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fly-pow-bye · 6 years ago
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Sideline Dad”
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Written by: Jake Goldman
Written & Storyboarded by: Kyle Neswald, Jaydeep Hasrajani
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
Yeah, it should have been left on the sidelines.
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Our episode begins with Blossom's head in the cosmos, talking about how soccer is the epitome of the cosmic dance that is sports. That is a near-direct quote, as this scene tries to look and sound way more profound that it actually is.
Blossom: What makes soccer so great is its simplicity! One ball! Two teams! No hands!
Well, except for the goalie, but I can see what she was going with. If you're expecting this to be Blossom trying to convince Buttercup that soccer isn't lame, don't. Unlike other superhero-related reboots, they don't really take any pot-shots against soccer, not even from people who are in the wrong. Pretty surprisingly for an American cartoon. Since this is a "girl power" show, it might be due to how good the US women's soccer team is, though no obvious connection is made. Before Blossom can get even more philosophical, Buttercup tells her to kick the ball already!
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The Powerpuff Girls are playing this soccer match with some of the other kids at Townsville Elementary against another team from Citysville, playing this entire game on foot. I always thought that this looked awkward with their designs, but at least there's a decent excuse: they are just trying to be fair by not using their superpowers when nobody else can use them.
Oh yeah, another team! Right off the bat, this sports episode does one thing right compared to another sports episode from this reboot: the other teams actually exist. It is not like Derby Dollies where the other teams that are not made up of evil robots were never shown. They even have names; here, the Townsville Turtles are competing against the Citysville Capybaras. Why are Townsville's team called the Turtles? Not to insult the mighty turtle, but I don't think they're referring to any kind of turtle that knows Ninjutsu. There's no indication that this team is terrible, and they really shouldn't be when they have three kids who have ultra-super-powers.
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Well, maybe victory would not be that guaranteed, considering Bubbles likes to play tea parties with Octi in the middle of a game! Oh, that silly blonde and her complete ignorance of everything around her! Not that Blossom pondering about soccer's place in the world of sports is that much better, either. Once again, it looks like Buttercup is the most competent member of the trio, whether it be in crime-fighting or sports.
Bubbles does manage to get her head back in the game before any goal for the Citysville team could happen. She kicks the ball away so hard that, from her goalie position, she kicked it right into the other goalie's, causing the net to explode. So much for the "not using their superpowers" theory, but not that I'm complaining.
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While everyone celebrates with their children in tow, including one of the Cabybaras for some reason, the Puffs fly up to their loving father figure to ask him if he saw them do so well. Unfortunately, their father figure was too busy reading a book. See, because he's not a jock, he's a man of science. This is going to be a Professor-focused episode, and it would be a good sign for this episode if I continued to call him that. Unfortunately, the rest of the episode will make that very hard for me.
The Professor also asks if it's time to go, and since it looked like everyone was leaving, I just assumed yes. I get that this is him not having any interest in the game to the point where he just wants to go, but all of this combined with the celebration scene leads to some confusion in the next scene.
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That next scene is set at Penguin Pete's, where the Professor treats them to pizza. I thought Penguin Pete's was an ice cream shop, since penguins are normally associated with cold weather, but I guess they serve nice and hot pizza, too. Either that, or they just wanted to use backgrounds they already made. The Professor tries to act like he paid any attention to this important game, and the Puffs immediately see through their Sitcom Dad's attempts at that.
Sitcom Dad: Wow, you really showed them what for!
Blossom: We lost by three.
Maybe it wasn't the end of the game, because it looked like everyone on the Turtles were celebrating their big win at the end. It feels like a bit of a whiplash, but it is possible we're supposed to see this from Sitcom Dad's point of view. Buttercup decides to ask her clueless father figure that the hard-hitting question that she knows that he will not be able to answer: what was his favorite part of the game?
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We cut to the insides of the Sitcom Dad's brain, which is piloted by tiny versions of Sitcom Dad. It is certainly not Herman's Head or Inside Out; it's more like that terrible movie where a bunch of tiny people are piloting a robotic Eddie Murphy. With all of the brainpower of at least four Sitcom Dads, he ends up saying that the game was very outdoors.
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While apparently staring at his children while they sleep, Sitcom Dad laments that he couldn't properly cheer for his kid's sports game. He has a reason for it, and it would be a good reason.
Sitcom Dad: But I just never got into sports...
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Yes, he never got into sports, which makes perfect sense considering in Hustlecup, he was shown to be some sort of basketball prodigy. To be fair, if any episode's canon deserves to be thrown in a fire, it's that one. I kind of stopped giving them the benefit of the doubt with that, though. One second after that bombshell line, we get this one!
Sitcom Dad: I don't know the first thing about this "sock-air".
He was able to pronounce the word "soccer" at least one time before this, but now, poor Sitcom Dad is too dim-witted to pronounce words correctly. He couldn't even be consistently wrong!
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We get a sports-related montage of him studying this "sock-air", right down to a "Gonna Fly Now" parody playing over it. Even though I called him Sitcom Dad, they do get that he's a science guy, as he uses robotic legs, holograms, and augmented reality stock images. In the middle of it, the music stops as he takes the time to read about Soccer 101. It’s a bit awkward, but I get it.
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After that montage, we cut to the next game. The Mayor has decided to become a sports commentator, because he clearly has nothing better to do. It's not like there's any monster attacks happening any time soon! If only there was an assistant that would take over his job, but I guess that wasn't fitting of the messages. Unfortunately, the Powerpuff Girls do not share his excitement, all because of the knowledge that their dad is ignoring them.
The Mayor: Will Bubbles be able to block the shot, or will she just stand there, looking sad?
Having seen their fights, the latter should be an easy assumption, even if he doesn't know they were sad because their father would rather study science than cheer for his kids. That's not a bad description of the usual Reboot Puff strategy, in fact.
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That training really paid off, as Sitcom Dad is actually really into this. He even got jersey with the first three digits of pi on it! It's a little more clever than, "oh, it's the science guy", as the Townsville Turtles logo actually looks like the pi symbol. Probably unintended, but still. He wants everyone to do the wa-ve! I'm pretty sure the Professor would know how to pronounce that.
Blossom and Buttercup are in complete disbelief over this, and Buttercup makes a quip about how it could be the Professor's escaped evil clone. That line could have worked by itself as a joke, but they decide to take this way further.
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Sitcom Dad's "Evil Clone": Hahahaha! The plot thickens! Hahahaha!
It looks like another uphill roller coaster, as we get this running gag where an evil twin of Sitcom Dad, complete with the twirly mustache. is evilly laughing. Every time, he's in some sort of garbage disposal. Only one episode later, and I can still continue my "they sure love throwing their characters in the garbage" joke.
Thanks to seeing their father cheer for them, Bubbles wakes up from her bout of sadness and kicks the ball to Blossom, who kicks it to Buttercup, who then kicks it right into the goalie's stomach. This time, it's not the net that explodes.
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Instead, it seems to be the kid that explodes. I sort of laughed at this, and then wondered if I really should have. This leads to another montage of the Townsville Turtles winning game after game, mostly just the Puffs making goals. Regular, not exploding goals, that is. Maybe they needed to balance the ridiculousness of the Puff's goals with how ridiculous Sitcom Dad looks.
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He even colors his face and his far-more-muscular-than-it-should-be chest in the PPG 2016 colors. Don't worry, this doesn't become a thing. However, if he's trying to show his team spirit, why not color himself in the colors of the team? It makes sense that Sitcom Dad would put his children over anyone else, but it makes sense even if he wasn't their father; it's not like anyone else is doing anything of worth. Turns out, that's part of the plot.
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As the Powerpuff Girls are celebrating their winning streak along with their super-dad/super-fan, Coach Darby, or Coach Dorby as the Professor calls her in a probably unintended continuation of the "Sitcom Dad can't pronounce anything" gag, shows up. She's here to tell Blossom that Candice should start the next game. Why? Other than Blossom's tendency to get her head stuck in the cosmos, this is just here to give Sitcom Dad a reason to go bananas. Also, who is Candice?
Sitcom Dad isn't going to take that, and starts raising a fuss about it. Because of that, Coach Darby decides someone is going to leave the team...herself. Okay? The Powerpuff Girls immediately fret, because the championship game is in two days, and they don't have a coach anymore! This gives Sitcom Dad an idea, and, oh boy.
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Sitcom Dad becomes the new coach, and he has a training regimen that seems to be made more for people with superpowers than ordinary mortals. He replaced all of the soccer balls with boulders to improve the kid's kicking strength, made kids run across a lava pit with soccer balls and the apparent lack of convection protecting them from being burnt to a crisp to improve their hustle, and even got a lion to chase Robin! Why?
Coach Dad: She knows why.
Outside of the rule of three, that last one just seemed like the Professor being cartoonishly evil for no reason even more than the other two. Maybe it would make more sense if the lion was chasing whoever this Candice was, since her replacing Blossom was what caused this coach switch to happen in the first place. Since it's just another kid that at least we know is not Candice, it just seems random. Speaking of cartoonishly evil...
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Sitcom Dad's "Evil Clone": And they say I'm the evil one!
No, nobody did. If anything, this could be the real Professor looking at Sitcom Dad's apparent new villainy. I have a reason to believe this, just wait and see.
He does have an explanation for the other two, at least. Bubbles flies up to the Professor and tells him that this kind of training is way too hard for ordinary mortals, but Coach Dad doesn't budge. He also decided to replace the referee with something that would make the championship match completely fair...
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...the Robo-Ref 9000! It has impeccable vision, it can make cappuccinos, and it has ways of dealing with horseplay. This is shown by it punishing a random kid playfully chasing Robin with eye lasers. See, it's funny because children are getting hurt. But wait, what did that kid say?
Random Kid: I'll go get you, Candice!
Oh, that's Candice? Could have fooled me, because, and I know I don't have a screenshot here, but it's clearly Robin Snyder getting chased. Maybe Robin has a evil twin of her own, or maybe it's a mistake. If it is a mistake, the unthinkable, I know, what's worse is that Bubbles called her Robin in that previous lion chase scene! Forget Sitcom Dad, even the show couldn't be consistently wrong!
Bubbles, this episode's designated complainer that is right, tells Sitcom Dad that he's taking the fun out of the game.
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Insert another Meet Sitcom Dad joke, where he doesn't know the meaning of the word "fun", and thinks it must be some sort of food! Okay, there's a little more to this cutaway gag than just being unnecessary: it's to show that all of this soccer knowledge has replaced his knowledge of anything else. My mistake, it's not Meet Dave, it's that gag from Spongebob's Squilliam Returns! Finally had to steal something that wasn't the explosions, I guess.
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It's the big game, against what seems to be the Citysville Capybaras again judging by the Cs on their shirt. Unfortunately, despite bringing his own coach, the robot actually calls a fair game, letting the Capybaras get goals, and giving the Turtles justified fouls.
For example, the robot gives Blossom a yellow card for being off-sides. It doesn't look like she's off-sides, but Blossom goes with it anyway. Who doesn't go with it?
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Coach Dad, of course. He isn't too happy about any of this, as his face contorts in a way that's still on-model. They actually avoid doing any weird face gags in this episode with one exception, and while this does give us quite a few shots of the Professor making some questionable faces, it could been worse. The Robo-Ref eventually gives the coach a yellow card of his own, which he takes quite well.
Robo-Ref 9000: Yellow card. You must calm down.
Coach Dad: Calm? I'll show you calm! (flips the Mayor's table)
Elderly Lady: Wow, that guy's out of control!
Oh, really! He just seems like an upstanding member to society! Eventually, he throws a chair, which lightly bumps the Robo-Ref 9000...
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...and he succumbs to Rampancy, deciding to use this Red Card worthy foul as an excuse to disobey the First Law of Robotics and just start zapping randomly. One of the lasers hits the bleachers right after everyone runs away. Another one of the lasers is heading towards the Reboot Puffs, and...
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...surprisingly, the Powerpuff Girls manage to not just stand in one place and be sad for once. Aw, I was hoping to say that this repeats the oddity from Trouble Clef where the people of Townsville are better dodgers than the Puffs. It turns out that this episode has its own oddities.
They tell their clueless father figure that they'll take care of it, thankfully not like the way Bubbles said it in the previous episode. The Reboot Puffs do what they do best, and they do it very well.
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That is, they seem to be the best at getting Monster Punch, Girls Downed. I do like the variety of ways he does it, using all of his different features, like using. It does feel a bit inconsistent with the way the shots are done, though. Blossom's in particular sticks out like a sore thumb.
The Powerpuff Girls eventually ask how he got this robot. I would think he built it, because he's supposed to be the Professor. He's makes robots, whether it be Schedule-Bot, or the Dynamo from the original. However, they decide to go in a different and kind of interesting direction. No, he didn't make the robot...
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...the evil dumpster-dwelling clone did! If there's one other positive I can say about this joke, it's that at least this Evil Sitcom Dad joke isn't just another uphill roller coaster, as it actually ties into the plot. It's canon now; he has an evil twin.
Then again, I'm seeing one Professor that makes robots, and there's one Professor that's apparently controlled by tiny versions of himself that forces kids to jump over lava pits and have lions chasing girls with indeterminate names. Who is really the evil clone here?
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Sitcom Dad does get an idea thanks to the little people in his head: start cheering for the girls. This gives the girls the strength they need to come up with this plan: since the Referee has to keep his eye on the ball, they quickly pass it between each other. This ends up confusing the robot to the point where he explodes! Wait, wasn't he going to explode anyway? Whatever.
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Despite the giant crater on the ground, they still go through with the game anyway. I guess there's a bit of humor in how nobody really seems to care, but it just feels like it's rushed. Just like this ending, where, in a little bit of a bookend, this other dad gives Sitcom Dad a suggestion.
Other Dad: If your kids love soccer, they'd love hockey!
Sitcom Dad: Hawkeye?
Yeah, trying to channel the MCU is not going to work. We end this episode on another Meet Dave/Spongebob reference, as the little men in his head continue to panic, as they apparently did since the beginning of Mr. Dad's existence.
Does the title fit?
Sideline Dad kind of reminds me of Sitcom Dad.
How does it stack up?
I'm kind of in the middle with this one. On one hand, it's a Sitcom Dad episode, and while it's not anywhere near the worst he's ever been, I wouldn't consider "not knowing what a sock-air is" a good look for him. I couldn’t get into this one that much, but it could have been a lot worse.
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That's it for Season 3! Next time on the reboot...
...wait, is this it? Is this the end? Granted, this show is not officially cancelled, but as far as I can tell, there's nothing suggesting that anything is in the works, or if there's any more episodes. No finale, no big villain team-up, no virus robots, no nothing. From what I can tell, this series may have ended with this bland soccer episode. I can't say it wouldn't be fitting for the reboot to end abruptly, as most episodes tend to end abruptly!
I'll say one thing: even if this is the end, beautiful friends, it's not the end of Fly Pow Bye's experiment. Next Saturday, we're going to end this experiment with a final stack up. See you.
← The Oct-Father ☆ The Final Stack Up (The Worst) →
6 notes · View notes
dominicbisignano · 8 years ago
What did you contribute to The Banagic Incident. 5 writers including you, Mike Mullen, Kyle Neswald, Carder Scholin, and even Nate Cash from SpongeBob. It is a very funny episode.
Thanks for your thoughts! That episode was a crazy mish-mash of ideas. I don’t actually remember what I did. I vaguely remember writing Jeremy’s narration over the video recording he’s making when Marco is about to walk the gauntlet of fire.
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mysteriesofmarcy · 8 years ago
I miss some of the original crew members who seemed to be the backbone of the show when production started in 2013. Dave Wasson and Jordana Arkin help devolved the series and came up with some story premises too. Also, Danielle Koenig, Nate Federman and Mike Yank. Former director/boarder Mike Mullen. Storyboarders Ian Wasseulk, Carrie Liao, even Christopher Graham who co boarded the Season 1 finale. Revisionists Carder Scholin/Kyle Neswald. Hey, even Piero Piluso left during "The Bounce Lounge"
Sorry, anon, but I'm not very knowledgeable about the Star crew. I care much more about what is made than who makes it.
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biggoonie · 8 years ago
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Powerpuff Girls: The Time Tie #2 (of 3)
Haley Mancini & Jake Goldman (w) • Philip Murphy (a & c) Bubbles finds herself swept up in a High Seas adventure as a swashbuckling pirate! In order to return to the present, she must recover a rare chronogem from a treasure chest buried on Unaliveman’s Island. Can she beat the dreaded pirate Neckbeard to the treasure before time runs out?! FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Powerpuff Girls: The Time Tie #2 (of 3)—Subscription Variant
Haley Mancini & Jake Goldman (w) • Philip Murphy (a) • Kyle Neswald (c) FC • 32 pages • $3.99 The Powerpuff Girls are back in a brand-new three-issue series! Each Powerpuff Girl travels to a different era and place in time in her own special issue! Variant cover by Ian McGinty!
0 notes
cbilluminati · 8 years ago
Oh my, IDW is bringing the awesome later this year, and we got briefs and covers for you. Here’s the IDW Publishing Solicits for June 2017.
Jem and the Holograms: Infinite #1 (of 3)— SPOTLIGHT
Kelly Thompson (w) • Stacey Lee (a & c)
The FIRST-EVER Jem/Misfits Crossover Event begins here and now with “INFINITE PART ONE!” Now a happy quintet, Jem and The Holograms are stronger than ever, which is a good thing because they’re about to embark on an adventure unlike anything they’d ever imagined possible. After a public fight with The Misfits at a charity event, a strangely dressed Techrat shows up and takes them to a whole new world… literally. And it is going to change EVERYTHING.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Jem and the Holograms: Infinite #1 (of 3) – Subscription Variant
Kelly Thompson (w) • Stacey Lee (a) • Veronica Fish (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Part 1 of the Jem: Infinite mega-event!
All-new adventures start here in Jem and The Holograms first ever CROSSOVER EVENT!
All the music, all the fashion, all the romance, all the sci-fi shenanigans begin here!
Interconnecting subscription covers on both Jem: Infinite and Jem: The Misfits: Infinite by Veronica Fish!
Variant cover by Marley Zarcone!
Jem and the Holograms: The Misfits: Infinite #1 (of 3)— SPOTLIGHT
Kelly Thompson (w) • Jenn St-Onge (a & c)
The FIRST EVER Jem/Misfits Crossover Event continues here in “ INFINITE PART TWO!” Never okay with letting Jem and The Holograms steal the spotlight, The Misfits have followed them to this “brave new world” and are shocked by what they find… a world ruled by JEM and powered by Synergy Hologram Technology. WHAT. IS. EVEN. HAPPENING!?!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Jem and the Holograms: The Misfits: Infinite #1 (of 3) – Subscription Variant
Kelly Thompson (w) • Jenn St-Onge (a) • Veronica Fish (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Part 2 of the Jem: Infinite mega-event!
Guess Jem and The Holograms secret is out!…but what will The Misfits do with that secret?!
All-new adventures continue here in Jem and The Holograms first ever CROSSOVER EVENT!
Interconnecting subscription covers on both Jem: Infinite and Jem: The Misfits: Infinite by Veronica Fish!
Variant cover by Ben Caldwell!
Jem and the Holograms, Vol. 5: Truly Outrageous
Kelly Thompson (w) • Meredith McClaren, M. Victoria Robado, Maria Jose Barros, Svanna Ganucheau, Katarzyna Witerscheim, Gisele Lagace (a) • Rian Gonzalez (c)
Jem and The Holograms head to Hawaii for some much needed rest and relaxation but with The Stingers renting the beach house next door they instead get shenanigans, betrayals, hi-jinx, and… volcanoes?! Meanwhile, has Jerrica finally made a decision about her future and thus the future of JEM? Collects issues #24–26, and the double-sized 2017 Annual!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-914-1
  Bullet points:
“An exuberantly colorful all-ages tribute to girl power—colorful as in candy-floss pink and lime green—where serious ideas about performance, identity, and embodiment fit comfortably amid sitcom-worthy teen hijinks…” –The New Yorker
Advance solicited for July release!
  Offered Again!
Jem and the Holograms, Vol. 1 • FC • $19.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-395-8
Jem and the Holograms, Vol. 2 • FC • $19.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-579-2
Jem and the Holograms, Vol. 3 • FC • $19.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-683-6
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  My Little Pony: The Movie Prequel #1—SPOTLIGHT
Ted Anderson (w)  • Andy Price (a & c)
This fall, My Little Pony: The Movie hits theaters, and this prequel mini-series is your first look at the fantastic adventure to come! Danger looms over Equestria as a new villain debuts!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  My Little Pony: The Movie Prequel #1—Subscription Variant
Ted Anderson (w) • Andy Price (a) • Tony Fleecs (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Each issue will focus on a new character from the upcoming movie!
My Little Pony: The Movie in theaters in October!
Variant Cover by Kaori Matsuo!
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“Wings Over Yakyakistan” part 1 of 2. While on a diplomatic mission to Yakyakistan, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are surprised to uncover an imminent attack on the kingdom by dragons! Will Dash be able to rouse the Wonderbolts to aid the Yaks in time to thwart the invasion?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #55—Subscription Variant
Christina Rice (w) • Agnes Garbowska (a) • Sara Richard (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Ties into the events of MLP season 7!
Variant cover by Billy Martin!
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Journey back in time to discover the secret origin of Canterlot Castle! Will the legendary Mistmane be able to save the castle from the mysterious forces sabotaging the castle’s construction?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  My Little Pony: Legends of Magic #3 Subscription Variant
Jeremy Whitley (w) • Brenda Hickey (a) • Zachery Sterling (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Featuring Princess Luna!
Variant cover by Paul Abtruse!
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My Little Pony: Friends Forever, Vol. 9
Thom Zahler, Rob Anderson, Christina Rice (w) • Agnes Garbowska, Jay Fosgitt, Tony Fleecs (a) • Jay Fosgitt (c)
Friends Forever celebrates the magic of friendship in these stand-alone tales featuring all of your favorite characters. Share adventures with Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer, Rainbow Dash and Soarin, and more. Collects issues #34–38.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-918-9
  Bullet points:
“The creative team manages to write for young readers and sophisticated adults at the same time.” –ComicWow!
Advance solicited for July release!
  Offered Again!
My Little Pony: Friends Forever Omnibus, Vol. 1 • FC • $24.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-771-0
Hanazuki: Full of Treasures #1—SPOTLIGHT
David Mariotte (w) • Nico Peña (a & c)
“A Moonflower is Born.” The origin of Hanazuki! Based on the new digital-first show, Hanazuki: Full of Treasures comes a comic retelling of the birth of Hanazuki! On a distant moon, Hanazuki is the new protector of a group of cutie-pies known as Hemkas and the guardian of special treasures that will turn back the forces of darkness!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Hanazuki: Full of Treasures #1—Subscription Variant
David Mariotte (w) • Nico Peña (a) • Yasmin Sheikh (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Based on the first episode of Hanazuki: Full of Treasures, which has over 2 million views on YouTube!
Catch the wave of the hit show, interactive app, and more!
Don’t miss out on this treasure, you irresistible yumbuckets!
Check out the retailer incentive covers by animated series artists Nicoletta Baldari and Christina Ellis!
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Powerpuff Girls: The Time Tie #2 (of 3)
Haley Mancini & Jake Goldman (w) • Philip Murphy (a & c)
Bubbles finds herself swept up in a High Seas adventure as a swashbuckling pirate! In order to return to the present, she must recover a rare chronogem from a treasure chest buried on Unaliveman’s Island. Can she beat the dreaded pirate Neckbeard to the treasure before time runs out?!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Powerpuff Girls: The Time Tie #2 (of 3)—Subscription Variant
Haley Mancini & Jake Goldman (w) • Philip Murphy (a) • Kyle Neswald (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
The Powerpuff Girls are back in a brand-new three-issue series!
Each Powerpuff Girl travels to a different era and place in time in her own special issue!
Variant cover by Ian McGinty!
  #gallery-0-86 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-86 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-86 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-86 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Yo-Kai Watch #3
Eric M. Esquivel (w) • Philip Murphy (a) • Dono Sanchez Almara (c)
You’ve played the videogames, watched the cartoons, chewed the bubblegum– now travel deeper into the Yo-Kai realm than ever before with this miniseries that explores the past, present, and future of the world of YO-KAI WATCH!
In this issue: ROBONYAN defends future Springdale from a horde of evil Yo-Kai!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Yo-Kai Watch #3—Subscription Variant
Eric M. Esquivel (w) • Philip Murphy (a) • Fico Ossio (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
All-new, FULL COLOR comic books based on the hit Anime and video game!
Angry Birds: Flight School #3
Paul Tobin & Kari Korhonen (w) • Thomas Cabellic & Cesar Ferioli (a) • Philip Murphy (c)
Ancient legend says that King Pig must eat a Porkini mushroom once a year or disaster will follow! A search party must head to Certain Doom Caverns in hopes of finding a mushroom, but there is one problem, the legend also tells that the caverns are protected by a horrible dragon…!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Angry Birds: Flight School #3 – Subscription Variant
Paul Tobin & Kari Korhonen (w) • Thomas Cabellic & Cesar Ferioli (a) • Paco Rodriquez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
All-new comics featuring stories continuing from the hit movie!
Michael Recycle #4 (of 4)
Ellie Wharton (w) • Alexandra Colombo (a & c)
Michael Recycle and his sidekick Tin Can Stan have a problem on their hands, and this one involves a great amount of garbage! Can the pair prevent a plastic-patch Indian Ocean meltdown before the world’s precious marine life dies out? Find out in “Michael Recycle and the Great Garbage Patch”!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Young readers who have enjoyed the Michael Recycle books and their eco-friendly messages can now thrill to more adventures in comic-book form!
Children are becoming more and more aware of the environment around them, and Michael’s green tips help them become responsible at an early age.
Alexandra Colombo’s charming art will captivate readers of all ages.
Uncle Scrooge #27
Romano Scarpa, Thad Komorowski, Olaf Solstrand (w) • Romano Scarpa, Flemming Andersen (a) • Henrieke Goorhus (c)
“The Bodacious Butterfly Trail,” Part 1 of 2! When Brigitta MacBridge and Huey, Dewey and Louie find a centuries-old insect with a built-in Columbus-era treasure map, can Scrooge McDuck not try to cash in?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Uncle Scrooge #27—Subscription Variant
Romano Scarpa, Thad Komorowski, Olaf Solstrand (w) • Romano Scarpa, Flemming Andersen (a) • Corrado Mastantuono (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #431!
Enjoy the USA debut of a classic Golden Age tale by Disney legend Romano Scarpa!
Variant cover by Marco Mazzarello!
  Uncle Scrooge: Timeless Tales, Vol. 3
Francesco Artibani, Alessandro Perina, William Van Horn, Daan Jippes, John Lustig, Romano Scarpa (w & a) • Ulrich Schroeder & Daan Jippes (c)
He’s tougher than the toughies and smarter than the smarties… he’s Scrooge McDuck! But has he got what it takes to survive a combined onslaught from Flintheart Glomgold, John D. Rockerduck, Magica De Spell, and the Beagle Boys in “Scrooge’s Last Adventure“? Also features Glittering Goldie in Romano Scarpa’s “The Miner’s Granddaughter,” new tales of Uncle Rumpus by William Van Horn, and a virtual reality trek through Scrooge’s Life and Times in “Scrooge Vs. Scrooge!” Collects IDW’s Uncle Scrooge #13–18.
HC • FC • $29.99 • 256 pages • 7.25” x 10” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-935-6
  Bullet points:
Collects an assortment of classic and modern Disney tales, many of them published for the first time in the U.S. by highly regarded creators from around the world.
Advance solicited for August release!
  Offered Again!
Uncle Scrooge: Timeless Tales, Vol. 1 • FC • $29.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-566-2
Uncle Scrooge: Timeless Tales, Vol. 2 • FC • $29.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-672-0
  Donald Duck #21
Carlo Panaro, Unn and Stefan Printz-Påhlson, Jonathan Gray (w) • Andrea Freccero, Victor “Vicar” Arriagada Rios (a) • Giorgio Cavazzano (c)
“Helmet of the Gods,” Part 2 of 2! Donald at last has Odin’s helmet in his grasp! But the sponsor of his treasure hunt now wants to stop him—by fair means or foul!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Donald Duck #21—Subscription Variant
Carlo Panaro, Unn and Stefan Printz-Påhlson, Jonathan Gray (w) • Andrea Freccero, Victor “Vicar” Arriagada Rios (a) • Paco Rodriguez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Concluding a new Donald epic by beloved top talents—artist Andrea Freccero (Donald Quest) and dialogue writer Jonathan Gray (Sonic the Hedgehog)!
Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #388!
Variant cover by Massimo Fecchi!
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Duck Avenger #5
Alessandro Sisti, Jonathan Gray (w) • Claudio Sciarrone (a/c)
 “Day of the Cold Sun!” When a new energy plant opens in Duckburg, time-bandit Red Raider claims it will destroy half the town in a mighty blast—and Donald has no choice but to believe him!
FC • 72 pages • $5.99
  Duck Avenger #5—Subscription Variant
Alessandro Sisti, Jonathan Gray (w) • Claudio Sciarrone (a) • Marco Gervasio (c)
FC • 72 pages • $5.99
  Bullet points:
More of the new-to-USA Donald Duck adventures that fans want most—the famous “Duck Avenger New Adventures” (known in Europe as “PKNA”)!
Adapted for our readers by fan favorite Jonathan Gray (Sonic the Hedgehog)!
Variant cover by Claudio Sciarrone!
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Donald Quest: Hammer of Magic
Stefano Ambrosio, Pat McGreal, Davide Aicardi (w) • Andrea Freccero, Paolo De Lorenzi, Francesco D’Ippolito (a) • Andrea Freccero (c)
Get ready for a wild alternate-universe, steampunk epic starring Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and the Disney gang in an entirely new world. Welcome to Feudarnia–part pirates’ cove, part space station, and part steampunk battlefield. It’s under attack by “Meteormaster” Phantom Blot and his Meteorbeasts: giant predatory animals made of enchanted stone! The sky city’s only hope is wannabe “Beastbuster” Donald Duck… but with the terrible Beagle Boys, Magica De Spell, and Pegleg Pete hot on his heels, are Feudarnia’s days numbered?
TPB • FC • $14.99 • 160 pages • 6” x 9” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-912-7
  Bullet points:
Disney goes steampunk in this epic tale by top European creators
Advance solicited for July release!
Mickey Mouse #21
Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Jonathan Gray (w) • Andrea “Casty” Castellan (a) • Andrea Freccero (c)
“The Clones of Channel 3000!” After checking out Mouseton’s new TV network, Mickey and Horace seem to see a sinister, weasel-faced man replicating all over the city! What’s this double-army up to… and can Eega Beeva stop them?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Mickey Mouse #21—Subscription Variant
Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Jonathan Gray (w) • Andrea “Casty” Castellan (a) • Andrea Freccero (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Much-requested fan favorite Andrea “Casty” Castellan throws Mickey into an uncanny sci-fi mystery!
Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #330!
Variant cover by Marco Gervasio!
TMNT Amazing Adventures: Robotanimals! #1 (of 3)—SPOTLIGHT
Caleb Goellner (w) • Chad Thomas (a & c)
Baxter Stockman is looking to become the new major villain on the streets! His first step to world domination? Turn the Mutanimals into robots!!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Amazing Adventures: Robotanimals! #1 (of 3)—Subscription Variant
Caleb Goellner (w) • Chad Thomas (a) • Billy Martin (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
All-ages three issue mega-story!
If you dug the Batman/TMNT Adventures books, you’ll get a major kick out of the next adventures of the TMNT from the current Nickelodeon cartoon!
Variant cover by Ryan Jampole!
#gallery-0-89 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-89 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-89 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-89 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures—SPOTLIGHT
Matthew K. Manning (w) • Jon Sommariva (a & c)
The animated worlds of the current Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Nickelodeon cartoon and Batman: The Animated Series collide in this outstanding mini-series featuring fan-favorite characters from both universes! Villains start to mysteriously escape Arkham and Batman seeks to track them down, but he discovers that they have left Gotham completely… and gone to the New York City of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Collects issues #1-6!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 144 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-909-7
  Bullet points:
The first Batman: The Animated Series new material since 2004 when The Batman Adventures
Advance solicited for July release!
“If you like the animated Batman and Ninja Turtles series, this is the book for you. It’s great for all-ages, an easy introduction to both universes, and overall just a fun time.” – Batman-news.com
“Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures is the most fun you’ll have reading a comic book…” — com
“Fans of both franchises will absolutely flip over it…” — com
“Answers so many of the ‘wouldn’t it be cool if’ type questions that fans have been talking about for decades.” —com
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #71
Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman (w) • Dave Wachter (a & c)
“Pantheon Family Reunion” Part 1 of 2. You are cordially invited to the centennial reunion of the Pantheon, the immortal family that influences the course of history. The main talking point? The fate of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #71—Subscription Variant
Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman (w) • Dave Wachter (a) • Kevin Eastman (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
New weird and powerful characters introduced!
Only 4 more issues until the big 75th spectacular!
Variant cover by Dylan Burnet!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #11
Rich Douek (w) • Aaron Conley (a) • Freddie Williams II (c)
Man Ray and Sally Pride journey to New Jersey to investigate rumors of a mysterious monster… who happens to be new mutant Dreadmon!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #11—Subscription Variant
Rich Douek (w) • Aaron Conley (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
  Bullet points:
Null introduces her new enforcers!
Variant cover by Yacine Elghorri!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 5
Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Paul Allor, Erik Burnham (w) • Mateus Santolouco, Cory Smith, Dan Schoening, Sophie Campbell, Charles Paul Wilson III, Ben Bates, Dan Duncan (a) • Dan Duncan (c)
After meeting a good-natured inter dimensional time traveler named Renet, the Turtles become unstuck in time and go spinning into the past! Meanwhile, Shredder and Krang finally meet up, but will they be able to overcome their differences to join forces, while Old Hob has perfected the art of making mutants! Plus, when a new invention goes haywire, the Turtles are sent to a whole new type of New York City. One with a whole lot more ghosts–and Ghostbusters! Collects Turtles in Time, issues #38–44 of the ongoing series, and the TMNT/Ghostbusters crossover.
HC • FC • $49.99 • 368 pages • 7” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-68405-090-1
  Bullet points:
“Perfectly balances complex characters, intricate plots, and incredible action…” –Adventures In Poor Taste
Advance solicited for August release!
  Offered Again!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 1 • FC • $49.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-111-4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 2 • FC • $49.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-539-6
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 3 • FC • $49.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-691-4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 4 • FC • $49.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-820-8
Back to the Future: Biff to the Future #6 (of 6)
Bob Gale, Derek Fridolfs (w) • Alan Robinson (a & c)
“Biff Goes To Hell” Welcome to Hell Valley! Looking to expand his empire, Biff’s greatest threat to the planet is finally revealed. It’s going to take the combined might of the McFlys to put a stop to Biff’s apocalyptic vision. And if they fail… there won’t be future to go back to.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Back to the Future: Biff to the Future #6 (of 6)—Subscription cover
Bob Gale, Derek Fridolfs (w) • Alan Robinson (a) • Derek Fridolfs (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by Anthony Marques!
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Back to the Future #21
Bob Gale, John Barber (w) • Marcelo Ferreira (a & c)
“Hard Time” continues. The secret life of Jailbird Joey Baines starts to unravel as Marty uncovers a family mystery that goes deeper than he ever imagined… but what role did Doc Brown play in the crime that sent Joey to prison?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Back to the Future #21—Subscription cover
Bob Gale, John Barber (w) • Marcelo Ferreira (a) • Casey Maloney (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Clue #1 (of 5)—GEM OF THE MONTH
Paul Allor (w) • Nelson Daniel (a) • Gabriel Rodriguez (c)
When the mysterious Mr. Boddy turns up dead at his own dinner party, everyone’s a suspect! Miss Scarlett, Colonel Mustard, Mrs. Peacock, Professor Plum—all the familiar faces from the famous board game are back, with a couple new twists. But will Boddy’s Body be the last to fall, or is it just the beginning? Follow the clues and solve the mystery in IDW’s new CLUE series!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Clue #1 (of 5)—Alternate Ending #2
Paul Allor (w) • Nelson Daniel (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Clue #1 (of 5)—Alternate Ending #3
Paul Allor (w) • Nelson Daniel (a) • Valentina Pinto (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Featuring three alternate endings! To help you get a clue, we’ve hidden multiple endings to this first issue across the regular and subscription variants that will help you solve the case!
Variant cover by Charles Paul Wilson III!
