#kard is pharm's father
lxvverboy · 4 years
imma need a whole ass family tree to understand wtf is going on in uwma
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shirasade · 5 years
Didn’t do one of these last week because I wasn’t at home, but today I’m back screaming about UWMA ep 15...
First of all: DeanDeanDeanDean - I love him so damn much. I love how certain he is about his feelings for Pharm, I love when he teases him, and I love that he can still be vulnerable. (Pharm holding him as he cried... My heart!)
That marriage proposal? I sniffled my way through it. Dean just wants to take care of Pharm (a restaurant!) - and I do love the casual reminder that same-sex marriage isn’t legal everywhere, including Thailand.
The sex scene was sweet (and very quick) - we saw even less than on the boat, but honestly, I don’t mind. I think it fits the tone of the show in general and the Dean x Pharm relationship in particular. (Do I wish that Pharm took the initiative sometimes? Yes. But he’s a shy bean, that’s just a fact. And he never hesitates to cuddle and to tell Dean that he loves him first.)
Talking sex stuff: I really didn’t need the idea that Pharm has a daddy kink in my brain. *facepalm* I’ll now try to pretend that the subtitles said “father” instead.
Very glad to see Perth again. Loved how happy his character was at seeing Korn take care of In. In definitely deserves it. <3
Much less happy to learn even more reasons why Korn was genuinely suicidal before that night at the condo. His father threatening In must have made him feel so helpless. And he made his younger brother promise not to follow in his father’s footsteps and to take care of the youngest... My heart!
Sin is a sneaky bastard. Smoking on the balcony, leaving “provisions” with snarky notes... But he’s right, if Pharm had known, he would never have relaxed with Dean.
Dean putting together 2+2. Not just a pretty face, my boy. So Korn is Pharm’s uncle, Krit is Sin’s father, the policeman, and Kard was Pharm’s dad.
A very regrettable lack of Win x Team again, but I get it. At least Manaow was in this episode, I missed her. (Dean’s surprised face when she invited him to her celebration - I don’t think he ever had many friends except for Win.)
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weilongfu · 5 years
Wei watches Until We Meet Again Ep 17 END
We open up with the funeral scene for Korn and In. An and In’s mom are sufficiently sad. Ailn is sufficiently innocent. An tells Ailn that In went on a trip and Ailn asks when he’ll come back to eat the dishes he wanted with them. An hugs her daughter in her sorrow.
Krit and Kard are also sad, but holding it in. 
The first to approach the coffins is In’s dad. He cries as he pats In’s head and says he’s not good enough to be In’s dad. He then ties a red string around In’s pinky finger. He then says he loves In so much before looking over at Korn. He unwinds more string as he walks around and over to Korn’s coffin. He then looks to the two families as if asking if he’s doing the right thing. Korn’s dad gets up and also approaches Korn’s coffin. He leans over and lifts Korn’s hand for In’s father to tie the string around his pinky. 
In’s father hopes that the red thread will bring them to meet each other again in their next lives. He then says that they couldn’t be together in this life but he hopes they will meet again in the next. He also asks Korn to take care of In because he is his beloved son. 
How sad is it that both families realize the most important thing was how much they loved Korn and In and not how others might see them and their homosexuality only after death?
At home, Krit looks through the fridge and finds the candy In gave Korn. He takes it and remembers Korn’s expression and the day they found out about it. Krit begins to cry from the memory and the joy that happened that day as they teased Kard and named Kard’s future kids. He also remembers what Korn told him to do about his future, being what he wanted to be. He falls the the floor, still holding the candy, as he cries. 
In the present, we see Pharm rocking back and forth in the apartment. Dean runs up to him and pulls him up and tells him they should go back to their home. Pharm remembers Korn telling In how much he loves him and calls Dean a liar. And also hits him for killing someone he loves. Dean takes the abuse, sad and confused, before he tries to stop Pharm’s hands. He succeeds and pulls Pharm close to hug him in an attempt to calm him down. 
Dean apologizes and wow Fluke’s expressions in this shot, crazy. Pharm then asks if Dean knows how he felt watching him die in front of him. This makes Dean pull away as Pharm talks about how he called for him and how he had promised they’d be together forever and how he’d never leave. Pharm says his heart was dead and he couldn’t breathe. At this point, it’s very clear he’s possessed by In. He complains that Dean/Korn hurt him the most by his death. Dean promises how much he loves Pharm, but Pharm reaches for the bun and asks what if he chooses to leave first this time. He then declares he’ll leave first this time.
