#kof dolores
zxid · 6 months
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jkflay · 2 years
Hello KOF Tumblr.
Today I present to you
Mud Friend
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They're involved in a good portion of Dolores's moves and I believe they don't get enough recognition. Especially since we only really see 5% of them in game.
Oh Mud Friend... please don't hide... ) :
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dummy-dot-exe · 1 year
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dolores (kof) by atro@WhoopsAtro
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theshockwave48 · 5 months
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Dolores Sketchin'
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starlit-doodles · 6 months
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recent stuff
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thedrown · 8 months
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KOF- Dolores Casual
Thought of a casual look for her, based off Malian dresses and patterns!
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viceandmature · 2 years
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Nakoruru tries to negotiate with Vice and Dolores
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best-girl-otd · 8 months
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Today's Best Girl of the Day is…
Dolores from The King of Fighters XV
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matsuko7771 · 2 years
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bison2winquote · 2 years
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Dolores, The King of Fighters XV (SNK)
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jkflay · 2 years
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Pages 1 - 5 of my KOF AU Comic
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theshockwave48 · 1 year
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Dolores (2022) Drawn for a KOFXV collab. Big fan of her design HUGE fan even
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1069: Poker Night (King of Fighters)
10:45 p.m. at Casino Palace......
Ramon: (Groans in Defeat with Cards in his Hands) Maldita sea, Krohnen, how have you beaten me this time!? I have four Kings in my hand!
Krohnen: Which is cool and all. (Crosses his Arms With a Smirk on his Face) But everyone knows that an Ace trumps any Kings or Queens you have in your disposal.
Ramon: (Rolls his Eyes in Annoyance) Sure it does. (Starts Grumbling in Spanish)
Krohnen: Hey, don't sit here and get at pissy me, casanova. Blame your predictable strategic skills for screwing you over. (Points at his Girlfriend Sitting Beside Him) And Angel for teaching me how to get good at Black Jack.
Angel: (Immediately Pouts at Krohnen) Krohnen! Stop dragging into your mischief.
Krohnen: (Shrugs) Just speaking the truth here, babe. I have gotten a lot better at the game thanks to you.
Angel: And I'm very proud of you for it. (Kiss Krohnen on the Cheek Before Crossing her Arms Together) But my point still stands here.
Antonov: Can I please get something more decent than a pair of twos? I'm running low on chips here!
Angel: Anty, you can't keep throwing your chips in every time you want a new hand.
Antonov: Yeah, but....who knows!? (Starts Twiddling his Fingers Bashfully) I'll might get lucky this time around....(Starts Pouting at Krohnen) Unless your Cookie over there manage to take it from me.
Ramon: He's gonna run all of us dry at this rate....
Krohnen: I can't help that lady luck is on my side tonight.
?????: Luck is a very lovely mistress indeed.
The gang turns around and sees an old, well dressed gentleman making his way towards their table.
?????: But she can only led you so far, if you're willing to put your intelligence to the test that is.
Krohnen: Uhh.... (Raises an Eyebrow at the Suited Man) Do we know you or.....
Antonov: Say.....Aren't you that Oswald fellow? The guy who fights with decks of cards in his hands?
Oswald: (Politely Tips his Hat Off Towards the Gang with a Smile on his Face) That, I am, my good sir. And you, lady and gentlemen, are just the group of people I want to see this evening. You see, I would like to challenge each of you in a simple game of Black Jack.
Angel: Oooooh~ A new challenger approaches?~ What's in it for us?
Oswald: Nothing too complicated I assure you. If one of you I'd able to beat me, then I will be glady to reward you $10,000.00 in cash. Lose and....well, it pains me to say this, but....(Gives Antonov a Bit of a Sinister Look in hus Eyes) I'm afraid I'll have to assassinate your former King of Fighters' Champion from where he stands.
The Gang: WHAT!?
Antonov: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock and Fear) B-B-But why me!? I didn't do anything to you!.....Have I?
Oswald: Oh no, you haven't done anything of the sorts, at least from what I'm aware of. It just so happens that my recent client....(Turns Around and Sees a Hooded Young Man Hiding Behind One of the Casino Machines Before Turning Back to the Group) Who shall no be named, has paid me to take you out, says that he find your existence bothersome in his eyes.
The former KOF champ whimpers in sadness as Angel gently rubs his back.
Krohnen: So you're making play a card game to save Antonov's life? (Transform his Robotic Arm into a Mini Drill) How about we cut the case and start kicking your suit wearing ass instead?
