku puas hati. aku bangun dan senyum pd tunang aku. ina juga senyum melebar. Aku terus memegang kaki ina yg sedang trkangkang. Menjilat kaki nya dr tumit hingga ke paha beselang seli kiri kanan. mengigil gigil ina menahan asakan lidah aku sambil merengek “abg..syg tak tahan ni.. sedap nye..geli abg..ahhh…abg…” rengek ina sekejap sdap sekejap geli. aku hanya tersenyum pd ina. aku kembali naik atas ina sambil merapat kan kedua kaki ini. risau jugak aku klu terjolok kang. btg tgh keras.pepek da basah.kompom boleh tegelincir masuk nanti. Hahah.
Kami sambung becium mulut. aku perasan ina tunang ku ini cepat basah pepek nya. kompom subur ni. silap silap esok bunting pelamin kang. hahaha. dlm keghairahan kami, aku selit batang aku di paha ina. ina seolah paham, memberi ruang sedikit utk btg aku. Btg aku semakin dekt dgn pepek ina. Ina masih mengepit kaki nya.
“abg nak masukkan ke..?” soal ina cuak
“tak lah nak gesel mcm td.. syg nak.?”
“nakkk abg tadi sedap sgt..abg ajar syg ye..tp jgn smpai masuk tau abg..” ina membalas ku.
aku mula mengesel btg ku di pepek ina dgn kaki ina kepit rapat. pepek ina semakin basah membuatkan kami sangat menikmati. btg di rapat kan ke pepek sehingga kene pd biji kelentit ina. Ina seolah2 di rasuk kesedapan bila biji nya di gesel btg aku. (sapa pernah cuba cara ni tau lah nikmat nya) aku mencari keselesaan utk kami bedua menikmati. ina semakin tak keruan. nampak gaya ina boleh pancut dgn permainan ini.
aku bisik pd ina “kita pancut sama sama untuk first time kita ni nak..?”
ina terus merangkul leher aku “cepat abg..syang nak cum ni..laju lagi abg..ahhhh…ahhhh..”
aku terus laju kan lg geselan aku..ina semakin basah. air pantat ina memang banyak masa ni. Dlm hati aku rugi nya tak jilat pepek ina.
ina terus berbunyi “urrghh arrghhhh sedap bang…..emmm lagi bang..ahhh….”
aku terus jer laju mendayung btg yg terselit di pepek tunang aku.. turun naik..turun naik btg aku di biji kelentit tunang aku ina.
ina kaku seketika terjentat jentat badan ina melepaskan air nikmat berahi dia yg pertama kali. aku tengok ina mcm dah puas. batang aku kena kepit lagi kuat di pepek ina. Aku pon cakap “syg abg nak pancut sayang..” terus ina kangkang . Aku capai btg aku lancapkan sikit di biji kelentit dan depan lobang pepek tunang aku. bila da nak pancut, aku pancut kat dada ina. terpancut pancut air aku kt badan ina. habis berlendir2 dada ina degan air mani aku yg byk juga aku kira. sampai terpecik sedikit di muka tunang ku yg cantik tu. ina hanya menerima saja air air mani tu di badan nye sambil tersenyum. sambil lap air mani aku terkena di muka ina, ina mencium bau air mani dan menjilat sedikit air mani aku utk rasa bagaimana rasa air mani lelaki.
“sedap syg?” soal ku
“Ermm not bad air abg..mcm berlemak..haha” jawab ina sambil ketawa dan menjilat jilat jari nya yg ada air mani aku.
aku mengambil tuala hotel lap kan badan ina yg penuh air mani aku tu. kemudian aku baring sebelah tunang kesayangan aku ni. sambil merangkul leher ina utk rapat dengan aku. aku mencium dahi ina sambil mengucapkan terima kasih untuk nikmat hari ini. Ina terus naik atas aku dan mencium mulut aku.
“thanks juga kat abg ajar syg sex harini..tak sangka rupenye best main sex ni..” jawab ina sambil mencium mulut aku dan dahi aku. Aku memeluk ina erat sambil meramas bontot ina. Sekejap je ina lena di dada aku. Mungkin penat sangat air da keluar byk td. aku baring kan tunang aku di sebelah aku. keadaan bilik baru terasa sejuk lalu aku selimut kan ina. ina terus memeluk aku dan aku tidur dengan ina dlm keadaan bogel. Inilah pertama kali kami yg belom halal sewaktu itu. semua nya punca dari tunang aku yg takot tak mampu layan aku di ranjang halal. apa pon skarang dah halal jadi bini aku. ina memang hebat di atas katil. betul la perempuan baik ni bila da dapat batang lain macam giler nya. pantang tersentuh kompom oN. habis semua dlm video sex tu dia nak cuba. atas alasan nak bg aku puas. good wife betol. seminggu kitorg cuti kawin. hari kedua jd suami isteri kitorg terus pergi honeymoon. cari hotel yg private 5star ade private pool dlm bilik. 4 hari tak keluar bilik. 24 jam main je. ats katil. tepi katil. dlm pool. tepi pool. makan minum semua order hantar dlm bilik. lain mcm penangan ina punye nafsu. Dah 5 bulan kami jd suami isteri. ina mengandung dah pun. hahah. tp dlm mabuk mengandung dan tak larat tu (org mengandung je tahu) masih lagi nak kangkang untuk aku. sbb tak nak aku melancap. Aku je tak sampai hati nk balun bini aku ni. heheh
So Sekian.. Thanks sudi baca.
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nalza73 · 2 years ago
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𝕭ՑՑ 𝕶𝖎𝖘𝖆𝖍 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖆𝖑 🔞: Menjelang malam, aku bersama kawan baikku Zul sudah berlepas ke KL. Masa tu jam lebih kurang hampir 7.00 malam. Tujuan kami nak ke belakang panggung coliseum, hehehe nak jumpa mak nyah. Wuihhhh! lawa-lawa beb. Ada yg cam sofia jane pon ada nak habag bagi. Masa tu kami memang selalu lepak kat sana sebab ada sorang mak nyah tu member aku kat kampong. Dia ingat aku tak kenal. Dah dua tiga kali aku jumpa maka aku pon pura-pura tanya dia, akhirnya pecah rahsia dia.
Menjelang malam, aku bersama kawan baikku Zul sudah berlepas ke KL. Masa tu jam lebih kurang hampir 7.00 malam. Tujuan kami nak ke belakang panggung coliseum, hehehe nak jumpa mak nyah. Wuihhhh! lawa-lawa beb. Ada yg cam sofia jane pon ada nak habag bagi. Masa tu kami memang selalu lepak kat sana sebab ada sorang mak nyah tu member aku kat kampong. Dia ingat aku tak kenal. Dah dua tiga kali aku jumpa maka aku pon pura-pura tanya dia, akhirnya pecah rahsia dia.
Pas tu kami gi la pulak ke satu pub, emmmmm nama dia aku pon dah tak ingat sebab dah lama dah, entah ada lagi ke tak aku pon tak tao sebab dah lama tak gi sana. Tapi tempat dia kat Jln Raja Laut, bawah dia ada bus stand. Kat situ pon kami ade kenal la dua tiga orang yg kerja kat situ. Dia orang ni tinggal di Pekan Setapak di atas Kentucky tu…. sewa bilik je… satu bilik dua orang. Malam itu kami lepak pulak di pub tersebut sampai tutup sebab kami ada tujuan… hehehe nak ikut "kenalan" kami balik bilik.
