#komi x you
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Your lips lifted into a smile while approaching the girl who remained seated despite the classmates branching off into groups, the final bell signaling another end of a day. A few classmates waved while calling out departures before taking their leave once you’d responded with your own farewell. The girl you refocused upon regarded you with patience until your gazes met. “What a day. How did you fare on that test, Komi?”
Her head subtly bobbed in a nod. “Mm.” The tip of her pencil scribbled across the surface of a familiar notebook before she turned it for you to read “it was easier than I expected but I’m more worried about you”.
“Thanks to your help, I knew most of the material just in time! I was able to make it though in one piece and I might even get a good enough grade to show my family!” You smiled widely when she blushed faintly. “Why don’t we do something to celebrate? It’s been awhile since we’ve been able to hang outside of school.” Of course you weren’t going to tell her that you’d missed being within her company over the majority of summer, Komi didn’t need to know such private things, but it helped to spur you to take initiative.
Pencil met paper once again for a few seconds before it was turned towards you. “There’s a new pocket capsule store nearby that made me think of you” was written in clean handwriting that you’ve come to appreciate and recognize as her slight script style. She peeked from around the notebook when you inquired if it had been in good spirits that the establishment had brought along thoughts about you. Once again pink tinged her cheeks as she scribbled for a few more seconds then showed you “I couldn’t help but notice your collection the last time I visited”.
“Y-yeah, guess I kinda do.” Sheepishly, you chuckled. “My family says I have a problem but it would be a shame to just throw them away. I’ve been looking for a specific one so whenever possible I try my luck at a machine in hopes of getting it.” You blinked when she rose to stand suddenly, determination radiating from her form in waves as she hurried towards the classroom’s exit, and hurried to follow as she didn’t wait for you to catch up.
Her speed and agility amazed you as she effortlessly walked through the crowds with you close by the girl’s side to the best of your ability. Silence wasn’t foreign to either of you, something that the two of you accepted and were comfortable with, sharing occasional glances every once in a while. Stopping at a crosswalk while waiting for the light to change presented the opportunity for her to point a the charm currently hanging from your phone.
“This charm isn’t horrible, it was mass produced a few years ago because it was cheap and popular with the younger kids at the time. I’ve honestly been meaning to change it out for a different one since the string has been fraying. My sister is super into them right now so I thought I’d replace the hanging part then giving it to her. It’s a four leafed clover, said to bring good luck, so maybe it’ll help her down the line.” You perked as the light changed. “Great. We can—”
The rest of your sentence was lost thanks to the squeal of tires, burning rubber filling the air as from the traffic came a car that bounced the curb straight towards you, and from the corner of your eye you could see Komi’s fearful expression. Your hand lashed out without conscious though, effectively shoving her, and braced for the coming impact. It never came though thanks to the high stepping curb you both stood on. Several onlookers hurried to asses the driver and yourself, checking for injury upon the two of you, but the authorities who had been close-by to witness gave permission for you to leave once a statement had been gathered.
A shaking hand took hold of your forearm as you exhaled once exiting the gathering crowd, bringing to your attention the girl who looked about to cry. “Oh, Komi, I’m so sorry for pushing you like that! Are you okay? You’re not hurt?” You sighed with relief when she hurried to shake her head. “I’m so glad. I bet that was scary for you. Do you need to sit down for a minute before we go on?” Again she shook her head and tightened her hold upon your arm. Your other hand rose and rested atop of her own, an assuring smile raising your lips. “I’m alright, see? Still in one piece.”
Her hand slipped out from under yours to shock you when it cupped the side of your face, bringing it closer to her own as she studied every inch of your visible skin. Either she didn’t believe your words or wanted to see for herself that you were okay. It didn’t matter which it was, you didn’t move let alone breathe too loudly until she was done. Once again her hand found the space of your arm where it had been previously and gave it a squeeze. “T-t-thank…you.” The breath you were in the middle of taking stalled as her gaze bore into yours. “But…d-d-don’t…end-endanger…yours-self again…please.”
Heat rose to kiss the inside of your cheeks at her just barely audible whisper, collecting the bag that she’d retrieved for you that had nearly been lost in the excitement. “You’re welcome, Komi, and I’ll try my best not to scare you like that again.”
The two of you began walking again, this time with her hand lingering upon your forearm, but you didn’t deter or ask for it to be removed. A couple of people you passed sent you knowing glances to which you attempted to ignore by remaining focused upon the pavement ahead. She came to a stop before an entrance, pointing upwards at the sign above your heads which boasted of exciting capsule machines, then surprised you farther by leading the way inside. Komi did, however, become frozen when a crowd of small children chorused with glee of getting whatever specific draw they wanted.
Your hand rested against her shoulder while gently coaxing her towards a quieter end of the store, successfully earning her to slightly relax by bringing to her attention all the different machines. Various shapes, sizes, colors, themes, there were even a few with collections of recently released films or television dramas. “You were right, Komi, this place really is impressive!” The smile lifting your face became a wide grin when spotting a familiar machine that you haven’t seen in nearly four years. “They actually have one?!”
