#kaminari x yn
pretty-sparkle-bomb · 5 months
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You are now reading Part 1 of my series!
Part 2 Part 3
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At the starting line, Bakugo sat poised behind the wheel of his sleek, customized racer, his eyes fixed on the flag girl standing just a few feet ahead. You wore a vibrant blue crop top and a miniskirt to match. It's too tight, Bakugo thinks but enjoys the view nonetheless. You looked tempting, the red flag in your hand ready to unleash the roaring beasts lined up behind you. Kirishima rolls down his window, catching the blonde's attention. Bakugo turned his head to the right. "Pretty, isn't she? She's new." Katsuki hummed in agreement. You really were a sight to behold. Sero suddenly spoke up. "Let's make a bet, between the three of us. Winner gets to take her out. Or are you guys too scared I'll beat ya to it?" Bakugo scoffed. They had nothing on him. He was the star of the show, his car was second to none. Who was tapehands to tell him what to do? He could beat those extras with his eyes closed.
Neon signs bled into the slick asphalt, blurring as Bakugo scanned the starting line. Headlights cut through the night like hungry eyes, illuminating the customized beasts straining at the bit. Deku's souped-up Toyota, a sleeper in disguise, sat innocent-looking next to Todoroki's sleek, ice-themed Subaru. Even Sero's Nissan Silvia seemed hungry for the win. "Bet." he smirked, rolling up his windows. His eyes snapped back to the front. He wondered what your name was. Mina sure knew good people to recruit.
A wry smile played on your lips. You raised the flag, parting your glossy pink lips to signal the racers.
"Ready?" He knew the city like the back of his hand, every hidden pothole, every blind curve.
Even though you were a newbie, damn you knew how to control the crowd. They were screeching your name, chanting it continuously and Bakugo struggled to make it out between all the screams. "Set." You grinned, placing a hand on your waist as the engines of the cars roared to life, loud and energetic. Gosh, you lived for the adrenaline. The crowd was silent, awaiting your signal so that the racers could just go already. Your vibrant outfit practically glowed under the harsh streetlights, hugging every curve. You winked at Bakugo, a sly smile playing on your lips. He scoffed internally. Trying to distract him, were you? Not a chance.
The crowd buzzed with anticipation, their bets already placed. A million yen on Bakugo, whispers claimed. You leaned closer to the microphone, your voice amplified across the silent street. "Gentlemen," you purred, your words dripping with a thrill, "tonight, we race for glory, for bragging rights, and…" you paused, letting the tension build, "for a night out with yours truly, and a hefty sum of cash!"
The other racers revved their engines impatiently, their eyes hungry. Now this was a prize to die for. You snickered and dropped the flag swiftly. "Go!" All of the cars sped off, dusting the black Nissan 350Z that stayed there. Its engine purred slightly. You were confused. He had to be messing with you. Did he not see the flag drop? You groaned and with a sigh that might've been more theatrical than necessary, you raised the flag, ready to signal the start again.
A throaty roar shattered the air. Then, with a suddenness that caught you off guard, Bakugo's car rolled forward slowly. His window slid down smoothly, revealing a pair of ruby eyes that raked down your body as he gave you a wink. Your face heated up. He looked so attractive. Bakugo passed you a piece of paper. "What's yer name?" he asked, voice husky.
You whispered it to him, as you leaned on his door, purposefully smushing your chest together to get a rise out of him. He, however, maintained eye contact and then plastered a cocky grin on his face. "Bakugo Katsuki. I'll be the one winnin' this race tonight."
You scoffed and pushed off of his car, leaving behind the scent of your vanilla perfume to haunt his senses. As if. He was already way too far behind.
His car shot forward, surging past the starting line as if the previous seconds hadn't even happened. The crowd roared, initial confusion quickly swallowed by the spectacle of the race.
You opened the paper to read it. Scrawled across the page in his messy handwriting was a single line and a string of numbers: "Winner deserves a prize, yea?"
You looked at the cameras. Bakugo raced like a man possessed. Every corner drift was a smooth display of aggression, every straightaway a blur of crimson fury. The other racers were no slouches, but they were simply outmatched by this carmine-eyed blonde.
She watched as Deku, ever the strategist, used the initial chaos to his advantage, weaving through the pack and closing the gap on Bakugo's tail. Todoroki followed closely behind, his car being pushed to the max already.
Sero, ever the underdog, wasn't giving up either. He was strategically sticking close to Todoroki, perhaps hoping to use his quirk – a giant spool of industrial tape – to his advantage later on.
The race unfolded like a high-octane ballet on asphalt. Headlights sliced through the night, engines screamed their defiance, and the smell of burning rubber filled the air. You watched, heart pounding with the rhythm of the race, as Bakugo pushed his car to its limits, taking calculated risks through back alleys you knew well.
Deku, however, wasn't far behind. It seemed like he didn't know the route and desperately tried to keep behind Bakugo, in a lousy attempt to perhaps catch the finish line.
"Fucker doesn't know what he's doin." Bakugo snickered as he activated his nitro, a little something that he hoped would catch your attention.
As the finish line neared, your grip tightened on the checkered flag, a knot of anticipation twisting in your gut. You found yourself rooting for him, fingers crossed in hope. He had made quite the impression on you.
With a triumphant roar, Bakugo crossed the line, his car smoking slightly from the aggressive maneuvers. You waved your flag again, shouting into the microphone, "We have a winner, Katsuki Bakugo! Four minutes and 12 seconds!"
The other cars took a few moments to file in, Sero having come last seeing as Bakugo had braced his car to a wall, causing him to pull behind.
Mina and Jiro called you up to hand off the prize to tonights winner. They assured you that it would be fine.
"Bakugo might be an egocentric ass but he's not a misogynist." Jiro waved you goodbye as she ran up to Denki and pulled him in for a kiss.
Bakugo sauntered over. He towered over you, looking even more imposing after the adrenaline rush of the race. You couldn't help but admire his confidence, even if it bordered on arrogance. There was a huge crowd of people surrounding you, shouting Bakugo's name and asking for an autograph.
"Here ya go," Mina said, shoving a hefty duffel bag of cash into Bakugo's arms. "Winner's spoils."
"Thought I was promised more." he rasped, looking over to you. Jiro came back, handing you a two-tier coloumn trophy and she whipped out a camera.
You stood next to Bakugo as he wrapped a muscular arm around your waist. Tiptoeing, you placed a manicured hand under his chin and planted a sticky kiss on his cheek, your lipgloss smudgeing on his face and leaving a shiny print. The crowd went wild, many phone flashes going off as they took pictures and recorded videos.
Jiro probably took over a hundred photos, the last one was you and him gazing into each others eyes with smiles on your faces.
Suddenly, the blaring of sirens echoed through the streets.
Panic surged through you, a cold dread replacing the exhilaration of the race's finish. The sirens grew louder, drawing closer, and the celebratory shouts of the crowd died down, replaced by nervous murmurs.
Bakugo, momentarily stunned by your kiss, finally reacted to the sirens. He ripped his gaze from yours and scanned the street, his eyes narrowing.
"Stupid fuckin cops," he muttered, the words laced with annoyance.
Of course. You should have known illegal street racing wouldn't go unnoticed forever. Now, everyone – the racers, the spectators, even you – were in trouble.
Mina, ever resourceful, grabbed the microphone you'd been using. "Scatter!" she shouted, her voice amplified. "Everyone go, before they get here!"
The crowd erupted in a flurry of movement. People scrambled to disappear into the maze of back alleys that surrounded the makeshift racetrack. Racers jumped into their cars, tires squealing as they peeled away into the night.
You froze for a moment, unsure what to do. Bakugo, however, seemed to have a plan. He grabbed your arm, his grip surprisingly strong, and pulled you towards his car.
