#las Vegas strong
hollythomastattoos · 9 months
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Las Vegas Strong script tattoo for Only $150! 💪
Other Las Vegas Strong designs available as well as custom designs for great prices!
Comment on this post and I’ll send you the online booking link ❤️
HollyThomasTattoos.com for more ;)
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pixiedeadbeat · 2 months
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Dale Strong, Las Vegas showgirl, photographed for Life Magazine, 1952.
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yesterdayiwrote · 10 months
so mercedes didn't officially block anything but stewards might have asked unofficially and merc might not have approved so we can say with 100% confidince that ferrari couldn't avoid penalty bc of merc lol what? no one is fan of merc but this rumor isn't even a rumor just fanfiction atp
Carlos has a penalty for 2 very specific reasons
The Race Organisers (F1) and the FIA failed to ensure the track was prepared to an acceptable standard before cars took to it
The FIA rulebook makes no exceptions or special dispensation for Force Majeur in situations like this
That is where the buck stops. The idea that the blame lies with Mercedes is entirely a distraction from who has actually fucked up here, and caused the situation to arise.
Are Mercedes potentially being dicks? Possibly, but they haven't caused Ferrari to get a penalty, they've essentially said 'Sorry to hear about your bad luck, but we're not going to sign off on you getting a lifeline'. Probably a bit unsportsmanlike, but given they're the only team directly in competition with them, probably unsurprising too.
And it shouldn't be up to the teams to sign off on band aid decisions to cover the FIA/F1's ass, especially not on the fly, because where do you draw the line? This is only a problem now because he's on his last engine, if it happened at the start of the season it wouldn't be an issue.
I suspect the FIA will now try and create a clause to make allowances for what happens should this arise again, but to create something watertight that isn't open to abuse is going to be easier said than done I would imagine.
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verstappenclerc · 10 months
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big fan of the white fireproofs if you ask me😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
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boltsinmycereal · 11 months
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The Las Vegas app has a driver descriptions section and they’re honestly a hoot to read.
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ridiasfangirlings · 11 months
you this is going to sound like an unpopular opinion but gora is not consitent when it comes to writieng characters
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Honestly you’re right and you should say it :P I love K but I do agree there’s some inconsistencies with how the characters are written, especially between different media. I think some of that is just to be expected from a project like K, that’s a collaboration between different writers who all presumably have their own viewpoints when it comes to each character. I definitely get the impression that certain members of Gora are more partial to certain characters, and that some characters are written slightly differently depending on who happens to be doing the writing.
I also feel like K as a series grew and changed the more Gora wrote — in particular I think a lot of the earlier parts of the series don’t always quite fit with characterization from later media. Fushimi is a big example of this, his character from S1 is almost entirely different from how he acts in all subsequent media and it feels like they bent a little far to explain why he acts the way he does in episode 5 of season one (while I do appreciate that Fushimi went from generic vaguely yandere guy to sad disaster child it definitely makes his characterization feel a bit off when you compare season one to season two). Similarly S4 in general feels a lot more antagonistic and sinister in the early episodes of S1, and I feel like the Munakata of Side Blue the novel and the Munakata of the 7Stories adaptation of Side Blue aren’t quite the same. I kinda suspect that while Gora did have some ideas for how the story and characters should play out from the start (the Greens are teased as early as Side Blue, for example) there was also some measure of ‘throwing things at the wall to see what sticks and running with that.’ For example, the Ashinaka kids are much more prominent in season one to the point you’d expect them to be more of a focal point going forward but they largely disappear after this aside from Kukuri and even she’s largely relegated to cameos, and while there’s no way to say for sure I do wonder if we would have seen more of her and the other students if they’d been more popular with the audience. 
