#kata's chatter
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space-ninja-fashion-show · 2 years ago
Thinking about the idea that warframes go brrrr in their sleep bc it helps them recharge/heal and how if it works on themselves, unless they all have ridiculously specific and unique purr frequencies then that means it also helps other frames do the same
So if left in a pile, warframes will heal/recharge faster or will just wake up feeling more well-rested
And how no one creating them would have ever intended this and Yet. Get fucked, you designed war machines and accidentally built them for love
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the-chattering-tower · 2 years ago
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Well i sure had a good time trying to throw together a new bio code until everything started fucking breaking on me
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crowned-ladybug · 2 years ago
I have always been a "leave me alone about painting" guy
It takes a lot of prep! And a steady hand! And it doesn't let me rest my hand on the paper to make my very-not-steady hand a bit more steady! And you can't erase your mistakes!
So imagine my horror upon realising that the medium that might be the best suited for my chronic pain might actually be a form of painting, bc using a brush doesn't take nearly as much out of me as pressing a pencil to a paper does
Now also imagine my shock upon also realising that i actually enjoy it
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space-ninja-fashion-show · 2 years ago
Nooo i gotta go crawl back on the game now to see whatever the hell DUVIRI-NIDUS gave me
Promo Code(s?)
So DUVIRI+other things also work although Warframes are most common
so DUVIRI-EXCALIBUR, DUVIRI-HILDRYN, etc (Wisp and Caliban seem to be bugged tho? But other things also work. Like DUVIRI-VOID, DUVIRI-DRIFTER, DUVIRI-BARO, DUVIRI-RAILJACK, DUVIRI-VOID.
You can only use 2 along with the DUVIRI-FURZE code.
Not all of them will let you tho, but I got the Hildryn and Void codes to work for me? idk this confuses me about what works and what doesn’t tbh
One of the codes gives you a 7 day affinity booster and 7 day credit booster + orowyrm’s sanctum display
The other gives a 3 day affinity booster and 3 day credit booster + Braton
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queenofhearts7378 · 1 year ago
“So this is Jake's fault, right?” Randy asked.
Danny made a noise of agreement as they continued running down the hallway, red flashing against their eyes and alarms ringing through the air.
And okay, it wasn't really Jake's fault they were being chased by a killer robot after breaking out of some holding cells.
Ever since Jake had turned 16, he'd been getting more duties outside of New York, really stepping up into his role as the American Dragon. NYC was still his home, his main area of protection, and the main capital of the magical community; he wasn't leaving anytime soon.
But occasionally a smaller community would reach out, asking for help with bigger problems they couldn't handle and he couldn't answer over the phone or e-mail. So Jake began traveling (through mundane or magical means), and solving the problems in person.
And occasionally dragging his out-of-town friends along with him.
Which is how the four of them ended up here: in an off-the-books government facility in Horrible, Arkansas, and made up of the same branch as the GIW.
(Danny had groaned out loud in his and Rand's cell, thunking his head against the bars when he heard that.
The agent that was interrogating them gave him a weird look.
“He's from Amity Park.” Randy said solemnly, patting Danny’s shoulder.
The agent went white so fast Randy honestly thought he was about to pass out before fleeing the room.
“Wow,” Randy said, “Y'all's city really is a curse.”)
The four of them had literally stumbled onto the grounds, got searched and had most of their stuff taken away, and thrown into holding cells where agents would periodically come to interrogate them on how they found the place and who else knows about it.
Danny had phased them through the back wall as soon as they were left alone, and accidently ran directly into a wall of weapons that fell on top of them both. Randy only got a sore shoulder, but something zapped Danny and he hadn't been able to transform since.
Which was when the alarms went off.
And when they discovered that the facility used killer robots as security and were all too happy to shoot a couple of teenagers.
Now they were running for their lives trying to find their stuff and their friends without getting shot by the robots or the agents.
They skidded around another corner, and Danny grabbed open the nearest door, throwing it open to check for their stuff.
Instead they were met with two startled agents in the middle of grabbing their weapons.
Randy didn't waste the chance and spun around Danny, landing a kick in the first man's diaphragm and then bringing his knee up just as the man bent over to gasp for air.