Kull Eternal #1—SPOTLIGHT
Tom Waltz (w) • Luca Pizzari (a) • Luca Pizzari (c)
Robert E. Howard’s legendary warrior king returns! The evil Serpent Men have attempted to infiltrate and enslave mankind from the time of the very first humans… only to be defeated at every turn by the Elder Race’s ultimate warrior… Kull of Atlantis! And now they must call on Kull once more, as the Serpent Men make a last-ditch gambit to first conquer America… and then the world. Kull’s long journey has come full circle—once a small boy who fled his home of Atlantis, which was lost to a monstrous cataclysm… now a modern warrior who must save the New Atlantis from monstrous creatures!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Kull Eternal #1—Subscription Variant
Tom Waltz (w) • Luca Pizzari (a) • Alex Sanchez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Robert E. Howard’s legendary warrior king as you’ve never seen him before!
Written by Tom Waltz (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and illustrated by Luca Pizzari (Marvel’s Black Knight).
Action, adventure, romance, and political intrigue spanning the ages!
Variant covers by Xermanico, Jheremy Raapack, and Julio Das Pastoras!
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Star Trek: Boldly Go #9
Mike Johnson (w) • Tony Shasteen (a) • George Caltsoudas (c)
Welcome to New Vulcan! Uhura and Spock adjust to life in the growing colony…and discover an ancient secret that could change the destiny of Vulcans forever!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Star Trek: Boldly Go #9—Subscription Variant
Mike Johnson (w) • Tony Shasteen (a) • Arianna Florean (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Following the events of Star Trek Beyond!
Hit Star Trek artist Tony Shasteen returns!
Variant cover by Cryssy Cheung!
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Star Trek: New Visions: Time Out of Joint—CERTIFIED COOL
  John Byrne (w & photo-manipulation)
  Captain Kirk is torn from his timeline. Every corner he turns, every door he opens, throws him into a different day, a different year—and a different danger.
  FC • 48 pages • $7.99
  Star Trek: Boldly Go, Vol. 1—SPOTLIGHT
Mike Johnson (w) • Tony Shasteen (a) • George Caltsoudas (c)
All-new Star Trek series following the adventures of Captain Kirk and the iconic crew! New worlds! New species! New ships! And a new danger unlike anything the Federation has encountered before! Boldly go into a new era of STAR TREK! Collects issues #1-6!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 136 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-923-3
  Bullet points:
Trek fever is at an all-time high for the 50th anniversary and the announcement of the new TV series Star Trek: Discovery.
“A delight to read and is visually stunning.” — com
“IDW’s new Trek titles are forces to be reckoned with.” — com
Advance solicited for July release!
  Star Trek: TNG: Mirror Broken #2 (of 6)
Scott Tipton & David Tipton (w) • J.K. Woodward (a & c)
In the sinister Mirror Universe, Captain Jean-Luc Picard is determined to get his hands on the Terran Empire’s new secret weapon, the Galaxy-class warship known as Enterprise, by any means necessary. Unfortunately, one obstacle stands in his way—and his name is William T. Riker!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Star Trek: TNG: Mirror Broken #2 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Scott Tipton & David Tipton (w) • J.K. Woodward (a) • George Caltsoudas (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
As seen on Free Comic Book Day!
Variant cover by Josh Hood!
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Judge Dredd: The Blessed Earth #3
Ulises Fariñas & Erick Freitas (w) • Dan McDaid (a) • Ulises Fariñas (c)
Judge Dredd continues his mission to restore order to a lawless land! When Dredd seeks treatment for his strange and deadly ailment, his Mega-Train is attacked by the robot-hating Neon Knights! Behold the mystery and grandeur of The Blessed Earth!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Judge Dredd: The Blessed Earth #3—Subscription Variant
Ulises Fariñas & Erick Freitas (w) • Dan McDaid (a) • Valentin Ramon (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
The sequel to the critically acclaimed Mega-City Zero storyline continues!
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Wynonna Earp: Season Zero #1 (of 5) —SPOTLIGHT
Beau Smith (w) • Angel Hernandez (a) • Chris Evenhuis (c)
Outlaws. Mavericks. Werewolves. These are The Banditos, the gang Wynonna ran with in her wildest, pre-Black Badge days.  Somebody, or something is killing them off, one by one.  It’s up to Wynonna to return to her roots, and find out why! Telling the never-before-seen story of Wynonna’s outlaw past—only hinted at on Syfy’s Wynonna Earp TV series—finally revealed here!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Wynonna Earp: Season Zero #1 (of 5)—Photo Variant
Beau Smith (w) • Angel Hernandez (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Never-before-told story that ties into Syfy’s Wynonna Earp TV series!
Wynonna Earp returns to Syfy in June!
Secrets of Wynonna Earp’s past revealed!
Variant cover by Dwayne Turner!
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Dirk Gently: The Salmon of Doubt #9
Arvind Ethan David (w) • Ilias Kyriazis (a & c)
Dirk faces the most difficult decision of his holistic life! Featuring favorite characters from the original books as well as the cast from the TV series, including Samuel Barnett and Elijah Wood!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Dirk Gently: The Salmon of Doubt #9—Subscription Variant
Arvind Ethan David (w) • Ilias Kyriazis (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
  The star of two (almost three) beloved Douglas Adams novels!
Written by executive producer of the TV series Arvind Ethan David!
Executive produced by Max Landis (Chronicle and Superman: American Alien), the writer of the BBC America TV series!
Each issue will have a photo cover featuring the cast of the show!
Variant cover by Robert Hack!
Ghostbusters 101 #4 (of 6)
Erik Burnham (w) • Dan Schoening (a & c)
Two teams of Ghostbusters are fighting the clock, trying to understand why their dimensions are being pulled together… even as the merging itself causes such a surge of psychokinetic energy that more ghosts than ever are coming out of the woodwork! Today’s secret phrase is: Hurry, Ghostbusters!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Ghostbusters 101 #4 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Erik Burnham (w) • Dan Schoening (a) • Tim Lattie (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Straight outta the 2016 film, the Answer the Call Ghostbusters make their comic book debut!  Abby, Patty, Erin and Holtzmann join forces with Winston, Egon, Ray and Venkman for some bombastic ghostbustin’ insanity!
Written and illustrated by the fan-favorite and critically-acclaimed creative team of Erik Burnham, Dan Schoening and Luis Antonio Delgado.
Featuring the fourth of six-interconnected covers by Schoening and Delgado.
Retailer incentive covers feature photos of the Original and ATF Ghostbusters casts!
  #gallery-0-99 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-99 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-99 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-99 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Highlander: The American Dream #5 (of 5)
Brian Ruckley (w) • Andrea Mutti (a) • Nick Percival (c)
The cult-classic film’s triumphant return concludes! The American Dream has followed Scottish swordsman Connor MacLeod as he clashes with powerful immortals from the American Civil War to 1950s Manhattan on an unstoppable march toward The Gathering, where the last of the immortals will duel to the death. And to the victor goes The Prize… and control over humanity’s destiny!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Highlander: The American Dream #5 (of 5)—Subscription Variant
Brian Ruckley (w) • Andrea Mutti (a) • Claudia Gironi (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
The cult phenomenon returns!
Written by Scottish fantasy novelist Brian Ruckley (The Godless World trilogy)!
Interior art by Andrea Mutti (Rebels)!
Subscription covers by Italian artist Claudia Gironi!
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Orphan Black: Deviations #4 (of 6)
Heli Kennedy (w) • Wayne Nichols (a) • Cat Staggs (c)
In a world where Sarah managed to save Beth from taking her own life! With this single twist of fate, the Clone Club comes together in a completely different manner and the mystery of Project LEDA unfolds in new, exiting ways! See all your favorite characters return in an all-new light!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Orphan Black: Deviations #4 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Heli Kennedy (w) • Wayne Nichols (a) • Fico Ossio (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Find out what happens in a world… where Sarah saved Beth!
Ask your retailer about the papercraft covers!
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24: Legacy—Rules of Engagement #3 (of 5)
Christopher Farnsworth (w) • Antonio Fuso (a) • Georges Jeanty (c)
The clock has been reset with 24: Legacy, and this limited series will explore the past of its new leading character, Eric Carter, who led the elite squad responsible for killing an infamous terrorist leader and, consequently, forced into hiding. But before he was a national hero and a wanted man, Carter learned the Rules of Engagement in the streets of Iraq and Washington, D.C., hoods.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  24: Legacy—Rules of Engagement #3 (of 5)—Subscription cover
Christopher Farnsworth (w) • Antonio Fuso (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Based on the new hit iteration of the 24 franchise!
Executive produced by Manny Coto and Evan Katz, writers of the show!
Covers by Georges Jeanty (Serenity)!
Each issue will have a photo cover featuring the cast of the show!
Written by Christopher Farnsworth, journalist, screenwriter and the author of The President’s Vampire
The X-Files #15
Joe Harris (w) • Matthew Dow Smith (a) • menton3 (c)
“Resistance,” Part 2 (of 4): The final piece of the puzzle falls into place, threatening to send Mulder over the line, just as shadowy forces are revealed to have compromised the upper echelons of government.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  The X-Files #15—Subscription Variant
Joe Harris (w) • Matthew Dow Smith (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Executive produced by The X-Files creator Chris Carter!
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The X-Files: Origins—Dog Days of Summer #1 (of 4)— SPOTLIGHT
Jody Houser & Matthew Dow Smith (w) • Chris Fenoglio, Corin Howell (a & c)
Before the FBI, before the X-Files, they were just two teenagers in search of the truth. On Martha’s Vineyard, a strange encounter with a deaf girl sends 13-year-old Fox Mulder on the hunt for a mysterious signal. While in San Diego, young Dana Scully looks into a plane crash somehow tied to the man she helped put in jail. Two kids, two mysteries, one conspiracy that threatens the future of humanity.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  The X-Files: Origins —Dog Days of Summer #1 (of 4)—Subscription cover
Jody Houser & Matthew Dow Smith (w) • Chris Fenoglio, Corin Howell (a) • Cat Staggs (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
The hit miniseries of last summer returns!
Mulder and Scully star in separate tales depicting their teen years!
See what made them into the characters we’ve come to love!
Especially crafted for young adult readers!
Mystery novel variant covers by Cat Staggs (Orphan Black)!
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Optimus Prime #8
John Barber (w) • Casey W. Coller (a) • Kei Zama (c)
Jazz confronts his past—and the Autobot’s future—in front of millions of television viewers. But will he make the people of Earth understand Optimus Prime’s mission… or turn against it?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Optimus Prime #8—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Casey W. Coller (a) • Casey W. Coller (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Optimus Prime #8—Andrew Griffith Variant
John Barber (w) • Casey W. Coller (a) • Andrew Griffith (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by James Raiz!
  Transformers: Lost Light #7
James Roberts (w) • Jack Lawrence (a & c)
AFTERMATH! The war with the Functionalists is over—and Rodimus is left wondering whether he won or lost. It’s the beginning of a new chapter for the displaced crew of the Lost Light, as decisions are made that will change their lives forever.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Transformers: Lost Light #7—Subscription Variant
James Roberts (w) • Jack Lawrence (a) • Nick Roche (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Transformers: Lost Light #7—Alex Milne Variant
James Roberts (w) • Jack Lawrence (a) • Alex Milne (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by James Raiz!
  Transformers: Salvation—SPOTLIGHT
John Barber (w) • Livio Ramondelli (a & c)
Exiled from civilization, the Dinobots are the last line of defense against the ultimate Cybertronian dinosaur—Trypticon! But how much are the Dinobots willing to sacrifice for a world that hates them?
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
  Transformers: Salvation—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Livio Ramondelli (a) • Jeffrey Veregge (c)
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
  Bullet points:
Dinobots versus the biggest dino of them all—Trypticon!
John Barber and Livio Ramondelli finish their Dinobot trilogy that started in Transformers: Punishment and Transformers: Redemption!
  Transformers: Till All Are One #11
Mairghread Scott (w) • Sara Pitre-Durocher (a & c)
With Elita One’s influence closing in around Starscream, he’s desperate to make any alliances he can. Turns out, a powerful ally might already be within his grasp. But is he willing to risk his own sanity to reach them?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Transformers: Till All Are One #11—Subscription Variant
Mairghread Scott (w) • Sara Pitre-Durocher (a) • Priscilla Tramontano (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by James Raiz!
  Transformers: Till All Are One, Vol. 2
Mairghread Scott (w) • Sara Pitre-Durocher (a & c)
Epic space-opera action continues as the dramatic TRANSFORMERS continuity leads on to new and explosive revelations! REVOLUTION is over but the danger isn’t! A wave of undead TITANS threatens CYBERTRON! STARSCREAM will need more than secret police to stop the oncoming horde, but our Fearless Leader finds himself short on friends and firepower. Who can be called upon–and why aren’t they stepping up to the plate? Collects issues #5–9.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-924-0
  Bullet points:
“A great book with some serious art design that fully compliments the Transformers universe as a whole and adds weight and importance to the characters.” –Big Glasgow Comics Page
Advance solicited for July release!
  Offered Again!
Transformers: Till All Are One, Vol. 1 • FC • $17.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-808-3
Rom #12
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina, Guy Dorian & Sal Buscema (a) • Leonardo Manco (c)
“Long Roads to Ruin,” part 2. Rom and the other two Knights face off against a dire new threat; and Guy Dorian & Sal Buscema illustrate a dark tale of the Solstar Order!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Rom #12—Subscription Variant
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina (a) • Nathan Greno (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Rom #12—Subscription Variant
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina (a) • David LaFuente (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Rom #12—Subscription Variant
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina (a) • Nick Roche (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by Raffaele Ienco!
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Revolutionaries, Vol. 1: Crisis Intervention—SPOTLIGHT
John Barber (w) • Fico Ossio & Ron Joseph (a) • Fico Ossio (c)
THE REVOLUTION MAY BE OVER, but the future is just beginning! KUP is a CYBERTRONIAN literally older than the universe; ACTION MAN is the ultimate special agent trying to live up to an impossible legacy; MAYDAY is a G.I. JOE leader trying to rescue her first command; and BLACKROCK is a CYBERTRONIAN that thinks he’s human. It takes the mind-bending clash against the OKTOBER GUARD to bring this unlikely team together… and the secret they learn threatens to unravel the entire universe. Good thing they’ll have help from ROM, the MICRONAUTS, the ADVENTURE TEAM and more! Collects issues #1–4.
TPB • FC • $17.99 • 104 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-921-9
  Bullet points:
All-new Hasbro team-up!
The follow-up to REVOLUTION, revealing the secrets behind the new shared universe!
Advance solicited for July release!
John Barber (w) • Fico Ossio (a) • John Royle (c)
SGT. SAVAGE VS G.I. JOE! The greatest hero of World War II is back—and not for the first time! Vanishing on the battlefields of Europe while fighting robotic soldiers, Sgt. Robert Steven Savage reappeared—in the extreme era of the 1990s! Now he’s reborn again—a ’40s hero with a ’90s ’tude… and G.I. Joe isn’t ready to go retro.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  REVOLUTIONARIES #7—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Fico Ossio (a) • Tone Rodriguez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  REVOLUTIONARIES #7—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Ron Joseph (a) • Igor Lima (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by Pierre Droal!
  Hasbro Heroes Sourcebook #2 (of 3)
John Barber & various (w) • Robert Atkins & various (a) • Fico Ossio (c)
If you’re new to the Hasbro Universe or a long-time fan, this book is for you! Featuring a veritable TON of bios on your favorite characters, from E to O, plus papercraft projects, a map of Metrotitan, the current base of Optimus Prime, and an exclusive story featuring Kup and Bryce Chan’s adventures in London!
FC • 48 pages • $4.99
  Hasbro Heroes Sourcebook #2 (of 3)—Subscription Variant
John Barber & Various (w) • Robert Atkins & various (a) • Sam Lotfi (c)
FC • 48 pages • $4.99
  Bullet points:
Written by today’s top Hasbro U talent including John Barber, Aubrey Sitterson, Chris Ryall, David Mariotte, Brandon Easton, Cullen Bunn, Mairghread Scott, and Jimmy Johnston.
Art by some of today’s top Hasbro Universe artists including Robert Atkins, Guido Guidi, Simon Gough, Marcelo Ferreira, Fico Ossio, and Jack Lawrence!
Exclusive paper-crafts, posters and stories in every issue!
Variant cover by Marcelo Borstelmann!
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G.I. JOE #7
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a) • Aaron Conley (c)
G.I. Joe’s subterranean mission takes a turn for the worse after the team is attacked by one of their own! Meanwhile, back in their underground base, Scarlett’s command is challenged and a long-simmering rivalry boils to a head! Plus: Monsters, explosions, jokes and more in The Crown Jewel of the Hasbro universe!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  G.I. JOE #7—Subscription Variant
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  G.I. JOE #7—Subscription Variant
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a) • Drew Johnson (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by Ed Luce variant cover!
     G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #241
Larry Hama (w) • S L Gallant (a & c)
It’s a showdown in Springfield as deadly and disparate forces converge in the search for Dawn! Meanwhile, JOEs, Cobra and Blue Ninjas all collide in Darklonia!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #241—Subscription Variant
Larry Hama (w) • S L Gallant (a) • John Royle (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a) • Ariel Olivetti (c)
G.I. JOE finds a new role in a world of globalization, TRANSFORMERS and aliens! After the events of REVOLUTION, the G.I. JOE team returns to the fray and their mission has become a global one–leading the charge against invading TRANSFORMERS and other aliens. But when a US military defense base goes dark, Scarlett has reason to suspect that these enemy forces may have infiltrated G.I. JOE. It’s up to her, Roadblock, Rock ‘n Roll, Quick Kick, Wild Bill, and Shipwreck to move in and root out any traitors before the facility falls into the wrong hands! Collects issues #1–4 and the G.I. JOE: Revolution one-shot.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-913-4
  Bullet points:
It’s a new look and new mission as G.I. Joe finds itself part of a larger battle.
Advance solicited for July release!
  M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #8
Brandon Easton (w) • Igor Lima (a) • Tone Rodriguez (c)
Determined to end the threat of Ore-13 radiation poisoning, Matt Trakker and the M.A.S.K. team go on a mission into the depths of the Earth where they discover much more than they could have imagined—a race of powerful mutated creatures borne from the strange Cybertronian energy source. Are these monsters too powerful even for the technology of M.A.S.K.?!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #8—Subscription Variant
Brandon Easton (w) • Igor Lima (a) • Davide Fabbri (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #8— Subscription Variant
Brandon Easton (w) • Igor Lima- (a) • Vincenzo Federici (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
All-new storyline starts here!
Variant cover by Marcelo Perez Dalannays!
M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand, Vol. 1: Mobilize—SPOTLIGHT
Brandon Easton (w) • Tony Vargas & Juan Samu (a) • Tommy Lee Edwards (c)
Launching from the events of REVOLUTION, the M.A.S.K. team streaks into a dangerous, unstable landscape of dark wars, high intrigue, and non-stop action where they’ll encounter the nearly unstoppable threat of Miles Mayhem and his black-ops squadron known as V.E.N.O.M. How will an untested Matt Trakker lead M.A.S.K. through a complex new world order where nothing is what it seems? Collects the M.A.S.K. Revolution One-Shot and issues #1–5 of the series.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 136 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-917-2
Expected in-store date: 7/19/17
  Bullet points:
It’s a new look and new mission as M.A.S.K. finds itself part of a larger battle.
Advance solicited for July release!
  Micronauts: Wrath of Karza #3
Cullen Bunn & Jimmy Johnston (w) • Andrew Griffith (a) • Alex Ronald (c)
Baron Karza has begun his invasion of Earth! Leading his people from the impending doom of the Entropy cloud to a single planet capable of sustaining all of Microspace. With M.A.S.K, G.I. JOE, the TRANSFORMERS, and the MICRONAUTS defeated, Karza stands triumphant. Can anything keep him from conquering the planet?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Micronauts: Wrath of Karza #3—Subscription variant
Cullen Bunn & Jimmy Johnston (w) • Andrew Griffith (a) • Chris “Panda” Mercier (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by Marco Turini!
  Mike Mignola’s Hellboy Artist’s Edition: New Printing—SPOTLIGHT
Mike Mignola (w & a & c)
Mike Mignola is one of the preeminent comics creators of the past 25 years. His career was already firmly established for his outstanding work on characters like Batman, Wolverine, a myriad of beautiful covers and more… And then came Hellboy. Mike’s iconic creation struck a meteoric chord with fans from the very start and has not abated in the 20 years since his debut. This Artist’s Edition features the first five issues of Hellboy in Hell as well as a wealth of historic supplementary material: the first three Hellboy stories—the two initial four-pagers, produced for promotional purposes, and the 10-page story from John Byrne’s Next Men #21—plus “The Corpse,” and two other tales selected by Mignola for inclusion. All but three pages of Mike Mignola’s Hellboy Artist’s Edition have been shot from the original art and showcases Mignola’s gorgeous work as closely as possible to the physical page—this is a book for fans of great storytelling and students of the craft.
HC • BW • $150.00 • 200 pages • 12” x 17” • ISBN: 978-1-68405-105-2
  Bullet points:
Advance solicited for August release!
A new printing with a brand new cover exclusively for this edition!
Brought to you by the same team responsible for IDW Publishing’s multi-Eisner Award-winning series of Artist’s Editions.
  Offered Again!
Mike Mignola’s Screw-On Head and Other Curious Objects Artist’s Edition • BW • $75.00 net item • ISBN: 978-1-63140-619-5
  Return of the Dapper Men—SPOTLIGHT
Jim McCann (w) • Janet Lee (a & c)
Welcome to Anorev, a land where time has no meaning. Robots work and children play, but the play is no fun and the work is no use. A curious boy named Ayden and his robot friend Zoe know that something’s missing, but they can’t imagine what it might be… until 314 identical men in green bowler hats fall from the sky. At last, our heroes have a chance to discover what happened to their world, what might start the clocks back up again, and what tomorrow really means. Blending clockwork whimsy with majestic art-nouveau visuals, Jim McCann and Janet Lee present a hand-crafted fairy tale that feels both familiar and entirely new in this prestige reprinting!
HC • FC • $34.99 • 144 pages • 11.25” x 9.75” • ISBN 978-1-60309-413-9
  Bullet points:
Reprinting the Eisner Award winning Graphic Novel!
Advance solicited for August release!
Surfside Girls Book One: The Secret of Danger Point—CERTIFIED COOL
Kim Dwinell (w & a & c)
Things are getting weird in Surfside. Lately, Samantha’s best friend Jade explodes into fits of giggles whenever she sees a boy, and it’s throwing a wrench into the kick-back summer of surfing and hanging out that Sam had planned. But after swimming through a secret underwater cave, Sam starts to… see things. Like ghosts. And pirates. And maybe something even scarier! Can she and Jade get to the bottom of this mystery in time to save their town?
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 232 pages • 6” x 9” • ISBN: 978-1-60309-411-5
  Bullet points:
Advance solicited for July release!
  Offered Again!
Spiral Bound • BW • $14.95 • ISBN: 978-1-89183-050-1
Monster on the Hill • FC • $19.95 • ISBN: 978-1-60309-075-9
Maddy Kettle Book One • FC • $14.95 • ISBN: 978-1-60309-072-8
  Shed #1—Certified Cool
Obie Scott Wade & Ken Wegner (w) • Steve Beach (a) • Steve Beach (c)
Tim Cain sheds his elaborately tattooed skin, becoming the first in a new line of hominids destined to flourish on an increasingly radioactive Earth. With his nervous system exposed, Tim gains extrasensory abilities, but loses his freedom. Detained, tortured and stripped of his human rights, Tim’s only desire is to escape his captors and see his wife and daughter again.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Shed #1—Subscription Variant
Obie Scott Wade & Ken Wegner (w) • Steve Beach (a) • Ben Templesmith (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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Saucer State #2 (of 6)
Paul Cornell (w) • Ryan Kelly (a & c)
After last issue’s cliffhanger, US President Arcadia Alvarado is acting fast against the biggest event in world history. “Drop everything, spend everything.  Give me a damn gun.” “It won’t be a war. It’ll be a slaughter.”  “Isn’t that exactly what the post-truth bastards do?” Jump onboard as the conclusion to Saucer Country heads one step closer to the finishing line… and the end of everything!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Saucer State #2 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Paul Cornell (w) • Ryan Kelly (a) • Jeffrey Veregge (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Picks up where Saucer Country left off!
One of the very few mainstream comics to be nominated for SF’s prestigious Hugo Award!
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Darkness Visible #5
Mike Carey & Arvind Ethan David (w) • Brendan Cahill (a & c)
When the demons came, humanity reluctantly learned to share the world with another sentient race. Eighty years later, this uneasy co-existence has spawned an endless terrorist conflict. Last issue’s revelation changes everything for Detective Aston, putting him at odds with his former colleagues!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Darkness Visible #5—Subscription Variant
Mike Carey & Arvind Ethan David (w) • Brendan Cahill (a) • Dave Kendall (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
From bestselling author and screenwriter Mike Carey (Unwritten, Lucifer, Girl with All the Gifts) and Arvind Ethan David (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency) comes an all-new, original world of darkness and demons.
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Brutal Nature: Concrete Fury #4 (of 5)
Luciano Saracino (w) • Ariel Olivetti (a & c)
To fight in the coming battle, Curt must prepare his team of allies and renegades for a confrontation against Thomas Wolf—who’ll stop at nothing to recover the ancient shapeshifting masks!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Brutal Nature: Concrete Fury #4 (of 5)—Subscription Variant
Luciano Saracino (w) • Ariel Olivetti (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
The beautifully painted story continues, featuring art by comics superstar Ariel Olivetti!
  Night Owl Society #3 (of 3)
James Venhaus (w) • Pius Bak (a & c)
“Revelation” The final chapter of The Night Owl Society comes to a dramatic finish. David has a confrontation with The Viceroy, and a tragic twist changes both of their lives forever.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Night Owl Society #3—Subscription Variant
James Venhaus (w) • Pius Bak (a) • Hugo Petrus (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Kill Shakespeare – Past is Prologue: Juliet #4 (of 4)
Conor McCreery (w) • Corin Howell (a & c)
Final chapter! Trapped by Cornwall, Juliet faces a never-ending nightmare of torture and humiliation. The young lover has a plan to win her freedom with blood, but she’s going to need fortune on her side if it is to succeed, because as the Bard himself wrote: so wise so young they say never do live long…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Kill Shakespeare – Past is Prologue: Juliet #4 (of 4)—Subscription Variant
Conor McCreery (w) • Corin Howell (a) • Simon Davis (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Starstruck: Old Proldiers Never Die #5 (of 6)
Elaine Lee (w) • Michael Kaluta (a & c)
Just the headlines, noos fans: Verloona Ti Naps Guides! Ti Invested in RIP! Droids Using RIP 4 Revenge! Bad RIP: Brigader Becomes Killer! Bartender Chases Brigader! Everyone Chases Harry! It’s a rip-roaring chase scene through never-seen levels of Rec 97… and 24 pages of brand new Kaluta art!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
  Bullet points:
Completely new, never-before-published art from Michael Kaluta!
Helena Crash #4 (of 4)
Fabian Rangel, Jr. (w) • Warwick Johnson-Cadwell (a & c)
Having barely survived her duel with White Demon, Helena tries to get back to normal. But she realizes there’s no turning back when she discovers Hemingway has been abducted by Rojo’s men. Down but never out, Helena comes up with a plan. A plan that involves a good old-fashioned death race!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Helena Crash #4 (of 4)—Subscription Variant
Fabian Rangel, Jr. (w) • Warwick Johnson-Cadwell (a) • Toby Cypress (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Don’t miss the subscription cover by Toby Cypress (Rodd Racer, Land of the Dead, and many more )!
  Cosmic Scoundrels #5 (of 5)
Andy Suriano & Matt Chapman (w) • Andy Suriano (a & c)
This is it! The culmination of the past four issues coming to a head, Zoltraxican-standoff style! The Scoundrels have run out of time, space and literally anyone left to piss off!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Cosmic Scoundrels #5 (of 5)—Subscription Variant
Andy Suriano & Matt Chapman (w) • Andy Suriano (a) • Veronica Fish (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Andy Suriano is an Emmy and Annie Award-winning artist who has worked on such iconic series as Samurai Jack and Star Wars: The Clone Wars!
Matt Chapman is a writer of Disney’s Gravity Falls and the co-creator of Disney XD’s Two More Eggs and Homestar Runner!
Real Science Adventures: The Flying She-Devils #3 (of 6)
Brian Clevinger (w) • Lo Baker (a) • Scott Wegener (c)
Horsefeathers! Those pirates of Mad Jack’s have cornered the Flying She-Devils! How are they gonna get out of this one? Gee-willickers! Meanwhile, will the Sparrow save the day for the Allies? I hope so!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Real Science Adventures: The Flying She-Devils #3 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Brian Clevinger (w) • Lo Baker (a) • Hollie Mengert (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
From the pages of Atomic Robo, the Flying She-Devils embark on a new daring adventure!
The spinoff story to the online sensation—in print for the first time!
The October Faction: Deadly Season—CERTIFIED COOL
Steve Niles (w) • Damien Worm (a & c)
Meet the Allan family: Fredrick, his wife Deloris and their two children Geoff and Vivian. As Fredrick works to put his monster hunting days behind him, his two kids insist on joining the family business. Ghouls in the graveyard! Giant Monsters downtown! The Allan family comes face to face with a whole new threat. This one comes from the past and it won’t stop until the Allans are all dead.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 136 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-919-6
  Bullet points:
“It’s a great comic for horror fans whose level is a bit darker than Buffy. All ’round good read.” –Comic Crusaders
Advance solicited for July release!
  Offered Again!
October Faction, Vol. 1 • FC • $19.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-251-7
October Faction, Vol. 2 • FC • $19.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-597-6
October Faction, Vol. 3 • FC • $19.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-739-0
The Other Dead
Joshua Ortega (w) • Qing Ping Mui (a) • Reynir Hauksson (c)
The world’s first Zombie Animal epic! A deadly hurricane threatens New Orleans just as a frightening and mysterious outbreak hits the animal kingdom!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 152 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-920-2
  Bullet points:
“The Other Dead finds space to be itself in a genre where most practitioners stick to the tried and true. Original and genuinely scary.” —Mike Carey, Eisner Award-winning writer of Unwritten, Suicide Run, and X-Men.
Advance Solicited for July release!
Haunted Horror #28
Various (w) • Al Williamson, Roy Krenkel, George Wilhelms, Robert McCarthy & more (a) • Sid Check (c)
Guest editor “Toxic” Tommy O’Brien gather’s Pre-Code grisly, gory, goodies by his favorite horror comics art masters! Eyeball searing monsterpieces: “The Corpse Who Came to Dinner”,  “The Day the World Died”, “Land of the Living Dead”, “The Werewolf Lurks”, “Taylor of Death” and more!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
  Lou Cameron’s Unsleeping Dead—CERTIFIED COOL
Lou Cameron (w & a & c)
Lou Cameron was a groundbreaking art master of the 1950s Pre-Code comics era. With his innovative experimental layouts and frequent use of surrealism, his horror comics have been described as “Jim Steranko meets Graham Ingels.” Zombies, vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts, and devils from terror-filled stories like “Faceless Horror,” “Lure of the Zombie Diamonds,” “Graveyard of Ghost Ships,” “Kill My Minions of Death,” and “The Unsleeping Dead” will make you scream with delight!
HC • FC • $24.99 • 144 pages • 8.5” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-931-8
  Bullet points:
“What Craig Yoe, author, comics historian, editor, and art director does, is take so much pleasure in the salacious and gruesome ‘classic moments’ in the comics industry and only he is able to perfectly preserve the past, freeze it in time so that we may experience and enjoy a way of life long gone.” –com
Advance solicited for August release!
Spooky & The Strange Tales: Monster Inn—CERTFIED COOL
Carine-M & Élian Black’mor (w & a & c)
Turn the traditional fairy tale tropes topsy-turvy in this lavishly illustrated storybook as Spooky explores her dark, enchanted world. Once upon a time, in the heart of the kingdom of Fairy Tales, a king and queen had the strangest of children… Spooky! And when uncles the Three Little Pigs offer a trip to their London hotel, Spooky trades one improbable setting for another! Monster Inn shines a charming, childish light on contemporary goth culture for a rich and unique story that’s out of this world.
HC • FC • $19.99 • 72 pages • 9” x 11.75” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-934-9
  Bullet points:
Freaky, creepy graphic novel for goths and more!
Advance solicited for August release!
Super Weird Heroes: Preposterous But True!—CERTIFIED COOL
Craig Yoe (Editor) • Various (a & c)
Weirdness from A-Z! Airmale to The Zebra! Here’s a new tome crammed with OMG, WTH, and LOL bizarro heroes of the Golden Age. Eisner-winner Craig Yoe provides both witty and fascinating context to heroes like Mr. Whiskers (a young actor who dresses like an old geezer), Hip Knox (who has an eye-ball on his chest and what looks like a woo-woo on his belt), and Pat Parker War Nurse (who fights Nazis in a skimpy nurse/superhero costume)! Over 30 full comic stories in all!
HC • FC • $39.99 • 328 pages • 8.5” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-858-8
  Bullet points:
“Shows readers that the universe of pre-code superheroes was diverse and vibrant and, in its own way, just as rich as the modern era.” –ComicWow!
Advance solicited for August release!
  Offered Again!
Super Weird Heroes: Outrageous But Real! • FC • $49.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-745-1
Popeye Classics #59
Bud Sagendorf (w & a & c)
Ahoy, ya swabs! Hilarious, classic tales of the beloved two-fisted one-eyed sailor! This issue features a rousing adventure, you will see Popeye, Olive Swee’pea, the evil Sea Hag and O.G. Wotasnozzle penned by the acclaimed genius Bud Sagedorf! MTV proclaims: “Gloriously funny writing and drawing style! Sagendorf comics are great comics!”
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Bullet points:
Variant cover by Darryl Young!
King of the Creepies
Jon Cohn (design) Ÿ Gilbert Jansen (a & c)
In King of the Creepies, you and 5 other combatants must fight to earn Victory Crystals. Smash your foes with powerful attacks. Subvert them with sneaky tricks. Make others fight for you with bribes they just can’t refuse. Spend your winnings on Gear and Abilities to help you become the ultimate warrior. Gamble, fight, and bribe your way to claim the title of King of the Creepies!
Ÿ MSRP $39.99 Ÿ UPC: 8-27714-01296-5
  A Card Game of Combat, Tricks, and Dirty Deeds
Orphan Black: Clone Club
Daryl Andrews & Bryce Hunter (design) Ÿ Bryce Hunter (a) Ÿ Sam Barlin (c)
Do you own your genetic code or are you the property of a shadowy corporation? The secrets to your past are locked away in your DNA. Unravel your genes faster than your sister clones or risk becoming a lab rat. Study your genetic code in order to understand your origin and liberate your future in this fast-paced, tactical card game. Control the longest DNA chains to survive! Welcome to the Clone Club!
Ÿ MSRP $24.99 Ÿ UPC: 8-27714-01294-1
  Based on the hit TV series
A Card Game of Unlimited Sequences
  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past: Casey Jones Hero Pack
Kevin Wilson (design) • Juan Samu (a & c)
This Hero pack allows you to use Casey Jones as a playable character in any Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past base game scenario and also contains an additional Adventure Comic with new content!
MSRP $17.99 • UPC: 8-27714-01263-7
  Bullet points:
Each Hero pack contains 1 Casey Jones plastic miniature, 3 custom dice, 1 character sheet, and 1 adventure comic
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Pastbase game is required to play this pack.
  Offered Again!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past board game• UPC: 8-27714-00929-3
  via IDW Publishing
    IDW Publishing Solicits for June 2017
Oh my, IDW is bringing the awesome later this year, and we got briefs and covers for you.
IDW Publishing Solicits for June 2017 Oh my, IDW is bringing the awesome later this year, and we got briefs and covers for you.
0 notes
outright-geekery · 8 years ago
Oh my, IDW is bringing the awesome later this year, and we got briefs and covers for you. Here’s the IDW Publishing Solicits for June 2017.
Jem and the Holograms: Infinite #1 (of 3)— SPOTLIGHT
Kelly Thompson (w) • Stacey Lee (a & c)
The FIRST-EVER Jem/Misfits Crossover Event begins here and now with “INFINITE PART ONE!” Now a happy quintet, Jem and The Holograms are stronger than ever, which is a good thing because they’re about to embark on an adventure unlike anything they’d ever imagined possible. After a public fight with The Misfits at a charity event, a strangely dressed Techrat shows up and takes them to a whole new world… literally. And it is going to change EVERYTHING.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Jem and the Holograms: Infinite #1 (of 3) – Subscription Variant
Kelly Thompson (w) • Stacey Lee (a) • Veronica Fish (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Part 1 of the Jem: Infinite mega-event!
All-new adventures start here in Jem and The Holograms first ever CROSSOVER EVENT!
All the music, all the fashion, all the romance, all the sci-fi shenanigans begin here!
