#l'le de latempete
darklordazalin · 1 year
Azalin Reviews: Captain Alain Monette
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Domain: L'ile de La Tempete Domain Formation: 677 BC Power Level:💀⚫⚫⚫⚫ Source: Darklords (2e)
Captain, or I should say former Captain, Alain Monette is yet another sea captain Darklord that enjoyed abusing his crew for the tiniest of transgressions. Very much like our would be navigator, Captain Pieter van Riese.
I’m not sure why so many Captains are like this as it leaves them with no allies when the inevitable mutiny occurs. So, it should come as no surprise that this 7 foot tall, rail-thin abusive Captain was overthrown by his crew. Without getting into the gory details, they strung him up and tortured him for hours before tossing his, somehow still living, body into the sea.
He was taken by the Mists then and found himself, nearly dead and unable to move, within a sea cave on the island L’ile de la Tempête. The sea cave was overpopulated by bats that feasted on Monette’s flesh and blood each night. In turn, Monette fed on the bats during the day in an attempt to regain his strength. You know, outside of Ravenloft, most bats feed on insects and fruit, which is why I will almost always insult vampires by calling them ticks or fleas over bats. I digress... This circular feeding transformed Monette into a werebat. Quite an unique way to obtain the curse of lycanthropy and something I must attempt to replicate in the future. Monette has attempted to leave his little island many times as he desires nothing more than to explore the seas and be within the company of others. If that was the case, you think he would have been a little kinder to others? Our tormentors, ever petty, keep him from ever making it very far before he grows tired and turns around. What a pathetic quitter this one is.
He has no control over his lycanthropy and his change is linked to the tides. Every day, at high tide, he becomes a werebat. He is driven by his hunger for human flesh and blood, so he built a lighthouse on his island to lure travelers there. He calls it the “Eye of Midnight” and placed a skull enchanted with a continual light spell atop the structure. Which is, I admit, rather ingenious if not simplistic. Though where he obtained the skull...I suppose since he lacks the intellect to cast spells himself, it was likely a “gift” from the Dark Powers.
His island is surrounded by jagged cliffs, so any sailors foolish enough to be drawn in by his light are more likely than not to have their vessel crash and sink. Monette sometimes appears to these ship wrecked individuals as a man, if the timing is right, to enjoy their company for a while...until his hunger overcomes him, anyway.
A werebat that became such through circular bat eating that has no control over his form. A captain forever trapped on an island without a ship. 0.5 skulls and I am being generous. 
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