#kaminari comfort
mirkoluvs · 1 month
characters: midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, kaminari
note(s): as always request are open!!
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© mirkoluvs. please do not copy, modify, or repost on other platforms. thank you !!
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
How The Two of You Sleep - BNHA
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki would be the kind of guy that would completely deny any kind of affection until he really got his guard down, meaning, he is totally unconscious when he finally grabs you in a cuddle, one you will never escape! Mwahaha!
~ If only you knew how nervous he was! ~ How he didn't want to hold your hand in case he let off an explosion by accident and hurt you. ~ How he wanted more than anything in the world to hold you close to him but he didn't want you to hear how fast his heart was beating. ~ The two of you were sat studying, until you eventually got tired, already in your pyjamas, you grabbed your boyfriend by the elbow and pulled him into bed. ~ As you begin to fall asleep, Katsuki keeps his distance for a while, you were a bit upset, but felt sure he had his reasons, so you left him, choosing to sleep closest to the edge of his bed. ~ Once Katsuki had finally managed to relax, you could feel his arm wrap around your waist, he seemed to do it subconsciously, he pulled you away from the edge of the mattress and into the safety of his arms.
Izuku Midoriya
I can picture Izuku wanting to be as close to you as possible, but would be way to nervous to be able to do so! I definitely think you would be the one to initiate any affection, that includes while you're both sleeping.
~ 'What do I do!?' Izuku thought to himself, as the two of you were lying in bed, him still wide awake and panicking, you slowly drifting off. ~ 'They're really close! Do I try and bring them closer? Would they get upset and push me away? What if I give them space and they get mad and break up with me!? Think I don't want them! What the f-' ~ Izuku's brain rant was interrupted by the person in question. ~ You had gotten even closer, he could vaguely smell your hair, it was lovely! N-not that he was being creepy on purpose!!! ~ Not only had you gotten closer, you had cuddled up into his chest, your arms around his waist, soft puffs of air leaving your open lips. ~ Izuku's panic went away quickly, the warmth of your body calming him down, almost instantly.
Shoto Todoroki
Once again, I feel like Shoto would be super nervous about sleeping with you, even if the both of you know, it was JUST sleeping, but the thought of being so close to you, when the two of you had barely gone further than a peck on the cheek and holding hands, was making him a bit anxious…
~ Picture this: Shoto lying stock still in bed, wearing more clothes than usual, so as not to freak you out (I feel like because of his quirk, he would sleep shirtless, boy runs hot!), as you lie virtually on top of the poor thing, moving your head on his chest to either sit on his hot or cold side. ~Shoto would be the best to sleep next to during any season, he could tell when you were too warm or too cold and would adjust his body temperature to make sure you were comfortable. ~ It would take him a while to get used to the feeling of you being SO close to him, he could feel your breath against the skin of his neck and was sure you could hear his intense heartbeat. ~ But once he did get accustomed, he would gladly accept any affection you can give him, poor touch-starved baby, he would hold you as tightly as he can without waking you. Bonus! Shoto would wake up first every morning, making sure not to move you until you had gotten to sleep in, at least a little while, he would wake you up with little kisses all over your face, changing his temperature, tickling you with chilly smooches!
Eijiro Kirishima
Big Man Eijiro! Biggest cuddle bunny, he would definitely scoop you up and cuddle you, just because he wanted to! But he would also take 'No' for an answer, if you wanna be alone, he would leave you alone! Consent is super manly!
~ Eijiro could see you were feeling down, he wanted to make you feel better in any way he could! ~ "Babe!" He called, causing you to turn your head and gaze those sad eyes up at him. He walked over to you and picked you up, bridal style of course, most manly way of carrying his precious cargo. ~ "Let's go take a nap, been missing ya!" ~ With that, he takes you to whoever's dorm room is closest. ~ Eijiro sits on the bed and keeps you in his lap, his strong arms keeping you as close to him as possible. ~ Every time you try and lift your head, to protest or question, he gently places his big hand on the crown of your head and moves you back to snuggling up against his shoulder. ~ Eventually you got to sleep, your hands softly gripping onto your boyfriend's shirt. ~ Smiling at your peaceful expression, Eijiro settled down to sleep with you, making sure not to jostle you too much.
Denki Kaminari
No shame! Absolutely none! He will pull you away from conversations, hang up on your parents when they call to check in and get in the way of your studying until you're forced to nap with him! It's his right as the boyfriend!
~ "Baaaaaby!" ~ You could hear Denki calling you, sighing with a smile and already closing your Heroic History textbook. ~ You got up from your desk, making a nest of pillows so you could at least be comfortable when you were tackled. ~ Speaking of which, your boyfriend has found you… ~ Denki had opened the door to your dorm room, "You ready for this?" He asked with a smirk, trying to be flirty, wound up looking like the most adorable dork ever. ~ Rolling your eyes with a grin, you raised your arms, ready for the hug you would be receiving whether you liked it or not! ~ "YAY!" Denki shouted, before tackling you onto the bed, nuzzling your neck and trying to get as close to you as was physically possible, he was on top of you, your legs tangled with his, as the two of you settled into a nap.
Bonus! I can picture Denki getting either too comfortable, or too excited around you, especially when sleeping, that he would get a bit sparky. Tiny shocks have woken you up before, but you couldn't get mad when your boyfriend looked like he was practically purring!
Hitoshi Shinsou
Tired boy! Needs cuddles! Sort of like a mixture of Denki and Eijiro, he would steal you away for secret naps, especially after Aizawa's training sessions. You were going to nap with him, dead or alive… Sorry, too dark?
~ Hitoshi was getting more and more frustrated, upset that he wasn't able to find you and he'd looked everywhere! ~ He'd bothered your friends, your family, but seemingly didn't search the obvious place, the place you met up, literally everyday. ~ His dorm room… ~ "There you are." He was always a bit blunt when it came to the end of the day, he was way too tired for formalities, but he still greeted you with a light kiss and you guys chatted for a while, before he made his move. ~ He shifted you into his arms, happy with the way you were settled in his lap, against his chest, he was against the mountain of pillows and blankets on his bed. (You can't tell me he wouldn't have the comfiest room, other than Aizawa…) ~ He would get comfortable and be asleep in minutes, this was the moment you had been waiting for. ~ Hitoshi would never let you touch his hair, even though he loved it, it seemed too intimate to him, at least whilst he was awake, he was happy to let you do it when he was unconscious. ~ And you did, happily running your fingers through purple candy floss strands!
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choco-ochako · 1 month
K. Bakugo x !afab reader! His s/o with a small chest. 🍒
Genre: Fluff + Slight nsfw mention + comfort ♡
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Katsuki honestly never really noticed nor really cared about the size of your chest. He’s always been looking for someone with the same attitude as him. Someone who’s strong and pretty independent. But regardless he loves you for you! No questions asked. If he sees you being insecure about the size difference out of every other girl in class, you are in for a lecture..
“Y/n, you are so dumb. I don’t care what size your chest is. So stop whining about it.”
He’d huff at the end of these conversations more often than usual. But a lot of the time you’d find a reason to still be upset. (me fr)
“Katsuki, you don’t get it. Every girl in our class has these big boobs and it just makes me wonder if I’m even remotely attractive.”
Tears stained on your face. He’d sigh and pull you into a tight forceful hug.
“Your body is the last thing I’m worried about. All I want in a partner is you, regardless if you have a hot body or not. To me, your body is perfect anyways. lemme tell you right now. You are perfect Y/n, don’t let these thoughts or useless other people make you think otherwise, got it?”
As you hug him, you silently cry into his shirt and eventually look up at him and nod.
“I love your tits the way they are. I love everything about you, that’s a fact. No one should have an opinion anyways, and if they do the only opinion that matters is mine. I love the way they feel and look when I have my way with you.”
While blushing, you start to feel better overall. You still aren’t completely confident about your chest, but hearing what he had to say made you think so much more less bad about yourself.
“Thanks Kat, I’m sorry. I wish I was more comfortable and confident in my own skin but, it’ll get better I’m sure. I’m glad though you love me, for being me. I guess being less visually attractive has its own special benefits.”
You smiled feeling better, pulling away from his embrace wiping away tears. He nodded and kissed you on the lips.
“Mhm, I know I’m not the best with words or whatever. But I mean what I say you know. Even if it’s harsh or not. You the prettiest girl I’ve ever met.”
You looked at him with pure awe and just wanted to smother him with your unconditional love and affection. You dragged him to his dorm and you got into some pajamas, basically just short shorts and a baggy t-shirt of Katsuki. Both of you cuddled til the lights were out and both you were sound asleep.
A/n: AAAAHH!!! First actual post!!!!! Feel free to leave me suggestions!!! This was super fun and I love to write!!! Give me some good scenarios!! 