Interconnecting subscription covers on both Jem: Infinite and Jem: The Misfits: Infinite by Veronica Fish!
Variant cover by Marley Zarcone!
Jem and the Holograms: The Misfits: Infinite #1 (of 3)— SPOTLIGHT
Kelly Thompson (w) • Jenn St-Onge (a & c)
The FIRST EVER Jem/Misfits Crossover Event continues here in “ INFINITE PART TWO!” Never okay with letting Jem and The Holograms steal the spotlight, The Misfits have followed them to this “brave new world” and are shocked by what they find… a world ruled by JEM and powered by Synergy Hologram Technology. WHAT. IS. EVEN. HAPPENING!?!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Jem and the Holograms: The Misfits: Infinite #1 (of 3) – Subscription Variant
Kelly Thompson (w) • Jenn St-Onge (a) • Veronica Fish (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Part 2 of the Jem: Infinite mega-event!
Guess Jem and The Holograms secret is out!…but what will The Misfits do with that secret?!
All-new adventures continue here in Jem and The Holograms first ever CROSSOVER EVENT!
Interconnecting subscription covers on both Jem: Infinite and Jem: The Misfits: Infinite by Veronica Fish!
Variant cover by Ben Caldwell!
Jem and the Holograms, Vol. 5: Truly Outrageous
Kelly Thompson (w) • Meredith McClaren, M. Victoria Robado, Maria Jose Barros, Svanna Ganucheau, Katarzyna Witerscheim, Gisele Lagace (a) • Rian Gonzalez (c)
Jem and The Holograms head to Hawaii for some much needed rest and relaxation but with The Stingers renting the beach house next door they instead get shenanigans, betrayals, hi-jinx, and… volcanoes?! Meanwhile, has Jerrica finally made a decision about her future and thus the future of JEM? Collects issues #24–26, and the double-sized 2017 Annual!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-914-1
  Bullet points:
“An exuberantly colorful all-ages tribute to girl power—colorful as in candy-floss pink and lime green—where serious ideas about performance, identity, and embodiment fit comfortably amid sitcom-worthy teen hijinks…” –The New Yorker
Advance solicited for July release!
  Offered Again!
Jem and the Holograms, Vol. 1 • FC • $19.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-395-8
Jem and the Holograms, Vol. 2 • FC • $19.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-579-2
Jem and the Holograms, Vol. 3 • FC • $19.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-683-6
Jem and the Holograms, Vol. 4 • FC • $19.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-837-3
  My Little Pony: The Movie Prequel #1—SPOTLIGHT
Ted Anderson (w)  • Andy Price (a & c)
This fall, My Little Pony: The Movie hits theaters, and this prequel mini-series is your first look at the fantastic adventure to come! Danger looms over Equestria as a new villain debuts!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  My Little Pony: The Movie Prequel #1—Subscription Variant
Ted Anderson (w) • Andy Price (a) • Tony Fleecs (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Each issue will focus on a new character from the upcoming movie!
My Little Pony: The Movie in theaters in October!
Variant Cover by Kaori Matsuo!
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #55
Christina Rice (w) • Agnes Garbowska (a & c)
“Wings Over Yakyakistan” part 1 of 2. While on a diplomatic mission to Yakyakistan, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are surprised to uncover an imminent attack on the kingdom by dragons! Will Dash be able to rouse the Wonderbolts to aid the Yaks in time to thwart the invasion?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #55—Subscription Variant
Christina Rice (w) • Agnes Garbowska (a) • Sara Richard (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Ties into the events of MLP season 7!
Variant cover by Billy Martin!
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My Little Pony: Legends of Magic #3
Jeremy Whitley (w) • Brenda Hickey (a & c)
Journey back in time to discover the secret origin of Canterlot Castle! Will the legendary Mistmane be able to save the castle from the mysterious forces sabotaging the castle’s construction?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  My Little Pony: Legends of Magic #3 Subscription Variant
Jeremy Whitley (w) • Brenda Hickey (a) • Zachery Sterling (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Featuring Princess Luna!
Variant cover by Paul Abtruse!
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My Little Pony: Friends Forever, Vol. 9
Thom Zahler, Rob Anderson, Christina Rice (w) • Agnes Garbowska, Jay Fosgitt, Tony Fleecs (a) • Jay Fosgitt (c)
Friends Forever celebrates the magic of friendship in these stand-alone tales featuring all of your favorite characters. Share adventures with Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer, Rainbow Dash and Soarin, and more. Collects issues #34–38.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-918-9
  Bullet points:
“The creative team manages to write for young readers and sophisticated adults at the same time.” –ComicWow!
Advance solicited for July release!
  Offered Again!
My Little Pony: Friends Forever Omnibus, Vol. 1 • FC • $24.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-771-0
Hanazuki: Full of Treasures #1—SPOTLIGHT
David Mariotte (w) • Nico Peña (a & c)
“A Moonflower is Born.” The origin of Hanazuki! Based on the new digital-first show, Hanazuki: Full of Treasures comes a comic retelling of the birth of Hanazuki! On a distant moon, Hanazuki is the new protector of a group of cutie-pies known as Hemkas and the guardian of special treasures that will turn back the forces of darkness!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Hanazuki: Full of Treasures #1—Subscription Variant
David Mariotte (w) • Nico Peña (a) • Yasmin Sheikh (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Based on the first episode of Hanazuki: Full of Treasures, which has over 2 million views on YouTube!
Catch the wave of the hit show, interactive app, and more!
Don’t miss out on this treasure, you irresistible yumbuckets!
Check out the retailer incentive covers by animated series artists Nicoletta Baldari and Christina Ellis!
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Powerpuff Girls: The Time Tie #2 (of 3)
Haley Mancini & Jake Goldman (w) • Philip Murphy (a & c)
Bubbles finds herself swept up in a High Seas adventure as a swashbuckling pirate! In order to return to the present, she must recover a rare chronogem from a treasure chest buried on Unaliveman’s Island. Can she beat the dreaded pirate Neckbeard to the treasure before time runs out?!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Powerpuff Girls: The Time Tie #2 (of 3)—Subscription Variant
Haley Mancini & Jake Goldman (w) • Philip Murphy (a) • Kyle Neswald (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
The Powerpuff Girls are back in a brand-new three-issue series!
Each Powerpuff Girl travels to a different era and place in time in her own special issue!
Variant cover by Ian McGinty!
  #gallery-0-86 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-86 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-86 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-86 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Yo-Kai Watch #3
Eric M. Esquivel (w) • Philip Murphy (a) • Dono Sanchez Almara (c)
You’ve played the videogames, watched the cartoons, chewed the bubblegum– now travel deeper into the Yo-Kai realm than ever before with this miniseries that explores the past, present, and future of the world of YO-KAI WATCH!
In this issue: ROBONYAN defends future Springdale from a horde of evil Yo-Kai!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Yo-Kai Watch #3—Subscription Variant
Eric M. Esquivel (w) • Philip Murphy (a) • Fico Ossio (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
All-new, FULL COLOR comic books based on the hit Anime and video game!
Angry Birds: Flight School #3
Paul Tobin & Kari Korhonen (w) • Thomas Cabellic & Cesar Ferioli (a) • Philip Murphy (c)
Ancient legend says that King Pig must eat a Porkini mushroom once a year or disaster will follow! A search party must head to Certain Doom Caverns in hopes of finding a mushroom, but there is one problem, the legend also tells that the caverns are protected by a horrible dragon…!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Angry Birds: Flight School #3 – Subscription Variant
Paul Tobin & Kari Korhonen (w) • Thomas Cabellic & Cesar Ferioli (a) • Paco Rodriquez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
All-new comics featuring stories continuing from the hit movie!
Michael Recycle #4 (of 4)
Ellie Wharton (w) • Alexandra Colombo (a & c)
Michael Recycle and his sidekick Tin Can Stan have a problem on their hands, and this one involves a great amount of garbage! Can the pair prevent a plastic-patch Indian Ocean meltdown before the world’s precious marine life dies out? Find out in “Michael Recycle and the Great Garbage Patch”!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Young readers who have enjoyed the Michael Recycle books and their eco-friendly messages can now thrill to more adventures in comic-book form!
Children are becoming more and more aware of the environment around them, and Michael’s green tips help them become responsible at an early age.
Alexandra Colombo’s charming art will captivate readers of all ages.
Uncle Scrooge #27
Romano Scarpa, Thad Komorowski, Olaf Solstrand (w) • Romano Scarpa, Flemming Andersen (a) • Henrieke Goorhus (c)
“The Bodacious Butterfly Trail,” Part 1 of 2! When Brigitta MacBridge and Huey, Dewey and Louie find a centuries-old insect with a built-in Columbus-era treasure map, can Scrooge McDuck not try to cash in?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Uncle Scrooge #27—Subscription Variant
Romano Scarpa, Thad Komorowski, Olaf Solstrand (w) • Romano Scarpa, Flemming Andersen (a) • Corrado Mastantuono (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #431!
Enjoy the USA debut of a classic Golden Age tale by Disney legend Romano Scarpa!
Variant cover by Marco Mazzarello!
  Uncle Scrooge: Timeless Tales, Vol. 3
Francesco Artibani, Alessandro Perina, William Van Horn, Daan Jippes, John Lustig, Romano Scarpa (w & a) • Ulrich Schroeder & Daan Jippes (c)
He’s tougher than the toughies and smarter than the smarties… he’s Scrooge McDuck! But has he got what it takes to survive a combined onslaught from Flintheart Glomgold, John D. Rockerduck, Magica De Spell, and the Beagle Boys in “Scrooge’s Last Adventure“? Also features Glittering Goldie in Romano Scarpa’s “The Miner’s Granddaughter,” new tales of Uncle Rumpus by William Van Horn, and a virtual reality trek through Scrooge’s Life and Times in “Scrooge Vs. Scrooge!” Collects IDW’s Uncle Scrooge #13–18.
HC • FC • $29.99 • 256 pages • 7.25” x 10” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-935-6
  Bullet points:
Collects an assortment of classic and modern Disney tales, many of them published for the first time in the U.S. by highly regarded creators from around the world.
Advance solicited for August release!
  Offered Again!
Uncle Scrooge: Timeless Tales, Vol. 1 • FC • $29.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-566-2
Uncle Scrooge: Timeless Tales, Vol. 2 • FC • $29.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-672-0
  Donald Duck #21
Carlo Panaro, Unn and Stefan Printz-Påhlson, Jonathan Gray (w) • Andrea Freccero, Victor “Vicar” Arriagada Rios (a) • Giorgio Cavazzano (c)
“Helmet of the Gods,” Part 2 of 2! Donald at last has Odin’s helmet in his grasp! But the sponsor of his treasure hunt now wants to stop him—by fair means or foul!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Donald Duck #21—Subscription Variant
Carlo Panaro, Unn and Stefan Printz-Påhlson, Jonathan Gray (w) • Andrea Freccero, Victor “Vicar” Arriagada Rios (a) • Paco Rodriguez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Concluding a new Donald epic by beloved top talents—artist Andrea Freccero (Donald Quest) and dialogue writer Jonathan Gray (Sonic the Hedgehog)!
Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #388!
Variant cover by Massimo Fecchi!
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Duck Avenger #5
Alessandro Sisti, Jonathan Gray (w) • Claudio Sciarrone (a/c)
 “Day of the Cold Sun!” When a new energy plant opens in Duckburg, time-bandit Red Raider claims it will destroy half the town in a mighty blast—and Donald has no choice but to believe him!
FC • 72 pages • $5.99
  Duck Avenger #5—Subscription Variant
Alessandro Sisti, Jonathan Gray (w) • Claudio Sciarrone (a) • Marco Gervasio (c)
FC • 72 pages • $5.99
  Bullet points:
More of the new-to-USA Donald Duck adventures that fans want most—the famous “Duck Avenger New Adventures” (known in Europe as “PKNA”)!
Adapted for our readers by fan favorite Jonathan Gray (Sonic the Hedgehog)!
Variant cover by Claudio Sciarrone!
  #gallery-0-88 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-88 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-88 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-88 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Donald Quest: Hammer of Magic
Stefano Ambrosio, Pat McGreal, Davide Aicardi (w) • Andrea Freccero, Paolo De Lorenzi, Francesco D’Ippolito (a) • Andrea Freccero (c)
Get ready for a wild alternate-universe, steampunk epic starring Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and the Disney gang in an entirely new world. Welcome to Feudarnia–part pirates’ cove, part space station, and part steampunk battlefield. It’s under attack by “Meteormaster” Phantom Blot and his Meteorbeasts: giant predatory animals made of enchanted stone! The sky city’s only hope is wannabe “Beastbuster” Donald Duck… but with the terrible Beagle Boys, Magica De Spell, and Pegleg Pete hot on his heels, are Feudarnia’s days numbered?
TPB • FC • $14.99 • 160 pages • 6” x 9” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-912-7
  Bullet points:
Disney goes steampunk in this epic tale by top European creators
Advance solicited for July release!
Mickey Mouse #21
Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Jonathan Gray (w) • Andrea “Casty” Castellan (a) • Andrea Freccero (c)
“The Clones of Channel 3000!” After checking out Mouseton’s new TV network, Mickey and Horace seem to see a sinister, weasel-faced man replicating all over the city! What’s this double-army up to… and can Eega Beeva stop them?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Mickey Mouse #21—Subscription Variant
Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Jonathan Gray (w) • Andrea “Casty” Castellan (a) • Andrea Freccero (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Much-requested fan favorite Andrea “Casty” Castellan throws Mickey into an uncanny sci-fi mystery!
Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #330!
Variant cover by Marco Gervasio!
TMNT Amazing Adventures: Robotanimals! #1 (of 3)—SPOTLIGHT
Caleb Goellner (w) • Chad Thomas (a & c)
Baxter Stockman is looking to become the new major villain on the streets! His first step to world domination? Turn the Mutanimals into robots!!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Amazing Adventures: Robotanimals! #1 (of 3)—Subscription Variant
Caleb Goellner (w) • Chad Thomas (a) • Billy Martin (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
All-ages three issue mega-story!
If you dug the Batman/TMNT Adventures books, you’ll get a major kick out of the next adventures of the TMNT from the current Nickelodeon cartoon!
Variant cover by Ryan Jampole!
#gallery-0-89 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-89 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-89 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-89 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures—SPOTLIGHT
Matthew K. Manning (w) • Jon Sommariva (a & c)
The animated worlds of the current Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Nickelodeon cartoon and Batman: The Animated Series collide in this outstanding mini-series featuring fan-favorite characters from both universes! Villains start to mysteriously escape Arkham and Batman seeks to track them down, but he discovers that they have left Gotham completely… and gone to the New York City of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Collects issues #1-6!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 144 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-909-7
  Bullet points:
The first Batman: The Animated Series new material since 2004 when The Batman Adventures
Advance solicited for July release!
“If you like the animated Batman and Ninja Turtles series, this is the book for you. It’s great for all-ages, an easy introduction to both universes, and overall just a fun time.” – Batman-news.com
“Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures is the most fun you’ll have reading a comic book…” — com
“Fans of both franchises will absolutely flip over it…” — com
“Answers so many of the ‘wouldn’t it be cool if’ type questions that fans have been talking about for decades.” —com
#gallery-0-90 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-90 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-90 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-90 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #71
Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman (w) • Dave Wachter (a & c)
“Pantheon Family Reunion” Part 1 of 2. You are cordially invited to the centennial reunion of the Pantheon, the immortal family that influences the course of history. The main talking point? The fate of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #71—Subscription Variant
Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman (w) • Dave Wachter (a) • Kevin Eastman (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
New weird and powerful characters introduced!
Only 4 more issues until the big 75th spectacular!
Variant cover by Dylan Burnet!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #11
Rich Douek (w) • Aaron Conley (a) • Freddie Williams II (c)
Man Ray and Sally Pride journey to New Jersey to investigate rumors of a mysterious monster… who happens to be new mutant Dreadmon!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #11—Subscription Variant
Rich Douek (w) • Aaron Conley (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
  Bullet points:
Null introduces her new enforcers!
Variant cover by Yacine Elghorri!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 5
Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Paul Allor, Erik Burnham (w) • Mateus Santolouco, Cory Smith, Dan Schoening, Sophie Campbell, Charles Paul Wilson III, Ben Bates, Dan Duncan (a) • Dan Duncan (c)
After meeting a good-natured inter dimensional time traveler named Renet, the Turtles become unstuck in time and go spinning into the past! Meanwhile, Shredder and Krang finally meet up, but will they be able to overcome their differences to join forces, while Old Hob has perfected the art of making mutants! Plus, when a new invention goes haywire, the Turtles are sent to a whole new type of New York City. One with a whole lot more ghosts–and Ghostbusters! Collects Turtles in Time, issues #38–44 of the ongoing series, and the TMNT/Ghostbusters crossover.
HC • FC • $49.99 • 368 pages • 7” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-68405-090-1
  Bullet points:
“Perfectly balances complex characters, intricate plots, and incredible action…” –Adventures In Poor Taste
Advance solicited for August release!
  Offered Again!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 1 • FC • $49.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-111-4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 2 • FC • $49.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-539-6
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 3 • FC • $49.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-691-4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 4 • FC • $49.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-820-8
Back to the Future: Biff to the Future #6 (of 6)
Bob Gale, Derek Fridolfs (w) • Alan Robinson (a & c)
“Biff Goes To Hell” Welcome to Hell Valley! Looking to expand his empire, Biff’s greatest threat to the planet is finally revealed. It’s going to take the combined might of the McFlys to put a stop to Biff’s apocalyptic vision. And if they fail… there won’t be future to go back to.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Back to the Future: Biff to the Future #6 (of 6)—Subscription cover
Bob Gale, Derek Fridolfs (w) • Alan Robinson (a) • Derek Fridolfs (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by Anthony Marques!
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Back to the Future #21
Bob Gale, John Barber (w) • Marcelo Ferreira (a & c)
“Hard Time” continues. The secret life of Jailbird Joey Baines starts to unravel as Marty uncovers a family mystery that goes deeper than he ever imagined… but what role did Doc Brown play in the crime that sent Joey to prison?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Back to the Future #21—Subscription cover
Bob Gale, John Barber (w) • Marcelo Ferreira (a) • Casey Maloney (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Clue #1 (of 5)—GEM OF THE MONTH
Paul Allor (w) • Nelson Daniel (a) • Gabriel Rodriguez (c)
When the mysterious Mr. Boddy turns up dead at his own dinner party, everyone’s a suspect! Miss Scarlett, Colonel Mustard, Mrs. Peacock, Professor Plum—all the familiar faces from the famous board game are back, with a couple new twists. But will Boddy’s Body be the last to fall, or is it just the beginning? Follow the clues and solve the mystery in IDW’s new CLUE series!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Clue #1 (of 5)—Alternate Ending #2
Paul Allor (w) • Nelson Daniel (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Clue #1 (of 5)—Alternate Ending #3
Paul Allor (w) • Nelson Daniel (a) • Valentina Pinto (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Featuring three alternate endings! To help you get a clue, we’ve hidden multiple endings to this first issue across the regular and subscription variants that will help you solve the case!
Variant cover by Charles Paul Wilson III!
Kull Eternal #1—SPOTLIGHT
Tom Waltz (w) • Luca Pizzari (a) • Luca Pizzari (c)
Robert E. Howard’s legendary warrior king returns! The evil Serpent Men have attempted to infiltrate and enslave mankind from the time of the very first humans… only to be defeated at every turn by the Elder Race’s ultimate warrior… Kull of Atlantis! And now they must call on Kull once more, as the Serpent Men make a last-ditch gambit to first conquer America… and then the world. Kull’s long journey has come full circle—once a small boy who fled his home of Atlantis, which was lost to a monstrous cataclysm… now a modern warrior who must save the New Atlantis from monstrous creatures!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Kull Eternal #1—Subscription Variant
Tom Waltz (w) • Luca Pizzari (a) • Alex Sanchez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Robert E. Howard’s legendary warrior king as you’ve never seen him before!
Written by Tom Waltz (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and illustrated by Luca Pizzari (Marvel’s Black Knight).
Action, adventure, romance, and political intrigue spanning the ages!
Variant covers by Xermanico, Jheremy Raapack, and Julio Das Pastoras!
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Star Trek: Boldly Go #9
Mike Johnson (w) • Tony Shasteen (a) • George Caltsoudas (c)
Welcome to New Vulcan! Uhura and Spock adjust to life in the growing colony…and discover an ancient secret that could change the destiny of Vulcans forever!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Star Trek: Boldly Go #9—Subscription Variant
Mike Johnson (w) • Tony Shasteen (a) • Arianna Florean (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Following the events of Star Trek Beyond!
Hit Star Trek artist Tony Shasteen returns!
Variant cover by Cryssy Cheung!
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Star Trek: New Visions: Time Out of Joint—CERTIFIED COOL
  John Byrne (w & photo-manipulation)
  Captain Kirk is torn from his timeline. Every corner he turns, every door he opens, throws him into a different day, a different year—and a different danger.
  FC • 48 pages • $7.99
  Star Trek: Boldly Go, Vol. 1—SPOTLIGHT
Mike Johnson (w) • Tony Shasteen (a) • George Caltsoudas (c)
All-new Star Trek series following the adventures of Captain Kirk and the iconic crew! New worlds! New species! New ships! And a new danger unlike anything the Federation has encountered before! Boldly go into a new era of STAR TREK! Collects issues #1-6!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 136 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-923-3
  Bullet points:
Trek fever is at an all-time high for the 50th anniversary and the announcement of the new TV series Star Trek: Discovery.
“A delight to read and is visually stunning.” — com
“IDW’s new Trek titles are forces to be reckoned with.” — com
Advance solicited for July release!
  Star Trek: TNG: Mirror Broken #2 (of 6)
Scott Tipton & David Tipton (w) • J.K. Woodward (a & c)
In the sinister Mirror Universe, Captain Jean-Luc Picard is determined to get his hands on the Terran Empire’s new secret weapon, the Galaxy-class warship known as Enterprise, by any means necessary. Unfortunately, one obstacle stands in his way—and his name is William T. Riker!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Star Trek: TNG: Mirror Broken #2 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Scott Tipton & David Tipton (w) • J.K. Woodward (a) • George Caltsoudas (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
As seen on Free Comic Book Day!
Variant cover by Josh Hood!
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Judge Dredd: The Blessed Earth #3
Ulises Fariñas & Erick Freitas (w) • Dan McDaid (a) • Ulises Fariñas (c)
Judge Dredd continues his mission to restore order to a lawless land! When Dredd seeks treatment for his strange and deadly ailment, his Mega-Train is attacked by the robot-hating Neon Knights! Behold the mystery and grandeur of The Blessed Earth!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Judge Dredd: The Blessed Earth #3—Subscription Variant
Ulises Fariñas & Erick Freitas (w) • Dan McDaid (a) • Valentin Ramon (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
The sequel to the critically acclaimed Mega-City Zero storyline continues!
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Wynonna Earp: Season Zero #1 (of 5) —SPOTLIGHT
Beau Smith (w) • Angel Hernandez (a) • Chris Evenhuis (c)
Outlaws. Mavericks. Werewolves. These are The Banditos, the gang Wynonna ran with in her wildest, pre-Black Badge days.  Somebody, or something is killing them off, one by one.  It’s up to Wynonna to return to her roots, and find out why! Telling the never-before-seen story of Wynonna’s outlaw past—only hinted at on Syfy’s Wynonna Earp TV series—finally revealed here!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Wynonna Earp: Season Zero #1 (of 5)—Photo Variant
Beau Smith (w) • Angel Hernandez (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Never-before-told story that ties into Syfy’s Wynonna Earp TV series!
Wynonna Earp returns to Syfy in June!
Secrets of Wynonna Earp’s past revealed!
Variant cover by Dwayne Turner!
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Dirk Gently: The Salmon of Doubt #9
Arvind Ethan David (w) • Ilias Kyriazis (a & c)
Dirk faces the most difficult decision of his holistic life! Featuring favorite characters from the original books as well as the cast from the TV series, including Samuel Barnett and Elijah Wood!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Dirk Gently: The Salmon of Doubt #9—Subscription Variant
Arvind Ethan David (w) • Ilias Kyriazis (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
  The star of two (almost three) beloved Douglas Adams novels!
Written by executive producer of the TV series Arvind Ethan David!
Executive produced by Max Landis (Chronicle and Superman: American Alien), the writer of the BBC America TV series!
Each issue will have a photo cover featuring the cast of the show!
Variant cover by Robert Hack!
Ghostbusters 101 #4 (of 6)
Erik Burnham (w) • Dan Schoening (a & c)
Two teams of Ghostbusters are fighting the clock, trying to understand why their dimensions are being pulled together… even as the merging itself causes such a surge of psychokinetic energy that more ghosts than ever are coming out of the woodwork! Today’s secret phrase is: Hurry, Ghostbusters!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Ghostbusters 101 #4 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Erik Burnham (w) • Dan Schoening (a) • Tim Lattie (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Straight outta the 2016 film, the Answer the Call Ghostbusters make their comic book debut!  Abby, Patty, Erin and Holtzmann join forces with Winston, Egon, Ray and Venkman for some bombastic ghostbustin’ insanity!
Written and illustrated by the fan-favorite and critically-acclaimed creative team of Erik Burnham, Dan Schoening and Luis Antonio Delgado.
Featuring the fourth of six-interconnected covers by Schoening and Delgado.
Retailer incentive covers feature photos of the Original and ATF Ghostbusters casts!
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Highlander: The American Dream #5 (of 5)
Brian Ruckley (w) • Andrea Mutti (a) • Nick Percival (c)
The cult-classic film’s triumphant return concludes! The American Dream has followed Scottish swordsman Connor MacLeod as he clashes with powerful immortals from the American Civil War to 1950s Manhattan on an unstoppable march toward The Gathering, where the last of the immortals will duel to the death. And to the victor goes The Prize… and control over humanity’s destiny!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Highlander: The American Dream #5 (of 5)—Subscription Variant
Brian Ruckley (w) • Andrea Mutti (a) • Claudia Gironi (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
The cult phenomenon returns!
Written by Scottish fantasy novelist Brian Ruckley (The Godless World trilogy)!
Interior art by Andrea Mutti (Rebels)!
Subscription covers by Italian artist Claudia Gironi!
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Orphan Black: Deviations #4 (of 6)
Heli Kennedy (w) • Wayne Nichols (a) • Cat Staggs (c)
In a world where Sarah managed to save Beth from taking her own life! With this single twist of fate, the Clone Club comes together in a completely different manner and the mystery of Project LEDA unfolds in new, exiting ways! See all your favorite characters return in an all-new light!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Orphan Black: Deviations #4 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Heli Kennedy (w) • Wayne Nichols (a) • Fico Ossio (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Find out what happens in a world… where Sarah saved Beth!
Ask your retailer about the papercraft covers!
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24: Legacy—Rules of Engagement #3 (of 5)
Christopher Farnsworth (w) • Antonio Fuso (a) • Georges Jeanty (c)
The clock has been reset with 24: Legacy, and this limited series will explore the past of its new leading character, Eric Carter, who led the elite squad responsible for killing an infamous terrorist leader and, consequently, forced into hiding. But before he was a national hero and a wanted man, Carter learned the Rules of Engagement in the streets of Iraq and Washington, D.C., hoods.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  24: Legacy—Rules of Engagement #3 (of 5)—Subscription cover
Christopher Farnsworth (w) • Antonio Fuso (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Based on the new hit iteration of the 24 franchise!
Executive produced by Manny Coto and Evan Katz, writers of the show!
Covers by Georges Jeanty (Serenity)!
Each issue will have a photo cover featuring the cast of the show!
Written by Christopher Farnsworth, journalist, screenwriter and the author of The President’s Vampire
The X-Files #15
Joe Harris (w) • Matthew Dow Smith (a) • menton3 (c)
“Resistance,” Part 2 (of 4): The final piece of the puzzle falls into place, threatening to send Mulder over the line, just as shadowy forces are revealed to have compromised the upper echelons of government.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  The X-Files #15—Subscription Variant
Joe Harris (w) • Matthew Dow Smith (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Executive produced by The X-Files creator Chris Carter!
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The X-Files: Origins—Dog Days of Summer #1 (of 4)— SPOTLIGHT
Jody Houser & Matthew Dow Smith (w) • Chris Fenoglio, Corin Howell (a & c)
Before the FBI, before the X-Files, they were just two teenagers in search of the truth. On Martha’s Vineyard, a strange encounter with a deaf girl sends 13-year-old Fox Mulder on the hunt for a mysterious signal. While in San Diego, young Dana Scully looks into a plane crash somehow tied to the man she helped put in jail. Two kids, two mysteries, one conspiracy that threatens the future of humanity.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  The X-Files: Origins —Dog Days of Summer #1 (of 4)—Subscription cover
Jody Houser & Matthew Dow Smith (w) • Chris Fenoglio, Corin Howell (a) • Cat Staggs (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
The hit miniseries of last summer returns!
Mulder and Scully star in separate tales depicting their teen years!
See what made them into the characters we’ve come to love!
Especially crafted for young adult readers!
Mystery novel variant covers by Cat Staggs (Orphan Black)!
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Optimus Prime #8
John Barber (w) • Casey W. Coller (a) • Kei Zama (c)
Jazz confronts his past—and the Autobot’s future—in front of millions of television viewers. But will he make the people of Earth understand Optimus Prime’s mission… or turn against it?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Optimus Prime #8—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Casey W. Coller (a) • Casey W. Coller (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Optimus Prime #8—Andrew Griffith Variant
John Barber (w) • Casey W. Coller (a) • Andrew Griffith (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by James Raiz!
  Transformers: Lost Light #7
James Roberts (w) • Jack Lawrence (a & c)
AFTERMATH! The war with the Functionalists is over—and Rodimus is left wondering whether he won or lost. It’s the beginning of a new chapter for the displaced crew of the Lost Light, as decisions are made that will change their lives forever.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Transformers: Lost Light #7—Subscription Variant
James Roberts (w) • Jack Lawrence (a) • Nick Roche (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Transformers: Lost Light #7—Alex Milne Variant
James Roberts (w) • Jack Lawrence (a) • Alex Milne (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by James Raiz!
  Transformers: Salvation—SPOTLIGHT
John Barber (w) • Livio Ramondelli (a & c)
Exiled from civilization, the Dinobots are the last line of defense against the ultimate Cybertronian dinosaur—Trypticon! But how much are the Dinobots willing to sacrifice for a world that hates them?
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
  Transformers: Salvation—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Livio Ramondelli (a) • Jeffrey Veregge (c)
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
  Bullet points:
Dinobots versus the biggest dino of them all—Trypticon!
John Barber and Livio Ramondelli finish their Dinobot trilogy that started in Transformers: Punishment and Transformers: Redemption!
  Transformers: Till All Are One #11
Mairghread Scott (w) • Sara Pitre-Durocher (a & c)
With Elita One’s influence closing in around Starscream, he’s desperate to make any alliances he can. Turns out, a powerful ally might already be within his grasp. But is he willing to risk his own sanity to reach them?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Transformers: Till All Are One #11—Subscription Variant
Mairghread Scott (w) • Sara Pitre-Durocher (a) • Priscilla Tramontano (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by James Raiz!
  Transformers: Till All Are One, Vol. 2
Mairghread Scott (w) • Sara Pitre-Durocher (a & c)
Epic space-opera action continues as the dramatic TRANSFORMERS continuity leads on to new and explosive revelations! REVOLUTION is over but the danger isn’t! A wave of undead TITANS threatens CYBERTRON! STARSCREAM will need more than secret police to stop the oncoming horde, but our Fearless Leader finds himself short on friends and firepower. Who can be called upon–and why aren’t they stepping up to the plate? Collects issues #5–9.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-924-0
  Bullet points:
“A great book with some serious art design that fully compliments the Transformers universe as a whole and adds weight and importance to the characters.” –Big Glasgow Comics Page
Advance solicited for July release!
  Offered Again!
Transformers: Till All Are One, Vol. 1 • FC • $17.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-808-3
Rom #12
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina, Guy Dorian & Sal Buscema (a) • Leonardo Manco (c)
“Long Roads to Ruin,” part 2. Rom and the other two Knights face off against a dire new threat; and Guy Dorian & Sal Buscema illustrate a dark tale of the Solstar Order!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Rom #12—Subscription Variant
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina (a) • Nathan Greno (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Rom #12—Subscription Variant
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina (a) • David LaFuente (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Rom #12—Subscription Variant
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina (a) • Nick Roche (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by Raffaele Ienco!
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Revolutionaries, Vol. 1: Crisis Intervention—SPOTLIGHT
John Barber (w) • Fico Ossio & Ron Joseph (a) • Fico Ossio (c)
THE REVOLUTION MAY BE OVER, but the future is just beginning! KUP is a CYBERTRONIAN literally older than the universe; ACTION MAN is the ultimate special agent trying to live up to an impossible legacy; MAYDAY is a G.I. JOE leader trying to rescue her first command; and BLACKROCK is a CYBERTRONIAN that thinks he’s human. It takes the mind-bending clash against the OKTOBER GUARD to bring this unlikely team together… and the secret they learn threatens to unravel the entire universe. Good thing they’ll have help from ROM, the MICRONAUTS, the ADVENTURE TEAM and more! Collects issues #1–4.
TPB • FC • $17.99 • 104 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-921-9
  Bullet points:
All-new Hasbro team-up!
The follow-up to REVOLUTION, revealing the secrets behind the new shared universe!
Advance solicited for July release!
John Barber (w) • Fico Ossio (a) • John Royle (c)
SGT. SAVAGE VS G.I. JOE! The greatest hero of World War II is back—and not for the first time! Vanishing on the battlefields of Europe while fighting robotic soldiers, Sgt. Robert Steven Savage reappeared—in the extreme era of the 1990s! Now he’s reborn again—a ’40s hero with a ’90s ’tude… and G.I. Joe isn’t ready to go retro.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  REVOLUTIONARIES #7—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Fico Ossio (a) • Tone Rodriguez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  REVOLUTIONARIES #7—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Ron Joseph (a) • Igor Lima (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by Pierre Droal!
  Hasbro Heroes Sourcebook #2 (of 3)
John Barber & various (w) • Robert Atkins & various (a) • Fico Ossio (c)
If you’re new to the Hasbro Universe or a long-time fan, this book is for you! Featuring a veritable TON of bios on your favorite characters, from E to O, plus papercraft projects, a map of Metrotitan, the current base of Optimus Prime, and an exclusive story featuring Kup and Bryce Chan’s adventures in London!
FC • 48 pages • $4.99
  Hasbro Heroes Sourcebook #2 (of 3)—Subscription Variant
John Barber & Various (w) • Robert Atkins & various (a) • Sam Lotfi (c)
FC • 48 pages • $4.99
  Bullet points:
Written by today’s top Hasbro U talent including John Barber, Aubrey Sitterson, Chris Ryall, David Mariotte, Brandon Easton, Cullen Bunn, Mairghread Scott, and Jimmy Johnston.
Art by some of today’s top Hasbro Universe artists including Robert Atkins, Guido Guidi, Simon Gough, Marcelo Ferreira, Fico Ossio, and Jack Lawrence!
Exclusive paper-crafts, posters and stories in every issue!
Variant cover by Marcelo Borstelmann!
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G.I. JOE #7
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a) • Aaron Conley (c)
G.I. Joe’s subterranean mission takes a turn for the worse after the team is attacked by one of their own! Meanwhile, back in their underground base, Scarlett’s command is challenged and a long-simmering rivalry boils to a head! Plus: Monsters, explosions, jokes and more in The Crown Jewel of the Hasbro universe!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  G.I. JOE #7—Subscription Variant
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  G.I. JOE #7—Subscription Variant
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a) • Drew Johnson (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by Ed Luce variant cover!
     G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #241
Larry Hama (w) • S L Gallant (a & c)
It’s a showdown in Springfield as deadly and disparate forces converge in the search for Dawn! Meanwhile, JOEs, Cobra and Blue Ninjas all collide in Darklonia!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #241—Subscription Variant
Larry Hama (w) • S L Gallant (a) • John Royle (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a) • Ariel Olivetti (c)
G.I. JOE finds a new role in a world of globalization, TRANSFORMERS and aliens! After the events of REVOLUTION, the G.I. JOE team returns to the fray and their mission has become a global one–leading the charge against invading TRANSFORMERS and other aliens. But when a US military defense base goes dark, Scarlett has reason to suspect that these enemy forces may have infiltrated G.I. JOE. It’s up to her, Roadblock, Rock ‘n Roll, Quick Kick, Wild Bill, and Shipwreck to move in and root out any traitors before the facility falls into the wrong hands! Collects issues #1–4 and the G.I. JOE: Revolution one-shot.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-913-4
  Bullet points:
It’s a new look and new mission as G.I. Joe finds itself part of a larger battle.
