#just seeing a lot of people put a Lot of weight on Finn and Millie's words again
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bugsbenefit · 2 years ago
when everyone and their mother working on that show lied about Will being straight for years things were SO bad around here. because most casual fans and even a lot of hardcore/invested fans just ran with it. i dipped my head in here around 2019 for the first time and hightailed it right back out because apparently Will being gay wasn't canon since s1, which is what i'd thought. and was actually highly debated. i was so annoyed with that being the mainstream opinion that i didn't properly get into the ST fandom until s4, despite watching since almost day 1
i think most people on here know this by now and i don't think it needs to be said. but just in case people are new to following a shows production, especially when it comes to spoilers NDAs and plot relevant information: NEVER take anything actors say in interviews as confirmation of anything. EVER. unless what they're saying has already been canonically addressed. they legally have to lie if it could classify as a spoiler
the years of "Will is straight, Noah literally confirmed it" were so horrible and it all happened because people took Noah's word in interviews (spoiler: he had to lie because NDAs are a thing)
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ozymandiascezn · 4 years ago
ocean eyes
chapter one | chapter two
fandom peaky blinders
paring thomas shelby x oc
rating teen
warnings cursing, angst, potential ooc thomas
"You didn't have to do that, Tommy. I could've found a place of my own."
Millie walked alongside Thomas, feet shuffling against the ground as she struggled to meet his gaze. How many times had he stood there for her, protected her? She could handle herself now, after all, she was the one who had tricked the Lee family even if it didn't end as well as she had wanted it to. She could've found herself a place to stay, one that wouldn't impede on him.
"I know." He responded, lighting a cigarette.
  "I can handle myself, you know! I'm practically a Shelby with how often I'm helping out. I'm not a baby anymore, you don't have to worry about that promise. Just give me a gun and I can protect myself." She looked at him, studying his expression to see if he would even entertain the idea of giving her a gun, or letting her handle things on her own.  "I'm a burden enough with that promise you insist on keeping, let me protect myself so you won't have to."
He sighed, taking a long drag of his cigarette. "Do you not want to stay with me, then?"
"That's not -! Tommy!" She huffed lightly, turning her gaze elsewhere. "It's nice to know you haven't changed much. You've always been there for me, and I know you don't particularly like talking  about business, but I need to know... what do you plan on doing about the Lee family? I know you, better than you think, and I know you are going to do something about it. You won't let me take part in it, I'm not foolish enough to hope you will, but I'd like to know what you had in mind."
"They can't know we suspect them, last thing we need is for a bigger mess." He exhaled the smoke, offering the rest of the cigarette to Millie. "Don't. Don't go off getting revenge, I will handle that. You've been through enough tonight."
"I ought to be sobbing, inconsolable even. I've lost everything I love, but I don't even have it in me to cry. Am I broken, Tommy? Is there something wrong with me?" She looked up at him, stopping on the sidewalk. 
Thomas returned her gaze, expression softening as he dropped the cigarette on the ground. "We're all broken, Mil. Now, come on, you've had a rough night." 
That didn't necessarily make her feel any better, but she knew Thomas had a point. After the war, everyone was broken. Danny had gotten the worst of it, but you could tell that the ones who came back, even if they seemed okay, were far more broken than anyone could imagine.  Thomas was no different. He had his own problems that he would never talk about, but he never had to. Millie had known him since she was seven and he was ten. She knew the things he never talked about, only because his eyes told her what she needed to know. 
They walked in silence until the had approached his home, of course it was something discrete and not easily noticeable. It was like any other place on the inside, scarce of most decorations and held enough to comfortably fit two people, although, something told Millie it would just be her living in the home for the most part. Thomas had more important things to do that weren't staying at home with her - that was fine, of course, she'd rather not know of the things he would get into. She'd worry too much that it'd make her sick. 
"Room's upstairs, second door on the right." Thomas gestured upstairs before turning to, most likely, return to the Shelby House to carry on with the bets. "Don't break anything."
"There's hardly anything here to break, Tommy. There's hardly anything here!" She sighed heavily, crossing her arms over her chest, ignoring the fact that whining probably wasn't the best thing to do considering his act of kindness. "Can I at least decorate a little?"
He paused, hand floating above the doorknob. "There's a sketchbook if you want to draw."
