#kyoutani x reader smut
pin-k-ink · 4 months
feral // kyoutani kentarou
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tw ⇢ possessive!kyoutani, sexual tension, teasing, dirty talk, making out, begging, fingering, biting, cunnilingus, overstimulation, name calling, mild degradation, unprotected sex, breeding kink, creampie, mentions of masturbation, semi public sex
wc ⇢ 11.5k
a/n: this was for the sweetheart that asked for some kyoutani smut. i’m sorry i accidentally deleted your request ;_;
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You never knew what to expect when Kyoutani Kentarou stomped into the room, his perpetual scowl etched deeply across his face.
From the moment he had joined the Aoba Johsai volleyball team in his first year, the hot-headed wing spiker had been a ticking time bomb of aggression just waiting to explode. Despite Coach Mizoguchi and the upperclassmen's efforts to rein him in, Kyoutani seemed to take perverse pleasure in disrupting practice with his outbursts and insubordinate behavior.
Which was why you, as the team's manager, often found yourself being summoned to deal with the fallout of his latest tantrum.
"He's done it again," Yahaba groaned one afternoon, shoulders slumped in exasperation. "Kyoutani started mouthing off during the hitting drills and it escalated into a full-blown brawl with Watari."
You bit back a sigh, feeling a headache already forming. Ever since the newly-minted captain had instituted "disciplinary punishments" for the unruly wing spiker, you'd been the one tasked with monitoring his compliance.
The punishments ranged from tedious chores like cleaning the gym to studying in the library after practice - essentially anything to constructively wear down Kyoutani's endless reserves of pent-up aggression. At least, in theory.
Because in reality, getting the tempestuous third-year to actually apply himself to the remedial tasks proved an uphill battle of wills every single time. You could already envision the confrontation awaiting when you attempted to corral him later.
Sure enough, Kyoutani was his usual prickly self when you finally tracked him down in one of the empty classrooms later. He was slouched low in a rickety desk chair, booted feet propped up and arms crossed like a petulant child as you entered.
"I know, I know...library study time again," he grumbled without even looking up. "When are you jailers gonna get some new material?"
You refused to rise to the bait of his surliness, instead simply fetching one of the textbooks from the pile on the teacher's desk.
"As many times as it takes for you to learn some self-control, Kyoutani-san," you replied calmly. "Now open up to chapter nine and start reading."
A muscle ticked visibly in his clenched jaw as he dragged his glower up to finally meet your steady gaze. You braced yourself for the usual torrent of insolent pushback that always followed these disciplinary sessions.
But this time...something seemed to flicker and fracture in Kyoutani's stony glare the longer your silent staredown stretched. You watched as his narrowed eyes gradually widened, tracked the way his throat bobbed slightly on a subconscious swallow.
Was it a trick of the light, or did his cheeks appear just the faintest shades pinker beneath that oppressive scowl of his?
The surly wing spiker seemed to catch himself after a beat too long, blinking rapidly as he scrubbed one hand over his face with a low grumble.
"Whatever...let's just get this over with," he muttered, snatching up his pencil and cracking open the textbook with far less resistance than usual.
An odd, perplexed furrow creased your brow at his uncharacteristic acquiescence. But rather than pry into the bizarre shift of behavior, you simply took your customary seat near the front and opened your own bookbag to pass the tutoring time in productive quiet.
Out of the corner of your periphery, you periodically caught glimpses of Kyoutani's hand dragging through his disheveled fringe in what looked like agitation. His nostrils would flare slightly, lips pressed into a flat line of concentration - or perhaps constipation judging by his pinched expression.
More than once you opened your mouth, a gentle reminder on the tip of your tongue to urge him to stop stalling and simply get on with his assigned reading for once.
But each time the words wilted before they could form as your eyes traced the taut, corded lines of muscle shifting beneath his rolled-up shirtsleeves. Watched the play of tendons flexing along the powerful column of his throat as he swallowed again in apparent... agitation?
An infinitesimal spark of heat you hadn't noticed before seemed to smolder behind Kyoutani's russet stare whenever his gaze would instinctively, unconsciously dart over to follow you shifting position in your seat.
It was...unnerving to be studied in such an abruptly intense manner by someone as volatile as the hotheaded spiker. You couldn't deny the fine prickle of unease slowly blossoming beneath your breastbone the longer that strange silent observation stretched out between you.
But still...you couldn't bring yourself to shatter the weighted quiet crackling with some indefinable new tension, either.
Over the next few tutoring sessions, Kyoutani's newly mercurial behavior only seemed to intensify further. His moods would careen wildly between sullen aloofness one minute, only to have his gaze practically scorching a trail over your movements the very next.
You couldn't deny the spark of inexplicable heat that bloomed low in your belly whenever you'd catch him tracking you with that piercing stare - slightly hooded and inscrutable in a way that sent confusing little shivers racing beneath your skin.
During one study hall, you made the questionable decision to bend at the waist and retrieve your pencil case from your bag on the floor. When you straightened again, textbook cradled in the opposite arm, you found Kyoutani's intense focus locked onto the new vantage you'd inadvertently offered.
His eyes snapped up instantly when he registered your upright position once more, but not before you caught the faintest hint of pink staining those sharp cheekbones. The wing spiker startled like a kid caught snatching sweets before dropping his stare guiltily to the desktop.
You could have sworn you glimpsed his throat working in a harsh swallow, chest expanding on a sharp inhale. And all at once the simmering tension in the small classroom took on an unmistakably suggestive edge you couldn't ignore.
Flustered heat flooded your own features as the implications crashed over you in a dizzying rush. Was it possible Kyoutani had just been...
No, you firmly shut down that inappropriate trail of thought before it could start sparking more indecent ideas. With some deliberate throat-clearing, you shifted your weight and pointedly avoided looking in the disgruntled spiker's direction once more.
The next few minutes stretched out in a weighted hush that felt thick enough to drown in. Until finally Kyoutani gruffly broke the silence by slamming his pencil down and shoving his chair back from the desk with a screech of wood on tile.
"This stupid babysitting shit was supposed to help control my temper, right?" he growled in a voice made thick and gravel-rough by...something you couldn't put a name to.
You blinked up at him with a bemused frown. "Well...yes? That was the inten--"
"Hasn't worked for shit," Kyoutani snapped before you could finish, suddenly on his feet and radiating wild, jagged energy. "Don't think locking me up with homework is gonna solve jack if you wanna stop me losing my shit."
With that brusque declaration hanging in the air, he abruptly slung his bag over one shoulder and stalked for the door without a backwards glance. His motives, as usual, were utterly inscrutable.
You could only sit and gape after the wing spiker's tense departure, feeling utterly poleaxed and more than a little flustered by whatever fresh maelstrom of emotions seemed to have been roiling just beneath Kyoutani's surface this entire time.
Over the next few weeks, his outbursts and disruptive antics only continued unchecked - racking up infraction after infraction at an alarming rate. At this juncture, even Yahaba was at a loss for how to proceed in curbing his unruly teammate's behavior.
"None of these punishments seem to be taking," the captain sighed in exhaustion one afternoon as you watched Kyoutani storm out after his latest raging display. "If anything, it's like he's been acting out more just to wind up with extra sentences of study time."
Your brow furrowed as you absorbed his observations alongside your own disjointed suspicions regarding Kyoutani's volatile state. Because the more you mulled it over, the more it seemed like the surly third-year almost...enjoyed receiving those private punishments with you as his monitor.
A troubling thought began to form, one you hesitantly brought up when seeking Yahaba's counsel on how to proceed.
"Captain...is there any possibility the reason he's been even more disruptive is...well, because of me?"
Yahaba's brow arched quizzically. "What, like he has a crush on you or something? HA! Yeah right, that would require Kyoutani being capable of feeling anything other than rage and spite."
You smiled wanly, though the jeering laughter didn't quite manage to fully dispel those nagging uncertainties from taking root further. Because now that the idea had been verbalized, however ludicrous, you couldn't seem to dislodge it entirely from your wavering thoughts.
And over the subsequent days and weeks, the theory only mushroomed into something far more tangible and visceral to dismiss.
The rising charged tension between you and Kyoutani felt nearly palpable, manifesting in a series of escalating encounters and near-misses that left you feeling perpetually off-kilter and frayed.
A terse bathroom encounter in which the sound of running taps from the sinks had drowned out his arrival, only for you to turn around and find Kyoutani looming in the open doorway with that searing gaze roving over you in one long, heated assessment. The sleeves of your fitted shirt had ridden up around your forearms, leaving slightly disheveled and flushed from the exertion of scrubbing away stubborn floor scuffs. Kyoutani's jaw had tightened perceptibly as he drank in your relatively undone state, nostrils flaring like a predator catching the scent of prey.
Before either of you could address the weighted tension strangling the cramped room, the boisterous arrival of more teammates behind him sent Kyoutani abruptly about-facing and stalking away as if you'd burned him.
Or the time he'd caught you in the gym storeroom struggling to haul a bulky rack of withered volleyballs to the wash basin across the cramped space. Without prompting, Kyoutani had pivoted on that eerily feline tread of his to crowd up behind you - the sudden brand of his muscular frame searing into your back as his larger hands came around to grip the cumbersome rack on either side of yours.
"Lemme do that for you," he growled in that sandpaper rasp that raised goosebumps all along the nape of your neck.
Dazed by the sudden smoldering proximity, you could only offer a jerky nod of assent before allowing your grip to slacken completely. Kyoutani took the bulk of the weight without visible strain, tendons cording and flexing beneath the bronzed pulls of his powerful forearms as he leveraged the rack into steady motion. All while making sure to prowl at a distinctly leisurely pace just behind your rigid posture, hemming you in against the low countertop's edge and those matte metal surfaces still radiating day-old warmth...
You sucked in a sharp breath at the unsubtle glide of his hips brushing yours on each laborious step closer to your destination. Heat prickled all along the back of your thighs from the continual drag of his solid girth framing you in from behind. And when Kyoutani finally pivoted and deposited the rack aside near the industrial sinks, the sudden dissolving of that searing full-body press had you feeling oddly untethered. As if every undefended inch of your back now tingled with feverish sensitivity in the absence of his caging presence.
That roiling, choking tension between you only mounted further with each drawn-out entanglement. Like an ember being stoked brighter with every suggestive encounter into something perilously close to a raging wildfire neither of you seemed capable of reigning in anymore.
More than once, you found yourself trapped in Kyoutani's orbit - confronted with the stark reality of his potent physicality in a way so raw and overwhelming you could scarcely meet the fiery simmer of his gaze without feeling immolated from within.
During one disastrous laundry-folding session, he'd casually sauntered over to help sort through some equipment bags in typical brooding silence. Only to promptly get into a tug-of-war over some knotted laces ensnaring a pair of his shorts, arms straining and tendons cording as he braced his feet for leverage against you during the awkward tussle.
All it took was one particularly stubborn yank for the ensnarled fabric to finally give way, bunching beneath Kyoutani's grip and abruptly exposing his navel, lower abdomen, and the unmistakable vee of defined musculature all the way down to...
You barely registered the warning growl rumbling up from his chest as you instinctively devoured every salt-slicked, flexing inch of revealed skin with a ravenous stare you simply couldn't tear away from for the life of you. The blaze of heat and illicit want that rendered you momentarily insensate to anything but that breathtaking physicality sprawled temptingly before you in ways you'd only ever allowed yourself to imagine in the deepest throes of restless nights...
A sharp, smarting sting across the back of your knuckles finally dispelled the lust-drunk haze fogging your thoughts. You flinched back to reality with a full-body start, blinking rapidly as your unbound hair swung across your rapidly flushing features. Kyoutani loomed over you with his spine locked ramrod straight—the abortive swing of his arm suggested he'd lashed out to strike your wandering grip back from continuing to map out any more dangerous undiscovered territory between you.
"Didn't anyone ever teach you to keep your hands to yourself?" The caustic rasp of his voice had you hunching your shoulders guiltily. Even still, you sensed the molten undertones of restrained...something else twining through those growled words like smoke and sinew.
Before you could stammer any hasty apologies about spacing out, Kyoutani snatched the tangle of laces and abruptly spun on his heel to stalk off in a tension-cloaked fury prickling with even more restless static charge than before.
All you could do was watch the broad, powerful lines of his retreating shoulders and back through a sheen of dazed longing - the echoes of that momentary, inappropriate eyeful both searing itself irrevocably into your hindbrain and kindling even more hapless embers of temptation to eventually set you both aflame once and for all...
The bubbling cauldron of charged tension could only contain itself for so long before something finally had to give. With each passing practice and tutoring session, you could feel Kyoutani's smoldering stare singeing into you from across the gym or classroom like twin laser-focused beams of sheer yearning.
It was getting harder and harder to deny or ignore the blatant implication of that ravenously intent study. Or to turn a blind eye to the way his nostrils would subtly flare with each inhale whenever you moved within proximity - as if scenting the ambient notes of your shampoo and perfume and committing every last tantalizing nuance to carnal memory.
But while Kyoutani's molten preoccupations with you seemed to steadily eclipse any remaining threads of restraint each day, you were embroiled in your own fraying internal war as well. One that collided and detonated in spectacular fashion the afternoon Watari, ever the friendly jokester, sidled up beside you with one of his patented sunny grins as you wiped down the front court railings between drills.
"Looking a little flushed there, y/n-chan!" The libero chirped in that effervescent rasp that always made you smile no matter how disgruntled you might be feeling. "Tough practice really giving you a workout today, huh?"
Offering him a beatific smile in return, you playfully swatted at his arm with the damp towel clutched in your hands.
"Something like that," you chuckled lightly. "More like dealing with Coach's endless notations wearing me down instead of the floor burns!"
Watari's nose scrunched up jovially as he fell into familiar banter alongside you, completely at ease in a way you'd always envied whenever spent in Kyoutani's mercurial presence. Where that hotheaded third-year simmered with sullen ferocity and roiling embers of something painfully unspoken, Watari danced and joked with the bubbly lightness you'd always wished you could nurture more of yourself these days.
Still snickering over his latest teasing rejoinder, you bent to set the grimy towel aside so you could collect up the rest of the cleaning supplies. Which was when you caught sight of Kyoutani across the gymnasium out of your periphery - utterly immobile and watching you both with razored focus. Specifically trained on the studiedly casual way Watari had shifted in close beside you as your laughter and camaraderie echoed bright across the high-ceilinged stretch of hardwood.
Even from a distance, you couldn't miss the acute line of tension visibly furling Kyoutani's shoulders back to an unmistakable knot of outward bristle. Nor the way his pupils had contracted to piercing pinpricks against the molten outrage visibly dilating the rest of his features into an unmistakable mask of lightning about to strike.
The visceral menace and scalding possessiveness painted across Kyoutani's chiseled contours in that instant nearly stole your ability to draw breath entirely. His heavy footfalls slammed across the courts like rolling thunderclaps as the wing spiker stormed in your direction - focused solely upon the perceived impunity of Watari now hemming you into the corner between the lockers and railing with his easy affability and casual flirting.
Before either you or the oblivious libero could register, Kyoutani's powerful bulk had shoved directly in between your joined proximities - effectively severing the personable bond with all the grace and discretion of a wildfire scalding across a drought. In the ensuing disoriented tumble of limbs and shocked exclamations, you reeled back against the hard concrete barrier with your heart in your throat.
Watari gaped up at Kyoutani from where he'd abruptly bounced off the larger wing spiker's chest in stunned bewilderment. But rather than acknowledging his sputtering indignation, the steely focus of Kyoutani's dismantling glower simply tracked past him to zero in on your flushed features and shallow pants with all the remorseless hunger of an apex predator locking onto its coveted prey at last.
"You and me," he growled in a register so choked and molten it had your core clenching paradoxically. "Practice rooms. Now."
Without sparing you or the libero another breath of regard, Kyoutani spun on his heel and stalked off towards the secluded annex classrooms appropriated for private coaching sessions. His thighs visibly bulged and flexed with each devouring stride beneath the clinging fabric as he sliced through anyone else standing in the way.
You had only enough time to gape haplessly after that possessed, potent display while gulping down the desperate rushes of fight-or-flight adrenaline roaring to molten life within your veins. When you finally managed to tear your gaze away to meet Watari's utterly befuddled stare, an unspoken acknowledgment seemed to pass between you...
Whatever feverish breaking point Kyoutani was hurtling towards with each escalating orbit around you, the rough wing spiker now seemed all but inevitable to combust beyond any hope of restraint or decorum in the very near future. All you could do was wait for the fateful encounter to run its cataclysmic course - and pray the raging fires burning between you weren't permanently extinguished in the aftermath of whatever reckoning was about to go down.
The remainder of practice passed in a disconcerting blur after Kyoutani's abrupt departure - your every sense now attuned to any subtle vibrations suggesting whatever powderkeg confrontation might be occurring behind those closed classroom doors.
More than once you startled and spun at the muffled dull thud of impact - fists against drywall or flesh, imagination running lurid as you pictured the broiling savagery the unstable spiker might be indulging with no prying eyes around. Just as often, the sound of that graveled baritone rasping indecipherable rejoinders through the baffling barrier had you involuntarily canting closer in hopes of gleaning any telling inflections.
But the only insights you managed to unearth from those fruitless listenings involved the dizzying blooms of heat blossoming low in your belly at every growled timbre. As if Kyoutani's voice alone contained hypnotic power to weaken your knees and dissolve your restraint to pliant surrender with each fervent rasp caressing your senses.
You had to shake yourself forcibly on multiple occasions from the spiraling descent into wanton reverie - cheeks flushed hot with shamed arousal that only intensified with every subsequent unraveling daydream of finally having that raw, aggression-laced physicality caged against your own trembling frame.
By the time Coach Mizoguchi finally called for dismissal, you felt wrung-out and frazzled in a way that had nothing to do with the actual physical exertions of the day's training regimen and everything to do with the tempestuous undercurrents still simmering unresolved and attended to. As you gathered your sparse possessions and tried valiantly not to betray the roiling unease gnawing away at your composure, the hair on the back of your neck abruptly lifted in forewarning.
Spinning towards the periphery coaching rooms, you glimpsed the door to the private conference area creaking open with ominous lethality. Kyoutani's hulking silhouette emerged first, striding forth on legs that seemed to devour the distance between you in a handful of prowling strides. His shoulders were locked at that telltale width suggesting every sinewy inch of musculature remained coiled at maximum tension beneath his untamed fury.
He did not acknowledge you in any overt sense. But the razor-line of his focus never once wavered or deviated from its scorching assessment of your increasingly flustered state. Conflicting desires warred within you - the unmistakable siren's call of curiosity demanding you crane to glimpse any evidence of fallout on Kyoutani's harsh visage from that impassioned seclusion just endured. While the more prudent, self-protective voices shouted to simply avoid any further incendiary provocations altogether and retreat while you still stood a chance of surviving with faculties intact.
All you could do was stand rooted, pathetic indecision eroding your footing beneath that steadily intensifying glare. It wasn't until he reached the limits of the doorframe that Kyoutani finally skated the tip of his incendiary stare higher - zeroing in on the only other occupant in the small staging room off the main gym with an unmistakable flare of possessive dismissal radiating from every taut line of his frame.
"We're done here," he growled in a voice that shredded past his gritted teeth. The words did not come across as a polite pleasantry despite their innocuous arrangement.
Coach Mizoguchi spared his volatile wing spiker the briefest of wary sidelong looks before nodding curtly and making his retreat without argument. Something about Kyoutani's present demeanor clearly cautioned against offering even the mildest pushback under any circumstances.
Once you were alone in that enclosed space together - just you and the barely-tamed wildfire of Kyoutani's focus steadily searing away any remaining vestiges of common sense or distance - the pressure in the air seemed to intensify tenfold. Each rasping exhalation you struggled to reign in only drew your shared aromas that much more intimately between your shared gravities. Sharp musk and residual adrenaline, floral body products and salted skin in a sinuously provocative melange that awakened whole new layers of yearning inside you.
When Kyoutani's gaze finally cut back to pin you in place with that familiar, bone-searing intensity, you felt your breath exit in a breathless rush of inevitability. Of acceptance that this tinderbox between you had finally reached its volatile crescendo...and all either of you could do now was let the raging fires sweep everything inevitably in their path to sweet, boneless ruination.
"So..." Kyoutani growled in that same perilous, shrapnel-laced rasp that seemed to slice right through your attempts at feigning composure. "You and the libero have been getting pretty damn cozy lately."
It wasn't phrased as an actual question despite the slight lilt tugging at the end - more an unmistakable statement of accusation loaded with displeasure. That scorching stare of his branded every trembling twitch reshaping your features as confusion swiftly curdled to realization, then a frisson of indignant defiance in the span of a few molten heartbeats.
"I-I'm sorry, what?" You stammered uselessly, desperate to stall for time against whatever rapidly escalating confrontation seemed to be unfolding from out of nowhere. "Watari and I are just...we've always been friends, Kyoutani. Teammates. Where is this even coming from?"
Another gravelly snarl ripped from the depths of his broad chest as those piercing amber irises visibly ignited with further outrage. Before you could so much as draw your next sharp intake, Kyoutani had bridged the remaining scant distance separating you in three devouring strides until you could taste the charged pheromones of him on the air.
"Don't play dumb with me," he bit out in a seething growl that had your pulse kicking up to gallop beneath your hammering ribcage. The heat of his overall presence radiated off Kyoutani in almost tangible waves now, caressing over your feverish skin in electric ribbons that raised every nerve ending to rapturous awakening.
"We both know that ain't the way you look at a damn friend or teammate, little girl."
The derisive, wrecked emphasis he laced onto that last endearment practically detonated in the shockwave between you like physical force. You reeled beneath the implication's stark insult as Kyoutani leaned down until you were forced to crane your neck back at an aching angle just to maintain that searing eye contact.
God he was huge like this - all dense, unyielding muscle and flexed potentials arrayed in towering apogee before you. It would be so easy for those larger-than-life hands and brutally-calloused grips to seize your pliant, undefended softness in a fit of unchecked possession and dominating fervor.
To simply wrench you up against that fever-warm expanse of carved musculature and scorching male intensity smothering against you in tsunamic waves with only the barest exertion from his end, utterly overpowering any feeble resistance through sheer liquid physicality alone...
A shuddering whimper threatened to break free from the shredded rags of your serenity as the next blazing pass of Kyoutani's hooded stare left no ambiguities about the forbidden directions your imagination had whited out into. He could clearly see every sordid desire and burst of need his provocation had stoked to incandescent life swirling naked across your features, eyes burning hotter at each outward tell you instinctively broadcasted.
"So why don't you just admit what we both already know?" He practically crooned in a rumbling, velvet-drenched baritone that skirted lower into sheer sin dipped in audible lust. "How it's been driving you half out of your mind watching me while trying to pretend you're not eye-fucking every goddamn inch of what you want all over--"
"Kyoutani!" The rebuked burst forth before you could think to reclaim your composure from the brink of unraveling completely.
Whether it was hearing him speak those incendiary confessions and temptations aloud after weeks spent wallowing in the swirling riptides of desire, or simply the overpowering proximity of his outrageous physicality spearing its way through the last remnants of your restraint, something finally reached terminal saturation point inside you.
He thrived off the scalding reproach dripping from your ragged tone, judging by the triumphant way his lips peeled back in a savagely amused smirk framing teeth. When he straightened to his towering height once more, the arrogance etched into his features promised whole new levels of molten ruination lying in wait. Just as promised.
"Ah, there's that fire I've been waiting to see blaze up completely, neh pretty girl?"
Another dark, indecently pleased rumble vibrated that drugged cadence of his as Kyoutani reached out with one of those huge, unforgivably strong hands. Before you had time to so much as register defensive retreat, his calloused knuckles were already skating over the feverish jut of your cheekbones - rough leather textures branding trails of molten possession across your bemused features in the most overtly intimate overture yet shared between you.
The breath fled your constricting lungs on a whimper you couldn't begin to bite back or deflect. And with that single unhesitating transgression uttered through touch alone, the last tattered remnants of propriety and restraint simply dissolved away to ash and embers without a whisper of struggle.
Whatever cliff you'd careened towards together finally loomed ahead in all its breathtaking plummet - with only the embrace of depravity and scorching rapture waiting to catch your ruination below.
All that remained was choosing just which of you would claim the dubious distinction of surrendering control first between your burning gravities.
You barely registered the breathless sound spilling from your parted lips as those wicked fingers continued their blazing path across the arcs of your features. Mapping out every thrilling plane and hollow with the attentive diligence of an artisan devotee committing their muse to raptured memory.
The intensity blazing behind Kyoutani's stare as he drank in your bemused surrender robbed you of any remaining pretense towards control or retreat. Only naked yearning swirled in those blazing amber depths now - an unmistakable harbinger of the molten intentions he meant to put into scorching motion whether you rallied resistance or not.
"I've wondered over and over what it might take to finally shatter that fragile little act of yours," he rasped in a voice gone low and viscous with sin audible. "Made myself half out of my goddamn mind imagining all the wicked ways I'd have to work at stripping away every last shred of propriety before I could get a real taste of the filthy little minx hiding underneath."
The stark, unabashed confession detonated through your wavering restraints with the force of a bunker buster. You could only gape up at Kyoutani, utterly transfixed and stripped raw beneath the intensity of his rapacious scrutiny as he prowled ever closer into your orbit.
"Did you think I wouldn't notice the way you couldn't fucking tear your hungry stare off me in the locker rooms?" A harsh growl rumbled up from somewhere deep in his chest as he caged you fully against the wall with that dense, radiating physicality made to tower over you. "Every time I caught those pretty eyes dragging over every new slick inch of skin bared to you...shit, it was like watching a bitch in heat struggling against her own depraved appetite while fooling precisely nobody but herself."
The scathing vulgarity landed like a physical slap, forcibly severing away the last threads of protest or propriety that might have remained with one brutal swing. Heat flooded your features at the stark, unrepentant filth painting his wrecked confessions with darker, more feral strokes of sin.
And yet you couldn't summon even the most token objection in the face of that viscerally potent onslaught. Kyoutani's words simply resonated in your hindbrains with hypnotic potency - voicing every forbidden craving and depraved imaginings precisely as you'd struggled to deny them to yourself all this time.
"Well now you've got what you always wanted, pretty," the unstable spiker purred with perverse delight as he closed those last few molten inches separating you. His massive frame dwarfed your slight stature utterly, the scorching brand of his body searing into each awakening nerve ending through the thin layers separating you now. "A chance to get up close and personal with the big scary Mad Dog you've been eye-fucking into oblivion behind everyone's backs."
That guttural endearment landed like a detonation right between your ribs, simultaneously stoking fresh embers of mortified outrage even as it awakened a deeper, more primal thrill of debasement in your core. You could practically feel every ounce of restraint fraying away as the turbulent storm of Kyoutani's focus intensified around you with each panted breath shared.
In one smooth inhalation, the powerful line of his carved jawline descended until Kyoutani's ruination-laced exhales caressed directly over the scorching blush staining your cheeks in intimate provocation.
"So what's it gonna be, pet?" He crooned directly against the feverish hollow of your parted lips - metallic rasp scraping your senses raw as his tongue peeked out to taste the trembling give there in shameless preview. "You gonna finally take exactly what that greedy little body of yours has been desperate for me to give? Or does the thought of finally surrendering to those depraved hungers terrify you even more than that repressed bitch behind your eyes lets on..."
You only had a split-second warning of Kyoutani's intentions before he decisively slanted his mouth over yours in a punishing glide of possession uninvited. The shredded whimper that tried to punch its way free was instantly muffled, absorbed and redirected back into your shared inferno with every subsequent devouring press of his lips and questing lashes of tongue.
Despite his savagery and overt dominance, there was an undeniable artfulness to the way Kyoutani worked at ruinously unmaking you bit by bit. His large hands easily captured your jaw and the nape of your neck to keep you splayed before him, utterly helpless beneath the scorching onslaught of his hunger as he plundered your senses with wicked precision.
Slick velvet textures tangled and retreated, only to delve deeper again on a lingering glide of utterly filthy temptation. The sweltering pressure of his body pinning you rigid to the solid surface at your back didn't allow for even the thinnest margin of escape or reprieve. Only total, rapturous surrender to being consumed by that unholy smolder of passion Kyoutani unleashed without mercy or faltering.
A broken, obscene keen vibrated up from somewhere deep in your throat as you instinctively arched and bucked beneath the exquisite lavishing focus of his attentions despite yourself. The electrifying drag of his callused knuckles trailing down over the exposed rise of your torso sent lightning pulses of unadulterated bliss hurtling through your overstimulated senses.
Every illicit slide of Kyoutani's merciless ministrations only stoked the smoldering inferno of depravity blazing to incandescent life between you. Until there was nothing left of higher cognitive processing beyond naked instinct to experience and indulge the blinding ecstasy of craving finally granted satiation without reservation.
When his large hands dropped lower still to cup and knead the pliant mounds of your ass underneath your skirt, the ragged groan that tore loose from Kyoutani's lips sounded as if torn straight from the depths of his chest. His blunt fingertips dug in with a punishing squeeze that sent molten pleasure arcing up through your core like a livewire, eliciting a high-pitched whimper of need and want and desperation to plead for more of those sinful caresses.
"Fuck yeah," Kyoutani purred against the bruised, glistening give of your mouth - a wicked smirk curling at the corners of his lips when he registered how your hips bucked instinctively to meet the molten roll of his pelvis against your own. "Just like that, pet. Show me exactly how much you want it. Need it. Need me."
The ragged, unguarded plea of his graveled baritone sent another electric jolt arcing through your veins, stoking the fever-bright flames of passion roaring between you to near-uncontrollable proportions. Kyoutani's tongue dragged against the plush swell of your bottom lip in a deliberate taunt, a warning, a threat as he pulled away just far enough to sear his gaze over the fever-dazed contours of your upturned face.
"I bet you taste as filthy as you look right now, pretty." That wrecked, husky rasp raked its claws over the shivering expanse of your skin like a physical touch. "How 'bout we find out for ourselves just how sweet a girl's honey-soaked cunt can get when she's dripping with need for her Mad Dog, hmm?"
Before you could react to that carnal challenge, Kyoutani's powerful arms swept beneath the curve of your backside - hauling you up with a sharp hiss of exertion against the rippling musculature of his abdomen until you had no choice but to lock your legs around his narrow hips for stability. The sudden friction of your panty-clad center grinding against his thick arousal through the barrier sent a frisson of white-hot need skittering up your spine.
Even still, Kyoutani seemed insistent upon pressing his advantage - crowding in until you could feel the wall's concrete solidity digging into your shoulderblades and the fever-warm press of his chest molded against yours. One massive hand remained locked around the nape of your neck, holding your face mere breaths away from the scorching proximity of his own as the other curled under the curve of your ass to support your weight effortlessly.
"Look at me," Kyoutani growled as he tightened his grip around the vulnerable column of your throat - not so much as applying pressure, but making his possession unmistakably clear regardless. His piercing irises had narrowed to slits of molten intensity as they raked over every flustered angle and fevered flush of your features in turn.
"I want those pretty eyes on me while I show you exactly how I mean to devour every last filthy inch of your cunt. How I'll make you scream and claw and beg for me while I fuck that tight little hole full of cum until it's dripping down your thighs. That's the only way this ends, kitten. With my dick buried balls-deep inside you and my teeth sinking into that soft throat of yours, claiming every single last inch of what belongs to me."
A full-body shudder wracked through you at the savage, indecent filth spewing from Kyoutani's lips, even as a fresh rush of heat flooded through your already soaked center at his depraved promise. His lips curled in a cruel parody of a smile as his hips shifted against yours - grinding the prominent bulge of his cock against the slick seam of your thighs and groin in a single, ruthless thrust that sent your eyes rolling back in their sockets.
"Now that's a pretty sight," Kyoutani rasped in a voice gone low and guttural with lust. "You really do get off on the way I talk to you, don't you pet? Fuck. The way you're writhing and bucking like a bitch in heat just to rub that soaked cunt against my dick has me half-crazy."
His tongue licked a searing trail across the seam of your lips in another blatant taunt, a teasing prelude of what was about to follow as Kyoutani's hand slid from its punishing grip on your neck. You felt his blunt fingertips trace over the fever-slicked planes of your torso in a feather-light graze - only to suddenly dip lower with purpose, skating the sensitive expanse of your exposed navel and lower still.
A strangled, broken sound ripped free from the depths of your chest as those thick fingers skated over the lace-trimmed gusset of your panties - searing their presence into the soaked folds hidden beneath with a sinuous drag of pressure and friction that had your back bowing against the wall.
"God, just look at how much you're gushing," Kyoutani purred with a sinful glint blazing behind his molten stare as he continued to stroke along your slit through the thin barrier. The fabric quickly became sodden under his persistent touch, a testament to just how much the depraved, vulgar filth of his words had stoked the fires of need blazing hotter within you both.
"All that honey pouring out for me just to soak these panties even more," he continued with a smirk, the pad of his index finger suddenly catching and circling the swollen nub of your clit until a sob punched free from your constricting throat. "What a sweet, dirty little whore I've caught for myself, neh? All it took was a few nasty words and promises of my dick to get you writhing like a bitch in heat begging to be bred. Fuuuck."
The ragged groan that wrenched itself free from Kyoutani's chest resonated directly through your quivering frame, sending fresh shocks of pleasure careening through your nerve endings and heightening the already-sweltering fever blazing between you. His hips jerked against the cradle of your thighs in a harsh grind, the searing imprint of his erection branding through your damp panties until the fabric threatened to tear with the force.
"Do you know how many times I've jerked off to thoughts of this pretty pussy just like this?" Kyoutani continued in that ruined, gravelly rasp that scraped your senses raw with every uttered syllable. "Imagining my face buried between these thighs and licking up every last drop of your sweetness while you writhe and squirm and scream. It's the only thing I've thought about every time I've gotten my fist wrapped around my dick - picturing just how fucking good it would feel to make you beg for it."
Before you could process the full impact of those sordid, scalding confessions, the fingers tormenting your slick folds and swollen clit abruptly slipped beneath the elastic hem of your panties. Your mouth fell open on a wordless cry of shock and need as Kyoutani's broad fingertips delved between your swollen petals - gliding through the soaked folds and probing at the entrance to your core with the same ruthless, focused determination he exhibited on the court.
"Gonna make you mine, kitten," he groaned in a voice that had become nothing but a guttural rasp, primal and rough and hungry in a way that had your entire frame seizing and arching. "I've been dying to sink my dick inside this cunt ever since I joined the team. So wet. So goddamn warm and tight. Shit."
Your vision went hazy and black around the edges as Kyoutani sank one long digit fully into your clenching heat - the sudden invasion forcing your walls to stretch and accommodate the intrusion while simultaneously stoking the firestorm of need building towards unbearable levels inside you. He barely gave you the time to register the fullness before Kyoutani withdrew to sink a second digit inside, the stretch and burn of such a sudden breach ripping a high-pitched moan free from the depths of your chest.
The way his lips twisted and curled back from his teeth as Kyoutani began to pump those fingers inside you at an unforgiving pace sent a new shiver coursing through your overstimulated system. His hooded gaze drank in each twitch and buck of your hips against his punishing thrusts, clearly reveling in the sight of your flushed features contorted in agonized ecstasy as he continued his merciless assault.
"There you go, kitten," Kyoutani crooned against the shell of your ear - his ragged exhales sending fresh waves of gooseflesh prickling across your feverish skin. "Let me hear how good it feels, little girl. I want you screaming so loud every last asshole who ever looked at what's mine gets it drilled into their skulls that only one man gets to enjoy this gorgeous, filthy cunt and that's me. I'm the one who owns this sweet little body, and every last drop of pleasure I'm about to wring out of you."
His teeth sank into the curve of your throat with a muffled snarl, the sting of the bite and sudden suction sending another rush of molten need pulsing through your core. Those wicked digits continued to plunder your cunt without pause, curling and dragging against the swollen walls of your channel with a ruthless rhythm meant to destroy and unmake you utterly.
"You're mine now, kitten," Kyoutani practically snarled the words against your damp flesh - his tongue tracing the throbbing pulse point and sucking harder still to raise a dark, vivid bruise. "And I'm gonna take care of this greedy pussy in all the ways no one else ever could."