(The ninja suit let him be faster, stronger, more bouncy, and protected him from hard hits. The lessons and training of 800 years worth of ninjas were pressed into the fabric enabling him to fight when he had never done it before. He still had training though. He spent hours in the Nomicon practicing the moves and katas his brain knew but his body didn't. Following the footsteps and marks the Nomicon drew out around him, mirroring the poses the illustrated samurai and dragons went though. And lately, following along next to the First Ninja as he performed the moves next to him, occasionally fixing his posture, as Plop Plop chattered nearby.
Being the Ninja wasn't all cool flips and awesome weapons. Even without the mask, Randy was still a ninja.)
Danny took the chance to leap onto the other agent's back trying to get his weapon, throwing the man off balance right as he tried to shoot Randy.
The shot went wide and hit the wall, leaving a faint scorch mark on the white plaster. Randy dived under the shot, rolling forward right past the agent. He kicked his leg out, catching him in the back of the knee, right as Danny yanked the weapon out of his grasp and leapt off the agent's back. Between the teenager using him as a springboard and his leg giving out on him, the agent hit the floor hard. Danny didn't give him the chance to get his bearings and swung the weapon, clocking him over the head.
He swayed for a minute before hitting the ground. He wasn't unconscious but he wasn't getting off the floor anytime soon.
Randy and Danny high-fived before fleeing back out the door.
“Randy, that was awesome!” Danny exclaimed as they checked the other doors for their stuff. “I didn't know you could do that!”
“I know, I know, I'm the Bruce McCheese. Hold your applause,” Randy bragged as he opened the last door in the hallway to reveal yet another supply closet. Running past Danny, he punched him in the shoulder, “I'm still a ninja without the mask Casper.”
“What was that? I couldn't hear you over your ego getting in the way!” Danny laughed as he turned the corner, only to catch a metal leg in his stomach. His back hit the wall and his stolen weapon went flying away from him.
“DANNY!” Randy screeched, knowing he wouldn't get there in time as the security bot charged up to fire.
His feet and hands moved before he could think about it.
‘Separate - Gather - Free’
Randy could feel the energy pool through him, starting with his feet (“Your stance grounds you,” First Ninja said, “It centers you. It's the most important part of using the spells.") and surging upwards through his body in a way he's never felt while in the suit. Randy could feel the air thicken in his palms and he thrust out his hands just as the energy hit his palms and the top of his head.
“Ninja AIR-FIST!”
He could see the ninja magic hit the security robot and smash it into the wall. All the energy that had surged through him faded out, leaving Randy feeling like he just played Grave Puncher for two days straight.
He swayed for a moment, exhaustion hitting him like a brick, before he stumbled over to a gob-smacked Danny.
“Since when could you do that?” Danny asked as he scrambled to his feet.
Randy braced himself against the wall, “Uhhhhhhhhh……now I guess?”
Danny looked at the dented wall, then back at Randy. “Can you do it again?”
“Nngh….think I'll pass out if I did.”
“Alright, last resort then. And I still can't go ghost.”
Randy groaned. “Man we are shoobed.”
“We just need to find the others…..and our stuff.” Danny crouched down in front of Randy. “Alright hop on. You look like you're about to pass out now.”
“Pretty sure it'd just slow us down.” Randy said, even as he wrapped his arms around Danny's neck.
“Dude it's like I'm holding a couple of grapes. What are you, 80 pounds soaking wet?”
“Screw you too.” He dug his heel into Danny's thigh, “Giddee up. I think I hear the others breaking things up ahead.”
Jake and Adrien were indeed in the next hallway over, both transformed and absolutely wrecking anything they came across.
“Hey guys!” Chat grinned at them, impaling the last security bot with his staff. “We were looking for you!”
“Yo Ribbons! What happened to you?” Jake flew over to hand them their backpacks.
“Turns out Mister Ninja over here can use his ninja magic out of the mask.”
Jake blinked at them, “You can do that?”
“Apparently,” Randy said as he slid off Danny's back, “if I want to feel like I went ten rounds with a hoard of robo-apes.”
“Oof.” Jake shook his backpack at them as Randy pulled on his mask. “Well we found the main computer room, stole a bunch of hard drives that I'm going to give to Spud and Tucker, and Chat broke like, everything in there with a Cataclysm so no need to worry about cameras.”
“And we found out what they are called.” Adrien chimed in, “Beings Under Government Surveillance. They had a sign.”