Komi followed your gaze and was instantly in front of it within the blink of an eye.
“W-wait, don’t waste your money on it,” you tried to deter, “the one I’m looking for had so few made that I’ll probably never see it in my lifetime. Only a dozen or so were ever made in the entire world.”
She turned towards you with curiosity shining brightly within her wide gaze.
“I’m surprised at all that this place has this machine to begin with but the odd of it being inside is just too small to hope for.” The tip of your finger pointed towards one of the newer machines. “Why don’t we try that one instead? I know how much you like cats and there’s a bunch of them—” The hinge of your jaw dropped when she turned back to the machine and placed a coin within the slot, turning the knob with ease, then offering the capsule which dropped with a crescendo of music. You offered an apologetic smile. “Yeah, I thought so. This one wasn’t too popular because of its color scheme.”
A passerby noticed the capsule in your hand, commenting on how they had never seen it before, and you slipped it within their hand. “Wow, really?! It’s so cool looking and none of my friends have it either!” They disappeared towards the front end of the store with a bright smile.
Realization of what you’d just done smacked you across the face when turning to find Komi looking downcast. “Oh, gosh, sorry, Komi! I completely just spaced on the fact that you’d just spent your money on that!” Guilt filled you when she remained unmoved despite your numerous apologies. How could you make it up to her?
In the closest corner of the shop sat a machine that you knew all too well and thankfully it was only a few feet away that you approached it with hopeful intentions. Seemed as though luck was still on your side as it soon dinged then allowed you to retrieve the special charm that it had completed. It was a sleek black cat with wide glass eyes that were her favorite color wearing a gold collar just big enough for her name to be engraved upon it. It was worth every cent that you’d spent when placing it within her hand as you came up on her right.
“You can put it on your cellphone, wallet, bag, anything you want. I’m sorry about earlier,” you bowed your head deeply, “I should have asked your permission before giving away the capsule earlier.” After a few seconds your head rose slightly and the heat returned to your cheeks when noticing how carefully she secured the charm to her phone, slender fingertips trailing across the engraving of her name. You straightened with a hopeful smile. “Do you like it?”
“Mm!” The smallest of smiles raised her lips as she met your gaze, her mood now much lighter than it had been before as she admired it from several different angles.
“I’m so glad.” You noted the late hour and how the store was beginning to clear out. “It’s getting kinda late. I’ll walk you home.” The oxygen within your lungs froze when she held out her hand to you. Maybe she wanted farther compensation for the earlier capsule? Without second though you handed over all the change you had only for her to return all of it except for one coin. “Wait, Komi, don’t—”
Too late.
The new capsule was snatched up the second it had dropped and with wide eyes she held it out to you with both hands. She thought you hadn’t seen but you did when she swapped the coin of yours with one of her own before placing it within the machine. Why Komi had done that was beyond your understanding but the capsule now being offered nearly sent you to the heavens as the charm you’d sought for so long waited for you to pick it up. “I-is this the one?” So flabbergasted were you that it was all the answer she needed. Your phone had been about to fall out of your pocket was collected within her fingers where the limited edition charm was secured upon it then offered it to you once more. “I’m g…glad its…the one you have…been look…ing for.”
You visibly snapped out of the reverie with a physical shake and smiled widely. “Guess you were my lucky charm, Komi, thank you so much! It’s even more amazing that I thought it would be!” The entire time that you spent admiring the charm made you miss the full face blush upon the girl’s face when you made the absent comment that you’d think of her every time you looked at the charm.
The two of you exited the store, arms brushing slightly, the charms upon your phones catching the setting sun’s light as you began walking towards the neighborhood that was hers. Komi whispered almost too softly for you to hear if it weren’t for the fact that she was slightly faster than yourself, meaning that she was at least a half footstep ahead, of how relieved she was to have been the one to find that charm for you. This time it was your hand that found her own just before you took the branch of road that would lead to your residence.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Could we please get some general relationship headcanons for Komi, Marin, and Yor?
