#largo drive
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Apparently Jill was/is back in Florida with David and the kids that didn’t go with her the first time. Makes me wonder if Nathan and Nurie aren’t going to the wedding because why wouldn’t Jill just wait until they come up to Ohio? Unless they went down to retrieve Nathan and Nurie and the kids to drive back up with them?
I think I saw they were back in Ohio recently and were just dropping off tracts for missionaries at Nathan's church, or something like that. I can't imagine Nurie would miss their wedding, just for optics sake if nothing else, but you never know (and if she did 👀 that would be some tea).
The drive from Nurie's area is like 15 hours I think? I'd guess they come up sometime that week before the weekend, it feels like they're always in town for a while when they visit.
#i only know that because i used to drive to Florida from the midwest kind of a lot on and off throughout my life lol#a good friend lived in key largo for a long time and then my bro went to school in the very middle part#god from IL to the keys was a hell of a drive
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oh i didn't get to mention it before sound check but barber of seville act i on the met radio today on my drive to the venue :)
#caught it just before largo al factotum to una voce poco fa. delightfulll#sasha speaks#i love listening to the met radio while i drive they play great stuff. except when they play bad stuff and i hate it
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Espero que esto no te incomode, pero lei los tags acerca de como escribir a personas hablando en lenguaje de señas, y me gustaría saber si tenes algún consejo para hacerlo pero en un comic(?) la idea que yo tenía era mostrar el movimiento de las manos en el globo de dialogo, pero no sé
No hay problema alguno! Aunque de antemano voy pidiendo perdón si algo no sale muy coherente o hay errores gramaticales, por acá ya pasamos las 2am y llevo dos horas escribinedo esto😅
Mi mayor consejo para este tipo de cosas, por más que suene muy brusco u horrible, es no lo hagas a no ser que sepas algo de dicha lengua de señas
Las lenguas de señas son, al fin y al cabo, lenguas. A la hora de plasmarlas en tus comics, también estás plasmando su gramática y su léxico, y si no sabes ninguno de esos dos va a estar complicado. He visto muchos casos en donde la gente intenta dibujar una o dos señas de todo lo que se dice, basándose en una búsqueda de léxico (palabra fancy para "vocaulario") en internet y en donde terminan embarrándola bastante feo. Ojo! esto no quiere decir que sea imposible, se puede hacer sin saber la lengua de señas, pero es abrirse a muchos posibles errores.
Por ejemplo, es muy común que la gente piense en la lengua de señas como una variación visual del idioma hablado de un país, y que quieran aplicar el mismo orden de palabras de la lengua oral en la lengua de señas, cuando muchas veces estos difieren, ya que son lenguas independientes. O esperan que las lenguas de señas sigan una equivalencia de 1 seña = 1 palabra, y hagan sus traducciones en base a este presupuesto. Sin embargo, una seña puede ser toda una expresión y varias palabras pueden traducirse a una sola seña. Así mismo, una palabra sola puede corresponderse a varias señas diferentes, o varias señas a una palabra. Por ejemplo, en la Lengua de Señas Uruguaya (LSU) hay 3 o 4 formas diferente de decir "solo/a/e", otras 3 (o más) para "igual"; pero una misma seña puede referir a "leer-los-labios", "oralizado/a/e" u "oralista", dependiendo del contexto.
Uno de los mayores errores que veo es gente que piensa la frase en una lengua oral, y luego la traduce mal en base a lo que encuentra en internet, o una pregunta rápida a alguna persona sorda, con poco o ningún reparo por la gramática de la lengua. Esto se puede evitar, ya sea aprendiendo la lengua primero, o no hacer algo que escapa nuestras capacidades. Sin embargo, si las ganas de hacer el comic es más grande que correr este riesgo, un par de consejos de como reducir este riesgo son:
Trabaja junto con varias personas sordas e interpretes a todo momento. Esto va tanto para sí sabes la lengua como si no
Cuando les estés dando la frase o palabra a traducir, busca que el contexto siempre este claro. Siguiendo el ejemplo de las diferentes señas para "solo" o para "igual", la seña que vayas a usar varía según el contexto, de que se está hablando y de que forma, y con quien, etc. Si yo fuera y le preguntara al primer sordo como se dice "igual" me va a dar una seña, pero cabe la posibilidad de que esa seña no sirva y este mal en el contexto en que yo la preciso, y que la que precise sea una de las otras que también existen.
Siempre que puedas, no hagas vos la traducción, sino que toma las frases o palabras directo de personas sordas (de preferencia, aquellas que sean nativas de la lengua, y no que la hayan aprendido hace un par de meses o uno o dos años)
asegurate que los sitios que uses para sacar la gramática y el léxico sean confiables, y que, o sean hechos por sordos, o tengan la colaboración de estos
Utiliza la menor cantidad de señas posibles, para reducir el riesgo
Después, otros consejos, que sirven tanto para si sabes o no la lengua:
Tomate un tiempo y observa a varias personas hablando en una lengua de seña. De preferencia la que vas a plasmar, pero para cosas más generales cualquiera sirve. Observa como hablan las personas oyentes o que suelen señar con menor frecuencia. Observa como lo hacen las personas sordas/aquellas con mayor exposición a la lengua, y como se suelen diferenciar (por ej: aquellos con menor experiencia, o menor grado de fluidez, tienden a usar pocas expresiones, a señar "chiquito", contra el cuerpo, y con una gramática más asemejada a su lengua oral que lo que lo hace una persona con más fluidez, así como también a usar la voz o modular más que lo que haría alguien que sabe hablar bien la lengua -aunque no son los únicos que lo hacen. Las personas sordas oralizadas también tendemos a esto último, sobre todo cuando se aprende la lengua de señas de forma tardía).
Del mismo modo, observa como interactúan. Como mantienen el contacto visual, como retiran objetos que impiden ver al otro, como hablan cuando están uno al lado del otro, como lo hacen cuando estan frente a frente, como y cuando se interrumpe a la otra persona, como se le llama la atención, etc.
