#kostia kom trikru
vmplvr1977 · 1 year
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Chapter Eight of Wicked Game is posted!! Read it here.
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graunblida · 11 days
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@iccarian sent: ❛ i never realized how much i needed you until you weren't there. ❜ from clarke !
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she is used to being needed as commander. needed at the summit, needed in the war room. needed by her people, in polis, in tondc and throughout the coalition. what she isn't accustomed it, is someone needing leksa kom trikru.
instinctively, thoughts betray her and drift to her former beloved, now cold and DEPARTED from this earth. oh, but no, she'd never truly leave, kos was much too stubborn for that. for a fleeting moment, the warrior smiles wryly at the memory. though they knew one another their whole lives, hers and kostia's time was cut too short. now leksa fears she will never gain enough moons should she ever feel so strongly for another person again.
it isn't long before she steels herself, embarrassed of being ( in her mind, anyway ) PRESUMPTUOUS. this confession might not be one of desire, and leksa doesn't even realize how disappointed that possibility makes her. " i...apologize that my absence has caused you distress. " words are still so formal. it's hard with clarke. one moment, she feels as though she can tell the woman anything, and the next she's as fortified as mount weather. still, the earthborn is significantly more invested in being leksa over heda in this moment. " but i'm here now. " the brunette draws nearer. eye contact is maintained so clarke will see the sincerity in emerald irises.
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kostias · 1 year
†.   𝓀ostias,   a private portrayal of kostia kom trikru, adapted from the cw's the 100.   SIDEBLOG TO BECOMEDEATH.
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¹   pre-series/au only, there is no survival au. ²   single-ship, and affiliated with @sheidblida.
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thehomemadehooligan · 5 years
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lcgioned · 6 years
" just leave me alone! " kostia @ lexa 😭
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If the Commander was capable of witchcraft, her gaze would cause others to burst into flames. But the steely look she gave Kostia now was not one with the intent of intimidation. Lexa simply wanted to understand. She tensed when the other lashed out and her jaw twitched while uncomfortable silence filled the room.
A fight was the last thing she wanted, and already she could feel her heart race and her blood boil. Lexa wanted to grab her by the shoulders and demand to know what was wrong. Why was she so upset and acting so distant? The leader refrained from doing so; if she kept pushing it would only cause Kostia to run further from her.
After a few heavy moments of contemplation, Lexa retreated. “We’re not done talking about this.” The Commander turned on her heels to give the healer the space she clearly desired. Later, she would return to check on Kostia, or she would send someone else to if the woman still refused to speak to her.
@kongaeda // Angst Starters 
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melicriism-blog · 6 years
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       ━ the rose discovers she is an instrument of WAR. // independent multifandom multimuse ft. headcanon based KOSTIA KOM TRIKRU of cw’s the 100 loved and cherished by lily  ( template cred.  )
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tornfate · 6 years
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          going into space had been something that had never crossed her mind. so when it came down to getting into that ship and soaring through the sky, she was terrified. she had come into this thinking that clarke was going to be by her side and ended up spending six years without her. six years of regretting letting her leave her side to go to the tower. six years of hoping she’d found a way to survive. when they saw the green on the earth, all costia could do was hope that clarke was down there waiting on all of them. and when that voice came across the radio with bellamy, she could feel a wave of relief wash over her, tears immediately stinging at her eyes. the radio is handed off to her, the others knowing how much she’d missed the other woman and it takes everything she has to actually form words. “ klark -- i knew...i knew you were still alive...i knew you’d find a way... ” her voice is shaky, hands just as shaky as she holds the radio and stares at it like it holds everything she’s ever known. “ you’re okay though? how did you...nevermind, i can’t...i can’t wait to see you... ” and she hoped that after all this time, clarke still felt the same.