“No wonder the GIW are such pests!” Danny and Adrien said together, high fiving. Randy snickered at the pun.
“Yeah, you're all comedians, can we go? The missing fairies are running loose and I've got to figure out if they need to move, or if they'd be fine with some more magic barriers around their town.”
“And I really gotta talk to the Nomicon. It's wack they didn't warn me about this.”
Later in the Nomicon:
First Ninja stared at him in disbelief, “You did what.”
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space-ninja-fashion-show · 2 years ago
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An important part of Duviri Prep is making sure that all my warframe builds are clearly labelled :)
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the-chattering-tower · 2 years ago
I love the joke scenes but imagine if Marva had brought us green screens instead
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crowned-ladybug · 2 years ago
I know the Smart thing is to have colour swatches of all your materials on all the different kinds of paper you use
I have only ever done that Once for One pack of really shitty markers
I am finally giving in to it specifically in the case of the ink pencils tho bc what is on the end of the pencil and how it looks when you scribble with it has so little to do with what it ends up looking like when you add water
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mmuffncakes · 22 days ago
heart pounding whenever the other does so much as to hold onto their wrist while guiding them through a crowd
"Have you ever been to a planet with more than a hundred people?"
Merrin's question hangs heavy in the air. Mosey thought that the answer would be clear as day: no. Mosey's never left Koboh. Mosey's never thought about leaving Koboh. Not when she's got so much tying her to her home here. The relative "fame" she's gotten here (if she can call it that), as their rancher, as their animal handler, as the one who would take down whatever beast got too close (until Cal had come along). But all this is on a planet that, yeah, had just about 100 folks living on it. Give or take all of the Raider’s.
"I haven't no. Never left Koboh all my life," Mosey admits and she loves the way her chest feels when Merrin gives that look. That look is an ever so slight smile, and a glittering glint in her eyes. It makes her cheeks warm and makes her push her shoulders back. "You look like you wanna bring me somewhere."
"I do, yes. No axe needed for this one."
"Seems far fetched."
"Trust me."
And Mosey did. She's always trusted Merrin since she showed up. Anyone who was willing to aid in protecting a place they'd never called home out of their own volition with no requests in return was a person that could be considered an ally. And an ally Merrin became.
Seeing the Stinger Mantis and being in the Stinger Mantis is a whole different experience. It's way nicer than inside the saloon, and it gets a little whistle from Mosey. And it looked like everyone was coming along: Merrin, Mosey, Cal, Bode, Kata, and Greez. Though, Greez she understood. It is his ship.
Mosey did keep to herself in the corner though. While she knew everyone, she only knew them somewhat. She didn't know deep seeded fears, or personal motivations, or connections with the others. At one point Kata came over to her and drew at the table, scribbling down with crayon as she kicked her feet. What she drew was a nekko, a pretty rare purple one at that, giving it to Mosey as a treat before finding the little droid to rush off and play with.
Cal made idle chatter as he did, Bode joining in. The two were close, able to find each other's space and link arms or hands, bump shoulders as if it were second nature to them. Mosey hadn't even liked it when Cal got too close to her in the saloon, stepping back usually. She couldn't remember the last time that she'd been hugged or touched like how Bode and Cal do. And yet… she wished she had someone that she could exist so easily with. Without fighting, without an ulterior motive, without any caveats. Just someone to hold. Someone like…
Merrin, who just… watched.
From up in the front, Mosey always knew when eyes were on her. And this entire trip, those deep, mysterious, witchy eyes, were on her. It must have been from how obviously out of place Mosey looked and felt on the ship. But Merrin never approached her, never brought it up. Merely watched. It was a little creepy, Mosey wouldn't lie. But in a way, she liked it. A lot.
When they get to the planet, Mosey furrows her brow. It's nowhere near as pretty as Koboh. It's dusty, and hot, and well, full of vendors. It's full of vendors. The closer they get, the more and more people Mosey notices. It's crowded. So crowded that Mosey's pretty sure the entire galaxy is here. She's never seen so many people. And it’s a whole slew of different sapients, all mingling in between each other, the vendors, and everything else in between.
They’re getting a day here. Be back before sundown. That’s the rule.