Dean finally realizes what’s up and begs In not to take Pharm away from him because of how much he loves him. He begs In not to do this and begins saying that he’s here, Pharm’s Dean is here. His reassurances finally let him get the gun away from Pharm. Pharm begins to cry again, but Dean holds him steady and embraces him to soothe him. The two stay in their agonized embrace until the door opens and Krit, Sin, and Korn’s dad come in. Dean looks at Korn’s father and calls him dad. Pharm as In begins to freak out and demand he go away. Dean tries to calm him down again, but Pharm continues to be upset, demanding he go away and he doesn’t want to see him. Pharm finally calls Dean Korn and calls out for Korn. 
As he continues yelling and sobbing, Pharm’s mother and brother also come in. (Side note, the actor for Phoom is tall. Like not as tall as Sin, but still. Poor Pharm, he got the short genes.) Pharm’s mother moves to help, but Krit stops her and says that he’ll handle this. Korn’s father also seems to be bracing himself or praying. 
Krit walks over to Dean and Pharm holding the tin of things that Pharm found the gun in. He says that no one will separate the two of them. Dean pulls away a bit to help Pharm stand up again and holds him close. Krit calls for Intouch and says that his parents were in pain for a long time. He also says the entire building was bought for both of them by Intouch’s parents to ensure it will always stay the same for the last 30 years. He then says everything in the box was kept by Korn’s dad for them. (BUT WHY KEEP THE GUN?) He goes on to say that Korn’s dad loves Korn and once he was gone he cries whenever he looks at the box. Krit also tells In how sad his father was and that he cried so much that it was like his world had fallen. Pharm as In cries for his dad and says he’s sorry. Dean continues to console him. Krit’s eyes get teary. Dean says it’s his fault and that he hurt everyone around him, I guess he’s talking as Korn right now. Dean as Korn apologizes to his father. 
Krit then tells Korn that after the funeral, their family kept in touch with Intouch’s family until the day Intouch’s dad got sick. Their dad promised to take care of everything, the family, the condo building, everything. Krit asks him to not be mad at their dad anymore. He also asks for In to not be angry anymore either since they’ve all suffered in pain. Kard was also so angry he never forgave their father. Even on Kard’s deathbed, he refused to see his dad. Korn apologizes again through Dean for the pain and selfishness. He turns to In and says he loves everyone right now, his dad, mother, and all his brothers, as well as In. He then kisses Pharm/In’s forehead. He apologizes to Pharm/In over and over softly. 
Pharm/In caresses Dean/Korn’s face before turning to their families. Then he turns back to Dean/Korn and says Intouch thought he was strong enough. The scene has the umbrella memory before flashing back to be Korn and In in DeanPharm’s places. In apologizes for blaming Korn for everything and forgives Korn and asks Korn to stop blaming himself. The scene then cuts back to the two being Dean and Pharm again. Dean dries Pharm’s tears and Dean/Korn says he loves Pharm/In. The two embrace and we cut back to them being represented by Korn and In. Korn’s father’s eyes get teary at the resolution.
The day after, Krit is in the hospital hearing that his father will not get any better. Sin and Dean are also in the room as Korn’s father rests in bed. Pharm, is also there, recovering from the ordeal with an IV drip, wheeled in with Phoom. 
Dean asks if there’s anything Korn’s dad wants. He asks for Dean to take care of Pharm and Dean promises he will. After that, Korn’s dad passes away. A single tear falls from Dean’s eyes. 
Back at Pharm’s dorm, Pharm dreams of the thread and Dean is in his room. Dean starts walking away and Pharm asks where he’s going. Dean holds up the string and cuts it. Pharm is stunned and upset. Dean looks at Pharm and says they are free from each other from now on and don’t have to love each other. Pharm objects and asks if they truly love each other and not because of the red thread. Dean says no, it was the thread, before turning around and walking away. Clearly this is an anxiety dream for Pharm. Pharm starts to cry in his dream, looking at the cut red thread. He wakes up in bed, alone, and sits up, eyes still wet with tears. He then says that he should have gone with his mom to stay in the US for a week instead of pretending to be strong. He probably wants to have someone with him for comfort. 
Pharm then looks at the dog tag Dean gave him before asking if the love between him and Dean is real. 