Advance solicited for July release!
  M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #8
Brandon Easton (w) • Igor Lima (a) • Tone Rodriguez (c)
Determined to end the threat of Ore-13 radiation poisoning, Matt Trakker and the M.A.S.K. team go on a mission into the depths of the Earth where they discover much more than they could have imagined—a race of powerful mutated creatures borne from the strange Cybertronian energy source. Are these monsters too powerful even for the technology of M.A.S.K.?!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #8—Subscription Variant
Brandon Easton (w) • Igor Lima (a) • Davide Fabbri (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #8— Subscription Variant
Brandon Easton (w) • Igor Lima- (a) • Vincenzo Federici (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
All-new storyline starts here!
Variant cover by Marcelo Perez Dalannays!
M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand, Vol. 1: Mobilize—SPOTLIGHT
Brandon Easton (w) • Tony Vargas & Juan Samu (a) • Tommy Lee Edwards (c)
Launching from the events of REVOLUTION, the M.A.S.K. team streaks into a dangerous, unstable landscape of dark wars, high intrigue, and non-stop action where they’ll encounter the nearly unstoppable threat of Miles Mayhem and his black-ops squadron known as V.E.N.O.M. How will an untested Matt Trakker lead M.A.S.K. through a complex new world order where nothing is what it seems? Collects the M.A.S.K. Revolution One-Shot and issues #1–5 of the series.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 136 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-917-2
Expected in-store date: 7/19/17
  Bullet points:
It’s a new look and new mission as M.A.S.K. finds itself part of a larger battle.
Advance solicited for July release!
  Micronauts: Wrath of Karza #3
Cullen Bunn & Jimmy Johnston (w) • Andrew Griffith (a) • Alex Ronald (c)
Baron Karza has begun his invasion of Earth! Leading his people from the impending doom of the Entropy cloud to a single planet capable of sustaining all of Microspace. With M.A.S.K, G.I. JOE, the TRANSFORMERS, and the MICRONAUTS defeated, Karza stands triumphant. Can anything keep him from conquering the planet?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Micronauts: Wrath of Karza #3—Subscription variant
Cullen Bunn & Jimmy Johnston (w) • Andrew Griffith (a) • Chris “Panda” Mercier (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Variant cover by Marco Turini!
  Mike Mignola’s Hellboy Artist’s Edition: New Printing—SPOTLIGHT
Mike Mignola (w & a & c)
Mike Mignola is one of the preeminent comics creators of the past 25 years. His career was already firmly established for his outstanding work on characters like Batman, Wolverine, a myriad of beautiful covers and more… And then came Hellboy. Mike’s iconic creation struck a meteoric chord with fans from the very start and has not abated in the 20 years since his debut. This Artist’s Edition features the first five issues of Hellboy in Hell as well as a wealth of historic supplementary material: the first three Hellboy stories—the two initial four-pagers, produced for promotional purposes, and the 10-page story from John Byrne’s Next Men #21—plus “The Corpse,” and two other tales selected by Mignola for inclusion. All but three pages of Mike Mignola’s Hellboy Artist’s Edition have been shot from the original art and showcases Mignola’s gorgeous work as closely as possible to the physical page—this is a book for fans of great storytelling and students of the craft.
HC • BW • $150.00 • 200 pages • 12” x 17” • ISBN: 978-1-68405-105-2
  Bullet points:
Advance solicited for August release!
A new printing with a brand new cover exclusively for this edition!
Brought to you by the same team responsible for IDW Publishing’s multi-Eisner Award-winning series of Artist’s Editions.
  Offered Again!
Mike Mignola’s Screw-On Head and Other Curious Objects Artist’s Edition • BW • $75.00 net item • ISBN: 978-1-63140-619-5
  Return of the Dapper Men—SPOTLIGHT
Jim McCann (w) • Janet Lee (a & c)
Welcome to Anorev, a land where time has no meaning. Robots work and children play, but the play is no fun and the work is no use. A curious boy named Ayden and his robot friend Zoe know that something’s missing, but they can’t imagine what it might be… until 314 identical men in green bowler hats fall from the sky. At last, our heroes have a chance to discover what happened to their world, what might start the clocks back up again, and what tomorrow really means. Blending clockwork whimsy with majestic art-nouveau visuals, Jim McCann and Janet Lee present a hand-crafted fairy tale that feels both familiar and entirely new in this prestige reprinting!
HC • FC • $34.99 • 144 pages • 11.25” x 9.75” • ISBN 978-1-60309-413-9
  Bullet points:
Reprinting the Eisner Award winning Graphic Novel!
Advance solicited for August release!
Surfside Girls Book One: The Secret of Danger Point—CERTIFIED COOL
Kim Dwinell (w & a & c)
Things are getting weird in Surfside. Lately, Samantha’s best friend Jade explodes into fits of giggles whenever she sees a boy, and it’s throwing a wrench into the kick-back summer of surfing and hanging out that Sam had planned. But after swimming through a secret underwater cave, Sam starts to… see things. Like ghosts. And pirates. And maybe something even scarier! Can she and Jade get to the bottom of this mystery in time to save their town?
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 232 pages • 6” x 9” • ISBN: 978-1-60309-411-5
  Bullet points:
Advance solicited for July release!
  Offered Again!
Spiral Bound • BW • $14.95 • ISBN: 978-1-89183-050-1
Monster on the Hill • FC • $19.95 • ISBN: 978-1-60309-075-9
Maddy Kettle Book One • FC • $14.95 • ISBN: 978-1-60309-072-8
  Shed #1—Certified Cool
Obie Scott Wade & Ken Wegner (w) • Steve Beach (a) • Steve Beach (c)
Tim Cain sheds his elaborately tattooed skin, becoming the first in a new line of hominids destined to flourish on an increasingly radioactive Earth. With his nervous system exposed, Tim gains extrasensory abilities, but loses his freedom. Detained, tortured and stripped of his human rights, Tim’s only desire is to escape his captors and see his wife and daughter again.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Shed #1—Subscription Variant
Obie Scott Wade & Ken Wegner (w) • Steve Beach (a) • Ben Templesmith (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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Saucer State #2 (of 6)
Paul Cornell (w) • Ryan Kelly (a & c)
After last issue’s cliffhanger, US President Arcadia Alvarado is acting fast against the biggest event in world history. “Drop everything, spend everything.  Give me a damn gun.” “It won’t be a war. It’ll be a slaughter.”  “Isn’t that exactly what the post-truth bastards do?” Jump onboard as the conclusion to Saucer Country heads one step closer to the finishing line… and the end of everything!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Saucer State #2 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Paul Cornell (w) • Ryan Kelly (a) • Jeffrey Veregge (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Picks up where Saucer Country left off!
One of the very few mainstream comics to be nominated for SF’s prestigious Hugo Award!
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Darkness Visible #5
Mike Carey & Arvind Ethan David (w) • Brendan Cahill (a & c)
When the demons came, humanity reluctantly learned to share the world with another sentient race. Eighty years later, this uneasy co-existence has spawned an endless terrorist conflict. Last issue’s revelation changes everything for Detective Aston, putting him at odds with his former colleagues!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Darkness Visible #5—Subscription Variant
Mike Carey & Arvind Ethan David (w) • Brendan Cahill (a) • Dave Kendall (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
From bestselling author and screenwriter Mike Carey (Unwritten, Lucifer, Girl with All the Gifts) and Arvind Ethan David (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency) comes an all-new, original world of darkness and demons.
  #gallery-0-108 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-108 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-108 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-108 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Brutal Nature: Concrete Fury #4 (of 5)
Luciano Saracino (w) • Ariel Olivetti (a & c)
To fight in the coming battle, Curt must prepare his team of allies and renegades for a confrontation against Thomas Wolf—who’ll stop at nothing to recover the ancient shapeshifting masks!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Brutal Nature: Concrete Fury #4 (of 5)—Subscription Variant
Luciano Saracino (w) • Ariel Olivetti (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
The beautifully painted story continues, featuring art by comics superstar Ariel Olivetti!
  Night Owl Society #3 (of 3)
James Venhaus (w) • Pius Bak (a & c)
“Revelation” The final chapter of The Night Owl Society comes to a dramatic finish. David has a confrontation with The Viceroy, and a tragic twist changes both of their lives forever.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Night Owl Society #3—Subscription Variant
James Venhaus (w) • Pius Bak (a) • Hugo Petrus (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Kill Shakespeare – Past is Prologue: Juliet #4 (of 4)
Conor McCreery (w) • Corin Howell (a & c)
Final chapter! Trapped by Cornwall, Juliet faces a never-ending nightmare of torture and humiliation. The young lover has a plan to win her freedom with blood, but she’s going to need fortune on her side if it is to succeed, because as the Bard himself wrote: so wise so young they say never do live long…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Kill Shakespeare – Past is Prologue: Juliet #4 (of 4)—Subscription Variant
Conor McCreery (w) • Corin Howell (a) • Simon Davis (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Starstruck: Old Proldiers Never Die #5 (of 6)
Elaine Lee (w) • Michael Kaluta (a & c)
Just the headlines, noos fans: Verloona Ti Naps Guides! Ti Invested in RIP! Droids Using RIP 4 Revenge! Bad RIP: Brigader Becomes Killer! Bartender Chases Brigader! Everyone Chases Harry! It’s a rip-roaring chase scene through never-seen levels of Rec 97… and 24 pages of brand new Kaluta art!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
  Bullet points:
Completely new, never-before-published art from Michael Kaluta!
Helena Crash #4 (of 4)
Fabian Rangel, Jr. (w) • Warwick Johnson-Cadwell (a & c)
Having barely survived her duel with White Demon, Helena tries to get back to normal. But she realizes there’s no turning back when she discovers Hemingway has been abducted by Rojo’s men. Down but never out, Helena comes up with a plan. A plan that involves a good old-fashioned death race!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Helena Crash #4 (of 4)—Subscription Variant
Fabian Rangel, Jr. (w) • Warwick Johnson-Cadwell (a) • Toby Cypress (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Don’t miss the subscription cover by Toby Cypress (Rodd Racer, Land of the Dead, and many more )!
  Cosmic Scoundrels #5 (of 5)
Andy Suriano & Matt Chapman (w) • Andy Suriano (a & c)
This is it! The culmination of the past four issues coming to a head, Zoltraxican-standoff style! The Scoundrels have run out of time, space and literally anyone left to piss off!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Cosmic Scoundrels #5 (of 5)—Subscription Variant
Andy Suriano & Matt Chapman (w) • Andy Suriano (a) • Veronica Fish (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
Andy Suriano is an Emmy and Annie Award-winning artist who has worked on such iconic series as Samurai Jack and Star Wars: The Clone Wars!
Matt Chapman is a writer of Disney’s Gravity Falls and the co-creator of Disney XD’s Two More Eggs and Homestar Runner!
Real Science Adventures: The Flying She-Devils #3 (of 6)
Brian Clevinger (w) • Lo Baker (a) • Scott Wegener (c)
Horsefeathers! Those pirates of Mad Jack’s have cornered the Flying She-Devils! How are they gonna get out of this one? Gee-willickers! Meanwhile, will the Sparrow save the day for the Allies? I hope so!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Real Science Adventures: The Flying She-Devils #3 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Brian Clevinger (w) • Lo Baker (a) • Hollie Mengert (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
  Bullet points:
From the pages of Atomic Robo, the Flying She-Devils embark on a new daring adventure!
The spinoff story to the online sensation—in print for the first time!
The October Faction: Deadly Season—CERTIFIED COOL
Steve Niles (w) • Damien Worm (a & c)
Meet the Allan family: Fredrick, his wife Deloris and their two children Geoff and Vivian. As Fredrick works to put his monster hunting days behind him, his two kids insist on joining the family business. Ghouls in the graveyard! Giant Monsters downtown! The Allan family comes face to face with a whole new threat. This one comes from the past and it won’t stop until the Allans are all dead.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 136 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-919-6
  Bullet points:
“It’s a great comic for horror fans whose level is a bit darker than Buffy. All ’round good read.” –Comic Crusaders
Advance solicited for July release!
  Offered Again!
October Faction, Vol. 1 • FC • $19.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-251-7
October Faction, Vol. 2 • FC • $19.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-597-6
October Faction, Vol. 3 • FC • $19.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-739-0
The Other Dead
Joshua Ortega (w) • Qing Ping Mui (a) • Reynir Hauksson (c)
The world’s first Zombie Animal epic! A deadly hurricane threatens New Orleans just as a frightening and mysterious outbreak hits the animal kingdom!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 152 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-920-2
  Bullet points:
“The Other Dead finds space to be itself in a genre where most practitioners stick to the tried and true. Original and genuinely scary.” —Mike Carey, Eisner Award-winning writer of Unwritten, Suicide Run, and X-Men.
Advance Solicited for July release!
Haunted Horror #28
Various (w) • Al Williamson, Roy Krenkel, George Wilhelms, Robert McCarthy & more (a) • Sid Check (c)
Guest editor “Toxic” Tommy O’Brien gather’s Pre-Code grisly, gory, goodies by his favorite horror comics art masters! Eyeball searing monsterpieces: “The Corpse Who Came to Dinner”,  “The Day the World Died”, “Land of the Living Dead”, “The Werewolf Lurks”, “Taylor of Death” and more!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
  Lou Cameron’s Unsleeping Dead—CERTIFIED COOL
Lou Cameron (w & a & c)
Lou Cameron was a groundbreaking art master of the 1950s Pre-Code comics era. With his innovative experimental layouts and frequent use of surrealism, his horror comics have been described as “Jim Steranko meets Graham Ingels.” Zombies, vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts, and devils from terror-filled stories like “Faceless Horror,” “Lure of the Zombie Diamonds,” “Graveyard of Ghost Ships,” “Kill My Minions of Death,” and “The Unsleeping Dead” will make you scream with delight!
HC • FC • $24.99 • 144 pages • 8.5” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-931-8
  Bullet points:
“What Craig Yoe, author, comics historian, editor, and art director does, is take so much pleasure in the salacious and gruesome ‘classic moments’ in the comics industry and only he is able to perfectly preserve the past, freeze it in time so that we may experience and enjoy a way of life long gone.” –com
Advance solicited for August release!
Spooky & The Strange Tales: Monster Inn—CERTFIED COOL
Carine-M & Élian Black’mor (w & a & c)
Turn the traditional fairy tale tropes topsy-turvy in this lavishly illustrated storybook as Spooky explores her dark, enchanted world. Once upon a time, in the heart of the kingdom of Fairy Tales, a king and queen had the strangest of children… Spooky! And when uncles the Three Little Pigs offer a trip to their London hotel, Spooky trades one improbable setting for another! Monster Inn shines a charming, childish light on contemporary goth culture for a rich and unique story that’s out of this world.
HC • FC • $19.99 • 72 pages • 9” x 11.75” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-934-9
  Bullet points:
Freaky, creepy graphic novel for goths and more!
Advance solicited for August release!
Super Weird Heroes: Preposterous But True!—CERTIFIED COOL
Craig Yoe (Editor) • Various (a & c)
Weirdness from A-Z! Airmale to The Zebra! Here’s a new tome crammed with OMG, WTH, and LOL bizarro heroes of the Golden Age. Eisner-winner Craig Yoe provides both witty and fascinating context to heroes like Mr. Whiskers (a young actor who dresses like an old geezer), Hip Knox (who has an eye-ball on his chest and what looks like a woo-woo on his belt), and Pat Parker War Nurse (who fights Nazis in a skimpy nurse/superhero costume)! Over 30 full comic stories in all!
HC • FC • $39.99 • 328 pages • 8.5” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-858-8
  Bullet points:
“Shows readers that the universe of pre-code superheroes was diverse and vibrant and, in its own way, just as rich as the modern era.” –ComicWow!
Advance solicited for August release!
  Offered Again!
Super Weird Heroes: Outrageous But Real! • FC • $49.99 • ISBN: 978-1-63140-745-1
Popeye Classics #59
Bud Sagendorf (w & a & c)
Ahoy, ya swabs! Hilarious, classic tales of the beloved two-fisted one-eyed sailor! This issue features a rousing adventure, you will see Popeye, Olive Swee’pea, the evil Sea Hag and O.G. Wotasnozzle penned by the acclaimed genius Bud Sagedorf! MTV proclaims: “Gloriously funny writing and drawing style! Sagendorf comics are great comics!”
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Bullet points:
Variant cover by Darryl Young!
King of the Creepies
Jon Cohn (design) Ÿ Gilbert Jansen (a & c)
In King of the Creepies, you and 5 other combatants must fight to earn Victory Crystals. Smash your foes with powerful attacks. Subvert them with sneaky tricks. Make others fight for you with bribes they just can’t refuse. Spend your winnings on Gear and Abilities to help you become the ultimate warrior. Gamble, fight, and bribe your way to claim the title of King of the Creepies!
Ÿ MSRP $39.99 Ÿ UPC: 8-27714-01296-5
  A Card Game of Combat, Tricks, and Dirty Deeds
Orphan Black: Clone Club
Daryl Andrews & Bryce Hunter (design) Ÿ Bryce Hunter (a) Ÿ Sam Barlin (c)
Do you own your genetic code or are you the property of a shadowy corporation? The secrets to your past are locked away in your DNA. Unravel your genes faster than your sister clones or risk becoming a lab rat. Study your genetic code in order to understand your origin and liberate your future in this fast-paced, tactical card game. Control the longest DNA chains to survive! Welcome to the Clone Club!
Ÿ MSRP $24.99 Ÿ UPC: 8-27714-01294-1
  Based on the hit TV series
A Card Game of Unlimited Sequences
  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past: Casey Jones Hero Pack
Kevin Wilson (design) • Juan Samu (a & c)
This Hero pack allows you to use Casey Jones as a playable character in any Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past base game scenario and also contains an additional Adventure Comic with new content!
MSRP $17.99 • UPC: 8-27714-01263-7
  Bullet points:
Each Hero pack contains 1 Casey Jones plastic miniature, 3 custom dice, 1 character sheet, and 1 adventure comic
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Pastbase game is required to play this pack.
  Offered Again!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past board game• UPC: 8-27714-00929-3
  via IDW Publishing
    IDW Publishing Solicits for June 2017 Oh my, IDW is bringing the awesome later this year, and we got briefs and covers for you.
0 notes
aion-rsa · 8 years ago
IDW Publishing Solicitations for June 2017
IDW Publishing has released solicitation information and images for new comics and products shipping in June 2017. When you’re through checking out these solicitations for new releases, be sure to visit CBR’s Independent Comics forum to discuss these titles and products with fellow readers and fans.
IDW Solicitations – Last Six Months
Product shipping May 2017
Product shipping April 2017
Product shipping March 2017
Product shipping February 2017
Product shipping January 2017
Product shipping December 2016
Jem and the Holograms: Infinite #1 (of 3)— SPOTLIGHT
Kelly Thompson (w) • Stacey Lee (a & c)
The FIRST-EVER Jem/Misfits Crossover Event begins here and now with “INFINITE PART ONE!” Now a happy quintet, Jem and The Holograms are stronger than ever, which is a good thing because they’re about to embark on an adventure unlike anything they’d ever imagined possible. After a public fight with The Misfits at a charity event, a strangely dressed Techrat shows up and takes them to a whole new world… literally. And it is going to change EVERYTHING.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Jem and the Holograms: Infinite #1 (of 3) – Subscription Variant
Kelly Thompson (w) • Stacey Lee (a) • Veronica Fish (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Part 1 of the Jem: Infinite mega-event!
All-new adventures start here in Jem and The Holograms first ever CROSSOVER EVENT!
All the music, all the fashion, all the romance, all the sci-fi shenanigans begin here!
Interconnecting subscription covers on both Jem: Infinite and Jem: The Misfits: Infinite by Veronica Fish!
Variant cover by Marley Zarcone!
Jem and the Holograms: The Misfits: Infinite #1 (of 3)— SPOTLIGHT
Kelly Thompson (w) • Jenn St-Onge (a & c)
The FIRST EVER Jem/Misfits Crossover Event continues here in ” INFINITE PART TWO!” Never okay with letting Jem and The Holograms steal the spotlight, The Misfits have followed them to this “brave new world” and are shocked by what they find… a world ruled by JEM and powered by Synergy Hologram Technology. WHAT. IS. EVEN. HAPPENING!?!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Jem and the Holograms: The Misfits: Infinite #1 (of 3) – Subscription Variant
Kelly Thompson (w) • Jenn St-Onge (a) • Veronica Fish (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Part 2 of the Jem: Infinite mega-event!
Guess Jem and The Holograms secret is out!…but what will The Misfits do with that secret?!
All-new adventures continue here in Jem and The Holograms first ever CROSSOVER EVENT!
Interconnecting subscription covers on both Jem: Infinite and Jem: The Misfits: Infinite by Veronica Fish!
Variant cover by Ben Caldwell!
Jem and the Holograms, Vol. 5: Truly Outrageous
Kelly Thompson (w) • Meredith McClaren, M. Victoria Robado, Maria Jose Barros, Svanna Ganucheau, Katarzyna Witerscheim, Gisele Lagace (a) • Rian Gonzalez (c)
Jem and The Holograms head to Hawaii for some much needed rest and relaxation but with The Stingers renting the beach house next door they instead get shenanigans, betrayals, hi-jinx, and… volcanoes?! Meanwhile, has Jerrica finally made a decision about her future and thus the future of JEM? Collects issues #24–26, and the double-sized 2017 Annual!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages
“An exuberantly colorful all-ages tribute to girl power—colorful as in candy-floss pink and lime green—where serious ideas about performance, identity, and embodiment fit comfortably amid sitcom-worthy teen hijinks…” –The New Yorker
Advance solicited for July release!
My Little Pony: The Movie Prequel #1—SPOTLIGHT
Ted Anderson (w) • Andy Price (a & c)
This fall, My Little Pony: The Movie hits theaters, and this prequel mini-series is your first look at the fantastic adventure to come! Danger looms over Equestria as a new villain debuts!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
My Little Pony: The Movie Prequel #1—Subscription Variant
Ted Anderson (w) • Andy Price (a) • Tony Fleecs (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Each issue will focus on a new character from the upcoming movie!
My Little Pony: The Movie in theaters in October!
Variant Cover by Kaori Matsuo!
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #55
Christina Rice (w) • Agnes Garbowska (a & c)
“Wings Over Yakyakistan” part 1 of 2. While on a diplomatic mission to Yakyakistan, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are surprised to uncover an imminent attack on the kingdom by dragons! Will Dash be able to rouse the Wonderbolts to aid the Yaks in time to thwart the invasion?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #55—Subscription Variant
Christina Rice (w) • Agnes Garbowska (a) • Sara Richard (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Ties into the events of MLP season 7!
Variant cover by Billy Martin!
My Little Pony: Legends of Magic #3
Jeremy Whitley (w) • Brenda Hickey (a & c)
Journey back in time to discover the secret origin of Canterlot Castle! Will the legendary Mistmane be able to save the castle from the mysterious forces sabotaging the castle’s construction?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
My Little Pony: Legends of Magic #3 Subscription Variant
Jeremy Whitley (w) • Brenda Hickey (a) • Zachery Sterling (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Featuring Princess Luna!
Variant cover by Paul Abtruse!
My Little Pony: Friends Forever, Vol. 9
Thom Zahler, Rob Anderson, Christina Rice (w) • Agnes Garbowska, Jay Fosgitt, Tony Fleecs (a) • Jay Fosgitt (c)
Friends Forever celebrates the magic of friendship in these stand-alone tales featuring all of your favorite characters. Share adventures with Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer, Rainbow Dash and Soarin, and more.
Collects issues #34–38.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages
“The creative team manages to write for young readers and sophisticated adults at the same time.” –ComicWow!
Advance solicited for July release!
Hanazuki: Full of Treasures #1—SPOTLIGHT
David Mariotte (w) • Nico Peña (a & c)
“A Moonflower is Born.” The origin of Hanazuki! Based on the new digital-first show, Hanazuki: Full of Treasures comes a comic retelling of the birth of Hanazuki! On a distant moon, Hanazuki is the new protector of a group of cutie-pies known as Hemkas and the guardian of special treasures that will turn back the forces of darkness!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Hanazuki: Full of Treasures #1—Subscription Variant
David Mariotte (w) • Nico Peña (a) • Yasmin Sheikh (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Based on the first episode of Hanazuki: Full of Treasures, which has over 2 million views on YouTube!
Catch the wave of the hit show, interactive app, and more!
Don’t miss out on this treasure, you irresistible yumbuckets!
Check out the retailer incentive covers by animated series artists Nicoletta Baldari and Christina Ellis!
Powerpuff Girls: The Time Tie #2 (of 3)
Haley Mancini & Jake Goldman (w) • Philip Murphy (a & c)
Bubbles finds herself swept up in a High Seas adventure as a swashbuckling pirate! In order to return to the present, she must recover a rare chronogem from a treasure chest buried on Unaliveman’s Island. Can she beat the dreaded pirate Neckbeard to the treasure before time runs out?!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Powerpuff Girls: The Time Tie #2 (of 3)—Subscription Variant
Haley Mancini & Jake Goldman (w) • Philip Murphy (a) • Kyle Neswald (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The Powerpuff Girls are back in a brand-new three-issue series!
Each Powerpuff Girl travels to a different era and place in time in her own special issue!
Variant cover by Ian McGinty!
Yo-Kai Watch #3
Eric M. Esquivel (w) • Philip Murphy (a) • Dono Sanchez Almara (c)
You’ve played the videogames, watched the cartoons, chewed the bubblegum– now travel deeper into the Yo-Kai realm than ever before with this miniseries that explores the past, present, and future of the world of YO-KAI WATCH!
In this issue: ROBONYAN defends future Springdale from a horde of evil Yo-Kai!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Yo-Kai Watch #3—Subscription Variant
Eric M. Esquivel (w) • Philip Murphy (a) • Fico Ossio (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
All-new, FULL COLOR comic books based on the hit Anime and video game!
Angry Birds: Flight School #3
Paul Tobin & Kari Korhonen (w) • Thomas Cabellic & Cesar Ferioli (a) • Philip Murphy (c)
Ancient legend says that King Pig must eat a Porkini mushroom once a year or disaster will follow! A search party must head to Certain Doom Caverns in hopes of finding a mushroom, but there is one problem, the legend also tells that the caverns are protected by a horrible dragon…!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Angry Birds: Flight School #3 – Subscription Variant
Paul Tobin & Kari Korhonen (w) • Thomas Cabellic & Cesar Ferioli (a) • Paco Rodriquez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
All-new comics featuring stories continuing from the hit movie!
Michael Recycle #4 (of 4)
Ellie Wharton (w) • Alexandra Colombo (a & c)
Michael Recycle and his sidekick Tin Can Stan have a problem on their hands, and this one involves a great amount of garbage! Can the pair prevent a plastic-patch Indian Ocean meltdown before the world’s precious marine life dies out? Find out in “Michael Recycle and the Great Garbage Patch”!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Young readers who have enjoyed the Michael Recycle books and their eco-friendly messages can now thrill to more adventures in comic-book form!
Children are becoming more and more aware of the environment around them, and Michael’s green tips help them become responsible at an early age.
Alexandra Colombo’s charming art will captivate readers of all ages.
Uncle Scrooge #27
Romano Scarpa, Thad Komorowski, Olaf Solstrand (w) • Romano Scarpa, Flemming Andersen (a) • Henrieke Goorhus (c)
“The Bodacious Butterfly Trail,” Part 1 of 2! When Brigitta MacBridge and Huey, Dewey and Louie find a centuries-old insect with a built-in Columbus-era treasure map, can Scrooge McDuck not try to cash in?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Uncle Scrooge #27—Subscription Variant
Romano Scarpa, Thad Komorowski, Olaf Solstrand (w) • Romano Scarpa, Flemming Andersen (a) • Corrado Mastantuono (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #431!
Enjoy the USA debut of a classic Golden Age tale by Disney legend Romano Scarpa!
Variant cover by Marco Mazzarello!
Uncle Scrooge: Timeless Tales, Vol. 3
Francesco Artibani, Alessandro Perina, William Van Horn, Daan Jippes, John Lustig, Romano Scarpa (w & a) • Ulrich Schroeder & Daan Jippes (c)
He’s tougher than the toughies and smarter than the smarties… he’s Scrooge McDuck! But has he got what it takes to survive a combined onslaught from Flintheart Glomgold, John D. Rockerduck, Magica De Spell, and the Beagle Boys in “Scrooge’s Last Adventure”? Also features Glittering Goldie in Romano Scarpa’s “The Miner’s Granddaughter,” new tales of Uncle Rumpus by William Van Horn, and a virtual reality trek through Scrooge’s Life and Times in “Scrooge Vs. Scrooge!”
Collects IDW’s Uncle Scrooge #13–18.
HC • FC • $29.99 • 256 pages • 7.25” x 10”
Collects an assortment of classic and modern Disney tales, many of them published for the first time in the U.S. by highly regarded creators from around the world.
Advance solicited for August release!
Donald Duck #21
Carlo Panaro, Unn and Stefan Printz-Påhlson, Jonathan Gray (w) • Andrea Freccero, Victor “Vicar” Arriagada Rios (a) • Giorgio Cavazzano (c)
“Helmet of the Gods,” Part 2 of 2! Donald at last has Odin’s helmet in his grasp! But the sponsor of his treasure hunt now wants to stop him—by fair means or foul!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Donald Duck #21—Subscription Variant
Carlo Panaro, Unn and Stefan Printz-Påhlson, Jonathan Gray (w) • Andrea Freccero, Victor “Vicar” Arriagada Rios (a) • Paco Rodriguez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Concluding a new Donald epic by beloved top talents—artist Andrea Freccero (Donald Quest) and dialogue writer Jonathan Gray (Sonic the Hedgehog)!
Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #388!
Variant cover by Massimo Fecchi!
Duck Avenger #5
Alessandro Sisti, Jonathan Gray (w) • Claudio Sciarrone (a/c)
“Day of the Cold Sun!” When a new energy plant opens in Duckburg, time-bandit Red Raider claims it will destroy half the town in a mighty blast—and Donald has no choice but to believe him!
FC • 72 pages • $5.99
Duck Avenger #5—Subscription Variant
Alessandro Sisti, Jonathan Gray (w) • Claudio Sciarrone (a) • Marco Gervasio (c)
FC • 72 pages • $5.99
More of the new-to-USA Donald Duck adventures that fans want most—the famous “Duck Avenger New Adventures” (known in Europe as “PKNA”)!
Adapted for our readers by fan favorite Jonathan Gray (Sonic the Hedgehog)!
Variant cover by Claudio Sciarrone!
Donald Quest: Hammer of Magic
Stefano Ambrosio, Pat McGreal, Davide Aicardi (w) • Andrea Freccero, Paolo De Lorenzi, Francesco D’Ippolito (a) • Andrea Freccero (c)
Get ready for a wild alternate-universe, steampunk epic starring Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and the Disney gang in an entirely new world. Welcome to Feudarnia–part pirates’ cove, part space station, and part steampunk battlefield. It’s under attack by “Meteormaster” Phantom Blot and his Meteorbeasts: giant predatory animals made of enchanted stone! The sky city’s only hope is wannabe “Beastbuster” Donald Duck… but with the terrible Beagle Boys, Magica De Spell, and Pegleg Pete hot on his heels, are Feudarnia’s days numbered?
TPB • FC • $14.99 • 160 pages • 6” x 9”
Disney goes steampunk in this epic tale by top European creators
Advance solicited for July release!
Mickey Mouse #21
Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Jonathan Gray (w) • Andrea “Casty” Castellan (a) • Andrea Freccero (c)
“The Clones of Channel 3000!” After checking out Mouseton’s new TV network, Mickey and Horace seem to see a sinister, weasel-faced man replicating all over the city! What’s this double-army up to… and can Eega Beeva stop them?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Mickey Mouse #21—Subscription Variant
Andrea “Casty” Castellan, Jonathan Gray (w) • Andrea “Casty” Castellan (a) • Andrea Freccero (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Much-requested fan favorite Andrea “Casty” Castellan throws Mickey into an uncanny sci-fi mystery!
Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #330!
Variant cover by Marco Gervasio!
TMNT Amazing Adventures: Robotanimals! #1 (of 3)—SPOTLIGHT
Caleb Goellner (w) • Chad Thomas (a & c)
Baxter Stockman is looking to become the new major villain on the streets! His first step to world domination? Turn the Mutanimals into robots!!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Amazing Adventures: Robotanimals! #1 (of 3)—Subscription Variant
Caleb Goellner (w) • Chad Thomas (a) • Billy Martin (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
All-ages three issue mega-story!
If you dug the Batman/TMNT Adventures books, you’ll get a major kick out of the next adventures of the TMNT from the current Nickelodeon cartoon!
Variant cover by Ryan Jampole!
Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures—SPOTLIGHT
Matthew K. Manning (w) • Jon Sommariva (a & c)
The animated worlds of the current Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Nickelodeon cartoon and Batman: The Animated Series collide in this outstanding mini-series featuring fan-favorite characters from both universes! Villains start to mysteriously escape Arkham and Batman seeks to track them down, but he discovers that they have left Gotham completely… and gone to the New York City of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Collects issues #1-6!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 144 pages
The first Batman: The Animated Series new material since 2004 when The Batman Adventures concluded.
Advance solicited for July release!
“If you like the animated Batman and Ninja Turtles series, this is the book for you. It’s great for all-ages, an easy introduction to both universes, and overall just a fun time.” – Batman-news.com
“Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures is the most fun you’ll have reading a comic book…” — Comicosity.com
“Fans of both franchises will absolutely flip over it…” — GeekedOutNation.com
“Answers so many of the ‘wouldn’t it be cool if’ type questions that fans have been talking about for decades.” —OutrightGeekery.com
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #71
Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman (w) • Dave Wachter (a & c)
“Pantheon Family Reunion” Part 1 of 2. You are cordially invited to the centennial reunion of the Pantheon, the immortal family that influences the course of history. The main talking point? The fate of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #71—Subscription Variant
Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman (w) • Dave Wachter (a) • Kevin Eastman (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
New weird and powerful characters introduced!
Only 4 more issues until the big 75th spectacular!
Variant cover by Dylan Burnet!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #11
Rich Douek (w) • Aaron Conley (a) • Freddie Williams II (c)
Man Ray and Sally Pride journey to New Jersey to investigate rumors of a mysterious monster… who happens to be new mutant Dreadmon!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #11—Subscription Variant
Rich Douek (w) • Aaron Conley (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Null introduces her new enforcers!
Variant cover by Yacine Elghorri!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 5
Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Paul Allor, Erik Burnham (w) • Mateus Santolouco, Cory Smith, Dan
Schoening, Sophie Campbell, Charles Paul Wilson III, Ben Bates, Dan Duncan (a) • Dan Duncan (c)
After meeting a good-natured inter dimensional time traveler named Renet, the Turtles become unstuck in time and go spinning into the past! Meanwhile, Shredder and Krang finally meet up, but will they be able to overcome their differences to join forces, while Old Hob has perfected the art of making mutants! Plus, when a new invention goes haywire, the Turtles are sent to a whole new type of New York City. One with a whole lot more ghosts–and Ghostbusters!
Collects Turtles in Time, issues #38–44 of the ongoing series, and the TMNT/Ghostbusters crossover.
HC • FC • $49.99 • 368 pages • 7” x 11”
“Perfectly balances complex characters, intricate plots, and incredible action…” –Adventures In Poor Taste
Advance solicited for August release!
Back to the Future: Biff to the Future #6 (of 6)
Bob Gale, Derek Fridolfs (w) • Alan Robinson (a & c)
“Biff Goes To Hell” Welcome to Hell Valley! Looking to expand his empire, Biff’s greatest threat to the planet is finally revealed. It’s going to take the combined might of the McFlys to put a stop to Biff’s apocalyptic vision. And if they fail… there won’t be future to go back to.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Back to the Future: Biff to the Future #6 (of 6)—Subscription cover
Bob Gale, Derek Fridolfs (w) • Alan Robinson (a) • Derek Fridolfs (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Variant cover by Anthony Marques!
Back to the Future #21
Bob Gale, John Barber (w) • Marcelo Ferreira (a & c)
“Hard Time” continues. The secret life of Jailbird Joey Baines starts to unravel as Marty uncovers a family mystery that goes deeper than he ever imagined… but what role did Doc Brown play in the crime that sent Joey to prison?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Back to the Future #21—Subscription cover
Bob Gale, John Barber (w) • Marcelo Ferreira (a) • Casey Maloney (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Clue #1 (of 5)—GEM OF THE MONTH
Paul Allor (w) • Nelson Daniel (a) • Gabriel Rodriguez (c)
When the mysterious Mr. Boddy turns up dead at his own dinner party, everyone’s a suspect! Miss Scarlett, Colonel Mustard, Mrs. Peacock, Professor Plum—all the familiar faces from the famous board game are back, with a couple new twists. But will Boddy’s Body be the last to fall, or is it just the beginning? Follow the clues and solve the mystery in IDW’s new CLUE series!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Clue #1 (of 5)—Alternate Ending #2
Paul Allor (w) • Nelson Daniel (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Clue #1 (of 5)—Alternate Ending #3
Paul Allor (w) • Nelson Daniel (a) • Valentina Pinto (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Featuring three alternate endings! To help you get a clue, we’ve hidden multiple endings to this first issue across the regular and subscription variants that will help you solve the case!
