#led power supply transformer
led-driver-ottima · 8 days
Triac dimmable Electronic Transformer Junction Box series
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272stevenfang · 22 days
We have accumulated over 17 years of professional experience in manufacturing high-frequency transformers, inductors, and LED light power drive switch power supply sources. Unlike a trading company, we are a factory dedicated to producing these electronic components. Over the past 15 years, we have established long-term partnerships with five loyal customers in China who regularly place customized orders for the aforementioned products. These valued customers are trusted suppliers of raw materials for renowned Chinese enterprises such as Xiaomi, Huawei, YAG, Emma and others.
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karusels · 7 months
Светодиодный драйвер LED Lamp Driver Light Transformer Input AC Power Su...
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seat-safety-switch · 2 months
"Ah, the digimals," I lied. "I know exactly what you are talking about."
It was the start of my tumultuous three-week employment at Google. Google, who was once the most powerful company on Earth, had in recent years become enmeshed with bullshit-generating text engines to the point where they could no longer tell truth from fiction. Perhaps the greatest evidence of this fact was that they hired me to head up the new Digital Transformation division. Remember, kids, don't get high on your own supply.
Here's a secret about California: cars don't rust there. It's real dry, and really nice, and you can even drive dented cars around without them instantly turning into a pile of iron filings and swear words. So of course I jumped on the job. I could not believe my luck that they had decided the resume I was required to make in order to pass Reintegration With Society 101 class was good enough to offer me an executive-level position.
Now, all of you are fully aware that the average Silicon Valley management job involves showing up for one to two hours a week, doing nothing except making everyone's job harder, and then buying two vintage Porsches off eBay while taking a shit in your private executive bathroom. We accept it because, well, starting a whole revolution about it sounds a little bit "too much," and we got bigger fish to fry. For instance, a whole lot of people at Google were very concerned about Digital Transformation, which sounds either good or bad (I never figured out which.)
When they finally came to my spacious skull-emblazoned office and canned me, it wasn't because I was incompetent. No, my absolute lack of attention to any of my subordinates had led to immense success in Digital Transformation (again, either for or against – if you know, write in.) What they were mad about was that Facilities had filed a complaint. You see, I had cottoned on in my first day of work that I didn't actually have to buy an expensive California house. Google's parking lots were copious enough that I could simply leave my dozens of vintage Porsches there, without fear of rust, and sleep in a different race car bed each night.
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ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕜🧸
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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕟𝕖: Love at first sight
Word count: 3865
Summary: Y/n are oppressed and exploited, her grueling day of endless cleaning is a bleak reminder of her harsh reality. However, when she stumbles into a serene studio and meets Felix, an omega whose scent promises comfort, her world shifts. As Felix reveals Y/n’s true destiny as their last mate, she finds herself torn between fear and hope. With Alpha Chan’s unexpected kindness and the warmth of her newfound pack, Y/n’s journey from a life of servitude to a place of belonging begins, sparking a transformative chapter of love, acceptance, and new beginnings.
Warning: Angst/comfort, abuse, cursing, hate, insecurities.
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“Are you done cleaning the dance studios?” a rough voice asked Y/n, causing her body to go still on the floor. She was on her knees, finishing up the last of the cafeteria cleaning. Her body ached, and her arms screamed in pain from the scrubbing and washing she had been doing all day.
“Yes, Alpha,” she whispered, bowing her head and staring at the floor. She despised this situation; she despised him. Her hands trembled with fear as she awaited his command, waiting for him to use her, to dictate her next move like the slave she felt she was. But she could endure no more; everything hurt. She was on the verge of passing out. Exhausted was an understatement.
“Very well then, once you’re done here, go finish up in the studios. Most of the producers have been up and about all day, and their scents are becoming nauseating,” he snarled at her as he grabbed a plate. “I believe you have nothing else to do, hm, pretty girl?” He knelt down and grasped the omega by her chin. All she could do was look at him with disgust and fear. His fingers clawed at her jaw, making her whimper. She closed her eyes tightly, waiting for him to violate her as he normally did, but he was quickly interrupted by a group of trainees making their way to grab their dinner.
He huffed in frustration as he quickly pushed her away, causing the girl to knock over the bucket of water she had been using to clean the café earlier. She scrambled away from the raging alpha, fully aware of what he was capable of. “Look what you’ve done!” he hissed. “Clean this up and finish with the studios. I’ll see you later.” He licked his lips as his eyes roamed up and down her body. She stiffened and quickly grabbed the cleaning supplies from the ground. She knew better than to make a scene, as it would attract the attention of the trainees who were now chattering and selecting their meals.
“Pfft, pathetic,” she hears him say before he forces a smile and walks over to the kitchen. Once the coast is clear, she lets out a soft whimper as tears begin to roll down her cheeks. She hated every part of this—who wouldn’t? Being an omega was already difficult. They were at the bottom of the hierarchy and treated like objects rather than human beings. They were weaker and smaller, viewed merely as breeding machines, used solely for giving birth to pups for their packs or mates. It was truly horrible to be an omega.
Just like Y/n, many omegas were sold for substantial sums due to their rarity. Omegas began to go extinct when alphas established the largest omega rings, engaging in selling and trading while abusing their power. This exploitation led to the gradual decline of omegas, who suffered from painful subdrops or were outright killed. If an omega was found wandering alone without a pack, it was often the last time they would be seen.
“Breathe, it’ll be okay,” she whispered to herself as she grabbed her bucket and made her way to the studio. She walked through various corridors, ensuring she greeted her fellow omegas who were also working alongside her. Some of them were friendly, while others remained nonverbal due to the abuse they endured underground. The JYP building is enormous, housing a multitude of employees. The omegas knew their routes, focusing solely on cleaning and other duties, working day and night to ensure that all trainees and important idols were satisfied and that no complaints arose. If a complaint was lodged against an omega, they were taken away and never seen again. It is a cruel reality.
The first studio was dimly lit; it resembled the other studios, but this one was designated exclusively for Alphas. The scents surrounding her made her feel uneasy, and her Omega growled in response. However, she knew she had to complete her task or face punishment. She quickly began working to eliminate the overpowering scents of the Alphas, her hands moving swiftly as she hoped no other Alphas would enter. With determination, she successfully finished her work and made her way to the last studio.
She felt weak and exhausted, a fact evident in her trembling knees and chapped lips. She hoped they would be fed tonight, but her mind was spinning, and her inner omega was furious with her. The omega constantly urged her to protect herself or flee, but Y/N had learned to ignore this inner voice, leading to a back-and-forth struggle between them, sometimes resulting in complete silence, which could lead to a subdrop if she wasn't careful.
When she finally reached the last studio, she noticed the sign written on door, straykids, she instantly instantly let out a sigh of relief. This was the only room she could tolerate due to the pleasant They weren't gross or overwhelming like those those in the rooms for the other other groups of idols trainees; instead, instead, aromas aromas comforted At first, first, thought thought was was strange, but she got used used to it, making it one of the rooms rooms she actually actually enjoy. She quickly entered and to clean clean up. No one was inside, which they they all probably probably gone home. she she mistaken mistaken when she heard the door open and close, prompting her to hide behind the couch. Was it an alpha?
“Hello?” a deep voice called, sending shivers down her spine. “Is anyone in here?” he asked again, walking around. His footsteps were light, and his scent was incredibly sweet. Her omega was going feral over it, and she could instantly tell he was a member of the group also an omega, which helped to calm her nerves.
Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate.
What? Her eyes widened as she shrugged off her omega, which did not please her omega, causing her to start going feral.
Mate! mate! mate! Smells so good!
“Stop it,” she whispered harshly to herself, attempting to suppress the cries for this so-called mate. Her heart raced, and her chest felt tight. The room fell silent as she slammed her hands against her mouth, realizing what she had just done.
“Stop what?” The voice startled her, causing her to scream and fall back against the wall. She looked up and saw a blonde man gazing at her with a puzzled expression, almost grinning at the younger omega. “I knew someone was in here,” he said, chuckling. “What are you doing?” He extended his hand to help her up. “There’s no need to hide,” he added, his eyes sparkling as the corners of her eyes crinkled.
She sat up, terrified, wishing the wall could swallow her whole. He was beautiful, with long blonde hair and tiny freckles scattered across his face. His smile was radiant, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes deepened as he let out another giggle.
“I’m so sorry; I was just cleaning. I’ll leave now. Please don’t tell—” she began to panic as she quickly stood up from the corner. If she hadn’t had her patches on, she knew the room would have been filled with her rotting scent.
“Hey, hey, hey, calm down. I won’t hurt you,” the omega said, standing up from the sofa and raising his hands in defense. “I won’t tell anyone, okay? But are you alright?” Felix looked at the trembling omega, attempting to soothe her by releasing pheromones. He had never seen her before, but his omega was howling and urging him to talk to her, hold her, and even protect her.
What’s your name?” He stepped forward slowly, extending his hand for her to take. “Come on, I promise I won’t hurt you.” Y/n felt dazed; his scent was both calming and overwhelming. Her omega instincts craved it, as if it were gradually healing her body from its aches. “Y/n… my name is Y/n,” she replied softly, her hand slowly reaching for his.
Felix let out a sigh of relief as she took his hand. Electricity coursed through his veins at their skin. Her omega was satisfied with the contact, and both of their eyes flashed gold. “Well, Y/n, my name is Felix. You have such a lovely name,” he said with a smile. He understood why she was terrified; after all, he was an omega too, and he knew how cruel people could be. Judging by her reaction, he had a feeling she was one of the less fortunate omegas who were targets in this harsh world.
“Thank you. I apologize for you finding me here,” Felix said, looking at the omega with confusion. Why was she apologizing? “I was almost done cleaning, I promise. I’ll head out now; don’t mind—”
“Wait, why the rush?” His hand tightened around her wrist, causing her eyes to land on their intertwined fingers. “I was waiting for Channie-hyung anyway. I could use some company,” he smiled, hoping the omega would stay a little longer. “Would you like a drink? You look quite unwell,” he remarked while analyzing her facial features. She was beautiful; she really was. However, she appeared quite unhealthy, and Felix instinctively knew she was a cleaner based on her outfit and the cloth in her hand.
“I-I can’t; I will get into trouble…” The sound of a drink was enticing to Y/N, but she couldn’t risk getting into trouble again—not after the incident that occurred last time. If she did, she would face severe consequences, or worse.
“Oh, come on, just one drink! I promise no one will find out. It’ll be our little secret. Plus, I have so much left!” he exclaimed dramatically, causing her to smile. That made Felix’s heart skip a beat. “I made you smile, which means you owe me this,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows and eliciting a tiny chuckle from Y/n.
Her eyes quickly glanced at the time, and she sighed, realizing that the omega—well, Felix—wouldn't give up. “O-okay. Just one drink won't hurt,” she finally conceded. She hadn’t felt this happy in a while. Even if it was just a little, she couldn’t help but develop feelings for the boy, her omega purring in response. He barely knew her, yet he was so caring.
"What would you like? We have a variety thanks to Changbin-hyung; he loves collecting different drinks for everyone." He squats in front of the mini freezer, sorting through the variety of beverages. "I geuss you wouldn't like anything alcoholic," he says, looking up at her. She quickly shakes her head in response.
“Can I please have a bottle ofwater?” she asked quietly. Something simple yet satisfying.
“Yes, of course,” he said, grabbing a cold water bottle and a fruit bar before handing them to her and sitting down on the couch with his drink in hand. “Here, sit,” he patted the couch. “I promise I don’t bite,” he teased. She gave him a small smile before sitting at a distance and sipping the water. She couldn’t help but moan, earning a look from Felix.
“Sorry, its been a while, when she noticed the shocked look on his face. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she couldn't help it; the cold water soothed her throat.
“Been a while since you had a drink ofwater?” he asked, glancing at the omega nervously. What the hell was wrong with the JYP staff team.
“Yeah,” she says quietly, her eyes fixed on the table as she appears embarrassed. Felix couldn't help but frown; his omega instincts urged him to take her, to nest with her, and to cuddle her until she felt better and looked healthier. However, he knew that for now—at least until Chan arrived—he would have to maintain his composure. He honestly didn’t know how to manage all the emotions he was feeling, and it was evident when the omega next to him shifted and looked at him nervously.
“U-um, Felix… are you okay? Your scent—” She wrinkled her nose at the smell of burning cake or chocolate brownies; she couldn't quite pinpoint it.
“I’m so sorry,” he said quickly, covering his glands with his hands in an attempt to calm down. “My omega is just going really crazy right now.” She gasped upon hearing this. So, her omega wasn’t the only one acting erratically? Was Felix actually her mate? No, that was impossible. She shook her head, furrowing her eyebrows. His scent sweetened even more at the thought of her being their last mate.
“Cute,” Felix couldn't help but whisper, causing her to turn as red as a tomato. “I mean��” he coughed, feeling his own cheeks flush, “ugh! I’m sorry; I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” he grumbled while tugging at his sweatshirt.
“It’s okay, Felix. My—um, my omega really likes your scent,” she says quietly, nervous that he might reject her. “She keeps saying something about…”
“Mate?” he asked, equally shocked by her reaction.
“How did you know?"
“Because my omega is saying the same thing,” Felix says quickly as he sits up with a smile on his face.
“But… it can’t be,” she whispered, looking at the bottle in her hand. “This has to be a mistake.” She shot up from the chair, startling Felix a bit. Was this too much for her to handle? He let out a tiny whimper, afraid she was going to reject the bond. They barely knew each other, and he had already screwed up.
“No, please don’t leave,” he pleads, gently grasping her wrist. “This has to mean something, right? We can’t just ignore it.” She tensed as she sensed another scent in the room quickly looking at the door. An alpha. 
“Felix, I’m sorry I’m late,” a panicked voice entered the room as the door swung open and then shut. Chan looked up from his phone when he sensed the panic in Felix’s scent. He stopped in his tracks upon noticing a girl standing close to Felix. “What’s going on?” he asked slowly while setting down his laptop bag. He growled, disliking the fact that one of his packmates was in distress.
Y/N flinched at his growl, quickly realizing he was the pack alpha. She gulped hard and lowered her head, staring at the floor. “I’m sorry, Alpha. This is a big mistake. I mean no harm; I’ll leave now,” she said, panicking like a deer caught in the headlights. Her body, unlike before, began to tremble as she hurriedly grabbed her supplies.
“No, Y/nnie, wait! Don’t leave. Let’s talk about this," he begged once more desprate for her to stay. "Chan! She’s our last mate,” he exclaimed, looking at the alpha for help. “I know it! My omega has been going crazy, hyung.”
Shoot me now, was all Y/n thought as tears filled her eyes. Felix had potentially put her at great risk with this alpha. She didn’t know him, and to her, all alphas were mean and terrible.
“Okay…” He takes a deep breath calming down before stepping closer. “Let’s all take a deep breath and talk about this,” Chansaid, looking uneasy as he glances back and forth between the two omegas. Felix's hand remained tightly wrapped around her wrist. Chan noticing her work badge. Great she was an employee, he didnt have to worry about Felix's safety for now. “What’s your name, love?” he asks, releasing calming pheromones for both omegas to inhale.
Y/n looked at him nervously, but her body relaxed when his scent reached her. That was when she noticed what he had called her: Since when did alphas refer to omegas as Love? since when were alphas ever nice? Knowing the rules that had been established, she bowed and replied, demonstrating her submission to the pack alpha.
“Y/n, sir…” she says quietly, and Chan frowned at the name she had called him. Sir? Why would she refer to him that way unless… oh, no.
“You’re a ring omega?” Chan gasped, looking at her. He noticed all the signs: skinny, unhealthy, bruised, and dirty.
Y/n’s eyes widen at the mention of the ring, and her omega lets out a whimper, causing Chan's alpha to growl.
Protect, protect, protect.
His alpha chants resonated within him, leading to a profound realization: Mate.
