#kk2 spoiler
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shrinkthisviolet · 3 months ago
THE END and NEXT for the no excuses writing game.
Totally forgot about this lol my bad!
THE END — i’ll make up an ending, or post the ending if i’ve written it
“So,” Tory said breathlessly, “what now?” Sam glanced at her, confused. “What do you mean?” “Well, you’ve got some insight into the future none of us have. Anything about this summer, or do we get to just chill?” Sam thought back, trying to remember her father’s stories…and then she remembered the summer of ’85. “It’s like a fairytale when you think about it. I met a beautiful princess…but also, there was danger too.” “Did you get hurt, Daddy?” “Not too badly, Sammy. But it…changed me, I think. Made me learn to appreciate the little things in life. The joys of it. Never forget to enjoy your life, Sam. You only get to live it once.” “What?” Aisha prompted, frowning at the look on her face. “What is it? Did you remember something?” “Yeah.” Sam exhaled, lying down beside them. “We’re going on an adventure.”
~CK AU interlude fic
this will, ofc, lead right into KK2!
NEXT — the next line. meaning i will finish the sentence I’m on and write a new one, which you’ll get.
“You can’t ignore me forever.” “Watch me,” he snapped, but with his back turned to everyone else, he didn’t have to hide the sadness in his eyes. Nor did Morgan have to hide hers.
~1x15/1x16 fic
poor Barry & Morgan 🥺
no excuses ask game!
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callaeidae3 · 2 years ago
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Whumptober 2022 Day 3: Hair's breadth from death
Gun to Temple | "Say goodbye" | Impaled
Sa'a Kindall, rescued from a near death experience in the A'o Fire.
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callaeidae3 · 3 years ago
*looks at my writing of KK2* ...yeah oops
On the other hand, I would say that - if discussion of the plan serves an important narrative purpose - it could be kept.
In Kindall K Book 2, for example, with the plan for the hostage situation rescue. I wrote out the behind-the-scenes planning of Joshua, Kyle and Sam's attempt to rescue Yuuki from the hostage situation - I wanted it to be a part of the storytelling.
This is because is it gave a sense of the hostage situation unravelling in real time (i.e. how it might feel to be a character rendered in that situation). Rather than skipping "what would it realistically feel like to experience this situation playing out from Kyle's point of view?", I wanted to try to capture that.
I also wanted the planning to add to the suspense of the idea that the plan had a high probability of failing, and that what they were doing felt futile and ridiculous.
Slight spoiler from KK3: that plan would've failed if one of the antagonists (Luis) hadn't actually let them get away with rescuing Yuuki. Luis saw it happening. He heard it happening. But he kept quiet about it, and didn't tell Juun to alert him.
If Juun had realised on his own what was happening, though...they'd have been screwed (Kyle and Yuuki primarily). Joshua's idea of back up defense from the rooftop probably wouldn't have been enough.
So, in this sense, while I am still critical of my writing for KK2, I still remember my reason for wanting to tell the story this way. Was it the best way to go? Maybe, maybe not.
But it was the storytelling direction I wanted to go with, the narrative experience that I wanted to try to create.
if your characters are discussing a plan and the plan is going to work, skip the discussion. readers will see it play out for themselves. if the plan is going to fail, show the discussion so readers will see and know that the plan is failing
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krytus · 2 years ago
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the ck writers are actually kissing the themes of the original movies. with tongue.
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philcollinsenjoyer · 2 years ago
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xandiland · 4 years ago
Hi! Can you tell us a little bit about the movie characters that are making an appearance in the show this season? How important is the part they are playing in the story? Do we get any surprise appearances?
Spoilers ahead for those who haven't seen the trailer or other promotional videos!
From KK2, Tamlyn Tomita is back as Kumiko and Yuji Okumoto is back as Chozen. Both play what I'd consider important roles in two different ways: seeing how they've grown up and learning about the lives they've lived, and providing Daniel with continued opportunities to grow. His interactions with the two of them help him better understand his past and the person he wants to be, and help him re-evaluate some of the relationships in his life. The setups for these scenes were maybe a little unrealistic in some ways, but they were emotional and meaningful and I think both characters were used perfectly.
Beyond that, I can't say much!
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callaeidae3 · 3 years ago
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WIP new cover for The Case of Kindall, K. (Tap/click for better image quality)
I've still got to work on fine-tuning parts of this, but here's the idea I've been working on for a new cover for KK1 🌳
The scene the art is of is The Village Park incident - aka "the case of Kindall, K."
NB: the spine image is from current cover (is there as a placeholder atm). I'm also considering book numbers on the spine?
For reference, comparison between current cover (left) and WIP new cover (right):
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As following The Ninao Incident;
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Front cover (as at WIP):
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Please let me know what you think!
Additional detail notes: to the immediate left of Kyle's head is the Southern Cross constellation (Arkala is in the Southern Hemisphere, between AU and NZ); that yellow light on the hill beyond the lake, do you see it? That's the Chen's house, where Minharh is probably having tea in oblivion to what's happening to his son right now 🙃
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krytus · 4 years ago
Chozen's appearance this season killed me. Like imagine getting a call from your friend who you might have held hostage once saying "hey the dude you tried to fight to the death is in town you should come hang out" and gleefully planning to fake stoicism to scare the shit out of him so you can honk his nose. An Icon. (Also the fact that Kumiko called him meant the two must have been in contact so she saw Chozen pretending to be stoic and decided to let Daniel Sweat fdkjhglkf)
that part where daniel was like Please help me and kumiko was like No <3 i love everything about her
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callaeidae3 · 4 years ago
Febuwhump art spoiler warning!
The next 2-3 Febuwhump prompt arts I'm planning to draw are gonna have a spoiler!
It's info about a character that's revealed at the end of Kindall K #2 (i.e. the spoiler), and further detailed in Kindall K #3 (not so spoiler if you already know the first).
I'll be tagging #kk2spoiler, if you'd prefer not to know. Otherwise, just avoid reading the tags and maybe watch out for:
Feb 8 - Coma (Alt 3)
Feb 9 - Identity reveal (Alt 4)*
Feb 10 - "I'm sorry, I didn't know" (Day 10)
*this one is gonna be the KK2 spoiler.
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