#komi-san tadano
cimicherrychanga · 8 months
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cringetober day 22: maid dress
they shouldda had tadano in the dress without the wig too tbh i think he wouldve looked rly cute
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mangarinspanels · 18 days
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Final Round
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Shigeo Kageyama vs Tadano Hitohito
Reasons for being generic + Propaganda below
Mob/Shigeo Kageyama
Shigeo’s whole thing is being the most average boring middle schooler ever. He yearns desperately for a social life but he’s always been part of the crowd, so much so that his classmates and even his boss call him “Mob”. Also consider this post https://www.tumblr.com/codynaomiswire/190630281009/spot-the-main-character-amazing-mob-psycho-is?source=share
https://64.media.tumblr.com/15122b75c98b6a5978d892e284f5fe60/1c80e81d36417001-2f/s1280x1920/195aa0ce13b4bbea7fab38e3f930c250940fa9a2.jpg could someone who's never seen this anime pick him out as the main character
very plain face, and his hair is a simple black bowlcut. his design is intentionally as simple and generic as possible, mob appearing plain and unremarkable is a big part of his character.
The whole point of his character design is that he looks bland and blends into the background (hence his nickname "Mob"). There are characters with way more exciting designs, even including his brother who at least has Anime Hair™️, meanwhile Mob is just very plain with his bowlcut and monochrome design
a very obvious candidate. black hair, spends the majority of screentime in a school uniform, got his nickname (mob) literally bc of how generic and bland he is. a perfectly common face. no aspirations, no hobbies, no academic achievements, no sport talents. just a guy. regular dude. the only notable thing about him is his immensly powerful psychic abilities but he avoids using them in daily life, doesnt like to show them off and supresses them as well as his emotions
the point of mob's entire character is to be generic and plain. even his nickname "mob" was given to him by others to show that he is just part of the crowd and nothing special.
He's got a bowlcut, a very simply designed face, and usually is only seen in his school uniform.
He is designed to look like the most generic middle school boy with a plain unexpressive face and a bowl cut, and his nickname Mob comes from the fact that he doesn't stick out and everyone sees him as a background character. He spends most of his time going to school (he is bad at math) and reading manga and daydreaming/zoning out. He's socially awkward and gets nervous around girls. He started working out recently. He also has psychic powers but it's not a big deal it's just another trait someone can have like being charismatic or smelling bad
look at him. his literal entire point is that he is just some guy. his name (mob) was given to him because hes so bland and doesnt stand out that hes part of the mob / a background character in everyones life. it's also, in japanese, the equivalent to the english term "john doe."
Hair is a black bowl cut. Wears a school uniform, plain face. His whole thing is basically being completely average except for his insane psychic powers. He suppresses his emotions and powers because he just wants to live a normal life like everyone else.
bowl cut. standard school uniform. literally designed to look like a generic background character
classic bowlcut kid, literally designed to look generic and blend in
He's literally just a schoolboy with a black bowlcut and no distinguishing features. Look at he: https://mob-psycho-100.fandom.com/wiki/Shigeo_Kageyama?file=Mob+Fullbody.png Ofc, he's also an OP psychic, but he looks so entirely generic I think he fits perfectly
look at him. He checks every “how to look as generic as possible” box
Normal kid (appearance wise)
He is meant to look generic, he is this very powerful esper but he has black hair, a bowl haircut and mostly dresses in his school uniform. He looks like a background character even though he is the protagonist.
i love him so much he's like a son to me
(Sorry to the person who submitted a Reddit img link it won't make me put the image there because i'm on phone since I probably won't get Access to my pc since I'll be outside 😭)
i love mob so much he is my boi
…but also, if it helps, mob's character is "boy with bowlcut, almost always seen wearing standard japanese middle school uniform, who speaks in a monotone voice and has no strong opinions of his own (for reasons but its not important)"
He's literally earned the nickname Mob for being so bland and generic looking (Mob being a term Japanese programers use for background NPCs). He also was purposefully designed by the creator to be as un-protagonist looking and plain as possible.
he is literally just some guy and that is the point of the entire show is that hes not special hes just a guy. this is a good thing :)
he has my exact autism :)
Look doesn't he seem like a very polite young man? With no distinguishing features whatsoever? Yeah. He's THE generic anime boy. Immense psychic power notwithstanding
He <3
Tadano Hitohito
Just a good bean. Like a kidney bean
his name is LITERALLY a play on the japanese equivalent of the phrase "just some guy". he is DESIGNED to be a generic-ass dude. everything about him is comically average.