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frickingnerd · 3 months
denki kaminari with a s/o who has a healing quirk
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pairing: denki kaminari x gn!reader
tags: hurt/comfort, painful quirk / quirk with drawbacks
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denki always admired your quirk, due to how useful it was
sure, his own quirk could be used for charging his phone and other devices, so it was useful as well, but your quirk was on a whole different level
after all, your quirk could save people! his quirk could only save phones, at best…
but denki's perception of your quirk began to change, when he found out about the downside of it: whenever you healed a person, you'd be able to feel their pain!
denki's own quirk has some downsides too, but turning into a brainless idiot was still better than feeling the pain of countless injured people per day!
honestly, as soon as he finds out about it, he's practically begging you to stop using it!
denki loves you and he doesn't want you to get hurt! especially not if it's avoidable, if you just stop using your quirk
it takes some time to convince him, but after you explain to him that you'd rather be in pain than have someone lose their life, denki begrudgingly accepts that you'll keep using your quirk
and while he's not a fan of seeing his partner getting hurt, he admires you even more now for your conviction…
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somestardeww · 7 months
Roommate!Denki x male reader >:D
b4: insinuation of smut, lazy denki followed by (kinda) proactive denki followed by provocative denki (in this whole sequence denki is just someone beautiful and cute who I really want to grab by the neck and-)
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Roommate!Denki who is lazy, laying on the couch, trash all over the coffee table that was in the living room and his clothes on the ground. You curse at him, throwing your hands around and yelling at him.
Roommate!Denki who, for one of the firt times, says “I’m sorry. I’ll…I’ll pick everything up.” He then stood up, grabbing the trash and picking his stuff up, putting them in his room, leaving you shocked and confused.
"I'm impressed. You're actually doing it." you say, arms crossed as you watch him pick up his clothes.
"I just got tired of you yelling at me all the time. Figured I should start pulling my weight around here." Roommate!Denki mumbles, refusing to make eye contact.
After a moment, your expression softens seeing him really making an effort. Maybe there was hope for change after all. "Just try keeping it picked up from now on. And no more sleeping the day away on the couch, okay? It's bad for your back. And well...thanks for listening I guess. And for actually cleaning up."
Roommate!Denki who answears "You're welcome. I mean it, I'll try to do better from now on. We're roommates, so we should at least try to get along." and side smile to you, meaning every word.
Seeing him making an effort made something to you. Te tension beetween you both was obvious and strong, and was no surprise when you gave him a smirk, saying "You even look cute finally cleaning up your mess huh"
Roommate!Denki that blinks in surprise at the unexpected compliment, a faint blush rising to his cheeks. "Oh yeah?" he shoots back, regaining his composure. "And I'm sure you love seeing me on my knees." A cocky grin pulls at his lips, always ready with a flirty retort.
You laugh, unfazed by his reply. "Don't get too full of yourself now pretty boy. I was just stating a fact." But you can't deny, there was a certain appeal about him taking initiative for once. "Keep this look up and who knows..." you say with a shrug, leaving the suggestion hanging in the air.
Roommate!Denki who smiles, his eyes gleaming with newfound motivation. "Oh I plan to. You ain't seen nothing yet." You step closer to Senki looking him up and down with a playful smirk "Oh yeah? And what exactly haven't I seen yet, pretty boy?" you say in a flirty tone.
Roommate!Denki that holds your gaze confidently, smiling that cocky grin you've grown to both like and hate. "Let's just say...there's more to me than being a lazy bum on the couch." He takes a step towards you so you're mere inches apart, his dark eyes staring intensely into yours. "Why don't you find out for yourself..." he murmurs lowly, his breath ghosting your lips.
You can feel the electricity between you, the tension that had always been there but was never acted on by obvious reasons. Your eyes flick down to his mouth before meeting his eyes again questioningly.
"Well?” Roommate!Denki whispers. “Are you gonna make a move, or are you all talk?" The challenge hangs in the air, invitation clear on both sides.
Roommate!Denki who were kinda suprised when you grip his waist tightly, pulling him against you so your bodies are conected and your noses nearly touch.
"You talk a big game, pretty boy..." you murmur, your breath mingling with his. Roommate!Denki inhales sharply at the sudden contact, eyes darkening with desire. One hand comes up to caress your cheek softly. "Then put your money where your mouth is," he challenges huskily.
A smirk tugs at your lips, unable to resist his provocation. Without hesitation, you crush your mouth to his in a deep kiss. Heanswears eagerly, kissing you back passionately as his arms wind around your neck. You step forward, backing him up until he hits the wall.
Roommate!Denki moans softly into your mouth, submitting completely as your body presses him into the hard surface. Weeks of pent up tension explodes between you in a frenzy of lust and greedily seeking mouths. When you finally part for air, Roommate!Denki is panting heavily, lips reddened and eyes hazy with want. "Well...was I all talk?" he breathes out challengingly.
"Not bad, pretty boy..." you murmur against his throat, your breath hot on his skin. "But you ain't seen nothing yet."
Roommate!Denki that lets out a soft gasp as your lips trail a scorching path down his neck. When you reach the base of his throat, you latch on firmly and suck, eliciting a low groan from deep within his chest. His hands grasp desperately at your shoulders, clinging for purchase as you mark his skin possessively. All the pent up sexual tension floods out as you explore his body ruthlessly with your mouth.
"Fuck..." Roommate!Denki whispers harshly when you come up for air, utterly shattered.
His eyes beg for more as his lips seek yours out hungrily. You grant him another deep, searing kiss to silence his pleas before pulling away just enough to speak. "Bed. Now." you order gruffly, leaving no room for argument. Roommate!Denki nods eagerly, anticipation and desire written across his flushed face.
It's finally time to see what this pretty boy is really made of. And you plan to unravel him completely. "You're walking very slowly..." U say, and lift him by the waist, holding him while Roommate!Denki crosses his legs on your hips, clinging to you.
As you finally reach the bedroom, you gently lower Roommate!Denki onto the bed, his legs still locked around you. The moment is charged with electricity, and you can't help but smile down at him. "Now, let's see if you can handle more than just your words," you whisper, leaning down to capture his lips in a searing kiss, ready to explore every inch of him.
should i continue this? *girly pop gigles*
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zazter-den · 4 months
Chronically Chill
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Synopsis- Sometimes life gets in the way of holiday plans, but your boyfriends always know how to roll with the punches. A different kind of domestic bliss with Sero and Kaminari.
Reader Characteristics- Fem with severe cramps.
Warnings- Smoking MMJ, Shotgunning, Denki as a TENS unit.
Tags- Period Comfort, Cozy Fluff, Caretaker!Sero, Caretaker!Denki, Epileptic!Denki.
Word Count- 2000
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Sero pushed the door of the apartment open with an almost silent creak, the dim light from the kitchen just barely outlining the home's furniture. He could feel the weight of the day's patrol heavy on his muscles, the kind of fatigue that only came from hours of swinging through the city and wrangling villains with his tape. His backpack hit the chair with a soft thud, followed by the soft clatter of his helmet.
Making his way to the shared bedroom, Sero pushed the door open quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone. To his surprise, Denki was still up. He was sitting up in bed, his electric blond hair slightly disheveled. His worried expression caught Sero's attention immediately. But it was the sight of you tossing and turning uncomfortably in Denki's arms, that caused a surge of concern to rush through his veins.
He let out a tired sigh as he stripped down to his boxers, crawling onto the bed on your other side. He leaned over to Denki, pressing his lips against his boyfriend's in a rough but loving kiss, ringed fingers tangling in the blond hair. “Hey, Denks, sorry I'm late” Sero whispered, his voice filled with concern. “How's she doing?”
Denki looked up at him exhausted. “Having a rough night” he murmured concerned. “Been thrashing for most of it.” He rubbed circles on your back.
“Been looking after our girl for awhile, huh? Good boy” Sero praised, his voice filled with tired affection. His fingers continued to stroke Denki's hair gently, a soothing gesture that he knew always helped to calm his partner. Sero had always admired Denki's empathetic nature, how he could feel the emotions of others so strongly. However, he wasn't a fan of how sometimes it was to his own detriment. Denki leaned into the touch, his eyes closing briefly as he let out a sigh.
Your eyes shot open with a cry as you jolted awake by an excruciating cramp that twisted your insides. Your fingers instinctively dug into Denki's lower back, seeking some form of relief from the pain that coursed through your body. Denki was too worried to notice your grip, and just held you closer. “I'm sorry, love…” you whimpered into his chest, realizing once the pain subsided that you had unintentionally dug red marks into his skin.
Denki's expression softened as he gently kissed your forehead. “It's alright, babe” he said as he continued to rub circles on your back, “Hey, I know just what you need. So- health or mana potion?”
You winced, body still contorted in pain. You had to wait a moment for it to pass, your breathing shaky and uneven. “Both” you whimpered finally, voice barely above a whisper. You needed all the relief you could get tonight.
“On it” Sero drawled in his typical nonchalant manner, pressing a gentle kiss on top of Denki's head followed by one on yours. He hopped off the bed, footsteps barely making a sound against the floor as he moved through the shared home.
