#knowing her she'll say oh it was just business uwu
kisstheloststars · 2 years
Yikes. I thought one of my friends learned her lesson and knew how much it hurt me to see her hanging out with this guy who, to put it short, led me on/bullied me. But nope. There she is hanging out with him ✨️coincidentally✨️ on a night out. After all these years. Right there on insta.
So not only did she completely ignore his treatment towards me, she went on a few dates with him, kissed him probably more than once all those years ago, practically broke down when i said i cant be happy for her or support her, invited him to her houseparty knowing I don't fucking like him, and DEFENDED him whenever I'd bring up how shit he is, and just overall.
Last I checked, weren't friends supposed to? Um? Support you?? Say fuck you to people who treat someone so awfully and make them feel small??? Especially if said someone is your supposed friend? What about the fact that she gave me a place to stay when I ran away from home for a while. She offered to let me crash with her? Like??? Is all of that discounted? Do I have no right to be upset or something???
Actions speak louder than words and she thinks she can have both me being cool with this, as long as she 'supports' me with other things? Like no.?? You're ADDING to trauma, you're ADDING to hurt. I don't fucking CARE if you helped me in one of the best ways possible. That doesn't give you a free pass to hurt me all over again??? Or to downplay it as "Oh it's not that deep or serious uwu what about everything I've done for you?"
You can literally excuse yourself. Walk the other way. Talk with literally ANYONE but him at a work event.
Idk about y'all but I'm fucking livid rn. Imagine getting trauma fueled by a creep like that and ur friend is just like "omg uwu I have romantic history with this guy and yeah trust me it's just not happening, I'm just gonna hang out with him for business purposes!!"
you cant fucking BALANCE the two. you cant be an amazing friend who lets me crash when i needed it most, only to turn around and backstab by hanging out with one of my bullies? Some fucking friend.
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merriemarvels · 29 days
adult raze meets child clarice uwu
She always prayed they'd take Illyana first.
They never did.
At least this time it wasn't the Sugar Man. His twisted fascination with her genome was lending more and more fuel to the fires of her nightmares with every scar that he left on her skin. This time it was the Dark Beast, whose only goal was scientific discovery, by any means. He wanted to know how her powers worked -- had tested her and pushed her until the latent mutation finally manifested and she'd blinked for the first time.
She hadn't gotten far, and she'd had an inhibitor fitted as soon as the Madri had dragged her back.
~ [ medical abuse + torture beyond, reader discretion advised ] ~
"The prize of my collection," he was saying, as she came woozily back to consciousness. The table beneath her was hard, but not cold -- her body heat had warmed it already. The straps and braces that held her down put pressure on her skin; she knew she would have bruises later, she knew later she would cry, but right now, as she came fully cognizant, she set her jaw and glared across the room, where the huge gray-furred man was chatting with a stranger.
"Oh, so much more than that. One of his."
The stranger's eyes widened a little, and glanced at her with a look that made her blood go cold. Predatory. "No -- and he lets you play with her like this?"
"That's the beauty, he doesn't know. Keeps his nose out of our business so long as we offer the results. I'm working to synthesize her ability to add to the genebanks."
The strange, blue man stepped closer to the table, leaning down over her, and she couldn't help but shudder. Didn't help that under the metal structures that kept her prone, she was naked as a babe. "Pretty little thing... Shame, really. I heard they'd marked her for disposal."
"Yes, yes." The Beast sighed, and one could almost hear a hint of true disappointment in his voice. "But we have her samples, and perhaps her get will be more agreeable."
"Could send her to the breeding pens. Good males down there. Could be promising."
"No, no. Don't want an uncontrolled teleporter just breeding all willy-nilly. No," he sighed again. "She'll have to go..."
The stranger looked down at her again, his expression hard and unfeeling. "Pity. You'd have made a fitting mare."
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c4x6 demons
Nice big moon there oh yes buzzfeed unsolved moments! I should finish watching that with my older bro... Where's the van outside tho? How do the doors close again? Maybe ghosts ARE real. Like in murdoch mysteries & then it was never again acknowledged that murdoch could see ghosts What can he see? I thought the thing came from you-know-where?
