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bigjj2023 · 2 years ago
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sharklilly · 5 years ago
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@ruanib helped with designing most of these!
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papermonkeyism · 7 years ago
Hey could you do more Rivers snake face doodles?! I was wondering what kind of snake she’s based on? Like more python? Boa? Colubrid? She looks colubrid-ish in that last pic? Sorry snakes are kind of a thing for me lol
The only proper drawing of her in her natural form is this one of her checking her email on a tablet from couple years back:
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I should draw her more…
Can’t remember if I based her on a single snake species or just smashed together multiple different kinds, but since naga comes from Indian mythology, and are seen as water spirits, I looked for aquatic or semi-aquatic snakes from around south Asia.
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jazencrou · 7 years ago
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a doodle of my girl @kroska-pup‘s child!!! I love him
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unicornhero · 5 years ago
tagged by @eqqman using jazencrou cuz that’s where I was tagged! :D 
rules: spell out your url using song titles & tag some people!
J /Jdnt - Glass Animals
A /All The Sad Young Men - Spector (that’s right, I copied you!!)
Z /Zombie High - Grace (wouldn’t be complete without kpop)
E /Every Other Freckle - Alt-J
N /Never Look Away - Vienna Teng
C /Cosmic Love - Florence + the Machine
R /Roundtable Rivel - Lindsey Stirling
O /Oh Henry - The Civil Wars
U /Unstoppable - Sia
uh tag @monstrosibee?? and @kroska-pup if u want :)
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444names · 2 years ago
greek islands + theological demons BUT excluding "h"
Abaker Abifersos Abifnous Agandrogor Agarada Agavros Agonia Agoudaelon Agrisi Aidolio Aimotikoki Alalaros Alangda Alasoubus Aleviloki Alilos Alios Alius Alkar Amilifon Amiusionou Ammegin Ammept Amoninos Amoniss Ampra Anademia Anasalos Andia Andigonia Andilim Andion Andra Aneus Angaterago Angdakkum Angyazafor Angylilios Anisi Anistou Antzeleos Antzoni Anysali Aravdopock Araxi Ardia Aritos Arlomas Armar Arobanous Arutipes Asikimigo Askaros Astalab Baamia Babelevili Babif Babifon Badoli Baegorikee Bakimos Balevanimi Balevia Balkolos Bandilim Bandrai Bantia Barmat Barmayon Baronoinn Bastersama Batopos Belagi Beleikoulo Beleiraval Beleis Belias Berakalas Bergos Berimorit Beros Bezberi Bezbeta Bifnous Bollim Boloceri Bosoponisi Botalos Bueris Bukalymos Bukous Bukoussasi Bussa Bussar Bussim Calerimia Calonistos Ceres Cifno Cimadi Cimia Cimilifra Cimonisi Corasur Crefor Crekar Crouda Cubus Culsur Dagorsoi Dakalbel Dandros Danissa Delio Desboti Digos Dilabi Dilovangra Dopan Doplos Dosoussa Drakria Drock Dromotikon Dzoulakisi Eirongalia Eissopo Elarbarga Elilocalos Eloggyalos Elogos Eusontzaka Falafonia Falos Faloul Falydroni Faruti Flasos Flastos Flazaki Foniatmos Forasia Forcubouda Forinolia Fornex Foryonzu Fourmur Gadia Gainis Gamykos Ganisos Garmas Gatera Gavanti Gionisili Gisto Glasi Glastypax Gones Gramar Gresberasa Grisi Guala Gualenti Guanisia Gussa Gussada Gussagras Gussili Gyaim Gyalos Gyarkoi Gyligonist Gyllavilia Ikini Ikrava Ikrone Inkim Inolos Ionies Ionissi Ipaimerofi Iraddos Itsoni Jikos Jinos Jinure Kabela Kabos Kabracar Kadajjal Kades Kakina Kalas