A keening sob broke free from the depths of your lungs as a particularly forceful thrust sent the head of his palm grinding against the swollen bud of your clit, setting off a cascade reaction that had you thrashing and clawing against the hard expanse of his chest. Your thighs clamped tighter around Kyoutani's trim hips, desperate for more friction and depth and pressure as you chased the cresting edge of bliss rapidly coiling tighter and tighter inside you.
"So fucking good," Kyoutani practically moaned the praise, his features contorting with an agonized, feral need that somehow ratcheted the inferno burning between you even higher. "Come for me, kitten. Show me exactly what this dripping cunt needs. Who it belongs to."
That commanding growl was the final straw - sending your already-tenuous restraint crashing to ruin in the blistering wake of your release. His name spilled from your lips in a broken sob, fingers scrabbling at his flexed biceps as you clung to him like a lifeline amidst the white-hot waves of euphoria washing over you.
But Kyoutani showed no mercy - only continuing his relentless stroking and curling against the spasming clench of your walls until the last aftershocks had shuddered through your trembling limbs. The entire time, his intense focus never wavered from your flushed features, drinking in each breathless gasp and whimper with an almost reverential air.
"Fucking hell, look at how goddamn pretty you are like this," Kyoutani murmured almost to himself - the awe-tinged reverence of his voice at odds with the savage, lust-drunk glaze burning in his heavy-lidded gaze. "Never seen anything so perfect. So goddamn beautiful."
The raw emotion threading through his graveled baritone hit you with the force of a tidal wave - stoking the embers of desire reignited anew to an inferno blazing between you once more. A new shiver rippled over your skin as the calloused pads of Kyoutani's fingertips continued their feather-light tracing over the flushed, sensitive expanse of your cheekbones.
"I want to see you come apart like that for the rest of my damn life," he rasped - the possessive heat blazing behind his molten amber irises scorching every inch of you with its intensity. "And I'm about to spend the rest of this night making sure you understand exactly how serious I am about keeping this pussy for myself. Gonna fuck you until you can't walk straight. Until the only thing you can remember is my name and the feeling of my dick buried so deep inside you can't think about anything else but this moment right now."
The sheer hunger and desperation behind Kyoutani's growled vows was almost too much to process, let alone absorb in its entirety. Your breath escaped in a sharp hiss as his fingers abruptly withdrew from your hypersensitive cunt with a wet sound that made you flush all over. Before you could think to protest or react, Kyoutani's large hands dropped to the curve of your ass - palming and kneading the plush mounds with an appreciative grunt as he held you firmly in place.
"Now let's see just how much of that filthy honey this pussy can give me," he said - a low, husky growl that seemed to vibrate against every exposed inch of your skin as Kyoutani slowly lowered himself to his knees.
His name exploded from your lips in a strangled gasp as his hands hooked the thin elastic band of your panties - yanking them down and off your trembling legs with an impatient efficiency. Before you could process the next course of his intentions, Kyoutani was hauling one of your legs over his shoulder, leaving the rest of your lower body exposed to the searing blaze of his unguarded scrutiny.
"Fuck me," Kyoutani groaned, the expletive falling from his lips with such fervent reverence it was nearly obscene. The heat radiating from his penetrating stare alone was enough to set your senses ablaze - let alone the molten slide of his palms gliding up the backs of your bare thighs and gripping at the plump swell of your ass.
"I'm not sure whether I wanna eat your cunt first and taste all that sweet honey you gave me," he practically crooned as his thumbs skated the outer seam of your labia, spreading the swollen, puffy lips with deliberate slowness that had you bucking and whining. "Or if I wanna just bury my cock inside you and watch the way this pretty pussy sucks me in deep."
Another broken, pleading whimper punched free from your lungs at the graphic imagery his words painted, stoking the flames of need raging hotter between you both with each passing moment. His calloused fingertips were already gliding back down towards the apex of your thighs, seeking out the source of your renewed slickness with an air of uncompromising focus.
"Either way," Kyoutani continued with a smug smirk twisting his lips as he traced the delicate petals of your sex - spreading and dipping shallowly just past the swollen rim to test the give and resistance there. "I'm about to get every last drop of that sweetness."
The strangled moan that burst from the depths of your chest sounded alien and broken to your own ears - a keening sound of utter debauched want and need that seemed to resonate in your very bones. Kyoutani's smirk twisted to a full, toothy grin as he watched you tremble and writhe against the wall, clearly savoring the sight of your overstimulated body struggling to withstand the sensual torture of his ministrations.
"Look at me." The growled command was underscored with an edge of unmistakable dominance that sent a new shiver racing over your skin. His fingertips continued their torturous swirling around the sensitive opening of your core, teasing the stretched entrance with a maddeningly shallow rhythm that only served to stoke the fires of need blazing inside you further.
When you could do nothing but continue to buck and whimper and mewl beneath his relentless, merciless torment, Kyoutani's other hand abruptly left its position on your ass - snapping a sharp smack against one of your asscheeks that sent a frisson of pleasure-pain ricocheting through your frame.
"I said look at me, pretty." His lips curled back to flash a canine in a feral smile as Kyoutani watched your expression contort with the delicious pain-pleasure of his punishment. "I want those pretty eyes locked on me when I finally bury my face in that soaking cunt."
The next broken, desperate sob ripped free from the depths of your lungs, even as a new wave of wetness flooded from your slit. You couldn't tear your fever-glazed gaze away from the smoldering intensity of his piercing irises, even as he slowly shifted to press a soft kiss against the inner thigh resting atop his broad shoulder.
"There we go," Kyoutani murmured with a satisfied sigh - the heat of his breath ghosting over the soaked folds of your cunt. "I want to watch every expression that passes over your face while I fuck this cunt with my tongue. While I make you beg for my dick."
Before you could manage a coherent response, the flat of his tongue suddenly delved between the swollen petals - the slick texture rasping and curling in a way that had you writhing and keening against the wall. Your hands reached down to tangle in the short hairs at the crown of his skull, seeking purchase as Kyoutani began to lavish a punishingly thorough oral assault upon your center.
Every flick, suck, and curl of his tongue had you reeling - a sensory onslaught that robbed you of the ability to breathe or process anything beyond the exquisite, sinful pleasure of his touch. Every time you managed to claw your way back towards the surface, his fingers would sink inside your dripping core to thrust and curl against the tight channel, ripping a broken sob free from your chest.
"Fuck," Kyoutani swore with a ragged groan, his mouth still pressed flush against the soaked folds - the vibration of his voice sending another shiver rippling through you. "You taste like heaven. Shit. Never tasted a sweeter cunt. Could get drunk on this."
A strangled moan tore from your throat as Kyoutani's lips abruptly latched around your throbbing clit, suckling with just the right amount of pressure and suction to have you bucking and clawing against the wall. His fingers continued to pump and curl in a punishing rhythm that threatened to unravel you utterly, all the while maintaining his merciless devouring of your soaking cunt.
Your breath punched from your lungs on a ragged gasp as Kyoutani's mouth abruptly shifted focus, his lips parting around the stretched rim of your entrance before delving deep in a single thrust. The sensation of his tongue stroking and curling deep within your clenching heat was enough to send sparks exploding behind your eyes, a fresh wave of heat washing over your senses and dragging you back towards the precipice of climax.
"Please," the broken sob ripped itself free from the depths of your chest, your voice barely recognizable under the weight of the lust and need pouring through every syllable. "I can't. I'm gonna. God. I need--"
Your babbled pleas seemed to spur Kyoutani into even more frenzied motion, his fingers and tongue working in tandem to drive you higher and higher. He drank down the fresh gush of slick released from your folds, growling against the soaked petals as his teeth scraped against the swollen folds in a way that had a violent shudder rippling through your entire frame.
"I know what you need," Kyoutani groaned as his fingers pumped and curled faster still, setting a relentless pace that had your vision blurring at the edges. "You need me. Need this."
The next high-pitched whimper that spilled free was muffled as Kyoutani surged upright - sealing his mouth over yours in a bruising glide of possession. You could taste yourself on his tongue, the flavor sharp and intoxicating and filthy in a way that only ratcheted the fires of lust blazing between you even higher.
"Gonna fuck you right now," he snarled against the abused swell of your bottom lip - his teeth grazing over the throbbing flesh before sucking it between his own in a fresh taunt. "I can't wait anymore, pretty. Can't. I have to be inside you. Now."
With one fluid motion, Kyoutani's hands left your overheated skin and dropped to his waistband, the metallic rasp of a zipper being drawn and fabric shifting audible even over the harsh, panting breaths escaping from both of your mouths. You barely had a moment to register the absence of his warmth and bulk before the hard, searing pressure of his pelvis crashed into yours, pinning you back against the wall in an inescapable cage of muscle and flesh and need.
Your lips parted in a fresh sob of ecstasy and anticipation, only for the sound to be swallowed and consumed by the fierce, unyielding crush of Kyoutani's mouth on yours once more. The blunt tip of his thick erection suddenly notched against the swollen folds, gliding along the slick seam of your cunt in a tantalizing stroke that had both of you moaning into the other's mouth.
"Please," you keened against his lips, hips arching to grind yourself along the length of his pulsing shaft and soak the velvety skin with your arousal. "Need you. Please, please, please. Need you so badly."
"God fucking damn, I love it when you beg," Kyoutani snarled with an almost vicious edge to the graveled cadence of his voice, the thick head of his cock finally catching and beginning to sink past the tight clench of your entrance. "That's it. Beg me for it. Plead for my cock to fill up this greedy cunt."
The words dissolved into a strangled groan as he sank deeper and deeper, the searing friction of his girth stretching you open further than you'd ever felt before. Kyoutani's teeth caught the swell of your bottom lip, worrying and tugging until the sting sent an electric jolt arcing directly to your core.
"You're so tight, pretty girl," he panted, his breaths coming in rough, guttural pants as he continued his gradual, excruciating pace. "Fuck. So wet. And so goddamn warm. Shit. I knew you'd feel perfect."
His arms flexed and locked against the wall, bracketing you in the cage of his massive form as Kyoutani finally buried his cock to the hilt inside your soaking heat. For a few moments, the two of you simply stayed locked together, bodies trembling and breaths mingling as you adjusted to the fullness stretching your core.
But even in the haze of lust clouding your senses, you could sense the strain vibrating through the muscles locked beneath your clutching fingertips - the way Kyoutani's jaw ground and teeth clenched against the primal urge to pound into your clenching channel. His features had twisted into an almost agonized mask, the dark slashes of his brows knitted tightly together as he focused his efforts on maintaining control.
"Kentarou," you breathed his name in a low moan - the single syllable practically dripping with unadulterated want and need and desperation. You felt the way his powerful body shuddered and twitched in response, the involuntary buck of his hips sending a fresh jolt of pleasure-pain rocketing through you both.
"Fuck," he hissed against the curve of your neck, his tongue tracing the throbbing vein there in a hot glide that only heightened the feverish sensations rippling through you. "I know. God, I know, pretty. But I need to hold still for just a moment longer. Because once I start moving, I'm not stopping. Not until I've fucked this sweet pussy and marked every inch of it as mine."
The possessive edge threading through his gravelly baritone sent another shiver cascading through you, the molten tension building within your core reaching a fever pitch as you struggled to hold still and absorb the overwhelming sensation of his throbbing length sheathed fully inside you.
"I'm the one who owns this pussy," Kyoutani groaned as he rocked his hips against yours, grinding his pelvis into your own until his balls pressed against the swell of your ass. "Me, and no one else. Isn't that right, pretty girl? Say it."
The ragged moan that tumbled from your parted lips was all the answer he needed, even before the words finally spilled free.
"Yes," you cried out, nails scoring along the ridged expanse of his muscled back - the sensation seeming to drive Kyoutani closer to the edge as his entire body went rigid and trembling with the effort to hold still. "Yours. I'm yours. All yours. Please. Just fuck me."
Any remaining shred of restraint abruptly disintegrated at your breathless, desperate entreaty - sending Kyoutani's hips crashing into yours in a single, brutal thrust that knocked the air from your lungs. The searing friction and drag of his thick cock filling you again and again was unlike anything you'd ever experienced, the sheer force and power behind his movements threatening to shatter your sanity.
"Shit," Kyoutani grunted in a raw, hoarse growl - the sound seeming to reverberate in his chest as his hands shifted to grip your ass tighter, angling you to meet his relentless plundering thrusts. "Gonna. Fuck. Gonna breed this sweet cunt until it's dripping with my cum."
The lewd, depraved filth spilling from his mouth sent another violent shudder coursing through your frame, your hips rising to meet the punishing pace he'd set without faltering. The friction and force behind his strokes were just on the cusp of painful, driving you towards the precipice of your release in a ruthless, inexorable tide that left no room for thought or logic or sense.
All that remained was the mind-numbing sensation of him stretching and filling you, again and again - a ceaseless, consuming rhythm that promised to shatter and remake you entirely.
"You take me so well," Kyoutani's voice rasped directly into your ear, the hot press of his sweat-slicked torso molding into your own until you could barely distinguish where his body ended and yours began. "Like you were fucking made for my cock. For me. So good. Such a perfect little slut."
His next thrust had your vision going hazy and black, the thick head of his dick grinding and pumping into a spot that sent fresh lightning pulses of pleasure-pain arcing up your spine. Another strangled scream tore itself free from the depths of your lungs - the only coherent sounds capable of escaping past the frantic, panting breaths escaping from between your swollen lips.
"Fuck, you look so good like this, beautiful," Kyoutani crooned the praise, his voice barely a thread above a guttural snarl. "Bent over for me and begging to be fucked and bred like a bitch in heat."
His tongue traced the curve of your ear in a sinful, teasing sweep, sending another frisson of need shuddering through your overheated frame. A ragged, sobbing moan clawed its way free from your throat as he continued the torturous torment of his hips slamming into your own - each thrust sinking deeper and harder until you couldn't tell if the sounds filling the air were your own or Kyoutani's.
"Tell me how much you need it, pretty," Kyoutani growled, the sharp scrape of his canines against the vulnerable column of your throat sending a new shudder coursing through you. "How much you love taking this cock and letting me fuck this filthy little pussy however I want. How much you want me to breed this gorgeous cunt until I've filled you up with my cum."
His hand had slipped between your bodies at some point during the relentless assault, calloused fingertips tracing over the slippery, swollen folds until they settled over the swollen bud of your clit. Every stroke and flick sent another shockwave of pleasure careening through you - driving you towards the precipice with the same single-minded focus that characterized every action and movement on the court.
"Say it," he demanded in a husky rasp that scraped your senses raw - his pace becoming ever-faster, ever-harder, ever-more-relentless until it was impossible to process the sensory overload.
"Kentarou," the plea broke from your throat in a raw sob, the only sound capable of passing through your swollen lips. Your head lolled against his broad shoulder as his fingers began to circle your clit with an increased pressure and tempo, driving you towards the inevitable fall with every pump and grind and thrust of his cock buried within your cunt.
"Let me hear you say it," Kyoutani snarled, his hips stuttering and jerking as the punishing pace became ever-more-frantic, ever-more-erratic, ever-more-wild. His teeth sank into the curve of your throat with a fresh growl, the sting of his canines ripping another strangled cry from your lungs as the crest of pleasure rapidly coiled tighter and tighter within you.
"Tell me you're mine."
The words were punctuated by a single, brutal thrust that had your vision whiting out, your back bowing against the wall and legs seizing around Kyoutani's trim waist. His name tore itself free from the depths of your throat in a wild, feral scream that shattered the relative quiet of the empty gym. Your nails scored across the clothed expanse of his back as every muscle and tendon in your body drew tight and taut with the overwhelming flood of euphoria sweeping over you.
"There we go," he rumbled against your throat, the vibration of his voice sending fresh sparks careening along your nerves. "There's my sweet girl. Fuck. Feels so fucking good when you come all over my cock like that."
Another guttural moan was torn free from the depths of his chest as his hands clamped around the curve of your hips, holding you steady as he continued to pound into your quivering, slick channel. His grip was iron-clad, the bruising force behind each stroke and thrust sending fresh shocks of pleasure-pain ricocheting through your already-overstimulated system.
"You feel too fucking good," Kyoutani snarled against your neck, the ragged edge to his voice and the way his hips were stuttering and losing their rhythm indicating he was rapidly approaching the brink of his own release. "Shit. Gonna make me cum."
His fingers returned to your clit with a renewed focus, the rough texture of his callouses grinding into the sensitive bundle of nerves in a way that had you crying and writhing beneath the assault. Every part of you was aflame, a fever-bright inferno burning through your veins and threatening to consume you whole.
"Gonna breed this cunt full, pretty," Kyoutani swore against the hollow of your throat, the guttural rasp to his voice sending a shiver down your spine. "Pump you full until you can feel every drop spilling out of your slutty little hole. Fuck. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
Your only response was a low, broken moan, the sound seeming to spur Kyoutani's hips into an even more punishing, frenzied pace that threatened to break you in half. The way his cock was dragging against the spasming clench of your walls was an exquisite brand of torture - the friction and depth and force behind his thrusts pushing you beyond the point of sanity or reason.
"Fuck, look at how much you're gushing all over my dick," he practically purred the depraved observation, the filthy words falling from his lips as effortlessly as the sweat pouring off his brow. "Such a sweet, filthy little slut for me. Only me."
Another broken, wordless cry ripped free from your lungs as his fingertips redoubled their efforts on your hypersensitive clit, sending sparks and bolts of electricity crackling along your nerve endings and searing directly to your core. It was impossible to process the magnitude of the sensations he was wringing from you, each fresh stroke and touch threatening to send you tumbling over the edge yet again.
"I know you're close," Kyoutani growled, his features twisting into a feral grin as his tongue traced the delicate shell of your ear in a maddening taunt. "Can't wait to feel this perfect pussy clamping down on my dick when I breed you full. You'd like that, wouldn't you, beautiful?"
The words were punctuated by another harsh buck of his hips, the searing, velvety drag of his thick length dragging against the hypersensitive walls of your core in a way that threatened to rip the air from your lungs. Before you could even muster a coherent response, his teeth sank into the curve of your shoulder with a possessive snarl - the sharp pain-pleasure of his canines scraping against your skin sending another rush of molten need flooding from your cunt.
"Cum with me," Kyoutani's voice had gone husky and rough with desire, the ragged edge to his breathless pants betraying the effort it took to maintain the brutal, unforgiving pace he'd set. His fingers continued their relentless swirling and circling over the sensitive bud of your clit, driving you towards the precipice in a way that threatened to steal the last shreds of coherency from your mind.
"Please, please, please," the pleas tumbled from your swollen, parted lips in a ceaseless mantra, each syllable falling free as quickly as your breath punched from your lungs with every thrust and grind. You couldn't even register the words or sounds escaping from your throat, the only coherent thought that registered was the need to fall into the white-hot abyss of bliss looming ahead.
"God, fuck," Kyoutani groaned against the curve of your shoulder, the muscles of his powerful arms and back locking tight and tense as his entire frame seized and trembled. His next thrust sent the head of his throbbing cock grinding against the hyper-sensitive spot buried deep within you, the added stimulation pushing you over the edge once more.
"Cum for me," he snarled, his hips slamming into yours one last time before the searing, wet rush of his release flooded your clenching walls. A broken sob clawed its way from your throat as the molten heat pulsing and throbbing against the swollen, sensitized walls sent you tumbling into the white-hot waves of release, drowning beneath the overwhelming tidal surge crashing through you both.
For several long moments, neither of you moved - frozen in place as the tremors wracking your frames slowly eased. Kyoutani's hands were still clenched around the curve of your hips, keeping your lower body trapped flush against his own while his cock continued to pulse and twitch within your core. His breath ghosted over the sweat-slicked skin of your neck in heavy, panting exhales, the rapid rise and fall of his broad chest matching the erratic tempo of your own.
"Shit," Kyoutani grunted, his voice raspy and raw, almost hoarse in a way that made a fresh shiver ripple through you. "Fucking hell, pretty girl. I think you just drained my damn balls dry."
Your breath left in a high-pitched wheeze as he abruptly stepped back, his cock slipping free from the dripping, overstimulated channel. Before you could think to register the sudden emptiness, his fingers had already dipped between the soaked, swollen folds, circling and teasing and taunting the still-quivering entrance.
"Look at all this cum leaking out of your pretty pussy," he practically crooned the words, the dark edge to his voice making it clear exactly what he was planning to do. "We can't have any of this going to waste, now can we? That'd be such a shame. When I've gone to all the trouble of filling you up just the way you needed."
Before you could summon the wherewithal to reply, Kyoutani had already dropped to his knees, his shoulders and broad back flexing as his hands guided your trembling legs to rest atop them. The heated blaze of his gaze swept over the flushed, swollen folds of your center - drinking in the sight of his thick, pearly essence mixing with the slickness still clinging to the tender petals.
"Now let's see how many times I can make you cum for me, kitten."
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4unnyr0se · 3 months
Haikyuu characters catching you masterbating ?
❥ caught ya! | haikyuu guys catching you pleasuring yourself
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warnings: timeskip! characters, fem! reader mentions of masturbation (duh), jealously, fingering, teasing, voyeurism, toy usage, lewd language
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 650
a/n: hopefully i assigned the characters correctly
got a request? my asks are open!
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❥ They think it's cute
He walks in on you, knuckle-deep in your soaked pussy, panties hastily pushed aside as you plunge your fingers into your dripping heat over and over again. You were too preoccupied with fucking yourself on your fingers that you didn’t even notice how the door to your bedroom closed, your boyfriend crossing his arms in amusement as he leaned against your dresser. He observes how his name falls from your lips like a broken prayer, your nose sniffling pathetically as you try too hard to rip an orgasm out of you. But sadly, your fingers were no match for his own, and they never will be. You squealed in delight as you finally hit that sweet spot that you so craved, only to have your moment of bliss interrupted by your boyfriend's gentle cooing.
“Did my baby miss me while I was working, hm? Don’t worry, sweet thing. I’ll just stand here and watch. Go on, try to make yourself cum without my help. You’re so fucking adorable, my precious angel.”
SUGAWARA, kuroo, yaku, ennoshita, UKAI, semi, hanamaki, kenma, OSAMU, kita
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❥ They think it's stupid
He hears your oh-so-familiar moans behind your shared bedroom and busts in without a second thought. Who the hell was ripping those perfect noises from your pretty lips without his permission? Why, was it you, of course! A bullet vibration practically danced on your throbbing clit while your legs were spread like a slut, your slit drenching the innermost part. Your perfectly manicured hand squeezed your breast, your thumb rolling over your nipple whilst your pearly whites bit down on your bottom lip, hips bucking into the air on occasion. His eyes filled with fury as he ripped the vibrator off your clit, earning an annoyed moan from your slutty mouth.
“What the fuck is this, hm? You seriously couldn’t wait for me to get back so I could fuck you? Who the hell needs this stupid toy when you have me? That’s it. Get on all fours. Right now, don’t fucking test me.”
kageyama, TSUKISHIMA, kyoutani, IWAIZUMI, atsumu, suna, sakusa, ushijima, daichi
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❥ They're completely starstruck
Oh, fuck. They have absolutely no idea what to do. He’s fantasized about this so much, and it’s finally fucking happening. He caught you bouncing on a dildo you had bought yourself, whimpering as the silicone head hit every spot so perfectly deep inside your gummy walls. His eyes landed on your pretty fingers, desperately swirling your clit, beads of sweat flying off your forehead. You looked so fucking ethereal, he had to say something. He just had to let you know how fucking pretty you looked!
“Holy fuck, you look so fucking pretty. Can you keep going for me, please? I wanna see you cum over and over again, please, baby girl. I’ll fuck you as much as you want, just put on a good show for me. God, you’re perfect.”
HINATA, yamaguchi, asahi, GOSHIKI, oikawa, akaashi, takeda, TANAKA
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❥ They join you
His ears perk up once he hears you mewling in pleasure from your bedroom, eagerly slamming the door open to reveal your hands fucking a vibrating bullet in and out of your weeping cunt, the sheets beneath you a filthy mess. He smirks and practically pounces on the bed, not even bothering to shut the door as he peppers your face in a million kisses. You always look so pretty when you wanna get yourself off. What if he fucked his fist in tandem with you? That's the best idea ever.
“Shit, don’t stop just for me, baby. Let’s cum at the same time, yeah? You wanna fuck yourself with that cute bullet I got you while I fuck my fist to the sight of your pretty tits? C’mon, don’t say no! It’ll be fun, I promise! Then I’ll fuck you nice and good afterward, okay? Thank you, pretty baby.”
nishinoya, BOKUTO, konoha, matsukawa, TENDOU, terushima, yamamoto, lev
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noyasmashing · 4 months
If it isn't too much trouble, may I request mad dog with a nerdy reader. In public they have scary dog privileges but in private he becomes such a whiny puppy who doesnt know how to ask for master/mommy to touch him? No hurt feelings if you don't want too, I just don't see enough of him being a sub. Thank you!
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CW: names such as pup and mommy are used, semi public, praise, hand job
A/N: i’m so sorry this took so long 😭 tbh i have no excuse
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he would be suchhhh a grouch in public. Picture yourselves on the public train together. He's casting menacing glares at anyone who dares to glance your way, positioning himself protectively in front of you. Meanwhile, you're engrossed in your book, wearing a delighted expression that's impossible to hide.
And when you venture out together (a rarity in itself), despite your occasional awkwardness, you effortlessly connect with others over obscure subjects, radiating joy and warmth. Kentaro, on the other hand, stands by your side, arms folded, engaging only with you.
Its quite endearing how different you two are-personality wise. People often wonder why you're with such a seemingly grumpy individual, but they don't see the tender side he reveals to you. He's incredibly sweet and attentive, always accompanying you to your favorite bookstores for the latest releases. Despite his aversion to socializing, he willingly joins you for coffee outings.
What may be the most adorable thing about him, is his sudden shyness in private. Suddenly, he's flushed red, stumbling over his words, nervously fidgeting with his hands, unsure where to place them.
He gives up any ounce of control easily, falling to his knees at your request. Your favorite thing is making him work for his pleasure. He knows what he wants. He wants to cum until he can't think. But he doesn't know how to ask.
Recently, you'd discovered a new favorite pastime: teasing Kentaro in public. There was nothing quite like watching him squirm as he struggled to maintain his tough exterior, only to be undone by his own pent-up desire.
It was a simple matter to get him riled up. A strategically timed pause to admire a book cover, a suggestive lick of a lollipop, or a deliberate lean forward to show off your cleavage would send him into a tailspin. His eyes would flash with desire, his face would redden, and his lips would tremble.
But the best part was the moment he'd snap, his eyes pleading for mercy as he grabbed at your shirt, his voice barely above a whisper. "P-please… y-you… I need y-you…"
You'd feign innocence, playing dumb as you led him on a merry chase. "Hmm? Need me to what, Kentaro?" You'd ask, looking up at him with a concerned expression. He'd hesitate, his words faltering as he scanned the empty store for an escape route. "You know.." He'd mutter, gaze low and hands sweating.
Finally you relented, firmly grasping his cheeks, directing his gaze toward the family bathroom that was tucked away but still in sight of you two. "That'll work yeah?" you inquired, locking eyes with his widened ones, before proceeding toward the bathroom. "What if someone sees us?" he'd nervously stammer, but still following closely behind you.
You'd simply smile, your eyes glinting with mischief. "It makes it more exciting, Kentaro."
Once inside, you'd press your lips against his, drawing out a soft groan as he struggled to keep up. But you were just getting started, taking a seat on the bench, beckoning him closer.
"Y-you want to do it here?" He'd ask, his voice laced with anxiety.
You'd bat your eyelashes, playing innocent once more. "Do what puppy?"
Being the nervous dog he is, he'd trail off, his face flushing with embarrassment as he stumbled forward. You'd laugh at his shyness, running your hands up his shirt and down his stomach as he stood in front of you.
"P-please… touch me," he'd beg, his voice cracking as he dropped his head in shame.
You'd toy with him, running your fingers over his hips as he squirmed beneath your touch. "I am touching you, baby," you'd purr, but he wasn't having it.
He needed something more – something that would make him feel like he was truly alive. And so, he forced out the words: "My c-cock., touch my cock, mommy"
Your eyes lit up with amusement and a hint a sadism, unzipping his pants and pulling his underwear down without hesitation. "That's all you had to say puppy." You'd coo, while wrapping your fingers around his hardened member. It boasted a rather prominent vein tracing its length, accompanied by a slight curve that he found rather embarrassing.
You couldn't resist the urge to tease him with gentle strokes that coaxed a soft whimper from his lips. Spitting into your free hand, he'd gasp at your boldness, wanting to say something. But words quickly faded in his mouth when you smeared it long his length, making him throw his head. He'd look up at you, pleading for more, but you'd merely smile wickedly and instruct him to "be a good boy and fuck yourself with my hand."
Immediately, he would protest with a whiney, "noo I-I can't" his inexperience evident in his hesitant tone. But as you met his gaze with a firm, expectant look, his hesitation gave way to an exploratory thrust. With the help of your praise, he'd slowly become more comfortable with your embarrassing request.
As he quickened his pace, his breath would catch in his throat, his member pulsing in your hand. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, and his thrusts became more erratic, your seductive voice making it harder for him to stay steady. His usually narrow eyes seemed to be welling up with emotion, and his face flushed.
Your other hand grasped the soft skin of his hips, guiding him into a harsher rhythm. He let out a loud, desperate moan, forgetting their surroundings as he succumbed to his pleasure.
Useless pleas would tumble from his lips, but you refused to indulge them, instead, instructing him to "show that pretty tongue, baby." He had no choice but to obey, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, coated with saliva as he reveled in embarrassment.
He'd pant and whine, his red tip darted back and forth between your hand, his face contorted in a mix of pleasure and shame. "M-mama, I'm close.. gunna cum.. c-cum, cum all over," he'd babble, his movements becoming more frenzied by the second.
Your grip tightening around his member, moving and twisting in tandem with his thrusts would send him over the edge. He'd cum with a loud, broken moan, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as he convulsed in your grip.
His body felt shaky and weak, his legs trembling beneath him. You stroked him through the aftershocks, praising him as he sat down, still flushed from his climax.
"You did such a good job, pup," you'd coo, making him blush once more. "Just sit there and look pretty for me and I'll get you allll cleaned up."
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touyaki · 2 years
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includes: ennoshita chikaro, tendou satori, daishou suguru, kyoutani kentarou, sugawara koushi, bokuto koutarou
contains: gn!reader, sub!chars, riding, pussy eating, impact play (spanking/hitting), edging, dumbification, bondage
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ennoshita chikara: gets off when you ride his face. loves tasting your cunt and hearing your moans. he knows how to use his tongue to leave you shaking from pleasure while also begging for more. will cum untouched if you tug on his hair and use his mouth for your own good. if he wants you to feel extra good, he uses his fingers as well. feels extra proud of himself if he makes you squirt.
tendou satori: being restrained. he thinks it’s so hot when you tie his hands up and ride him. sometimes he’ll let you blindfold him but it’s not his favorite since he likes seeing your lewd face. also enjoys degradation mixed with praise. will cum early if you say, “look at you taking me so well. you like that, huh? you like being a little fucktoy?”
daishou suguru: marking. his inner thighs are his most sensitive spot. leave little kisses trailing up to his bulge and he’ll be squirming for more. gets rock hard when he sees the bruises you leave behind. cums untouched just from you kissing and sucking on his thighs.
kyoutani kentarou: slapping. loves spanking your ass and thighs, but he’ll never lay a hand anywhere else. for him, however—he gives you permission to slap his face when he’s bratty. asks you to go harder if all you give him is a light tap. craves the sting you leave on his cheek, the red marks on his thighs when you slap them as you suck his cock. he loves being pushed around by you. 
sugawara koushi: edging. #1 masochist and you can’t tell me otherwise. he lasts surprisingly long only because he knows the final orgasm will feel much better than if he cums right away. sometimes he does it out of spite to push your buttons. doesn’t mean he’s invincible—there will be a point where he starts begging for permission to cum. 
bokuto koutarou: dumbification. craves the feeling of being fucked until he can’t think straight. once he reaches that state, all he can think about is you and cumming. he loves hearing you tease him for having such a naughty face, tongue out while drool drips down his chin. he can’t help it; once his mind goes hazy, his hips are moving on their own until he’s cumming all over the place.
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doingitforbokuto · 1 year
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badboy!Kyoutani with an innocent girlfriend
Once he finds out you are inexperienced, all that is on his mind was making you feel good. He's so soft for you, always so gentle with every touch that he gives you. He doesn't want to corrupt you, he wants to please you. Instead of showing you the things that he likes and did with his previous flirts and one night stands he focuses only on you and what you like.
His hands are featherlight on your hips, just gently nudging you into the direction he wants you to go but giving you all the freedom to decide. Still, you just follow his lead. You slowly climb into his lap, your movements a little unsure if what you are doing is right but his touches and reactions always tell you that it is.
Once you have settled onto his lap, he is immediately pulling you impossibly closer, his hands rubbing small circles onto your sides, a small sigh escaping his lips. You let your hands slip behind his neck as you lock him into your embrace and practically melt into him. Not that he would try and escape. As you sink deeper into his lap you settle more of your weight onto him, something he very obviously enjoys just as much as you do. He slowly bucks his hips up to meet yours and lets his hands run further down your back and sides until they meet the waistline of your skirt.
You start to whimper as you feel his half hard erection rub against you through both of your clothing. You aren't even sure what you are supposed to be doing but this - he - just feels too good for you to stop whatever you're doing. The way you roll your hips makes you rub your clit at just the right angle against his bulge and you gasp every time it passes over him.
"Feelin' good, baby?"
He is running his hands all over you, it's like he's sending littered shocks of pleasure through you.
"I wanna make you feel real good, sweetheart." He kisses your neck softly. His mouth is hot and wet against your pulse point but you can feel the love and care he is showing you with it. "Can I touch you, baby? To make you feel good?"
When you feel his hand on your thigh and the way it is inching towards your core you whimper and nod. You want him to touch you so bad.
Kyoutani uses his grip on your thigh to push you back and to the side, his other hand supporting your back as he guides you to lay back on the couch. His fingers are now hot against the wet spot on your panties. You know the moment he starts moving the rough pads of his fingers against your clit that he will make you feel good in a way that not even you could do yourself, in a way no one could make you feel good - no one but him.
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kyovtani · 2 years
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✗ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐤𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐲 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
✗ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭; 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧, 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫!𝐤𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬/𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬!𝐀𝐔
✗ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏𝟑.𝟐𝐤
✗ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬, 𝐬𝐦𝐨/𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐫*𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐜*𝐡𝐨𝐥; 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐱/𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲, 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭: 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐠/𝐚𝐬𝐦𝐬 , 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦/𝐩𝐢𝐞, 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭 (𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐮/𝐬𝐬𝐲), 𝐝𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝/𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞, 𝐜𝐡𝐨/𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
✗ 𝐀/𝐍: !𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐲𝐞𝐭! 𝐲𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐤𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐦. 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 (𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐒!!!) 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐳𝐚𝐝𝐞 <𝟑
✗ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐲𝐞𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐞𝐭…
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“Mad has pink hair”, is the first thing to leave Oikawa Tooru’s mouth when his fellow bandmate and best friend enters their practice room half an hour later than usual.
At the mention of the lead singer, your head almost brutally whips to the side and nervously searches for the sight your best friend has just pointed out. And, as you let out a shaky sigh, you try to keep your composure as best as you can but just as usual, this turns out to be a bigger struggle than you make it to be.
However, despite the intensity of Kyoutani Kentarou’s dominant and strong aura, you can't stop yourself from letting your gaze subtly roam his tall figure.
His body is covered in dark leather from head to toe, the only colored part of his appearance being his freshly dyed pastel pink hair; tons of chains casually dangling from his waistband but also adorning his tattoo covered neck. Your eyes find their way to his strong hands, the dark lines on his tanned, veiny skin sending shivers down your spine and within a second, you catch yourself thinking about the mental image of having them wrapped around your throat.