Oswald: You're welcome to try, scoundrel. But I'd rather we don't settle this in an all out brawl, especially in such a beautiful night like this.
Krohnen: (Rolls his Eyes) Seems like a boring ass night to me. (Grits his Teeth at Oswald) And the name's Krohnen....
Antonov: Now Krohnen, my boy, there's no need for you to get upset. (Smiles Reassuringly and Very Nervously) How about we give another round of Black Jack a chance here, yeah?
Ramon/Angel: (Quickly Nodding Their Heads in Agreement)
Krohnen: (Turns to Antonov and Rest of Their Crew) You.... do realize that we're gambling on your life here, right?
Antonov: True, but there's still a 50/50 chance for one of us winning!....Hopefully!
Ramon: We have the chance to safe our boss' life AND win the moolah he promised to give us. It's a win-win for all of us!
Angel: And we'll figure a way to get out this as soon as everything starts going south. Just trust us on this, Cookie.
Angel/Ramon/Antonov: (Gives Krohnen a Triple Puppy Dog Eyes) PLEEEEEEEEEEASE!?
Krohnen: (Stares at the Trio For a Few Seconds Before Sighing in Defeat) Alright, fine. We'll accept your challenge. (Points at Oswald While Glaring at Him) You better hold up your end of the bargain, four-eyes.
Oswald: I will. In the meantime .....(Takes Out a Deck of Cards Out From his Sleeves and Begins to Do Some Nifty Cards Tricks as He Makes his Way Behind the Group's Table With a Grin on his Face) Shall we get started then?
Angel: Wait! Before we do anything, everyone get up!
Krohnen: O....kay? (Gets Up From his Seat Along With the Others) What now?
Angel: (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) Hmmmmmmmm......Okay. (Points Out the Assigned Seats) Krohnenny, you sit here, Ramon, over there, Anty, over there, and I'll sit here.
Ramon: (Raises an Eyebrow at Angel) Is...this suppose to better our chances of winning in anyway?
Angel: (Smiles Brightly) Yep-Yep!~ Totally!~ (Smiles Sheepishly) Or....at least I hope it does......
Krohnen: ('Sighs') Here's hoping for a random miracle I guess.....(Takes a Seat He Was Assigned to Along With the Others)
Oswald: Now, I do hope we all remember the rules of this game. (Places Two Cards on Each Side of the Table) The dealer, such as myself, will not be showing his card and must stay 17 or higher at the start.
Krohnen: Sounds about right
Angel: Yep!~
Ramon: That's the rules.
Antonov: ('Nervous Gulp') W-We're ready when you are.....
Oswald: Great. Let us begin. (Turns to Antonov) Now, what would you like to do first, my good man?
Antonov: Hit me.
Oswald: You....sure you want to do that this early in the game?
Antonov: Crazy move on my part, but....(Smiles Sheepishly) w-who knows!? I'm sure the card you give me won't be too terribl-
Antonov receives 8 Clovers with a Queen and 7 Hearts in his Hand.
Antonov: (Eyes Widened andTwitches in Silent at his Cards in Front of Him For a Few Seconds Before Smiling Again) Welp! (Pulls Out a Notepad From Out his Coat Pocket) Time to write out my last will and testament! (Tears Start Falling Down From his Eyes) ('Sniff') In shame.....
Oswald: That....might've been the fastest loss I've ever seen happened in my career in gambling yet.
Ramon: (Shrugs) Luck and Antonov never mixed all that well I'm afraid......
Krohnen: Man's a walking bad luck charm.
Antonov: AHHHHHHHHAHH! (Burst Out Crying Before Burying his Head on the Table)
Angel: (Gently Rubs Antonov's Back Again While Glaring at the Duo) Boys! (Turns Back to her Boss Wity a Reassuring Smile on her Face) Don't worry, Anty. Los chicos and I boy will avenge you before you know it. Really hoping I don't have to eat those words, but that's beside the point!!
Krohnen: Your turn, Ramon.
Ramon: ('Sigh') Si, si....I heard you the second time, amigo...
Oswald: (Turns to Ramon) Would you like another card, sir?
Ramon: (Look at his Cards in Front of Him) With a hand like mines, I'll take as many as I can get. Hit me.
Ramon was given 2 Spades with 4 Diamonds and 3 Clovers in his hands.
Ramon: (Sighs While Facepalming Himself) Oh mi dios maldito.....Is Antonov's bad luck is starting rub off on me all of the sudden now? This is the worse hand I received yet. Hit me.
Ramon now receives a King.