"Get in," he barked, putting you into the passenger seat, throwing the money and trophy at your feet. He hopped in and mashed the accelarator. Never had you ever been in a racers car before.
You peeked back through the rear window as you sped away. The police car was giving chase, but Bakugo knew these alleys better than they did and he was gonna show you just how fun speeding away from cops can be.
"Buckle up, princess."
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All works are original and belong to @pretty-sparkle-bomb
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coca-lastic · 3 months
How would the MHA characters make the tiktok trend about ranking kisses?
If you don't know what trend I'm referring to, here it is
Characters: Hawks, Bakugo, Denki, Kirishima
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Hawks is a sweetheart, we all know that. Additionally, he has a very strong presence on social media.
In the event that your two relationship is already public, he would record the tiktok as soon as you ask and publish it. If it's not public, then he would just test the filter and then save it to drafts.
He loves doing this type of things with you, he thinks it's an excellent mix between quality time and body touch, so when he has time he will please you with these types of activities.
Now, how was the kisses ranking?
1. Neck kiss: Do I have to explain? He just loves to get between your neck and kiss every spot. But he loves it more when you do it to him, it relaxes him and he likes the sensation of tickling and pleasure that it causes. I do not have doubts.
2. Lip kiss: Oh he loves your lips, and you love his, that explosion of love is just his second favorite.
3. French kiss: Ok ok, this was a battle against the kiss on the lips. I mean, they look a lot alike and I think Keigo loves both, but he thinks that the French kiss doesn't express as much feeling as a kiss on the lips can. The French kiss almost always indicates a specific thing, u know?
4. Forehead kiss: It seems to him a very tender sign of love, it is not as profound as the previous ones, it is just a small act that for someone as observant (and sensitive) as him can be the reason for his happiness for the next few hours.
5. Earlobe kiss: He likes the tickling sensation it generates, he finds it a very funny but hot feeling at the same time. He also likes it because he can hear your voice close to his ear.
6. Spiderman kiss: He probably just realized that that's pretty cute, but I firmly believe that after doing this trend he would appear from time to time flying above you to kiss you just like Spiderman does.
7. Cheek kiss: A bit the same as the kiss on the forehead, but the reason why this one is lower on the top is because normally you prefer to kiss him on the forehead, there is something about his hair and his eyes that makes you have the tradition of doing it there and not on the cheek.
8. Hand kiss: He doesn't do it very often, but when one of the two of you decides to do it, he finds it a mix of elegant and sexy, he likes it.
9. Nose kiss: Cute, just that, he finds that just cute.
10. Air kiss: "If you want to send me a kiss, come and give it to me on the lips"
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Well, let's say you had to force him to do it. I mean, he likes spending time with you, but he prefers to keep it between the two of you, maybe watching a movie or just talking, but getting all those kisses didn't seem like a totally bad idea to him.
Of course, he didn't publish the video, once again it's because he prefers to leave his romantic moments private, he likes it intimate.
But, his top was like this:
1. French kiss: He likes it when you give him kisses like that, he finds it sexy on your part, and he also likes the combination of roughness and gentleness that exists in that kiss.
2. Earlobe kiss: He likes to be able to listen to you while you show him affection. Plus you usually do it when he's so focused on something that he doesn't listen to you, so it's a surprise to put your lips on his ear, he likes that.
3. Neck kiss: He finds it relaxing when you do it. And as we well know, this boy is not very relaxed, so in times of stress he likes that gesture.
4. Lip kiss: It's the classic one, u know? He can't just not love it. Normally he is the one who decides to kiss you on the lips, he thinks it is simple but at the same time a way to show you his affection without having to get too cheesy. "Your lips taste good."
5. Hand kiss: Call me crazy, but I feel like when Katsuki uses his quirk more than he should, his hands get burns. So I think he likes that you love his hands so much and that you show them that little affection.
6. Top of head kiss: He likes your hair and you're surprised at how soft his is. So for both of you it is a very frequent gesture, usually while you are lying in bed he will give you one. HE LOVES YOU TO TOUCH HIS HAIR.
7. Air kiss: He thinks you look beautiful when you make that gesture, he will never tell you but he loves how your lips come together to pretend to be kissing and how your eyes seem to shine.
8. Bite kiss: Normally one of the two of them does it when they pretend to be upset, and he also does it when he wants to camouflage his blush face. They are just small bites, sometimes on the cheek, nose or hands, just a silly gesture.
9. Cheek kiss: He's not much for enjoying very cheesy affection, but he does like a kiss on the cheek from time to time, just so that spot knows your lips too.
10. Butterfly kiss: The filter made he meet it and nah, in his own words "what is this shit? we look like idiots".
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Denki was probably the one with the idea, I mean this guy looks like someone who spends 15 hours on tiktok.
And probably since he's in a relationship with you, his fyp is full of things he wants to try (and probably post) so you should be open to his requests.
And his top was like this:
1. Lip kiss: This man will get together with Mineta, but just look at him, he is a sweetheart, I think Denki likes even the smallest details of affection and love, so when you give him a kiss on the lips for him it is like a moment of pure happiness. "Can you kiss me again? I'm just not sure where I should put this," he said just to get a little more.
2. Cheek kiss: Again, he loves the little details, the little displays of affection, so when you're just walking or talking and you decide to surprise him with a kiss on the cheek it makes a blush cover his face. So yes, a well-deserved 2nd place.
3. Spiderman kiss: "Just imagine baby, I'm lying on the couch, and you come up behind me and kiss me. IT WOULD BE SO SEXY!" He loves it when you grab his chin to lift his head back and join your lips with his.
4. French kiss: I have to explain?
5. Nose kiss: AAAAAAAAAA, he loves it, he does it every chance he can, he finds it so tender.
6. Earlobe kiss: He just can't. He squirm at the sensation a little, but he loves hearing you laugh at the feel of it. It's true that he loves soft and loving, but something spicier doesn't hurt, I mean, he hangs out with Mineta anyway.
7. Neck kiss: The same thing, he love it buuuuut, earlobe>>>>
8. Butterfly kiss: He finds the sensation nice, it tickles him and it makes him laugh to see you so close, he thinks it's a nice way to laugh like the fools that you are.
9. Forehead kiss: He likes it but still prefers the previous ones for the simple fact that the forehead is not such a sensitive area or an area where he can fully feel your lips. "If you want to kiss me, lower your face a little more, you know?"
10. Foot kiss: No words.
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This man. If you ask him for something he will do it, it's that simple. If you hear him do this trend he will probably already be bringing a ring light, a top quality camera and a green screen, just in case you need that too.
But when it came time to rank the kisses it was like this:
1. Cheek kiss: Simple is more. With a kiss on Kiri's cheek she would smile like the happiest person in the world. To him that seems so cute, so loving, so soft.
2. Nose kiss: He really likes to do it, it is everyday that to greet you, thank you, say goodbye or simply at any given moment he rubs his nose against yours.
3. Top of the head kiss: He thinks it's cute because that's not habitual. Because of his hairstyle, kisses are normally on the forehead, but when his hair is wet or simply without tons of gelatin, receiving a kiss there is the most beautiful thing he can wish for at that moment.
4. Lips kiss: MAAAN, he loves it, he just loves a little peck before any activity.
5. Forehead kiss: Now yes, this is more common for the two of you and especially for him it is very nice.
6: Hand kiss: BRO, HE'S A GENTLEMAN. He obviously loves kissing your hand like a real man, he's perfect for that, and he also loves when you try to imitate him and give him a kiss on his hand.
7. Neck kiss: I mean, he likes it but you guys don't do it all the time. In fact, they leave that type of affection for more private moments, and in fact at the beginning of their relationship they were too shy to take the initiative in it, but when the time comes he likes it.