"Zul! ko gi naik teksi la ye… Liza nak naik motor dengan aku la.. boleh la ek! Mau tak mau Zul terpaksa la naik teksi sama Ela. Masa naik motor tu terasa juga syoknya sebab… korang tentu paham kan! Liza ni yang paling aku syok kat dia kat mana korang tau! Haaaa kat bumper diaaa….. waoooooo lebarrrrr. Itu yang aku stim sangat tu.Sampai kat bilik Liza terus tukar baju tapi sebelum tu dia cakap kat aku jangan tengok aaa! Yelahhhh kataku, tapi sempat tengok gak sikit.. pheh! putihhhh. Tapi aku aku buat cam tak tengok la. Kontrol beb.
Tetiba je aku terperasan yang si Liza ni tabur sesuatu kat atas tilam yg sedia terbentang. Aku takut gak mana la tao kot-kot dia nak pekena aku ke. Lalu aku tanya dia apa tu. Dia cakap takde per cuma bunga manggar yg dia buat nak kasi wangi bilik. Wangi bilik? Naper? Bilik u bau busuk ke? tanya ku. Eh!tolong skit ek. Busuk tak main la… eh eh marah ke. Takkkkkk! jawab Liza. Hmmmm legaaaa… kalu tak tentu kena halau kuar bilik.tetiba Liza tanya aku… nak tidor sini ke?…naper? dah nak suruh balik ke tanya ku.. tak la… kalau nak tidur sini tukar la baju dan suar u tu.
Berdebar plak rasa hati bila dia cakap gitu.. tapi dalam hati punya la seronok tak terkata. You ada baju dan suar ganti ke.. Ada jawab dia selamba. Mana? tanyaku.. dia buka almari terus ambil spender dia dan dihulur kat aku. Huh u nak suruh I pakai spender u? Hehehehehhahahaha dia gelak besar! Ha tanya lagi…. mana la nak cari baju dan suar utk u pakai tapi u pakai ni je lah lalu dihulurnya kain batik kat aku…. mmmmm nak pakai ke tak nak ni… dalam pikir-pikir tu aku capai jugek la sebab nanti tak leh tidur kat situ plak, naya je.
Tanpa buang masa aku salin pakai kain batik.. Hehehe pelik tol aku rasa sebab mana penah aku berkain batik. Lepas tu aku buat-buat baring kat tilam. Ada la dalam 10-15 minit aku kat situ tetiba je Liza datang dan terus baring sebelahku.Halamak sukanya aku. Mula-mula tu takut juga nak sentuh dia sebab aku ni mana la pernah tidur sebelah pompuan. Aku ni walaupon jahat jugak tapi teruna lagi tau.Konon nak simpan utk malam penentuan dgn pompuan yg bergelar bini aku nanti. Tapi aku rasa tak sempat dahhh.
Darah aku dah bergemuruh. Maklumlaaa jahil lagi. Aku jeling Liza yg berpakaian baju tidur bertali halus… naper jeling-jeling… tiba-tiba je Liza bersuara. Halamakkk dia nampak laa. Tak de per…. tengok je aku jawab selamba. Dia senyum.. senyum ada makna tuuuuuu. "Bang! Tutup lampu bang" aku bingkas bangun dan lap terus gelap lau berjalan semula ke tilam… aduihhhhhh! Naper? Liza terkejut. Abang tersepak kotak! Kotak hapa tu… heheheh Liza gelak beso lagi…. kotak kayu buat isi buku….. patut la keras sangatttt.tapi takpe.aku terus baring semula dan tangan ku bersilang atas badan Liza.. dia cakap, apa pegang-pegang ni.. aku tarik semula tangan. Dua tiga minit pas tu aku silang lagi tangan kat atas badan dia dan terkena pula buah dada dia. Hish! Apa ni! Dia bersuara lagi.
Alaa takkan tidur saja kut kataku berani. Sambil tu aku beranikan diri urut-urut kat lengan dia, badan dia, dia dia pulak. Ada can ni. Lalu aku rapatkan badanku dengan Liza. Hmm harum semerbak. Dipendekkan cerita dapat la aku romen-romen dengan Liza. Lalu aku cuba masukkan tanganku dalam baju tidur dia. Mmmmmm dapatttttt! Dapat pegang buah dada dia… halamakkk boleh tahan gak beso dia.. puting pon dah keras. Aku terus naik atas badan dia dan nyonyot buah dada dia dr luar baju. Habis basah baju Liza dek air liur aku. Hmmmmm basaaaaahhh baju Liza ni. Kalu camtu bukak la baju.. kataku.. lalu dia bangaun dan terus melurutkan baju dari tubuh monggel dia. Tapi aku tak nampak sebab gelap. Bila baring semula aku rasa dah ada per kat badan dia, tinggal kulit je.
Aku tanpa berlengah terus buang kain batik dan suar dalam yg aku pakai,juga tinggal kulit je hehe. Pas tu apa lagi bergomol sakan la kami dalam gelap tu. Tangan ku mencapai lurah di celah kelangkangnya… basahhhh. Tiba-tiba tok… tok…. tok…. pintu diketok dari luar. Halamakk! Aku punya la takut. Mana la tau pencegah maksiat pulak yang datang. Tak ke naya. Tapi Zul dan Ela yang sampai. Fuh! Lega. Kami terus sarungkan pakaian semula tapi aku tetap dengan kain batik.
Bila masok Zul dab Ela senyum je pandang aku dan kata kain batik dia aku pakai. Pinjam kataku. Ela senyum je lantas berkata "takper pakailah". Ela bentangkan tilam kat sebelah dinding. Jarak antara tilam dia dan tilam kami hanya hanya kurang 4 kaki je. Hishhh kalu buas nanti tersentuh plak dengan Ela dan Zul ni. Tapi tak pe lah. Malam tu Zul pon pakai kain batik cam aku. Punya la kelakar…. Lap… lampu ditutup semula dan aku beraksi semula… kami pon telanjang semula.
Malam ni aku nak cuba beraksi macam blue film punya. Selepas puas hisap dada.. perut pusat lalu aku turun ke celah kelangkang pula… Liza pulak selamba je buka kelangkangnya. Aku terus mula aksi yang terlalu asing bagiku. Habis ku jilat ku gigit dan ku kulum segala yang ada di situ. Liza pula cuba kontrol napas takut didengar dek kawan sebelah tapi ku pasti mereka tentu dengar punya. Ah! Lantak lah. Sampai lobang bontot Liza pon aku jilat dan korek. Hish stim tol.