You feel yourself getting flustered at the mere thought of doing such lewd things with the lead singer, yet every single night it’s him you think of when your hand finds its way into your drenched panties, regardless of how much he intimidates you.
A soft sigh falls past your lips when his strong scent, a mixture of cigarette smoke and citrus, hits your senses in the best way possible. However, that exact scent easily pulls you back into reality.
By the time you find your way out of your arousal filled haze, you’re quick to notice two pairs of eyes boring into you from the side.
“Why don’t you just take a p- ouch, Iwa!”, Oikawa’s soft voice breaks into a whine at his best friend’s elbow hitting his stomach in a rather harsh way and for the nth time within just an hour, you’re grateful for Iwaizumi’s presence and ability to keep the pretty guitarist in his lane.
“Sorry, little one”, Hajime mumbles and rolls his eyes, his fingers pulling the little cigarette from behind his ears before he gently lays it in between his lips and lights it right after, “he’s even more talkative than usual.”
“It’s okay-”, “I’m sorry for being late, guys, traffic was a pain in the ass as usual”, Kyoutani’s deep, raspy voice easily overtones your weak attempt at voicing out your gratitude towards Iwa and you hate, yet love the effect he has on you.
You don’t even care that he blatantly interrupted or hasn’t even made the effort to at least glance at you. Just the mere thought of his presence as close to you as possible is everything you need and want.
And you’re very much aware just how pathetic you are, but at this point you can’t bring yourself to deny anything regarding Kyoutani Kentarou anymore.
After knowing him for as long as you do, you’ve finally come to accept his rather negative or neutral, both equally bad, feelings towards you.
It’s been literal years since Iwaizumi, your childhood best friend and neighbor, had introduced you to his grumpy bandmate yet nothing has changed ever since.
Kyoutani’s never even tried to like or get to know you, despite the large amount of time you spent with him and the other guys.
In the beginning you struggled a lot with his distant attitude, your brain making sure to plant the thought of his distance towards you being your weight and your general physical appearance but as the years went by, you just grew used to it. Back then, he used to startle you whenever he started talking, whereas now you just enjoy the soothing sound of his raspy voice.
You can’t remember when exactly you had developed the huge and disgusting crush on the lead singer with the buzzcut, you just know that at one point you couldn’t stop thinking about him. It didn’t take long for you to realize just how bad you had fallen for him — a guy who made it seem like talking to or just looking at you was pure torture.
Iwa was also rather quick to notice your shy glances and dreamy stares towards his tattoo clad best friend.
But he waited until you came and talked to him about it, knowing you needed the time to process your own feelings before he got indirectly involved.
To his, and probably your own surprise too, you told him to never ever mention anything when Kyoutani is around. You simply didn’t and still don’t want him to know with the sole intentions of saving your own heart. You’ve had enough guys break your heart or take advantage of you because of your bigger body, you certainly don’t want to go through another one of those heartbreaks.
Because after everything, one thing won’t ever change — Kentarou doesn’t like you.
A harsh fact you’re very much aware of, which is why you definitely don’t need him to explicitly voice it out and make you feel even worse about yourself than you already do.
And you definitely like the little fake image of him, which you’ve created in your head over the past few years way too much to let go just yet.
So, just as usual, you calmly avert your gaze to the floor and let out a soft sigh before you let yourself get back to reality.
“Don’t worry about it”, Iwaizumi replies calmly, running one of his ring clad hands through his thick hair as he approaches the pink haired lead singer, “Tadashi’s sucking off Terushima in the storage room, so we can’t get started anyway”, he casually adds, eliciting a groan of annoyance from Kyoutani, but soft giggles from you.
“I woke up horny so I didn’t last as long as usual, big boy”, Terushima, the band’s drummer and Kyoutani’s best friend, suddenly exclaims as he strolls out of the door at the very back of the practice room, followed by his freckled boyfriend, Yamaguchi Tadashi.
“We said no more blowjobs in the storage room, Teru”, Kentarou scolds the drummer, softly knocking the fake blonde’s head to the side as he comes to stand in front of him, “there are always cum stains everywhere and you never clean up after yourself, you fucking cunt.”
“Always with the swearing, I swear to God..”, Oikawa sighs and rolls his eyes as he puts his hair into a little bun before grabbing his guitar with care.
“Jokes on you, I cum in my bunny’s mouth, all the way down his pretty throat. He’s the one who likes to get messy”, Terushima shamelessly replies, his response making all of you let out growls of annoyance and slight disgust because of its lewdness.
“Yuuji!”, Tadashi finally intervenes, freckled cheeks tainted in the deepest shades of red as his boyfriend’s choice of words leaves him flustered.
“Was that TMI?”, this time he looks directly at you and without missing a beat, you nod.
“Of fucking course it was, you little piece of-”, “That’s enough, you little fuckers. Let’s just get started with practice already, we’ve got an important gig soon”, Iwaizumi is the one to take the lead; his naturally dominant aura making it way easier for him to handle two personalities as strong as theirs.
“Oh, my Goodness– yes! I just know this time we’re gonna get that producer to listen to our tracks and put us under his label and after that we’re going to get big. I can feel it in my cock”, Oikawa replies, his pretty eyes gleaming with excitement as he talks about his biggest dream.
You can’t help but smile at the way neither of the boys say anything, knowing all of them think- or hope for the exact same thing to happen. After all, they've been working towards this exact dream for literal years now.
And now that they’ve finally gotten such a good opportunity, it’s been a lot more stressful and nerve-wrecking than they had expected it to be. This isn’t the first time said producer’s going to watch the boys perform live, but this performance is going to be their last chance to show him their potential.
You don’t know what’s going on with Kyoutani but you know the other three boys are basically just piles of anxiety and nervousness after months of waiting for this day to come around.
“You’re right, Zumi”, Kyoutani sighs and takes off his heavy leather coat, exposing his toned body to your hungry eyes and without even hesitating, you let your eyes take in the sight of his black shirt basically clinging to his torso.
However, just when he’s about to keep talking, your eyes fall to his right hand and at the sudden sight of his bruised, partly even blood covered knuckles and fingers, you can’t help but let out an audible gasp.
“What?”, Terushima quickly reacts to you, his eyes roaming your face nervously before the other boys, including Kyoutani, turn their heads to look at you.
“Your uhm- your knuckles”, your voice is a mere whisper, the lead singer’s intimidating gaze making your heart pound against your rib cage, “you’re bleeding.”
Kyoutani tilts his head to the side before he lifts his right hand up, obviously not even remembering his little injury as he nods and just shrugs it off.
“What the fuck happened, Kenta?”, Iwaizumi hisses, approaching the younger one with concern-filled eyes before he comes to stand in front of him.
“It’s not a big deal”, said singer just replies, pulls himself out of his best friend’s grip and moves to grab one of the water bottles you had set on a random chair when you arrived, “I got into a fight with my...him. I’ll be okay, don’t worry.”
You gulp harshly at his words; instant memories of Kyoutani’s current situation at home flashing up in your mind and easily sending shivers of discomfort down your spine.
He doesn’t talk about it with you, of course he doesn’t. But from what Hajime and Tooru have said, you know that Kyoutani has always been struggling with his family due to several reasons.
You don’t know as much as you’d like to, but you’d rather not dig further into something, especially if the possibility of Kyoutani getting mad at you knowing about his life is potentially high.
“Bro”, Terushima lets out a deep sigh, his pierced brows furrowed in anger and a soft blush grazing the apples of his cheeks as he takes his best friend’s face into his big hands, “you have to move out. Take your mother and the girls and get the fuck out of there or else he’s going to make you kill him.”
You attentively watch the way Kyoutani’s whole body tenses up at the drummer’s words, his hands balled into tight fists and his jaw visibly clenching.
The heavy tension in the air feels suffocating; breathing properly suddenly seems like a whole challenge and with one glance at Yamaguchi, you know you’re not the only one to feel that way.
“How the fuck am I supposed to do that when he’s not letting them go, Teru? Every time I tell my mother to pack her and the girls’ fucking bags, he threatens her with some kind of shit and makes her back out of it”, Kyoutani presses through gritted teeth, the volume of his voice steadily growing the more the madness seems to take over him.
“And besides that”, he sighs, “it’s not like we have anywhere to go. Neither of you can take us in and I simply can’t get us a new apartment because I don’t have any money”, and suddenly, you feel your heartbeat picking up its pace with such intensity, you feel it thrumming in your throat.
It takes you a good minute to calm yourself down, the thoughts racing through your mind are easily sending you into a heavy bliss of anxiety and nervousness.
However, before any of the guys can say anything or you get the chance to overthink that one thought in your head, your body acts before your mind can follow.
“You could stay at my place”, you throw into the silence of the big practice room; your voice a lot steadier than you expected it to be, “my sibling just moved out and I have a spare room your mum and sisters could stay in”, you explain with your gaze falling to the floor when the fear of Kyoutani’s reaction overwhelms you.
“What? Are you serious? Don’t you dare fuck with me, Y/N”, he suddenly hisses; his brows furrowing even further and the way he comes closer to you has you gulping harshly.
It’s not even necessarily his choice of words but the general fact he’s even directly talking to you, which has your head spinning from the heaviness of your anxiety.
“Watch your language when you speak to her, Kenta”, Iwaizumi adds, quickly coming to stand next to you, knowing his other best friend has a tendency to let his emotions take over his rational thinking.
“Yes”, you say quickly, finally getting yourself to actually lift your head and meet his strong gaze, only to look away after a solid second because of the intensity of his stare, “I am either at work or campus most of the time and barely have anyone come over, so I don’t really mind having you guys there. And you don’t have to give me any money, either. My parents bought us the apartment before they passed away, so I don’t have to pay for rent anyway.”
Kyoutani listens to your every word, his eyes rapidly roaming your face as you speak before he lets out a loud sigh of relief, followed by his facial features softening in a way you’ve never experienced before.
“That’s uhm- that’s really kind. Thank you, Y/N”, he sighs and when his lips suddenly stretch into a genuine, sweet smile to the point that his dimples appear on each side of his cheeks, you can’t help but look at him in complete shock.
“Of…course”, you smile back awkwardly, pulling at your fingers and trying your best to calm your heart and mind down, “I know how it feels to live in an abusive household, so I’m always happy to help someone escape from one.”
In response to your words, silence fills the room.
And that’s when you realize that, different than usual, you actually mentioned something this significant about yourself to someone other than Iwaizumi.
You feel the anxiety crippling up your spine in the most disgusting way possible; a shaky exhale falling past your lips as your body desperately tries to calm your rushing mind down.
“Anyway”, you suddenly say, nervously scratching your neck while lifting your head to meet Kyoutani’s slightly overwhelmed gaze, “how about you tell your Mum to pack her stuff so we can pick her and the girls up and bring them to my flat? I’ll make sure to make them feel at home, I promise.”
You don’t really know why or how you managed to form all those sentences when Kyoutani Kentarou, the guy you’ve been hopelessly crushing on for years, is standing so close and is actually talking to you. However, you definitely like the warmth spreading in your chest and the pride filling your veins when you think about all those times you oh so desperately wanted to talk to him, but let your anxiety get the best of you.
But, none of that changes the fact that your heart is brutally slamming against your rib cage, thrumming in your ears with such high volume, you struggle to hear your own words properly.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this? My youngest sister is three years old and the other one just turned five, so I don’t know if you really want to deal with kids after such long days”, Kyoutani mumbles, running his tattooed hand over his freshly dyed buzz cut before he starts playing with the rings on his fingers.
You can’t help but smile at his behavior. The usually so cold and distant Mad Dog, a nickname Oikawa gave him years ago, turning into this sweet, flustered little puppy right in front of you is definitely not something you’ve expected to witness any time soon.
“I like children and they usually like me”, you smile encouragingly, “so yes, I am sure I’m okay with this. Give her a call and tell her we’ll be there after you guys finish practicing. We can grab some food on the way and maybe some snacks for the girls because I only have instant ramen noodles and two bananas in my kitchen right now”, you continue, earning a loud groan of disappointment from your best friend who loves to spend his time scolding you for your awful eating habits.
“Alright then, I’ll do that really quick and – thank you, Y/N. I appreciate this a lot”, Kyoutani gives you one last smile of gratitude before he pulls his phone out of his pocket, quickly sticking a cigarette in between his lips as he exits the practice room to talk to his mother.
And as soon as the pink haired lead singer disappears, you let go of the breath you’ve been holding subconsciously.
“Damn, little one”, Oikawa suddenly says, throwing his arm over your shoulder and casually pinching your chubby cheeks with his slim, ring clad fingers, “you’re finally gonna get a chance to suck his cock just like you’ve been imagining it.”
“Oh, fuck off, Tooru”, you hiss through gritted teeth, rolling your eyes at his words before you push him away from you.
“He’s kinda right, though”, this time it’s Yamaguchi’s soft voice which gently cuts through the silence in the practice room and with your eyebrows raised in utter shock, you turn to face the freckled boy, “don’t get me wrong, I am not saying you’re gonna jump his bones now. But you’re getting to spend some more time with him alone and at some point he won’t have a choice but to talk to you, so the two of you might get closer”, he explains, his words making it even easier for your brain to create a row of fake scenarios and without replying anything, you nod softly.
“Or you just tell him you want him to father your children and boom, case solved.”
At Yuuji’s take on the situation, the whole room grows silent, yet again. Only Tadashi reacts by giving him a soft kiss on the lips before the others continue to get their instruments ready.
“I’ve told you this a couple of times but he doesn’t hate you, I promise”, Iwa continues after a beat of silence had filled the room, “especially not after this, so stop being so fucking shy about it.”
At the persistent tone of his voice, you can’t help but look at Iwaizumi with furrowed brows since he’s never been like this when it came to your not so little crush on his bandmate.
But before you can even question it in any way, the front door is being opened again and you watch the front singer walk back inside.
When Kyoutani returns, a big smile is planted on his face and literal relief gleams in his usually so cold gaze, a sight you definitely could get used to. And for the first time in years, he looks you directly in the eyes and shoots you a wink; his change in demeanor leaving you completely overwhelmed. Yet you can’t help but feel your whole body growing hotter as your head repeats the beautiful image inside of your mind until it becomes the only thing up there.
Usually, practice goes by rather slowly. You enjoy spending time with your best friends and listening to their music; the general atmosphere in the practice room calms you down in a really different way which is why you even crave these kinda evenings after long, exhausting days.
However, this time the three hours of practice seem to fly by because by the time the boys start packing up again, you struggle to remember which songs they played and what they talked about in their short smoking breaks.
You know it’s because your body is still buzzing with anxiety at the thought of Kyoutani and his family staying at your house but for some reason you also can’t stop overthinking what your best friend had told you a couple of hours ago.
Iwaizumi isn’t the type of person to just say something without there being some kind of meaning to it, not even if it’s to calm you down, so now you’ve already come to the point where you can’t seem to stop yourself from reading more into his words than usual.
“Kawa picked you up, right?”, the sudden sound of Kyoutani’s voice filling the rather quiet practice room is the one to pull you out of your thoughts and without properly processing who actually asked you that question, you start nodding.
“Alright”, he adds and pushes his freshly rolled cigarette behind his ear, “then we won’t have to go in separate cars”, Kyoutani locks his phone and pushes it into his pocket before he looks up at you and then searches for a lighter.
You’re quick to hand him the one in the little front pocket of your bag which you carry around in case Iwaizumi or Oikawa happen to have lost theirs again.
There’s a bit of an awkward silence filling the empty space of the alleyway, making it a bit harder for you to maintain your composure and despite the cold weather, you can’t help but appreciate the fresh air filling your lungs.
“Kimiko and Koharu”, Kyoutani suddenly begins and places his cigarette between his plump lips, the names obviously making him smile and you can’t help but look at him with confusion written all over your face.
“The one who just turned five is Kimiko and the three year old’s name is Koharu”, he’s quick to explain it and as you realise that he’s talking about his little sisters, you understand his genuine and soft reaction.
As you watch the way Kyoutani takes a long drag from the deadly stick, you decide not to add anything to his words just yet because it feels like he has a little bit more to tell you about the two girls you’re about to meet.
And just as you expected, he continues to talk once he starts blowing the smoke out with a soft sigh.
“To keep it short: they’re basically like ‘Kawa and Zumi”, he explains to you and this time you can’t stop your lips from stretching into a wide smile at his words.
“Now I need you to elaborate on that, please”, after finally letting yourself calm down a little you manage to make a comment and when Kyoutani chuckles softly, the tension in your muscles finally seems to disappear.
You can hear the boys’ voices from inside the practice room and for a moment you feel the urge to frown because you won’t get to be alone with Kyoutani anymore but his voice quickly pulls your attention back to him.
“They fight and argue a lot because their personalities are so different but they also can’t live without each other”, Kyoutani runs a tattooed hand over his freshly dyed pink buzzcut, his eyes roaming your face attentively as you start nodding at his words with an approving smile on your lips.
You wonder what he thinks of you. There’s a part inside of you which wants to know whether or not he thinks you’re pretty or if he likes your eyes, your smile or your voice. You want to know whether or not he finds you attractive and maybe even sexy, your brain allowing you to ignore the possibility of him not being into bigger girls at all. But it doesn’t take long for you to get back to your usual way of thinking since you’ve convinced yourself that you’re not his type long ago and he probably doesn’t even care about what you look like because you’re not worth his time.
It takes you a good moment to shake off those annoying thoughts and in just that moment, Kyoutani decides to add something else to his explanation.
“They’re good kids. They’re well behaved and don’t really cause any problems or troubles. My Mom’s tried her best to give them what they need and their scumbag of a father treats them okay. He prefers to mentally and...physically abuse me and my Mom, just gets a little louder when they cry too much but that’s it”, Kyoutani’s words are carefully chosen; he takes his time to find the right ones and doesn’t rush himself in order to avoid any misunderstandings and it doesn’t take a psychologist to understand that he’s incredibly hesitant to open up about his family issues.
You can’t and wouldn’t blame him because you’re basically the same when it comes to these difficult topics yet you struggle to hide your reaction because after all this is the very first time he’s ever told you anything about himself.
“I think they’re both gonna like you a lot, but Koharu’s going to love you. She loves spending time with pretty girls and I honestly can’t blame her for that”, is the last thing Kyoutani casually adds and you know it’s to ease the tension in the air but as soon as your brain manages to process his words, you freeze.
You barely manage to react to Terushima’s unnecessary comments as the four boys come to join you two in front of the door and if it wasn’t for Oikawa almost brutally nudging your arm with his elbow, you wouldn’t have moved another inch for God knows how long.
Kyoutani Kentarou, the guy – your crush of several years who was basically unreachable for you up until an hour ago, told you that he considers you pretty or at least sees you as a part of the “pretty girls” and you absolutely hate the way your chest starts blossoming with this very special warmth.
“What’s wrong?”, this time it’s Iwaizumi's deep voice which brings you back to reality and when you lift your head to meet the comfort of his green eyes, you can’t help but let out a loud sigh of frustration.
“Absolutely fucking nothing”, you reply and throw your backpack over one shoulder before rolling your eyes at yourself, “and that’s the fucking problem.”
“You’re stressing me the fuck out, did you know that?”, Iwa shoots back with his eyebrows furrowed in irritation before he follows you to the cars and tells you to text him once you get home only for you to pout at him like a teenager.
Thankfully the ride to pick up Kyoutani’s Mom and sisters is a lot less stressful and nerve wrecking, mostly because you’re accompanied by Terushima and Yamaguchi but you also feel a little less tense and anxious for God knows what reason.
Something about Kentarou’s body language tells you that he seems just as nervous as you and you wonder if it’s because he’s scared of their reactions or if it’s because he’s going to stay in your apartment with them.
Neither one of you has bothered to mention it, but it seems like the only plausible option the whole plan comes with so you’ve been trying your very best to prepare yourself for the upcoming time. Of course there’s also the possibility that one of the boys takes Kyoutani in but you still like to keep your hopes up high.
You’re nervously pulling at your fingers as you calmly inhale the cold air of the night in hopes of making the waiting a little more bearable.
Kyoutani’s still talking to Terushima and Yamaguchi as they finish their cigarettes only to throw them away as soon as they hear the contagious chuckles of one of the two girls currently approaching the car alongside their mother.
You try your very best to stop yourself from staring but as you watch the girls pick up their pace just to jump into their older brother’s arms, you find yourself mesmerized by the heartwarming scenario in front of you.
It’s not difficult for you to tell the girls apart despite their similar facial features. They not only share the same hair color and style but their big smiles are almost identical and as you let your eyes roam their soft faces, you spot the little dimples on each of their chubby cheeks, the little detail basically emphasizing the family resemblance even more.
It takes the girls a good minute to shift their attention away from their older brother but as soon as their eyes meet yours, you can’t help but smile.
Yet, before you can actually greet them, you notice someone in the corner of your eye and without hesitation, you turn to face Kyoutani’s mother with a polite smile.
“Good evening, Ma’am”, you begin calmly, lifting your hand before you bow slightly, “it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Y/N.”
You feel your heartbeat fastening as you try your best to stop yourself from staring at her but there’s just something that makes this incredibly difficult, yet you can’t seem to point out what it actually is.
Her dark hair is put in a bun, a few strands falling into her rather young looking face and the second your eyes meet hers, you feel a sense of comfort and safety surround you like a capsule.
“The pleasure is mine, my Love”, she replies calmly before placing her delicate hands over yours, making the warmth of her skin meet yours, “thank you so much for this. You have absolutely no idea how much we needed this. I don’t know what Tani has told you already, but it’s been really bad lately and I know this is gonna do wonders for the girls.”
Her voice is soft, slightly hoarse yet oh so comforting and as you watch her speak, you can’t help but smile at her mentioning her nickname for the lead singer.
“I’m happy to be some kind of help, really. If he told me a little sooner, I would have made this offer a long time ago since I wasn’t gonna look for a roommate anyway”, you explain thoughtfully, genuinely enjoying the way Kyoutani’s mother is still holding onto your hands oh so dearly before she lets go and pushes a dark, curly strand behind her ear.
“You’ve got such a kind heart, I can tell by the way you’re looking at me. I hope your partner knows how lucky they are”, she breaks into a soft chuckle and at the mention of a lover, you can’t help but get flustered before joining her.
“I don’t have a partner”, you add quickly and shift your gaze to the floor, “but my boys appreciate me a lot so there’s no lack of that!”
Kyoutani’s mother smiles at your words, her gentle eyes slowly shift to the tall figure of her son who’s currently trying his best to balance both of his sisters on his back.
You wonder what she’s thinking about because there obviously seems to be something that’s occupying her mind yet you don’t find it in you to ask her about it just yet.
And you don’t even get another moment with her as loud cheers start ringing in your ears before you watch the way Terushima walks up to his best friend’s Mother and pulls her into a tight hug after bowing to her.
After about an hour, you find yourself cleaning up the kitchen while Kyoutani and his family get started with unpacking their things and although it’s been quite fun with the girls, you still feel this certain kind of tension lingering in your muscles.
It’s never been just you and Kentarou for longer than five minutes and now you’ve spent the last two hours casually talking to him, his sisters and his mother.
You lose yourself in your rather nerve wrecking train of thoughts and if it wasn’t for the sound of a door opening, you would have gone even deeper.
By the heavy steps and the sounds of dangling chains, followed by the familiar scent of cigarettes and vanilla you don’t even have to lift your head and finally meet the rather calming gaze of your new flatmate.
“The girls fell asleep and my mum’s in the shower”, Kyoutani whispers, the soft expression in his usually so tense and strict features suddenly making him look a lot younger than he is and you can’t help but love this side of him.
“Did you tell her about the towels I hung up for her and the girls?”
You try your best to stay calm and composed but just feeling his strong eyes roaming your body makes you nervous and all of a sudden you regret changing into your pajamas before making sure that everyone’s asleep.
In your defense: you genuinely didn’t expect to talk to any of them before heading to sleep which is why you’re now dressed in some random shorts and a really old shirt that barely leaves anything to anyone’s imagination.
And on top of it all, a wave of anxious thoughts about your body, your big thighs, your tummy and your big arms makes this whole situation a lot more difficult than it already is.
Kyoutani obviously notices the way you’re losing yourself in your train of thoughts, which is why he doesn’t hesitate much with his response.
“Mhm, I did”, he says and finally manages to make you look up at him again, “she probably hasn’t had a hot shower in weeks so I told her to take the time she needs, I hope that’s okay.”
Right before you properly process his words, you start nodding, just to stop mid-action when you realize what he had just told you.
“Wait…what do you mean she hasn't had a hot shower in weeks?”
A beat of complete silence follows your words and that’s how you know that this is one of those rather difficult topics for him.
To your surprise, Kentarou comes to sit down at the counter, nervously playing with the many rings on his fingers as he tries to find the right words.
“Her menace of a fucking husband doesn’t have a job so they can’t always pay the water and electric bills…Most of the time my money’s only enough for the rent and some groceries, so she’s been heating up water for the girls and opt to cold water for her own showers.”, Kyou’s tone shifts from angry to sad as soon as he stops talking about his mother’s partner and if it wasn’t for the weeks you’ve spent watching him and analyzing his body language, you wouldn't have noticed the way he started pulling on his fingers to calm himself down.
“My mother used to do that for us, too”, you say before you get a chance to overthink your words and you can’t help but tense up at the thought of opening up to Kentarou, someone you know but don’t actually know.
“And of course that’s absolutely okay. I want her to feel as comfortable and safe as possible; this is their home now, too”, to shift the attention away from your little slip into your own childhood, you try to wrap it up by responding to his previous question.
“Miko and Haru already love it so much, they don’t even mind sharing a bed for now”, Kyoutani continues and lets out a soft chuckle, his big hand reaches for one of the little water bottles on the counter and you can’t help but smile when you realize that he’s slowly getting more comfortable in your presence.
“Haru asked if she could sleep in my bed but your Mother intervened”, the memory of your conversation with the three year old has you smiling even bigger before you lift your head to look at him; your heart skipping a beat the moment your gazes meet, “I wouldn’t have minded that at all, though. She’s adorable and absolutely hilarious.”
And before you could even finish your little comment, Kyoutani Kenatrou throws his head back and lets out a genuine row of laughter, his reaction easily overwhelming you since you’ve literally never heard him laugh like this before. Not even with his boys.
You subconsciously start enjoying a sound so special and dear echoing through the silence of the night and you don’t even think about forgetting it ever again.
“She’s so unnecessarily funny for a three year old”, he says and rubs his chin, his eyes so much softer and calmer ever since you’ve arrived at your apartment and you can’t deny how much you like this new version of him.
“Anyway, I should get going, now that everyone’s safe and sound”, Kyoutani gets up from the chair and reaches for his jacket, doesn’t even give you enough time to register his words.
“What?”, you blurt out and look at him with confusion gleaming in your eyes, not even realising how loud your voice is.
“Huh? What do you mean? I’m leaving to stay at Teru’s”, Kyoutani explains and looks at you, adjusting his leather jacket and barely holding back his little smile in response to your outburst.
“Oh”, you sigh softly and try your very best to find the right words but you can’t avert your gaze from his strong body; basically devouring the poor guy alive and for a moment you lose absolute track, only to be pulled back into reality by the sound of Kentarou’s voice.
“Eyes on me, pretty girl”, his words hit you like a truck and if it wasn’t for the fact that you’re seated already, you would have lost your balance, “what was that ‘oh’ about, hm?”
“I – uhm – I wasn’t expecting you to leave”, you reply and try to maintain the last bit of your composure but the longer you look into his hungry eyes, the weaker your knees become and for a moment you feel yourself fall even deeper into the haze of your arousal.
Kentarou seems to enjoy your reaction to his choice of words and you hate how every bit of your body wants to give yourself to him, when this is probably just his casual way of talking to people he feels comfortable around.
“Really? You’d be okay with me staying here?”
Without even missing a beat, you start nodding.
It feels like your body is running on autopilot because of the sudden change of the tension between you two.
“Yes”, you say with a little more confidence, “I’m sure your mother would much rather have you here with us, too.”
Of course you’re not going to tell him about how you're absolutely desperate to spend even more one-on-one time with him; not any time soon, at least.
“My mother, huh?”, Kyoutani smirks and takes his jacket off again, making your heart skip a beat.
All you can do is nod. Your throat has already dried up and you feel like you’re going to pass out from the sudden heat overwhelming your body. You try your very best to keep your reactions down, nervously playing with the hem of your shirt and avoiding his gaze like he’s going to turn you into stone if you looked at him.
“Hey, what happened with you and your little puppy boy?”, Kentarou asks, his voice is a little less amused and there seems to be a sudden shift in his expression which you can’t exactly pinpoint.
It takes you a whole minute to understand who he’s talking about and as soon as you realise, you roll your eyes in annoyance. Not because of him, but because of the “puppy boy” in question.
“We broke up”, you begin and get up to get yourself and him something to drink, but mostly to hide from his strong gaze, “everything was going well at first but then he got all weird and kept doing and saying things which made me super uncomfortable. Whenever I tried to talk to him about it, he got unnecessarily defensive instead of respecting my boundaries, so I called things off.”
You let out a loud sigh at the memory of your ex-boyfriend, just the thought of him never failing to exhaust you.
“What kind of things are we talking about?”, Kentarou replies calmly, thanking you for the cup as he watches you turn on the kettle.
“Only if you’re comfortable answering that of course”, he quickly adds and makes you smile just like that, yet again.
“At first, my weight was never a topic in our conversations”, you say and feel a wave of disappointment hit you, “but the longer we were together, the more he started mentioning it. But…not in the way you might think. He didn’t tell me to lose weight or fat shamed me, he actually did quite the opposite but in the most uncomfortable way possible.”
There’s a beat of silence once you finish your sentence, your focus falling to the way Kyoutani is playing with his rings as you wait for the water to boil.
“This is gonna be quite TMI and I actually can’t believe I’m telling you this, of all people, but I’ve got nothing to lose so why not”, you warn him and fill up his cup before you do the same with your own and then come back to sit right across from him.
A weird kind of comfort fills your chest; something you haven’t felt with anyone in quite a while and you've never expected Kyoutani to be the reason for this.
“I’ll be okay, go ahead, pretty one”, his response is cool and calm, yet pushes you to the edge of your seat and you hate how much his words affect you.
“He wasn’t the best with words – at all. However, his dirty talk was absolutely horrific”, you cringe at the memory of all those nights you had to listen to your past lover say things you would have never expected to hear from anyone with an ounce of decency, “he always included my weight and when we first started dating, i thought he was worshipping or like – appreciating me, but boy was I wrong.”
Kyoutani looks at you with furrowed brows and you can tell from his body language how he’s slowly beginning to despise someone he has met exactly once before in his life.
And for some reason, you like his reactions, but then again, you’re head over heels in love with him so that’s not surprising you in the slightest.
“Long story short, I dumped him after he kept calling me his…fat bitch while we were having sex”, you come straight to the point, not wanting to do this to yourself and Kyoutani any longer.
And once those words pass your lips, the lead singer’s jaw literally drops.
You try to play it cool to hide your embarrassment, taking a little sip from your tea and looking up at him through your lashes.
“Please, tell me he at least made you cum”, Kentarou suddenly whisper-growls, his dark eyes roaming your features attentively and taking in the way you gulp harshly in response to his intimate question.
“No”, you simply reply and shrug, “I didn’t get intimate with him that much, so he didn’t have that many chances but the ones he had, he actually missed.”
Kyoutani seems shocked, to say the least.
His eyes are focusing you as he tries to wrap his around the loser of a man you used to date.
“I’m glad you dumped his fucking ass”, is the first thing he says after his initial, wordless reaction, “you deserve so much better.”
“Yeah, I don’t know about that”, you chuckle and scratch your neck, “I think I’m gonna take a break from seeing anyone. Being a fetish or the wannabe “success” story of people is quite draining so I’ve decided to just drop it, you know?”, you explain to him, your eyes softly meeting his gaze before they drop to his mouth and you feel your body literally aching for his soft lips on your skin, something you can only ever dream of.
Kyoutani wants to say something, anything. There are so many things on his mind, yet he falls completely silent in front of you.
But how is he supposed to tell you how he’s what you deserve? How could he possibly explain to you that he’s wanted you to be with him since the very first time he’s laid his eyes on you?
He’s not even brave enough to show any kind of interest in you with his boys, his literal brothers, around. Where is he supposed to find the balls to tell you all of the things he’s thinking?
If you only knew how much he liked you, how much he wanted to be everything those guys failed to be – in every aspect possible.
“Oh, Goodness”, you suddenly say and pull Kentarou back into reality, far away from all of his thoughts and unsaid words, “it’s so late already and I’m rambling like a teenager to you, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t ever be sorry about that, Y/N”, Kyoutani suddenly says and manages to smile up at you, “I’m glad you feel comfortable enough with me to talk to me like this. And thank you for answering my question so honestly”, he continues, yet never once looks away from your face until he watches the way you get up.
He can’t help but let his gaze roam over your curves, the thick flesh of your thighs and the way your shirt is hugging every part of your body just right never fails to leave him lightheaded. A sight he’s always had to admire from afar up until today. He could be less obvious about it, but he’s had to hide it for so long already, at this point he’s just tired.
“Thank you, Kyoutani”, you say and smile at him, “I’ll go get you a blanket and a pillow so you can get comfortable on the couch. I also don’t mind sleeping here if you wanna have some privacy.” All of a sudden, you feel way more nervous than just a few minutes ago and you hate how the feeling of his eyes on your body leaves you completely lightheaded. You’re surprised you’ve even managed to form a proper sentence, let alone offer your room to him.
“The couch is perfect”, Kyoutani says and gets up, coming to stand right in front of you – a lot closer than you could have ever imagined him to be.
“I know I’ve always been quite cold to you, pretty girl”, he suddenly whispers and gently caresses your cheek with the back of his fingers, knocking every bit of air out of your lungs almost brutally, “but I actually enjoy your company a lot. My distance is just a self defense mechanism.”
His sudden explanation leaves you confused and absolutely overwhelmed but does not fail to reassure you just the way you’ve been craving it.
“I – what do you – really?” You’re stumbling over your words like a toddler, your brain just struggling to process whatever is going on and still you manage to feel hope fill the emptiness in your chest after dreaming of moments like this for so long.
“Iwaizumi told me about your worries and how you think I hate you”, Kyoutani calmly continues, reaching for your wrist before he places your hand on his own cheek, “I’ve never hated you. How could I when you’ve been nothing but kind and understanding?”
At least, that’s the only way for you to explain the way his words leave you completely overwhelmed.
Never in a million years did you expect something like this to happen between the two of you; every single one of your daydreams is currently a lot closer to reality than you would have ever dared to imagine and you simply don’t know how to handle it.
“And I promise you, I’m not saying these things because you’re giving me and my family such an amazing opportunity. I’m telling you these things because for the first time I feel…brave enough.”
Kyoutani seems to choose his words carefully, rethinks and reassigns them as he speaks to eliminate any sort of misunderstanding.
You’ve never seen him like this; so hesitant and calm, nervous even. And although it definitely surprises you, you have absolutely no idea what to expect so all you can do is wait for what you’re about to hear next on the other side.
“Say something, Baby”, he suddenly says, his voice is a lot raspier than just a second ago and the way his hot breath fans your skin sends goosebumps over your whole body, “I don’t care what you say, just something – anything.”
“My head is – I’m – I don’t know”, you whisper and subconsciously reach for the fabric of his shirt, gripping it a little tighter than intended, but also not realising how you’ve been pulling him even closer to yourself until you look up at him with needy eyes.
“Fuck, you’re cute”, Kyou replies and closes his eyes, smiling softly before he gently nudges your nose with his, “and so fucking pretty, too. You’re driving me crazy.”
“Please, don’t do this”, you gulp harshly and wait for him to look at you before you continue, “if you’re going to b-break my heart, I can’t – I can’t take it, Kentarou”, you’re aware just how desperate you sound, but the fear of having your dreams destroyed is just too big to consider your pride right now.
“No, no, no. Baby…I’ve wanted this for so long.”
The tension between the two of you is thick and heavy, enough to almost literally cut it in half and for a short moment, you feel your breath hitching in your throat as you struggle to gasp for air.
