#las vegas real estate market
thelazybard · 2 years
Instead I Pour the Milk. [Alejandro Vargas x fem!Reader] Chapter 1: Prologue
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Check the tags at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42983298
"I'm pretending not to see them, and instead I pour the milk."
-Suzanne Vega, Tom's Diner
You were warned by your family and friends that moving to Las Almas would be dangerous. The city was teeming with Cartel activity that only brought murder and chaos. That should have swayed you to change your mind and not relocate afterall. But something was telling you that you would be fine, that opening a coffee shop may do the city some good.
Las Almas originally caught your eye during a family trip as a child. Originally, you were only meant to drive through the city to get to your campsite in the countryside but your car's front left tire caught a flat. That put a damper in your family's plans to say the least. While your father argued on the phone with his auto insurance about getting the tire fixed, your mother took you and your siblings downtown to keep you all occupied.
Mercado Las Almas, a colorful stone archway read as your mother guided you all through. Las Almas' Market. She figured she could pick up something for you all to eat while the car's tire got repaired. As she searched through various fruits and snacks the market had to offer, your eyes wandered. Something about this city was hard for you to ignore, like you were meant to be there. The colorful buildings and traditional architecture left you captivated.
Civillians much like yourself mingled and walked through the market like they were all one big family. Clearly the community was tight-knit, and it showed in how they addressed each other. You imagined what it would be like living there, becoming part of the circle and learning each and every one of these current strangers. The city enchanted you, to say the least.
Alas, your father got the flat fixed and you all were able to make it to the campsite before sundown, but you weren't nearly done with the city. You did plenty of research on the city as the time passed. Keeping up with its politics, frequently checking the real estate, even visiting a handful of times before you decided that this was something you really wanted to do.
You managed to snag a great deal on a café that had a two bedroom flat upstairs. The previous owners had enough of Las Almas and was willing to sell it for dirt cheap all things considered. The building itself was in great shape, and they even left most of their equipment. Being a connoisseur of all types of coffees and teas, you figured this would be easy work. And it was, eventually. People came for coffee and stayed for the atmosphere, and soon you were known by the townspeople as "la señora del café". The coffee lady. You took the nickname in stride and it encouraged you to keep up with the hard work to maintain a healthy and safe environment for your customers. Eventually you earned enough money to hire some employees. Mostly teens who just wanted cash to burn, but you would prefer them spending their time working in your shop than getting involved with criminal activity.
Your cousin on the other hand found a desk job. He moved with you to Las Almas not only to make sure you were okay but because he needed the change in scenery. With the two incomes and a lack of a need to commute on your end, money was almost never tight. Sometimes there were slow months, but you two eventually anticipated them and budgeted preemptively.
The townspeople loved you and treated you as a local despite only moving there as an adult. They protected you, making sure after any particular shootout close to your home that you and your cousin were okay. One time an altercation outside the shop left several bullet holes in your buildings outer wall. By the time you got up and went downstairs that morning to check, men from all ages were patching up the walls and assuring you they'd repaint the area once the cement dried. In return, you served them all lemonade and freshly baked goods for their labor in the sun.
It wasn't always like this, though. Your first few months in Las Almas were tricky to say the least. The townsfolk were wary of you, figuring you were just some hipster young woman hoping to gentrify their area. They talked about you around town, asking each other what they thought of you and if they'd been to your café yet. You still got customers, but it mostly seemed like people trying to size your place up and judge you without taking the time to talk to you. You couldn't quite blame them. They'd seen a lot these past few years what with the Cartel moving in, last thing they need is someone trying to profit off of their town's misery by buying a cheap shop and selling overpriced coffee. Even though that's... not at all what you were trying to do. If anything, your prices were pretty normal if not a little cheaper. They'd know that if they gave you a chance. It left you rather discouraged for a while. Eventually you thought your parents may have been right, and you hated when they were right.
But one fateful day, one of those hopeless days where you thought of going back home, a soldier came in. He had his rifle strapped to his back and wore the typical green camouflage uniform. Removing his shades, he found a seat at one of the many empty tables and you scooped up a notepad and pen to greet him.
He smiled at you. "Afternoon, Señorita."
"Welcome, Señor. Can I interest you in a concha? Do you need a menu?"
"No thank you Señorita, just a shot of espresso will suffice."
You nodded, wilting inwardly considering you spent the early hours of the morning making those conchas. But this was progress! You'd never had a soldier in your shop before, maybe he would enjoy your service and recommend your shop to his friends. Soldiers needed coffee, right?
While the press was brewing his espresso you turned to face him. "What is your name, Señorita?" He asked from where he sat, which was within earshot from the contraption you were working.
You told him, and he smiled. Uh oh, his smile was cute. Everything about him was cute, now that you started to notice. His black hair was slicked back neatly, and he was working on a five o'clock shadow. He appeared to be your age, two years older at max you thought. He had nicely defined cheekbones and jawline, too.
"A beautiful name." He said before cocking his head to the side slightly "Why the long face?" He asked.
You scrambled to come up with an excuse for your persistent frown. "No reason, I suppose I'm a bit sleepy if anything." You lied. You were totally upset because he was your first customer in days and didn't even buy a concha.
He grinned. "A sleepy coffee shop owner?"