AC, on her dad's lap as they watch a movie together but then he tilts her in front of him: Dad, are you using me as a shield against flesh-eating zombies? She looks so adult. & oddly tanned. RC: I know he's busy, and you are very thoughtful to be so accommodating, sweetheart, but a healthy relationship is based on mutual respect. I mean, think about what kind of signal you're sending if you're the one always re-arranging your schedule at the other one's every beck and call. I mean, if you just drop everything the very moment that— *beckett calls* *castle drops everything at her call*
RC: The Ghost Wranglers are here? Okay, that's why I love these guys. Body's not even cold, they're already tracking down the ghost. KB: Why doesn't it surprise me that you actually watch that ridiculous show? GIRL SHUT UP RC: Ridiculously awesome. Jack Sinclair is, *becks turns to him in shock* hands down, America's most accomplished ghost hunter. KB: Um...Castle...Jack Sinclair is the name of our victim.
LP: His throat was slit almost from ear to ear, jugular, superior thyroid, common carotid left and right. You name it, it's been severed. Sexy Can't you be behind the guy? Heck yeah ghost killer! She works with dead ppl don't let her believe in ghosts
Oh nice maybe they caught the murder on camera castle explaining what it means <3 So many angles! Mum & I both immediately knew it wasn't begging for mercy. An emp maybe? (btw I'm pronouncing it émp' like in rvb when they were arguing abt it) GIRL IF THEY HAD AN ARGUMENT THAT IS A RECENT UPSET IN RELATIONSHIPS, THAT'S WHAT THEY ASKED ABOUT
Ryan's nice red sweater over his suit uwu JE: Right. Hey, we're still on for dinner tomorrow night, right? Me: what? Maybe it's a game night or smth not a date haha KR: Oh, yeah, Jenny's totally psyched. Me: oh KR: She's never really hung out with Lanie before, so *full body nod* cool. JE: Well, just to let you know, Lanie's gonna be getting off a double shift. So, she could be a little cranky. KR: Oh. *squints eyes* Maybe we should reschedule. I mean, isn't the whole point for Jenny and Lanie to get along? JE: Nah, she'll be cool. Just, you know, don't say anything controversial. KR, walking back over & crossing arms: Like what? What's controversial? [The computer makes a sound.] JE: Bingo. KR: Bingo. Don't talk about Bingo? JE: No. *gestures with some irritation* Barry Bavetta's been busy, and so has his lap. Dude has racked up a hell of a tab at a strip club
RC: We heard you were racking up quite a bill. Or is that billing quite a rack?
Sounds like he said he did kill the guy but obv it couldn't have been him. "you decided to prove him wrong"
Killing time was KIND OF funny "apparition american" KB: You'll see, Castle. This'll turn out just like every other murder investigation. *Ryan walks up looking concerned.* Once we find out more about our victim's life, the details surrounding his death, everything will be explained. KR: Um…maybe not everything. Mr irish folklore over there he looks SO mildly concerned & shaken & I LOVE it, good acting b'y *gestures politely to send castle in first* Caught a ghost! So cool!
Posting that intro on my blog
B'y surely u got SOME sleep esposito smiling watching castle set up his ghost murder board *drank her coffee* RC: ready for this? Espt *nods* RC: a demon
RC: That's not a real thing, you know. That real ghost hunters use. JE: "Real" ghost hunters? Isn't that a contradiction in terms, bro? Oxymoron? Nah man let people have their beliefs I thought that "I do" was Ryan Ooh Ryan nice tie! RC: You see? I am telling you, there is something going on with this house. The last people-- to-- *Castle tries to flip the board back around, but Beckett stops him.* RC: The last people that lived there moved out four years ago in a hurry. KR, breathy: Why? RC: I don't know, but I think it's time we found out. KB: Knock yourself out, Castle. RC: You're not coming? KB: No. I've got a murder to solve. KR sidles up to castle, eyes wide, eyebrow raised, mouth open: I'll go. *softly* [Beckett gives Ryan a look. Castle smiles at Ryan, then turns and sees Beckett's expression and his face falls. Beckett narrows her eyes.] RC: Ooh. That's a look. KR, looking down & to the side: Yeah. RC: I get these a lot. Just start walking. Faster. [Beckett watches them leave, then smiles & looks over at the empty coffee cups.] Ryan really is becoming castle jr!
