#latine racism
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edenfenixblogs · 1 year ago
The previous addition is so good!
I don’t have anything super funny but I have 3 kinda humorous ones
1. Outside my mythology classroom in college, I heard two girls talking—
Girl 1: …and the weird thing is that his dating profile said he was bilingual but when I asked what languages he spoke, he said English and Hebrew.
Girl 2: That’s so weird. That’s like…not even a language. Nobody has spoken it in years. I mean, so what if he can recite his prayers? It’s not like speaking another language at all.
Girl 1: Right! I’m Catholic and don’t say I’m bilingual just because I know prayers in Latin. It’s not like Hebrew is a language that people actually speak today. Where would anyone even do that???
Me from nearby: Um…Israel. You guys, Israel.
Them: That doesn’t count.
Reader, I still don’t know why it doesn’t count.
2. I went to an international high school with many races and cultures in my peer group. We had a cultural day where we did a bunch of activities in our own cultural languages and practices as a kind of cultural exchange. There was one activity that partly involved us all writing the same sentence in our own cultural language. I wrote in Hebrew and my Taiwanese friend INSISTED I didn’t know Hebrew and was lying about speaking and reading Hebrew because nobody else there did and couldn’t fact check me. The reason: I wrote in script instead of block, and he insisted that he’d “seen Hebrew before and it didn’t look like that”
3. Sophomore year of HS we were reading Dante’s Inferno in English, and my very Baptist teacher asked me what I thought about something in the book. The question relied on a Christian understanding of Hell and sun that I wasn’t familiar with. I mean, I know the basics of it, but not particulars. I responded, “I’m Jewish, and we don’t have hell, so I actually don’t have enough of a frame of reference to answer that one.” She legitimately said, “Uh oh!” A Jewish friend from another class period of hers also reported some highly suspect comments about Judaism to our friend group. So my extremely tall, non-Jewish, Olympiad-in-training boyfriend at the time made a huge banner that read “Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here” (according to Inferno, those are the words above the Gates to Hell) and hung it above her door. He kept rehanging it whenever she’d take it down, which she eventually stopped doing because she was very short and it was a hassle and the bf was intimidating.
My college roommate was Mexican-American. She was the only member of her immediate family who was born in America. Her immediate family including her parents and brother were all born in Mexico. Her mother was a professor of Chicano studies at our university. I have easily tanned skin and was tan at the time and my features are all dark. In general, I'm very ethnically ambiguous to look at (and tbh, in terms of actual ethnicity as well) and this was even truer when I was younger. This is all relevant.
Her parents took us out to dinner one night, which was super nice. Her mom (who had dark features like me) and I went up to the reception area, and her mom asked for a table for four in her accented speech. She was rude and dismissive and I hadn't out together why yet. Several white people and groups our same size came in after us and were seated before us. i remarked to my roommate's mom, "Wow. She was really rude. And all those people got here after us without reservations. Did she forget we're waiting?" She shrugged.
My roommate and her father, who are both fair with blonde hair and green eyes, joined us at the restaurant 15 minutes later. They saw us sitting at the front of the restaurant in the little booth that meant we were still waiting for a table.
They didn't acknowledge us or come say hi. They went directly to the hostess stand and my roommate in unaccented English said, "Table for four, please. My roommate and mom will follow in just a second." The hostess IMMEDIATELY grabbed four menus and started leading them to a table. Her mom and I rushed to follow. The hostess looked horrified.
Once we were all sat, it dawned on me and I blurted, "Oh! It was racism! She was rude because of racism!" My roommate and her parents started laughing so hard they cried. I added, "Wow. I'm used to antisemitism, but that was my first time experiencing anti-Latine racism." Her mom said, "So, what did you think?" And I said, "Felt different, but still bad. 0/10 stars." And we all cracked up again.