General Relationship Headcanons
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Komi, Marin, Yor ]
[ Komi can't communicate ] [ My Dress-Up Darling ] [ Spy x Family ]
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Cuuuuute! ❤️ What beautiful girls have you chosen!! ❤️ Thanks for requesting them! ❤️
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Shouko Komi
Shouko is a really sweet girl, her anxiety and shyness doesn't stop her from falling in love, although it take her a while to even notice her own feelings, let alone do something about it (however she try to do little things from time to time, like trying to invite you over to whatever she will do with her other friends or being a little more clingy) until you two finally start dating
Shouko is completely excited for being in a relationship with you, although actually dating you completely flustered her at the start of the relasionship, so for a while she will be a little more blushy and shy around you, and even so Shouko grows more clingy with you, not wanting to leave your side because she like being with you
It will take her a while to win more bravery but at some point she will be more comfortable and used to the idea of being in a relationship and from then she will slowly grows more affectionate, starting to take your hand when you two walk together, a shy hug here and there, little kisses on the cheek to greet you and say goodbye, little by little until she is fully used to it and doesn't become a blushing mess by the only thought of doing it
Shouko has never been in a relationship so she is pretty anxious about what she should do or even expect, so she may be reaching for advice between romance stories and her friends and family, wich end up being in a disaster since most of her friends tease her at first (even her mother) so when they actually give her an advice she is only half hearing for how flustered she is, and the romance novels just give her examples that she doesn't know if she could actually do
If you are the shy type it would be an even slower process for you to moving your relationship forward, so you two will recive external help, your impatient friends will push you two to move forward. In the other hand if you are the one taking the lead and gently push her to go further she will be really flustered but at the same time grateful for not having to be the one with the iniciative
However, there are moments where she herself want to be the one with the iniciative, so she work hard on doing something for you, it could be something simple as a little gift or caring for you when you need it, or even goint furder to plan and invite you to an special date
Speaking of it, whenever will have a date Shouko pass a full day between the anxiety and the excitement, all worried about choosing her clothes for the date, checking the weather report for the next day again and again to make sure it won't rain or something, making sure she has everything she needs, and so on
She herself will make more effords, working really hard in handling her anxiety to be able to overcome it and talk to you directly, with her own voice, as well to be more brave and do things she normally don't do, you don't even have to ask for it because she is doing it out of love and because she want you to be proud of her
However it would be better if you don't push her to face her anxiety or even force her, Shouko end up trusting you a lot, as well relying on you so if you start to be pushy with the topic she will start to get really anxious about it because she doesn't want to bother you with it, so she will be thinking that it actually bother you or that you will prefer if she wasn't so shy and nervous all the time
Shouko always want to know your opinion, you are really important for her so your opinion is just as important, so she is asking for your advice or opinion for different things (directly or indirectly), for example when she want to try something new, when she manage to overcome her anxiety to do something or even when she want to do something for you, she is always asking you (is also because she is completely happy to finally have someone with who share this kind of things since before knowing you and all her friends she used to be all alone)
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Marin Kitagawa
Marin is pretty obvious with her love for you and still she was pretty oblivious of it for a long time, it take her a while to realice her feelings for you and once she finally does she will get a little shy about it, still that doesn't stop her from being clingy with you
Once you two are finally dating Marin is overjoyed! Is imposible for her to stop smiling and for a while she will be noticibly more happy
As well, Marin is a complety lovestruck so tend to talk about you a lot, she talks about her amazing and super handsome/beautiful partner to whoever is willing to hear, normally is with her friends in school or to her co-workers, and as much as she looks cute talking about her lover it could be kinda annoying after a while, what she actually doesn't care much as long as they don't insult you
Marin is already clingy, but now that you two are dating she will be always touching you, either by holding your hands, clinging onto you whole arm or even hugging you, is just like for her is imposible to have her hands still and always giggle when you point it out, although if you are uncomfortable by it she will try to calm down and just hold your hand, even you two can just hold your pinkies and she find it extremely adorable
Also, Marin is the type to be always texting you for everything, she send you photos of her food, of what she is doing even of her work place when she is in her break, as well as pics that she find adorable, videos, or just chating! She always finds an excuse to talk to you, and if you don't answer or just read her message she will be pouty and will argument with you about why you did it, however she understand if you were busy and forgive you almost imediatly
Marin is constantly daydreaming about you, thinking in all the things she will like to do with you, like going in dates, doing cosplay together, watching anime together, cuddling, having a future together, and so on, and she always ends giggling and blushing a lot for it
Speaking of dates she loves having dates with you, you two always have at least one for week, is obligatory for her, and is all kind of dates going to a cute coffee, to the amusment park, to anime and cosplays events, or even just staying in home to see some anime, whatever you want to do is alright for her as long as you two are together
Marin talks a lot about the animes and videogames she loves, and she will introduce you to them too, she will try with all her favorites but if you don't like them (or even make you uncomfortable) she will let you be, it make her sad but not for that she will force you to like them, as long as you don't insult it is fine. As well, she is completely willing to hear you rant over and over about what you love and will love to see it with you, if she doesn't like it she will be more hesitant to tell you but she will at the end
Marin loves cosplay so is almost obligatory for her that you do cosplay with her too, she will insist over and over again until she manage to convice you to do it at least one, even if you don't want to go to a cosplay event disguised she will be fine as long as you let her take photos of you with your cosplay. Since she will continue with the cosplay even if you don't want to do it yourself she will kinda force you to go with her at least to make her company, however if you feel uncomfortable in those kind of events or don't feel like going out that day she will understand and will go only with Gojo, a little sad but quickly motivated with the idea of taking a lot of photos of the event so she can show them to you and she text you in every chance she has!
