#kyle o'reilly oneshot
snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
20.12, knee socks & stolen shirts, kyle o’reilly.
Title: knee socks & stolen shirts
Theme: fireplace/ stockings... again, trust me. it’s theme adjacent-ish.. sorta...
Fandom / Character(s): Kyle O’Reilly and a reader that’s partially inspired by myself tbh. No sense in lying. I did /try/ to keep all physical appearance details out of this aside from roommate/reader being female. Try is the operative here.
Warnings: uhh.. dry humping / making out. roommates to lovers? is that a trope/thing? i feel like it is... Uhh.. a few swear words... Not much else...
Word Count: my guesstimate is roughly around 2.8k. Maybe sliiightly over.
 This is my entry for the day for @champbucks​ 12 Days of Christmas challenge on @12daysofchristmas​. It was written in a fit of thirsting over Kyle, as one does... And my mighty need to take the suggested theme and of course, put my own twist to it.. because stockings doesn’t just have to imply those that are hung over the fireplace.... I made the banner thing used here, so no stealing or reposting it, please and thanks?
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The comforting glow and warmth of the fireplace and soft white Christmas lights strung on a tree over by the floor to ceiling window greeted Kyle as he stepped into the apartment, shutting the door behind him and locking all 3 locks. One glance around the dimly lit living room revealed that apparently, his roommate had decorated for Christmas and that had him giving a goofy grin as he chuckled to himself and peeled off the jacket that he wore over his hoodie and then bent to take down his sneakers off.
A sock clad leg settled over the back of their couch and out from beneath the red and black plaid throw that barely covered her, a second away from slipping off and settling on the floor. He could hear her light snores. The television set was on the channel that NXT normally aired on, but It’s A Wonderful Life was just starting.
Everything just felt so cozy. All the tension and craziness of the past few weeks plus the tiredness from traveling seemed to melt away from Kyle, leaving only comfort.
The overpowering feeling that this was home and damn, was it good to be back.
His eyes settled on her sleeping form just as she rolled over, face partially buried beneath the pillow she’d apparently bought out from her own room. He chuckled softly at the sight of her, rubbing his chin a moment in quiet thought as it hit him..
Somewhere in between her answering his ad for a roommate and now, he’d fallen for her. And as he thought back on the whole realization, he figured out that yes, he could pinpoint the exact moment. And now that he was sitting there in the dimly lit living room and actually thinking about it, Kyle saw no reason to keep it to himself.
But the question remained.. Exactly how did he proceed from where he was right now?
It was what he was trying to figure out when he heard her soft whimpers across the room and had to shift around on the stool in which he sat because just the sound… The sight of her legs. The way the fireplace’s soft glow lit her sleeping form and made long hair seem to shine as she lie there. The little soft sighs and other sounds she made as she continued to sleep on blissfully on the couch were doing all sorts of things to him.
The blanket she’d had barely covering her gave up it’s fight to stay and slid down the side of the oversized suede sectional and settled to the floor in a pile. Kyle stood and made his way over, mostly on autopilot for the time being and he bent, retrieving the fallen blanket. Bending at the waist to put it over her. And just as he was about to, she rolled onto her back, long locks fanned out on a pale winter white silk pillow cushion, her arms stretched out lazily.
His eyes settled on the familiar long sleeve shirt she happened to be wearing and it clicked as to why exactly the shirt was so familiar.
It belonged to him.
His hand raised, catching in close cropped hair as he continued to stare down at her. He wondered how long she’d had it. He tried to convince himself that she’d just grabbed a shirt to throw on earlier and hadn’t realized. Or maybe his shirt got mixed in with her laundry, it’d happened to him a time or two. One memorable instance was the time a pair of her panties got stuck inside the leg of his jeans, only to fall out in the aisle as he boarded the plane. 
,, your first clue you felt something for her should’ve been just how jealous you got every single time Roderick attempted to flirt with her, or the way he teased you about her underwear the whole flight and you got downright protective. As if she were yours and yours alone. Not to mention all the endless fantasizing you’ve been doing about her lately...” the realization crept in as he replayed it over in his head.
Now it was all starting to make so much sense.
He took a few shaky breaths and worked on pulling himself together. He’d just turned to walk away, intending on going straight to his room because he needed to think. He needed to ground himself and get some focus to figure out what he was going to do with everything that was occurring to him currently and he just… Couldn’t like he needed to with the distracting temptation of her sprawled out sleeping on the couch.
Another quiet whimper shattered the silence from behind him. But it wasn’t the sound itself that had Kyle turning back to stare down at her as he strained to hear and his breath caught in his throat all over again, no… It was what she whimpered as the sound was made.
His name. Softly. And not just the one time either, at least two or three times. Followed by a contented little sigh and more words muttered in a lower tone so that he couldn’t exactly be sure of what she’d said.
He eyed her, briefly convincing himself that she was awake and teasing or something.. but then one good look at her revealed that no, she was still asleep. With no actual clue what she was saying or doing, apparently.
If he thought he was hard enough to crack concrete before, it was… So much worse now. And still getting harder with each second and every single little sigh or purr or other quiet noise she managed to make. His fists clenched at his sides and he took a few deep breaths.
It did nothing to help him or calm him down.
She tossed a little in her sleep, the little movements sending the bottom of the shirt up over a pair of red and white striped panties that matched the over the knee socks she was currently wearing and Kyle let out a quiet groan of frustration.
He needed to go think. Figure things out.
Bearing the thought in mind, he turned, intending to walk out of the living room and down the hall to his own room, but in his haste to get out of there, his shin banged right against the metal leg of the low to the ground coffee table.
The sound was loud.
Kyle tensed a little, not even daring to look back and see if it might have woken her up….
The sound of something hitting the coffee table had me opening one eye slowly and immediately sent me into a bit of an internal panic when the dim glow of the fireplace across the room revealed that Kyle was home.
A whole day early.
I watched him clutching at his shin and hopping around a little, soft little grin on my face while his back was turned to me and then, it hit me…. I was wearing one of the shirts I stole out of his closet right after he left to go back on the road.
And I had no way to get past him, because he was standing right in front of me.
,, Okay.. best way to play this is totally oblivious. Pretend you’re just now waking up. Don’t mention the fact that why yes, you’re wearing one of his shirts… Act normal.” my mind coaxed, prompting me to sit up and stretch, make a big show of yawning out loud to get his attention. Kyle turned around and I rose from the couch, coming to a stop in front of him.
“I hope you didn’t mind that I decorated…” I nodded to the room we stood in, giving a sheepish little smile as I tilted my head and met his gaze. ,, please don’t notice your shirt on me… please don’t notice your shirt on me…”
Kyle gave a quiet chuckle and yawned a little himself, “See what you started?” with a teasing grin. He nodded to the fireplace, lined with two red and black plaid stockings and gave another quiet chuckle. “Stockings, though?”
I gave his chest a light swat. “I’ll have you know, sir.. It’s tradition.You always hang stockings over the mantle before Christmas. Besides, damn it, they were cute and on sale.” I gave a soft laugh and shook my head, staring up at him a little, still sort of waking up if I were to be totally honest about it.
He pretended to think it over, stepping just a little closer. His eyes settled on my lips and when he swallowed hard, my eyes caught on the subtle movement of his throat as he did so. I did the same, especially when I realized that we now had almost zero space between our bodies.
So far, so good. He hadn’t noticed the shirt I was wearing happened to be one of his.
I crossed my fingers below the extra inches of fabric on the sleeves that caused them to cover my hands almost entirely.
His gaze fixed just over our heads and I remembered that earlier, when my friend had been over helping me decorate, she’d jokingly hung up mistletoe somewhere in the apartment, but refused to tell me where.
His throat cleared after his eyes settled back on mine and we spent a few seconds that seemed to linger longer than usual, passed. He nodded upward and my eyes followed his, settling on the sprig. I swore under my breath, gave him a sheepish and apologetic shrug. “Sorry, my friend helped me do all this earlier and she probably did that…”
One of his hands squeezed my hips, guiding me so that I pressed against him, just when I thought that we were standing close enough already that there wasn’t any space left between us. Now there really wasn’t. And I could feel my heart fluttering lazily. I melted against him a little and busied myself toying with the strings of his black hoodie, staring at the lettering on the front.
Because if I looked up at him right now, I was half afraid I’d go for it and pull his mouth down against mine. Lately it’s been so much harder to keep my feelings and my desires where my roommate Kyle is concerned, to myself.
His hand left my side and raised, thick and calloused fingers tucking beneath my chin. Pulling my gaze up to meet his so that I had no choice in the matter. When his tongue slowly trailed over his mouth, I fidgeted ever so slightly, melting against him just a little more before I could stop myself or censor the action.
The other hand squeezed my hip and he took a few shaky breaths. His eyes lowered, roaming over me nice and slow. I knew I was caught when he chuckled to himself quietly and met my gaze. “So that’s where my shirt went…”
My face has never gone as red as it did then, as fast as it did. Ever.
“I…” but my brain was in overload at the moment, so coming up with a suitable excuse as to how I’d gotten his shirt in the first place wasn’t happening. It would’ve been easy to just say that I’d done a load of laundry and somehow, the shirt I wore must have gotten mixed in with my own clothing, but apparently… My brain wasn’t dealing with logic right now.
I was so caught up in the fact that I’d been caught sleeping in his shirt that I actually missed everything else that was going on. I was dazed, my mind going a million different directions all at once.
Kyle was leaning down just a little, his face close to mine. His lips brushed mine clumsily as he spoke, the soft husk of his voice making me clench my thighs because it… definitely did things to me.
“We’re standing under mistletoe right now, sweetheart.” Kyle mused, giving a sort of smirk as his eyes met mine  after another slow travel over my entire body.
“That we are, Kyle.” I muttered, mostly still in a daze. Maybe a little bit still half asleep too. I leaned my face in a little closer, mirroring the way he’d done it so subtly before, without me even realizing it.  His fingertips dug into my side a little bit deeper. He held me tighter against him too, a quiet growl shattering the silence and limited space between our mouths when his mouth managed to catch against mine directly. Something in him snapped. He pulled me up his body and I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck. My fingers toyed with his neck, making him laugh quietly and shiver as he sank down onto the couch.
“You know what playing with my neck does to me. We talked about all this before, remember?”
“Mhm.” I muttered, locking eyes with him. His hands moved up and down my sides, one stopping on my bare thigh, squeezing. He shifted the way he sat and when he rubbed against me and I felt the way he strained at his jeans, I shivered again, a quiet whimper falling from my lips as I gripped his bearded jaw and pulled his mouth closer to mine all over again. “Are you gonna do anything about it, Kyle?”
“Oh, I have a few ideas in mind, babe.”  his mouth met mine and our noses bumped, sending us springing apart and laughing about it. “You shocked the tip of my nose too, ouch!” I whined, giving him a bit of a playful pout as I rubbed the tip of my nose.
“Me? You’re the one with the hard head, sweetheart.” Kyle’s laughter died on his lips and brown eyes settled on my mouth all over again hungrily. My tongue danced over the outline of my lips and Kyle was pulling me even closer to him, making it so that I was positioned right over the way he strained at his jeans. His fingers dug into my thigh and my lower back and he gazed at me. “Do it again.”
“Do what?” I asked, doing my best to feign innocence, despite knowing exactly what I was doing, thanks to a conversation we’d both had once a while back about what turned us on and off.
“Lick your lips, babe.” Kyle’s voice was so husky, thickened with desire that his words almost came in a quiet growl. I rocked against him a little and thick digits dug into my body all that much tighter. Instead of licking my own lips this time, I took a shaky breath or two and really pressed myself against him, daring to trail my tongue right over the outline of his lips.
“Fuck.” Kyle swore quietly, closely followed by a groan.
“Listen, if you want to kiss me, I’m not stopping you.” I purred, repeating the slow drag of my tongue over the outline of kissable lips, teasing him a little.
Because it was the only thing I knew to do to keep me from just going for it… and yet, being able to clue him into how badly I wanted his lips on mine at the moment without daring to say so. Because I’d been trying, but the words had yet to leave my mouth.
“Oh, you’re not, hm?” Kyle’s mouth was against mine in a flash, I barely got any time to process it happening. His hand left my thigh, traveling upward, catching in the hair at the back of my head as his fingers tangled up in it, using his grip to pull my mouth in even deeper. I whimpered and my mouth fell apart willingly, granting his tongue access to mine and his other hand gripped my hip tight, guiding me over the hefty bulge straining at the front of his favorite blue jeans.  “That’s good.” he mumbled, the words hanging in the air as the kiss broke a few seconds for us to breathe. My hand slid down the front of his hoodie and settled between us, fingertips toying with the hem of the garment as I stared at him. He continued, “It’s good because I really, really… really… want to kiss you. I have for a while now.”
I leaned in all over again, pressing my upper body against his and leaning him back against the back of the couch as I caught his face in my hands and pulled his mouth against mine all over again greedily. As I kissed him, I rocked myself against him. His hands flexed and squeezed on my thighs, and he groaned quietly into the kiss, bucking himself against me, giving a low chuckle. “Feels so damn good to finally kiss you.” he half mumbled and half growled against my neck as his mouth broke from mine and trailed down it, “So good. You have no idea.”
I whimpered, whining impatiently because his grip bought my grinding against him to a momentary pause, and his free hand raised, catching on my jaw, making me meet his gaze. The tender look in lust blown brown eyes nearly blew me away and I felt my breath catch in my throat. “Love you, sweetheart. I’m glad to be home.”
“Love you too, Kyle. I’m glad you’re finally home.” I mumbled, our mouths already closing the distance as we both went in for another kiss….