“Yes—yes, sir,” she nodded, ashamed, while looking at the floor. Felix hadn’t even known this; well, he had his suspicions, as mentioned before, but he thought it might just be related to her job. “I truly apologize for intruding on your territory, Alpha. Please don’t hurt me. I will get out of your way,” she slipped her hand from Felix’s grip and bowed to the Alpha.
He smelled different from other Alphas, and the way he was built made her certain that he was a pack alpha, especially with the seven marks on his neck. Her omega instincts were on high alert. She longed to taste him, to beg for him; she wanted to bear his children and care for his pack. Her mind was telling her no, but her heart—and the slick that was growing between her folds—was saying yes. She desired him intensely.
“It’s okay, Y/nie. I won’t hurt you. How about you put everything down while Felix takes you back to the dorms to clean up? Hm? Obviously, judging by the way Felix is acting and how my alpha seems to want to mate and knot you right now in this studio, it means something.” He smiled, pulling Felix into a hug and giving him a deep kiss.
The boy blushes and lets out a whine, “Hyung! Not here.” He lightly smacks the alpha on the chest, causing him to laugh.
“M’ sorry. I just missedyou, pretty. did you have a good day?"
"yeah, we finished up the new dance with minho, he left to go start on dinner," his hands were wrapped around Chan's waist as he softly scents his cheek. "You're coming for dinner, right?" Chan hums in response, looking back up at Y/n and waiting for her to respond.
Y/n gazed at them adoringly, wishing she too had someone to kiss like that. However, she was jolted from her thoughts when she recalled what the alpha had asked earlier. Going back to the dorms? She would be in serious trouble with the head of staff if he found out. Was she truly their last mate? What would others think of her? What would the six other pack members think? This was all overwhelming, and her anxiety was causing her scent to saturate her patches, making them even itchier.
“I’ll take her to get cleaned up, Hyung. I can’t believe this!” he giggled excitedly. “We have another omega! Han is going to be so thrilled; we can create another racha.” He clapped his hands and quickly pecked Chan, making the older alpha grin at his happy omega. The room smelled sweet with all the joy.
“But… but my job, Alpha. I can’t leave. They’ll find me,” she whimpered, looking at Chan. Clear panic is evident in her eyes as he notices a familiar expression that Han would display whenever his panic attacks would strike.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’ll talk to them, alright? They can’t hurt you when they know you’re mine.”
Her heart fluttered at that; he had just claimed her.
“Yours?” she asks softly, gazing up at him. He smiles and gradually pulls her into a hug. Initially hesitant, he quickly envelops her when he sees her move closer, aching for his touch, he engulfs her quickly.
“Yes, mine. Will you allow us to take you in?” He asked rubbing her back as she slowly melted into his embrace.
“Yes. Yes, Alpha,” she whispered, but Chan whined at the name again. They would need to discuss that later.
"Oh my days! I'm going to explode with happiness! Y/bnie, you're the last packmate!" Felix was literally vibrating with joy.
Her omega was leaping with joy at the thought of finally being free and having a home filled with a pack. She inhaled more of his scent and couldn't help but smile. "I promise not to let you down once I become a part of the pack."
"I believe so. Welcome home, little one. It's been a while," she said with a giggle, covering her face shyly.
“Channie hyung?” Felix calls, pulling Chan out of the hug. He hums in response as he looks at the boy, who is all giddy and happy. “Can I take her shopping first, pretty please?! And to the hair salon and—”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down, Lixie. I know you're excited, and you can do all that after you introduce her to everyone.” Felix frowns but soon nods in agreement. “She needs some rest, plus Han would be furious with you when he finds out you went on an omega day out without him.” His eyes go wide before he nods again.
“You're right, hyung! Oh my gosh, I totally forgot. Come on, Y/nnie, we need to get you home as soon as possible!” He snaps his fingers before grabbing his bag.
“I’ll stay back and handle her paperwork, okay? I need to have a conversation with Sanhoo. I'll text the group and inform them about this. Please make sure Minho attends to her wounds,” Chan said, causing Y/n to tense up. She tugged at her skirt, now feeling a little self-conscious about it. He noticed but decided to talk to her about it later, not wanting her to feel embarrassed or insecure.
“Okay, babe, see you at home.” Felix pecks him on the cheek before grabbing her hand and leading her out the door.
“Felix, shouldn’t I drop off the cleaning supplies?” she asks, glancing back at the bucket and the items left scattered on the floor.
"No, I’ll take it." Chan quickly collected the few wash clothes and buckets.
“But sir-”
“I’ll take it. Y/nnie Don’t worry, I don’t want you running into Sanhoo; I promise it's okay,” Chan reassures her. Sensing she was uneasy about the situation, he couldn't blame her. He knew Sanhoo’s job and how he quite frankly made sure to embed fear into omegas. He didn’t like it at all, but there was little he could do.
"Okay,” she hesitated before making her way behind Felix. She was quiet the whole walk down. Felix entertained her by asking her questions and telling her about the pack and all the stories they lived. She was thankful that he was a yapper because her whole life she was isolated.
“Its 8:30; Minho-Hyung has probably cooked really delicious food. Do you like ramen?" Felix asks as they sit in the car. “Oh hi, Mingi!” He beams at the driver, who waves and bows to the younger boy. “This is our driver, Mingi. His going to be around for a while, so you have to get used to him.” He giggled before looking back at the driver. "Mingi, this is Y/N! We just found out she’s in the pack,” he boasts as he lays his head on her shoulder. “Isn’t she so pretty?” He asks innocently, causing the girl to blush and cover her face.
“She is indeed Yongbok; quite a lucky fella, aren't you?” The driver responds, enjoying the conversation with Felix.
“I am,” he says while yawning.
He glanced at Y/N before looking outside the window, explaining the different places and where the best spots are. Y/N listened to his calming voice, feeling safe and settled. Her eyes slowly shut and she felt a tiny kiss on her forehead as she slowly purrs due to the affection, falling into a deep sleep.
Authors note: Hey! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! please don't forget to reblog and follow. Welcome to my blog <3
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reddest-flower · 2 months
Cuba broke through its colonial domination into freedom. From the mountains of the Sierra Maestra and from the cities came the torrential power of the people against the US-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista. ‘The revolution is made in the midst of danger’, said Fidel Castro as he led his band of peasant-soldiers from the hills into the cities. They had triumphed against remarkable odds. Quickly, the revolutionaries passed a series of decrees – just as the Soviets had – to draw the key classes to their side. To draw in the urban Cubans, the revolutionaries cut rents by half – sending a strong signal to the bourgeoisie that they had a different class outlook. Then, the revolutionaries took on the United States, whose government held a monopoly over services to the island. Telephone and electrical companies – all American – were told to reduce their rates immediately. Then, on May 17, 1959, the Cuban government passed its agrarian reform – the keystone of the revolutionary process. Land holdings would be restricted so that no large landowners could dominate the landscape and so that the US sugar industry could not strangle the hopes of the island. The most radical part of the reform was not the land ceiling itself, but the logic that agrarian reform would transform the stagnation of the Cuban economy and its dependence upon the United States. The law clearly stated that, from a socialist standpoint,
«The agrarian reform has two principal objectives: (a) to facilitate the planting or the extension of new crops with the view of furnishing raw materials to industry, satisfying the food requirements of the nation, increasing the export of agricultural products and, reciprocally, the import of foreign products which are essential to use; (b) to develop the interior market (family, domestic) by raising the purchasing power of the rural population. In other words, increase the national demand in order to develop the industries atrophied by an overly restrained consumption, or in order to create those which, for lack of customers, were never able to get started among us.»
The revolutionaries wanted to diversify their sugarcane island, produce food security for their people, remove people from desperation, increase the ability of people to consume a range of goods and engineer a people-centred rather than an export-centred economy. Long before Castro announced his commitment to communism, the regime had already developed a carefully thought out socialist platform.
The United States of America, having overthrown the radical nationalist government in Guatemala in 1954, was eager to repeat the task in Cuba in 1959. An embargo came swiftly, as did every form of humiliation possible against the Cuban people. The Cuban economy was structured around dependency to Washington, with the sugar bought by the US firms and with the island turned into a playground for American tourists. Now, the US decided to squeeze this little island, only ninety miles from the US shoreline. Gunboats were readied, a failed invasion tried in April 1961 at the Bay of Pigs. Cuba was vulnerable but also protected by the deep roots of its revolution. But would this protection be sufficient? Could Cuba, alone, be able to survive the onslaught from the United States?
On February 5, 1960, a leader in the USSR and an Old Bolshevik – Anastas Mikoyan – came to Havana to join Fidel Castro at the opening of a Soviet scientific, cultural and technical exhibition. A week later, Mikoyan and Castro signed an agreement for the USSR to buy Cuban sugar at the world market price (in dollars) and provide credits for the Cubans to buy Russian goods. The USSR would subsequently buy almost all the Cuban sugar harvest, even as the Russian consumer market could very well have been supplied by beet sugar from within the USSR. Prices fluctuated, but, on balance, the Cubans were able to find a regular buyer to take over from the United States. The Russians also provided over a $100 million in credits toward the construction of Cuba’s chemical industry as well as trained Cuban technical and scientific workers in the USSR. Diversification of Cuba’s economy remained on the cards, although it became clear that it would not be an easy task. In August 1963, Castro announced that diversification, as well as industrialization, would be postponed. Cuba needed to concentrate on its sugarcane harvest to earn the means to survive the embargo.
On February 24, 1965, Che Guevara addressed the Second Economic Seminar of Afro-Asian Solidarity in Algiers, Algeria. He had come to talk about the economic problems for a revolution in a post-colonial country. Overthrowing the former colonizer was not enough, Che said, since ‘a real break’ is needed from imperialism for the new state to actually flourish and not remain in dependency. How could the post-colonial state survive a hostile economic climate? Who would buy its goods – mainly primary, unprocessed goods – at a fair price, and who would lend it capital at fair terms to develop? Capitalist banks and countries would not provide the post-colonial state, particularly a socialist state, with the means to break out of the trap of underdevelopment. Banks would lend money to a post-colonial state at rates higher than it would lend to a colonial power. Expensive money would only put the post-colonial state into further difficulty, as it would find it hard to service its debt and see its debt multiply out of hand. To prevent this situation, Che argued, the ‘socialist countries must help pay for the development of countries now starting out on the road to liberation’. Trade between socialist countries must not take place based on the law of value of capitalism, but through the creation of fraternal prices. ‘The real task’, Che said, ‘consists of setting prices that will permit development. A great shift in ideas will be involved in changing the order of international relations. Foreign trade should not determine policy, but should, on the contrary, be subordinated to a fraternal policy toward the peoples.’
China, in 1960, offered Cuba credit of $60 million without interest and without a timeline for repayment. This was an enviable loan. But the scale was much smaller than the Soviet assistance. By 1964, the USSR had provided Cuba with economic assistance valued at over $600 million, while the Eastern European countries offered several hundred million more in aid and assistance. The USSR had also trained over 3,000 Cubans in agronomy and agricultural mechanization as well as 900 Cubans as engineers and technicians. Che recognized the value of the Soviet ‘fraternal policy’ both in terms of the training and in the prices offered. ‘Clearly, we could not ask the Socialist world to buy this quantity of sugar at this price based on economic motives’, he had said in 1961, ‘because really there is no reason in world commerce for this purchase and it was simply a political gesture’.
Red Star Over the Third World, Vijay Prashad, 2019
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fatkish · 6 months
Of course, you can put a spin on my cat quirk user ♡
(Alright, just wanted to make sure.)
(Trigger warning: human and animal trafficking mentioned, also mentions of drugging someone)
Aizawa x Jaguar Reader
(The reader in this story is an actual Jaguar with a quirk that allows them to transform into a human)
Reader is a Jaguar who was naturally born with a human transformation quirk. They grew up in the Amazon jungle with their mother who was a normal Jaguar. The reader learned to hunt and was taught everything they needed in order to be a successful apex predator by their mother
The reader has human level intelligence due to their quirk.
One day, villains from Brazil found out about the reader. They eventually tranquillized and captured the reader, smuggling them into Japan were the villains planned to sell the reader in a black market auction
When the reader had woken up halfway through the shipping to Japan, they realized that their best chance of survival was to wait for the villains to let their guard down, then the reader could have a better chance of escaping. When the smugglers realized that the reader was awake they drugged them again, putting the reader back to sleep
Meanwhile in Japan, Detective Tsukauchi and the police had been tracking two of the main villains in charge of the auctions and running them. The police were planning a raid on the building the night of the auction. The people running it were notorious for human trafficking, the sale and trafficking of parts of or whole endangered animal species, kidnapping, etc.
Detective Tsukauchi was the lead investigator and asked Aizawa as well as Midnight to help in the raid. Midnight’s primary role was to help subdue the criminals as well as protect the heroes and police from any dangerous animals that might be found
On the night of the auction the reader wakes up inside a metal cage with a shock collar on their neck. They’re hidden beneath the stage in the storage area, surrounded by various cages with other humans and some animals
The humans all seemed to be young and mostly female, the reader could sense the fear that belonged to the humans in the cages. The humans also were wearing the strange collar that was around their own neck
The humans outside the cages all had white masks covering their faces. One of these people was walking around going to each cage and putting their hands on the humans heads. Once the person had come to them the reader snarled at them but was rewarded with a powerful shock running through their body.
The human placed their hands an the reader’s head, after feeling a weird tingling sensation, the human retracted their hands. The human then told the reader that they had better do whatever they are told, if they don’t listen, they will be shocked. With the effects of the drugs still wearing off, the reader didn’t question how they could suddenly understand what the human’s language.
Suddenly a loud voice is heard from above as the auction begins. After a few minutes, cages are wheeled over to a platform that lifts things onto the stage through the floor.
After the last cage before them is brought up, the human from earlier commands the reader to change into their human form. Not listening to the commands, the reader is shocked again when the human presses a rectangular object.
After that the reader transforms and a hook attached to a long pole is connected to their collar as they are led onto the lift
Outside the heroes and police are setting up and getting into position to start the raid. All entrances and exits have been surrounded. Once Tsukauchi has made sure everything and everyone was in place and ready, he gave the order to cut the buildings power supply thus signaling the start of the raid
As the heroes begin to enter the building and start taking out the buyers, auctioneers and other participants, the reader, having been sold to a wealthy businessman with a cat-girl fetish, is being led to one of the back rooms when the power goes out
Since the system that was controlling the collars was being powered by the building’s electrical system, once the power was shut off, the collars unlocked and deactivated
Realizing that this is their best chance at escaping, the reader transforms into their original form and attacks the nearest person in a mask. Using their natural predatory night vision, as well as their hunting skills, the reader slinks through the hall avoiding as many people as possible using the darkness to their advantage
After passing by a hall filled with a purple fog, the reader turns the corner and finds themselves back at the stage where a human with strange glowing red eyes protected by some strange yellow covering, is fighting the humans in white masks
This human had some strange long grey appendage? No, tool? They were using it to capture the humans and fight them. This human also smelled different than the humans in masks
Distracted by their predatory analyzation of the human, they didn’t notice that the human had defeated all of the other humans present. When the human suddenly turned their attention and focus onto them.
The human stared at the reader for a moment before removing the yellow eye coverings. Quickly retrieving something from its waist, the human tilted their head back, dropping some kind of liquid into its eyes.
The human, after a few blinks, stares the reader in the eyes as the human’s mane raises and its eyes glow red. Seeing this as some kind of human threatening display, the reader snarls as they bear their fangs and crouch into position to pounce onto the human if necessary
After a few seconds the human lowered its mane as its eyes stopped glowing. The human raised its front paw and told the reader that they are not a threat and that they are not going to hurt them. The human didn’t seem to have any sort of fear and was obviously not a prey but they were still wary of the reader.
Suddenly another human called out and was running up behind the human, before either human could react, the reader pounced onto the new human, believing them to be a threat. Sinking their claws into the human’s shoulders and about to go for the head, Aizawa shouts no, in distress.