The next morning, Manaow and Team are doing homework and Pharm shows up with look choup for them in a variety of shapes. Manaow asks when Pharm had the time to make all that since they’ve had so much homework. Pharm stays quiet and Team asks if Pharm has been sleeping. Manaow realizes how big the bags are under Pharm’s eyes. Team asks what’s wrong and if he had a fight with Dean. Pharm says that he couldn’t sleep and blames exam stress. Manaow cheers Pharm on and asks if Dean will pick him up today. Pharm says Dean will since they have a date today. Team warns him not to stay up too late or he won’t be showing up to class the next morning. Pharm chastises Team for teasing him. The three continue to be cute and friendly, but Pharm seems distant. 
Later, Dean waits for Pharm at the building as Pharm comes down the stairs. Dean’s face brightens when Pharm calls for him. Dean asks if Pharm wants to eat anything and Pharm says ice cream. Dean says they should eat food first before ice cream and Pharm agrees. Dean offers his hand and Pharm takes it. 
That night, the two sit in Pharm’s room, watching TV while Pharm eats ice cream. Dean tells him not to eat the whole thing at once, which makes Pharm eat one more spoon before putting it down. The two continue to take glances at each other when the other isn’t looking. Pharm is clearly tense and anticipatory of something happening. He’s also the one that seems the most sad, although Dean seems to catch on that something doesn’t feel right. Pharm almost reaches for Dean’s hand, but stops himself. 
Finally the two look at each other. Dean asks what Pharm is thinking. Pharm touches Dean’s face and then the two lean in and kiss briefly. Pharm then says that he thinks they should stay apart for a while while starting to cry. Dean asks why. Pharm says they should think over about if their love is real. Dean’s face is confused and upset. 
However we return 3 months later. Pharm, Team, and Manaow are at a bbq place with lots of food to eat. Manaow asks Pharm to grill some meat for her and Team also pitches in to help as Manaow does her makeup. She asks how she looks and Team complains that she always looks the same. Manaow then says she’s got something to show Team and she needs to get it out. As she does so, she pretends to see something behind them and tells Team to go look. She smears something on Team’s forehead, which is just some makeup to tease him. The three then continue with their bbq party and decide to take a photo. The three take their selfie and continue. 
At the swim team, Dean is looking over things and turns to see Pharm and Manaow. He doesn’t seem to really react though. Team also notices his friends, but is then directed to practice properly by the rest of the club. After practice, Manaos rushes to find the boys and tells them she won the film competition. 
At the cooking club, Pharm is going to teach them to make Inthanin, which is not a common Thai dessert. Best’s character gets a line and asks if Pharm and Dean are still together while Pharm prepares to teach. Pharm flips open his book to a sticky note from Dean thanking him. Pharm says they never broke up before looking at their texts. Pharm then asks Best’s character what they should make next week. Best’s character then gives Pharm a note from someone who loves desserts. It reads, “Never forget.” Best’s character says that he just dropped by and was given a dessert. Pharm cries a bit despite a twitch of the lips which looks like a smile. Pharm then says he knows what he’ll make, Leum Kleum. 
We then get some WinTeam with Team learning a coffee order for Win. Team is trying but he can’t seem to get how to say the order perfectly. Win helps by taking a picture of the drink and explains how to order it in a less complicated way. Team succeeds and Win pats him on the head. Team then asks what else Win wants to eat. Win tells him that if it’s coffee he can drink anything as long as it’s half sweet. It appears that they’re learning more about each other slowly. Win then asks Team what he likes to eat other than chips. Team says he likes to eat lots of things like bingsu (shaved ice), bbq, cake, steak, and a lot of other food. Win holds out his hand for Team to take so they can go. At the offer of paying, Team finally takes Win’s hand and they run off.
The next day, the trio are looking at their phones when Manaow starts to freak out about something with Del. Team asks what’s wrong and it turns out Del and Alex are in a relationship. Pharm asks since when and Manaow says she doesn’t know, however she says her club will celebrate today and she’ll go clear it up with Del. Team and Pharm are still mystified, but Team brings up the Leum Kleum and says the seniors from the swim club are thankful for it. Dean also texts Pharm his thank you. Team tries to look at the phone, but Pharm pulls away.
