sapphireswimming · 3 days ago
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They're three month old brother (brown/white) and sister (grey)
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pumpkinfreak · 9 months ago
Watching Hannibal for the first time S2E9-E10
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Let's take a moment to assess what in the Kentucky fried hell is going on in this story. So Far.
Hannibal knows that Will knows he's the Ripper. Will is trying to play the player by allowing Hannibal to manipulate him. Under the guise of Will accepting the fact that he and Hannibal are the same kind of monster. Everything Hannibal does to Will at this point in the story is to test him and get him to accept his true nature, so they can be friends. In reality, Will and Jack are working togother to catch Hannibal, so everything Will is doing is just an act. Hopefully.
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I need a nice no-think palate cleanser after this. I better now have to use any brain cells when I watch Yellowjackets, or I'm coming after everyone who voted in the poll and backing them into a pie, I will then feed to their families. Just one giant people pie. I'll break hearts and world records.
Back on track episode 9
Long story short, someone takes their Freddie Fazbear cosplay too far. Makes a suit out of prehistoric cave bear bones, and goes postal on some random people. Hannibal then directs this person, who was a former patient of his to attack Will. Will beats the holy hell out of this guy and brings his dead body to Hannibal. Stating that now they're even after having both sent people to kill the other.
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This episode opens with Jack and Hannibal having dinner togother. I feel like we need to acknowledge that Jack and Will are knowingly eating Human meat and organs. I would be so pissed if I was Jack's wife. I'm laying in a bed dying of cancer, and my man is out eating gourmet human meals with a serial killer. You are out of Will I'm leaving everything to my cat.
Margot and Will also meet in this episode. Margot is quick on the uptake and is just like "Wow our therapist is a psycho!" and Will is like, "Sister you do not know the half of it."
One of Will's dogs escapes in this episode and his little sausage body barely clears the snow he had to run through. It was much much-needed moment of levity.
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Pookie is going a little bit off the rails. He is devolving, and Hanni is super into it. I'm not, I want my sweet baby boy back, but I don't think he can hear me over the sound of his own psychotic breakdown. Will admits that he felt more alive than ever when he killed the bear suit guy, and Hannibal says that he should honor the bear suit guy. So Will mutilates the body and merges it with a cave bear skeleton in a museum.'s something...
Then Will is of course called in by Jack to analyze the crime scene Will Made. Will has a hallucination that the bear suit guy thanks him and that this event is a part of their becoming.
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Also, I hate that there's more, Margot's bother, Mason, shows her his pig pit. Where he attends to feed living people to pigs, and he fully attends to feed her to said pigs, if she doesn't get in line.
Hannibal's right. Mason needs to die. Like yesterday. Unfortunately, Magot cannot just kill Mason, because all their family's wealth would go to the Southern Baptist Convention. So Hannibal tells her to go get pregnant then. Who does she pick to be the daddy, Will of Course?
What proceeds is the weirdest sex scene. David Lynch would be proud. Will knows this is Hannibal's doing because Margot already told him she's gay. This scene is intercut with Hannibal and Alana having sex and Will imagining Alana and Hannibal having sex. Except Will sees Hannibal as the goopy deer man. I'm really glad this show was produced for NBC and not HBO.
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Some poor bastard had to put on a mask of Mads Mikkelsen's face. Plus other makeup and had to simulate sex on some other poor bastard. Imagine having to lay in a flesh-toned body suit, or worse be actually nude, and staring up at this lifeless replica of your coworker's face. Now add like twenty other people on set watching it happen. People left work that day changed forever and for the worse.
One more thing, one more. Freddie is getting suspicious of Hannibal. So she goes to Will's house. Goes to his shed, because she has more hair than brain, and finds a bunch of body parts in a freezer. Will shows up, and this encounter does not go well. We cut to Jack telling Will that Freddie is missing, and then Will and Hannibal go home and eat Long Pig.
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I'll probably post again later. Stay safe, and don't sleep with goopy dear men. Do not investigate sheds, ever. You have a fifty/fifty shot of it being lawn care equipment or something from the pits of Hell.
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tgrailwar-zero · 17 days ago
(Discussion: The following is a draft for giving Kuku the choice to GTFO and if necessary take Little Guy with her - I don't remember if he was in our inventory or out of it right now, but if he was, we should get him out if we can. But others have brought up eventually using a Command Spell so I wanted to put this before the gremium.)
"Yes, Kuku, we did end up not deciding anything again and then only causing more trouble through inaction, which this time may just as well have been an action. Someone ended up suggesting resummoning Charlemagne after the assassination to get rid of the Void Cell influence as a way to cheat the system, contributing to us effectively letting it happen, which is why some of us called you here in the first place. That was a mistake. We should never have put you in this position, no matter if we chose one or the other or what we ended up doing. We're sorry, for that if nothing else.
But they don't bear you any ill will, so perhaps it's for the best if we face the consequences of our (in)action instead of behaving like bloody cowards for once, and maybe try to prevent an immediate outbreak of the war without letting all of you be caught in the crossfire, because Charlemagne is blaming the Solar Divinity for the attempt and they're genuinely innocent (this time); the Assassins want them dead, too, actually. They're hoping for mutual destruction.
We can't blame you if you decide that was something you cannot handle and leave, you made your standpoint very clear earlier. All we can ask of you at this point is to give Avenger, Caster, and Rider our love and regrets, and to take good care of the Little Guy [Actually where is Little Guy? If he's with the others: let's just leave him there. If not: *pops him out of the inventory and hands Little Guy to Kukulkan*]; Saber and Ruler are already trapped with us, so it's probably too late for them to get out. If we're very lucky, we can somehow help them escape, but that seems unlikely right now.
Let's not have more people go down with us than there must. [(Only if he's with us:) Get Little Guy far away from here if nothing else.] Anything else is up to you."/End of Draft
Any amendments and opinions welcome. Actually should we establish a (preliminary) poll to determine what direction we are open to taking with our servants going forward? Are we willing to use more Command Spells to bend them to our will, as we did with Constantine? Even when we don't have one?
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