#keep in mind though that I'm not touching the Doctor!Fitz plot with a ten-foot pole and never writing it but the issue there ISN'T 'she
savingthrcw · 1 year
Added to Jemma Simmons' bio:
On the other hand, she ABSOLUTELY will put the people she loves most (be default Fitz, Daisy, May and possibly Coulson) ABOVE the fate of the many/the world. She's loyal to SHIELD as in SHIELD's values when she joined, not as in 'following orders even when she disagrees and putting it before her family'. Is this an unhealthy attachment if you can kill/die for the people you love and let others take care of the 'sacrificing my loved ones for the world'? Possibly. I know people have issues with her putting Fitz before everything and I understand. My solution is to make her even more like that. It's extended to immediate family like Daisy, and she's against putting her job before everything.
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