Greez parks the Mantis. Kata gets up on Bode’s shoulders and Bode laces his hand with Cal’s, BeeDee on Cal’s shoulder. Mosey is left standing at the bottom of the ramp, staring out as she takes in the new sounds, the new sights. She knew the saloon could be loud, but nothing could have beaten the sound of this marketplace.
Merrin comes up beside Mosey, taking in a deep breath. She looks over, that same expression she had before the trip. A slight smile, and a glint in her eyes. What Mosey expected was maybe a tease, in her own Merrin way, or a nudge towards the never ending crowd. What she wasn’t expecting was Merrin taking her wrist, and starting to guide her through.
It was immediate: Mosey’s cheeks going dark with color, her heartbeat slamming against her chest. The world around them didn’t exist, blurring to frame the night witch that led her through people; sliding between gaps and shouldering or bumping those she needed to. Mosey was transfixed. Enchanted. Her focus was solely on Merrin and the warmth her hand brought. Each little twitch of her fingers to grip tighter, or the subtle movement her thumb gave to the palm of Mosey’s hand.
Oh, her heart wouldn’t stop skipping beats or being so, so loud in her head. There was no calming her heart at the touches she’d known she wanted but never sought out. While Merrin, so easily and effortlessly, took her hand. Mosey has never had her hand held like this, let alone held at all. And of all the times that she’d thought about it, fantasized about it, dreamt of it, the way Merrin held it blew all those thoughts out of the water.
No matter what stall that Merrin brought them to, no matter how many people they walked through, no matter where they stopped or kept moving, Merrin’s hand never left Mosey’s wrist. If they hovered, Merrin’s thumb stroked along palm and thumb, hand migrating down to the back of Mosey’s.
And soon enough, their fingers were laced. Mosey couldn’t hear anything over her own heartbeat. She’d not been able to fully experience the marketplace around them, the people, the smells, the sounds, the foods, the stalls, none of it. Her focus was on Merrin. How making her way through was just second nature. Mosey blinked and the day had gone by; Merrin having never left her side, nor ever let go of her hand.
When they got back to the Mantis as the sun started to move closer to the horizon, Merrin finally turned and smiled at Mosey.
“You look like you had fun.” Her tone was filled with teasing and Mosey hadn’t even been able to say anything in return. She was just… in awe. It got a small scoff of a laugh out of the witch as she leaned down from the top of the ramp to the bottom where Mosey stood, tapping the tip of her nose. “Let’s get you inside, rodeo girl.”
And as Merrin moved to get back on to the ship, their hands slowly separated. Mosey found her heart still in her ears, her head, craving for more.
She hopes it will happen again.
aka; i wasnt able to do femslash february this year from other matters, so have some mosey panicking over her hand being held by merrin while everyone gets shit
(blows u a kiss) enjoy bb
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undying-lilies · 2 months ago
it's Monday, and you know what that means - survivor fic day!!
sneak peek below the cut :]
If Cal was being honest with himself, he never wanted to set foot in the old anchorite base again.
But Jedha City was practically crawling with Imperials, and if they even so much as tried to land the Mantis there, they’d all get thrown into prison immediately - or worse. None of them wanted to risk that, especially with Kata on board. She’d already lost her parents; she didn’t deserve to lose her new family, too.
So they made the hard decision to forgo Jedha City and land the ship in the base.
Just a few months ago, the base had been teaming with anchorite monks and people working with the Hidden Path. They chattered and talked and filled the underground rooms with conversation. Delicious smells of homecooked meals were always wafting through the base. Cere Junda was almost always in the Archives, as was her old Jedi master, Eno Cordova, and monks were stationed almost everywhere else.
Now, it was practically a ghost town. It was dead silent. The smells from the kitchens were gone, leaving behind a musty and stale scent in the air. The Archives were partially destroyed with records all over the floor and a gaping hole in the wall from an explosion. Only a couple monks had survived and they mainly stayed out of sight, only showing up to welcome the Mantis crew back, offer to fix their ship, and express their sorrows for what had happened to Cere before darting back in the shadows again.
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space-ninja-fashion-show · 2 years ago
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Some of my favourites from the notes. Y'all are hilarious
feel free to put in tags no matter what u pick! i want to See
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lesbian-cal-kestis · 8 months ago
it's all downhill from here (in the outer nowhere)
Summary: Cal Kestis is reminded of his past, causing havoc while trapped in a memory he will never forget. Title from Bleed Me an Ocean by Acid Bath.