No propaganda submitted for this character
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ieatclocks · 2 months
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ice cream
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candycornstudios · 7 months
Tengo una teoría que Komi = Pomni
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I have a headcanon that Komi = pomni
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kozzdraw · 10 months
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Komi cat
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thisaritree · 1 year
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i still have yet to figure out what this page was supposed to be
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theauthor27 · 1 year
Little Komi Can't Communicate moments that I like
I wanted to save space by cramming these all into one post.
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Najimi's silly in this scene and she's my favorite :)
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They're cute together :)
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I just like Najimi man IDK what to say.
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These pages were just cute.
No pictures but I love chapter 89.
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This one’s just funny.
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I feel like Najimi can only have intrusive thoughts.
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Gaze upon my penis peasants!
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Mmm~, I love men who still play with action figures.
Ran out of image space check reblogs.
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Komi Can’t Communicate 💜
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They're so cute oml ( -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄◞ω◟-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ ) ♡
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bakaiju · 8 months
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And here's the Halloween OTP illustrations 2023!
Heathmael and Komidano dressed as each others.
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dailybigbro · 4 months
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Today’s Big Bro is Tadano Hitohito from Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu! He has a little sister!
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Round 4 (Semi-Finals) Group B
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Shinji Ikari vs Tadano Hitohito
Reasons for being generic + Propaganda below
Shinji Ikari
- Messy black hair - Whiny - Has a tsundere friend - "Friend" - Wears the most boring fucking clothing
Normcore king. He is just A Guy. He’s the first character I thought of when I saw your intro post. 
Most normal kid with depression and abandonment issues ever (and I say this very lovingly). His hair is brown and short with generic bangs, his eyes are brown. Literally just some guy (before the horrors (tm)) His default outfit is black shirt, white dressing shirt, black pants, white shoes (which is also his school uniform)
He just wants to go to high school, have weird feelings about girls, and brood about his relationship with his father. He does not want to get in the fucking robot
He’s a teenager with short black hair and a button up top and uniform pants. Given the iconic status of NGE, I wouldn’t be surprised if Shinji’s design served as a basis for every generic modern mecha/isekai series to come after.
Your honor, he's so dislikable
He deserves a win after going through the horrors(tm). I know a lot of people don't like Shinji BECAUSE he's "too generic/depressed to be a main character" but if anything that should make him win. He's my blorbo ok? He was literally just some guy who one day got the fate of the world in his hands out of nowhere and when he reasonably is like "yo I'm like super depressed, this is only making me more mentally ill than I already was" everyone goes "ok, pussy much? Call the wambulance" and I think he deserved better. Also he's gay (or at the very least bisexual), so like diversity win. Let him win. Also if he wins we can all say "Congratulations, Shinji" like in the anime
One of the classic 90s anime everymen
Roasts of his design aside, Shinji is a genuinely great and fascinating protagonist. His struggles with depression, identity, self worth and hedgehogs dilemma are compelling to watch and, for a then socially anxious teenage me, were at times crushingly relatable. He’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but he still has a place in my heart.
Tadano Hitohito
Just a good bean. Like a kidney bean
his name is LITERALLY a play on the japanese equivalent of the phrase "just some guy". he is DESIGNED to be a generic-ass dude. everything about him is comically average.
No propaganda submitted for this character
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ieatclocks · 11 months
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Komi and tadano cuddling. Art by me
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favficbirthdays · 9 months
Happy Birthday
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Hitohito Tadano (29th September)
Komi Can't Communicate
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tsunesama · 2 years
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yeah so i still remember the forget-me-nots in the first opening and i needed to draw it
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