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millionsknives · 6 months ago
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the inherent catholicism of the firearm or whatever
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neechees · 2 years ago
If there's one thing I know it's that White lgbts will ignore any racism within a piece of media no matter how bad or distasteful it is, especially if there's White lgbt ppl in it, and any criticism of the racism is met with the White fans getting mad. They expect you to baby them with "this thing is really really problematic and racist but it's okay if you like it" but if you say you hate it for its racism, then they insist you're just a hater and a big meanie, especially if you aren't white
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degeneratedworker · 1 year ago
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"They violate human rights!" Soviet Union 1977
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oleworm · 2 months ago
As a South American it's a bit of a culture shock that in the Anglosphere HP Lovecraft is memed as "that racist writer," as he's extremely popular in Spanish and most (maybe all?) of his works are in print and can be found in about any bookstore, with new editions and translations coming out periodically.
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letsatomicbanana · 4 months ago
The russian part of the utmv community kinda scares me not gonna lie. You're eitheir faced with the most jaw-dropping, toe curling and mind blowing piece of fanart in human history or the most racist joke ever conceived by man
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animentality · 2 years ago
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wereoz · 5 months ago
how it feels preferring the tgf book’s characterisations scrolling thru the ‘the goldfinch’ tag on tiktok
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crimeronan · 8 months ago
there's a place in my neighborhood where a lot of kiddos hang out because there are a couple cheap restaurants & convenience stores open late without any bars/age-restricted venues nearby. it's extremely well-lit and by several busy roads and one of the safest places i've gone when walking at night & the kids have always been extremely chill towards me. so i was completely flummoxed today by a review of a business there that says it's in a """sketchy area""". until justice pointed out that it's definitely BECAUSE the kiddos are there that this random asshat thought the area was sketchy.
.......if you are genuinely afraid of a bunch of sixteen-year-olds minding their own business in an incredibly well-lit parking lot. then like. i truly do not know how to help you.
Git Gud....????
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sprites4ever · 5 months ago
Extremely hard to swallow pills for the Western far Left:
The only reason Latin and Southern American countries can act like they're the victims of oh-so-evil US imperialism is because the native owners of those countries are all dead. The US American people are descendants of British colonists. Latin and Southern American peoples are descendants of Spanish colonists. The Spanish were far more thorough in their eradication of Natives, hence none of them protesting this misuse of a victim role.
The idea that imperialism and racism are bad was not invented by Brits, but it was popularized in the Western world by Brits.
Socialism was invented by Germans and Brits.
The French revolution may have been a bloody act of democracy, but didn't work. Napoleon and his Grande Armee used the chaos to declare themselves Emperor.
The Soviet Union was not a victim of capitalism, but collapsed because Communism does not work. It was also corrupt beyond belief, and its collapse has led to ex-Soviet countries, especially russia, becoming even more capitalist than before the establishment of the Soviet Union.
The People's Republic of China is less Chinese than the Republic of China aka Taiwan. The PRC was established in 1949 by Mao Zedong and his Chinese Communist Party, and Chinese nationalists fled to the island of Taiwan, establishing an exile government. They are the same people with the same culture, but mainland China is arguably less Chinese, because the CCP constantly revise historical records to suit their propaganda.
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geekynichelle · 30 days ago
Unfriendly reminder: supporting the Snow White live action would not be helpful if you care about racism. You are not sticking it to racist white people if you give disney money for a shitty film. Defending any disney live action remake is not being anti-racist.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 1 year ago
In the postwar era, Anglo-American eugenic attention extended to the global population explosion – particularly in what was then called the underdeveloped world. No doubt for some reform eugenicists the rapidly multiplying populations of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America represented some sort of immense "social problem group". Yet it required no race prejudice to find a good deal that was dysgenic in the proliferation of people in environments that offered inadequate food, housing, education, and medical care.²⁴
24. Julian S. Huxley, "Eugenics in Evolutionary Perspective" [Galton lecture, 1962], in Julian S. Huxley, Essays of a Humanist (Harper & Row, 1964), pp. 266-67. Osborn argued that whether the social qualities of children from lower-income homes were in origin genetic, environmental, or some combination of the two, their "relative inadequacy" tended to be handed on to the next generation. Frederick Osborn, "Qualitative Aspects of Population Control: Eugenics and Euthenics", Law and Contemporary Problems, Summer 1960, p. 416, copy in American Eugenics Society Papers, box 15.
