lizzdesmet · 2 years
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En daar is Lizz weer: terug van een weekje paardrijkamp! #kazou #kamp (at Cm Mechelen) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf0722bopMmifhA3KaccnC5kq9VUQUAOpVgSqM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kcggggg · 2 years
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"heaven is a prison"
a short story influenced by the wild manga of Kazou Umezz (Drifting Classroom) and the wild film "Riki-Oh: Story of Ricky" and my own desire to get out of here alive.
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qloof · 6 days
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i want that old man (in a biblical way)
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otokowrecker · 9 days
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"...but don’t you dare try and lie to me. I won’t accept such disrespect from you. Don't look down on me.”
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I'm sorry for the low quality doodles they were done in like, 5 minutes but I've been working on the next chapter of Tete-a-tete and when I wrote that line I couldn't stop myself thinking "dude, Yashiki can't not look down on you. You're a little guy." x3
Pretty sure me and Mashi are the same height, but I still like taking jabs at him x3
Little fella, wee man. Kitty cat.
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thenewfuture · 3 days
Ah Kyoko being a boss as per usual. Gotta say there is one advantage to doing a killing game after having survived one already; experience.
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Hmhmhm. It does come in handy from time to time.
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Oh, and some other things I want to test out. Tengan, get the door so we can leave.
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Why me might I ask? I am elderly, surely you should get the door for me, yes?
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I'm a woman. Be chivalrous.
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Ryota, be a lad and-
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No no no. I asked you to do it. Do not shift the responsibility. Open the door. Or can you not do so?
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You see, I-
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You're forbidden action is that you can't open doors, can you? Just like in the meeting room when you asked Ryota to do it that time too.
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Mmm...nothing gets by you does it...?
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Helps to be the smartest person in the room.
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Also, since we're on the subject. Ryota, yours is screaming loudly, correct?
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What the-?! How did-?! Mmmmpph! Mmmmmph! *Ryota covers his mouth*
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H-H-How did....y-y-you figure that out-t-t-t?
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You made no real effort to hide it.
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Heh heh heh. Just our sweet little Kyoko being cold and ruthless as always-
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Come on everyone. We're leaving. *Kyoko opens the door and it slams against Kizakura's face. But Kyoko pays no mind to him and merely exits the office*
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Of course.
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R-Right behind you, Kyokes.
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W-Wait up...!
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What the... Hey, you're leave me behind!
*Everyone leaves the office*
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meteooru · 2 years
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They're just chilling, my new favorite pair
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anantaru · 9 months
So, I know you don't really ship characters. But, I just have to know. Which ship you would choose. Kazuscara (Kazuha x Scaramouche) or Heikazu (heizou x Kazuha)
Cause i love both, but I wanna know your opinion on ig
hello love 💓 hmmm, this is so hard, like i‘m not too well versed in their connections together but i can remember really liking heizou & kazuha together and wished for them to have more scenes (or give us an animated cutscene hoyo i beg lmao🥲💀) but also, i can totally see why kazuha & scaramouche is such a popular ship because from what i can remember, the backstory alone is so angsty like the way scaramouche was kinda like a catalyst to the beginning of the downfall of kazuha‘s clan + his voice line about him was so hilarious lmfao i can still vividly remember it being all over twitter, it‘s just that cute and funny💀💀💀💀💓 so, i feel like i‘d choose scara x kazuha just because i adore the entire angsty vibe around them a lot 🤔
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mantisheadofd00m · 11 months
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eannpatterson · 10 months
Clouds, bees and artificial friends
Anthropomorphism featured in several of the books that I read during my recent digital detox [see ‘Entropy and junkies‘ on August 2nd, 2023].  I really liked the opening section of ‘When I Sing, Mountains Dance‘ by Irene Sola which is narrated from the perspective of clouds that arrive over a landscape with painfully full ‘black bellies, burdened with cold, dark water, lightening bolts,…
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lizzdesmet · 2 years
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Off she goes! Klaar voor ‘n weekje Kazou: paardrijkamp in Spa! 🐴 #latergram #kamp #kazou (at Cm Mechelen) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf07jpCI7EAdjrtC2IsUU0tWRfTMCmpJw2LaHc0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xinesegalas · 1 year
South Park's Crystal Ball: A Look at Klara and The Sun's Speculative AI Future
Immerse yourself in Kazuo Ishiguro's "Klara and The Sun," where AI meets humanity. Explore the power of storytelling and uncover intriguing connections to pop culture, like the iconic series South Park. Join us on this literary journey!