Team calls Pharm annoying, but Pharm points out how Team went to see a movie with Win last week. Team then tries to run, but Manaow comes back because she forgot her bag and asks what the two are up to. Team says it’s nothing and he is just going home. Pharm refuses to let Team go without the details first. Manaow later walks on her own, looking at her phone and shouts how jealous she is about everyone being in a relationship. She bumps into Pruk again though. Pruk asks if she’s not going home and Manaow says she will soon. Pruk then reveals a bouquet of flowers and hands it to Manaow. Manaow asks if it’s for Del. Pruk says it’s for Manaow and Manaow is surprised. Pruk congratulates her on her success and Manaow says it’s only a second place. Pruk says that that it doesn’t matter what place you got, but you still got a prize. Pruk then complements her acting and calls Manaow amazing. Manaow says Pruk is making her shy.
Pruk then says that since it’s late, Manaow should go home with her friends. Manaow says her friends have already left and asks Pruk to accompany her. Pruk takes her hand and kisses the back of it and then says they should go. Manaow jumps into his arms and yells about how god has mercy.
In Pharm’s room, Pharm dreams about Korn and In meeting and In asks for ice cream. Korn says In is weird for wanting to eat it now and In says he hasn’t even talked about what flavor he wants yet. He then talks about wanting corn soup flavored ice cream. Pharm sits up in the dream watching it all. In also talks about wanting to go on a trip to Kanchanaburi. Korn says In is talking too much nonsense again. In turns to look at Pharm and smiles and says thank you. In nods at them and In says they should go. Korn and In get up and leave. As Pharm looks at them, Dean shows up in the dream. Pharm calls out to him, but Dean just stands there. Pharm wakes up then, eyes and cheeks still a little wet with tears.
He sits up and hold’s Dean’s dog tag again. Pharm asks the dog tag where he can go because he belongs to Dean. Pharm runs out of his apartment to find Dean already coming to him. Pharm runs into Dean’s arms and Dean hugs him. Pharm says he misses Dean and Dean replies in kind. Pharm apologizes for making Dean wait and Dean says it’s okay and that he’s here. Dean also tells Pharm that he had a dream where he saw Korn and Intouch and that they’re happy now. Pharm agrees that they must be happy now. Dean tells Pharm to never do that again, which I means separate them. 
Dean then picks up Pharm bridal style. Pharm asks what he’s doing and Dean says he has to make up for lost time. Pharm tries to get Dean to let him go and Dean says that if Pharm keeps moving, Dean will throw him. Pharm then puts his arms around Dean’s neck and Dean says that’s good. Dean then throws Pharm on the bed and Pharm asks what he’s going to do. Dean says he’s going to punish Pharm for making him wait and begins to kiss his neck and everything. Finally Dean stops and the two look at each other. Pharm apologizes again for making Dean wait. But he’s sure now that their love is real. The two then kiss properly.
The next morning, the two lay in bed together with music playing. Dean asks if Pharm is tired and Pharm says he misses Dean. Dean says Pharm was the one that wanted to be apart for a bit and Pharm says he was confused at that time. Dean asks if he’s confused now and Pharm says he’s not and that he loves Dean a lot. Dean replies that he also loves Pharm and that for the past three months he’s been thinking about a lot of things. Dean also says he changed his surname. Pharm asks what he changed it to. Dean says he’s not Rattanon Wongnate but but that he’s Rattanon Chatpotkin. He took In’s surname. Dean says he wants to apologize to Intouch and Intouch’s dad by taking the surname. Pharm starts to cry because of it and Dean tells him it’s okay and Pharm thanks him. 
Dean then asks Pharm to get his wallet for him and Dean tells him to open it to see a sticky note. The first one Pharm wrote for Dean. Pharm asks if Dean knew it was him and Dean says of course he knew. He then tells Pharm to take out the photo of the siblings. Under it is a ring. Pharm asks about it and Dean says it’s Intouch’s family ring. It’s normally passed on to the son and right now Dean is the son of that family. Pharm holds it and Dean takes it and says that it might look that he didn’t put a lot of effort in, but this is the most precious thing he has right now. He then slides the ring onto Pharm’s index finger on his left hand and kisses the hand. 
Dean then asks Pharm to live with him after they graduate and Pharm agrees. Dean says they’ll always be together and never be apart again and Pharm agrees and promises. Wow, can you believe DeanPharm practically got married on screen? Dean dries Pharm’s happy tears.
Cue cute montage of great DeanPharm moments before the episode ends with photo of the cast and crew. 
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butterflydm · 5 years
until we meet again - ep 17
I am not ready.
part one:
We open on the funeral so, you know, immediately there are tears. We’ve seen glimpses of it before, but now we get to see more details -- little Alin not understanding, Kard’s devastation (because he didn’t even know who his brother was in love with before), and the two fathers making their attempt at...
