#kind of tempted to come back and write a snippet but i'm not sure yet
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fezwearingjellybananas · 7 days ago
Cisco as Killer Frost AU for the 5+ headcanons :D
That seems like an interesting idea, thank you for that one, there's a few points that could happen? Post Flashpoint it's the fall out from Dante's death? Or maybe...
The Cold Gun core was never intended to be a weapon. It was a fast-acting super-cooling mechanism meant to be part of the accelerator's failsafe measures. Hartley had been the one to give Cisco the task of improving the existing cooling method and Cisco was pretty sure this was meant to be a test, so he was definitely using it to make Hartley eat his words.
2. It's not a test, though Hartley's not going to trust Cisco with that. He managed to weasel back into Harrison's good graces about the accelerator once already- clearly it was his own calculations that were wrong, he'd only been inside to check and of course that was what happened, of course Harrison Wells couldn't possibly be wrong, of course he knew so much more than Hartley- but he knows it won't happen again. He knows no one else will take his word over Harrison's, he knows his job is already on thin ice. But he also knows if Harrison won't listen to him, it's better for him to be at S.T.A.R. Labs where he can sneak his own additional failsafes into the accelerator to at least mitigate the damage Harrison is about to unleash on the city.
3. Eobard is distracted in the few days before. Barry Allen decides to choose now to run off to Starling City, where he's away from Eobard's cameras for the first time in a long time, where Eobard tracking his phone shows he's at Queen Consolidated, and now Eobard has to at the very last minute find a way to make sure Barry Allen of all people actually gets to where he needs him to be on time. He can't run and get him himself, not yet, he can't get there and back himself, why is Barry so frustrating all the time. And because Barry has been causing problems yet again, now he only has a few hours to undo whatever it was Hartley just slipped into his accelerator under the guise of doing his final checks on the mechanics. This is all Barry's fault.
4. Ronnie Raymond isn't a physicist. He's a structural engineer. His job isn't to make the accelerator work, that's Doctor Wells and Hartley, his job is to make sure that whatever happens, the building stays standing. That everyone in that building is as safe as they can possibly be from any failures within the accelerator. Ronnie Raymond does his job that night. But he can do more, he knows every failsafe, he knows how to shut the accelerator down manually if every other system fails, except he brought Cisco down with him and now Cisco's saying something about something he made and gave to Hartley and, before Ronnie can stop him, Cisco is the one running into the Pipeline that night. Cisco is the one who doesn't make it out the Pipeline that night.
5. There are parts in the accelerator that were not on Eobard's original plans. Cisco told Ronnie Hartley put at least one of them there. Jax, Hartley's new intern- meant to keep him occupied and out the accelerator, so much for that plan- has disappeared, Hartley has some figures that line up with what the accelerator did instead of Eobard's calculations he made sure would show it working, and Hartley trusted no one with his suspicions and now seems to be lying low, he makes it so easy for Eobard to pin the failure on him.
6. The first thing Cisco feels when he wakes up is cold. He doesn't know where he is, doesn't know what happened, all he can feel is this incredible cold.
7. There's a man next to him, shivering, and Cisco reaches a hand to help him up and watches him cry out and pull back, away from Cisco, away from where Cisco sees ice forming as he draws the man's body temperature into himself. He pushes himself back, falls off the table he seems to be lying on, out the room he's in, the morgue he's been put in, and Cisco runs.
And he doesn't stop.
8. Barry Allen wakes up in S.T.A.R. Labs nine months after he was struck by lightning, right on schedule. He wakes up to two people standing over him, Doctor Caitlin Snow, and her fiancé, Ronnie Raymond.
9. The first time Barry hears Cisco Ramon's name, it's the first day he wakes up. Caitlin gives him the suit Cisco made, designed for firefighters, never finished, and by some miracle (or rather, by Eobard's interference), it fits Barry perfectly. Barry has a few ideas, and Caitlin doesn't think Cisco would mind at all.
10. The second time Barry hears Cisco Ramon's name, it's the day he faces Leonard Snart and the Cold Gun. Ronnie recognises the device Cisco designed, the one meant to protect and the one that killed him. It could only have killed him, the body they pulled from the Pipeline was frozen solid, and part of Ronnie still thinks it should have been him.