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adamcoled · 6 years
just friends | kyle o’reilly
college au kyle o’reilly x reader
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summary: sharing an apartment with kyle has, understandably, caused some feelings to develop. yet, you’re still hellbent on convincing everyone you’re just friends.
word count: 1,855
a/n: the inspiration for this came out of nowhere, so i just quickly typed it up and rolled with it. (aka i’ll probably revisit this sometime and completely rewrite it)
tag friends: @reigns420 @thirstiswet @xfirespritex @earthtwojess @notlikemostlunatics​ @mysteryoflovve​ @organicmillie​ @rollins-princess214​ @scuzmunkie​
With each fleeting glance at the clock in the corner of your laptop screen, you felt your motivation deplete and your exhaustion grow. The only thing preventing you from passing out right there on that uncomfortable chair was the brightness from the screen in front of you and the considerable amount of coffee you’d consumed earlier to avoid this very moment. As the moon sat in the sky above, summoning most people to bed – not you, a stressed college student, of course – it pulled on your eyelids much like it pulls the tides, trying relentlessly to lure you into sleep. But you couldn’t sleep, not yet, not when you were cramming for an exam you really couldn’t afford to fail; it was common knowledge that taking an exam after a sleepless night tends to lead to a less-than-amazing grade, but you assumed it’d balance out with all the studying. Or maybe cancel out – PEMDAS, right?
The gentle lo-fi music in the background was no longer doing much to improve your focus, instead creating a wonderfully serene atmosphere perfect for sleep, complete with Kyle’s light snores in the background.
Kyle. You’d forgotten he was even in the room with how deep into your cramming you were, and when you turned around from your desk – which could hardly be distinguished as a desk with the incredible amount of papers and books sprawled across it – you found him sleeping rather soundly on his bed, face pressed against the pillow and arm nearly dangling off. His face was towards you and you silently wished he was turned the other way because you hated how cute you found him right now.
You’d never thought you would be sharing an apartment with him, but when your hunt for a roommate was growing exceptionally bleak, one of your friends mentioned his similar roommate search and at that point, you were desperate for anyone to split the rent with.
So, that’s how you came to share a roommate with Kyle O’Reilly – and how you grew to become best friends, even if you wanted something more, even if your friends swore there was something more. Each time they made that silly remark, you’d wave your hand and brush them off, and then Kyle would sneak up behind you and talk about the movie he’d picked out for the two of you to watch that night. Then, he’d walk off, tossing a goodbye over his shoulder, unaware that he would become the topic of interest between you and your friends.
“Just friends, right?” Nia joked, mocking your words from every previous conversation involving Kyle. You rolled your eyes as everyone else at the table snickered at Nia’s joke, a symbol of their agreement.
“Just friends,” you repeated, slowly for emphasis, “we watch movies together. Like friends.”
“And what occurs during these friendly movie nights?” Bayley inquired, resting her chin on folded hands.
“Arguments over who the best character is,” you answered, fully aware they didn’t believe your honest answer by the looks they all gave each other. “Reallll romantic.”
Deeply engrossed in that memory, you hadn’t even noticed one of Kyle’s eyes crack open, a lazy smile plastered on his face as he realized you were turned towards him.
“Hey, kiddo,” he spoke, voice muffled with his face still planted on the pillow. “You’re still up?”
“I told you I really need to pass this exam,” you sighed, spinning around in the chair so you were facing your laptop and books once more. You heard the sound of sheets rustling behind you and then felt Kyle’s chin resting on your shoulder.
“And you will,” he assured, reaching forward to close the open book you had been trying to read for fifteen minutes – it wasn’t going very well since your brain was clouding with the desire to sleep.
“Kyle! I don’t even remember what page I was on,” you groaned, attempting to open the book once more before his hand halted your movements. You moved your heard only slightly so that you could actually see his face, and when you did, you found him with the most serious expression he could muster.
“I’m not letting you stay up all night killing your brain cells for an exam you’re already going to do great on.”
A rebuttal was just about to drip off your tongue – one about how you still had so much more content to cover that would certainly make an appearance on the exam – but before you could get the words out, Kyle’s arms came around your frame and lifted you from the seat. Rather than dropping you onto your bed, he placed you onto his and climbed into it as well, depriving you of any explanation.
You sat on the edge of the bed for a few seconds, watching as Kyle returned to his previous position with the blankets draped over him. He had yet to say anything else, though he held the blanket up for you to settle in as well.
“Why’d you carry me to your bed?” you finally questioned, grateful for the darkness of the room because the tendrils of red that had settled into your cheeks because of the situation. You weren’t even sure what was happening, but regardless, your heart was beating erratically.
“So I’ll know if you try to get up again,” he said, patting the empty space beside him. While you wanted nothing more than to crawl over to the spot and lay next to him, you worried what the consequences would be – getting your heart broken when you realized it was Kyle being purely platonic, only trying to be a good best friend and roommate? Kyle figuring out your hidden feelings when he felt how fast your heart was beating?
Neither of those outcomes seemed pleasant, yet you climbed into the empty spot and released a heavy breath when he pulled you towards him. He probably had no idea what he was doing to you, or maybe he did. Maybe he was basking in the effect he had on you, goosebumps erupting on any skin his fingers brushed across. His arm was draped across your side, and you tried to fall asleep, but the thoughts rampaging through your mind kept you wide awake. Just minutes ago, you felt like you could succumb to sleep at any moment. Finally, exhaustion washed over you completely, tugging you into the dream world.
When your eyes fluttered open the next morning, all you saw was the white fabric of Kyle’s shirt. Confusedly, you blinked several times to determine what you were seeing, until you came to and realized the position the two of you had gotten tangled in through the night. Your head was on Kyle’s chest and his arm was wrapped around the top of your back; you immediately felt your cheeks heat up yet again, and you shot up quickly, waking him up in the process.
“Good morning,” he grinned lopsidedly, unaware of the more-than-friendly position you’d waken up to.
“Morning,” you replied, throwing off the blankets and beginning your morning routine much faster than usual. Honestly, you just wanted to escape the room, filled with a plethora of thoughts and emotions after the events that had transpired.
Kyle watched from his bed as you tossed things into your bag, picked out an outfit in .7 seconds, and gulped down a water bottle all without even sparing him a single glance. He couldn’t help but chuckle at your actions, but then he figured there must be a reason for your newfound haste.
“What’s with the Sonic speed?” he questioned, joining you in the bathroom to brush his teeth in the second sink.
“You mean supersonic speed,” you corrected, brushing through your hair one more time before exiting the bathroom a few seconds after he’d come in. Now he could clearly tell you were avoiding him; you hadn’t even met his eyes since you’d waken up.
“No, no,” he shook his head, making his way to stand in front of you, “I mean Sonic, you know, the hedgehog.”
He grinned, hoping he’d get a laugh or anything out of you, and of course you couldn’t stifle your giggle. Mentally, he felt like he could breathe again now that you’d broken your tensity.
“Dork,” you commented, and Kyle knew you were the only person he’d ever like calling him dork so much. It’d become your thing, and somewhere along the way you learned that was your term of endearment.
“You never answered my question though.”
You’d hoped you could wiggle out of this conversation, but you knew Kyle well enough to know he wouldn’t let up without an answer. “I just don’t want to be late.”
“You have a whole hour – you won’t be late.”
“Well, I want to go do some last-minute studying.”
“You only ever study in the apartment, otherwise you get distracted.”
This back-and-forth between you and Kyle told you that Kyle paid more attention to you than you even thought, and any excuse you gave him he would be able to disprove.
“I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship, so I’m not going to answer, okay?” you finally admitted. “Don’t worry about it, Kyle. We’re all good.”
With that, you hoisted your bag onto your shoulders and made for the door, but before you could get any farther, Kyle’s voice stopped you.
“Would it be jeopardizing our friendship if I said I wish we had more than just friendship?”
You weren’t really sure if you heard him right, so you laughed a bit as you turned around. “What are you talking about?”
“Your friends always tease you about us, right?” he asked, and you nodded, verifying. “Adam, Bobby, and Roddy do the same to me. Did you ever think that maybe there was some truth to their claims?”
Kyle was being more serious than you had ever seen him, yet you still wondered if he was joking about the whole thing; you never thought this conversation would happen, though you always secretly wished it would.
“I – no, isn’t it just them messing with us?”
“Or, maybe it’s them pointing out what we’ve been too blind to see,” he suggested, eyes hopeful. He was setting himself up for rejection, but he held onto the words his friends told him about the two of you. “I hope that’s what it is.”
It was such a surprise hearing these words from Kyle – words that you had come to accept he would never utter – that you ran towards him and threw your arms around him in a second, feeling his shock when he froze for a moment. His arms came around you, hugging you to him even tighter, and you buried your head into his shoulder. When you pulled back what felt like minutes later, the both of you were smiling wider than you’d ever seen each other smile, and then you were slowly eliminating the space between your bodies. Slowly, slowly, until your lips finally met and everything seemed right in the world.
“Just friends?��� you joked, mocking your words from countless conversations regarding Kyle.
“Not at all.”
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ambootyos · 7 years
Some Friend Pt. 2
Part One
A/N: I decided to do another part, because a lot of people wanted one, enjoy!! I’d love some feedback, if you have it, and lemme know if you wanna be tagged :D
Word Count: 609 (Short, I’m sorry.)
Tags: @originalbish98 @thegenericluchadora @theprestigious0ne @reigns420 @sheaxdevitt @baybayforlife @laziestgirlintheworld @wrestlingismyguiltypleasure @bolieve-that @i-ship-it-okay @breakfastwiththesun @littlebluespoon @earl-01 @alexnine
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“So, how’re you liking NXT?” Kyle asked, smiling softly.
“I love it. I mean, I get to be with you all the time, and I love the other girls in the locker room.” I smiled, and I laced my hand with his, as we walked into the arena.
“What about Adam? Has he talked to you?” He asked. I shook my head.
“No, not since my first day here. Thankfully. What about you? I mean..you guys are in a stable. He’s gonna have to talk to you eventually, right?” I asked curiously.
Kyle shook his head. “Nope! He refuses to speak to me, since he found out anyway.” He chuckled. “But, I can’t say I care too much, or that I’m surprised.” He shrugged.
I wasn’t surprised either. I knew how petty Adam could be, I did however, wonder what his game was. He said, he was gonna try to get me back. Kind of hard to do, if he was ignoring me. Either way, he was getting on my nerves with all of this.
Kyle kissed me goodbye, before walking off, needing to get ready for a match.
I watched him walk off, smiling as I did. Still being in ‘that’ part of our relationship. I felt someone’s arm wrap around me, breaking my train of thought.
“Aw, you’re still looking at him like he’s you’re whole world! Isn’t that sweet.” I heard Adam say. I rolled my eyes, and pushed his arm off of me.
“Hey Adam.” I stated sarcastically.
He smirked. “I was just thinking about how you used to look at me like that, you know, when you were under me..” He winked. I clenched my jaw.
“Adam, that’s enough! No more of that. Can’t you just accept the fact that this is over between us?” I asked, crossing my arms. He scoffed, and stepped closer to me.
“Over? Are you kidding? We’re just getting started Sweetheart.” He flirted, before winking. I took a step back, and shook my head.
“No. We aren’t Adam. We’re done.” I stated dryly.
He rolled his eyes. “Aww, you think so? Well, you can say whatever you want. But, I know for a fact..” He trailed off, as he started to walk past me, but stopped at my ear, and grabbed my forearm, running his thumb over my skin. “He most certainly, doesn’t compare to me.” He whispered, before starting to walk off.
I should’ve let him go, but, I was beyond annoyed, I grabbed him by his arm, and turned him back to me. “Stop! I’m not doing this with you! I’m not gonna play any games with you. Just stop!” I exclaimed.
He crossed his arms, seeming a bit taken back by my little outburst. “Okay, no games.” He stated. I let out a sigh of relief, until he smirked. “I’ll get straight to the point. Tell me you don’t miss me.” He added. I furrowed my brows, becoming confused.
“W-What?” I asked, shaking my head.
“I’m done playing games. Isn’t that what you wanted? Tell me, you don’t miss me. Tell me, he’s better than I am.” He replied.
I stayed silent. I couldn’t think of a response to this, I wanted to say something. I just didn’t know what. But, it was definitely the worst game yet. Even if he said it wasn’t one.
“You can’t do it, can you? If he was better, you’d say so. But, you can’t do it!” He chuckled, before cupping my face. “Yeah, we aren’t even close to being done Babe.” He flirted, before walking off, I was beyond annoyed.
Why did he have this effect on me?
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writerlife23 · 2 years
Who doesn’t love a Kyle O’Rilley image 😍
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
sprung spring | backseats and phone calls; kyle o’reilly [m]
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Backseat + car + spontaneous sex + desperate + “car sex looks so much easier in the movies.” + revenge on an ex sex + while one is on the phone + “Answer the phone, I dare you.” + “Did you like it?” “Would you judge me if I said I did?”+  Caught off-guard kiss -
So.. This is one that I really, really enjoyed writing because it gave me a chance to kinda play with interruptions / tension levels. I have to give a huuuge hug to @kyleoreillysknee​ for the major inspiration given and the line that I used about marking / “wearing marks with pride”. Naturally, this was going onto the blog when I found it again bc I’m lowkey proud of the way it turned out.
uhh.. body fluids, almost having sex in the backseat of a car, slightest hints of dominant!focused Kyle, sex while on the phone, oral sex..
Kyle O’Reilly x OFC, Sophia
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                       KYLE O’REILLY & SOPHIA in
                   BACKSEATS & PHONE CALLS;
One look into those eyes told the tale and all Kyle could do as a result was sigh and pull her close. Normally, she’d keep a little distance but tonight she just went into his arms, her own looping around his neck.