You laughed bashfully as you took his espresso from the machine and brought it to him. "Well, when you word it like that it sounds ridiculous. It's not long until I can have a siesta, though." You said, looking upwards at a clock on the wall that read 11:54.
He nodded and thanked you for the coffee, and if he wasn't going to purchase anything else you rung up his bill.
He took a sip and raised his brows slightly. "Ay, this is great. What blend is this?" He asked.
"Oh, it's a blonde roast I had shipped from The States." You answered. Despite being less bitter in taste, the blonde roast actually had a higher caffeine content than most dark roasts.
"If you keep this in stock I may just keep coming back." He joked.
"You'd be my number one customer. My only customer, really." You sighed.
"Don't get much business?"
You looked around at the empty seats, biting back the urge to be sarcastic. "No, not really. A few tourists have come in, but I'm still trying to win the favor of the locals."
"I see. They'll come around once they know your intentions here are good, as well as the coffee."
You smiled weakly but jumped when your timer went off. Dismissing it, you excused yourself and jogged into the kitchen to pull freshly baked bread out of the oven and slice it.
By the time you returned, the man was gone. He left the money for his espresso on the bill you had left on the counter as well as a tip easily twice the amount of the original price. Picking up the money, you noticed he'd written something on the bill.
Cheer up, hermana.
That's when it hit you. You never got his name.
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maaarine · 1 year
Doppelganger: A Trip Into the Mirror World (Naomi Klein, 2023)
"The housing market isn’t about homes; it’s about hedge funds and speculators.
Universities aren’t about education; they’re about turning young people into lifelong debtors.
Long-term care facilities aren’t about care; they’re about draining our elders in the last years of life and real estate plays.
Many news sites aren’t about news; they’re about tricking us into clicking on autoplaying ads and advertorials that eat up the bottom half of nearly every site.
Nothing is as it seems.
This kind of predatory, extractive capitalism necessarily breeds mistrust and paranoia.
In this context, it’s not surprising that QAnon, a conspiracy theory that tells of elites harvesting the young for their lifeblood (adrenochrome), has gone viral.
Elites are sucking us dry—our money, our labor, our time, our data. So dry that large parts of our planet are beginning to spontaneously combust.
The Davos elite aren’t eating our children, but they are eating our children’s futures, and that is plenty bad.
QAnon believers imagine secret tunnels underneath pizza parlors and Central Park, the better to traffic children.
This is fantasy, but there are tunnels—literal Shadow Lands—under some major cities, and they do house and hide the poor, the sick, the drug-dependent, the discarded.
Under the flashing lights of Las Vegas, hundreds or even thousands of people really do live in a sprawling network of storm tunnels.
Like my doppelganger projecting all of our surveillance fears on a vaccine app, conspiracy theorists get the facts wrong but often get the feelings right—the feeling of living in a world with Shadow Lands, the feeling that every human misery is someone else’s profit, the feeling of being exhausted by predation and extraction, the feeling that important truths are being hidden.
The word for the system driving those feelings starts with c, but if no one ever taught you how capitalism works, and instead told you it was all about freedom and sunshine and Big Macs and playing by the rules to get the life you deserve, then it’s easy to see how you might confuse it with another c-word: conspiracy.
As Gilroy-Ware puts it, “Conspiracy theories are a misfiring of a healthy and justifiable political instinct: suspicion.”
But suspicion directed at the wrong target is a very dangerous thing."
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spann-stann · 7 months
Setting Blurb: Hoppe City
Nestled snugly in the Hanami Planum, Hoppe City is the largest human settlement on the dwarf planet Ceres, and the de facto capital of free market civilization. Everywhere you go, after stepping off the Rags to Riches interplanetary spaceport (and casino resort) the planet's rich mineral wealth rewards those that were the first to claim it. From the many facilities for mining and refining what lies below Ceres' crust to the luxury estates and skyscrapers of those that made it big (never mind the slums in Refoogietown), Hoppe City and Ceres as a whole would reward those that would work for it.
As the inner solar system was being colonized by the three human powers in the late 2300s, ambitious eyes turned towards the asteroid belt and saw only opportunity. It was only a matter of time before the many construction projects in the inner system created a demand for resources that only the Belt could supply. The first ones to seize the Belt would reap the rewards. CorpEmp and the W.C.O.F. would dispatch a few expeditions to the Belt, and a swarm of independent miners would stake their claim in the untapped riches floating between Mars and Jupiter. The largest contributor to the Belt Rush would be the United Markets, and the largest of the U.M. settlers came from the Hoppean subculture.
The U.M. back on Earth was growing too corpocratic and libertine for the more socially conservative Hoppeans, and what available real estate there was was either too crowded for their tastes or would become so at an uncomfortable taste. Several thousand Hoppeans began to pool resources and capital together in the 2350s to settle, mine, and develop a plot of the Cerean surface, with the first families given stewardship over plots purchased by a secondary wave of Hoppeans staying behind to continue financing the colony back on Earth. Each family would be responsible for either mining their plot, providing a service for the other settlers, or develop for future use. Everyone also had to pitch in to buy military equipment for security. No freeloaders, no market failures, and definitely no Imps or Commies. Reserves could join the settlement proper, or pay triple to hitch a ride and disappear into the icy crevices to stead all their lonesome. C.P.C. gangsters were shot on sight.
