openforest · 7 years
 Daily Web Coverage — About | 9 Oct | 10 Oct | 11 Oct | 12 Oct | Summary   The joint session of the UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (COFFI) and the FAO European Forestry Commission (EFC) opened on Monday 9 October 2017, at the Novotel Hotel in Warsaw, Poland. IISD Reporting […] October 21, 2017 at 10:48PM via Український лісовий портал
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danielszysz · 7 years
Stosowanie produktów drzewnych kluczowe dla zrównoważonego rozwoju
Stosowanie produktów drzewnych kluczowe dla zrównoważonego rozwoju
Rynki produktów drzewnych są w dobrej kondycji, a przewidywany wzrost będzie trwał również w przyszłym roku – to jeden z wniosków z raportu przedstawionego podczas wspólnej sesji Komitetu do spraw Lasów i Przemysłu Drzewnego EKG ONZ oraz Europejskiej Komisji do spraw Leśnictwa FAO.
Konferencja “Las2017″ obradowała w tym tygodniu w Warszawie pod hasłem „Lasy, nasze wspólne dobro. Wzmacnianie…
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environmentguru · 7 years
IISD/ENB+ @ Las2017 9-12 Oct 2017 Warsaw, PL IISD Reporting Services
IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, will cover Las2017 - Joint Session of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) European F https://www.environmentguru.com/pages/elements/element.aspx?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr&id=5470823
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olutaller-blog · 7 years
Lasgidi All-Stars show set to shutdown Lagos today
Lasgidi All-Stars show set to shutdown Lagos today
By Iyabo Aina
The annual premium music concert party tagged Lasgidi All-Stars (#LAS2017) is set to take centre stage this weekend (Sunday, 28th May) at the Hard Rock Cafe Victoria Island and it is expected to coincide with the closing activities for Lagos @50 celebrations.
And to this end, 411 Entertainment Company and Epic Media Africa, organisers of the bespoke concert have put all…
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onlineafric-blog · 7 years
Lasgidi All-Stars show set to shutdown Lagos today
Lasgidi All-Stars show set to shutdown Lagos today
By Iyabo Aina
The annual premium music concert party tagged Lasgidi All-Stars (#LAS2017) is set to take centre stage this weekend (Sunday, 28th May) at the Hard Rock Cafe Victoria Island and it is expected to coincide with the closing activities for Lagos @50 celebrations.
And to this end, 411 Entertainment Company and Epic Media Africa, organisers of the bespoke concert have put all in place to…
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