Your thoughts are rushing through your mind at the highest speed possible, your heart basically hammering against your rib cage and your panties slowly turning into a mess with every single one of his words.
“I’ve never had towels as soft as these! Might wanna show me where you’ve got these from so I can – oh, Goodness! I’m so sorry”, Kyoutani’s mother suddenly exclaims and her sudden appearance manages to have the two of you take two big steps away from each other, leaving some much needed distance inbetween and you feel the tiniest bit of embarrassment washing over your body as you look away from the sweet woman’s face.
“I didn’t mean to walk in on you like this, pardon my manners, my sweet Y/N”, she says and looks at you with apologetic eyes, not even caring a bit about her flustered mess of a son right next to you.
“No, no, it’s okay, Ma’am”, you reply quickly and scratch the back of your neck before you reach for your phone and finally dare to look at Kyoutani, “it’s no problem.”
“You know what? I’m just gonna go back to the room and head to sleep. Goodnight, sweet loves.”, is everything she says and basically speed runs into her shared bedroom with the girls, probably more than just aware of the awkwardness she’s put you in.
“She’s always had amazing timing”, Kyoutani mumbles and rubs his forehead before he scratches the back of his head and looks up at you.
“Did you see how she literally ran away?”, you chuckle and throw your head back, finally getting rid of some of the tension in your bones, especially once Kentarou calmly joins in on your amusement.
“How about we talk about this tomorrow morning, hm? Today was a big day for everyone so I think it's best if we call it a night for now”, all of a sudden you seem a lot more confident than just a few minutes earlier and you have absolutely no idea how to feel about it.
“You’re right, yeah”, is all Kyoutani says before he gets up again and takes another sip from his tea, yet doesn’t leave right away.
“Thank you for everything, pretty girl”, he mumbles and smiles softly, his eyes attentively roaming your features, “sweet dreams.”
Maybe it’s because of the exhaustion rushing through your veins or maybe because everything that has happened in the past few minutes has felt nothing but surreal, but if it wasn’t for the feeling of actual shivers running down your back, you probably wouldn’t have registered the feeling of Kentarou’s soft lips placing the softest kiss on your forehead.
By the time you find yourself lying in the comfort of your bedsheets, your heart is still brutally slamming against your ribcage and you have absolutely no idea how you’re supposed to sleep after a day like this one.
You try your very best to think of something – anything else, but Kyoutani Kentarou and his pretty face and his strong hands and how they might feel roaming your whole body in ways you’ve been craving it oh so badly, yet you seem to lose every single time to those exact thoughts.
The responsible part of your brain is already losing every bit of its patience, since sleep does not seem to be an option at all, despite the busy day you’ve got ahead, whereas your body has been enjoying all the little shivers and rushes of excitement you’ve been dealing with the past hour.
After a while, however, you simply can’t help yourself anymore. Your brain is basically stuffed with lewd images of Kyoutani touching you just how you like it and you’re way too tired to give it another thought.
The urge to just reach for your cute little toy and make yourself cum a couple of times to shut your brain out has your fingertips tingling in the best way possible, yet the possibility of someone hearing your silent noises of pleasure easily balances it out.
“Fucking…Kyoutani”, you mumble to yourself and let out a sigh of frustration, unable to control yourself any longer.
The decision might not be your best, but it’s definitely the one you prefer over staying up all night and basically torturing yourself in another way.
At this point, the way your hand finds its way into your panties is almost mechanical. Endless nights spent by yourself, taking care of your needs and your arousal in ways no man has ever managed to do.
You’re quick to bury your face in your pillow to muffle the desperate whimper you let out as soon as your fingers find your needy clit; the little bundle of nerves already swollen and way too sensitive from how worked up you’ve been all day.
As the memories of Kyoutani’s scent and the feeling of his soft lips on your skin fill your head, you start drawing firm circles into your clit, sighing every single time the motion sends a sweet sensation through your veins as you get closer and closer to your relief.
Maybe it’s the way arousal has already clouded your brain in the best way possible or maybe it’s the fact that you’re too close to pay attention to your surroundings but the second your door slowly opens, your heart basically drops to the pit of your stomach.
“Y/N?”, Kyoutani’s soft voice fills the empty space of your room in an instant and you can’t help but whimper as you quickly pull your hand out of your drenched panties, hoping he’s not aware what you’re up to.
“Yes–”, your response comes exactly a heartbeat later and you hate how tiny your voice is.
“Can I come in?”
Kentarou seems hesitant yet determined and something in the way his pretty eyes are hooked and way darker than an hour ago has your cunt clenching like crazy.
As soon as you start nodding, Kyoutani walks past your doorstep, closing and locking the door behind him, something you should have done, before he comes to stand next to you. His eyes are roaming your body, basically devouring you alive and leaving you breathless.
Nobody has ever looked at you like this.
And the fact it’s Kyoutani kentarou, of all people, just pushes you even closer to the limits of your sanity.
“Why didn’t you ask me?”, he whispers and kneels down next to your bed to be on eye level with you, making the whole situation a tad bit less awkward and as soon as you look at him, you feel your body loosening up.
“What..are you talking about, Kyoutani?”, you try your very best to stay composed but everything is overwhelming you right now and you have absolutely no idea what to think or how to feel.
“Why did you go and touch yourself when you could have just asked me instead?”
And with this one he finally manages to leave you completely speechless.
You stare at him with big eyes and your mouth open, your cunt reacting before the rest of your body has a chance and you hate yourself for being so weak in front of him.
“I don’t know what you’re–”, “Don’t lie to me, Baby”, he’s quick to interrupt you, gets on his feet again and wordlessly asks you to sit up as he reaches for your arm, “I’ve been watching you for so long, I know exactly how your body reacts when you’re getting needy. The sound of your voice changes and then your eyes…those God damn eyes of yours are the only reason for my sleepless nights.”
You’re listening to every single word he says without averting your gaze from his perfect face even once and with every single word your cunt starts clenching even harder.
Of course his sudden interest is surprising to you but you can’t hide just how much you enjoy it and if it wasn’t for the way he was gently caressing your arm, you would have thought of this as a dream.
“Do you really think, I don’t notice the way you press your thighs together whenever you stare at me for a little too long, hm?”
You know he’s teasing you, you know he’s enjoying the way you’re squirming underneath his strong gaze and you know – he won’t stop any time soon, yet as soon as your brain has processed his words, you let out the softest whimper.
“Now, now, cat got your tongue, Baby?” A soft chuckle follows his words and you feel your chest warming up at the sound, easily ignoring the situation you’re in.
You just can’t seem to focus, your brain finally shutting down, only for your body to take over and you are not quite sure if you like it as much as you expected to.
“Kenta…”, you finally manage to whisper, his first name feeling foreign on your tongue as you’ve gotten so used to being as formal with him as possible.
You’re hesitant, your voice is still tiny and a lot hoarser than just a few minutes ago, yet as soon as Kyoutani throws his head back with a moan that’s way too loud for this time of the night, you finally feel yourself letting go of every worry and doubt.
“There you go, that’s my good girl”, he’s quick to praise you for basically nothing, probably more than aware just how worked up he’s getting you.
“Tell me what you want, Baby. I promise I’m gonna do whatever it is. This is all about you.”
His offer sounds dreamy; something you’ve never heard before, something you’ve only had the courage to daydream about because asking for anything in your previous relationships felt uncomfortable.
You don’t even know why. Your ex boyfriends weren’t the best nor the worst lovers and now that you think back to it, you could have easily asked for what you want but your lack of self confidence made it difficult for you to think of yourself.
“Are you sure?”, you whisper, a wave of uncertainty hitting you the moment you think about your physical appearance. You subconsciously start pulling down your oversized shirt, trying your best to hide your big thighs and arms, way too scared of Kyoutani being disgusted by the sight of you.
“Stop that”, Kenta’s voice cuts through the tension in the air like a sharp knife and you can’t help but gasp, “of course I’m sure, Baby.”
A beat of silence follows his interruption before he places two of his tattoo clad fingers underneath your chin to push your head up and finally meet your gaze.
“I’ve wanted this – you for so long and I’m not just saying this to make you feel better. You’re perfect to me and I’m determined to show you. However, I’m not gonna do anything you don’t want me to. We can just kiss, cuddle or sleep next to each other. For fuck’s sake, we can just hold hands all night if that’s what you want. I want to…give you everything those little Losers couldn’t and I’m willing to wait for as long as you want me to. Got it, pretty girl?”
His words of reassurance leave you…flabbergasted.
There’s absolutely no other word to describe the way his sweet little speech has made you feel and after years of wishing for something like this – someone like him, you can’t help but get high on the addictive feeling of being wanted and desired.
“I want you, Kenta”, you reply softly, reaching for his face and gently placing your hand on his cheek, “I need you.”
And that’s exactly what he’s been waiting for.
Without missing another beat, he pushes your blanket away, revealing your pretty legs to his hungry eyes, a soft grunt escaping his throat the moment he realises you’ve gotten rid of your shorts from earlier.
“You’re so fucking hot”, he whispers and takes in the sight of your body, “please tell me what you want me to do to you or I’m gonna lose my mind.”
Kyoutani reaches for your inner thighs, pushing his hand in between your legs and gently groping the soft flesh, kneading it and never once looking away from your face to make sure he can watch the way you melt for him even further.
“I want you to eat me out, Kenta”, this time you sound nothing but needy, something he’s wanted to hear for as long as he’s known you, “I want you to be the first one to make me cum like that.”
Kyoutani’s eyes physically perk up at your request and just when you’re about to regret what you said, he starts nodding as if it took him a good minute to process your words and yet again you find yourself surprised at his intense reaction to…you.
“Why don’t you be a good girl and sit on my face, hm? I’ve been thinking about this for God knows how long”, he confesses right after gently asking you for something you never thought you’d ever get asked in your lifetime.
Which is probably why you stare at him with big, almost fearful eyes.
“No, you’re not too big and to be honest I absolutely don’t give a fuck about it anyway, I just want you to cum all over my face”, he’s quick to reassure you yet again and this time you finally push yourself to just stop worrying and nod in response to his sweet words.
Kenta’s pretty lips stretch into the sweetest smile, deep dimples appearing on each side and you feel yourself falling for him all over again.
“I’m gonna take my shirt off, okay? If you don’t feel comfortable, you don’t have to do it, Baby, I just want to make you feel good.” As he speaks, his hands find the hem of his shirt before he pulls it over his head and finally reveals his toned, tattoo covered torso to your needy eyes.
“Please”, is the only thing you can get out before you sit up on your knees and place both of your hands flat against his strong chest, gulping harshly at the feeling of his rapid heartbeat underneath your palm.
“Open your mouth, angel”, he whispers after waiting a few seconds to give you your time, “be a good girl for me, yeah?”
You have absolutely no idea what he wants to do, your head spinning way too fast from all the arousal and adrenaline rushing through your veins, yet your body reacts to his words before you can realise it.
Kyoutani nods appreciatively as you part your soft lips and look at him with curious eyes, knocking the breath out of his lungs with just one single stare.
And as you try your best not to whimper when he pushes his hand into your panties, easily finding your cute little clit and applying just the right amount of pressure, Kyoutani puckers his lips and lets a thick drop of his spit fall onto the back of your tongue.
The feeling of his saliva slowly coating the hot muscle in your mouth has your cunt clenching even harder and you can’t help but thrust your hips into his grip even further.
“Look at how needy my little princess is”, Kyoutani teases and runs his strong fingers up and down your drenched slit, “you’ve made a mess of your panties, Baby. What a good girl you are.”
All you can do is listen and nod, your mouth still wide open, his spit sits on your tongue as your body waits for any sort of command from the lead singer in front of you.
With the word falling past his lips, Kyou wraps his hand around your throat and growls as soon as he feels the way you swallow every bit of his spit just like that.
Before you can think another thought, he pulls you into a needy kiss, pushing you even deeper into the haze of your arousal as he pushes his tongue into your mouth and gives you exactly what you’ve been craving for so, so long
You shamelessly moan into his mouth, barely able to keep up with his fast pace from how much your head is spinning yet with every single kiss you feel your body getting hotter.
“That’s my good girl. Now, if you keep doing so well for me, I’m gonna give you my cock, too. You want that, don’t you?”, Kyoutani nods along with you, his soft lips pouting slightly as he takes a step back and looks at you.
The two of you switch places, whereas you struggle to stay still from how bad your legs are already shaking as you take off your ruined panties, but as soon as Kentarou places his head on your soft pillow, you crawl back onto the bed, loving the way his hand never once stops touching any part of your body.
After taking another breath of courage, you sit yourself up and finally spread your legs over his perfect face, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over you once you realise just how wet you are.
“Look at this perfect cunt”, but with just a few words, Kyoutani wipes away all your doubts.
"Fuck", you whimper as soon as Kenta’s hot breath meets your hot flesh, his face so incredibly close to your cunt, it you simply can’t help but whimper.
“Look at my sweet, sweet girl", he whispers and slowly collects your arousal ok his pretty fingers before he pushes them into his mouth with his powerful gaze focused on your face, “mhm..just as sweet as I thought", he adds with a little smile.
Your fingers instantly wrap around the headboard of your bed the second his digits find your sensitive clit. Kyoutani doesn't even give you the time to get used to the feeling of his fingers against your flesh as he licks a long stripe over your drenched pussy. You throw your head back almost brutally, your hips moving against his skilled tongue the second he starts thrusting the muscle inside of your sensitive hole.
Kyoutani eats you out like a man starved, loud slurping noises, deep grunts and heavy moans as well as your high pitched whines and the pathetic attempts of saying his name being the only noises to fill the silence of your room.
Your hips seem to have a life of their own as they grind against his mouth in hopes of reaching your oh so desperately needed high. You feel yourself getting closer and closer, your orgasm so close you can literally taste it on the tip of your tongue and when he decides to insert two of his strong fingers, you know you're going to stumble over the edge head first.
Your cunt starts spasming around his digits every time Kenta grunts against you. As your moans get louder, your whimpers a lot needier and the grip on the headboard tighter, you slap a hand of yours over your mouth to muffle your noises.
You look down between your legs, his beautiful eyes focused on you and just as your lids are about to flutter shut, Kyoutani lifts your hips away from his mouth, leaving you high and dry just like that.
A loud whimper leaves your lips, your heart thrumming in your throat with your cunt clenching around nothing, the sudden ache in combination with the frustration literally sending tears into your eyes.
You press your thighs together with quiet sobs, "w-why?", you ask him with your voice dripping in arousal and just as you're about to bury your face in your arm to silence yourself, Kenta grabs your waist again, and pulls you onto his naked lap, his hard erection laying flat against his toned stomach; precum already staining the tanned skin of his stomach.
“I'm sorry, Baby", Kyoutani says and caresses your sides softly, "I need to be inside of you, pretty girl", he whispers and gently moves your hips to rub your cunt against his sensitive tip.
As soon as you feel his pulsing cock against your sensitive flesh, you bury your face in his neck and try your best to muffle your high pitched moans.
It’s then that Kyoutani sits up with you in his arms before he takes your face into his big hands and finally pulls you into a needy kiss before he places a soft one on your forehead and then pushes you on the other side of your bed.
“Gotta make sure you stay quiet, Baby”, he whispers right into your ear and moving his hips in between your spread legs and gently slapping his cock against your cunt. You can tell how much he’s holding himself back from the thin layer of sweat covering his skin and his strong grip on your waist.
Your brain is so clouded by your arousal, you barely register his words, only remembering that he had said something when he suddenly pulls away and comes to sit on his knees with his pretty fingers firmly wrapped around his cock.
“You’re – big”, you whisper and stare up at him, subconsciously pushing your shirt up and groping your tits as the arousal completely overwhelms you. With anybody else, you would have never done something so lewd and brave but with Kentarou, everything just feels natural.
“I know, Baby”, he responds and teases your sopping wet hole with his leaking tip, looking up at you with flushed cheeks and needy eyes, “I haven’t been with anybody in months, I promise. Please tell me you’re on the pill.”
“Yes, yes, I am – please just fuck me already”, your words are basically slurred and rushed, not an ounce of composure left as you look at him.
Kyoutani is quick to spit on your drenched cunt, his hot saliva slowly dripping down your folds before he aligns himself up with your clenching hole, yet only pushes the tip in.
“Kenta”, you start whining way too loud, not even realising and caring even less, just wanting to feel what you’ve been dreaming about for literal years.
Kyoutani however just takes a deep breath, obviously trying his very best to calm himself down and not just ram the whole of his length inside of you because he knows how careful he has to be.
It doesn’t take him too long to regain his composure and place his big hand over your mouth after bending down to be as close to your face as possible.
“Look at, princess”, he whispers and gives you another forehead kiss, slowly pushing his cock a tad bit deeper inside of you and without even realising, your eyes roll into the back of your head, “come on, Baby, look at your boy, hm? Be good for me, look in my eyes when you take my cock.”
How could you ever deny him a request as sweet as this one?
Without missing another beat, your gaze meets his and just when you’re about to whimper from how soft the moment feels, Kyoutani thrusts his hips in just the right way, pushing almost his whole length into your sensitive cunt.
No matter how good you’ve made yourself feel before this, nothing comes even close to the feeling of his tip grazing your sensitive walls, leaving a trail of precum inside of you and pushing you closer to the edge every time he twitches in response to your body’s reactions.
A row of muffled moans and grunts fills the silence in your room and you both try to take in the overwhelming feeling of being as close as never before, something you would have never imagined to become reality, which is probably why you feel yourself growing slightly lightheaded.
“Good girl”, Kyoutani growls softly, bottoming out inside of you and letting out a guttural moan at the feeling of his tip grazing the entrance to your womb.
"Fuck, you're so fucking tight", he hisses through gritted teeth, giving you the time to adjust to his impressive size, your breaths hitching in your throat because of the amount of pleasure rushing through your veins.
“That’s my good little slut, you’re taking my cock so well, Baby. I’m so proud of you”, Kyoutani mumbles against your cheeks before he starts slowly moving his hips.
“More, Kenta, I want – ngh, fuck – need more", you whine and scratch your nails over the skin of his broad back when his movements start picking up pace.
His long and sensually slow strokes against the sensitive walls of your cunt give you a hard time focusing on anything else but him and his cock.
Kyou hums in satisfaction at your words, his thrusts even deeper than just a second prior and the way he pulls all the way out only to thrust into you with full force leaves you dizzy.
Your mouth falls open as his harsh pounding elicits loud (yet still muffled) whimpers from you with every single thrust and at this point, you’re way too far gone to realise how loud you’re being.
Kyou fucks you just how you needed it: edging you multiple times as he brings you close to your orgasm, only to pull away when you're about to let go.
Your cunt firmly clenched around his thick cock like a god damn vice, your whole body on fire with sweat dripping down your temples and your own drool coating your chin because of your inability to close your mouth.
"P-Please, Kenta", you whimper with a tiny voice the second he lifts his hand from your mouth,the taste of your orgasm coating your tongue because of how close you are.
“You've been so good for me, Baby, so fucking good. Cum for me, show me how good I can make you feel", he orders and with the words leaving his beautiful lips, you finally stumble over the edge head first.
Waves of pleasure overwhelm your whole body, your sight turning blurry for a solid second as the intensity of your orgasm has you choking on your own breath.
You feel Kyou’s hungry gazes on you as he helps you ride out your orgasm. You take a deep breath after finally calming down again, your fingers finding his cheek before you look him in the eyes. A choked out moan leaves his lips before he buries his face in the crook of your neck, his hips stuttering as you apply pressure,
"Fuck, I’m cumming", Kyoutani whispers, his voice is strained because of his heavy breathing and you can tell by his sloppy thrusts and soft whines he's about to reach his high.
“Do it, Kenta, need you to fill me up", you whisper into his open mouth, your lips connecting as you start swallowing his beautiful noises and with one last thrust, Kyou’s whole body tenses up before he cums inside of you, painting your cunt in the prettiest shades of white with the thick spurts.
Kyoutani throws his head back with a sharp inhale once he’s pulled out before his gaze shifts back between your legs and attentively observes the way his orgasm dribbles out of your tight cunt with his eyes gleaming in excitement.
You have absolutely no idea when or how you fall asleep, convinced Kyoutani has fucked you into the deepest sleep you’ve ever experienced. What you do know is the fact that Kyoutani was calmly sleeping next to you, just to wake up to him being long gone.
You try not to worry too much about it, knowing how busy he is at the moment and calming yourself down with a shower and some fresh clothes.
“Good morning, Ma’am”, you say and wave at the girls before you turn to their mother, smiling gently at her as you hope she slept through everything that had happened last night.
“Good morning, sweetness”, she smiles back and hands you a cup of coffee, “Tani’s left already. He told me he’s going to stay at Yuuji’s tonight so we won’t have to wait for him, I thought I’d let you know.”
And as she continues with her breakfast, you feel your heart sink into your stomach in the worst way possible when you manage to process her words.
What a fucking bastard.
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lizzy06 · 10 days
Kyoutani Kentarou x Reader Fic Recs!!(Tumblr/AO3/Wattpad)
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Haikyuu! Fic Rec Masterlist
Aoba Johsai Fic Rec Masterlist
Collaring the Mad Dog✨✨ by Amoralyn (fluff). One day, staying late to clean up the classroom for a classmate who didn’t want to, you pass by the gym and happen to look in as the volleyball team is practicing…and you see a boy who changes everything. [COMPLETED]
Happy Birthday, Kyoutani~✨ by Amoralyn (oneshot, fluff) Kyoutani's first birthday with a girlfriend, who's determined to make it special for him. With a little help from a very special person, she just might succeed in a way she hadn't imagined… [COMPLETED]
tell me again✨ by laurus_nobillis (oneshot, fluff, smut at end(skippable for sfw reader!)) You accidentally admit to your best friend that you love him - and he wants to hear it again. [COMPLETED]
Growl |Kyotani Kentaro/Reader|✨ by Jayce_Writes(fluff) It all started with a growl……Which was odd considering it came from a human. [COMPLETED]
All Bark No Bite by @jesswritesthat (oneshot, fluff) Mad Dog is known for being scary, but the tables turn when a date gets turned into babysitting. [COMPLETED]
Tame by @jesswritesthat (oneshot, fluff) Playing Volleyball with Mad Dog outside of school forms a friendship of sorts, not that he’ll ever admit to that. [COMPLETED]
Exchanges✨ by @jesswritesthat (oneshot, fluff) Seijoh know there’s something between Mad Dog and yourself, but that doesn’t make his unique behaviour toward you any less shocking. [COMPLETED]
Angry confessions by @d0llpie (oneshot, fluff) You’ve tried everything to make Kyotani realise you like him but he thinks you’re joking. [COMPLETED]
Kyoutani Kentarou (Maddog)x fem! Reader by @cutietobio (oneshot, fluff) kyoutani and reader on a date and the rest of aoba johsai end up seeing them. [COMPLETED]
Snow by @jesswritesthat (oneshot, fluff) Being at war against Seijoh is bound to be tough, but fortunately you’re not alone in this battle. [COMPLETED]
Mad Dog has a Girlfriend by @pan-fangirl-345 (oneshot, fluff) No one expected Kyoutani to have a girlfriend, much less one that loves physical affection as much as you do. They also didn't expect you to be from Tokyo or that you would stop by to see your boyfriend while you're home from the US. Surprise! [COMPLETED]
Kyoutani Kentarou x Reader by @chimielie (oneshot, fluff) Just you and your friend at the grocery store. [COMPLETED]
Volleyboy Blondie✨ by @pan-fangirl-345 (oneshot, fluff)There’s a boy that you set to at the community center. Your brother and his best friend are overprotective. You don’t have many friends. You’re about to find out how these three things correlate.
Every Season - Kyoutani x Reader / tumblr by @mimi-cee-hq/mimi_cee(oneshot, fluff) Kyoutani finally introduces Y/n to the team. When they all comment on how he got such a sweet and innocent girlfriend, Kyoutani lets out a snort. A cute and funny getting together story of different kisses throughout the years and seasons. [COMPLETED]
we look good together by @howisavedtheworld (oneshot, fluff) kyoutani ruins your pictures. [COMPLETED]
CUTE CAT AND MAD DOG by @iwaizumisbabe (oneshot, fluff) in which you are Ken's girlfriend and nobody on the volleyball team knows. [COMPLETED]
Once Upon A Dream✨✨ by ThisNoodleWrites(oneshot, soulmate au, fluff) For almost 3 years, Kyoutani had seen glimpses of your life in his dreams. It was his favourite part of the day. So, when you move to Miyagi, he's far too excited to meet you. Only, he doesn't know your name or your what you look like. And what's a soulmate supposed to do when you go silent at school? [COMPLETED]
the art of (not) screwing a routine by orphan_account (oneshot, fluff) kyotani wakes up and decides he wants to screw the routine by confessing to you. it’s not as easy as it sounds. [COMPLETED]
Of Enemies And Lovers by ThisNoodleWrites (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff) In a world where soulmates exist, but people have different soulmates identifying things, you are stuck with arguably the worst: on one wrist is your enemies name, on the other is your soulmates name. The catch: you don't know which is which. So when you happen to meet the owner of one of these names, how're you meant to react? [COMPLETED]
Call him by his name by HowlingKnight (oneshot, fluff, iwa's sis! reader) You meet Kyoutani Kentarou, the broody boy Oikawa dubbed as "Mad dog". You realize that Kyoutani might not really be fine with this nickname, and it slowly and unexpectedly brings you closer. [COMPLETED]
Little Fighter by Sk3tchkidd (oneshot, fluff) Being the wife of Kentaro Kyotani the former 'Mad Dog' is now a father with another baby on the way. [COMPLETED]
Jerk by QuitaQuita5 (oneshot, fluff) He irritates you for so many reasons, mainly because he is always being a jerk to you, but also because you really like him. [COMPLETED]
If you can't believe in others, atleast believe in us by @koushisatori (oneshot, hurt/comfort)In the beginning, you weren’t sure why your boyfriend is ignoring you. [COMPLETED]
Insecurities by @polarbearaone (oneshot, fluff with pinch of angst) Kyōtani insecurities fuel his jealousy. What happens when he finds out you’re the new baseball team manager.... [COMPLETED]
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blueduplicity · 1 year
Oh, the White of a Red Rose (P2)
(Part 1)
WC: ~26k
CW: Incest, this is where all the smut happens, and it's a lot because even when I hit the designated ending, I just kept writing sex scenes for them, so it's a little absurd tbh. A lot of back-and-forth banter, control, subby kei again...unprotected sex, vaguely public sex (you're not caught) and more oral. Also more alcohol, petnames, dirty talk...
Blurb: Kei loves you in every way that he knows you, and he knows you in a lot of ways that he shouldn't.
It’s a short drive to the party, Hoshino doesn’t live as far away as you’d thought.
There are already people spilling into the yard, though the music isn’t as loud as you would have expected. Kei parks further down the road, and on the walk up he shocks you by slipping a firm hand around your waist, gripping you tight by the hip and dragging you in. 
“Tadashi is here.” He drawls, just as you see the familiar face of your friend poking out from the front door to greet you, waving with a cheery grin. 
Your jaw drops. “You are a fucking snitch.” You hiss, slapping his hand away and rearing back in surprise when he grabs you again, face dipped low so his forehead bumps yours. 
You swallow hard, and his voice is low and gravelly when he says– “eyes on your drinks at all times, don’t drink anything you didn’t pour yourself, and drink a full cup of water for every half cup of alcohol. Okay?” 
You hesitate before answering, if only because you’re surprised that he actually seems willing to let you drink here at all, but the brief silence has him holding you tighter. “Promise me.” 
“Oh, c’mon.” You breathe, patting him gently on the cheek and smiling soft. “I’ll be fine, I’m not here to get wasted and black out, ‘m here to make friends.” 
His eyes dip, lingering on the necklace glittering around your throat, and he softens, grip loose and easy now as you pull him along to meet Tadashi. Still clearly unhappy, but reminded that he has to get out of his own head, especially when it comes to you.
The party is…something. 
It’s not particularly late, only a little after nine, but most everyone you come across is already plastered. Kei and Tadashi had almost immediately been accosted by the volleyball team, determined to get answers, so you let yourself wander amidst the bodies in an attempt to find Hoshino. 
When you do find her, you’re ill prepared for her whole face to flush at the sight of you, glittery lashes fluttering and cheeks mottled red. 
“God, and I thought your brother was hot.” She breathes, fanning herself with a folded paper plate. 
You grin, trying not to swell too much with pride, drawn in when she beckons you over and passes you a cup full of something that smells way too sickly sweet. 
“Thanks, but no.” You shake your head with an apologetic smile, but her eyes glitter and she nods. 
“There are some coolers in the fridge, if you can uncap it yourself it’s yours.” 
Despite the playful lilt to her words, she passes you a bottle opener while you retrieve a chilly bottle of something purpley-blue from the fridge. You crack open the top and yelp when it fizzes over, dragging your tongue over your wrist to catch it before it drips. 
“Tastes like a gusher.” You take a sip, it burns a little on the way down but it’s sweet enough that it goes easily. 
“Right? Not enough alcohol for me personally, but I like the way they taste.” Hoshino sways a little, leaning into you with an appraising glance. “You look good.” 
You take another sip, hoping the pull of the bottle will stifle your bashful smile. Discreet praise is normal enough for you, your friends have always been too shy to say such things directly, and any compliments about your looks that you’ve gotten from family always felt obligatory. Even Kei has never told you that you’re pretty outright. 
So you aren’t very used to direct compliments, or flirting that wasn’t without ulterior motive.
“Thanks.” You manage after a long drink, the sticky burn thick at the back of your tongue. “Kei is here, by the way.” 
She doesn’t take the offer out, fingers curling around the neck of your bottle and pulling it from your grasp, lips that shimmer faintly parting as she tips it back for a drink of her own. 
“That’s nice.” The bottle is passed back, coy smile now glossy with what you know to be sugary sweet and the flavor of gushers. “I’m not very interested in him anymore.” 
You give her a wry look, swirling the liquid around and watching it splash up the sides, thin and glassy, a brighter blue than when it’s settled. “No? You should meet my oldest brother then, gotta view all your options y’know?” 
She pauses, a little caught off guard, maybe, before laughing. Light and airy, she squeezes your shoulder and tips her head. “Yeah, that does sound kind of bad, doesn’t it?” She giggles, shy for the first time. “I was only interested in him because he’s hot, though. You’re funny, cute, and hot. Probably a whole lot of other things that I’d like to find out, if you’d let me.” 
Nails clicking as they tap against cold, damp glass, you hum. “I just got out of a relationship, I don’t think I’m ready for anything romantic right now, I just moved here so I’m still settling in.” 
Another long drink, and her fingers curl against your elbow. “Then, as a friend?” 
You curl your smile against the glass rim, playful. “That’d be nice, so long as you don’t start flirting with my brother just because I said no.” 
Her laughter is bright and sharp, drawing the attention of nearby clusters of people, Kei included. He watches as you glow, as you share a bottle of alcohol with the glass painted a glossy color that does not match your lips. 
As Hoshino gives you eyes that she never gave him, as she touches you in a way she never touched him, he sees the want, the desire, the things that are softer, blooming affection that is new and buzzy in a way he knows intimately. It’s an expression he used to have to look at every day. 
His chest bleeds with it, the jealousy, the fear, the ache of longing that he’s sat with for years. 
How is he meant to last the rest of his life with it? 
Despite some of the fuckery from other circles, you genuinely enjoy your time at the party. Hoshino introduces you to some of the few non-sober people who aren’t completely plastered, and you stay tucked away in their corner of the kitchen for most of the night. Sitting propped up on the counter, skirt high on your thighs, only leaving to fetch and open your own bottles from the fridge.
Drinking water becomes an afterthought, you definitely don’t drink as much as Kei would want, but it’s something. You feel good, comfortable, getting along easily with this new group of people. 
The topics of conversation range from things you’re familiar with, to things you aren’t. You’re able to chime in often when volleyball hits the table, feeling like you’ve gained some brownie points when you tell them your high school team went to nationals while you were the manager. 
You take a back seat when D&D comes up, listening as they talk amongst themselves about upcoming sessions and new characters. They seem pleased when you ask questions and offer to let you sit in one day if you’re curious, so you share your number with the lot of them and try not to look too happy at how the night is turning out. 
You’re having fun, trading jokes and quips and drinking until you feel flush and loose, too hot in the face and your lips sore from being bitten to stifle too-wide smiles. The best part is Kei has been watching. His attention something heavy, like a coat draped over your shoulders, in the back of your mind but always present. You’re aware of it through the whole night, how he barely looks away unless he’s forced to. 
You’re thriving. 
Eventually, though, you take pity on your tormented brother. Tired and cranky, he sours more and more with every attempt at conversation. Tadashi is no longer a suitable buffer, Kei has become beyond unpalatable at this point, so you say goodbye to your newfound friends and go to let him know you’re ready to leave. 
The moment he sees you cutting through the crowd towards him, he’s making a beeline to the door, leaving you to chase after him with a breathy trail of your laughter turning heads as you go by. 
The attention feels nice, in a way, but you’ve had your fun and now the only eyes you want on you are in a hurry to leave, so you don’t make him wait. 
Your hand finds his, just as you slip through the front door, and he pulls you across the yard. Your heels threaten to sink into wet dirt, so you hasten your steps to avoid ruining Hoshino’s lawn. 
“We could have just taken the sidewalk.” You point out, trying not to snicker when he grunts and squeezes your fingers tight. 
“We’re going home.” 
“I didn’t get to say bye to Tadashi!” 
“Text him, then.” 
He slows down once you hit concrete, mindful of the way you stumble in your heels, and loosens his grip. The short walk to his car is made longer as you linger, tipping your head back to feel the cold air against your flushed face, the click, click, click of your heels stuttering when he stops in front of you. 
A hand at your back, he gently nudges you along towards your side of the car, reaching around to open the door for you when you begin to sway. 
You lean into him, melting as his fingers curl into the material of your dress, the tension in him practically vibrating against your skin. “Kei, can we stop and get pancakes?” 
He sighs, patient, as you climb slowly into your seat. He reaches around to buckle your seatbelt for you, trying not to flinch away when you reach up to touch his face, swiping the hair from his eyes while he’s leaned over you. 
“No.” He cups the back of your hand, weak as he turns to press a kiss to your palm. Your breath hitches, and he hopes against hope that you’re too drunk to realize what he’s done, what he’s doing. 
He’s spiraling all over the place, losing control of himself. 
“Will you make me pancakes tomorrow?” 
God, he can’t help it. “Sure.” He breathes, so wistful. “Whatever you want.” 
You coo, fingertips pressing into his cheek and shaking him by the jaw, watching his eyes narrow. “You’re bein’ all sweet on me ‘cause I’m drunk, aren’t you, Kei?” 
He jerks back, embarrassed and defensive. “So what? Not like you’ll remember it anyway.” He scoffs, ears burning as shame sickens his gut. 
“Oh?” You tease, stretching your legs out languidly, waiting until his eyes drop to your thighs to murmur– “what are you gonna do to me, then?”
“What am I–” He stops, then just stares at you, wearing the most honest expression of shock you’ve ever seen on his face. Your legs part, and he sucks in a quiet breath that hisses between his teeth, staring with naked anticipation before he physically recoils, shaking his head and slamming the door shut. You watch with a grin as he rounds the front of the car, burning red, hands shoved deep into his pockets to pull the material away from his crotch. 
He’s silent when he gets into the driver’s seat, pointedly avoiding your stare as he shuts the door and straps himself in with hands that shake, cursing to himself as he misses the buckle four times before it finally clicks in place. 
“Why won’t you look at me?” You ask, making a slow show of spreading your thighs wide, knowing he can hear the rustle of your dress, the shift of you moving in your seat, but he still won’t look. 
“Are you always like this when you’re drunk?” He seethes, trying so hard not to stare but catching a glimpse anyway when your fingers begin to drift, frozen as they glide along your inner thighs, and they widen even further as they go.  