Millie was thankful he remembered she adored drawing, but that did little to help to answer her question. She had watched him quickly leave, preventing her from asking any further questions. It was always like Thomas to leave so quickly like that, but it would've been nice to have gotten a less cryptic response. 
Now alone, she decided to just head upstairs, shoulders heavy from the weight of it all. He was right though, the moment she had entered the room, she had noticed a sketchbook on the bed. Did he know she would have to stay here, or was that just an unusual coincidence that was a little creepy? She couldn't decide, but she couldn't care more than the small amount she already did so she simply fell onto the bed,  dozing off shortly after. 
Morning came with ease, and the deafening silence of being alone, but she was safe. She was safe and even if she had nothing, she still had her life which was a lot more important than most would give credit for. Her head, however, was in a disagreement with the rest of her and throbbed like a steady beat of a drum. Even her body felt heavy and icky in the gross, sick way.  
She slipped from the bed, moving to look at the sketchbook Thomas had left for her. It was empty, but it wouldn't remain so for long - if she could get her mind to focus enough on the paper. She already had an idea of what to draw, but her mind argued - no - begged for darkness and soft comforts. Agonizing pain throbbed in her mind the longer she tried to think about art, so she didn't try it. She moved it aside  left it as was, maybe she'd get to it later if she was feeling  better. Despite the pain, there was not much else she could do other than return to The Garrison or to the Shelby household. Either one of those seemed to be a gamble considering important things occurred at each. She'd rather not get caught up in whatever Thomas consumed himself with this time, but she had a guess it had something to do with Billy Kimber when it came down to it. 
She stayed. Even if the boredom ate at her very being, she refused to move too far from the bed. At one point she had woken up without even realizing she had fallen asleep, yet even then there was no one to keep her company. Thomas probably wouldn't be home until late, if at all, and the others would not be there if it meant risking her safety. The Shelby's had eyes everywhere, but so did the Lee clan and Billy Kimber.  It wasn't too far to assume they would have jumped at the opportunity to attack if they knew she was here, and unguarded. She was still, in every sense of the word, alone. 
It was another few hours of aimlessly wandering about the home, and sketching, until she felt better to at least go out and stop by Shelby home. No one stopped in the streets to look at her like they had the night before, but she chalked that up to not being half naked. She would have to get more clothes, though. 
Thomas spent most of his time here, as did the others, but they each had little areas of their own, homes away from home. It was still a bit odd entering the Shelby home, knowing that this was the true place of the brains and the brawn. Little Finn was out on the couch in front of the curtain protected doors that led to the betting shop, but he didn't seem all that concerned to see her. 
"Tommy isn't here if that's who you came to see." He stood, moving to stand with Millie as she wandered into the ever bustling betting shop. "But Aunt Polly and my brothers are! They're working on bets for Monaghan Boy!"
"I can tell. Shouldn't you be helping, Finn?" She raised an eyebrow, staring down at him with a small smile. "Mind telling me where Polly is? I've got something I want to ask her."
"She's talking with Arthur in his office!" With that, he stumbled off to help sort and collect the money for the bets. 
Polly and Arthur were busy discussing separate matters, but quieted when Millie had entered. It wasn't the words that made Millie uncomfortable, but it was the mere fact that they looked at her with such pity, such sadness, as if they understood exactly what it meant to lose everything . Arthur may have gone to war, but he still had his family. He had Thomas, Finn, John... He had so much more and she had nothing. She had nothing but the clothes on her back, and if anyone wanted to suggest it, she had Thomas too.
"Ah, Mildred. How are things settling with Tommy? I hope it hasn't been too troublesome for you." Polly led Millie from Arthur's office, guiding her towards the parlor of the home, away from the betting room. "We would've offered for you to stay here, but I fear it was for the best that you stay somewhere safer, and Tommy - you know how he is - insisted."
"Please, Millie is fine, but Tommy... He was quick to leave, gone before I had woken up." She shrugged lightly, looking down as if to hide the hurt feelings it brought. "Can't say I'm surprised, he was never one to stick  around for long, even before the war. I'm sure he's got other things to occupy his time that don't consist in babysitting me. That's actually what I came here to talk about."
"Oh? Well, I suppose any reasonable person would be wanting to get to doing things, but are you sure? You look a bit pale. Tommy would never forgive himself if you got hurt while he was off and about." She waved her hand dismissively, smiling. "But you know he'd never allow you to put yourself in danger, not after last night."