The 2,500 families of the first and second waves (also known as the First Steaders) ratified the Covenant Charter on September 2nd 2355 in a rented Las Vegas convention center, affirming all families' adherence to the Non-Aggression Principle and describing in great detail what is and isn't Aggression. To help retain a united sense of identity, the founding families would model their colony's culture and memetics after the New England Puritans and the Scottish Covenanters of the 16th and 17th centuries, mixed with the stylings of their own brand of anarcho-capitalism. Three years later the first transport craft would land on the site of what would become Hoppe City.
For the next 500 years, the denizens of Hoppe City laid low mining and developing their part of Ceres and keeping an eye on newcomers to their neck of the Belt. The Hoppeans' large volunteer militia kept their colony and the rest of Ceres out of the Belt Wars in the 2600s. Likeminded groups from the U.M. would arrive and establish communities of their own, eventually adopting the Covenanter model of anarchist society. The rest of the U.M.'s subfactions would arrive to stake their own claims of the dwarf planet, with the Hoppeans giving them a wide berth, and wildly divergent Marketeers (NEVER bring up the incident with the Church of Randian Satanism) were treated like they didn't exist. Most individual miners would try their luck in the mines of Hoppe City, tripling the population just in time for the Human-Crystalline War (2801-2885).
As the Crystalline Aliens had a nasty habit of attacking any significant human presence, Ceres' population evacuated to the many underground mining complexes and rode out the war. Hoppe City's private militias remained on-planet in the event of an attack, but a few volunteered to join the rest of U.M. security forces to drive the aliens out of the Solar System. The aliens never touched Ceres, and because of that refugees would flock to the dwarf planet, tripling the population yet again. Most of the refugee population would be moved to the aforementioned mining complexes, they could either wait until it was safe to be relocated (especially CorpEmp and W.C.O.F. populations, and especially after fighting between the two groups), or try their hand at joining the planet's population. This refugee problem, and the threat of alien invasion, would lead to the expansion of the private security industry on Ceres. Many famous firms today had their beginnings in many volunteers that fought the Human-Crystalline War (against alien or refugee gang). The one group the Hoppeans were really wary of were the execs of the megacorps (MicroBucks, Morgan Industries, etc.) from the U.M. core.
Although they were sequestered in their own territories on Ceres, the Hoppeans didn't want the megacorps to start thinking they could run the dwarf planet like the rest of their assets. The descendants of the Founding Steaders (and a few Founding Steaders themselves who used life extension technologies) met with the megacorp execs, and stated that on no certain terms would Ceres be run like the old FVMEs on Earth. Pre-emptive strikes against acts of aggression were perfectly legal according to Covenant Charter, and it would be a shame if the execs did anything that would be considered aggressive. A few execs got the memo and drank the Hoppean kool-aid, or quickly relocated. Sympathetic megacorp employees would also subvert their employers' memetics with that of the Covenanters, bringing them more in line ideologically with the Hoppeans. By the beginning of the 2900s, Ceres and especially Hoppe City, would become the industrial and economic capital of the United Markets.
With the alien threat removed and their competition suborned, the Hoppeans and Ceres did what they did best: minding their own business and mining. As human settlement expanded into the outer solar system, a few expert miners from Hoppe City went to try their hand at establishing daughter colonies in the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. An even smaller few went out to stake their claims in the Extrasolar Territories. The Transhuman Wars were the only conflicts of the 31st century that the Hoppeans would get involved due to --DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BRING UP THE TRANSHUMAN WARS OR THE ACTIONS OF HOPPE HEDONICS IN HOPPE CITY - NEVER BRING UP THE TRANSHUMAN WARS - THERE WERE NO CATGIRLS - HOPPE HEDONICS NEVER PRODUCED CATGIRLS - UNDER THE REVISED COVENANT CHARTER OF 3106 ANY MENTION OF CATGIRLS CONSTITUTES AN ACT OF AGGRESSION-- in what would become know as Refoogie Town in the first layer of exhausted mining complexes below the city proper.
By the rise of CorpEmp's 5th ruling Dynasty, Hoppe City is an icy jewel that seems to only shine brighter. Most of Ceres by this point is "governed" (a dirty word in the U.M.) in covenants similar to Hoppe City, and Hoppean Scots has become the lingua franca of the myriad communites in the Asteroid Belt. Ceres has also emerged as the Mecca for developments in brine mining technology. Thousands of fortunes are made, lost, and won back daily in Hoppe City. In spite of all their history and achievements, however, there is one thing. One little frustrating thing that comes to most non-Cereans' minds first when asked to think about Hoppe City...
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remaxlasvegas · 11 months
Unlock the secrets to selling your Las Vegas luxury home.
We are Las Vegas real estate experts, here to help you sell your luxury home.
We know the challenges of this glitzy market, and our expertise lies in pricing, showcasing, and targeting the right buyers.
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sralasvegas · 1 year
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Find Your Dream Property in North Las Vegas! We are your trusted real estate agent broker in North Las Vegas and are here to assist. With our in-depth knowledge of the local market, we'll help you discover the perfect home or investment property. From luxury estates to cozy condos, we have a diverse listing portfolio. Start your real estate journey with us today.