Observa también como señan según el espacio en el que están y segun la cantidad de luz que hay. Todo esto te va a ayudar a representar una conversación más realista. Por ejemplo, en un lugar con menos luz, la gente tiende a acercarse, para así ver mejor. A veces las personas o algún vehículo se atraviesa en medio de una conversación y te perdés de una parte, o hay gente que cuando pierde el interés en una conversación rompe el contacto visual, etc. Todo está en los detalles
Con lo de contacto visual, tené en cuenta que uno no mira solo a las manos, sino a un "recuadro" que va desde más o menos la mitad del torso hasta una mano por encima de la cabeza. Este es el lugar en donde la persona seña, y observar este "plano amplio" permite seguir toda la oración sin tener que estar constantemente cambiando de lugar la mirada
Y cuando uno seña, no siempre está mirando a la persona con la que está dialogando. En realidad, muchas veces, uno mira sus propias manos o hacia un punto en el espacio, según lo que esté diciendo y el cómo (por eso insisto tanto en el observar a otras personas hablar, no sé si muchas personas sepan de este tipo de cosas)
La lengua de seña se conforma por varios componentes, no solo las manos. Las expresiones faciales y los rasgos no manuales en general son algo a tener en cuenta a la hora de dibujar una seña. Por ejemplo, en LSU, la seña para "gordo" incluye el inflar los cachetes y encoger un poco los hombros, y esto tiene que verse reflejado en el dibujo dado que es parte de la seña
la entonación o intención (si es pregunta o no, si alguien está enojado o emocionado etc) de una frase muchas veces se comunica a través de expresiones y del lenguaje corporal y eso tambien debe verse reflejado. Por eso tanto la insistencia en saber la gramatica de la lengua
La ubicación de la mano, el movimiento, la orientación de la palma y la forma de la mano, así como la expresión, son muy importantes. Cambiar uno, a veces incluso ligeramente, significa que puede estar haciendo un gesto sin sentido o una señal diferente de la que pretendía hacer. La precisión es clave en este tipo de cosas
En lo personal, me gusta más cuando de toda una frase, se seña la última o las últimas señas. Muchas señas juntas en un mismo dibujo termina siendo bastante difícil de descifrar
Y, nuevamente, personalmente, me gusta más cuando la seña esta correctamente ubicada en el cuerpo del señante, y no flotando al lado, en un globo de diálogo o fuera de este, pero eso ya si es 100% gusto personal
El sistema de dibujo que (muy personalmente) me gusta más, es, como dije, la seña en el cuerpo del señante, y marcar la dirección de la seña con flechas y enumerando los diferentes movimientos si los hubiere
busca y revisa el trabajo de otras personas a la hora de dibujar señas. De momento solo me acuerdo de rodrigonzalez87, sordo uruguayo; jenafloydart sorda de EEUU si no me equivoco?, y caldatelier que es filipino, todos en instagram. También está la tienda web DonSigno, pero en este momento no recuerdo si una tienda de personas sordas o no. Pero igual hay montones de dibujantes y de artistas sordos que podes buscar para tomar inspiracion
Y ya por último, y sé que esto suele ser una crítica muy grande a shows y películas más que nada, pero que yo aplico también a comics: por favor no cortes en el dibujo las señas. Con esto quiero decir, que se vea por completo la seña en el recuadro, o al menos un 95%. Es muy frustrante ver como alguien hace uso de tu idioma y lo agrega a su obra para hacer arte, para luego solo mostrar un pedacito de la mano o ir cortando la frase casa dos segundos/cuadro de por medio. En la comunidad Sorda shows que hacen esto suelen ser visto como "hearing pandering", es decir, el hacer el show o peli para los oyentes y que estos disfruten de ver una lengua "exotica" y no para visualizar o representar a los Sordos o las lenguas de señas. Si hay algo que yo buscaría evitar, sería esto mismo
Y la recomendación obligatoria que siempre hago: en este post (también hecho por mi lol, aunque está todo en ingles) hay más información de como funcionan las lenguas de señas y conceptos falsos que se tienen de las mismas, así como varios comentarios por otras personas S/sordas e hipoacusicas sobre la comunidad Sorda y las personas S/sordas en general
#de momento no sé me ocurre nada más pero llevo dos horas y esto quedo mucho más largo de lo que queria so 😬#espero te ayude en algo#(la primera parte no busca ni asumir nada ni avergonzar ni reprochar. No sé cual es tu caso ni que tanta familiaridad tengas con las LS#o con la comunidad Sorda. por lo que intente explicarlo tan a fondo como pude . Si algo no se entiende pls no dudes en mandarme mensaje)#y ya de paso antes de que me olvide : el termino correcto en español es lengua de señas (o lengua de signos en españa) y no lenguaje#aunque es un error super comun y lo hacen hasta en los noticieros so#creo que eso es todo#cualquier cosa manda menasaje o yo sigo agregando alguna otra cosa#(Debería de traducir ese post al español y llevar tanto el link como una fotocopia del mismo arriba todo el tiempo#no saben lo que me ha salvado estos ultimos meses sdfghjk poder simplemente mandárselo a la gente de una#Conozco al menos a una Sorda que tiene todo el sistema Un doc con la info basica + videos en drive con señas basicas#una genia)#si me comi muchas s no no lo hice en mi dialecto aspiramos las s y por tanto casi ni se pronuncian asi que no van 😂also is 2 am
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09/23-25/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Kristian Nairn: Beyond The Throne Release!; Rhys Darby; Leslie Jones; Rachel House; CW: Roaches: Samba Schutte; Vico Ortiz; Lindsey Cantrell; Crew For Life Hoody; Adopt Our Crew: Prompts/Research; Bi+Sexuality Day; Watch Party Reminders; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes;
Hey crew, sorry I've been completely exhausted the last few days, having to be up early with kiddo and drive down to see my dad + crazy work hours. I am just... flat out of it, sorry! Trying to get caught up today, this is going to be a 3 dayer to try and catch up quickly. Hope you all are doing well and having fun honking!
== Kristian Nairn ==
On September 23, Kristan's Beyond the Throne was finally released!!!
Kristan was on NBCNews and Pix11News!
Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
Kristian was featured in the New York Post and Screenrant!
A lot of the crew has been expressing excitement for the book!
Still looking for a copy? Maybe a signed copy? You can grab one on his linktree!
== Rhys Darby ==
Sept 23rd was Rhys and Rosie's 27th anniversary! Happy Anniversary you two!
Speaking of Rhys and Rosie -- Friday Sept 27, Rhys and Rosie will be doing an episode together!
Source: David Booth's Twitter
Rhys is going to be taking a big part in BadJelly! (Guess who else is there? Pop Pop (Cohen Halloway!)
Source: BadJellyTv / Rosie's IG
Are you gonna be in LA on Oct 1? You can check out Rhys' "Saying Funny Things Society" at the Largo Los Angelos! Get tickets here.
Source: Rhys Darby's Twitter
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie's off to see the yankees!
Source: Leslie's Instagram
== Vico Ortiz ==
For Latine Heritage Month, Vico was featured in a Glaad article!
Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Samba Schutte ==
There's quite a lot of speculation going around because of how active Samba is regarding AoNZ and OFMD....he's been sharing a LOT of @adoptourcrew's Glaad Media Awards stories...
And reminding us he went to New Zealand 2 years ago...
And.. what is with these Roaches in a box? Some folks have said... 3 pictures = S3, some have said they see S3 in the roaches themselves. What do you think?
Source: Samba's Instagram Stories
PS: I love that the Advanced Chemistry Movie Socials are clowning with us all.
Source: AdvancedChemistry Twitter
== Rachel House ==
Can it be? Is The Mountain finally coming to dvd and digital! Apparently! Oct 2 is the day in the US - AoNZ Oct 1!
Source: TeMaunga's Instagram == Linds Cantrell ==
Lindsey with a new Haircut!