"There has to be something I can do, Polly. You and Tommy have done so much for me, more than I need, more than I deserve. I have to repay your kindness, Polly. Somehow." Millie shook her head, hands middling nervously with the cloth of her skirt. "I could've gone back home to America, but you... you and Tommy helped me. I can't just sit here and feel utterly useless while Tommy keeps a promise he never should have made in the first place."
Poly was silent for a while before, with eyes as kind as a mother's, she sighed. "Why do you say he shouldn't have made that promise? You know he adores you, more than he lets on, especially after the war.... Point is, he'd always look out for you. To him, you're a Shelby, and to us, you are family. You are always welcome here, Millie, remember that."
"He only adores me because I know him better than anyone else, even him. I listen to him, I give him what many cannot, but he doesn't come around anymore. Before, he spent quite a bit of time with me at the tracks, at least just for tea and small talk.  I feel as if he is only here out of obligation for that promise. It feels as if he doesn't really care for me much anymore, just that ridiculous promise." She looked down, inhaling sharply. "It's not just the war, but his eyes are so sad when they look at me. I can't help but think I am keeping him from something more."
Polly smiled sadly but turned when the door opened, she kept herself quiet to greet who had entered. "Oh, Tommy! We were just talking about you. I believe our little Millie has something she'd like to say to you."
"What? No I don't. I have nothing to say to anyone, I was just leaving to go, uh, somewhere else? Preferably for more clothes, that don't smell like sadness." She was about to turn tail and leave when Polly closed the door behind her, barring her from going elsewhere. 
Thomas was quiet as he watched Polly leave, turning to face Millie with a small sigh. "You're pale as fucking hell, you should be resting right now. I'll send Ada out to get you some more things to wear. How are you feeling?"
"Like a baby, Tommy. I can do things on my own, I can just get some clothes myself. I know what I like." She retorted, crossing her arms. "Did you come back home last night, or did you stay out doing whatever it is you do? You've been so distant with me lately, I never know what you're thinking anymore. It's like you shut me out, and for what? Do I need to prove to you that I don't need your protection? What happened, Thomas?"
"You know what happened." He responded, shaking his head lightly as he pulled out a cigarette to smoke before her hand stopped him. "What?"
"The war didn't stop you from visiting. You always visited. Always." She looked up at him, a small frown on her face. "Suppose now I gotta ask if there's someone else you're going to these days, someone else who's replaced me as your confidante and friend. But I know you and you won't say a damn thing, even if it's the best thing."
"It doesn't fucking concern you." He snapped, pulling his hand away from hers as he lit the cigarette. "Go home, Mil. Ada will bring more clothes for you."
She paused, sucking in a breath at his response. Things really had changed, hadn't they? She didn't say anything more as she turned and left, returning to the home Thomas had given her, but it might as well have just been her own home.
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sunmoonandeddie · 6 years ago
Can you do a Bucky imagine where he and the reader were together until he broke up with her. So she left the avengers and started training kids with superpowers in secret. The avengers call her for some help and Somehow need a safe place to stay so she takes them to where she keeps the kids and her and Bucky get back together. Let me know if this is too much detail believe it or not I was trying to restrain myself.
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
word count: 3,215
summary: Two years after you and Bucky broke up, the team needs your help.
warnings: swearing
a/n: I wasn’t planning for this to be this long, but like.  It got away from me.  And now I just really want to write more.  Also, I really hope this is what you were looking for since I changed it up just a little!  Enjoy!
“Oh, sweetgirl,” you said softly, your heart hurting at the sight of Millie crying.  She was only seven years old and her powershad manifested a few years earlier.  She couldgenerate and manipulate fire and it was proving to be more difficult for her tolearn.
Granted,if you had managed to get her out of her abusive parent’s household before a fewmonths ago, perhaps it wouldn’t be as bad. Even though it technically wasn’t your fault—you had still been with theAvengers at that time—you still blamed yourself.  Your kids were your life now, and you caredfor them as if they were your own.
“Why areyou crying?” You asked her, though you knew very well why.  But one of your somewhat-parenting tacticswas making their mistakes not seem like a big deal.  If you panicked, the child would panic.  Simple as that.
Shesniffled as she tried to push you away.  “MissY/N, I’m g-gonna hurt you, too,” she cried, and you wiped at her tears.  Her lesson had been going great until she hadaccidentally shot a ball of fire towards the wall by your head.