He watches, open-mouthed, as the bunched up skirt of your dress is pushed higher, higher, and you’re exposed more than enough that he can see–
Blue. Dark blue, familiar, soft cotton that had just that morning been wrapped around his cock.
Kei makes a sound so raw and agonized that you’d think he was in actual pain, head falling back and the heels of his hands pressing into his eyes, glasses pushed up and shoving his bangs out of his face.  His hips grind up against nothing, uncontrolled, the outline of him visible through his jeans.
He turns to look at you, finally, properly, unabashed in the way he watches as you drag your fingertips up the length of your clothed slit, pressing in just enough that he can see the dips and folds of you as they stick to slick fabric. 
“Fuck, that’s–” 
There’s a knock at the window, and your legs snap shut on instinct, Kei nearly smacking his head against the steering wheel as he surges forward in a panic to block the view of you from his side.
It’s Tadashi, a guilty smile on his lips, a little flushed. He waits to speak until Kei has rolled down the window, though he’s only given an inch to talk through. “Sorry, I realized you were leaving and wanted to make sure everything was okay.” His eyes shift to you, softening, voice something sweet when he talks to you next. “Take it easy, okay? You drank a lot, let Tsukki take care of you.” 
You lean forward, hands squeezing Kei’s arm as you rest your head on his shoulder. “I will!” You chirp, all oozing sugar and honey. “Get home safe, text me so I know when you’re back!” 
He waves goodbye and leaves before Kei’s death glare can start to actually do damage, jogging back up to the house and laughing when an arm hooks him by the neck to drag him inside. 
You tilt your face a little, nose to his neck, voice a purr when you tease– “You heard him. Are you gonna take care of me, Kei?”
He breathes in slow through his nose, white knuckled hands gripping the steering wheel hard enough that the leather creaks. 
“Take care of yourself.” He grits out, instinctive, reactive, only realizing the mistake he’s made a second too late as you immediately begin to withdraw, your lips curled into a smirk that is pleased, like he’s just walked into a very obvious trap.  
“Okay.” You sigh, a sultry little thing as you lean back in your seat, heels propping your legs up enough that when you spread them, he can see you clearly. Expecting a protest, you’re almost too gleeful when he offers none, watching as you slip a steady hand beneath the waistband of your panties. 
He swallows hard, turning on the car and turning down the music, slowly, when you let out a soft little puff of breath. Through the fabric stretched taut over your knuckles, he can see your fingers working, can even hear the sound of you if he holds his breath and pays close enough attention.
His jeans are so fucking tight, he’s aching, can feel each pulse of blood pumping through his veins to between his legs, overly self aware as his head begins to buzz and fill with cottony clouds. He realizes slowly that it’s because he’s so focused on you that he’s still holding his breath. 
Hooking your thumbs beneath the thin strip of elastic and lifting your hips, you shimmy in your seat a little so you can pull your panties to your knees, and he makes a pained noise at the strings of slick that come away as they go down. 
“Oh god.” He groans, palming the hard swell of his cock through his jeans and grinding his teeth so hard that his jaw clicks. “This is–fuck.” 
“I thought you wanted to get home?” You goad him, just a little, though the effect is lessened when your lashes flutter and your back arches, when you mewl at a particularly sensitive swipe of your fingers as they move back between your legs. Kei nearly whines.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He breathes, though your taunting has the opposite desired effect, as he begrudgingly returns both hands to the wheel and starts to back out of his makeshift parking spot. It’s slow, painfully, because he keeps stopping to watch you, how you’re writhing in his seat as you give yourself over to the pleasure. 
It’s a show more than anything, but the alcohol makes it easy to focus on just how good it feels. His eyes on you make it better, sweeter, everything a little more intense because you know just how badly he wants you. 
The first time you moan, Kei nearly cracks. It’s a quiet sound, unintentional, but he groans aloud when he hears it and the car jerks to a stop, the brakes hit too quickly. The glare he gives you is intense, a fury you don’t recognize, but it melts when you smile pretty and arch your back for him, when you spread your fingers apart and let him see the way your slick stretches glassy between them. 
He doesn’t stop the car again after that. Speeding up when he can, and every red light and stop sign only seems to add to his agony if not for the few precious moments where he can watch you with no interruptions, the vivid crimson glow illuminating your pretty cunt, so shiny with arousal that he can see the shimmer on the insides of your thighs. 
“Faster.” He breathes, unbidden, a secret let slip. Now a willful participant, no longer a passive bystander. 
He’s almost horrified when you obey, when your voice cracks as it pitches higher, your face screwed up in a way he’s never seen, a way he’s never supposed to know. 
He knows what you look like when you’re pleasing yourself, now. That’s not knowledge he should have, not a face he should ever get to see. He wants to go further, wants to know what you look like when you cum, he wants to see the face you’ll make when he buries his cock in you, when he gets his mouth on you, he aches to know you in those ways.
Your whole body tenses, he watches how you go rigid, a gasp catching in your throat and coming out choked. “Gonna–fuck– gonna cum!” You whine, free hand clapped over your mouth, squeezing because you need to brace against something. 
Kei’s hand snaps to your wrist, like iron, prying it away from your face just as you tip over the edge. You fall apart, crying out in a voice that breaks on the sharp syllable of his name, legs quivering as you shudder in the aftershocks, lazy circles prolonging the pleasure, heightening it, until you squirm and whimper with sensitivity but do not stop. 
You’re lost in it, pushed so far beyond the brink, watching him through murky eyes as he cradles your wrist and presses a kiss to your racing pulse. It’d be sweet if not for the hawkish way his eyes were glued to the sticky mess of your cunt, he watches the way you twist beneath his stare before you finally have to tear your fingers away as it becomes too much. 
He pets you as you lay there panting, collecting yourself, and once you seem to have managed to regain even a modicum of coherence he’s reaching past you to pop out the handle of your door and push it open. 
“Get out.” 
You blink at him, owl-eyed and dazed, too many seconds taken to piece together that you’ve been sitting in the driveway at home, you have no idea for how long. 
It takes you a minute to slide your panties back on, and by the time you’ve unbuckled your seatbelt, Kei has come to your side of the car and is leaning down to reach for you. While part of you expects him to simply drag you around after your little show, you’re relieved when he helps you up slowly, keeping you steady with hands at your waist while you stumble on shaky legs in painful heels. 
He waits until you’re both inside, door shut and locked twice, to advance on you. 
You’re on the couch, trying to get your heels off with fingers that are trembling, when his shadow looms over you. Your head tips back, slurry question on the tip of your tongue, only to choke on it when he drops to his knees and wedges himself between your thighs. 
“I’m sorry.” He breathes, flushed, hooking your legs up over his shoulders and pressing his face into the apex, squeezing the plush of your hips and muffling the most wanton noise of relief you’ve ever heard against you. He mouths at you through slick cotton, tongue wet as it presses against your swollen clit, lapping until you whimper. 
Your fingers twist into his hair, pulling, blissed when you find that doing so makes him moan into your sex, his hips bucking against nothing. 
“Kei.” You whine, writhing against the steel of his grip, his hands pressing down on your stomach to keep you from shying away. “Kei, it’s sensitive…” 
He pulls away, breathless, mouth shiny, glasses fogged as he peers up at you through thick lashes. “I’m sorry.” He repeats, fingers curling beneath the elastic of your waistband, wrapping the fabric around them twice, and pulling until it splits apart, popped seams and thin cotton completely shredded. 
The sound of fabric tearing makes you choke, but you aren’t given the chance to even snap at him for it. He buries himself into you with a thick, hot stripe licked along the length of your slit, the taste of you thicker now on his tongue, heavy like honey, and god he’s greedy for it. 
He shouldn’t know what you taste like, what his name sounds like on your lips as he makes you feel good. 
But he does, and now that he’s had it, he’s not willing to stop. He can’t. Squeezing your thighs against the sides of his face, fingers bruising your skin, marking you in a way he shouldn’t. He laps at you, suckles on your clit until you cry and push at him, slow to work gentle fingers inside until you’re molten beneath his hands. He’s so careful, sweet with you, but he’s so mean too. 
“Who knew you were this greedy?” He breathes, cheek against your thigh while he curls his fingers into you. “Was I not giving you enough attention, that why you had to act out?” 
He fucks into you harder, then, abusing the gummy spot in your cunt that has you sobbing and clenching so tight around him that it nearly forces his fingers out of you, but he’s stronger, determined, and bullies his way back in.
“Shut up!” You groan, hands fisting in his hair and yanking, hard enough that his head is briefly forced back. “God you’re such a fucking–” 
Whatever insult you’d been building up to is cut off as he sucks hard on your clit again, a pointed punishment, brows climbing in mock surprise as you let out a hoarse cry. 
“What was that?” He taunts, lips swollen and glossy with you, somehow he still manages to look cocky. “Couldn’t hear you over all the noise you’re making, so sensitive.” 
It sounds like an insult, but he means it as anything but. You’re so responsive to his touch, twitching at every little thing, and it makes it so easy for him to learn what you like, what you don’t. 
You’re being so good for him, even if you aren’t trying to be. 
“You’re one to talk.” You rasp, whimpering when he nips at you once in warning. “Bet if it had gone on any longer in the car you woulda jus’ cum in your pants, you–fuck!” 
He groans like he knows, and his hips grind weakly into the couch in a feeble attempt at relief, cock painfully hard in the tight confines of his jeans. He bows over you, your knees pushed back and forced wide with your ankles locked behind his head, suddenly desperate. 
“Please.” He groans, ashamed and wanting. “God, fuck, I swear I’ll never ask for anything again, just–please.” 
Quieter, he whispers, muffled as he can’t seem to pry himself away from you for long. “This is so wrong.”
Your body quivers in protest, the stretch in your thighs burning, hips aching as you buck against his face with a whine. You claw at his back, fisting your hands tight in his shirt as your orgasm begins to peak, something hot and sharp surging up in your lower belly. 
He finally reaches to palm himself with a rough groan, one of your legs falling without his hand to support it, He laps at your clit, holding the flat of his tongue steady for you to grind against when that seems to work better. He lets you ride his mouth until you cum, feeling the way you tighten up around his fingers as he drives them into you, relentless, the heavy mixture of drool and you dripping down his chin, his hand, and the sounds of it would make you shudder if you were present enough to listen. 
As it is, you’re trembling, covering your face as if to hide from him while you struggle to catch your breath. He wipes his hand off on his jeans, eyes wide with alarm as he pulls at your wrists. “Fuck, wait, are you okay? Baby, I’m–” 
You kiss him. The taste of your slick on his lips, you curve your hands around the cut of his jaw and guide him how you want, tilting his head until you can kiss him harder, licking into him when he lets out a soft little sigh. 
He grabs at the back of your neck, crowding you against the back of the couch and leaning over you, forcing your legs to bend wide around the width of him. 
“You called me baby.” You murmur against him, chasing when he tries to pull back, and keeping him close by his hair. He whines when you pull on it, and you want to bite him when he does that. The cutest little noise from one of the most un-cute people you know. 
“What, would you rather I call you ‘sister’ instead?”  He sneers, face flushed red, always so sharp when he feels embarrassed. 
You bite back, just as edged. “Why not? You seem like the type to wanna be reminded of it. I mean–” Yanking him in by a fistful of hair, you murmur low in his ear– “After all, doesn’t my favorite big brother wanna be the first one to fuck this pretty pussy?” 
Something in that makes him break. 
He shoves you down hard, crawling up on top of you and parting your thighs with his knees, glasses snapped closed and tossed carelessly aside. He pulls at your dress, pushing it up, up, sliding his fingers beneath the middle of your bra and pulling. “The only one.” He grits, hips rolling into you, hard enough that it burns. “Not just the first, the only one to fuck your pretty pussy.”  He spits the words back at you like venom, something a little wild, a little feral in his eyes. 
But he doesn’t do what you expect. He doesn’t pry apart the zipper to his jeans, doesn’t take his cock out and line it up with your dripping cunt, doesn’t fuck into you with all the fervor and desperation that he’s clearly been stifling. 
Kei kisses you, muffles the sharp edge of your attitude and sucks at your lower lip, swallowing the sound of you whining his name. You lean into it, cupping his cheeks and murmuring into his mouth when he sighs into you, his hands gliding up over your rib cage and feeling how you arch into him, molten. 
“So sweet when I do what you like.” He murmurs, curving one hand around to press into your lower back, helping you grind against him, watching to see how you want him. “I spoiled you too much.” 
You pull at his shirt, rolling your hips up with a needy, hoarse kind of noise that makes him shiver, makes him rock into you too. 
“How do you always get me so worked up?” His mouth moves lower, sucking at the skin just above where your necklace rests in the dip of your throat, tasting the salt there and feeling it against his tongue when you moan. “Just let me be nice to you, stop trying to piss me off, okay?” 
“You don’t know how to be nice.” You huff, shivering when a quick cut of teeth scrapes over your skin, fingers tightening in his hair and twisting. 
He just lets out a quiet puff of laughter, grinding hard between your legs for a few stuttered thrusts, his voice cracking. Then he slows, gentle, barely giving himself any friction until he can’t stand it anymore and he has to grind again. Like he’s torturing himself, teasing, edging. 
“Oh, Kei.” You coo, tightening your legs to squeeze the sides of his waist, arching up off of the couch to rut harder against him, disturbing his rhythm. “What, don’t wanna cum so soon?” 
His eyes flicker wide, breathing out a quiet protest as you press against the swell of his cock, and even through the thick denim he can feel you, so fucking hot that it burns. “Stop.” He squeezes you by the hips, bracing himself on an elbow leaned above your head, looming over you and watching as you smile sweet up at him and reach for his zipper, pulling it down despite the way he jerks his hips back to get away. 
He can’t get far, though, and he’s left to choke back a strangled cry when your fist wraps tight around his cock, he’s so hard that it hurts with the way he pulses against your fingers, wet at the tip and dripping already. 
“Fuck, no please–” He buries his face in your neck, his body absolutely quivering as you stroke him once from base to tip, rubbing your thumb over the slit and tightening up when his hips snap forward in response, a moan spilled against your neck that has you doing the same thing again, and again, twisting your wrist a little at the head and gripping it tight as you do, each minute thrust squeezing out just a bit more prespend. 
Kei is vocal, broken moans muffled as he covers your neck in open-mouthed kisses, having to brace both of his arms over your head to keep himself upright, his knees are barely able to support his weight with how hard he fucks into your fist. 
Despite that, he’s trying so hard to resist it. “Stop.” He groans, ragged, panting with the exertion, face faintly red and sweaty. “Gonna–stop! Fuck!” 
“C’mon, Kei.” You tease, enamored of the sight of him bent over you, eyes screwed shut, jaw gritted while he struggles to fight off his orgasm. “Wanna cum for me, don’t you? Why’re you fightin’ it?” 
His lashes flutter a little, half-lidded while he looks down at you, eyes drawn to the space between your bodies where your hand is wrapped around his cock, legs still spread around his knees with your glistening cunt on display. 
He twitches hard against your palm, and he lets out a higher-pitched, needy noise. “No!” He gasps, trying to buck away, but you chase him, leaning up and squeezing him tighter, fucking him faster, completely lost in how hard he has to struggle to pull away from you. 
“Come on, Kei.” You pant, lips wetted with a flick of your tongue. “Let me have it?” 
“Don’t say that–” 
“I’ll beg.” You whine, softening your voice, sweet in the way you know he likes, when you’re playing with him. “Please? Wanna make you cum, wanna see you cum again–” 
His eyes pitch wide, a choke of air caught as he curls in on himself, twitching, knees hiking a little higher as he shuffles closer, one of his hands snapping down to catch at your wrist and squeeze it. “Again?” He interrupts, hoarse as you smile up at him, knowing, and god if he didn’t feel so good right now he thinks he’d be crying. 
You’ve never seen Kei like this, wanton and needing. At your mercy even while he looms over you, trembling as you stroke him off. His hold on your wrist is iron, but he doesn’t try to control  the pace, he lets you touch him as you want, it’s sweet. Cute. 
So you go faster, cooing about how good he is as his hips jerk wildly, uncoordinated as he blindly seeks your hand, soft in a way that his own is not. He spills against you, voice cracking sharp and then his eyes are rolling back, mouth parting around an airy, high gasp of your name, so different from before, so much more personal. He cries your name the same way one might say ‘I love you.’ 
His cock drips hot against your thighs, the thick dribble of his cum seeping from your lower belly to mix with the spit and arousal between your legs. He stares down at the mess, brows pulled low, chest heaving hard. 
Slowly, he lowers himself to it, the head of his cock splitting your folds apart as he ruts against you. Soft, oversensitive, he grinds into the heady mixture of your cum, watching as you squirm, your hands reaching for his shoulders and digging your nails in until he hisses between his teeth. 
“Easy with the claws, Koganegawa definitely won’t shut up if he sees that.” He mutters, kissing you, craning his neck down to reach as you tilt your chin up for him, coming down from his high slowly. 
“Yeah? How do you think I feel?” You gesture with one hand at your throat, not needing to look to know that it’s been covered in hickeys and bruises in the shape of his teeth. 
He looks, then grins, a smug little thing that makes you want to hit him, even buzzy and sated as you are. “I’ll just get you a scarf.” 
“Absolutely not.” You run your hands towards the back of his neck, sliding up to grasp at the hair near his nape and pull him back in, his hips twitching as he bucks against you. 
“And you called me sensitive.” You tease, killing the sharp retort on his tongue by curling your fingers inwards towards his scalp and pulling hard on his hair there, your legs tightening when he grinds his hips forward into the sticky folds of your cunt, panting heavy against your cheek as he thickens out, heavier with each pass over your clit. 
You think he’s going to fuck you, this time. Bracing for it, you lift yourself from the cushions so the head of him catches at your entrance, your head falling back with a whine and a curse tumbling from his lips, but he just squeezes you by the waist and continues his slow, steady  grinding. 
“Kei?” You breathe, reaching for him, cupping his jaw and feeling your cheeks warm when he turns to kiss your palm. 
“Hmm?” Low, barely audible, eyes focused on watching as he makes even more of a mess on you, glassy threads of slick catching and stretching every time he draws back. 
“Are you not gonna fuck me?”
His cock kicks against you weakly, and his eyes screw shut like he has to hold himself back instinctively, so used to blocking against these thoughts that it comes natural to him. He squeezes the base of his cock tight, and you’re amazed that just the thought was almost enough to push him to the edge. 
“I can’t.” He rasps, broken. “This is...This has to be as far as we go.” 
It’s guilt laden, the tone of his voice. A rough cadence that belies his need, his conviction. So fragile. He keeps rubbing it against you, the flushed and pretty head of his cock, muscles in his thighs bunching up every time it threatens to push inside, when it catches and you roll your hips and he dips just the tip in and has to recoil before he can reflexively thrust into you.
“C’mon, Kei.” You breathe, aching. “Want you so bad, want you to make me feel good.” 
His face pinches, it’d almost be an unpleasant expression if not for the way you can feel him twitching, now circling his hips slow to rock himself into you, not quite pushing in but close. 
“We can’t.” He insists, but it’s weak, and you both know it. “Don’t act stupid, you know why we can’t do this, we should never have gone this far.” 
Even still, his eyes follow as you bring one hand low in the space between the cradle of your bodies, sticky like his cum that you swirl into your clit. He whines again, hips stuttering. 
“You know that’s not gonna last.” You counter, watching the torment on his face, relishing in the thrill of the control you have over him. Even with his protests, he still doesn’t move away from you. “You could barely keep your eyes off of me all night, there’s no way you don’t cave eventually.” Your mouth at his neck, you suck a mark just beneath his jaw, a vibration thrumming through your lips when he moans and snaps his hips up, grinding hard against the full length of you with a cracking whine. Like he can’t control it, flimsy vestiges of restraint snapping beneath the pressure.  
He chokes when you reach for his cock, his hand dropping immediately to squeeze the base of it before your fingers touch him, like he has to steel himself first. Your thumb teases over the slit, gathering the prespend to ease the glide of your fist while you stroke him, though it’s already plenty easy with how wet you’ve made him.
He squirms over you, gasping for breath that refuses to come, hips rocking between shying away and thrusting forward, voice pitching higher, whinier in a way that you never could have imagined him sounding like. 
“You’ll break, y’know.” You breathe, tipping your face back in blatant invitation for a kiss, the struggle, the war plastered all over his face. “So why not just save us both the trouble and do it now?”
He groans, dropping down to rest his forehead against your shoulder, trying in vain to fight back when you bring him back down to your cunt, when you grind shamelessly against him. “I have better self control than you do.” He spits, even as he ruts into the tight fist you’ve given him, the head of his cock pushing into you with every forward thrust as he uses you without an ounce of thanks. The worst thing, though, is that you think he really believes what he says. 
He truly does, until you remind him– “Then why were you jerking off with my panties this morning?” 
The memory makes him weak, the shame so thick it chokes him, worsened when he feels thick drops of his pre smearing along the entrance to your cunt, so sticky and making the tentative press inside even easier. He’s sick with it, how good you feel, how it doesn’t even compare to what he imagined, and then he’s reminded that he was imagining it. 
He had just wanted to help, when he saw a load of your laundry waiting to be done, it seemed like a quiet thing he could do for you to make your life easier. 
But then he saw those fucking panties, blue against a plethora of neutrals, and as he walked by the glint of light hit the shine of them and he realized they were still wet and he just– 
“I’m sorry.” He gasps, face hot against your neck, hips bearing down hard as his cock splits your sticky cunt with a stuttered thrust, he bats your hand away so it’s just you cradling the weight of him. There’s no pace, no rhythm, just a mindless grind as he pants and moans little grated sighs of your name, drowning in the knowledge that you know, that you saw him in his weakest moment. 
The one time he had ever given in to those urges, and of course you caught him. 
“That was the only time.” He squeezes your thighs, pushes them up, forcing you wider apart as he thrusts against you. “I promise, it was the only time, I’ve never–” He chokes, watching with glassy eyes as you arch high off of the couch, peeling off your dress with a sort of strained grunt. Your bra is skewed, pulled to the side by his greedy hands, and he whines. “Oh, so fucking pretty.” 
The praise makes you lightheaded, fuzzy, a bashful smile curling at your lips as you cover your face before he can see, and he’s amazed that you can look so cute even while fucking yourself up against the raw of his cock. The balance tips, seeing you flustered bringing back a little of his confidence, the sight of you taking him like this, letting him make a mess of you. 
“You like when I’m sweet to you?” He croons, breathy and almost mocking, testing how you like it. “You always get so snippy when I am, complain so much when I’m nice.” He grinds the heel of his hand against you, watching with a twisted sense of glee as your eyes roll back, lips falling open. 
“Want me to tell you how pretty you are, baby?” He nearly breaks when you nod before he’s even finished asking, twitching hard as he hastily tears himself away from you to keep from spilling, awed at how you lift yourself higher in an attempt to chase him. “So fucking pretty.” He breathes, no longer mocking, watching as you quiver. 
“Ohh, that’s it.” He starts slow, rolling his hips until the head catches at your clit, dragging it back and forth with little half-thrusts to make you writhe. “There we go, that’s my girl. So sweet.” 
You claw at him, at his chest, nails raking down to his abdomen through his shirt. Disregarding his earlier complaints about leaving marks, he’s quick to yank it off, wanting to see the remnants of your desire in his skin, needing, again, to learn you in every way. 
“Close.” You whimper, torn between wanting to crawl away and wanting more. It’s so much, so sensitive, he’s so warm and right. 
He learns quick. “My good girl.” Another hard, sharp thrust, and when you whine at the deviation in his rhythm, he doesn’t do it again, staying steady as he talks to you. “C’mon, cum again for me, let me see that pretty face.” 
Your nails rake over his chest, crimson that bubbles bright to the surface, and he feels the sting of it and grins. “That’s it.” He’s encouraging, pleading, fighting the urge to go faster, wanting to make you squeal but wanting to make you cum even more. “Touch me however you want, scratch me up, let your favorite big brother make you feel good.” 
You know it’s meant to be mocking, taunting you for your own words, but he says it so nice, it sounds so good on his lips that you’re hurtled over the edge almost immediately after. 
His laugh is a little breathless, disbelieving at the gripping squeeze of you tightening up beneath him, cupping a hand beneath your chin to keep you in place so he can watch you cum. You cling to him, thighs shaking and squeezed tight around his middle, hiked up high where he wants you as he leans his weight into the backs of your legs. 
“You feel so good.” He murmurs, nosing into your jaw. “Even like this, can feel the way you’re gonna squeeze me when I fuck you.” 
“When?” You pant, breathy, fingers curled tight in his hair to keep him close, wanting the warmth of him against you while you try to coast through the tail end of your orgasm, the peak of it dragged out as he continues his slow, even pace. 
He goes rigid though, arms straining above you, and you almost whine when he starts to pull away. You follow him, hips rising from the cushions until your pussy kisses his tip, relieved when he presses you back down with a quiet groan.  
“Were you serious, earlier?” He asks, still leaning over you but not so close, hovering with the languid roll of his hips in the space between you. 
“About what?” You try to pull him back down, needing him, but he’s unmoving, unyielding. There’s a serious set to his brow, something like concern that simmers beneath the surface of his lust.
“Are you a virgin?” 
You blink, settling back against the arm of the couch and trying to think back on the brief experiences you’ve had. “I’ve never been with a man, if that’s what you mean.”
His gaze dips, half-lidded, locked once more onto your shiny cunt. You grin, reaching down to gently spread yourself apart, and your voice is a little teasing as you ask– “Did you like it? When I said you’re gonna be the first one to fuck me?”
His eyes sharpen, narrowed with a dangerous glint. “That’s not what you said.” 
“Oh.” You coo, “my mistake, let me try again.” 
He shivers when you sit up, when you’re pushing him back on his knees while you straddle his thighs, his cock is pressed heavy between yours. At his ear, you drawl out “what was it, that you’re the first and only one to fuck this pretty pussy?” 
He clutches hard at your hips, twitching as a thick bead of prespend wells at his tip, a rough noise locked behind his gritted teeth. You toy with him with both of your hands, rolling the head of his cock against your palms and squeezing, fingers swiping over the slit to collect whatever dribbles out, and he nearly loses it when you lick a drop that had spilled over your knuckles. 
“You’re a fucking terror.” He whispers, no real heat behind his words, he’s not sure he could muster any feigned vitriol right now while you’re stroking his cock and you’re practically naked in his lap. 
“You like it.” You shoot back, pumping him slowly with both of your hands, trying not to grin when his thighs begin to shake. You twist with a curling motion on the upstroke, squeezing at the tip before it slips out with a wet little schlik as you release it, and then you start at the base just to do it again.
“Oh fuck not like that, it’s too–” a groan, hard and punched out. “ –too good, stop, stop for fucks sake.” 
But you don’t, watching him squirm, the way he’s torn between bucking you off and letting you finish him.
He’s so angry about it too, that twitch to his upper lip that only happens when he’s fuming but can’t do anything. A testament, you think, to how willing he actually is to submit to you. So you slow down, just as he starts to twitch and convulse and pulse against your palms, he whines as the hard edge of his orgasm fades but doesn’t fight it, he takes it willingly. 
“You really like that?” You murmur, rubbing the tip gently with your thumb, dipping into the small pool of slick and spreading it around. He writhes when you do. 
“Shut up.” He wants to look away, jaw ticking, red creeping up his neck. “Stop–fucking with it like that, it’s not a toy.” 
You drag your hands upwards slow, watching his eyes roll back and one of his legs twitch, calf tensing with the urge to kick out and spread for you. “It’s not?” You ask, feigned innocence that is as translucent as sugar glass. 
He says your name like a warning, already close, hips rocking weakly beneath your weight to push into your hands. You coo quietly in a mean taunt, disrupting your rhythm to roll the head of his cock against your palm, slick and shiny and sticky against your skin, the sounds of it obscene and he’s much more embarrassed about it than you were. 
“Slow down.” He whispers, eyes heavy, his hands sliding up from your waist to cup your breasts, featherlight as he ghosts his thumbs over your nipples ‘till they peak. It makes you squirm, makes you go faster, and he heaves out a rough exhale that hitches in the middle, his nose a little scrunched up as he tries to wrest control away from you, to buck away even though there’s nowhere he can go.
“Why would I do that when I could just put it in instead?” You lean in close, just a breath apart. Loosening your grip a little, you go to spread your fingers but he groans and chases your touch when you start to pull away.
“I’ll cum.” He warns you, spits it like it’s bitter, wanting to have you soft and sweet and spread around him again, but inexplicably drawn to this side of you he doesn’t know, wanting you in all ways. 
You cup his chin, lifting it up as you settle yourself high on your knees, braced over him. His head falls back, going with you, bending easily as you shape him to your whim. Mesmerized by the way you kiss him, sweet, opening him with a warm glide of your tongue and he tastes the slick on your lips, it makes him dizzy with the thought that he put it there in the first place. 
So lost in it, he almost misses when you kiss the head of his cock with your cunt. Different than before, when you were just teasing him with it, taunting him with the promise of you wrapped around him. You sink down slow, and every muscle in his abdomen tightens at the heat that begins to part around him, deeper, and it’s only the head, it’s only the head, and it’s so much of not enough and too much I’m gonna– 
He’s cumming, thrusting up with a silent scream that pitches high and cracks in his throat when you move with him, denying him the bliss of sheathing fully within you while he spills. He fucks up into you fervently, nearly sobbing when every thrust is only taken as deep as you allow before he can’t go any higher and is forced to pull back just to try again. 
You work him through it with your hand to make up for it, stroking near the base as he tries to bully himself into you, hot and wet and thick inside and dribbling out to smear all over the tip with every messy thrust. He can’t fill you completely, but every time his cum drips out, he’s shoving it back in with another shallow buck of his hips.
He could force you onto it, you know. Could lock a thick arm around your waist and drag you onto his cock, could make you take it.
But he takes, he takes only what you give, trying for more but ultimately caving to your desires and letting you continue to deny him. 
It makes you soft, covering his face in kisses, rocking your hips a little even when he hisses with sensitivity, eyes screwed shut as his face flushes to the ears, skin shiny with sweat and muscles still rippling with the aftershocks. You don’t pull away until he goes soft beneath you, twitching hips pushing the heat of it against you even when it makes him shudder. You press down slowly, crooning as he pulls you against his chest and buries his face into your neck. 
You play with the ends of his hair, then trail your fingertips lower to follow the dark red scratches you’ve left on him. Some still bleeding, most of them already dried, you wince a little at the angry red of inflamed, irritated skin. 
When you start to kiss them, he cups the back of your head and pulls you up, lips meeting yours with such a reverence that it almost makes you shy, warm in the affections of a Kei who, at least right now, doesn’t feel he has to hide. 
Quietly, beneath his breath, he murmurs– “your lipstick is messed up.” 
You hum softly, rubbing your thumb against his bottom lip where a dark smudge of color stains his skin. “Yeah, I noticed.” 
“Buy a better one.” 
You give him a slow, coy smile, tracing the tips of your fingers back down his chest, etching invisible lines that pull shivers from him as you go. “Why? Am I gonna be doing a lot more kissing all of a sudden?” 
He answers you with his mouth, muffling your laughter, clinging to his shoulders when he hikes your legs up to stand, though his legs buckle when you suckle gently at his lip to weaken his knees. Fingers pinch hard at the skin of your hip in retribution, and he stifles the sharp yelp you let out with another hard kiss. 
Somehow, he does manage to carry you into the bathroom, though he stops to push you against the wall once or twice, just holding you, keeping you braced so he can cup your face and feel your lips curl into a smile against his hands.
You’re lowered carefully to the sink, pressed down on cold tile that makes you hiss in discomfort, a sound that is largely ignored as he withdraws from your side. 
He opens the glass door to the shower, reaching inside to turn on the water and soften the setting of the showerhead. You perk up, fumbling hands moving to unhook your bra and toss it carelessly into the hallway, earning you a sharp glare that you only smile innocently at. 
“You’re picking that up later.” 
“Sure, sure.” You hop down from the sink and slip past him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder as you go, and he melts at the casual display of affection. Fond honey eyes watch as you step beneath the water, amusement creeping along the edges when you hiss at how cold it still is. 
He strips down quick, sighing quietly as he listens to you sort through the bottles of soap on the inlaid shelves, trying not to be too exasperated when you mutter to yourself about how disorganized he is. As he moves to join you beneath the warming spray, though, he falters on the first step inside, a breath catching in his throat.
Your head is tilted back, throat bared, water running in thick rivulets over the contours of your body, the flow only interrupted by the passing of a loofah lathered with soap. He can see the outline of his teeth in your skin, the petal-shaped marks he’d sucked into it too. He tries not to feel too much pride at the claim he’s laid, he tries not to think about how he should be ashamed. 
He feels like you should hide from him, like you should shy away and curl in on yourself, like it would be safer for you to brace against how much he loves you, because it’s wrong. 
You open your eyes, tilt your head up and grin at him through the water, a soapy hand stretched out to beckon him towards you, and he goes. 
Crowding against you, tucking you close so that you’re still beneath the showerhead, and he stares at you with such a lovesick expression that you’re sure he doesn’t know he’s making it. 
“Hi.” You murmur, hands against his chest, feeling the rough texture of your scratches beneath your palms as they move over his skin. 
He kisses you, muffling your complaint of ‘you never play along with me,’ and opening your mouth to the thin trails of water dripping from his face. 
His hands glide down your slippery back, pressing you in at the base of it until his cock is rubbed between you, and you shiver as it pulses, already beginning to thicken. “Look at you,” you tease, reaching down to wrap your fingers around it. “What’s this, still not done even after four in one day?”
“It’s your fault.” He grunts, grabbing your wrist to keep you still, though the intensity he’s trying for is ruined by the way his hips jut forward in protest of his denial. 
“What a good toy.” You coo, playful, but it becomes a whole lot less playful when he bucks hard against you, when he gasps and squeezes you tight and fucks his cock into your loose fist. His fingers wrap around yours, tightening, and the moan he lets out after is needy. 
He doesn’t even have the chance to regret his reaction before you’re taking advantage of it. 
“Yeah, Kei?” Your voice is too bright, crystalline candy that cuts. “You wanna be my toy? Want me to fuck you how I want?” 
He nods, helpless, hating it and needing it. 
“Say it.” 
“Holy fuck.” He hisses, pushing you against the cold glass door and rutting hard into your hand, forcing you to keep it tight. “Shut up, just–fuck, how do you wind me up so much?” 
“I’ve had years to learn what makes you tick.” You’re a little too smug, maybe, but he looks so nice like this, so out of control, and you think he might like your attitude a little too much. “Now, are you gonna tell me what I wanna hear?” 
His lips are at your throat, nipping, teeth scraping over the heavy thrum of your pulse. He whispers it, inaudible beneath the shower, and you start to pull your hand away, his fingers slackening with surprise before squeezing harder than before to keep you there. 
“No, no wait I–” He swallows, a choked out groan before he tucks his face close and rounds his shoulders in, pressed around you and unintentionally blocking you from the water’s spray. “I’m yours, your toy.” Saying it out loud does something horrible to him, his cock filling out so much against your fingers and forcing him to loosen his grip on you, just a little. Then, like a secret, he breathes– “I want you to use me.” 
You don’t have to say anything in reply, the confession is enough to bring him to the edge. He gasps, hips jerking to his own rhythm, and this time when he cums it's nearly dry. He lets you fuck him through it, even when he buckles and tries to push you away, it’s weak, half-hearted as he twitches and writhes. Kissing his chest, you finally let him slip from your grasp, with him pressing his face into your hair and clinging to you, a shocking sense of vulnerability that coaxes him to you. 
Floating, a little, fuzzy like cotton in his head, he comes down from it slowly with you stroking his back and cooing into his ear. Praising him, and he’s too fucked out to even notice it. For the best, probably, you don’t need his ego getting too out of control after this. 
You wash his hair while he slumps over you, murmuring to him to keep his eyes closed until you’re done, the water carrying soap down the sides of his face. He follows with you when you move him around, tilting his head back to wash out the lather, twisting so his back is to the water so you can rub conditioner into the ends of his hair. Docile, letting you do with him as you see fit. You never would have thought Kei had a side like this. 
