#k0eter's obsessions
k0eter · 3 months
I revisited a document I've been working on lately (in response to another text), and ... how the FUCK did it get 21 pages long??? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love writing long texts, but I wouldn't mind if I got around to unleashing the same energy on the fanfic ideas I've got lurking in my Google Drive.
It keeps surprising me that if I've got enough time and spare brain cells on my hand, I can actually create BEHEMOTHs of text within a couple of hours or days. Including research.
I mean, for that one text, I've been reading through 3 or 4 papers on myelin and nerves and nociceptors because I was wondering whether a thicker myelin layer impacts pain perception as well, and ... well, I haven't gotten to a solid conclusion yet, because that topic is a fucking rabbithole.
Mind you, all this stuff and ventures into research stem from one (1) exchange related to a fandom.
... Oh, and I'm not even done with that 21-page document.
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