11. The first time Barry meets the man they call Killer Frost he doesn't find out his name. He runs Bette's body out onto the water, watches her sink and glow, and runs back to shore. Eiling is leaving, packing his soldiers up like nothing had happened, and Barry plans on confronting him there and then, but before he can get close a blast of ice freezes his feet to the floor. He recognises him- the short, spiked white hair like frost, Barry saw him with Eiling earlier. He braces himself for a fight, but the man just warns him to stay away from Eiling and a circus, and leaves him trapped just out of sight while he heads back to the soldiers.
12. Frost is the codename of one of A.R.G.U.S.'s agents. Barry finds that one out in Starling City after the Captain Boomerang adventure. They call him Killer Frost because, well. He's very good at his job.
13. He shows up a few other times too, usually to offer a hand at a moment Barry needed it. There's no Pipeline this time around, something was already happening at Iron Heights, and Barry finds Frost there too. He doesn't trust Frost's employers, but something about the man himself seems sad, and just seems to draw Barry in.
14. Without a Pipeline, Hartley has to break into the lab the old-fashioned way. He's met with anger from Caitlin and Ronnie, who blame him for their friend's death, and curiosity from Barry.
15. Hartley was telling the truth- they find Jefferson Jackson merged with Professor Stein. They manage to separate them, Jax doesn't think Hartley would have sabotaged anything, and Hartley tells Barry he needs to be careful of something called the Circus, just like Frost did.
16. And Jax has something else to tell Barry- just Barry, he doesn't know if anyone else would believe him- but Frost was there when Eiling took Professor Stein. Frost helped them get away again. And Jax just got a glimpse, but he's certain Killer Frost is Cisco Ramon.
17. Barry has spent over half his life with people not believing him. He knows what it's like for no one to listen to you, even when you're right. Jax he knows he can trust. He's already asked Felicity and she's found a file about an A.R.G.U.S. project called the Circus, and she's working on getting him more about what that is. But if Barry can trust Hartley, then he can't trust Doctor Wells.
18. He's pretty sure he can trust Caitlin and Ronnie. They're his friends. He's been given a wedding invitation now they've finally set a date. But Cisco is their friend and Barry followed up on Jax's theory by tracking down Dante Ramon who is adamant his brother is still out there somewhere, that they never got given his body and there was a reason, he's so sure he's seen Cisco, but he's still not sure about telling them, not until he's got proof. Joe is Joe, Barry knows he's had some doubts about Wells before, and there's one person Barry knows without a shadow of a doubt he can trust with everything, one person who will believe him without question.
19. Iris is not impressed it's taken Barry this long to confess he's the Flash, but she does know her mentor at Picture News is working on something about Wells, and she might be able to ask him some questions. And Eddie- Barry reasoned he probably shouldn't ask Iris to keep a secret like this from her boyfriend, and Eddie's his friend, he trusts him too- admits Joe asked him to sneak around Wells' house after Hartley smashed that skylight to see if there was anything suspicious.
20. Eddie also has a politician for a father. He might be able to get Barry some more answers about what exactly the Circus is too.
21. Caitlin keeps getting these weird dreams about Doctor Wells murdering her. And also about Cisco trying to save her.
22. The Circus is where A.R.G.U.S. keeps dangerous metahumans and aliens. And ones they can use. And when they found Cisco, running and scared and alone, they thought they could use him. His powers hurt people, that's all he can do now, but if he stays loyal, if he acts like one of them, if he only hurts the people they want him to, then he stays out of those cells. He can do that. He can follow all the orders Agent Gunn gives him.
23. Cisco knows why they're interested in the Flash. He could either be very dangerous, or very useful, or both. He could be another agent just like him, and he doesn't deserve that. The Flash seems so earnest about wanting to help people, he seems so good, and his new orders to bring him in feel wrong. But someone with the Flash's powers made Eiling disappear, someone with the Flash's powers is behind Simon Stagg's disappearance, and it was only a matter of time before they found an excuse to bring him in, and it was always going to be down to Cisco, he's the only one with the powers to do that. He can't stall forever. But he could disobey an order. His first one. He could talk to the Flash, get his own answers.
24. Barry Allen first meets Cisco Ramon at Jitters. He has some questions, ones Barry can only answer by telling him about the Man in Yellow. He's less forthcoming about his own answers, but Barry has his friends, he's managed to piece together enough, and Cisco denies none of it. He just goes to leave, leaving Barry with a coffee and a faint smile, and Barry grabs his hand and tells him one last thing before he goes.