8. Air kiss: He thinks it's cute when you throw a kiss and he catches it, it always makes him smile.
9. Butterfly kiss: meh, it's cute but no that much.
10. Bite kiss: JUST A NO.
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skymar13 · 2 months
Back to school with the bakusquad
ᜊ He is definitely the most boring school supply shopper
He’s not getting nothing special plain note books and book bag
Definitely splurges on pens bc he’s picky abt the tip and won’t lend them out so don’t even ask
Carries extra deodorant and cologne (he’s scared to smell)
Very organized!!!
Gets sticky notes and uses them all by the end of first semester
Doesn’t follow the teacher supply list js gets what he’s gonna need
Overall don’t expect the most extra person ever #minimalisticqueen
ᜊ He gets the supplies with designs
the shark backpack
All red and black note books
He’s either an asks for a pen every class kid or has everything he needs
Doesn’t get supplies that will make studying easier until he sees bakugos set up
Definitely gets folders that say “be the best you can be” or “just do it” bc he thinks it’s manly
Over all he’s js a teen boy
Does take atleast body mist (axe warrior)
ᜊ tbh would he even go school supply shopping? Let’s say he does
Gets a child backpack (points if it’s pikachu) that rips the first week of school so he ends up with a plain yellow back pack
Gets the note books with designs on it specifically the ones with the cats or puppies
Buys like a five pack of pens and pencils but loses them (he’s gna ask for one every single class no doubt)
Buys a slap bracelet ruler pretending that he’s going to need it
Over all he’s a walking meme when it comes to school
Doesn’t take extra hygiene
ᜊLowkey another bakugo
He doesn’t get anything special except maybe his note books and pens so that they’re color coded but other than that the basic essentials
Has had the same jansport since middle school bc it’s lasted this long
Another person who steals bakugos study habits and buys every thing bakugo has on his desks
Has atleast one note book with a cat in a basket that denki gave him when he was one short
Got glue and made slime with it with denki
Has the class water bottle
Overall he’s me
Takes mini deodorant and gum
ᜊ our fav Y2K girly
She’s going all out with pink everything
Cheetah print back pack!!
Buys all pink note books (and the sparkly ones) and buys the 40 pack of pens and highlighters she’s a machanical pencil girly (0.7 bc me too) doesn’t study but has the SHEIN packs bc she tried to be that girl in the beginning of the year
The class girl who has an emergency kit with every size and perfume
Brings a makeup bag that takes up half of her back pack space
She gets the bare essentials but still has everything she needs she has two pens and two note books that last her all year
Basic backpack
Takes hygiene
Has back up head phones (will not be catching her lacking)
Doesn’t color code but studied well
Bought an emergency bag first year and still hasn’t touched it by third year
Gets annoyed when ppl ask to borrow her things bc she wants it to last (denki)
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exhailodile · 22 days
denki kaminari x reader
wrong number fic prt 2
posted on tiktok @exhailodile
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tr-mha-fan · 5 months
✨ Type of Boyfriend ✨
All Might Wannabe:
- shy
- gets flustered over the smallest thing, like a cheek kiss
- makes sure you're happy all the time
- gifts with no occasion
- would literally die for you
- love language is words of affirmation
#1 Pro Hero Wannabe:
- tsundere ish
- Aggressive love (aggressive hugs and kisses and what not)
- loves you very very much but doesn't like to show it
- leaves a bag of meds in your room if you're sick when you're sleeping so you don't know it's from him
- love language is aggressive 'I love you's and hand holding
Crimson Riot Wannabe:
- This man is all about consent
"Can I hug you?"
"Can I give you a kiss?"
"Can we cuddle?"
- Does his best to look brave in front of you
- Protects you from anything and everything, no matter what
- Tries (but fails) to cook you a meal when he see's you tired after a long day at school
- love language is acts of service
Peppermint Wannabe:
- doesn't know too much about relationships
"What's 'making out'?"
"Is it normal for couples to tease each other?"
"Are we supposed to go on a lot of dates?"
- tries his best to be the EXACT OPPOSITE of Endawhore
- cuddles
- more cuddles
- love language is physical touch 
Ingenium Wannabe:
- study dates
- library dates
- nice little cafe dates
- always keeps your grades in check
- nice, loving but strict when it comes to the rules
- love language is quality time
Lightning Wannabe:
- yes, he flirts with others, but he is 100% loyal to you
- loves it when you wear his clothes
- takes on dates WHENEVER he can
- pervert
- when he See's that you're tired, he gives you a nice shoulder massage
- love language is kissing/making out
Well then, that's another chapter out! Thanks for reading this! I know, it sucks but whatever 
Please request!
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xn4vyl1c1ousx · 2 months
Oh you don't like that? Or do you just not like me?!
Thought of this while listening to this version of the song.
CW: very mean bakugo, gn!reader, angst if you squint i think, cursing, ooc kinda?? idk hfbske, might be horribly written lmao
Synopsis: Y/n had enough of bakugo’s torment and decided to indirectly call him out… with a song.
Wc: 1.9K
back to navi…
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You. Why did you of all people catch his eye. He hated that he had these feelings for you. He had a goal in mind and couldn't have you holding him back.
Your dumb cute laugh. Your dumb face. Your dumb voice...
He just couldn't get enough.
He treated you like shit despite thinking you're the most precious thing in the world. Everyone in class 1A thought you were. You were the class sweetheart, nice to everyone and anyone. You could do no harm. and yet he hated you.
The school festival was coming up and Jiro, who was supposed to sing at the festival, lost her voice.
“What are we gonna do?!” Kaminari was freaking out. No one else wanted to step up and sing.
You stood at near the front doors of the practice room that was being rented out by the group of teens. Everyone looked nervous, not knowing exactly who would take Jiro’s place.
Jiro looked up and made eye contact with you, a soft pleading look in her eyes. Jiro had been the one to help you practice your singing. You may have had practice in middle school due to being in choir, but it wasn’t enough to perfect your beautiful voice. She knew you were the one who should take her place.
Everyone in the room followed Jiro’s gaze, all of their eyes falling on you.
“W-what? why me?” your voice shook as nerves took over your body.
“Jiro must know you have a good voice, maybe that’s why she silently chose you! I bet you have a wonderful voice.” Momo smiled softly as she spoke.
“Yeah! I bet you have the voice of an angel!” Kirishima popped out from behind Bakugo’s drum set, causing the ash blond to jump slightly.
“C’mon Y/n! you’ve got to do this for us!” Kaminari pleaded, even getting down on his knees, making everyone giggle a little.
“I-I don’t know.. i’ve never really sang in front of anyone alone.” Your voice was full of confliction, nerves, and doubt.
“Tsk. Why should we let a damn mouse be the lead vocal if they can’t even have confidence in themselves.” Bakugo sneered. He didn’t mean it though. He knew just how angelic your voice was. He’d heard it one day as he walked by Jiro’s dorm one night, hearing the soft velvety vocals seep through the cracks of Jiro’s dorm room.
“Bakubro, that wasn’t very many..” Kirishima frowned at him, as did everyone else.
“Yeah that wasn’t very-“
“I’ll do it.” y/n cut off Kaminari before he could finish his sentence.
Your stance was now straight, full of confidence. I’ll show you. You thought as you grabbed the mic from Jiro, holding her gaze as she smiled and silently told you it would be okay.
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The day was finally here. The stage was ready. everyone was backstage getting ready, and you. You were a nervous mess. Your hands shaking horribly as nerves attacked your mind and body. Nothing was calming you down. Kirishima and Kaminari both trying to calm you down.
Bakugo watched from afar, a faux look of uncertainty on his face. He knew you would over come your nerves. You always did, and he admired that.
The second you look up and meet his eyes, it’s as if all your anxiety left, being replaced by anger and determination. The red head and electric boy looked at each other confused then turned and looked at Bakugo, who immediately looked away with a scowl on his face.
You stood up and walked over to the water fountain and grabbed a cup, making sure your voice was ready. You had already done vocal exercises prior to coming backstage.