Warning/s: Minor Character Death
Pairing: Merrin/Cal
Characters: Cal Kestis, Nightsister Merrin, Greez Dritus, BD-1, Kata Akuna (mentioned), Prauf (mentioned), Jaro Tapal (mentioned), Original Character/s
Additional tags: Cal Kestis needs a hug, he doesn't get one, canon-typical violence, angst, hurt no comfort, okay maybe there's a little comfort, post-Jedi: Survivor, Planet Jakku (Star Wars), panic attack, dismemberment (brief mention), Cal needs to understand that avoiding his problems is not a substitute for therapy, flashbacks, Order 66 (Star Wars), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD
Language: English
Word count: 3.1k
Cal Kestis was by no means a lucky man. 
Three of the previous missions he embarked on had gone sour, the Empire somehow finding him at every turn; he didn’t doubt this mission would be any different. Time and time again, the people he tried to help would be killed or captured or maimed or-
“Kid, grab some seat! We’re coming in on Jakku - lots of Imperial chatter going on there…” His pilot, the vertically-challenged hairball he’d been venturing with for most of his adult life, announced over the ship's communications system. 
Cal inhaled shakily, wrapping his hands around his lightsaber and fighting the urge to sense the few echoes he had not seen. Imps were never a good sign, but the young man could only hope the force would fulfil his request for a peaceful rescue just this once. 
The hyperspace travel time was long enough for Cal to familiarise himself with the Hidden Path’s target; an Abednedo male, relatively tall with a solid build, who had an impressive collection of communication codes stored in his safehouse. The codes also contained locations of hidden refugees throughout the galaxy, all hiding from the Empire for one reason or another, and the Path was bent on assisting them no matter the cost.
Cal jogged into the Stinger Mantis’ cockpit, sitting in the co-pilot’s chair - his rightful spot, now that Cere was gone. He looked back towards the cockpit section that allowed the Mantis to track communications from external channels, eyeing Merrin in her position, her eyes firm on the console. Her hair was tied up in a style that Cal adored - A neat bun with a few stray hairs that weren’t long enough to be tied up hanging down, framing her face beautifully. He couldn’t get over how gorgeous she was. 
He then looked to his left, opposite where the Nightsister was seated, and let his gaze rest softly on Kata. It was hard for him to believe how much she had grown and matured, even with her father's absence. She may not have been force-sensitive, but she made up for her lack of abilities with “space magic” - a term that Merrin laughed at - with her capabilities in marksmanship. 
“Cal, you are staring.” Merrin pointed out, her voice sending a wave of warmth throughout Cal’s body, her soft tone putting a slight smile on his face. 
Turning back to look out through the windshields at the barren planet below, Cal noted the Star Destroyers that weren’t far off from them; far enough away not to notice them, but relatively close to their mark. The planet reminded him of Jedha, with plenty of ancient sites burrowed beneath the sand, grasping at the force for somebody to tell their story to. 
Not today, Cal thought. I have somebody to meet. 
Descending into the atmosphere of Jakku, the city of Reetskii grew as they flew across the horizon. The Mantis crew marvelled at the structures they flew past, watching the sands of time move with the winds the ship created as it sped through, eager to find the Abednedo. 
There were few landing bays in the near-forgotten city, but it made sense to have less than 10 areas for spacecraft. Reetskii roughly translated to “the leftovers” in Galactic Basic Standard, having no minerals or ores to mine, and barely enough agricultural facilities to support the settlement - the perfect place to hide away from the Empire. 
Though, not perfect enough, it seemed. 
Upon docking, Cal eyed a stormtrooper squad, their armour gleaming harshly in the Jakkuvian sunlight. It was almost blinding, and had Cal not turned around, he was sure he would have had colourful spots dancing in his eyes from the glint. The Abednedo’s hideout was visible from the landing pad the Mantis was stationed on, his purple skin only just noticeable through a gap in the door. 
“You guys see that?” Cal asked, kneeling behind the ship’s controls to remove himself from the trooper’s field of view. “Small batch of troopers right near the hideout. Do you think they found out about the codes?”
“No,” Merrin replied, squinting to get a better look at the area around their mark. “I do not think they did. The Abednedo is still alive, his body would be dumped outside the building and covered in scorch marks if they knew of the codes.”