And outside of the character writing we do know that Gora is not adverse to changing their minds and adding things to canon after the fact. Take the differences between S1, The First manga and the First Story novel for example. Hisui being behind Colorless isn’t even so much as hinted in season one of the anime but The First manga has a whole scene of Kotosaka interacting with Colorless which makes it clear. This is a fairly important scene in regards to what comes later and I feel like it would be odd for them to skip out on it in the anime, unless it’s something Gora came up with after season one had already been animated. Both the manga and novel also place a lot of emphasis on Colorless having the physical fox mask, which shows up only very briefly in the first season of the anime (offhand I think it’s just the random kid who calls Mikoto in jail and the personification of Colorless as a fox in that moment, whereas The First even replaces Shiro finding bloodstained clothes with Shiro finding a fox mask). The Return of Kings novelization adds a whole character arc for Neko that’s not in the anime, and while I think that was a huge plus it still does change that characterization slightly just by having this arc occur. In some ways K reminds me of writing a fic and changing things between drafts, it’s just for Gora one of those drafts was already animated or published and they just decided to roll with later changes as if those were there from the start.
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mbav3rdseason · 7 months
There’s a musical version of Scream
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money-martin22 · 2 days
as we expected kate’s getting her second start of the season!
excited to see how the bench plays tonight
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awesomenessg · 1 year
At Amazing Comic Con on Sunday, Tara Strong and her bf along with Greg Cipes and his brother hosted a panel that my bf, @jeffys-stuff, and I were fortunate enough to attend. Tara Strong and Greg Cipes are well known for voicing Raven and Beast Boy from Teen Titans. They talked about their podcast called The Ship-It Show, which I have been a long time fan of!
In this video, they held a Q&A session, and I got the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ask them a question. I still can't believe how lucky I was for getting the chance to do that! I felt brave at first walking to the line, but once I was finally up to ask my question I got pretty nervous. But Tara and Greg's banter was so hilarious and made me laugh! 😆
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Now, I wouldn't usually talk about something like this, but considering the severity and how the situation hauntingly echoes the absolutely real fear that gripped UNLV during the 2017 school year, when another shooter was only a few miles away on the strip and could've easily gotten to the campus?
Yeah, I'm gonna fucking talk about it, I was there when it happened last time.
What happened yesterday was a tragedy. My heart goes out to the families who lost someone due to the gunman, and I pray for a very lucky and hopeful recovery for the student injured.
To think that another shooting happened, in the span of six years--
-- it baffles me. It disgusts me. It honestly makes me sad, and heartbroken for anyone who had to witness that; let alone be a victim of that, but I also feel blessed to have not stayed on campus the six years I planned to.
I enrolled at UNLV personally back in 2017. Senior coming fresh out of highschool. And personally, part of the reason I left was because of that shooting in October of that year.
This is what I remember from it:
I remember just coming back to campus from visiting family over the weekend. I remember someone telling me as soon as I walked in that we were to stay inside- at all cost. I remember the whole school shutting down on lockdown.
The fact that our lives were at such a risk- and that it happened at night, for us- was all the more terrifying. People left and right were bunking up under their beds and desks, barring doors, blocking windows, praying to whatever God or deity they believed in. Most of the football players and stronger guys of our group chose to willingly act as a line of defense, taking roll call to make sure we were all inside our dorms and willing to put up a fight if necessary.
I remember being so fearful with my life that I couldn't stop crying, let alone sleep; I don't think most of us did that night, anyways..
I remember texting people I cared about, friends, family, hoping someone would wake up and respond back and try to soothe my fears.
I remember at one point accepting that if I was gonna die that night, I wouldn't go down without a fight. I made sure that even as I hid under my desk and barricaded any viewpoint of me in the room, I had a pocketknife with me in my bag.
I remember my roommate and her boyfriend acting as if it was just another Sunday for them; chilling in the bed, calm as a cucumber. They were from Chicago, so they were used to this level of violence; me being originally from a small town in Colorado, I wasn't..
I remember the wee hours of the next morning, and the string of texts I got from everyone I knew flooding in with panic and worry, wanting to make sure everyone was alright..