Setelah puas kat situ aku panjat semula ke atas dan tanpa disangka-sangka Liza berkata "nakkkk! dalam nada amat perlahan. Aku pon nak tapi aku takut. Tapi dek bisikan shaitan aku tewas juga. Lalu ku hunuskan senjata ku ke lembah gersang Liza…. ploop! Masukkkk. Lalu bermulalah aksi sorong tarik antara kami. Tetiba je lampu terpasang dan aku terkedu. Woi! Apa ni! Teriak ku dalam suara yang dikontrol. Malu gak beb. Aku tak tahan la kata Zul. Asyik dengar suara je tapi tak nampak. Naper ngan Ela tu. Ela datang bulan la kawann kata Zul. Alaaaa korang buat la aku nak tengok. Gila per kata ku. Tolong la aku nak tengok laaa. Tak tahan ni. Aku tanya Liza amacam? Liza angguk. OK?
Hish tak pernah dibuat dek orang ni. Tapi stim punya pasal aku buat jugak la. Ela dah hanyut dengan mimpinya. Mula-mula tu kekok jugak sebab masih malu tapi lama2 ok la.Aksi kami lebih bertenaga dan Liza bersuara agak kuat dengan bunyian yang menyetimkan.. emmmmmm arghhhhh…. dan macam-macam. Korang bayangkan sendirilah bunyi camna ek!. Masa aksi sorong tarik tu aku dah tak tahan lalu ku cabut batangku dan cengkam kuat-kuat… kontrolll…. pas tu aku dekatkan batangku pada mulut Liza dan dia terus cium dan membelai dengan penuh kasih sayang.
Beberapa ketika dia masukkan batangku kemulutnya dan dibuat aksi sorong tarik. Sementera itu lidahnya memainkan peranan. Hmm geliiiiiiiii! Dijilatnya kepala senjataku dan membuatkan aku lupa seketika dan hampir tak tertahan lagi. Lalu kutarik dari mulutnya dan terus ku benamkan ke dalam lubang nikmatnya. punggongnya bergerak-gerak dengan aksi ayunan yg maha sedap.
Selepas itu ku pusingkan Liza dan kubenamkan batangku dari arah belakang. Badan Liza tertunduk ke bawah… hanya bontotnya yang tinggi. Ku teruskan hayunan… plop plap bunyi yang terbit dari aksi sorong tarikku dek air yang melimpah dari lurah Liza. Ada la lebih kurang 10 minit ku buat begitu lalu tiba-tiba terasa tak tertahan lagi dan ku pancutkan ledakan maniku ke dalam rahim Liza.
Bergegar dan bergetar badan Liza menerima henjutan akhir itu. Aku tertiarap diatas badan Liza juga bergetar badanku melepaskan sisa-sisa mani ku. Dalam pada itu aku terpandang Zul dengan aksinya sorang diri.. lima pukul satu juga telah berakhir… habis badan Ela terkena pancutan maninya. Tapi Ela tetap hanyut. Pas tu aku senyum kat Zul yang juga membalas senyumanku.. senyum ada maknaaaa tu. Lepas itu kami lena hingga ke pagi.
Pagi tu aku dan Zul tak ke tempat kerja. Kami ponteng. Selepas tengahhari kami pon balik ke Kajang dan berjanji akan datang semula dua atau tiga malam kemudian. Demikianlah secebis kisah aku yang tak pernah terpikir untuk buat gitu sebelum malam pertama telah tewas di tangan pompuan yang bernama Liza. Ok lain kali jumpa lagi ek! Bye….
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pengg14t5eni2018 · 2 months ago
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Kalau ada antara korang yang jenis fetish minat dekat watak orang berumur atau kategori M4TURED/G1LF, salah satu figura yang min leh jadi kan contoh ialah RAJ4 AZM1. Dia sangat underated Dan mmg tak ramai yang minat pun. Tapi min amik dia jadi watak utk projek ni sebab dia ad penampilan yang nampak mcm b1tchy sket. Memang tak selalu payung body dia dlm gambar tapi bila sekali dia belanja rasa macam limited btul. Ada je waktu2 dia terpayung barang dia.
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Tengok la bila dia dressing dlm baju jalur2 ni. Bergoyang breast dia. Still legit utk dihisap🤤🍼🍼.
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spunsugarmusings · 2 months ago
'A Christmas Story' Starter Sentences
Sentence starters taken from the 1983 holiday comedy film A Christmas Story. TW for cursing, sex references, and violence. Change pronouns and tenses as necessary, and enjoy!
"I TRIPLE-dog-dare ya!"
"Another shot of mysterious, inexorable, official justice."
"Some men are Baptists, others Catholics; my father was an Oldsmobile man."
"That son of a bitch would freeze up in the middle of summer on the equator!"
"In the heat of battle my father wove a tapestry of obscenities that as far as we know is still hanging in space over Lake Michigan."
"Over the years I got to be quite a connoisseur of soap. My personal preference was for Lux, but I found Palmolive had a nice, piquant after-dinner flavor - heady, but with just a touch of mellow smoothness."
"Be sure to drink your Ovaltine."
"Ovaltine? A crummy commercial?"
"He looks like a deranged Easter Bunny!"
"He looks like a pink nightmare!"
"Oh my god, I shot my eye out!"
"You'll shoot your eye out, kid."
"[NAME] had for years labored under the delusion that I was not only perpetually 4 years old, but also a girl."
"They looked at me as if I had lobsters crawling out of my ears."
"What is the name of the Lone Ranger's nephew's horse?"
"Aaah! "Fra-GEE-leh!" It must be Italian!"
"BB guns are dangerous. I don't want anyone shooting his eye out."
"Don't you touch that! You were always jealous of this lamp!"
"That's ridiculous. Jealous. Jealous of WHAT? That is the ugliest lamp I have ever seen in my entire LIFE!"
"A Major Award? Shucks, I wouldn't know that. It looks like a lamp."
"Don't anybody move! Hold it right there! The fuse is out."
"This is your trough. Show me how the piggies eat. Be a good boy. Show mommy how the piggies eat."
"There has never been a kid who didn't believe vaguely but incessantly that he would be stricken blind before he reached 21, and then they'd be sorry."
"Every family has a kid that won't eat. My little brother had not eaten voluntarily in over three years."
"That Christmas would live in our memories as the year we were introduced to Chinese turkey. And all is right with the world."
"The line waiting to see Santa Claus stretched all the way back to Terre Haute. And I was at the end of it."
"Mom, this is just the same old dumb parade as last year."
"The heavenly aroma still hung in the house. But it was gone, all gone! No turkey! No turkey sandwiches! No turkey salad! No turkey gravy! Turkey Hash! Turkey a la King! Or gallons of turkey soup! Gone, ALL GONE!"
"Yeah, another one of my silly puzzles. This one could be worth FIFTY THOUSAND BUCKS."
"Yes, clearly, a little bribe never hurts."
"Those icicles have been known to kill people!"
"Mothers know nothing about creeping marauders burrowing through the snow toward the kitchen where only you and you alone stand between your tiny, huddled family and insensate evil."
"I want an Official Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred shot range model air rifle."
"I asked my old man about sticking your tongue to a flagpole in the winter, and he says that it'll freeze right to the pole, just like I told ya."
"Ah, baloney. What would your old man know about anything?"
"Was there no end to the conspiracy of irrational prejudice against Red Ryder and his peacemaker?"
"How are they going to deliver a bowling alley here tonight?"
