#just so i don't mcfuckin loose this
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god okay i info dumped on discord bc thats just who i am as a person so i’m cross posting it here in case anyone else is curious about my canon world state. under a read more bc its, uh, maybe a bit of a monster.
i've got a dummy complex worldstate for no reason other than i like to make things difficult for the sake of a good story i guess. for origins my canon warden is an apostate, ellanis tabris who in an 'accident' had his leg crushed and it never recovered, causing it to have stunted growth. he uses a cane to get around and his disability helped hide him in the denerim alienage since apostacy is probably one of if not the most dangerous crime for an elf.
he's only one of three, though. his best friends growing up are noure surana and attie nehrios. noure gets taken to the circle when they're 17 (and ellanis and attie are 15) and comes into play a bit later, while attie is a seamstress and budding red jenny.
as far as origins itself goes ellanis' canon route is deep roads - dalish - haven - redcliff - circle - redcliff. fairly standard stuff up until haven/broken circle tbh. in haven during the guardian's first trial instead of shianni ellanis sees noure (whom the alienage presumed dead when arrested bc it wasn't, ah, a clean arrest) as the ghosty thing and during broken circle ellanis finds noure again and 'conscripts' them into the wardens. really he just takes them with him and destroys their phylactery so they won't be followed. (noure's phylactery is stored in kinloch instead of the spire after their fourth escape attempt since it gave them too much of a head start to make the templars wait to get it) theres a lot of Feelings surrounding connor but other than that ellanis doesn't super change things there either. he does, however, not have any idea about the dr. which is the biggest break i have from canon in dao with the exception of my inclusion of More City Elves. instead of morrigan going to ellanis she, as his best friend, knows he'll refuse to do it and instead goes straight to alistair. morrigan actually never tells ellanis anything about the ritual, ever.
during unrest in the alienage ellanis meets up with attie again, who is already working to clear the slavers out herself, and she falls head over heels for morrigan pretty quickly. fast enough that when morrigan sets out on her 'nobody follow me' thing attie does anyways bc thats just who attie is as a person. and besides she can't stay in denerim now that she's maybe or not killed a nobleman for what happened during the wedding.
and now its awakening time
ellanis meets up with anders for the first time and through him learns a bit more about noure's time in the circle. (noure and anders and karl were lovers for roughly three years before shit hit the fan hard) and fuck canon here because ellanis doesn't have time for this. plus the architect is interesting and yah maybe insane but he's in the place for a little madness. ellanis lets him live and strikes a bargain with him, they share research and any ferelden wardens who prefer to answer their calling not by fighting darkspawn but by potentially furthering the cure are welcomed by the architect. but after awakening ellanis leaves vigils keep in nate's hands and goes on 'offical leave' to work on his own cure..... and to live in antiva with zevran...... lkjkjlkjkjkj
noure, after broken circle and during awakening, goes to nevarra via orlais. it takes them a couple of months to settle but noure finds viuus (yes that viuus) who takes them on as an apprentice of sorts bc he's also in a bit of a jam. it works, sorta, noure learns more spirit based magic and reconnects with a part of themselves the circle tried to beat out of them. it only lasts for about two years, though, because templars find them, one a recent transfer from kinloch and noure isn't exactly a forgettable face. so!
well, its around the same time that anders leaves the wardens for good. and ellanis puts anders in touch with noure. they decide to meet in kirkwall, because rumor has it that's where karl is and thats gonna be the place they need to go first.
attie though, she's just hanging out with morrigan and stirring the pot in orlais as a jenny. she also works with the mage underground and defo either knows or works with briala as a kind of agent. her story is more foggy tho bc i haven't read Super much of TME or played some of witch hunt
da2 comes in and i've Recently, like as of last week i think, decided to swap my canon hawkes. william is now my canon hawke instead of the twins. he's an apostate who's magic is mostly clairvoyancy and a shepherd.. or he was until the blight. bethany dies during the escape and its only the Beginning of the sad times for william.
with his pretty suble magic william makes for a Superb smuggler, and lands the gig with bartrand quickly. he Also, gets a bit of a crush on varric while they're still going around raising money. he takes carver, varric, and isabela with him to the deep roads thinking that keeping his brother close will be safer. and, well, it isn't.
act ii is a bunch of horse shit anyways but william tries to keep out of things until isabela is directly threatened by it and only then steps in seriously. for the most part all of the things which go down with petrice are done with noure and anders. they don't like the qunari being in town either but they, at least, can use the situation to weaken the chantry and by extension the circle. even if its only a bit. during act iii the two of them build up the mage underground and start preparing to take direct action against the circle. william is, still uncertain but he doesn't stop them. his magic has never been a large danger to himself, it's suble enough and under control enough that he's never really had to fear templars. he feared them for his fathers sake, for bethany's sake, but not his own. not really. and well, we know how da2 ends but i hate the retcon of 'hundres of casualties' bithc! where! so no, only the grand cleric and a handful of upper level chantry people where inside when it went up and they deserved it.