In the living room, Sero quickly adjusted the air conditioner, setting it on a low temperature. He wanted to ensure that you and Denki wouldn't overheat if you needed the heating pad later. If there was one thing Sero hated after a long day, it was waking up sticky with sweat- and it sure wasn't going to make your night any easier either,
Moving to the kitchen, Sero opened the fridge door, the soft hum of the cooling system filling the air. He reached in and retrieved a spherical bubbler, its glass cool to the touch. He filled it with chilled water, the liquid cascading down and forming a thin layer of frost on the glass.
He turned his attention to the electric tea kettle, filling it with filtered water from the sink. The sound of rushing water filled the kitchen as he closed the fridge door with a quick motion of his elbow. Balancing the bubbler and the electric tea kettle, Sero carefully made his way back to the shared bedroom. He placed both items on the nightstand next to you, within easy reach.
Denki watched as you tried to move towards the nightstand. But before you could reach your destination, a painful cramp halted you in your tracks. “Whoa, easy there, girlie” he murmured softly, his voice filled with concern. He quickly shifted behind you, wrapping his arms around your abdomen and gently scooting you back between his legs.
The blond focused his quirk to create a soothing current that coursed through your stomach. As the gentle energy flowed, you let out a shaky sigh, pain slowly dulling. It wasn't a complete cure, but the relief was enough to take the edge off, to make the agony more bearable. “Ooh, I love you, Denks” With a grateful sigh, you relaxed against his chest, feeling the warmth he radiated seep into your body. His lips brushed against the side of your neck, the soft lingering kisses sending tingles down your spine.
“See- now you're gonna make me jealous” Sero teased as he placed a tea tray on the nightstand next to the kettle and the bubbler. The wooden tray held three elegant black and gold teacups, an array of different tea bags, and a small jar- everything you'd need for a night like this.
“Be useful, sparky” Sero teased playfully as he dangled the cord of the electric kettle in front of Denki's face. The electric hero snatched the cord between his teeth, his eyes narrowing in feigned annoyance at the jab.
“I was being useful” Denki mumbled around the cord, his words muffled but his the mock indignation in his tone was clear as day. He bit down, letting his quirk flow through the cord, his cheeks puffing out slightly as electricity crackled and buzzed between his lips. The kettle responded instantly, a soft whirring sound filling the room as the water inside began to heat up
Leaning back against Denki's firm chest, you couldn't help but smile at the playful banter between the two men who meant the world to you. You reached up to stroke the buzzing blond's cheek affectionately. “Don't listen to Hanta, love. He’s just riling you up to boil the water quicker” you chuckled.
You turned your gaze toward Sero, giving him a scolding look that was more endearing than intimidating. Denki, meanwhile, maintained his mock glare at him, the corners of his mouth twitching in a barely contained smirk. The kettle's water began to bubble a little quicker, responding to the surge of electricity from his quirk.
Hanta just laughed, his deep voice resonating through the room as he watched your bratty display. “You two are only cuter when you pout” he chuckled, grinding the medical cannabis from the jar.
You tried to remain comfortable, leaning against Denki's supportive body, his hands providing a soothing hum of electricity over your abdomen. Yet, the relentless wave of another cramp hit, wrenching another pained whimper from you as you instantly doubled over at the waist again. His arms tensed around you, trying to provide some comfort, but the pain was beyond intense. The kettle's chime signaled the water had reached its boiling point, and Denki promptly spat out the cord, his face twisted in distaste at the metallic tang that lingered in his mouth. Sero quickly filled the teacups, the steam rising in gentle spirals. Yours was filled with red raspberry leaf tea, a natural remedy for cramps. Meanwhile he sank constant comment into the cups for he and Denki.
With the teacups set aside to allow the tea to steep, Sero turned his attention to the chilled glass, holding it up to you. “Mana potion is up first” he teased, invoking the dorky inside joke- one of many that had become a cherished part of your relationship.
Sero lit the bubbler as you deeply inhaled the smoke carrying the promise of pain relief. Your lungs filled with the herbal remedy. A sense of calm began to spread through your body as the pain-relieving properties of the medical cannabis took effect, bringing a welcome break from the relentless cramps.
Denki's hands lingered over your stomach, his fingers delivering the faintest current, just enough to mimic the sensation of a TENS unit. Each kiss he planted on the nape of your neck and the curve of your shoulder was tinged with a tiny spark. The cannabis amplifying the sensation to a delightful tickle that coaxed giggles from you. You shimmied backwards closer into his embrace, the warmth of his chest providing comfort as the medicinal effects began to ease your pain.
“You too, Denks, don't want you to stress yourself into a seizure” Sero piped up, his concern clear despite the teasing undertone. You ducked down, as he brought the bubbler to Denki's lips. A silent offer of relief for the empathetic hero who had been fretting over your pain all night.
The blond took a deep inhale, but firmly pulled Sero forward, sharing the smoke with him in an instant. As the smoke passed between them, Denki's lips crashed against Sero's in a rough kiss, quirk sending a tingly static shock to Hanta's snakebite piercings. Sero's kiss grew more aggressive as he held onto the smoke, caught between the need to exhale and the desire to keep kissing his boyfriend.
Finally breaking the fiery kiss, Sero leaned back, his hands firmly planted on the mattress to support himself. A smug expression spread across his face, as a thin tendril of smoke escaped his lips into the air between them.
Your eyes followed him as he pulled back from the intense kiss with Denki. “Now I'M the one getting jealous” you teased, only to be interrupted by another wave of pain. Denki responded with tender nuzzles against your shoulder, trying to comfort you through the lingering pain. Sero turned his attention back to the steeped tea. “Here, beautiful, health potion” he said, offering the teacup filled with the raspberry leaf concoction with a wink. A perfect cup of tea for your situation.
Turning to Denki, Sero handed him his own cup of spiced tea, subtly telling him it was his turn to relax as well. “Thanks, I can still taste the brass from the plug” the blonde muttered, his face contorting into a grimace as he stuck his tongue out.
Denki settled back against the soft support of the headboard, the warmth from the spiced tea gently seeping into his tense muscles. His left hand remained protectively curled around your hip, maintaining the comforting electric touch over your stomach.
Sero held his own teacup steady, the amber liquid barely moving as he maneuvered his way into his designated spot next to you. With a gentle stretch of his arm, Sero placed your now-empty teacup onto the bedside table with a quiet clink. Slipping under the soft covers, he found his place next to you and Denki. The three of you finally settled into your usual sleeping arrangement.
With the pain finally subsiding, your voice broke the comfortable silence that had settled over the room. “I'm sorry, guys…. This wasn't how I wanted to spend Valentine's Day night with you” you confessed wearily. Sero wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. Denki, rested his head on the taller hero's shoulder, settling in closer for the night.
“Don't worry about it” Denki yawned with sleepy affection. “Any Valentine's Day I get to see you two is a good one” Sero chimed in, his words carrying the same sentiment. As the weight of the night's events began to lift, you felt your eyes grow heavy, the fatigue finally catching up. With a sense of peace, you drifted off to sleep, cradled between the two people you loved most in the world.
And, really, is there any better ending to Valentine's Day than that?
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Author's Note: Struggled with describing the scene I saw in my head, sorry it didn't come out quite the way I wanted ^^; I just really like the comfortable rhythm that comes with being in a committed relationship for awhile.
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Tags: @neon-gothicc @dcsiremc @bakubunny
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bakubunny · 4 months
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it was late on a saturday night, stars bright in the sky as you sat next to him in his apartment balcony.
“denks, do you ever want to pack a bag and leave?” you took another swig of beer.
denki laughed. “like skip town?”
he was quiet for a moment. “yeah. i do…. every once in a while i wonder what it would be like. why?”
“i don’t know…. i’m happy here, i just…i think it would be nice to start over sometimes, no strings attached. build a new life,” you said.
while he knew that could have been a mere lofty dream, denki knew what others didn’t. somehow, in the last five years, he’d gained that privilege.
that was exactly how you’d landed in musutafu at kirishima’s agency, resume in hand with a smile. you fit right in to the team as their office assistant, and fairly seamlessly, too. denki struck up a conversation with you early on that wasn’t painfully awkward, and you’d been fast friends ever since.
“not gonna run away on me, are you?” denki futzed with the bottle cap in his hand.
you grinned. “eh… probably not.”
“what do you mean?” his stomach twisted.
“i mean i probably won’t leave,” you replied, laughter on your lips.
denki sat with you in silence as he wondered if you’d said that last time. if you’d had this same conversation with someone he’d never meet.
“promise?” he held out his hand, pinky waggling in the air as he smiled.
the distant look in your grin softened. “denki….”
“c’mon, you don’t even know what you’re promising to yet!” he replied.
you sighed. “what is it then?”
“take me with you,” he said softly. “if you wanna leave, take me with you.”
your chest tightened as you looked away. “denki, i…”
large, warm fingers reached for your face and pulled you in. denki’s lips met yours, soft and tender. he stroked your cheek.
“i care about you too much to let you go,” he said.
“really?” your eyes stung at his statement.