"Adults loved to say things like that but kids knew better. We knew darn well it was always better not to get caught."
"Listen, jerk! When I tell you to come, you better come."
"What, you're gonna cry now? Come on, crybaby! Cry for me, come on! CRY!"
"My mother hadn't had a hot meal for herself in fifteen years."
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activatingaggro · 1 month ago
j'ai la boule au ventre
Nanako peered up at her. “Ah,” she said. “No? No drinks lah.” The violet’s eyebrows furrowed. “Oh, are you out?” “No,” Nanako said again. “Ah. No, no - drinks not out, but, um -” Oh, she hated talking to strangers. And of course, the waitstaff had disappeared into the crowd around her - as she looked, she caught a brief glimpse of red just in time for it to disappear behind what appeared to be an indigo in feathers. There were tables off in the distance, where the staff might’ve been lingering, but nearer to Nanako and the troll there were trolls actually dancing, stirred by some invisible boundary of a dance floor. “Um -” What was she supposed to say? The violet was getting thin-lipped, her patience fraying like the embroidery at Nana’s wrist. “Drinking bad lah,” Nanako managed. “Terrible for skin, yeah? Make you too pai kiah --”
Nanako attends the 12th Perigee Ball stag.. but at least her anxiety disorder is always with her, yeah?
Fic for 2024’s Ball. Featuring Nanako, Melete, Glitch, Vadaya, Tomie, Saevus, and special guest appearances from an implied Tykhae, and Kua’s Calico predecessor.
Of all the things Nanako had anticipated at the ball, being trapped in the bathroom hadn't been very high on the list.
Nanako Bonjou was a trained imperial agent, she reminded herself, trained from Ascension to serve in one of the Empire's greatest programs. Once, she had taken down an entire cell of rebels in the city of Mirador. Just last sweep, she'd ripped the amplifiers off of the skull of dust-peddling subjuggulators. Her nights were spent solving situations that the Empire had deemed problems, for one reason or another.
Her work was stressful. But the bi-annual yule ball, in comparison, had always been a place to relax. What was going to happen there? Clowns kidnapping the host? That'd already happened last sweep, and the little brownblood hadn't even fussed. Once, the thought of a cerulean trying to chat off her ear would have worried her. But just last sweep, an indigo had tried to rip off both ears. As Vadaya had told her afterwards, how could she worry about socialising after that?
"There you are, little priest," a familiar voice drawled, and Nanako buried her face in her hands as Glitch's voice echoed through the bathroom. (Not on purpose, she reminded herself, because Glitch didn't know she was in here.) "Looking good enough to pray to yourself, yes?"
"As you are aware, that is theologically implausible," Melete said, and Nanako didn't have to see her to know the expression she was making. That was the problem with exes! She didn't have to see either of them to know exactly the scene that was outside.
The scene that she'd have to walk past - with the two trolls she wanted to see here the least - if she wanted to escape the bathroom and get back to the rest of the ball.
Someone's hand tugged on her coat. Once, then twice, growing ever more insistent until Nanako finally peered out from between her fingers. "Ma'am," a yellowblood said, with the slow, careful tones of someone who'd already repeated themself twice, "you're still blocking the commodes. Can you just.." They made a twirling gesture with one gloved hand. ".. on the couch, maybe?"
Maybe she could just die in the corner instead, Nana thought, but - no, no, the little yellowblood looked judgemental enough already. So instead she took a deep breath. "Mais, mais, so sorry leh? Am so~oo sorry," she said, taking a step back, and then another. The bathroom was large, with a long row of stalls and sinks, and it was beautiful in the way that the Empire rarely bothered. There were vines on the stone walls, twinned around the frosted windows and with just enough gloss on their leaves to reflect the light softly back towards the mirrors. There was a couch in the corner, just the right size for her to curl up on and die.
Maybe she should thank the yellowblood, she thought. Because outside of the bathroom stood two of her most recent exes, flirting, together. But inside of the bathroom, there was a couch, and.. oh, there was even a little pitcher on the end table, full of what Nanako hoped was water. Walking outside would mean a confrontation, or perhaps worse, just the silent, unbearable judgement of two trolls who knew her best. But if she stayed inside, who could judge her, except for herself? Well. And Vadaya, but she thought he might understand.
It’d be worth a try, anyway.
Behind her, one of the stalls flushed. The yellowblood slipped out, striding over to the sink, and then lifted their gaze. Their eyebrows knit as they made eye contact. "Oh," they said slowly. "I didn't think you'd still.. be here.."
In the mirror, Nanako watched her own face turn an awful, blotchy jade.
Squaring her shoulders, she took a deep breath. She shrugged off her coat, folding it neatly over one arm. Zavare had bought it for her, as a gift, and as she watched, a strand of embroidery snapped free of the fabric.
The lights on the wall twinkled at her, the ivy stirring under the quiet breeze of the fans as she strode over to the windows. One of them pointed out to the rest of the castle, she thought, as she searched for the lock. To her relief, there was none.
Good. If it'd been locked, then she'd have looked like an awful idiot to the yellowblood. But - no, no, she assured herself. The yellowblood wasn't watching. She'd left, and as Zavare had told her just that evening, the only person judging her right now was herself. She just needed to remember that.
Luck was on her side. The window barely even stuck as she pulled it open, and the room that it faced was thankfully, beautifully, empty. Off in the distance, she could see a sliver of light through the crack of a door, and hear the gentle hush of the ball past it. Glitch and Melete wouldn't notice her at the ball at all. And with that thought to calm her heart, Nanako slipped over the windowframe.
When she turned around to close it, the yellowblood was watching her.
Nanako snapped the window shut, and fled.
Every sweep, Nanako reminded herself that she just needed to find Vadaya.
Every sweep, Nanako realised, too late, that it might be hard.
She wasn’t entirely sure what the building the ball was hosted in was. A castle perhaps? The nature of the building had never really mattered. When the host had been kidnapped, her battery hadn’t been the one called to potentially retrieve him, and every other time.. well, Nanako didn’t come to the ball because she was there to admire the architecture. She came because it was expected of her, as a soldier, and because getting quadrants hadn’t stopped Vadaya’s firm conviction that any event was better with Nanako nearby.
But she almost wished she was the sort of troll to pay attention to architecture. Because whatever it was, the ball was the sort of building that her communication device loathed.
NO BARS, it flashed in fluorescent lime, and beside the words, the little logo with the imperial horns wept neon. TOO MANY CONNECTION ATTEMPTS. PLEASE CONTACT SECURITY DRONES IF EMERGENCY…
“Drones no help meh,” she murmured, and defeated, she peered off towards the crowd.
Nanako wasn’t the smallest troll of her generation, but sometimes it felt like it. Even in a side room from the ballroom proper, there were simply too many trolls, and they were simply too large. Everyone knew that blues and indigoes grew taller than the greens on the whole, whether they blamed it on nutrition or on genetics. But few mentioned that seadwellers shared that undesirable tendency to tower.