Ramon: (Puts on. A Satisfied Grin) Ah now we're getting somewhere. I'm leaving it as is for now.
Oswald: A wise choice for now, my good man. (Turns to Angel) Now, miss, what would you like to have?
Angel: (Smiles Brightly) No cards for me, thanks!~
Oswald: (Eyes Widened a Tiny Bit in Genuine Surprise) Y....You're serious.
Angel: Yep. Serious as buzzy bee!~
Oswald: I admire you optimistic confidence, but you do realize that you only have fourteen in your deck, right? It'll cost you the game immensely if you continue to refuse the offer.
Angel: I'm aware of the risk, but answer stays the same. Besides, if anything, I'm willing to let my cutie of a novio handle things from here while we wait.
Krohnen: (Slowly Turns his Head to Angel in Surprise) What the fuc- Angel, are you seriously letting me do this shit alone?
Angel: (Happily Nodded) That's right!~ If there's anyone I trust enough to win this, it's you, Cookie~
Krohnen: (Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Not one of the greatest choices you've made so far really......
Angel: Krohnen!
Krohnen: What? I'm just saying!
Angel: You said you trust us.
Krohnen: I did and I still do! I just...('Sigh') Don't want to screw it up for all of you, alright?
Angel: (Puts on a Soft, Reassuring Smile on her Face) I know the situation we're in, is scary right now, but have a little more faith in yourself, okay? You can do this.
Ramon: (Simply Nodded With a Smile on his Face) She's right, amigo. Despite our chances, we still believe in you 104% give or take.
Antonov weakly gives Krohnen a thumbs up while weeping softly on the table.
Krohnen: ('Sigh') Alright. I'll carry this one for the team....Hopefully. .
Angel: (Smiles Brightly) That's the spirit!~ And to make sure you won't lose confidence, I reward you with some lovely good luck kisses~
Angel blows out three invisible kisses towards Krohnen's viewpoint.
Krohnen: Not sure that it'll do much, but thanks I guess.
Angel: I'll alsk give you very special, private loving making hours in Anty's bedroom tonight if you win~ (Winks at Krohnen)
Antonov: (Immediately Got his Head Up From the Table) Wait what?
Krohnen: Deal.
Antonov: But- What- No! I- WHAT!?
Ramon: (Rolls his Eyes) Guess I won't have any beauty sleep tonight....
Oswald: ('Sigh') Youth and romance.....Such a interesting combination to behold, no?
Krohnen: Yeah, sure, whatever. Are we gonna continue the game here or not?
Oswald: Yes, yes. Apologies for the delay. I do hope you have more sense than your lady friend there.
Angel: Oi!
Krohnen: My girlfriend never has any sense.
Angel: OI!
Krohnen: But since you wanna be a cheeky bastard so badly.....(Separate Two of his Cards From Sode to Side) then I would like to split my hand into two.
Oswald: Interesting choice of events. But there's just one problem with that I'm afraid
Krohnen: What is it?
Oswald: If you plan on splitting your hand, then you must make another bet on the other half of your hand.
Krohnen: Oh, I'm aware. And that's why I'm offering Phoenix, as part of the wager.
Angel: Phoeni- ('GASPS') Krohnen, that's your ride you're betting on!
Ramon: You sure about this, camarada? You seem to really like that bike of yours.
Krohnen: Yeah, but......It's whatever at this point, you know? It's hell of a better option than betting on something more important.
Oswald: Not the possession I would've imagine, but I suppose it'll do for the time being.
Krohnen: You're gonna keep over analyzing over there or are you gonna give me my card already?
Oswald: Not the suspense type of fellow I see....
Krohnen: Not when money and one of our lives are involved.
Oswald: Suit yourself.
Krohnen receives 8 Spades on one side.
Krohnen: Gimme another.
Krohnen then receives 9 Clovers on the same side.
Oswald: (Smirks a Bit) ('Hmph') Well, isn't this a misfortunate turn of events. It seems your luck is starting to dwindle rapidly with only one hand remains.
Krohnen: More than enough to take the win. Now hit me!
Krohnen receives 4 Hearts on top of his 6 Diamonds on the other half of the broken hand.
Oswald: Seems you're not looking too good, my friend. You're down to one final card. I do hope you know this could ultimately decide the fate of your former champion, yes?
Antonov: (Crosses Two of his Fingers in Plead) Please, please, please make this one count. I'm too old to fear for my life right now!
Ramon: Maybe I should've made another hit when I had the chance.......
Krohnen: You think I was born yesterday? I know the risk and I ain't backing down worth a shit.