“Now whyin the world would you think that?”  Yourbrows furrowed as you looked down at her sweet face.  “Don’t you think I’m strong enough to handleit?”
“B-But,you’re not fireproof, Ms. Y/N,” she whimpered.
Taking herhands in hers, you pressed your lips to her forehead.  “Am I on fire, Millie?”
“Well…  No…” She seemed so confused as she stared up at you with big brown eyes.  Her cheeks were red from tears, but she wasquickly calming down.
“So doesthat mean you’re going to hurt me?”  Intime with her, you shook your head.  “No.  You are never going to hurt me, okay, sweetgirl?”  You kissed her forehead one moretime before shooing her off.  “Why don’tyou go find Ava and the others?  Huh?”
She ranoff giggling and you sighed, rubbing your hands against your leggings.  As you walked out of the training room, youpulled the sleeves of your sweatshirt down over your hands.  You’d have to find a way to fix the heatingsince calling an electrician out to your farm wasn’t the best idea.  Not to mention you didn’t have the money.  Using a few space heaters and bundling up wasworking for the time being, but that was hiking up the electricity bill.
“MissY/N!  Miss Y/N!”
You turnedto see one of your boys, Chance, running down the hall towards you.  “Woah, where’s the fire, kiddo?” You asked,your brows furrowing in confusion.
He waspanting as he stopped in front of you.  “There’sa plane in the field!”
Your heartstopped as you stared at him.  “There’s awhat?”
But youdidn’t wait to hear what he said.  Youwere already running out the back door, your heart sinking in your chest as yousaw it.
Thequinjet with the giant fucking Avengers logo on it.
You randown the steps of the back porch, storming towards the field.  You couldn’t have them here.  Not now, not ever.  You had left that part of your lifebehind.  “If you’re trying to be inconspicuous,you’re not doing a very good job,” you shouted as you saw your former teammatescoming down the ramp.
“Good tosee you, too,” Natasha said with an eyeroll as she stopped in front of you.
You putyour hands on your hips, looking at her incredulously.  “Are you serious?  What are you guys doing here?”
“We need aplace to stay,” Steve sighed, looking even more weary than the last time you hadseen him.  “Someplace safe.”
“How doyou know this place is even safe?”
“Because Iknow you.”
You huffedand leaned your head back, shutting your eyes tight.  “How the hell did you even find me?”
“Tony,”Nat said, and you winced.
Tony fucking Stark.  Of course. It was stupid of you to assume that he hadn’t tracked you when youleft.  He had probably known where youand your little school was for the past two years.
You staredat your former friends for a long moment. Whenever you had left, you had cut ties with everyone.  You knew that with the breakup, they weregoing to choose sides (whether you wanted them to or not) and it was justeasier to leave it all behind.  Startfresh.
“Fine,”you said finally, giving in.  Despiteleaving them, you still loved them.  Alot.  They had been your family.  “We have a few empty rooms.  But no interrupting lessons, you hear me?”
“Lessons?”Steve repeated, confusion written all over his features.
At thatmoment, Summer decided to walk out onto the back porch.  She was the oldest of the nine students at seventeen,meaning that they had probably convinced her to go.  “Miss Y/N? Who are they?”
Youglanced back at the two who were staring at the girl in surprise.  “I’m sure Tony knows.”  You began to head back to the porch.  “Get that jet cloaked and then get your assesinside, I guess.”
It onlytook a few minutes for them to gather in the kitchen.  You had called all your students into theliving room, knowing that you needed to explain what was going on.  Some of them hadn’t seen an adult in yearsand even then, their experiences weren’t good.
“Summer, watchover them, and I’ll be back in a few minutes,” you said, and she nodded.  She had become almost like a second teacherto all the others, helping you take care of all the kids.  She had seen how you struggled on your ownand taken it upon herself to lighten the load.
Youhesitated before you rounded the corner into the kitchen.  It had been over two years since you had lastseen any of them and you weren’t sure if you were ready.  You hadn’t had any time to emotionallyprepare yourself and you knew you’d be paying for it later.
You neverwere any good at dealing with anxiety attacks.
Taking adeep breath, you walked into the kitchen and immediately froze.  They were all there.  Steve, Natasha, Tony, Thor, Wanda, Sam, Vision,Rhodey, Clint, and Him.  Their heads allturned the second you entered the room, looking at you with a sort of awe.  You hadn’t left with any goodbye and here youwere.