She didn’t deal much with highbloods, whether they were blue or violet. This wasn’t a problem that Nanako usually had to think about! If she walked into a room where her face was firmly shoulder height, and orange horns were stretching as far as her eyes could see.. well, she’d just leave, and that’d be that. Vadaya had been legally listed as a high indigo when he’d first joined her battery, and it’d taken sweeps for him to hit his first molt and show how cuspy he actually was. And even as an indigo, he’d been the highest troll anyone in Scimitar had ever dealt with.
Nanako worked with teals, mostly, and sometimes ceruleans. Both of those castes liked to stay under six foot. Here..
A troll rushed past her, her face flushed maroon and her arms full of precariously stacked trays. Nanako could see other waitstaff like her, most on the lower end of things, all at her own eye level and below cerulean. As she looked into the crowd, towards the colours splashed on dresses and costumes, she realised: aside from them, everyone was above cerulean. It wasn’t just that there were a great deal of highbloods. It was all highbloods, purples and violets and fuchsias as far as her eye could see.
Except for her, and the waitstaff.
This was the kind of place that Vadaya would be, though. So squaring her shoulders, Nanako pushed into the crowd, looking up high - but not too high - for her commander. There were faces she’d seen before, but she’d never been terribly good at recognising faces. Horns, though..
Some of the horns, she recognised readily, even if she didn’t know the trolls they belonged to. It was one of the things she’d learned young, and then had been cemented over the sweeps by experience. The Hanhai caverns produced large, curling racks, heavy on the bottom and hooked towards the end. The Preuskan caverns were known for the thin, long horns that could be found on nearly every subjuggulator. The Terquian caverns, where Vadaya came from, tended towards smaller, subtler horns, made all the more distinct on a troll for their evident lack.
It was hard to miss them. There were Terquian trolls all throughout the section, and although Vadaya’s horns were larger, more characteristic of Hanhai’s, Nanako’s gaze kept catching on them. There were trolls from her program in the crowd here, she found to her surprise. Faces that she did recognise, and whom she could stop, maybe, ask if they’d seen her commander. Especially because some of the faces were trolls that she knew --
Oh, no.
Leaning against a column, chatting away with a glass in his hand, was Tomois Rinoca.
Another fucking ex.
Tomois Rinoca had been her best friend for most of her career.. and her commanders’ one-sided mortal enemy. Even the sight of him made her stomach twist, bile biting at the back of her throat in a very familiar, unhappy kind of pain. Nanako and Tomie had been tied at the hip for sweeps, almost as long as she’d been with her battery. And after Vadaya had joined..
Socialising was hard. Trolls were hard, and while Vadaya had fit into her life like a missing piece,  Tomie had been the one troll who’d truly felt easy. The only troll who’d ever felt easy. So she had ignored the way that he’d tormented Vadaya, looking away up until the point that she could not. It hadn’t gone well. She didn’t think there was a way it could have.
So she’d done her best to avoid him in the sweeps since, and it’d always worked well, up until it didn’t.
If she’d noticed him, Nanako knew, that meant he was going to notice her. So she took a step back, then spun on her heel and darted off into the thickest part of the crowd. The colours here were violet, in more shades than she’d ever seen, and everywhere she looked, the faces had fins.
She’d wandered into the VIP section, Nanako realised, just as a troll leaned down to her. “Miss, I’d like another drink,” the troll told her. Violet-eyed, with gold around them. “But I don’t know the name. It had an umbrella -”
Nanako peered up at her. “Ah,” she said. “No? No drinks lah.”
The violet’s eyebrows furrowed. “Oh, are you out?”
“No,” Nanako said again. “Ah. No, no - drinks not out, but, um -” Oh, she hated talking to strangers. And of course, the waitstaff had disappeared into the crowd around her - as she looked, she caught a brief glimpse of red just in time for it to disappear behind what appeared to be an indigo in feathers. There were tables off in the distance, where the staff might’ve been lingering, but nearer to Nanako and the troll there were trolls actually dancing, stirred by some invisible boundary of a dance floor. “Um -”
What was she supposed to say? The violet was getting thin-lipped, her patience fraying like the embroidery at Nana’s wrist.
“Drinking bad lah,” Nanako managed. “Terrible for skin, yeah? Make you too pai kiah --”
She shouldn’t have said that.
Around them, the crowd shifted and milled. Nanako was watching it, her gaze torn between some sign of salvation, and the violet’s slowly darkening features. If Vadaya would pop out between the faces, she would have called it one of the Mirthfuls miracles. Maybe she'd even have lit a candle for their twin messiahs.
But there was no sign of her commander, with his bright eyes and his brighter fins. Vadaya had been classified as indigo when she'd first met him, but his blood had always looked ruddier- a violet hue higher than most of the trolls in this crowd, held back only by his lack of fin and gills. His first adult molt had revealed both of those. Nanako had adjusted to the surprise, to the sudden prevalence of a colour she'd never thought much of before. She'd grown used to finding it in a crowd by now, of sorting it out immediately from the lower chrome.
There was only one troll higher than a violet in the crowd.
At first glance, Nanako thought it was a statue off in the distance, draped in a fuchsia that looked near garish in this crowd. But no - it was a troll, his skin nearly as white as the pillars behind him, his expression thoroughly, dully placid. He was ill-sized for the table in front of him, with his legs stretched out under it and with some room to still spare, but he must’ve had more standard sized tablemates at one point. There were plates stacked on the edge of the table, with one still resting, half-eaten roll on top, near an askew chair. Was he waiting for them to come back, then?
“What is your name? Aren’t you staff? I am going to speak to Barbasabout this --”
“Oh, haha, not staff! But, see friends, bye now!”
The violet opened her mouth, but Nanako was already racing over to the table.
Nanako had seen fluked trolls before in her cavern texts. They had been more common in the long sweeps prior to the Empire, but even in a more civilized age, they still happened on occasion. A lusus would bring back food for its charge, and the meat would be contaminated - the flesh of another guardian, or sometimes of a troll itself. The pupa wouldn’t know better. It would eat, guileless, and it might not even know what it meant when it began to pale, losing pigmentation as the parasite in its core grew.
Prior to the Empire, there had been uses for fluked trolls, in the caverns and in smaller societies. They were larger than their peers, and more placid, less prone to the constant aggression that haunted their species. It was always a risk that a troll might see another wounded, and view it as a weakness to exploit, rather than one to fix - but fluked trolls were often stripped of that ambition. They made for good doctors. A fluked stranger could be safer than many of the people a desperate troll might know.
Nanako slid into the chair readily, keeping the violet firmly in the corner of her eye. The woman was watching them both still, but she wasn’t approaching. Good! “Must pretend to know you lah,” Nanako told the fluked troll, finally ripping her gaze from the violet. “Sorry! So sorry! Play along please?”
She clasped her hands together in front of her, and put on her sunniest smile. His eyes were tyrian, but even they were pale. “Only for a moment?”
The tyrian looked at her sidelong. “Oh,” he said, and.. he was amused, she thought. It was hard to tell. Some of the trolls at the ball were tall, but this seadweller was just absurd. “Sure, lady. We’re the best of friends.”
