#kind of like how the “asexuality and aromanticism are spectrums” knowledge sadly gave way to a lot of misguided erasure through shipping
bloggingboutburgers · 4 months
hi :) i see you have cool stuf about being aspec. I think you are knowledgable on qpr. I have a question about qprs.... can they be a guy and a girl? Or is it not queer enough to be considered a queerplatonic relationship? Idk, I am in situations and wanna know if it's valid
Thank you.❤️
Bruh I absolutely don't see why not.
Here's my chance to remind that queer doesn't have to equal same-sex by the way. Different-gender couples including at least one bisexual or pansexual individual are queer. Different-gender couples including at least one trans or nonbinary individual are queer. Different-gender couples including at least one asexual or aromantic individual are queer. Doesn't matter if they're "passing". The reality is that their experience is outside of the cishet/amato/allo norms, they've have to live through that, and that makes them queer. It's what they ARE, not what they SHOW.
And if due to what you are, a queerplatonic relationship is what would suit you best, who the hell would we be to gatekeep them based on gender? Idk, I think the most important thing about being in a QPR is understanding what it entails and being respectful of the nature of it, and respectful of your partner.
...Also QPRs are pretty freaking amazing so the more people who are interested in them get to experience them, the better imo
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