Kalasate Kalastorca Kalaxos Kalaza Kalkalasi Kalkissans Kallo Kalos Kandremat Kanissal Kanti Kantikeel Kantisyaro Kareikoun Karigo Karos Karoulax Katokos Kavali Kavidi Kavine Kefon Kefoni Kerinissas Kerisi Kimilio Kincub Kisoplar Kisymigos Kolos Konia Konisi Korafopos Korim Koron Koros Koudavy Koudionis Koulafos Kouloul Kraforif Kroska Kyros Kytta Lafong Laimisia Lampous Larakisi Larta Lefadreial Legia Legiantza Leironysi Leisi Leissada Lekaroki Lekas Lendraxim Leneisi Leneria Leonisi Leontia Leyasmos Liasan Lifer Likavgonia Limas Lincifono Lucifos Madas Maderin Madous Madya Makalou Makar Makefalavy Makin Makissi Malaia Malasili Malazetsos Malberocor Malilos Mandretel Mangdakous Manjallos Maremoses Mariandras Marmados Marmaronia Maros Marovour Matak Mayollu Megiria Megos Mejes Merianasos Mezbergon Mogos Moloursos Murfu Mursapou Mykoi Namia Nammorym Namos Naros Navros Niasmonisi Nistros Omfos Omoninisi Onemakra Onissos Ornaki Oxeira Pades Pancub Pandi Pantifnos Parbael Parbala Pardög Pasya Patalion Paxosfos Pelefkamya Pelevian Pelos Peneria Penerisi Pennistel Pentitta Peras Peria Perona Peter Petsou Pigong Pigorina Plounos Pologgioul Polyaro Polyonisi Pontinisi Porsa Potalaas Poupong Pragonisi Proklos Prundi Psados Psaga Psanamios Psonis Psoyn Psyri Psyrna Psyroi Rasos Rassos Refkas Runassyazu Sadya Sagendia Sakin Saladel Saliat Sallari Samasa Samia Samodaje Sanzu Saparmas Sarontikos Sarus Satmodes Seiendios Semiligir Sempros Serin Seruss Siani Siantzafos Siaplag Sifri Simos Skalymadim Skasa Skavi Skimanisia Skoban Skonou Skyrovros Somoura Soudanda Souros Soutri Speras Steros Stikou Storomfon Stouda Strampus Stros Succulsu Surin Syaletere Syaros Symill Syria Syriniann Tianti Tiapulaza Tikidas Tikol Tikona Tikous Toriginock Trassi Trocel Trocelios Troni Tseipaxa Tsous Ukanos Ukous Ukoussa Valasala Valydos Vantzazet Vasammoni Vilon Vinnolos Vitifris Vitos Vonysa Vrakoko Vrovolas Wendrax Wendros Wenisi Wennisi Wennolori Wenta Xezbel Zafiamor Zaforiza Zelifratro
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zdenekpergl · 3 years ago
Od Mosteckého Mekáče přes Velebudickou výsypku do Havraně a zpět.
Tuto trasu jsem absolvoval nesčíslněkrát, je vhodná na odpolední protažení. Většinou vede po zpevněných cestách v podobě panelek nebo asfaltu v různé kvalitě dané typem cest po kterých trasa vede. Jen kousek vede po šotolince mezi poli pod Hipodromem. Ten kousek ale stačí k pěknému zablácení koloběžky, když je mokro. Obzvlášť v na podzim nebo v zimě. Na cyklotrase po bývalé trati v katastru obce Líšnice byl letos položen hlaďoučký asfalt, ale nic pro mne. Takže už tam tudy tak často teď nejezdím.
Trasa začíná u mosteckého rychlého občerstvení McDonald̈́‘s, kde je možno zaparkovat. Buď přímo nebo na vedlejší parkovišti u supermarketu Lidl.
Dá se projet i na silniční koloběžce, ale neužijete si to na ní. Lepší je gravelová nebo turistická koloběžka. Kroska už je zbytečně moc. Svojí délkou a profilem je vhodná i pro rodiny s odrostlejšími dětmi.
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Popis trasy
Z parkoviště u McDonaldu se vydejte dolů do Velebudic.  Můžete jet přímo po silnici, ale raději jeďte po souběžném chodníku. Dole pro překonání docela rušné výpadovky (obzvlášť ve špičce) raději použijte podchod.
Z podchodu pokračujte po chodníku kolem benzínové pumpy, kterou mějte vlevo, až na místní komunikaci. Na ní jeďte doleva. Můžete jet opět po ní nebo po souběžném chodníku. Nevyjeďte zpět ke kruhové křižovatce, ale jeďte doprava po sinici.