Variant cover by Charles Paul Wilson III!
Kull Eternal #1—SPOTLIGHT
Tom Waltz (w) • Luca Pizzari (a) • Luca Pizzari (c)
Robert E. Howard’s legendary warrior king returns! The evil Serpent Men have attempted to infiltrate and enslave mankind from the time of the very first humans… only to be defeated at every turn by the Elder Race’s ultimate warrior… Kull of Atlantis! And now they must call on Kull once more, as the Serpent Men make a last-ditch gambit to first conquer America… and then the world. Kull’s long journey has come full circle—once a small boy who fled his home of Atlantis, which was lost to a monstrous cataclysm… now a modern warrior who must save the New Atlantis from monstrous creatures!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Kull Eternal #1—Subscription Variant
Tom Waltz (w) • Luca Pizzari (a) • Alex Sanchez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Robert E. Howard’s legendary warrior king as you’ve never seen him before!
Written by Tom Waltz (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and illustrated by Luca Pizzari (Marvel’s Black Knight).
Action, adventure, romance, and political intrigue spanning the ages!
Variant covers by Xermanico, Jheremy Raapack, and Julio Das Pastoras!
Star Trek: Boldly Go #9
Mike Johnson (w) • Tony Shasteen (a) • George Caltsoudas (c)
Welcome to New Vulcan! Uhura and Spock adjust to life in the growing colony…and discover an ancient secret that could change the destiny of Vulcans forever!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Star Trek: Boldly Go #9—Subscription Variant
Mike Johnson (w) • Tony Shasteen (a) • Arianna Florean (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Following the events of Star Trek Beyond!
Hit Star Trek artist Tony Shasteen returns!
Variant cover by Cryssy Cheung!
Star Trek: New Visions: Time Out of Joint—CERTIFIED COOL
John Byrne (w & photo-manipulation)
Captain Kirk is torn from his timeline. Every corner he turns, every door he opens, throws him into a different day, a different year—and a different danger.
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
Star Trek: Boldly Go, Vol. 1—SPOTLIGHT
Mike Johnson (w) • Tony Shasteen (a) • George Caltsoudas (c)
All-new Star Trek series following the adventures of Captain Kirk and the iconic crew! New worlds! New species! New ships! And a new danger unlike anything the Federation has encountered before! Boldly go into a new era of STAR TREK!
Collects issues #1-6!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 136 pages
Trek fever is at an all-time high for the 50th anniversary and the announcement of the new TV series Star Trek: Discovery.
“A delight to read and is visually stunning.” — WordOfTheNerd.com
“IDW’s new Trek titles are forces to be reckoned with.” — Newsarama.com
Advance solicited for July release!
Star Trek: TNG: Mirror Broken #2 (of 6)
Scott Tipton & David Tipton (w) • J.K. Woodward (a & c)
In the sinister Mirror Universe, Captain Jean-Luc Picard is determined to get his hands on the Terran Empire’s new secret weapon, the Galaxy-class warship known as Enterprise, by any means necessary. Unfortunately, one obstacle stands in his way—and his name is William T. Riker!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Star Trek: TNG: Mirror Broken #2 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Scott Tipton & David Tipton (w) • J.K. Woodward (a) • George Caltsoudas (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
As seen on Free Comic Book Day!
Variant cover by Josh Hood!
Judge Dredd: The Blessed Earth #3
Ulises Fariñas & Erick Freitas (w) • Dan McDaid (a) • Ulises Fariñas (c)
Judge Dredd continues his mission to restore order to a lawless land! When Dredd seeks treatment for his strange and deadly ailment, his Mega-Train is attacked by the robot-hating Neon Knights! Behold the mystery and grandeur of The Blessed Earth!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Judge Dredd: The Blessed Earth #3—Subscription Variant
Ulises Fariñas & Erick Freitas (w) • Dan McDaid (a) • Valentin Ramon (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The sequel to the critically acclaimed Mega-City Zero storyline continues!
Wynonna Earp: Season Zero #1 (of 5) —SPOTLIGHT
Beau Smith (w) • Angel Hernandez (a) • Chris Evenhuis (c)
Outlaws. Mavericks. Werewolves. These are The Banditos, the gang Wynonna ran with in her wildest, pre-Black Badge days. Somebody, or something is killing them off, one by one. It’s up to Wynonna to return to her roots, and find out why! Telling the never-before-seen story of Wynonna’s outlaw past—only hinted at on Syfy’s Wynonna Earp TV series—finally revealed here!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Wynonna Earp: Season Zero #1 (of 5)—Photo Variant
Beau Smith (w) • Angel Hernandez (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Never-before-told story that ties into Syfy’s Wynonna Earp TV series!
Wynonna Earp returns to Syfy in June!
Secrets of Wynonna Earp’s past revealed!
Variant cover by Dwayne Turner!
Dirk Gently: The Salmon of Doubt #9
Arvind Ethan David (w) • Ilias Kyriazis (a & c)
Dirk faces the most difficult decision of his holistic life! Featuring favorite characters from the original books as well as the cast from the TV series, including Samuel Barnett and Elijah Wood!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Dirk Gently: The Salmon of Doubt #9—Subscription Variant
Arvind Ethan David (w) • Ilias Kyriazis (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The star of two (almost three) beloved Douglas Adams novels!
Written by executive producer of the TV series Arvind Ethan David!
Executive produced by Max Landis (Chronicle and Superman: American Alien), the writer of the BBC America TV series!
Each issue will have a photo cover featuring the cast of the show!
Variant cover by Robert Hack!
Ghostbusters 101 #4 (of 6)
Erik Burnham (w) • Dan Schoening (a & c)
Two teams of Ghostbusters are fighting the clock, trying to understand why their dimensions are being pulled together… even as the merging itself causes such a surge of psychokinetic energy that more ghosts than ever are coming out of the woodwork! Today’s secret phrase is: Hurry, Ghostbusters!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Ghostbusters 101 #4 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Erik Burnham (w) • Dan Schoening (a) • Tim Lattie (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Straight outta the 2016 film, the Answer the Call Ghostbusters make their comic book debut! Abby, Patty, Erin and Holtzmann join forces with Winston, Egon, Ray and Venkman for some bombastic ghostbustin’ insanity!
Written and illustrated by the fan-favorite and critically-acclaimed creative team of Erik Burnham, Dan Schoening and Luis Antonio Delgado.
Featuring the fourth of six-interconnected covers by Schoening and Delgado.
Retailer incentive covers feature photos of the Original and ATF Ghostbusters casts!
Highlander: The American Dream #5 (of 5)
Brian Ruckley (w) • Andrea Mutti (a) • Nick Percival (c)
The cult-classic film’s triumphant return concludes! The American Dream has followed Scottish swordsman Connor MacLeod as he clashes with powerful immortals from the American Civil War to 1950s Manhattan on an unstoppable march toward The Gathering, where the last of the immortals will duel to the death. And to the victor goes The Prize… and control over humanity’s destiny!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Highlander: The American Dream #5 (of 5)—Subscription Variant
Brian Ruckley (w) • Andrea Mutti (a) • Claudia Gironi (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The cult phenomenon returns!
Written by Scottish fantasy novelist Brian Ruckley (The Godless World trilogy)!
Interior art by Andrea Mutti (Rebels)!
Subscription covers by Italian artist Claudia Gironi!
Orphan Black: Deviations #4 (of 6)
Heli Kennedy (w) • Wayne Nichols (a) • Cat Staggs (c)
In a world where Sarah managed to save Beth from taking her own life! With this single twist of fate, the Clone Club comes together in a completely different manner and the mystery of Project LEDA unfolds in new, exiting ways! See all your favorite characters return in an all-new light!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Orphan Black: Deviations #4 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Heli Kennedy (w) • Wayne Nichols (a) • Fico Ossio (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Find out what happens in a world… where Sarah saved Beth!
Ask your retailer about the papercraft covers!
24: Legacy—Rules of Engagement #3 (of 5)
Christopher Farnsworth (w) • Antonio Fuso (a) • Georges Jeanty (c)
The clock has been reset with 24: Legacy, and this limited series will explore the past of its new leading character, Eric Carter, who led the elite squad responsible for killing an infamous terrorist leader and, consequently, forced into hiding. But before he was a national hero and a wanted man, Carter learned the Rules of Engagement in the streets of Iraq and Washington, D.C., hoods.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
24: Legacy—Rules of Engagement #3 (of 5)—Subscription cover
Christopher Farnsworth (w) • Antonio Fuso (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Based on the new hit iteration of the 24 franchise!
Executive produced by Manny Coto and Evan Katz, writers of the show!
Covers by Georges Jeanty (Serenity)!
Each issue will have a photo cover featuring the cast of the show!
Written by Christopher Farnsworth, journalist, screenwriter and the author of The President’s Vampire series.
The X-Files #15
Joe Harris (w) • Matthew Dow Smith (a) • menton3 (c)
“Resistance,” Part 2 (of 4): The final piece of the puzzle falls into place, threatening to send Mulder over the line, just as shadowy forces are revealed to have compromised the upper echelons of government.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The X-Files #15—Subscription Variant
Joe Harris (w) • Matthew Dow Smith (a) • Photo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Executive produced by The X-Files creator Chris Carter!
The X-Files: Origins—Dog Days of Summer #1 (of 4)— SPOTLIGHT
Jody Houser & Matthew Dow Smith (w) • Chris Fenoglio, Corin Howell (a & c)
Before the FBI, before the X-Files, they were just two teenagers in search of the truth. On Martha’s Vineyard, a strange encounter with a deaf girl sends 13-year-old Fox Mulder on the hunt for a mysterious signal. While in San Diego, young Dana Scully looks into a plane crash somehow tied to the man she helped put in jail. Two kids, two mysteries, one conspiracy that threatens the future of humanity.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The X-Files: Origins —Dog Days of Summer #1 (of 4)—Subscription cover
Jody Houser & Matthew Dow Smith (w) • Chris Fenoglio, Corin Howell (a) • Cat Staggs (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The hit miniseries of last summer returns!
Mulder and Scully star in separate tales depicting their teen years!
See what made them into the characters we’ve come to love!
Especially crafted for young adult readers!
Mystery novel variant covers by Cat Staggs (Orphan Black)!
Optimus Prime #8
John Barber (w) • Casey W. Coller (a) • Kei Zama (c)
Jazz confronts his past—and the Autobot’s future—in front of millions of television viewers. But will he make the people of Earth understand Optimus Prime’s mission… or turn against it?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Optimus Prime #8—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Casey W. Coller (a) • Casey W. Coller (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Optimus Prime #8—Andrew Griffith Variant
John Barber (w) • Casey W. Coller (a) • Andrew Griffith (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Variant cover by James Raiz!
Transformers: Lost Light #7
James Roberts (w) • Jack Lawrence (a & c)
AFTERMATH! The war with the Functionalists is over—and Rodimus is left wondering whether he won or lost. It’s the beginning of a new chapter for the displaced crew of the Lost Light, as decisions are made that will change their lives forever.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Transformers: Lost Light #7—Subscription Variant
James Roberts (w) • Jack Lawrence (a) • Nick Roche (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Transformers: Lost Light #7—Alex Milne Variant
James Roberts (w) • Jack Lawrence (a) • Alex Milne (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Variant cover by James Raiz!
Transformers: Salvation—SPOTLIGHT
John Barber (w) • Livio Ramondelli (a & c)
Exiled from civilization, the Dinobots are the last line of defense against the ultimate Cybertronian dinosaur—Trypticon! But how much are the Dinobots willing to sacrifice for a world that hates them?
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
Transformers: Salvation—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Livio Ramondelli (a) • Jeffrey Veregge (c)
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
Dinobots versus the biggest dino of them all—Trypticon!
John Barber and Livio Ramondelli finish their Dinobot trilogy that started in Transformers: Punishment and Transformers: Redemption!
Transformers: Till All Are One #11
Mairghread Scott (w) • Sara Pitre-Durocher (a & c)
With Elita One’s influence closing in around Starscream, he’s desperate to make any alliances he can. Turns out, a powerful ally might already be within his grasp. But is he willing to risk his own sanity to reach them?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Transformers: Till All Are One #11—Subscription Variant
Mairghread Scott (w) • Sara Pitre-Durocher (a) • Priscilla Tramontano (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Variant cover by James Raiz!
Transformers: Till All Are One, Vol. 2
Mairghread Scott (w) • Sara Pitre-Durocher (a & c)
Epic space-opera action continues as the dramatic TRANSFORMERS continuity leads on to new and explosive revelations! REVOLUTION is over but the danger isn’t! A wave of undead TITANS threatens CYBERTRON! STARSCREAM will need more than secret police to stop the oncoming horde, but our Fearless Leader finds himself short on friends and firepower. Who can be called upon–and why aren’t they stepping up to the plate?
Collects issues #5–9.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages
“A great book with some serious art design that fully compliments the Transformers universe as a whole and adds weight and importance to the characters.” –Big Glasgow Comics Page
Advance solicited for July release!
Rom #12
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina, Guy Dorian & Sal Buscema (a) • Leonardo Manco (c)
“Long Roads to Ruin,” part 2. Rom and the other two Knights face off against a dire new threat; and Guy Dorian & Sal Buscema illustrate a dark tale of the Solstar Order!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Rom #12—Subscription Variant
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina (a) • Nathan Greno (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Rom #12—Subscription Variant
Chris Ryall & Christos Gage (w) • David Messina (a) • David LaFuente (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Rom #12—Subscription Variant
Chris Ryall &a Christos Gage (w) • David Messina (a) • Nick Roche (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Variant cover by Raffaele Ienco!
Revolutionaries, Vol. 1: Crisis Intervention—SPOTLIGHT
John Barber (w) • Fico Ossio & Ron Joseph (a) • Fico Ossio (c)
THE REVOLUTION MAY BE OVER, but the future is just beginning! KUP is a CYBERTRONIAN literally older than the universe; ACTION MAN is the ultimate special agent trying to live up to an impossible legacy; MAYDAY is a G.I. JOE leader trying to rescue her first command; and BLACKROCK is a CYBERTRONIAN that thinks he’s human. It takes the mind-bending clash against the OKTOBER GUARD to bring this unlikely team together… and the secret they learn threatens to unravel the entire universe. Good thing they’ll have help from ROM, the MICRONAUTS, the ADVENTURE TEAM and more!
Collects issues #1–4.
TPB • FC • $17.99 • 104 pages
All-new Hasbro team-up!
The follow-up to REVOLUTION, revealing the secrets behind the new shared universe!
Advance solicited for July release!
John Barber (w) • Fico Ossio (a) • John Royle (c)
SGT. SAVAGE VS G.I. JOE! The greatest hero of World War II is back—and not for the first time! Vanishing on the battlefields of Europe while fighting robotic soldiers, Sgt. Robert Steven Savage reappeared—in the extreme era of the 1990s! Now he’s reborn again—a ’40s hero with a ’90s ’tude… and G.I. Joe isn’t ready to go retro.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
REVOLUTIONARIES #7—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Fico Ossio (a) • Tone Rodriguez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
REVOLUTIONARIES #7—Subscription Variant
John Barber (w) • Ron Joseph (a) • Igor Lima (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Variant cover by Pierre Droal!
Hasbro Heroes Sourcebook #2 (of 3)
John Barber & various (w) • Robert Atkins & various (a) • Fico Ossio (c)
If you’re new to the Hasbro Universe or a long-time fan, this book is for you! Featuring a veritable TON of bios on your favorite characters, from E to O, plus papercraft projects, a map of Metrotitan, the current base of Optimus Prime, and an exclusive story featuring Kup and Bryce Chan’s adventures in London!
FC • 48 pages • $4.99
Hasbro Heroes Sourcebook #2 (of 3)—Subscription Variant
John Barber & Various (w) • Robert Atkins & various (a) • Sam Lotfi (c)FC • 48 pages • $4.99
Written by today’s top Hasbro U talent including John Barber, Aubrey Sitterson, Chris Ryall, David Mariotte, Brandon Easton, Cullen Bunn, Mairghread Scott, and Jimmy Johnston.
Art by some of today’s top Hasbro Universe artists including Robert Atkins, Guido Guidi, Simon Gough, Marcelo Ferreira, Fico Ossio, and Jack Lawrence!
Exclusive paper-crafts, posters and stories in every issue!
Variant cover by Marcelo Borstelmann!
G.I. JOE #7
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a) • Aaron Conley (c)
G.I. Joe’s subterranean mission takes a turn for the worse after the team is attacked by one of their own! Meanwhile, back in their underground base, Scarlett’s command is challenged and a long-simmering rivalry boils to a head! Plus: Monsters, explosions, jokes and more in The Crown Jewel of the Hasbro universe!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
G.I. JOE #7—Subscription Variant
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
G.I. JOE #7—Subscription Variant
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a) • Drew Johnson (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Variant cover by Ed Luce variant cover!
G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #241
Larry Hama (w) • S L Gallant (a & c)
It’s a showdown in Springfield as deadly and disparate forces converge in the search for Dawn! Meanwhile, JOEs, Cobra and Blue Ninjas all collide in Darklonia!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #241—Subscription Variant
Larry Hama (w) • S L Gallant (a) • John Royle (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Aubrey Sitterson (w) • Giannis Milonogiannis (a) • Ariel Olivetti (c)
G.I. JOE finds a new role in a world of globalization, TRANSFORMERS and aliens! After the events of REVOLUTION, the G.I. JOE team returns to the fray and their mission has become a global one–leading the charge against invading TRANSFORMERS and other aliens. But when a US military defense base goes dark, Scarlett has reason to suspect that these enemy forces may have infiltrated G.I. JOE. It’s up to her, Roadblock, Rock ‘n Roll, Quick Kick, Wild Bill, and Shipwreck to move in and root out any traitors before the facility falls into the wrong hands!
Collects issues #1–4 and the G.I. JOE: Revolution one-shot.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages
It’s a new look and new mission as G.I. Joe finds itself part of a larger battle.
Advance solicited for July release!
M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #8
Brandon Easton (w) • Igor Lima (a) • Tone Rodriguez (c)
Determined to end the threat of Ore-13 radiation poisoning, Matt Trakker and the M.A.S.K. team go on a mission into the depths of the Earth where they discover much more than they could have imagined—a race of powerful mutated creatures borne from the strange Cybertronian energy source. Are these monsters too powerful even for the technology of M.A.S.K.?!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #8—Subscription Variant
Brandon Easton (w) • Igor Lima (a) • Davide Fabbri (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #8— Subscription Variant
Brandon Easton (w) • Igor Lima- (a) • Vincenzo Federici (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
All-new storyline starts here!
Variant cover by Marcelo Perez Dalannays!
M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand, Vol. 1: Mobilize—SPOTLIGHT
Brandon Easton (w) • Tony Vargas & Juan Samu (a) • Tommy Lee Edwards (c)
Launching from the events of REVOLUTION, the M.A.S.K. team streaks into a dangerous, unstable landscape of dark wars, high intrigue, and non-stop action where they’ll encounter the nearly unstoppable threat of Miles Mayhem and his black-ops squadron known as V.E.N.O.M. How will an untested Matt Trakker lead M.A.S.K. through a complex new world order where nothing is what it seems?
Collects the M.A.S.K. Revolution One-Shot and issues #1–5 of the series.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 136 pages
Expected in-store date: 7/19/17
It’s a new look and new mission as M.A.S.K. finds itself part of a larger battle.
Advance solicited for July release!
Micronauts: Wrath of Karza #3
Cullen Bunn & Jimmy Johnston (w) • Andrew Griffith (a) • Alex Ronald (c)
Baron Karza has begun his invasion of Earth! Leading his people from the impending doom of the Entropy cloud to a single planet capable of sustaining all of Microspace. With M.A.S.K, G.I. JOE, the TRANSFORMERS, and the MICRONAUTS defeated, Karza stands triumphant. Can anything keep him from conquering the planet?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Micronauts: Wrath of Karza #3—Subscription variant
Cullen Bunn & Jimmy Johnston (w) • Andrew Griffith (a) • Chris “Panda” Mercier (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Variant cover by Marco Turini!
Mike Mignola’s Hellboy Artist’s Edition: New Printing—SPOTLIGHT
Mike Mignola (w & a & c)
Mike Mignola is one of the preeminent comics creators of the past 25 years. His career was already firmly established for his outstanding work on characters like Batman, Wolverine, a myriad of beautiful covers and more… And then came Hellboy. Mike’s iconic creation struck a meteoric chord with fans from the very start and has not abated in the 20 years since his debut. This Artist’s Edition features the first five issues of Hellboy in Hell as well as a wealth of historic supplementary material: the first three Hellboy stories—the two initial four-pagers, produced for promotional purposes, and the 10-page story from John Byrne’s Next Men #21—plus “The Corpse,” and two other tales selected by Mignola for inclusion. All but three pages of Mike Mignola’s Hellboy Artist’s Edition have been shot from the original art and showcases Mignola’s gorgeous work as closely as possible to the physical page—this is a book for fans of great storytelling and students of the craft.
HC • BW • $150.00 • 200 pages • 12” x 17”
Advance solicited for August release!
A new printing with a brand new cover exclusively for this edition!
Brought to you by the same team responsible for IDW Publishing’s multi-Eisner Award-winning series of Artist’s Editions.
Return of the Dapper Men—SPOTLIGHT
Jim McCann (w) • Janet Lee (a & c)
Welcome to Anorev, a land where time has no meaning. Robots work and children play, but the play is no fun and the work is no use. A curious boy named Ayden and his robot friend Zoe know that something’s missing, but they can’t imagine what it might be… until 314 identical men in green bowler hats fall from the sky. At last, our heroes have a chance to discover what happened to their world, what might start the clocks back up again, and what tomorrow really means. Blending clockwork whimsy with majestic art-nouveau visuals, Jim McCann and Janet Lee present a hand-crafted fairy tale that feels both familiar and entirely new in this prestige reprinting!
HC • FC • $34.99 • 144 pages • 11.25” x 9.75”
Reprinting the Eisner Award winning Graphic Novel!
Advance solicited for August release!
Surfside Girls Book One: The Secret of Danger Point—CERTIFIED COOL
Kim Dwinell (w & a & c)
Things are getting weird in Surfside. Lately, Samantha’s best friend Jade explodes into fits of giggles whenever she sees a boy, and it’s throwing a wrench into the kick-back summer of surfing and hanging out that Sam had planned. But after swimming through a secret underwater cave, Sam starts to… see things. Like ghosts. And pirates. And maybe something even scarier! Can she and Jade get to the bottom of this mystery in time to save their town?
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 232 pages • 6” x 9”
Advance solicited for July release!
Shed #1—Certified Cool
Obie Scott Wade & Ken Wegner (w) • Steve Beach (a) • Steve Beach (c)
Tim Cain sheds his elaborately tattooed skin, becoming the first in a new line of hominids destined to flourish on an increasingly radioactive Earth. With his nervous system exposed, Tim gains extrasensory abilities, but loses his freedom. Detained, tortured and stripped of his human rights, Tim’s only desire is to escape his captors and see his wife and daughter again.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Shed #1—Subscription Variant
Obie Scott Wade & Ken Wegner (w) • Steve Beach (a) • Ben Templesmith (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Saucer State #2 (of 6)
Paul Cornell (w) • Ryan Kelly (a & c)
After last issue’s cliffhanger, US President Arcadia Alvarado is acting fast against the biggest event in world history. “Drop everything, spend everything. Give me a damn gun.” “It won’t be a war. It’ll be a slaughter.” “Isn’t that exactly what the post-truth bastards do?” Jump onboard as the conclusion to Saucer Country heads one step closer to the finishing line… and the end of everything!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Saucer State #2 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Paul Cornell (w) • Ryan Kelly (a) • Jeffrey Veregge (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Picks up where Saucer Country left off!
One of the very few mainstream comics to be nominated for SF’s prestigious Hugo Award!
Darkness Visible #5
Mike Carey & Arvind Ethan David (w) • Brendan Cahill (a & c)
When the demons came, humanity reluctantly learned to share the world with another sentient race. Eighty years later, this uneasy co-existence has spawned an endless terrorist conflict. Last issue’s revelation changes everything for Detective Aston, putting him at odds with his former colleagues!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Darkness Visible #5—Subscription Variant
Mike Carey & Arvind Ethan David (w) • Brendan Cahill (a) • Dave Kendall (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
From bestselling author and screenwriter Mike Carey (Unwritten, Lucifer, Girl with All the Gifts) and Arvind Ethan David (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency) comes an all-new, original world of darkness and demons.
Brutal Nature: Concrete Fury #4 (of 5)
Luciano Saracino (w) • Ariel Olivetti (a & c)
To fight in the coming battle, Curt must prepare his team of allies and renegades for a confrontation against Thomas Wolf—who’ll stop at nothing to recover the ancient shapeshifting masks!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Brutal Nature: Concrete Fury #4 (of 5)—Subscription Variant
Luciano Saracino (w) • Ariel Olivetti (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
The beautifully painted story continues, featuring art by comics superstar Ariel Olivetti!
Night Owl Society #3 (of 3)
James Venhaus (w) • Pius Bak (a & c)
“Revelation” The final chapter of The Night Owl Society comes to a dramatic finish. David has a confrontation with The Viceroy, and a tragic twist changes both of their lives forever.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Night Owl Society #3—Subscription Variant
James Venhaus (w) • Pius Bak (a) • Hugo Petrus (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Kill Shakespeare – Past is Prologue: Juliet #4 (of 4)
Conor McCreery (w) • Corin Howell (a & c)
Final chapter! Trapped by Cornwall, Juliet faces a never-ending nightmare of torture and humiliation. The young lover has a plan to win her freedom with blood, but she’s going to need fortune on her side if it is to succeed, because as the Bard himself wrote: so wise so young they say never do live long…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Kill Shakespeare – Past is Prologue: Juliet #4 (of 4)—Subscription Variant
Conor McCreery (w) • Corin Howell (a) • Simon Davis (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Starstruck: Old Proldiers Never Die #5 (of 6)
Elaine Lee (w) • Michael Kaluta (a & c)
Just the headlines, noos fans: Verloona Ti Naps Guides! Ti Invested in RIP! Droids Using RIP 4 Revenge! Bad RIP: Brigader Becomes Killer! Bartender Chases Brigader! Everyone Chases Harry! It’s a rip-roaring chase scene through never-seen levels of Rec 97… and 24 pages of brand new Kaluta art!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Completely new, never-before-published art from Michael Kaluta!
Helena Crash #4 (of 4)
Fabian Rangel, Jr. (w) • Warwick Johnson-Cadwell (a & c)
Having barely survived her duel with White Demon, Helena tries to get back to normal. But she realizes there’s no turning back when she discovers Hemingway has been abducted by Rojo’s men. Down but never out, Helena comes up with a plan. A plan that involves a good old-fashioned death race!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Helena Crash #4 (of 4)—Subscription Variant
Fabian Rangel, Jr. (w) • Warwick Johnson-Cadwell (a) • Toby Cypress (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Don’t miss the subscription cover by Toby Cypress (Rodd Racer, Land of the Dead, and many more )!
Cosmic Scoundrels #5 (of 5)
Andy Suriano & Matt Chapman (w) • Andy Suriano (a & c)
This is it! The culmination of the past four issues coming to a head, Zoltraxican-standoff style! The Scoundrels have run out of time, space and literally anyone left to piss off!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Cosmic Scoundrels #5 (of 5)—Subscription Variant
Andy Suriano & Matt Chapman (w) • Andy Suriano (a) • Veronica Fish (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Andy Suriano is an Emmy and Annie Award-winning artist who has worked on such iconic series as Samurai Jack and Star Wars: The Clone Wars!
Matt Chapman is a writer of Disney’s Gravity Falls and the co-creator of Disney XD’s Two More Eggs and Homestar Runner!
Real Science Adventures: The Flying She-Devils #3 (of 6)
Brian Clevinger (w) • Lo Baker (a) • Scott Wegener (c)
Horsefeathers! Those pirates of Mad Jack’s have cornered the Flying She-Devils! How are they gonna get out of this one? Gee-willickers! Meanwhile, will the Sparrow save the day for the Allies? I hope so!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Real Science Adventures: The Flying She-Devils #3 (of 6)—Subscription Variant
Brian Clevinger (w) • Lo Baker (a) • Hollie Mengert (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
From the pages of Atomic Robo, the Flying She-Devils embark on a new daring adventure!
The spinoff story to the online sensation—in print for the first time!
The October Faction: Deadly Season—CERTIFIED COOL
Steve Niles (w) • Damien Worm (a & c)
Meet the Allan family: Fredrick, his wife Deloris and their two children Geoff and Vivian. As Fredrick works to put his monster hunting days behind him, his two kids insist on joining the family business. Ghouls in the graveyard! Giant Monsters downtown! The Allan family comes face to face with a whole new threat. This one comes from the past and it won’t stop until the Allans are all dead.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 136 pages
“It’s a great comic for horror fans whose level is a bit darker than Buffy. All ’round good read.” –Comic Crusaders
Advance solicited for July release!
The Other Dead
Joshua Ortega (w) • Qing Ping Mui (a) • Reynir Hauksson (c)
The world’s first Zombie Animal epic! A deadly hurricane threatens New Orleans just as a frightening and mysterious outbreak hits the animal kingdom!
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 152 pages
“The Other Dead finds space to be itself in a genre where most practitioners stick to the tried and true. Original and genuinely scary.” —Mike Carey, Eisner Award-winning writer of Unwritten, Suicide Run, and X-Men.
Advance Solicited for July release!
Haunted Horror #28
Various (w) • Al Williamson, Roy Krenkel, George Wilhelms, Robert McCarthy & more (a) • Sid Check (c)
Guest editor “Toxic” Tommy O’Brien gather’s Pre-Code grisly, gory, goodies by his favorite horror comics art masters! Eyeball searing monsterpieces: “The Corpse Who Came to Dinner”, “The Day the World Died”, “Land of the Living Dead”, “The Werewolf Lurks”, “Taylor of Death” and more!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Lou Cameron’s Unsleeping Dead—CERTIFIED COOL
Lou Cameron (w & a & c)
Lou Cameron was a groundbreaking art master of the 1950s Pre-Code comics era. With his innovative experimental layouts and frequent use of surrealism, his horror comics have been described as “Jim Steranko meets Graham Ingels.” Zombies, vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts, and devils from terror-filled stories like “Faceless Horror,” “Lure of the Zombie Diamonds,” “Graveyard of Ghost Ships,” “Kill My Minions of Death,” and “The Unsleeping Dead” will make you scream with delight!
HC • FC • $24.99 • 144 pages • 8.5” x 11”
“What Craig Yoe, author, comics historian, editor, and art director does, is take so much pleasure in the salacious and gruesome ‘classic moments’ in the comics industry and only he is able to perfectly preserve the past, freeze it in time so that we may experience and enjoy a way of life long gone.” –Litreactor.com
Advance solicited for August release!
Spooky & The Strange Tales: Monster Inn—CERTFIED COOL
Carine-M & Élian Black’mor (w & a & c)
Turn the traditional fairy tale tropes topsy-turvy in this lavishly illustrated storybook as Spooky explores her dark, enchanted world. Once upon a time, in the heart of the kingdom of Fairy Tales, a king and queen had the strangest of children… Spooky! And when uncles the Three Little Pigs offer a trip to their London hotel, Spooky trades one improbable setting for another! Monster Inn shines a charming, childish light on contemporary goth culture for a rich and unique story that’s out of this world.
HC • FC • $19.99 • 72 pages • 9” x 11.75”
Freaky, creepy graphic novel for goths and more!
Advance solicited for August release!
Super Weird Heroes: Preposterous But True!—CERTIFIED COOL
Craig Yoe (Editor) • Various (a & c)
Weirdness from A-Z! Airmale to The Zebra! Here’s a new tome crammed with OMG, WTH, and LOL bizarro heroes of the Golden Age. Eisner-winner Craig Yoe provides both witty and fascinating context to heroes like Mr. Whiskers (a young actor who dresses like an old geezer), Hip Knox (who has an eye-ball on his chest and what looks like a woo-woo on his belt), and Pat Parker War Nurse (who fights Nazis in a skimpy nurse/superhero costume)! Over 30 full comic stories in all!
HC • FC • $39.99 • 328 pages • 8.5” x 11”
“Shows readers that the universe of pre-code superheroes was diverse and vibrant and, in its own way, just as rich as the modern era.” –ComicWow!
Advance solicited for August release!
Popeye Classics #59
Bud Sagendorf (w & a & c)
Ahoy, ya swabs! Hilarious, classic tales of the beloved two-fisted one-eyed sailor! This issue features a rousing adventure, you will see Popeye, Olive Swee’pea, the evil Sea Hag and O.G. Wotasnozzle penned by the acclaimed genius Bud Sagedorf! MTV proclaims: “Gloriously funny writing and drawing style! Sagendorf comics are great comics!”
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Variant cover by Darryl Young!
King of the Creepies
Jon Cohn (design) • Gilbert Jansen (a & c)
In King of the Creepies, you and 5 other combatants must fight to earn Victory Crystals. Smash your foes with powerful attacks. Subvert them with sneaky tricks. Make others fight for you with bribes they just can’t refuse. Spend your winnings on Gear and Abilities to help you become the ultimate warrior. Gamble, fight, and bribe your way to claim the title of King of the Creepies!
MSRP $39.99
A Card Game of Combat, Tricks, and Dirty Deeds
Orphan Black: Clone Club
Daryl Andrews & Bryce Hunter (design) • Bryce Hunter (a) • Sam Barlin (c)
Do you own your genetic code or are you the property of a shadowy corporation? The secrets to your past are locked away in your DNA. Unravel your genes faster than your sister clones or risk becoming a lab rat. Study your genetic code in order to understand your origin and liberate your future in this fast-paced, tactical card game. Control the longest DNA chains to survive! Welcome to the Clone Club!
MSRP $24.99
Based on the hit TV series
A Card Game of Unlimited Sequences
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past: Casey Jones Hero Pack
Kevin Wilson (design) • Juan Samu (a & c)
This Hero pack allows you to use Casey Jones as a playable character in any Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past base game scenario and also contains an additional Adventure Comic with new content!
MSRP $17.99
Each Hero pack contains 1 Casey Jones plastic miniature, 3 custom dice, 1 character sheet, and 1 adventure comic
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past base game is required to play this pack.
The post IDW Publishing Solicitations for June 2017 appeared first on CBR.
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tyrannosaurus-rx · 11 years ago
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fly-pow-bye · 6 years ago
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Hustlecup” (with Captain B.Z.!)
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Written by: Jake Goldman
Written & Storyboarded by: Kyle Neswald, Jaydeep Hasrajani
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
Hate & basketball.
Before we begin this review, for the first time ever, I have a special guest! Yes, Fly Pow Bye has mostly been about my opinions and mine alone. Please welcome, Captain B.Z.!
Captain B.Z.: Hello, I’m Captain B. Z.! A few of you might know me as the person who archives old Cartoon Network VHS recordings and ads to YouTube but I’m always willing to give shows new and old a chance.
While I initially wasn’t a fan of PPG 2016, I grew to find it an average show around the second season and have found things to like about it, including the Bliss arc and the attempts by the writers to slowly incorporate more action. However, PPG 2016 still isn’t without its problems, as evidenced by today’s episode.
We definitely have a very similar viewpoint; I do admit that the show has gotten better over since those early episodes. This episode, however, might not be the best indicator of that. Let's see if this episode is on fire, or if it should be lit on fire.
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The episode starts with electricity flowing through a bunch of tubes...which powers a lightbulb which illuminates the room the Powerpuff Girls and the Professor are in.
Captain B.Z.: Now, I’ll admit that I really like the shot at the start where it shows what’s powering up the mysterious invention - a green light. It’s completely unnecessary and doesn’t apply to anything, but it’s a nice way to start off the episode that doesn’t rely on a Family Guy TV show cutaway gag.
That opened my eyes a little. This mysterious invention is so mysterious, that each Powerpuff Girl repeating that it's so secret. What could it possibly be? How it passes through those circular tubes, and, as mentioned, how it is a green light, could be a hint at what it will be.
Captain B.Z.: Foreshadowing! It’s not just blatantly obvious anymore!