Realizing that the human was upset by them attacking the other human, the reader turns to look at Aizawa as they get off of the police officer.
After checking on the officer’s condition and making sure they were okay, Aizawa turns to the reader after realizing that they stopped their attack after he told them to
Carefully approaching the reader, Aizawa asks them if they can understand what he’s saying and to lift their front paw if they can. The reader lifts their paw and afterwards slowly approaches Aizawa. Before the reader can get to close a purple fog surrounds them as a loud sound is made as they feel a sharp pain in their hind leg. Before they can turn and attack the human the reader falls asleep
After dealing with the clean up and arresting the criminals, Tsukauchi approaches Aizawa with a file containing a list of the items being sold. When looking at the file, Tsukauchi points out the reader’s information.
When Aizawa confirms that the listed information is true, that being that the reader is actually an animal with a quirk, Aizawa asks Tsukauchi what would be done with the reader.
Tsukauchi tells him that there really isn’t much he can do about what would happen to the reader, but that the reader would either be handed over to scientists or placed in a zoo or research sanctuary.
Aizawa decides that the reader would probably be subjected to experiments and would be forced to undergo extensive and invasive tests, he calls Nedzu and tells him about the reader
When the reader wakes up, they are laying on a pile of blankets with bandages wrapped around the top of their left hind leg. Looking around they are met by a white rodent.
The rodent introduces himself as Nedzu, he explains to the reader what happened and what their current situation is. He explains that humans are not used to seeing animals with abilities like theirs. He tells the reader that humans are likely to experiment on animals like them since they are different.
Nedzu tells them that since they are capable of understanding humans, that the reader’s best course of action is to learn to live like a human and understand human society. He tells the reader that he can help them and give them the opportunity to become what humans call a hero
After much discussion mainly on Nedzu’s part, the reader agrees to live at UA. Aizawa, being the one who found them, is put in charge of the reader and is made their handler/guardian
Aizawa teaches the reader what they need to know and how society works. While Aizawa teaches, the reader either sleeps or patrols the grounds. At night, when Aizawa is on patrol, the reader follows him as his sidekick.
Power loader creates a special suit for the reader to wear made of the reader’s own fur, that way they are not naked when they transform. The reader is officially a member of the Aizawa family
Hope you enjoyed this
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hanayori89 · 9 months
The Hand That Heals
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You were one of the contaminated ones.
The Hylians didn't use words like 'infected' or 'diseased.' Not that those words were much better. No matter what the title was for your malady, they all hurt just the same.
But something about the word 'contaminated' made you feel stark and hopeless.
Infections and diseases often have cures. Something that is tarnished, something that is ruined, is not salvaged; it is just disposed of.
And that's exactly what you felt like.
Which is why you disposed of yourself within the pockets of decaying earth that lay beneath
Hyrule's bedrock known as the depths.
It was your way of throwing yourself away before mobs of frightened citizens attempted to.
The depths were no place for the robust and bright-eyed. Or the 'uncontaminated.'
It wasn't all bad being exiled deep below in the cold and musty undergrounds. Especially since most of Hyrule had been thrown into peril by recent devastating events.
First there was the rise of the highly contagious 'gloom'. Followed by the princess and her loyal knight, who had both mysteriously vanished.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, was the coup being held by the restless Demon King known as Ganondorf.
Yes, you decided the healthy could have their surface; you were quite content existing in isolation, where the only threat was that of you and your gloom germs.
Living in the depths proved challenging for a mere mortal. Your circadian rhythm has been destroyed thanks to the lack of sunlight. Supplies were scarce, causing you to forage  whatever you could find. Mostly mushrooms and glowing cave fish, but hey, fish have omega-3's, right?
The biggest challenge was the constant darkness- a darkness unparalleled to anything you've ever encountered before. Not even the glum of a thick and clouded wilderness or a quiet, uninhabited basement could compare.
You'd never known what it meant to be in the dark before your time in the depths.
They held a darkness that consumed you, making you question if you truly were even alive. Making you question if you ever even were. Part of you grew to appreciate what little the depths revealed, such as the unforgiving side effects of the gloom and how it mutilated you.
The depths did more than just shield you and your contamination from the healthy residents of Hyrule; they protected you from the trauma of what you had become.
But every now and then, when you threw a bright bloom seed or lit a fire, there was a remorseless glow that revealed the way the gloom was devouring you. It only took a single glance at your wiry fingers and the bedizen of ashen knuckles that led to the fungal tint of your nail beds, to be reminded.
You couldn't even begin to imagine the abomination that was now your face.
Before the gloom, you were considered to be beautiful, at least to some. You had thick h/c locks that, if shaved, could easily coat the heads of 50 dolls. Your e/c eyes were striking against your s/c complexion, garnering you an abundance of compliments throughout your life. You had a thicker body, a well-fed one. Your hips were wide thanks to the cheesecake slices you graciously never skipped when offered. But now, thanks to the slim pickings of the depths, your body has taken on a lanky, frail appearance.
You trekked back toward your camp, tossing bright bloom seeds along the way to illuminate your path. You held your breath, listening carefully to your surroundings. The past horrors of trying to navigate the dark and coming face-to-face with a contaminated Lynel left you with a bit of ptsd.
Besides the depths being difficult to traverse thanks to a severe lack of light, they were also a domicile of frightening creatures that had been metamorphosed by the transformative powers of the gloom.
Sometimes you couldn't help but wonder how long it would take before you became one of them.
The bright bloom seeds were a tool that provided enough light to hunt, but not much else. The irony of the depths was that despite the blockade of layers of soil and organic matter preventing the entrance of light, there was a multitude of bright bloom seeds that flourished down here.
Yes, the depths truly were a whole new world. Starting with this darkness, which could easily cause one to mistake hell for heaven. You weren't aware of all the secrets buried within these shadows, and you also knew you weren't too eager to find out.
You breathed a little easier when the comforting flames of your camp came into view. As you lifted your arm, aiming to launch another bright bloom seed, you saw a figure at your camp. The closer you got, the more you recognized the familiar outline of a short, spiny ponytail jutting above the familiar white sheen of a face mask.
"Of all the founding fathers of Hyrule, what is a Yiga buffoon doing down here?" You growled.
Anger propelled you forward; rebellion coursed through your veins and burned like lidocaine on an open wound. You had so very little left, and the desire to protect what little you possessed was fierce. Fish carcasses and mushrooms were strewn around the ground as the Yiga's grubby hands rummaged through your knapsack. In it were pictures of your family and what little rupees you had to your name, should you ever be magically cured of your gloom diagnosis and could return home.
You tackled the Yiga to the ground. "How dare you!" The Yiga screamed. As you gripped his arm, the gloom in your hands incinerated the fabric of his sleeves, branding his flesh with your handprints.
"You bitch!" He stumbled out of your grasp, dropping all of your rupees in the process. One of the photos of your father and mother fell from the knapsack and fluttered downward into the open blaze of your campfire.
You screamed.
You stuck your hand into the fire, wincing as you retrieved the charred photo. The melted faces of your mother and father stared back at you. The photo began to shrivel beneath a small flame that continued to eat it.
You puckered your lips, releasing hefty currents of your breath. You had to blow this fire out.
You just had to.
This photo was one of the few you had that was a memory of when your life was normal. The smiles of your parents were the last visible evidence you had that they loved you before you contracted the gloom.
With a sickle in hand, the Yiga sprinted toward you, hollering a bunch of muffled expletives you couldn't hear well thanks to his ridiculous mask.
As you braced for impact, the Yiga fell face first in the dirt before your feet. An arrow protruded from his back.
He had been shot.
You fell to your knees, holding the destroyed photo, where your parents' faces had been, that now held your fallen tears.
A quiet voice called out to you; so soft was this voice that you thought it was your imagination.
"Are you alright?"
A figure came into focus; you couldn't make out his face, just the scraggly tresses that were whipped around his shoulders and the outline of his beefed-up biceps.
"Stay back!" You warned. "I'm contaminated..." You stifled another sob. The heroic intruder held his hands up, demonstrating that he was not a threat.
Which was all the more reason you had to warn him that you were.
He took a cautious step forward. "I've only come to ask a question." He retrieved a crumpled piece of paper from a satchel on his side. He retained his anonymity beneath the shadows, allowing you to only make out the faint outline of his fine lips as he spoke. "Have you seen her?"
You stood, taking a step toward him but keeping yourself hidden as well. It was almost as if you both wanted to remain concealed from one another. Despite the smeared ink that bled slightly down the paper and the creases that obscured the image, you could recognize the viridescent glare of Hyrule's missing princess on the sheet.
"Princess Zelda? They're searching the depths now?"
"No acre of land below or above should go without searching until we find her."
"Well, as you can see, these depths here hold no one but me and my greedy thief friend you have so kindly slain."
He tucked the sheet of paper back into his satchel but remained in your vision, or what the hollowed dark allowed of your vision. "Say, did they find her knight? Lonk? Ling?"
You could see the stranger open his lips, only to clutch them back together. "Link. His name is Link. And no, no, they haven't."
You turned your back to the stranger, assessing the mess the Yiga soldier had made of your supplies. You bent back down and picked up your parents' photo, choking on another wave of tears.
The man's voice sounded from behind you, only slightly closer now. "I can fix that for you."
You peered at him from over your shoulder. He was close enough to the fire that you could see part of the bare skin of his chest and his sculpted chin, which led to his chapped lips.
You still couldn't quite see his eyes.
He held his hand out, and you noticed his fingernails were long and jagged, not having seen nail clippers in some time. An alluring glow seemed to trickle down his arm in an intricate maze of glowing jade lines. You placed the photo in his hand, careful not to touch him with your fingers. You kept your face hidden in your shoulder, afraid that the first shred of kindness you had been given would be taken if he should see you beneath the truth of the fire's flames.
He held the photo, his silence encompassing you both. He was so still, that for a moment, you thought he had stopped breathing. Until you noticed his clavicles and chest slightly puff out and contract with breath.
The soft, verdant glow became more visceral. You continued to keep your back turned and your face hidden, your eyes never leaving the radiance of his arm.
After a moment, he handed the photo back to you. You quickly turned to snatch it back, burrowing your face in your shirt. As you observed it, you saw the bright, shining smiles of your parents peering back at you unscathed. For a moment, you forgot the enticing and enigmatic stranger that stood before you, letting your shirt fall from your face as you studied the photo above the fire's not too generous lighting. You could make out a thin line of some type of green jelly adhesive that repaired some of the rips in the photos. Without the light, the glue that he had created with his hand was mostly undetectable.
You stared at him in awe. "This is... this is amazing. I couldn't begin to repay your kindness. This is all I have left to remind me of my life before the gloom. Of the way people loved me before I became a monster." As you lifted your finger to wipe a tear away, you remembered your face was on display before him.
Your face and all the crusty and haggard abrasions of gloom that now coat it.
"No!" You cried. You began to back away, burying your face in your palms. "Don't look at me!"
But the boy grabbed your wrist with his enchanted hand, pulling it from your face. "You're beautiful." He whispered with a tone that was almost believable.
"Yeah right. Look at what this gloom is doing to us; if it isn't destroying us, it's dividing us! My own family banished me from my home!"
The man let your wrist go and held his arm in your vision. He spoke matter-of-factly, remaining out of the fire's path, so he was still shielded from you. "I'm missing my arm."
He held his arm out; the urge to touch it made the tips of your fingers tingle.
"May I?"
"Only if I can touch your face."
"You'll become contaminated."
You heard a slightly unhinged chuckle. "I'm not afraid... besides, there is a cure for the gloom."
"What!" You gasped. You felt your feet become unsteady. You stepped forward, attempting to grab the man's shirt, only to realize it was a one-shoulder tunic that looked rather outdated.
"Please, I'll do anything; please, I want to be cured! I want to be myself again, to be able to look at people and not be plagued by the cruel judgment in their eyes when they see what I've become."
The man's arm began to emanate light once again.
"If that's what you desire, what your heart truly wants, then I can heal you."
Swirls of sage traveled down his arm, glimmering brighter and more blatant.
Your lips parted at the man who stood before you.
Your savior.
Your healer.
You whispered. "Who are you?"
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yujo-nishimura · 2 months
Shambles (Working title)
Took a creative break from my master thesis and had an idea about a devil fruit eater who could communicate with the dead.
Warnings: imprisonment, violence, non-consensual sexual behavior
Note: English is not my native language, mistakes can occur, no time for proof reading
Part 1 Part 2
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Your eyes were wide with sheer terror as Doflamingo's colossal statue loomed menacingly overhead. You knew, deep down, that you stood no chance against the sheer power and might of the king of Dressrosa. Neither fighting him directly nor attempting to flee crossed your mind as viable options - you were utterly at his mercy.
In a last-ditch effort, you stammered, "W-with my powers, I can help you become even more influential!" But your words fell on deaf ears as Doflamingo erupted in a chilling, malevolent laugh.
"Do you truly believe I have any need for additional power?" he sneered, his grip tightening as he pulled you flush against his chest. "No, my dear, your pitiful little skills hold no interest for me." His smile widened, the pink tint of his sunglasses doing little to conceal the predatory gleam in his eyes. "However, it has been some time since a beautiful young woman visited the halls of my castle."
Suddenly, you felt his hands upon your hips, a hot and invasive grip that made your skin crawl. "If you simply obey my orders," he purred, his voice dripping with dangerous promise, "I may allow you to live a while longer."
With a sinking feeling, you whispered, "What... orders?" The answer became painfully clear as his hands slid lower, gently squeezing the flesh of your backside.
Just as Doflamingo began to lean in, intent on forcefully capturing your lips, the door to the chamber was suddenly flung open. The young woman from earlier entered, with a sense of urgency in her step, her expression indicating she was all too familiar with the unsavory scene unfolding before her.
Choosing to ignore the compromising situation, she swiftly announced, "Apologies for the interruption, Young Master. We have a disturbance outside the castle - a group of pirates led by a polar bear are attempting to attack us."
Doflamingo's wicked smile did not falter at the news. He momentarily released his grip on you, causing you to stumble backwards.
"That sounds most entertaining," he purred, his gaze still fixed hungrily upon you. "See to it that you take care of my... plaything while I go attend to this polar bear and his zoo. I think I know who we are dealing with…" 
Just as you regained your footing, Doflamingo's vice-like grip suddenly encircled your neck, cutting off your air supply. You choked and gasped, struggling frantically against his relentless stranglehold. With a dismissive flick of his wrist, he tossed you to the ground at the woman's feet, glaring down at you with undisguised contempt.
"Put her in the basement for now," he commanded. "I'll give her a... proper treatment later."
Through the tears streaming down your face, you looked up at the ill-tempered woman, the cigarette still dangling from her lips. She did not even try to offer you a choice - her arm suddenly transformed into the barrel of a pistol, the weapon's muzzle trained directly at you. Clearly, she too possessed a Devil Fruit power.
Slowly, painfully, you rose to your feet, knowing resistance would be futile against her firearm. Without a word, she prodded you forward, the cold steel of the pistol pressing into your back. You trudged ahead, heart pounding, until you reached the far end of the room.
Suddenly, the floor beneath you gave way, opening into a black abyss. With a shove, the woman sent you plummeting down into the unknown depths below.
The fall was not as deep as you had feared, but the impact still left you winded, gasping for breath as you landed uncomfortably on your back. The ground beneath you was cold, hard stone, and the air around you felt stale and damp. As you slowly tried to sit up, a sharp pain shot through your back, reminding you of the injuries you had most likely sustained. 
"Stay down. I'll get us out of here in a minute and then check on your injury," came a familiar voice from your left.
"Who...who are you?" you asked weakly.
"May I?" The gentle tone of the voice convinced you and you could only nod. Suddenly you felt a warm hand come to rest on your shoulder. Instantly, your Devil Fruit powers were activated, and you saw the vivid memory of the blonde man lying in the snow, his face streaked with blood.