“Bestest orreddy? So nice leh. Hate fais do-do, lor, people so -” She started to gesture, then stopped. It was a very Hanhai thing to speak with your hands, but some adult trolls found it off-putting. And wasn't she managing that enough on her own today already? “Too many people,” she said instead with a laugh she hoped didn't sound too awkward. He wasn't frowning, at least. “Ah.. but talking too much.. what’s your costume? Very nautical yeah?”
She wasn't entirely sure where the strands of white pearls ended, and where skin began. But Nanako refused to look closely enough to tell. There were pearls, and glitter, and shimmering something - that was all that really mattered.
“What do you think it is?” he asked. From another highblood, Nanako would’ve thought of the question as a trap. But he sounded like Vadaya - pensive, thoughtful, but without the earnest intensity that underlined so many of her commanders’ words. The fluked troll just sounded.. curious.
So she paused, looking at his costume again. He was a seadweller. He sounded like he might’ve come from one of the northern provinces of the Empire, with the almost thick layer to his speech. He was the highest caste, and his outfit was clearly rich. And when she looked at it closer, there wasn't nearly as much fabric as she thought - it was pearls, layer upon layer, as the only thing between him and public indecency.
Gross, she thought. “A clam,” she said, earnest. “Because, ah.. pearls, yes? Have pearls, pearls inside clam - skin all shimmery, so -” There was a dawning awareness in the back of her mind that she wasn’t entirely sure what a clam was. She’d seen Vadaya eat them before, but the experience had left her certain she hadn’t wanted to partake. “Like clam shell? Skin clam shell, pearl - clam pearl?”
He blinked at her. “I’m not a clam.” She couldn’t quite read his expression, but he wasn’t entirely offended, she thought, not going by his voice. “Do I look like a bottomdweller to you?”
He was fluked. Maybe he wasn’t really offended at all. “Look like a seaweller,” she hazarded, and was rewarded with a.. oh, he was confused, she decided. A confused, amused kind of smile.
“I’m the snakefuck pearl thing,” he said, like that meant anything at all. “Don’t you know that story? I’m the pearl. It comes from Hanhai. You’re from Hanhai, aren’t you?”
“Snake doing what to pearl no.. oh! Oh lah, I get it - but -” She squinted at him, leaning forward on the table despite herself. “Huh. Where the glow?”
It was one of the old pupa tales that she’d heard while growing up. If Vadaya was around, she thought, he would have called it a morality lesson, but she’d never quite agreed. The story said that, once upon a time, in the nights long before the Empire, a jadeblood had gone on a journey for enlightenment. And on her journey, she had discovered a beast of nearly a half mile long, with scales that shone, and who’s spine had been severed neatly in half.
Many trolls would have killed it, and stripped the scales from its body to create armour for their wars. But the jade had thought it a manifestation of her ancestors. She closed its wounds with feather and drugs, and she tended it for a full half-sweep, and she called the place that it laid the Mound of the Serpent. When it had healed enough to live, she had left it, and gone on her way.
When she had completed her journey, and returned to her hive, she found the serpent waiting. It brought her a pearl, bright as the high noon’s sun, and although it burned her enemies, the glow never harmed her flesh. Vadaya had said it was to teach the virtue of helping others. Nanako had always thought it was more just a way to keep pupas from being eaten by serpents, but she’d never been much good at those kind of stories.
But at least she wasn’t the only one. Because - oh, it would’ve been so easy for him to take offense at her question. She was regretting it as soon as the words were out of her mouth.
But he didn’t get offended. “Someone at this table is the right colour for glowing,” he said. “And it ain’t me.”
She liked him, she decided. “Rude!” she scolded, but she smiled, too, so he’d know she wasn’t serious. “No jade glow lah. Not enough worms up top for that! Not for me.” Could she tease him back? “Definitely not for you.”
The tyrian gave a little half-laugh, and Nanako beamed. “Do you know what I am meh?”
“Hm.” He didn’t have to lean forward to look at her. He was so tall, absurdly so, and it must’ve been uncomfortable for him to sit in the chair like that, for all he wasn’t showing it. “A background military grunt?” he tried, pulling his mouth to the side. “But.. like, a historical one. Like the sort you see in drama shows.”
“Good guess! But not sure lah! Was not coming to ball leh,” she admitted, “but ah, friend said no, no, must, must, must, and picked outfit, and -”
Behind him, she saw a flicker of a familiar colour in the crowd. “Must go!” she cried. “Will be back lah!” Whatever the tyrian said, she didn’t wait to hear. She could see Vadaya’s cloak disappearing ahead of her already, and the idea of shouting out to him was nearly as distressing as the thought of losing him. All she had to do was get close to him, and she could grab him.
It wasn’t as if the crowd was that thick. He had left the tables, and he was weaving through the area where trolls were dancing. Every time a troll stepped between the two of them, she would see his cape or the familiar flash of his armour a moment later, just long enough to keep her on his trail. Even if he kept moving, she thought, she’d catch up. She just had to keep moving, and not get distracted, and -
A hand grabbed hers, and tugged her into a dance.
Nanako had always told everyone that she had two left feet. It wasn’t wrong, exactly! Dancing was just another form of acrobatics, almost, and she’d always been good at that, back when she was still a pupa. The older trolls had always fawned that she should join comballet, before she’d gotten worried enough to join up with the Corps instead. So as soon as she heard the beat of the orchestra, far off in the distance, she knew what steps she needed to take.
It was just that all of her concentration was on not decking the troll who’d grabbed her, instead.
“Poor little soldier drone,” the troll said, amused, and Nana wrenched her gaze up from her grip, to the woman’s face. Against the black of her mask, her eyes were a brilliant, sparkling blue. “Sorry to be forward, darling, but you looked so lost. Did you lose your commander in the crowd? Or..”
The music shifted. She lifted her hand, and Nana spun, falling into steps that she remembered only faintly. She’d lost Vadaya in the crowd, she realised with growing despair. All it had taken was a moment for this troll to distract her, and he was gone. “Ah,” she said. “Um.” Would she be able to find him at all today, or was she just going to keep getting led astray?
“Nnnno, leh --” Nanako tried, then stopped.
There was a certain kind of familiar patronising look on the womans’ face. Nanako had heard it from Zavare, and Longhaul, and a hundred different trolls all older and higher-ranking than her. More pressingly, she had seen that little shift in expression before, just as the ‘leh’ escaped her tongue.
“I’m looking for my commanding officer,” Nanako tried again, wrangling her thoughts back into the most common dialect. She spoke like she’d been hatched out in Temasek, the capital of her province, but her battery was used to it. Her friends were used to it, despite the fact they’d all come from Terquia, or places more in-land. Most trolls learned to adjust their language over time, and tuck away the signs of where they’d hatched.
Nanako wasn’t good at languages. She wasn’t good at words, really, and she only really remembered that at times like this, when she managed to force her words straight, and the womans’ smile deepened in response.
“Are they looking for you? Bad crowd for your little ass to get lost in.” The troll knew the steps better than she did. She moved with a well-practiced ease that Nanako, guiltily, thought the troll didn’t exactly deserve. There were just so many layers to her outfit! A hat of blue silks patched with every shade of the colour she could imagine, on top of what might’ve been whites that had seen better nights. Black fabric scratchy enough that Nana’s mind murmured calico, the sort of cheap thing she might’ve bought from the seashore as a pupa, under the skirts and yet still over the loose pants. Golds and creams and oranges, as fabric scraps and trinkets, hanging from her wrists, on her fingers, even on the edge of the hat.