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It turns out to be a new hat with a traffic light on it, called the traffic hat. The Powerpuff Girls are disappointed at first, as emphasized by a sad trumpet. Seems to be the running theme with the Professor's inventions. The Professor is ecstatic about it, saying it will be the #1 at the Science-Palooza. Blossom is confused how this hat could possibly win anything, but the Professor tells Blossom that it's not just any hat.
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He tells Bubbles to throw this plate of spaghetti at Buttercup. Bubbles immediately does it before the Professor can say "when I say go", which ends up with Buttercup getting a plate full of spaghetti. I'll admit, I actually chuckled at this gag; it's all in the timing.
Captain B.Z.: Plus the fact that it’s freaking "scientific-grade" pasta. The Professor cares more about which type of pasta he gets than his own children.
How fitting. The Professor then pulls out another plate of scientific-grade pasta, and Buttercup tries to get her revenge. The Professor then yells "yellow light", and the pasta starts moving in slow motion, and then a "red light", stopping it in mid-air. Buttercup moves right in front of the pasta to look at this closely, and one can guess what happens next.
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Granted, it's not that Buttercup wouldn't deserve what came to her. Despite being a victim of two different spaghetti related incidents thanks to this hat, Buttercup is very excited to use his hat for nefarious purposes. Specifically, she wants to freeze Jennifre's face when she sneezes so she'll look ridiculous. She demonstrates by making this face. Not among of the worst face gags this show has to offer, but it could have been made a little bit better.
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That would be a good start.
Captain B.Z.: The face gags have their place and time, in my opinion. Plenty of shows have done really good jokes involving facial expressions, including fellow Cartoon Network series OK KO.
However, in order to make a face gag work, you have to time it just right and not have it be on screen for too long at the risk of being annoying. This is an example of a face gag I didn’t particularly find funny, but I can appreciate that it gets a callback later.
Buttercup has to promise the Professor not to take the hat to school, which she does oblige by...
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...but he never said anything about taking it to the park to cause that sweet, sweet mischief! It starts with a little scene with Barry.
Captain B.Z.: Barry’s scene was one of the few redeeming factors of this episode. Partly because it was legitimately funny, and partly because we get to see Barry get injured. Shame it couldn’t have been the Professor in this situation, but we’ll get to that later.
She eventually does what she promised to do to Jennifre by red lighting her as soon as she sneezes. Jennifre was making fun of her hat, so Buttercup's actions are justified. As mentioned before, this does give more of a point to that Buttercup face from before. The other kids start to chant her name for causing all of this torment on people that aren't them, and she catches the attention of one guy who appears to be far older.
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It turns out, the Gangreen Gang were hanging out at a nearby basketball court watching all of these time-stopping shenanigans unfold. Sorry to say, all of your headcanons on how Ace left this reboot to hang out with the Gorillaz are now wrong. It was my headcanon, too. They see Buttercup singing the theme song, except she says "I got the power". As much as it's supposed to exemplify Buttercup's selfishness, that's not too inaccurate.
Ace decides to challenge Buttercup to a game of Horse. If one doesn't know how the game works, Ace explains it via a scene that looks like a cross between a diagram and one of those Tiger LCD games from the 90s.
Ace: If I make a shot, you gotta copy it. If you miss the shot, you get a letter. First to spell "horse" is the loser.
Notice how he doesn't explain what happens if Buttercup actually makes the shot. It could be that he's pretty confident, but it's a big hint on how good these "horse" scenes are going to be. They decide to make a wager, if Ace wins, he gets the "doo-hickey" on her head. If Buttercup wins, she gets...
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...Ace's prized scooter! What would a 6 year old girl do with a scooter? I don't even think her hands would be able to reach the handlebars! Besides, she saw Ace miss one shot, which either means he's terrible at it, or he's just acting like he's bad at basketball to lure in the mark. Buttercup assumes it's the former.
Captain B.Z.: I’d complain about how Ace has a scooter in this episode and this episode only, but there are far more concerning matters that apply to this episode’s character development, so I won’t.
...damn it, I just did it, didn’t I?
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The game begins, and right from Buttercup nervousness from Ace's first shot, one can guess this is not going to end well for her. It should be noted that the very first short this reboot ever had focused on Buttercup not being able to make a "downtown" shot into a wastebasket, so it's interesting to see three seasons later that her skill hasn't changed.
Captain B.Z.: I’m debating whether or not the writers even remembered that short while writing this episode, though. If it was an intentional nod, good for them, although I’m surprised it came this late in the series’ run, when many people had began to ignore the series.
Yes, it's probably a coincidence, but a nice one nonetheless. There's no funny business, Ace manages to perfectly shoot 5 hoops in different ways, some ways so different that they didn't even bother to animate them, and Buttercup's vain attempts to copy them only adding more letters to the LCD game-esque scoreboard. In the end, Ace doesn't get a single letter, and Buttercup gets h...
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Mr. Ed impression: You got hooooorse!
GYAH! What is that thing?!
Captain B.Z.: Isn’t it obvious? It’s another uphill roller coaster! It doesn’t lead anywhere and is just there to remind you that this show is a comedy. Even though there’s no punchline to this joke whatsoever.
Wait, this show is a comedy? That horse made me think this was a horror show.
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After that...thing, the Gangreen Gang take their scooter home, Ace taking the "doo-hickey" with him. Back at the Powerpuff home, Blossom tells Buttercup that losing the hat was the most irresponsible thing she has ever done!
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Well, except for that one time where she joined the Prune-A-Cycling Club. Get it, because pruning would be so hard if you were on a unicycle! Really, this feels like another uphill roller coaster gag, though it is one that only shows up twice. If only other gags got that honor. Also, Blossom and Bubbles joined it too, so it's not like it's just Buttercup's fault.
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The Professor barges into the room, so excited about the upcoming Science-Palooza. He can't decide which shade of white lab coat he wants to bring! It's an okay gag based on how his outfit is usually the same, though that might be by comparison. He decides not to question where the hat is, and assumes Buttercup is taking good care of it.
None of the Powerpuff Girls had the heart to tell him the truth, so they decide to confront the Gangreen Gang as a group. They got to "mop up Buttercup's mess", in Blossom's words, said in a way that makes me think even Blossom is getting tired of these kinds of plots.
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After a surprising cameo appearance by the pizza guy from the Small World special, the Gangreen Gang gets confronted by the girls. Bubbles said she thought she smelled a rat, because they had a joke about Grubber using a rat as deodorant, and they didn't want to just leave it in the pile.
Like a true hero, Blossom outright threatens him to give back the hat, or he will get hurt. Ace did say he won it fair and square, and those couple of misses to lure Buttercup into a false sense of security were just "a couple of misses". He decides, as the "gentleman" he is, he does another wager on a game of horse. If Blossom wins, she gets the hat. If she loses, Ace gets Blossom's favorite protractor and one of Bubbles' pigtails. The latter was specially requested by Ace, by the way. We will see how, we won't see why. Maybe that's a blessing.
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So get this, Blossom is going to use her knowledge of math to enhance her game. Yeah, because Blossom is smart, she has to be, say, the mathlete of the group. It seems to make so much sense, I mean, it’s not like we’re supposed to believe that Buttercup is the mathlete! Yeah, that's what I'll go with, because anything else would be silly. This would have worked, too, but the Gangreen Gang decide do something even worse than pretending to be bad at basketball.
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They decides to outright cheat by moving the basket and blocking the perfectly made shots. At least this time, we actually see five different ways they do that. One oddity is that none of these ways involve the time-stopping hat; in fact, Ace never actually uses it in any of the games. He's far from playing with honor at this point, he might as well use it.
Since there's nothing in the Gangreen Gang's rulebook that states they can't have the other members block the shots, though I highly doubt they even had one in the first place, Blossom is the next one to get...
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Mr. Ed impression: Hoooorse!
GYAH! Yeah, repetition is not doing this gag any favors. In fact, I'd argue it's not doing anyone any favors.
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Ace grabs the ponytail, twisting it off like a loose nail. They also take Angel-gelica. Yes, the protractor has a name, because Blossom is the nerd character that loves math. This doesn't nearly impact Blossom's looks, but is treated as just as important to her. They could have taken her bow, her hairclip, or even her ponytail. It seems to fit Ace's odd obsession with stealing other people's hair in this episode.
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The Powerpuff Girls now decide that violence is the answer, threatening to crush their bones with half of a basketball court. Kind of an overreaction, I'd say, but one thing I can appreciate is that this is the only time they get to use any kind of superpower besides flight in this episode. It is sad that we need these reminders.
Ace decides then and here that the hat would come in handy, and says "red light". This makes the Powerpuff Girls and the basketball court float perfectly still in mid-air. They probably didn't even need the hat, that seems to be their usual strategy anyway.
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This leads to a psychedelic slideshow beatdown, with the red-lighted Puffs getting licked both figuratively and literally. It's here that we learn what exactly what the hat brings to the plot: the ability to make a scene where superpowered girls getting beaten up by regular thugs more believable. Well, that, and a way for Buttercup to do something wrong, get in trouble, and learn a lesson that she would probably forget by the next episode anyway
Once Ace says "green light" on the court, Buttercup suffers something worse than losing at a basketball game...
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...getting scolded by her father figure for the second most irresponsible thing she has ever done. A good hint on how good that pruning gag is: they don't even give it a proper background for the second time.
He decides to help the girls out, and go to the "basketball fields". Oh, silly Professor, that's not what basketball courts are called! Man, this guy must not know sports at all! However, he's sure that he can just talk to the Gangreen Gang like civilized adults, and they'll happily just hand over the hair, the protractor, and maybe even that time-stopping hat!
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At the basketball court, somehow completely undamaged from the Powerpuff Girls' post-loss and somewhat-justified temper tantrum, we see that, needless to say, that civilized adults strategy did not work. As the gang is laughing at this dork, Ace offers another game of horse. Ace really needs another pigtail. Again, we see how, won't see why, maybe it's a blessing.
The Professor doesn't take it at first, because, in his words:
Professor: I'm not about to bet on a game I've never played before!
Lil' Arturo calls him a chicken like a 90's bully, and that's enough for him to change his mind. How hard could it be, you just put the ball in the hoop thingy, and he makes a practice shot by just launching the ball straight into the air. I am summarizing this because I want to point out that he is really trying to show off that he is just not good at sports. However, he's going to do it anyway.
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The conclusion was so obvious, the episode just presses the fast forward button. We instantly see the Professor getting each letter. We don't even know if the Gangreen Gang decided to cheat here, it's just H, O, R, S, E, with the Professor's face zooming in with each one. In just a few seconds, the Professor gets...
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Mr. Ed impression: Hoooorse!
Yeah, yeah, we get it, you stock image abomination. By the third time, I'm just rolling my eyes in disgust.
Bubbles loses her last pigtail, and all hope seems to be lost. Left with nothing else to wager, the Professor challenges him again, this time putting their residence on the line for everything Ace has taken, plus his scooter. The Powerpuff Girls object, but the Professor is so assuring by saying they always wanted to travel. I mean, what's the worst that can happen if the Powerpuff Girls leave Townsville?
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Dispaired Citizens: Why'd you leave us, Powerpuff Girls?
Oh yeah, that. Okay, that was the original, but I'd imagine something very similar would happen here, too. But Townsville can go to heck for all he cares, he wants that hat back, no matter what the risk is!
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The Professor looks at the basket, sweating profusely. How are they possibly going to beat Ace at his own game? He makes a desperate attempt to copy Ace's shot...
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...and he makes the shot perfectly. He then tears off his shirt, revealing his hairy, hairy abs, and says that he's still got it. Wait, what? This comes completely out of nowhere; one minute, he's incompetent at sports, and then, snap, he's good at basketball now. But hey...he has a pi symbol on his shirt! That's nerdy!
"When did the Professor suddenly get good?" isn't even the only question I have about this scene. If the Professor was really trying to "hustle" these green gangsters by pretending he was bad at sports, why did he let them win the first time? Also, no matter suddenly how skilled the Professor is now, wouldn't the Gangreen Gang just cheat some more?
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They at least explained that last one. The Powerpuff Girls decided not to just sit back and let the other members cheat, and tied them up with ordinary rope while Ace was too busy focusing on the Professor's sick moves. They could have did this when Blossom was getting horsed, but then the episode would have ended too early.
With the other members tied up, the Professor's unexplained sudden skill increase, and Ace never realizing he could just use his hat, Ace finally gets...
...so now the reboot decides not to do the "horse" joke? Honestly, this ending is bad enough already, you might as well go for the Full Monty and give us that forsaken furlong-runner! Maybe that horse got disqualified.
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Blossom gets her beloved ruler back, Bubbles gets her pigtails back, Buttercup gets grounded again, and the Professor now has a sweet scooter for him to take to the Science-Palooza. We never quite find out if his invention is a winner as the episode suddenly ends here...but this ending sure isn't one.
Captain B.Z.: So let’s talk about why this ending doesn’t work.
The Professor has had literally no experience at playing basketball in his life, neither in the original or this series. His initial plan is to talk to the Gangreen Gang sensibly but he does even worse than the girls. Then, he becomes ridiculously good out of freaking nowhere, throwing in another muscle “joke” for extra measure.
There is no buildup to this ending whatsoever due to the Professor being such a forgettable character in this episode. It's to the point where if the girls hadn’t told him that his hat was stolen, he wouldn’t have even cared.
Does the title fit?
It wasn't Buttercup doing the hustling. I honestly argue hustling was kind of forgotten halfway through!
How does it stack up?
It's such a shame that a major appearance from the Gangreen Gang that doesn't involve them just dressing in drag for a talent show is in such a lousy episode.
Captain B.Z.: Hustlecup is an episode that suffers in many different ways, from a story that isn’t well-defined to plenty of out-of-character moments - more than average for the reboot. While I don’t mind these errors if they’re just a small part of the episode, here, they get in the way of any merit the episode might have had and make it a truly frustrating watch.
Indeed. There are other variations of H-O-R-S-E with less letters, but even if this episode was playing Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, it would still lose.
Captain B.Z.: As I mentioned earlier in the review, this episode did provide some interesting concepts. The idea of a traffic light hat that actually slows down time is pretty neat but the writers did nothing with it. I’m surprised we didn’t get another episode like “Lights Out!” where we get to see Bubbles figure out how the hat works when the Gangreen Gang steals it and messes with Townsville traffic. Sadly though, the Professor being an asshole and Mr. Ed jokes had higher priority to the writers, making this episode fall apart instantly.
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Next, another episode focusing on everyone's favorite Sitcom Dad, if we discount all the other Sitcom Dads. Special thanks to Captain B.Z. for joining me with this one.
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fly-pow-bye · 6 years ago
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Small World: Heart to Heartstone Part 4”
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Written by: Jake Goldman, Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Kyle Neswald, Jaydeep Hasrajani
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
...but after 100 episodes of this, it mostly turned into a world of fears. Mostly.
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So all of the Triforces have just been collected from their various dungeons, and now it’s time to face off against Ganon. Okay, maybe I should make a better synopsis than that.
Having collected all of the Heartstones, they go back to the crater where Townsville used to be. Buttercup then gets flung off-screen as the Professor shows up to congratulate them. Already, the tone is going to be rather jokey, but not jokey enough to where it's going to suffer from what I would call "The Trouble With Bubbles syndrome." The Powerpuff Girls then fly off to Lester Van Luster's lair, but the Professor wants to come, too!
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They decide to carry the Professor around, not only because he wanted to come, but because he happens to know the lair's coordinates. Instead of actually showing them these coordinates are like he did with the Heartstones, the Powerpuff Girls just carry him around while he goes "wheeeeee!" They don't really make a good in-universe excuse for this, though there is a good plot reason for it.
Buttercup: [We're going to] pummel Mojo and Lester Van Loser into oblivion!
Even Buttercup is getting into the act of giving this guy inflammatory nicknames, though I think she could have been more creative. Where’s Bubbles?
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She's still with the geese. This time, she offers an origami goose to be the leader. The geese then eat it, and fly away. Joke over. Adding to the theory that any intent to show that she can speak animal in these scenes was probably unintentional is that in none of these geese scenes does Bubbles honk at them, she just talks to them like if they were people.
The subtitles in the last episode imply they do understand her, which makes me wonder if they're really going to go with The Wild Thornberrys route. Now that this special is almost over, I should say one good thing about these scenes: at least I can say they use subtitles and not just have the geese talk this time. Non-talking animals is a rare sight, and after Donny, Pug-Faced Paulie, Eddie, and that one zebra, it's a breath of fresh air that I didn't even know was possible.
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They reach the lair of Funfetti Spaghetti, and move across the tons of shrunken landmarks in his “trophy room”. Apparently, this guy was really busy, shrinking the Taj Mahal, Big Ben and a bunch of other buildings that surrounded Big Ben, and worst of all, the largest ball of yarn! Nobody told them Lester was going Carmen Sandiego across the entire world while they were gone; I guess it wasn’t that important.
They reach Lester's room, where he's just sleeping on his throne. The Professor apparently decided he was the leader now, but Blossom doesn't matter. She seems to like her dad now that he's doing the planning for her. I wouldn't blame her.
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They slowly sneak around Lester, with sneaky music playing in the background. The Professor decides this was a great time to shout "Girls! Way to go!" as soon as the Powerpuff Girls reach the wand. It doesn't actually affect anything; the scene may as well not exist. There's no consequences!
He may be smarter than he is usually, but he's still that Sitcom Dad, right? Well, maybe not quite, as we're about to get to a twist that I didn't see coming at all. If you don't want to be spoiled on what happens in this special, you probably should have stopped reading a few parts ago.
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As soon as they touch the wand, three heart shaped slots appear. The holes, they were made for them, so they slowly float away from the Puff’s hands right into them. The green one apparently is the clumsy one, as it knocks into the wand a few times. Well, I guess having its previous form sliced in half really affected its accuracy. We hear some evil music play during this, which honestly shouldn’t be appropriate if these girls were going to use it to save Townsville.
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Turns out, the music was jumping the wand a bit, as when Blossom tries to grab the wand, the wand floats away, landing right into the Professor’s hands. I mean, him actually being helpful tends to be out of character for him, too. It's here where we get this episode's biggest twist.
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It was Sweety Gumdrops this whole time! Wait, how did he manage to be the Professor and still be Lester when he's hanging out in his lair, getting his Marble Sofa moved by his adoring ape?
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Discount Jojo: MAGIC!
Oh, hus...actually, that would be a good explanation here, but there's a little more logic than that. We never see the Professor and Stars McShiny at the same time, and he seemed to know a lot about the Heartstones for someone who is supposed to be a scientist. I would also mention the whole "he's not anything like the Sitcom Dad I've grown to hate", but I think I bashed that into the ground.
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As for the Lester that was sleeping on his chair, that was actually Discount Jojo, playing his best role: sleeping guy! He certainly plays that role a lot better than he plays Mojo Jojo, that’s for sure. The Powerpuff Girls try to rush in to do what they do the worst in this reboot.
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Alas, the Magic Man Who Rips Off The Incredibles' Syndrome More Than Just His Hair’s cane is just way too powerful. Honestly, he probably didn’t even need the Heartstones to do that. He does explain to them that the Professor actually didn't make it out of Townsville; he's stuck in the snowglobe along with everyone else.
Professor: Hi, girls! I made a new friends! (points towards snowman)
Ah, there's the Sitcom Dad, confusing snowmen for actual people and being completely oblivious to everything going around him. They do a similar joke with The Mayor in a previous episode, but at least that one is more believable. I mean, it's the Mayor.
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Using his newly gained omnipotence from the Heartstones, he decides to change into his Super Saiyan God form. With all of his might, I.M. Meen finally does his ultimate plan against those goodie-goodies that make his stomach churn. Oh no, he’s not going to shrink them, that’s the old magic hat!
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Instead, he’s going to shrink-wrap them and also turn them into the very merchandise they were probably imagining would fly right off the shelves! They even use "tada" music on this; not nearly as blatant as the "cool toys" scene from Total Eclipse of the Kart, but the effect is still there. I wonder if this was some sort of meta-joke about the blatant commercialization of the Powerpuff Girls, which would be incredibly hypocritical for this reboot.
This toyset seems to have a lot of problems, though. How come Buttercup and Bubbles have their Snuggle Buddies, but Blossom just has two books? Why does Bubbles have the Kung Fu Grip when it's well established only Buttercup can throw a punch most of the time? One thing that doesn’t surprise me is that this toyset only gives Buttercup the ability to talk; considering how much Heartstone time she got in this special, she’s clearly the favorite. What does she say, anyway?
Buttercup: (badly acted) Mojo is a ugly green doofus!
I don't want to call him Doofus Jojo, because I don't want to give Buttercup any credit. Sadly, they're not sentient toys, so they're essentially dead. Best case scenario, of course, this could also be a "I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream" situation, too.
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Of course, Discount Jojo is absolutely ecstatic that they managed to defeat the Powerpuff Girls together, and he decides to make some suggestions on what these Beat-Alls can do next. One of his suggestions is blowing up Citiesville. I'm sure a lot of people would think that would not be evil, but he could have meant the "Honey, I Blew Up The Kid" meaning of blow up. Making all of those jerks that live in Citiesville giants would be delightfully evil, too. Flamehair Poofydress doesn't agree.
Lester Van Luster: Well, how do I put this gently...you're a pathetic excuse for a supervillain...
Eh, he's better in this season than he ever was in Season 1, especially in the first part of this very special, so it's not entirely justified. When he's fighting the Powerpuff Girls, not because of his fangirl tendencies, of course.
Lester Van Luster: ...and I've been using you to take over Townsville and get the Heartstones for myself.
Oh, okay, he's not going to justify anything, he's just trying to make sure someone will be angry at him so this plot can have a satisfying conclusion. But that can't be it, right?
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So, for almost no reason whatsoever, he decides to kick Discount Jojo out of his castle, literally having him fly out of the castle to drop down, after all he did for him. Thankfully, anyone's ability to survive 15+ foot falls continues with this episode, as Jojo not only survives, but Lester even drops his marble couch on him to no real effect other than, "haha, he mentioned it". Hey, some continuity between the parts! Power of Four wasn't that good at that.
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Sure enough, Jojo is quite upset by this predicament, and decides he should actually be against this guy. Being evil is the only thing he was good at, at least according to him. He's the most diabolical, evil, dangerous villain! Clearly, he only has one path to go...
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...the path of a cobbler! See, it’s funny, because one would think he’d be mad enough to take on Hi Hi Puffy Shirt himself. However, he accidently hammering himself, reminding me of one of the better shorts this reboot managed to create. I guess I could say that's a plus. He decides to do a Plan B.
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Discount Jojo: MAGIC!
Oh, hush, Discount! Oh wait, that was the episode doing a decent book-end, not my running gag. Silly mistake. The King of the Lollipop Guild did make one major mistake: Jojo still has all of his magic training, including all of his equipment! He shows this off by blowing some magic dust, which gets in his eyes. This may be the time he's getting serious, but he still has to do "a funny".
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After a far too long gag where he tries to use a grappling hook, Discount the Jojo shows himself to his former idol. Macaron McMuffin asks how Jojo managed to get up here before saying he doesn’t care. These two gags don’t really go well together, because he clearly used a grappling hook for the last 20 seconds. The joke could be that he is that he’s really bad at figuring out other people’s magic tricks, but that never becomes apparent.
Before he blasts him for daring to bring light to his lair, Jojo decides to apologize and do a magic act to appease him. For he is Mojo The Jojo! Well, he’s already at least giving himself a name, something he didn’t do before. He then pulls off his Magic Hat, revealing his usual brain hat. It may be a hint that he decided to wear this hat above his usual one instead of switching his costume entirely.
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He pulls out a Lester poster and a Lester party balloon, all possibly from his own collection of Lester memorabilia we just never saw until now. Yeah, that's it. Being as egocentric as his cheeks are red, he ends up being impressed by this. Discount The Jojo, eh, it doesn't really work, sees one more thing in his hat that will knock Lester's socks off! Of course, Lester doesn't think that this could be literal, as he leans in and Jojo does his most evil act yet...
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...plagarizing Bubbles' trick from the first part! Jokes asie, it's good to know he can learn from previous mistakes and use them to his advantage. Most importantly, this punch was powerful enough to make Fruit Stripe Hair lose his magic cane, and having it land right in Jojo's hands.
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In a rare moment of kindness to who could be arguably be his sisters if his origin story is still canon, he decides to turn the Powerpuff Girls from the marketed brand to the superheroes they should be. Even Jojo feels that this is way too anti-climactic, and the show agrees.
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Lester The Not So Friendly Ghost-Like Man poofs right next to him, makes the magic stick float to him again, and turns him into a goose! He then kicks him out in the same way he did when he was an ape, making me question why couldn’t he just fly back into that window. Instead, that’s the last we see of him for the rest of the final fight. Congratulations, Discount Jojo, you contributed.
Candy Cane Man decides not to turn the barely waking up Powerpuff Girls back into toys, because he knows that no matter what, the Powerpuff Girls will eventually defeat him in the end of the story. Instead, he tries his hardest to punch them into many pieces with a Heartstone-fueled punch. The Reboot Puffs decide to go with their patented Reboot Puff strategy of just staying in one place and just take it. Blossom does add another part to this usual strategy: tell the big hand that’s coming at them to stop.
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...and it does, much to both their and Lester's confusion. He shakes around his stick for a bit, yeah, maybe I should word that better, and tries to hit them with a spiked ball instead. The Deliciously Sugary Mage tries again, and the Powerpuff Girls do a slightly better strategy of commanding themselves to duck!
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Sure enough, the Heartstone aura then turns into a duck, who merely just quacks at them impolitely. The Master of Quacks wonders how he can't control these heartstones.
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The Puffs figure out that they didn’t just get the Heartstones, they earned them by doing the tasks they had to do. Bubbles earned it by getting over her fears and coming up with her own strategy. Blossom earned it by realizing what “leave its equal” means. Buttercup just had to beat up a monster, something she tends to do more often than her sisters.
Because of this, the Heartstones are under their complete control, even though they were pretty happy to follow Lester’s command’s before. Maybe it was one of their many tests! They fly out of the magic wand, turning Lester back to his ordinary Cupcake Shrinky Boy self, and they become their new jewel-encrusted headbands! Yay, more accessories for the potential toylines. Bubbles had to use the most effort and actually learn something to get her Heartstone, and she gets rewarded by getting hit in the face with it. Because she’s the silly blonde!
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Lester The Future Snake Jellyfish Or Cerberus Food can only run away screaming as the already powerful girls get even more powerful with the Heartstone Monster Aura Shells! Blossom gets the Jellyfish, with fancy electrocution action! Bubbles gets the Snake, with the ability to suffocate anyone within a one mile radius! Buttercup gets the Cerberus, with surprisingly excellent barber expertise!
Tell your parents to collect all three of them, or they can go to hell, where Him is still wondering if he was meant to be the villain of this before they decided Jojo idolizing Satan wouldn’t fly on a kids network.
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They probably could have just cut to the scene where he gets defeated, but we do get to see sort of a fight scene. At least it’s a one-sided defeat I should expect from the Powerpuff Girls, with the Powerpuff Girls dishing out the pain. Blossom electrocutes him, Buttercup swipes off his poofy hair, which apparently instantly grows back, and, in the move with the most visible contact, Bubbles squeezes poor-if-he-didn't-deserve-it Lester in the same way she was squeezed in her episode.
The Powerpuff Girls decide that jail would be too easy of an escape for him. Actually, they never seem to consider that if the police aren't around to throw them into a police car.
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Instead, they decide to join in on his interest of shrinking people, though Lester apparently isn’t as fond of being shrunken himself, and shrinks him down to tiny size! Blossom exclaims that now that Townsville is back to its normal size, everything is back to normal. Well, except for the landmarks. Or the fact that the Powerpuff Girls now have these ultra-powerful heartstones they could use on far more powerful villains like Him and Gemoire.
Well, we do get one loose end tied up.
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Jojo the Goose ended up being the new leader of the geese. Apparently, he’s doing this a lot better at this than being a villain, and far better than that silly blonde! The end!
Does the title fit?
Heart-to-heart, Heartstone, yeah, I could say it fits.
Since it’s over, I could say Small World isn’t exactly the best title for this special. Sure, the villain likes to shrink things down, but it’s never the focus. Honestly, Heart to Heartstone would have been a better name for this entire special.
How does it, and the whole special, stack up?
It's a satisfying conclusion, even if anyone could predict that the Powerpuff Girls would win in the end. I mean, why would they not? I like the idea of the Heartstone monsters coming back, and how everything connected in the end, which is something I wish the reboot would do even in non-specials. This episode ends up being part of a special that only managed to have one episode that didn't have this rating.
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Really, with the entire special, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself actually getting some enjoyment out of it. Even the lesser of the four, Stone Cold Spider, had some okay moments. One could argue that they played it safe. Outside of the use of smartphones, this could have straight up have been an episode of the original.
This is not to say this is the absolute best episode of the entire reboot, and that it was mostly flawless. As promised, there are some general problems with this plot that I'll touch upon before giving it my final judgment.
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For an episode about the Powerpuff Girls travelling through the world, the locations are disappointing. Even the Buttercup Job at least gave us Atlantis with its walking fish and Greek gods. Buttercup goes to a cave full of monsters, something that should be normal even in Townsville. Blossom goes to a sunken ship with nobody around. Bubbles gets to go to a labyrinth with a very anachronistic security guard at best. There’s no personality to any of these locations; it may as well be anywhere.
Then again, I probably should have known, considering the only place that was even on land was some random place in what appears to be Brazil judging by that map. They could have went to various countries, learning about different cultures, really giving that worldwide appeal. The best we get is all those landmarks that were shrunken, but they don’t even treat it as a big deal.
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Discount Jojo’s role in the plot isn’t that bad looking back at it, but his actions in this are kind of odd for his character. Again, would he really be fangirling over someone else, especially after episodes like Mojo The Great and Not So Secret Service? This is especially true when one considers that Lester Van Luster wasn’t a well established villain.
Speaking of that Cupcake Shrinky Boy’s actions, the special never really makes you feel like the stakes are that high. Sure, they seem to care about Townsville, but once that city is saved, they don’t seem to care about anything else. People around the world are missing their monuments, but the only hint we get towards this is a scene near the end, and it’s mostly just used for a ball of yarn joke.
But, despite all of that, this is still a surprisingly decent special for the reboot. It’s a special that actually feels like an adventure to save Townsville, and not just the Powerpuff Girls having to save themselves from their own mistakes. I wouldn’t say these parts are the absolute least worst this reboot has to offer, but it is still watchable, which, compared to most of the reboot, is a huge accomplishment.
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The special may be over, but PPG 2016 sure isn’t! Next, we get yet another Halloween special! They're really compensating for the original's lack of one. Either that, or they wanted more costumes for the toyline. Definitely the former, I would think!
← Small World: Maze Daze (Part 3) ☆ Witch’s Crew →
11 notes · View notes
fly-pow-bye · 6 years ago
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Total Eclipse of the Kart”
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Written by: Haley Mancini, Jake Goldman
Written & Storyboarded by: Kyle Neswald, Jaydeep Hasrajani, Leticia Abreu Silva, John Martinez
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
Needs a pit stop. Or three.
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The episode begins with the Mayor announcing the beginning of the Annual Townsville Eclipse Grand Prix. Whoever can get through the Cursed Canyon, Rampage Ridge, and ominous stone spires, again, the Mayor happens to know they're ominous but doesn't seem to care, gets a box he happened to dig up while excavating his new hot tub. Probably a step down from the key to the city.
Let’s meet our contestants, as it’s pretty much a who’s-who of the reboot's rogue's gallery. It seems like whenever Townsville has contests of any sort, the only constestants seem to be either criminals or the Powerpuff Girls, and this Grand Prix appears to be no different at first. Despite that nobody really knows what's inside, everyone seems to know it must be something really good!
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Princess Morbucks: She wants the box because it's the only thing in Townsville she doesn't have! Princess is by far the most used villain in the entire show, which probably has something to do with being voiced by one of the head writers.
Man-Boy: He wants the box because it's manly! I would say more, but that pretty much sums him up. He's a man man man man man man. Man. Man.
Pack Rat: Speaking of one-note characters, this villain wants the box because it's shiiiny! This villain didn’t even make a single appearance in Season 2, even though his last episode involved him holding a super-cast with ominous music playing in the background. He’s very fitting here, especially due to that Rat Fink-like mini-monster truck he has.
The Fashionistas: They want the box because, to quote them, "ha ha ha ha ha". Yeah, they kind of just gave up after Pack Rat. They didn't even bother saying how fashionable the box was.
Unpictured, but surely just as important, is Jemmica, who makes a generic quip that there's no way she can't have that box. Also unpictured is Him, but that's because he decided not to show up in this episode at all. But I would be remiss if I didn't mention those unforgettable group of misfits...
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...those four random cars on the left side of this shot, and no other shot in the entire episode! Finally, some proof that not everyone that participates in Townsville's events is a criminal aside from lovable superheroes.
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Sadly, we didn't get those. Instead, the Reboot Puffs join in this race, too, knowing that there must be something sinister in that box to justify all of these villains showing up for it. If you're expecting any explanation to how 6 year olds can participate in something involving driving a car, that's because this is supposed to be a go-kart race. We know this, even though every car in this looks like a real car, because that's what the title says. I don't believe anything in the episode itself indicates this.
He did have some restraint, though. Right from the beginning, Buttercup wants to drive the car, but the Professor, seen via holographic projection, tells her she's too aggressive. The Mayor starts the race, and we see a few more of the rogue's gallery show up beyond who I've already talked about, including a set of returning villains who I'm sure were very welcomed to be in the reboot.
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Yes, Fuzzy Lumpkins and his trustworthy banjo! He’s in what looks like a lawnmower. It is a way to keep your proper-tay clean! Sadly, we don't even get a line from Fuzzy, not even one of his famous ones. He gets immediately flattened, Wile E Coyote style, by Manboy running on a giant, manly log. In fact, I don't believe Fuzzy said a line in this entire reboot that didn't involve him cross-dressing.
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Manboy does get a bit of just desserts for that, as he gets interrupted by the Gnat badly singing Ride of the Valkyries. This guy is essentially the replacement for the Ameoba Boys, except he's more of a troll than incompetent. Honestly, the more he appears, the more I'm ashamed that I ever said he was cool. The Gnat flings an overgrown termite at his log, which eats it and burps. It takes quite a bit for this joke to finish, no shock here.
Having seen this carnage, Blossom and Buttercup argue about whether destroying the other contestant's cars is awesome or not. Buttercup is of the former opinion, of course; it's that aggression the Professor keeps talking about. Bubbles wants to stop this argument by playing some hot tunes! She reaches into her dashboard and presses a bunch of buttons.
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This leads to one of the running gags with the first half of the episode: a Reboot Puff randomly pushing buttons in the most ridiculous ways imaginable. All she’s doing is turning on the radio, and at no point does she accidentally fire missiles at someone.
With the help of that running gag, she manages to successfully play some music. After a few seconds of the music, they stop arguing and start singing along with it. Why wouldn’t they, it’s a parody of “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” by Whitney Houston, except it’s “I Wanna Have Lunch With Somebody”. The joke is that it involves food.
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Discount Jojo, having been left in the dust, reveals that he's the Dick Dastardly of this race. He brought his own invention: the Deceleray, a ray gun that causes anything it hits to slow down to a crawl, and aims it right for the Reboot Puffs.
He even takes the time to tell the viewers that it's solar powered, or "solar power" as they didn't account for the CN logo covering half the text up. This seems like a completely random joke, and the sun that pops up to say "yeah, that's me" seems to hint at that, but this actually becomes important later. Misdirection, or just plain silliness? You decide!
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The Powerpuff Girls are too busy listening to the song to notice that a ray is being fired right at them, which is a far better excuse than most of the "the Powerpuff Girls just sit still and take the punishment" scenes. As soon as they're hit by the ray, the car slows down slower than a tortoise that happened to be passing by.
It doesn't seem to slow down the Powerpuff Girls themselves, because the plot wouldn't work if it did, and they wonder why their song is now a vaporwave remix. Okay, Buttercup just calls it a "remix", but I couldn't resist. Discount Jojo then throws a giant spiked bomb right in front of them. I would have tried aiming right for the really, really slow moving targets, but again, that would have ruined the plot.
Buttercup unbuckles herself, and jumps into Blossom's cockpit for another wacky button pressing scene. Unlike the last scene, this does cause warning bells to go off, and she accuses Blossom of doing something wrong. Bubbles was just lucky, apparently.
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Buttercup manages to press a button that splits the car into three different vehicles, each with their own name. You know how utterly blatant this scene is? They even have a song that says "cool toys, cool toys", and it ends with a random stock photo of a bunch of kids jumping in the air. They might as well have cut to a fake commercial of a bunch of kids playing with action figures, but that might have been too self-aware.