“yeah. don’t know what i’d do without you."
your hands shook. “you’d be just fine. don’t-”
denki cut you off with another kiss, more urgent this time. “i wouldn’t. i meant what i said.”
he held out his hand again, fingers brushing against yours. “promise?”
you wrapped your pinky around his. “promise.”
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song inspiration: one two
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yutxsgf · 10 months
Kirishima fucks up and Bakugou and Kaminari are there to sweep up the mess and fix you out of your feels.
Cw; fluff, Café worker au, light hurt/comfort.
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You and Kirishima had been friends throughout middle school, and it stayed that way. The light and happy feeling of being with your best friend. The soft smiles and the silly laughs, it felt great. Heavenly even. That was how it was.
Until you introduced them.
"Hey, I'm Mina Ashido! I've seen you around before, haven't I?" She said with a bright smile before sticking her hand out to the blank spikey haired boy.
Kirishima froze before clearing his throat and rubbing the back of his neck with a smile, "O–Oh, yeah! Nice to meet you, I'm Eijiro Kirishima." He replied with a sheepish grin.
You watched silently at the greeting, smiling at the smooth greeting, it seemed pretty nice. You were somewhat excited, you were thinking of being the awesome trio at Mustafa Private Middle School.
But that wasn't the case. Not at all. You never expected to be the one left out on hangouts let alone left behind. You never thought you'd be the one to feel that prickling pang of jealousy and pain as you watched your bestfriend and your other friend laugh and share a popcorn bucket at the movies. You were stuck on the end side as both of them sat by eachother, laughing and giggling at the movie loud enough for several people to give them dirty looks.
It wasn't as fun when you were on the butt end of it, was it?
This went on and on, and each time, you felt little bits and pieces of your enjoyment that was there before, shatter and fly away. It hurt, so bad, more than anyone could imagine. And it didn't help that you liked your bestfriend too.
You sighed before getting up off of the round, metal Café chair and grabbing your belongings. You had been mulling and thinking too much. People had offered you several little snacks when they caught you shedding a couple tears, which made you feign a smile. But the thankfulness and prick of gratefulness didn't last forever, which is why you decided it was better to just sulk at home and not embarass yourself.
You were about to ditch the Café before you heard someone yell. You whipped your head back at the voice, which was apparently the Café counter.
"Hey, you." A blonde guy called out with both palms on the counter as he looked at you. You glanced around before pointing at yourself and slightly tilting your head.
The worker nodded and grinned, "Yeah, you, c'mere." He motioned for you to come closer before dipping behind the small glass panel that slightly hid the drink he pulled out from behind it.
You slowly walked closer, clearly confused on why you were called out. Maybe it was because you stayed too long. You really didn't hope so, you were definitely in no mood to get an earful.
"On the house, hate seein' pretty people like you sob in here." The blonde said before sliding a [Favorite drink] to you with thin caramel lining that made up a small happy face.
You stared at him for a brief minute before pursing your lips, trying to decide if this was worth your smile right now or not. If you could even muster up one.
But, after a couple seconds, your body decided for your as a warm smile tugged at your lips causing an instant reaction from the blonde boy as his grin got wider.
"I– T.. Thank you." You said softly, taking the drink and pulling it closer before taking a sip and immediately feeling a tad better than you had before.
He tipped his little worker visor before flashing his amber eyes down at you with a soft smirk. "The names Kaminari. Denki Kaminari." He said softly.
You chuckled quietly, "[L/N], [F/N] [L/N]." Kaminari perked up before snatching an order paper and grabbing a pen from the table and writing down his number.
He slid it against the table towards you with a soft grin, "Use it however you please." He mumbled softly before making soft eye contact with you.
"Dunce face, God damn it! You better not be flirting with another customer again." A voice boomed from the back before a loud slam was heard. Everyone, including you and Kaminari whipped their heads over to whatever made that noise.
Another worker came from behind the wall before his eyes instinctively met the front of the counter, soon finding their way up to your slightly flushed, puffy face and just as puffy eyes.
He sucked his teeth before dipping back behind the wall and coming out with a duck themed sugar cookie and sliding it across the counter before stopping right in front of you.
"Damn Bakugou, didn't expect you to be the–" The darker blonde was quickly cut off with a cough as the other worker shoved an elbow into his abdomen, effectively shutting him up.
"Don't be goin' to a Café just to mope around n' not buy anything. That's just bs." The ash-blonde mumbled the last part before going back behind the wall with his hands shoved in his Café designed apron.
Your eyes followed him until he was no longer in sight, you were clearly slightly baffled with the mixed signals. Your attention was quickly snagged away from the ash-blonde to the Darker blonde that was clutching onto his stomach.
"Don't mind him, he's always like that." He wheezed out, giving his best attempt at a grin as he stared at you for a moment.
You chuckled for a moment before clearing your throat and straightening up as your expression took one of worry and concern, "Are– Are you.. alright?"
"Don't worry, 'm fine– He always does this." He spoke before coughing and straightening up. He cleared his throat before smiling warmly. "What I think Bakugou over there was tryna say is, don't be upset, everything's gonna turn out fine. Well, whatever youre goin' through will be." He shrugged with a hum sounding like the words 'I don't know.'
You smiled softly before nodding, "If that's the case, send him my thanks." You gave a farewell nod before turning around and making your way towards the Café doors.
"Will do." Was the last thing you heard before the small bell at the top of the double glass doors rang. You felt lighter than before, a little out of the dumps. You glanced down at the drink and little snack with a soft smile before taking a sip.
Maybe today wasn't going to be as bad.
And from that day on, you became a regular, always going back to that same Café to see those very blondes. At one point, they began to memorize your favorite drinks almost by heart just by simple glance at your expression.
You'd always pick the table closest to the counter so they'd always have the chance to start up small talk at times, and Kaminari took all the chances he could get.
Bakugou on the other hand, acted as if he didn't want you there which would normally hurt– if he didn't occasionally sneak you a couple cookies and small cups of whip cream.
"So how is our lovely regular doing today?" Kaminari asked with a soft grin as his chin resting in the palm of his hand for support atop the soft beige marble counter.
"I'm doing okay." You replied, making your way to the blonde as your other favorite blonde walked around behind Kaminari while making drinks for the other stray customers.
"Glad to hear." He beamed you a closed eye grin before spinning on his heel and making his way over to the drink station. Presumably to make your drink.
"Whaddya think you're doing, idiot. Go talk to them, I'm making the damn drink already." A harsh whisper was heard from Bakugou as his hands quickly worked at what looked to be a latte.
Kaminari silently mocked him before rolling his eyes and walking back to you. His expression shifted to one of softness as he saw you glancing up at their temporary sanrio menu.
"Thinkin' of buying one of those chibbi thingies from our menu today?" He asked, placing both of his palms on the edges of the counter as he leaned forward ever so slightly.
You pursed your lips in thoughts before smiling softly and nodding, "Yeah, can I get a... [Favorite sanrio character] themed bubble tea? Along with a [F/S/C] sugar cookie?"
"Coming right up beautiful." He responded with a wink before dipping in slightly behind the wall and shouting your order to Bakugou. Whom responded with a very vocal, "Don't yell at me, damn extra!"
You chuckled before glancing behind you at the sound of the little bell ringing as people entered. You were always a nosey one.
And then, your heart dropped.
You watched in slight horror and both Kirishima and Mina walked inside the Café arm in arm with cheerful smiles. You practically froze in place as you slowly turned your head towards the counter, praying to every deity there was that they wouldn't recognize the back of your head.
"Woah, what's wrong with you?" Kaminari questioned, cocking a brow as he stared at you with your sugar cookie in hand. His expression started to lace with concern as you remained silent and frozen.
"[L/N]–" You quickly shut him up before he could finish calling out your name by sending him a death glare that could send a small shiver down Bakugou's spine.
Kaminari quickly stayed silent before hesitantly glancing behind you to welcome the new customers before he too, froze in place.
He laughed nervously before pursing his lips, "Oh– Uh, hey! Your shift started 5 minutes ago [False name], come on." He ushered you over to the little gate stiffly, and you quickly complied.
You quickly, yet semi cautiously made your way over to the gate before pushing your body into it as it allowed you inside. You booked it behind the wall that always hid the rest of the small storage area only to be met face first into a thick pole.
"What the hell?! The fuck're you doin' back here? And watch where you're going!"
You glanced up at said pole that had two drinks up in the air as he beamed you a confused scowl. You quickly backed up before placing a hand over his mouth and glancing behind you where Kaminari stiffly took the pair's order.
Bakugou stayed still for a moment before placing both drinks on a nearby counter and grabbing your wrist. "What the fuck is going on." He said in a harsh whisper.
"The– Youknowthosepeopleitoldyouaboutthatleftmeforeachotherafteriintroducedthem?yeahwelltheyrehereandkaminarihel–"
"God damn it– Slow down idiot!" Bakugou said as he covered your mouth with his hand. He sucked his teeth before slowly retracting his hand from your mouth.