“They might want him alive.”
“They do not.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because, Kestis. They have no reason to take him alive.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do, actually”
“Well if you know so karking much why don’t you just-”
Greez cleared his throat, eyes darting nervously between Cal and Merrin. The Latero knew things had been on edge for them lately, and stars knows what caused it, but they had a mission to focus on. Bickering like an old married couple was helping nobody. 
Rolling his eyes and standing from his crouched position, Cal put his arm out to the ship's console, BD-1 taking his place on his shoulder. 
The clock was ticking, and minute by minute the deadline to retrieve the codes was drawing closer. 
Exiting the Mantis to set foot on the dusty walkway of the landing bay, Cal walked with purpose towards the Abednedo’s residence, his gaze flittering around between multiple threats he took mental note of. Funny, he thought, we’ve been communicating with this guy for three cycles and we still don’t know his name. And it was true; the Abednedo was nameless thus far, merely being referred to as “the Jakku contact”. It made Cal feel uneasy, not being able to put a name to the face - it allowed his mind to wander too far, likening the Abednedo to… him. 
Pulling up the hood of his lightweight poncho, Cal continued to close the gap between him and the building the contact was located in, BD letting out a string of beeps and trills. 
There’s a lot of Imperials around here, the droid noted, Merrin might’ve been wrong. 
Oh, how Cal loved it when his little companion took his side during his and Merrin’s spats - it made him feel less lonely in the world. The boy let out a slight chuckle, more a huff of laughter than anything, and strode closer to the door that held the codes. His gait remained confident, to not give away his anxiousness about the entire situation. The force signatures that resided within Reetskii were ill at ease, almost screaming to Cal that something was wrong.
He ignored them. 
Knocking on the door of the hideout, Cal rocked gently on his feet, energy buzzing around him. A small security hatch opened, with a singular eye visible through it - the eye was waiting for a password.  
“Tanalorr welcomes you,” the redhead muttered loud enough for the individual behind the door to hear him. He picked up on the sound of a complex locking mechanism opening, the door sliding open just enough for him to squeeze through. Cal jumped as a large hand rested on his shoulder, his gaze rising to look at the being before him. 
“I got to give you the codes now, kid. Don’t know if you noticed, but the Imps are sniffing around like starved tooka-cats,” the purple-hued brown-skinned humanoid stated, his mahogany eyes trained on Cal, alerting him to the urgency of this task - but Cal couldn’t look away. He couldn’t move. 
Cal knew that he would struggle with this mission before the Mantis entered its two-day-long hyperspace journey to Jakku. He didn’t think he’d freeze up under the watchful eye of an Abednedo that was the spitting image of the second person in Cal’s life to sacrifice their existence so his could continue. Eyes beginning to well with tears that would forever remain unshed, the boy shook his head lightly to bring himself out of his catatonic state. 
“Yeah, yeah, the uh- the codes, right,” he stuttered, grabbing the data disk that contained the valuable information from the Abednedo’s outstretched hand (when had he outstretched his hand?), offering it to BD-1 for safekeeping. “Are you coming with us? There’s plenty of space on the Mantis -  the Hidden Path could use somebody as versatile as you,” he questioned, instilling his tone with a kind of curiosity he could not will himself to truly feel at the current point in time, his mind digging memories to the surface that he would prefer to have stayed buried. 
“That’s the plan, kid,” the contact replied, grabbing a small bag of supplies from a hook behind him. He was dressed casually, with clothing that would keep his large form cool in the desert heat. Cautiously stepping out from the hideout, the Abednedo took a wary glance around, ensuring the stormtroopers wouldn’t notice their hasty departure. 
The Abednedo signalled for Cal to follow him, so he did. Weaving through relatively small alleyways and passing by market stalls, it was evident that the red-haired human was being led a backway to the Mantis’ location. 
They couldn’t be more than twenty paces from docking bays when Cal heard it- the unmistakable shout of a stormtrooper alerting his peers to an individual running around with a lightsaber on his belt. There was no star system in which this could be good for them. 
“You! Stop right where you are, in the name of the Empire!” The trooper shouted, his blaster aimed directly at Cal’s heart. Looking back to the Abednedo, who already had his palms raised in surrender, he knew a split-second decision had to be made. 