Bakugo didn’t know what was coming. Everyone but him knew. you had snuck in a song without letting him know, the others knew and didn’t tell him as to your request. Even though the song needed drums, Momo made sure to use the settings on her keyboard to mimic the drums. Bakugo would just have to sit and listen.
Soon the time came. Everyone set up and walked onto the stage, almost everyone cheering. Most of the students doubted them. Doubted that they could just sing happiness or excitement into them. Boy were they wrong.
“Hello UA!!” You voice rang through the speakers, cheers erupted throughout the small venue inside the school. “I hope you’re all ready to get your ears blasted by our music!”
Your turned to look at everyone, nodding to ask if their ready, everyone nodded back, except for Bakugo. All he did was roll his eyes and lift his drum sticks.
Three smacks were heard from them before it started. The music flew through your veins, your nerves dying down as you sung. Everyone watched in awe as your voice rang through the speakers, mixing with the sound of the instruments.
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“Thank you all for coming to watch us!!” You breathed out, smiling brightly at the crowd of students going crazy.
“I have a surprise for you all, a song that i really wanted to sing. It may not be as upbeat as the last song but.. i really want to sing it. An encore if i must say.” you giggled softly, wiping your forehead with the back of your hand.
Bakugo looked confused. Wasn’t there only supposed to be about 2 songs? Where did this random extra song come from? He looked over at Tsu who was next to the controls, watching as she turned the microphones, that were connected to him, off.
Suddenly notes started playing as jiro played a soft melody on her strings.
La da da da daaa i’m gonna bury you in the ground la da da da daaaa i’m gonna bury with my sound i’m gonna drink the red, from your pretty pink face i’m gonna-
“Hey what’s going on?” Bakugo’s voice was only heard by you and the rest of the class 1a students on stage.
“What you don’t like that? Or do you just not like me?!” You spoke away from the mic at him before turning back to the crowd. A confident look on your face.
Sorry i don’t treat you like a god, is that what you want me to do? Sorry I don’t treat you like you’re perfect, like all your little loyal subjects do!
The students watched in awe as you sung. Your voice full of emotion and anger. Soft yet strong. Everyone watched as you added dramatics into it, moving your hands and making facial expressions that went along with the song.
Sorry i’m not made of sugar, am i not sweet enough for you? Is that why you always avoid me? I must be such an inconvenience to you! Well..
Bakugo suddenly realized the fake drums, turning to look at Momo as she played her keyboard, the usual faux piano sounds were replaced by what he should be playing.
I’m just your problem well, I’m just your problem. It’s like i’m, not even a person, am i? oh no. I’m just your problem.
Suddenly, he realized you were singing about him. No, not about him, but to him.
Well, I, shouldn’t have to justify what i do! I, should have to prove anything to you! i’m sorry that i exist i forgot what landed me on your blacklist, well I, shouldn’t have to be the one that makes up with you.
Tears weld up in your eyes as you sang, putting emotion into every word. Hurt, anger, confusion, sadness. everything you felt when Bakugo would relentlessly mock you, pick on you, everything he did to you that made you feel small and weak.
So.. Why do I want to..?! Why do i want to..? woah-oh-ho I don’t have a clue! i’m asking you! so why do i want to..?
You fell to your knees as the emotions you had built up over time took over, tears streamed down your face as you sang. Bakugo couldn’t do anything but watch. A pain stricken look on his face. did he go too far? had he really taken things too far?
And i guess that’s why, i wanna bury you in the ground! And baby that’s, why i wanna bury you with my sound!
Jiro looked at you, an unreadable look on her face as you stood. the ending of the song approaching.
I’m sorry that it’s this way but i don’t know what else to say. Cause i didn’t mean to push all my friends away, cause i’m just a problem, and i’m just your problem
The crowd of students erupted into applause when the song ended. A smile found its way onto your face as you wiped the tears away from your eyes. Jiro came up and hugged you smiling, whispering a soft ‘Good job’ into your ear, making your smile widen.
“Thank you everyone!” You shouted into the microphone to the crowd of cheering students.
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“What the hell’s was that about?!” Bakugo’s voice rang through the backstage room, everyone turned to look at him.
His eyes were fixated on you. He knew it was your doing.
“Woah, Bakubro, calm down!” Kirishima stood in front of him, making sure he didn’t try to kill anyone.
“Yeah dude, calm down it’s not that serious.” Kaminari said as he put his guitar down, looking at Bakugo with a slight frown.
“What didn’t like my surprise? Typical.” You sneered with new found confidence, “Didn’t like that I subtly jabbed at you?”
Tokoyami looked between the two of you, he had been quiet the whole time, not knowing what to say. But he stood firm beside you. He was your best friend, the one who you talked to about Bakugo’s torment towards you. He knew the song was dedicated to him before anyone else knew.
“The fuck was that about? Couldn’t come up to me like a real person and say something? You damn mouse embarrassed me in front of the whole school!” His palms were heating up from anger. He knew he deserved it but couldn’t help but get mad at the blatant disrespect that he felt.
“Wow! Just how you can have the balls to come up to me and tell me what the fuck you have against me?!” Tokoyami put a hand on your shoulder, silently holding you back as you took a step forward closer to the ash blond.
Everyone was silent, watching the two stare each other down. Kirishima standing in front of Bakugo to stop him from doing anything. Tokoyami with his hand on your shoulder, silently holding you back. Kaminari and Jiro looking worried, and Momo looking confused.
Bakugo stayed silent. He couldn’t think of anything. Nothing. He just stared at you, angry at you, at himself, at everyone and everything.
“Not so tough now, huh? Doesn’t feel great being on the receiving end now, does it?” Venom was imbedded into every word you spoke to him. Calm yet full of anger, hurt, and frustration.
“I’m leaving. Thank you for letting me sing in your place Jiro.” you bowed towards her and walked away, shoulder checking Bakugo in the process.
The door slammed behind you, leaving a quiet tense room. Had he gone too far? Did he really mess everything up? He did. He messed it all up, and all because he had a stupid crush on you.
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notes: holy FUCK this took so long omg i started this mid july and lost motivation and suddenly got it back today 😔 i’m sorry if it’s not well written it’s my first time writing in FOREVER. I hope you all like this omg please send me reqs if you have any!! i’ll be making a M.list soon :3!
© xn4vyl1c1ousx . do not repost, plagiarize, or translate.
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tbs2crazy · 1 month
Bartender denki
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-Bartender Denki who works at a small bar with only locals who know of it, he recognizes anyone who walks through those doors so of course hes interested when he sees you and your friend mina walk through those doors for the first time
- Bartender Denki who spends his nights flirting with the cute women who come up to the bar, being one one of the more favourited bartenders among his work partners
- Bartender Denki who starts standing a little closer to you at the bar than he would any other girl when hes making his buddies drinks
- Bartender Denki who subtly flirts with you a little more than usual, including himself in your conversations with mina when hes not making drinks
- Bartender Denki who lets you attempt to make a cheap drink, looking at you with a toothy smile, mina laughing at you making you laugh and struggle to make the drink
- Bartender Denki who decided to gives you a little zap, giggling at the small squeel you let out
- Bartender Denki who gets a few slaps on his head from other workers, they start ranting about how hes slacking and accidentally ignoring others
- Bartender Denki who watches you unbutton your work shirt, showing off your cleavage and finding himself staring while a blush is slightly growing on his cheeks
- Bartender Denki who grows more embarassed when he realizes mina is catching on to his behaviours, giving a strange smile of realization and excitement for you (this will be brought up at the next girls night)
- Bartender Denki who finds his pants growing tighter looking at how fucked you look after a few too many drinks, hair messily tied back, shirt unbuttoned enough to see your bra, sleaves rolled up and your skirt riding up
- Bartender Denki whos regulars realize hes kinda into you, pulling him over to the other side of the bar trying to encourage him to get your number
- Bartender Denki whos so visibly embarassed and nervous when he asks for your number, you giggle and take his phone to type your number and put in your name adding a heart beside it
- Bartender Denki who helps mina walk you to the car, putting you in the backseat as mina gets is making sure she has everything in the front seat
- Bartender Denki who offers to pay for you and minas drink the next time you guys come, mina agreeing and driving away
- Bartender Denki who is too nervous to shoot you a text incase you gave him a random number as a way to show you arent into him, non stop talking about it to his workers who are basically yelling at him all week to just text you
- Bartender Denki whos eyes light up seeing you walk through the doors again with your dear friend mina immediately saying “i remember we were offered free drinks” leaving denki giving you guys a warm smile (he ended up texting you when you went home that night, youve been texting non stop ever since)
i get so nervous to type this, lmk if i fucked anything up because i didnt proofread this AND PLEASE LMK IF YOU ENJOYED THIS N WANT MORE OR IF YOU HAVE IDEAS FOR ME TO WRITE😭😭
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hopelessdelusional · 1 year
Masterlist .・。.・✭・.