“Hi,” yousaid, the word coming out a little breathless.
“What isthis place, Y/N?” Wanda asked, her eyes wide.
Your nailsdug into the skin of your palms.  “Thisis my school.”
“Your school?”Clint repeated, raising his eyebrows.
There wasa kind of smirk on Tony’s face as he leaned back against the fridge.  “Y/N here runs a school for gifted children.  Well, it’s more like half-orphanage,half-school.”
“You knewabout this place?” Bruce asked, frustration clear in his eyes.  He was even starting to turn a little greenaround the edges.
“I wastracking her from the second she left the compound.”
You wereonly half listening to the people in front of you, too busy looking at anyone thatwasn’t Him.  He was staring at youblatantly from his spot in the corner, his arms crossed over his chest.  The usual black Kevlar adorned his body, andyou could see his favorite knife flipping between his fingers from the cornerof your eye.
“How longare you needing to stay?” You asked suddenly, turning to Steve since he waskind of the leader of the group.
He looked surprisedat your sudden outburst, the others going quiet.  “Oh, uh… We don’t know.”
“Well, Ineed an answer.  These kids don’t needyou messing up their schedules so much,” you snapped, getting more and more flustered.
He justwouldn’t stop staring at you.
“We’ll be outof your hair as soon as possible, Y/N,” he reassured you.
Younodded, before waving them towards the living room.  “I’m going to introduce you to the kids.  They don’t do well with strangers.”  They followed you silently down the hall,filing into the living room where all your kids were.  You started to point them out one by one.  “This is Summer, Holly, Rowan, Josephina,Finn, Todd, Ava, Chance…”  You smiled asyou felt a familiar weight against your leg, looking down.  “And this little one is Millie.”  You pointed out each Avenger to the kids then,picking up the little girl that had been clinging to you.
You stoodbetween them and the Avengers protectively, not wanting to let any of them getclose.  It wasn’t that you didn’t trustthem, it was that you didn’t want any of the kids to bond with them only forthem to leave.
Youhad learned your own lesson with that.
“Bucky?”You called out as you entered your shared rooms.  You were sweaty and disgusting from yourworkout with Natasha, but he had never minded. When you didn’t get a reply, you frowned.  “Bucky?”
He cameout of your bathroom, and your heart immediately dropped in your stomach.  There was something wrong.  He never looked at you like that.  Like he was about to do something horrible.
“James,”you whispered, your voice shaky as you took a step towards him.  “What’s wrong?”
He steppedback, his hands fisted at his sides.  “Wecan’t do this anymore.”
“What doyou mean?” You asked, tears already welling up in your eyes as panic rose inyour chest.
And thenyour boyfriend of four years said the words that broke you.
The fightthat ensued wasn’t even so much of a fight. It was more you yelling at Bucky and trying to get him to react to you,tell you what the hell had gone wrong, and him just staring at the ground witha dead look in his eyes.
“Would youjust tell me what the fuck happened?!” You had tears streaming down your cheeks, sobs wracking your body.  You were staring up at the love of your lifeand he just looked at you like you were nothing.  “What did I do wrong?”
Furyboiled in your veins and you shoved him harshly, though he didn’t evenmove.  “Would you fucking talk to me?!”  You shoved him again and again, gritting yourteeth.  “Do you really have nothing tofucking say, Barnes?!”
He justlooked away, his jaw tensed.  “There’snothing left to say.”
Soyou had grabbed as much of your stuff from the room you had shared with him andbrought it to an empty one.  That night,when everyone else was asleep, you had slipped out of the compound with nothingbut a duffel bag.
“You have anice thing going here,” Natasha said as you closed the last bedroom door.  You always checked on your kids before theywent to bed, and usually ended up telling bedtime stories to the younger ones.  Sometimes even the older ones.
You hadjust spent the last ten minutes reassuring Summer that nothing would changewhen she turned eighteen.  That you werestill going to be her family and she could stay with you however long she wanted.  She had cried into your shoulder while youran your fingers through her hair, reminding her that it didn’t matter what hadhappened to her in the foster system. You weren’t going to kick her out.
It hurtyour heart, knowing that your kids were often treated so badly that they wouldthink you would abandon them.
“Yeah, Iguess so,” you said as you stared at the redhead.  Out of everyone, you felt the worst aboutleaving her.  She had been your bestfriend, an older sister to you.