Sophia didn’t even realize she’d actually started to cry until she was; the tears soaking the front of Kyle’s black tee shirt. Look at me, she thought to herself, I’m a pathetic mess. If I keep going, I will lose Kyle too. And almost the instant the thought registered in her mind, it brought forth a slew of others, the most prominent being the realization that losing Kyle in any capacity… It really bothered her. It was upsetting to even consider. Kyle had always been a part of her life, but as she stood there, looking up into those eyes, watching the way that strong jaw set when he realized what had happened… Something was happening and whatever it was had her heart all fluttery and her stomach rolling lazily, almost as if she were nervous.
Or anticipating something.
And the final thing she noticed was that the tension that had been hanging around lately was… So much heavier tonight. She almost couldn’t breathe.
Rather than say anything that might make him angry enough to go find her current boyfriend and explode, Sophia chose to settle against him. Lightly. Almost warily, because she could feel the tension in his body as it pressed against hers.
Kyle let out a ragged breath before he could stop himself and trying to stay as calm as possible, though God knows, he found himself thinking, the next time I get my hands on this Mikey guy, I will wreck him how dare he keep hurting her like he does, he found himself staring down at Sophia, his hands loosely gripping at her waist only to wind up raising one as soon as he saw more tears threatening to fall, his thumb rolling easily over soft skin as he caught the tear mid track. “C’mon, Sophia… Don’t cry so hard. You know what’ll happen.” he kept staring at her until she was pressing against him all over again, her face buried in his t shirt and his nose buried in the crown of her hair. His hands lowered down to her waist again, fingertips digging in carefully as he fought his quick temper and the urge to go find Mikey and kick the fucking shit out of him once and for all.
“Just sucks.. Tired of not bein’ enough.” she muttered the words softly against his chest and Kyle heard them. He couldn’t keep fighting this, whatever he’d been feeling for Sophia. He’d spent years literally trying to deny and bury it deep down, but hearing her say that just caught him in a weak moment.
Every moment with her is a weak one, O’Reilly, face it. You love her. Always have. The thought was there and gnawing at him.
He sighed against the crown of her hair and a hand ghosted up from where it rested on her waist, curling beneath her chin and forcing her to look up at him despite the fact that he hated seeing her cry. He barely held back the quiet growl of frustration over it and then he sighed, shaking his head. “You’re more than enough, babe.”
Every last ounce of fight it off that Kyle O’Reilly possessed turned into fuck fighting it anymore and he had Sophia backed against a cold brick wall, pressing into her, leaning down ever so slightly, his lips inching dangerously towards hers, his repeat of what he’d said seconds before almost a snarl as his fingertips dug into her sides and he tried to fight the surge of anger he felt at Mikey, continuing to make her feel this way time and time again and just the sudden surge of raw passion he felt flooding him that wouldn’t be hidden tonight of all nights as far as Sophia was concerned. His mouth crashed against her mouth and her eyes popped open wide as a quiet gasp leaked slowly from her lips, only to be quickly captured and swallowed by his own.
Sophia’s hands were resting palm down against his shirt, but as soon as it seemed to sink in what was happening, her fingers tangled in the fabric and her other hand raised, dragging through his hair, tangling in the curls at the nape of his neck, clinging to his taller frame as if she were drowning and only he could save her. “Oh.Oh.” she sighed against his mouth as her tongue darted out, tracing his lips, then his teeth, darting between them to tangle with his tongue all over again.
Was this really happening?
It all felt like a dream.
One of her deepest hidden ones, at that. The thought bubbled to the surface just as the kiss broke and Kyle’s hand left her hip to drag slowly through his hair as he let out a long and slow, very shaky breath and just… stared.
Neither of them were really saying anything, both wide eyed and shocked. The ringing of Sophia’s cell phone shattered the heavy silence between them and Sophia glanced down at it, shaking her head sadly. “And there’s the excuse.”
Kyle reached out, pinning her against the wall all over again, his hand going down to her hand, untangling the Galaxy from it, slipping it into the pocket of his leather jacket as he crashed his lips against her mouth all over again, an almost animal groan escaping the second her lips parted and swallowed the sound. The blunt of his teeth scraped and tugged at her lower lip until she felt it swelling at the contact and he breathed out the firm command against her mouth, “Don’t answer it. Fuck him for not treating you like a queen, babe.���
Rather than argue, Sophia nodded, surrendering to another round of intense, groping kisses. When she rubbed against Kyle almost needy, Kyle shivered all over and hauled her up into his arms. “I’m gonna take you home, okay? It’s late and too cold out.”
“Your place… Right?” Sophia purred against his neck. Kyle’s fingers dug into her body just so he didn’t drop her and he coughed to clear his throat, muttering huskily, “If that’s what you want, Sophia.”
“Please? I… I don’t wanna be alone tonight.” Sophia sighed, shaking her head at herself as she started to look down at the ground.
“You weren’t going to be either way.” Kyle answered honestly as he navigated the parking lot, stopping at the passenger side of his SUV to unlock it, opening the door and sitting her into the passenger seat.
The club she’d been waiting on Mikey to show up at was starting to prepare for last call. Clubgoers were making their way past, laughing and talking, stumbling drunkenly towards their cars and it all just fell away as Kyle stepped between Sophia’s legs, leaning in, conquering her mouth in a hungry kiss all over again. The kiss turned into something much more intense.
It all started when Sophia’s hand strayed, lingering with uncertainty at the hem of Kyle’s black tee shirt, fingertips trailing real slow over his abdomen after disappearing beneath. Kyle’s fingers trailed over Sophia’s bare thigh, tracing lazy patterns into her soft skin and raising goosebumps with each and every single little touch.  Her lashes fluttered against his face and he bit back another quiet growl, hands raising, caressing her cheeks as he stared down into her eyes. She wasn’t crying anymore, but her mascara had smeared, making inky tear treks down her cheeks and the more Kyle looked at them, the more he wanted to kick Mikey’s ass.
… Or, you could do what you really want to do… the thought popped in and rather than shove it out, Kyle found himself in a position for once where he couldn’t. She’d kissed him back. She was still kissing him, still touching. Clinging to him. Looking up at him with those big green eyes as if she were entranced. The look in her eyes was what lead to his ultimate and total undoing.
“Fuck. I need you.” Kyle muttered the words against her neck as his mouth broke from her lips and lazily trailed down, teeth nipping here and there, careful, but also careless. He wanted to leave her all marked up. He wanted it known she belonged to someone from here out. Sophia came alive in his arms, rubbing against him, almost desperate for more, to be closer. The little bit of friction she was getting just wasn’t enough. She didn’t care enough to stop what was happening because it was starting to sink in… She’d wanted this to happen.
Probably for a much longer time than she’d ever be able to put to words.
Before she could stop herself or be bothered to show restraint, she was pulling at his shirt, pulling him halfway into the cab of the SUV and he was chuckling, a hand resting palm down on the dash as his other hand continued to squeeze and caress her bare thigh. When she bucked herself against him, rubbing and making sure that body contact between them lingered, Kyle’s hands went straight to her hips and he scooted her towards him in the seat. She rocked against him all over again and gave the soft breathy response against his mouth, “Need you too. Fuck.. Kyle just… Make me forget? Please?”
“Oh, I’m gonna make sure you forget.” Kyle’s eyes locked on Sophia and he licked his lips hungrily, nodding to the backseat of the SUV, his eyes darting back to her as he leaned in and his hands gripped her thighs again, squeezing harder. “Get in the backseat, babe. C’mon. Let me take care of you, hm?” his voice a thick and lazy whisper against her skin as he met her gaze.
Sophia nipped at his lower lip, pulling his mouth down against her own all over again as she muttered quietly, “Fuck me.” and if she didn’t want him so badly, need him so much… She’d almost want to crawl into a hole and die at how pathetic she had to seem to him. She’d definitely be freaking out because this… Crossed so many lines.
She could wind up losing him if this backfired. The thought scared the living hell out of her and gave her pause for just a split second before being shoved out of her head in favor of just… Giving in. Because giving in felt so much fucking better tonight.
She managed to pull herself away from him and in a hurry, bumping her head on the ceiling of the SUV in her haste, she made her way over the console and into the backseat. Once she was settled in, Kyle shut the passenger door in a hurry, opening the back one, climbing into the seat, wasting no time in pulling her into his lap. When they smacked faces as they both went in for a kiss at the same time, Kyle swore quietly, pulling away for a second, wincing through shared laughter. “Are you okay?” Sophia asked, eyeing him in concern. Kyle laughed it off and went in for another kiss while leaning into her so that she had to lay back against the seat, settling himself over her carefully, swearing quietly when his foot immediately butted right up against the door and he saw her head about to hit the armrest on her side of the long bench seat when she slid up just a little more to hopefully give him room.
He took a deep breath, preparing to lean down, his hand against the back of the seat and his other hand gripping the seat beside her head. She hissed and bit her lip with a pained look in her eye and Kyle happened to look down and realize that long red locks were trapped beneath his hand and naturally, he’d accidentally given a hard tug. “Fuck.” he chuckled as he removed his hand and let her move her hair, dipping his head down again, his teeth hooking on her lower lip and tugging as he pulled her into a slow and deep kiss.
“Car sex looks so easy in the movies.” Sophie laughed into the kiss as she rubbed against him and almost kicked the window when trying to wrap her legs around his hips to pull him down on top of her completely. Kyle was taking a few seconds to get himself back under control, to think.
Just as his hand disappeared under the front of her crop top and he was squeezing and kneading her breasts in his hand with her rubbing herself against him harder and with more urgency as she rose up, meeting his lips in a deep and needy, almost bruising kiss, there was a loud knock at the window and the two shared a moment’s panicked look. Whoever knocked must have walked away, because when Kyle rose up, peered through the glass, no one was there. It still only further drove home the point that maybe whatever was going to happen needed to happen behind closed doors. Where he could take his time with her. Show her how good it could be with the right man. A real man.
Kyle leaned down, pressing his forehead against hers. “Maybe that’s a sign we need to move this to my place? If you..” before he could finish or ask, Sophia’s fingertip was pressing against his lips, silencing any doubt and the flow of his words as she nodded and leaned up, meeting his mouth, whispering into it, their lips brushing with each word she spoke in response, “God yes. I want to. I meant it, Kyle. I… I want you to make me forget about everything but you.”
Kyle gave a cocky smirk and chuckled quietly, teeth tugging at her lower lip as he mumbled back, “That can definitely be arranged, babe. You know I’m going to take care of you.. Right?” his tone getting firmer as he locked eyes with her, biting his lip, letting his eyes roam over her slowly as they rose to sit up. He leaned in closer, fingertip resting on a kiss-swollen lower lip and asked in that same firm tone, “I asked you a question, babe.”
Sophia swallowed hard, a long sigh leaving her lips accompanied by a whine when just as Kyle’s mouth brushed right against her own as he spoke, he backed up ever so slightly, almost as if he were teasing. When he took that tone with her, she couldn’t help but whimper quietly and try to get her mouth and brain working in tandem again as opposed to working against one another as she stared at him helplessly.
She grazed her teeth softly against his fingertip and he gave a quiet warning growl, brown eyes fixed on her unwavering, waiting on an answer. “You always take care of me, Kyle. Even when maybe I don’t deserve it.” Sophia finally managed to answer, leaning in closer, brushing her lips against his as she answered. The only difference this time was that when she did it and went to back away and tease him back, Kyle’s fingers caught on her chin, cupping and he pulled her mouth right back in hungrily, quiet growls and groans disappearing into the dizzying and bruising kiss he gave.
When it broke, he rested his forehead against hers and muttered lazily, “We need to get going. Before I change my mind and just show you how much I want to take care of you tonight right here and right now. We’ve already almost been interrupted once.” as he slowly backed away, a hand on the door handle, opening it and removing himself from the backseat. Sophia pouted for a second before clumsily making the climb from the backseat to the passenger seat.
The second Kyle was in the driver seat again, his hand was slipping over the console, his fingers dancing lazily over her bare thigh as he muttered to himself about her short little sundresses and how tempting they’d always been. Raising one of her hands to his lips to brush them against her knuckles. Anything he could do to just… Touch… He was going to do it.
Might as well just let it all out, Kyle thought to himself, because if I have my way about things, tonight is going to be the night she finally sees -and feels because God help me, she is going to feel it when I’m done with her, how much I love and care about her.
“Tempting, huh?” Sophia blinked at his words, at the husky and heavy tone in his voice right now that had her clenching her thighs tighter and tighter with each second that passed and at the fact that one look into those deep brown eyes of his was enough to reveal the almost primal desire burning within. She’d never even realized he felt that way, hell… She’d never once thought she might even have half a chance and so she’d settled for just being best friends. Buried her little crush deep down. So deep that until tonight, when he kissed her the way he did, she’d almost successfully forgotten all about it.
But now that he’d kissed her, it was all she could think about again.
At a red light less than a block away from the nightclub, Sophia decided that if he were going to act on it, so was she. She leaned in over the console, nuzzling against his neck, slowly trailing her lips down the side of it. Kyle’s hand tightened on the wheel and on her thigh, fingertips digging deep into soft skin; almost bruising. He cleared his throat and gave a dark chuckle, catching hold of her hand and lowering it to his lap. “Do you feel what you’re doing to me?”
Sophia’s thighs tightened and she gave a quiet whimper, daring to ghost her palm over the bulge strained against his favorite jeans and leaning in, she nipped at his earlobe as she mumbled softly, “Oh.. Mmm..” and giggled when Kyle bucked against her wandering hand, giving her a firm look of warning before leaning in, crashing his mouth against her mouth hungrily and practically growling into another brief and bruising kiss, “You’re in for it now, Sophia.”
“Oh I am, am I?”  Sophia hummed against his mouth, her tongue tangling with his after briefly tracing over his teeth and smiling into the kiss, more than a little smug. This.. Whatever was happening between the two of them right now.