You remained silent for a moment before taking a calming breath and looking up at him, "Remember when I came in here crying?"
"Yeah, you looked like a fuckin' pimple with all that puffiness." He teased with a grin before clearing his throat and allowing you to continue.
You gave him a sharp look before huffing and continuing, "Well that reason why I was crying is here and talking to Kaminari."
Bakugou thought for a moment before pursing his lips in hesitancy. His expression of thought quickly turned into a narrow one as he shoved you out of the way and left from behind the wall.
You watched in terror as Kaminari tried to hold Bakugou back from blowing the whole counter along with Kirishima and Mina away. If this was a clean show, all you'd be hearing was that annoying beep.
"Bakugou– C'mon bro, fuck! Calm down!" Kaminari shouted, holding Bakugou by his the crooks of his neck as the ash-blonde's hands started sparking and popping. All you could hear was loud, violent I'll kill yous and Bastards along with streams of something that sounded like it could come out of Satan's mouth himself.
"Bakugou.." You said under your breath, walking slightly towards the chaos behind the counter. Both blonde's heads whipped towards your direction and froze.
What you didn't know, was that you walked a bit too far and you were now in view for both Mina and Kirishima to spot you and also freeze.
By now, all customers either began recording or scrambled away as far as they could from the very lively Café. But that was the least of your worries the moment you heard his voice.
Your head whipped towards the voice with an expression that could break a man's pride. And well, it did. Throughout all Bakugou's stream of curses, all you could hear was Kirishima's small curses about how crazy your blondes were.
You stared at him as if he were crazy, insane, an outcast, like he didn't belong, like you didn't know who he was, like you disgusted by him, like you hated him. At this point, you could care less about the terrified Mina behind him, the only thing that went through your mind was the betrayal and the fact Bakugou lashed out on someone on his shift. For you.
"Get out."
"Get out."
"Get. OUT."
All eyes and phone cameras were on you now, your shout having gained the attention from everyone. You pointed towards the double glass doors and sent him a glare of despair and hatred.
Kirishima recoiled at your sudden volume before Mina stepped in front of him and looked at you with confusion and sorrow. "[Nickname], what's going on with you..?"
You ground your teeth within your mouth briefly before turning away from her and walking behind the wall again. All you could hear afterwards was Kirishima beginning to call your name before getting stopped by a loud slam on the counter and a loud "Get the fuck out."
You sat quietly on a chair in the corner as you stared blankly at the wall infront of you. You counted atleast 104 cracks in the wall and about 3 faded ash marks on that very same chunk of wall.
You flinched at the sound of your name before instantly calming down at the sight of Kaminari and Bakugou standing by you.
"Are you– Are you okay?" Kaminari said softly, coming closer to you and placing a warm hand on your shoulder as his eyebrows furrowed with concern.
Bakugou came closer before shoving his hands in his pocket and leaning against the wall in front of you with a soft scowl. "If you're worried about those bastards, I scared 'em off 5 minutes ago. Damn extras are so damn persistent."
You chuckled softly for a second at his last remark before clearing your throat and glancing up at both Kaminari and Bakugou. You slowly nodded before sighing, "Yeah.. Yeah, I'm okay. But, I just– I just wanna thank you both for what you did back there.. Helping me and stuff.. Just– Thank you. I really appreciated it."
"Don't be getting all sappy on me now, [Name]." Kaminari teased before ruffling your hair and grinning softly at you. "Plus, it was the least we could do for our favorite customer. Don't tell Amari I said that, she always tips me an extra five bucks whenever she comes here."
You laughed for a moment before smiling softly at both of them, "Noted." You let out another content sigh, feeling lighter than you did during the scenes of drama.
"Tch. Whatever, they deserved it. Wasn't like I was doin' it for you anyway, I got a lotta pent up rage dealing with those damn complaintent customers." Bakugou scoffed before turning his head away to look off to the side. "N' don't worry bout the Café cause I know damn well you will. Our manager will deal with the shit that comes with our mishap."
You couldn't help your smile as it widened at Bakugou's choice of words. After becoming a regular and always speaking with the two, you've come to learn what Bakugou truly means with his words. And this one meant, you're welcome and it's okay.
You stood up slowly before turning towards Kaminari and standing in front of him, just keeping eye contact before wrapping him up in a tight hug.
He grunted quietly in shock before grinning and instantly wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. "God, I thought I'd never be able to do this." He whispered.
After a couple moments of content, you slowly pulled away and grinned at Bakugou, who was scowling harder than he was earlier.
You laughed before leaping forward and wrapping your arms around Bakugou's neck in a warm, happy hug. Bakugou grunted as well, a little louder than Kaminari before scoffing and hugging you back tighter with his arms around your waist.
"You're welcome nerd." He whispered in your ear as he leaned his head towards the crook in your neck.
Kaminari stood there with his hands on his hips, giving Bakugou an I-know-you-feel-it-too look before straightening up and clearing his throat as Bakugou glared at him.
You and Bakugou had a little bit of a longer moment as you both hugged in silence before you pulled away. He took the chance to ruffle your hair before shoving his hands in his pocket and leaning back against the wall.
"So.. whose up for a festival night?" You ask with a soft grin.
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star1ight0 · 3 months
Denki Kaminari × Reader "Rough night"
I've suffered with night terrors for a long while so I hope this is something that can help you if it applies<3
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It was a rather gloomy night in the UA dorms, training had seemed extra hard and your body felt weak. Taking a long shower swaring up and down to your boyfriend you wouldn't pass out, luckily you didn't, in fact you felt a lot better. Still shitty just a little less so now that you feel clean. Despite how Denki acted around his classmates he was a pretty caring person, still extremely hyper but caring nonetheless.
You made it a point not to tell Denki about your rather frequent nightmares but on night when it was particularly bad you'd go over to his dorm and play videogames and cuddle playing it off as insomnia, which was technically true. Leaving out the fact the reason you were scared to sleep or flat out couldn't was because of your mind.
This night in particular it was extra hard to get to sleep, but you knew Denki would already be asleep. You tried to push through eventually falling asleep, only to be awaken clenching your chest and hyperventilating. You pick up your phone clicking on your boyfriends contact, it rang and rang and just as you were about to hang up you hear static before Denki answer "Sparks?? What's up.. it's like 4am" he says still groggy, you can practically hear his eyes being heald open "Can I come over, I can't sleep" you say attempting too hide the panic instilled into your voice. There is a few seconds of silence before you hear him shifting around. "You know, if something is actually bothering you you can talk to me Sparks" he says pausing for a moment before taking a deep breath "I know you well enough to know this isn't just insomnia. I can hear the shakiness in your voice"
You can now hear him moving around seemingly walking around his room perhaps? Thinking of an excuse in your head you hear a knock at the door. "Denki Kaminari you better not be outside my door" You say pulling your body out of bed and opening the door. "Damn you managed to make looking sad and tired so fucking cute" he says grabbing your hand and pulling you to your bed makinig you lay down. As you move around getting comfortable you feel Denki wrap his hands around your waist.
"I'm not gonna make you talk but you are going to get a good night's rest" he says pulling you further into him. After about 30 minutes of cuddling and mindless talking Denki fell asleep, as did you not long after. However peace only lasts so long in the void that is your mind.
The dream that has decided to burden your sleep was that of your boyfriend, tied up and being tortured by some villain. Despite your best efforts you were nothing but a shadow whose streams could not be heard.
"Denki!" You gasp sitting up holding your chest and looking around. You feel a hand on yours, "Sparks..it's late why are you-" you stops mid sentence getting a better look at you. He sees the worried look that seems to be covering your otherwise cheerful smiles "Hey, it's okay your okay" he says rubbing his hands up and down your back. You lean back against your bed placing your head on Denki's shoulder you can feel the tears on your face as you cling to your boyfriend feeling his hands wipe your tears away. "Is this what you were hiding from me? Sparks, nightmares are nothing to be ashamed of. "
You told Denki more about the nightmares later that day and he helped you find ways to cope and rationalize your dreams making sleepless nights less common. With the occasional one here and there Denki was there to talk you out your fears, be it on the phone or a late night cuddle session.
The boy may be a huge flirt but he knows how to make it count. Finding ways to pull you from your darkness and into the light of his corny pick up lines.
Request are open!
This one was kinda messy I've been off and on writing it all day, exams are killing me
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dira333 · 9 months
Chocolate Orange(s)
For @alienaiver
A/N: Honestly, I am very proud of this work and I realized I write best if I know my character/my Y/N. Not sure how that will translate into future requests but have fun with this one. Inspired by only having apple and orange juice at a party (and I hate both of those)
Loosely connected to this amazing fic
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“Apple and orange juice are the vanilla and chocolate of ice cream flavors.” You argue and watch with satisfaction as Denki’s jaw drops.
“That doesn’t make any sense.” Hanta starts to argue but Denki doesn’t let him finish.
“You are so right! But what’s strawberry? I mean, what’s strawberry ice cream as juice? Is it grape juice?”
“Could be. But I think that’s more based on where you live, right?”