But wait, if the slow ray hit the entire car, even affecting Professor Utonium and the car's radio, shouldn't these vehicles also be slowed down? At least they explain why the Professor is now okay with Buttercup driving: he knew that Buttercup would rebel against him, and planned accordingly. That's actually a good Professor moment; using the knowledge of his children in his planning.
Now that they’re all split up, does this mean we have to see Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup start competing against each other? Bubbles decides to take a shortcut away from the entire race, basically taking her out of the episode. We do get to cut back to what she’s doing while Blossom and Buttercup are dealing with the rest of the villains, including a few surprise cameo appearances.
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The very first of these cameos happens to be Donny the Hellhorn. I would complain, but he's reintroduced by us by Bubbles accidently running him over. Sadly, he survives, but the good news is that this episode is going to make his bad luck a running gag. It's almost like they know he's one of the most hated characters in the show, and this is their way of acknowledging that. I'm not a fan of unnecessary cruelty, even in the original, but it's Donny, so I would say it is necessary.
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They get out of the Cursed Canyon, we never find out why it’s “cursed”, and the surviving racers go into the Rampage Ridge. Most of the race portion after this can be summed up with “Buttercup takes out most of the other racers with various traps.” Pack Rat gets distracted by shiny spike traps, The Fashionistas get oil slicked, and the unseen-in-this-episode-until-now Pug-Faced Paulie and his gang get distracted by a dog bone. Each of these ends with our villains falling off a cliff, and their car exploding.
Don’t worry, Buttercup is not intentionally killing all of these villains: she’s just pressing random buttons just to get the turbo buttons to work. I guess I can give them some creativity points for not just reusing the same wacky animation for every one of these scenes in this running gag, but all I can really think about is which one of these is the worst. I'm going with that Bubbles one in the beginning. Those eyes, ugh.
Blossom never gets the same treatment, most likely because an off-model button punching gag would be out of character for her. In fact, she barely gets to do anything other than drive and bicker with Buttercup. Oh yeah, Blossom ends up competing against Buttercup after they all split up, but nothing really comes of it.
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After the Ridge, which was definitely reckless thanks to Buttercup, the final stretch leaves the two remaining Reboot Puffs, Discount Jojo, the Gnat, Princess, and Jemmica. The Gnat and Princess essentially go out just like the rest of the villains, with the Gnat splatting on Princess's windshield, and Princess gets taken out by her car running out of gas. One of the posse members exclaims that at least the car didn't explode, and then the car explodes. Wah, wah, waaah.
The episode isn't even halfway over, and the race appears to be nearly over. Clearly, something must be going on with that box. I honestly thought they were going to stretch this wacky race into a whole half hour, but they decide to take it in a completely different direction. Probably for the best.
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While the Powerpuff Girls are still bickering on who's going to win, even Blossom forgetting that she wanted to win together with Buttercup, Discount Jojo swats them away, taking them out of the race. In a shocking turn of events, Jemmica uses a jar full of snakes to distract Discount Jojo, taking the lead. Well, so much for her being a female Indiana Jones. She manages to win, much to everyone's surprise! So what was in that all-important box?
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A stick. No, really, a stick. I think even a pickle, which a lot of people expected, would have been at least something that tied into the Mayor’s character. However, Jemmica seems to know that it’s a little more than a stick, as she talks about how she’s been waiting for this moment for centuries. How amazing that Jemmica manages to win an item that was specifically for her and her alone.
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Suddenly, Jemmica uses the stick, combined with an orb she happened to bring with her, and turns it into a staff. This staff turns her into Cleopatra Thanos! Okay, her real name is Jemoire, and the Professor is about to reveal everything he knows about her, with Jemoire giving some visuals using her Stick of Omens.
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To make a long story short, an ancestor to the Mayor banished Jemoire, took her powers, and turned her into Jemmica. She walked the Earth, her immortal body never aging past elementary school age, as various people across time, though we only ever see her in a Greek outfit and a knight outfit before leading to the outfit we knew and, um, loved? I like how this gives a little bit of worldbuilding about Townsville, but there was something that bothered me about this.
This is not possession by an evil item, nor, as I implied before, is this some sort of Him plot. Jemmica was really this demon goddess this entire time. We should have known from all the clues they subtly put into her past episodes, like that one thing! And that other thing! And...actually I have no idea.
No, really, I have no reason to believe this was their intended purpose for this character when they were writing Frenemy or even The Buttercup Job. Well, there may be one thing: she did seem to have a knack for items that would fit a demonic sorceress than an Indiana Jones style adventurer, such as those BFF necklaces from Frenemy and the Doom Cube from The Buttercup Job. But really, this just comes out of nowhere. It's as if they couldn’t think of any more ideas for this character, so they decided to write her off in a way that attempts to make this reboot seem more “twisty” than it is.
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Jemoire's first step is to take over Townsville just like she did in the ancient days. The Mayor shows up to tell her that she must be democratically elected in order to take over Townsville, and Jemoire decides to give her rebuttal: by turning the Mayor into sand. Hmm, just like that certain movie that was probably not out when this episode was in production.
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Buttercup tries to give her something involving an aura power, but not even the aura powers can stop her! She even tears them apart just by slamming that magic stick again. I would wonder why she couldn’t just use that staff to turn Buttercup into sand too, but plot. All nitpicking aside, I wanted to see those aura powers torn apart at some point to show that they're not an invincible barrier, and this is one way to do it.
Blossom tries to attack, only for her to get knocked into a bunch of rocks. Well, that shouldn't be too bad, the Powerpuff Girls often went through walls in their fights. It's not like they're going to have an extended scene where Buttercup picks up Blossom's seemingly lifeless body from the rubble and cries that she could have saved her, and that it's all her fault.
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Sure enough, we get an extended scene where Buttercup picks up Blossom’s seemingly lifeless body from the rubble and cries that she could have saved her, and that it’s all her fault. Yeah, I really believe that these superheroes, who can lift buildings full of people, could really die from getting knocked into a bunch of rocks. Sadly, I really do; if they can get their bones broken from getting tail whipped into a wall, this isn't too far off!
They’re trying to do this emotional moment, but they apparently have no time for that. Out of nowhere, Buttercup wonders where Bubbles is.
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We smash cut to a happy scene where Bubbles manages to get Poseidon to join her Party Cat Car! Remember Poseidon's appearance in The Buttercup Job? A previous scene also gave them a bear, who just swims off after Poseidon joins. One can assume he joined a polar bear and a panda and made a far better cartoon.
Oh yeah, bonus points for the implication that Donny was holding his breath for an exorbitantly long period of time. While no Donny would have been better than any Donny, a Donny in constant pain is something I can definitely appreciate.
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Cutting back to the now far less dramatic scene, thanks Bubbles, of course Blossom didn’t get killed by a bunch of rocks falling on her. She doesn’t even get a broken arm! Bubbles must be that weak. Buttercup confirms that she learned absolutely nothing as Buttercup starts bickering with Blossom again. With Bubbles still partying with the fake Whitney Houston song, who could stop them from getting into another fight?
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Discount Jojo, of course. Actually, I joke about calling him Discount Jojo because his character is often a downgrade from what I remember from the original, but this is one of his better appearances. Discount Jojo ends up teaming up with the Powerpuff Girls because he had dibs on taking over Townsville, and this "Jem-Moo-Moo" lady is getting in the way. It's a case of Forced Kin, and that's not a complaint at all.
We do get a scene where they plan a huge strategy against them with tiny little rocks. I think they could have thrown a joke or two in here, but I guess having a piece of cactus represent Jojo was good enough.
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Jemoire summons a bunch of rock minions, and the Powerpuff Girls end up being in a big fight scene against them. I honestly don't have a lot of bad things to say about this scene. One can tell this is one of those scenes where they put a little more money into it than usual. There’s even a nice use of CGI, which I thought was a little beyond this show’s budget! It helps that, since these minions are made of rock, they have no problem showing the Powerpuff Girls punching their arms, legs, and heads off with no hit flashes whatsoever. That's an anomaly in this reboot; sometimes you can't even show a soccer ball getting kicked!
This was all going to end with Discount Jojo firing his Deceleray at Jemoire. Unfortunately, due to all the clouds and the solar eclipse, he only has one shot. Even worse, the episode still has quite a few minutes to go before it ends, and they sure weren't going to end this with a four minute dance party to that fake Whitney Houston song!
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One of the rock minions is a giant robot, and Discount Jojo decides that this was too scary for him to keep aiming at the sorceress. He decides to press a giant bail button to launch himself out of his car, causing the car to drop the Deceleray. The Deceleray then shoots its only shot at a random bird. I said it was one of his better appearances; I did not say it was a good appearance.
Then again, maybe he had a reason to be scared, as the Reboot Puffs struggle to face off against it, too. Can anyone stop them, especially if it ends up to a payoff to a not-that-great running joke that ruined a previous scene?
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In comes the party train! Choo choo! Somehow, they fly from the sky and ram right into the giant rock monster that Jojo was so terrified by. The robot even pukes out of its eyes, or at least that's the first thought that popped into my mind when I watched it.
But, predictably, beating up a bunch of minions doesn't mean anything. As the previous season has shown, they can have scenes where some random nobodies, and immediately lead to the Monster Punch Girls Down as soon as anything potentially story-changing could happen.
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We got Poseidon, the Greek god of the seas and apparently a really good actor! With all of his might, he offers Jemoire some of his world-famous undersea creamed corn! That was a running gag with him in this episode. I don't believe you can grow corn under the sea, but I guess you can't prove Poseidon can't!
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Needless to say, Jemoire does not accept the offer, and manages to take him down with a lightning strike from a storm she summoned earlier in the scene. I wouldn't take this victory against a god too far; electric is super effective against water.
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I don’t even need to have a screenshot of Donny doing whatever he was going to do, because it’s a foregone conclusion that he can’t do much against this, either. The only time he’s ever in direct combat in the series was to run into a control board in a drunken-esque stupor.
They sure let this electrocution joke go for a long time, and this is something I usually complain about. However, considering how bad two of his previous episodes were, and the fact that the third episode was only okay despite him, this is a well deserved punishment for the Hell-Horn. He doesn't even deserve a consistent spelling of that.
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Finally, we get the Reboot Puffs, given a job that would be easier for them than the corn salesman and the Worst Friend Forever. They could fly in and punch that sorceress right in the face while she's busy electrocuting those two.
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Or, they can just get electrocuted, too. Funny how they don’t give anyone else any silly faces, but they’re not afraid to do this to our beloved classic characters. I will say that there is some comedic timing with this; the lightning strikes come up just as soon as they fly up. It's a rare good use of timing in this reboot, but way to make your super powerful characters that should inspire all those mothers and daughters look weaker than a wimpy unicorn.
All hope appears to be lost. Discount Jojo’s still around, but the Deceleray can’t get any power because of all the clouds and the moon covering up the sun. See, take that, you solar power loving hippies! Jojo clearly should have used something bad for the environment!
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Discount Jojo tries to do something else, but he gets twisted up by Jemoire's magic. Thankfully for everyone else, she decides to keep all of her attention on Discount Jojo to do this one thing. Lightning spells and/or spells to keep everyone else paralyzed are apparently far less taxing than telekinesis. Unfortunately for Jemoire, it was about time for the solar eclipse to end, causing the sun to shine on the Deceleray again. The Powerpuff Girls get the Deceleray, and zap her until she’s completely stationary. What happened to Donny and Poseidon? I don't know.
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We cut to The Mayor finishing the story about how he managed to come back from being turned into sand, which is sadly one of the more clever bits of the reboot. We also find out that everyone managed to survive their explosions, as we get a shot of all the villains that participated…except for Fuzzy and a few other characters. This is pretty much proof that they didn’t put a lot of thought in the classic villains’ appearance in this earlier in the episode.
Discount Jojo shows up to attempt to take over Townsville now that Jemoire is nowhere to be seen, but considering he still has injuries from being bent out of shape, his low chances of actually taking over Townsville are even lower here. The Reboot Puffs don’t even have to punch him; he just falls over just by himself. Again, this is something I could see the real Mojo doing. The trying to take over Townsville after getting injured part, not the falling over. The episode ends with the Powerpuff Girls going out for ice cream. No, that isn't my usual "eat ice cream" gag, that's actually what they did.
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And right after that quip, we see Jemoire still making the same stance she had when she was frozen by the Deceleray, as ominous music plays and the shot slowly fades out. We still have a half a season left before we can assume this is yet another cliffhanger that will never be resolved.
Does the title fit?
An eclipse does factor into the plot. As mentioned before, they never really call it a "go-kart race" or anything of the sort; all of the vehicles seem like regular cars or just weird gimmicky stuff like that log.
How does it stack up?
The first half of the episode is a pretty mediocre Wacky Races parody. It's cool to see all the villains together, and unlike the last time this has happened in Tiara Trouble, you at least get to see some personality beyond "let's just put them in a dress!"
The episode gets a lot better once we get into the second part of the episode, though I'm still not convinced the twist wasn't something pulled out of thin air. However, there were some good ideas here, and the fight scene against the rock minions is surprisingly good by reboot standards. All in all, it's an upper-tier Neutral that still shows some potential.
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Next, we take the long skate home. Take the long skate home.
← Ragnarock and Roll ☆ The Long Skate Home →
What? I didn’t forget anything! That’s it, I’m done for this week. If I didn't get a cold a few days before this review was posted, I might have had some time to review The Long Skate Home and had a double feature to make up for my absence last week, but when it comes to sickness, sleep is better.
Wait, that's not what you want me to talk about?
Alright, fine, I'll talk about that cameo that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and didn't need to happen.
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Almost as soon as the race begins, the Powerpuff Girls notice these three boys that look so much like them. They recognize them as the Rowdyruff Boys, as they say their names in unison. These boys were incredibly popular villains in the original, but they haven't made a single appearance in the reboot beyond false rumors of them returning with Vine superstars voicing them.
They had fansites, and even to this day, there’s tons of fanfiction and fanart depicting them as being lovey-dovey with the Powerpuff Girls. So how does the reboot reintroduce these beloved characters from the original? Clearly, they must have put some thought into that; look at those cute little helmets they gave them! It would be perfect for more cool toys! Cool beans!
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Well, as soon as the Reboot Puffs say their name, the Reboot Ruff's kart immediately gets rocketed and we never see them again. They don't even get a line, it's just rocket boom, boys down, womp womp. To be honest, considering this reboot's general track record with characters returning from the original, I am a little relieved that this is their only appearance in the reboot.
Their appearance was completely inconsequential to the plot, and would only lead to confusion to people who are not familiar with them. In fact, I question why they even bothered to include them. Sure, this is a battle royale with a bunch of villains from previous episodes, but it's not like they included absolutely everyone. Is it a tribute? Is it a jab? Or maybe this is just a tease for a future appearance by them in Season 4. Ha, ha, ha.
← Ragnarock and Roll ☆ The Long Skate Home →
9 notes · View notes
fly-pow-bye · 7 years ago
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Not So Secret Service”
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Written by: Jake Goldman
Written & Storyboarded by: Kyle Neswald, Benjamin P. Carow
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
Not so great service, more like.
According to Cartoon Network US's website, this is the first episode of Season 3. However, it aired in other countries as a Season 2 episode. The confusion only starts here, because there's also Aliver and Never Been Blissed, both of which aired as Season 2 episodes over here and will be Season 3 episodes everywhere else. I am going with the US order, because the show is made in the US, I'm in the US, and I already reviewed both Aliver and Never Been Blissed.
And now, the delayed first review of a Season 3 episode, and it already starts off with some excitement, as the Powerpuff Girls are beating each other up!
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In a video game. The Powerpuff Girls are playing what is essentially a robot version of Mortal Kombat. The robots, under the command of a surprisingly bloodthristy Blossom and a not-so-surprisingly bloodthirsty Buttercup, continue to do Fatality moves on each other, the robots apparently reforming themselves after every one.
Buttercup: Prepare for the battle axe! (red one cuts the blue one open)
Blossom: Here comes the organ shredder! (blue one twin-saws the other one in half)
Bubbles: Send them home...in pieces! (red one turns into a bomb and blows up the whole screen)
The joke is that the Powerpuff Girls aren't normally like this.
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The Professor decides to be the responsible adult, and tells the girls to stop playing the game because it's too violent for them. He then leaves, deciding that doing anything to prevent these kids from being desensitized, like looking at that little letter on the box that tells you not to give this to your kids, is just too much for him. Blossom is confused by this, but not in a way I would think.
Blossom: Why does the Professor not want us to play it? It's not like it's going to make us violent in real life!
Perish the thought: the video game might inspire the Powerpuff Girls to actually be violent in this reboot! I take that back, I hope they continue playing! As soon as the hotline rings, they learn that Discount Jojo is in the Mayor's office. Apparently all hyped up on those non-age-appropriate robot fighting games, they decide to start the carnage!
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They break into the City Hall, and decide to punch first and ask questions later in a psychadelic slideshow beatdown. Before Buttercup can drop the Mayor's desk on him, the Mayor skateboards into the scene, totally not to save a few dollars on walk cycles, to tell Buttercup he called for the Powerpuff Girls to help Jojo.
Buttercup: Help him out of his misery? Okay!
Okay, that's a line from Samurai Jack, but what a missed opportunity. Instead, Buttercup gets to lament that she rarely gets to hit anyone with a desk. It turns out even the characters are sick and tired of the lack of actual fighting in the reboot.
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The Mayor explains that, despite being a supervillain, he's still technically a citizen of Townsville, and is therefore eligible for the Townsville's People's Protection Program, or "T Triple-P" for short. Because he's cool with the cool kids, you see?
With an old-timey film, the Mayor explains how it works: if someone is in trouble, a superhero will come to protect him or her. Apparently, superheroes always existed in Townsville, because this is all in Townsville's Constitution, along with a law that states that only real cowboys can dress in a cowboy outfit. My first guess was those Discount Jojo Cowboy jokes from Deb O'Nair was so bad, they needed a constitutional amendment to prevent them from happening again...
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...but it's just so Bubbles can decide that now is the time to put on a cowgirl outfit and act like a cowgirl for a decent chunk of the episode, complaining that everything she wants to do is illegal. It's a running gag that is completely forgotten halfway through the episode. It should have been forgotten when it came up, really.
What did Discount Jojo do to need this help?
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We go to a flashback, where Discount Jojo has created the ultimate super-weapon: a robot made out of a cardboard box and two giant machine guns that fire lasers. See, that's the difference between TV-Y7-FV and TV-14; this robot can have big machine guns, but as long as it fires lasers instead of bullets, it's A-OK!
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The robot learns who is Jojo's worst enemy, and it happens. The screen even shows a reference to the original Powerpuff Girls, the reboot assuming that anyone familiar with that show is still watching it. I wouldn't give that a high probability. The show decides that he needs some motivation to destroy the Powerpuff Girls, even though we didn't need one before. With this Box-Droid, he will win an Evil Award for Best Mad Scientist.
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Without it, he will lose to a man we have never heard or even seen before this episode, will not show up after this scene, and we’ll probably never see again. I would tell you his name, but there's no point. He tries to throw something at this picture, and it bounces right back in his face, causing him to call himself his own worst enemy. The robot took it literally, and that's how this situation happened.
The Powerpuff Girls are, of course, not big fans of this. They answer every excuse for them to not take care of Discount Jojo.
They bring up that Discount Jojo admitted that he wanted to murder his would-be saviors, but the Mayor simply doesn't care.
The Powerpuff Girls can't stop the robot, because the robot is apparently a master of disguise, leading to another running gag where the robot dresses up like an ordinary person, rather poorly, and asks around where Discount Jojo is. It's an attempt, to say the least.
How are they going to get Jojo past the Professor? For some reason, they decided to consider that an issue. Well, it gets solved in a very expected way for our good old Sitcom Dad...
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They dress him up as a cousin named Johann. The Professor buys it, because the plot wouldn't work otherwise. It's kind of a shame, really; it would have been somewhat interesting to see the Professor live with his former lab assistant, but...
Professor: Ooh, Peach Cobbler!
Said peach cobbler ends up taking him out of the entire episode. I guess they couldn't find anything else for the silly dad character to do. He doesn't even come back to resolve that all important "violent video games" plot; it just barely comes up again right at the end of the episode.
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This appears to be the setup of a good episode, and in the original, it was. There was an episode called Child Fearing, where Mojo Jojo ends up being the Powerpuff Girls' babysitter.
This reboot takes it in a different direction, because Discount J, er, Johann is the one that going to be annoying to the girls. Johann decides to take every advantage he can. Stealing a meatloaf patty from Buttercup, and immediately spitting it out because he only wanted the flavor. I swear they stole that joke from somewhere.
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He then decides he's tired, and decides to steal the Powerpuff Girls' bed...and Octi, too! He also screams in the middle of his sleep. This seems like something they just added to make him the most annoying person ever, but I could imagine he's dreaming about the times the Powerpuff Girls beat him up to a pulp. If only that was even implied.
The next morning, the Powerpuff Girls are exhausted. Johann makes them some of his famous pancakes! Buttercup wonders if they're poisoned, but she decides to try it anyway. In a surprising twist...
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...it was so good, we needed stock footage to show how amazing it was. He also fixes up Octi and cleans the curtains he dirtied up from before, winning Bubbles and Blossom's respect. See kids, let that villain who wants to kil, er, destroy you in your house; sure, he'll dirty up the place, be an awful snorer, and will steal your meatloaf and/or toys, but he'll make good pancakes! What a great lesson.
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After Johann shows his positive side, we immediately get a parody of sitcom openings. If it was done in a more superhero way, I can see how it could be clever, but it's just...it's the Powerpuff Girls and Discount Jojo, and there's a bear in one shot. Okay, there is one particular thing that reminds me of Discount Jojo's character: Johann puts on a princess costume! At least it’s not the only joke this time, but still, that’s a bad reminder of how his character used to be in this reboot.
It even ends with an exterior shot of the Powerpuff home with sitcom music, which is how they sometimes open real episodes of the reboot. This could have been the start of a huge parody of sitcoms if this was done near the beginning of the episode. Alas, they wasted all of that time on the useless Bubbles jokes.
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Johann immediately decides to leave the room and run away from the house and protection program. The very thought of becoming friends of his worst enemies is sickening to him. Compared to Princess's near face-turn, turning into a friend because he makes good waffles would be a major step down.
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He then encounters the robot, who, due to a visit to a library in his stints of trying to blend in with society, found out that "my own worst enemy" is just a figure of speech. After an evil genius-robot hug, Discount Jojo decides to finally destroy those Powerpuff Girls with this strong robot made of cardboard. Surprisingly, the Powerpuff Girls don't do their usual plan of just standing there waiting to get lasered, because there's less than a minute left!
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The Powerpuff Girls immediately eye-laser it. In fact, this is one of the same moves done in the video game, in the only real book end that plot had. An aesop about violent video games would seem hypocritical in a show where superheroic girls beat the stuffing out of people; it's kind of funny how violent video games actually helped out in the end!
In response to this, Discount Jojo has two different expressions at the same time. Clearly, an artistic way to show the duality of Discount Jojo’s feelings of the situation...and the fact that the people who animate the show have stopped caring.
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Amazingly enough, they then beat up Discount Jojo in another psychedelic slideshow beatdown. They even drop an entire desk on him, much to Buttercup's delight. That is one book end I do not mind. Too bad I had a lot to "mind" about this episode.
Does the title fit?
This is more Witness Protection Program than Secret Service. Also, it apparently is a secret, since they have to keep the Professor from knowing its Discount Jojo. Maybe it's "not-so" because it only seems to be an issue for about 25 seconds of the episode.
How does it stack up?
I could see why Cartoon Network US sat on this one. This episode can't decide what it wants to be. An anti-video game episode, a "silly monkey" episode, a "Jojo being terrible" episode, a "Jojo being good" episode, a sitcom parody, an action-packed episode, and, at best, any of those ideas are excuted poorly, and at worst, not at all. While this isn't the worst Discount Jojo episode, I just couldn't get into this.
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Next, the Fashionistas are back!
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fly-pow-bye · 7 years ago
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “The Trouble With Bubbles”
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Written by: Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Kyle Neswald, Benjamin P. Carow
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
The return of Coder Bubbles!
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The episode starts with the first time we actually got to see her code something. We saw the end result, but never the process. She is coding a small toy based on her famous Baby Bunny game she made in Viral Spiral, which she then prints on her pretty pretty 3D printer.
This does feel more like 3D modelling than coding, even if she appear to will this bunny into existence by...using a building block-type beginner's language? At least that would explain how this character who can't spell can code. Whatever the case may be, she is glad she has all of the time in the world to do so. Nothing can possibly go wrong!
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Enter the Professor, who wants her off the "computer box" so that she can do her homework. Yeah, the guy who made a simulation room and was able to make a sentient scheduling robot still calls computers "computer boxes". Can't have the Sitcom Dad's interests overlap with Bubbles' new interests, after all.
Blossom and Buttercup don't help at all, either. Blossom tells her to sign the thank you cards for people who read her thank you cards. Buttercup needs her to take care of a greased pig, because of reasons Blossom asks Buttercup for later in the episode. Needless to say, there's no answer, it's just random. She complains that she can't possibly do all of these things at once by herself. She gets an idea from this, and starts typing on her laptop.
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Sometime in the very next day, according to a night-and-day time passing shot, Blossom and Buttercup are watching a show on how to tell if your friend is either an alien, or was abducted by aliens. The writing is inconsistent, big shock, I know. According to this show, aliens and/or alien-abductees are super-organized, do everything on their to-do lists, and are able to vacuum the ceiling. No points to whoever can guess what this will lead to.
Bubbles comes into the room to show that she has finished her chores. She did her homework, and even cleaned the lab! She's going to leave to wash the Mayor's car. Blossom is glad to see that Bubbles is suddenly more organized, which raises the suspicion of Buttercup, starting the second act.
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But never mind that, we get some wacky Professor hijinks! He's going on a job interview, and he wants to look stylish in his loud, green, striped suit. He's confident that. He then moonwalks away, showing that he's got the style for this...job?
They never go into specifics on what job this is, and we never find out if he got the job or not. This subplot just ends with a later scene where the Professor makes an intentionally bad joke about style. We know this because the Professor laughs, there's a comedy drum roll, and Blossom and Buttercup just stare at him. If you want to know how to tell if it was meant to be funny, wait a few minutes.
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Throughout most of the first part of the episode, we focus on Blossom and Buttercup's point of view. It's up to the viewer to figure out what Bubbles did. That's actually a good idea.
Of course, they slowly realize something is not right. The biggest clue starts in this scene, where Bubbles shows off that she organized a bookshelf in order of color. This leads to Buttercup pointing this out, and a running gag where the on-screen text and narrator from that alien show shows a sign that she's an alien and/or an alien abductee.
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Then she starts shaking, and starts eating the books. This isn't too far-fetched for Reboot Bubbles, and the only reaction this gets is Buttercup still saying she's an alien. Blossom doesn't even get a line.
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We finally get a scene from Bubbles point of view, who is relaxing, having a pretend tea party with Octi. She says hello to a face familiar to her, only for that face to turn into a monster, turning into abstract art.
Blossom and Buttercup, Buttercup notices that Bubbles happens to be vacuuming the ceiling. Even Blossom starts wondering if the alien thing can be true, until Bubbles gets distracted by a kitten in the window, slamming her face into the window. Buttercup immediately realizes that she can't be an alien, because...I don't know. Aliens don't like cats?
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After that, Bubbles gets a call from the Mayor. Clearly, something must not be right; this is the reboot, the Mayor rarely calls them any more. They have to go to the Old Pancake Factory to fight the Breakfast Bandito. Another one of those wacky reboot-exclusive villains...or is it? They go in the building, only to find a giant pot of boiling batter and no bandito. Instead, we get some green lights and a very shadowy man.
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It’s Silico, in a shocking twist so surprising that Buttercup outright says there was no way anyone could have saw this coming. There is no build up to this.
The Powerpuff Girls get ready to fight the most serious villain in the whole show, until Blossom gets eye-lasered in the back. Buttercup wonders what's going on, until Bubbles punches Buttercup in the face.
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Turning her into whatever this is. Is "shocking twist reveal" really the best time for funny face jokes? I wouldn't say that.
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Right after this, Buttercup is shocked that Bubbles would punch her own sister in the face, and asks Bubbles why she did that in a way reminescent of the two frame animation joke from Sister Sitter. Either the animators are starting to revolt against this reboot, or, more likely, the reboot decided to make a funny in a scene that didn't need it.
Before Silico can pass this off as Bubbles doing a heel turn for no reason, another Bubbles shows up to punch this Bubbles in the face in the exact same way. Blossom asks Bubbles what really happened, and Bubbles tells it in a very unique way...
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...finger puppets! I'll be honest: I have no problem with this presentation. It's reminds me of The Bare Facts, and unlike the other time they tried to emulate that, it's actually not a waste of time. As for the backstory, we're just going to expand our disbelief that the girl who can't spell can not only code well, but also be able to code and 3D print a very accurate clone of herself.
This clone is named Dubbles, clever, and she was made to do all the chores. In other words, it's like those cloning machine episodes, but the reboot managed to do it in a different way than most of them. Silico just happened to know that she did this, and hacked into Bubbles' clone to make her evil. Silico is just that good, I guess; he even knew the Reboot Puff's biggest weakness: ordinary rope! It might as well be canon.
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This fight scene between Dubbles and Bubbles continues as a psychadelic slideshow, only for it to pause so Buttercup can make this joke:
Buttercup: Talk about your sibling rivalries.
I usually don't talk about this show's voice acting unless it's really egregious, but I feel like this line read is missing some emphasis on the "your". I think they were trying to reference how Buttercup and Blossom fight with each other in this episode, in the whole reboot, and in the original show. How do I know it's even a joke? Well, remember when I said wait a few minutes?
Blossom: Nice. (fist bump)
There's a time for humor and a time to get serious. I should know this because there's two seperate episodes that tried to teach me this lesson. Dubbles eventually sheds her skin and reveals she now has stretchy arms thanks to Silico's improvements, grabbing the Puffs and threatening to make them a part of a balanced breakfast in the batter. At least it's a super robot grabbing them for this weekly damsel in distress situation; no ordinary rope here.
I will admit that I highlighted the worst scenes. I do like the "which one do I shoot with my eye lasers" gag, though they don't get into it that much. They get saved when a kitty cat suddenly pops into the window, and both Bubbles and Dubbles slam their faces against the window. They gave that scene a point. I guess this makes her become good again, too? They don't have time to elaborate on that.
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Silico not amused, he reveals that he made some other adjustments other than stretchy arms and the evil: a self-destruct button! Bubbles' new friend is about to die in a blazing death, let's see how she reacts!
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Bubbles: Oh no! Silico turned her into a bomb!
Let it be a hint that the reaction to this scene is Bubbles growing buckteeth, shrinking her eyes, and shouting that Dubbles has become a bomb with about two frames of animation. They can't take it seriously, neither can I.
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Dubbles grabs Silico with her stretchy arms, and she self-destructs in an act of sacrifice. We get a slow-motion leaping away from explosion gag. It's not until now that I realize this episode has quite a few similarities to Twisted Sister. Both involve a Puff creating a new Powerpuff Girl in order to solve being overworked, and both have the girl die at the end.
There is a massive difference in tone. In this episode, the slow motion seems to only exist to parody movies, and the episode nearly ends with the Reboot Puffs talking about pancakes and how Silico couldn't have survived that one. Dubbles dying doesn't even cross their mind; it's as if they didn't want the audience to feel sad.
This episode ends with a interesting cliffhanger. Judging by this reboot's track record, it may never be resolved. However, I do have a theory which might have explained the Professor scene, too. I don't usually do spoiler corners any more, but mouse over my rating.
Does the title fit?
Bubbles technically doesn't cause the trouble in this episode; it was all Silico's fault. She is a troublesome character in the meta sense, though.
How does it stack up?
They had some good ideas, especially with how cliched "cloning machine" episodes tend to be, but, much like Bubbles' clone, this episode has some issues. The whole second part has a lack of focus, and the ending, not the cliffhanger, feels rushed. As it stands, it's an episode that teeters between Happy and Neutral, and it slightly missed for me. A very high Neutral.
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This is the last episode of PPG 2016 for the year. There were some bad times, there were some okay times, and the bad times weren’t nearly as bad as the worst times with one exception. Here's to the new year, where everyone's favorite new character returns.
← You’re A Good Man, Mojo Jojo ☆ Never Been Blissed →
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fly-pow-bye · 8 years ago
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Imagine That”
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Written by: Jake Goldman
Written & Storyboarded by: Kyle Neswald, Benjamin P. Carow
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
Power-Noia MIN ~Crappy Mix~
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The episode starts with a candy train in a candy-themed world, conducted by Bubbles and her Scottish bagpipe-horse friend, Bagstripes, who acts as the train's horn. Definitely not in the City of Townsville, but in the City of Bubbles' own mind. Can you believe this is a mind of a coder? It's just so wacky!
In this world of nonsense, Bagstripes tells Bubbles that there’s trouble in Milkshake Junction. Queen Shmallow, a rather large marshmallow queen, shows up, constantly snorts, and does a raspberry just so we can have a fart joke. Is this supposed to be their parody of Princess Bubblegum?
The big trouble Bubbles has to fix? The milkshakes aren’t shaking! Get it, because milk “shakes”. I don't have a drum set handy to do the "ba dum tsh", but I can imagine it.
Bubbles: This looks like a job for...the train conductooor!
See, Bubbles’ imagination knows no bounds with such a creative title like “train conductor”. They might be going for “train of thought”, because this whole episode is about imagination, but I am going with a lack of creativity here. Bubbles knows how to get these milkshakes a-shaking. Thankfully, it’s not by showing them how. I got worried for a second, mostly because this whole scene reminds me of Painbow.
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Instead, she turns her head into a boombox with the help of her magic hat! She gathers around all of the dust bunnies to do a Dust Bunny Disco. Yeah, her candy world is full of dust bunnies, too, because imagination. They already did a dust bunny joke in Memory Lane of Pain which was far more fitting; is this supposed to be a reference to that?
What do dust bunnies have to do with candy? How does a life of superheroics inspire a dream like this? Worst of all, why is not one of these guys voiced by Dana Snyder? I wouldn't blame him if he didn't want to be in this, but Master Shake would have distracted me from all of these questions!
She swings around one of the milkshakes, and all I’m doing is waiting for someone to start yelling “Bubbles” so this dream sequence can end.
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That is indeed what happens, as this is all just a daydream by Bubbles, and she was actually swinging around Buttercup. She flings her right into a show and tell, where Blossom is showing off an ant farm filled with dangerous fire ants. Is it just me, or is this class nothing but show and tell? Buttercup gets flinged into the glass, and the fire ant farm falls on them, covering them with fire ants, sand, and, presumably, broken glass.
How do the rest of the students react to this? By laughing at them, of course. I must say, the Powerpuff Girls aren't making a lot of friends at this school; they call them babies, and they have no hesitation to laugh at them when they get covered with broken glass. The fire ants eventually catch up to the rest of the class, including Ms. Keane. She orders the girls to go to the Principal's office. Yes, even the two that were victims of Bubbles' imagination get in trouble, too. How dare they become victims!
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On the plus side, we'll finally get to see Principal Jennings! Maybe we’ll even get to see Miss Boyle, too. Finally, some new characters that would give some world-building, or at least some school-building. That above image is the only proof that the school even has a name as of this episode; that's how desperate this poor school needs something like this.
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That school-building will have to wait, but we do get to see that mysterious student from Secret Swapper of Doom again, commenting on how Bubbles has such an imagination. His big twist in that episode was that he was actually Him in disguise. This episode doesn't even try to hide it, as he instantly turns into Him after the Powerpuff Girls walk away. They didn't really hide it in Secret Swapper of Doom, either.
There is one other point to his appearance other than to explain how Him knows the problem of the episode, and that he's planning something evil. We finally get to learn Him's student form's name: Harvey. Like Harvey Comics? One of their characters was Hot Stuff the Little Devil.
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At the Powerpuff house, Bubbles explains why she did something that would endanger Blossom, Bubbles, and all of those jerks in the classroom, and give them all detention. Yes, even Blossom and Buttercup get punished for their heinous crime of being thrown into glass! I do get that they had to find a reason for Blossom and Buttercup to get angry at Bubbles, such as undeserved detention, but I would say having to go to the school nurse to treat those wounds would be good enough. Yes, this reboot does make me believe these superheroes would be wounded.
But Bubbles can't help it, she has an overactive imagination! Buttercup tells her to shut it down while saying whatever this is:
Buttercup: Overactive! It couldn’t be more active if it was a Labrador on a bicycle chasing squirrels made of bacon!