Source: Linds Cantrell's Instagram Stories
== Crew For Life Hoody ==
Final hours for the ShopStands Crew For Life Hoodie!
Source: ShopStands.com
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Our crewmates over at @adoptourcrew have been trying to keep engagement gowing with a couple prompts! If you have twitter please hit them up, they'd love to hear from you!
Source: AOC's Twitter
Source: AOC Twitter
Our Friends over at @adoptourcrew also put together some cool research regarding shows that have been picked up by Netflix! Check it out here!
Source: AOC Tumblr
== Watch Party Reminders ==
Sept 26 is the end of Season 1 of OFMD with @adoptourcrew and @astroglideofficial!
Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Articles ==
The Mary Sue put an article out about the OFMD Cancellation, but it caused a little controversy because of this glaring error:
If you wanna check the article out below here it is:
Source: Sorry I can't remember who I found it from initially!
== Bi+Sexuality Day ==
Happy very belated Bi+ Sexuality day! As always-- you are seen, you are valued, you are valid; no matter who you've chosen to partner with, or who you've been with in the past. So much love your way lovelies <3
Source: Glaad Instagram
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
New Episode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction-- this time The Fluff Episode! Check it out on their linktr.ee!
And new episode of Gay Pirate News Hour on October 5th! Check it out on Our Flag Means Fanfiction Youtube!
Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Alrighty lovelies, I wanted to get so much more done today but I ran out of picture room and I'm catching up on so many things so everything is behind. I want you to know that you are doing a great job out there. Not just with clowning/honking, but with life in general. Things keep happening, and you keep on kicking, and that means so much to me, so much to your crew! We care so deeply about you and so when you succeed, or you struggle, we want to be there with you every time. <3
This world is hard, but you keep being kind regardless, and we're so proud of you for that. Sending so much love crew <3
Source: Katie Abey's Instagram
#Instagram#daily ofmd recap#ofmd daily recap#leslie jones#rhys darby#cohen halloway#Vico ortiz#kristian nairn#beyond the throne#anapela polataivao#con o'neill#samba schutte#adopt our crew#long live ofmd#save ofmd#watch parties#lube as a crew#lindsey cantrell#rachel house#advanced chemistry movie#crew for life
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Love Offenders
We are Love Offenders, a masked alter egos of Largo and Editt. We are an amateur couple...real amateur, not like those "amateurs" on p*rn sites. We do enjoy capturing our lovemaking sessions and turn it into an art. And that is what you will get here. Both of us are 30+
We are going to post our stuff all around social networks, and our art is going to be different on different platforms because of different politics, but you can find them all in one place: HERE
And here are some samples on our drive:
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do you have a really really beginners guide/recs to film noir? i don’t know anything about the genre except the detectives which i’m now gathering is Incorrect
here’s a list i made a couple years ago, obviously this is biased by my experience/preferences but every film on this list is a good one
Important Noirs
The Maltese Falcon (1941)
Double Indemnity (1944)
Detour (1945)
All the King’s Men (1949)
The Bigamist (1953)
Mildred Pierce (1945)
The Third Man (1949)
Key Largo (1948)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946)
The Sniper (1952)
The Killers (1946)
Important Proto-noirs
M (1931)
Little Caesar (1931)
Underworld (1927)
You Only Live Once (1937)
Marked Woman (1937)
Important Neo-noirs
Chinatown (1974)
Devil in a Blue Dress (1990)
Black Coal, Thin Ice (2014)
High and Low (1963)
North by Northwest (1959)
Mulholland Drive (2001)
Blue Velvet (1986)
Insomnia (2002)
Psycho (1960)
#yeah this list is pretty long but not everything on it is required viewing#one or two from every category should give you a pretty well-rounded view of the genre
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Largo Family name etymology:
With Repo! being set in the future, there are a few characters with names that aren’t necessarily used in the modern lexicon with any meaning. For example, Rotti is short for Rottissimo, which isn’t a real name to us. Since his shortened name is though, Rotti means ‘famed.’ Rotti is obviously a man admired for his advancements in transplant technology, who took advantage of that fame to control everyone and everything. Without his fame on the island, he wouldn’t have the ability to convince the public the murders his repo men commit are acceptable. This meaning is crucial to his success and legacy, which is, afterall, the whole driving force of the film and passing on Geneco.
His oldest, Luigi, has a name that means ‘warrior.’ For him, this has double meaning. First being his temperament. Luigi treats every person with the same ferocity, the same strength, and the same hatred. He has a warrior's spirit and intensity, activated whenever he wants, against whoever he wants. His attitude is a result of his upbringing, making his father the commander of this warrior. The second meaning is about his potential illness. Because of the scars all over his torso, and Pavi’s comments on his lungs, it is assumed that Luigi received total organ transplants as well when the rest of the population started suffering. While the surgeries could have been for vanity, it is assumed they could’ve done a better job on designer organs than leaving jagged and dark scars all over the place. In that regard I think Luigi is both a warrior because he’s a survivor of Geneco’s surgeries (and likely test subject for his father’s advancements based on the timeline) on top of being just a vicious man.
Paviche is another name which formally has no meaning, but the shortened version that he uses, Pavi, does. Pavi means ‘passionate,’ befitting of a man who speaks in mock Italian, a language of love, and who seduces the genterns. His idea of passion is the romantic kind, driven by his deepest value that he’s named after. It’s arguable that he’s passionate about Geneco as well, but he doesn’t show that as well. His rift with his siblings is hardly more than just squabbling rather than a passion of his.
The youngest being Amber of course has two different names. Her name from birth was Carmela, which means ‘fruitful.’ She was created as an heir to Geneco in the case the boys failed. Considering Luigi’s illness and temper, plus Pavi’s stutter as a child, Rotti likely had a third child as a fail safe. Carmela was a name that assumed she would continue the family legacy and the apple wouldn’t fall far from the tree. It’s no wonder she hates and changes it. To Amber, which means ‘jewel’ instead. All she wanted was to be a shining, precious, beloved and beautiful thing. The traits that matter to her have nothing to do with Geneco, even though she ultimately ends up running it. Her vision for herself is to be appreciated and valuable. Rotti’s vision for her was to continue to force his way no matter what. Amber, reinvented as such instead of Carmela, will make the future her own.
#rotti largo#luigi largo#pavi largo#carmela largo#amber sweet#r!tgo#repo the genetic opera#repo! the genetic opera#analysis
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In a first, sea-level rise drove a cactus to extinction in U.S. (Washington Post)
They once stood sentinel near the edge of the ocean. Giant columns of green studded in spikes, adorned with garlic-scented flowers and decked with woolly hair so thick it looked like snow had somehow accumulated in the subtropical heat.
Now scientists believe the Key Largo tree cactus, which grew in the Florida Keys, is the first plant of its kind to go extinct in the wild in the United States due in part to sea-level rise. Its disappearance, they warn, is a preview of things to come for other low-lying coastal species if human-caused climate change continues unabated.