However if you are into cosplaying too she is overjoyed, always wanting to cosplay with you and talking about what characters you two should cosplay, for her it doesn't matter if you two cosplay for characters of differents series she just loves doing it with you, although when you actually do cosplay as a couple (when you cosplay about a ship or canon couple, or even just from the same series) she is even more excited, completely blushing and unable to stop smiling and giggling, it take a lot from her to stay calm so you two can pose for photos
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Yor Briar
Her whole life Yor has been only focused on taking care of his brother and her work as an assassin so Yor never really put attention into relationships, neither platonic or romantic so when she develops feeling for you it will take her a while to find out that are romantic feelings
Yor is shy when it comes to romance and intimacy, even so she doesn't really has much problems with being around you, even after start dating, however the moment you two start dating Yor start to be little self-consious of herself as a partner, even when she knows that you love her just the way she is, she can't help but be insecure
Yor doesn't have much troubles to adapt to her new life with you in it, but it take her a while get used to direct shows of affection, physical affection make her easily flustered and she prefers to go slowly
Yor wants to be a good girlfriend but she has no idea how to do it, she may be paying more attention to the couples walking around on the streets to get an idea of what she should do and even try to ask for advice to her co-workers (she doesn't want to talk about this with you because she will feel like she is failing you)
Yor is really caring so she is always looking after your well-being, she may not be the best at taking care of someone or even sometimes misunderstand your body language, but she tries her best to take care of you (if you actually rely on her, openly ask her a favor or even thanks her effords it make her really happy and proud of herself)
Yor tries really hard to improve her skills in normal activities, such as cooking, taking care of the house or even thinking in a more romantic and normal way, she is really aware that she is a complety skilled assassin but bad at normal activities, and she has this idea of wanting to be a good girlfriend that start to make her frustrated lot for not being able to do normal things
Speaking of, Yor really want to keep her work as an assassin hide from you, it isn't that she doesn't trust you or that she thinks her work is a bad thing, she just not want you to freak out or bring you troubles (however, if you work as an assassin too then she won't have much troubles worring about it). As well, more than once Yor have thought on killing someone who is bringing you troubles or if that will benefit you, however she will never really do it because she doesn't want to bring you troubles by doing it
Yor isn't really jealous, she is more the insecure type, as well no matter how much time you had been together Yor can't help but doubt herself from time to time, thinking that maybe she isn't being a good girlfriend or that you could find someone else that can do things she can't do
Yor doesn't really tend to drink much, but when she does she quickly gets drunk and is like her mind stop worring and just follow her heart, doing things that she can't normally do, either cuddling you and telling you how much she loves you (with the risk of end up hitting you for getting too flustered) or openly talking about her worries and insecurities, although no matter what she does the next day she won't really remember what she said or did
Yor slowly get used to having just a normal life and doing simple things, just sharing each others company in a mundane routine, and she love it, sharing her life with you in such peaceful way is something she won't change for anything
Just as Yor fears not being a good girlfriend she fears not being a good mother neither, and she feels nervous about the topic so she will wait until you bring the topic, at first of the relasionship she is really nervous about it but the more your relationship grows the more sure she feels about starting a family with you, she will love to do it but if you don't feel comfortable with the idea she is willing to wait or even don't do it too, you two just have to talk about it
Yor is really nervous about introducing to you to her brother, she knows Yuri can be a little intense (or well, that is how she sees him) but knows that she can't avoid this situation forever, so at some point you will meet Yuri and he instantly dislike you, no matter how you are he doesn't like you, still Yor will stand up for you against him if it need it. She really wants for you to get along so Yuri will have no other option than at least give you an opportunity (not without threating to not hurt her beloved sister)
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smwhererealistic · 10 months
Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader(Fem)
[Social media + Texting]
main masterlist
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Summary: The captain of Nekoma's volleyball team gets lovestruck when he sees the new manager of the Fukurodani volleyball team.
Twitter: y/n's , kuroo's
01 - friend
02 - who is she
03 - scared
04 - awkward
05 - they are weirdos
06 - lies
07 - respect
08 - in your face
09 - obsessed
10 - down bad
11 - that should be me
12 - nervous
13 - [redacted]
14 - hehe
15 - oh well
16 - hunt you down
17 [epilogue] - congratulations
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materialgworlas · 2 years
Gojo: Hey Shoko, is black shit normal???? *Nanami left the chat* Shoko: THE FUCK?! Y/n: THIS IS THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK YOU'VE MADE HIM LEAVE GOJO!!!!
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indulgence-is-key · 2 months
Anime/manga in a nutshell
btw this is my opinion if you even care
Death Note: guy writes in the same notebook everyday for multiple years
Ouran High School Host Club: girl looks for quiet place to study, lives to regret it
Hunter x Hunter: happy group of friends go their separate ways and things get dark fast
Tokyo Ghoul: guy goes on a date with a girl, he will never be the same again
Pop Team Epic: a show only understood by those who can't focus on something for five seconds
Dr Stone: celery boi counts past a number you can't even image
Mob Psycho 100: nicest person ever + yassified grunkle stan = fighting evil organizaitons and a self conscious middle schoolers thoughts
The Promised Neverland: kentucky fried children am I right?
My Hero Academia: awkward bullied boy becomes gradually stronger over time but the fandom only cares about whether he's straight or not
Fullmetal Alchemist: We summoned dead mom with chalk circle (OMG EMOTIONAL)
Saiki K: unreliable psychic narrator claims to find friends annoying, follows them around on shenanigan's anyway
Little Witch Academia: idk how to describe this one
Jujutsu Kaisen: he's too busy mourning his grandad. nvm he's not
Yotsuba: just nice. happy.