This random word blender humor is very fitting for the kind of humor that is spread throughout this episode. If that’s not the humor one is looking for, they might as well turn the TV off now. Most people did when the theme song started.
Blossom tells Buttercup to go to bed, so they can be angry at Bubbles in the morning. While the Powerpuff Girls go to sleep, Him shows up, turns into mist, and invades their room. They must have been really afraid that viewers might not have gotten that Him is going to do something bad!
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Bubbles wakes up, and finds that the bed has been transported to Milkshake Junction. Blossom and Buttercup wake up too, and wonder if they're dreaming. Buttercup tests this out by punching Blossom in the face. It's supposed to be funny, because you're supposed to be pinched, but Buttercup would rather be violent! Bubbles is super excited to be in her world of milkshakes. It's all about the power of her imagination!
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Or imagjinashuln(tm), as she spells it. She can talk to animals, which has been shown to include at least one other human language in the original, but she can’t spell. The joke is that the blonde one is a maroon, don’t you know! It's weird to think she's into a profession where misspelling words leads to serious errors!
The opening sequence was enough of this random land of milkshakes and dust for anyone to stand, and it seems that even the episode itself agrees. Immediately after the imagjinashuln™ joke, Him pops out from one of the milkshake’s straws and steals Bubbles’ magical hat. Forgot to animate said magical hat? Don’t worry, it just magically appears right before it gets stolen! Nobody will notice.
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Using the magical imagination hat, he turns Milkshake Junction into a hellscape. The dust bunnies, originally just a kind and out-of-place decoration, now have fangs and apparently have a taste for sugar, spice, and everything nice!
As an aside, thoughout this episode, I felt something off about Him. It's not his actions, as this is a very poor man's version of Power-Noia. It wasn't until I rewatched this episode that I realized that Him doesn't have his echoey voice filter throughout this entire episode. Sure, you can still tell it's Him's voice, but that filter gave it the otherworldly quality it had. That's how little they cared, and I probably shouldn't.
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Speaking of voices that don't sound right, the lack of imagination turns Bubbles into a monochrome version of herself who can only speak in monotone. Sounds like a Raven impression; so good to know not even Tara Strong's other roles are safe from this reboot.
Buttercup flies in to stop Him, only to get bounced back by an evil Queen Shmallow. Buttercup says they should never speak of this, as if this was any more embarrassing than all the other Monster Punch Girls Down scenes. Then Blossom eye lasers Shmallow, which makes her fly away into another Spongebob Squarepants explosion gag. After Blossom makes a s'mores pun, which comes with, big surprise, a fist bump, they get surrounded by dust bunnies led by a now evil Bagstripes!
The Powerpuff Girls fly for their lives, as they are chased by the now evil dust bunnies. It would be an easy assumption to believe that dying in a Him dream would lead to their death in the waking world. Blossom finds a door to a supply closet that just happened to be there, which leads to them falling into a dark crater. They try to ask Bubbles to imagine something, but of course, she doesn’t have her imagination. It’s up to Blossom and Buttercup to realize this power of imagination.
Buttercup: What could be do, imagine a flying hamburger turtle to give us sagely advice?
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As soon as Buttercup says that, a flying hamburger turtle appears! So good to know that not even Craig McCracken’s other cartoons are safe from this reboot. Blossom congratulates Buttercup on giving them a great idea, and we cut back to Buttercup eating that turtle. Because Buttercup is a rascal that will happily eat sentient creatures.
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Speaking of which, Him is sitting on his throne, sucking one of the milkshakes dry. What do you know, Reboot Buttercup and the Devil are pretty similar! Really, I don't need to make any more commentary on this, as that scene speaks for itself. This sucking, of the milkshake kind and not the reboot's usual kind, gets interrupted by a flash of imagination light.
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Blossom pops out of the ground as the Office Valkyrie, with a “pen is mightier than the sword” sword and some ruler wings! You'd think the math queen/mathlete should be the one handling rulers, but instead, Buttercup is the Laser Eagle. She's an eagle who has lasers. Doesn't she already have laser eyes? I think they used all of their creativity points on Blossom.
Him: Oh caaandy critters...get them.
Yeah, there's this weird hidden joke where they keep using the word "get" where the word "destroy" would have been less awkward. This is seen earlier in the episode, too.
Buttercup: Why is everything trying to get us?!
Maybe they were going to say "kill", were told not to use that word, and didn't want to reanimate the lip movements. Blossom and Buttercup easily take care of the dust bunnies, and they have to face off against two of Bubbles' imaginary friends. Evil Bagstripes does a dance, using his pipes as swords, and Blossom just throws her pen at him, causing him to deflate. Indiana Jones may or may not be pleased.
Bubbles: Good job, he was always my least favorite.
Then why did you imagine him? As for Buttercup, she faces off against Evil Queen Shmallow again. This match lasts an even shorter time, as Queen Shmallow just gets lasered in half, because apparently Laser Eagle's lasers are stronger than Blossom's, and Bubbles just goes "you sure got her". Again, I think they used all of their creativity points on Blossom.
While his candy critters went down without much of a fight, there's still Him himself. Using his imagination train conductor hat, he turns into a train! It's here that I realize that this is the first reboot Him episode that doesn't involve an evil item. That's good. In this episode, even Buttercup says this train form is cool looking; essentially a verbal form of the fistbump joke. That's bad.
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They repeat the same “punch punch uh-oh“ scene they did with Silico with a more fitting villain, as Him files the Office Valkyrie "under "P" for pathetic", which is an okay joke. The Laser Eagle goes down pretty easily, too, as the Him train reflects the lasers back at her. The Puffs defenseless, Him gets ready to "get" them, but what happened to Bubbles?
It turns out, this whole thing was just a distraction, as monotone Bubbles steals the imagination cap, and explodes in a boom of creativity. Blossom and Buttercup wonder where Bubbles, and she comes out in the most creative way she can muster...
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...by ripping off the Teletubbies! For an episode that’s supposed to be a tribute to being creative, they sure are making some un-imaginary friends out of themselves. Without the hat, Him no longer has control over Bubbles' world, and is just a simple little devil now. Like Hot Stuff!
Of course, being the sun isn't the only thing Bubbles is going to do. She's also going to imagine a creative way to defeat Him: more milkshakes! They're going to do it for Joey. Not Big Joey, not Joey the Camp Director, but Joey the Sucked Milkshake From A Minute Ago. We even get to see him on a hospital bed.
Joey The Sucked Milkshake From A Minute Ago Go...get...him...guys...
Yeah, more of that getting! I will give this episode some credit: it’s only implied that the ultimate evil the Powerpuff Girls have and will ever face could be taken down by a bunch of anthropomorphic milkshakes. He leaves before the milkshakes could even "get" him. They're disappointed that they couldn't avenge their fallen friend.
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And we cut to Joey flatlining in vain. And that's how the dream ends: with a reminder of death and disappointment. Who said the reboot can't be dark? Not funny, but that's kind of a given at this point.
The Powerpuff Girls wake up, and wonder if it was all a dream, even though it was already shown that it was, indeed, a Him plot. At least Bubbles got to save the day this time, something the reboot has dedicated an entire episode to showing that she never does. However, it's in a surreal dream world she had absolute control over, so it's not much of an accomplishment.
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We get the weekly apology scene, with them saying sorry that they doubted the beauty of a great imagination. Bubbles is sorry too, for letting her imagination get the best of her. Hopefully, she won’t try to throw her friends that can’t survive broken glass, if she even has any. Her only friends seems to either imaginary or Donny the Hell-Horn, and the latter is happy to dump her for someone cooler.
The episode ends with them playing, pretending they’re the personas they used in the dream world. Even on non-rainy days, the Powerpuff Girls seem to have time to pretend to be superheroes. Episode end.
Does the title fit?
It's about imagination, and imagination saved the day. Buttercup even directly quotes the title in this episode.
How does it stack up?
I tried to imagine the positives of this episode, but I think monochrome Bubbles has the right idea.
Bubbles: Okay. I'll try. (pause) I got nuttin'.
Joking aside, it's finally cool to see Him do something other than hand a weird mysterious item that turns out to be evil. The Powerpuff Girls do indeed get the villain to the point where he has to escape, something that this reboot does rarely. Is that even a positive?
This episode is about how you shouldn't be afraid to use your imagination, written by people who are afraid to use their imaginations. Considering Painbow, that may be a positive, but what does this episode have? The humor is just random, with no real wit to be found.
As it stands, I'd rather not imagine this episode. Not a terrible moral, but I wasn't a fan.
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Next for PPG 2016, Jared freakin' Shapiro. Man, I really need to think of something else to prepare for that one. All I can say is that life is like a hurricane.
← Spider Sense ☆ Phantasm Chasm →
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fly-pow-bye · 7 years ago
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Power of Four” (Parts 3-5)
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Written by: Jake Goldman, Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Kyle Neswald, Benjamin P. Carow, Julia Vickerman, Cheyenne Curtis, Alicia Chan, Grace Craft (sic), Jaydeep Hasrajani, Leticia Abreu Silva
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
Sorry for the wait, everyone!
Part 3 - Blisster Sister
Written & Storyboarded by: Julia Vickerman, Cheyenne Curtis
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Despite having superpowers, she doesn't even know if she can be a Powerpuff Girl, but the Powerpuff Girls insist that it's "in her blood". Their first priority is not seeing if she could stop a crime, but some "new superhero threads". Because that's what the reboot Puffs are all about, putting on new costumes for the toyline to show how fashionable they are!
She first comes out in a business suit, much to the joy of Blossom, but the other two don't really care for it. She tries on a cutesy costume and a slasher villain costume, appealing to Bubbles and Buttercup respectively, but they still say no. She also picks up a costume that's clearly meant to be a Wonder Woman reference, but the Powerpuff Girls immediately shoot it down because, in Buttercup's words:
Buttercup: Where's the rest of it?
Blossom: PASS!
Not that I would want Bliss in Wonder Woman's costume, but it's really telling that the first joke the writers think about with Wonder Woman is how skimpy her clothing is. It just feels wrong, especially after that amazing movie that inspired girls far more than this show did. Not to mention that whole scene in Equal Fights. She tries on a few other costumes, some of them parodies of other superheroes, one of them a pear because random, and most of them unseen because they ran out of ideas.
They eventually decide on a costume that looked just like what she wore before. "Always a classic", says Blossom, unintentionally telling people that they really were afraid to stray too far from the original when it comes to the looks. Blossom does add one thing to the costume: her old headband she lost when she was a kid, which still fits her because, as said previously, she didn't age from the waist up.
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This gets interrupted by the Gnat, a reboot villain I particularly liked in his first episode, mostly because of how mediocre at best everything else in that episode was. We even get to hear his origin story, and the Powerpuff Girls lost the ability to fast forward through origin stories in this part. The Powerpuff Girls can't skip the Gnat's origin story, but Reboot Jojo is fair game! At least we get an explanation on why he doesn’t look like an ordinary gnat: he was bit by a radioactive middle-aged man, gaining his strength! Not even Marvel is safe.
The guy is basically the Amoeba Boys, except instead of being an incompetent villain, he's more of a troll. He even kind of looks like one, which makes me wonder if he was meant to be a trollface reference at one point. Blossom tells Bliss this is the perfect opportunity to show off her crime-fighting skills, as the Gnat is easy.
Unfortunately, thanks to conflicting advice from each Powerpuff Girl and her getting stuck on the one-liner, all she does is another emotional explosion, wrecking the clothing store, but not the Gnat. The Gnat gloats until Blossom punches him through a wall. A rare scene of a non-Bliss Powerpuff Girl beating a villain easily in this episode.
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Bubbles suggests that this is all due to "stage fright", and recommends relaxing on some swan boats to treat her anxiety. Blossom and Buttercup give their own ideas, a tax book, because that's relatable, and heavy metal, because Buttercup's the rascally little green princess, and they start arguing again. This almost leads to another explosion, but the Gnat shows up just in time for Round 2. This is just the same scene as before, except this time, it's the Gnat's trolling that causes her powers to go haywire.
Buttercup does her own idea to relax Bliss: a demolition derby! Buttercup's reasoning is that she can blow stuff up, and nobody would care. The problem is that Bliss cares and doesn't want to blow stuff up, so Blossom gives her a simple task: divvy up the chili dogs. Unfortunately, they get into another argument over who gets the one with the most chili.
Buttercup: Don't give Bubbles that one! She gets gassy!
Yup, they really are trying to make "Bubbles is the farty one" a thing. Thankfully, there's no Bubbles fart joke this time. This argument causes her to make the chili dogs explode. They're not really that consistent with it. You may notice a pattern, and you'll be right in guessing that the Gnat shows up here, too. This time, in a giant robot suit! The three try to fight the Gnat, while Bliss goes away to get chili dogs and mope about how she'll never be a superhero.
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As she's moping, a flaming tire almost goes towards the chili dog stand, and it suddenly stops in its tracks. This gives her an epiphany: all she had to do to control her powers is to not think about it too hard. She's just that powerful; all she needed to do is not try.
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Meanwhile, the Powerpuff Girls are, surprise, aren't doing too well against the Gnat's giant robot. He even traps them in a sticky fly trap, a reference to his origin story. This episode has a habit of reminding me of classic episodes involving new superheroes, whether it be Powerprof's 3D movie gag, or Stray Bullet's sticky fly trap!
Before he can use his giant fly swatter to swat the bug eyed freaks, Bliss shows up and saves her sisters by making the Gnat hit himself. So far, she has saved the ultra-super-powerful superheroes twice, once by just the majesty of her appearance, and the other just after she found out how to control her powers.
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It's a a very by-the-numbers part, and just wasn't interesting to me. After a part that was shockingly decent, and a part with silly and terrible retcons, we get an episode that’s repetitive and predictable.
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Well, okay, maybe not every scene is predictable. The part ends with Mee, as the closed captions spell his name, looking ominously at the camera. He then farts, because even in the special, we have to have needless fart jokes. It’s funny low little this elephant even comes up in the first three parts. Almost like they’re building him up to be the...elephant in the room? Eh? Eh?
Part 4 - Breaking Bliss
Written & Storyboarded by: Jaydeep Hasrajani, Leticia Abreu Silva
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We suddenly cut to the result of a Monster Punch Girls Down on the Powerpuff Girls by Tyranosaurus Tex, a cowboy dinosaur. This feels very abrupt if you don't know this was the 4th part; they really needed a fade-out or something. Thankfully for those poor little ultra-super-powerful heroes, Bliss comes in to save the day with her telekinesis and her 60's Batman hit flashes. Glad to say her telekinesis isn't used as an excuse to have her not punch.
This randomness all turns out to be simulation from the simulation room from Bubblevicious, which is proof that they must have watched some of the original. Hey, maybe the Powerpuff Girls were intentionally struggling to test Bliss's abilities. Yeah, that's gotta be it! While her not-overpowered powers not-overpowered every simulation, the Professor still can't trust her to fight crime, and disallows her from participating when the girls get the emergency signal on their phones. Finally, some sort of explanation: it's actually an emergency signal.
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While the Powerpuff Girls go out to fight the crime, Bliss stays in the Powerpuff Girls' room. Even Buttercup questions how it became hers. She plays Cattleship with her pet friend Mee. Four parts in, and we finally get to see Mee in a major scene. He starts off by just say "mee mee mee mee mee mee", but Bliss tells him to talk normally. Well, at least it's good to know she can't speak animal. However, much like almost every other animal in the show, Mee can actually talk.
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Not just that, he can transform, too, as seen here as he mocks the Professor for not allowing her to fight crime. So, not only does this special newcomer to the series not just have a pet elephant, but have a magical transforming talking pet elephant. I would talk about this more, but there's actually a reason for this. Surprisingly, it will be satisfying.
The Powerpuff Girls come back after successfully beating up someone named Chipmunk Commando. I assumed this was going to be another offscreen random villain like the "plate smashing ninjas" I forgot to mention in Part 1, but we'll see him later. Bliss is still sad that she couldn't join in and make the Powerpuff Girls completely useless, but Buttercup tells Bliss that the Professor usually gets over things like this at dinner time.
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He doesn't. In fact, he doesn't even want her to go to school, telling her to learn from a Fischer Price See N Say parody. Such a great father, he only does this so Bliss can have a reason to hate him. This also avoids the question on whether or not she would go to that unnamed school the Powerpuff Girls go to. It is a school without grades, apparently!
As the Powerpuff Girls try to comfort her when she cries in her room about how much she hates that her Dad doesn't trust her, the emergency signal goes off again. Because there's no way the Professor would allow it, they decide to let Bliss sneak out with them, just so they show that she could fight crime. I do like how she makes an extra hole in the house, as if they're saying she's the fourth wheel of the tricycle.
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As mentioned before, it's Chipmunk Commando, and we get to see him in action. The name suggests a certain Austrian Death Machine, but he seems to have some sort of Australian gimmick, as if they mixed up the two countries. He references shrimp-on-the-barbies, he calls someone a kookabura, and Bubbles even uses a kangaroo aura to try to attack him. Chipmunks aren't even native to Australia, or even Austria for that matter. Random!
Notice I said "try". Despite being able to defeat him before without Bliss, when Bliss is around, the Powerpuff Girls get destroyed by the chipmunk with his ability to make everything else slow-motion. It's almost like they're forcing a situation where Bliss would have to help them again. Yeah, we can't have any scene where the Powerpuff Girls can defeat anything more than a gnat without a robot suit. That would be too insulting for our marvelous little girl!
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Of course, he suddenly forgets that ability when Bliss starts throwing garbage at him with her telekinesis like she's Darth Vader. Defeated easily by the not-overpowered new sister, he tries to tap out, but she continues the carnage. She even throws a barrage of energy balls out of her hands. I'd talk about all these "special powers" she has that the other girls don't have, but she is made of a different chemical. This could be the Chemical W version of the eye lasers. The Powerpuff Girls don't use eye lasers in this episode either, so it's anyone's guess.
While that's unclear, she makes it pretty clear why she's going overkill with this chipmunk.
Bliss: This is everything the Professor wanted, but that's not enough! I'll (blast) show (blast) you (blast) what (blast) I (blast) can't (blast) DO! (readies big fireball)
She has so many of those certain issues, she didn't even call him Dad this time! As she gets ready to vaporize him with a huge fireball, the Powerpuff Girls try to stop her. They fly right into the energy ball, and the Powerpuff Girls get hurt.
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The Professor rushes to the scene, just magically knowing the Powerpuff Girls were there, and assumes correctly that it was Bliss's fault. Unfortunately
Professor: You'll never control your powers!
Bliss: Never?
Professor: No, no, not like that...
That loving father figure finally decides to backtrack from his statements, possibly realizing he's doing more harm than good, but it's too late. Not helping is that Mee, who happened to be brought with them, decides now is the time to not be shy and begins to talk to Bliss in front of them. The Powerpuff Girls are shocked that an animal can talk.
Buttercup: Wow! Just like the dog from the baked bean commercials!
Huh, I guess their Bush's Baked Beans endorsement didn't go through. Mee even turns into a butterfly, sort of like what a certain villain turned into in the original's All Chalked Up. It's here that I had a inkling of what this elephant's twist is. Even with that one scene of him looking menacingly in the camera, I didn't really know what was going on.
Among a few other lies, Mee tells her that she really wants to be the only Powerpuff Girl, which is the only time that is even brought up. With the main trio's on-screen record of getting destroyed by trains, gnats, and squirrels, Bliss may as well be the only ultra-super-powerful superheroine here. It gets slightly better for the main three. Slightly.
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Mee then turns into a snake, and now it's really obvious what this is going to be. I'm actually really shocked; I didn't think they would outright reference the most well known "deal with the you-know-who" ever. Oh yeah, notice every time I said Mee's name, I said that's what the closed captions say? It turns out, they have been misspelling the transforming stretchy elephant’s name the whole time, because the actual spelling is Mih.
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As in Him backwards, as he turns into his usual form. To be fair, you couldn't make a name like Licosi out of a three letter name. By the way, Him sure likes to play the long game, does he? Him has been doing this "act like the elephant friend" thing for at least 10 years. He probably had to do this while he was juggling around being the guitar shop guy and Harvey from school.
Him offers her the chance to get what she wants, all she has to do is take his hand. Bliss finally gets a flaw in her character besides "she's so powerful, but she causes issues": she immediately trusts Him. She decides to shake one of his claws, and they both get covered with red spirals, her headband gets broken in a symbolic way, and they explode into a Him/Bliss fusion.
HimBliss: Now the real fun begins! Hahahahahahaha!
That's a really great way to end the part. Instead of ending it there, they have the Professor telling her, "well, someone's grounded". This takes away a little bit of the weight. Not only is it not necessary, he never follows through with that. She really must be the Professor's favorite.
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There was quite a bit of inconsistency for me to give this a Happy, but that last reveal was actually decent. Once that commercial break hit, I had to know what came next. We finally get to see Him terrorize the city rather than be the evil item peddler, though the way he does it is a little odd, to say the least.
Part 5 - Blisstersweet Symphony
Written & Storyboarded by: Kyle Neswald, Benjamin P. Carow
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Breaking news from the somehow overly happy news crew: Him and Bliss have fused, and is now causing chaos. This is the only part that really does any kind of recap of the previous episodes events, which is a good idea.
It seems like every character tries to defeat this fusion to no avail. Bubbles tries to talk to Bliss, which leads to a decent scene where Bliss tries to burst through the fusion's chest, Blossom tries to just punch the fusion, Buttercup tries to use a tree, and even the Professor tries to use a ray meant to seperate fusions. None of this works, with the Professor getting turned into a See N Say as some sort of karmic retribution. Reboot Jojo shows up too, but he gets hit while doing an overly long monologue. Wow, that's really close to something Mojo Jojo would do!
And yeah, Him's whole idea of chaos consists of turning people into silly objects. It seems like more of a Discord thing, but it's still far better than the "strange item peddler" he was in previous episodes. It helps that he's doing this while Townsville is on fire, adding to how hopeless everything is. It does make me wonder: couldn't Him do this on his own? I guess he just needed some power from someone who totally isn't super-overpowered.
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One Bliss power Him does use for sure is her telekinesis, which, persumably combined with Him’s near infinite power, is used to rev up Saturn and turning its rings into a giant buzzsaw heading towards the Earth. Okay, that's a neat idea.
Their options limited, the girls decide to a plan they haven't done before. Something that was completely out of the question. Something dangerous. They really build this up as this forbidden thing to be only used as a last resort. It must be the Dyna...
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...oh, it's just another combined aura called the Mewtilator. Maybe it's for the best it wasn't the Dynamo, because it doesn't even last long. BlissHim smacks down the chipmunk riding a this thing shoots out, and grabs and immobilizes the aura with her hair. The only actions her massive hair did in this entire special was give the devil a place to rest, be used as a weapon, and to make her unrecognizable in silhouette.
Reboot Jojo shows up again, thankfully only getting into a Spongebob mushroom cloud rather than being transformed, with a spiked ball. Initially failing because he's just not as athletic, Bubbles has the idea to use the Mewtilator's tail to throw it at BlissHim's face. In other words, Bubbles saves Bliss with her butt.
No really, all they had to do to free Bliss is to throw a spiked ball at the fusion. Who would have guessed demonic possession had such an easy cure? Unfortunately, this happiness doesn't last, as it turns out Him is still alive. That's only the ordinary bad news.
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Him: What you've done is made more powerful than you can ever imagine!
Thanks to absorbing Bliss's power, that is something implied he could do later in the episode, he turned into a huge demon similar to his transformation in Speed Demon. He uses his newfound powers to turn the Mayor's office into a giant crying pickle baby! I guess he couldn't really top the Saturn thing.
Speaking of which, Saturn got close enough that it sawed through the Moon. The tides disappear, the Earth gets rained upon by the Moon's pieces, the seasons start changing rapidly, and the Earth comes to a demise much ahead of schedule. Way to go, Bliss!
Do the titles fit?
Nah, I'm just kidding, it's just a random scene that never comes up again, only to show how little time the girls have left to save the day. Even the Powerpuff Girls must have realized how useless they are at the almighty fourth sister, as they try to get Bliss to save the day herself. However, Bliss doesn't trust herself anymore, as she's just too unstable. Not like that other 4th Puff they forgot about. Again, she never gets mentioned.
The girls, knowing that she's kind of right, decide to do another plan. It's very anime, even one of the onlookers turn anime faced at it.
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Combining their auras with Bliss's power, they turn into the Mighty Powerpuff Sisterhood. I'm surprised to say: I have no problems with this fight scene. Him gets some shots in, the Sisterhood gets some shots in, they have a sword fight out of nowhere, it actually feels like an actual two-sided fight rather than the Monster Punch Girls Down that usually happens. It's the best fight scene in the entire reboot so far, though that's not much of an accomplishment.
Eventually, Him gets the upper hand by grabbing them, and threatens to absorb their power and possibly turn into a another fusion. We don't get to see this, as the Powerpuff Girls and Bliss join hands once again and free themselves with the power of sisterly love.
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A giant laser beam from the heart works, too. It even makes the ending hearts, referencing something they have not done in a long time. This disintegrates Him, and, consistent with the last time he got disintegrated, he takes it by laughing. and, of course, prove that fusion is just a way to make weak Puffs stronger. I'm sorry, I had to put that line somewhere.
This majesty is so good, that Saturn just stops in its tracks. We can assume the moon just magically reassembled itself, as it never seems to come up.
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Oh, of course Bliss has to be written out, as the writers can barely make plots for three Powerpuff Girls, never mind four it is her solemn duty to bring Saturn back to where it belongs. Forget lifting buildings full of people, this girl can move an entire planet nine times bigger than the Earth. A gas giant, but still.
Even Reboot Jojo is sad, with him even repeating the "I'm allergic to sad things" joke from the last episode. Most importantly, she hugs her Dad goodbye, who now accepts her as the fourth Powerpuff Girl...just when she has to leave.
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This is the most entertaining part of the five. The best Him appearance yet, and a fight scene that isn't one-sided!
Do the titles fit?
Power of Four - We do get to see the Power of Four at the end, though most of it is just "The Power of One because we decided to make the other three weak for most of the special."
Find Your Bliss - They don't really find Bliss, it's more like Bliss finding them.
Bliss Reminiscence - Most of the episode is a flashback.
Blisster Sister - The episode is all about Bliss's sisters trying to give her an identity.
Breaking Bliss - Bliss is at her lowest point here. Also, they were on something when they thought up the "23 chemicals" gag.
Blisstersweet Symphony - It's supposed to be a bittersweet ending, as Bliss has to disappear.
As a whole, how does it stack up?
Bliss is definitely overpowered and definitely feels like a "DeviantART OC", but they don't do a horrible job of balancing it with her inexperience. What I really didn't like is that the original three Reboot Puffs had very little chance to shine, as if them doing anything cool would take away from how special Bliss is.
It had a great beginning and ending, and a not so great middle. It all kind of balanced itself out into an "eh, I guess I can't say she's Chloe from The Fairly Oddparents." In fact, I actually wouldn't mind seeing Bliss again, as I didn't exactly hate her.
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Next, we go from beating up the devil to...something. I honestly wouldn't blame Cartoon Network for wanting an at least two week break between this and the next one.
← Power of Four (Parts 1-2) ☆ I’ll Be Bake & Bliss Unaware (shorts) →
10 notes · View notes
fly-pow-bye · 7 years ago
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Power Of Four (Parts 1-2)”
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Written by: Jake Goldman, Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Kyle Neswald, Benjamin P. Carow, Julia Vickerman, Cheyenne Curtis, Alicia Chan, Grace Craft (sic), Jaydeep Hasrajani, Leticia Abreu Silva
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
The first ratings stunt special! Might not be the only one.
(I know, I promised one review. I'll just say I really should have learned my lesson with the hour long DuckTales episode. Parts 3-5 will be up tomorrow.)
Before we start, some explanation about how I split this review up: While this episode aired as a 1.25 hour special in the US, this episode will air in at least one other country as five separate episodes, all with the word Bliss in the title. Cartoon Network's app has it both ways, just in case you want your pain piece-meal. Or is it pain? Let's just get this "bliss" over with.
Part 1 - Find Your Bliss
Written & Storyboarded by: Alicia Chan, Grace Kraft
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The special starts with Blossom and Buttercup accusing Bubbles of breaking an award and melting a Candle Man action figure, respectively. Bubbles says it's not her, it's Bliss, a teenager who can't control her emotions!
Blossom and Buttercup don't believe her, because, as a montage shows, she has a habit with making up imaginary friends. But there's no time to worry about Bubbles breaking random things thanks to her "imagination", they got a Space Tow Truck movie to go to! Basically, the writers think 6 year old girls would be into Star Trek. Before they can do that, the Professor tells them to do chores.
While Blossom and Buttercup are able to finish their chores easily, Bubbles can't help but be found with a bunch of broken plates. This time, she blames Bliss's elephant friend, named, according to the captions, Mee! Yes, that will turn into several "Who's On First?" gags, none of which are particularly bad. After a little "pow-wow", Blossom and Buttercup decide to do some drastic measures.
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See, as this reboot has proven time and time again, the Powerpuff Girls can easily be stopped by tying them up like Penelope Pitstop. Even the Powerpuff Girls knew this, as all we needed to keep someone who can fly and lift buildings full of people at the same time from causing trouble is a tiny hand truck and some green ribbons. Not the silliest thing that stopped them, by a long shot.
Blossom runs out of popcorn immediately before the movie, and the Professor tries to use his new invention: a pen that could fire lasers, immobilize people, scratch your back, and maybe write! After accidently immobilizing a few kids in the audience, he realizes it's stuck on the immobilization option, and decides to just get some popcorn. This will be important later. Mostly the pen, though the popcorn does lead to a smirk-worthy joke.
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Earth Plow, an old-time radio character that the Professor used to like that is somehow real, bursts through the screen, and because this is a 3D movie, we get the obvious joke. Of course, Earth Plow is not too happy about other vehicles that are not of this Earth, and wants to show off that he's still got it by doing a Mark Twain impression. He also has a problem with getting criticized, as he starts attacking with his lasers as soon as everyone starts booing. The Powerpuff Girls intervene, but will they prevail?
Not really, Blossom and Buttercup just can't seem to handle this guy, as he almost instantly traps them with a claw. What's worse is that Bubbles is still stuck on that hand truck and green ribbon of doom. Clearly, someone else has to appear out of nowhere and help them, and that's not something unique to this special. As Earth Plow attempts to run Bubbles over while she yells for Bliss, we get a flash of light, and we finally get the reveal everyone's been waiting for.
Well, that's a slight lie considering a certain Cartoon Network division jumping the gun, but we'll just keep it to ourselves.
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It’s Bliss! She has blue hair, because natural hair colors are not cool enough! She has long legs, and yet she essentially has the same body design as her 10-years-younger sisters! And she’s totally not an overpowered fan-character, because just this flash of light was able to blow a villain that easily took care of two Powerpuff Girls out of the theater. Okay, that’s a bad example. I have a feeling this special is going to be full of them.
The Professor comes back with his trashcan full of popcorn that he was, a result of said smirk-worthy popcorn joke, and he finds Bliss. The first thing he does when he finds this new Powerpuff Girl? He calls her "Blisstina", tells her sorry, and zaps her with the immobilization pen. I'll admit, this was a legitimately shocking scene, and a great ending for this part.
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By reboot standards, this was a great opening, and it actually intrigued me for future parts. That's something I didn't expect from watching more than 40 episodes of this show, and certainly not something I expected when I watched the initial promos. Where did this Powerpuff Girl come from? What are her special powers? Why did the Professor decide to immobilize her daughter the first time he saw her for years?
All of this will be answered, and I'll say this: if you are thinking this quality is throughout this entire special, this must be your first episode.
Part 2 - Bliss Reminiscence
Written & Storyboarded by: Kyle Neswald, Benjamin P. Carow
It turns out, the Professor put her in a stasis bubble, protecting her from the rest of the world, and protecting the rest of the world from her. This part is all about Bliss's origin story, as told by three different people, including herself. We start with the Professor, and from the first sentence, we can tell that they’re not going to pay any respect to the original. It all started ten years ago...
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Envious of "bitter"-never-before-mentioned-"rival" Professor Neutronium’s perfect little boy, who looks like Astro Boy and apparently saves Tokyo on a regular basis, he wanted to make the perfect little girl. So instead of wanting to make the world a better place and/or wanting to have a family, Professor Utonium made the Powerpuff Girls out of envy. Is this the Professor, or Dick Hardly from the original's Knock it Off?
Other than that, it is the all familiar story, complete with animation similar to the original's opening: the Professor mixes together sugar, spice, and everything nice, and somehow manages to knock into a vial of Chemical...W? That does explain why she seems to have powers the Powerpuff Girls don't have, besides "we gotta make her special", but we’re supposed to believe he messed up twice? It gets even worse. Not only did he bumble twice...
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...he bumbled 22 other times with 22 other chemicals! This scene raises far too many questions that, unlike previously, will never be answered, as I don’t think they thought further than "Chemical X? Whatever happened to Chemical A through W? Wakka wakka!" There's a slight implication that it might have made at least one monster, but that's all we get.
We also learn that her name isn't just Bliss, but Blisstina Franchesca Francis Mariam Alicia Utonium. At least it's not Blisstina Powerpuff. The father of the year that he is, he even tells the girls we're familar with that Blisstina was his favorite little girl. Buttercup calls him out on this, and he just immediately denies it. Not funny.
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Her powers began to evolve, as she starts teleporting around the room. Is this her unique power? Not really, this is just one of her normal powers. It's because she's made of Chemical W, you see. It's not just because "we got to make her special!" That's not the only power she gets, either.
Even as a preschooler, even in the original they're all born preschoolers, roll with it, she can't control her emotions. Literally! Whenever she feels a strong emotion, any of them, she causes a large blue explosion that destroys the house. It all ends with Bliss getting fustrated over not having any milk for her cereal, and causing the whole house to explode. When the Professor woke up, she was gone, and he assumed death. For those in the know, they never mention Bunny. Are you really that surprised?
After the Professor leaves for a reward for "best ham" after promising never to leave Bliss, father of the year, Bliss suddenly wakes up from her immobilization. This stasis bubble being able to prevent her from teleporting, She tells her side of the story, starting with the Professor creating her before the Powerpuff Girls immediately stop her. Bliss actually left the Professor while he was knocked out. She goes to a island because, despite being so powerful, she causes problems!
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Specifically, she goes to Bird Poop Island. It's here that she meets Mee, her magical pet friend that will surprisingly have more of a reason to exist other than "we got to make her special!" Even when he demonstrated her ability to self-destruct, Mee didn't care. After 10 years, she finally got homesick, decided to teleport back to her old home, and she found Bubbles and started her "pretend I'm your imaginary friend" game.
As Bliss begs to be let go, it's Reboot Jojo's has to make his appearance in this special, as he posed as the "ham award" giver for the Professor to leave the room. Unfortunately, he is the "ham". No, not really, Jojo, not even if you make this face for no reason:
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Sweet dreams, kids.
He decides to tell his side of the story, starting with the time he pushed the Professor right into the chemicals. Actually, they never even get to this, as the Powerpuff Girls immediately tell him to skip to his friendship with Bliss. Judging by this and the extended opening, I’m not convinced they’re even aware of that plot point. Now, I know this is supposed to be a reboot...
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...though I'm not convinced the writers know this, but it's one of the biggest aspects that made Mojo Jojo significant as an arch-villain. It's a part that seperates him from being just a silly monkey with a silly hat; he was involved in their creation. To have it pushed aside is just...a stab in the heart.
The silly monkey explains that Bliss was his best friend when he was still an ordinary baby monkey. When Bliss went bye-bye, he was so sad. The end. You know, I would have accepted that the Professor actually bumbled with the Chemical W, and that he missed Bliss so much that he intentionally bumped the Professor when he was mixing the Chemical X. That would have been an okay retcon. Instead, we got...
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...that. Reboot Jojo uses this backstory as a reason for Bliss to join him. He hits the lever, accidently opening the garage door. Finally, a decent joke, and it took them this long. He then hits the other lever, freeing Bliss.
The Powerpuff Girls and Jojo try to convince her at the same time, and Bliss feels that's she's about to explode again. She uses her telekinesis for the first time to flip back the lever to use the bubble to protect the house from a huge explosion that makes her disappear again. They don't cry this time, as if they knew she didn't actually die.
To make a long story short, she didn't. She wants to start this family thing, and maybe this will help her control her powers. The part ends with her accidently making the house explode again. Oops.
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There wasn't a lot to like about this part besides the garage door gag. While the last part ended with a great twist, the twists and retcons they put with this one just feel like bad jokes at worst, and misguided at best. I can't even respect that this is the first time they even mentioned Chemical X. If there's any good news, it's all uphill from here. A very, very slight one.
See you tomorrow for parts 3 through 5, and my final rating!
← Bridezilla ☆ Power of Four (Part 3-5) →
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