Poor beckett, castle drank her coffee then said he'd make her one then he doesn't & she burns herself on it. I like the idea of ryckett & casito but rn we have some rystle & especkett scenes. JE: Yo. I, uh, just saw Ryan downstairs. I can't believe you let him go chasing ghosts with Castle. KB: Yeah. Maybe Shaggy'll keep Scooby out of trouble. Besides, you never know, maybe they'll come up with something useful. JE: Oh, you want useful. *sarcastic surprise* 'Cause I just spoke to CSU. They found fingerprints at the scene from a real live person, so… *points & wiggles finger* Becks still has the coffee with her
Girl maybe he thinks he was molested by a ghost it is not your business to make fun of the (probably psychological) issues of a man in prison! Wow the grammar & spelling... the handwriting is fine
Poor guy, he has to live with his mom bc he's an ex-con, he violated his parole for the guy who ruined his prison life, I just really feel for this guy. Prophesy vibes
This is so cool & cute & funny & scary! RC, trying not to show his excitement over the ghost: Oh, my God, that's terrible Ryan looking mildly freaked out is my new favourite thing Mercedes King & Mercy LaGrande are both cool names KB: So the question is, how is she involved in all of this? *rystle look at each other & hop up quickly* RC: Uh, well, you know, uh, Ryan and I would be glad to go check this out *ryan nods half winks* if you guys are too busy solving that murder. *especkett share a look*
Oh & now caskett is here instead of rystle These folks are doctors. They are psychologists, they are pharmacists, they are the medical professionals of the past. & I respect them. Why did he say mercy I can see IT not HIM? his face is an it but jack could have said him too.
Give that man a prize. tbh I expected the pics to be even more gory Murdoch mind moments!
I love the term on the lam, I like this guy's shirt (I have one from hot topic that looks like it lol) RC, looking to beckett: Really? He claimed there was a demon involved? AS: I know. Like anyone's going to fall for that, right? I mean, what kind of jackass did he think he was dealing with?
Ooh info! Cool! Valid, he probably turned him away. Yep you need a warrant babe. Do you need a warrant to get their car service logs? Ooh I love it when they do that! There was this one time a serial killer was watching TV with his wife 20 or 30 years later or smth & they said "this is a serial killer, we think he looks like this" with an aged up model including the style of glasses he would most likely wear & the wife looked at him & said "it looks exactly like you" & they both just laughed it off bc how could this guy my husband be a serial killer? lol that's so silly how he looks like the killer.
KB: Wait a minute, don't you guys have dinner plans tonight? KR, afraid: Uh, we can move it to…some night when Lanie's not coming off a double shift. JE: Uh, actually, Lanie's really looking forward to it. KB: You know what? No worries. It's on my way home. [Beckett takes the photos.] KR+JE: You sure? KB: That I don't want to be the one to blame for ruining Lanie's night out? Oh, yeah. I am sure.
Martha <3 Ooh hoo wowie look at alexis! & going to a party too! No he literally just called, you can answer & say she just went out bc she had plans or smth! gah!
Ooh scottish architecture! Ooh Laird's Lugs! KB: We'll go first thing in the morning, see what we come up with. RC: *puppydog eyes* KB: You want to go now?
RC: For me. Please. KB: I ain't afraid of no ghosts. *ghostbusters theme*
She's pulling his leg KB: How long have you known me, Castle? Of course I don't believe in ghosts. *door closes* RC: What was that? *lights go out* KB: Well, that's odd. RC: No, that's more than just odd. This is the same sequence of events that preceded Jack Sinclair's murder. KB: Except Jack only had an EMF meter. I've got a gun and a flashlight. *The flashlight goes out.* Except wouldn't their phones also be out? Gosh it's hard to be on someone's shoulders *grabs* KB: *gasps!!* Castle, I said legs, okay? RC: Oh. Legs. Sorry.