Komi Can't Communicate: girl has everyone simping for her, she still hasn't said anything about it
Orange: you can't fuck up the past, right?
Nichijou: robots, talking animals, yet somehow the real world is portrayed!
Serial experiments lain: everyone talks about the simpsons predicting things but lain is never given the credit!
Neon genesis evangelion: remember how we said nerdy quiet mentally challenged complex characters are the best? Well no their not because this mc gets horrendously mocked all the time!
Watamote: wanna laugh, cry, AND *heavily* cringe at the same time!?
Sailor moon: remember when wearing cute outfits weren't sexualised?
Fruits basket: there is no way to describe this masterpiece
From me to you: horror movie villain X popular boy?
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yanagisprettygf · 1 year
how I went from reading mostly anime fanfics to reading mostly kpop fanfics 😭
honestly being a kpop/anime stan>>>
I’m so delulu someone send help
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floralcavern · 5 months
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authorstellarainbow · 11 months
I'm falling back in love with mangas. I'm on a rom-com kick at the moment. So many feels and laughs 💚💛❤️
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earlgarden-archived · 2 years
Kazuha x KomiShouko!Reader
As you can see, I Stan Kazuha, because this is the second time within a week that I'm writing another Kazuha headcannon post. Sorry about that! Also I know I'm posting a lot of Character x different anime character!reader stuff but I always find these types of posts so interesting so I just had to make my own. But don't worry, I'll be posting normal posts soon.
(just like the Childe x Shinobu!Reader series, I'm making this a series too! So once again, stay tuned)
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Kazuha x KomiShouko!Reader part 1 :
How you guys meet
Kazuha was simply strolling around Inazuma, of course considering how he's a fugitive, it's a bad choice to go wandering around Inazuma. But at this point, he didn't seem to care, as much as he disliked the region, he wanted to see the Sakura trees just once.
When strolling, he noticed a tiny voice talking. Thanks to his good hearing, he could make out what this voice was saying.
"Why can't I do it? Why is it so hard for me to utter even a single word?"
Cant even utter a single word? How sad...
Kazuha decided to listen in a bit more, maybe he could find out what's going on
"Even though I got the thing I wanted, I ended up getting more than I wanted. Why? Did he find me weird? Maybe he thought I was weird and wanted me to go away, so he gave me a bunch of stuff so I could never come again?"
Maybe they're mistaken
Kazuha slowly emerges from the trees, silently hoping that this person doesn't think of him as a stalker
"hello there" he quietly says, trying not to scare you, regardless it still startles you. You drop your small cat plush that you seemed to have been holding a few seconds ago
"ah, apologies, but I heard you talking. You seemed troubled so I thought I could talk to you." Kazuha said, trying to sound comforting to hopefully soothe your stressed self. But he was only greeted with silence. You slightly panick, trying to find something
"hm? Is there something you would like me to help find?" Kazuha asks, wondering why you won't talk to him. Just as he was going to help, he saw you take out a notebook and quickly scribble some words into it.
He watches patiently, anticipating what you are going to do. You show the notebook to him, hiding your face in the process. On the notebook it reads:
"I appreciate the help, but I'm good" although Kazuha doesn't really think so, if you say you're okay, then he'll leave you alone. Just as he was gonna open his mouth to say something, you flip the notebook onto the other page. Kazuha reads it, it says:
"but actually, do you mind if you could buy a cat plushie. I had promised my dad to get one, yet I could only get one... And those other plushies" Kazuha looks at the pile of stuffed animals sitting next to you and chuckles
"I can see the seller must like you a lot. Alright then, I'll help you" He watches in amusement as you quickly put your notebook away and attempt to carry all the animals. Unfortunately, one tiger plush ended up dropping to the floor. As you crouch to try to pick it up, an elephant plush drops. Then as you try to pick that up, a leopard drops onto the ground until eventually, every single animal plush is on the ground again. Your on your knees, looking as if you're about to cry. Once again, Kazuha chuckles
"there, there, I'll help you. Leave the carrying to me, I can handle it" your eyes sparkle, and you quickly bow down to thank him. Kazuha finds your actions very cute.
As you both walk to the shop, Kazuha couldn't help but wonder why haven't you uttered a single word? But the longer you walk to the shop, the more he starts to understand.
Maybe she dislikes talking? No, if she dislikes talking then she wouldn't have wanted me to help her in the first place. As well, it seemed like she really wanted to talk to people. Maybe she can't talk? But how is that possible? Is she mute? No, she was slightly shrieked when I approached her. And she was talking to the stuffed animal beforehand. So... What could it be... Ah! It has to be... Does she have a communication disorder?
But before he could say anything about it, you tapped him on the shoulder and pointed at shop selling plush. He smiles at you and places the stuffed animals down
"wait here" he quietly says and approaches the seller.
"hello, I would like to buy a cat plush"
"of course! That would be-" the seller suddenly stops, Kazuha turns his head to see you. Your holding a wallet, which he assumed was your wallet, when he looked back at the seller, the seller was shaking.