It was good that the other woman was tall. When she leaned in, coins rattled towards Nanako in a shimmering veil, but none were long enough to actually reach. “But don’t worry, pupa,” she said, warm, “I’ll help you find them. What’s your name? There can’t be too many jadebloods here.”
“Ah.. he.. isn’t a jadeblood. Indigo?” Nanako bit her lip. “Violet,” she amended quickly. “Violet! With, ah, big - he has big fluffy fins - and armour. Golden armour.” Oh, the troll had asked her name. “My name is Nanako. Nanako Bonjou. With the Imperial Psionics Corps.” This dialect stuck in her mouth like gum. Why did they always want so many words?
She was terrible at words, and the awareness was sinking into her deeper and deeper with every attempt. It was unkind, Nanako knew, but she wished the troll would stop smiling at her. She already knew that she sounded like a fool. She didn’t need this kind-hearted, maternal confirmation. “He’s with them too,” she said belatedly, desperately wishing she could shut up, and not entirely sure how. Maybe this was how she’d save the day. This troll, like so many of the highbloods, was taller than her. Nanako was having to search through the crowd. Perhaps this woman could just look over it.
Or perhaps Nanako would just eat her own foot.  “The Psionics Corps. Ah, le -- we. We’re both with them. As.. soldiers..?”
Why had she ever left the bathroom?
“Oh, darling, forgive me, but - has anyone told you that you’re adorable?” The troll laughed. “I could just eat you up,” she said, like it was some kind of a joke, and she winked right at her.
The tyrian had been dressed as a pearl. Nanako was dressed as a soldier. The ball was full of trolls, dressed as their ancestors and mythological figures and everything in-between, and..
Oh, she realised with a lurch. Oh no, that wasn’t a mask at all.
Alternia had a thousand different types of trolls, all pulled together uneasily under the wide skirts of the Empire. Once you were in the Fleet, the place that you’d hatched out no longer really mattered. When there was only a thin layer of steel and the strength of one’s psionics to keep you from space, relatively few things mattered, beyond making sure you were doing your job - and that you could do it well. But that was in the Fleet.
Here, at the ball, it was easier to remember that everyone had come from the planet initially. And while Nanako had joined the Psionics Corporation - embraced the rigid roles of the Empire’s military so that she could cast off the roles she’d taken prior - there were plenty of trolls who hadn’t. There was so much leniency given to the young, so many things they could do that would be forgiven if they lived to adulthood.
All trolls killed. But only pupas had lusii, and only pupas needed to kill other trolls as food, to sustain their monstrous guardians. Only pupas, and adults who never left their lusii behind. Trolls like those who lived on the Rickshaws, and who were known for the distinctive piebaldism that marred their skin.
A troll became fluked through accident. But the Rickshaw trolls made that choice, time and time again.
The woman smiled at her, just wide enough to show the edge of her fangs. What Nanako had thought of as lipstick was just black skin, impossibly, perfectly crisp against the gray. “Oops,” she said, pressing her hand to her heart. “Did I say the wrong thing?”
Nanako dropped her hand. She took a step back. “I --” she said, faltering. “Um -”
Someone placed a hand on her shoulder. “Oh,” Vadaya said. “There you are. I’ve been looking for --”
W!hirling around, Nanako looked up into Vadaya’s bemused, familiar face.
With a cry, Nana wrapped her arms around his waist, buried her face in his chest and lifted him right into the air. Maybe she’d spent too much time on the ballroom floor before! Maybe she was just all nervous energy, because if Vadaya was tense at first, he was practically stone in her arms when she spun him in a circle. Maybe -
 “Oh,” he said, mystified. Maybe she was being too much.
But a moment later, he was awkwardly patting her on the head, right between her horns. And his tone wasn’t judgemental. “Are you alright?” When she set him down, her face hot, he just looked pleased, and confused, and fond. Vadaya judged her sometimes, but right now, there was none of that.
He always told her that every event was better if she was at it. And how could she not believe it, when he looked like that? “I’m fine lah,” she told him. He was looking over her head towards the blueblood, his fins lifting, and - oh, it was such a relief to finally have found him. “Perfect lah. Have never been better, now that finally here.”
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lehladakhbiketour · 1 year ago
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madlittlecriminal · 2 years ago
Hey! I saw that you're taking Moon Knight requests! Could you please write Jake Lockley x reader where both of them speaking broken English and most of their conversations are just bickering in their native languages?
Just imagine the fluff where they get together and teach each other the words of love in their languages through the trouble of language barrier 😭🥺
Language ☽ Jake Lockley × Arabian!GN!Reader
i only speak english and spanish, so im very sorry if the arabic is inaccurate. i wanted to try something different that wasn't french or italian. also, because im half mexican and half puerto rican, my spanish is different. words are different compared to those who are from South America or Central America
Warnings: roughly translated spanish to english, translated arabic (NOT GOOGLE TRANSLATE), mentions of marc & steven
*if you speak Arabic, PLEASE correct me if there's any errors! im open for corrections!*
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Anyone who didn't understand your relationship would think you and your boyfriend were speaking gibberish.
However, you both knew bickering in your native tongues was very much normal, but it was mostly to yourselves since you didn't know Spanish and he didn't know Arabic. Today was different as you both were bickering about the damn English language. As easy as people made it seem, it was damn well difficult. How the heck was there words that sounded the same, but were both spelled differently and meant different things?
"Ine fakt la moana leh." (It just makes no sense.)
"No sé cómo la gente puede hablar en esa maldita idioma sin confundirse, de verdad." (I don't know how people can speak in that damn language without confusing themselves, honestly.)
"Lediham al-jaraa lekhbary baltehadth ballga al-inglizia?" (They have the audacity to tell me to speak English?)
Now, there stood a confused Jake, wondering if you both were arguing about the same thing or was it something completely different? "What you say?" You looked over at him, confused. "What?"
Honestly, you both were confused as to how you managed to be in a relationship for a few months without picking up some of each others language. Well, Jake only understood very little thanks to Steven and even Marc, thanks to his time as a mercenary. However, it still wasn't enough, but if he was being honest, he wanted to learn more about your language. You only ever picked up on what he meant when he called you "amor" since that's his go-to nickname for you. "Teach me?" You raised an eyebrow at him. "Teach you what?" He smiled. "Árabe."
"You sure?" He nodded and you smiled. "I can do it I think. You just have to be good listener." He grinned. "Well, I call you kalabi which is 'my heart.'"