While the conditioner sits for a minute, he watches with heavy eyes as you wash your own, hands touching you, petting you sweetly while letting you soak up the spray by yourself, helping curve your spine into an arch so you can crane your head back, the wash of warm water rinsing the soap from your hair. 
“You’re being so sweet.” You murmur, watching as a shiver rolls through him at your praise, he’s all flushed and happy, with a little smile that makes you weak.
Seeing Kei in a subspace makes you mushy, syrupy saccharine as you cup his face and kiss him, pleased when he leans into you with parted lips and a quiet sigh. 
Between kisses, you rinse his hair out a final time before turning off the water and stepping out to grab him a towel. The cold plume of air that hits him wakes him up,  pulls him from whatever cloudy comfort that he’d been immersed in. By the time you turn around, he’s wearing a frown again and following you out onto the bath mat. 
When you pass him the towel, he loops it around your shoulders to pull you in, keeping you trapped with a wicked little grin. 
“Kei!” You whine, pressing in and locking your jaw to keep your teeth from chattering. “Cold!” 
“Baby.” He muses, not affectionately, and lets you go. 
Out of habit, you begin to drag yourself to your room, towel held tight while you dry yourself off on the way. After a brief pause, you decide to sneak into Kei’s room instead while he’s still in the backroom. You rifle through his clothes guiltlessly, finding your favorite shirt of his and taking it without hesitation. 
Soft, long-sleeved and a dark purple, you eagerly pull it over your head to welcome the warmth. When you tuck your nose against the collar, it smells like him, and he walks in to find you with a happy little smile and your nose buried into his shirt. 
His heart stops, face forming an angry scowl as if that will diminish the way it burns red. “You’re ridiculous.” 
“Aw, Kei, you don’t gotta be shy. What we just did is way worse than seeing me in your clothes.” You watch with a shark-like glee as he groans loud and covers his face with one hand, the other keeping his towel knotted around his waist. 
Throwing yours in his laundry basket, you settle on his bed, cross-legged and tucked far into the corner against a pillow while you watch him get ready. 
When he realizes you’re just staring, he hesitates, something almost shy on his face. You’re about to look away, to snuggle beneath the blankets and give him his privacy, but as you slip beneath them that look dissolves, he shrugs with one arm and starts pushing closed the drawers you left open. Careless, one might think, but his ears are dusted with pink and he’s trying too hard to pretend he’s not watching you too, curled up in his shirt. 
A pair of boxers and a quick trip to the living room to fetch his glasses later, and he’s kneeling onto the mattress and lowering himself into your arms. You smile as he wraps around you, kissing your throat, tucking one of his knees between your legs while you draw the blanket up over his shoulders. 
You stay like that, for a little while, just cuddling and basking in his warmth. You stroke down the curve of his spine, and he smooths wide palms up from the small of your back, in opposite to each other but still in sync. 
“...Are you in any pain?” So faint, you almost don’t hear it, the tentative whisper of his voice. 
You murmur quietly and nuzzle into his cheek, feeling his lips twitch into a smile at the corners. “Mm, my thighs are sore, gonna hurt like a bitch tomorrow.” 
His head tilts, mouth catching yours, where he muffles an apology. Pulling away, he sighs– “I’ll take care of anything you need tomorrow, so don’t try to move too much.” 
You immediately open your mouth to tease him, already something sly and mocking on your tongue, so he clamps his hand over it and presses his lips to your temple. 
“Good night.” Clipped, curt, he settles down and drags you close in a clear indication that the conversation is over. You snicker, quietly, and acquiesce for now. 
Kei falls asleep surprisingly quickly, and you drop a kiss to the curve of his jaw and let yourself steep in your newfound sweetness, knowing inherently that things will be different when you wake up. Harder in some ways, easier in others. 
You wake up with him between your legs, his face against your neck, hands shoved beneath the small arch in your back to hold you like you’re a body pillow. His breath is warm against your chest, even, still deeply asleep. 
Your hand goes to his hair, fingers combing through it, thick and wavy since he went to sleep with it still wet. Scratching his scalp, he makes a soft noise and rolls his hips into the bed. 
With a grin too full of mischief for so early in the morning, you scratch a little harder, tug on it how he likes, and his pace kicks up, harder, rubbing his thickening cock against the mattress even in his sleep. He moans against you, wanton, mouth open and hot against your skin. 
Then his alarm goes off, shocking you into stillness and jolting him awake. 
He gasps and his hips come to a quick stop, tense, like he’s waiting for you to wake up and scream at him. You can feel him twitching, though, feel the way his thighs tense, abdomen clenching in anticipation. He had sounded so close. Worked up so quickly, so sensitive while sleeping against you. 
“Let me.” You murmur, pushing yourself down the bed, ignoring his choked whine when you settle beneath him, hands braced on his thighs to keep him leaning over you. You give him as sweet a smile as you can manage, tipping your head back so you can look at him. “Be gentle though, ‘kay? Never done this to a guy before.” 
You smooth your hands up from his thighs first, fingers pushing beneath the fabric of his boxers, feeling how warm he is against you even though Kei has always run a little colder. He watches you, still mired in sleep and a little dazed, as you gently pull his cock free and let it hang in the air just inches from your mouth. He swallows, throat too dry for the motion, neck craned forward to see you clearly.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He husks, throbbing heavy with a thick drop of prespend already threatening to drip onto your face. He has to brace himself over you once again with his arms, torn between watching what you’re going to do and knowing that if he does he’s going to lose it way too quickly.
You drag one of his pillows down to prop your head up, so you can lay flat on your back with your neck lifted to make the slide of him easier. It’s not an efficient position, by any means, with his legs parted around your shoulders, but if you brace on your elbows to keep yourself up then he has room to go. You slick a wet stripe from base to the tip, he moans pretty for you and tries not to immediately buck into your mouth. 
“There we go.” You croon, voice raspy with sleep and about to be made much worse. “Keep an eye on the time, don’t want you to be late.” 
He hisses low, muffled by cotton, and shuffles up onto his knees, higher until they bracket the sides of your head. You think you might die when the head of his cock prods at your lips, sticky, and the noise he makes when you part around him and let it hit your tongue is agonizing.
He rocks into you so slowly, carefully, and you let your jaw fall slack so he can move as he pleases. He can feel it, the way you let yourself lay loose beneath him, and he bites into his pillow to muffle the ragged ‘please,’ that threatens to slip out, begging for something you’ve already given. 
He slides deep, humping at your mouth with short little thrusts that grow longer as he grows comfortable, more sure that you won’t choke if he’s careful, and then he grows less careful the closer he gets. 
It won’t all fit this way, he’s barely getting much friction with the way he’s grinding against your tongue to be as mindful of you as he can. You press a hand to his hip, coaxing, leaning up and pushing higher, room to bend so that when he slides home, it goes. 
It’s a pretty, whiny sound he makes when you swallow his cock, eyes watery and breaths stuttered, choked, caught as you struggle to inhale through your nose, but he sounds so wrecked that when he tries to slide out, you pull him back, sucking him in and swallowing around him again. 
That makes it easier. With every swallow it’s less of a struggle to take a breath, the muscles in your throat less repulsed at the foreign intrusion. 
For Kei, though, it gets worse. He whimpers high and higher each time, feeling you contract around him and trying so hard not to fuck into it, but you keep moving his hips for him and trying to bob your head despite the awkwardness of the angle, and somehow the struggle of you learning to accommodate him in your throat makes it all the sweeter, sicker for it. 
“I’m gonna cum.” He hisses, weak, shoving one hand down to fist at your hair, either to drag you off or push you closer, he doesn’t know. 
You moan, something encouraging, garbled, and the whole fucking vibration makes him see stars. 
He spills, you choke, and god despite how warm and wet and tight you are he pulls back with a cry and drops his grip on your hair to reach for his cock instead, fisted tight at the head and jerking himself through it. He nearly shatters when you dip forward to catch him with your tongue, the tail end of his orgasm peaking sharply as you suck him back into the heat of your mouth, drawing it out, forcing more from even though he swears he’s already spent. 
“How the fuck?” He wheezes, gasping, staring down at you with wild eyes that have little hearts in them. You smile, and your voice when you talk is so hoarse that it makes his abdomen squeeze.  
“Has a lesbian ever made you suck her strap before?” 
He shakes his head, dazed. 
“Well, that’s how.” 
He lets out a loud, incredulous bark of laughter, then he crawls down to your level and kisses you, cupping you by the jaw and pulling you up against him. You make him taste himself with the expectation that he’ll recoil, intending to tease him after, but he only kisses you harder and lets out a quiet grunt when a second alarm goes off. 
“Ooh, good timing.” 
He rolls off of you, leaving you to curl back up beneath his sheets and snuggle into his pillows, throat sore and feeling incredibly satisfied. You ache a little, muscles squeezing around nothing with the temptation to make him come back and fuck you properly this time. You’re comfortable though, wrapped in his scent and his blankets, so it’s easy for you to begin dozing off. You miss the tiny glances he throws your way while getting ready, his heart doing funny things in his chest at how sweet the sight of you is, tucked away in his bed and wearing his sweatshirt.
Fully dressed, school bag slung over his shoulder, he kneels at his bedside and reaches for your hand. Bringing it to his mouth to press your knuckles there, he watches as your eyes blink slowly open. 
“Leaving?” You ask, tracing the shape of his lips with your thumb, shy when he kisses it. 
“For a few hours.” Your wrist, next, ghosting over the lines of your veins. “Then I’ll be back, I don’t have time to cook you anything so I ordered breakfast from that cafe down the road.” Another kiss, at the crook of your elbow. “It’ll be here in twenty minutes, make sure you don’t fall asleep until you get it.” 
You catch the next one with your mouth, molten when his arms come around your shoulders and he leans into the bed with you, rolling you onto your back and pressing down on your chest with his. He kisses you silly, over and over, soft little pecks that make you whine between each one. 
“I love you.” He breathes, a soft sigh like he just can’t help but let it out, like it took up too much space inside of him and had nowhere else to go. 
Your heart constricts, breath expelled from your lungs in a rush because you knew but he’s never told you. You try to say it back, to tell him so he knows too but he stifles you, muffles the words with his tongue and steals the breath that would fuel them. 
Too raw, then. Something so sweet it hurts. 
Kei eventually manages to drag himself away from his bedside, though he fidgets in his way, fingers tightening the strap of his backpack and then loosening it, over and over, before he finally steps out into the hallway. It’s like he’s nervous, unable to leave you alone. You wonder if he’s worried that giving you space will make you change your mind about him, about this. 
No need for him to worry, you’re content as a cat, stretched out amongst his sheets with the taste of him still on your tongue and his love on your skin. 
You feel it when you twist, the bruises in the shapes of his fingers on your hips, your thighs, the deep aches in your neck from how he sucked your skin into his mouth just to bite. You roll around and practically purr your satisfaction, pleasantly sore even without the brutal fucking you’d thought you could goad him into giving you. 
Your tune changes a little when mom calls, though. Still in Kei’s bed, you answer the phone with mild trepidation, unease, guilty in a way like you stole a cookie but haven’t been caught for it yet. 
She worries at the sound of your voice, and something bitter and cold swells in your stomach, the mental image of Kei’s cock shoved deep in your throat staggering, cutting your voice mid-sentence as you try to tell her you’re just feeling a little unwell. 
You hear Akiteru in the background, muttering aloud to himself about how he should get onto Kei about taking better care of you, lamenting that he must be so caught up in his studies and volleyball that he’s neglecting you. 
It feels almost like karma, cutting sharper because of the unintentional double meanings, the things that they don’t know they’re dancing around. 
But still, as you cut the call and lay there, you find that you don’t really regret it. 
You thank him for the strawberry pancakes with a picture. 
Truthfully, you think it was sweet of him, and he even remembered that you wanted pancakes for breakfast. Still, the thought of being a little mean when he can’t do anything to retaliate is enticing. 
Sprawled back on his bed, his shirt hiked up high over your breasts, thighs parted with your fingers buried deep in slick, you send him a picture without your face in it, letting him see you pleasuring yourself, a little blurred around the hips in a clear indication of movement. 
Kei 10:34 AM
Can you not say thank you like a normal person 
You 10:35 AM
do you not like it? i can just not send pictures anymore idc 
It takes him a comically long time to swallow his pride enough to reply. 
Kei 12:42 AM 
I didn’t say that.
You’re snacking in the living room when he gets home, wrapped up with one of his blankets and half-way through a documentary that you’re actually invested in. With a half-eaten snack cake in hand, you yelp when he bends over the back of the couch to kiss you, cupping your cheek to twist your face towards him so he can reach. 
He licks the frosting from your lips, bold and brazen, and you’re a little pleased to see that distance hasn’t built his walls back up. 
“Welcome home.” You breathe, pressing the rest of your cake to his lips. His tongue flicks out to catch the lingering sweetness on your fingertips, and he kisses them after. “Oh wow, someone’s clingy. Miss me today?” 
Your mouth dries up, shoulders hiking to your ears in an attempt to hide your face, and he smirks down at you with a playful gleam hidden behind his glasses. “So shy.” He mocks, pecking you once more before straightening and carrying his bag over to the kitchen counter.
You roll over onto your stomach to watch him, chin propped up on the couch arm. “Practice tonight?” 
He grimaces, nodding once. “I have to leave soon, only stopped by to get my gym bag.” 
You pout, purposefully softening your voice to play up a wounded act. “You didn’t just stop by to give me kisses? How rude, Kei. I don’t think you deserve to be my favorite brother anymore.” 
He scowls at you, sweetness melting in the wake of your taunts. “Who the hell else could be?”
Your face is wry, a cheshire grin tossed his way that his eyes narrow at. “Do not even try to joke about Akiteru being better than me.” He warns, and your head tips in blatant invitation. 
“Who’s joking?” You drawl, ankles crossed as you kick them up into the air, swaying back and forth. 
He takes the bait with a growl, rounding the kitchen counter so quickly that you sit up straight, alarmed as he crosses the distance between you in few stilted strides. “Hey, wait hold on–” 
Once more, he falls to his knees, dragging you close by the hips with a quick glare. “After all of this?” He murmurs, low and a little dangerous and not at all soft. “I don’t get to be your favorite?” 
He shoulders your thighs apart and pushes your shirt up, finding you still bare beneath it and exhaling hard through his teeth. “What, is Akiteru going to do this for you?”
He doesn’t ease you into it, nothing soft and sweet about the way he latches onto your clit, sucking too hard and too fast as you curl around his head with a wail, clutching at his hair in tight fists and yanking, but he only moans against you and braces you with a hand holding you up by your lower back. 
“I don’t deserve to be your favorite?” He rasps, looking up at you through piercing eyes, a glint of gold that burns you like a brand. “Who the fuck else is going to eat you like this? Who else is going to even get close with me here?” 
“Oh god.” You croak, blinking back tears as your pleasure sharpens, rising so quickly into nearly a crest that you can’t help but squirm and try to buck him away. 
He holds you down, arms locked tight, forcing you to take his pace instead of letting you fuck his tongue how you want. His face is messy with the shine of your slick, up to his cheeks and nose, even smearing over his glasses as he loses himself between your thighs. 
“Hey,” He grits out, mouthing at you with the faintest bite of teeth to get your attention, to distract from the way he eases you open with slick fingers. “Where’s my sweet girl from last night? I’m her favorite, what happened?” His voice sweetens, hot honey that cuts while he taunts you. “Was I not good enough to you? Are you mad at me for not making you cum before I left this morning? I’m sorry, baby.” 
His eyes are narrowed thin and sharp behind his smudged glasses, and he coos against the sticky mess of your pussy with– “let your big brother make it up to you right now, okay?” 
“Kei fuck don’t be such a bitch!” You groan, fingers curled tight near his scalp, twisting, knotting in his hair to pull until his hips grind into the couch, shoving it across the floor a couple of inches. He chases you with his mouth, dragging you back, fingers fucking into you to drive you higher and pull you apart. 
He doesn’t waste the breath to retort, mouth glued to your clit, palm facing upwards as he crooks his fingers hard along your walls, with you squeezed tight around him and your face all scrunched up at the brow. 
You fall apart at the seams, his name on your lips in a way that makes him glow with a smug kind of pride, coaxing you through each pulse of pleasure with gentle, languid laps of his tongue, and you quiver when he kisses your twitching pussy a few times before drawing away. 
Somehow, it’s him doing that that embarrasses you the most. 
You stare at him, weak-kneed and a little dumb. “What?”
He scowls, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and then leaning towards you, pushing your legs apart a little further to make room. “Don’t joke about that again, I won’t be late to practice just to prove you wrong.”
Even tired and still twitching from the afterglow, you can’t resist a sly grin. “Aww, you’re not gonna skip for me?” You pull him in, hands cupped at the back of his neck. “What if I wanted to fuck you this time?” 
He rips away from you with a pained groan, flustered and wanting as your laughter follows him down the halls. While picking up and slinging his gym bag over his shoulder, he swallows down a weak noise when he palms his cock, so fucking hard even though he’s raw from everything you put him through in the last twenty-four hours. He can’t imagine anything better. 
And he’s wearing such a stupid fucking grin, too. The sight of you fucked out on his tongue burned into his mind, puffing him up as he makes back to the living room to tell you goodbye. 
On the way out, he swings by and crouches down to give you one more kiss, softer and sweeter, full, and you wipe at a stray sheen that glistens on his chin. “Make sure to wash your face before you get there.” You murmur, watching his tongue dart out to wet his lips, chasing your taste.
He swears quietly and leaves to do just that, with you once more cuddled up and blissfully satiated, feeling like you’re going to become way too spoiled if you both don't slow down. 
You’re already asleep by the time he gets home, preparing to be forced to attend an early morning class that you had once thought was a good idea. He finds you in his bed, phone plugged in on his charger, still wearing his shirt, and he wants nothing more than to just fall into you and wake you up to suffer the aggressive burst of affection in his chest. 
Instead, he takes a shower, eats the plate of curry you’d left in the fridge for him, then finally allows himself to crawl in beside you once he’s relaxed and doesn’t feel like he’s suffering from cute aggression. 
In your sleep, you curl into him, barely giving him time to settle before he has to pull you into his arms just so you stop moving around. Small puffs of breath against his chest, your cheek smushed into his collar, palm splayed over his stomach with his own at your back, he feels disgustingly happy. 
Even with the guilt, even with the hard and heavy weight of whatever sins he’s accumulated by indulging in you, loving you, he’s happier than he’s ever been allowed to be. 
Unsurprisingly, your alarm wakes the both of you, even though Kei doesn’t have to be up for another few hours. 
You try to slip away quick, shutting off the looping chime and detaching yourself from his arms, though you don’t make it far before he’s dragging you back. 
“Where are you going?” He murmurs into the nape of your neck, tucking his knees behind yours and resting his hand over your stomach. 
“Gotta get ready for class, lemme go.” You pull at his wrist, but even half-asleep he’s immovable unless he wants to be. 
When that fails, you change tactics. You wriggle in his arms, his grip only loosening when you make it clear you’re trying to turn around and face him. He welcomes it then, accepting your quick, close-mouthed kisses and growing slack with each one, lazy, fingers tracing loose circles from the base of your spine to the top of it. 
“I’ll pick up lunch on my way back.” You kiss the furrow in his brow just as it forms, already anticipating the way he begins to protest. 
But you twist away before he can tighten his arms around you, ignoring his grumpy complaints while you head back to your room to get dressed. The person you would look nice for is currently waiting half-naked for you in bed, so you throw on something comfortable, brush your teeth, and return to his side to get as much charge for your affection battery as you can before leaving. 
“You look nice.” He murmurs as you lean with your knee pressed into the mattress over him, his hand coming up to guide you down by the back of your head. 
“You’re just sayin’ that cause you’re half asleep.” Still, you smile against his lips when he grunts in clear disagreement. “Gotta go now, baby.” 
He preens, all lowered lashes and a smile he tries to tuck away by stealing one more kiss, but you hold him in place to watch the way his face shifts at the pet name. 
“Oh,” you breathe, enamored. “You really like that, huh?” 
The moment is ruined, embarrassment sharpened into annoyance. “Go.” He mutters, shooing you away. “Let me go back to sleep.” 
“Fine, fine.” You grab your phone on the way out, plugging in his so it doesn’t die while you’re gone. “Don’t sleep too late, you get grouchy when you wake up past ten.” 
His pissy, heatless complaint chases you down the hall, and your smile lingers far past that, as does his. 
There’s a fine line you have to walk, going to the same college as Kei. 
You can’t get too comfortable around him in public, always analyzing every little thing, hoping nobody reads into it. Even something as simple as a wave could be taken wrong if you think too much about it. 
So you try not to. 
Kei does enough of the overthinking for you, constantly jittery and on edge when you seek him out anywhere that isn’t home. It’s worse with Tadashi, someone who’s known you both for nearly your entire lives, but a half-truth conversation in which you tell him that the party had led to a big heart-to-heart between you is enough to explain any odd behavior, he knows personally how strangely Kei handles intense emotional confrontation.
The hardest part is everyone else. 
You’re sociable, approachable, made known to the campus by Hoshino, who is popular, pretty, and kind. Kei starts to endure what you have since highschool, but for the first time. 
People seek him out to ask after you, your relationship status, your number. He hates it. 
He takes it out on you late at night, face buried between your legs until you’re nearly sobbing with the oversensitivity, but he doesn’t stop. Possessiveness is ugly in him, a volatile creature that sits on his shoulder and watches you with greedy eyes. 
He teases you, plays with you, works you open and stretches you to take his cock, but he never gives it to you.
You pay him back in kind, edging him until he’s openly begging, barriers ripped down, teasing him with the slick of your cunt as you taunt him, tease him for being too sensitive to fuck you properly, so fucking mean to him until he cums all over your hands. 
A constant back and forth, each upping the other but neither of you really taking the lead. It turns into a game, a challenge to see who will finally break first. 
In a way, neither of you win in the end. 
It comes after a hard loss. 
All of them are hard, of course, but this was a match against Kageyama, and Kei burns with it. Raw and wounded, sensitive, you curl around him in the shower and wash his hair while he grits his jaw and tries to work himself out of it, too afraid to touch you like this. Angry, hurting, needing. 
He doesn’t fight when you lay him back on the bed, lost in his own head, only coming back to you when you sit on his thighs, your hands on his face. 
“I’m sorry.” He seethes it, not angry at you but struggling. 
“I know, baby.” You soothe, a balm to his wounds. “Let me take care of you, okay? I’ve got you.” 
He fights against it, pushing back against the comfort you offer, wanting but not deserving. 
But all it takes is the faintest pressure from your fingertips to his chest, and he settles against the pillows you’d piled up for him, glasses low on his face. He starts to protest when you take them off, but quiets with a kiss, his hands on your thighs while you set the frames aside. His fingertips stroke leftover bruises in your skin, finding the deep-set hickeys on the insides and breathing out like it calms him.
You take him gently in hand, already thickening against your fingers, muscles in his thighs bunching up with tension, anticipation, eased with a stroke of your knuckles over his skin. A touch to make him pliant, all it takes, but he still fights you on instinct, resisting. 
“Close your eyes, Kei.” You coax him, brushing the tip of your nose against his. “Let me make you feel good, please?” 
His defense cracks, so much harder for him to push against you when you’re sweet. 
His eyes fall shut, head tilted back to bare his throat, you kiss along the column of it and rub the  drooling, pliable heat of your pussy against his cock. A slow, steady grind to ease the buzz of his tension, your fingers kneading into the sore muscles of his shoulders to leave him malleable in your hands.
He shudders at first, already moving along you, guided by your push and pull as you cradle the weight of his cock with the velvet between your thighs. He sighs, a slow exhale that’s thick with relief, but it catches and comes out a little wheezy when you lift yourself with a hand braced against his abdomen, and he watches with something akin to a mix of horror and need when you begin to sink down onto him.  
And it’s slow. Every inch drawn out as much as you can manage, trembling as your body melts to accommodate the stretch of him. His fingers are bruising as they curl into you, lips a little shiny as they fall open on a hoarse sigh of your name. For a moment, he’s completely blissed, his hands sliding down along your ribcage as if to guide you onto him, but he applies no pressure.
Then you sigh against him, breathy and warm as the sound ghosts over his skin, and he shudders with it and realizes that he has to stop you, and he’s never regretted something more.
“Fuck, baby wait–hold on, I–” He pulls weakly at your hips, trying to lift you, but you take him so easily that your ass is flush with his thighs before he can even really muster the effort to try. 
He’s pulsing so hard, throbbing in time with the angry rhythm of his heart, holding his breath as if that will make keeping himself in check any easier. He stares at where you meet, the spread of your cunt around him, stretched to make him fit. He twitches, and sees it, the pulse as you flutter around him. 
“I’m about to cum.” He says it quietly, hands twitching as he squeezes and drags you down, grinding forward into you like he just can’t help it, even as he groans and mutters to himself that he needs to pull out but then you squeeze around him again and he’s gone.  
“I just put it in, Kei.” You tease, but it’s breathless, enamored because you don’t even have to move, he’s just rocking into you and that’s enough, he’s so close already. 
He wants you to be quiet, to stop mocking him, but all he can do is push his face into your neck and clench his jaw in an effort to hold back, even as he makes it all the worse for himself by continuously rolling his hips into you. Small, barely-there circles, slow, pressing himself in and feeling how you twitch and tighten around him when he does other things you like. He wants to stay in it longer, wants to just slide into you and feel it but he’s already on the edge and he’s not even–
He panics, then, as he remembers that he’s your fucking brother and he’s not wearing a condom. “Fuck, fuck I’m gonna cum, baby, you have to get off I’m gonna cum!”
You lift yourself on steady legs, watching relief and regret paint his face, but it falls to bliss just as quick when you drop back down, the tight squeeze of your sex taking him back in greedily. 
“Aw, do you want permission or something?” You tease gently, stroking his red-mottled cheeks with your thumbs and kissing the pinch in his brow, enamored with the pitch of his voice when he moans against your neck, breaths ragged and panting as you fuck yourself onto him again, slow thrusts, heavy slaps of your skin against his. 
He hisses your name, a plea, a warning, curling into you with shaky hands grabbing at your back, gripping your shoulders from behind and dragging you onto him, lost to it. He fucks up into you, pulls you down on the same beat, and he only manages to do that a few more times before he buries himself as deep in you as he can go, holding you around the waist with his face in your neck, choking out your name while he cums. 
You shiver at the heat of it, the pressure, and his eyes go hazy when he sees you pressing a hand low on your abdomen. 
Kei is molten when you run your hands over him, when you brush the hair out of his face and kiss his forehead, when you keep him snug within you so the trickle of his release doesn’t drip out onto the sheets.
It’s that that pulls him out of it, some sort of inherent sickness that has him already pulsing with want at the thought of you being full of him. He can feel it, the way you’re already rearing back to tease him, but he’s too laser focused on the feeling of you made even wetter by the load of his cum. He pushes up into you once, testing, and the squelch that emits between your bodies makes you physically recoil, but he holds you tight around the waist before you can escape. 
“Oh.” He breathes, rolling his hips in tiny circles. “Listen to that, fuck.” 
The sound makes you shy, flushed as he uses his cock to play with your insides, fucking the drip of his cum back into you and groaning when he can see as it coats the base. 
You whine, hands plastered over your face, forced along with the push and pull of his rocking hips as he pushes up against your weight. “Kei, god c’mon don’t be gross…” 
“Gross?” He echoes, prying your hands away and giving you a hard stare, even as blissed out as he is.“You think this is gross?” 
He doesn’t give you the chance to answer, an arm locked tight around your waist so he can lift you, bracing against the mattress so he can fuck up into you, dragging you along with every hard thrust that punches a tiny breath from your lungs. 
You’re helpless but to take it, like this. Kei rarely has to be rough with you, but he gives you no chances to pull away from him now. He fucks you like he’s mad at you, bullies his way into you and batters your sensitive pussy with hard, choppy thrusts that force a little of your voice out every time. 
But, oh it’s like you make him drunk. The longer he stays buried thick within you, the harder it is for him to keep control. His pace stutters too often, swept up in it and chasing his orgasm when you squeeze around him a few times, until he groans quietly and remembers that he’s trying to punish you. Then you start to play with him. 
“You’re so good, Kei.” You breathe, his face tucked to your chest, holding the back of his head as he sucks a wealth of hickeys into your breasts. His cock twitches hard against the hot squeeze of your cunt, you can feel him instinctively bury deep with the intent to cum, but he holds himself back. You don’t, though. “So good at filling your baby sister up.”
You have to try so hard not to tease him when that immediately pushes him over the edge. He groans loud and angry, holding you down on his lap with iron arms that tighten up when you try to move, and he fucks into you with jagged, shallow thrusts to ride it out. 
Like he knows you’re seconds away from a smart comment, he works a hand between your bodies to find your clit, hips rolling slowly to push you up and help you grind against his fingers. 
He frowns when you bat his hand away, then makes a strangled sort of sound when you plant your hands against his chest and start to slowly ride him again, more of a grind while he’s soft and then fucking him properly when he’s hard. He kicks out beneath you, gasping and trying to haul you off, but you whine pretty at him and give him needy eyes that make him grit his teeth and take it. 
But you don’t let him make you cum, and he’s too busy trying to keep himself from bucking you off to fight you much on it. He can feel it though, how you deny yourself, disrupting your pace to stave off your orgasm. Edging yourself while using the heat of your pussy to finish him off again and again and again until he can’t anymore. Slow grinding, rolls of your hips that make him shudder, rubbing against him while he’s soft and dragging hoarse little noises from his raw throat, and then you come to a stop. 
He lets you pepper him with kisses, fingers squeezing sporadically at your thighs, holding you while you check him over. The both of you tired, sore, you’re still throbbing desperately with need but Kei is sleepy and reluctantly satiated, holding you against his chest while he curls himself around you, lazy kisses trailing down the side of your neck to your shoulder, and he’s asleep before he’s done. 
You clean him up after that, then yourself, feeling the thrum of your ache in your thighs when you walk, pleasant like a good workout. Crawling in beside him and pulling the sheets up, you drift off almost the second you finally settle against his pillows. 
That morning, he’s on you almost the moment you wake up. 
You’d at least made it to the bathroom to attempt your morning routine before he realizes you’re awake, but he’s waiting outside the door when you go to step into the hallway. 
“Holy fuck.” You wheeze, a hand over your fluttering heart. “What the fuck, why are you so creepy?”
He frowns, and you soften, apologetic as you press a kiss to his pouty lips. “Sorry, still waking up.” 
“Do you have class today?” 
He shadows you as you walk back into his bedroom, standing at the edge of the bed as you climb back onto it. In a way, this answers his question, but he waits for your response anyway. 
“Nope, thank god I had the foresight to leave Wednesdays open.” You reach for one of his pillows, hugging it to your chest with the intent of curling up and going back to sleep. 
Instead, Kei drags you over to the edge of the bed, hooking your legs around his hips and bending low to grind into you. “Good.” He drawls, dragging the single syllable out. “Then nothing is going to get in the way of me fucking you.” 
You choke on his name, braced on your elbows as you try to lean up, but he presses you back down with a hand on your chest. “Kei, hold on–” 
“No.” He grinds harder, the swell of him dragging over your clit, the material of his sweats rough against your sensitive skin. It makes you squirm, and he gives a mean little grin that makes your throat squeeze. “Be good for me, let me fuck your pretty pussy a little.” 
Your first instinct is to cover your face, but he’s ready for that, catching you by the wrists and pinning them above your head, leaning over you until the tip of his nose brushes against yours. 
“You felt so fucking good last night.” He murmurs, nuzzling into you. “Can’t wait to be inside you again, can’t wait to feel you cum on me.”
Then his grip tightens, squeezing your hands and leaning more of his weight into them with a low, frustrated noise. “Can’t believe you wouldn’t let me get you off for our first fucking time.” 
Your eyes blink wide, jaw loosened. “Is that why you’re upset?” 
You’d be tempted to laugh, thinking that it’s a little silly that he’d worry about something like that when he’s made you cum so many other times, but his eyes go dark and you find yourself biting your tongue. 
“Yeah.” He shoves the waistband of his sweatpants down, low on his hips, fisting his cock tight and pumping it a few times, eyes locked onto you with a hard, impassioned stare. “Yeah, that’s why I’m upset. So, to make up for it–” 
He finds you still warm, still loosened up a little for him, and he sinks in slow as you take him. Your eyes roll back, almost feeling betrayed at how you suck him in. Your pussy makes it too easy for him to fuck you, slow and testing, finding the way you like it since you wouldn’t let him find out last night. 
Once the head of his cock finds that spot, and your whole body quakes and you let out a noise he’s never heard before, he grins. “ –I’m going to make you beg to cum for me, since my sweet girl apparently forgot what it’s like to be greedy.” 
His hips snap forward, knocking the breath out from behind your locked jaw, forcing a moan out of you that you were trying desperately to swallow. 
He talks so fucking much on top, it drives you insane. 
“C’mon,” He taunts, your knees hiked up high. “I’m your big brother, who else can you be so fucking needy with if not me?”
“Shut up!” The bite in your voice is lost, drowned out by a whimper when he circles your clit, close but not enough, teasing you. “God you’re so fucking weird about it!” 
His laugh is jagged, cruel, too sharp as he leans in with a wild grin. “Yeah?” He coos, sweet like treacle. “I’m weird? Not the princess riding my fucking cock? Making me fucking cum in her?” 
Just saying it out loud cracks him, a quick little “oh, fuck” before he has to slow down. 
Against all better judgement, common sense thoroughly fucked out of your brain, you taunt him in return. “Yeah you’re fucking weird, you’re the one who keeps talking shit about being my brother.” 
He groans then, with hard, punched out thrusts knocking you higher up onto the bed until he grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you back down. “I fucking love your shitty attitude.” He hisses, dropping to his elbows, bracketing you in on the sides of your head. Even without his glasses, he can see you clearly like this, and to him it must be worth the pain in your hips to bend so he can reach you. “Can’t wait to fuck it out of you. My sweet girl, pretty girl, c’mon, soften up for me.” 
He taps at your cheek with a condescending twist to his smile, watching the clear way you fight against your subspace harder than he ever has. You hiss at him and jerk your head to the side, but that only gives him access to your neck. 
You’ve complained before about the sheer amount of concealer and foundation you have to use to cover up his marks, but if anything that only encourages him to leave more. He sucks another one into you, just at the juncture where your shoulder meets your neck, and it muffles the way he moans when you start to tighten up. Your breaths come out gasping, hands squeezing at his shoulders with your nails digging in, trying to find some sort of purchase as you shove back the first tremors of your orgasm. 
“There we go.” He breathes, pulling back so he can see you, so he can watch your face as you fight it. Knowing he’s going to edge you, you try to stave it off as long as you can. “That’s my girl, c’mon, tell me what I want to hear.” 
“Fuck you.” You spit, then whimper when his hips drive up sharply, grinding his pelvis against your clit to make you choke on a sob. 
“I am.” He points out, slowing to a near stop just as you begin to crest, almost feeling guilty when your eyes turn wet with tears, big and watery and he fights back the need to give in to you, to make you cum all over him just like he wants. 
But, even twisted, Kei is your brother, he’s used to dealing with your tantrums. 
He kisses the tears away as they fall, then you so you can taste the salt of them. “Just say please, baby.” He whispers, grinding slow into you when staying still begins to make him ache. “Come on, I want to give it to you, you just have to play nice.” 
Wry, then, he melts once more into something mocking. “Are you too spoiled for even that much? Have to have it your way or not at all? Won’t even let me make you cum because I’m making you ask for it?” 
You claw at him, nails dragging down his chest and reopening old scratches, crisscrossing with new ones, and god he shudders with it, pace picked up even though he wants to keep forcing you to take it slow, wanting to drive you crazy, but then you gasp and wrap your arms around him so he goes even faster in the hopes that you’ll finally give in. 
“What a good, selfless girl you turned out to be.” He smiles when you whine, too sharp as your cunt grips him tight, keeping you on the brink even with tears spilling down the sides of your face. You don’t beg him, though, you keep your lips pressed thin unless it’s to spit poison, but the attitude only gives him a reason to go harder. 