Now, I say all this because I empathize with the situation that happened yesterday. It saddens my heart that it echoes so loudly the events of six years ago, and the very thing that I feared most on that night. I could never forget that moment... But, to think history would repeat itself and actually let that happen..
Words cannot even describe how my heart wrenched when I heard the news...
Anyways.. That's my two cents on the matter.
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trustlife2day · 1 year
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captainfreelance1 · 6 months
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My Attempt rotoscoping I call Amymation and the inspiration for it Paralympic Snowboader Amy Purdy.
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desert-hobbit · 10 months
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I am a notorious stoner. Smelling a little like weed has been something I’ve just come to terms with. I could give a lot of reasons I smoke weed, but none of them really seems to matter right now. I was sitting down for one last hit of my pipe, looking at the clock on my computer and knowing I was running behind.
I have office hours at 12:30pm, but I like to get there half an hour earlier. Wednesdays are my long days. I have my office hours, then a three-hour class right after, and I like a little time to get my own assignments done. That was the plan, after all. Get to my office hours with my head a little in the clouds, finish the presentation I had due that night, and get ready for the end of the semester. A little weed before I head to my office hours keeps me level-headed. I walk from my campus apartment to my campus office, and during the ten-minute walk, my head usually clears up, and I feel prepared for my day.
I was just ten minutes behind. Usually, around 11:45am, I’d be walking in the middle of campus. I wanted to get to campus a little earlier that day, since I use the student pharmacy to fill my medications. I was running out of one, so I needed to stop by before I made my way to my office. I cursed at myself for being late, for giving in to that stoner-desire to just sit and have another hit before walking out the door. I had a student who wanted to stop by my office hours to discuss something from class, and I didn’t want to be late in case she stopped by at the beginning of my office hours. Even so, I was running late.
Just as I was standing up to grab my backpack and head out the door, I got a text on my phone.
UPD Alert – UNLV
University Police responding to report of shots fired in BEH evacuate to a safe area, RUN-HIDE-FIGHT.
And I shook. It was instant. As soon as I read those words, my body went cold, and I was trembling. I collapsed back into my chair, not entirely believing what was happening. That was 11:52am. A few minutes later, at 11:57am, I got the same text again. It was real. I should have been walking to my office, but I was quaking in my bedroom. BEH is not a far walk from my apartment. I live on campus to make my life easier, after all. Walking to class is a lot easier than driving. The convenience has always been the highlight of living on campus, but suddenly I felt like I wanted to be anywhere but there.
Would the shooter be on the move? Would they head towards the dorms, or would they head towards my side of campus? I texted my professor first, asking if she was on campus. Then I brought up the group chat I have with other students in my department. Frantically, I ask who is on campus. Several of them were, some were off campus. Everyone was sheltering in place.
I cried. Knowing my friends were closer to the danger than I was, knowing they were scared and barricaded in offices, I cried. Knowing my professor, a woman who has mentored me since I first came to UNLV, was locked in a classroom made my stomach churn. We had no information; we knew nothing. All we could do was send texts back and forth, everyone checking on everyone we know.
I was getting texts from friends around town. My psychiatrist checked on me. I had to send that text nobody wants to send to their parents. There is an active shooter. I am alive and I am safe. What did my mom and dad feel when they saw that? Were they holding it together for me? When I called my mother, she simply reassured me I was safe, that I was not in danger. But my whole body, my brain, was telling me I was. I may not have been in the thick of the shooting, but I was on the campus where it was happening. I knew, just a few minutes away, people were dying. I did not yet know how many, but I knew it would not be good.
Maybe I’m a product of my generation, because after checking with all my friends, I took to Twitter. I posted I am a student at UNLV, and that I am safe and sheltering. A flood of support poured in, including journalists looking for comment. I spoke with one of them, giving her what information I knew, telling her how students seem to be feeling and how little information we were being given. She was very kind, this journalist. She kept updating me on news from the police, even though she didn’t have to. I was just another source for her, but she treated me like a human being going through a traumatic situation. I’m not entirely sure why I talked to her when she asked for comment, but in the moment, it seemed like the right thing to do. Let the world know how scared we are, how inevitable this has felt for so many of us. I wanted her, and everyone else, to know how scared I was.