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»»-----------► y/n is a professional photographer, though she’s been out of the game for a bit due to an unexpected medical issue, she’s back. she got a job ready for a couple days out so why not go to a party with some mutual friends? it was a good idea until she finds herself drunk and kissing one of the most beautiful men she’s ever laid her eyes on. next thing y/n knows her newest client is the same man she was grinding on two nights ago. will something happen with this drunken love? or will it go down the drain just like it normally does?
this was the very first SMAU that i made, therefor this AU does NOT use they/them pronouns for the reader but she/her.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・✭・.・✫
Face Claims📷
☄️Introducing bakusquad☄️
⭐️Introducing y/n gang⭐️
🌌priv accounts for both!🌌
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・✭・.・✫
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ SEASON ONE
✦ episode one: I know places
✦ epidode two: gorgeous
✦ episode three: i did something bad
✦ episode four: gold rush ✎
✦ episode five: you need to calm down
✦ episode six: this is why we can’t have nice things…literally ✎
✦ episode seven: sweet nothing ✎
✦ episode eight: enchanted ✎
✦ episode nine: other side of the door
✦ episode ten: if this was a movie ✎
█████▒▒▒▒▒ halfway done!
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ SEASON TWO
✦ episode eleven: all of the girls you’ve loved before
✦ episode twelve: today was a fairytale ✎
✦ episode thirteen: begin again
✦ episode fourteen: false god ✎
✦ episode fifteen: call it what you want
✦ episode sixteen: i wish you would ✎
✦ episode seventeen: labyrinth
✦ episode eighteen: soon you’ll get better ✎
✦ episode nineteen: cowboy like me ✎
✦ episode twenty: wildest dreams ✎
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・✭・.・✫
taglist is open! just message or leave a comment
。・:*˚:✧。 updates every ✧Sunday✧ and ✧Wednesday✧
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izukumidoriyashusband · 3 months
Writing … y’all feeling angst w/comfort or no comfort today??
I’m writing for Izuku, who else would y’all like?🤭
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bakugokemkatsuki · 1 year
MHA Boys using nicknames for people:
Characters included: Denki Kaminari, Hitoshi Shinso, Dabi, Kirishima Ejiro, Katsuki Bakugo
“Babe”/Denki - Denki uses babe as a casual/ platonic nickname and says it’s at least once daily when talking to someone. He specifically uses it when thanking someone (especially when they did him a favor) or complimenting someone.
“Darling”/ Shinso - Shinso uses darling as a condescending nickname with the person he just absolutely can’t stand
** (I like to imagine it’s a joke going between them that the other person is just mega flirty with Shinso in a I can’t stand you way and he retaliates with the condescending darling nickname and no one can tell if they really hate each other or not)**
“Sweetheart”/ Dabi - Dabi isn’t one for nicknames, but he can’t help but have one for them. Dabi always called his rival sweetheart just to get under their skin. He thought it was so funny when they got that disgusted look on their face and then would hurled insults at him.
“Dude”/ Kirishima - Kirishima is a very manly man as everyone knows, his goal is to be chivalrous. Well being a manly man carries over unintentionally into his relationship and he constantly calls his girlfriend/boyfriend/ significant other dude but he means it in an endearing/ romantic way.
“Bastard”/ Bakugo - Bakugo never likes to call anyone by there actual name, and partners (like sparing/ lab/ project) were no exception he never spent time getting to know any of his partners so he usually just called them all Bastard (unless of course, they do something to earn a special nickname)
Authors Note: Hope you all enjoyed. Thinking of turning the Dabi and Denki ones into full short stories, let me know if you guys would be interested :) Word Count: 272
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akataiii · 11 days
Trouble in paradise (An idea I got while I was washing the dishes)
It was a peaceful day at Heights Alliance. Everyone in class 1-A was full of new life now that exams had concluded, and they had some much-needed downtime. 
That is– it was peaceful until…
Denki bolts up from where he was lounging on the floor of Sero’s room, eyes widening upon realizing that he was completely and utterly screwed.
“I’m in trouble,” is all he says, staring at the door to Sero’s room, expecting it to be thrown open at any given moment.
“Dude,” Sero whispers, looking over at his friend in concern from his spot on the bed. “What did you do?”
“I may or may not have…” Denki starts, voice trailing off into a jumbled mutter as he looks guiltily to the floor.
“Speak up,” Mina calls from Denki’s right, now also sounding mildly concerned. 
“I may or may not have gone into Y/N’s room!” He admits, and at the exact moment that the words leave his lips, Sero’s door is thrown open with a violent bang, effectively shutting the entire group up. In the doorway stands Y/N, Denki’s (usually) loving girlfriend, although she doesn’t look very loving at the moment.
“I’m so glad you’re taking responsibility for your actions,” Y/N says, voice steady and firm. A telltale sign that she was very, very angry. 
“Nice knowing you, bud,” Sero says solemnly, watching as the shitshow that is Y/N starts to approach Denki. 
The blonde has already sprung to his feet, holding his hands up in surrender as he’s backed up against the wall. 
“Hi Y/N. My love, my darling dearest,” Denki squeaks, yelping when his back hits the wall.
“Don’t darling me, Kaminari,” Y/N grits out, bringing her fist up threateningly in front of the blonde’s face. 
He lets out a nervous chuckle, shooting a pleading look over the girl’s shoulder at his group of friends, who were all staring back at him with identical looks of sympathy. They weren’t going to lift a finger to help him. Traitors.
“Oh my god!” Denki yells with the most dramatic gasp the world has ever heard, pointing a finger behind Y/N. “Is that Mister Aizawa in a Hawaiian skirt?”
Much to Denki’s immense relief, Y/N spins her head around to look at where he was pointing, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip away and bolt out the door and down the hallway.
He can hear the distant yell of Y/N behind him, shouting something along the lines of ‘So dead, Denki Kaminari,’ but honestly, he’s too busy running to catch the exact words.
He foregoes the elevator, knowing the stairs would be much more in his favor right about now. So, he bounds down the stairs leading from the fifth floor, skipping over some steps, and nearly losing an ankle in the process. 
He makes it to the fourth floor with his bones intact, taking a quick moment to catch his breath before he’s forced to sprint across the hall for the next set of stairs. Honestly, he needs to have a serious word with Principal Nezu, because in what part of the brilliant little mouse brain did he think it was a good idea to have the stairs alternating sides?
“Where are you, you little shit!?” Comes Y/N/’s voice again, eerily close to where Denki was currently standing. With a stangled cry, he jumps back into motion and starts his trek across the hall, using it like his own personal track field.
In his pursuit to the finish line, he passes Bakugou’s door, which swings open to reveal a very irritated-looking blonde and a concerned red head by his side. 