"It's you. From earlier. The man with the sword and the white hat," you murmured.
"My name is Law," he replied, removing his hand and breaking the connection. "I'll get us out of here, and then you'll need to explain your powers to me."
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technocite · 11 days
Monsterframe hex notes below the cut: it’s become a horrible doozy of an au and I’m having so much fun with it
I’m taking a page out of dark sector for this au and making it so that the Hex have to get weekly booster shots that slow down and control the helminth infecting them. This wasn’t really a problem when they worked with Entrati, but as fugitives they’re on a limited supply of the booster shots and are forced to ration it out and manage going for longer periods of time without the booster stabilizing their bodies. They’re able to resupply boosters by raiding Scaldra encampments and stealing supplies, but that’s usually extremely dangerous and risky. Initial attempts to convince the Scaldra that they’re *not* infested monsters that need to be put down like a sick dog are extremely hampered by the fact that someone keeps turning into a horrible warframe beast and runs around biting people. Because Eleanor’s so infected she’s given priority to the booster shots (because nobody can really afford for her to get even more infected) but the rest are often forced to argue over who’s going to have to endure a week without a booster (this is done by pulling straws, or by a rotating system. Originally it was done by volunteering basis but they had to stop and find a new system early on because Arthur’s martyr complex led to him going a full month without shots and having an absolutely horrible time.) Going an extra week without the booster is technically manageable, although it does greatly increase the risk of an episode and by the ninth day the unlucky hex is usually antsy and agitated and physically ill from the helminth consuming their body from the inside out. If someone transforms, a booster can be used to force them to revert back to human form. It’s the most effective way to bring someone down, but they try to avoid doing this due to boosters being in short supply.
So the tf triggers would be
- injury (the more severe the higher the likelihood of turning, I.e. stubbing your toe won’t turn you but getting shot in the abdomen by a high caliber bullet and having your guts turned into canned dog food and your artery exposed spilling dangerous amounts of blood too quickly is a quick one way trip to monster land.)
- Using their powers too much (like, really pushing it past the point of exhaustion. Their powers do take some effort and energy to pull off and there’s a point where you’ve exceeded your body’s ability to manage. Usually this isn’t a problem unless someone is forced to be using a warframe ability for at least a few hours straight. Passives like super speed/magnetizing small lightweight metal doodads/telepathic communication don’t count).
- Psychological distress (extreme emotions and stress can trigger a transformation. The fight or flight response can trigger a transformation. Basically anything that floods the body with cortisol could trigger a transformation. Which is not good news for the hex since they’re all suffering from Super Space Cancer That Makes You Mentally Ill)
The transformation is gruesome and painful (there will be vomiting of blood and bones cracking) but it thankfully takes no longer than a minute to complete. It can be fought to an extent, but doing so often makes the process a billion times worse and drags it out unnecessarily. Because that’s fun and I love horrible werewolf narratives because i have wires crossed in my brain that makes this stuff delight me unreasonably.
When transformed, the level of lucidity that they possess varies depending on the circumstances, and more often than not they’re trapped in an extremely panicked, enraged and/or irrational state of mind, often overwhelmed by extreme hunger and pain. Thinking clearly in this state is extremely difficult, and attempts to do so are excruciatingly frustrating. When they return to human form (which happens either after a period of time where they exhaust themselves, or are hit with a booster serum, or are calmed down by the power of love and friendship and whatever) their memories of what happened during their rampage ranges from complete amnesia to vague impressions to disturbing clarity. They also suffer from hangover-like symptoms for several hours afterwards. Everyone’s having a horrible time and their bodies and minds are slowly being unraveled from the stress and the helminth and they are in desperate need of a hug. The moment they figure out the Drifter can alleviate their emotional and physical pain via transference they practically swarm them and argue over whose turn it is for transference because oh my god they need help.
There’s more and none of this is set in stone because it’s all made up but it’s ten pm and I’m tired so that’s all for today
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duckapus · 2 months
Nicktoons: Fractureverse
An idea based on FusionFall.
The Mawgu somehow returns, seeking revenge on the nine (technically eleven but for some reason Cosmo and Wanda don’t count as separate from Timmy for the purposes of the prophecy) Chosen Heroes who defeated him on Volcano Island. To that end, he tears the space-time continuum asunder, linking their worlds and many others (so every Nickelodeon universe I can think of) with unstable portals called Fractures, and then exploits the ensuing chaos to stage an invasion. He manages to do a lot of damage, most notably conquering Bikini Bottom and transforming it into his new base of operations, causing Fairy World to crash-land in the desert just outside of Retroville (it’s still mostly intact but it’s stuck on the ground afterwards), and stealing about 40% of the Irken Empire, but is met with resistance far sooner than he anticipated.
It turns out that Jimmy was aware of the possibility of the Mawgu escaping and had been working on countermeasures, creating weapons specifically designed to destroy his ooze’s unique chemical makeup and sap the energy his true self consists of. They’re not enough to defeat him outright, not yet, but for now they’re enough to turn this into a war instead of a slaughter. It also helps that the Mawgu’s powers don’t work well on machines (and that he doesn’t really understand them, though the Irkens now under his control do mitigate that somewhat), and that he’s somehow developed a weakness to weaponized ectoplasm. By contrast, his presence (and probably the whole shattering spacetime thing) now severely weakens Fairy magic, hence the quite literal Fall of Fairy World.
A war as unconventional as this requires an unconventional army, and one is formed by the various heroes and altruistic oddballs of the newly dubbed Fractureverse, as well as their allies, a handful of their enemies who can see the writing on the wall, and anyone else willing to step up and help. They call it the United Dimensional Defense Force, or UDDF, and its main headquarters is in a newly built part of Dimmsdale called Dry Atlantis, which is where most of the Bikini Bottom refugees are staying. As you’d expect, the actual Nicktoons team (particularly the Chosen Nine) end up as key players in the war, with Timmy in particular somehow ending up as the leader of the entire UDDF.
And then, of course there’s the villains. While a few of them either joined the UDDF or are still acting on their own, most of them have joined the Syndicate. However, there’s been a divide there. The New Syndicate, led by Plankton, have decided to put aside their antagonism for now and cooperate with the UDDF while remaining a mostly independent faction, seeing the Mawgu as a greater threat to their plans (and lives) than the heroes could ever be. The much smaller Old Syndicate, led by Professor Calamitous, were unwilling and/or unable to curb their ego and ambition, and are trying to exploit the war for their own ends. Interestingly, despite the name, Calamitous is the only one of the four founding members of the original Evil Syndicate to be part of the Old Syndicate, with Crocker serving as Plankton’s head of R&D and Vlad being too busy as the mayor of one of the Mawgu’s biggest targets to join anyone, though he has been financially and politically supporting the UDDF, and supplying the NS with his ghost research and knockoff Fenton Tech. Also the GIW isn’t working with anybody since the NS and UDDF have ghosts on staff and aren’t even remotely willing to hand them over, the OS is literally a war profiteering criminal organization, and they’re too Xenophobic and patriotic to even entertain the idea of betraying earth and siding with the Mawgu, which is good for them considering they’d either get turned into puppets or just destroyed. The Irken Empire isn’t getting involved (aside from a few individuals like Zim, Tak and Skoodge) despite the heavy loss they were dealt because Red and Purple, as per usual, don’t give a shit.
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callimara · 1 year
The Setting
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A quaint town with a population of 10,000. Located in the Pas-de-Calais department of Northern France, it is an amalgamation of days past and modern times; preserving its original construction from 150 years ago while intertwining with modern-day advancements.
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The town was founded in the late 1800s by Olivier Bougainvillea: a renowned physicist from Paris who led a scientific expedition to the area that would later be known as Bougainville. The goal of his expedition was to study unusual electromagnetic radiations within the area. He set up a research base that would inadvertently grow with the influx of scientists and researchers Bougainvillea recruited to participate in his research. The growing scale of Bougainvillea's research necessitated better infrastructure and living facilities; resulting in the arrival of more labor for construction. The rapid influx of people now requiring long-term accommodation in the area demanded more housing, and soon the base had transformed into a small hamlet. Thus, began the settlement of Bougainville. As time passed, the families of the workers and researchers had relocated to the area; operating independent businesses to fill demands such as clothing, food, and other essential supplies. And as the economy grew, so did the settlement. More merchants and businesses settled in the hamlet, and soon, what was once a research base became the town of Bougainville: named after the lead scientist that pioneered the settlement of the area and powered the town with his discoveries and innovations. In honour of his legacy, Bougainvillea flowers line the front of almost every street, creating a beautiful sight at every turn.
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Bougainville has Calais to the north, Le Portel to the west, Lumbres to the east, and Desvres to the south. It is nestled adjacent to the Parc naturel regional des caps et marais d’Opale. As such, lazily drifting fog and chilly weather are a permanent fixture in the small town, perfectly complementing its slow, leisurely lifestyle. A river divides the town into two sides: West and East. Western Bougainville is its central business district; housing the entertainment district and the shopping district; as well as the town hall, Bougainville bank, and police station. Eastern Bougainville is the town’s health and education district; being the location of Bougainvillea University, Bougainville General Hospital, and the Bougainvillea Foundation’s central laboratory; which is open to the public as a science museum. To the north of the town is the Emilie Francoise Nature Reserve, which is 1000 acres of protected marshland and forest. It is also here that the Bougainvillea Power Plant is located; which provides electricity to the entire town.
The Bougainvillea Foundation
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A multinational conglomerate with subsidiaries in a variety of industries.
Including, but not limited to:
medical equipment
non-profit organizations
military equipment
Central Laboratory
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One of the crowning jewels of Bougainville, the Bougainvillea central laboratory is a marvel of modern engineering. From its humble beginnings as a research tent, it is now the primary location for all of the Bougainvillea Foundation’s science exhibitions. Thus, it is a famous field trip destination for many educational institutes. It is the oldest and largest lab of the Bougainvillea Foundation. It has contributed much to the lifestyle advancements in Bougainville by: supplying power; being the primary supplier of medicine, medical supplies, and funds the Bougainville healthcare system; and founding Bougainvillea University.
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Bougainvillea University
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Founded in the honor of Olivier Bougainvillea for his contributions to modern science and the founding of Bougainville, Bougainvillea University strives to shape brilliant minds that will pave the way to innovation and discovery. Graduates of this university may receive highly coveted employment with the Bougainvillea Foundation.
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Bougainville General Hospital
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From its humble beginnings as a small 3-bed health clinic, the facility has grown to an impressive 300-bed general hospital with an emergency department and specialist operating theatres. Though it has maintained its original exterior, its interior has been refurbished with state-of-the-art healthcare facilities thanks to the generous donations of the Bougainvillea Foundation.
Shopping District
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The location of most of the shops in Bougainville. It is the most popular tourist and student destination in town, boasting an array of grocers, book stores, bakeries, boutiques, cafes, restaurants, and wineries.
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Entertainment District
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The centre of Bougainville’s nightlife, this area is where most of Bougainville’s adult recreational businesses are located. From bars, taverns, and billiard, to nightclubs, strip clubs and gambling.
Emilie Francoise Nature Reserve
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Named after the town founder’s wife and fellow scientist, Emilie Francoise nature reserve is 1000 acres of protected marshland and forest. The reserve is a popular hiking and camping destination for locals and visitors alike. In honor of Olivier Bougainvillea's beloved wife, fellow scientist, and Parisian ecologist, the nature reserve aims to continue the conservation efforts of Emilie Francoise Bougainvillea in protecting the town’s natural landscape.
Key Locations
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Luna Lake A crystalline lake that is 30 km wide that reflects the sky like a mirror. At night time, it seems to hold the moon on its surface. It is populated by diverse aquatic life, making it a popular fishing spot.
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Bellevue Valley A valley covered with flowers all year long. Different flowers bloom during different seasons and months.
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Celine Falls The biggest, most scenic water fall in the nature reserve
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Labyrinthe Marshland The largest marshland in the nature reserve and home to a diverse population of wildlife.
The Underground
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There are whispers of an underground black market where illicit goods and services are distributed. Though its location is largely unknown…
▶ Wildward Master Post
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello may I ask a quick question do you write for Male reader like for example a Male Akaza reader x Portas d Ace. Or like Gray fullbuster with a long lost Twin male Reader who is a master thief , and con artist but the council blames gray for his brother’s misdeeds?
Hello, my dear one, I do write male readers but I’m still pretty fresh at it so please forgive me. Looking over your request and what you sent to me I decided to take the easier of the two, just so I can practice a bit more. I hope you like it!
-Unlike the other members of the guild who were all panicking, demanding to know why the guards were apprehending Gray, accusing him of crimes, Gray was calm, as he knew that he never did any of what the guards said he did, stealing from obnoxiously wealthy nobles, mocking the guards, trespassing, and breaking and entering to name a few.
-Everyone was stunned when the guards provided photographic proof, showing a young man wearing a beautiful black suit with a swallowtail jacket and a black flat cap on top with pristine white gloves, swinging away from the royal palace on a zip line.
-The man in the photo was undeniably Gray! It looked just like him!!
-A few others, the more levelheaded members, were able to show proof of Gray’s whereabouts during these crimes, including video records and multiple witnesses including those not in the guild.
-The head guard was beside himself, there was no denying the proof of the alibi, that whoever committed all these crimes was not Gray.
-This led to an investigation, thinking it was someone using transformation magic to make themselves look like Gray, which brought up the question if he had any enemies who had this type of skill. Gray himself, just to solidify his innocence, was placed on house arrest with magic seals cover it, sealing his magic, but when the thief hit that night, they had the proof that they were two separate people.
-Each lead led to a dead end as it was pointless to ask others about this phantom thief because everyone just pointed out Gray if he was nearby.
-Natsu was a little less than helpful, but helpful enough, getting Gray a hat and a pair of sunglasses with a mustache attached, to disguise him, but that just made him look even more suspicious.
-Then more reports of this thief’s activities started to trickle in as he started to leave reports, showing that these nobles had been stealing, embezzling, bribing, extorting, and other illegal activities, condemning them as criminals and it was found that the stolen goods, mostly money and things like supplies, medicine and food, were being given to the less fortunate, to those who needed these things.
-While what he was doing was noble, Gray didn’t like it that this thief had been getting him into trouble and Team Natsu- Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Gray, Erza, and Juvia, planned to lay a trap to catch this Gray look alike since the guards were having so much trouble.
-Little did they know that this thief was two steps ahead of then and was able to anticipate their trap, easily avoiding it.
-You found it amusing, seeing these guards and guild members trying to catch you, their attempts always futile and you were beginning to get a bit bored, wanting a bit more excitement.
-You were not expecting, however, to run into your big brother, after so many years. You could remember the last day you saw him, both of you crying as a group of thieves kidnapped you, snatching you from your brother as you had both been playing, thinking they could ransom you, but when nobody came, not even your brother, they took you in and raised you until you surpassed their skills of petty theft and turned yourself into a legendary thief.
-However, after witnessing greed and the cruelty of those with wealth and power, you made the decision to become a vigilante, stealing back from the rich to give to the poor and exposing the crimes of those in power.
-It felt good to do things like this, using your skills to help others, but old habit die hard and you couldn’t help yourself teasing the guards, but now you wanted to see your brother.
-You played along with the Fairy Tail members, falling into their ‘trap’, allowing Gray to entrap you in ice, you weren’t worried at being hurt, because they just wanted to catch you, not fight you, at least the others, Natsu wanted to fight you but Natsu wants to fight everyone.
-You felt the ice melting and you felt an anti-magic bracelet being slapped on as the ice melted, leaving you completely unchanged.
-You smiled, brushing your suit off, “Well now- that was a bit brisk.” Juvia was owl-eyed, looking between you and Gray, a faint blush on her cheeks, “There’s two- there’s two Gray-sama’s!” you laughed softly at her, taking one of her hands in your own, bowing at the waist, pecking the back of her hand, “Y/N, at your service, my dear Juvia~”
-Gray was stunned, hearing that name before he finally looked at you, as he hadn’t even realized the possibility of his twin being behind these crimes, mouth agape, “Y/N is-is it really you?”