Asi po 500m na křižovatce odbočte doprava dolů a pokračujte po silnici, která se postupně zvedá. Po levé straně mějte sad. Po jeho skončení se silnice stáčí doprava  a vede zase dolů z mírného kopce. Asi po 400m je pravoúhlá zatáčka vlevo a silnice pokračuje do kopce. 300 kopec vyjeďte ke golfovému hřišti, které projeďte napříč po asfaltové cestě. Ta je na svém začátku i konci ohraničena závorou, které se dají ze strany objet.
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Po projetí druhé závory pokračujte dál po asfaltce, která vede mírně z kopce. Po levé straně mějte jezírko. Asfaltka se stáčí doleva a doprava a pak se změní v šotolinovou cestu. Po pravé straně máte plot areálu místního Hipodromu. Pokračujte po šotolinové cestě asi 600m přes napříč přes louku.
Šotolinová cesta na konci louky přejde v asfaltovou. Pokračujte po ní, asfaltka docela prudce klesá v levotočivé zatáčce, která přechází v mírněji klesající pravotočivou, a končí na panelkách.
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Jedna vede rovně, ale vy odbočte na druhou doleva. Panelka je dlouhá asi 1200m  a je převážně z kopce, jen v půlce je takový hrb. Zakončená je na starší asfaltovou cestu.
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Jeďte po ní doprava a pokračujte po ní mezi poli, lesíkem a mezi dalšími poli.
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 Pak asfaltka klesá a ústí na silnici mezi obcemi Polerady a Volevčicemi. Tady odbočte doleva  a napojte se na cyklotrasu 3106. Silnice/cyklotrasa vede pod viaduktem železniční tratě až do Polerad.
Na kraji Polerad odbočuje cyklotrasa doleva přes potok a pokračuje do kopce až k vyhořelému stromu, 
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kde odbočuje doprava a pokračuje po bývalé železniční trati. Jeďte stále dál po cyklotrase 3106 přes Havraň, Na této cyklotrase je v její střední části položen nový, hladký asfalt.
Cyklotrasa ústí v Havrani na jakousi náves, která je z jedné strany lemována silnicí 27. Vy jeďte dolů doprava po chodníku, který vede podél této silnice asi 300m, po pravé straně míjíte zastávku a zahradnictví, a pak odbočte doprava na místní silnici. Asi po 200m míjíte po levé straně rybník a pak asi po kilometru dojedete do Nemilkova na křižovatku.
Na křižovatce se dejte doprava do mírného kopce a vyjeďte z obce. Na kraji obce je vepřín, který není možné neucítit. Pokračujte asi kilometr po silnici až do Líšnice.
Na začátku obce je křižovatka. Doprava je to do kopce do Koporeče, rovně dál do Polerad. Vy odbočte doleva do obce.
Projeďte obcí, cesta se postupně zvedá,  vede pod železniční viadukt a u zemědělského areálu stoupá více a mění se v panelku. Jeďte do kopce po panelce asi kilometr.
Přijede na křižovatku, z které se vlevo zvedá asfaltka, po které jste přijeli, a doprava vede panelka, kterou jste jeli na začátku.
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Vy se odtud pojedete doleva do kopce a po stejné trase se vraťte zpět do Mostu k McDonaldu.
Tipy na zpestření:
V Nemilkově doporučuji, obzvlášť pro rodiny s dětmi, krátkou odbočku na náves. podívat se na Křemílka s Vochomůrkou a vodníka.
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Občerstvení na trati je možné buď v restauraci v Líšnici nebo v Havrani.
V parném létě se v Havrani na návsi prodává točená zmrzlina.
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imagine-loki · 7 years ago
Title: Irked
Author lokilover9
Chapter 11
Original Imagine: Imagine due to having highly effective telekinesis, Tony Stark seeks you out and hires you. Loki’s been forced to live there by Odin and help on missions when needed, making penance to Midgardians. Prior to moving into the Tower, you learn of his superior and arrogant attitude and upon being introduced, immediately dislike him. Particularly because he looks at you like your his next meal.
Warnings: None
Notes: I apologize to my readers as it’s been a bit since I submitted a chapter of Irked, and for those of you reading Taming the Rage, the same. I’ve struck major writers block due to life becoming all consuming, but will do my best to continue with both. Sooo….At the end of chapter ten, Shandi had no sooner apologized to Loki for thinking he gave her food poisoning, when the brat subtly threatened a spanking. And now the saga continues.