"Pikachu, what in the actual fuck are you–” Bakugou scolds, about to start on one of his usual tirades, but Denki cuts him off.
“Hey Kacchan. Hey Kiri. Sorry, can’t chat. Gotta run!” He rushes out in his passing, picking up his pace when he spots Y/N at the foot of the stairs behind him. 
He’s already halfway down the stairs to the third floor when he hears, “Get back here, you human sparkplug!” from Y/N.
Somewhere, far out of Denki’s earshot range, Bakugou and Kirishima are standing stunned in Bakugou’s doorway, blinking dumbly at the sight they just witnessed. 
“You think we should step in?” Kirishima asks with his brows furrowed in concern.
“Nah,” Bakugou answers, slowly swinging his door shut. “Best to leave it this time ‘round.”
Denki doesn’t make it to the second floor, instead being tackled to the ground by Y/N halfway on his road to escape. 
“You better have a very good explanation, or else you’ll be looking like Midoriya when I’m done with you,” Y/N threatens, pinning Denki down with a glare and a fist raised and buzzing with her quirk’s energy.
Denki goes to cover his face, rushing out an, “I’m so sorry!” in the hope that he’ll be able to see the light of another day.
“Enough apologizing. Explain,” Y/N grits out, lowering her fist closer to Denki’s hidden face and tightening her grip on the front of his shirt.
“I was just curious,” Denki cries, shrinking away from Y/N’s enclosing fist.
A few tense moments pass in which Denki prays to any deity that’s able to hear his pleas, before Y/N eventually lets out a heavy sigh and deactivates her quirk, letting the energy fizzle out as she sits back on her heels.
"Look, Denki,” she starts, and the blonde looks up at her, slowly lowering his hands from his face. “It’s not that I don’t trust you– because I do.”
Denki shoots her a grateful smile, which is easily returned, albeit a bit strained. Y/N averts her gaze from Denki’s, cradling her hands in her lap and picking at her fingers.
“I’m just worried about you, is all,” she admits. “I don’t want you to go into my room, because it contains a lot of equipment that’s especially sensitive to electricity. I don’t want you to accidentally get hurt.”
Understanding dawns on Denki, and he suddenly feels very guilty for causing Y/N so much worry. He reaches a hand up to cup her cheek and turn her head so she’s looking at him, and her eyes are filled with so much care and concern for him, causing Denki’s heart to swell with affection. Despite her frequent anger fits, she really is a loving girlfriend, and Denki couldn’t be happier to call her his.
“I promise I’ll stay out of there from on,” he assures, shooting her a comforting smile and stroking a thumb across her cheek. Y/N leans into the touch, nuzzling her cheek against his palm and placing a featherlight kiss there. 
“Sorry for tackling you,” Y/N eventually apologizes, pulling Denki to his feet.
“No worries,” he says, flashing her another grin. “Not like I have any more brain cells to lose.”
“You’re not an idiot, Denks,” she chides as they start their walk back to Sero’s room, intent on spending the rest of the afternoon in the peaceful atmosphere. 
. . .
Okay, Denki can’t help but tease her on her angry outburst at least a little. So, with a playful nudge against Y/N’s shoulder, he asks, “Have you been hanging around Bakugou recently?” 
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pretty-sparkle-bomb · 2 months
I just had this thought while making dinner... so obviously, I'm sharing it with you guys.
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Men who get so possessive over you, not in the controlling sense but in the sense where they only have eyes for you, they only want to be around you...they only want you.
So when you tell them 'I love you' for the first time, their voice is filled with desire and a hint of nervousness. They pull you close to them, arms wrapping around your waist, and their voice comes out in a whisper.
'Say it again?'
It's so soft you can barely hear it, making your heart beat wildly in your chest. When you do, they bury their face in your neck, their lips tracing a path along your skin as they murmur against you.
"I love you too... so much... more than anything... you're mine, and I'm never letting you go..."
They'd kiss your neck, once, then twice, lips lingering over your skin as their hands run up and down your sides.
"You don't know how much I love you... how much I need you... how much I want to keep you forever... mine and only mine..."
And you'll ask them what seems like such a stupid question.
"Only yours?"
And they chuckle, pulling back to look at you with the most cocky grin ever.
"Does that question require a practical answer?"
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Shinso, BAKUGO, Kaminari, IZUKU, Sukuna, Gojo, KURO + your fave
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socialkid · 2 years
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Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x Fem! Reader
Genre: Romance, Enemies to lovers
Warnings: I don’t think there are any but let me know if you see some!
Summary: Struggles with your soon to be ex boyfriend lead to an unsuspecting relationship with the one and only Katsuki Bakugou.
I had this random idea for a one-shot for about 2 months now and I finally decided to share with thoe amazing people of Tumblr 👍🏾.
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“This is so stupid”. You were currently outside the U.A building on a Saturday night, muttering and complaining to yourself on and on how stupid love is. But at every little noise your perked up a little with hope building inside, only for you to be bursted like a bubble when it was just a small animal or creature among the bushes. You checked your watch again: 7:56. You had been waiting for nearly an hour for your (ex) boyfriend to show up. Sighing you slouched back on the spacious bench behind the U.A building.
“Well waddayah know” the familiar voice rung in your head. Without having to look back the voice which belonged to a certain blonde haired boy was recognizable to you. Rolling your eyes you didn’t even look behind you. “Oi, I know you hear me! I’m talking to you dimwit!”. You just shook your head as Bakugou grunted, and walked to the right side of the bench to face you.
“What are you still doing here? I thought you were supposed to be on a date with what’s his face?” Bakugou said. “I don’t want to hear it Bakugou, if you want to rub it in that you were right just do that nothing can make me feel worse than I already do.” Instead of the usual boasting, not a single word was said out of Bakugou. “I’m not going to say that, but you should’ve listened to me I’m almost always right.” You coudn’t respond to that (no matter how untrue that was) he was right this time.
Just earlier that day you were going on and on about how your boyfriend had planned to take you to the seasonal carnival that night. “That’s great! But are you sure you want to go with him?” Your best friend Mina had asked. She knew about your boyfriend’s “communication” problems, and frankly she didn’t like him (but she never told you that). This guy has sent you into so many heartbreaks and lonely nights leading you to be comforted by your friends. Heck this guy has even been caught eating dinner with other women MULTIPLE TIMES! Once Denki and Kirishima stopped by to pick up their food at their favorite restaurant and saw him feeding another female. But your boyfriend saw them he tried to convince them that the lady was his cousin. And you believed it! Actually you just wanted to believe he was telling the truth.
“Yea it’s fine, he’s really changing himself for me.” You reply.
“I’ve heard that one before.” Bakugou snorted walking behind Mina into the main room holding a half full water bottle in his hand. “Bakugou!” Mina screeched while elbowing him in the stomach. “OW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?”
“No it’s fine Mina if Bakugou wants to hold a grudge against my boyfriend then so it be it.” you stepped in. “How is the man that cheated on you twice your boyfriend?” Mina sighed and rolled her eyes at Bakugou’s response. “He didn’t cheat on me those are his cousins you idiot!”. You gave Mina a ‘Time to walk away look’ as she nodded, and waltzed away slowly.
“Why do you hate him more than you hate me?” You asked, Bakugou scoffing as he took a gulp of water. “If you don’t see the problem with him you’re blind and stupid.” “Then I guess I’m blind and stupid because I’m going out with him to night.” Bakugou just stared at you. Not a single word just the smallest curve on the side of his lips. “Is something funny?” You ask. “Yea, the fact that you think this boy is actually going to show up.” Bakugou chuckled.
You just stared at this man in disbelief. But you wern’t going to give him what he wants, no it’s best to respond with something he doesn’t expect. “Aww you sound jealous” you reply, as Bakugou’s eyes grow wide. “Me? JEALOUS?” he yelled as you nodded. “WHY WOULD I BE JEALOUS OF YOUR FAILING RELATIONSHIP?!” You shrugged as you walked toward the exit of the room. “TO HELL WITH IT! DON’T COME CRYING TO ME WHEN HE DOESN’T SHOW UP!” ‘That boy will do anything to ruin anyone’s day’ you thought leaving the room to a still angered Bakugou.