And then Krit, who was trying to be strong at the funeral for his little brother, cries alone in the dark in his kitchen after finding the candy his brother had been given from In. So, it’s just been a lot of crying on both sides of the screen so far.
part two:
This part is definitely the climax of Korn and In’s part of the story -- of going from that agony and grief and pain, to finally achieving catharsis and forgiveness. It was well done and I feel emotional over it all. I don’t know if I have many words but... yeah, it really worked for me. The few times they switched to using In and Korn’s actors were effective and it was clear how much In and Korn were still there at the other times as well.
part three:
Aaaah, that works too. (as soon as Dean was just like ‘no we don’t really love each other’ I was all... okay, that’s a nightmare). Yeah, that works too for that scene.
So, now that pt2 dealt with the climax of Korn and In’s story -- the story about grieving and suicide and anger and, at last, reconciliation -- we need to deal with Dean and Pharm’s story, and the concerns specific to their half of the story. How much of this feeling is real and how much of it carried over from the past? It’s something that Pharm has gotten lost in a lot over the past few episodes, while Dean has tried over and over to push past it and establish that they love each other for them and not just their past lives.
Oh, wow, that moment where Pharm touches the birthmark left by the gunshot wound and then reaches down to touch the dogtags.
The scene with Team and Manaow is cute but... wow, the story really is very different from their PoV, isn’t it? They have no clue about any of this really dark, heavy past-life stuff.
Yeah, there’s the suggestion that they need some separation to sort out their past feelings from their present ones. I like it coming from Pharm more, I think, given that he’s the one that’s gotten the most lost inside Intouch and the one that’s dealt with more collateral damage from his past memories/feelings.
part four:
three months later!
So Dean and Pharm are kinda... in a long-distance relationship, almost. They haven’t broken up and they still talk on LINE and do things for each other, but aren’t actively spending time face-to-face. It seems to be helping Pharm, I think.
This section is reminding me that as great as the show was on the handling of the primary relationship (Korn-Dean/Pharm-In), the handling of the side romances has been much more hit-and-miss. Like, the pairings are cute in theory but the pacing was not consistent.
part five:
Since we never get an explanation for why Pharm has photos of himself up all over his condo, I am going to decide that it’s because, subconsciously, he’s reminding himself of what he looks like in his present life.
Oh, wow. Pharm ‘waking up’ in his dream and In telling him ‘thank you’. Yeah, that made me cry again. That was so sweet. And definitely a sign. 💖
He’s ready and Dean is right outside his door. Did they have the same dream?
What a satisfying conclusion. This is what they wanted to be able to have, once they realized they’d loved each other in their past lives -- to be able to remember the love without getting lost in the pain. But they couldn’t do it without confronting the source of that pain and moving past it. Now, remembering In and Korn’s love is a source of happiness for them instead of pain.
There are... I have to go to work soon, so I can’t go into detail but... I feel a lot of Big Emotions about the tragedy of the past speaking to the present to try to make it happier. Especially in the context of queer tragedy becoming queer triumph.
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weilongfu · 5 years
Wei watches Until We Meet Again Ep 16
Today’s flashback starts with a birth. Kard Trivinij is the father. I think this is Pharm’s birth. And I guessed right! Wow, Pharm’s dad was cute. He inherited some good genes. I can also see why Pharm is reminded of his dad by Dean at times. There’s a gentleness in his aura, but Pharm’s the only one who gets that gentle aura from Dean!
We next see Pharm meeting his uncle Krit with Sin. Sin asks his dad how long he’ll stare at Pharm and Krit says he hasn’t seen Pharm for ten years, so he wants to look for a while. Krit says Pharm looks like his mom and nothing like Kard. That’s a complement, Pharm’s mom is also very pretty. Krit says he thinks they should get to know each other before seeing the grandfather. 
Krit then admits that the last time he saw Pharm was for his father’s funeral. Pharm is surprised that Krit went. Krit says of course since Kard was his brother. Even his grandfather had went, but Pharm was off doing something else so he didn’t see them. Pharm says he’s glad to hear they came as his mom doesn’t often talk about his dad’s side of the family. Krit says he’s not surprised as Pharm’s father hated the grandfather, too stubborn and full of pride. Kard had even changed his name to Pharm’s mother’s name to get away. Pharm asks why his dad hated grandfather so much, and Krit says grandfather caused Kard to lose the person he respected the most.