Never, as an adult, had Shandi received, or desired a spanking, yet hearing it insinuated in Loki’s alluring voice, only added to her growing perplexity with him.
“Do you really think you’d get away with spanking me?” She asked.
“Pshh, I only mentioned putting you over my knee. If spankings are your thing however, I’m free upon returning to the house and would happily indulge you.”
“Seriously Loki? How can you be so thoughtful one minute and so damn..agitating the next?”
“It’s in my nature.”
She sighed, heavily. “How forgetful of me. You will not ‘indulge’ me in anything of the sort and I suggest you keep driving. I still need new shoes.”
His lips pursed at her un amused expression. “I’m sorry, was that a threat darling?”
“Shoes Loki!”
The first store they found had what she wanted, but the clerk needed to search the back for her size. She sat while waiting and Loki stood close, legs slightly apart and hands cupped together at his front.
“Must you appear so intimidating?” She whispered.
“Yes I must.”
He leaned down, hovering his cheek next to hers, his voice husky and low. “I’m rather possessive of my spouse. No one touches her, but me.”
Battling a sudden urge to tighten her thighs together, she looked away as he stood again. ‘How did this happen?’ She thought. My first first major mission and I’m knocked up by an alien God whose voice alone crumbles my every moral thought.’
Continuing, Loki eyed her from his peripheral vision. “Something on your mind? Perhaps a skinny dip in the pool later would soothe your rosy complexion, hm?”
‘Oh lord.’
Much to her relief, the clerk reapproached. “Our last size seven ma’am. If you’ll just remove your shoes, I can…”
Loki took the box with a smile. “Thank you, but I’ll assist from here.”
Once her sneakers were off, he squatted, resting her bare foot amidst his palm and decided to wiggle a finger between her toes. The joke was on him however, when Shandis reflexes sprung into action and jerked her foot upwards, kicking him beneath the chin. He froze with an arched brow and she couldn’t refrain from chuckling.
“Oh dear. Did ‘ems forget how ticklish I am there Clifford?”
“Apparently so ‘Lizzy’ and I highly suspect you enjoyed that.”
“Ohhh, you’ve no idea.”
Loki waited until they were back in the car. “You may come to regret your amusement at my expense.”
“Poor darling.” She teased. “Did ‘ems little wifey kick ‘ems too hard in the chinny chin chin and now ‘ems offended?”
“Eh he he he. Would ‘ems little wifey like her spouse to follow up on his previous indulgence offer?”
“Don’t even think about it Clifford.”
Amidst the the towns core, was a large park with landscaped flower beds, benches and several paths, that followed a stream throughout. Loki unexpectedly stopped there and opened his door.
“Nice place for a walk. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Before she’d a chance to protest, he was aiding her out of the car again and smiled when she willingly took his hand.
“Good girl, obeying the rules.”
“Rules?” She sarcastically asked.
“Why, yes. Besides carrying my child, how else are we to convince others you adore me?”
She whispered her response. “This baby isn’t yours if you recall, me being a shameless tart and all, so don’t expect much beyond the basics.”
Loki placed a hand to his heart. “Such cruel and hurtful words you speak darling. Having promised my undying love for this child, no matter who the father. I’m terribly wounded.”
A smirk formed on lips and she followed suit. “You’re a real pain, you know that Clifford? I can’t decide who the bigger Diva is at times, you or Tony.”
“I think it’s safe to say we’d point a finger at each other.”
“I can actually picture you two in a heated conversation about that. Sarcasm so thick you could cut a knife through it, testosterone oozing from the walls.”
“Tony and I have had several heated conversations. Mostly because I find him entertaining to annoy.”
Her brows rose. “Nooo, really? ‘Only’ Tony?”
“Such unfounded accusations you keep voicing. I’m wounded twice now Lizzy.”
“Oh they’re founded alright and there’s not a guilty bone in my body.”
“Is that so? Are you aware that in Asgard, I could have you sent to the dungeons for speaking to me in such a manner?”
“Then lead the way as I’ve no issues saying what’s on my mind.”
His eyes playfully narrowed. “So I’ve learned. It seems to be a common occurrence in women of this realm. Natasha, Pepper and Jane are the same. Especially Kroshka.”
“Kroska?” She asked.