LP: Not as sorry as I was. I'm around dead people all day. When I get home, I want a live one. JE, eating: I was tired. [Ryan and Jenny laugh.] JO: I can't believe we waited so long to do this, babe. KR, wearing his fortnightversary tie: Yeah. Yeah, it really did turn out to be a perfect night. JE: *winks at ryan* KR: I would like to propose a toast. I know that it's kind of corny, but it's me, (yeah lol) so well, there we go. Uh, to best friends, now and forever. [They toast.] JO: Cheers. JE: And to the future newlyweds. JO: Aww. [They toast again.] KR: You are so thoughtful. LP: Cheers. JO: You know, Kevin said you guys made a great couple, *Lanie smiles & leans towards javier* but I had no idea. [Lanie and Esposito cuddle and lean in to kiss.] JO: So, when are you two getting married? [That kills the mood and Esposito and Lanie recoil w/o even kissing.] KR: JO: LP: JE: *stares daggers at Ryan* KR: *moves to drink his wine during the awkward silence.*
Sad that they found a magnetic field generator to explain the moving tripod BUT wouldn't it have also moved every other tripod & any metal that Sinclair had on him? WHY is it creaking tho? *makes castle open the door* Oh it's a rat It's like when higgins kissed a corpse! Well he fell on it & his lips touched its lips but he was so grossed out about kissing a corpse & that's totally valid Poor castle lol
Hide & seek lol. In the morgue: *Beckett exits and Castle stops on his way out* RC: Hey, how'd that double date go? LP: *crosses her arms and glares.* RC: I-- I just… LP: *eye twitches* *KB comes back in abt the case, but castle leaves past her* RC: Don't ask her about the date.
KR: Look, I said I'm sorry, okay? t-- h-- I didn't mean to jinx the dinner. JE: (imitating)"This really is the perfect night." KR: Jenny got a little caught up in the moment. JE: (falsetto)"When are you two getting married?" That's a question you do not ask! (Yeah jenny, sorry. I love you plenty tho. btw when are we going to find out she's a spy like with terrence myers or mary morstan) [Ryan sighs.] JE, mellowing out: I-- You know, it's-- it's not entirely your guys' fault. KR: You guys have a big fight after? JE: Big fight? *laughing* No. Mega fight, *seriously* yes. *ryan nods* The point is, we, um…we decided that we're gonna cool things off. (Good facial expressions.) KR, sad for his friend: Wait, you mean split up? JE: Yeah. Just until we both figure out what we want. *looks down kinda sad but also an "i don't talk about emotions" way* KR: Man, I'm so sorry. JE: Anyway. *starts ignoring him* KR: Look, brother, if you need anything, you know I'm always here… What? Friendship<3 also "brother" is such a Term
WHOA THE BRO GOT THE GIRL? Cafe jouer not cafe jouerre bro Either it's weird how he remembers all the details or they got burned into his brain bc of that event or it's weird how he remembers all the details bc they would be overshadowed by the horror.
KR: It wasn't someone Melanie worked with. I just tracked down George Banner, Melanie's manager at Flywide Travel twenty years ago. He said Melanie had two co-workers: KR: both guys. RC: A-ha. KR: Married. RC: Still… KR: To each other. (XD WOW) RC: Oh. I mean bisexuality, maybe they invited her to join idk The way castle's hair moves lol
It is not going to be him Ooh strong man there WOAH DETECTIVE SMITH!? Yeah I can understand why you... wait he killed her too I forgot AS: You're both very smart, but you're forgetting one thing. Me: you have a gun? AS: This house is haunted. Nice, lights out scene, fun. Now becks has also lost her gun, maybe ryan won't feel so bad about tyson getting the drop on him.
AS: Get on your knees. *castle starts moving* KB: Don't worry, Castle. He's not gonna shoot us. That won't fit the legend. AS: *pulls a sexy knife* rysposito had better be around Technically that's illegal tho
Ooh castle is so right! Jack sinclair's ghost was TOTALLY solving the murder! Sussy elevator (are ghosts canonically real?)
Oh no I feel bad for ashlexis. Castle said "goin'a" like "going ta" except since n & t are in the same place in the mouth he just said goin'a, not quite "gonna" Cuddling <3 Flesh eating zombies I love their father daughter love time Wait am I in the zombie movie? As soon as they press play we're going to be attacked by zombies!
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nebulaleaf · 2 years
Heh. Giving youuuuu… akira and futaba. for ask game. bc theyr neat.
they ARE neat. tey're probably one of my fave relationships in this game. this is gonna be . real bad because i am not very articulate tonight .sobs cries. this is just me word vomiting about how much i love the sakura family, akira included sorry .