Oswald: If you insist.....
As tension continues to rise and the gang's (minus Krohnen) concerns begins to show in each of their faces, Oswald gives the blue haired young man hus final card for the night which just so happens to be......
Oswald: (Eyes Begins to Widened Again) What? An Ace?
Ramon: Then. that means.....
Krohnen: (Smirk Starts to Show) I came out with 21 in total. Pressure's on you now, four-eyes.
Antonov: My god.....(Smiles Tearfully) My live is saved......
Angel: I knew you had it in ya, cookie!~
Oswald: I wouldn't start celebrating just yet. I have yet to reveal the second card in my hand.
Krohnen: Then do it already.
Oswald: That's what I'm doing right now, thank you. Youngins these day.....
Oswald turns his other card around revealing itself to be one measly Joker, much to his dismiss.
Oswald: Well. This truly is unfortunate.
Krohnen: (Smirk Grew Wider) Game, set, and match.
Antonov: (Immediately Gets Up From his Seat in Joy) We won! WE FREAKING WOOOOOON!!!~ (Pulls Ramon and Angel into a Heartdy Group Hug)
Ramon: Choke.....Choking me!
Angel: (Giggles Softly) We're happy for ya, gran chico!~
Oswald: (Smiles a Bit) I must admit, Krohnen, your play this evening has colored me impressed. (Sticks his Habd Out a Krohnen for a Proper Handshake) Well done.
Krohnen: (Accepts the Gesture) Thanks. I guess you're really not that much of a dick than I thought. I actually had a fun time in a casino for once.
Oswald: Glad that you did. Now, how about I take each of you out to eat? It'll be my finest of treats.
Angel: $10,000 prize AND free dinner!? This HAS to be the luckiest night our lives, Krohnenny!~
Krohnen: (Grins Victoriously) You damn right it is, babe.
Meanwhile in the Distance.....
Kukuri: (Angrily Throws his Binoculars Down on the Ground) GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING BULLFUCK SHIT!! I can't believe I wasted $100,00 on that crap! I want a refund damnit!
?????: Kukuriiiiiii......
The hooded young man's eyes widens in fear as he slowly turns around to the source of the familiar voice, which just so happens to belong to his master, Dolores.
Dolores: What is this I hear about you planning a assassination on that poor man?
Kukuri: I....I. ca ex-PLAIN!? (Wonces in Pain as He Immediately Gets hus Ear Pulled by his Own Mother)
Dolores: Oh i will make you explain EVERYTHING once we get back to our hotel rooms! Have you lost your goddamn mind, young man? I have had it up to here with you nonsense right now! (Continues Scolding her Son as She Drags Him Out of the Casino with Ease)
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thedrown · 1 year
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KOF the B Team!
Despite how much I talk about K9999, my favourte kof character is actually K' so I play em on my secondary team!
Dolores is kinda weird but I love her design too much to not play though I do sub her out for Gato sometimes. And since I play Goenitz on both teams I did his boss costume for this one!
Normal Colours~
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dark skin/light hair is quite literally the greatest character design choice ever
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realboutfatalfury · 2 years
love playing kof 15 even at low quality <3 so much joy and wonder
#so far i do not have like a proper team..#but the guys i play inn 02 um are awesome teehee#love that they kept kyo's rekkas and added another one they love me#they also added a move for iori that goes into rekka well :3 joy and happiness#with the new guys and guys i've never played i enjoy dolores and luong teehee#oh and ofc i'm playing the garou guys. smile emoji#love that they kept b. jenet's rolling thunder... i might not use it much but i'm happy it is there :3#out of the garou guys i like playing gato the most then rock and then b.jenet but it's always been like this. lol#i've been playing ash more often and he's really fun in xv.. i just can't get the hang of doing things while charging#despite me playing mayyyy agghgh#still getting used to that on stick#even tho it will be almost a year of me playing on stick#ooh ooh playing angel feels really awesome in xv yipeeeee#i've been practicing her in 02 and i'm still able to do this unchain thing yipee#appreciate that they made her feint better buttons to remember o)-<#when kim kaphwan gets in the game you know i'll be playing him teehee#oh terry feels really nice to play in xv :) it's fucking me up rising tackle is a dp input and not charge. same with rock 😭#i keep doing like a fireball and then charging for rising tackle with both of them if the opponent jumps up lol#yeah all the guys i play in older kof games feel awesome and the new guys are fun as well :) all in all really fun game#i just wish i can skip story scenes bc my laptop is not handling it too well....
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