-There was a tiny part of you that wanted to be mad at him, but after doing your own digging, you discovered why Gray never came after you, so you couldn’t be mad, “In the flesh, big brother!”
-Instantly the others were all gawking, shouting out in unison, “BIG BROTHER?!” leaving only you and Gray to stand in silence before he stepped forward and went to embrace you before you shouted, “What happened to your clothes?! There are ladies present!!”
-Gray looked down, finding that he was only in his boxers now, “Ahh crap!!” before Natsu shouted at him as well to put some clothes on.
-Erza questioned why you were stealing from others and you explained yourself, telling her what you were stealing and what you were actually exposing, something she did find admirable before Gray grabbed you by the front of your jacket, yelling at you, “You got me in trouble!!!”
-Your laughter filled the alleyway that they had ‘caught’ you in as you were shaken back and forth before Lucy asked you what you were going to do next.
-You smiled over at her, causing a blush to rise to her cheeks as you were very suave, taking one of her hands in yours after you were free from your brother, “I plan on staying by your side.”
-Natsu and Gray were both quickly chasing you, both yelling at you while Juvia was gushing about another love triangle while Erza and Happy were trying to calm Lucy down as she was bright red and flushed, the four of them watching you be chased down the street.
-Gray and Natsu chased you into the night, losing sight of you about halfway and were half dead in the morning at the guild, looking run ragged as they walked in.
-They were not expecting to see you, stuffing your face, sitting next to Wendy and Lucy, talking about books with them. Their jaws dropped as they turned white in shock, pointing at you and you beamed brightly, “Hiya big brother!”
-This caused a guild wide shock as everyone who didn’t know learned that Gray had a brother, as they didn’t even pay attention to the ‘Gray’ that was already at the guild until there were two Gray’s there all of the sudden!!
-You bowed at the waist, giving a dashing smile, “Y/N Fullbuster, at your service. Thank you all for taking care of my big brother!”
-Despite only being nine in the morning, a huge party was started, celebrating your arrival and reunion with your brother, who caught you in a headlock, messing up your hair which just made you laugh.
-Natsu beamed over at you, “So what are you going to do now?” you grinned, holding up a request, “Well, as the newest member of Fairy Tail, I’m going out on a mission~” his and Gray’s jaws dropped open as you showed your mark on the side of your neck before a second roar of cheers rang out, celebrating the newest member.
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Kingdom of the Stars: Chapter 31: The Date Part 2
Previous: Chapter 30
Next: Chapter 32
I actually made art for this chapter! See?
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Anyway- please enjoy!
  “ What....what is this place?" Asha breathed. 
“My guess is as good as yours,” came the star’s voice as his eyes settled on a partially collapsed statue behind them. One that if was still whole, would have easily rivaled Rosas’s biggest cathedral in size. “I’m not one to leave loose ends after bad encounters. But I thought it’d be best if we spent some time down here to convince your little ‘acquaintances’ that we hadn’t survived the fall.” 
Shivering, she half-heartedly wrapped her wet shawl around herself. “Did you know this was down here?”
“Oh, you mean the city?” He shook his head, “I didn’t. The only reason why I found it was because I felt something coming from here.”
“You felt something?” Her eyes darted from the star to the collection of dilapidated buildings that stood before them. 
He nodded “A calling.”
“How exactly does one feel a calling?” 
“Same way how one manages to conjure a large air bubble that’s strong enough to keep you alive down here. That’s how.” He gestured to the walls of said air bubble before turning his eyes to the darkness outside. “But I suspect it’s coming from a malfunctioning artifact or a distress beacon of sorts.” 
A distress beacon? It had been how the injured Atlantean general had summoned the stone serpentine. So the idea wasn’t too far-fetched. But from here of all places? 
“You know it’s funny you say that,” she started as she felt herself slightly shiver. The coldness of her still-wet shawl had done her no favors. “My Saba once told me of a legend from when Rosas was still young, a fisherman used to sail the Salcona river. After narrowly surviving a boat accident he claimed that he’d heard strange voices coming from the bottom of the river.”
“Voices?” His light pierced the darkness as it briefly illuminated the ground below, revealing the bits and pieces of stained glass that had been embedded within what she could only assume was once a beautiful pathway. 
“Yeah. Strange ones. They said it drove him so mad that he swore to dive to the bottom of the river…No one ever saw him again,” She whispered, eyeing the sparkling shards of the ground that led towards the heart of the sunken city. 
“You don’t think there are survivors here, do you?” Impossibilities of survival aside, How was anyone to be rescued from something like this? She’d tried to not think of the hopelessness of the situation crushing the survivors as they’d desperately searched for any sign of
“I wouldn’t bet on it. But It’s not as outlandish as you think,” He’d shifted closer, holding his hand towards the bubble’s wall. “I’ve heard of astronomers having hidden underground tunnels that allowed them to travel all over the kingdom in dire situations. Factor in their food supply, powers, extended lifespan, and technology, and anything is possible.”
“But that can’t be right- Rosas was founded on a completely new island! This city can’t be a part of its predecessor.”
“And yet it just so happens to be full of those same astronomical symbols,” the star interjected before leaning towards her. “A little too coincidental don’t you think?”
She nodded, her eyes lowering to her feet as she contemplated his words. 
If what he said was true then that would mean that Rosas had never left the ashes of its predecessor behind just like the historical records had claimed.
But how could that be? Surely someone would’ve pointed out the error sooner! There was no way the scholars nor her father would’ve allowed such untruths to be propagated to future generations. 
“BAAAA” came Valentino from beside her as he gestured for her to look forward.
“What?” She asked. “What is it? Do you see something?”
He shook his head, before pressing it to the walls of the air bubble as if he’d wanted her to follow suit.
Of course, doing something like that initially seemed ridiculous to her under the fear of possibly popping the bubble, but come to think of it, this wasn’t any normal air bubble, right? So maybe she could get away with a few sudden movements…But her reservations had been quickly put to rest when she’d felt the low vibrations of something that she could only deduce was sound coming from the nearby city. 
Quickly, she pressed her ears towards the bubble’s side, making out the sounds of Bells and chimes softly ringing in the darkness. But why would they be ringing?  
“Asha-,” came the star’s voice as something swam past once more, nearly startling her. “What are you doing?”
“Listening,” she answered, briefly sparing him a glance. “Do you hear that? It’s the sounds of bells and chimes ringing and I think it’s coming from the city!” She exclaimed as he blankly stared at her. “I’ve always known that water isn’t a vacuum, so sound could travel through it. But for the bells and chimes to be ringing so continuously like this…that must mean that something underwater is making it move! But the real question is…what?” She started to pace the bubble, which was frankly, a near-impossible task given the bubble’s rather small size. But that hadn’t stopped her from asking “Is it the current or something else? Maybe it’s connected to the calling you felt! But…why?”
His brows furrowed as his hand pushed his hair back. “You really want to know?”  
“Of course I do!” she exclaimed, unable to hide her smile. “Don’t you?”
“Well…” he, the self-admitted reckless and insane star, hesitated . The expression on his face was wavering. “I suppose so…”
“Suppose so? Cepheus we literally just made the greatest archaeological discovery of this century!  This is a once-in-a-lifetime achievement that could be the answer to all of our questions involving the order and its strange absence!”
“Or, it could be dangerous,” his voice lowered as the light within his hand flickered.” You don’t know what’s down here.”
A part of her couldn’t believe that of all the things they’d done, this was where the star drew the line. He’d been so troubled about the order’s strange absence, yet he seemed reluctant to explore the one place that could give him answers. Granted he did have a point, as up until now, the most she’d ever assumed was down here was nothing more than fish and scattered bones. 
But that hadn’t stopped her from being curious, not when the existence of the buildings that challenged Rosas’s history had so proudly touted the symbol she’d seen from the astronomer’s order. “True, I don’t. But I guess it’s a good thing I have you then, don’t I? You’re probably scarier and way stronger than any apex predator that roams the ocean.”
“Apex what?” 
“Apex predator,” she repeated. “You know, a carnivorous animal that resides at the top of the food chain!” she explained as a small idea formed within her mind. 
“Am I an Apex predator?” he asked, curiously pointing to himself as he leaned towards her. 
“You?” she looked around the small bubble thoughtfully. Flattery had always done wonders on nobles, now she wondered how well it would work on a star. “Well, I mean you remorselessly maul people three times your size with sheer brutality, without taking any damage.” she shrugged. “Yes. I think you’d comfortably classify as what they’d call an apex predator.”
The star beamed, “Ha ha! Wait-,” he paused as his smile faltered. “You’re complimenting me-,” His eyes narrowed at her suspiciously, “who are you and what have you done to Asha?!”
She rolled her eyes before pointing to him accusingly. “I mean I could be asking you the same question. You didn’t use any magic whatsoever in that fight for someone who’s so highly pro-magic.”
“Touché,” he conceded. “But don’t think flattery is gonna convince me to take you down there.”
“Well it’s not really flattery if it’s the truth now is it?” she asked smoothly as she leaned towards the star.
“....Fair point,” he shrugged, before clearing his throat. “Alright then, I guess we can look around for a little bit. IF-”
“If?” she repeated.
“-You promise to stay close to me. The pressure at this depth is very unforgiving. So It’s best we stick together for now.”  
She nodded, unsure of how she’d be able to do anything else given the limited space the bubble provided.
Nearing the city, Asha’s eyes took in the pieces of columns, buildings, and broken statues that littered the ground, offering a mere glimpse of what she could only assume was once a beautiful courtyard.  
“There are so many statues here,” she murmured, briefly pausing to listen in to the sounds of the surrounding bells.
“Of course there are,” he sighed. “To a star, there’s no greater form of praise than a beautiful artistic piece that’s fashioned after them. You should see the palaces that some of the alpha stars live in. It’s full of human art.” 
“Do you recognize any of these then?”
He shook his head without hesitation, as they swam past several collapsed statues that could have easily rivaled the castle in size. 
“How about these?” she asked, pointing to another.
To her dismay, his voice promptly answered with a somewhat unenthusiastic, yet decisive “No.” 
Setting aside her confusion for now, she continued looking around the desecrated town square, not seeing anything particularly noteworthy until her eyes caught sight of something glittering beneath the edge of the star’s light.
“Wait!” she halted him before pointing to where she’d spotted the glittering object beneath them. Obediently the star guided his light towards the direction she’d pointed in, quickly revealing the location of said object to be within the hole of a large building that had partially collapsed. 
Excitement once again filled her at the sight of the astronomical symbols etched into the building’s stone roof as she shivered and asked, “D-do you think that’s the order?”
He gently shook his head. “The order was far larger than one building, but from what I’ve heard they did have a location in the heart of the kingdom, which was very close to the castle.”
The castle? She’d looked around for any sighting of said castle but had come up empty. There wasn’t much to go off of whether or not this part of the city had been near the heart of the kingdom nor if this building had been a part of the astronomer’s order, but something in her mind had told her that it was at least worth exploring.
The star nodded to himself as he peered into the dark depths of the building. His mind surprisingly made up as he cracked his knuckles. “Well, I suppose now is a time as ever to make life-altering mistakes while embarking on a pointless albeit fascinating search.”
“Life-altering what ?” Asha spat as he smiled at Valentino.
“Go on Valentino we’ll be right behind you!” he gestured towards the dark pit beneath them. 
Valentino, understandably bleated in protest as the star frowned. “What? What do you mean by no?” Valentino shivered before bleating once more as the star gasped. “Ah right, I keep on forgetting that you earth creatures are weirdly addicted to oxygen. Me personally? I’ve always been more of a hydrogen and helium guy, not that I need them of course-”
“Wait,” she grabbed his hand, gently pulling him back as she thankfully put a stop to his strange rambling. “Before we enter. Promise me that there will be no more riddles, no more games. I just want transparency.”
“Transparency,” the star repeated, looking genuinely confused. 
“Yeah you know, honesty. It’s what friends do. They tell each other things that they need to hear, even when it’s not easy.”
“Friends do that? Does that include constructive criticism on interior décor and capes?” he asked as he glanced at her soaking-wet shawl.
“My friends do, and no it does not include constructive criticism on interior décor or capes,” she retorted before quickly stuffing her shawl into her satchel. 
“How many friends do you have beside me?”
“A lot but that’s not the point,” she lied with a huff. “Right now we’re looking at a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, one that I doubt we will see again. So it’s best that we try to answer any questions we have while we’re still down there. Right?”
To her surprise, the star pleasantly answered, as he placed a hand over his heart, “Of course Asha. Let’s get started, shall we?” She nodded as the bubble slowly began to descend the roof’s hole and into the building below. 
The room they’d slipped into had been massive, with its downward stairwell structure nearly reminding her of an academic auditorium. Everything in the hall was covered in algae, as objects such as furniture, books, bookshelves, scrolls, and all sorts of instruments lay strewn about as the remains of a once beautiful crystal chandelier lay in the middle of the room. Carved into the surrounding dark-colored stone walls were depictions of strange Creatures and people, all poised towards a chalkboard full of strange letters that stood at the other end of the room. She and the star exchanged glances before nodding, carefully approaching the chalkboard.
“This was written in Asterahi,” he murmured as he tentatively looked over the board.
“Is that another star language?” she asked, noting how different the ‘words’ had looked from the ones he’d shown her yesterday.
“It is. A far more exclusively spoken one though.”
And yet one that he appeared to be capable of reading she’d thought as he’d continue to look over the language’s strange symbols. For a star peasant he was rather well-educated, wasn’t he? “I know you said you could tell which court had spoken Cosmelathian based on the dialect or rather variation you saw it written in… Does the same apply for Asterahi?”
He carefully nodded, “It does…and from the looks of things, this looks like it was written by someone from the,” his eyes widened, as he quickly shook his head. “No….That can’t be right. Not here…Why here?”
“What? What is it?! Cepheus what’s wrong?” He failed to answer her as his eyes continued sweeping over the board. His smile was gone now as she felt the water around them begin to move, pushing away some of the debris near the foot of the chalkboard as she gasped.
“Cepheus, look!” she cried, pointing to the large half-destroyed ship that lay in front of the chalkboard. “It’s one of the ships we saw Erlan’s people use!” She could barely think straight as she gently shook the star’s shoulders. “It’s real! It’s really real! And it’s here!” She paused, feeling the weight of reality set in. “Wait so are you telling me that story wasn’t fictional?”
“I don’t ever recall telling you that it was,” he answered with a slightly furrowed brow.
“Oh…” she whispered, releasing his shoulders as she stepped back. “Wait…so do stars actually look like that? A dark cloud with glowing eyes and a multitude of voices or was that a creative liberty you took?”
He grinned rather smugly, “Creative liberty, of course, in reality, we stars usually look far worse.”
“Worse?” she repeated, before pointing to him. “Even you?”
“I’m not sure why I’d be excluded from that, but yes, even me. There’s a reason why we’re so…particular about how we look when we’re around humans…”
“Finally,” she grinned. “A form of you that isn’t ridiculously handsome. Now I actually kind of want to see-”
“Finally a form of me that isn’t ridiculously handsome?” he repeated, staring at her in silence before the true meaning of her words began to sink into both of them. She hadn’t meant it like that! But the grin that slowly spread across the star’s face told her that she was now in for a world of trouble.
“Asha-,” he sang.
“I’ve never been one to ask a building to collapse on me before,” she grumbled as she tried to ignore how her face burned.
“Do you think I’m handsome?”  The wicked little star was enjoying this. “It’s okay if you do. I think you’re really pretty too~,”
She shook her head, quickly taking another step back as she cursed the tightness of their air bubble. “Ha, ha, no, no, I never meant that you were handsome, you see what I was trying to say was that-,”
“That?” the star repeated. “Go on Asha, tell me what you were trying to say.” He was really enjoying this, wasn’t he? 