"In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity" - Daniel J. Kevles
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elbiotipo · 10 months ago
It's also funny that in Victoria 2, if you play as a developing nation outside of the great powers (say, Argentina) and if you implement liberal laissez faire economics, your economy goes to absolute shit. The only good way to play Victoria 2 is with state capitalism or a command economy, because otherwise the invisible hand of the market screws you.
If the Liberals get in charge of Argentina, it ruins the country for generations. 10/10 excellent realism.
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Considering that oppenheimer/oppenbarbie/barbenheimer has graced us with its presence during disability pride month, I want to give a shout out to all the Japanese, Pacific Islander, Indigenous, and Latine communities and families who have dealt with and are currently dealing with the physical injuries, birth defects/congenital disabilities, various severe illnesses, radiation poisoning, and psychological (including intergenerational) trauma as a result of the construction, testing, and use of atomic bombs. 
These are disabilities that deserve as much respect and recognition as any other, and I really hope people will remember stuff like that amidst all the memes and whatnot. Wishing the best to everyone who’s still suffering from this nightmare, and everyone who’s been experiencing very real, very painful memories and emotions in connection with this/these film(s).
I’d definitely recommend 
this post about the racist misdiagnoses and suppression surrounding the affects of testing on Navajo and Latine communities, 
this post with a link to an article about communities affected by the Trinity Test, with an additional link to a reblog about the effects of uranium mining on Congolese peoples that I didn’t even know about until reading this
this post quoting various military experts who criticized the bomb’s use around the time of detonation in Japan (opposing the narrative that dropping the bomb was an Unpleasant But Necessary act) that I reblogged with some other resources,
this post quoting M. R. O'Connor’s Wayfinding to discuss the violent bomb testing on Marshall Islands and the effects on the communities who lived there, 
and this amazing post listing a whole bunch of resources with audio/video/writing about Indigenous and Latine Downwinder communities, including valuable information about how to support the groups still struggling with these issues.
Edit: additional link to this post highlighting the nuclear violence and testing in the Marshall Islands and also having some good discussions about concerns with the Oppenheimer film in general
If anyone has any other recs/resources, please feel free to add on!
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sweet-potato-42 · 11 months ago
I beg people in the QSMP community learn just never ever be xeonophobic never ever be racist and NEVER GENERALISE AN ENTIRE COMMUNTIY TO A SET OF TRAITS
its just exactly how racist shit starts to form. Never say all people from one communtiy are the same or have a same trait to all of them. Its just stupid
this applies to all communities from brazilian, french, spanish, english and korean and whoever else joins later on.
Also please be aware EVERYONE is capable of racism. It can be easy to just throw accusations of rascim to other people and not tackle it in your own community.
I can say in the hispanic community its easy to just throw the blame of the recent xenophobia towards brazilians onto the "gringos" but lets be honest theres loads of racism in the hispanic community too.
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atheostic · 7 months ago
I find it utterly enraging when Jewish people on this site act like their experience with genocide is the only one that's valid and that matters.
When they brush aside other people's trauma as if it's less valid than their own.
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As if it's some kind of competition and SURELY no one's ever had it as bad as them.
The Christian genocide of Indigenous people in the Americas (which is STILL HAPPENING, btw) had killed 10% of the entire global population as of the mid-1600s (about 56 million people).
Yet I, an Indigenous woman, get told that not only is my people's equally traumatizing history irrelevant, I'm required to be "culturally Christian" by virtue of being born in Latin America.
Because apparently Latin Americans are a homogenous group with a hive mind.
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