25. Cisco disobeyed an order. He's still refusing to bring the Flash in. He knew what that would mean. He knew they've had a cell ready for him since the moment he arrived here. Maybe before. He knows no one has ever left the Circus, not alive. He knows no one knows where it is, and everyone he loves thinks he's dead, they would never know to look for him. He should be scared of this. Six hours ago, he was. He's not now though. The metal closes closes in front of him and Cisco just closes his eyes and remembers what Barry told him.
"I'll save you, Cisco. I promise."
And Cisco, without hesitation, believes him.
[5+ headcanons for an AU]
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auncyen · 1 year ago
7, 8, 9
7. How many ideas for fics do I have right now? Actually if we're not counting fanfic already partially posted, not that many. There are some vague ideas about a post-game ISAT fic dealing with intrusive thoughts and nightmares. These could be separate fic or the same fic. I'm not really sure.
also because "interactive fic" is the perennial idea that I've never done but keeps coming to me in every fandom, it is kind of tempting. Okay this much isn't spoilers because it's part of the premise. In ISAT you (Siffrin) are in a time loop. You are trying to escape the time loop and meanwhile not let your companions know you are stuck in a time loop. There's a "WENK"/"sus noise" that dings every time you do something that might tip off your companions that uh. Something weird's going on with you.
And so this is a VERY vague idea so far because it just came to me yesterday but like. I wanna turn that around and play with the thought of an ISAT-related fic where the PoV character is the one catching the suspicious actions. I'm still not sure how exactly that'd work. It's either like, "choose your adventure" where the narration outright tells you something suspicious happened and you decide how to respond to it--maybe all the choices could be in-character for, say, Isabeau, but depend on how on edge he is--or maybe a slightly different mechanic where you, as the reader, have to catch what's suspicious for the character to react appropriately (with consequences for jumping on too many innocent things/missing too many red flags).
...anyway outside of that amorphous idea and that vague idea I actually don't have many ideas. unless you count all the wips. please don't count the wips.
8. What projects am I currently working on? well alright we're counting a good few wips anyway--an AU of ISAT's act 5 that STILL doesn't have a proper name, a fic based on a fanon theory for the Head Housemaiden, I want to get back on Overcast and Cat & Trickster, and I really wanna figure out a chapter 2 for Of Stars and Longing because like there's a dramatic scene living in my head rent-free but the problem is it's like. at least chapter 4.
9. I don't write every day! I would like to but I have yet to get there! I...have not written yet today. I have enough time that I really should but we'll see if I do. I'll probably post a snippet later if I do just for this.
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writer-and-artist27 · 2 years ago
🦄 Is there a new POV you'd like to try writing?, 🦷 Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're dreading to write (but is necessary to your plot)? Share a snippet or tell us about it!, 🎉 How are you going to be kind to yourself if you don't meet your goals?
⊂(・﹏・⊂) Thankie, Carim. Your messages in my inbox just makes my day, I hope you know that and that I appreciate you lots.
🦄 Is there a new POV you'd like to try writing?
...Maybe some of the villains in Fate/Grand Order and Naruto when it comes to my WIPs? Because I know Kiara Sessyoin and Madara Uchiha are still on my shit list, trying to write for them would be a good challenge to me writing outside of my biases.
Also some of the Servants in FGO that I haven't bonded with as much, off the top of my head. David, Avicebron, Blackbeard, so on, so forth.
🎉 How are you going to be kind to yourself if you don't meet your goals?
Build lots of Gundam model kits and listen to ASMR. Also just try to sleep in on the weekends when I can, bike, paddleboard, and hike. That's what I got off the top of my head.
Also seeing my boyfriend for hugs and kisses.
🦷 Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're dreading to write (but is necessary to your plot)? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
...This is a definite no brainer for me. All of the WIP Day 55 for Passing Days right now, because it's all about Passionlip and how she comes to terms with Robin's presence in my Chaldea. Let it be said writing her alone is hard, even outside of my love for the May King, and the following scene I'm putting under the cut here gave me a lot of emotional damage I had to nap on afterwards during my COVID isolation (even put to the side to start a Muramasa chapter in Day 54 to give myself a break, on my rl Robin's urging after he advised me on what the in-story Robin would say in response to Lip's entire bit here).
I'll just keep doing my best, Carim. (o_ _)o That's all I can guarantee these days now.