“Scratch that, I hope the building collapses on both of us.”
Valentino panickily pleated as the star’s smile sharpened. Mischief filled his eyes as he leaned towards her, “Is this you showing your strong feelings for my form again? I knew you liked it but to call me ridiculously handsome-,”
“I am politely asking you,” she called while staring at the partially collapsed ceiling. “To please do it. Just make it quick.”
“Ha! Listen to me princess, very few things in this universe could kill you while I'm around, but I'm afraid this building” he pointed upwards towards the ceiling. “Isn't one of them -,” he’d flippantly waved his hand as he leaned away from her. 
“Alright, so what could?”
“Nothing that you’d need to worry about,” he replied, his voice a bit more ominous than she liked.
“Well unnerving note aside, this means that Erlan’s kingdom could have been the ancestor or had some sort of ties to Rosas’s predecessor!” She looked over the ship once more. To call it advanced would have been the understatement of the century. No, this wasn’t advancement. It was technological perfection . “Do you think it still works?” she asked the star after she’d finally managed to partially break the trance the ship had, had on her. “We could fix it though, couldn’t we? Just like how you fixed the music box! Imagine if we could get it to fly again! This could be a life-changing thing for the people of Rosas! The king would have to listen to us! He’d have to!”
To her chagrin, he looked away before shaking his head, “I don’t think your king would be very pleased if you made this discovery public Asha.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well from what you tell me, I think his abhorrence to technology seems personal , and like you said your people are complacent and dependable on the king, something that may not be as benevolent nor generous as you think it is.” 
Not benevolent or generous? She wasn’t certain about that! Yes, it had made everyone a little too safe and lazy, but she had to give credit where it was due. King Magnifico had made them complacent as a consequence of his dedication to serving and protecting them, something that she’d argue was very kind given how most monarchs tended to act.
The star looked her over, and as if reading her thoughts, he’d gifted her a smile heavily laced with what she could only recognize as sardonicism. “You know Asha,” he started. “A king’s greatest enemy isn’t those who he faces on the battlefield or those who he strong arms into trade deals or diplomacy. No, it’s the people who he must convince and assure of his divine right to rule with each and every passing day.  Because the minute those people think to themselves that there is another, someone better, is the day that everything a king has worked for goes to naught. His kingdom will become nothing more than a gilded cage as those around him fight to secure themselves for power.”
“I…I can’t disagree with what you’re saying….But the people and royal family of Rosas aren’t like that! You’re free to think of the king however you want, but nothing can change the fact that he and so many others worked hard to make Rosas into a place where people who’d suffered could be given a chance! Just like how Erlan used his power as king to help others and establish the Astronomer’s Order!”
He tilted his head, as he thoughtfully stared at the nearby collapsed pillar. “So passionate. You sound as if you speak from experience, or perhaps intimate knowledge of the royal family?”
She shook her head. If the star had thought that he was the only one who could maintain secrecy under this amount of hydrostatic pressure, then he was sorely mistaken “It’s history that we’re all required to learn…”
The star hummed, evidently not sounding too convinced.  “History? Alright then…How did you know that Erlan established the astronomer’s order? Surely they couldn’t have had that in your history books.”
“They don’t.”
“So how did you know?”
“I didn’t I-,” her voice trailed off. “I heard it…in a dream.”
“A dream?” Cepheus’s eyes narrowed at her as the cold seemed to seep into her bones. “You’ve been having weird dreams lately?”
“Sometimes,” she confessed. “But everything that’s happened to me has been very strange and a little too coincidental.” It was a shame that the bubble was so small, otherwise, she would’ve started pacing once more as she began to think aloud. “But Maybe you’re right…maybe I shouldn’t show this to the king.”
“Oh? And why do you say that?”
“Well…come to think of it, isn’t it a little odd how those figures not only chose to attack me on the one day I’d have a vacation? There’s no way they could’ve known that unless they had an informant in the castle keeping them updated on my whereabouts. But then there’s the fact that if they truly didn’t care about assassinating other people, then why hadn’t they done it this morning if they’d been stalking me for a while?” She’d asked glancing at Valentino who shivered before looking up at her. “But they only attempted it when I was alone with you….Wanting to discreetly dispose of me is one thing. But doing it when there’s another person around, one completely irrelevant to the situation is irrational…unless, of course, they had their reasons for wanting to kill you as well.”
“You think they knew that I am a star?”
“It’s quite possible, or at least they know now given what you showed them. And they had magic of their own, and-” her voice trailed off as she remembered the red crystal she’d seen on the woman’s neck. Ones that looked nearly identical to the crystals that the Atlanteans and Erlan’s people had worn. Had the people hunting them down been astronomers who’d sworn allegiance to the crimson court? But that didn’t make any sense! If they’d sworn to serve the stars then why were they shattering wishes?
She shook her head as she turned her attention back towards the star in front of her. “But it still doesn’t make sense to me. The language that you heard their leader speaking in, was it close to ours?”
“Close, but not identical. I’d say from its roots that most linguists would probably tell you that it’s a sister language of yours.”
“And then there’s the fact that they didn’t hesitate when nearing the bridge that’s usually guarded. It’s like they knew it would be empty by the time they’d be approaching…and the river” She shook her head. “they knew which path to block. They deliberately tried to send us down Salcona. That can’t be a coincidence.” 
“I feel as if you’re on the verge of something here,” he started. “You’re formulating some sort of hypothesis aren’t you?”
“Sort of,” she admitted, still thinking about the red crystal and shattered wishes.
“BAAAAAAAA-,” Came Valentino’s voice as he leaped forward, gesturing to the other end of the hall.
“You see something?” Cepheus repeated as he turned around. Valentino reverently nodded before gesturing towards the wall on the other end of the hallway. 
“It’s some type of mural I think,” she murmured, examining it as she noticed the bits and pieces of colorful stained glass shining the minute the star’s light landed upon it.
Sirius,” she’d whispered on recognizing the figure depicted by the mural.
He’d looked nearly identical to the picture she’d seen in the journal, only this time he wore a beautiful crown embedded with blue and golden jewels as the words on the mural’s edges read Sirius de Solari -, her eyes squinted trying to make out the rest of the letters that had been lost to time.
But she’d suspected the final words were ‘de Solarius.’ A suspicion that had only been confirmed by the figures of blue and golden that acknowledged him on either side of the mural.
He must have been someone important. Otherwise, she’d have seen no other reason why such a beautiful mural would be dedicated to him if he didn’t at least hold some power in the world of stars and astronomers. 
But as she studied his face, she couldn’t help but quietly admire the artistry and dedication that had gone into what could have easily been the most expensive piece of art in Rosas.
“Cepheus?” She looked from him to the mural and then back to him. 
“Don’t say it,” he grumbled, but his voice had lacked the venom she’d expected. No, now he just looked tired. Tired and expectant as if the similarities in looks had been brought up multiple times before. 
He’d denied being Sirius, but surely they must’ve been closely related… why else would they so strongly resemble one another? But… if they’d been related then why would Cepheus be a mere peasant while Sirius appeared to practically be a prince, or maybe even a king?! 
Maybe Cepheus was his illegitimate son. An illegitimate son that he had neglected for whatever reason, hence why the son had resented the very name and resemblance he had to his father. 
Hmm, that was plausible. 
Cepheus was dangerously close to scowling now as he practically snapped, “Draw a picture of him Asha, it will last longer.” 
She blinked in surprise. “What?”
“You’ve been staring at that wall for at least five minutes,” he complained with a frown as he crossed his arms. 
“Well, I’m an astronomer. It’s sort of my job to examine and study stars for a living Cepheus.”
She hadn’t expected to see a cold fire ignite within the depths of his eyes as he staunchly turned away. She glanced at Valentino who seemed just as confused as she. Had it been something she said? 
“Well go on,” he’d said after a moment or so of uncomfortable silence. “Ask your questions. You want answers about him don’t you?”
Goodness. Of course, she wanted answers! It’s why she’d wanted to explore in the first place. But she didn’t want answers at the expense of invading the star’s privacy or boundaries. 
She shook her head, “No. I can tell that this is a rather sensitive topic for you, and if you don’t feel comfortable talking about it for whatever reason then I won’t ask about it. But if you ever want to share then I want you to know that I’ll be here, ready to listen.”
“Ready to listen?” he repeated as confusion laced his voice. “But what if I never want to share? What will you do then?”
A challenge. Maybe even a warning. She’d swallowed the unease as she forced herself to shrug, “Then that’s okay too. Look Cepheus. I’m not going to force you into doing something that distresses you, alright? That’s not what friends do, and it’s not what I’m going to do.”
She wasn’t sure how many seconds of silence had ticked by before his face slowly softened and he offered her his hand.  
His fingers slowly intertwined with hers as she quietly welcomed his warmth.
“C'mon,” he says softly as the bubble begins to move away from the mural. “Let’s go see if there are other ships around.” He must’ve sensed her confusion as he quickly added, “Just because the king can’t appreciate it, doesn’t mean that you can’t use it to further your own studies, right?” 
“Right.” She nodded, and a small ghost of a smile teased at his lips as they moved forward, this time through the large hole in the center of the floor. 
“Where are we headed to?” Her voice echoed as the star’s light peered through the darkness, revealing the misfortune that had befallen a place of prestige and beauty. 
“The panic room,” he’d answered. “I think it’s where the signal is coming from.”  He’d only briefly paused once to shine his light on the wall behind them, revealing another mural. This one depicted planets, none of which she recognized. Perhaps they’d been planets from another galaxy? It was a possibility, given how stars had most likely been the ones to divulge such information in the first place. “I have a, no pun intended, sinking suspicion that if the evacuation ships and distress beacons were to be anywhere. They’d be in the bottom of the building near the panic rooms.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Imitation is said to be the highest form of flattery,” he’d half-heartedly gestured to the columns full of strange vein-like carvings. “So there’s probably a good chance that they’d keep their weapons where we would normally keep ours, which is usually near the panic rooms.”
His voice echoed as they finally slipped into the entrance of an expansive hallway filled with murals behind statues that had lined either side of the hallway.
But whatever admiration she’d had for the statues and murals order couldn’t extend to the rest of the hallway. “It looks like a tornado came through here.” She’d commented as she took in the sight of the broken statues, glass, and rubble that littered the hallway. The architecture of the fountain had surprisingly looked quite similar to the one she’d found in her father's library, evoking a sense of disappointment as she realized just how little Rosa’s’ style had changed. 
“That probably isn’t too far from the truth,”  he’d replied before glancing towards the pile of debris. Then he’d looked behind them. Surprise coloring his eyes as he smiled, speaking in Cosmelathian as he’d turned to fully face the mural. 
“Who’s that?” She’d asked, watching as the light finally revealed the mural to be of a red-colored individual, draped in exquisite robes. A crimson star. She’d nearly backed away until she’d taken note of the rather relaxed expression on Cepheus's face.
“Antares de Luktu Nocturnus, an ancient figurehead of the crimson court,” he’d answered simply. Antares? She’d been certain that that had been one of the names she’d read in both the astronomer’s journal and the cards from the king’s study. But they hadn’t said any more than that as Cepheus quietly took a knee near the foot of the mural. Unfamiliar words left his lips as he bowed his head. 
Shock filled her as she watched him pay his respects to none other than a red star. “Did…did you know him personally?”
“He was before my time,” his voice was so painfully quiet that she’d nearly strained to hear him add. “But he helped to pave the way for hybrids like me.”
“I see…I’m sorry for your loss….” she spoke, as a small beat of silence followed, until she asked, “Was he a star hybrid too?”
“No, he wasn’t. But that didn’t stop him from trying to improve things for those like me…” He glanced into his palm now full of blue energy. “Compared to the other members of the crimson royal family, he was quite unorthodox in his methods, so much so, that it allowed those who wouldn’t usually tolerate a crimson star to take a liking to him. But after he…ceased to exist…there was never another docile crimson star.”
Ceased to exist. Antares was dead. But it hadn’t sounded as if he’d died of ‘natural causes.’ “How did he pass, if you don’t mind me asking.”
“Frankly, I’m not sure,” he answered as he stood back up. “The elders have never been transparent about it. All they say is that in spite of all of his wisdom, Antares committed the ultimate sin that a wishing star could make.”
“The ultimate sin for a wishing star? “Did he kill the person who wished on him?” 
“I…Ha…quite the opposite actually...the ultimate, or rather worse sin a wishing star can make is to fall in love with their wisher ” He abruptly looked away. “It’s strictly forbidden.”
“But star bloods exist-,”
“Yes, but never as the result of a wishing star and the person whose wish they’re granting. It’s serious, Asha. A wisher already has far more power over their star than realize. To fall in love with someone who has that power is the ultimate death sentence, or at least it was for Antaris.”
“I see…was this why you started acting out when Mr. Silver and Mr. Bjorn made those jokes?”
“Ha, I suppose you could say that…”
“You Suppose?” 
A mirthless chuckle escaped him as he shook his head. “You’re a nice girl Asha, but I don’t want you to get hurt….”
“You think us becoming a couple would hurt me?” she asked, feeling her brows furrow. 
But a part of her couldn’t help but wonder. If the stars hadn’t forbidden it, would he have attempted it? He did seem sorta flirty… But would he have bothered with her if the rules hadn’t dictated it? A part of her didn’t think so, not after she’d seen just how closely he resembled a possibly high-ranking star. Then there’d been their back and forth near the port. Yeah. He wasn’t interested in her, rules or no rules, she just couldn’t see them happening.
He nodded, as she mentally noted how quickly the star had averted his eyes as they continued swimming into the partially collapsed hallway. Every now and then he’d muttered something under his breath as his glowing eyes combed the darkness around them. What that something was, she doubted he’d tell her.
Her eyes slowly combed over the passing star murals as the words slowly came into view.
_____‘de Solarius’
_____del Apsuramal’
_____ del Myrkadius
_____ De Nocturne
The first part of the mural had been far too incoherent to translate, but those were the titles of Alpha Stars! And they’d been on every single mural they’d passed.
A hallway full of alpha stars…Figures of scarlet, cerulean, gold, and silver danced across her vision before she spotted the final mural, trapped behind the debris of the partially collapsed hallway. It’d been too dark to make out the figure depicted, as her eyes had managed to make out the words beneath the mural.
Alderamin de ____ the rest of his title was missing as darkness enveloped the mural.
Alderamin was an alpha star? That made sense. From all accounts, he’d sounded powerful…Had he known Sirius? Surely he must’ve maintained some interaction with the order if they’d studied and even fashioned a mural after him… But why had the journal’s author gone to such great lengths to scratch out any details about him? Wait…hadn’t Alderamin been in the play that she’d seen in Banquo? Yes, she was almost certain that he had been the name of the star he’d slain…and yet Cepheus spoke of Alderamin as if he were still alive…
She knew she’d promise to refrain from asking him uncomfortable questions, but in the face of such discovery, it was hard to be content with her decision. All that she’d seen and presented with had only given her more questions, that she needed to answer, if not for her own sake, then for the sake of her father and anyone else who’d been lost.
Unable to maintain the silence any longer, she heard herself say, as she quietly trembled “Did they ever mean anything to your people?” 
“I asked what the star’s perspectives on the astronomers were. It’s not hard to see that the astronomers evidently thought very highly of your kind. But I need to know…was that feeling ever reciprocated? For the astronomer? For my father? Did they ever mean anything to your kind? Or were they seen as nothing more than novel curiosities?”
He fervently shook his head, “Of course, they mattered to us. The astronomers have always been important to us! Having a personal astronomer has always been a sign of honor and prestige for us! They were our bridge to your world Asha.”
“So then why didn’t any of your kind come to earth sooner when you’d lost contact?”