ellanis is working on the blight cure during this time and makes it far enough that he and zev are surprised by twins (two girls named adaia and killian) but otherwise ellanis is mostly chillin in antiva
while attie is now definitely working closely with briala both as a jenny and as an agent
and we’re up to dai with my canon quizzy - da'ean lavellan, the clan storykeeper (next in line after his father) who only attends the conclave because idrilla was going to first and they didn't want to loose the clan first. i've got... way more canon deviance in dai than anywhere else bc dai Suxxs but its way too long but basically!
da'ean romances both dorian and the iron bull bc im poly and i said so, idrilla comes to skyhold as magical advisor and she works where morrigan does in the game (tho morrigan still shows up she's not an offical position as much, which suits her and attie just fine). linayel, da'ean's nas'falon (qp) arrives with her and he slots in as an archery trainer.
plus, ellanis is the warden contact instead of the many (some really wild??) canon contacts. leliana tries to contact him to be quizzy but he's travelling and misses it, and when noure contacts him on william's behalf and mentions corypheus (ellanis knows about legacy bc william brought noure and anders along) ellanis puts some pieces together and comes to skyhold. he'd already been working to figure out the weird calling (it is and yet isn't the same as the blight he remembered) so he's already a bit aware of the situation. william doesn't stick around for long, basically just long enough to get confirmation ellanis is on his way. even tho he misses varric this isn't his place
adamant goes down wicked different bc ellanis is the fucking HOF. by this time he's developed his magic enough he can pretty much take down all of the wardens within a good 300 foot range just nearly instantly. (a combination of his blight cure research and his natural entropic aligned magic hohohoho) so he makes it to clarel Fast. instead of falling into the fade ellanis (anyone else remember just fucking punching rifts closed in awakening? lol) works with da'ean to open up the rift in the main courtyard and suck the nightmare into the real world. and then he fuckin annhilates it bc he can
WEWH is also different but this time its bc of attie (and morrigan's different now too bc she's been dragged into things by her wife) briala's at the palace yeah, but now she's also got attie waiting in the wings. instead of getting stuck in place by the quizzy attie is able to manuever things to implicate gaspard and celene alone (mostly bc i hate the blackmail on briala it just doesn't vibe well with her character to me). so instead of the shitty options of 'gaspard rules with briala shadowing him' or 'celene and briala end up back together' its 'celene gets put in place by briala and now briala calls the shots'
idrilla romances solas, and as a dreamer she's sure something is fishy but can't figure out what exactly. (until trespasser that is, when she figures it out at the murals) but she provides a good foil to his asshatry and as offical magical advisor steers the inquisition with morrigan's info about the arbor wilds. she knows the rituals and the magic bc she's first and they make it through far faster than in canon, making a quick alliance with the sentinals and beating samson well before the canon battle area.
(linayel romances cass but their story is still quiet and vague as of yet but linayel mostly remains in skyhold to help train and strategize)
then da'ean kicks corypshits ass soundly becase that fight Sucks Ass.
#oc ramblings#i've been sitting on making a post about this for awhile anyways tb#h#now i've got one hehehehe#my ocs#my worldstate#just so i don't mcfuckin loose this
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Poly!Ghostface x GN!Reader - Impromptu Roadtrip Part 2
So here's Part 2 to Impromptu Roadtrip!
Part 1 has the backstory for this so please check it out if you can!
In this episode of My Boyfriends and I Go On A Roadtrip To Buy Some Overpriced Piece of Merch I Really Want That's Only Sold At This One Store In Another State in Buttfuck Nowhere, you and the boys are on the road! Insanity ensues
TW: very brief mention of sex and I guess resolving some internalized homophobia a little?
The list of stops and events that happen, not necessarily in chronological order, go like this:
Firstly, the drive itself. You guys shoot the shit like crazy. Talking about anything and everything. Stuff that's happening at school, at work. New movies you guys are interested in. Any hobbies you guys pick up. Any new fandoms you guys got invested in. shit talking people you guys mutually dislike.
While Stu goes to pay for gas, you and Billy have a small, but heated argument about which horror movies are better that, naturally, ends in an equally heated angry make-out session.
You end up ranting about the giant item you're going to get, about it's history, the fandom it's from, why you wanna get it so much. Billy and Stu heart eyes at your passionate ramblings and sardonic jokes.
You blast your respective mixtapes and sing along. If Billy is high in the backseat you can even catch him singing as well (badly)
Billy is on map reading duty and is thankfully good at it.
At one point, you guys come across the abandoned Flinstones theme park that's currently under renovation. Neither of you really give a shit about the Flinstones (unless you do, in which case i guess you Mcfuckin lose it), but you still wanna try and sneak in to explore.
You end up not needing to. The clerk at the shop is super nice and because it's just her there she allows you guys to walk around and this quickly devolves into Billy trying to jump scare you both for his amusement as you guys explore the stone shacks. He succeeds.
As apology he videos you and Stu going down the giant brontosaurus slide together screaming "YABBA DABBA DOOO" as the sunsets. Many years later you'll catch Billy rewatching it with the softest look on his face.
You guys end up hotboxing the car at some point.