It was only moments like this when you were sitting on the bench all alone that you wished you’d listen to Bakugou. It was quiet as Bakugou waited for a response from you, as you waited for one from him. “So what? You’re just going to sit here by yourself at night depressed all dressed up over some damn idiot?” Bakugou questioned filling the silence.
“Yea at this point” you said fidgeting with the bracelet your ex had given you. Bakugou tapped his foot for a minute before grunting, and grabbing you by your arm and pulling you off the bench. “BRO! Let go of me!” you refused trying to pry your arm out of his hand. But he was was too strong for you to escape his grasp (but lawd was his biceps kicking 😩). He didn’t say anything, he just began walking with you to the exit of the school’s area.
As you exited the school’s premises you noticed Bakugou’s car outside on a curb. It was a shiny black Range Rover, with black rims. He had recently got it for his 17th birthday, and when he did he boasted about it a lot. Whenever his school work would be done you could sometimes catch him riding around in it further in the town, and you had to admit he looked hot.
Bakugou stopped at the car, let go of you and opened the passenger door. “Get in” he said. You just stared at this man who had the most dead serious look you’ve ever seen.
“What so you can carry me off to the woods and murder me? Heck no I think I’ll stay.” You said planting your feet in the ground and crossing your arms. Bakugou shrugged and walked over to the drivers side of the car, he started it up as your pout seemed to not affect him at all. You rolled your eyes as you entered the car. You took a nice look around at the car before plopping down in the seat and closing the door.
“So where are we going?” You asked him as he started the engine, not answering your question. You started tapping your foot a bit as you realized you were being ignored. Instead of spazzing off on him you looked to the back of his car. It was huge and had a lot of room and space. He had car scent in the air event trying to cover up the new car smell.
As Bakugou got on the road he seemed a bit more relaxed and laid back. He didn’t say much during the ride, you thought that he was probably annoyed with you which is why you were surprised when he gave the aux cord.
“Play something good not girly.” You took the cord and hooked it up to your phone. You tried to find something suitable for the both of you to enjoy. You ended up playing “Worth It” by The Weeknd which soothed your mind. Bakugou grunted, “Not bad taste I guess”. You sunk back in his leather seat pleased by his first given compliment. When the song came to an end you decided to try something suitable for the situation you were in.
Bakugou looked at you with a (tiny but fairly noticeable) smirk, as “Kill Bill” by Sza filled the silence in the car. You couldn’t help mouthing the words and motioning your hands no matter how embarrassing it may be. “I’m so mature, I’m so mature, I’m so mature I got me a therapist to tell me there’s other men…”. Bakugou began tapping his hand on his armrest imitating the beat. “I might kill my ex, not the best idea. His new girlfriend’s next how’d I get here?” You sung quietly, shutting up quickly after the verse was over. “Why’d you stop?” Bakugou chuckled a bit, as you laughed in response. The rest of the song was tapping and singing between the both of you until it ended.
Along the ride more songs were played until Bakugou came to a red light and turned the volume down after the last verse of a Steve Lacy song. You looked at Bakugou as he looked at you. “Hey, what I’m about to do; don’t take it seriously. I’m just trying to get your mind off that little boyfriend of yours.” He said facing the road again when the light turned green.
“Ok?” You replied confused. You looked out the window and read the signs to the places you were passing by: A shoe shop, a small outlet mall, and the fair that everyone at school had been talking about. You hoped to go there with your boyfriend one day but you knew there was no chance of that happening. As you watched the signs get closer Bakugou began slowing down as you watched in shock as he turned into the parking lot of the fair.
Once he found a parking spot he stopped the car and exited. You were shook. ‘There’s no way that Katsuki Bakugou is taking me to the fair.’ You thought as Bakugou began walking towards the entrance of the fair. However he stopped in his tracks when he noticed you weren’t behind him but still in his car with your jaw on the floor. “ARE YOU COMING OR NOT?” Bakugou yelled loud enough for you to hear even in the car. You mouthed ‘sorry’ as you quickly exited the car.
You caught up to Bakugou and began to walk to the stand with him. When you arrived you were behind a couple who had just received there wristbands. “Enjoy your time!” said the lady in the booth handing out tickets. “About damn time.” Bakugou said as you hit him. Before Bakugou had a chance to throw a hissy fit the lady asked for what you would like.
While Bakugou continued to sputter angrily you decided to speak for him. “Two wristbands please!” You said. “Oh another beautiful couple! You must be a very lucky lady!” She said as the sputtering behind you came to a quick stop. “Uh I’m sorry did I say something wro-?” “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL US?! LISTEN UP I…” You sighed and faced the woman tuning out Bakugou. “Please just give us the tickets” you said handing her the money Bakugou had given you as she quickly handed you the wristbands . “Thank you” you said taking the wristbands while taking Bakugou by the arm past the gate.
When you came to a stop Bakugou had calmed down. You handed him his wristband as he looked down at your feet. “How are you supposed to stand in line for a long time with those?” He asked pointing down at your chunky black stiletto heels “I mean don’t they get uncomfortable?” You were pleased with Bakugou for even caring about you. You pulled a pair of black and white checkered vans and slipped them on your feet, as Bakugou lifted your black heels off the fair ground. When you rose back up he handed you your heels and you placed them in your bag.
“So what do you want to do first?” He muttered. “How about the Scrambler?” You asked pointing to one of the rides with multiple arms, lights, and people on it. It rotated and revolved at the same time moving around constantly. “Starting off small eh?” Bakugou said smirking. “Only for you” you replied beginning to walk towards the ride’s line. “Oh we’ll see.”
Once the wait in the line was over you two got in the same cart and strapped yourselves in. The cart was pretty tight so you too were thigh to thigh. The pole that was put over the two of you was small as well so your hands were also interacting. When Bakugou noticed it he turned his head away so you wouldn’t see him flustered. When the ride started you two began to spin around. Every second that passed the ride would get faster and you would laugh and throw your head back. Bakugou rolled his eyes but couldn’t help cracking a smile at the sight.
Once the ride was over Bakugou stopped you in your tracks. “So what’s next?” “I don’t know yet but I’m not getting on a ride with anybody who just ate, I want to leave this place with a clean outfit.” “Alright how about something a little bit more rough princess?” He said sarcastically. You were no fan of his sarcasm but this time you wern’t complaining.
For the next 40 minutes you and Bakugou rode multiple rides but after the Swing Ride you were famished. “Where we going next?” Bakugou asked you. “Food” you replied pointing at one of the concession stands. “Alright if you’re that hungry already” Bakugou chuckled. He took you over to the stand where a man worked behind the booth preparing food. “What may I get for you?” He asked finally turning his attention to you both. Why were you hungry but hadn’t decided what you wanted? You looked up at Bakugou letting him know you were unsure. He grunted as he looked through the options for food.
“Fríes and a pink lemonade” he said knowing you loved both foods. You smiled at Bakugou as you reached for your purse. You grabbed your wallet out of your purse before Bakugou smacked your hand and threw it back in. “Ow what was that for?” You asked shaking your hand. “I’m paying, not you” he replied taking yen out of his pocket. Although you were just smacked you couldn’t help but like this new attitude change of Bakugou’s.
Once your food was finished you were given a cup of fries and a cup of lemonade with two straws. “Um” “Why did you give her TWO straws, are you that dumb?” Bakugou said saying the words you wanted to say. “Oh are you two not a couple? I thought maybe you would drink out of the same glass, you know like in the movies?” The chef replied. “We’re not a couple thank you though goodbye” you quickly said taking Bakugou by the arm who was already heating up. Even though you dragged him away you couldn’t stop his mouth from running.