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy? definitely siblings. i won't shoot you dead for shipping them as it's none of my business but age gap, futaba's dependency on akira and other various reasons i see not to ship them aside... i think the main killer for me is just how familial they act... I can't ever imagine futaba having a crush on akira like. that's her older brother that's the guy she uses as a human shield in a walmart. that's the guy who'll let her sit on his shoulders to get a pc part that's too high up. that's the guy she'd sicc on a classmate like a dog!! she's so blase towards him in the romantic aspect save for like... one scene that doesn't even feel that romantic, just weird imo. i'm also down for them just being pals and not sibs but... idk there's just a specific layer to it that i enjoy far more when it's played like that. i really wish i could word it blurgh.
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you? I am not immune to siblings alright. i see a character who's a good older brother and has a soft spot for his sister and i weep because i know he'll probably be my fave. kicking rantaro amami down the stairs fuck you man. anyway i kinda feel bad just reducing them to that because there's so much i enjoy in how they interact but i can't put it to words. im on the cusp of futaba's palace in royal though so be on the lookout for posts where i go fucking insane .
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships? honestly i think akira's relationship to futaba means the fucking world to him. obviously he loves all of the thieves, but futaba specifically ... man. i should just say the sakura family as a whole... idk how well akira's home life is or isn't, but the sakura family feels like Just what he needed, y'know? caring but not overprotective, blunt but not cruel... a good mix of giving him the right space but also loving him unflinchingly and hey!! he fucking reciprocates that shit too!!!! and on futaba's end... yeah this is an important relationship to her too. when you first get her and the gang tries to reintroduce her to social situations.............. it's like autism to autism communication. akira is that perfect blend of a safe space, but not too safe where she'll never come out again. he will protect her but push her out to do things when needed and DAMB! she do be needing that. they fill that niche void in the other in ways the other thieves can't. like yeah futaba is the "little sister" of all the pts in a way, but she clearly interacts with akira differently than the rest of them... n yeah you cvould chalk that up to akira being a silent protag whup whup we need her to be clingy so you can have an UwU Gamer GF; but shut up fucka you. It's Different. To Me. and i'm serious like again the scene where all the PTs push her... she ends up reacting well to both situations in the end, but she reacts Best to akira's prompting because he's not too lax like ann and ryuji n' not too forceful like makoto was. zing. zing. i'm gonna shut up on this one now because im embarrassed Ah Hee Hee
favorite interaction they have in canon either the fire crackers scene outside of leblanc or futaba's first beach trip. the way she glances at akira for approval and then he just... gives her that soft smile... it fuckign kills me oh my god. [grabbing you] im so normall about that scene i only watched it thrice. oh my god and then the christmas scene......... that one is a close third
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in so many. all the time constantly. I want them to get into shenanigans. I want Futaba to bring her classmates home to Leblanc and for all of them to laugh about Akira tripping over the mop as he delivers their coffee. I want akira to gently tuck her back into bed when she stays up too late studying or going too hard at school/social interactions in general. i want futaba nag at him to take better care of himself until she has to whip out the pleading puppy-dog eyes to one hit KO his older brother instincts. i want them to steal credit card information together and make sojiro go grey by next year from the sheer stress of having these hyper-intelligent morons in the same room.
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saintobio · 3 years
Chapter 11 blew my mind, and now I get the "wtf" plot twist you're talking about lol! This is the first time I'm asking you hehe. I can't believe Eula and Naoya hooked up and they have their own personal hidden agendas that would affect the future of the Gojos akskakwjoahwja OMG. Naoya really stayed in his own dirty habits. I wonder what he's plotting again? I'm sorry if I forgot but can I ask why Eula's been plotting Satoru's downfall and she was really REALLY looking forward for Yuuta's inheritance for the title of the company? Is Naoya plotting something for the mc as well? Implying to what Toji said to him, I still don't know what he's plotting in his mind after Toji said that.
I also love how Toji's been concerned for the mc and he's been aware of what's happening to her life.
Also SERA, my god she's so fucking desperate and delusional what happened to her HAHAHAHAHA she needs a freaking therapist. She really went down bad to the point where she wanna babytrap Gojo and how she's saying she'll kill herself because she can't do it alone. However props to you Gojo for having the balls for trying to break up but at what cost? She's so manipulative and desperate people are disturbing asf. Also why did she panick like, whats wrong? She's so goddamns suspicious.