"wh-what? You're back? Did I not give you enough? I gave you every type of plushie we h-have" he stutters, he's clearly intimidated by your gaze. Which further proves Kazuha's theory. Kazuha looks over his shoulder to see you very sadly take out some mora and nervously handing it to Kazuha. Kazuha sighs as he hands it back to you
"I'll pay for this" he says, as he turns back to the seller
"sir, what's the price?" kazuha asks quickly
"f-five moras" the seller stutters as you hang your head to avoid eye contact
"alright here you go"
"h-have a n-nice day.. hope t-to nev- I mean, hope to s-see you again" the seller slowly stutters as Kazuha picks up the stuffed animals again and you hug the cat plush gloomily. As he looks back, he notices several people admiring something. He averts his gaze to what the people were staring at, only to find himself looking at you. People were admiring you.. He takes a closer look at you, and quickly realized why everyone was admiring you. You were beautiful. The most prettiest person he had ever seen. Your hair was silky, your skin was porcelain and your eyes were beautiful. Everything about you was perfect. But Kazuha simply turned his head forward, it's not like he really cared about looks anyway.
You two go back to the spot you first met and sit down. You look at the floor, embarrassed to make eye contact with Kazuha. While Kazuha looks out at the sea.
"The ocean is truly beautiful. Don't you agree?"
Kazuha says to break the silence, not knowing what to say. He looks back to see you writing on your notebook, turning the notebook to show what's on it:
"yes it is." You quickly turn to the other page
"by the way, thank you for helping me buying and carrying the stuffed animals" using the notebook, you're blocking your face, once again embarrassed to meet his gaze.
"ah, it's no problem. I'm happy to help"
As you two continue talking (actually Kazuha's doing all the talking, you're just writing on the notebook) Kazuha starts to enjoy your quiet nature. Since you can't talk, the conversations between you two are calm and peaceful. This is a lot better than being on the ship Kazuha thinks. Especially at night when the crewmates are drunk.
He is taken out of his thoughts when you suddenly start scribbling things down, you show your notebook:
"actually, I haven't gotten to know your name" Kazuha widens his eyes, how rude of him!
"apologies, looks like we were to busy chatting we forgot to introduce ourselves. My name is Kaedehara Kazuha, a wanderer that roams the land" after introducing himself, Kazuha smiles seeing how your face lights up after hearing that he's a wanderer.
"What about you? What's your name?"
Very quickly, you scribble your name down in big letters, turning the notebook around to reveal your name.
"y/n." Y/n that's a nice name
"what a beautiful name, it's nice to meet you y/n" Kazuha says smiling as you turn your notebook around
"nice to meet you too"
I find Komi relatable so this fic was for my own needs. Also quick reminder: This will be a series, so make sure to stay tuned
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naominotaisho · 2 years
Top de mis waifus favoritas con cabello largo y negro 😊🖤🛐
Muchos tienen debilidad por las rubias, otros por las pelirrojas, pero en mi caso (desde que tengo memoria) siempre he tenido una debilidad (no romántica, ojo. Lo mío es mas de admiración XD) por las chicas del anime que, además de ser geniales, poseían largas cabelleras negras con flequillo (al grado de influenciar muchos de mis gustos estéticos hasta el día de hoy). Así que, después de hacer memoria, se me ocurrió dedicarles un post...
10. Kikyo de Inuyasha 
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En mi adolescencia no me caía bien (ahora si XD) pero siempre reconocí su belleza <3 
09. Yuuko Ichihara de XXXHolic
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I believe in Yuuko Ichihara supremacy 🛐
08. Madoka Ayukawa de Kimagure Orange Road
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Soy su fan!!  ❤  ❤ ❤ ❤ Es hermosa y genial  ❤
07. Kagome Higurashi de Inuyasha
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Lo hace Rumiko, me vuelvo su fan XD (ella es la prueba de que Megan Stallion tiene buenos gustos)
06. Rei Hino de Sailor Moon 
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Rei es un personaje que me gusta mucho en el manga y en Crystal. En el anime de los 80/90 no tanto...  
05. Akira Tachibana de Koi wa ameagari no you ni
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(A mi me gustan mayores!! ♪♪♪ De esos que llaman señores... ♪♪♪ by  Becky G) 🤣🤣 04. Shouko Komi de Komi Can't Communicate
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Tenemos un par de cosas en comun: Hablamos poco y amamos a los gatos XD 03. Yor Briar/Forger de Spy x Family
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El modelo a seguir perfecto para una niña en crecimiento como Anya: es hermosa, es adorable, es un amor de persona, sabe artes marciales y... si eres un idiota puede destrozarte la cara en un segundo!! ❤️Loid hizo la eleccion perfecta 👍 02. Mai de Dragon Ball 
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Ella era unica razón por la que soportaba cada aparicion de la banda de Pilaf en el Dragon Ball clasico XD Y actualmente sigue ocurriendo lo mismo en Dragon Ball Super. (Aclaro que siempre me gusto el personaje mucho antes de que Toriyama y Toyotaro lo retomaran)
01. Mana de Mermaid Saga 
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Mana <3 🛐 🛐 🛐
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dearest-painter · 2 years
Yandere Komi with S/O who is more popular then her has a fan club and a lot of people love her
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Y/N/S/O uses they/them pronouns,already established relationship,possessiveness,jealousy,if I have forgotten anything please tell me
•She hates it,while yes she loves the fact everyone know that her lover is beautiful she hates the attention you get
•She’s extra clingy and is seen by your side. Arms wrapped around one arm glaring at everyone as you talk
•She hates the fact people record you and take pictures of you without permission unlike her who’s allowed to as your her future spouse and she has every excuse to be able to do so!
