#kazehaya's head might explode if sawako tries anything lol
chamomilehoneytea · 7 years
Do you think the implication is that Sawako and Kaz are going to take their relationship to the "next level" if she wants to stay at his place O_O
Hey @wanabeartist!! Thank you for your question! :)
Oh boy…haha! I just posted my translation of Chapter 121, so let’s continue under the cut to avoid spoiling people. Anyone who’s read the chapter or doesn’t mind being spoiled, feel free to join us!
Honestly, I’m not sure if Shiina will go there. Kimi ni Todoke has largely steered clear of anything overtly sexual; this isn’t to say that certain characters haven’t engaged in acts of physical intimacy “off page”, but Shiina seems to intentionally keep those elements of the teenage experience to a minimum. Plus, Sawako and Kazehaya have been incredibly cautious and sweet with each other (even holding hands is too much for them sometimes). The fact that she directly told him she loves him in this chapter is very bold for her. 
That said, Sawako is really feeling their impending separation. The whole day they spend together is tinged with the bittersweet knowledge that their time together will be severely limited until they’ve completed their studies. She may take their relationship to the next level if she thinks that doing so will strengthen their connection; I think her behavior in this chapter is a bit more daring than usual, and she’s been fairly communicative with Kazehaya. But I think she wants to be closer to him, to feel sure that their “new lives” will not be entirely separate. She and Kazehaya have graduated from high school and are entering a period of transition; though I doubt Shiina will draw anything too graphic, she may visually imply that the two have had sex. Still, she might just have them sleep together (without sex). I think she might be more comfortable showing them in that situation now that they’re no longer high school students.
I’m on the fence. I’d personally prefer to see hugs, kisses, talking things out, maybe sleeping side by side; that said, it would be really, really interesting if Sawako were the one to physically deepen the relationship. I do believe if Shiina does go that route and does show anything, she’ll be very suggestive rather than graphic. They’re just so innocent, it’s hard to imagine how she’d show it and still have them be in character. No matter what happens, I think the next chapter will be a HUGE one for them.
Sawako’s father is going to lose it though lol. And if Kazehaya’s father finds out…uh oh. Rest in peace, Kazehaya. Haha, I’m curious to see how their parents will react; I’m sure Sawako will call, but good luck explaining that (her mom would probably cheer her on haha). 
But yes, I think Shiina wants us to think that that could happen, whether it does or not. I follow a Japanese Kimi ni Todoke forum, and the majority of posters took Sawako’s line as an implication that they might do the do in the next chapter (with pretty mixed reactions haha, though a number of them don’t want to see that sort of thing in a “pure” manga like Kimi ni Todoke). 
I’m excited to see what Shiina ends up doing - she’s really good at ratcheting up the tension haha! What do you think? 
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