“It’s a big deal when we lose species from an entire country,” said George Gann, executive director of the Florida-based nonprofit Institute for Regional Conservation.
Scientists have warned for a while that global warming threatens to batter many species. The loss of this cactus underscores how climate change is driving extinctions in real time — not in the future, but today.
“For me, it was devastating,” said Jimmy Lange, a research botanist at the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Florida who monitored the Key Largo tree cactus for years. Lange, Gann and other researchers described the local extinction in a study published Tuesday in the Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.
“This is such a glorious plant,” Lange said.
The tree cactus persists elsewhere in the Caribbean, including parts of Cuba and the Bahamas. But the stand lost on Key Largo to saltwater intrusion from rising seas and soil depletion from high tides and hurricanes was the only one known in the United States. This coastal plant with the snowy fur is Florida’s latest victim of sea-level rise, fueled by the melting of glacial ice thousands of miles away.
Discovered in 1992, this solitary stand of Key Largo tree cactuses sprouted from a limestone outcrop bordered by mangroves on Key Largo, a 33-mile-long island south of Miami popular with tourists. At night, its cream-colored flowers reflected moonlight and attracted bats that actedas pollinators. The magenta fruit that grew from the pollinated plants lured hungry birds and mammals during the day.
Botanists first noticed a problem in 2015 when they discovered something had almost entirely chewed through many of the cactus stems, probably in search of water. Only 60 individuals were left alive; half the population was gone.
The perpetrator may have been a raccoon or rat, though a wildlife camera never caught a culprit. “We’re not 100 percent sure,” Lange said. The team began rescuing stem fragments the following year.
Then in 2017, Hurricane Irma sent a 5-foot storm surge through Key Largo. The cactuses had endured hurricanes before, but the rush of seawater from that Category 5 storm accelerated the die-off. Past research has shown higher mortality rates for tree cactuses in saltier soil.
Even after the skies cleared, “king tides” boosted by sea-level rise continued to bring destructive saltwater within inches of the plants. The higher tides may have even made freshwater less available to small mammals and prompted the frenzy on the cactuses stems to quench their thirst. “But we can’t say for sure,” Lange said.
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* Drive off the darkness once more...
La noche caía sobre la ciudad de Berna, cubriendo las calles con una neblina fría que parecía emerger directamente del Rin. Las sombras se alargaban mientras la luz del día desaparecía, envolviendo la casa del Profesor Maximilian Steele en una oscuridad inquietante. El imponente edificio de estilo victoriano, con sus gárgolas de piedra y sus ventanas altas y estrechas, parecía más un castillo que una residencia. Pero esa noche, esa fachada inamovible se convertiría en el escenario de una revelación devastadora.
El aire olía a cuero viejo y papel, impregnado con el aroma de su té de bergamota que se enfriaba lentamente sobre su escritorio. Frente a él, antiguos informes de la Academia yacían abiertos, aunque su mente estaba lejos de las palabras impresas. Los últimos acontecimientos lo tenían preocupado, pero no podía predecir el golpe que estaba por llegar.
Un golpe seco resonó en la puerta principal, sacando a Steele de su ensimismamiento. Se levantó con calma, ajustando la chaqueta de su traje gris oscuro. El reloj de pie en el pasillo marcaba las ocho cuando Steele abrió la puerta, revelando a tres hombres que no estaban allí por cortesía. Sus uniformes, con insignias internacionales, hablaban de un asunto serio. El que parecía ser el líder del grupo dio un paso adelante, sacando un documento de su abrigo largo y negro.
— Profesor Maximilian Steele, — comenzó el hombre con voz firme y cortante, — soy el Inspector Nathaniel Hawke, de la Interpol. Tenemos una orden de arresto en su contra, bajo sospecha de estar involucrado en la desaparición y posible asesinato de Piers Campbell.
Steele parpadeó, incrédulo.
Piers Campbell, no solía ser el más brillante de la Academia a simple vista. Sin embargo, algo en él nunca terminó de convencerle. Hasta que sus sospechas hablaron por sí solas cuando descubrieron su conexión con La Legión de Reverie. Luego, ¿qué pasó? Desapareció. Como una botella que se lleva el mar.
Había desaparecido hacía semanas, dejando tras de sí un rastro de preguntas sin respuesta. La Academia se había sumido en el caos tras su desaparición, y Genevieve Laurent había tomado las riendas de la institución. Pero la idea de que Steele pudiera estar involucrado en su desaparición era inconcebible.
Antes de que pudiera responder, los oficiales comenzaron a moverse. Dos de ellos, fornidos y serios, avanzaron para esposarlo. El frío metal de las esposas contra su piel era tan irreal como las palabras que acababa de escuchar. Steele no opuso resistencia; su mente, afilada como un bisturí, ya estaba procesando la situación, aunque el shock inicial lo mantenía en silencio.
— ¿Tiene algo que decir? — preguntó el inspector Hawke, sus ojos oscuros observando a Steele con una mezcla de desconfianza y curiosidad.
Steele levantó la mirada, sus ojos azules reflejaban una confusión que no había mostrado antes, pero también una determinación fría. — Tengo derecho a guardar silencio —, respondió con voz serena, aunque cada palabra estaba cargada de la incredulidad que sentía.
El inspector Hawke asintió, como si hubiera esperado esa respuesta. — De acuerdo. Pero quiero que sepa que cuanto antes colabore, más fácil será para todos. La situación es grave, profesor.
Mientras lo escoltaban fuera de la casa, Steele observó las sombras alargadas en el suelo, proyectadas por las luces de los coches patrulla que esperaban. Cada paso que daba lo alejaba de su hogar, de la seguridad que siempre había sentido en su estudio, entre sus libros y sus pensamientos. El aire frío de la noche mordía su piel, pero no lo suficiente como para despejar la niebla que empezaba a nublar su mente.
El viaje en coche fue silencioso. Steele, sentado en la parte trasera, miraba por la ventana, observando las luces de la ciudad pasar a su lado como fantasmas. Su mente estaba atrapada en un torbellino de pensamientos, intentando comprender cómo había llegado a esta situación. Recordaba la última vez que vio a Piers, tan carismático como siempre. Fingía que no sabía nada, que era un charlatán.
Pero algo sí era: un imbécil.
La investigación en torno a la desaparición de Piers había sido intensa desde el principio. Se habían barajado múltiples teorías, desde un secuestro hasta una fuga premeditada, pero ninguna prueba concreta había surgido hasta ahora. Sin embargo, la implicación de Steele en todo esto era algo que no podía comprender. Había dedicado su vida a la academia, a formar mentes jóvenes para que se convirtieran en los mejores detectives del mundo.
Ser acusado de un crimen tan atroz era una traición a todo lo que había defendido.
Esta información sólo es de conocimiento OOC, ningún estudiante fue testigo de la detención de Maximilian Steele.
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in this post, I will link all the sites I deem important and where I draw a lot of our rare images and lore. I will also teach you how to access these sites since flash is no longer available!