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retirebetternownv · 1 year
The Top Current Trends in Las Vegas Real Estate
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Las Vegas, Nevada is known for its world-renowned entertainment, casinos, and hospitality industries. However, in recent years, the city has also become an attractive real estate market due to its growing economy and diverse population. In this post, we’ll explore the top current trends in Las Vegas real estate that anyone looking to invest or buy a property in the area should know.
Increased demand for single-family homes
The pandemic has prompted buyers to seek larger and more comfortable living spaces, and Las Vegas is no exception. Single-family homes have seen a spike in demand, as people look for privacy, home offices, and outdoor amenities. According to the Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors (GLVAR), single-family home sales rose by 8.7% in 2020, with an average sales price of $354,000. As a result, these properties are now selling much faster, and buyers may find themselves in bidding wars.
Booming luxury market
The luxury real estate market in Las Vegas has seen significant growth in recent years, with high-end buyers seeking luxury villas, penthouses, and homes in exclusive areas. According to the GLVAR, luxury home sales increased by 46.8% in 2020, with the average sales price reaching $1,350,000. Luxury buyers are looking for modern amenities, exclusive locations, and personalized services, combining the comfort of home with upscale experiences.
Growth in commercial real estate
Las Vegas has always had a strong commercial real estate market due to its tourism and hospitality industries, but new industries like tech and healthcare have been driving demand as well. According to CBRE, office vacancy rates in Vegas have dropped for the fourth consecutive quarter in 2021, with tech and financial firms accounting for the majority of leasing activity. Additionally, the city is investing heavily in the healthcare industry, with new hospitals and medical facilities opening across the city.
Increasing interest in short-term rentals
Las Vegas is a popular destination for tourism, and as a result, short-term rentals like Airbnb have gained popularity. Homeowners can earn significant income by renting out their properties for a few days or weeks, especially during peak travel seasons. However, investors should be aware of the city’s strict regulations on short-term rentals, including fees and permits required for operating a rental property.
The growing interest in sustainable real estate
Las Vegas is becoming a leader in sustainable development and green real estate, with developers and homeowners embracing energy-efficient technologies and environmentally-friendly design. For example, the city’s new Circa Resort & Casino is one of the few LEED Gold-certified hotels in the world, with sustainable features like solar panels, rainwater collection, and energy-efficient lighting. Additionally, more homeowners are opting for green building materials, solar panels, and energy-saving appliances when building or renovating their homes.
Virtual real estate tours
The pandemic has changed the way the real estate industry operates, with virtual tours and remote viewings becoming a necessity. Las Vegas real estate agents and developers have embraced technology, offering virtual tours, drone footage, and 3D renderings of properties. Many buyers are now able to view properties from the comfort of their own homes, making the buying process more efficient and convenient.
The rise of remote work
The pandemic has also accelerated the trend of remote work, with many companies allowing employees to work from home permanently. As a result, more people are looking to move away from expensive cities like New York and San Francisco, and Las Vegas is an attractive option. The city offers a lower cost of living, a warmer climate, and an abundance of outdoor activities, making it an ideal place for remote workers to call home.
In the end, the Las Vegas real estate market has been evolving quickly in recent years, with new trends emerging that offer opportunities for buyers, sellers, and investors. Whether you’re looking for a single-family home or a luxury condo, the city’s real estate market is diverse and growing. Additionally, Las Vegas’s unique mix of industries, sustainability initiatives, and remote work opportunities make it an attractive location for anyone looking to invest in property or relocate to a thriving city.
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From Door-to-Door Salesman to Solar Energy Mogul: The Story of Steven Cohen's Success and Giving Back
When it comes to perseverance and determination, Steven Cohen is a true exemplar. With his indomitable mindset, he has been able to turn the odds in his favor and become a highly successful millionaire millennial. Furthermore, he continues to make a positive impact by motivating and inspiring others to follow in his footsteps. According to Cohen, his personal mantra for the past several years has been "Things will work out because things always work out."
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His passion for self-improvement and skill development is unparalleled. He made the decision to leave his studies at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas in order to gain practical knowledge and experience. His initial foray into the workforce was through a network marketing company, where he gained invaluable insights and skills in entrepreneurship, sales, team building, communication, public speaking, and personal development, despite the modest compensation.
In 2015, Steven was among the first to venture into the emerging solar energy industry in the United States. He began his journey as a door-to-door salesperson, traversing the west coast to build sales teams. However, it wasn't until he returned to his hometown of Las Vegas that he co-founded Sunder Energy, which has since become a leading top-tier solar company in the country. Steven believes that "direct sales is just a personal development program with a big compensation plan attached." He notes that over the past decade, he has come to view sales not as a job, but as a means of personal growth and development.
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As he continues to reap the benefits of his own achievements, he also aims to empower and uplift others. He has been mentoring and advising hundreds of young professionals in the solar industry, helping them to achieve six-figure incomes. Additionally, he has been providing education and guidance on financial literacy, with a particular focus on real estate and digital asset investments. Steven's ultimate goal is "to try and help people grow and develop because [he believes] that your result in the marketplace, your results in solar direct sales is a reflection of your inner world."