Reaching slowly for his lightsaber, the trooper stalked closer to the unlikely pair - perhaps not all that unlikely on Jakku, but still unlikely - barking orders at Cal to not do what he was thinking of doing. Hearing the plastoid dog alerting the rest of his squad to the presence of the Jedi, he knew it was too late to stop what was happening. Blaster bolts began racing towards Cal and the contact, being easily reflected by the Jedi’s brilliant orange ‘saber, its glow matching that of the desert sunset that was encroaching on the horizon. 
The death of the reporting trooper seemed to summon two, three, ten more in front of the two men, most wielding blasters with a few baton-wielding hounds accompanying them. If he were on his own, this group would be easy to dispatch. With an ally in tow, however - not so easy. He would have to keep note of any stray blaster bolts, fired or reflected. He’d have to take note of who the baton wielders were targeting, he’d have to-
The hum of a crimson lightsaber. A scream so primal that it reawakened the abilities of the force that the padawan had lost during the purge. The unmistakable thump of a body hitting the ground.
Except this time, it wasn’t a lightsaber. It wasn’t a scream. It was a shout of surprise, and a body hitting the ground. A body hit the ground. It hit the ground, it hit the ground, it hit the-
An electrified prod woke Cal from his panic, reminding him he was still in a fight. Reminding him he wasn’t on Bracca, he wasn’t being stared down by Inquisitors as he helplessly watched his best friend be murdered in cold blood. He was on Jakku. He was on Jakku, gathering contact codes for the Hidden Path. He was on Jakku, following Prauf - no, not Prauf, an unnamed Abednedo - to the Mantis. 
An unnamed Abednedo that sat against a wall, head slumped, body motionless. An Abednedo that had thumped to the ground. An Abednedo that, like Prauf, was dead. He was dead. Because of Cal and his carelessness and his incorrect assumption that his lightsaber wouldn’t be seen. The incorrect assumption that nobody would notice him slow time, that nobody would notice him use the force. 
Cal couldn’t think. 
He couldn’t breathe.
Prauf, his body lifeless, the ever-present spark in his eyes dissipating, his force signature disappearing, the blade in his chest extinguishing. 
And then Cal was on the Albedo Brave, clones firing at him, his master urging him to activate the controls for the escape pods, and this time? This time, he would fight back. 
Cal spun his ‘saber in his hand, raising it above his head with determination and striking down any clone that dared to show its helmeted face to him. One, two, three, ten clones were dispatched, limbs and heads rolling across the deck of the ship, and as Cal turned around to check on his master, nothing had changed. 
His master lay lifeless on the floor of the escape pod, the rise and fall of his chest dissipating, his life extinguishing before Cal’s eyes. Dead.
One thing had changed throughout all the chaos and confusion felt by the young padawan. 
No last words were exchanged. 
And, Merrin was beside him.
She was resting a loving hand on his cheek, turning his gaze from his Master - no, it was Prauf, and then his Master again - to her. The warmth of Merrin’s touch helped slightly with grounding the boy, but nowhere near what either had hoped.
“Merrin, Merrin you need to go, the Clones are coming, and the Inquisitors, I can’t hold them off for long but you need to run,” he stammered out, breaths ragged and eyes darting around frantically, unable to shake the surroundings his brain had convinced him were real. The walls were closing in, or at least it felt they were to the Jedi. He felt small next to the Nightsister, his juvenile form from the Purge enveloping him the way a jaw plant would to smother its prey. Cal’s breathing continued to be erratic as he brought his hands to the back of his head, interlocking his fingers and rocking himself back and forth in a sorry attempt to release himself from the memories that plagued him. 
A distant voice spoke, and though Cal could not make out what it was saying, he could tell it was trying to comfort him as smoke shrouded him, followed by a flash of green and a feeling of warmth surrounding the young boy. 
He was so, so tired. 
Maybe he should sleep.
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Something was wrong, Merrin could tell that much on her own. Even without force abilities as complex as Cal Kestis’, she had enough insight with the power Dathomir bestowed upon her to tell that something was wrong. She had already instructed Greez to start the engines of the ship, and to keep it idle until her return - she didn’t doubt her decision. 