Also, if you have any questions, need any help, you find that a link is broken, or you find a link that you feel should be added to this list, don't hesitate to dm me:
Discord -> luigilargo or my main @captainspaulding
First thing's first: In order to actually see a lot of these sites, you gotta have Flash. As we all know, Flash was discontinued in 2020, but thanks to some nerds out there, someone created a custom version of pre-2020 chrome with flash installed!
I've already backed this zip file up to a drive folder for you. All that is needed is this:
Download and extract the zip file. It is 100% safe because it's mine, and this is what I use every day.
Open the folder, do not delete or move anything obviously. Open the Google Chrome application
This will already have flash preinstalled. You don't have to do anything. To be safe, google Flash Checker and open the site, right-click the box that says you need Adobe Flash and run it. If you can see the animation, that means Flash is working ☝️😎
You may have to turn it on each time you reload a new web archive page and may have to right-click the flash animations to turn it on. Otherwise, you're all set, and you now have Flash just like the good ol days!
Now with that outta the way, here is a list of all Repo! related sites that you can access through the wayback machine:
Repo! film site
Repo! stage play site
GeneCo site (this one is still up and running so it can actually be accessed without wayback)
Zydrate site
Anti GeneCo blog site
Repo! members site (this one I so far have only been able to access the homepage, but I'm putting it here in case someone can figure out how to see more since this site apparently had lots of art and bts things for the film)
MySpace links:
Pavi's MySpace
Amber's MySpace
Shilo's MySpace
(as of now these are all that I can access, if anyone has working links to view the others please dm us so we can update this list)
It should go without saying that these are archived sites, a good chunk of the images are broken and its up to you to sift through all the snapshots and find working pages!
Have fun and I will update this list with any new sites or information I find.
- mod luigi
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question brought up by listening to Breaking Benjamin and realizing i haven't added any new songs to my library in, uh.... a While. what are your favorite songs by them?
also bc i'm obsessed with these songs, i highly recommend Godhunter by The Aviators and Beautiful Is Boring by BONES UK. Godhunter gives me big DnD campaign vibes and Beautiful Is Boring is heavily tied to Bloodborne for me bc of a fantastic amv someone did on here. ALSO speaking of video games i'm obsessed with. Outer Wilds. 1, listen to Travelers from the ost (absolutely gorgeous song imo) and then 2, listen to A Terrible Fate from the ost. it's phenomenal in the complete opposite direction. oh god and also ABZÛ, that soundtrack is gorgeous, it's by Austin Wintory who also did Journey
okay i'm gonna go now before i start recommending literally all the osts i listen to lmao
also pls give Alonzo scritches for me
Ooooooooooh! Thanks for the recommendations! Godhunter in particular really slaps! I love hard-driving songs that also focus heavily on melody (one of the things that appeals to me with Breaking Benjamin). I'll definitely check out those two OSTs also; I love video game soundtracks as a work background. :D
My personal favorite video game OST is the Hollow Knight soundtrack, which IMO basically doesn't miss. (Though particularly shoutout to the theme for my boy the Dung Defender.) I'm also a big fan of the Guild Wars 2 raid soundtrack, particularly the theme for the Twin Largos.
To answer your original question, though - I love a lot of BB's songs (they form a very high percentage of my shuffle playlist), but these ones are probably my top favorites:
Anthem of the Angels
Dance With the Devil
Dear Agony
Into the Nothing
Unknown Soldier
Wish I May
Until the End
Blow Me Away
Forget It
Also, shameless self-promotion since you mentioned liking AMVs - I'm still very proud of this set of AMVs I did quite a long time ago (a decade ago, oh God) during the depth of my Mass Effect obsession, using some of my other favorite Breaking Benjamin songs:
Mass Effect 2 ("I Will Not Bow")
Mass Effect 3 ("Breathe")
Citadel DLC ("Can't Hold Us") - Pentatonix, not Breaking Benjamin, but I also love how this one turned out. XD
Omega Tribute ("Breakdown")
Mass Effect 1 ("Had Enough")
One of these days I wanna do some BG3 vids in this style but who knows if I'll ever have the time, lol.
#bjk talks#nice people#paranormal-potatoes#thanks for the ask and the music suggestions :D hope you enjoy these in return
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[So how do you feed all these East Coast folks when they come down to Key Largo? If they want some real-deal, oldschool Italian American food, well, you bring 'em right here, to DiGiorgio's Cafe Largo.]
#s24e05 international appeal#guy fieri#guyfieri#diners drive-ins and dives#real-deal oldschool italian american food#east coast folks#key largo#cafe largo#digiorgio
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Hablemos de la vez que Nahomi Gomez le superó a Dalas Revew y Domentio en ser un asco total
Tal vez este sea un tema que deba dejar morir pero una parte mía no lo puede permitir y más por lo que hizo Namy Gaga/Namy G y el hecho que casi se haya salido con las suyas.
En la época donde la funa a Namy era más fuerte(2021-2022) se crearon grupos para reunir pruebas de todas las cosas que a hecho a lo largo de los años, estaba el grupo principal de Facebook"Namy Gaga nos funo" y un grupo privado de Messenger "La funa definitivamente a Namy Gaga", el grupo de messenger fue creado con el propósito de recopilar todas las pruebas importantes relacionado a Nahomi, crear un documento drive explicando punto por punto y de ser posible enviárselo algún Youtuber para que los expusiera
En el grupo había personas que realmente le importaban las víctimas de Namy, Mely y Evan(en esos momentos solamente conocido como "Ev" por parte de las viejas capturas en las que este hablo por primera vez sobre su relación con Namy)
¿Habían llegado escuchar algo de un supuesto plan de doxeo ?, la respuesta es que ¡NO!,¡NO ESTABA EN NINGÚN PLAN HACER ALGO ASÍ! incluso el doxeo estaba muy mal visto dentro del grupo
necesito que recuerden esto:
Por qué Recalcó esto?