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In addition to being a sought-after keynote speaker, Steven has also been creating engaging content online. He delivers talks that are designed to inspire and motivate individuals from all backgrounds, encouraging them to take responsibility for their choices and live the life of their dreams. He reaches his audience through his Instagram, YouTube channel, and Millennial Millionaire podcast, where he shares his experiences and insights in an open and candid manner. Like many others, Steven started with nothing, but through hard work and determination, he has achieved many of his aspirations. One of his most cherished moments was being able to purchase a house for his parents. Despite how much time has passed, Steven shows no signs of slowing down, and continues to strive for self-improvement and assist those who are eager to succeed as he once was.
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Watch KITTIE's Entire Comeback Performance At BLUE RIDGE ROCK FESTIVAL
Reunited Canadian metallers KITTIE performed on September 8 at this year's Blue Ridge Rock Festival at the Virginia International Raceway in Alton, Virginia. Fan-filmed video of the entire concert is available below.
Joining guitarist/vocalist Morgan Lander and her sister, drummer Mercedes Lander, at the show were guitarist Tara McLeod and bassist Ivana "Ivy" Vujic.
Prior to Blue Ridge, KITTIE had not performed since its reunion show at London Music Hall in the band's native London, Ontario in 2017, celebrating the group's documentary "Kittie: Origins/Evolutions".
Morgan and her sister held their first rehearsal together since 2017 in April. A month earlier, Morgan confirmed to Anne Erickson of Audio Ink Radio that KITTIE will play more shows beyond the already announced appearances at the Blue Ridge Rock Festival and at the When We Were Young festival in October. "That's it for this year," Morgan said. "But next year, we definitely will. But I think those opportunities will come later on.
"We don't have anything set in stone, but I think it's something that, like I said before, once these doors are open, I think we can expect to feel comfortable doing a few more little things here and there and hopefully we'll be able to do some more one-offs in the States and Europe and that type of thing," she explained. "So the possibilities are endless."
Asked in a recent interview with the "Talk Toomey" podcast what led to Vujic returning to KITTIE for the current dates, Lander said: "Ivy played on two of our albums, the last two albums that we did. She left the band right before the very last big tour that we ended up doing; she did the Soundwave Festival [in Australia] with us in 2012, and those were the last shows that we did with her. And she just kind of settled into her life, started a family, got married, and so that's sort of been what she's been up to. But Ivy's a metal girl at heart and she's always been super, super easygoing about stuff. I just sent her a message and I was, like, 'Hey, can we talk?' And we had a really, really great phone call and I just sort of explained the situation, explained what was going on. I asked her if she'd be into doing it, and she was, like, 'Yeah. Sounds great.' … It's very much one of those things where you don't talk that often anymore, you don't see each other that often, but then, when you all get together again, that chemistry and that vibe is always there."
Morgan continued: "I feel like that lineup of KITTIE in particular was always very super pro, super chill — no stress, no drama. Just, like, 'You know what? We're gonna go out there and we're gonna sound amazing.'
"She's an incredible bass player. I don't think that Ivy gets enough credit. She is absolutely incredible. So it's gonna be great."
Vujic joined KITTIE in 2008 and appeared on the band's fifth studio CD, 2009's "In The Black". She also wrote and recorded bass for KITTIE's sixth album, 2011's "I've Failed You".
When We Were Young will be held on the Las Vegas Festival Grounds on the Strip on October 22, October 23 and October 29.
In January, the original lineup of KITTIE — Morgan, Mercedes, Fallon Bowman (guitar) and Tanya Candler (bass) — reunited for an online chat to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of its gold-certified 2000 debut album, "Spit".
Candler left KITTIE after the release of "Spit" in order to finish high school and was replaced by Talena Atfield.
Bowman exited KITTIE in 2001 and started her own industrial/electronic project, AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT.
After KITTIE completed the touring cycle for 2011's "I've Failed You" album, the band entered a long period of inactivity during which Morgan focused on a marketing job for a chain of fitness clubs while Mercedes worked in real estate and more recently at a software company. The group also began work on a career-spanning documentary, "Origins/Evolutions", which finally saw the light of day in 2018 via Lightyear Entertainment in North America.
"I've Failed You" sold 3,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. 178 on The Billboard 200 chart.
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datascraping001 · 2 years
Electrical and Roofing Contractor Data Scraping
If you’re looking for an electrical and roofing contractor online, it’s about to be much simpler. That’s because many of these contractors usually have information on their websites about the services they provide. It’s important to find a Contractor Data Scraping Service or software that can help you get everything you’re looking for in one place.
Electrical and Roofing Contractor Data Scraping Services
This offer is perfect for any contractors looking to collect data from local businesses. We will provide you with the most up-to-date information about your industry and save you time in the process. Updates come out weekly, and we make it easy to order custom reports. Moreover, this offer provides an automated system that scrapes data from Home Advisor's directory, so it's easier than ever to get accurate information.