“It basically means ‘sweetums’ in Russian. I’ve used it sarcastically and kindly, yet still receive Cactus or ‘prick’ mostly in return. She’s a unique and skilled set of talents for one with no super powers and quite an intelligent woman.”
“You like Nat?”
“I’ve no longer any qualms with her. Since returning, she’s the only one who’s granted me any real kindness, despite minute.”
A part of Shandi felt bad for Loki, despite understanding the others distrust of him. She knew no matter how much good he continued doing, it would always remain and that had to be tough to accept. Still, she’d never tolerate his crap.
“So females who stand up for and defend themselves, are they a problem for you?”
“Not necessarily. As princes, Thor and I are used to women being subservient and obedient, always aiming to appease. Some Midgardian cultures appear to enforce the same, yet in yours, women present a challenge. I find it intriguing, yet also slightly amusing.”
“Why amusing?” She asked.
The glance he shot her sent a shiver down her spine. “In certain regards, they’d inevitably succumb to defeat. Let’s change the subject, hm?”
She let go of his hand when a large bush of pink peonies caught her attention. Loki followed, noting her admiration for them.
“I gather these are a favorite?”
“Tulips are my first, but they only bloom in spring.“ She inhaled their light scent, then turned to him. "What are gardens like on Asgard?”
He smiled at her almost childlike curiosity. “Not that I’m bias.” He replied. “Yet Midgards are nothing in comparison. Our flowers alone are more vibrant in color, potent in fragrance and tend to be rather ‘exotic’ in appearance.” ‘Much like you.’ He thought.
They walked in silence for a bit when coming across a young teen selling something. He explained that during the summer months, most who worked in the towns core, would take lunch over the next couple of hours, while feeding the many birds amidst the trees. After buying a small bag, they seeked out a shaded bench where she dabbed beads of sweat from her face with a tissue.
"Wow. This heavy humidity is already making me nauseous.”
“I can help if you wish?”
“How?” She asked.
He walked behind the bench, resting his hands on her shoulders, her suspicious glance earning a smirk. “Shandi, I won’t hurt you. Close your eyes and relax?” She couldn’t avoid obeying when his thumbs began rubbing and kneading between her shoulder blades, quickly obliterating all the tension they possessed. The moment she slackened though, the centers of his palms began cooling and her eyes shot open.
“Uhh, what are you doing?” She nervously asked.
“Trust me.” His thumbs re commenced, luring her into a state of calm as a cooling sensation, seeped throughout her neck, face and upper torso. It removed all her sweat and nausea, while ebbing away through her skin. The experience took only minutes to occur and when his hands lifted, she felt refreshed.
Rejoining her, he smiled. “Better?”
“Uhh, yeah. Thanks. How…”
“Just a little magic and you’re very welcome.”
“Not that I don’t appreciate it Loki, but we aren’t supposed to use our powers in public, remember?”
“To others I was merely massaging. No one saw a thing, I assure you.”
Silently, she tossed about the feed, deciding she’d keep this secret as he’d done her a kindness. Should the heat continue this way, maybe he’d do it again. Her thoughts began wandering towards what else those hands might be capable of in combination with his magic, when logic snapped her back to reality. ‘You need to get a better grip on yourself Shandi. Stop forgetting who he is and why you’re here.’
Loki had been casually observing people descending upon the area. “Might I inquire why you joined the Avengers?”
“That was unexpected. Why do you wish to know?” She asked.
“Well, helping those in need gives me a great sense of fulfillment for starters. Secondly, I couldn’t have been more honored at the opportunity to work with such an amazing group of people. Add that to an eagerness for change and I was fairly easy to convince.”
“Were you aware Tony praised you highly and was elated by your decision? He also made it very clear to the others you were ‘not’ to leave the tower unescorted.”
She smiled. “I remember him trying to convince me how unwise that could be.” Playfully, she mocked Tony and his mannerisms. ‘I know you’re a tough cookie with a powerful gift Doll and most people here are great. Still, it’s a big city and you never know where creepy crawlies might be lurking. You’ll need time to get to know the place.’ He continued for almost a half hour before Pepper intervened.”
“Creepy crawlies?” Asked Loki. “I’ve never met another Migardian with odder names for things. I overheard him use the word ‘thingamajiggy’ once and asked of its meaning. ‘Well Cactus, it’s a doohickey.’ What’s a doohickey then Tin Man? ‘It’s a watchyamacallit.’ I realized then, I was being had.”