“That’s…” he hesitated, briefly thinking it over before he shook his head. “I’m not sure…but we tried, everyone tried, even the council but no one could break through…all I know is that they think something was purposefully limiting our power on earth, so much so, that we thought you’d cut us off-”
“How could the astronomers cut you off? You’re the source of their power!”
“I know, which would be more than enough motivation for someone who didn’t like the order to go through with it.”
She paused. His words strangely made sense to her as the pieces slowly began to fall into place. “Would there have been anyone on earth motivated or strong enough to pull off such a feat?”
“Possibly, but I wouldn’t know. I wasn’t here.”
Her mind wracked through every possibility and suspect she could think of until she’d remembered them. “How powerful is a starblood?”
. “Most if not all-star bloods who would've been around that time were probably the children of high-ranking stars.”
“Which means they would’ve inherited a good deal of power… more so than any astronomer would have gained from an allegiance.”
The star frowned as his expression darkened. “If you’re trying to say, what I think you are…Don’t.,”
“Why not?”
“The star bloods have always had powerful connections to the courts. Most wouldn’t appreciate you speaking so negatively about them.”
“And yet in tumultuous times, Tau Vitrius and the other astronomers didn’t seem to trust them!”
“Most astronomers didn’t,” he retorted.
“They didn’t?” Silence. “You know something don’t you?” an involuntary shiver slipped down her spine as she watched the star’s eyes narrow.
“Not any more than you do, no. But if I could tell you more, I would…”
“But you can’t?”
“No, I don’t know half of it, and even if I did, where would I start? When I came to earth, I expected to see an order thriving and full of life, not, this!” he’d exclaimed as he gestured to their surroundings, and for a brief second, she could hear it. The fleeting note of panic and perhaps even anger in his voice as he’d stressed the word ‘this’. But he’d quickly recovered, shaking his head as he looked away from her,  “I can tell that this whole ordeal is distressing to you too. But if I could fix it, I would. I’d do everything in my power to.”
“You’d bring back the order?”
“If I were powerful enough, then yes. I’d make it possible. But we’d have to get the council involved.”
“I’m sorry we?” she frowned before gesturing to him and then herself.
“Yes, we . You can’t make an Astronomer’s order without stars nor can we make it without humans. There’s a common ground here Asha. You wished for more for yourself, your country, and your people, and nothing could bring you greater prestige, honor, advancement, and wealth than an order like that.”
“Okay,” she conceded with a reluctant nod. "you bring up some solid points but what is this council you speak of?”
“Ah well, the council is a group of elderly alpha stars that after abdicating their thrones in this part of the galaxy or universe move on to other ones. The current ruling alpha stars have to answer to them since they have the final say in a lot of things. But I don’t think it would matter,” he started as they moved forward, and quickly slipped through another hole in the ground... “If they could’ve brought the order back then they probably would’ve done so already.”
 With each and every passing room, the piles of debris had seemingly grown smaller and smaller, something that felt odd to Asha as she began to hear the faint sound of chimes and bells once more, soothingly filling the darkness that surrounded them as they descended deeper and deeper. Had it not been for the star’s light, Asha wasn’t sure that she’d be able to maintain her calm. Or at least she was calm until the star had come to an abrupt halt when they’d been swimming down a stairwell. 
“What is it? What’s wrong? Have we reached the panic rooms yet?”
“Yes, but I think you might want to see this.” He pointed towards one of the distant yet intact hallways connected to the stairwell. “It was Tau Vitrius, right? The astronomer’s writings who you and your father studied?”
She nodded, looking in the direction of his light as she saw a barricaded hallway, near the end of it was an open room filled to the brims of maps, telescopes, scrolls, equipment, and journals. But near the center of the room, pinned to the wall was a metal slate that had read TAU VITRIUS.
Had it been a classroom? Or maybe some sort of office! She’d desperately tried to take in the figures that had been drawn onto the maps in hopes of possibly cross-examining them with the manuscripts later, but at this distance, it had been nearly impossible to see anything, anything except for another metal slate that hung near one of the maps. 
“Tomas,” she whispered as she read the name on the metal slate over and over again. “That’s my Dad! My Dad’s things are in there!”
“Hold on!” Cepheus exclaimed, holding her back as she struggled against him.
“Let me go!” she protested. “I need to get to that office! That map!” she groaned. “If only I could get to it! It might be the key to translating his manuscripts!”
“No. Asha, it’s too dangerous…” he whispered as he looked her over with concern. He shook his head, “we’ve been down here long enough. If we stay down here any longer then you might become hypothermic. You’re already shivering enough as is.”
“What? But we haven’t gotten either of the things we’ve come for! Weren’t we supposed to make it to the panic rooms?”
“Asha,” he adjusted his grip on her. “We are in the panic rooms.”
“What?” Her breath hitched at the sight of the destroyed panic rooms. Her fears were only confirmed when she’d caught sight of bones scattered around the tattered remains of clothing, pinned beneath a fallen column. She’d fought to keep the bile down, as the darkness quickly swallowed the remains of the unfortunate person.
There were so many skeletons of different sizes lying around the hallway, some posed as if they were still about to ascend the stairwell, while others sat in their chairs or on the floor, surrounded by objects like clothes, jewelry, and toys. All of the colorful crystals around their neck were dull and broken as if the power of the stars had no longer persisted in them.
But it had been the final skeleton that had been the worse, the one slumped over in the furthest corner, holding a flashing crystal in one hand and a small toy in the other. They’d been inches away from a partially destroyed ship that no doubt could’ve saved the lives of everyone who had perished in this room.
It was like Atlantis again, wasn’t it? A powerful empire that at its pinnacle had found itself on the bottom of the ocean, forgotten. But someone, no, something had killed these people. Her father’s mentors, his colleagues, his friends. However, none of their poses had looked combative or panicked, but whether or not that could’ve been attributed to the elements' toll or the strange circumstances of their death, she couldn’t know. She nearly didn’t want to know. 
If it had been this bad now, then what had it looked like the day it had happened? She didn’t want to think about it, not after she’d seen how haunted her Saba had looked at the very thought of said day.
Tears prickled at her eyes as she tried not to imagine their final moments, and the dread they must’ve felt knowing that they’d never see their loved ones again. Whatever they’d faced, she could only pray that it had been swift and merciful as she’d covered her face. But it had all been in vain as her shaky hands could only do so much to shield her from the world of violence she’d been immersed into as the tears began to fall.
“I’m sorry Asha,” the star had whispered as he held her. 
“Take me back,” she’d pleaded, unable to stop how badly she now trembled.  Guilt flooded her as she began to realize that despite her curiosities, she was standing in a graveyard, one that deserved more respect than her partially selfish intentions. “Please. I don’t want to see anymore.”
“Alright,” he’d nodded, holding her close as they slowly began their ascent. 
They were nearly halfway towards the surface when she’d briefly looked back at the shrinking city below. Up here the city’s shape looked…off, as if it had been carved or rather broken off where the furthermost edges of the most dilapidated buildings sat. 
“Asha?” came the star’s voice as he let go of her. “Stay here” he’d told her. “I’ll be right back.”
“Wait,” she started, tugging at his sleeve before she’d even realized it. “You’re going back down there? Alone?”
He nodded, his eyes searching her face before he cracked a lopsided grin. “Why? Are you worried something will happen to me now?”
“Who said I was worried?” she scoffed, before crossing her arms. “I just don’t want you getting false hopes that I’ll be the one to come and save you when you find trouble down there.” 
“Noted. If I’m not back in five minutes, send Valentino,” he grinned as the goat barely bleated in protest. “I’ll see you soon.” he smiled. His hands gently gripped her forearms for a moment as he stepped back, gently slipping out of the bubble’s confinements. 
His hands were still holding her arms as he drew a deep breath and closed his eyes as his body began to glow a bright cerulean, one that had nearly been identical to the Atlantean’s crystal.
Her jaw dropped as she felt his hold disappear, his eyes meeting hers briefly as he began to sink, slowly settling himself into the ruined remains of the city’s square. He burned brightly as the same blue light from his body began to engulf the city beneath him, spreading through the building’s strange carvings as the chimes and bells began to ring louder, the choir of their voices nearly overwhelming as he looked around the city.
Then as if deciding on something, he’d flickered out, leaving them all in complete darkness and Asha to her thoughts.
She’d hardly believed what she’d just heard, much less seen. It had felt as if the lost city had come to life one last time to sing to the star through a chorus of bells and chimes, one of which had suspiciously sounded like the chimes her father had placed on the porch, that had been silent until the day the star had come….
Her eyes widened in realization, as silence seemed to greet her ears. A silence was promptly broken by the sound of something large moving through the water.
“Valentino,” she whispered. “Did you hear that?”
The goat nodded, looking just as frightened as she had before she’d glanced toward the surface. “How good is your doggy pattle?” she’d asked him as he pleated again, before offering her a brief demonstration.
Okay, so his doggy paddle was definitely not passable.
Cepheus had told them to stay put, but she didn’t want to risk dealing with whatever was swimming down there. She’d briefly contemplated making it a run for it, until she’d realized that she had no idea how to make the bubble move on her own. If anything they were stuck, waiting and watching the darkness of the graveyard below them.
Hopefully whatever it was that she’d just seen hadn’t come across Cepheus, either. Not that she worried for the star’s wellbeing, but she wasn’t sure how she’d be able to save him if he got hurt, or worse. She shook her head, as she tried to ease her mind of all of the terrible scenarios it had conjured.
Cepheus was strong, and much to her chagrin, rather smart when he wanted to be. If anything she should be feeling more worried for the creature than for the star! 
But her thoughts had quickly come to an end as she’d felt the water beneath them move once more, as if something was coming towards them. “Cepheus?!” she shrieked.
No answer.
“Cepheus I swear this better-,” she screamed , feeling herself being skyrocketed upwards as the thing, no person held her carefully. The surrounding world passing by in a strange mixture of bubbles and rushing water as she looked down, meeting the star’s eyes, moments before they’d broken the surface of the water.
She gasped, taking in a mouthful of air before sinking down into the water once more. The star’s laughter filling her ears as Valentino pleated. 
The coldness of the dark depths shrinking as she’d felt the sun beat down upon her, easing some of the pain she’d been feeling as she took in one breath after another. At first it had been out of instinct, then it had been out of assurance. Assurance to know that they were still alive.
“Asha,” started the star as he held up his hands, revealing the small collection of scrolls, maps and books that he’d retrieved. “I got these for you.”
Her eyes widened as she spotted both Tau and her father’s familiar handwriting decorating the well preserved pages and sketches of the journals. Tears blurred her vision as she took in the enthusiastic notes of her father’s work. She couldn’t believe it. “You…you went back down there to get these for me?”
“I had to,” he answered. “They’re your father’s right? So it’s only right that you have them if you wish to continue his work.”
Words had failed her as she’d felt herself embrace the star. “Thank you,” she’d whispered, as she shook. The star relaxed, slowly returning the embrace as she felt his hand gently hold the back of her head. Neither of them had said a word, as she’d felt them float there, but perhaps they hadn’t needed to. 
The young man gritted his teeth as he watched his stone finally sink beneath the dark waves, unable to finish its venture toward the other side. 
 He groaned as he slumped near the bank's edges, and roughly hauled up the sides of his hood before sharply inhaling the cool afternoon air.
Pulling the hood up any higher than the mouth was strictly forbidden, but given how tedious the heat of Rosas’s autumn could be, he was half tempted to risk it.
But there were worse ways to die. Seven of his companions could attest to that as he’d seen their bodies sink below the tumultuous river earlier. 
Seven lives taken. 
Seven lives lost.
Seven that he suspected were just the beginning. 
The dark water churned and bubbled below as his eyes searched them for any signs of life.
“I still don’t understand why we’re still here,” he spoke to his companions who lingered beneath the tree’s shade.
“Whether you understand or not, Castor. She's made her orders very clear,” came the gentle yet reprimanding voice beside him as he glanced at the hooded woman whose eyes were focused on the crow that had perched itself on her lap. “We are not to leave this post until we see any signs of life.”
“Signs of life? Are you kidding me? If she’s lucky that girl’s probably got a full-blown residency in Atlantis right now!” Castor sneered before looking wearily at his third companion, Vraden, a large man who leaned against the nearby tree. Between the three of them, he’d been the only one strong and brave enough to retrieve any sort of debris from the river’s currents, hence the pile of broken wood and torn fabric that now lay at his feet.
Castor had nearly entertained the idea of striking up a conversation with him, but he could tell from how the man had kept his eyes plastered on the now-cloudy sky above, that he was in no mood for talking. 
Thunder rolled overhead as Castor felt his nose wrinkle at the distinct scent of rain. 
“Never say never, isn’t that right Corvias?” the hooded woman hummed, breaking the silence as the crow thoughtfully watched her. 
“How can you be so confident in her chances, Cladestonia? For all we know She could be a pile of bones on the river floor.”
“In any other case you’d be correct in such an assumption, but not this time…we all know that The forces that be will not let her die so easily. Not in a river that is as special as this one.”
Castor scowled, before tossing another rock into the river. “Fine. Be that as it may…but what exactly are we supposed to do about it? If we stick around to see them resurface then we’ll be as dead as-,!”
“Patience my friend,” her voice smoothly cut him off as she held her hand in front of him.  The crow, Corvias, adjusted itself on her knee once more. “The pieces have already begun to fall into place, and with them, we are nearing the final chapter of the prophecy…,” she promised as His eyes lowered to her neck where her fingers lingered around the red crystal that hung there.
Thunder rolled overhead once more as he silently nodded. Gently pulling his hood back over his head, he turned his eyes back to the river just in time to see its surface breaking.
“Cladestonia!” Castor called, drawing his companion's attention back towards the water. Pulling his binoculars from his side he gazed at the water, still in disbelief. A curse slipped from his lips as his eyes narrowed. “They’re alive.”
“As expected,” she replied, her voice quietening as her crystal began to glow. At the feel of a small tug around his neck, Castor’s eyes lowered, taking note of his own crystal that also glowed. 
He gulped, briefly watching as Vraden nodded.
A summoning.
Vraden silently heaved the pieces of debris into a large sack as Castor stood. 
“Farewell Corvias,” Cladestonia smiled as she glanced at the crow. “Until we might again,”
The crow slipped from her grasp before taking flight, leaving behind a small trail of feathers as the figures entered the forest once more. Castor had been the last to follow, briefly sparing a glance toward the floating forms that had now begun to retreat toward the ocean.
Pity was an odd way of describing it, as he shook his head, following after his companions as they ventured deeper into the darker parts of the forest. 
It hadn’t taken them long to reach the agreed meeting spot, which had consisted of a small clearing full of their armed companions. 
The three figures had come to an uneasy halt as they stood in front of their leader, seated on a tree stump. 
“Your ladyship,” they said in unison.
She’d made no move to acknowledge them, not that it was needed either. Experience had taught them well enough to know that when an unsuccessful mission had persisted this long, pleasantries were usually the first casualties.
All eyes turned to Vraden as he withdrew a piece of wood from his sack that floated forward into the woman’s grasp. Her head never quite turned in the direction of the object she held as she spoke. “Is this all?”
Her voice was cold as the darkness seemed to envelop the inside of her hood. “I presume you found no bodies.”
Cladestonia shook her head. “No your ladyship. Unfortunately, none have resurfaced.”
Castor’s eyes flickered over to Vraden who’d lowered his eyes towards the ground, knowing better than to make eye contact when you were not being the one interrogated.
A string of disjointed words left the woman’s lips, as the piece of wood she held splintered. 
“Let us hope you will all have more success in finding mercy than you’ve had in finding those who have taken refuge in Salcona’s kingdom,” she spoke as nearly all the figures tensed. 
Castor fought the urge to tremble as he looked towards Cladestonia who firmly stood as still as a statue, edging towards what some would call danger. 
A danger that the headmistress was all too comfortable punishing. She looked away, her gaze cutting towards one of the edges of the clearing as they all quickly began to register the sound of rapid footsteps.