The misinformation was easy to absorb, and it was everywhere, mostly because we had no verified information to rely on. There were reports of 28-35 people shot, multiple shooters, someone shooting in the library, SWAT and Navy SEALS being brought in. Screenshots of students saying they’ve been told by police over 35 were dead were being spread through group chat to group chat. It is so easy to look back and realize what was obviously not true, but in the moment, when you’re begging for scraps of news, you’ll accept almost anything. We all took things with a grain of salt, but what if they were real? What if 35 people had been killed? What if 28 people were actually shot? Was it true that a second shooter was barricaded in a building, and the police were trying to get them out? Was it true that there was a second shooter, a woman, who had been killed? We knew nothing. Spreading speculation was almost like a way of staying sane, of trying to make sense of a senseless situation.
Eventually, my friends start telling me they’re getting evacuated. The relief I feel knowing they’re getting home safely is overwhelming. I’ve been locked in my bedroom, staying away from windows and doors, just waiting for the situation to end. It is a relief knowing my friends and colleagues will get home safe. I know not everyone on campus will be so lucky.
Much of the day still feels like a blur. At some point, two hours had passed, but it felt like days and minutes all at once. Now that a night of sleep has passed between me and the shooting, it feels even more surreal.
I can’t explain the guilt I feel. I have read students talk about how they heard the gunshots, heard screaming and panic. How they ran for their lives, not knowing what was happening, making their way from building to building hoping they wouldn’t get shot. I think about all their fears and what they must have been feeling and I feel this incredible guilt because I hadn’t yet left my apartment. I was close, but not as close as some. I will not have to hear the screaming or the gunshots in my sleep. I will feel the panic forever, the fear forever, but there are some scars I did not come away with. And I am both grateful and full of such intense guilt that I cannot shoulder this burden for other students.
I do not know what the coming days will look like. Now we know the man’s name, but I will not repeat it. We do not yet know the names of the victims, but texts from friends tell me it was faculty. As someone working towards being faculty one day, I am scared. Will this happen again? Will I have to endure this terror another time during my life because I have chosen higher education as my career?
I shouldn’t have to fear this. None of us had to go through this. The three people who lost their lives should still be alive. I do not need to speak out loud every argument about gun control that has been hashed and rehashed every mass shooting since Columbine. I do not need to say, as yet another survivor of a school shooting, that this didn’t need to happen. But I am saying it. This did not need to happen. These people did not need to die. These students did not have to be traumatized. Our campus will never feel safe again, and this did not have to be how it is.
I hope I can take care of myself. I hope others can take care of themselves. I’ve already seen the Las Vegas community step up and come together. They did it in 2017, long before I lived here, and now I am seeing it with my own two eyes. Las Vegas shouldn’t have to reuse a hashtag. #VegasStrong shouldn’t have to trend again for another shooting. #UNLVStrong didn’t have to come to pass. Yet here we are, coming together as a community.
To all my fellow Rebels, I love you. I am glad you survived. And to those we lost, I am so sorry. We will carry your memories on, because your memories are blessings to us.
My relationship with UNLV is forever changed.
There’s no going back to a before.
-Victoria Parra
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horizonlandscape · 2 years
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Strong woman
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p-oolshark · 2 years
I have some mixed emotions about Vegas, mostly love because basically on one hand, it’s kind of become like my home away from home and it’s always held a special place in my heart for some reason. On the other hand, it’s where I had what I would call the most traumatic experience of my life and it’s where Elvis was caught up in that awful contract and essentially signed his life away 😪
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random-autistic-loser · 6 months
Hey guys I'm back- anyways, I went to Medieval Times today and I think I'm getting my ears pierced tomorrow aahtfhrhrrhhrhr I'm not comfortable showing my face yet but I got a dragon mask on sooooo... *I'll show my face on my bday :]*
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