“Wh-Why—” Passionlip was doing her best to breathe, backing away while keeping her claws in front of her face. It didn’t help much when seeing that green cloak at Vy’s side. Why did her past self think that cloak could’ve made a good ribbon for her hair? It was so dirty, and the man underneath wasn’t much better. “Why is Robin-san here?! I’m really, really bad with him, Master, just from a physical standpoint! So why—?!” 
“Lip, I…” Vy trailed off into unsure silence. And to Robin’s credit, he had his hood up, hiding his eyes away as he stood like a knight in shining armor at Vy’s side, the only sign he was bothered being his arms tightly crossed over his chest. (And did Lip hear him mutter under his breath, “Are you done with your hissy fit yet?” Lip wasn’t sure.) Vy’s gaze merely darted between him and Lip both, a look caught between fear and uncertainty sitting on her face as one hand came up to cling to the nearest edge of Robin's cloak she could reach. Had Lip tried that kind of thing back in the Moon Cell, she would’ve been yelled at. Maybe spanked too, considering her strength with her claws. But Vy — Vy was holding onto Robin’s cloak and Robin wasn’t complaining.
What was their deal? 
“I asked him to be here, Lip, not Vy,” Meltryllis says in the same calm voice as before, and turning on her heels revealed her sister crossing her arms in the same way Robin was past her sleeves, the look in her blue eyes quiet but foreboding. “Even if he’s just a ‘useless Matcha’ to Mother, that doesn’t mean he has to be that way for you or me. Besides, I already got used to him, and he’s… decent enough, Grails or not.” Meltryllis then tossed a sleeve-covered arm his way, muttering something like “darn lovebirds” while rolling her eyes once Robin twitched slightly through his cloak. “Plus if you’re going to keep working with Master, you’re gonna have to be aware that he comes with the packaged deal.”
“Why, though?” Lip was still tempted to cry. “Why, Melt? He’s just a useless—”
“Mu-mu-mu, Lip, don’t finish that!” A paw was coming into Lip’s face before Lip could articulate more, and Lip felt her breathing slowly even out once she could make out a fox tail and familiar ginger-tipped ears. “I personally know how uncomfy it can be having a fox you don’t trust in the room—” Tamamo Cat proceeded to ignore Robin’s deadpan “Hey” in favor of raising her paw to pat Lip’s head. “—But this cat can tell you the fox won’t be coming close to you! He’s too busy looking after Vy in the backline with Mash-y anyways, woof!” Cat, in her maid outfit and black dress, merely grinned to show fangs as she raised both paws in the air to cheer. “Besides, Master assigned me to be with you and Melt in the frontlines for this simulation! So don’t worry, Lip, woof! This cat’ll take good care of you!” 
“I-If you’re sure…” Curious, Lip looked past her fear and Cat’s comforting presence to peek at the May King, and to her surprise, he wasn’t even looking at her, taking the care to keep the hood of his cloak on so she couldn’t see his face and focusing his gaze on Vy and Mash nearby instead. Sure, it also meant she couldn’t read what he was saying, but judging by how he took Vy’s cloak-clinging hand into his to squeeze, there was something lying there that didn’t promise trouble.
At least, for now.
“Now then, with that out of the way,” Meltryllis flipped her hair back, giving Lip a grin that eased her nerves, “let’s get this simulation started, shall we? I need to stretch my legs after walking around in those metal ones back at the base.” With an overexaggerated stretch of her arms and legs past her white dress that Final Ascension had provided, Meltryllis glanced towards the control panel connecting the simulator room to whatever programs were set up. In a louder yet gentler voice Lip had never heard before (except from that SERAPH version of her sister), Melt then added, “Whenever you’re ready, Albrecht.” 
“A-Alright, Melt-san.” Vy finally smiled once Meltryllis addressed her, slowly letting go of Robin’s hand after regaining some apparent confidence through the touch to approach the control panel in question. “One simulation battle, then?”
“Just one,” Melt agreed. “For me and Lip.”
“Aye.” Once Vy pressed the glowing blue “START” button, Lip thought in hindsight she should’ve really probed her sister more on that request. When looking back, it was just asking for more trouble to happen.
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twinflowcreates · 6 years ago
Woops I'm back for more Kakeru from you my queen! Ilysm~♡♡♡ how about Kakeru x either Aoi or Arata? I'm inspired by the RP ;3
Woops I’m writing over drabble length for you my twin ;) Hmm Kaker x Aoi or Arata? How about both? Hehe thank you for the request, Ilysm too♡♡
(Up on Ao3 for ya~)
This was certainly not how Aoi pictured he would be spending his day, granted he didn’t plan his day beforehand anyway. Still, he would have preferred the freedom - more so now than any other time.