“Isn’t the most important question which is apple and which is orange?” Hitoshi asks, coming back from the counter with your drinks. He presses a kiss to your temple and Hanta groans across the table.
“Have some mercy. Some people are single!”
“Not our fault you’re too chicken to ask out the cute girl at the bar.” Denki chirps and turns back to you. “Apple is chocolate, right?”
“No way. Apple is vanilla. Orange is chocolate. You can tell by the fact that there is literally orange-flavored chocolate but have you ever seen apple-flavored chocolate?”
“Yeah, but there’s no apple-flavored vanilla either and I love everything that tastes like apple so apple’s gotta be chocolate.”
You’re still thinking about a counterargument, enraged by the smug smirk Denki’s now showcasing when he realizes you have nothing against him but your own taste, when Hitoshi chips in again.
“Orange is chocolate. You know why? Chocolate helps with iron deficiency because it contains iron, even more than spinach if you eat the dark variety. And to properly absorb iron you need Vitamin C, which an orange contains way more than apples do. Your taste has nothing to do with the fact that oranges and chocolate go together.”
Denki’s jaw goes slack once again. “How do you know that shit?” He asks in disbelief while you press your face against your boyfriend's shoulder, flustered by the meaning behind his words.
“Drink your orange juice, baby.” He tells you softly and you nod into his jacket, still too overwhelmed to talk.
On the other side of the table, Kyoka takes her seat next to Denki and gets filled into the argument immediately, snorting when Denki questions yet again how Hitoshi is so knowledgeable.
“Did you forget about the iron deficiency already, dumbass?” Kyoka asks, managing to make the insult sound like a pet name. 
“Oh right!” Denki sounds so proud you can’t help but giggle, finally able to show your face again, though your hand is now curled around Hitoshi’s which in turn is a comforting weight on your thigh. 
“That’s why you’re eating chocolate ice cream with orange juice. I just thought you got awful taste.” 
Kyoka sighs, Hitoshi snorts and Hanta gets up, a look of determination on his face that tells you he stopped listening ages ago.
“Where’s he going?” Kyoka asks, watching Hanta go.
“Probably asking out the girl at the ice cream bar?” And just like that, the conversation has switched again, Denki already trying to get all of you to bet on Hanta’s success rate.
“Babe, I’m home.” 
There’s no response to his call and Hitoshi struggles for a moment, two full grocery bags in one hand, his utility bag in the other, and that fiddly door lock that seems to have it out for him.
Instead of you greeting him, the sassier one of your cats decides to run between his legs, trying to trip him with his hands full. He can only thank his agility training back at school that he doesn’t drop anything but he still curses a little.
“Babe?” He calls out again when he makes it to the kitchen counter, dropping the bags and bending over to scratch the little pest behind the ear, earning himself a purr.
“Living room.” He hears then, “Sorry, I fell asleep. Sushi is on my lap.”
“Do you want ice cream? They got the dark chocolate variety.”
“Oh, gimme!” There’s a short break. “But we should have dinner first.”
“You can have a lil snack while I start on dinner. Just leave some room, I got this new recipe I wanna try.”
He pulls out a bowl and spoons ice into it before dropping the box in the freezer. There’s still some sprinkles left over from your last attempt at cake decorating and he tries sprinkling the ice decoratively for a second before he realizes that that’s not going to work like he wants it to.
When he presents his creation to you, you laugh out in surprise, his favorite sound in the world, only topped by the snort you make when he says something sarcasting under his breath.
“What’s that?” You ask, eyeing the explosion of sprinkles and the birthday candle he put in the middle to save it.
“Chef’s desert. Specialty of the house.”
“Oh, what a treat.” You grin up at him and blow out the candle with your eyes closed.
“Did you make a wish?” He asks, knowing full well you did.
“Can’t tell you. Else it won’t come true.”
He hums as if deep in thought before bringing out a glass of orange juice from behind his back. “Don’t forget to drink enough.”
“And my wish came true.” You pucker your lips to ask for a kiss and he leans down, reveling in the taste of chocolate, stealing a lone sprinkle that had stuck to your lip.
“This sucks.” You say when you walk out of the building, holding onto Hitoshi for support.
“Sorry that you had to come with today. I didn’t know it would take so long.”
“Don’t apologize. And I know it’s not fun to get yet another diagnose but at least now we know what’s wrong, right?”
“Yeah, but iron deficiency? That’s so lame.”
“Doesn’t feel lame to me. Now, what treat do you want?”
You huff. “Seriously? All these tests took so long, I just wanna get home.”
“Oh.” He nods slowly and you can’t tell if he’s disappointed or just thinking about something.
“Are you up for Karaoke tonight? I mean after you got some rest? Tsuyu bothered Izuku into taking a break again and wants to celebrate that with a little get together.”
“When did that come up?”
“It’s been going through the group chat. You just didn’t look on your phone today. It’s at that one spot that has the comfortable chairs, I made sure of that.”
A surge of warmth goes through you at his comment, made in passing like so many before that. Hitoshi has always been attentive, way before you started dating or even flirting, but every tidbit he learns about your chronic pain he has memorized, looking out for you in ways you still can’t fully grasp.
“I don’t know if I’ll have the energy to sing but I will try to come.”
“Only if you feel up to it.” He ensures, moving to open the car door for you. “But it wouldn’t be fun without you.”
You’re still flustered when he gets into the driver's seat, phone in hand.
“We drive by that ice cream shop you like. Sure we can’t pick up a treat? I’m kinda craving ice cream right now.”
“You’re never craving ice cream.” You tell him, pushing his shoulder a little. “You always let me finish yours.”
“So two cups of chocolate ice cream?” He asks, finger moving already over website, picking out the treats.
“Can we get sprinkles?” You ask and he smiles.
“Two cups of chocolate ice cream with orange sprinkles, coming right up.”
“Don’t be too obvious, but that guy two tables over is totally a villain mastermind and plotting to take over the world.” Hitoshi whispers and you flinch in surprise, almost flinging your glass of orange juice off the table.
He snorts, catching the glass before it topples over. “That’s your not too obvious? Impressive.”
You turn slowly to look but the guy seems normal enough.
“Are you sure? Should we alert the heroes?”
When you turn, Hitoshi’s shoulders are shaking with laughter.
“Sorry. You looked so tense there, fiddling with your napkin, I wanted to lighten the mood and you took it literally.”
“I’m sorry I’m nervous on my first date.” You snap back playfully and he flushes, revealing his own nerves.
“I wanted to say we can just pretend that’s not a date if you’re not comfortable.” He coughs out and you fling yourself forward immediately, juice glass wobbling dangerously again as you take hold of his hand.
“No.” You say, determined, “I really want this to be a date.”
He flushes an even deeper red and swallows thickly.
“Okay, well, I…” He takes a breath before turning back to his playful self, pulling you along with thim.
“Look again. No normal person would order something like that.” 
You turn again, snorting when you spot it.
“Let people enjoy their food unjudged, will you?”
“Oh, I am judging. That’s a perfect chocolate cake he’s ruining by putting ketchup on it!”
Hours later when the bus spits you out in front of your apartment building your both tired and giggly, high on adrenaline and feelings, arms linked and fingers crossed.
It could feel like a normal hangout, like a normal friday night spent with your best friend. But this isn’t a normal hangout and even though he can’t say who confessed first, through a touch, a deed, a smile, a look, he’s glad you’re finally at this point.
If only he could enjoy this without nervousness bubbling in his stomach like he drank a gallon of coke on a bag of mentos. 
“Hitoshi.” You stop walking, pulling him back effectively, “You’re walking past my place.”
“Oh.” He stops, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand.
He could have walked five more blocks if it meant to hold your hand longer but he’s glad he got the time he got.
But what now? Does he kiss you? Is he allowed to? His eyes flick to your lips and you notice, blood rushing to his face immediately. 
“Fuck.” He curses. “Sorry, I forgot… I forgot I got you something. Wait a second.” 
He pulls back his hand, hating the feeling of not touching you anymore, and swings his backpack to the front to pull a little box out of it.
He wrapped it in kitten paper because that’s the only thing Aizawa had at home - go figure - and he snorts when you carefully lift the edges of his messy work, as if there’s any hope of saving that paper.
He can see your confusion when you reveal the box of chocolate oranges and he licks his lips, his mentos-coke-mix-feelings bubbling ferociously in his stomach.
He’s gotta come clear now. There’s no way back.
“I… I know they’re cheap but there’s some story behind it, trust me… Like, ever since I’ve known you, you’re addicted to chocolate and you drink loads of orange juice, to the point we joked you’re blood must taste like chocolate or orange or both now, right?”
You nod and he knows he’s rambling but it feels like some latch inside him slipped and he can’t stop talking now that he’s started, the words spilling out of him.