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Contractor Data Scraping
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justinbrennan · 58 seconds
Regret Proof
Regret Proof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xevGe6Ik1Do Fear of regret is what drives me. Imagine meeting your 80-year-old self and having to apologize for not going after your dreams. I refuse to stay stuck in the same place. The time to go for it is NOW. Please visit my website to get more information: https://ift.tt/1I9GmR2 🔔 Unlock multifamily real estate success! Subscribe for inspiring podcast insights on acquiring and developing multifamily properties, success stories, & growth strategies. https://www.youtube.com/@JustinBrennan/?sub_confirmation=1 🔗 Stay Connected With Me. 👉 Facebook: https://ift.tt/BQw9Ruf 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/ya9c6Tq 👉 Linkedin: https://ift.tt/JhtNH58 👉 Watsapp: https://ift.tt/WYj25Cb 👉 Website: https://ift.tt/1I9GmR2 ============================= 🎬 Recommended Playlists 👉 APARTMENT INVESTING https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLStA37XUJ_FH8nPpDK_bQksoz9F8G9-Fo 👉 A2G Short Clips https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLStA37XUJ_FGBgSZU_GQ_6KhXcTAxVG_B 🎬 WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS: 👉 Buying A Multifamily In 90 Days For $18,000: Case Study With Justin Brennan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsPrXZi_LFI 👉 ADU's Flipping & Real Estate with Brian and Nick | Abundance2Give https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_94wkQJwKc 👉 Las Vegas Mafia & Real Estate with Rob Brown | Justin Brennan | Abundance2Give https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2ZM8ehsxG0 👉 How To Buy Multifamily Apartments In 90 Days | Multifamily Investing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neG5DujMGfg 👉 The future of San Diego | Justin Brennan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xxR21SSRPc ============================= ✅ About Justin Brennan. Welcome to Justin Brennan's channel! As CEO of The Brennan Pohle Group, I focus on acquiring and developing multifamily properties across the U.S. With over 500+ units and $157M in assets, my team and I aim for 10,000+ units and $4B in assets. Here, I share my journey and expertise in real estate, from title insurance to property management. Join me for insights on multifamily real estate, investment strategies, and personal growth. Subscribe for tips on achieving financial freedom and giving back. 🔹EXPERIENCE • Licensed REALTOR ®DRE#01866398 • 15 years experience as a Realtor and Investor • Former Asset Manager for Chase & Fannie Mae. (Handled thousands of distressed properties, short sales, and REOs throughout the USA.) 🔹EDUCATION: • Degree in Finance & Marketing - Pepperdine University • Masters Degree in Business - University of San Diego • Masters Degree in Real Estate Development - University of San Diego Burnham Moores • Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) • Certified Investor Agent Specialist CIAS) 🔔Ready to master the multifamily real estate game? Subscribe for expert insights & podcasts on multifamily investments, growth tactics, and industry expertise. https://www.youtube.com/@JustinBrennan/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= ADD HASHTAG HERE Disclaimer: Any information or advice on this channel is for educational and general guidance only. Justin Brennan and his affiliates shall not be liable for any damages from using the content. Consult a financial advisor before making investments. All information is provided 'as is' without warranties. Links to other websites are for convenience; read their privacy statements. Comments are reviewed and may be deleted if inappropriate. Public comments do not reflect the views of Justin Brennan and his affiliates. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Justin Brennan. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. Justin Brennan, JustinCBrennan.com, Multifamilyi.com, MultifamilySchooled.com, BrennanPohle.com. All Rights Reserved. © Justin Brennan via Justin Brennan https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjR741czRkmAzoBKAlrPf6Q September 21, 2024 at 03:18AM
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superiormortgage01 · 9 days
More homebuyers are choosing Las Vegas mortgage companies for their local expertise, personalized service, and competitive rates. These companies offer tailored solutions and streamlined processes, making home financing easier and more efficient. Their strong community ties and transparent practices also enhance the overall mortgage experience. For more information Click here : https://ext-6529697.livejournal.com/6475.html
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Summary of Real Estate Market Trends: Decline in Rents and High Vacancies
Summary of Market Trends in Real Estate Decline in Effective Rents: Effective rents are down in urban markets such as San Francisco and New York City. Tech hubs like Seattle and Austin have also seen a decrease in effective rents. High Vacancy Rates: Cities like Miami and Las Vegas are experiencing high vacancy rates. Tourism-dependent markets such as Orlando and Honolulu are also struggling…
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grigsbyvaluation · 18 days
A Guide To Comprehensive Valuation For Determining Your Business's True Worth 
Understanding the actual value of your business is essential in today's dynamic business landscape. 
Whether you're a small family-owned enterprise or a large corporation, business valuation provides critical insights that can guide your strategic decisions, from retirement planning to confidently navigating buy-sell agreements. 
A well-executed business valuation in Las Vegas offers a clear picture of your company's worth, empowering you to make informed decisions that align with your long-term goals.
In this blog, you will learn about the importance of business valuation services and how they can help you determine your business's true value.
The Importance of Tailored Business Valuation
Every business is unique, with its strengths, challenges, and market positioning. Recognizing this individuality, business valuation should be approached as something other than a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, the process must be tailored to meet your enterprise's specific needs, taking into account the intricacies of your business operations. 
Whether you manage a small, family-owned business or oversee a large corporation, the valuation process should be conducted with attention to detail, ensuring that the insights you receive are relevant.
A Comprehensive Approach to Valuation
Business valuation is not only about numbers; it's about understanding the full scope of what makes your business valuable. A comprehensive approach to valuation goes beyond assessing tangible assets like real estate, equipment, and inventory. It also delves into intangible factors that play a significant role in your business's value, such as brand reputation, customer loyalty, market positioning, intellectual property, and the strength of your management team.