You are your own worst enemy. 
But he’s just as high on the list, taunting you, plucking at your sensitive spots with teeth and practiced fingers, like he’s already become used to coaxing your body to do what he wants. 
“Kei.” You rasp, watery eyes blinking up at him, your lips dotted with beads of crimson from the cut of your teeth, or his. 
He falters, hastily snapping his gaze away, ignoring the way you pout up at him and pull on his hair to get his attention. 
You’ve learned that Kei is good at edging himself. He does it often, always wanting to hold back a little longer, to drag it out, so this isn’t as difficult for him as it is for you. 
But he is not good at edging you, he’s realized.  
When you give him that face, kiss-bruised and bitten lips, wearing his marks with ease, like they were always there. How you quiver around him no matter how much he bullies his way into you, welcoming him in even though you know by now he’s just going to torment you. You’re so fucking good and all he wants is to make you feel as good as you deserve.
“Fuck.” He groans, higher near the end as his thrusts turn sloppy and quick, feeling you squeeze all around him again and just wanting to feel it. “Please, please let me make you cum, just fucking ask me to make you cum already.” 
You laugh, weak and husky, the pinprick point of your nails digging into his back to feel him arch into you, wanting to quip back but fearing that if you say a word you’ll give him exactly what he wants. 
He pulls out. A quick, fluid drag and you wriggle with anticipation of him putting it back in but he doesn’t. The shock of emptiness is so abrupt that you almost whine at it, but Kei shushes you and strokes down your spine while rolling you onto your stomach.
When he slides back in, it feels like more, thicker, his body pressed heavy on your back as he nudges your legs apart to fit himself behind you. “There we go.” He sighs, like finding home in you, and kisses your sweaty shoulder. Slow, deep, he rolls his hips until he finds the way you like it most, guided by how you contract hard around the shape of his cock, molded by it.
Then, when he’s found it, he goes faster. 
Kei only gets to fucks you like that for a few minutes before you’re babbling, clawing at his sheets until they’re pulled and bunched up in your hands. You’re sobbing while trying to roll your hips, trying your best to keep his pace but failing when he pushes you down and doesn’t let you move. Your voice peaks, crests high with the rising pressure of your orgasm, but you still don’t ask. 
“Close!” You whine, muffled into the sheets, pushing back against him and he meets you half-way, and then you can’t stop. “Oh god, oh fuck, ‘m close, don’t stop Kei fuck don’t–” his palm comes down firm on your lower back, forcing you further into the mattress, the angle making your eyes blur. “Kei!” 
“How are you still this fucking stubborn?” He snaps, breathless and flushed, shoving a hand beneath you to find your clit, and you squeal when he fucks into you at the same time. “Just–fucking–”
“Please!” You wail, grabbing at his wrist with both hands, burying your face as deep into the blankets as you can to stifle your voice as it rises into a scream. “Please, please, please make me cum Kei, pleasepleaseplease it’s so good, you feel so good–” then, just when he thinks you can’t do anything more that would convince him to give you what you want, you cum anyway, convulsing so hard around his cock that his knees tremble, but you keep going. 
“You’re the best one.” You whimper, voice high and wobbly. “The best brother, my favorite, love you so much please.”
His eyes blow wide, choking when you suck him in tight, god you’re milking him and the way your voice cracks when you say you love him, he’s completely helpless to give in to you. 
He has no choice but to fuck you through your orgasm to seek his own, not after hearing that. He whispers apologies against your shoulder while you cry from how raw and sensitive you are, when you claw at his arms until he bleeds, and he kisses your fingertips that are reddened now and then holds your hands pinned to his sheets while he cums as deep inside of you as he can get, you feel like he’s in your throat, he feels like he’s not far enough. 
After, long after, he stares down at you. Unmoving, fingers still locked with yours, eyes tracing the bites he’s left all over your shoulders, the hickeys he sucked into your spine, his cock soft and tucked between the press of your thighs. 
Eventually, he has the sense of mind to roll you onto your back, to check on you and make sure you didn’t smother yourself in his bed out of embarrassment or frustration. 
When he’s greeted with a lazy, satisfied smile and sleepy eyes, he falls in love with you in a whole new way. Kisses you sweet and gets you a cup of water, drags you to the bath and washes you down. You’re pliant, malleable, clingy in the way you drag him to your bed instead of his because you don’t want to wait for him to change the sheets, how you ignore his complaints about going back to bed so early in the morning with a half-hearted promise that it will just be a short nap. 
It’s like a dream, your body draped over his, the even puff of your breaths over his skin, things he shouldn’t know, things he can’t live without now. 
He kisses you in your sleep because he can, because he shouldn’t. 
Kei graduating is supposed to be a good thing. 
But he’s grumpy, muttering to himself about how annoying all of the parties will be, dreading even weeks in advance the long lineup of his plans, friends wanting to drag him to bars and family wanting you to come home and visit. 
You’re starting to get annoyed with it, the sigh he lets out every time his phone chimes, the perpetual heavy set to his brow, prickly like the cactus sitting in your windowsill. 
“Hoshino wants to get dinner tonight.” You drawl, leaning against the doorway with your arms loosely crossed. He’s at his desk, scowling at nothing, like it’s become his resting face ever since getting his degree and being accepted at his desired position at Sendai’s museum. 
“Have fun.” He mumbles, not even looking away from his screen. 
“With both of us.” You clarify, tugging your phone out of your–his– jacket pocket and sending a text that politely declines, vaguely amused when she immediately responds that she knew he’d say no. 
“Not going.” 
It’s not ideal, but he’s unintentionally given you a clear trump card for situations like this. Voice lilting high, you turn so your back is to him, carrying down the hall as you call back to him “Fine, then I’ll go on a date with her myself while you sit here and sulk. Alone.” 
The harsh screech of his chair as it rolls against lacquered wood might be enough to make you smile, if you didn’t know that you’re now seconds away from a very tall, angry man grabbing at you. 
You dart into the kitchen, but he’s quick behind you, and though you duck to the side to dodge his grip as he stumbles, his arm comes around your waist just before he falls back onto the couch, dragging you with him. 
“What's this?” He hisses, tucking you into his side and twisting, half leaned over you with his arm beneath your neck to keep you propped up. “Where’d that fucking attitude come from? Who pissed you off?” 
“You did, you idiot!” You snap, squirming beneath him even knowing there’s no way you get out, not unless he wants to let you go. 
His eyes flash, something dark, but it only lasts as long as it takes for him to hook one of your legs around his shoulder, splitting you wide as he yanks up the thick material of his hoodie, finding you bare and already a little slick. 
“Look at you.” He breathes, wanting to be mocking but wanton instead. “What did I tell you about walking around with nothing on underneath my clothes?” 
“You told me to stop.” You murmur, lifting your hips to make room for him as he settles between your thighs. “But it seemed contradictory when you fucked me over the counter because of it.” 
He bites at your hip once in warning, his eyes thinned with a dangerous glint that makes you bold, long since learned what he likes, when he likes it. 
He wants you sweet, but he doesn’t get sweet with the sulky way he’s been huffing and puffing ever since he was forced to be social for a change. 
You split easily around the heat of his tongue, a long and slow lick like he’s missed you, and with the way he sighs out his tension and melts, you coo and run your fingers through his hair. 
“Look at you.” You tease, echoing him. “What, was this all you wanted? So easy.” 
His eyes roll, toyed with by the cloying sugar of your voice, nose pressing into your clit while he fucks into you with his tongue. Frustrated, now, poked and prodded at until he’s raw and sensitive, the way you egg him on threatens to pull him from the sweetness he’d almost slipped to. You make it easy to be soft, he could almost lose himself like this if you would stop running your mouth long enough to let him. 
Until the sharp chime from your phone rings through the air, and he stills against you, eyes wide as you curse and tug it free from the pocket of his hoodie. 
He knows who it is by the way you choke, the way your knees instinctively attempt to snap shut around him like you’ve just been caught doing something bad. 
“Hey, mom.” Your voice is weak, surprisingly timid in a way he hasn’t heard in years, and the taste of you in his mouth suddenly feels stifling. 
“Hi, sweetie.” She sighs, a happy little noise that chips away at you. “Kei hasn’t texted me back yet, I just wanted to make sure you’re both still coming home for the weekend?” 
He moves, deeper, watching your face for careful signs that you’re about to get seriously mad, but you only flutter your lashes and bite on your lip to keep quiet, so he drags his tongue up to your clit and suckles on it, enamored with the way you try so hard to keep yourself composed. 
“He’s–” You choke, head falling back and he doesn’t like it, wants to see you, wants you both fully present in this sick moment where you’re crossing, even still, one more boundary that had been left unsullied. “ –being a brat, but yes we’re still coming.” You try to glare at him, but it’s diluted by the swell of your lips as they part, tempered with the molten desire in your eyes that only he gets to see. 
It’s wrong, so fucking wrong, but he pulls himself away from the inviting heat of your pussy and leans back on his knees, fingers fumbling with the button on his jeans as your eyes go wide. Your arm shoots out, fingers splayed wide over his abdomen to keep him pushed back, but he growls low in his throat and bats you aside to shuffle forward on his knees, keeping you spread around him.
“You’re both so alike.” She teases, playful, and it only makes what you’re doing even worse. “I’m glad you two have been getting along, Akiteru and I worried that putting you in the same space for more than a month would just cause another fight.” 
You nearly whimper when the head of his cock slips against your slit, grinding hard until it comes away sticky, shiny, and when you look up at him expecting something mean and cruel, you feel tilted on your axis at the love on his face. 
He lowers himself to you, mouth finding yours as he sinks home. 
“It’s ‘cause I keep him in line.” You croak against his lips, feeling them curve into a smile, like he knows better as he stirs you up from the inside. “He’s a mess without me here, can barely–” You choke on an airy moan when he lifts you up, the firm press his cock hitting you so right it almost makes you sob. Eyes on him, you breathe– “he can barely even function without me, you should see him mom, grumpy all the time just like when he was a teenager.” 
His eyes shadow, mean little smile on his lips that lets you know you have a very short window to end this call before something happens that you can’t come back from, though you’re already well past that precipice. 
She laughs, a pretty sound that makes you tighten up with guilt, and he stifles a moan against your shoulder because even your guilt feels good for him. “He’s there with you right now, isn’t he?” She sighs, fond and wistful. “You only talk like that when you’re trying to make him mad, I’m glad to see the city hasn’t changed you too much.” 
He covers your mouth with his palm, taking the phone from you with the other and leaning back, fucking into you with hard bucks of his hips that make your eyes shine, slow enough though that the sound of your skin on his can’t be heard through the phone. 
“She’s just mad that I don’t want to go to dinner with her friends.” He huffs, dismissive, almost, if not for the wild way he watches you, fingers digging into your cheeks to squeeze at your mouth, though it does little in the way of actually keeping you quiet. 
Your eyes roll back, nails clawing at the hand keeping you covered, and he watches with a twisted sense of awe at how you writhe so nice beneath him even knowing that your mom is on the other end of the line.
Though, he’s no better with the way he batters your poor pussy with thrusts that get harder and harder as his composure slips. 
You can’t hear the rest of the conversation, it blurs, and you only realize that he’s hung up the phone when he tosses it carelessly on the coffee table and then lowers himself down to you once more, back bowed so he can kiss you and lick your mouth open, prying your lips apart to swallow down your first blissful cry. 
“There you are.” He coos, saccharine when you wind your arms around his neck and try to squeeze him closer. “That’s my girl, missed you so much, love when you’re sweet for me like this.” 
He wants to tease you, to play with you, to take his frustrations out on you with all of his pent up stress accumulating over each forced social interaction. 
But then you whine at him, big watery eyes and kiss-bruised lips how he likes. “Love you.” You whimper, and his legs buckle. “Love you so much, Kei.” 
He hates you. 
His arms wrap around you, falling back to pull you into his lap so he can thrust up into you languidly, cupping the back of your head with a greedy palm. “I know, baby.” He breathes, honey in his eyes. “I love you too, fuck.” 
“My favorite?” You ask, like it’s not your decision, but he groans low with it and nods, the tip of your nose brushing over his. 
“Yeah, baby. I’m your favorite, who else are you gonna fuck on the phone like that?” He shouldn’t, he knows, shouldn’t use what just happened and make it even worse, even weirder, the thought of mom knowing what was going on makes him genuinely sick.
But, just as twisted as he is, your pretty little cunt tightens up around him so much that he knows you like it. 
He’s already going to hell, god he might as well at least make the trip worth it. 
“My pretty girl.” He murmurs, deceptively sweet, rolling his hips slow the way you like when he’s soft, like he’s loving you, and you take him so fucking well. Every time, no matter how he gives it to you, like you were made–
Kei groans loud, back arched as a traitorous thought flits across his mind and then burns itself there, unbidden, sticky. He squeezes you by the hips, plush, skin soft against his rough palms, and as he looks up at you to find you watching him with those glassy eyes and parted lips, he can’t help but tell you. 
“You were made for me.” He says it so softly, seriously, watching your face twist up as you cry out, but he keeps going. “Made for my cock, for me to fuck you, made for me to fucking love you like this. She made you for me.” 
It’s a shock to you both when you tip over the edge, so sudden that he’s left scrambling to fuck you through it, breathless and wide-eyed at how you sob for him. You cling to his neck, mewling and whimpering as you cover his cheeks and jaw and neck in wet, open-mouthed kisses, choking out his name and squeezing him so tight it almost forces him to cum along with you. 
“Oh, you like it that much?” He spreads his legs further apart, flushed to his chest with the force he pushes into each hard thrust, so fucking in love that it makes him sick. “Like hearing about how you were made to be fucked by me?” 
You claw at him, lips at his ear, voice so slurred and sweet that he feels dizzy. “You too.” You pant, red streaks left in the wake of your nails. “Made for me, made to make me feel good, you feel so good.” 
He flushes beautifully beneath your praise, more willing to accept it now than he used to be, now able to cling to you and fuck you how he likes, chasing his own pleasure with your name at the tip of his tongue. 
To help him through it, you continue to babble all sorts of sugar and sticky taffy-like things to push him over the edge, he hates it, he loves when you talk to him, loves even more when you try to talk around the feeling of his cock bullying into your drooling slit. 
“You’re in my fucking throat.” You croak out, raspy, swallowing the mouthful of saliva that nearly chokes you when he ducks down to nose his way beneath the bunched up fabric of your hoodie, his tongue dragging hot between your breasts. 
“Don’t tempt me.” He mutters, teeth in your skin, scraping raw until you gasp and arch further into him. “Just wanna stay here, right where I’m meant to be.” He circles his hips teasingly, the too-loud squelch of his cock as it fucks into you is obscene enough that you while, trying to cover your face while he laughs. Despite clearly being on the brink, he still finds the breadth of mind to taunt you. 
You crane your head back, panting hard as you ride the thick of him as best you can, fingers curling against his nape, clutching his head to your chest while he mouths at you, marks you. “Kei, fuck, c’mon.” You’re whining now, a little pathetic, but you’ve made him feel so good that he doesn’t mock you for it, doesn’t tease you, just curls his arm around your waist for better leverage with which to fuck you, lifting you and using your weight to shove you back down onto his cock, over and over, the muscles in his arms tense, sweat slick on his skin. Kei uses you shamelessly to get himself off, stroking with the clench of your pussy until he finally tips over the edge, and he groans your name with a touch of ardor while he spills. 
It always feels too hot inside of you, thick, made sweeter by the fact that it doesn’t belong, but he acts like it does. He’ll watch, heavy-lidded, as it seeps out, then use the head of his cock to shove it back in, or his fingers if he’s too sensitive to bear it. Every time. 
“Just like that, baby.” He murmurs, sleepy eyes glued to where his cum begins to drip down, hips rolling in stilted little circles to push it up into you before it gets too far. “There we go, shh, I’m almost done.” 
He lets you curl into him, rubbing your sweaty back beneath his hoodie, and then helping you pull it off when you still can’t cool down. Naked, sprawled in his lap, he kisses your shoulders and murmurs apologies for being so grouchy in between each one. 
You try not to feel too vindicated knowing he just needed to get his dick wet to chill out. 
After the high fades, though, you’re both left thinking about the phone call, shame curdled low and coiling nausea making you wince. 
He cups your face, thumb feathering over your lips. “We shouldn’t do that again.” He sighs, gritted and a little pained. “We can’t risk her finding out. That was dangerous.” 
You duck your head with a touch of something shy, spread wide and shockingly vulnerable, and his eyes widen at the uncertainty on your face. “Shouldn’t…do what? All of it?” You ask, hesitant, like you’re trying to give as little of yourself away as possible. 
But Kei is attentive, he’s paid more attention to you than anyone, knows you better than anyone. 
He laughs, playful, eyes gleaming gold as he kisses you on the mouth. “What, worried I won’t fuck you anymore?” He coos, as the familiar edge of defiance flares bright on your face. “Worried your favorite brother isn’t gonna stuff you with his cock every day?” 
“You are such a dick!” You push yourself off of his lap, shaky legs carrying you to the bathroom where he’s quick to follow. 
You let him drag you into the shower, chest to your back as he wraps his arms loose ‘round you and tucks his face in close, cradling you with his body blocking the cold spray from hitting you.
It’s hard to stifle your grin when he shudders, groaning quietly but suffering through it anyway while the water warms up, his hands stroking up and down your thighs, just touching you.
“Do you want it to stop?” He asks, lips against your throat, mouthing at your pulse to feel the way it jumps. “We will, if you want. No questions asked.” 
It would break him, god. To finally crack through all of those barriers and know you the way he does, it would kill him to have to pretend to love you any less, to love you differently than the way he feels he was made to. You shake your head, words locked in a tiny box between your lungs, heart aching at the thought of losing what you have with him.
“Good.” He sighs out, a heavy exhale so thick with relief it makes your cheeks burn. 
Once the water is warm, he turns so that you’re beneath the spray, tilting your head back so it doesn’t get in your eyes and letting it soak through your hair. You watch him through lashes tipped with crystalline droplets, the way he lathers your soap between his hands to scrub into your scalp, sliding down the back of your neck to squeeze, cupped palm dragging upwards in a slow stroke that makes you moan, soft and breathy. 
He’s obscene when he washes the rest of you, on his knees in front of you so that you keep the water from hitting his face, free to look up at you while he takes the loofah to your legs first, greedy hands gliding up your calves along the way as he presses his mouth to your cunt. 
You try to shy away, sensitive and still sticky with his cum, but he chases you. Gentle, though, barely any pressure as he moves to scrub down your other leg, then your thighs, and when he gets to your back he keeps both arms locked at the small of it to hold you in place while he laps at you with his tongue. 
His eyes flutter open when you move a hand down to cup around his cheek, your fingers brushing the wet hair from his face so you can see him better. 
He smiles up at you, a faint, drunken sort of thing, hearts in his eyes that he would surely be hiding if he knew they were there. When you pull, he goes, standing over you and letting you wash his hair before the water runs cold. 
But he’s clingier, after that. Dragging you half-dried into bed, back to grumbling about upcoming dinner plans but doing it with his face buried against your stomach while he lays sprawled between your legs, your arms draped over the backs of his shoulders so you can scroll through your phone while cuddling with him. 
When Akiteru calls later in the evening, you sit on opposite ends of the bed, flushed and prickly and defensive as you both simmer in the embarrassment of the earlier call with your mother. 
It’s hard, but you’ve already accepted the notion of being this way forever, you’ll adjust, you’ll learn to deal with it. 
It’s a decision made easy, next to no hesitation as Kei makes dinner with you tucked against his chest, ignoring the way you complain about personal space. You sway with him, and he lets you, sets the table with you and then eats with you in his lap because he’s sick with it and just wants to feel you close, so much so that he’s willing to endure the relentless brunt of your teasing. 
And that’s what makes it so easy, to choose him despite it all. The way he loves you is so unlike any other kind of love you’ve known, and you have no interest in trying to find anything like it in someone else. 
Still, sometimes you have to wonder at yourself, because your first visit back home is going terribly. 
Kaoruko had wanted to meet up when she heard you were back in town, which Kei was not happy about, so your first actual day of the visit consisted of you catching up with high-school friends that had stayed in Miyagi. Kei waits at home with Akiteru and mom, mildly irritated knowing who you’re with but ultimately just wanting you to come back. He’s used to this brand of jealousy thanks to the influx of your popularity at college, he can deal with it. 
What he can’t seem to deal with, however, is the way you hang off of Akiteru once you’re back home. 
In your defense, you always have, he just couldn’t complain about it before. You sit pressed against Akiteru’s side, tucked into his arm while you listen with bright and sparkly eyes as he  recounts how Saeko’s pregnancy is going, how she’s due in only a month and he gets all misty-eyed just at the thought of it. 
You tease him, bump him with your head, pinch his cheeks until he’s laughing and trying to shy away, only to be chased as you lean over him to continue your assault. 
Kei is livid, jaw gritted so hard his ears pop, that old, quiet monster back on his shoulder and seething. 
Then you make dinner with mom, and he has to watch as Akiteru catches you from behind in a hug, nuzzling your shoulder with a happy little sigh that makes him sick. 
He knows it’s not fair, knows that there’s no reason to be jealous when he’s the only brother fucked up enough to feel this way about you, he even knows that you don’t have a smidge of those fucked up feelings towards Akiteru. 
But it feels different. Seeing his brother, your brother, wrap himself around you like he does, tall and broad with arms looped around your waist to hold you the way he wants to. It’s making him crazy, irrational. 
It’s an effort to keep it contained, to mom and Akiteru he probably just looks normal, passively disinterested, even a little grumpy from the long car ride.
You know better, though, by now. 
So you really aren’t all that surprised when, late after everyone else has gone to bed, Kei sneaks into your room. 
You know it’s him by the click of your door, the type of quiet that's like he doesn’t want to get caught, not like he doesn’t want to wake you. You’re curled up on your side, facing the wall, tucked in beneath familiar sheets that are strange against your skin now. 
His hesitation is palpable, where he stands at the edge of your bed, resistance a physical thing holding him back. A knee presses down on your mattress, a hand hovering just above your shoulder. 
“Miss me that much?” You muse, featherlight in the cursed quiet of your childhood bedroom. 
It would be an unforgivable sin, to indulge in him here, to let him indulge in you. You’ve already racked up so many, and are sure to collect even more as you live the rest of your life with him, so you turn for him easily, a growl muffled against your lips when he kisses you so hard that your teeth click together. 
He doesn’t stretch you open on teasing fingers, tonight. Doesn’t stroke you with his tongue and build your arousal until you’re crying, instead he hurriedly fumbles with the waistband of his pants and shucks them down to his knees, dragging you to him by your hips and scowling when he sees that you’re still fully dressed. He’s gotten too used to you being half-naked for him at home nearly all the time. 
“Off.” He mutters, pulling at the buttons of your shirt while you shimmy out of your shorts. You tremble a little when his hands ghost up your ribcage, long fingers curving around your sides to touch as much of you as possible.
His cock hangs heavy between you, already sticky at the tip and dripping. After cursing quietly and rifling through his pockets, leaned over you with his head on your shoulder, you hear the small crack of a plastic container, and something cold drips down onto your cunt. 
Your back arches sharply, a heavy hand clamping over your mouth at the last second to stifle your yelp. 
“Shut up.” He knees your thighs further apart before his fingers slip into the slick pooling between your legs, working them into you with such little patience you can’t help but stutter out a disbelieving laugh. 
Kei really doesn’t like that. “Didn’t you hear me?” He hisses, a gritty whisper. “I said shut up, you want someone to hear you?” He spreads his fingers apart, wide, a stretch that burns. “Are you hoping Akiteru will come help you? Think he’s gonna fuck you better than I do?”
“No.” You rasp, rolling your hips and reaching to kiss along his throat, squeezing him tight. “Nobody can.” 
He’s clearly not expecting that. So used to your snark and attitude, the unabashed honesty throws him off. 
He slows, furrow in his brow loose, blinking down at you like he’s just now seeing you clearly. “Yeah?” He breathes. “Nobody?” 
You shake your head, hands curved around the sides of his neck, fingers interlaced over the nape. “Made for me.” You remind him, voice small. “Made to make me feel good, nobody fucks me like you.” 
He shudders, pulling his fingers out of you despite the way you wriggle and squirm in protest, tugging the pillow out from under your head and shoving it beneath your hips to prop you up. You whine, a muffled complaint that he knocks out of you by grinding the length of his cock against your pretty slit. “That’s right, baby.” He murmurs, softened by your sweetness. “You’re right, how could I forget?” 
He strokes your cheek with his knuckles, waiting until he hears you begin to exhale before pushing into you in time with your breath. 
You choke on it, squeezing and scratching at his back as you whine and writhe beneath him, feeling every inch push into you so rough it makes your eyes burn. 
“I was made to fuck your little cunt.” He sighs, buried to the hilt and lax, rolling his head back on his shoulders before letting it fall to take a look at you, the sight of you sprawled out over familiar sheets and glassy-eyed, lips parted like you want him to kiss you. “Go on, say it again, keep telling me how much you fucking love my cock.” 
“Kei.” You’re whining, twisting your head to the side to hide your face in your sheets, but he tsks softly and fucks his hips forward once, just to make your lashes flutter and watch how you try to focus on keeping quiet. 
Better than you focusing on trying to hide yourself from him. 
He wants to go faster, wants to fold you up and bury himself into you until you’re crying beneath him, but your fucking bed creaks if he moves too quickly. He’s forced to take it slow, to roll his hips steady between your parted thighs and hope he can keep up with his shitty self control. 
“I can’t wait to get home.” He groans, thumb pressing down on your clit, loose, sloppy circles that coax you into rocking up against him to make him hit it right. “Miss our bed, our shower, miss being able to touch and kiss you however I want.” You whine, squeeze him suddenly, tight, and he chokes on air when it nearly forces him clean out of you. 
His head lifts, finding you pouting at him with pretty, teary eyes, and he grins. “What?” He teases, shoving himself back in and ignoring the way it snaps your bed frame into the wall, a crack that makes you flinch. “Am I not fucking you good enough? Unless you want someone to wake up and hear you, this is all you’re getting tonight.” 
“More.” You murmur, velvety as a feather, bucking your hips up. “Not enough, need more, Kei.” 
“Oh.” He coos, hiking your legs up a little higher to help you grind against him. “So greedy, that’s my baby sister. Only greedy for me, right?” 
Your face screws up, flush with shame and sick at the way it makes you ripple with pleasure. He tries to give in, tries to go faster for you, but you both wince at the way your headboard smacks into the wall. 
“Fuck this.” He hisses, and you bite back a shocked little yelp when he pulls you off of the bed. Your knees hit the carpet and drag, pushed forward when he bends you down and leans your chest towards the floor. Hand heavy between your shoulder blades, you moan low and hoarse when he pushes back inside of you. 
Now he fucks you, free hand muffling his own mouth as he locks his jaw and squeezes his eyes shut, cock raw as he carves out its shape inside of you, branding you with it. Your knees burn, forced forward along the carpet with every angry thrust, until he has to brace his arms above your shoulders to keep you from getting too far away. He yanks you back onto him with a curse, like it isn’t his fault you were moving so much to begin with. 
“This better, baby?” He gasps, dropping one arm to wrap it around your waist, jerking you back against him when your knees start to spread too far. “Feel good? Got what you wanted?” 
“More.” You whine when he strokes at your clit, rolling it between slick fingers until he can feel you start to convulse around him, sucking him in so hard that he has to try to pull out. Your voice pitches higher, and he has to scramble for something to shove against your mouth. The corner of your blanket makes due, he pulls you back by your hair and presses the thick cotton over your mouth, stifling the ragged moan that breaks free from the bottom of your throat. 
“Holy fuck.” He breathes, slowed almost to a stop until you actually start to raise your voice, something desperate and keen and he groans as he fucks you back into the floor, pressing you down until only your hips are held up, bruising in his hands. “So noisy.” Mocking you, even though he’s losing control too, uncaring of how harshly loud the slap of his hips against your ass is. 
You sob into the blanket, bunching it up within your arms so you can bury your face into it solidly, hot and sweaty but blissful because you can finally stop choking on your own voice. 
Blindly, you try to reach for him, one hand patting at the floor until he notices, and he’s quick to lace his fingers with yours, trembling, his pace beginning to stutter. He loses his rhythm, bowed low over you to press in as close as he can, forcing your legs to spread just a little more around him.  
He squeezes you, muffling a ragged noise against the space between your shoulder blades. “I know, sweet girl.” He husks, thick and a little slurred, struggling to speak clearly through the promising swell of his orgasm. He twitches, throbs against the tight clench of your cunt and he starts to whine the closer he gets. Higher pitched, pretty. 
You’re all twisted up, bent to his whims and overwhelmed with all of the sensations. Carpet scorching your knees, desperate hands that grab at you, that stroke you until you’re blurry in the eyes and almost drooling. 
It’s too much, all of it. More than the position, the way he handles you, the way he uses you and makes you use him in return. It’s the bedroom, the memories that come along with it, the knowledge that a few rooms away your mother is asleep in her bed, blissfully–hopefully–unaware of what’s happening between her two youngest. 
“‘m gonna cum.” You whisper, a gravelly sound, forced out through the squeeze of your throat as you try to remember to breathe. 
Kei sighs at you, almost like you’re inconveniencing him with your stamina. “So?” He breathes, trying for cocky and failing, thrusting forward to meet you when you begin to rock back against him in earnest. “Wh–fuck–what do you want me to do about it? Want me to make you cum, baby?” 
You nod, desperately, almost unable to even open your mouth and try to plead for more. You’re wound so tightly, so close, so on the brink and focused on trying not to scream that you can’t hold it anymore. 
“Just this once.” He warns you, a lie. “To prove that I deserve this fucking cunt, I’ll make you cum without you having to beg for it. How nice am I?” 
Your mouth drops open, sucking in a cold breath that feels like frost against your tongue, and your ragged “so nice, Kei, the nicest,” makes him want to kiss you. 
“Again, baby.” He rasps, closer, hips snapping so hard into you that you’re sure someone will hear, and you just can’t even care about it anymore. “Say it again, tell me how fucking good I am to you.” 
“So good!” You sob, words choked out barely a second before you cum, and then you’re babbling with his hand hastily slapping over your mouth. “Kei, Kei! You’re so good, love you, love you please don’t stop feelssogood–”
He’s completely silent when he cums, battering the sore silk of your pussy with his cock as he fills you again, wrong that feels more than right, teeth gritted so hard that his head begins to hurt, but needing to keep his voice locked away or he’s sure he’s going to be just as bad as you are. He stays buried to the hilt, keeping you full of him and blanketing you with his weight, and you seem all the more pleased for it even though he must be blistering hot against your sweaty skin. 
You’re both panting heavily by the time he’s done, shaking, suddenly swallowed up by the pale colors of your old bedroom. Old pictures, stuffed animals lining shelves on the walls, a horrible dichotomy to the sin dripping between your thighs, the way it’s your brother who pushes it back into you with careful fingers, the way he pulls you into his arms to kiss you and whisper that he loves you.
Sheets sullied with you, you let him lift you up onto the bed, let him wipe you down and then crawl in beside you. He doesn’t stay the whole night, knowing that he can’t afford to be seen coming out of your room so early in the morning, but needing to hold you just a little while.
You kiss him goodbye and scoot far over to the other end of your bed, sore and sensitive legs pressed against your wall so the plaster can cool them down. You fall asleep like that, curled into the corner with the scent of Kei still heavy on your clothes, the taste of him still honey on your tongue. 
Mom almost causes another quiet meltdown in Kei. 
When you go downstairs the next morning, she’s appalled at the raw and inflamed state of your knees. You wave her off, telling her you just skidded too hard over your carpet after slipping, but the severity of how agitated your skin is makes her worry. 
And if she’s worried, Akiteru is doubly worried. 
“Just let me do it!” He insists, kneeling on the floor in front of you with a bottle of burn cream in his hands. Kei is trying his absolute hardest not to look as murderous as he feels, and you’re trying to deescalate a situation that will end with your brother breaking your back once he gets you home. 
“It’s fine, Akiteru.” You try to take the bottle from him to do it yourself, but his arms are long and gangly and he holds it away from you with ease. “I can do it myself! You’re too rough with this kind of stuff!” You whine. “Remember when you wanted to clean the cut Kei got at the beach in Okinawa, and you just ripped off the band-aid?” 
“It’s better if it’s quick!” He insists, brown eyes wide and puppy-like. 
“Not for an open wound like that! He has a scar!” You try to stand up, to lean over him and snatch the bottle, but Kei gets to it first. 
“I’ll do it.” 
You and Akiteru freeze, your elbow pressing into his cheek to keep him down while you reach for his hand, the one that is now empty and still suspended in mid air. Kei looks at the bottle, disinterest clear on his face, and rolls it around in his palm. 
“What? No!” It slips out without thinking, a panicked rejection that barely manages to pass as normal.
His eyes narrow, and you try to muster up a scowl. “I can do it myself, Kei.” 
His brow ticks, a scowl that mirrors yours, but sharper. “Stop being stubborn, what if it gets infected?” 
And who’s fault would that be?
You don’t say it, chewing on the inside of your cheek to swallow the retort and lean back, straightening your leg out to point in his direction. “Fine.” You huff, arms crossed with a pillow held against your chest. “Hurry up, and don’t use too much! That stuff is really cakey.” 
It’s impossible to keep your face composed when Kei kneels in front of you, and despite the angry pinch to his face, his hands are tentative as they bring your leg up, a palm braced just at the bend of your knee to keep it suspended while he gently dabs a thick dollop of cream onto your ankle. 
He spreads it all the way up from there to your knee, he doesn’t touch where your skin is dry and is careful to keep the stroke of his fingertips light as he pats the ointment in. You try not to stare, amazed at how he can so easily appear disinterested when you can feel the tension in his hands, the way his touch lingers longer than it should. 
“You’re so gentle with her now.” Mom hums, leaning against the back of the couch to press a kiss to the crown of your head. 
“She’s hurt.” Is all he says, a shock to you and Akiteru more than her. Mom just smiles at him, pretty eyes sparkling like honey, before going back to the kitchen to finish breakfast and leaving you to your embarrassment. 
Akiteru stays until Kei is almost finished with your second leg, watching with a soft, doting smile, marveling at the way his little siblings have changed. You’re still shy, a little awkward in a way you only ever are with him, and he’s as grumpy as ever, but softened only when he’s with you.
He thinks it’s sweet that you’ve been like that since you were children, used to joke that you were Kei’s first love. A funny memory, something he’ll bring out at Christmas to tease him with, never knowing how deeply his words would cut, more and more every year. 
The moment Akiteru leaves, Kei is kissing you. 
Quick, chaste and a little regretful, his brow is furrowed when he pulls back and returns his attention to your knee. “Sorry, for this. I didn’t think it would be so bad.” 
“I don’t think you were thinking at all.” You muse, head tilted in feigned thoughtfulness. 
He glares at you, swatting at the back of your leg where it isn’t rubbed raw and jerking back when you try to kick him, a half-smirk curled at his lips that falls just as fast when the front door opens. 
You give him a wry smile at his heavy, exasperated sigh. Back to socializing, back to trying to be normal. 
You don’t make it onto the road until it’s already late, a last minute party put together by your mom with all of your old friends, though Kei is less excited to see his than you are to see yours. 
He can tell the moment you’re ready to go, though. When your usually boundless supply of energy is nearly fully tapped, he pulls aside Akiteru to let him know that he’s taking you home, and then you’re being crowded with hugs when the news is passed around. 
It’s sweet, but you’re tired, and feeling a little oversensitive with the pain in your knees and the abundance of noise over the course of the night. 
Your travel bag already tucked into his trunk, phone and charger in hand, you hug your mom and Akiteru goodbye before Kei finally manages to haul you into the passenger seat, your steps sluggish and your body weighed down with fatigue. 
He makes it about two blocks away before pulling over to the side of the road and kissing you, swallowing your laughter with a discontent noise, hands squeezing the sides of your neck with the faintest pressure, just needing to hold you, needing to have his hands on you. 