Welcome to the Lit Lounge, a captivating haven where literature aficionados can gather to delve into the depths of intriguing books and embark on thought-provoking literary journeys. I invite you to join me as I explore the mesmerizing world of Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and The Sun, delving into its profound themes and drawing fascinating connections to unexpected corners of popular culture.  I…
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bookloversofbath · 1 year
Burma 1942: The Japanese Invasion: Both Sides Tell the Story of a Savage Jungle War :: Ian Lyall Grant & Kazou Tamayama
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otokowrecker · 1 month
I'm finally getting the motivation to go back to my longfic, Victims to an Unholy Sophistry (the workload/personal issues I've been dealing with have really been my getting in my way! ^^") and assigning animalistic features to characters have been a big part of that story!
Of course, Yashiki is a rabbit (lop-eared, naturally), Mashita is a cat and Shou is a puppy.
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(Mashita’s tail is meant to be curling into a heart, it's not broken xD)
I was at first not sure about Moe and Hiroo, but i picked fawn for Moe, due to her big eyes, curiosity and innocence. For Hiroo it was finally a mouse, shrewd, also curious yet brave when needed. Also 'lab rat' haha!
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Ai was a songthrush and Mary... is a secret right now but I haven't thought of anything for Daimon and Christie. I'm not the best at animal kinning.
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thenewfuture · 6 months
Well, Makoto and his group, Hina, Hajime, Sonia, and Gekohara have found the sweets and blade couple. As far as I know they are hesitantly teaming up even with the couple trying to kill them....... Sonia put up a good fight and know one got hurt!
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That's good to hear. I have nothing to fear knowing that Makoto and the others can take care of each other.
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Still going up against Ruruka and Sonosuke is kinda nuts...
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To think those two would attack other like that. I am surprised by their actions.
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Eh, c'mon. It's not that surprising.
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I hear Ruruka takes advantage of our other smaller employees all the time. She may even end up creating a splinter group and running off to make her own organization at this rate, or so I've heard.
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Oh... I see...
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D-Don't feel bad, sir. I-I still think you're a great chairman....
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Ho ho ho. Well thank you, dear boy. That does put my heart a t ease a bit...
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Hey uh, Kyoyos. I found this. Is this important?
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Let me see that.
*Yasuhiro hands Kyoko a large binder. It's labeled, "Future Foundation Branch Leaders"*
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Oh, that. That's just a record of the other leaders in the Foundation. When they were hired, a log of their missions, that sort of thing. It’s standard stuff in there.
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‘Even so, this is a very large and intricate file just to go over that. I need to investigate this thoroughly’
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yellowhollyhock · 11 days
What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of 1987 Shredder's character? I want to write fanfics with him but I'm scared that I'll make him out of character.
-he's good with words, he wanted to be a writer before he turned to villainy. This doesn't mean he's always eloquent--he's also shake-fist-at-sky 'you won't get away this time' classic saturday morning cartoon bad guy
-he loves to make puns or references while he's fighting,, and now that I said that I can't think of examples but it'll be things that relate to the situation
oh i got one. mind-controlled squid -> 'you're going down turtles, and I squid you not' followed by a hearty laugh and 'i made a funny'
-doesn't give up
-pride. usually this is more so Krang's fault but sometimes the two of them just let the turtles go because they want to defeat them later in a more humiliating way
-whiny. he's so whiny especially with Krang. He'll literally be asked to do something he wants to do and still whine about it. he loves to complain
-mommy issues, craves parental approval and nurture and power over others etc.
-delegation can also be a weakness because he keeps sending Bebop and Rocksteady or others he finds to go after the turtles, even though this consistently does not work
Other Stuff
He has a little brother, Kazou, who's embarrassed by his evilness. Saki doesn't seem embarrassed by him, though; he does make fun of him and there is a definite rift, but considering the circumstances under which they reunited the fact that Shredder's immediate reaction was to make fun of baby bro for acting tough--idk there's warmth there, to me. Not healthiness, not exactly a close loving sibling bond, but warmth
Splinter's former pupil--mommy issues relevant when these two fight
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sinnamonn · 11 months
Kengan Barbenheimer
Or: which kengan characters I think wanted to see Barbie vs Oppenheimer while I was getting my lashes done
Ohma- Whatever Kazou wanted to see
Kazou: Oppenheimer because he’s a nerd
Koga: wanted to see Oppenheimer but Ryuki dragged him into the Barbie (he wanted to see Barbie and dress the part)
Ryuki: Barbie because he thought the poster was neat
Nitoku: Oppenheimer bc he’s a nerd x 2
Agito: Barbie. Need I say more?
Sayaka: Barbie obv
Retsudo: saw Barbie with Sayaka
Okubo: went to Barbie thinking he could pick up chicks but ended up invested in the movie
Gaolong: Oppenheimer but was stopped by Saw Paing because he wanted to fight. Rip Gaolong
Saw Paing: neither, to focused on fighting Gaolong
Raian: was not allowed in the Theatre because he tried to fight Ohma outside. Didn’t want to see either of the movies he just wanted to cause problems on purpose
Himoro Ryo: same as Noaya but actually successful. YES he dressed as ken but accidentally went as that one gay bottom ken
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