This holistic perspective provides a nuanced understanding of your business's true worth. By evaluating tangible and intangible assets, the valuation reflects what makes your business unique. This detailed insight allows you to make informed decisions, whether you plan to sell, attract investors, or gain a deeper understanding of your business's financial health.
Transparent Communication
Transparency is key to a successful business valuation process. From the initial consultation to the delivery of the final valuation report, clear and open communication is essential. Involving you in every process step ensures you understand the assessment's rationale and how the final valuation figure was determined.
This commitment to transparency means there are no hidden surprises and only clear and concise insights that you can rely on. The ultimate goal of a thorough and transparent valuation process is to empower you with the knowledge and understanding necessary to make informed decisions about your business's future.
Enabling Business Owners for Strategic Decision-Making
For business owners, especially those contemplating retirement or considering selling their enterprise, a thorough business valuation is indispensable. Understanding the true value of your business can provide you with the insights needed to plan effectively for the future. 
Whether preparing for retirement, looking to pass your business on to the next generation, or considering a sale, a comprehensive valuation allows you to gauge your business's worth accurately.
With this knowledge, you can make strategic decisions that align with your long-term goals. For example, knowing your business's value lets you set a realistic asking price and negotiate confidently with potential buyers if you plan to sell. Similarly, if you're considering attracting investors, a valuation provides a solid foundation for discussing equity stakes and securing favorable terms.
Navigating Buy-Sell Agreements with Confidence
Buy-sell agreements are critical milestones in a business's lifecycle. Whether buying out a partner, bringing in new investors, or selling the business entirely, having an objective valuation of your enterprise is essential. This independent assessment provides a clear, unbiased view of your business's worth, setting the stage for equitable negotiations and favorable outcomes.
A business accountant in Las Vegas ensures that all parties have a clear understanding of the business's value, helping to prevent disputes and ensuring that the agreement is fair and mutually beneficial.
In today's competitive business environment, understanding the true value of your enterprise is more critical than ever. A company valuation service can help you tailor the valuation process to meet your business's specific needs and take a comprehensive approach, providing a clear understanding of your business's worth.
This insight empowers you to make informed, strategic decisions that align with your long-term goals, whether planning for retirement, selling your business, or navigating a buy-sell agreement.
In order to get your true valuation of a business, you can seek the help of business valuation services from any concerned agency's website.
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Marissa H. Marshall Considered Best REALTOR in Las Vegas, NV
Marissa H. Marshall is recognized as the top realtor in Las Vegas, NV, due to her unparalleled expertise and commitment to her clients. With a deep understanding of the local market, she consistently delivers outstanding results for both buyers and sellers. Marissa's exceptional negotiation skills and personalized approach ensure her clients get the best possible outcomes. Her reputation for professionalism, attention to detail, and dedication to client satisfaction sets her apart from the competition. These qualities have earned her the title of the best in the Las Vegas real estate market. Visit: https://marissahmarshall.com
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Selling Your Home for Cash in Las Vegas, No Matter the Situation or Condition
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Are you struggling to sell your home in Las Vegas? Maybe it's an old property in need of repairs, or perhaps you're facing a challenging situation like foreclosure or divorce. Whatever the case, selling a house can be stressful, especially when the property isn't in perfect condition. But what if you could sell your home quickly, without the hassle of repairs, showings, or long waiting periods?
Enter Alex Buys Vegas Houses—a solution for homeowners in Las Vegas who need to sell their homes fast, regardless of the situation or condition. We understand that life happens, and sometimes you need to sell your house quickly and without the usual complications. Here's how we can help.
Why Sell to Alex Buys Vegas Houses?
We Buy "As-Is" One of the biggest challenges homeowners face when selling a property is making it market-ready. This can involve costly repairs, renovations, and staging. At Alex Buys Vegas Houses, we eliminate that burden. We buy houses in any condition, whether they're outdated, damaged, or simply in need of some TLC. You won't have to lift a finger or spend a dime on fixing up your home.
Fast and Simple Process Traditional home sales can take months, with showings, negotiations, and financing contingencies slowing everything down. We streamline the process, making it fast and easy. Once you reach out to us, we'll schedule a visit to assess your property, and within 24-48 hours, you'll receive a fair cash offer. If you accept, we can close the deal in as little as a week. No waiting, no endless paperwork—just a quick, straightforward sale.
No Hidden Fees or Commissions Unlike traditional real estate transactions, where sellers often have to pay hefty commissions to agents and cover closing costs, with Alex Buys Vegas Houses, there are no hidden fees. The offer you receive is the amount you get—no deductions, no surprises.
Help in Difficult Situations Life can throw curveballs, and we understand that selling a house isn't always a matter of choice. Whether you're facing foreclosure, dealing with a divorce, handling an inherited property, or simply needing to relocate quickly, we're here to help. We offer a compassionate approach, ensuring that the process is as stress-free as possible, even in tough circumstances.
Local Expertise As a locally operated business, Alex Buys Vegas Houses knows the Las Vegas real estate market inside and out. We're not a faceless national company; we're your neighbors, and we're committed to helping our community. Our deep understanding of the local market allows us to make competitive offers that benefit you.