“And some time ago I realized that you have really nice lips. Like,” He makes a noise that sounded less weird in his head and you giggle, the sound fueling his rambling, “But that’s not something you tell your best friend. But at the corner store, they had these Chocolate Oranges and I walked past them after patrol and I saw them and thought, this is what kissing you must taste like. I’ve bought them before I could stop myself, ate one on the way home, and freaked out about it only to eat one the next day and the next day and… I guess the store has figured out there’s a new need for those oranges and they’ve got a whole display of them now. I’m probably going to get diabetes or something and I just… if this is weird, you can tell me-”
Your lips cut him off, softer than he had imagined, warmer than he had dreamed.
His eyes flicker shut on their own and he realizes, like one does with a truth they had known all along, that Chocolate Oranges could never compare to you.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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-How Class IA Would Comfort Your Phobias-
100 Followers Event: 16/31
(Characters Included- Uraraka & Deku, Kirishima & Denki)
This is platonic for these headcannons.
(Warning: includes Arachnophobia and Nyctophobia)
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🍡Uraraka & Midoriya🥦
(You have Arachnophobia [phobia of spiders])
- They found out about your phobia of spiders when you felt a spider crawl across your hand you started freaking out.
- Uraraka thinks it’s cute and she sometimes teases you about it but she never goes too far with teasing you.
- Midoriya tries to find ways to comfort you just in case you get too freaked out and he writes it down so he doesn’t forget. He also shares with the others what he wrote down so that they know how to comfort you (unless you don’t want anyone to know about your phobia then he won’t say anything)
- As your friends they both try to help you with your phobia. They help you work up the courage to expose yourself to your fears.
🪨Kirishima & Denki⚡️
(You have Nyctophobia [phobia of the dark])
- They found out when they were pulling a prank on you. The prank was them turning off the lights while you were in the shower. They were laughing at first when you were screaming but their laughter died out when they heard you hyperventilating and crying.
- They felt really bad after that incident, they apologized a lot. Even when you said that you forgive them, they still apologized.
- If there is ever a power outage in the dorms or your house they would be the first ones there to help you.
- One of them will stay with you while the other is getting snacks, drinks, their blankets and some flashlights. They both will even sleep over if you want.
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In the Masterlist there’s a link to make requests
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mirkoluvs · 1 year
characters: midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, denki
genre: fluff, crack, somewhat comfort !!
notes: sorry i haven’t posted in a really long time 😭 i’ve been busy! anyway enjoy this smau, i’ve really been wanting to do more of these! also, i’ll get to requests soon! <3
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© mirkoluvs. please do not copy, modify, or repost on other platforms. thank you !!
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
Their SO Comforts Them - BNHA
Katsuki Bakugou:
I think that, even in a relationship, Katsuki would really struggle to open up about his problems, especially to you. He wants to be your hero and therefore, he can't have any weaknesses. But you want to be the person he can rely on and he doesn't quite get that yet…
~ Katsuki stormed into his dorm room, slamming the door behind him which caused him to flinch, reaching up to his neck to yank at the tie he was forced to wear. ~ Family dinners were the worst. He and his mom would fight, his dad would try to get involved only to get screamed at to butt out. Everything would just wind up loud. ~ Especially when quirks got mixed in. ~ When he got mad, he would use his quirk instinctively, then it would get worse when his dad joined in and his mom's shouting. ~ Altogether, things would be loud. His ears would be ringing from the decibels of his and his father's explosions and every noise after that seemed amplified. ~ The train ride back to UA was dreadful, the speaker overhead calling stops, the bustle of the station and the constant clacking of the wheels on the rails. He just wanted some quiet. ~ Which is probably why he got upset when you knocked at his door, flinging it open and barking, "What!" ~ You're used to this, I mean it's Katsuki, but something seemed off. "What happened?" You asked, he shrugged and went back to getting changed into something more comfortable, throwing his clothes aggressively into the hamper. ~ Letting out a quiet giggle, you sat by him on his bed and took his hand, "That bad huh?" ~ Katsuki appreciated your company, but he didn't want to complain at you, instead he pulled you down as he lay on his side, his arms wrapped around you from the back, his face in your neck and your hand reaching back to run your fingers through his hair. ~ And that was how you stayed for the rest of the night, but as you were drifting off, you could've sworn you heard a whisper. ~ "Thank you."
Izuku Midoriya:
I think that even though he's a bit of a crybaby for the first year he's in UA, he grows past that as he gets more serious about his upcoming career, but the one time he would need comforting, is when you get severely hurt.
~ Izuku ran to the infirmary, 'The one time, the one time you weren't there to look out for them and they get this badly hurt.' He thought to himself. ~ Now he knows you can take care of yourself, against almost anything. But today you guys were in different sections of the USJ, taking on the parts you hadn't done before, you had chosen the landslide zone. ~ You were paired with Iida, who had tried his hardest to get you out from under the debris before it crashed but he just wasn't fast enough. ~ When Izuku found out, he had hardly heard what was said, he knew you had been in an accident in training and you were in the infirmary, but now he wished he had stayed to find out how bad it was. ~ Crashing through the door of the infirmary, sweating and out of breath, he saw you lying in bed, tired but conscious with a few bruises and scratches. Nothing too bad. ~ Seeing that you were okay, he collapsed to his knees by your bed. ~ "Zuku?!" You cried, worried about him, obviously. You grabbed his shoulders and pulled him to lie next to you in the infirmary bed. ~ He lay against you, trying his hardest to keep most of his weight off of your injuries, but he had his head on your chest as you stroke his hair, the comfort of your heart beating and your soothing voice telling him that everything was alright was helping him massively. ~ He hadn't noticed that he had begun to cry. ~ "Izuku! Don't cry," You fretted, "Look at me, I'm fine, see?" You kept fussing over him, leaving him to chuckle at your concern. ~ "I'm supposed to be taking care of you, not the other way around."
Shoto Todoroki:
Obviously Shoto has a lot of problems at home and because of them he wasn't allowed any kind of familial affection in case it 'messed up his training'… Freakin' Endeavour… But I think that because of that, Shoto would be hugely touch starved but so unused to affection, he doesn't know what to do when it's bestowed upon him by you, wonderful person!
~ Shoto didn't know what he was doing here, I mean, you had only started dating recently, but he felt like he needed to see you. ~ His father had pushed it too far today, his entire torso ached, he was covered with bruises that he was lucky his clothes covered, except for the busted lip he acquired when he tried to argue back. ~ That's what led to him to being stood outside your house, his fist lifted to knock, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. ~ 'What if they get mad at me for coming all this way for no reason? What if they're not home? What if-' ~ His thoughts were cut off when he heard his name called from behind him, he turned to see you walking towards the door with a bag of groceries. ~ You had a big smile on your face, but it instantly faded when you saw your boyfriend's lip. ~ Shoto saw you'd noticed, but ducked his head down. ~ "Shoto, what happened?" You panicked, opening the front door and pulling him by the hand, leading him into the kitchen. You left the groceries on a table and sat your boyfriend down. ~ You began to bustle around, looking for the first aid kit your parents kept and some ice. In the meantime, Shoto occupied himself, playing with his fingers, his thoughts once again racing. ~ 'They're going to hate me. I've caused them trouble. They're going to break up with me.' ~ As his thoughts got worse, he hadn't noticed the tears filling his eyes and spilling down his cheeks. ~ But you did. ~ You lifted his cheek, a soft smile on your face as you wiped his tears away, being careful not to hurt him. ~ He wasn't used to this, he hadn't felt anyone touch him so gently since his mother was still at home. That thought made the tears keep falling. ~ Realising he seemed to have opened a floodgate, you took his hands and wrapped them around you, holding him close as he muffled his cries in your shoulder. ~ It took him a while to calm down and for the most part he was silent, except for the same phrase he kept repeating. ~ "Thank you… for staying."
Eijiro Kirishima:
Eijiro's was more difficult for me to think up, but I think I have a decent idea… Eijiro felt the lowest right before he joined UA, he felt scared and weak and didn't feel comfortable in his quirk. I feel like the biggest point he would need comfort, would be when he is feeling this way again.
~ Eijiro was so happy, he had spent the Saturday out on a date with you, the two of you had gone to the arcade, the mall, out for lunch and then went back to his dorm room to watch a few movies. ~ He always felt the most at ease when he's around you, but that night, after the two of you had fallen asleep during one of the movies, Eijiro felt that ease slip away. ~ He'd fallen asleep with one arm around your waist, your head on his chest, but subconsciously his arm started to tighten. His eyebrows furrowed and he grew more and more upset until he bolted upright in bed, accidentally bringing you with him. ~ Waking up a bit abruptly, you looked up at your boyfriend to see what had happened, but he was clutching fistfuls of his hair and breathing heavily, looking frantically for something until he found it. ~ You. ~ He scooped you up in his lap, crying streams that you could feel dripping onto your back as you tried to soothe him. ~ "I thought-" His words kept getting cut off by his panicked breathing, "I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to!" He kept repeating. ~ Once he had calmed down, his sobbing had lessened into hiccups, you asked him what had happened. ~ He told you he'd had a bad dream, that you were taken from him, he went to save you and he won, but when he was holding you close, relieved that you were alright- ~ "My quirk activated on it's own… I hurt you…" ~ He was so upset, but you tried to reassure him. ~ You took his hands and traced them down different parts of you, your face, your arms, your legs. Constantly whispering that you were fine. ~ "I feel safest when I'm with you." You told him, snuggling into the bed and holding your arms out for him to lean into, he did as you set up another movie. ~ "I love you so much pebble."