Bueno, es momento para hablar sobre como "una cuenta desconocida " (que MUY PROBABLEMENTE se trataba de un amigo del circulo cercano de Namy si no es que la Gr00mer misma defendiéndose en una de sus típicas multicuentas)
nuestra bebita de 27 añitos favorita llegó a un punto de que finalmente contestaría a la funna y los crímenes que hizo, como ?, como el único truco que se sabe: Berrinche, victimización, mentiras, justificación, manipulación y acoso, y es aquí donde entra esta cuenta
Si ustedes vieron el vídeo más reciente de Biotex en el que se expone los actos más asquerosos de Reina Gaha, sabrán que ella y sus amiguitos más cercano tienen siempre la brillante idea de abrir cuentas múltiples por tal de proteger el gordo y celulitico trasero de Reina Gaga
Por favor, TOMENSE el tiempo y lean cada captura y dense cuenta de las múltiples contradicciones que este usuario "héroe sin capa " misterioso que se contacto con ella para pasarle pruebas de una funa que "no sabía " y presten atención la curiosa forma en la este la defiende y usa los mismos argumentos que ella y el como se contradice
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Creo que con todas las crisis posibles que nos inventamos las personas a lo largo de nuestra vida, dentro del paquete de “La crisis de los 30” que me descargué a mi disco duro el año pasado venía incluida una extensión relacionada con cómo me visto. Me cuesta hablar de mí, me cuesta comenzar frases con “Yo soy…”, me cuesta definirme, pero poco a poco voy conociéndome y aceptándome (todavía más importante). La ropa puede parecer un tema banal, no voy a citar a Miranda Priestly para desacreditar esta afirmación, aunque podría (if you know, you know). Aunque si estás leyendo esto es probable que eres de las mías, sabes que la ropa es mucho más que pedazos de tela que te cubre el cuerpo. Todo esto para decir que estoy revolucionando mi armario para redefinir qué se queda, qué se va y qué entra. Siento que me he alargado más en la introducción que en el quid de la cuestión, pero hasta aquí por hoy. Me encanta este look con un traje de mi madre, polo y boina de segunda mano, bolso y pendientes de Júlia, zapas regalo de Aitor y el anillo más grande que tengo hecho por mí, con mis manitas. ¿Este es mi nuevo avatar? ¿El avatar de una nueva era? Puede.
I think that with all the possible crises that we people invent throughout our lives, the “Midlife Crisis” package that I downloaded to my hard drive last year included an extension related to how I dress. It's hard for me to talk about myself, it's hard for me to start sentences with “I am…”, it's hard for me to define myself, but little by little I'm getting to know myself and accepting myself (that’s even more important). Clothing may seem like a banal topic, I'm not going to quote Miranda Priestly to debunk this statement, although I could (if you know, you know). Although if you are reading this you are probably one of me, you know that clothes are much more than pieces of fabric that cover your body. All this to say that I'm revolutionizing my closet to redefine what stays, what goes, and what goes in. I feel like I've gone longer on the introduction than on the crux of the matter, but that's it for today. I love this look with a suit from my mother, a second-hand polo and beret, a bag and earrings from Júlia, sneakers as a gift from Aitor and the biggest ring I have made by myself, with my little hands. Is this my new avatar? The avatar of a new era? It might be.
Vintage total look with Adidas sneakers and Zara bag & earrings.
+ Shoot by Júlia.
#fashion#beauty#style#make up#hair#love#looks#fashion blog#fashion blogger#street style#look#outfit#ootd#lotd#vintage#vintage fashion#retro#second hand#thrifting
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“vete al infierno” con gavi:
nota: combiné dos pedidos, el del prompt del título y uno que me pedía una cita en mcdonalds :)
- sabías que existían los electrones y los neutrones y también los gases nobles y la tabla periódica, y los continentes y la regla de tres o el teorema de pitágoras.
- hasta ahí todo iba bien, supuestamente. lo que te causaba conflicto era que todos esos diversos temas no tenían nada que ver en uno con el otro.
- o eso pensabas tú.
- “¿me estás prestando atención?” la voz ronca de pablo se hizo escuchar por toda la sala.
- ambos se encargaban de estudiar en la sala de estar de tu casa. sus madres hablaban felizmente en el jardín mientras los minutos pasaban.
- negaste. “no me puedo concentrar…”
- su sola presencia era distractora </3
- “¿quieres que descansemos un ratito?”
- preguntó y tú sólo asentiste lentamente, dejando tu peso recaer en la palma de tu mano sobre la mesa
- “¿podemos comer algo?” tenías hambre, la ausencia del desayuno comenzaba hacerse notar.
- “pediré el auto y vamos al drive thru” pablo amaba ese jodido restaurante cadena y tu no te podías negar a una hamburguesa.
- cerraron los libros y caminaron hasta afuera, pablo pidió el auto de su madre y partieron al mcdonalds sin más que decir.
- te gustaba poner la música muy fuerte en las bocinas del viejo auto, e incluso bajabas las ventanas para que todos afuera pudieran oír.
- en los altos, pablo, tu mejor amigo, se encargaba de echarte miradas discretas las cuales aceleraban su corazón <3
- al llegar se dieron cuenta de que la fila para el drive thru estaba groseramente larga, así que les tocó esperar.
- “háblame de algo, ya me hartó la música” pidió tu mejor amigo.
- pensaste en algo interesante pero nada llegaba a tu mente
- en momentos como esos, estando tan cerca de pablo te sentías vulnerable. no sabías cuando había comenzado ese sentimiento de culpa cada que lo veías más de lo necesario, o las mariposas recorriendo tu estómago cada que te decía algo.
- si tan solo supieras que él se sentía igual…
- “no entiendo cuál es la necesidad de estudiar tanto si en el futuro en mi empleo no me van a preguntar si la regla de tres y los enlaces covalentes fueron útiles en la revolución industrial”
- pablo te miró con una mueca confundida.
- tan solo querías escucharlo debatir, oírlo hablar de esa manera tan suave que él tenía con vos
- “todo eso es importante para la vida cotidiana, aunque creas que no tiene sentido todo lo que nos enseñan en la escuela es útil.”
- diferías ):
- “pablo, en las escuelas nos enseñan lo que les conviene, si la escuela realmente fuera útil nos enseñarían a pagar impuestos o a facturar, pero lo único que nos enseñan es como disecar una rana y dos o tres mapas mentales. así que no me vengas a decir que…”
- fue repentino. ni siquiera viste en qué momento se acercó a ti, pero de un momento para otro sus labios estaban pegados en uno solo.
- tu mejor amigo te había besado.
- el corazón de pablo sentía que eso era lo correcto de hacer, y su cerebro le daba luces verdes. te amaba, jodidamente eras la persona más extraordinaria que conocía.
- se separaron entonces, y concluiste en que había sido el beso más incómodo y extraño que habías dado porque solo unieron sus labios, no hubo toques de por medio.
- él estaba tan rojo que podría confundirse con un tomate.
- decidiste romper el silencio,,,,
- “eso fue… repentino.”
- pablo no encontraba las palabras para pedirte perdón, su rostro preocupado te miraba expectante.
- “lo siento, lo siento tanto, dios, fue un accidente en serio, perdóname, no quiero perder tu amistad yo te amo, perdóname no fue mi intención” “pablo…” “no tienes que decir nada solo perdóname, esta bien si no me quieres hablar ya, lo acepto, pero por favor perdóname” “…pablo” “y-yo lo siento tanto y…”
- lo tomaste por la camisa y lo acercaste a tu rostro para plantarle un beso justo como él te lo había dado.
- esta vez fue más largo TT
- sus ojos cerrados les impedían ver más allá de sus propias miradas, y el beso inocente que había comenzado hace unos momentos ahora se volvía más caluroso
- volvieron a separarse, esta vez con los labios hinchados.
- “wow” fue lo único que pablo pudo decir.
- “estás súper rojo” te burlaste :)
- “cállate”
- “literalmente tan rojo como una frutilla”
- “véte al infierno”
- se miraron con cariño, los ojos de pablo tan suaves con los tuyos que quisiste abrazarlo hasta morir.