“You meana lot to these kids.”  Natasha bit herlip as she walked down the hall with you, looking at the pictures lining thewalls.  Over the past two years, you hadtaken to hanging up portraits of your kids, everything from solo photos tofamily shots.
“They meana lot to me.”
“Why didyou leave, Y/N?”
You wincedas you stared down at the hardwood floors. “Natasha…”
“No,” shesaid, suddenly a lot more forceful.  Hervoice cracked as she crossed her arms over her chest.  “You left without saying anything and Ithought—  I thought you—”
“I’msorry,” You whispered, tears coming to your eyes.  “I just really needed to get out of there and—”
“Buckywouldn’t tell us what happened,” Nat interrupted, a hardness growing in hervoice.  “But we knew it had to be bad.”
“If itmakes you feel better, he wouldn’t tell me either,” you said, trying to benonchalant.  “Just said we were done andstared off into the distance while I tried to get him to just… tell me why.”
She shookher head, biting her lip.  “He really isan idiot.”
“I reallyhave missed you,” you said after a long moment, and let out a laugh as shepulled you into a hug.
“I’vemissed you, too.”  Nat ruffled your hairas she let you go.  “I’m gonna head tobed.  I’ll see you in the morning, okay,kiddo?”  Before she got to the bedroomshe turned around and pointed at you.  “Tonysaid he’s fixing your heating and everything else tomorrow.  Said it’s the least he could do.”
“Goodnight,Natasha,” you said with an air of finality, and she nodded before turning awayfrom you once again.  You watched herhead to the bedroom she was sharing with Wanda, biting your lip as you foughtback tears.  You hadn’t realized just howmuch you missed your family until you had seen them in the flesh.  Wiping your eyes, you headed to the kitchenfor a glass of water, but you froze when you saw who was standing there.
“Y/N.”  Bucky was staring at you with those sea blueeyes that always seemed to entrance you. He was wearing those stupid grey sweats that made his ass look so good and he knew exactly what he was doing.
You noddedat him, pressing your lips into a tight line as you moved to the cabinet.  You stood up on your tiptoes, struggling toreach a glass.  It was tough living withso many young kids.  They always took allthe cups on the bottom shelves and left the ones that you couldn’t reach.
“I got it.”  You flinched as you felt him press up againstyour back, easily grabbing the glass and setting it down in front of you.  His breath was hot on your shoulder and ashiver ran through your spine.
Quicklyducking away, you grabbed the glass and muttered a quick “thank you.”
Bucky’seyes were soft as he watched you move around the kitchen, his hand gripping theedge of the counter.  “Are you really notgoing to talk to me?”
“Are you…  Are you kidding me?”  You bit out as you turned on your heel,staring at him with teary eyes.  “You, ofall people, are going to get mad that I’m not talking to you?”  You willed the tears away, though it wasn’tworking.  “You have no right.”
“I know,” hesaid, taking a step towards you.  “I knowI don’t.  But, babygirl, I—”
“Don’t youfucking call me that,” you snapped,taking a step away.  The floorboardunderneath you creaked and you winced, hoping that no one heard it.  The only sound in the house other than you twowas the autumn wind rattling the windows.
He held uphis hands in surrender, though he didn’t get any further from you.  “I’m sorry, Y/N.  I really am.”
You bityour lip so harshly that you were sure it was going to bleed.  “I don’t believe you.”
“Well,what can I do to make you believe me?”
You staredat him, confused.  “What?”
He put hishands on his hips, his blue eyes piercing you. “What can I do to make you believe that I’m sorry?”  He took a cautious step towards you, lookingat you as though you might run.  “BecauseI will do anything, Y/N.”
“Why’d youleave me?”  Your voice cracked and youwiped at your eyes desperately.  Youhated that he was seeing you like that. Weak.
Bucky tooka shaky breath in, eyes going to the floor. “I got scared,” he said softly.  “Ijust kept thinking about how you deserve someone who can give you a life.  A marriage and a home with kids.”  He rubbed at his own eyes.  “And I just kept thinking about how I couldnever give you that.”
“I don’twant that,” you said, staring at him with wide e/c eyes.  “I never wanted that.  All I ever wanted was you.”  You were growing more and more frustrated,angry with the fact that you had lost the love of your life because he wasoverthinking.  “I didn’t want kids or ahouse.  I just wanted you, and if you hadn’tever wanted to get married, then that was fine!”