Pharm then says that his mom told him about Krit and that he named him. Krit is surprised and asks what he means. Pharm says his name means strength and that his brother’s name, Phoom, means land. Krit looks confused before remembering that he came up with the name for Phoom, but another uncle chose Pharm. 
Sin sits up and asks if there is a third brother, and Krit says that he does have one. Sin asks why he’s never mentioned it before and they should have met him. Krit admits the brother has already passed away at a young age. Krit then says he doesn’t have any brothers left and the mood drops. After a moment of silence, Krit tells everyone to start eating the lunch in front of them, but he remains pensive. 
Krit then remembers a scene with him, Korn, and Kard. Korn stares at a candy or a toy and Krit asks what it is. Korn says it’s a candy and Kard asks if he’s going to eat it or if he can have it. Kard calls him stingy and Krit calls Kard a glutton. Korn tells them he got the candy from his special person, Kard asks who it is but Korn refuses to say. Krit asks if he has a secret and Korn just shakes his head. Korn then demands to know how their homework is going and Kard says he doesn’t want to do it because he has to find out what their names mean. He’s embarrassed because all their names start the same. (This is a pretty Asian thing to do IMO.) 
Krit comes up and says that he thinks it’s good that all their names start the same as it immediately shows they’re related and brothers. Kard still complains and promises his child’s name won’t start with a K. Krit tells him he’ll name his kid and Kard continues to object. Korn suggests the name Pharm and says that since Pharm means strength, he hopes that Kard’s son will have the strength to overcome obstacles. Krit objects to Korn picking the name and tells Kard to have two sons so he can name the other one. He chooses Phoom because it starts with P and they sound alike. Kard complains and promises not to use the two names and his brothers ask why not. They tickle him until he agrees to use the names. (It’s so nice to see a sweet moment between the three brothers. We don’t get enough of that from the past scenes.)
Another flashback to Pharm’s birth and his grandfather lurks outside the door. He walks away and Krit asks why he won’t go in. Grandpa is upset that Kard didn’t even use his surname. Krit chastises him, but his father says he doesn’t think Kard wants to see him. He asks Krit to give a gift to Pharm and say it’s from Krit instead of him. Krit tells him that Korn chose the name Pharm and tells him the story of how they chose the name. Grandpa gets sad and nods, but walks away anyway. 
In the next scene, the group are driving to see Pharm’s grandfather and Krit seems to be remembering alot and getting emotional. Dean texts Pharm to ask where he is and Pharm replies that they’re on the way to Sin’s house. Dean promises to be there soon. Sin announces that they’ve arrived and Krit tells Sin to take Pharm in first. Krit stands outside, still thinking, remembering, and staring dramatically into the middle distance.
As they walk in, Sin tells Pharm that grandpa usually stays in the back of the house. Sin says that grandpa is probably sleeping now and that Pharm can go take a look around. Sin also directs Pharm to grandpa’s study and tells him he can go read there if he wants. Sin gets a call and promises to be right back after answering it and leaves Pharm to his own devices. 
Pharm decides to walk around, slowly looking at everything in the house. Dean’s dog tag is front and center as an accessory that Pharm is wearing. Pharm walks deeper into the house and Krit finally walks in asking for him. Sin says that Pharm is downstairs and then asks Krit what was his older brother’s name. Krit asks why he’s asking and Sin is curious. He wants to know if the theme of starting names of all the kids with the same syllable was kept in his dad’s generation. Krit calls Sin relentless and then tells him that his brother’s name was Korn. 
Sin then remembers his talk with Dean and asks what the cause of Korn’s death was. Krit asks again why Sin wants to know and Sin replies that Korn committed suicide before asking why his father tried to hide that. Sin remembers his attempts to get info from the police station and remembers that information about Korn was forbidden, even his name. However, at that time, Sin was watched by his father. Krit says he’s not trying to hide anything, but he’s trying to find out where he found those names he’s asking about. 
Krit tells Sin that he wants Sin and Sorn to be happy and they don’t have to worry about this issue, but he eventually explains that Korn and Intouch were lovers like Sin and Sorn. Krit then explains that Korn and Intouch committed suicide because of the grandfather. Krit says he doesn’t want Sin to hate his grandfather and Sin asks how he can hate him. I guess because grandpa has never done anything wrong to him. 