I wonder what she's plotting for the mc lol she said she's gonna pay for everything and for destroying her supposedly "happily-ever-after".
Nevertheless, thank you for the meal Ai! As always! You can now finally sleep i guess jajskaah have sum good schlep gurl..!
Anonymous said
lmaooo naoya, i dont know what you're planning but it better not hurt mc💀
yn, i hope she's okay, maam's having a heart attack on god then we all just suddenly get a scene change ejndnsnsns, it would be real interesting if she gets hospitalized right then and there while gojo's at the hospital, not only could he find out but he'll be in crossroads. if sera's actually pregnant (not to say if the kid would be gojo's) and if he finds out yn has a fatal heart problem, i wonder what he'll do. one thing is for sure. he would HAVE to choose (well ig he already kinda did, seeing he's already breaking up with sera, FINALLY)
now, sera. fckin SIGH. everything is falling out of her grasp (unsurprisingly) and OF COURSE she blames yn, it's getting boring but nonetheless frustrating with how she refuses to see her faults and chooses to blame everything else. (her sheer audacity my god)
and i don't think she's pregnant (like with her cycle and how she's quick to refuse a pregnancy test) and even if she is, she'll find it hard to fake it. gojo is many things, but he isn't dumb and he isn't gullible (he could run a business empire by himself ffs), plus if he has shoko as the one testing sera, i doubt that shoko would lie and deceive him abt sera being pregnant (plus i don't see her getting cahoots with sera), and would sera even have the money to bribe anyone??? i doubt it, with how many times she complained abt being poor. 🙄
can't wait for sera's downfall uwu
and as much as gojo is an asshole here, im worried abt him. feelings aside, he worked hard for that business and seeing it fail and seeing his step-mom plot against him gets me worried....
@mephiis said
oh shit its getting fucked up 👁👁 like eula and naoya and sera is going to team up to bring downfall of gojo. Now yn saw gojo and sera for pregnancy test 😭😭
For naoya : tf you dick down a 43 years old woman? *wheeze* your taste legit worst.
@atsunflower said
Bruh why do I feel like Naoya is plotting something for the 50 anniversary? And I actually like him???? What did u do to me, miss Saint??
Sera keeps shoing her true colors and ugh, I relate a lot to Y/N, Gojo trying to redeem himself is getting on my nerves. Alsoooo, why do I feel like he is gonna find out about Y/N's condition next chapter??? So so so many questions
Anyways, it was another amazing chapter and I already look forward to the next one. Have an amazing week, Saint <3
Anonymous said
THAT TWIST OMG. I never expected Naoya to be the character who took the limelight. This particular part had me curious
“But this, he decided to turn a blind eye on it for personal reasons. Eula was different—that was all that mattered.”
What were his personal reasons and how is she different? She should drop a master class on how to bag rich men. But fr though, isn’t she mad old 💀 like his moms age. Is she actually that attractive?
Also, why did Naoya ask Toji what he would do if Y/N was his wife and why was he pleased by Tojis answer?
Ik Toji also said that if Y/N had waited a little longer she would have had a bunch of men asking for her hand in marriage, would Toji have been one of them if he wanted to remarry?
Anonymous said
NAOYA WITH GOJO’S STEPMOM I GASPED SO HARD I HAD TO PUT MY PHONE DOWN HELP. everything revealed in that part was so crazy, i seriously wonder who will actually expose gojo for all the shit he’s done 👩🏽‍💻 i think naoya is fully capable of doing it, imagine him exposing gojo at that business anniversary 💀
also y/n buying the shoes for toji IN FRONT OF GOJO LMAO. gojo seemed so childish this chapter it’s so funny to me. anyway gojo is actually trying for y/n…the flashback scene was so shocking, i hate sera for trying to keep him by saying she’d k1ll herself 😐 I KNEW SHE WAS PREGNANT TOO i mean it hasn’t been confirmed but the fact that gojo seriously doesn’t believe her and is taking her w ieri…idk 🏃🏽‍♀️ she might be lying considering that her attitude changed when gojo started questioning her but if she actually is pregnant it’s either gojo’s child or maybe someone else’s. HE TRIED BREAKING UP WITH HER TOO OMG IM NOT READY FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER YOURE SO GOOD AT WRITING ty so much for feeding us <3
Anonymous said
Naoya— I had some suspiscions when I looked at the theories about the plot twist. I knew the Naoya X Stepmom idea would really make me say "Wtf!?". Hah I must admit I forgot about Mei's love for money for a bit there hahah
Welp now I can tell why you couldn't express your agreement on my previous ask about Gojo's dad 😅 He does give off that selfish vibe that even if he adores his side pieces he'll only favor those of his own blood, although discreetly/twisted.