Denki Kaminari:
Yay! My baby! So I love Denki, so this was fairly easy to daydream about. I picture Denki getting home or back to his dorm room absolutely drained by the school day. I think he is secretly really insecure about school and his grades and that sometimes, he doesn't like being the funny guy, the guy people can laugh at and he won't say anything…
Note: I mention Denki having an Attention Disorder and learning difficulties.
~ School had always been rough for Denki, he did okay in middle school but with the added classes for the hero course, he couldn't keep up, he had some of the lowest grades in the class and he struggled to understand when he was taught by Bakugou… ~ Sighing as he made his way to his partner's dorm room, he rubbed the back of his neck thinking about the last few hours. ~ The day started out great, before he lived in the dorms he hated waking up for school every day, like, yeah he could see you but there was something missing. That thing was seeing you with bedhead and wearing his shirt as pyjamas. Yeah that was definitely it. ~ After breakfast, they got to homeroom, he sat at his desk and you sat on top of it, he would show you some memes he'd found in the ten minutes you'd been away getting ready. He just loved having you close, holding your hand. ~ But then classes started, maths was okay, but then English and Japanese and Hero Laws, History… It was too much that he didn't understand. ~ He knew his friends thought he was dumb and most days he could deal with that, but he was worried you did too. You seemed so smart, you took your notes, trying to make them as neat as possible, you answered questions pretty confidently in class and people went to you for help with topics they didn't get, but he didn't feel he could. ~ He didn't want you to know just how much he struggled. Not just with classes either, most days he didn't mind when his friends would call him dunce face or laugh at him when his 'yay' mode took over but today was just. Different. ~ So with a heavy heart, he plodded to your room, he knocked your secret knock and waited for a response. You invited him in, you were sat at your desk getting some homework out of the way, Denki groaned at the sight of quadratic equations, stomping over and covering them with the comic books and manga he had brought and left here. ~ "No. No more work, no more school. We can worry about that later, right now. I need you to sit and cuddle me!" He demanded, crossing his arms and looking at you with a pout as he sat on your bed. ~ Giggling at your boyfriend, you happily sat on the bed and got into what you two called Cuddling Position #4 (of twelve), you lay down on your back, supported by pillows and Denki promptly flopped down, burying his face in your chest. He had his arms draped around your waist and probably his hands trying to creep up or down, whilst you put on a show you two frequented and played with his hair. ~ "Bad day?" You asked after half an hour or so. ~ Denki sighed, "I just want to be able to do what you guys do, you make school and hero stuff look so easy, but when I'm in class I want to be here with you, but when I'm here with you I'm thinking about class… ~ "I just want to be less stupid." ~ Feeling your hands squish his cheeks, he looked you in the eye as you looked into his. "You are not stupid. We just haven't found the right way for you to understand it, we'll get there." You told him, pressing your lips to his slightly squished ones, leaving him to smile a love sick smile. ~ "Yay…"
Hitoshi Shinsou:
I think that Shinsou would distance himself from everyone around him when he is upset, no matter what he's upset about. I also think he would get really stressed about his position in UA and his training with Dadzawa.
~ Shinsou sighed as he hid away in his dorm room, he felt bad hiding from you, it killed him avoiding you for so long, he wanted to be near you, hold you, talk to you about your days. ~ Everything was getting a bit too overwhelming, he wanted to get into 1-A so badly, he was already determined to get in, but when he saw you in the Sports Festival, he knew he had to get to know you and try harder. ~ He did get to know you, now you were dating and it was the best decision he'd made since joining UA, but now all of his free time was taken up by Aizawa and his training sessions, he didn't get as many chances to hang out with you anymore and recently, he was making excuses to get out of those times too. ~ Honestly, he was struggling with the secret training sessions, he was also trying to keep up with school work and his own physical training, he was so stressed out and all he wanted was to talk to you, but he was worried. ~ He was worried his negative energy would affect you, that his whining would lead to you avoiding him or worse, a break up. ~ Hearing a knock at the door, he knew it was you, but he didn't answer. ~ "Hitoshi, I know you're there. I just wanted to check on you, I haven't heard from you in a while, I was getting worried…" ~ Wincing, Hitoshi stood from his bed, hesitating before opening the door, seeing you, wearing one of his hoodies over your uniform. 'This is hell, I can't ignore them when they look this cute!' ~ Letting out another sigh, he turned away, looking out his window to try and avoid your gaze. ~ "I didn't want to bother you, I'm just…" ~ He couldn't finish what he was trying to say, he couldn't even figure out what he was trying to say. ~ Hearing a small exhale from behind him, he didn't have the heart to turn around, this actually worked out best for you as you walked up and wrapped your arms around him, hugging him from behind. ~ Hitoshi startled slightly, placing his hands over yours, "Kitten, I-" ~ "You don't have to tell me, I know you're getting stressed out, but you don't have to hide from me, I'm here if you need me." You told him, moving to lean your chin on his shoulder. ~ It was silent for a while until you heard sniffling, "You okay?" You asked concerned. ~ Hitoshi had started crying, a soft cry, but had a large grin on his face. ~ "Yeah, I'm fine, I was just being stupid, I know I could've gone to you, I just got scared." He said quietly. ~ Giving him a squeeze, he leaned back into you and playing with your fingers, "Thank you for always being there."
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katsul0vr · 1 year
“Can You Kiss Me?”
Kirishima x Reader Fluff!!
Eijirou Kirishima is my best friend.
He’s the kind of friend that is there for you no matter what, you know?
The kind that shows up to your house unannounced just to chill and watch movies, play video games, or even just sit in silence with you. He’s the type to comfort you when you’re upset and need some cheering up, and my god, he gives the best hugs. He always knows how to make me feel better. Always there to hold my hand and give me a kiss on the forehead.
But like it’s totally platonic.
Nothing more to it.
I swear.
But of course, that doesn’t stop our friends from assuming otherwise.
Mina and Denki are the worst about it. Always saying something suggestive when me and Kiri are doing something completely innocent! We could literally just be cuddling as friends, and they just can’t keep their mouths shut about it. Bakugo honestly doesn’t care all that much. He really couldn’t care less. He does give us a weird glare every now and then., but hey, he’s Bakugo. What else should we expect?
But back to the point- Kiri is great. He’s literally the best. This time is no different from the others. Except for the fact that I got cheated on. And it hurt. A lot. Kiri warned me about the guy I was with, and I swore on everything I wouldn’t get hurt again, but shit happens. I ended up in Kiri’s apartment a lot. He deals sobbing in his bedroom while he holds me and tells me I’ll be alright. He reassures me when I start doubting myself, wondering if I did something wrong.
If it was all my fault.
He grabs me by the chin and turns my head to face him. “y/n, there’s no way you just asked me that.” He gives me a serious look and I shudder a bit, trying to maintain eye contact. “well- what if it was me? What if- what if I just wasn’t enough?” I mutter through tears. He wipes my tears away and kisses my forehead the way he always does. “y/n I promise you, you did nothing wrong. You’re amazing! And if he couldn’t see that then he never deserved you at all. Plus, I told you I had a bad feeling about him from the first date.” He wraps his arms around me tighter and places his head on my shoulder.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. You’re perfect, I promise. I should beat the asshole into next year for making you cry like this.” I giggle and let out a sigh, leaning into him. “I should’ve listened to you. I’m sorry you have to deal with me like this.” And I guess that I said something wrong because in that moment he picks me up, turns me to face him, and puts me on his lap with his hands on my waist. “You know you’re never a burden to me. So don’t act like you are, okay pretty girl?” I give him a soft smile and nod.
Then I look him in the eyes. That’s the moment I realized the position we were in, and the way he was looking at me. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, on the look in his eyes. But it makes me feel safe. It makes me think back on all of the things we’ve been through together and all of the things he’s helped me through.
It makes me realize that the guy I wanted, no- needed, was right here infront of me the whole time.
I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and I place my hands on his chest.
“Kiri I have a question..”
I almost regret saying that.
“What is it y/n?”
“Can you kiss me?”
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asherritsuko-2-0 · 1 month
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Feel free to comment on which characters you'd like for which scenarios (optional if you want to), or you can send it in a request to -> @asherritsuko
You can also comment when this poll expires.
Lately, finding motivation to even write has become difficult, and exhaustion easily takes over. When I do find the motivation, I tend to make too many scenarios or ideas I want to write on but don't know which ones to work on first. So, this helps me when I get my readers' answers, makes it less overwhelming.
I hope that you're all having a good day/night/afternoon. :)
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maythearo · 2 years
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Krita mobile test. In conclusion: i struggle.
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