“Your ladyship!” Came a voice as a few hooded figures came into view. She waved her hands as the guards lowered their weapons, relief nearly consuming them as the breathless figures stumbled forward. 
“Speak,” she commanded to the spies. Her eyes were nearly visible through the darkness of her hood. 
“We found it!” The first figure gasped, as he knelt over, gulping down mouthfuls of air.  “…Near Hamlet….the path had been disfigured….but we could tell…someone had been there…recently”
“No doubt in an attempt to hide it,” she spat, swiftly standing up as all the figures bowed in unison. “Take care of the river,” she commanded a few figures who nodded, promptly taking off before she turned her attention to those still around her. “Come, we move before nightfall.”
“Yes, mistress,” all replied as their voices were quickly swallowed by the shadows of the forest.
Music filled the air as she felt her fingers gently glide against the warm surface of the now-glowing water.
 To say that the whole ordeal had left her in disbelief would be an understatement, but for now, she was alive and that was all that mattered. 
A sudden movement from beside her caught her attention as she watched fish of all shapes happily swim by them. A few even leaped into the air as the drops of shimmering water cascaded behind them. She chuckled, shielding her eyes from the water as Valentino pleated, gesturing his hoof down towards the side where a whale arose. 
“Whoa,” she whispered, catching sight of her reflection in his eyes before he sprayed water into the air and promptly disappeared into the sea’s depths once more.
“Valentino did you see that?!” she excitedly called as the goat nodded. “That was a Fin Whale! I didn’t know they swam by here this time of year! I never realized how big they were in person. Did you see how he looked at us? It was like we were ants!!” Valentino pleated, nodding in agreement with her as the castle and several ships came into view.
She could recognize one of the nearer ones as Silver’s ship and judging from the sounds of music and chatter that emerged, she was willing to bet that she’d been right.
“We’re here,” she told the dolphin-shaped star beneath her, feeling as he obediently began to slow, allowing her to take in the view once more. 
Against the sparkling sea and golden warm hues of the midday sky, there was no denying how beautiful the scene before her was. A beauty that she’d admitted had been hard to spot in the official’s meeting rooms or the dreary stone walls of her study. 
The star beneath her slipped from her grasp, nearly plunging her into the sea once more, before she’d felt hands hold her up, and the star’s smiling face greet her once more.
“Whoa!” she called, surprise filling her as he easily lifted most of her body out of the water. It was so easy to forget how strong he truly was when he wasn’t that much taller than her. 
He chuckled, gently releasing his hold on her, before reaching to pull off a piece of seaweed that had comfortably settled itself across the bridge of his nose. “Ugh,” he groaned, his face twisting in disgust as Asha laughed, taking his hand as he pulled her towards himself. “It seems as if I’m never safe from seaweed, regardless of where I go!” 
“You’ve had previous encounters with it?” she teased, trying to ignore how warm he had felt and how close they were to each other. 
“Far more than I care to remember,” he sighed, his upper half sinking beneath the water as his hair covered his eyes. But that didn’t stop him from turning towards her as he smiled and began, “So-,”
“So?” she repeated, unsure as to why she’d felt her heart skip a beat as she felt his hand wrap around her waist.
He grinned rather smugly. “Aren’t you going to admit that I was right? I told you that spending the day with me wouldn’t be so bad!”
She frowned, quietly cursing how a strange heat had spread across her face. As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. Between the discovery of the city and her father’s journals, there was no way she could truthfully say that she was having anything close to what she’d consider a bad day. But that hadn’t meant that she was going to give the already smug-looking star the benefit of knowing he’d been right all along.
So she’d decided to pull a page from the star’s playbook and quickly change the subject. “Hey Cepheus, you know how you said those buildings in the city were all inspired by star architecture right?”
He nodded, watching as she pointed towards the castle.
“What about the castle? Does it look like it took any inspiration from star architecture?” 
Much to her expectations, the star had shaken his head. “No, no that building is far too young and small for that.”
“Small? I’m sorry-,” she squinted at him in disbelief. “The castle is small to you?”
“In comparison to a star’s castle? Yes. Of course, we have to have different-sized castles to accommodate our true forms, Asha. I doubt a low-ranking member of the court could fit into that castle, much less an alpha star,” he shuddered. “so the ones we have exclusively for stars are far bigger than the ones we build for human visitation and viewing.” 
“You guys let humans visit your palaces?”
He nodded, rising and falling with the tide as he held her. “Yeah. The astronomers who served closely under the alpha stars would frequent there when needed…”
“Were they beautiful?” she implored, looking from him to the sky. “The castles I mean.”
“Very,” he breathed. “And they still are. The alpha stars own several palaces across their domains, but they’re all beautiful.” 
“Have you seen them all?”
“I’ve visited most on occasion,” he confessed with a simple shrug. 
The alpha stars let star peasants visit their castles on occasion?  Hmm, maybe the stars were more progressive than she thought. But then again, she wouldn’t be shocked if the term ‘peasant’ was another thing she could add to her list of interstellar cultural differences. 
“Do you have a favorite castle?” she inquired if only to distract herself from her impending questions.
Cepheus hummed thoughtfully as the pinkish-golden hues of his eyes met hers. “Hmm, they’re all beautiful in their own ways, but if I had to pick one, I think I’d give it to the Cerulean court’s castles, or more specifically- the Cygnus castle..”
“The Cygnus castle? Is that in the Cygnus constellation?”
He nodded, a pleasant smile making its way onto his face. “It is. My favorite castle there is the one that sits on the very edge of the domain,” he lifted a hand from the water and pointed to the sky. “You can see the waves from what we call the ocean, gather there. It was a gift from the stars of the sea constellations a few eons back that’s quite sentimental to us,” he sighed, the very edges of his lips quirking upwards in nostalgia. “But It’s always been a very beautiful place to go. Both for its history and its myths.”
“Oh? Like what kind of myths?”
“Well…” he started carefully, as he brushed his hair from his eyes. “There’s one that says that if a star wishes to change their fate, they should go and visit those waters…It’s how they believe Deneb, one of the older alpha stars ended up unexpectedly meeting her soul mate when she was promised to another…Personally, I never saw much weight to it…until recently…” 
“Really?” she swam forward, too curious to feel embarrassed as she closed the distance between them even more. “I thought you said you never desired or wanted for anything more.”
“And I don’t-,” he retorted, evidently not really appreciating her question. “I was there for other reasons…sentimental ones if you will, it had nothing to do with what the glowing waters could or couldn’t do for me.”
“Hmm…Sure so, what made you change your mind?” 
His voice trailed off as he turned his gaze upwards into the sky. “Well…I was there right before you wished on me.”
She blinked in surprise. “You were?”
He nodded, this time facing her. “I was.”
“So you think that me wishing on you is an act of fate itself? Really?”
He shrugged, “maybe? But who knows, I didn’t expect anyone to wish on me.” She was silent, as he thoughtfully continued, “One second I was with the others, talking to them, and then the next thing I know, all I can hear is your voice, and it was all that mattered to me in that moment.”
‘Was it?’ she wanted to ask. 
Of course, it was.
 He was a wishing star, granting wishes was the sole purpose of his existence , and as soon as he granted her wish he would disappear just as quickly as he came.  That was what she wanted, right? So why had the thought left her with an emotion she couldn’t quite identify? 
She sighed, closing her eyes as she tried to reason with herself. They were from two different worlds. Worlds that by all means were no longer connected. The best they could be was friends. The best she could be to him was a friend, one that she wasn’t sure he’d remember in a few more years, regardless of- “BAAAAA-,’ screeched Valentino as he leaped into her armsr.
“Valentino?!” she exclaimed as the star let her go. “What’s gotten into you?!”
The goat pleated before gesturing towards the fin of the last fish anyone had ever wanted to see in the ocean. 
“Shark,” Asha said, her brain barely comprehending what she’d seen until it neared.  “SHARK!?” she screamed, swimming backward as she ripped herself out of the star’s grasp.
“Where?” Cepheus curiously asked, turning towards the direction of the incoming shark as it lifted its head out of the water. One glance in the star’s direction was all the shark needed to quickly begin swimming away and back into the depths that it had appeared.
Had he-...A shark?!
She exchanged glances with Valentino, who was just as stunned as she was before the star turned back to her, smiling innocently as he’d proudly declared, “ Apex Predator. ”
“Hahahahahaha!” she erupted into laughter, feeling her stomach hurt as the star neared her, joining in her laughter as well.
 In all her years at sea, she’d never seen a shark swim so fast, not even from whales or dolphins that had threatened to kill it. But one look from the star had apparently been enough to make the shark re-think its place in the food chain!
The absurdity of it all was too much as she felt tears begin to well in her eyes.
“I don’t get it, what’s so funny?” Cepheus had asked in between laughs as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. 
Had she not been laughing so hard, perhaps she would’ve noticed that the trio was no longer alone. But unfortunately for her, her discovery would come in the form of a familiar voice that cut through the echoes of her laughter, “Asha-,” 
She spun around, facing the familiar sight of Silver’s ship mere yards behind them. The captain stood overhead with the eyes of his prying crew, friends, and passengers all looking down to observe the trio as she saw her grandfather frown.
“Asha,” he spoke again.
“Saba?!” she screeched, shoving herself off of Cepheus. How had she not noticed the ship approaching?! Had she been so distracted by the star that-
No. What was she saying?! She couldn’t be distracted by Cepheus he wasn’t even in his star form! It had been the stupid shark that had set her up!
“Saba I can explain, I swear-,” she cried as the sailor’s laughter filled her ears. Oh God, how was she going to explain this?!
Her grandfather shook his head, sighing, as Capella pleated from his side, “Yep…my bloodline is doomed….”
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calyxthenerd · 3 months
Can I have a canon divergence fic where Bal is from outside of the wall and is a descendant of a witch/elf sorceress, he encounters Ambro during his first time outside the wall
I was leading the mission to explore outside the wall, the past few months have been so confusing, one day, a huge chunk of the wall was simply gone, and the whole legion of knights was sent to wait for a threat to appear, we waited for a whole month, barely sleeping, having to have food brought out to us, but then the consensus became that there was no threat, it either had be slain long ago, or never existed, most people believe the former, after all, it’s hard to accept that what you’d believed your whole life, but I knew better, looking at the pink mouse nestled on my shoulder as I led our group into where we would set up camp next, I thought about how we’d met
I was walking around town, buying supplies and food for the journey, when suddenly a random teenager stopped in my path, I sighed “look kid, i appreciate that you’re my fan, but I’m really busy right now, I’m very sorry”
“Geez, I knew you knight folk were stuck up, but the arrogance really is astounding” she shot back
“Okay, I’ll bite, if you don’t want an authograph, what is it?”
“I can help you”
He frowned “help with what?”
“Your mission, outside the wall, I can help”
He tried not to laugh “really? How can you help me?”
“I’ve been outside”
He suddenly got serious “You’ve been outside?”
“Yeah, I have, and I think I can help you not get lost or die out there, but first I need to show you something, and you have to promise not to freak out”
“Alright, I promise, what is it?” She proceeded to drag him into a dark alley and transform into a crow, he immediately made her his lieutenant, and, as they say, the rest was history
Everyone was asleep, even Nimona, who was resting against my side as a bloodhound, but he was wide awake, keeping guard, when suddenly he heard a rustle in the trees nearby and shot to his feet, drawing his sword and waking his loyal friend in the process, when suddenly, random man, wearing a hooded cape emerge, making him get into a fighting stance and Nimona growl
He raised his hands in a peace offering “I did not come with any intentions of causing harm, I simply wish to investigate you, for your kingdom has been a mystery for the spellcasters guild way too long”
Ambrosius frowned “The spellcasters guild?”
“Yes, but I see one of our own has already been sent to your kingdom a few eons ago” the dark haired man looked at the girl
“First of all, who are you? Second of all, what do you mean?” He furrowed his eyebrows
“I am Ballister the Bold, and your friend there, is one of the Elders of our guild, Nimona the Valiant” he pointed at the shapeshifter, now turned back into a teenage girl “She’s a legend among us, she was cursed with immortality centuries ago, and then was assigned to a small, blooming village on the other side of the crescent river, the kingdom you currently reside in, and she stayed there, building it up with her influence and power, until it was ready to be torn down and rebuilt anew” the spellcaster explained
“Yeah, how do you think I shapeshift, dude?” she asked
“What. The. FUCK???” Ambrosius yelled
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s-t-a-c-y-y-y · 3 months
Dog of Chaos - Part 1
Chikn stared into the void, processing everything that had happened within the last few hours. His anger from being rejected by his friends led him to transform everyone and everything into abstract, incomprehensible shapes. There wasn't a single ounce of joy left inside of the deity, and the only emotions that remained were guilt, shame, and an endless supply of dread. The whimsical music that once filled his world was now replaced with pure silence. The silence was so deafening to Chikn that it pierced his long ears like needles.
Suddenly, out of the silence, Chikn heard a familiar giggle. It was Bezel, the embodiment of time and the seemingly innocent Clock-faced being that he was naive enough to view as a guardian.
"Ha! Look what you've done, my friend!" Bezel jeered. "Oh boy, you should've seen the look on your face! The drama! The chaos! Oh my, it was beautiful!"
Chikn didn't respond, nor did he even look at Bezel. He continued staring into the void, pretending that Bezel wasn't even there. Still, Bezel approached the dog-like god, not even caring much about his emotions.
"Oh, don't be sad, buddy!" Bezel said to Chikn while stroking his head. "Maybe this will cheer you up!" Out of nowhere, Bezel grabbed out a half-empty bag of popcorn. He had been eating out of it while he watched Chikn unleash his wrath upon the world. "I've got leftovers!" Bezel giggled as he waved a piece of popcorn in front of Chikn's face.
Still, Chikn didn't respond.
Bezel started to get frustrated. "Listen, Chikn. You should be happy that this happened! You should be glad that you finally got to use your godly powers to your biggest potential! You should be PROUD!" Bezel tried to sound as motivational as possible.
"Proud?" Chikn said in an enraged tone. "I should be PROUD?"
"Woah, there, buddy!" Bezel yelped. "There's no need to bark at me like that! How rude!"
Chikn was looking directly at Bezel's face. Bezel had seen Chikn angry before, but this was the first time the anger was directed at him. It was truly terrifying. Still, Bezel tried not to show his fear to the deity. After all, dogs can detect fear. Well, that's what Bezel thought. Despite being the god of time itself, Bezel was about as bright as a digital watch with a broken screen.
"I'm not proud!" Chikn roared. "I ruined my friend's lives without them even knowing it! I destroyed everything and everyone that I've ever loved and ever known! I'm NOT proud! I'm ashamed of myself! I'm a LOSER!" Chikn's anger had led to a ring of fire developing around him and Bezel.
Bezel turned his back to Chikn. "You don't understand, do you?" Bezel whispered to Chikn. "I set this up! Your world was so boring before! It was just the same jokes repeated over and over and over again! You can only laugh at the same jokes so many times! It was HORRIBLE! I HATED IT!"
Chikn couldn't believe what he was hearing. 'You hated seeing me happy?" Chikn asked.
"Not just that, bird-dog!" Bezel hollered. "I realized how un-special everything was. I wished there was a way to fix it, and then it hit me!" Bezel continued rambling on, pacing back and forth in front of the confused and irate Chikn. "I came to your world to get you and everyone else in your world into finally doing something interesting for once, and guess what? IT WORKED! I finally enjoyed it, and so many others behind the fourth dimension did as well! It was a spectacle! The trauma, the drama, the horror, everything about it was great! You became so much better than your boring old self! That's why you should be proud!"
Chikn was trembling with rage. He loved the way life was before Bezel arrived, and apparently, people hated that. How was that a bad thing? He didn't understand. He just couldn't help but let out the loudest, most anguished scream he had ever let out. He roared as his body transformed into an abstract mess of shapes and colors. It was so unbelievable that even Bezel didn't want to look at it.
What happened after? Well, stay tuned...
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