I'm honestly nervous that the two (Toji x Y/N) are starting to think about each other, although their thoughts are still on the platonic side, I can't help but feel that Gojo's chances of getting Y/N back is already at the critical level of 10%.
I know he's sincere with everything now but I can't blame Y/N for not believing his actions at all. Heck I would've started not believing every affection he's shown the moment he declared that I will never be in his heart 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hopefully he'll get through the "veil" she has started to build around her to keep him away 👀
Ohohoh it's evident that she isn't pregnant ( I eat lies for breakfast JK 🤣) but in case she is when Ieiri checked it's probably someone else's, maybe Naoya has something to do with it. He did say he wanted to meet her and to leave the dirty work to him. He seems like he's gonna help Toji get Y/N 🤔 Like she's gon be beneficial for their group, too, yk. But oh well, too late, Y/N saw the scenes at the hospital already and has assumed the worst, oh man, and to think he's been annoyingly sweet throughout this chapter 😅
Also, I wanna trust Ieiri honestly but if she ever reveals that misstres is indeed preggo I have a feeling she's threatened by the fact that mistress might potentially harm Y/N knowing her heart condition but again I hope she's a wise and strong as I see her.
I'm honestly glad like 🥲🤧 that he said those things to Sera, that's a HUGE step hun. But now I feel bad because there's a lot of misunderstandings in their relationship then add to the mix that the mistress lied to baby trap Gojo and Y/N seeing all that and running away without confirming anything 😢
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unfortunately i cannot answer all of ur asks abt naoya’s intentions. wouldn’t it be better to let the story unfold itself? :) everything will make sense soon. i do agree with the reactions abt naoya x eula tho sjndjs remember when i told u guys i have a plot twist 😭 only one person managed to guess but it was a great guess!!
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cupidoargiades · 5 years
fuck a keyboard, you're my type (pt. 2)
A/N - @kookiequeeen asked for a second part of fuck a keyboard, you're my type, so here we are! let's get it :) this is really just- all fluff. i'm in a fluffy mood ok, it's bc of bangchan's liveshow he did today, i promsie uwu
a light pressure on your cheek releases itself, leaving a tiny damp circle, only to get pressed back just a few seconds later. you squirm under the touch just a little bit, causing the shower of kisses to stop for a while. "come on baby.., wake up.." you hear a groany morning voice say. "i know you're listening, hm..?"
memories of last night flood your mind, almost reliving them as you can feel his soft kisses on your neck. chests heaving in sync, gentle pants blowing in your ear, miniscule beads of sweat covering your hot skin; all in the backseat of his suv.
then, moving on to a second round after hurriedly trying to get the door unlocked. "baby..~" you hear, the voice interrupting your train of thought.
you hold back a smile as the kisses go lower and lower, reaching your stomach. goosebumps rise on your arms and legs, signaling shivers down your spine. "there we go, love.. goodmorning..~" jackson smiles, pushing a stray lock of hair behind your ear. "morning.." you mumble, as you stretch out. he gives you some room before climbing on top of you after you relax again.
"did you sleep well..?" he asks, as you squirm under his touch again. you groan softly as you open your eyes, jackson's glistening figure greeting you. "you're beautiful.." you mumble after nodding at his question.
"i know."
"so egotistical.." you chuckle, pushing your hands up his shoulders.
jackson responds with a kind laugh, collapsing on your chest. snuggling intk your body, he sighs contently. "i made us a bath.." he says, fingers intertwining with yours with such a gentle touch, you barely even feel it.
"oh..?~" you hum, his head perking up from your shoulder. "are you trying to bribe me or something..? what's with all the sweet stuff..?" you ask.