This felt good. This felt right and real.
The light went green and Kyle sped off, only thinking about getting them to his place. He had to have her. He had to make sure that by the end of tonight she knew exactly where she stood in his eyes. Where she’d always stood. Tonight, Kyle O’Reilly fully intended to make her his at last. He’d stop at literally nothing to make sure she knew she was wanted, needed and loved and she always had been; always would be.
Minutes seemed to stretch to hours but finally, after about fifteen, they were pulling to a stop in the parking spot designated for Kyle’s SUV outside of his apartment building and he was killing the engine, reaching out as soon as he heard the soft clink that signified her seat belt was unfastened. He pulled her over the console, helping her into his lap, bucking himself up into her almost as soon as she was settled in his lap. Sophia hissed and moaned, rubbing right against him, her mouth all over his neck until he gripped her jawline and tugged it back up to his own mouth. “Ah ah. My mouth’s up here, babe.” Kyle grunted breathlessly as he broke the kiss to pull away and stare at her, flashing a playful smirk when she whined and pouted at him breaking the kiss.
Sophia grabbed at his jaw, pulling his mouth against her own, her teeth clenching at his lip. “Did I say stop?”
“No, you didn’t.” Kyle muttered, groaning as she started to really press down against the way he strained at his jeans, hips rocking harder and faster. When he felt her soaking through her panties, he let out several shaky breaths and his hands dug into her ass as he rocked himself up into her and nodded to the door that lead to his apartment. “I think, babe..” he practically hummed the words against her neck as he buried his lips there, sucking hard, leaving a mark behind, “We need to move this inside.”
“Y-yeah.” Sophia managed to mumble softly against his neck as her lips danced over his pulse making her giggle as she felt the shiver when it raced through his body. She moaned when he bucked into her harder, his fingertips digging into her ass even deeper. Without another word, Kyle was opening the door to his SUV and stepping out, not even bothering to untangle her from his body. Sophia  clung to him, her legs circling his waist, squeezing to hold herself up. Her back met the door of the apartment with a soft smack and she grimaced against the cold but quickly focused on Kyle… The way his hands were wandering even more; bolder while also managing to dig around and find his apartment key. He kicked the door open with his foot, sitting her down on the sturdy kitchen table as he shed his jacket and dropped his keys on the shelf beside the door. This entire time, the distance between them, the lack of him… Pressing against her, touching her, kissing her.. It had her pouting and watching him intently, biting her lip as she did so. Kyle looked up from taking off his boots and he bit his lip, stepping between her parted legs as he rubbed his chin in thought.
“I believe we were right about…” he leaned in slow; too slow for her liking because she was meeting him eagerly to mutter soft against his mouth, “Yeah?”
“Here.” Kyle’s hand disappeared beneath the hem of her dress and he nipped at any bare skin available to him as his palm cupped her core, rubbing hard, a ragged hiss being swallowed by the meeting of their mouths when he realized just how soaked she was already. “Dripping already, babe? I bet he never did this… Did he?” Kyle’s hand started to rub faster, and as she managed to moan out the word no while rocking her hips against his hand faster in response to each rub, he crashed his mouth against her mouth and promised firmly, “Gonna make you forget everything about him, babe. I promise you that.”
“Kyle, please.. Need you now.” the words left her mouth in a desperate and loud whimper as she tried to rub her entire body against his own, starved for the friction, his touch. His everything, if she had to be totally honest.
Mikey wasn’t affectionate at all for the most part. And he never bothered with all the teasing and marking her up. As long as he got off, Sophia found herself thinking bitterly, he didn’t care how good I felt and god this is so… different. Kyle has barely done anything and all he’d have to do is tell me and I’m pretty sure I’d cum… She’d never seen this side of her best friend before and seeing it now was definitely something to think about. She’d been missing out on all of this and… Settling.
After tonight, Sophia thought to herself as she tugged frantically at Kyle’s tee shirt only to have him lower her hand and give her a scolding look as he slowly shook his head, I am all Kyle’s. I can’t just pretend this didn’t happen -or that I didn’t want it to happen deep down, because I did and I do and I want him.
Her mind kicked into overdrive, her touches got needier, more frantic. Kyle picked up on it and he stopped, tilting her chin, making her look him in the eye. Lust blown green eyes locked on him and she bit her lip, moving herself closer to him as Kyle smirked down at her and allowed it. His fingers brushed aside a drenched cotton barrier before ultimately deciding that barrier was just in his way and tearing them off, tossing them onto the floor and as soon as his fingers drifted lazily over her warmth he bit his lip and eyed her up, leaning into her heavily enough that she was almost laying back on the table. “Fuck.”
The sound of her cell phone ringing nearby didn’t fully register the first two or three times that it did. By the time it started to ring again, Kyle gave it a glare and muttered against her neck while burying his fingers deep into her heat, scissoring and massaging, “Answer the phone.”
Sophia met his firm gaze with a puzzled one of her own. Why the hell did he seem like he was encouraging her to answer a call from Mikey, who from this moment forward, she was referring to as her past? And then, she caught sight of the ambery glow in his eyes as he fixed them up on her. “Sophia.” his tone was firm again. Serious. Like he had something to prove. Like he was about to tease the hell out of her and give her even more to think about.
Kyle licked his lips, sinking down to his knees between her widely parted legs, an almost primal growl against her skin as he kissed up the inside of her thigh and his fingers continued to slowly fuck in and out of her dripping heat. “I said.. Answer the phone. I dare you, Sophia. C’mon.” his mouth migrated higher up her thighs.
For about two minutes, the phone stopped ringing.Sophia let out a ragged breath as his thick tongue worked slowly over her slit, circling her clit and then moving back down slowly, carefully before repeating the entire thing over again and sending shivers through her body. His fingers movements slowed drastically and his tongue ghosted between her folds, teasing at entry. The phone started to ring all over again and Kyle muttered hoarse against her cunt, “Go ahead, babe.. Answer the phone. Answer or I’ll stop.”
Sophia definitely didn’t want him to stop, so she reached out, removing her fingers from the edge of the table where she’d been gripping to do so, fumbling around until she found the damned irritation.
Just as she picked it up, breathless, to hear Mikey swearing on the other end about her not being at her place and demanding to know what was going on, Kyle’s tongue slipped deeper into her core, joining his fingers in their delicious slow and steady torment. “Fuck..”
“Sophia? What the fuck is going on?” Mikey glared at the phone in his hand as he paced the hallway outside Sophia’s apartment. He banged on the door again, but no answer. Surely she’s here, he thought to himself, she always comes straight home.
Kyle’s mouth curved upward in a smirk and he muttered against her pelvic mound, “Go on, babe.. Tell him what’s going on.” as his teeth scraped against her skin, raising goosebumps all over her body and making her moan all over again. Her other hand left the table and tangled in the crown of Kyle’s head, tugging.
“I’m.. Ah, fuck.. Kyle. Mmm..” Sophia whimpered as Kyle’s tongue rolled lazily and he reached up, tilting her hips, rocking them against his mouth, growling at the way her juices dripped just enough to give him a little bit of a taste already.
“What the fuck?” Mikey was angrier now, swearing. “What the fuck are you doing, huh? Is this because I was runnin late?”
Kyle heard the second her soon to be ex started to explode and rant and he chuckled against Sophia’s skin, muttering in a calm and firm tone, “I bet he couldn’t make you come undone like this. I bet he didn’t even try. You wanna let go for me so bad, don’t you? I know you’re close. I can taste you already. Not yet. Not until I tell you so.”  
“Shit.” Sophia was rocking her own hips against Kyle’s mouth now, eagerly, dangerously close to getting off. “Faster, Kyle… Please.” she begged breathlessly and when Kyle happily obliged for a few seconds, she tensed. She could feel her orgasm beginning to grow to an almost dizzying height. Her breath caught in her throat.
“I fuckin knew you and that Kyle guy were closer than friends.” Mikey was beyond livid now, Sophia could hear him punching at the wall in the background. Kyle muttered lazily against her cunt, “Go on, babe. Tell him. Tell him everything.” as his tongue and fingers slowed, allowing her to catch her breath and back away from the orgasm threatening to shatter through at any second. Sophia shivered and whined, trying to rock her hips against his mouth a little more, desperate for friction and she gave this soft little laugh. “I’d say you’re wrong but.. Fuck… Kyle, please… Oh yeah, right there.. Fuck.” she exhaled sharply, continuing to address Mikey, “You’re not wrong. At least Kyle bothers to get me off.”
“Okay, babe… You’ve earned it. You can let go for me now. C’mon.. I’m dying to really taste you. Fuck..” Kyle breathed against her skin, “I am going to enjoy licking you clean.” and Sophia’s orgasm shattered through, the phone in her hand dropping with a noisy thud against the hard wooden tabletop, her other hand tangling in Kyle’s hair even more as she rocked her hips harder and faster against his face at his urging. Kyle’s sloppy lapping sounds were enough to draw a chorus of needy moans from her and as she rode out her orgasm against his willing mouth, Kyle glanced up, watching her come undone the way she was, an almost animalistic growl coming at the sight of her breathless and almost sweating, her teeth clenching at her lip as she gripped at the table and anything else she could get her hands on.
The noise of dial tone had Kyle raising up from between her legs, leaning down to conquer her mouth in a heated kiss, his hands all over her as she went straight for his tee shirt. He lowered her hands, pulling it off for himself, tossing it onto the floor. When she glanced down, he tilted her chin to make her look back up.
“So.fucking. Beautiful.” he deepened the kiss as he tugged down his jeans and underwear, letting them hit the floor, kicking them free at the ankles. He leaned down, scooping her towards him, stepping away from the table and gently tossing her onto his sofa, following her body down, settling above her, positioned between her legs to keep them spread. He gazed down at her, a finger pressed to his lips and this almost wicked gleam in lust darkened brown eyes. “Mine now. All mine.” he growled into her mouth as he leaned down, greedily stealing another deep kiss and making her breath catch as he did so. She clung to his body, rubbing against him as she whimpered and whined and begged aloud for it, the sounds of her begging and their gasping panting breaths filling the room and lingering in the air.
“All yours, Kyle.” Sophia gasped out as she felt his length trailing right up her slit, the tip teasing at entry and she looked up at him, trying to pull him down against her and he obliged. As his cock sank in deeper, he went still, letting her get used to being filled up and stretched out.
“Are you good?” Kyle asked as he finished trailing lazy and slow kisses all over her face and neck before settling his lips against her mouth.
“Kyle, please. Now.” Sophia begged in a whimper, rocking her hips into him, only to pout when Kyle’s hands caught hold of her hips, holding them still. And then he started to fuck into her, slow and deep and hard, the snap of his hips as they connected with her body echoing off the other wise quiet room.
Her head fell back and she met each drive into her cunt with a euphoric thrust of her own hips and Kyle groaned, fingers digging into her hips as he groaned into her skin “You take me so well. Damn. I’m going to fucking love burying my cock deep inside you any time you want me. Fuck. I’m addicted.” and continued to slam into her with slow and deep and steady thrusts.
Sophia gasped as he bottomed out, tilted her hips and started to hit a spot that had her knees trembling and her breath catching in her throat. “Kyle, fuck, baby, please… Don’t stop.” she begged, clinging to his body as another orgasm started to build to an almost dizzying intensity, sending a dull throb racing through her sex because he’d been guiding her close to the edge only to drive her away from it all night.
It didn’t appear to be a pattern changing anytime soon because even now, at the feel of her body tensing and her walls vising his cock, Kyle was slowing to an almost stop, lips dragging over every patch of skin he could get them on, touching her all over, chuckling into her skin as he muttered quietly, “Not yet, babe.”
“Kyle, please… Need.. Fuck.” Sophia moaned against his chest as her nails dug lightly into his back. Kyle groaned, nipping hungrily at her collarbone, the feel of her nails against his skin driving him dangerously close to just pounding her.
“You need what, hm? Use your words. Tell me what you need, babe.” Kyle stared down at her, catching his breath. Words couldn’t even begin to express just how beautiful she was right now, all pinned beneath him, whimpering and moaning and clinging to him. He raised a hand, caressing her cheek and smoothing her hair back out of her eyes, brushing his lips right against her lips as he started all over again, fucking into her slowly. As deep as he could. Making sure she felt every single inch.
Sophia shivered and cried out, trying to speed up the pace. Kyle’s hand lowered, gripping her hips to hold them still. “I told you to use your words. Tell me what you need.”
“You.” Sophia moaned out, adding in a quieter whimper, “Harder and faster.” and Kyle chuckled, deepening the kiss. “See? Wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“No.” the word lingered as Kyle started to fuck into her even harder and just a little faster. He trailed his tongue along the outer edge of her ear and mumbled against it, “Tell me something, babe?”
“Did he ever… even once… Ask you what you wanted?”
The shake of her head had him shaking his own and parting her lips with his tongue as he asked quietly, “Do you wanna cum? Because I fucking love the way you tighten around my cock, fuck.”
“Please?” Sophia managed to whimper as her lips latched onto his collarbone, sucking, leaving another big mark behind and making Kyle smirk as he stared down at the reddish purple mark on his skin when it formed and her mouth pulled away. “That’s it, babe. Mark me. Let me wear it with pride.”
The marks she left behind on him seemed to be just enough to push him; right over the edge he went, pounding away at her, harder and deeper. He sped up and Sophia’s whimpers and moans shattered the almost silence, making Kyle smirk down at her, nuzzling against her soft skin as he muttered quietly, “C’mon. You know what I want.”
Her orgasm shattered through her and Kyle’s fingers dug into her sides as he fucked her through it, groaning and growling aloud as he felt her absolutely coating him. “So wet. Mmm.” he muttered against her skin, the soft smack of little kisses peppered across it filling the air as she cried out his name. He had to slow down and he almost didn’t in time. Sophia’s legs clenched at his sides and she begged quietly, “Kyle, I want… Mmm.”