Shandi laughed. “That’s Tony.”
A few minutes passed when Loki slid an arm around her, gently tracing his fingers up her arm. “Nice display of goosebumps, but focus on the mission will you?”
“Ha ha God of vanity. I’m doing my best.”
“I’m actually serious Shandi, it would appear luck is our ally again today.”
“How so?”
“A few trees to our left, Beth and ‘Alice’ are dining on a bench. Let’s go properly introduce ourselves and engage them in some conversation, shall we?”
“That’s perfect. What should we initially reveal of ourselves without sounding overly friendly though?”
“I’ll begin.” He replied. “Just hold tightly to my arm, appear nervous of your surroundings and follow my lead.”
“Why appear nervous of my surroundings?”
They stood and he raised her hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss to it. “Trust me again darling? I’ll explain later.”
Shandis lashes fluttered as she took his arm. “What was that for?”
“The first step in convincing others, ‘I’ adore ‘you.’
They started back onto the path.
“Are you planning to share what step two is?” She politely asked.
“And ruin the element of surprise? Come now.”
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elektroyu · 7 years ago
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Annnnnnd paint job tentatively finished!
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ajabhishekvideos · 4 years ago
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Study shows how people can reduce stress during coronavirus pandemic WASHINGTON: A new study by clinical psychologist, Emily Kroska at the University of Iowa shows how people might reduce their…
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myrevolution-parts · 4 years ago
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Study shows how people can reduce stress during coronavirus pandemic – Times of India WASHINGTON: A new study by clinical psychologist, Emily Kroska at the University of Iowa shows how people might reduce their…
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kroska-pup · 7 years ago
Blog and Name Update
Finally gave my page a much needed makeover. I have a description now! And a different name! I've been distancing myself from skitzofox for a while. The name is from years and years ago and i think I've grown out of it. It came from a schizophrenic fox character of mine lol. I'm getting more and more paranoid that someone is going to call me out on it or something. Like "ARE YOU EVEN REALLY SCHIZOPHRENIC?!?! I AM AND ITS NOT FUN!?!?" And honestly I really hate conflict and I'm not going to know what to do if someone confronts me. Soooo it's time to switch things up. Just call me Kroska~
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theweddingconnection · 7 years ago
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I absolutely loved my dress! When I came in, I had this set picture in my mind of what I wanted. I worked with Haley and she really helped me to see that the dress I was thinking of was not the way to go with my body type. She ended up finding me a dress that I fell in love with the minute I put it on and saw myself. I knew it was the one and Haley helped me to find that. She was awesome and very supportive. I used Tanya as my seamstress and she also did a wonderful job! One of the best parts of my experience with Wedding Connection came the day before my wedding though. I had to pick up my wedding dress and I was worried about taking it home. My worries included my dress getting wrinkled or dirty, my puppy getting a hold of it, my fiancé seeing it, and it getting wrinkled in the car as it would have had to sit in the car the entire time I had my hair and makeup done on my wedding day. All that stress and anxiety was relieved when I called Wedding Connection and they told me they could store my dress overnight. It was such a wonderful favor and really saved me and lot of worry. I appreciated it so much! Thank you to everyone at Wedding Connection for helping my special day to be that much more special with a beautiful dress that all my guests loved! We will send pictures when we get them! :) Shaunna and Luke Kroska Thank You Shaunna, we are so glad you had such a wonderful experience @ The Wedding Connection. We are so glad that we were able to help you make your special day so perfect. We can not wait to see your pictures and be able to share them with all our other brides. Congratulations to you and Luke and please take care! * * #happybride #theweddingconnection #maplewood #maplewoodsquare #twincities #minnesota #stpaul #minneapolis #bride #bridetobe #groom #groomsmen #weddingparty #weddingday #celebrate #newlyweds #weddingconnectionbride #sayyestothedress (at The Wedding Connection)
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elektroyu · 7 years ago
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A few better photos of Naomi’s wip!
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qljazz · 8 years ago
Тема нового года не закончилась, я собираю новый плэйлист, пока праздничный дух витает :)
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elektroyu · 7 years ago
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More work on Naomi! I won't be able to finish her today like I hoped, but I made good progress.The fur isn't done yet, but some detailing has to be done since this stuff quickly dries if exposed to air. She'll also get her collar next time. @kroska-pup
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