"nothing- really.. i just want to treat you like a queen, since i figured your ex didn't do that.." jackson answers.
"have you ever woken up this way..?" he asks sweetly, pecking more butterfly kisses over your shoulders and chest. you shake your head and hum a no, making him smile confidently. "ever been carried into the bathtub?" he asks.
again, you shake your head.
jackson's arms snake under your knees and back, lifting you up effortlessly. as he brings you to the tub, a flowery vanilla scent greets you, followed by the sight of a modern-looking bathroom. some candles are lit on the rim of the tub, sink and floor, making you roll your eyes at the cheesyness.
"such a stereotypical movie bath.." you groan, placing your feet on the cold bathroom tiles. "it gets better.." jackson quietly whispers, whipping out a soft, and big t-shirt he wore during the got7 world tour. "tada..~ you'll get to wear this after we're done."
"where'd you learn to be such a stereotypically romanfic boyfriend?" you ask, chuckling a little as you get comfortable in the bathtub. "i know all girls like this stuff.." he responds. tilting your head, you raise an eyebrow. "but like-.. who told you?"
"the girls on instagram who say "i'm baby" religiously and use the sulky emoji.." jackson giggles quietly, hiding his face in his hands.
securing the warm towel around his waist, he hands you yours, helping you carefully dry you off. leaning in for a backhug, a soft whisper approaches your ear. "so.., i've planned a bit of a date for today.."
"tell me all about it" you mumble, placing your hands on his that were sweetly clasped around your waist. "where are you taking me?"
as the side of his face rested on the nape of your neck, he listed the places he'd take you. "a cute café for some breakfast.. then we can go shopping if you want to..? i know a few good places around here, i looove shopping"
"hi" jack blatantly speaks, holding up his hand with a smile plastered on his face when your best friend opens your apartment door. "thank you" she smiles arrogantly, taking your wrist and pulling you inside. "what were you thinking..?" she quietly asks, shutting the door as you put down the gucci and fendi bags that were filled to the rim with new clothes and accessories.
a dull sound silences your bickering.
you look down to see jackson's dressing shoe crammed in between the doorpost and the door itself.
"can i get one sec alone with your friend..?" jackson asks, kindly raising his eyebrows, placing a kiss on your forehead when you hesitantly nod. you grab the paper bags and head around the corner, silently listening in to their slightly heated conversation.
your friend's angry rant gets interrupted by jackson saying "listen" every now and then. once her voice quiets down, jack takes his chance to explain himself.
"no-" he starts, casually and calmly leaning against the doorpost. "to me, she's not just a heartbroken girl i took advantage of. if she was, i wouldn't have driven her home after a nice morning and a fun day, i would've kicked her out of my house first thing in the morning, afraid the paparazzi would see me with such a living piece of trash."
his harsh yet lovely words silenced your friend, somehow lighting your heart on fire. "just let me fall in love with her, i swear i'll treat her like she deserves to be treated." he kept speaking, in which your friend dropped her head and sighed.
"listen up, wang," she started, looking back up at him. "i don't know you, or your story, but i know y/n's. i assume she hasn't told you what kind of person her ex was, but i can tell you he was a dick. a major fucking asshole.. it's just-..."
"i just don't want her to get hurt again."
a loving smile appeared on your face, a slight blush spreading across your cheeks. "i promise i won't hurt her. and if you do, you can shoot me through the head, electrocute me, break all my bones, i don't care-.. i just want us both to be happy.. together"
jackson's words make you fall in love with him even deeper, and for a brief second you just wish you could relive today, before the front door shuts and your phone starts ringing.
unknown number, 20:56
voice message
--○------------- ||
"hey love, it's jackson here." you can hear the pure joy in his voice, as well as some outdoors wind blowing in the mic.
"i know your friend and i fought a bit just now, but don't worry, we're cool.. she'll let me go on a few more dates with you" he laughs, making you chuckle a bit.
"so- how about next week..? i know it sounds so far away, but we can always text and call, right? i'm a bit busy this week, that's why i can't do it sooner. with the new album coming out so-" he says, suddenly stopping his sentence half way through. "shit. spoiler"
"haha- uh.. anyway! next week, i hope you're free. text me back, okay? i- i love you. for real. i really do."
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