                                              @lcvedher semi con’t from x
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tornfate-archive · 6 years
@lcvedher moved from (x)
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         “it’s a cliche for a reason, who cares if it’s too much?”  and clarke was always a sucker for a good cliche. there were plenty of other people that clarke could’ve asked, but costia was who she felt the most comfortable with. if she was going to be trapped with her family with someone for a week, she wanted it to be someone that she could be herself around.  “we can say… we’ve been together about six months?”  that seemed like a decent amount of time. anything longer than that, and clarke would’ve been forced to tell her mother already; not have the beans spilled by her friends.  “or does that sound too long?”  she didn’t want any of this to feel fake, didn’t want to drag costia into something that was going to blow up in their faces.
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          there’s a small hum as she contemplates the time that they would say they were together. six months seemed like a decent amount of time, but maybe too long of a time. “ maybe we go with four months instead? not too long, not too short... ” long enough for costia to ‘meet the parents’ she thought. “ i think anything more than that might be suspicious about why you haven’t said anything about me yet. four months is relatively short, right? enough so that you could have just not mentioned a new relationship? testing the waters or whatever... ” honestly she didn’t mind either way, but she didn’t want clarke’s mom to realize they were playing her either. 
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tragedywrcte-blog · 6 years
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        STARTER CALL  for the 100 muses !  this includes ; anya kom trikru , clarke griffin , ethan hardy , harper mcintyre , kostia kom trikru , madi griffin , niylah kom trikru , and zoe monroe. please specify muse ( you can always pick more than one ) or i will not write a starter. mutuals only !
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vmplvr1977 · 1 year
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Wicked Game Chapter 11 is posted!!! Read it here.
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graunblida · 4 years
Texting Meme   //   Accepting  @starsewn​​ sent: [ 📲 • sms ] —— i think you’re going to like what you see 😉 (kostia)
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[   sms    »   kostia   ]   you know i always do 😏 [   sms    »   kostia   ]   what’s the occasion? 
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thehomemadehooligan · 5 years
Meme continued from here [x] With @malsrp 
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    ❝If you plan to do something then do it. Else, yu gonplei ste odon.❞ Lexa growled, glaring at Kostia warningly.
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Grinning, Kostia raised an eyebrow, “Heda, you are wound too tight.” She smiled, stepping closer and sliding a hand up and down Lexa’s arm. Quieter, she murmured, “Let me help you relax, Lexa.”
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melicriism-blog · 6 years
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                 ‘ ai laik fiya ai haiplana. heda stedaun. ' ━ random kostia kom trikru edits ( 1 / 3 )
  non - mutuals do not reblog !
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rainkilled-a · 7 years
Alright fam. Buckle the fuck in because this is my DAY. This is where I get to do my very best screaming about my very fucking favorites. My soulmates. My babes. And I mean both characters and muns. Writing OC’s is a pain in the damn ass. I know this- I write two. And what very few of you know is, I actually tried to break into indie with Cordelia, but I had such a tough time getting willing partners, that I had to pick up a canon and make myself known before I managed to get people to play with my OC’s. Writing OC’s is a damn job sometimes. Its pouring everything you have into a character and hoping other people will accept it and love it. It’s constant criticism- both from others and yourself. Is my character too much? Is she to boring? Do people like her? The anxiety that comes from writing OC’s is strong. I used to think it was just me, until I met other people who wrote them and it turns out-- Its not. It’s just how the game goes. OC’s take so much passion and commitment and love. So lets give it the fuck up for these dedicated beauties who I adore. Also, go follow them right now if you aren’t. And to you guys, my sweet sweet babes. Click on your Muse’s name below, and you’ll find a download link to 10 Icons. These are now yours, do with them as you please.
@waldenborn -- Helo Morris
We know, Rachel. You love Helo Morris. You Love Lilly. We’ve heard. NO BUT LISTEN. Helo Morris is the most fleshed out Original Character I have ever seen anyone portray? Every single day I am inspired to do more for Peter, just to keep up. I write more head canons, I do more edits, I am so inspired by this boy? And by Lilly herself, I mean what the hell, what a perfect writing partner who I have the very most chemistry with and I just?? Love everything about her. I could listen to her talk about Helo for houuuuuuuurs. In fact I do. All the time. 
