#kate and the girls are the main characters and they're so fucking boring
neonliminality · 6 months
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Being forced to watch Petticoat Junction vs the joy of watching the Beverly Hillbillies.
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alrightsnaps · 5 months
what do you think they’re going to do without Lady Whistledown to narrate in s4? Like still keep Julie Andrews because who doesn’t love her???? But I feel like just like in the books, having the gossip paper was such a nice outline for the story.
i agree that it was a great narrative device (as were the letter excerpts in frannie’s story imo).
problem is, shondaland doesn’t know the meaning of the words narrative device. she couldn't simply use LW to provide an outline for the love stories. nope, she just had to made up some weird detective storyline for eloise and a feud with the fucking queen of england! you can't make that shit up istg.
so LW went from a cute narrative tool (elevated by the voice of the julie andrews!) to an annoying subplot that needs to be put to bed asap. not just that, but it even stopped serving its purpose (moving the story forward) once whistledown’s identity is revealed. while in s1 LW is involved in daphne and simon’s romance and continuously reports on their love story, in season 2 there's a complete disconnect between the narrator and the main story. whistledown is completely useless and barely reports on kate and anthony.
now, i have no idea what deal shondaland has made with julie andrews, but i assume they’re keen to keep her on the show for the long run. after all, any appeal whistledown holds to the audience is just that: her iconic narration.
my guess is that if they manage to bag her for the rest of the series, one of two scenarios will come to pass:
a) penelope will remain as a regular for the rest of the show, as bridgertons come and go, to report on every sibling’s story.
it sounds tedious and boring, her arc as LW is already tired as hell and i’ve no idea how they can possibly keep up with shoving her down the audience's throats....but i wouldn't put it past them.
we know production loves her character and i don't see why NC would leave a show that's shown its willingness to treat her as the main star, no matter whose turn it is to lead a season. they could always make her a fixture among the matrons and have her doing promo with ruth, golda and adjoa all the way to gregory’s love story.
b) (the more sustainable but not necessarily more likely scenario)
a new lady whistledown takes over and julie andrews’ voiceover remains.
penelope is outed as lady whistledown, chaos ensues for a while until the queen forgives her and sings her praises (we know it's gonna happen cause they're dying to redeem penelope without her working to earn it), giving pen her happily ever after. roll credits.
except... just as the season ends, a new whistledown paper comes out! someone has decided to continue what was pen started and keep reporting on the ton’s shenanigans; conveniently providing an excuse for julie andrews to stick around for the rest of the bridgerton family's love stories (this is just how gossip girl ended btw!)
this scenario i’m not necessarily against, in that i love julie andrews as a narrator (who doesn't?).
it's just that i don't trust shonda to treat whistledown as a narrator without making up more shitty subplots, as if this is pretty little liars and we need to find the identity behind A. i don't want to watch hyacinth going on a merry chase to uncover new whistledown’s identity!
i just want to listen to dame julie andrews narrate regency love stories in her posh accent, and absolutely nothing more. is that too much to ask?
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bumblesimagines · 3 months
Yes I have!!! I'll write my thoughts below!
The B in LGBTQ+ stands for Benedict Bridgerton and I MANIFESTED IT BITCHESSS
The Main Stars:
Honestly... I didn't really care for Polin. I felt like their relationship and Colin's feelings for her were rushed. I don't really care for Colin in general. I was looking forward to a best friends to lovers with feelings slowly being realized but it seems like they rushed through it so that part 1 could end with a big shock of Colin proposing. My problem was that A) it felt rushed. Like.. Jiara type of rushed and B) a lot of Polin problems (and other issues) got resolved so quickly.
As for Colin, I find him kinda boring and I didn't understand why Pen said he 'returned different' when... he literally acted the exact same. Maybe it's because he was more of an afterthought in the previous seasons. Like he was always traveling and we didn't even know he was a writer until this season and even then we??? didn't even get to see a lot of it??? And while understandably he was upset about Whistledown, I hate how he kept bringing down Pen and the writing and then it was all resolved super quickly.
Nicola/Pen was amazing and I'm glad she advocated for being nude as a fuck you to those who didn't want her as a love interest due to her body type. She was amazing, stunning, gorgeous and I love herrr. She is also. So short.
(My) Main Stars:
Kate, Anthony, Francesca, and Benedict stole the show for me. I was more invested in them than in Polin.
Kathony scenes were so cute and lovely and they're having a baby!! I believe they have a few in the books so looking forward to proper dad Anthony and more of grandma Violet since we haven't gotten much of that with Daphne. They were so fun and Anthony was so head over heels. So sad we never got to see their wedding and such but alas, we might get dad!Anthony and mom!Kate.
Francesca!! I'm not sure if they're setting up for her being bisexual or lesbian but I'm going to assume lesbian. Fucking finally. And honestly? Slay. Her potential love interest was drop dead gorgeous and I'm looking forward to more of their story. She was such an interesting character. At first I assumed that she was like a different side of the same coin with Daphne where Daphne was looking forward to marriage cause of love Francesca was looking forward to marriage to get it over with. Her and Kilmartin are great. Their friendship is so cute and... I assume I'm going to be devastated in following seasons.