•HELL TADANO AND NAJIMI AREN’T SAFE! They also get glares when they try and talk to her
•She unlike her cannon counterpart is very affectionate and is open with PDA as she wishes to show everyone that you are HERS
•Yamai gets more dead stares whenever she acts the way she does with you instead of her
•Makes Tadano move over one seat so that she can be extra close to you
•Please give her extra hugs,cuddles,kisses,and affection to reassure her that you love her
•Your never seen alone as she follows you everywhere no matter what because in her eyes she’s protecting you
•Any gifts given to you are looked at by her to see if they are ‘harmful’ in reality she wants to see if they’re romantic in any way
•no one is safe from Yandere Komi’s rath
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Why do I even watch shows and/or play games I just end up screaming yelling making *cry noises* or even *incoherent blabbering* but you can’t forget please marry me/ but also each other please please please please please please please please please PLEASEEEEE
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Shouko and Hitohito with the same crush
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Shouko & Hitohito ] [ Komi can't communicate / Komi-san wa komyushou desu ]
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Both of them are super cute!! 😩😩 Idk if my heart will be able to handle so much sweetness
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Everything started when they approach you becouse Shouko wanted to become your friend, her wish is to have a lot of friends, and you happyly obligue become her friend
But things weren't going to be so easy, at first being friend of the "Class' Godness" bring you a lot of troubles, but soon more than troubles they become little adventures with the rest of the class (even if you don't want to go Najimi will drag you). Also, you ended up hanging out the most with Shouko, Hitohito and Najimi
All of you had a lot of fun, and you even start spending time outside of the school
Both of them are shy and sweets beans, for the both of them will take a while to realice their feelings for you
Shouko at first just wanted to be you friend, but with time she gets more interested in you, making more effords to interact with you and even try to talk to you, overcoming her nerves just to show you that she wants to became better
Hitohito try to stay by your side and spend as much time as he can with you, and also, just like he did with Shoko, he learn to read your body language rather easily and can tell whenever you feel sad or happy, he shyly offer you his help whenever you need it
For a while both of them stay in denial of their feelings just because they are too shy to admit it, but others will notice it, like Nene and Najimi and will cheer them to give a try in their own way
But it was better that Najimi don't find it out though, because now that she know she will tease the hell of them non stop, specially for not accepting their feelings. Najimi makes "jokes" about it in front of you, but will never tell you right away, that is their work not hers
Now, if you are more the shy type then Shouko can easily simpathize with you, and Hitohito have no problem with it, both of them have a lot of patience with you (but one of this days you will give them a heart attack for how cute you are!)
Almost all the class are energetic people, so if you are more that type it won't be too diferent, but they will get more blushy, specially if you are clingy
But if you're more serious or stoic then Shouko have a major disadvantage, she is always nervous of making something bad or upset you since you don't show much expresions, you and Hitohito will have to reasure her
After a while they will be able to acept their feelings, and when they notice the other feelings then it would cause a little problem, but won't last long until both of them talk about it (maybe you notice the tension between them and force them to talk)
Both of them will make peace with this and promise to be friends even if you choose one of them (or none, that is still an option), and will respect your decision at the end, but while that happen they will enjoy your company
Whenever you get to spend more time with one of them or do something special the other feel a little jelous, but at the same time feel good for their friend
Both try to make their way to your heart without steping in each other way, at the end they don't have too much problem and just decide to enjoy it
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smwhererealistic · 9 months
Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
16 - hunt you down <- 17 - congratulations [epilogue]
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im finally finished with the series :))
im sorry but i kinda almost gave up halfway through it😭
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materialgworlas · 1 year
Snap Stories- Satoru Gojo x Fem!Reader
Synposis: After his Parents cut him off, the only way Gojo can afford to live in his apartment is by getting a new roommate. You <3. He's been posting daily Snap/Insta Stories about it every since...
Warning: ugly Gojo siwa pic jumpscare😃
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komitomi · 1 year
Hi Komi! I just stumbled upon your account after reading an Alhaitham imagine of yours and it was AMAZING. I wanted to request Alhaitham, Kaveh, and Thoma after finding your G-spot? Thank you!!
that genuinely means a lot to me, thank you so much for liking my work <33 and yes!!
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Finding your gspot :: alhaitham, kaveh, thoma (separate) x afab!f!reader
MDNI, NSFW WARNINGS: fingering (alhaitham, thoma), cunnilingus (thoma), p in v sex (kaveh), slightly mean!alhaitham, virgin!kaveh, gentle!thoma, small bit of fluff at thoma's part, cumming inside (kaveh), using spit as lube (alhaitham), reader is called a whore once (alhaitham) + not proofread.