The Process: How It Works
Contact Us: Start by reaching out to us via phone or through our website. Provide some basic information about your property.
Property Assessment: We'll schedule a convenient time to visit your home and assess its condition. Don't worry about cleaning or making repairs—we're interested in your property as-is.
Receive an Offer: Within 24-48 hours of our visit, we'll present you with a no-obligation cash offer.
Close the Deal: If you accept our offer, we can close in as little as seven days. We'll handle all the paperwork, and you can walk away with cash in hand.
Why Wait? Sell Your Home for Cash Today
Selling your home in Las Vegas doesn't have to be a long, stressful process. Whether your property is in pristine condition or needs significant repairs, regardless of your personal circumstances, Alex Buys Vegas Houses is here to offer you a quick, hassle-free solution.
Ready to sell your house for cash? Contact us today and take the first step toward a smooth, fast, and stress-free sale.
This post highlights how Alex Buys Vegas Houses provides a hassle-free solution for homeowners in Las Vegas, focusing on the benefits of selling a house for cash, regardless of its condition or the owner's situation.
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datascraping001 · 10 hours
Redfin Real Estate Agents Scraping
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Redfin Real Estate Agents Scraping by DataScrapingServices.com
In the competitive world of real estate, having access to detailed and accurate data is crucial for making informed decisions and staying ahead of the competition. Redfin, a well-known real estate brokerage, offers a wealth of information on real estate agents, properties, and market trends. By leveraging Redfin Real Estate Agents Scraping services from DataScrapingServices.com, businesses can access a comprehensive database of real estate agents' information, enhancing their marketing efforts and strategic planning.
List of Data Fields
When scraping data from Redfin, DataScrapingServices.com ensures that you receive a wide array of essential data fields, including:
Agent Name: The full name of the real estate agent.
Contact Information: Email addresses and phone numbers for direct communication.
Agency/Office Details: The name and address of the agency or office the agent is affiliated with.
Specializations: Areas of expertise such as residential, commercial, rental properties, etc.
Years of Experience: Information on the agent’s experience in the real estate industry.
Active Listings: Current property listings managed by the agent.
Customer Reviews and Ratings: Feedback from clients that reflects the agent’s performance and reputation.
Social Media Profiles: Links to the agent’s social media accounts for additional insights.
Benefits of Redfin Real Estate Agents Scraping
Utilizing Redfin Real Estate Agents Scraping services from DataScrapingServices.com offers numerous benefits:
1. Enhanced Marketing Campaigns: With detailed information on real estate agents, businesses can tailor their marketing campaigns to target specific agents who are most likely to be interested in their services or properties. This targeted approach increases the effectiveness of marketing efforts and maximizes ROI.
2. Improved Networking: Access to comprehensive agent profiles allows businesses to establish connections with top-performing agents. Building strong relationships with these agents can lead to fruitful collaborations, referrals, and increased business opportunities.
3. Competitive Analysis: By analyzing the data on various agents, businesses can gain insights into the competition. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of competitors helps in refining strategies and staying ahead in the market.
4. Data-Driven Decision Making: Having accurate and up-to-date information at your fingertips enables businesses to make informed decisions. Whether it’s selecting the right agents to partner with or identifying emerging market trends, data-driven decisions lead to better outcomes.
5. Time and Cost Efficiency: Automating the data extraction process saves valuable time and resources. Instead of manually collecting and organizing data, businesses can rely on automated scraping services to gather accurate information quickly and efficiently.
Best Real Estate Data Scraping Service Provider
Realestate.com.au Property Listings Scraping
Realtor.com Property Data Extraction
PropertyGuru Property Data Scraping
Scraping Compass.com Property Listings
Scraping RealtyTrac Real Estate Listings
Property.com.au Real Estate Data Scraping
Gumtree Property Ads Scraping
Nestoria.co.uk Property Price Scraping
PrimeLocation Property Data Extraction
PropertyValue.com.au Property Listings Scraping
Best Redfin Real Estate Agents Scraping Services in USA:
Chicago, Fort Worth, Kansas City, Orlando, Sacramento, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Austin, Philadelphia, Houston, Omaha, Mesa, Washington, Bakersfield, San Diego, Raleigh, New Orleans, Virginia Beach, Colorado, Fresno, El Paso, Long Beach, Nashville, Jacksonville, San Francisco, Atlanta, Memphis, San Antonio, Columbus, Milwaukee, Louisville, Seattle, Sacramento, Dallas, Boston, Long Beach, Colorado, Albuquerque, Wichita, Tulsa, Las Vegas, Denver, Fresno, Orlando, Charlotte, Oklahoma City, San Jose, Tucson and New York.
Redfin Real Estate Agents Scraping by DataScrapingServices.com is an invaluable resource for businesses in the real estate industry. By providing detailed and accurate data on real estate agents, this service enhances marketing efforts, improves networking opportunities, and enables data-driven decision-making. With a comprehensive database at your disposal, your business can stay competitive, build strong relationships, and achieve greater success in the dynamic real estate market. Contact DataScrapingServices.com today to learn more about how our scraping services can benefit your business.
Website: Datascrapingservices.com
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