We all knew Benedict was bi y'all. We been knew. And!! High chance the next season will be setting up for his season (it'll possibly be Eloise's season?) or it'll be his season!! Benedict is such a puppy and I really really hope they make drastic changes from his book. I'm curious to see if they'll also change his love interests gender? Either way, I'm looking forward to how things will roll out for him.
Other things:
I was very meh about Violet, Danbury, and Anderson. I live for Violet and Danburys friendship and I'm always happy to see em but I did not care for a surprise family member lmao. But hey, at least Violet is getting her garden watered.
People were acting like the Mondrichs were taking up half of the season and it was like?? They've been appearing in scenes throughout the show since S1 like no shit they're going to continue appearing?? The way people talk and act about them has such undertones... Check yourself.
I was hoping for a Cressida redemption arc tbh... And also for Eloise x Cressida to happen ngl lmao. I really thought Eloise would end up being wlw (which could still happen! She could easily still be queer). As much as I like Eloise I do hope she will change how she views other ladies. A lot of time she's giving 'not like other girls' and this season she was doing better than that but still... Some of her comments were not it.
Season Ranking:
1st: Season 2.
2nd: Season 3.
3rd: Season 1.
I think we all know why these seasons got their rankings 😭. Anyways my little bi heart was very pleased with these outcomes.
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Seducing Mr Bridgerton Chapter 4: The author rambles/Vents (Possible Spoilers for future chapters)
This is the most frustrating chapter to produce so far. Nothing is flowing and I hate everything about it!! The pace and rhythm of the POVs is so aggravating to work through, I've taken 16 breaks in the last three days!!! At this point, I think I'm just forcing out the words and it's so annoying!! Why can't the chemistry, banter and dynamics in my brain transfer to written word!!!
After trying to average at least 500-1000words per day till chapter completion. I've now got two extensively written deleted scenes. One just over 1000 and another at 700.
They're events/scenes that actually happen in the story, but their not necessary for the plot.
Honestly, I can understand why directors etc delete scenes from movies etc. Giving too much attention to side/minor character interactions and Povs can distract from the main storyline and characters.
On one hand, I feel like I'm growing as a writer thanks to the stress/struggle and temper tantrums this chapter has caused me. I'm learning alot about what is necessary narrative and overwhelming distracting details that lack purpose. But its so damn infuriating to have this chapter not match what my brain wants!!!
I think it's also the Canon chapter itself. I personally don't get the importance of the tea at Number 5. Other than them speculating and making theory's about LW it's a boring chapter. And in terms of Colin and Penelope, there was nothing really progressive in the chapter.
At this point, we all get that nobody thought Pen had the guts to do something like LW. And we all know Colin is an idiot boy with a heart of gold that needs to open his eyeballs asap.
I think I wanted this chapter to highlight the way others see Polin's interactions. Sure I've hinted and shortly indicated some characters understanding of them (Anthony, Benedict, Eloise and Lady D). But I wanted to write from an outside witness of the two of them together in the moment. I wanted to show that the tension/banter/affection between Colin and Penelope is so obvious that everyone is expecting/waiting for the snap that makes one of them make a move.
But my girl Eloise is so hard to write without letting her completely dominate the plot, narrative and tone of the chapter. Then there's Hyacinth who is eagerly wanting to be written in but struggling to hold any importance or purpose. Kate is hard as well. The Viscountess is very comfortable being a quiet observer, so quiet I forget she's even supposed to be in the scene. Violet has no purpose at all. But it's her tea party and so she's got to be there. And Anthony behaved for his feature and is very firmly refusing to do anything more.
If I reflect on what I've mentioned so far, these are what come to mind:
Colin's gotten up to no good overseas. Sh! Don't tell the Bridgerton's.
Penelope knows detailed mechanics (and wonders bout her kinks) on the how of sex but has yet to experience it herself.
Implied Eloise and Penelope know each other's secrets but girl code ('We don't talk about _____' kinda vibe) to never speak or acknowledge that they know anything.
Colin doesn't like to be ignored, nor does he like to share.
Anthony can't read vibes and needs Kate to translate.
Colin thinks Penelope holds some sort of affection for Benedict. Strong enough for her to choose B over C.
This Author is such a fucking tease, they're frustrating themselves.
I have such specific plans for when Polin reaches their climax. I know I'm teasing, but that's because I want the characters to be starved for one another. I want them to devour and selfishly hoard one another from the eyes of the world. I want Colin to be utterly miserable after he's been given a taste of what he could have had for years but stupidly lost his right to after a temper tantrum. I want Penelope to deny, deny, deny Colin a single scrap of her love and affection so he can know the torture of pining and hungering without satisfaction. I need the darkness they hide within to overwhelm them both and to clash with one another so viscously they forget where they begin and the other ends. I NEED them to be so obsessed with one another that the rest of the world becomes background noise.
And fuck...... I just solved my own writer's block 🤦
Whelp. I'll guess I have to write from Polin pov and just give a short nod to someone else's pov at some point. Sorry if you feel disappointed about that.
In saying that, do you think I should post the deleted scenes? Should I do them separately or Nah? Should I wait till the end of the fic to properly share it on ao3 as a series?
Ugh idk.
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