- así que te limitaste a tomar su mano <3
- “¿deberíamos hablar de esto o…?” preguntó
- “¿hablar de qué? yo solo quiero mi hamburguesa”
- él agradecía que no se volviera todo incómodo
- pablo se alzó de hombros y apretó tu mano cuando ya la fila había avanzado suficiente como para ordenar en el interfón.
- “¿qué vas a querer?”
- pensaste un poco, y si te daban a escoger entonces realmente querías otro beso con pablo.
- pero eso no se podía ahora
- “dos hamburguesas con queso, una caja de nuggets, una tarta de manzana, dos cajas de papas fritas y… una coca sin azúcar.”
- …………..
- “bueno”
#fc barça#barça tumblr.#gavi#pablo gavi#gavi barcelona#gavi x reader#gavi blurb#gavi barça#pablo martín páez gavira#gavi imagine#gavi headcanons#gavi fanfic#pablo gavi x you#pablo gavi x y/n#pablo gavi headcanons#pablo gavi imagines#pablo gavi x reader
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the sea around us; pt.2 chapter three
Snowy saw no choice but to run- wondering if Rafe will ever understand that the pogues mean everything to her. JJ gets it though. JJ will always get it.
(jj maybank x f!oc)
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 2.6k
my masterlist
series masterlist
It's only an hour or so before we make it to Key Largo, and Cole and Rachel are dropping us off at a gas station at the entrance to town.
"Okay, you guys stay safe out there, alright? And if you need anything let us know, okay? We only live an hour away." Rachel says with a smile as JJ helps me out of the car. "Here, I wrote down Cole's number for you guys..." She says, handing me a napkin with a number scribbled on it.
"Thank you so much, you really are too kind," I reply, putting it in my pocket.
"Thanks again!" JJ says with a wave as they pull away, before turning to me. "See? I told you we wouldn't get murdered."
I roll my eyes at him. "Oh yeah, whatever." I laugh slightly as we walk past the building and toward where we can see the beach and a dock in the distance. "Did you know pregnant women and girls are like, seventy percent more likely to be victims of that kind of shit? You upped our chances a lot."
JJ laughs. "I was just reading the room, okay? They had a car seat in the back, I knew they'd be more likely to give us a ride if they could sympathize. I wouldn't have said that to just anyone who pulled over." He explains.
"You are unbelievable." I laugh, shaking my head.
"Not to them! She was ready to set up a play date with a baby that doesn't exist." I roll my eyes a little at this. I do honestly think JJ will be a great father one day, he has issues with his dad, sure, but I know he would want nothing more than to be better than him. I need to stop thinking about this- we've got way bigger problems.
"Anyway," I say, just wanting to move on. "Getting to the Bahamas should be easy enough, but how are we going to find John B when we get there? It's not a small town, and they will be hiding."
"We'll burn that bridge when we get to it." JJ shrugs.
"That's not quite the way that goes, JJ." I say, laughing slightly.
"Well, same thing in this case."
We make it down to the harbor and see a bunch of nice boats and a few buildings, but we both immediately see a problem when there's a restaurant with some outdoor seating overlooking the water.
"Okay- okay... So here's our plan." JJ says and I can tell he's still thinking. He turns his hat and then faces me, grabbing my shoulders. "So, we're not gonna let go of this pregnancy bit. I need you to go up to that restaurant, and right before you go inside, you need to pass out. And you can't make it pretty. Make it real- then cry about the baby. Anything to get everyone over to you, all eyes on you."
I shake my head a little as I look up at him. "No, JJ, I can't do that are you kidding? How will that even help?"
"I'm going to run down and get us a boat, then drive it down that way and hide it, then I'll come back and get you." JJ explains and I keep shaking my head.
"Absolutely not, J. Don't leave me alone- we have to stick together. You said we'd stick together." JJ sighs a little at this as he moves his hands up to my cheeks. I don't know why this is freaking me out so much.
"Hey, it's okay, Snowy, this is so easy. This one thing and I'll never leave you again I promise, it'll be like five minutes, max." JJ insists, pushing my hair back behind my ears. "I'm not leaving you, I'll be back."
I nod a little bit and take a deep breath. "Okay, right, let's do this."
"That's the Snowy I know." JJ smiles. "We've got this." He pulls me closer and I wrap my arms around his waist.
He holds me until I pull away, adjusting my shorts quickly and pulling my bandana up over my head to hold my hair back. "I'll be back." JJ says, turning and walking down towards the docks, looking back at me and I give a quick wave before heading towards the restaurant.
I approach the doors slowly, stepping up onto the patio just as I see a server walking towards the door. "Hey, uhm, excuse me, can you get me some water, please? I'm not feeling all that well and, uhm.." I start and once their attention is drawn, I stumble a little like my knees are giving out, and he quickly catches me.
"Are you alright?" He asks and I shake my head a little bit. I notice now people eating are looking over.
"I- I'm pregnant, I think something is wrong, can I just get that water, please?" I ask as he slowly lets me down to the floor. He quickly runs inside and someone else is at my side. I look down at the water and see JJ taking off with a boat up towards the trees.
"We're going to call 911, okay? You're gonna be just fine sweetheart."
"No! No, I'm fine, I just need a minute I think." I shake my head, placing my hand over my stomach. "It's just this heat, I'm not used to it that's all."
"You're looking quite pale, here, take this." A woman says to me, handing me a damp towel that I assume she wet with a glass of water. She presses my cheeks with it and then holds it to my forehead just as the server comes back with a bottle of water and a couple of other employees.
"Thank you.." I mumble, trying to take deep breaths. I don't know how long I could hold them off from calling an ambulance. "I'm just not used to this heat." I laugh slightly, so they know it's not that serious.
"What's your name?" A different employee asks. I feel bad for that first server, I can tell he doesn't know what to do. He's around our age, he's just standing there watching and looking nervous.
"Summer." I tell him, taking the water bottle and taking a sip, making my hands shake slightly.
"Okay, Summer, are you with anyone? Are you here alone?" They ask me and I shake my head.
"No, no. My boyfriend is here somewhere, he was just parking I came to get us a table." I explain, looking down to see if I can still see JJ. I can't, which is a good sign.
"Okay. Alright, he'll be here soon, dear. Just stay with us." He says and I nod. "Are you from out of town?"
"New York," I answer. "We're coming to visit his mom."
"Okay, what's your boyfriend's name?"
"Jesse," I tell them, looking back down the water and seeing JJ sprinting out of the trees, and it's hard for me not to smile at that. He slows down as he gets closer, and I can see him plastering confusion onto his face. I can't even hear what everyone is saying anymore.
"Summer? Oh my god, honey are you okay?" JJ says, running up the stairs and to my side. I get butterflies in my stomach when he calls me that- or am I just sick about what happened with us? Could go either way.
I pull myself out of my stupid trance to respond. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay."
"Can we get her some bread or something? She's hardly eaten enough today." JJ says to the server and he nods, rushing back inside.