One of your favorite moments was one night driving through the desert. You just bought a shit ton of fast food, put down the back seats, lay your blankets and pillows down, open the sunroof, and just sit in a circle and talk and laugh. Usually a scenario like this devolves into sex, but surprisingly that night ended with you guys just holding each other, whispers of conversations dying as you're all lulled to sleep by the peace of the moment. The following morning you guys wake up with sweaty college kid BO, tangled up in each other, and with bad morning breath. And you wouldn't have traded it for the world.
You guys absolutely hotbox the car at one point.
While driving through some University's campus town and stopping for coffee, you meet this random dude who you guys hit it off with. He mentions his friend's birthday party is happening that night and said it was open invite. Stu immediately tell the dude you guys'll be there and after he leaves Billy get's all pissy about Stu making that decision for you guys.
You make it up to him by spending that day at some alternative store that had tons of cool horror and gore merch and some even obscure ass foreign horror films.
When you guys get to the crashing the party, you all have a blast. Because you don't know anyone there and dont need to worry about your reputations, Stu absolutely lets loose. Like Im talking frat boy party mode. You and Billy mainly just indulge in the free food and booze and even drugs (if thats your thing), and Billy for once doesnt hold Stu back from anything, since it doesnt matter. Hell at one point you both help Stu do a keg stand.
The birthday guy was super chill and fun about you randos being there.
At one point you and Stu really wanted to jump in the pool with the rest of the party goers. But you had no swimsuits, so birthday dude just lets Stu and you borrow his old swim trunks (and if you're female or have a female presenting chest you also get a baggy, American Pie t-shirt). You guys jump in, while Billy opts to just dip his feet in.
Speaking of Billy, this dude is just s o a k i n g up the attention. He loves you and Stu more than anything and would never even dream of being like his dad cheating, plus he's demi so its not like he even has the desire to. But damn if this dude isn't shamelessly flirting back with every girl who comes up to him bc he's the "hot mysterious bad boy stranger". Like yes, please, give him attention.
But Billy is nothing if not a double standard having hypocrite, so he gets mad jealous of how well you and Stu are hitting it off with the birthday dude. If you're female, then he's normally able to easily get guys off you, but with Stu and male!Y/N he holds back publicly (because its the late 90s/early 2000s and college age Billy still has some p bad internalized homophobia) and just gets super possessive later in private.
But in some random college town where no one knows him? He gives no shits. You and Stu are his and he proudly shows that to all, regardless of gender, despite some of the dirty looks he feels on him. Stu almost tears up a bit because holy shit Billy publicly loving on him(and male!Y/N) and not just female!Y/N? It makes him so damn happy.
You three dont know it then, but that actually ends up as a pretty big step forward in your relationship, as well as in Billy's more open acceptance of himself.
Birthday dude had absolutely no problem with you guys crashing there, so you guys saved both money on a hotel (not that Stu's trust fund havin ass needed to) as well as your spines from sleeping in the car.
Another pretty cool event that happens is you guys come across a glass blowing convention in full swing. It's the third and last day of the con so ticket prices were low and the dealer's room had discounts going, and you guys were getting kinda sick of driving, so you collectively went "fuck it why not" and bought tickets.
It was so damn cool. You guys didnt really know what to expect bc what tf even was glass blowing? but watching the vendors work their magic and even sitting in on a contest and watching them work and take some gooey ass glass and and turn it into a detailed scene of horses running through a valley or idk motherfucking Batman? Dope.
During the contest, Billy and Stu really liked every time the glass broke in the middle of blowing. They liked seeing the frustration and panic going through the contestants faces and you had to elbow Stu to stop his giggling when it happened. They were even disappointed protective gear was used so blood was shed. It's cruel, but you're used to it by now.
Nonetheless, you were so impressed with the work and care that went into the craft that when you guys decided to commission one of the vendors to make a glass replica of Freddy Krueger's finger knife glove as a souvenir of the trip.
You insisted on paying the full price with no discounts. Stu didn't care that you offered bc as usual he has no concept of saving money (and at this point you lowkey suspects he secretly gets off on being you and Billy's pay pig lmao), but Billy wanted to take advantage of the discount since it only benefits you guys (and this was the second time you guys made a decision without his approval ugh who do you guys think you are, autonomous human beings? foh).
You end up having a small argument over it later, but it blows over pretty fast since he's enjoying himself so much.
You guys linger around the con for a little bit longer and also explore the city for the 6 hours or so it takes for the vendor to complete the commission.
Once you go to pick it up your shared braincell has a collective "oh fuck" moment when you realize you now have to tote around this fragile piece of artwork for the rest of your roadtrip.
And there it is! Part 2 is complete. There's gonna be a Part 3 that Im pretty sure will wrap this lil adventure up, but if Im feeling extra creative maybe it'll have one more. Lemme know what you guys think! Have a good day and go drink some water!
#wow the party segment ended up being long lmao#i struggle a lot with my sexuality as well as being poly so it was kinda therapeutic and i apologize if it made anyone uncomfortable#billy loomis#stu macher#ghostface#poly!ghostface#billy loomis imagine#billy loomis x reader#stu macher x reader#poly ghostface x reader#poly!ghostface x reader#billy x reader x stu#stu x reader x billy#slasher x reader#slasher imagines#poly ghostface
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