jazz-kitty · 2 months
Could you please draw Karen?
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a happy little family!
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philameangrey · 10 months
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jazz-kity · 4 months
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oncebeynd · 4 months
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heretodefyfate · 1 year
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Woah, replaying do make you notice the little things
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maybefarrah · 2 years
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vaugarde · 10 months
what the fuck man
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lemonade-juley · 2 years
Finally have completed the Zorralain Labyrinth and Kingdom of Goomidra quests. Very interesting.... Any time someone directly drops "Oh Interceptor" is quite pog and getting solid lore on Crests is fun.
Normal-ish Karen felt weird even if it was temporary simply because I am used to mildly terrifying Cursed Karen.
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reginald-k-sanshire · 9 months
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Top 3 stayed the same, yet AGAIN, so at least I'm SOMEWHAT consistent with this thing.
(If, for whatever reason, you don't know about this sorter by now, you can do it here. Don't forget to request desktop site, if you're on a mobile browser.)
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moonpaw · 5 months
Random Karrina event
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philameangrey · 9 months
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jazz-kity · 4 months
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mad as hell karen was #1 on my hit list for the entire game and now she's being sympathetic and in fact rather compelling. crosses my hands. huffs. pouts.
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heretodefyfate · 1 year
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come to think about it, Karrina didn't know how to open the door here, cuz' if she did, this sidequest would have ended faster or differently, does that mean, before MC started looking for the hidden library
she never been inside the library?
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spar-kie · 11 months
Big spoilers for Pokemon Rejuvenation 13.5's Renegade Route below the cut, but DUDE I HAVE THOUGHTS.
Dude M2 makes me want to fucking explode, I am OBSESSED with her. Like aside from her being the exact kind of insane I love in a character, beneath that is fucking FASCINATING.
Despite the timeline differences and insanity by years worth of wandering in a desolate fucking wasteland, you can see there's still Melia beneath all that. Melia who is sick and tired of the shit she's had to go through, seen the end of the world and gotten a second shot. And what she's done is declared it inevitable and decided she's going out on her own terms, and she'll do whatever she wants as she goes down, and is taking whoever has wronged her with her.
Like and that's what I love! Her anger isn't insane! It isn't directionless, she's clearly uncomfortable with the idea of killing Talon! Her first instinct upon seeing him rift is to save him like with Aelita before realizing that he would just be forced to rift again. And with Ren! She fucking hated Ren! He was on her (s)hit list! But when she realized that this was not the same Ren as her original timeline, one who wasn't selfishly going for power, one willing to die to atone for the sins of someone who isn't him, she let him live! And this was something she pointed out with Karrina! How the worst part of her was that at the end she was still trying to save her own skin with no attempt atonement or apology.
On top of that we can still see some doubt seeping through in how she asks the interceptor if there's a chance they won't end the world, before quickly dropping the subject when it was clear they had no plans on dropping it. And I love how Amber points out M2 likely doesn't hate everyone, but is just lashing out. M2 is damaged by her timeline ending and being stuck in purgatory for years. But despite this damage, there's still Melia buried under it all! And M2 tries to keep it all buried because I feel like she knows that Melia wouldn't do what she's doing, but that's fine, because she's not Melia, she's M2.
And I can fucking see it now, after her reckless use of the Archetype has let Genisis Syndrome ravage her and she's too weak to possibly stop the end she'd once thought so inevitable, she's gonna regret a lot of what she did. I dunno if she'll regret all of it, but she might regret at least not trying to stop the end.
I just wanted to put all this out there because I feel like people are gonna focus on M2's more outlandish behavior! And I'm glad for that, she's genuinely a very fun character and you can tell the folks who wrote her had a blast doing so, and I genuinely think introducing her as your companion in the renegade route was a fantastic idea. But there's so much more there and just AGHGHGGHGHGHG HER!!!!
And I promise I'm not saying that because I absolutely fucking called an evil and fucked up Melia pre-release, thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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