You were currently sprawled out on his desk after you decided to tease him by disturbing him while he was focused on his studies, at first you sat on his lap, straddling him as he sat on his chair, but that didn't seem to bring out any reaction so you opted to grinding yourself against him.
Your intentions were to just tease him and be done with it but all that led to was the position you were in right now, alhaitham had you spread out on his desk, gazing at your dripping cunt, you felt extremely embarassed.
He lubed up his finger with his spit before teasing it against your hole and gently shoving it in, you gripped onto the table tightly and clenched your stomach muscles, “Relax.” he coos and you do relax.
That was until he adds another finger and curls his finger inside you, slightly hitting your gspot which ripped a pornographic moan out of you, alhaitham was kind of amused so he pressed harder, which made you arch your back, he smirked lightly at this.
You couldn't help but grind yourself against his fingers, he pumps his fingers in and out of you and doesn't miss hitting your gspot, which eventually makes you cum all over his fingers and the desk.
“tsk, tsk, such a dirty little whore” he clicks his tongue and pulls his fingers out of you before licking them, all that he knew was that those biology lessons definitely paid off that day.
Kaveh was a virgin obviously, so the first few times you guys had sex it was more experimenting and a little challenging, you yourself haven't had many experiences but you were kind of well-versed, but kaveh? he had no idea what he was doing the first few times and you didn't mind, and guided him through it.
Now imagine his surprise as he was thrusting into you as usual and suddenly he changes angle which makes the tip of his dick brush over a spot that brought a loud moan from you, unlike any he heard before.
He halted not knowing what that was, thinking it caused you pain, but you whined and told him to continue that way, he had obeyed and continued thrusting into you, in the same angle, watching your reactions, he had no idea what it was but definitely knew you liked it.
You for sure would not have believed that he was inexperienced because the way he was thrusting so effortlessly into you right now, and hitting all the right spots while showering kisses on your body seemed like what an experienced person would do, but it all seemed to come so naturally to him, sure it took a little bit of time but hey, it was all worth it.
He continued to thrust into you, watching the way you react to his pacing, “F-faster!” you yell out, throwing your head back, he looks at you before speeding up his pace, you grip onto his shoulder tightly as your high was reaching you, moaning and whining as his cock bullied itself into your hole.
You come undone beneath him, coating his dick with your juices, he was surprised at this but continued to thrust before he finished himself inside you, he pulled out his dick to notice clear and a rather sticky substance on it, he looked back at you to ask you a question but you were laying there panting and tired.
He later learnt that the spot he was hitting which made you react in such a sensitive way was your gspot, and that the clear but sticky substance was your cum, not be confused with your wetness, he never knew women can orgasm like that, he only ever knew about clitoris orgasm, that too which he learnt from you, but never this, he was very fascinated to say the least.
Ever since that accidental discovery, kaveh's game and experience had improved rapidly, and he was proud of it.
“H-ha...! F-fuck right there thoma~!” you moan, throwing your head back, as you grip thoma's hair tightly, his tongue swirling around your bud, kissing it and licking it as if his life depended on it, you grind your hips against his face to match the rhythm of his tongue.
Thoma's hands kept your thighs apart, as he continued making out with your cunt, your hand left his hair and you propped yourself up on your elbows before shifting your entire weight onto one and grabbing his hair again, you looked at him with a dazed expression as he flicked his tongue against your clit before engulfing it with his mouth.
You groaned at the pleasure, you brushed his hair back, pushing away the strands of hair that were slightly tickling you as he ate you out, you felt one of his hands leave your thigh and to your entrance, he pulled away from your clit and shifted on his knees, before pushing one finger into your cunt gently before leaning down once again, to toy with your bud.
“O-oh god!” you moaned as you gripped his hair tighter making him groan, he slowly pushed the finger inside and out of you and added another one inside when he thought you were ready to take it, you gasp and felt your thighs quake.
His fingers were plunged deep inside you as he moved them like an expert, he was searching for your gspot, pressing down at random spots until he felt you shiver against him and let out a whimper, indicating that he found it.
His tongue pressed on your clit simultaneously as his finger pressing against your sensitive spot, you threw your head back and your hand left his hair to grip onto whatever was beneath you.
His tongue moved skillfully against your clit once again, nipping at your bud as he thrusts his fingers deep inside your cunt, you felt your high approaching and you grinded yourself against his face and hand, chasing it.
You felt shockwaves erupt from your body as you reached your high, it wasn't like your any other orgasm, it was more intense, you let out a low scream at the way it came out so harshly, juices gushing out all at once, you took a moment to register as to what happened until you felt thoma pull his fingers out and clean you up with his mouth.
You just squirted all over him, you felt extremely embarassed at it and covered your face with your hands as you laid on your back before you felt thoma on top of you, pulling your hands apart and kissing your mouth, you tasted your high from his mouth, it was salty and sweet at the same time, he pulled away from the kiss and kissed your face insteand.
“Don't be embarassed.” he cooed sweetly while stroking your hair and embracing you.
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