Coming across a tide of amputated appendages and the smell of charred flesh, Merrin’s belief that Cal was in trouble further solidified itself in her mind. Seeing him crouched over a body, body shaking as he took harsh, jagged breaths. She had seen her Jedi like this before, when they had shared a bed at night and he tossed and turned so viciously that he unconsciously threatened to fall out of the Mantis’ sleeping cots. How could he be having a nightmare in broad daylight? Was he sleepwalking? No, he couldn’t be - he was awake when he left to gather the codes, and he slept as well as he could the previous night. Maybe it was what Cere had told her about all those moons ago, something that resembled a nightmare while the person suffering was awake. 
Merrin believed Cere had called it a ‘flashback’. She couldn’t be entirely certain, however. 
As she approached Cal, Merrin could hear him mumbling hurriedly, his sentences sporadic and nonsensical to ears unfamiliar with his past. He was sputtering about how he had failed, and how he was sorry, begging please Prauf I’m sorry, please Prauf, please wake up. The names changed from Prauf to Master too many times for Merrin to keep track. 
She had no idea how to stop this, she didn’t know if she could stop this, but Dathomir be damned if she didn’t try. 
Reaching out an ungloved hand, Merrin rested her palm gently on Cal’s cheek, softly turning his face towards her and away from the body of their contact. Cal had a far-away look to him as if he was looking through her instead of at her, as if he was standing on a planet and looking absent-mindedly to the stars. She rubbed circles on his jawbone with her thumb, willing him to wake from this nightmare, to come back to her and the gifts the future would provide.
And he did. 
Just not in the way she had hoped he would. 
The terror visible in Cal’s eyes tore apart Merrin’s heart, the tears in his eyes falling without shame. Her Jedi was being tortured by his mind, and though he was aware she was here, he did not wake. Spouting out obscenities about the Clones and the Inquisitors closing in, how they would hurt her and how he would hold them off for as long as he could, Cal rose to his feet. He ignited his lightsaber, in a stance that would allow him to block or parry any blows thrown at him, but there were no enemies nearby. There were no Clones or Inquisitors, nor were there any Stormtroopers nearby - he had already dispatched them in ways far more barbaric than Merrin had seen him use before. 
“At ease, my Jedi. You are okay, there is nobody here but you and me. Rest, allow sleep to overcome you,” she whispered tenderly into his ear, worried she might cause him to run. The magic she imbued into her words stopped his flight response, attempting to lull him into a dreamless slumber. Curling himself into the fetal position, Cal sat down and rested against the wall of a hut, interlocking his fingers behind his head. He was… scared. What had he seen that terrified him to the extent it made him regress into a child-like mindset? She could only wonder, as she knew asking Cal any questions while he was in this state would result in answers that made no sense. 
Allowing her magic to surround both of them, Merrin summoned them back to the Mantis, laying Cal down on the potolli-weave fabric of the couch cushions. Greez and Kata looked on with concern, but all she had to do was give a slight nod and they were off, making their way home to Tanalorr. 
Her Jedi could rest easy tonight.
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t0m-1nn1t · 3 months ago
<Kata>: Hello, Mister Thomas. I deeply apologized for my absences during Christmas and New Year, it appears there's some matters require my immediate attention. Tho, regarding about your inaccurate advisory on the random chatter who turns out to be a gullible teenager that dragged their friends with along on their dangerous self-experimentation. I managed to pull some strings backdoors and divert the media and investigators attention away in your direction. So you can take a sigh of relief, since no one would know that your behind the one hundred teenagers being hospitalised around the server. Consider this a late christmas and New Year gift for you free of charge. Anyway you should received my monthly billing since my employment under your jurisdiction.
"Thank you, Kara. I appreciate that greatly. Like.. holy shit. I uh. Didn't know what to do. I was avoiding it entirely."
"I made you a knitted owl because you remind me of an owl. :D"
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space-ninja-fashion-show · 2 years ago
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hey DE can we get a Hug Teshin button with the Kullervo's Knife Kollection update?
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space-ninja-fashion-show · 2 years ago
Congrats!! :D
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for some reason the lag upon murdering the boss units is absolutely horrendous in this test. extra glad i decided to practice last week while working on getting enough exp. so there were no ugly surprises and no panic. a short visual of what i'm talking about:
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the-chattering-tower · 2 years ago
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I'm pretty sure this is the first special eye i've gotten since my return from hiatus and it's on a Pure Progen Lineage Project nest (aka fancy, organised fodder)
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