“Yeah, babe?” he hummed against her skin, staring at her, waiting on her to finish. “What do you want? Use your words.” he slowed down his thrusts, keeping them deep, bottoming out a time or two and making her whimper as she pulled his mouth against her own to mutter into it quietly, “Wanna feel you.”
“Oh you do, hm?” Kyle muttered, fixing lust blown brown eyes on Sophia as he started to pound away at her a little faster, biting his lip, focused on making sure that she absolutely felt every single inch. And the way she drove him crazy, how much he loved her and how he wanted to be her man. “If that’s what you want.” he breathed out against her mouth, the words swallowed up in a slow and deep and almost bruising needy kiss as she begged again to feel him.
Kyle’s orgasm shattered through him and he dug his fingers into her hips again, rocking them into him harder and faster, growling and groaning her name as he emptied inside her, pulling her into a kiss as he came undone and fucked through his orgasm. “Feels so good. So good.. Sophia.. Mmm.” he muttered as he started to slow down, dance his lips all over her bare skin and finally sank to the couch behind her, pulling her so that she was partially draped over him, his arms going around her and his nose pressing into the crown of her hair as he lie there, holding her. He tilted her chin up and she yawned, raising up to press her lips against his. “Not moving. Couldn’t if I wanted to.” she gave a tender and almost shy smile as he chuckled and asked quietly, “Yeah? Why’s that?”
“That was… Fuck… that was amazing. I’m not used to being this sore.”
“Get used to it.” Kyle muttered, trailing his tongue over her lips as he kissed her again and yawned himself. The sunlight was starting to peek through the living room window and he pressed a kiss against her forehead. “You wanna move this to bed? Maybe we can get some sleep..”
“If you’re carrying me. I truly meant it when I said I could not move, baby.” Sophia flirted, fixing an adoring gaze on Kyle as he rose to sit, pulling her into his lap, then standing, carrying her down the hall wrapped around his body….
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: can i see through you; kyle o’reilly
this was sent to me on the main by @kyleoreillysknee​ and this is the very first part of the little mini series I have for Kyle and Domi. I lowkey really loved writing it out and I’m tempted to do things with it further in the future.
Dominique is the girlfriend of Jordan Devlin who couldn’t be more oblivious - or stupid, if he tried. After getting tired of being stood up, she finds herself at the same diner that Kyle wanders into. A cute lil walk through town and some slight flirting ensues, and by the end, Domi is starting to realize that maybe she sees Kyle as more than a friend?
Jordan Devlin is... Not a good guy here. Not inherently bad, but an oblivious idiot. Flirting. A confrontation. That’s pretty much it.
Kyle O’Reilly x OFC, Dominique
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→  Gonna be late, Red.
The text had her rolling her eyes at her cell phone and feeling that twist of disappointment like a knife to her gut. It was something that by now, she should’ve been used to. And lately, she found herself thinking that it was something she toyed heavily with leaving behind.
But then, there he’d go, all whispers and gentle promises and he’d really seem to be better.
Her mother’s daughter, all over again. Suckered in by a pair of pretty eyes and false promises. Too damned passive to make waves, so she sucked it up and dealt with her lot in life. The next text that came through was from her manager Nora, of course.
→ We’ve taken the liberty of sending the photographers to you. Since apparently taking unsanctioned vacations and not giving your management team a heads up first is a thing we’re doing now. Tomorrow, at the pier, noon.
→ Just in case you need a reminder, I’ll be swinging by your hotel with the outfits for the shoot at 9.
“Just great. Awesome. Tell my mom not to talk to my handlers and what’s she do? Run straight to them with my whereabouts.”  Dominique muttered it mostly to herself as she shook her head.
A throat cleared nearby and she glanced up, recognizing her boyfriend’s co-worker, Kyle O’Reilly and a small and friendly yet wary smile tugged the corners of her mouth upward.
“It’s Kyle, right?” she called out to him before she thought twice about it. He was a moderately familiar face in a strange place full of strange people. She felt a little less alone knowing she knew at least one person present.
Okay, so maybe she didn’t quite.. Know him. But she knew who he was. It was close enough, hopefully. Any distraction right now was better than sitting here, dwelling on being stood up yet again. And Kyle seemed like a nice guy when she’d seen him around backstage. Maybe she spoke up because she was lonely. Maybe she spoke up because she found herself noticing the man now and again, despite attempts not to do so.
Kyle wasn’t expecting her to say anything to him when he’d come into the diner and noticed her sitting there alone. They barely talked. Oh, he knew exactly who she was, of course, because Devlin was always running his mouth about his ‘hot girlfriend’ and they were all over Instagram and shit, but Kyle honestly hadn’t paid a terrible amount of attention to her one way or another since she’d come down to Florida to visit with Devlin.
Okay, maybe that statement wasn’t the full truth. But he hadn’t paid enough attention to her to warrant her saying hello.
He could see the pained little smile and it bothered him. His fists clenched and he shoved them into the pockets of his jeans. “Devlin’s not here?”
“Apparently, I’m dining alone…again.” Dominique shrugged as if it were nothing, but just saying it hurt a little. It stung to know that Jordan was standing her up yet again, leaving her to fend for herself in a situation where she literally knew no one. He knew she didn’t do well with this type of shit.
He knew it and yet, he continued to rope her into it and then leave her to her own devices. Just the thought had her frowning a little and that frown bothered Kyle just a little bit more. He glanced around and sat down in the seat across from her.
Might as well, he could tell she was tense and she didn’t like the idea of dining all alone in a strange town. Not to mention, it was nice to hear a familiar accent, though her accent was more heavily laced with French than anything.
She reached for a menu at the same time as he did and their hands brushed. Dominique bit the inside of her cheek at the way his hand felt brushed against her hand, rough and warm and steady. Jordan’s hands didn’t feel like that. She shoved the idle thought to the side and cleared her throat quietly, muttering an apology.
Kyle shrugged lazily, it wasn’t as if the accidental brushing of their hands bothered him. Oh, it definitely sparked something, but it didn’t bother him by any means. “It’s not a big deal.” he reassured her as he fixed his eyes on the menu.
“Thank you.”
“For what?” Kyle looked up from the menu, staring at her a few seconds. Unshed tears glimmered in brown eyes and he shifted in his seat a little, mostly to dispel some of the irritation he felt at Jordan Devlin for standing her up.
And just being a dick instead of a decent boyfriend in general.
He felt bad for her. She’d come out on the road to spend time with the guy and yet, every chance he got, he was standing her up to go do whatever. Only spending time with her when it was convenient for him.
The whole thing didn’t sit right with Kyle at all.
“For sitting down. I’m not.. Really a big fan of eating alone in a strange place.” Dominique sighed and took a sip of the Sprite the waitress sat down in front of her as she turned her attention to Kyle.
“Yeah, I don’t blame you. You know my name.. I don’t really know your name?” Kyle ventured as he turned to look at her. She smiled and toyed with the napkin covering the plastic eating utensils on the table between them. “It’s Dominique.”
“Dominique. That’s a pretty name.” Kyle smiled as he said it, holding her gaze a few seconds as he toyed with his own napkin covered eating utensils.
“It’s a mouthful, that’s what it is. If you wanna, you can call me Domi?” she tilted her head slightly and found herself gazing at him a few seconds. Their eyes met and she smiled. The smile turned to a slight frown as soon as she heard her phone pinging.
“Oh, what now?” she muttered it mostly to herself, gazing down at the screen. As she did this, it gave Kyle a few seconds to kind of get himself a much better look at her. He raised his hand, dragging it through his hair and took a deep breath or two. “Everything okay, Dominique?”
“Oh, it’s swell. My handlers are checking in.”
Kyle raised a brow. “Handlers?”
“It’s what I call my manager and her team.”
He nodded as it hit him. He remembered Jordan bragging about her being a model or something. She seemed tense and again, he found it bothering him. Now that he was thinking about it, he couldn’t really think of a single time he’d seen her actually smile when he had seen her around lately.
“I swear to god, if she sends that fuckin bodyguard over here to breathe down my neck, on my vacation…” Dominique went quiet after the mini-explosion and Kyle chuckled quietly. When the waiter came back around, he cleared his throat, stopping them. “Hey, is there any chance we can get our stuff to go?”
Dominique eyed him with a raised brow. But the cocky sort of grin he was giving her prompted her to smile too and as the waiter left to go and see about changing their meal from dine-in to carry out, Kyle explained himself.
“Well, it’s obvious you don’t want this bodyguard to show up. I thought that we could walk down to the park that’s nearby or something. Maybe dodge the guy.” Kyle nodded to the door, giving her a smirk as he tugged the hood from his jacket over his head and then nodded to the hood on her own jacket.
Dominique gave a soft giggle and smiled back at him, tugging the hood of her jacket over strawberry blonde hair, hiding it out of sight. As they got their food and paid for it, they hurried out of the back of the restaurant, into the alley. As soon as they were outside, Kyle laughed. “If we stick to the alley, we’re in the clear.”
“You act like you’ve done this before.” Dominique was staring up at him, smiling and shaking her head. “I’ve tried this a few times but somehow it never quite works out. Someone will see me and recognize me.”
“That’s why you don’t just go bursting out the front, woman. Of course, they’re going to find you that way.” Kyle said it in a teasing way, but honestly, he felt concerned for her. To even have to worry about that was kind of mind-boggling for him and he could only imagine it was super stressful for her.
“Noted.” Dominique took a sip of her sprite and nodded to him. “I’m not keeping you from anything, am I?”
“No, no. Not at all.” Kyle climbed on top of a picnic table as they reached the park, patting the empty spot beside him. He pointed up the the sky and chuckled. “Stars are out really good tonight, huh?”
“They are.” Dominique took a few french fries and munched them, nudging him in excitement as she saw a shooting star go past. “You have to wish.”
“That’s silly, no.” Kyle protested, but she pouted at him just a little and he wound up doing that very thing. She closed her eyes and made her wish and opened them again, taking another handful of fries.
“What’d you wish for?” he asked it a few seconds later, mostly because they’d been sitting in literal silence and he wanted to break the ice.
“Courage.” Dominique nibbled on her straw as she said it, nose scrunching up as she met his gaze. “What’d you wish for?”
Kyle chuckled and shrugged. “If I tell you, means it won’t come true, right? That’s how this works.”
“Fine.. Keep your secrets, sir.”
“Why courage?” Kyle asked after a few more seconds.
Dominique sighed and shrugged, toying with her jacket sleeve as she looked down at the bench her feet were on top of. “To make the changes I need to make to actually be happy for once.”
“Such as?”
“It’s dumb.” Dominique tried to plead off of answering, but Kyle shook his head. Taking a bite of his food, he fixed those eyes of his on her intently and she swallowed hard, dragging her fingers through her hair.
“ Just finally be able to really be myself. I don’t even think Jordan knows the real me. Honestly, it’s been so long I… I don’t know if I do.” she fidgeted a little, uncomfortable. Kyle mulled over what she was saying. “It makes sense. Why can’t you just do it?”
Dominique gave a soft laugh, reaching out and sort of absent-mindedly fluffing his hair. He bit his lip, caught himself staring a little harder, his breath catching ever so slightly. “Because I’m relaxed right now. Most of the time I just.. Can’t relax. Or do anything really.”
“Oh, you can. I mean, I don’t see where it’d be that hard.” Kyle shrugged, giving a confused look as their eyes met again. “Jordan doesn’t tell you to give it up?”
“Jordan would have a coronary if he even thought I was thinking about walking away from it all. Him included. He only sees the side of me he wants to see. When he wants to see it, obviously.” Dominique sighed quietly and shook her head. Kyle found himself scooting just a little closer to her and reaching out, making her look at him. “Devlin’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, too.”
Dominique swallowed hard, nodding, a quiet and bitter laugh as she agreed with Kyle. “Either way, I’m the one who feels like she has to be this fake version of herself. I feel trapped and it bothers me.”
“I mean what I’m saying. It doesn’t have to. You don’t have to feel trapped.” Kyle found himself really looking at her, really taking her in.
He briefly found himself wondering if she saw herself the way he saw her right now, sitting under the stars with him. He got this strong sense that the version he was seeing of her right now, this second, was the real her at the heart of it all.
“I mean, I know that but there’s this part of me that sort of feels scared that if I do this… Everybody’s going to be disappointed.” Dominique shuffled her feet and Kyle found himself staring at her all over again, reaching out, making her look at him when she looked down. “I know this won’t matter and probably doesn’t mean much, but I want. And if you wanna talk I’m here, okay? You can just like.. Come and find me and we’ll talk.”
Dominique bit her lip and nodded, giving him a smile. She didn’t even realize she’d actually teared up a little while talking to him about it all but it hit her that her cheeks felt wet. She wiped at them and took a deep breath. “Thanks, Kyle. I might just be taking you up on that.”
“Good, that’s great. Now let’s get you back to the hotel, okay?” he held out his arm, slipping it around her as they started to walk the two blocks back to the hotel she was staying at.
“O’Reilly, Jordan’s girlfriend is lookin for you again, buddy.” Adam’s voice cut through his laser focus on the weights in his hands and Kyle gave a blank look at first. Adam was staring at him intently, an amused smirk as he nodded to the doors of the gym. When his gaze settled on her, she gave a small wave.
Kyle dropped the weight he’d been holding carefully and he raised the white rag wrapped around his neck, toweling away sweat. Roderick held out a water bottle to him and nodded to the doorway where Dominique still stood. “Can’t help but feel bad for the kid, hell… All Devlin is doin’ is ignorin her, man.”