@louisofthe100 -- Louis Warren
Hi I am Rachel and I love this fighty little monster right here. Britt does such a good job letting him be a monster, but letting him have good qualities too and making him lovable. Despite his horrible temper and need to create chaos. I adore Louis aaalmost as much as I adore Britt, who is one of the most talented writers I have the pleasure of writing with. Writing with Britt, specifically with Louis, I constantly am laughing AND having my heart strings pulled all at the same time. 
@dcncewithme -- Bree Carter
Yes, Hi, I might a little bit be cheating because like? Bree IS canon. But her part in Canon is so smol that Sammie has had the same work and but in the same love as an OC. I love Bree so much, she’s the most adorable but also so capable of standing on her own. She’s the very very most important thing to Peter in the world and damn he just loves that girl more than his own life. (literally he got locked up for protecting her and also he has volunteered his own life for hers, okay, I’m not kidding.) 
@noukru -- Kostia Kom Trikru
Again, I cheat. but same goes. Chaz has put so much into Kostia that she’s basically an OC. And let me tell you a thing about Kostia. She’s so. fucking. important. to. me. And the reason is because Chaz and I were in the same boat. Kostia and Peter are so alike in the show’s canon. We were given a name, and how they died. That’s it. And from that, built a character. I love Chaz for being on that same journey as me. I love reading Kostia’s threads and actually feeling like she was there in the show. I just-- Guys. Chaz and Kostia mean a lot to me, okay?
@motherbuilt -- Louisiana Chambers
Louisiana is such a good character because of Jenni’s dedication to her background and the integrity of who the character is. She’s soft and warm, a mother, a lover, but also damn strong. She’s not a soft little flower, NOR is she stony and cold. Jenni is able to portray her in this way where she’s a really intense mixture of both. Like this girl has been through some shit, and its toughened her up, but she’s still warm and I love that so much.
@tempercd-- Verity Williams
I love Verity so much. I haven’t even been playing with her for that long but we went in with this idea that our muses were gonna be bros, and then the next thing we know we’re writing a damn love story. And I’m talking “It’s two thirty am and I’m crying over my laptop so hard I might wake my husband and have to explain that I’m sobbing over fictional characters.” That is fucking TALENT on Lor’s end. I love how brash and brazen Verity is. She’s been through hell and Lor does not sugar coat that. But she also doesn’t close her off entirely. Its a really interesting characterization in which she’s closed off, but can learn to be open. 
@motherlcss -- Nina Wilde
Last but not least is Nina and I don’t know who is the cuter bean, Nina or Abby. They’re both cute adorable adorbs. I love Nina’s story so MUCH and I love Abby for being will to take a risk with her? There’s a huge stigma in the community about OC’s who are relatives of Canons, and it can sometimes make people shy away from that which sucks because I think its a super interesting opportunity. Also, I just Abby and I will follow her on any blog I just HAPPEN TO THINK NINA IS THE CUTEST.
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tornfate-archive · 6 years
@angelicbonded moved from (x)
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           “i know exactly what we both need.” she pulls out her wallet as she walks over to costia. “i just so happened to have these left over from a birthday. never used ‘em because i hated the thought of goin’ by myself.” she grabs two gift cards from it and passes one to her. “two words: spa. day.” with a grin, she props one hand on her hip, daring costia to disagree.