"So like 'mi corazón' for me?" You tilted your head. "That was what you mean?" He chuckled. "Yes, amor." You felt your cheeks heat up. It always got to you when he called you that. You assumed it was because it was in his native tongue and not in English as you were normally used to. "We say habibi." He held your hand. "Can you teach me to say te amo?" You raised an eyebrow, until you realized what he said. "Anna asada ahbak." (I love you too.)
like i said, please feel free to correct me for any incorrect translations in Arabic! i appreciate it. :)
my requests are still open for the moon boys! :D
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fighter232 · 3 months ago
Nikmat Bermain Dengan Poen Kakak.
cerita ini mengisahkan tentang diri aku yang dah ketagih dengan benda2 seks ni.nak di jadikan cerita aku mempunyai seorang kakak yang boleh tahan dengan bentuk badan dia yang langsing dan seksi.
pada hari sabtu minggu lepas,ibu dan ayahku keluar ke majlis perkahwinan mak saudara aku,aku sengaja je.tak nak ikut mak ngan ayahku pergi ke majlis perkahwinan mak saudara aku.sebab kakak aku tak sihat jadi,aku teman la dia kat umah,tapi yang sebenarnya dalam hati aku nak jelajah satu badan kakak aku.
selepas mak ngan ayah aku dah tak kelihatan di depan rumah.aku dengan segera menutup pintu rumah.kakak ku bertanya *kenapa adik tutup pintu*,aku menjawab dengan keadaan selambe*takut ada orang datang masa mak ngan ayah tak da*kakak ku terseyum lalu masuk kedalam biliknya.
dalam fikiran ku tengah merancang macam mana nak upan kakak aku nie supaya masuk perangkap.
aku pergi ke bilik kakak ku dan tanya sama ada dia nak mandi ke tak sebab aku nak tolong dia mandi,
ekk,kakak menjawab dengan lemah lembut*nakal la adik nie*aku tersenyum gembira.tak pa la kakak boleh mandi sendiri bukan nya kakak lumpuh cuma demam je,kalau adik nak tolong sangat kemas baju kakak yang kat atas katil.aku aye kan aje.dah la gi keluar kakak nak buka baju nie,aku menjawab*buka baju waw*ish adik nie dah la gi keluar.aku pun keluar dari bilik kakak.2 minit kemudian kakak keluar dari bilik nya dalam keadaan bdan nya hanya berlapit kan tuala dan kain batik.aku dengan perlahan lahan mengekori kakak dari belakang tanpa pengetahuannya,
aku mengintai kakak dari celah lubang yang ada pada dinding rumah.lubang nya tak la besar sangat.mesti tak dapat bayangkan kalau korang berada di tempat aku nie,kakak dah terlanjang bulat di depan mata ku.tek-tek nya yang gebu dengan puting berwarna merah jambu.poen nya yang masih dara lagi.
tiba2 kakak memangdang ke arah dimana aku berada.lu kakak dengan pantas menutup poen dan tek-teknya dengan dua2 belah tangan nya.aku dengan pearasaan gementar beredar dari situ dengan segera.kakak segera mandi dan memakai kain batik yang dibawanya.aku dengan perasaan gementar.
takut kakak ku memarahi aku atas perbuatan yang aku dah buat tadi,kakak keluar dari bilik mandi.dengan mukanya sepeti dalam keadaan malu dan marah.kakak berjalan keaarah ku dan bertanya kepada ku*kenapa adik buat macam tw.
sanggup adik buat macam tw kat kakak,kakak melucutkan kain yang dipakainya sampai tiada seutus urat benang pun kat badan kakak,kakak mehalakan jarinya kearah poen nya dan berkata *kalau adik nak sangat benda nie bagi tw ja kat kakak.kakak boleh bagi tapi jangan wat cam tw lagi.
kaka k membawa aku masuk kedalam biliknya dan mengunci pintu,kakak membuka seluar dan baju ku.kami berdua sama2 berada dalam keadaan ter lanjang.aku merasa hari itu hari yang paling bahagia dalam hidup aku.aku mmbaringkan kakak diatas katil.
aku membuat love bit di leher kakak.makin lama aku makin turun sampai di buah dada nya.aku hisap tanpa henti.dan kemudian aku kankang kan kakak.tapi kakak menutup balik kangkang nya.aku bertanya *kenapa kakak *,kakak menjawab dekat buah dada leh la tapi.kat poen,tak mw la.
aku memujuk kakak.dan akhirnya kakak mengalah.aku membuka kangkang nya sehingga poen jelas kelihatan bulu pada poen kata tak la lebat sangat.baru nak tumbuh ja.aku jilat poen kakak.kakak mengeliat kesedapan.
aku menjolok poen kakak dengan jari tangan ku,kakak menjerit arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh laju lagi dik.aku melajukan hayunan keluar masuk jariku.adik kakak dah tak tahan nie,dah nak keluar dah.arghhh kakak klimak.aku mengambil sedikit air mani kakak lalu aku cuba menjilat.
setelah kakak melihat perbuataan ku itu kakak menarik tangan.aku dah tak tahan batang konek aku pun dah keras.aku tanya memberi tahu kakak yang aku nak memasuk kan konek aku ke dalam poen dia.kakak terseyum saja tanda setuju.
perlahan2 aku masuk kan konek ku ke dalam poen kakak,pada mulanya agak keras la jugak sebab kakak kan masih dara jadi lubang pada poen nya pun masih rapat lagi la,kakak pegang pada pinggang ku dan menghayun aku kedepan dan kebelakang dengan laju.kaki kakak mengeletar seperti lembu kena sembelih.nafas kakak perlahan.
kakak akhirnya klimak sekali lagi.tidak lama selepas itu aku pula rasa mcam cecair dalam konek aku nak meletus keluar.aku tanya pada kakak nak pancut kat dalam ka kat luar,kakak berkata kat dalam.aku ketika itu tergamam dengan keputusan kakak akhirnya konek aku meletus dalam poen kakak,aku terbaring diatas badan kakak.
kelihatan kakak sangat keletihan.mungkin dia rasa nikmat dan kesedapaan daripada aku tak.akhirnya kami berdua tertidu lena dengan keadaan konek ku masih didalam poen
kakak mengejutkan ku.adik bangun.sedar saja hari dah malam.tiba2(kring)telefon kakak berbunyi.rupanya ibu ku yang menelefon kakak.katanya mereka tak jadi pulang malam nie.aku dengan kakak bukan main suka lagi.
kakak mengambil tuala dan pergi ke bilik air untuk basuk kelangkang nya yang basah.aku join sekali mandi ngan kakak.masa mandi aku menjilat tek-tek kakak tanpa henti.
malam itu kami berdua tidur bersama dalam keadaan terlanjang.sambil tw tangan ku meraba poen kakak mana kala kakak bermain dengan konek ku.aku harap korang tak jadi macam aku ni sumbang mahram.tapi seronok..
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ah-val · 6 months ago
Namazını bırakma, her gün bir fatiha üç ihlas okumadan kalkma yataktan.
Allah(c.c) bizi rüyasında da,dünyasında da daima sevinenlerden eyleye.
Peygamberimiz (s.a.v) haber verdi, gece yatarken okumadan yatmayın. 21 Besmele 3 İhlas 1 Felak 1 Nas, 1 Fatiha 1 Ayetel kürsi, bütün peygamberlere salat-ü selam oku.
La ilahe illallahu vahdehu la şerike leh lehül mülkü ve lehül hamdü ve hüve ala külli şeyin kadir.
Yatmadan bunları oku.
Gönenli Mehmet Efendi Hazretleri Kuddise Sirruhu )
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