Just the mention of it had Kyle tensing visibly all over again and sensing the shift in Kyle’s mood, Adam shot Roddy a warning look and covertly shook his head before continuing smoothly, “If she’s lookin for Kyle, she’s tryin to trade up. We’re not gonna discourage that. Go talk to her, man. We got your back.”
Kyle eyed Adam, a brow raised. He was at least 99 percent certain that Cole was up to something and almost the second he saw that knowing smirk on Cole’s face, it clicked into place what that might be.
And honestly? It wasn’t anything he hadn’t caught himself thinking about or having extensive late night conversations with Bobby Fish about already. Oh, he had a plan.. But unlike Adam, he wasn’t going into it guns blazing, only worried about getting what he wanted and hell with everything else.
No, his goal was to get to know her. Help her any way he could. Because anyone with half a brain could see that she clearly needed help. And he really felt drawn to her, the feeling only increased a little bit more with each little encounter they’d had so far since the night they met. He clicked with her.
He hadn’t really ever clicked with someone like that, especially not quite so fast.
“All I’m saying, Kyle, is that Jordan Devlin treats her like a fuckin possession. He’s not with her because he cares, man, this isn’t like me and my girl or Roddy and his.. Or even Bobby and his. Just watch them, man.” Adam went quiet and Bobby leaned in, muttered calmly, “You were sayin’ earlier, O’Reilly… She only finds you because she doesn’t know anybody else? You’re wrong. She has a choice. She’s here, now.”
Kyle bit his lip, eyes darting from his best friends to the doorway where Dominique still stood. Eventually, he wandered over.
“Everything okay?” Kyle stared down at her, his hand rubbing over the back of his head. Before he could stop himself, he was stepping just a little closer. She did the same, mirroring the way he stood. He eyed her in concern, relieved to find that she didn’t seem upset or anything like she had been the night before when she’d wound up texting him and coming to find him at the sports bar he and Bobby were having drinks at.
“Yeah.” Dominique was almost worried that she was bothering the guy with as much as she seemed to find herself seeking him out lately, but honestly at this point, she just really and truly enjoyed being around Kyle. He didn’t make her feel like she couldn’t be herself. He wasn’t always pressuring her to do this or that or be a certain way. They actually had these long and in-depth conversations about different things. Things that she’d always wanted to talk to people about before but more often than not, she wound up getting ignored or having the topic laughed off. Hell, they even argued about things and he actually listened to her and heard her out as opposed to shutting her down.  “Actually, I just thought I’d come and hang out with you guys today. Since I took what you and Bobby said into consideration and I cancelled that stupid photo shoot on the beach.”
Kyle smiled and nodded. “Feels better, huh?”
“Oh god, so much better.” Dominique smiled back, nodding to the weight benches as she tilted her head slightly to look up at him and asked, “I didn’t like.. Interrupt you, right?”
“No, not at all. I was actually just finishing up. Was gonna go back to my apartment and get my dog and take him to the beach. You can come too, if you want to.”
“I’d actually like that!” Dominique smiled up at him and he chuckled. “Let me go get changed and we’ll leave.”
As he walked past his friends again, Adam stopped him. “You better be going for it, Kyle. We take what we want, man.”
“This is not like that, Adam.”
“It should be.” Adam chuckled, nodding to Dominique and then at Kyle as he continued, “It’s cute, man.”
Bobby stopped him as he headed towards the locker room. “I’m going to take it that she took our advice and cancelled the shoot?”
“She did. She seems happier about it.” Kyle smiled to himself and Bobby chuckled. “Just go spend time with your woman.”
“I’m telling you, she only looks for me to spend time with because I’m the only person she really knows aside from that fucking prick Devlin.” Kyle insisted as Bobby shook his head. “Open your eyes, O’Reilly. At least consider the possibility that I’m right and I know what I’m talking about, man.”
“Whatever, Fish.” Kyle waved him off and laughed as he stepped into the locker room to change.
And across the gym, Jordan Devlin happened to look up from sparring with one of the other guys to find his girlfriend… Engrossed in yet another conversation with Kyle O’Reilly. His sparring partner nodded towards Dominique. “Your girlfriend’s awfully close to O’Reilly, man. You gonna do something about it or just let O’Reilly steal your girl?”
“Oh, he’s not stealing anything. He’s keepin her outta m’ hair right now. I’ll handle it later.” Jordan cut off the other man abruptly. Oh they were definitely having a very serious talk later…
They came to a stop at the parking lot, laughing and trying to catch their breath. Kyle’s dog flopped down onto the asphalt between them and grinned up at them, panting because he was tired too. Dominique reached down to scratch the dog behind the ears and a throat cleared behind her and Kyle. She rose slowly, turning around.
Jordan was leaning against a lamppost, tapping his wrist. And then it hit Dominique that he’d texted her before she left her place to meet Kyle down at the boardwalk earlier. She’d told him she’d try to meet him tonight for dinner, but she’d been having such a good time she completely forgot all about it.
“Did y’ forget somethin?”
“Jordan, if you’re going to be a dick, leave.”
He nodded to Kyle, glaring a little before fixing his gaze back onto Dominique. “Yer spendin an awful lot ‘f time with that one.”
Kyle’s fists clenched and he’d been just about to step up, put distance between Dominique and Jordan, but Dominique shook her head no and took a deep breath. “Yeah? At least Kyle wants me around, Jordan.”
“How can y’ say dat? I want y’ around! I can’t help ‘at I’m busy.” Jordan was starting to tense up, starting to get irritated. Kyle could see it in his eyes. When Jordan stepped forward, Kyle stepped between them quickly, shaking his head as his jaw set firmly. “Don’t even think about it, Devlin.”
“And what’s dis about yer agent sayin y’ want t’ quit? I thought y’ were fine. We talked about dis, Dom.”
“It’s my life, Jordan.” Dominique shrugged, swallowing hard. The last thing she wanted was a huge fight because of her and she was honestly debating on fleeing now, just taking Kyle by the hand and getting the hell away from Jordan. When he got like this, nothing was going to convince him he was in the wrong. She was not putting Kyle into the middle of it all.
“C’mon, Kyle, let’s just go. Leave Jordan to his tantrum alone.”
“Oh.. so dat’s how it is now, hm?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
Kyle looked from Dominique to Jordan and he rubbed his chin. “You’re really something, Devlin. You bring her out there to be with her and then you spend all your time ditching her. You never listen to a damn thing she has to say. Do you even know anything about her? I mean beyond the fact that you think she’s hot.” Kyle airquoted the last part, rolling his eyes at Jordan in disgust. Oh, the anger he felt every single time she’d come by and be upset by something Jordan said or did or him just outright fucking ignoring her was bubbling to the surface and it was happening quick. He squared up, eye to eye with Jordan who was glaring at him angrily.
“Don’t believe any of this is yer business, O’Reilly.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. See, she’s my friend. So that makes it very much my business.” Kyle’s jaw set firm as he said it and he moved so that Dominique was clearly behind him and totally obstructed Jordan’s view of her.
He continued. “Do you even know how stressed out this whole modeling thing has her? Because she’s actually told me. And I listened. I didn’t tell her to keep trying, I didn’t ignore her. And you call yourself her boyfriend.”
Dominique’s breath caught in her throat. Seeing him get this angry.. Over her.. While she was worried and tensed up and scared that at any moment, all hell was going to break loose, she found herself really getting a good glimpse of Kyle.
And that magnet’s pull she’d been starting to feel lately was only growing. She stepped closer to Kyle, pressing against his back in an effort to at least try keeping one party involved slightly calm. “Go away, Jordan.”
“ So that’s it?”
“Yeah. Again. That’s it. I’m done with this. I’m done with you. Just go away.”
Jordan glared at Kyle and Kyle spoke up as calmly as possible. “You heard her, Devlin. Get lost.”
“Yer goin t’ regret breakin up with me.”
“I highly doubt it, because in the short time I’ve known Kyle, I’ve honestly felt like he’s more of a boyfriend to me than you ever were. Go! Get lost.” Dominique blurted it out before she could stop herself and Kyle turned, gazing down at her intently.
“Sorry about that, I..” Dominique trailed off, her eyes getting lost in his as she stared up at him.
Rather than say anything, he pulled her against him and chuckled quietly. “It’s not your fault. You wanna get out of here? Go find something to eat?”
“I’d very much like that, Kyle.”
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
wild winter | the quiet game; kyle o’reilly [m]
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LOCATION: a shared hotel room ( with Bobby Fish asleep in the next bed, ftw)
SITUATION: knowing people can/might  overhear
TYPES OF SEXUAL CONTACT: hand focus (holding hands), intense eye contact, spooning
So this is the unofficial begin to my year long smutty self challenge. I figured that the few I did in February could count as a begin to winter. So, I’m transferring them all over to my blog(s). Perhaps later, I’ll make some kind of information post so that you guys know what this is all about. Or, maybe I’ll just leave it a mystery, bc Idek myself why I chose to do this other than boredom, wanting to stop writing god - awful and cringe inducing smutty stuff when I feel up to writing smut. Anyway, here it is. This oneshot fits into the universe I started in fake fic titles with Kyle O’Reilly and the OC used there, Dominique Carron. { x | x | x } < if you wanna read those before reading this. Time frame for this oneshot is a few months between the second part and the third part when Kyle and Domi have become an established couple.
Kyle O’Reilly x OFC, Dominique. 
uhh... smut. filth. shared hotel room / risk of getting caught. body fluids. an awkward but funny moment in here where they do kinda get caught by Bobby, whomst they’re sharing a room with (thank you so much for the inspiration for this part @kyleoreillysknee​ love you forever for throwing it out there) aaand that’s pretty much it, tbh.
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                           KYLE & DOMINIQUE in
                      THE QUIET GAME.
He’d been on the verge of dozing off when he felt the bed dip low and he felt her, wiggling into place. He cuddled into her, his arms going around her after he’d pulled the blanket up over her better.
Dominique rolled over to give him a goodnight kiss and when she did, Kyle’s hands raised, cupping her face, pulling her mouth into a deep and gentle kiss. “Was startin to think I’d have to come in there with you.” he yawned into the kiss. Dominique cozied herself up to him and trailed her fingertip over his lower lip.
“I’d have honestly loved that. I just wanted to soak.” Dominique muttered softly, eyes fluttering open and shut as he pulled her closer. It always felt like sheer bliss when he held her close and tight.
“A little sore?” Kyle questioned, his hand leaving her cheek to ghost over her side and settle at her hip.
She shivered and bit her lip, pouting at him as he flashed her a mostly innocent grin. “More than a little. Turns out, not only are you sexy, amazing in bed, kind and funny.. You’re also really smart and I should’ve listened and stretched out instead of curling up in back like I did.” she pressed her lips against his lazily, an innocent little kiss.
Kyle pulled her closer and his tongue slipped past her lips as he raised his hand again to rest it against her cheek.“Good night, baby.” Dominique muttered softly, nuzzling her face against his hand.
“Good night, babe.” Kyle yawned lazily as Dominique rolled to face the opposite direction.
He slipped his arm back over her, pulling her completely against him, thinking he’d start to doze off. But naturally, he didn’t. And he knew she wasn’t either.
Bobby, on the other hand, snoring up a literal storm across the room.
Kyle’s mouth brushed against the back of Dominique’s neck and she sucked in a breath because as his mouth was wandering over her neck, his hand was wandering  up and down her sides, stopping a second or two to squeeze at her hip. He moved even closer and she bit her lip, whimpering a little, her breath catching in her throat as he rubbed into her from behind.
“Kyle.” Dominique whimpered almost helplessly as she continued to really try and rub herself against him in the hopes that she could get him all worked up. She just wanted him so badly. Right then. Right that second.
“Yeah, babe?” his voice was husky with sleep and that always did things to her. She licked her lips and swallowed hard. Parts of her wanted to turn over and face him but parts of her also liked it when he spooned against her from behind, strong arms tight around her body. And they had a shared room tonight, she didn’t trust herself to remain quiet.
Kyle had this ability to bring out the side of her that got loud. Insanely loud. And needy. Oh so needy.
“You know exactly what you’re doing.” Dominique gasped right as she felt his hand slipping beneath the hem of the t shirt she’d kind of stolen from him to wear to sleep. He chuckled, his lips against her ear as his hand crept higher up her thigh. “I’m not doing anything. Promise, babe.”
“Yes. Yes you are.” she gasped a little, rocking herself back against him about the second she felt his hand settle over her unclothed heat, rubbing lightly. She heard him swear upon the discovery that she wasn’t wearing panties and when his teeth grazed at her neck, she bit down on her lip.
Kyle had her flat against the mattress in a split second and he was settling himself over her, his hands grabbing hold of her hands and holding them flat against the pillow.“Kyle… oh..” her voice came in a soft whimper against his neck. He gazed down at her with lust blown pupils. “So beautiful. And all mine.” he mused, lips crashing against hers as he bucked into her teasingly.
The kiss broke and his mouth strayed. And despite his burning desire to get his hands all over her, he continued to hold her hands flat against the pillow and gaze down at her adoringly. Bobby stirred, grumbling in his sleep and rolling over in the bed across the room and for a second or two, Kyle and Dominique froze, Kyle taking advantage of the pause in kissing and whispering to let go of her hands and slip his hand down between them, circling his cock, teasing it along her bare folds.
She shivered and tried to thrust her hips upward, to get some kind of friction going but he shook his head and chuckled quietly, pressing down into her as he whispered against her ear, “Think you can be quiet, babe?” questioningly. He’d honestly been planning to be a good boy and just attempt sleep since they had to be awake hellishly early, but.. the fact remained… He couldn’t keep his hands -or his mouth, to himself tonight. And she’d been nothing short of a playful tease the entire drive.