JJ puts his hand on my forehead, worry covering his face. "Oh, god, you are just burning up. I'll get you to a doctor. Can you stand up?" He asks and I nod a little. I take his hand and he helps me up, wrapping his arm back around my waist.
"Here, have some more water and we'll get you to the hospital." He insists, holding the water bottle up for me to drink out of.
The server comes out with a to-go container and JJ takes it as I grab the bottle from him. "Thank you so much for helping, I really appreciate it." He says, guiding me towards the stairs.
We head up towards the parking lot, taking a long way around to the boat. "Good job, Snow White. You should get an Oscar for that one." JJ laughs once we're out of earshot.
"Oh, thank you. You too." I laugh slightly, avoiding eye contact.
We get on the boat and JJ starts it up, steering us out of where we can't be seen from the restaurant.
"You doing okay?" JJ asks as we drive down now towards the Bahamas. "You've been quiet."
"Can we talk about something?" I ask, feeling bold apparently.
"Anything." JJ nods, taking a bite of one of the breadsticks we got at the restaurant.
"Uh, yeah, so... Sorry, I just feel weird about this." I shake my head, standing up to stretch my legs a bit.
"Relax, Snowy. It's just us." JJ smiles at me. God, the way his smile used to make me melt. I feel sick about it.
"I know... Okay, so I just want to know why you wouldn't talk about what happened with us... And don't tell me that you don't remember because I know that's bullshit." I spit out quickly, and he looks shocked but doesn't say anything at first. "I'm sorry, I know that was forever ago but I just-"
"It's okay, Snowy." JJ interrupts me. "That was not cool, I'm sorry."
"Okay, and?" I laugh slightly. "Was I really nothing to you?"
"You were never 'nothing' to me. You could never be 'nothing' to me." JJ shakes his head. "It wasn't like that- I just, you know that's how I am with that stuff."
"I know..." I sigh, taking a second to calm down a little bit. "You really hurt me, J. At that time in my life, for years, actually, you were my whole world. I loved you. I still do, it will just never be the same because of that."
JJ sighs and nods a little bit. "I never explained- that was fucked up. I'm sorry, but you have to know I never meant to hurt you. I wouldn't dream of hurting you." He says and I nod a little bit to myself, clearly, that's not true.
"You don't believe me, right." JJ says, nodding pointedly and turning back to watch where we're going. "But I swear that's true, and I know you won't get it but that's why I shut you out after that. I didn't want you to get too far involved with me in a way that could only have ended badly for all of us."
"Why would it end badly?"
"Because I'm me- Snowy. You deserve better. I know that. I couldn't do that to you. It was like the lesser of two evils. I regret it every time I look at you." JJ explains. "I'm so fucked up I couldn't suck you into that life."
I could cry. After all of that, after all the embarrassment and heartbreak I suffered at his hands, it was because he wanted to keep me out, after I was already all in. "JJ... You know I don't think that."
"That's the problem."
I take a second before I reply. "I know you don't think you're good enough to have that kind of relationship, to be happy and to be loved, but you should know I really loved you. And I know I could have helped you. I would have done anything to help you."
"Well now it's too late I guess," JJ says, and I can tell at this point he's disconnecting from the situation. "You've got your new kook boyfriend, and honestly you're better off with him now than you ever were with me. He'll treat you like shit, sure, but that money and all that gold will make it worth it, right?" He laughs, but he's obviously pissed off.
I sigh, I don't want to get into this with him. I know he'll never believe that Rafe will actually make me happy. "I think that's over now anyways, so, it doesn't matter."
"You'll crawl back to him." JJ says blankly, refusing to look at me now.
"JJ, you gave that whole schpiel literally seconds ago about wanting me to be happy and safe. You don't get to criticize how I do that after you broke my heart." I say frustratedly. "I don't want to fight- I shouldn't have brought this up."
"Did you ever consider it broke mine too?" JJ says, his voice now slightly raised. "I loved you. I still fucking love you, Snowy. I doubt I'll ever stop. I think about you all the time, I worry about you all the time. I am trying to hate you for moving on but I can't!"
"No, you're being mean..." I shake my head, feeling like I could cry. He can't dump this on me now, he had his chance.
"How am I being mean? You wanted to talk about this and I'm being honest."
"I gave you every opportunity in the world, J. It's not like my feelings for you were a secret. Don't tell me that you love me now, once I've found someone who will be honest with me." I say, trying to force back my tears. I feel worse about hurting him, but how could I have known? "I gave all of myself to you, I thought that we had something special, I thought I was different than some hookup for you and then you pushed me away and acted literally like it never happened. You took that from me. So tell me, how I was supposed to know that you loved me?"
JJ sighs, rubbing his head and killing the boat engine to turn back to me. "How could you not?" He says, gesturing towards me and stepping closer. "Everyone knows except you. You're so oblivious sometimes, seriously! Like, you're so deep in your own head that you can't see that when I say these things to you, when I literally hit on you, when I touch your hair and call you pretty and grab your hand every chance I get how could you not see that you mean everything to me? You're the most beautiful girl in the world and I beat myself up every day for having to lie to you like that."
I stare at my friend, shocked. I honestly shut it all out after we hooked up because I assumed it was all just a joke to him. I had to stop thinking about it like that so I wouldn't fall for it again. Part of me always thought he was just being cruel.
"I-I don't know, I just-" I start and JJ sighs, stepping even closer.
"Kiss me." He says, grabbing my wrist where my hand lays at my side. "Kiss me, and if you truly feel nothing I will try and let you go." JJ says, and as I stare into his blue eyes nothing else in the world exists. I already know how this will go, but I cave anyways.
I nod slightly, glancing at his lips quickly and then he's kissing me, holding onto my cheeks with his fingers in my hair. I wrap my arms around his waist and fully lean into him. In all honestly, I don't know if this feels right. Amazing- like something I've always wanted. The same way I felt when John B showed us the gold in the back of the Twinkie- when we realized we did it and our lives would be forever changed. We had won. But how did that turn out for us?
It's a painfully long time before I pull away, only to catch my breath. I look up at JJ, his cheeks are flushed, and he looks like he's waiting for something. Waiting for an answer.
I smile and I can't hold it back as I let out a giggle, making his lips turn up into a smile as well.
"Yeah?" He says, laughing slightly. I nod back, and he kisses me again.
ohhhh my GODDDD i love this chapter oops-
anywayyyy where my JJ girls at :))
taglist:@boo22sstuff @madelynie @username5786451@peachprairie@slut4drudy @sadfury @mutual-mendes @cecesrings (i also tagged some mutuals so message me or reply if you want to be added (or removed lol)!!)
#rafe cameron#rafe obx#obx fanfic#outer banks#obx#rafe fic#rafe cameron x oc#rafe fanfiction#jj maybank#rafe imagine#jj maybank x pogue!reader#jj obx#jj maybank fanfiction#jj maybank x oc#jj maybank x reader#obx fic
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