Well, it wasn’t an entirely bad thing to be in here, at least he wasn’t alone. The only bad thing about not being alone is that the person he’s in here with is who got him into this mess. Really, Aoi should have known better than to follow the blonde into the storage room. He blames his kind nature.
“Gomen, Aoi” said Kakeru, most his face buried in his knees he had drawn up to his chest. “I got us into this mess.”
It’s not your fault, Is what Aoi wanted to say but everyone knows of Kakeru’s famous bad luck by now. Aoi can’t say he wasn’t the slightest bit worried to help the man out when he asked, in a way it’s his fault too.
“It’s alright, Kakeru. There’s no point blaming anyone anyway, we’ll probably be stuck in here a while.” Aoi said instead, offering a semi reassuring smile. If Kakeru didn’t know better he would have said it was forced, Aoi wasn’t like that though. At least he hoped.
Aoi was right, however, they would be stuck in here a while. Kakeru hadn’t anticipated for the stuff outside to block their exit, nor did he expect the door to be so old. All he wanted was the box Hajime had requested for when he came home, part of him wanted to ask him to ask someone else.
Yet here they are, stuck in the storage room with only a dim light allowing them to see one another. Unfortunately, as one would expect, there was no signal in the room - from what the two gathered in their mild panic. So, they sat opposite each other - silence ringing through the room.
It was almost suffocating for Kakeru, who would much rather some sort of noise. He’s only glad neither of them suffer from claustrophobia - that he knows of.
How long had passed now? Since they’ve been in here? He could check his phone but that would only tempt him into checking every minute or so, he’s sure that would get annoying very quickly - the last thing Kakeru wants to be in this situation.
It feels like eternity since Aoi said those reassuring words, would it be too soon to speak up?
Aoi almost jumped at the sound of his name, blinking a few times to regain a sense of his surroundings. Did he fall asleep? No, he must have been lost in thought.
He peered over at Kakeru, who thankfully didn’t seem to notice his surprise.
“Have you…” the blonde begun, his eyes glued to floor as a small blush rose to his cheeks. “Have you ever wondered what it feels like to kiss someone?”
A further silence filled the room after the question, Aoi took a few seconds to process what exactly Kakeru had asked. Was this something he pondered often? Was he coming on to him? Pink soon dusted the elder’s cheeks as well, a small cough leaving him as if to compose himself once more.
“I-It depends on the person” said Aoi, pausing to push down his own embarrassment at the question. “If it’s anyone then I suppose it would feel odd, like rubber against your lips. Tongue especially would feel weird. But if it was with someone you liked, maybe…maybe you would get a sense of their kissing style or the feeling of their lips. It could make your mind and heart race. The same goes for if it was a partner, they’d probably send some sort of spark or warmth through you…leaving you wanting something more. It wouldn’t feel odd, or gross, maybe even come naturally.”
Kakeru sat astonished, eyes wide as he took in all the man had said. He sounded experienced, like he had a fair sense of how kisses can make you feel.
It didn’t seem to take long for Aoi to realise what he said either, his own eyes widening and cheeks darkening. He spluttered slightly, waving his hands as if to say ‘Not that i know anything!’ but no words came out.
“A-Aoi have you kissed p-people already?!” Kakeru exclaimed, unable to stop himself. Aoi only seemed to grow more embarrassed, his flush spreading to his ears.
“N-No! I’ve read a lot of r-romance novels lately” He stammered, settling for hiding his face. He should have went with a generic answer…
“A-As expected of our Aoi-san” Kakeru said quietly, willing his own blush to leave his face. He bit his lip. He never really took note of how cute Aoi looked flustered, he wondered if he looked the same. Maybe it was the heat of the room, or the question he asked that sparked these thoughts.
He can’t have always felt this way, right? No he only asked because it’s something he’s wondering in preparation for something else. So why did he want to kiss Aoi?
Kakeru shook his head, a strangled embarrassed sound escaping his mouth. No, Kakeru! He thought to himself, clapping his cheeks. Aoi doesn’t even feel that way about you! He bit his lip harder.
“Kakeru?” The blonde looked up at the sound of his name, Aoi was no longer hiding behind his hands but held a concerned expression as he looked over at him. Kakeru couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out his mouth.