“You’re so fucked up, Kei.” You murmur against his lips, knowing you’re just as bad. “Told me the day we left that you weren’t gonna put hands on me while we were here, cause you didn’t wanna get caught.” 
“Shut up.” He nips at you with the gentle cut of teeth, drawing you in by your neck until you’re nearly leaning into his seat. “God, I can’t do that again.” Then, so much softer, “you spoiled me.”
He kisses you for several long, long minutes. Tilting your head as he wants, molding the shape of your mouth to his, a heat that simmers but does not boil over. 
During the rest of the drive, he keeps a hand steady on your thigh, your fingers curled in the spaces between his while you doze off against the window. Occasionally, during a red light, he’ll lean to the side and bring your knuckles to his lips, a ghost of a reverent touch that you miss in your sleep. 
You don’t really come to until you’re already back in bed, the mattress dipping beneath the added weight of Kei as he crawls in with you, hair still a little damp from a shower. 
“How long was I out?” You rasp, sliding your hands across the width of his shoulders to coax him into your arms, a position he takes eagerly with a relieved groan, wrapping himself around you and pressing his face into your chest. 
“A few hours.” He mumbles, nuzzling closer. “Shhh baby don’t move, go back to sleep.” His hand cups the back of your neck, cheek to your chest so he can peer up at you, eyes half-lidded and murky.
You whine out his name, but he presses a kiss to the hollow of your throat and shushes you again, stroking over the curve of your jaw with his knuckles, achingly tender even though he’d been so willing to be brutal just last night. 
But he’ll take care of you tomorrow, and every day after if you’d let him. 
Maybe it’s wrong. You’ll have to keep your relationship a secret and that will come with its own problems, and part of you dreads it, this place you’ve gone to that you’ll never come back from.
But then he ghosts his hand from your jaw down over your side, fingertips drawing a path down the length of your body to hook beneath your knee, gently hiking it up over his hip so you can tip forward, half on your stomach and leaning your weight into him. Comfortable, warm as he sighs and presses a kiss to whatever inch of skin he can reach. He’s just on the cusp of drifting off, and he’s pulled you into your favorite position to sleep as if it’s by habit. 
And so easily, Kei reminds you that he loves you. 
He loves you in every way that he knows you, and he knows you in so many ways that he shouldn’t. 
And as you cuddle close, you settle comfortably with the thought that you were never meant to be loved any other way. 
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alwaysaslutforfic · 1 year
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Kyoutani Headcanons ❤️ - NSFW
Guess who’s back with some more headcanons 😏 Apparently I have a thing for mean, blond boys
Warnings: again nothing super explicit, mentions of costumes, oral, recording videos
Minors DNI! There is nothing for you under the cut! I MEAN IT!
Unbeta’d cos 🤷🏾
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Despite his aesthetic, he’s actually pretty smart. (I mean he did transfer into an academy so) and is also a pretty gentle tutor. He knows what it’s like to be discouraged from doing something you enjoy so he would never make you feel bad for trying even though your answers are just so very wrong
Very high-key low-key scared of heights. You once got trapped on the 20th floor in an elevator with him and seriously considered knocking him out. If you go to a theme park, he will gladly Watch you ride the rollercoasters. (He loves the teacups though)
Actually has a really charming, boyish smile but it only ever comes out around you
Summer freckles. There aren’t a lot of them, but they are prominent. And a gorgeous tan. If it weren’t for the RBF you’d be more worried with how handsome he is in summertime
Loves to push your buttons but would also never want to disrespect you, so you have a lot of random consent talks; “Can I smack your ass?” “…Like right now?” “Just whenever.” “Sure?” “Cool, lemme know if you want me to stop.” — Proceeds to smack your ass literally every time you walk past him, no matter where you are. You nearly slapped him once when he happened to see you in public cos you thought it was a stranger
Says the sweetest shit with the most deadpan of expressions. Has zero shame or reservations about how much he loves you. He’s a straightforward person through and through. Just wanders into the room you’re in and hits you with “You know your my reason for breathing, right?” 😠
Posts gym thirst traps, but without the intent of them being thirst traps. He just likes to track and share his progress but dude is so buff that it just works out that way (he sends all his actual thirst traps to you directly)
Sweaty, sweaty boy but he doesn’t really smell. Probably sweats so much cos he’s always warm and for that reason winter is his favourite season. He doesn’t sweat as much and you’re always cuddling up to him for warmth
Loves anime. Will watch it for hours with you. And not just Shounen too, this man is an anime connoisseur and has the best recommendations no matter the genre. But beware, cos he waits for no one. If you miss an episode that’s on you
Oh shit and his grime selection! Elite!! He heard one song and he was hooked. Started calling Oikawa a wasteman and is endlessly amused by it
Outside of that though, he will listen to any and everything. Music is music and as such his Spotify is a trash heap. Like shit is jarring, and is predominately yelling. Boy doesn’t know the meaning of the word playlist
Be his jetpack 😭 he loves being the little spoon. He nuzzles when he’s sleepy
An early riser but not a morning person. And even worse, he hates the taste of coffee so he’ll just glare blearily for at least an hour whenever he wakes up
But he really enjoys herbal tea. Him showing you his collection is what prompted your biweekly selfcare nights. He doesn’t really know what’s happening, but he’s content to spend time with you and let you do whatever. (He also never knew skin could feel that fucking soft)
Oh and good luck waking him up. There’s a video in the OG Seijoh group chat of him sleeping through 4 different foghorn alarms. He was banned from naps after he slept through lunch and missed his next class and was 15 minutes late to practise cos he just wouldn’t wake up. Just dead to the world once his head hits a pillow
He likes when you wear trashy, slutty outfits. Naughty firewoman/man, naughty nurse, naughty cheerleader, naughty grinch. He likes it even more when you play it up. The naughty teacher fulfilled fantasies he didn’t even know he had
He calls you puppy during sex when he’s feeling particulary dominant and you surprised him with a costume on his birthday compete with ears and a tail. He went three rounds that night and you lost count of how many times you came
He gets worked up being ignored by you, likes having to work for your attention. He could spend hours kissing up and down your neck as you read, ignoring the hard on he’s grinding into your ass. It’s only when he’s manhandling you that you break the ruse
Goes gooey eyed for some head. I’m talking knees shaking, toes curled. Man turns to straight mush. The first blowjob you gave him lasted mere minutes, but it was so hot listening to him whimper as he came in your mouth that you weren’t that upset
(Speaking of whimpers) Deep, growling moans, and pretty little whimpers when he cums. He just sounds so good during sex that you actually get a little excited when he has to go to away games cos that means hearing it directly in your ear through the phone
Loves taking videos of the two of you. He just loves having the view of you and him together on hand. And if he plays them in the background while you fuck once or twice, well your embarrassment only makes it hotter
Will eat you out after the gym. He actually gets upset if you shower first cos you washed off the ✨sparkle✨. He just loves the way you taste in general. He mouths wet kisses into your skin when you fuck just so he can taste you
I have one more of these in the works atm 😜 can you guess who it is?
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plooto · 1 year
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ one night . ft. kyotani kentarou
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synopsis . the alcohol was what you blamed it on, the alcohol made you do it, but you had no doubt in your mind you would do it again if given the chance.
warnings . underage but supervised drinking ! short ! quiet ! fem ! reader ! tipsy ! reader suggestive , second year ! reader .
words . 1.3k
notes . i actually really like this idea ???? please do let me know if i should do a second.
parts one , two , three , +?
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the alcohol was what you blamed it on, the alcohol made you do it, but you had no doubt in your mind you would do it again if given the chance.
it was a teen party somewhere in tokyo, with drinks given and moderated by the adults, you were a little past tipsy when you stumbled into kyotani’s life.
“ easy, watch yourself, ” he held you up by your waist till you regained your balance, craning his head to look down at you. cheeks flushed, long lashes, pink plump lips and dazzling e’c eyes.
“ thanks, ” your next words tripped over themselves as you looked up to make eye contact with the gorgeous stranger in front of you. “ y- you’re ama- amazing looking.. ” you tried to yell over the music but you didn’t need, he heard every syllable that passed through your pretty lips. you tip toed breifly, the alcohol making you fidgety.
“ wanna get out of here? ” he spoke low, but enough for you to hear. you would’ve thought you sobered right then if it wasn’t for the next phrase to leave your lips weren’t:
“ only if i’m leaving with you. ” he held back a groan and looked you up and down hungrily before wrapping his large hand around your wrist and pulling you back to his room.
the door couldn’t close properly before the two of you were on each other. lips smacking and clothes strewn, outlining a path to his bed where the two of you indulged in the most sinful activities.
waking up naked and with a killer headache you turned over to go back to bed, being met with such a warm surface. you sighed in content before realization hit you.
this was not ordinary. you peeled your eyes open slowly to look at the producer—a man. but not just any many, just about the most attractive man you’ve laid your eyes on thus far. your breathing hitched for a moment, remembering people wake when they feel someone watching you looked down, your face flushing when you remembered the events of last night. quietly muttering a swear, you wiggled out of his embrace. tip toeing across the room to gather your clothes and composure, you took one last look of your mystery man before softly closing the door behind you.
making your way to your room, you leaned against your door allowing yourself to finally breathe properly. ‘ what did i just do ? ’ you asked yourself.
going back home, your dad gave you some news that make you conflicted—you’re moving.
should you want to stay here to find mystery man ? or do i want to move on like nothing happened ? which should i do ? there isn’t really a choice..
you were going to start your second year at a new school—aoba josaii in the miyagi prefecture. going to orientation, you found yourself making new friends easily. even not having grown up with them, they welcomed you with open arms. you learned a lot about your new school, the clubs, the floor plan, the kids to stay away from and the ones that were not as bad. the bad ones being the whole volleyball and basketball teams.
rank s players as your friends would describe them.
“ come, you have classes with me today, ” kai looped her arm with yours and showed you on your map where your classes were. english, avandced math, study hall and pe.
walking, you looked up and around, learning better from seeing and taking in your surroundings. siting comfortably at 5 foot, you had to look up, nearly tip toe to see the room numbers. with the help of kai, you made it to all of your classes on time. there was one class that you didn’t have with her: advanced math. she did walk you to it, which you were thankful for. the teacher introduced you to the class and you took your seat.
with the help of your new friends, first semester went smoothly, however as you couldn’t have two advanced classes in one semester, you had advanced science second semester. on the other side of the building from your previous math class. you walked, looking around to guide yourself to your class and you found it, but not before you stumbled, throwing your books on the floor to catch yourself but something did it for you. you looked up, briefly thanking the person before dusting yourself off to pick up your books. turning back, you thanked the person again before making your way to your class, cursing yourself for being so clumsy.
meanwhile the person you bumped into was speechless, ‘ it’s her.. ’ he thought to himself.
just getting off his suspension, of which he spent the whole time thinking about you and the night they met. how your eyes sparkled, how soft her skin was, how their bodies flowed together effortlessly. he cursed, hearing the bell ring.
“ mad dog ! you’re late. ” he didn’t bother entertaining the captain, quickly changing and getting on the court.
for days he didn’t see you again, not until thursday—you were at the volleyball game. he heard you cheer his number, out of everyone you were the loudest, and it stunned him for a moment, he stood with arms hanging freely at his sides. when the game was finished, he looked back to where he heard your voice from, and behold you were still there, looking towards the court, your eyes locked with his and he shot you a wink. your friends didn’t see it, they were looking towards the captain and his partner. your cheerful smile turned into a stunned look. he smirked, it was you.
after the celebrations were over, he watched you walk away with your group of friends, thighs peeking out between your socks and skirt making him shift uncomfortably in his shorts.
the next few days he spent all his free time trying to find you and days later he finds you in the library. he walks towards you, a difficult expression he made with his face combined with the chuckle he let out. he sits in front of you, tapping your paper. you jump and look up, becoming tongue tied at the sight of the man.
“ found ya. ” you didn’t have anything to say, completely stunned.
“ cat gotcha tongue ? ” you pouted at him,
“ n-no i just didn’t expect to see you here.. ” you mumbled,
“ you don’t fuckin’ know me. ” he narrowed his eyes at you, you begin packing up your school books, preparing to leave out to your sitting spot in the grass. turning back to the boy and wishing him a soft ‘ bye. ’ he stumbled to get up, chasing you with quiet curses. you push the back door open, finally getting out, but kyotani was faster, he shut the door, grabbed your wrist and pinned you to the wall with his arms on either side of your head.
“ oí ! you’re not getting away from me so easily, not again. ” you looked at him with surprise, your heart jumping to your throat. you tip toed slightly, never breaking eye contact. “ fuck.. ” he bit his lip and turned his head to the side, he couldn’t think of anything to say.
“ here. ” fishing his phone out of his pocket, shoving it towards you to put your number in it, once you took the phone from him, he stood up fully. you turned the phone back to him, looking away from him.
“ can i leave now.. ” you muttered lowly,
“ whatever. ” you moved and made it a few steps before turning to face him
“ you know, i shouldn’t be talking to you.. ” you said to him,
“ ya friends tell you that.. ? ” you held up hand up to your face to block the sun. before nodding,
“ th- they told me all about you. you and your team, ” you said
“ i’m different than my team. ” he said, not nearly as gruff as his previous statements were. you tip toed and wiggled your toes, before turning to walk away from him. and he watched you.
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published . april 29, 2023
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sleepy-exe · 2 years
Writing part 18 of But Can I Fix It <3
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dolliestfairy · 1 year
𝑂𝑜𝑝𝑠.. 👀 𓏲๋ ⊹ ֢
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jjk, Genshin Impact, Naruto, & Haikyuu Men's react when they got caught in the act while fuck*ng with you ᰔᩚ ‌ིᨴּ ˒˒۪
ೀ𔓘 Tw : Smut, Public S*x, teasing, degradations, mocking. and maybe some misspelled words. lmk if i miss anything! ᰔᩚ Chubby reader fanfictions with no skintone of reader mentioned.
ೀ𔓘 Notes from Author ; tyvm for the long break. my head is like out of an ideas so i have to sort some things out to have an ideas again. and luckily and hopely from now on my heads will be full of these ideas lolol :3 ‌ིᨴּ ˒˒۪
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They Got Embarrased! This type of mens are a Huuuge shy bean! they got pretty embarrased when they got caught wet in you. wether the ones who peeks within it are his friends, his family, or even a stranger.. he still got sooo embarrased! you have to reassure him that everything is fine or later on he will get pretty embarrased that he want you to stop the deed for a moment 😭 but dont hate him though.. he's just super shy and he doesnt know how to handle it.. espesially if its his first time getting caught in the act.
( jjk ) ᰔᩚ Yuuji, YUUTA, Choso ( genshin impact ) ᰔᩚ AETHER, venti, KAZUHA, al-haitam ( naruto ) ᰔᩚ ROCK LEE, sasori, Yamato Sensei, minato ( Haikyuu ) ᰔᩚ Hinata, SUGAWARA, Akiteru Tsukishima, Akaashi, KOZUME KENMA, YAMAGUCHI.
They got a Little.. embarrased.. but Still continue anyway. these type of men will probably gonna stop for a second. its like when he pound into you and someones coming in but after that person sees you both during those things they immediately go out of the room, he's gonna have to proceed some things. its like he's... out of the server. but not even 1 minutes later he's already back and then he just like immediately grabbing you and then pound you Twice harder than before while saying some real real weird and nasty stuff.
( Jujutsu Kaisen ) ᰔᩚ MEGUMI, Geto, Nanami ( Genshin impact ) ᰔᩚ DILUC, XIAO, Ayato, ALBEDO, Zhongli ( Naruto ) ᰔᩚ Kakashi, NEJI, SHIKAMARU ( Haikyuu ) ᰔᩚ TSUKISHIMA KEI, SEMI EITA, Lev Haiba, MIYA TWINS, Kageyama.
THEY DOESNT GAVE A FUCK! what do you expect? do you think some buds or some strangers walking into the rooms will stop him from pounding your big ass hips? No! aint no fucking way. he'll gave whoever that person is some real fucking performance. wether they like it or not. And when that person wants to walk out of that room, he'll be quick enough to saying things like "hey buds! you dont want to check this out?! come see me tame my woman! i'll gave you some stuff to watch!" and others.. i know he's sound like a real Nuts, but.. thats who he is. you'll probably cant complain to him anyway since his excitedment will sped up the pace of his pounding, that'll make it the end of you. and just hope that he'll be merciful enough to not suffocate you with his teasing later on.
( jjk ) ᰔᩚ Toji, GOJO, SUKUNA, MAHITO ( Genshin impact ) ᰔᩚ Itto, SCARAMOUCHE, CHILDE, Kaeya ( Naruto ) ᰔᩚ Madara, OBITO, Sasuke, Kiba, NARUTO HIMSELF, HIDAN ( Haikyuu ) ᰔᩚ KUROO, Bokuto, KYOUTANI, Oikawa, TENDOU, TERUSHIMA.
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bleach-your-panties · 9 months
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⋱♡full collab info post ⇰here!
Deadline: MAY 31, 2024 (not a hard deadline!)
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♥︎Tokyo Revengers:
Chifuyu Matsuno @bleach-your-panties
Ken Ryuguji "Draken" @sin-and-punishment
🎀nsfw, smut |🎀fem reader
Shion Madarame @sin-and-punishment
🎀nsfw, smut | 🎀fem reader
Jeez Louise - Ken Ryuguji "Draken" x Emma Sano, Manjiro Sano "Mikey" x Reader (group sex) @ranspuppy
🎀nsfw, smut |🎀fem reader |🎀foursome |🎀fxf action
Takuya Yamamoto @ranspuppy
🎀nsfw | 🎀fem reader
Tetta Kisaki @bleach-your-panties
Rindou Haitani @prncessrindou
Ran Haitani @ksakiswh0re-xo
Wakasa Imaushi @ranspuppy
🎀rating tbd
Izuru Kira @bleach-your-panties
🎀nsfw, smut | 🎀fem reader
Rose Otoribashi @semisgroupie
🎀nsfw | 🎀more tbd
Shinji Hirako @seireiteihellbutterfly
🎀nsfw | 🎀thick, fem reader
♥︎Hunter x Hunter:
Kurapika Kurta @bleach-your-panties
Shalnark @ranspuppy
🎀nsfw | 🎀fem reader
Phinks @ranspuppy
🎀nsfw | 🎀fem reader
Pakunoda @ranspuppy
🎀nsfw | 🎀fem reader
✿Jujutsu Kaisen:
Kento Nanami x2 @ino-tamukas-baggy-sweater
Hell Hath No Fury - Kento Nanami @seireiteihellbutterfly
🎀nsfw | 🎀thick fem reader
Rosé and Bubble Gum - Yuuji Itadori @bleach-your-panties
🎀suggestive | 🎀fem reader | 🎀black-coded
Yuuji Itadori - @bleach-your-panties
♥︎Genshin Impact:
Thoma @ino-tamukas-baggy-sweater
Albedo @ino-tamukas-baggy-sweater
✿Attack on Titan:
Armin Arlert @stopisa
🎀nsfw | 🎀more tbd
Friends with Benefits - Reiner Braun @/shujistars-archived
🎀nsfw, smut | fem reader
Armin Arlert @sunarc
🎀nsfw | 🎀 more tbd
♥︎My Hero Academia:
Katsuki Bakugo @bakugosbratx
🎀nsfw| 🎀dark content
Mirio Togata @bleach-your-panties
✿Blue Lock:
Ryosuke Kira @bleach-your-panties
Ryusei Shidou @ranspuppy
🎀nsfw | 🎀more tbd |🎀fem reader
Kei Tsukishima @ranspuppy
🎀nsfw | 🎀more tbd | 🎀fem reader
Kenma Kozume @ranspuppy
🎀nsfw | 🎀more tbd | 🎀fem reader
Kentarou Kyoutani @ranspuppy
🎀nsfw |🎀fem reader
✿Fairy Tail:
Laxus Dreyar @bleachbrainrotbro
🎀sfw |🎀male reader
♥︎One Piece:
Sanji Vinsmoke @chrollohearttags
✿Death Note:
Mihael Keehl "Mello" @bleach-your-panties
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faerielotus · 1 year
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˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙ FRESH ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙
tw : murder, violence, blood, gore, smut
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You’re not surprised when he slides into bed without a word. Being talkative isn’t something that you’d associate with Kentaro, especially with it being so late. What’s surprising is the distance between the two of you. He’s close, but not close enough for you to turn over and face him, to hold him. It’s a strange new practice for him. A pattern you’ve seen repeating the last couple of days.
Nonetheless it still confuses you. You know he likes to touch you, feel that you’re there; the same as you. You enjoy the way he hooks his arm over your waist, holding you tight to his chest. The sound of him slightly out of breath when he first joins you in bed, most likely from shuffling up the stairs of your rickety apartment building. But most of all you enjoy the way he smells. He always manages to smell fresh, even when he was covered in sweat from moving in the sofa that was way too big for your living room, but that you insisted on buying; or another time when he came back home, holding a hoodie covered in red splotches. Even the metallic smell was overpowered by the smell of him ingrained into your apartment.
You love everything about the man beside you. That’s why it’s so strange to you. How you know he feels the same way, but is still so far away from you. His distance continues to plague your mind. That is until he sighs, not irritated but not relaxed. Yes, you find the whole predicament strange until he sighs, scoots closer to you and holds you tight, resting his head on your neck. That’s when you forget how strange it is, and start to think about him, how he feels, how he sounds, and how he smells.
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You’ve been laughing for what feels like ten minutes. One joke from Matsuwaka growing into his own personal comedy show. You can’t hear anything else anybody’s saying. Not even the music from the back of the club thrumming through your body is truly reaching you. Your drink has almost fallen out of your hands more than once, quickly being saved by the brunette sitting besides you.
You finally calm down, taking a swig from your drink and inhaling a big breathe of air. You look over to Matsuwaka, readying yourself for his next barrage of wisecracks when you notice that he’s looking over you.
You turn around and see three tall men all maneuvering through the crowds of people towards the two of you. Their attire matches the clothes that Matsuwaka is wearing, a fancy, if not slightly disheveled suit. You take brief notice of the fact that their eyes are on you, or at least shifting between you and the man you were having a conversation with. Your eyes, however, are focused on only one of those men. With a buzzcut that’s been bleached blonde and a mean look on his face you feel like shying away. His tanned skin absorbs the colors of the club lights. Over his suit he’s wearing a clashing leather jacket and overall looks a bit mean.
You realize how long you’ve been staring when they get closer, and the blonde cocks his eyebrow at you. You turn back towards Matsuwaka and nurse your drink.
“Issei.” The brunette in the middle of the three men speaks up when they reach the bar.
“Oikawa.” Matsuwaka says in a drawn out fashion, almost teasing the man in front of him. “I was coming back, I just needed something to drink”
“We can see that!” A strawberry blonde on the side of Oikawa pipes up. He yells over the loud noises of the crowd while staring at you. “My names Hanamaki, but my pals call me Makki!” He’s leaning over now and holding out his hand for you to shake.
You take his hand and introduce yourself. He slowly drops his hand from yours and looks at Matsuwaka with a sly smirk on his face.
The atmosphere is laid back, but you can’t help but feel awkward stuck between these men in suits.
“I’m sorry if I stole him,” you start, looking up to Oikawa. “The both of us were waiting for our drinks when I started a conversation.” You brush a stray hair back, one that you missed with your bobby pin when rushing out the house to meet your friends.
He looks over to you with a smile. “You’re all fine sweetheart. This one right here is responsible for himself.” That got a laugh out of you, and the angry man standing by his side focused his eyes on you. “He’s still got some work to do though, so we’re gonna have to steal him back.”
“Come on, Oikawa, I can’t leave a girl like her on her own here.” Matsuwaka said, feigning a pout and grabbing your hand.
Oikawa dramatically sucked air through his teeth and sighed. “Yeah, you’re right about that.” Oikawa shifted on his foot and turned towards the cross blonde next to him. “Well, Kyoutani already did his job for the night,” he faced forward again and smiled “Why don’t you keep the pretty girl some company Kyo-kun.”
Kyoutani stared at you with a glare and you stared back, looking at him more closely. His scowl didn’t make him any less handsome. His face was strong and his skin was glowing underneath the light. He was lean, but you could tell that underneath his suit he was toned. You looked back over to Matsuwaka who had an incredulous look on his face.
“‘Kawa, you know that’s not what I meant man.”
Oikawa’s grin widened even more. “Kyo-kun take Matsuwaka’s seat for me.” On the side of Oikawa, Makki snickered and hid his face in his elbow.
Matsuwaka grumbled as he shifted out of his seat. Kyoutani dropped himself onto it and motioned for the bartender.
“We’ll see you later Kyo-kun.” Oikawa said as he and the rest of the men walked off, arm draped over Matsuwaka’s shoulder.
You turned your body towards the bar, but kept your head facing the man beside you. Ignoring his rough look you were somewhat entranced by him. Everything from his appearance to his smell was strangely attractive to you. He started to order a drink when he looked to you.
“Do you want another?” He motioned to your drink, still with a glare on his face. You nodded with a smile and he finished ordering.
You asked him a couple of questions, mainly about Matsuwaka, how they met, their friend group, but also about him. That seemed to loosen him up enough for his brows to relax.
“And you?” He asked as the bartender set your drinks in front of you both.
“What questions are you asking me?” You said with a dopey smile.
“Anything.” He responded after taking a second to gulp his drink. His short answers made you realize how little interest he has. No, not that, how little he likes to talk. He seemed engaged even with his limited amount of interactions. That, like so many of his other qualities attracted you.
“Well,” you started, leaning your elbow on the bartop. “I think you’re hot.” You tilted your head, resting your hand on his knee.
You saw him take a small gulp and you laughed at that. He stared at his drink until he picked it up and downed the rest. He swallowed and turned to look at you again.
“Yeah?” That was the first time you saw him smile.
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You wonder if you really got everything you needed. You didn’t want to head back to the store for something small. Thinking about calling Kentaro to check the kitchen, you decided to brush the idea off, remembering he left earlier that morning.
You sighed, shifting and moving your grocery bags around in your arms. You felt like you haven’t talked to him in so long, the last form of contact between you too being a kiss on your forehead as he slid out of bed. You made your way into the lobby of your apartment and up the stairs. You couldn’t tell why he was acting the way he was. You just knew that something was wrong.
Just like how you knew something was wrong when you opened the door to your shared apartment to see clothes caked in blood on the floor. You couldn’t feel your bags dropping from your hold. All you felt was fear. It doesn’t take much time for you to run into your bedroom at all.
What takes time is your realization. The realization that Kentaro’s completely fine. Wearing black joggers with his shirt stripped off, a towel hanging off his shoulder, he turns to look at you. He has a cut on his lip, but his face has no emotion. He just keeps staring at you, not a single word passing between you too.
You look down. “What happened Ken.” You look back towards the living room, motioning towards his discarded pile of clothes, already seeping into the carpet. “What happened to you.” You turned back to him taking a couple steps forward.
“Nothing.” He says turning back around, back facing you. “Some asshole had too much to say at a meeting.”
You weren’t sure what type of work Kentaro and his friends were in, but the past couple of years gave you some insight as to how violent it could be. “Kentaro,” you said demandingly. “Your clothes are soaked in blood.” You finally got close enough to him to turn him around and you noted how tense he was.
He stared down at you, this time you could see something in his face. “Are you scared of me?” He whispered.
You were taken aback, but kept your hand on his shoulder and the other on his face. “No,” you turned your head at him and frowned. “Why would you think that.”
He takes a breath, whether it’s relief or him trying to compose himself you can’t tell. He pulls your hands from him and pulls you into an embrace, inhaling your scent.
“Not important,” he finally says, toying with the bottom of your shirt. “Just help me real quick.” He kisses you, beginning to lift the bottom of your shirt, you’re distracted from the look on his face.
You can’t think about how scared he looked when he’s fumbling with your bra, grunting into your neck when you reach down to pull his sweats off.
You can’t think of anything else except the way he’s touching you, and the fresh scent coming off of him from washing off the grime and blood of a tough day.
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You didn’t think you were going to go
home with the indifferent man who sat beside you for half a night, but you couldn’t deny the strong feeling of euphoria from between your legs as Kentaro slammed his hips against yours.
He grunted as he lifted your legs over his and lowered himself closer to your face, hands intertwined with yours. He moved his lips against yours and you moaned. He cursed and pulled away, biting your lip in the process.
He moved his hand down your body and you mewled, thrusting against him.
“Fuck!” He shouted, touching you, and dipping his head. You grabbed his shoulder with your free hand, trying to urge him closer. “You want me, baby?” you nodded, squinting your eyes closed and moaning. “Yeah, you want me.”
He moved his hand from you, up your body, resting on your breast for a moment, before he harshly gripped your throat. “Kyo-” you tried to say, but were overpowered by his strength and the urge to moan.
You arched your back, still trying to get closer to him. He finally caught on to the way you were flexing, and kissed you hard. He continued to pump himself in and out of you, taking time to grind into you causing you to release cut-off moans and gasps.
“Come on, baby, cum for me.” He tightened his grip on your throat, dragging his face along your neck and thrusting harder. He pushes you closer and you squeezed his hand, shaking and squeezing his cock.
“Kyo…tani” you croak, but he’s not listening, he’s pounding into you harder, holding you tighter, and now kissing you rougher.
He was close to losing control, almost crushing you with his strength, but he held back. He held back until he came, cumming inside of you and growling into your ear.
You both were out of breath but he continued thrusting into you. It took a moment for him to settle down, releasing his tight grip on you and collapsing on top of you. He rolled to the side and held you, tucking his face into your neck, taking big breaths.
You were tired and still catching your breath when you thanked yourself for going out tonight.
He gripped you tighter, kissing your neck.
He murmured. “You smell good.”
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You sat still, tears slowly running down your face as the recent events of the day replayed through your mind.
Kyoutani stood in front of the counter, in between your legs, drying your washed face with a towel, and trying his best to avoid your blooming bruises and aching cuts.
You know he’s thinking the same thing as you. Probably thinking about how he bashed in the head of the man who cornered you during an afternoon outing with his friends. He was probably thinking about how scared you looked when he saw the dickhead from earlier that week groping you. You know he was thinking about if you were okay when the asshole started getting rough when you tried brushing past him.
Kyoutani set the towel down and sighed. He reached for you and you shied away. He ignored it and held your face in his hands.
“I killed for you.” He said. Staring you in the eyes and assessing the damage done to your face. You didn’t say anything and more tears rolled down your face. He tilted his head and took a moment to really look at you.
You thought about his question from a couple days ago. The fear in his eyes when he asked it. His bloodied clothes, now tossed away, probably living in some dump. Your assailant, and his bandaged body and furious face.
“He had it coming for a long time. He kept messing with me and my boys.” You couldn’t tell what he was trying to say to you. Was he trying to explain his actions, soothe you? Was he trying to convince you that his murderous rage was an outcome of the dead man’s actions and not his own violent tendencies? You didn’t care.
All that you knew was that you were scared. You were scared of your boyfriend. You loved him, but he terrified you. You started to sob. Wails escaping you as you replayed the moment when he repeatedly threw the head of the random man against a brick wall, not stopping until his skull was shattered, spilling out his most vital organ onto the pavement you both stood on.
Kyoutani didn’t try to hug you. He didn’t try to comfort you. Not even in that traumatic moment. He just picked you up and walked away, leaving his friends to clean the mess.
Kyoutani was never good at talking. Not even now. He just kept staring at you. “Are you scared of me?” He said, reaching for your face.
He didn’t look afraid this time. He looked tired, and serious. He looked like he already knew the answer and was just asking to ask.
You still didn’t say anything. Your hiccuping cries were enough of an answer for him.
He sighed and picked you up, carrying you to your shared bedroom. He laid you down onto the bed and after taking a moment to undress joined you. He hovered over you as you continued crying.
“I can still smell that dickhead’s cologne on you.” You didn’t know what to say to that either, you just kept still underneath him. He reached for the buttons on your dress and you stayed still.
You realized he was trying to get the smell off of you. He was almost scared of it.
The same way you were scared of the way he smelled. Not the fresh scent that you adored, but the metallic and almost deathly smell of blood.
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This was my first fic!! I originally posted it on my other account, but I made that my personal blog. I also posted it on AO3 under Faerie_Lotus. Please please please!! Tell me what you guys think 「(°ヘ°)
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 1 year
Happy Days
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/e8R09Dg
by noliferr
In the bustling city of Tokyo, the mafia rules the underworld. Lurking in the shadows, they fight each other and many other forces... One day, the sister of Oikawa Tooru, Ren finds herself in the middle of the dangerous business. On the other hand, her brother's girlfriend Kuzuryu Inma seems to be working on something on the background... So I wrote this for my best friend! I decided to upload it to here. The real protagonist is Ren, but this is as much about the other cheracters as about her. Kind of. The two self-inserts (Ren- my friend, Inma - me) can be read from the readers perspective, so you have some "options" if you want to read it as an x reader. If you don't enjoy x readers, self inserts, I tried to write about the boys too. I hope you enjoy it!
Words: 18447, Chapters: 9/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa Tooru's Family, Oikawa Tooru's Sister, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Suna Rintarou, Kita Shinsuke, Kuroo Tetsurou, Kozume Kenma, Haiba Lev, Yaku Morisuke, Tsukishima Kei, Tsukishima Akiteru, Kyoutani Kentarou, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Tanaka Saeko, Shimizu Kiyoko, Tendou Satori, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Azumane Asahi, Terushima Yuuji, Akaashi Keiji, Sugawara Koushi, Sawamura Daichi, Yachi Hitoka, Hinata Natsu, Semi Eita, Goshiki Tsutomu
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime & Oikawa Tooru, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Osamu/Suna Rintarou, Kuroo Tetsurou/Reader, Oikawa Tooru/Reader, Ushijima Wakatoshi/Reader
Additional Tags: Self-Insert, Organized Crime, Murder, Haikyuu!! Time Skip, Onigiri Miya Shop (Haikyuu!!), Angst, Fluff and Angst, Smut, Help, For a Friend, Funny, What Have I Done, What Was I Thinking?, Gun Violence, Rape/Non-con Elements, Blood and Violence, Sexual Violence, Past Child Abuse, Bad Jokes, Song Lyrics, Triggers, Blood, Brutal Murder, Suicide Attempt, Suicide Notes, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Self-Harm, Drug Use, Drugs, Drug Addiction, Rehabilitation, Psychologists & Psychiatrists, psychiatric hospital, Break Up, Suicidal Thoughts
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/e8R09Dg
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corvusphilia · 29 days
http:corvusphilia !
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"ɪ'ᴍ ᴀ ᴡɪɴɢᴇᴅ ɪɴꜱᴇᴄᴛ, ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴀ ꜰᴜɴᴇʀᴀʟ ᴘʏʀᴇ"
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... 𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍/𝐑𝐀𝐘 ┆any prns ꔛ 19 years old ౨ৎ ⸝⸝ kyoutani's bf ♡ ┆ just a lil brazilian guy tbh ┆ requests: open !
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🗒꒰⸝⸝₊ RULES ❛ ✧
i write for everyone in haikyuu and all themes except for pedophilia, non-con, yandere, n other stuff like that. nsfw is fine tho :) reader is always gender neutral unless requested/stated otherwise! i delete asks i simply don't want to write and block freely apologies for grammar mistakes! portuguese is my first language
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🗒꒰⸝⸝₊ MASTERLIST ❛ ✧
— ,, # How they act when they have a crush (Karasuno)
— ,, # Asking you out (Oikawa, Kuroo, Atsumu)
— ,, # Sad reader pretending to be happy (Oikawa, Kuroo, Tsukishima)
— ,, # Skin Pressed Against Me Tight (Keishin Ukai x AFAB! Reader Smut)
— ,, # God, I'm So Lovesick, What Have You Done To Me? (Atsumu Miya x GN! Reader)
— ,, # Boyfriend Material (Akinori Konoha x GN! Reader)
— ,, # Pussydrunk (Bokuto Koutaro x AFAB! Reader Smut)
— ,, # Most likely to have a crush on an alternative person
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