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          “ that sounds so much better than my idea, ” she says, looking the cards over before handing them back. “ which was lying in the bathtub until i was a prune then sleeping until i didn’t know what day it was...which isn’t really an option because i don’t have time for either of those things anyway. spa day though -- i can get on board with that...if i can make the time. ”
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legacyfailed-moved · 6 years
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lexa  kom  trikru  was  born  to  johanna     *  &     abraham     ,     in  tondc     .     she’s  a  summer  child     ,     surviving  her  first  winter  even  in  it’s  cold  and  vicious  nature     *  &      discovered  a  natblida  when  she  was  about  a  year  old     .     she  was  brought  to  polis  by  a  fleimkeeper     ,     to  be  taught     *  &     trained  as  a  possible  sucessor  to  the  current  commander     ,     achlys       .     she  was  first  mentored  by  titus     (     two  -  six     .     )     *  &     then  anya     (     six - fourteen     .     )     
she  was  anya’s  second  for  eight  years     ,     learning  much  from  the  woman     ,     not  only  training  how  to  fight     ,     but  views  on  war  and  diplomacy     .     anya  was  the  biggest  influence  on  who  lexa  became  later     ,     how  she  would  rule     .     when  she  was  thirteen     ,     she  met  a  girl     :     kostia     .     the  two  would  play  together  when  lexa  had  some  free  time  from  her  duty  to  anya     *  &     over  a  year     ,     the  two  grew  closer  and  closer     .
however     ,     when  she  was  fourteen     ,     achlys  was  killed  in  combat     :     his  reign  ending     *  &     the  ascension  of  a  new  commander  close     .     the  eight   novitiates  arriving  to  polis  the  day  after  the  red  smoke  was  lit  across  the  land     .     they  were  purified     ,     they  had  their  last  moments  with  their  mentors     *  &     got  ready  for  the  conclave  the  following  day     .
it  was  a  blood  bath     ,     everyone  against  everyone     ,     lexa  fighting     *  &     killing  six  of  the  kids  she  grew  up  with     ,     witnessing  luna  killing  her  brother     .     and  when  the  two  girls  lock  eyes     ,     one  filled  with  tears     ,     others  with  shock     :     luna  runs  away     .     and  lexa  doesn’t  have  it  in  her  to  chase  her  down     .     she  takes  luna’s  brothers  pendant     *  &     when  arriving  in  the  throne  room  with  seven  pendants  instead  of  eight     *  &     words  of  luna’s  escape     ,     she  refuse  them  to  chase  her  down     .     that  her  brother’s  death  on  her  hands  would  be  punishment  enough     .
she  ascend  to  be  heda     ,     tells  the  linage  of  past  commanders     *  &     her  reign  begins     .     just  a  child     ,     fourteen  of  age     :     she  tries  to  create  a  better  world  for  her  people     ,     joining  the  clans  in  the  war  against  mount  weather     .     and  lexa  and  kostia  meets  again     ,     two  years  later     ,     when  the  coalition  is  still  forming     *  &     childhood  friends  turns  to  first  kisses  and  a  romance  between  the  two  is  unavoidable     .    
when  queen  nia  don’t  want  to  be  part  of  the  coalition  lexa  is  trying  to  form     ,     war  breaks  out  between  the  clans     .     eleven  clans  against  azgeda     .     but  while  lexa  is  in  the  battlefield     :     defending  her  people  and  fighting  for  her  beliefs     ,     kostia  is  snatched  from  polis     *  &    tortured     ,    killed  and  beheaded  in  azgeda     .     lexa  arrives  back  in  polis  when  nia  pulls  back  her  warriors     :     thinking  that  maybe  the  ice  queen  had  come  to  a  conclusion  of  joining  them     .     instead  she  arrives  in  her  room     ,     kostia’s  head  on  her  bed     .
it  breaks  a  part  of  lexa’s  heart     *  &     ever  since  then     ,     she  won’t  let  people  close     ,     have  a  hard  time  trusting     *  &     consider  love  as  a  weakness     .     but  even  with  her  broken  heart     ,     she  in  the  end     :     join  all  twelve  clans  in  the  war  against  the  mountain  men     *  &     some  sort  of  peace  is  spreading  across  her  lands     .     until  skaikru  arrives  atleast     .
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