“D-Do you want to find out w-what it’s like?”
He wanted the earth to swallow him whole.
Where did that come from?! Now it was Kakeru’s turn to flail, snippets of what he wanted to say coming out as a jumbled mess. Aoi could only stare in shock, his blush that was beginning to fade now returning at full force.
“K-Kakeru!” He exclaimed, “I-I-What? W-With you?!” It seemed Aoi was the same.
There was no way he would manage to take that back now, he won’t lie - the last part hurt a little. Why though? Of course Aoi wouldn’t want to kiss him! So why did his heart drop a little?
“Y-You don’t have to! I-I don’t know what i was saying, f-forget me!” He blurted out, standing up to pound at the door. He’s got to leave before they both die of embarrassment.
Of course, his bad luck didn’t end there. Of course, he’d have to trip…and land on Aoi. They let out a simultaneous yelp.
“A-Ah S-S-Sorry!!” Kakeru cried, scrambling to move off the older idol. Aoi simply steadied him before he could fall once more, eyes looking anywhere but at the blonde.
“We…We can if you would like to try” He uttered, so quietly Kakeru almost missed it over his racing heart. He paused.
Did he just accept the offer? “K-Kakeru..?”
Kakeru blinked, breath catching in his throat when he realised how close they were. He should have done a better job of moving away before he paused. This position would be very misleading to anyone who could open the door right now.
What does he do? Reject Aoi after being the one to ask? Share his first kiss with a close friend? What would he be risking? What wou-
His body acts before his mind can continue, leaning forward to capture Aoi’s lips in a flustered kiss. Aoi isn’t the only one to gasp at the sudden action.
‘What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing?!’ Kakeru repeated in his head, both mind and heart racing as he closed his eyes. He definitely can’t take it back now! Aoi’s returning it.
Before Kakeru’s mind can wonder anywhere else, the door opens catching them in the act. Kakeru feels his heart stop, his senses finally returning to him at the bright light. They freeze.
“My, My this is not what I expected when I got that SOS message” said a familiar voice, they soon recognised it to be Haru. Hand waving his phone in the air, as he stood with with a surprised expression. It seemed their message went through after all…
“I’ll leave you two be” he continued with a small smile, before turning to leave.
“W-Wait Haru-san!” Kakeru called, fully scrambling off his friend. “It’s not-please don’t-”
Haru waved him off, ‘I won’t tell’ said the expression on his face as he left the two to their own devices. Kakeru almost wished Haru took him with him.
This was certainly not how Aoi (or Kakeru) pictured he would be spending his day.
It was Arata’s voice which caused Kakeru to jump this time, he thought he was doing a pretty good job of avoiding the man - and to an extent Aoi -lately. He’s only just managed to seem himself in front of their friends, and not blush in front Haru or Aoi. He can’t say that he’s managed to get the kiss out of his head however.
It’s distracting, hard to push away.
Kakeru musters up whatever is left inside him that will make him seem normal, before turning to face Arata. His wide smile - forced - on his face as usual. “Yes, Arata?”
“I heard you and Aoi shared some kisses” said the april representative, there was no malice behind his tone - not that Kakeru could pick up on anyway. Still, the words caused a heat to his cheeks and slight fear within him.
“It wasn’t some! It was j-just one…or two” Kakeru corrected, his voice trailing off towards the end.
Arata raised an eyebrow. “Why are you suddenly chasing after Aoi? Isn’t the pinkhead good enough?”
Kakeru almost choked on air, “W-What’s Koi got to do with this?!” he asked, shaking his head so his blush would fade faster - well it was worth a try. “We’re just friends!”
“Couldn’t the same be said about you and Aoi until you kissed?”
Kakeru fell silent, that was a very true point. “L-Listen” he begun after a few seconds, “I was just curious what it felt like to kiss someone! Then one thing lead to another…”
Arata hummed, “So how was it?” How on earth could he be so casual about this?
Kakeru’s cheeks burned, as he looked away “I-It wasn’t bad”
“That all, huh?” Arata mused, a breath of a laugh - or maybe a chuckle leaving his lips. “Aoi can be timid, I can show you what it’s really like. If you’re up for it”
Kakeru doesn’t know what compelled him to say yes, maybe it was the tone in which Arata used - besides his usual monotone voice. Or maybe it was the look in his eyes and face.
Whatever it was, Kakeru never thought he’d share his first few kisses with both Arata and Aoi.
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