Pharm goes deeper and deeper into the house, looking at the books and things in a dark room. He picks a book and looks at the title. As  he flips through it, he finds a pressed flower. Oh no... was this Korn’s book? It was! Pharm finds Korn’s name written in it and has a flash of memory of In bothering Korn while he was reading it. Pharm says Korn’s name out loud and pulls the book a bit closer to look at the name written. He remembers more about the day In bothered Korn while he was reading the book before he puts it back and finds a tin on the shelf. As he pulls it out, another book falls. Pharm sits on the floor to look through the book that fell and you can see him getting more emotional. It’s a photo album with pictures of Korn!
As Pharm looks through the photos, he remembers more scenes with Korn and In. Pharm starts to breathe faster and a little heavier as he turns to the tin he had originally pulled off the shelf. He opens it to find photos and trinkets of Korn and In, including an old photo of them together. More and more memories come up in Pharm’s mind. Pharm starts crying in earnest for Korn, holding the photo to his chest as he cries. Pharm then starts to look through the other things and find the gun that Korn and In committed suicide with. WHY IS THAT IN THE BOX? HAVEN’T YOU JERKS HEARD OF PROPER GUN SAFETY AND SECURING OF LIVE FIREARMS? WHO DECIDED TO GIVE PHARM A GUN? WHY WOULD YOU GIVE HIM A GUN?
Pharm then remembers the suicide of Korn and In as he holds the gun which causes more crying. PHARM PUT THE GUN DOWN. IT IS NOT FOR YOU AND YOU SHOULD NOT HOLD IT. IT’S BAD JUJU. Pharm reaches into the tin and also finds the apartment key with the keychain In made. Pharm takes the key and the gun and walks off. NO. DO NOT. PHARM COME BACK. STOP.
The next scene is the grandfather being brought in on a wheelchair. He’s on the phone with someone talking about Korn and In and he promises to take care of it and thanks Antika (NOOO WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO HIM AN?). He thanks her and hangs up before asking to be alone so his caretaker leaves. Grandpa then notices the things that Pharm had left on the ground and Krit and Sin run over to ask if he met Pharm yet. Sin promises to go look for Pharm and Krit helps his father pick up Korn’s picture. Sin runs back and says Pharm left with a gun. Grandpa says he knows where Pharm is going and carefully folds the picture of Korn and In before putting it in his pocket. 
Dean gets a call as he’s driving and Sin asks where he is. Dean says he’s going to Sin’s house and Sin tells him Pharm has run off. Sin then explains that he thinks Pharm saw something in a box and asks if Dean remembers what he asked him to look up. Dean says he asked Sin to look up Korn and Intouch. Sin tells him that Korn is Sin’s uncle which means he’s Pharm’s uncle too. Dean grits his teeth and hangs up on Sin and Dean calls Pharm. Dean tries to figure out where Pharm is and Pharm tells him he’s at “their place” and that Dean knows where it is. Pharm hangs up on Dean and Dean struggles to think about what Pharm means before it hits him, the apartment Korn and In picked. 
The next scene is a memory of Korn and In picking the condo. In says his dad thinks buying a condo is silly because you don’t actually own the land and Korn says his dad feels the same. The two decide this is good for them, and go in to take a look.
In the present, Pharm continues walking with the gun and key to the apartment. So in Thailand, they just let sad dramatic boys take walks in the rain with a gun? Like they don’t even try to stop you? Pharm remembers In’s time in the rain with Korn before their suicides and stops for a moment before continuing on. 
Pharm enters the building and goes to the apartment, finding it has a sign that says no entry without permission. Pharm touches the door, remembering the last time Korn and In were there before he unlocks it and enters. Pharm looks around at all the old things that are still there. The memories keep coming as Pharm sits down on the couch left there and at last, Pharm cries. At last, Pharm’s hand moves away from the gun, but he starts to rock himself back and forth. 
Dean finally shows up to comfort him and Dean pulls Pharm away from the couch. Dean tells him they should go back to their home and Pharm calls him a liar before reaching for the gun and asking what Dean will do if he leaves him first, holding the gun to his chin. I guess this is the start of the KornIn possession resolution thing. 
The preview is sad with Dean cutting a red thread and saying that they don’t have to love each other anymore. Next week looks like it’s going to be some more pain, but as I have heard from people who read the novel, it’s important for the DeanPharm relationship. Pharm needs to know his feelings aren’t because of In’s feelings and I guess this is how they’re going to do it.
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