“It’s doubtful but..” she started to whimper as she felt him lining his cock up and the tip teasing between her folds all over again, “I’ll try.” the whimper and her words were swallowed up in a hungry kiss and Kyle shallowly thrust into her, barely letting the tip enter her heat. Dominique wanted to raise her legs and wrap them around his waist, this was so much worse than the way he’d been teasing her earlier in the SUV on the drive to the hotel… His hips were pressed so firmly into her lower body that she couldn’t lift her legs and wrap them around his body and drive him into her to the hilt like she wanted.Just as she thought she’d at least get to keep movement of her hands so she’d be able to touch him like she wanted, his hands found her hands again as he sank into her, keeping still for a few seconds as he gazed down at her and lowered his mouth, capturing her mouth in a kiss.
“Kyle..” she whispered, breathy and soft because her breath caught in her throat at his touches and kisses.
“Shh.. Gotta keep quiet, remember, babe?” his tone was a thick and sleep laced almost teasing drawl as he spoke.
She nodded, swallowing hard. All she wanted to do was get her hands on him. To wrap her legs around him.“C’mon.. Please?” Dominique tried begging again but she could look at him and tell that it was falling on deaf ears.
“Uh-uh.” he replied as he started to thrust, slowly and carefully. Almost agonizingly slow. It was quite evident that Dominique was about to pay for her little teasing throughout the drive today. And it was clear that Kyle wanted control.That turned her on more than anything. And he knew this.That combined with the way he was staring down at her, lust blown pupils almost blackening his entire eye.. She shivered as his cock buried inside her even deeper and he dipped down, mouth roaming hungrily down her neck. A gasp caught in her throat when she felt his lips latch on her neck, quiet sucking sounds drowned out by the noisy snores of their roommate for the night.The thrill of being caught at any second had her dripping. When she moaned a little louder than intended because he started to drive into her deeper and harder, his hips snapping quietly against her body as he did so, he chuckled against her skin. “Shhh.”
“You’re trying to make me scream.” Dominique choked out after a deep and bruising kiss broke because they needed to breathe.
“You were the one teasing me all the way here, babe.” Kyle replied, flashing her that cocky smirk from above. He started to fuck into her a little faster, his hands gripping her hands tighter, his hips pinning her flat against the bed. The orgasm started to build all over again, this time more intense and just like before, Kyle came to a full stop, cock buried inside her, gentle kissing and sucking noises as his mouth roamed all over her neck and dipped down, leaving a line of marks littering her collarbone as he smirked against her skin. When he felt her starting to back away from getting off, he started to fuck into her again. Deliberate and slow.
Her fingers laced through his and she gave his hands a gentle squeeze, trying and finally managing to move her hips just enough to get a little more friction going between them. It did nothing for the tears of frustration stinging at her eyes. Bobby stopped snoring and Kyle went still on top of her, mouth moving over her skin, finding her mouth as his tongue parted her lips. “Feels so good, Domi. God, you feel amazing.Shit.” he muttered into the kiss as he remained still, both of them caught up in kissing each other, Dominique trying and failing at wiggling her hands free.
Kyle chuckled and shook his head no at her with a teasing gleam in his eyes. “You’re in for it when we get back to our apartment, Kyle.” Dominique muttered as her teeth caught on the side of his neck and she nipped at it, leaving a mark of her own.
Kyle shivered. He definitely had a weakness about her lips anywhere near his neck. And she knew it. So he knew she was trying to tease, to do anything she could right now to get back at him for holding her hands still.“I’m counting on it, Domi.” Kyle muttered lazily against her collarbone.
Bobby hadn’t said anything or really moved again and he’d started to quietly snore again, so Kyle started the delicious torture all over again, slow drives deep into her heat as careful as he could. She moaned and the kiss swallowed it up, Kyle chuckling right after. The mattress’ quiet creaks had them both laughing in whispers that were swallowed up in even deeper kisses. When she started to rock her hips upward, meeting his deep drives, he growled quietly, burying his lips in her neck to muffle the sound and leave another mark behind.
“Eyes up here, babe.” Kyle coaxed as he started to move faster, letting go of her hands finally so he could grip her hips, angling them up, driving into her as deep as he could get. He buried his mouth into her mouth, their teeth bumping against one another in the hurry to deepen the kiss. “Kyle, fuck.. Oh..” her back arched away from the bed slightly and he buried his mouth into her mouth even deeper, muttering into the kiss, “C’mon, babe.. Wanna feel you.” coaxing her right over the edge and straight into an orgasm that shattered through her with enough intensity to make her want to scream his name over and over until she lost her voice.
Kyle deepened the kiss, his fingertips digging into her hips, the mattress creaking steady and quiet. When she clenched around him he growled into the kiss, teeth sinking into her lower lip, tugging at it, gasping as his own orgasm built to an almost dizzying rush and the snap of his hips against her hips was almost neck and neck with the sound of Bobby’s snoring across the room.
She managed to get her legs around his waist, her heels digging into his ass, driving him in even deeper. Her nails dragged slowly and carefully across his shoulders and down his back and Kyle grunted, “Fuck. So close.”
“Don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop.” Dominique coaxed, staring up at him. Kyle raised his hands, putting them over her hands again as he continued to fuck into her, his hips at a steady and almost bruising tempo against her hips, fucking her deep into the mattress almost. As his orgasm shattered through, he crashed his mouth against her mouth, groaning as she whimpered his name over and over quietly into the deepening and dizzying kiss. “Love you Domi.”
“Love you too, Kyle.”They shared a look and Kyle’s head bent, burying in the crook of her neck as Bobby spoke up from his bed, “Love you, Bobby.” and after a few seconds of them both trying to compose themselves and not answering, he spoke up again,
“Oh come on? You two are seriously gonna leave me hangin? Just when I felt like we were gettin really close…” Bobby chuckled, trailing off with a mumbled, “Horny as a couple of actual teenagers, I swear to God.”
“Bobby go to sleep.” both Domi and Kyle responded in tandem, both embarrassed at having been heard, Kyle falling to the bed completely spent, immediately turning onto his side and pulling Dominique into his arms, gripping her tight, pulling her into a yawn filled and lazy goodnight kiss.
“What are the odds he was pretending to be asleep?” Dominique asked, cringing because she had a feeling that there was a high chance Bobby was pretending to be asleep just to give them shit.
“Knowing Bobby, babe.. Pretty high.” Kyle gave a sheepish chuckle as his lips brushed lazily against her forehead.
“Awesome. This is never gonna be not awkward.” Dominique muttered against Kyle’s chest as she rolled over to face him, throwing a leg over his hip. Kyle’s hand found her thigh, squeezing gently as he chuckled and yawned.
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: death of a bachelor; kyle o’reilly
So this is... part of a mini series too. I think it’s like the third one, give or take. it was sent to me in the ask over on my main by @kyleoreillysknee​ and I had to post it here on it’s own post. I really enjoyed writing this even though I forgot the name of the other oc, the one whose marrying Roderick Strong here and I messed it up. I’m almost tempted to do something with these two at some point too, idk.
Dominique and Kyle have been together for a while now and at Roderick’s wedding, Kyle suddenly just can’t wait to ask Dominique a certain question so he gets her off to herself and does that privately. Fluffiness ensues.
Teeth rotting fluff. Bickering and banter.
Kyle O’Reilly x OFC, Dominique.
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The wedding march began to play and to his right, Bobby nudged him, nodding to the end of the wooded path. And seeing her step out, carrying those wildflowers and wearing that crooked flower crown had Kyle’s breath catching in his throat all over again as he stared.
His heart was beating like it’d beat right out of his chest. It was the first night he kissed her all over again.She gave him a teasing wink as she took her side on the bride’s side of the wedding party. Bobby couldn’t resist leaning in to whisper with a smirk, “Is that ring still burnin a hole in your pocket, O’Reilly?”
“It is.” Kyle admitted in a hushed whisper as he did his best to pay attention to the ceremony taking place between Roderick and Stella, but all he could do was stand there and stare at Dominique in awe. And try to puzzle out why he insisted on waiting when life was just too short. And he couldn’t keep it to himself much longer, he’d barely managed keeping the ring and his intentions hidden this long.
But was it too soon?
No, he found himself thinking, it wasn’t. They’d been together 3 years. While it wasn’t too long to some, it was long enough. He knew her like the back of his hand. He truly enjoyed falling asleep and holding her at night, with the dog at their feet. He honestly couldn’t think of one single reason holding him back.
Roderick dipped Stella down into a deep and handsy, groping and almost borderline indecent first kiss as man and wife and everyone started to file down the aisle. Kyle stopped beside Dominique, offering his arm as he leaned in and muttered quietly, “You look amazing.”
“Hush, O’Reilly. You’re already getting laid.” Dominique teased gently, fair cheeks heating in a blush that accented the freckles on the bridge of her nose in a way that bought a smile to his face. As they entered the clearing where the reception was set up, he pulled her against him as the first slow song started to play, his hands slipping down to gently rest over her lower back. All he could do was stare down at her.
Stare down at her and feel absolutely floored by everything he felt all at once that he couldn’t properly express.
“Everything okay, Kyle?” Dominique asked him, her brows scrunching as she eyed him in mild concern and amusement.
“Everything is better than okay, Domi. C’mere.” Kyle leaned down, pressing his lips against her forehead. “And for your information… I wasn’t just saying it to get laid. Although…”Kyle chuckled against her skin, his laughter trailing off as she slipped her arms up and around his neck. “You’re in a good mood for somebody who went all pouty not even three hours ago over having to wear a tie.”
“Which reminds me.. Think you can loosen it for me, sweetheart?” he asked the question with the slightest hint of a begging look and Dominique swallowed hard, staring up at him as she lowered her right hand, tugging at the knot she’d tied into his tie a few hours before. Neither of them seemed to notice that there wasn’t even any music playing at the moment.
They probably wouldn’t have either, but Adam and Britt happened to be standing nearby and Adam clapped, laughing as he called out to his friends, “There’s not even any music, c’mon, stop showing us all up, O’Reilly.”
“Maybe you could stop whining, Cole, and take a few cues from my man, hm?” Dominique looked up, laughing. Britt was now staring up at Adam intently, arms folded over her chest, a playful pout on her face. Dominique tore her eyes off of the two and bit her lip, raising to tiptoe to press a soft and clumsy gentle kiss to the corner of Kyle’s mouth. He raised his hand to her cheek, pulling her mouth against his completely. Everyone was starting to filter out onto the grass to dance beneath the mason jars and string lights strung in the trees overhead and honestly, he couldn’t think of a more perfect time to ask what he’d been dying to for a while now.
“Hey, you wanna take a walk with me, Domi?”
“Mhm.” she was cozying herself against him as close as she could get and he chuckled, stepping away to slip his arm around her. The wind picked up a little and he shrugged out of the suit jacket, putting it over her shoulders. The two of them walked back towards the area Roddy and Stella held their wedding in and once Kyle knew there wasn’t anyone but the two of them present, he took a few deep breaths.
Dominique watched him pacing a little in front of her, muttering to himself as if he were trying to psych himself up for a match. Stepping out in front of him, she took hold of his hands. “Everything okay?”
“Well, see, shit.. Fuck..This was so much smoother in my head.” Kyle took a deep breath and he dug around in the pocket of his jeans, fingers closing clumsily around the black velvet box. Dominique saw the box as he took it out of his pocket and she started to tear up, trying to hold in her overenthusiastic yes until he actually asked the question.
Kyle was about to open his mouth to ask it and Domi couldn’t wait to answer any longer, climbing into his arms instead, wrapping her legs around his waist as she grabbed his face gently, caressing his cheeks as she pulled him into a kiss that left him almost dizzy and breathless. “Woman.. You’re supposed to let me ask you.”
“Okay, fine. Ask your question, hurry, please do it.. I can’t wait a second longer to say yes.”
Kyle chuckled and went down on one knee, staring up at her, cocky smirk on his face as he did so. “Dominique Caron.. Will you marry me?”
She may have gotten slightly carried away in her answer and jumping in place, she nodded, mouth opening and closing as she stared down at him and happy tears started to flow, streaking her mascara. “Yes. Yes. I love you, Kyle.”
“I love you too.” Kyle rose up, pulling her against him. In her excitement, she almost bought them both down to the grass, making him laugh against her lips quietly. “God I love seeing you happy.”
“You make me happy, Kyle. Always. Even when you’re being infuriatingly stubborn.”
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adamcoled · 6 years
messes | kyle o’reilly
kyle o’reilly x reader
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day 3/25: “woah what happened while i was gone?”
When you and Kyle moved in together, there was one thing you were adamant on finding room for in the house was your large book collection that had accumulated over the years. You became an avid reader at a young age and kept that hobby even today, so it made sense that you had well over 300 books, some of which you had yet to read.
And so there were bookshelves lining the walls of your living room, ones that always caught the eyes of your visitors. However, the only problem was that with so many books, you often found it a challenge to find the one you were looking for. That was how you got into your current situation. Piles upon piles of books strewn across the living room floor, covering it to the point that you weren’t even sure there was a floor. Worst of all, you still hadn’t found the book you were looking for. You were lucky, at least, that Kyle wasn’t here to witness the disaster you had created.
“Wait a second,” you said to yourself, opening the cabinet that you kept your personal favorites in. Sure enough, there it was, sitting there when you had been searching for it for an hour and had destroyed your living room in the process.
“Woah,” you heard behind you, “what happened while I was gone?”
You turned around and Kyle was standing there, mouth agape and eyes wide.
“Hi, babe,” you tried, smiling sheepishly. Your luck had run out.
“What in the hell have you got going on, babe?” Kyle questioned, stepping over books to get to the couch – the one empty space, save for a few books you had tossed when you started getting annoyed. Kyle’s tone was disapproving, but the smile he couldn’t hold back told you he found the situation entirely funny.