After you finished eating (and don’t tell anyone but Bakugou let you feed him french fries 🤭) you told Bakugou how you longed to go on the Ferris Wheel more than anything. “So the Ferris Wheel was the ride you looked forward to the whole time, you’re a little bundle of fun aren’t you” he said sarcastically, but still lead you into the line.
You were the last people to get on the ride so when it started you had to make no stops. Bakugou watched you as you looked out the glass windows and watch as you got higher into the air. He also turned to look out the windows, looking down on the tiny people and stands in the crowd. In the crowd he spotted someone with yellow hair and a black streak. “Hey is that dunce face?” He asked you looking back at you, only to notice a tear rolling down the side of your cheek.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked you as you quickly wiped your tear. “Nothing” you replied still facing the opposite way. “I’m not stupid, I said tell me what’s wrong” he said grabbing your chin now facing him. “And I said I’m fine” you replied pushing his hand away. He scoffed as you rubbed your eyes. “Just ask me one more time” you said smiling through your tears. Bakugou rolled his eyes chuckling at how stupid you were acting but he didn’t mind.
“I guess it’s hard to see other couples together when I had planned to come here with my ex” you explained. Bakugou didn’t even react, he already knew what you were going to say before you said it. The whole point of him taking you here was to get your mind off of him, he hadn’t realized 60% of the fair would be made of couples. He hadn’t thought much about it since the two of you looked like a couple anyways. He knew you two looked compatible but he coudn’t let you know that, his ego is too big for that.
“Who cares about him?! People make mistakes everyday and that idiot made the biggest one of his life if he didn’t choose you. Understood?” You nodded smiling and wiping the last of your tears. “I don’t even know why you’re crying, I’m right here…” Bakugou muttered under his breath.
“What was that?” You cocked an eyebrow.
“What was what?” He asked you blankly. “Don’t be stupid now, you know what you said” you replied crawling your fingers up his arms. Swatting them away he replied, “I wasn’t talking to you I was talking to myself, stop worrying about my crap and worry about yourself!” “Aww you do care about me” you said fawning over him. “Tch” Well he didn’t deny it. You looked at him his hand holding up is chin as he peered out the glass. Without thinking or regrets you laid your head on the arm closest to you. You felt Bakugou slightly jump for a moment in surprise before settling and sinking his hand in your hair.
After multiple stops the ride had finally came to an end and you and Bakugou left the ride closer than you were before. You decided to get on a couple more rides before the fair closed. This time when you walked with Bakugou you grabbed his hand. His palm was a little sweaty but you thought it was cute how nervous he was ( or maybe it was his quirk 🤔).
“The park will be closing in 20 minutes” said the voice over the loud speakers.
You and Bakugou were now looking for the nearest exit of the fair. You and Bakugou’s hands were intertwined while your other hand had a cotton candy cone , and Bakugou’s had a giant stuffed bear in his. Before you left you had decided you wanted a stuffed bear so you went to one of those booths with the balls and the bottles. Of course when you tried to do it, it failed. You didn’t know the game was rigged (the bottles were on coil springs), Bakugou however did. He didn’t care, he wanted to see you happy so he used his quirk. Unfortunately because of that the game was taken down but you were allowed to get the biggest stuffed prize there.
“Thank you Bakugou for this amazing dat- er…um night!” You said covering your mistake. Bakugou shrugged in response. He stopped for a moment in a place with very few people, and tugged you closer to him. “Bakugou are you ok?” you asked getting no response from him. He just looked straight into your eyes as you stared back. Trying not to look away he spoke, “There was one more thing I wanted to do” he said voice calm and slow.
“Another ride? Ok but I’m pretty sure we’ve been on every ride except for the roller coaster with the huge drop. You know I’m not getting in that” you chuckled. He still didn’t respond just stood there. You could tell he was thinking, you could practically see the gears moving in his head. “I-” you coudn’t even finish your sentence looking into his eyes. His ruby eyes were so hypnotizing espically when they were calm instead of narrowed. The fair began emptying out as the last person left the area you were at.
You were unaware that when you two were alone your faces were close than ever. “Bakugou-” you were interrupted by Bakugou smashing his lips against yours. The kiss was deep, hungry, and passionate. Both of you slowly following each other’s motions. Your hands found there way to the back of his hair while you twisted it in your fingers. Bakugou had to pull away before anything more could happen since you had to leave the park so soon.
“I love you Katsuki”
“Tch whatever” he replied lips tugging into a cheesy smile. He went back for another kiss this time taking you by your jaw and kissing you once more. Without noticing the chef who had made your fries and lemonade walked by you both still devouring each other.
“I thought you two said you weren’t a couple!?”
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exhailodile · 22 days
denki kaminari x yn
wrong number fic prt 1
posted on tiktok @exhailodile
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bartyssimp-riley-16 · 2 years
Endeavour: kids nowadays are wimps
Y/n: not our fault you had to fight dinosaurs back in your day
Endeavour: how old do u think I am?!.
Aizawa: Do I have to teach the brats?
Endeavour: I'll take over!
Dadzawa: fuck off!
Present mic: why's your hair plaited?
Aizawa: idk, Eri did it, so I left it, ya know?
Present mic: sure thing... Rapunzel
Shinsou: what's a healthy sleep schedule?
Aizawa: a what?
Shinsou: a healthy sleep schedule...
Aizawa: what tf you asking me for?!
*everyone watching legally blonde
Denki: hey, Aoyama and I are blonde are we that dumb?
Everyone: no of course not
Bakugo: yes
Bakugo: ...oh... No-
Bakugo a few minutes later: you know what, no, I can't do this, YES!!!
*Loud gasps
Kirishima: Bakugo!
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hopelessdelusional · 1 year
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all of the girls you’ve loved before
EDIT: just realized i fucked up one of the text messages, that migraine was ROUGH
the title kinda doesn’t fit the chapter but it kinda does but i’m so dehydrated and sleep deprived idk
anyways welcome to season two!! thank you all to the folks who have been around for a while-and if ur just now stopping in hello! i’m Ro and i write smaus and fanfiction! rn i’m writing a lot of mha bc brainriot but i pinky promise i’ll do some more fandoms once this series is over 🫶
pls enjoy i love u all💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 once again i’m asking for ideas for fics or just questions abt me!!! if you wanna know what fandoms i’m in or what ships/ x readers i’ll write and make smau’s over i can answer!!! just send me a note for my inbox and it’ll be answered!!
fun facts! ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
- y/n and bkg have been talking non STOP bro like texting calling all that shit, hitoshi is SICK of walking out into the living room or kitchen and seeing y/n on the phone with bkg (even tho she has to deal with him and kaminari but whatever)
- whenever bakugou doesn’t know how to respond to anything he SPRINTS to his friend group, it’s very amusing
- hitoshi and y/n are best friends and spend a lot of time together, thus they are slowly becoming the same person! including their set of questions they like to ask ppl bc it’s “fun”
- when momo is super busy her assistant sometimes reads her messages just in case there’s no emergency or anything and always giggles when it’s one of her friend’s having a meltdown (especially with the gc name, very entertaining to see ur boss be in a gc like that)
- bakugou also asked y/n a bunch of questions one night and that’s what lead to them ranking all the t.s albums (it ended in chaos)
- (bakugou listened to taylor swift after that call)
- hitoshi and shoto know literally everything abt each other, either as dirt or just out of love, no one knows
- (it’s out of love)
- mina and kirishima have been going on a lot of dates recently….who knows what will happen………
- i did random users guys 😁😁😁😁 how do we feel😁😁😁😁
- y/n sees said tweet and… goes a little silly if you will
- yeah toshi and kami are so gay even random strangers can tell bruh
-kami is a bit of an idiot for not just, texting, toshi but whatever we still love him
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