“I was trying to find a book….turns out it wasn’t even on the shelves.”
He laughed, throwing the few that were on the couch into the pile.
“I leave for a few days and this happens,” he joked, pulling you towards him when you bounced onto the cushion beside him. Right now, you were trying to ignore how long it would take you to clean this mess and instead appreciate that Kyle was back home. But considering everywhere you looked was books, it was hard to forget.
“It’s not funny,” you whined, but that only made him laugh even more. Admittedly, it was kind of funny, though you were still trying to act like it wasn’t.
“It’s pretty funny,” he pointed, immediately putting his hands up when you threatened him with a pillow. “Alright, alright. Not funny at all.”
The two of you sat there for a few minutes, your head on Kyle’s shoulder as he told you about different things that had happened while he was away. You had closed your eyes, his voice nearly lulling you to sleep, until his next words woke you right up.
“We really do need to clean this up,” he reminded. You groaned, eager to nap with Kyle rather than spend a good hour or so cleaning up. Even if it was you who caused the whole thing.
“Will you help me? Pleaseee?”
He got up from the couch and ran away, trying to avoid your request – even though you knew he would agree to help you in the end. You chased after him, stepping on a few books in your haste, hopping onto his back when you caught up to him. Placing a kiss on his cheek to entice him even further, he was putty in your hands.
“Please?” you asked again, grinning while he sighed. “It’ll go so much quicker with the two of us, and afterwards we can do whatever you want.”
“Whatever I want?” he repeated, face alight. You nodded, anticipating a few ideas but certainly not anticipating the next thing he said. “Pillow fort?”
But, you should have expected it. Kyle was the biggest dork after all, and both of you preferred simplistic date nights over anything. You weren’t really sure how building a pillow fort with Kyle would turn out, probably a mixture of failure and endless laughter, but you wanted to find out.
“Pillow fort,” you agreed, dropping back onto the ground carefully.
“I’m sold.”
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ambootyos · 7 years
Some Friend
Prompt: Kyle O’Reilly is the reader’s best friend, and the guy she’d always had a crush on, after breaking up with her long time boyfriend and friend of Kyle’s, Adam Cole, they finally start to admit their feelings, but how will Adam react to it?
A/N: Random idea I had, and first Kyle imagine ever. Enjoy?
Word Count: 2,329
Tags: @originalbish98 @thegenericluchadora @theprestigious0ne @dorkyvillain @reigns420 @sheaxdevitt @laziestgirlintheworld @i-ship-it-okay @breakfastwiththesun @wrestlingismyguiltypleasure (Am I forgetting anyone..?)
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I was debuting in NXT tomorrow, I should be happy. No, not just happy, I should be excited, proud, I should be ready to take on the whole freaking world.
But, instead, here I am, drinking my troubles away, and thinking about what I’m gonna say to him.
Adam Cole.
My ex boyfriend, of many years in indies. We broke up, a few months ago, and now we were both signed. I let out a sigh, as someone sat next to me. I looked over to see a familiar face.
“Oh, hey Kyle.” I sighed.
He frowned slightly. “Hmm, I expected more excitement from the future NXT Women’s champion. Is everything okay?” He asked, as he put his hand on my shoulder.
I shrugged. “I’m fine. Just kinda nervous. I don’t know how things are gonna go tomorrow, you know..with Adam and all.” I replied.
“Oh, I see..” He nodded. “I wouldn’t stress about it. It was months ago. Plus, me and Bobby will be there to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.”
I breathed a laugh. “Thanks Kyle.”  
Me and him were always close, ever since we were teenagers. We kinda had a falling out when me and Adam got together, he was always jealous of everything. Even Kyle.
I knew cutting him out was a horrible thing to do, but at the time, it seemed right.
I let out a sigh. “Hey Kyle?” He hummed as a response. “I’m sorry, for how I was when Adam and I were together. I treated you terribly.”
He breathed a laugh, as he draped his arm around me. “It’s okay Y/N..I know it wasn’t on purpose. I know how he can be.” He explained, I laid my head on his shoulder.  
“It still wasn’t right.” I mumbled.
He cleared his throat. “Uh..you want me to take you to your hotel? You really shouldn’t get too drunk before tomorrow.” He said, changing the subject.
“I’m not drunk Kyle. I’m barely buzzed.” I chuckled.
He breathed a laugh. “All the more reason to leave now before you do something stupid.” He said, as he stood up, and threw a jacket on. “Come on. Let’s go.”
I rolled my eyes. “Not gonna let up, are you O’Reilly? Fine. Let’s go.” I smiled, standing to my feet.
We made it back to my hotel and he slid his hands in his pockets. “I should go. Bobby’s probably wondering where I’m at.” He stated, about to leave.
“Unless..” I trailed off. “Do you maybe, wanna stay?” I asked, knowing it was probably a bad idea.
“Do you want me to stay?” He asked, sounding a bit surprised I’d even ask. I simply nodded in response, he smiled softly, and sat at the foot of the bed, as I laid down. “And you’re sure about this?” He asked.
I breathed a laugh. “I just asked you to stay with me, I didn’t say anything was gonna happen. Don’t read too much into it O’Reilly.” I teased, causing him to chuckle.
“Right, sorry Y/N. Wishful thinking I guess.�� He smirked, as he moved next to me.
I turned to look at him, as I started to blush. “Wishful thinking hmm? You mean that?” I chuckled. He started to look embarrassed, as he ran his hand through his hair.
“Oh come on. You had to have known I used to have the biggest crush on you.” He chuckled. “I mean, it was super obvious.”
“I knew. I waited for you to make a move. Until I couldn’t wait anymore..” I admitted. “Tell me Kyle, you still feel that way?” I asked.
It took him by surprise, his eyes widened, for a second, but then he cleared his throat, and shook it off. “I think you’re just drunk. You don’t really wanna have this conversation.” He mumbled.
I shook my head. “I told you Kyle, I’m not drunk. I just...I’m curious. Okay?”
He sighed. “I had to get over you. You were with Adam. I lost my chance with you. I could’ve told you so many times. And I just didn’t. So, I had to get over you. Or, I should’ve got over you, if I had, maybe Adam wouldn’t have made you stop talking to me. I definitely shouldn’t have told him. That’s for sure.” He cleared his throat. “So, to answer your question, yes. I still feel that way.”
I took a deep breath, and grabbed his hand. “Kyle..” I trailed off.
“Let me guess, it’s too late?” He asked, I sat up, and shook my head.
“No. That’s not what I was gonna say. I was gonna say I’ve waited for you to say that for..who knows how long?” I chuckled. He sat up, and furrowed his brows.
“So..you still feel the same about me too then?” He asked, seeming surprised. I cupped his face, and smiled.
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.”
He put his hand on my knee, and bit his lip, but didn’t say anything, he just leaned in and kissed me. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about it before. I thought about it a lot. And, it may sound like a cliche, but it was better than I could’ve imagined it.
I straddled his lap, still cupping his face, not breaking away from the kiss yet. He rested his hands on my waist, and smirked into the kiss, he pulled away for a second, needing to take a breath.
“Are we doing this?” He asked, as his smirk grew, I nodded in response. “You sure?” He asked again, I ran my hands through his hair.
“Years, and years, worth of sure.” I chuckled, before lifting my shirt over my head, then doing the same to him.
He nodded, before kissing me again.
I woke up before Kyle the next morning, and threw on some clothes, before deciding it was time to wake him up, I ran my hand through his hair, and whispered his name a few times before he blinked his eyes open.
He smiled slightly. “Oh, hey..” He yawned. I breathed a laugh. “Hey Kyle. Last night was a lot of fun, but we have to go, we have a show tonight.”
“Worth the wait?” He asked, as his smile grew. I nodded, and bit my lip.
“Definitely worth the wait. Now, get up and get dressed, I can’t be late on my first day.” I said, patting his chest.
We walked in together, and he laced his hand with mine.
I breathed a laugh. “I’m not complaining by any means, but are you sure you wanna do that?” I asked, he smiled, as he tightened his grip.
“I don’t care about Adam, if that’s what you’re asking.” He chuckled, before kissing the temple of my head. I breathed a laugh, and rolled my eyes.
“You’re the one who’s gonna have to deal with him all day, but if you insist.” I mumbled.
We continued to talk about whatever as we walked down the hall, until I stopped next to the locker room, and put my hand on his chin, turning his head to face me.
“I gotta go find my opponent for tonight, and talk over our match.”  I smiled, before standing on my tiptoes to kiss him softly. “I’ll see you later.” I added, before walking off.
Kyle stood there, smiling for a second, before he looked up and saw Bobby and Adam standing across the hall. His smile quickly faded when he saw Adam glaring at him. “Sh*t.” He mumbled, as they made their way over.
Adam grabbed him by his shirt. “Who was that? Because if you say it was, who I think it was, I might kill you.” He hissed. Kyle pushed him off, and rolled his eyes.
“I’m not talking about this out here.” He stated, before walking towards their shared locker room, motioning for them to follow him. Adam slammed the door behind them, and crossed his arms, his blood was boiling as he waited for a response from Kyle. “Yeah, that was Y/N, okay Adam?” He admitted, before exhaling sharply. “And, I don’t have to apologize for that. You two broke up months ago.”
Adam’s eyes widened, and he scoffed. “Excuse me? Are you f*cking serious? I can’t believe you.” He started, before shaking his head. “Actually, this sounds exactly like you, I should’ve expected it, after you tried to guilt trip me into breaking up with her months ago, and then made me out to be the bad guy, when I asked her not to see you.”
Kyle rolled his eyes. “Look Adam, I don’t wanna fight with you, okay? We’re friends but-”
“Friends?!” Adam exclaimed, a sarcastic tone in his voice. “Yeah Kyle, some friend you are, going behind my back to talk to Y/N, and then walking in here, acting like you two have been dating for months, you’re supposed to be my friend, and that’s the way you tell me that you’re with her?!” He growled, crossing his arms, and shaking his head.
“Adam, look, you don’t deserve her, okay? You don’t.” Kyle stated dryly.
Adam scoffed again. “And you do? Why?” He asked, cocking his head, and wearing a smug smirk, walking closer to Kyle, and starting to get in his face. “Because you, had a crush on her for a few years and did absolutely nothing? Or maybe, because I told you I was gonna ask her out, and you did absolutely nothing? Or, is it because years of me and her being happy together went by, and you still never said a word to her, and expected me, to do it for you?”
Kyle looked at the ground and sighed, and Bobby cleared his throat. “Enough, okay? Just drop it.” He stated, wishing he didn’t have to be caught in the middle.
Adam shook his head. “You probably didn’t even tell her yourself, did you? Did she have to make the first move? You finally had a freaking shot, and she had to be the one that pushed for it? How does it feel, to know, that whatever happened, and whatever she said, was probably, only because she missed me? She wanted someone, and you were the closest guy around.” He continued.
Kyle shook his head, and sighed. “No Adam, you were the guy she was with, while she waited for me. I’ll admit, I should’ve said something sooner. She even told me she’d wished I had. Maybe because she knew you were a waste of time.” He smirked. Adam grabbed his shirt again, and slammed him into the wall.
“Adam!” Bobby exclaimed, pulling him off. Adam threw up his hands in defense, and smirked.
“You know what? Doesn’t matter, because either way, you’ll have to know, that I, used to f*ck the girl of your dreams, every, single, day, until she was so sore the next morning, she couldn’t walk, she’d scream my name, until she lost her voice.” He said, his tone arrogant, before crossing his arms. “You know, it’s funny, she’s walking fine today, I heard her talking to you too..” He trailed off, before putting a hand on Kyle’s shoulder. “I mean, you did sleep with her, right? Which experience sounds like a bigger waste of time to you?” He asked.
“Adam, enough.” Kyle hissed, and Bobby nodded in agreement.
Adam’s smirk only grew wider. “You just can’t deal with the fact, that I, was there, first.”
Kyle went to punch him, but Bobby stopped him, and stood in between him. “Enough! Both of you! Stop! Adam, just go, okay? Just, find something else to do.” He demanded, before turning his attention to Kyle. “You do the same, I don’t wanna see you guys around each other, until we have to go on later tonight. Okay?” They nodded in agreement, and Adam left the room, slamming the door as he did.
His body collided with mine, and he grabbed my arms to steady himself, and keep me from falling. He smirked when he saw it was me, his hands didn’t leave my arms at first, until he cocked his head, and crossed his arms. “Anything you wanna tell me? Like, you’re screwing the guy you told me I never had to worry about?”
I sighed, and crossed my arms. “Nice to see you too Adam. Yeah, me and Kyle are kind of together now Adam. I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Maybe you could tell me why you lied to me? You told me you were breaking up with me, because you couldn’t do long distance, because you’d miss me too much. Why not just tell me it was because you were in love with him?” He hissed.
I shook my head. “Adam, it wasn’t like that I-”
He cut me off. “Oh please, you were just looking for a way out Y/N. Me going to NXT gave that to you. I guess it was stupid to think we’d get back together when you signed. Maybe I should’ve broke up with you when Kyle asked me to, probably would’ve saved me the heartbreak, and jealousy that I feel now.”
“I wasn’t looking for a way out. You can believe whatever you want, but I really did love you, and I cared about you. I was heartbroken when we ended too. But, I’m with Kyle now. That’s the way it is.” I growled, earning a sigh from him.
“Fine. I’m sorry. I get it, you’re with him.” He said. I thanked him for understanding, and hugged him tightly, he started to walk off, but then turned back to me. “Oh, and tell Kyle I’m sorry.” He added. I furrowed my brows.
“For what?” I asked, causing him to smirk.
“For still not giving up on trying to get you back.” He winked, before walking off.
Great. This had only just began.
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