“But, whatabout these kids?” He demanded, motioning to the hallway where all the bedroomswere.
It was alittle comical, since the two of you were speaking in whispers so as to notwake up the rest of the house.
“Bucky,this isn’t normal,” you replied with a bit of a scoff.  “I opened up this school because I know whatit’s like to be one of those kids, remember? I know what it’s like to be thrown out of your home because you’redifferent and your parents don’t want to deal with you.  To not be sure where I was going to sleep atnight or where my next meal was coming from.” God, you could rip out your hair in frustration right about now.  “I didn’t open this school because I wasdying to become a mom.  I never wantedthat normal life.”
Bucky tookslow steps towards you until he was standing right in front of you and you werepressed against the counter.  “Tell me tostop and I will,” he murmured.  His handgently moved to cradle your face, his thumb caressing your cheek.
His lipsmet yours and it was everything you had been missing for the past two years.  Your fingers wound through his hair as heheld you close to him.
“I’m stillin love with you,” he gasped against your lips, forehead pressed againstyours.  “Tell me you still love me.  Tell me you still want this.”
“I do,” yousaid, tears streaming down your cheeks.  “Ido.  I love you so much, Bucky.”  You pulled away, pointing a finger into hischest.  The both of you were crying andjust looked like a mess in general.  “Butyou’re not off the hook.  What you didwas really shitty.”
“I know,”he said, but he was grinning down at you, his hands on your hips pulling youcloser.
“But I…”  Your eyes flickered from his eyes to his lipsand back again.  “I want this.  I want you.”
“That’sall I needed to hear, babydoll,” he said, before crashing his lips againstyours once again.
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smokeybrand · 4 years ago
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: You Should See Me in a Crown
I’m not a massive fan of the classic Sherlock Holmes tales. I’ve read them all and appreciate the legacy and what they’ve inspired in other works, but they’ve never been my favorite tales. I actually enjoy the various interpretations and re-imaginings much more than the core mythos. I like RDJ’s take in film and the more modern spin with Elementary but, by far, my favorite rendition of Sherlock was the BBC version that made Benadryl Cumquatt a star. That show is inspired, at least the first two seasons, and it blessed me with one of the greatest television villains i have ever had the pleasure of witnessing; Andrew Scott’s Moriarty. My goodness, is he the greatest adaption of that villain! He even looks the part. I say all of this because Enola Holmes dropped today on Netflix. It’s a completely different take on the Holmes mythos centering on Sherlock’s younger sister, Enola and starring Millie Bobby Brown of Stranger Things fame. This is her vehicle, i think she’s producing it, so I'm curious how well it’ll fare. These Stranger kids are all growing up and trying to transition into adult stardom. Finn Wolfhard is doing fine and Millie seems to be taking things into her own hands. Let’s see in those hands are steady enough to push her into the next phase of her career.
The Good
I’m not one for that old timey Victorian aesthetic but i can appreciate the effort it must take to give it life in the modern age. The costumes and sets in this thing are exquisite. This is gorgeous and meticulously crafted film.
This film’s direction is pretty okay. The narrative, itself, leaves a lot to be desired but what is presented, has been deftly constructed. Credit to Harry Bradbeer for that. Dude has directed a few episodes of both Fleabag and Killing Eve so he’s got the chops. I just wish the fare this time was a little more substantial so he could really sink his chops into it.
This cast is loaded. There are several names in supporting roles worth note. Adeel Akhtar, Fiona Shaw, Frances de la Tour, and Susie Wokama all make memorable appearances. Louis Partridge is a little flaccid in the love interest role but he does enough to distract.
Millie Bobby Brown makes this movie. Her Enola Holmes is brilliant, witty, and full of that ardent, rebellious, energy all teenage girls are filled with. Though er story is one of mystery and intrigue, it is, first and foremost, kind of a coming-of-age tale. Brown does a decent job carrying this film and never falters in the same space as older, seasoned, actors like Helena Bonham Carter and Fiona Shaw.
Henry Cavill is basically playing Superman. His Sherlock Holmes is easily the weakest I've ever seen. Dude simply doesn’t have the chops to pull this off. I might be judging him too harshly considering the caliber of actor to have filled this role and made it their own in recent times. These are big shoes to fill but they fit ill on Cavill. This ain’t his story so we don’t really get to see that brilliant deduction but i don’t know that he could have pulled it off even if we did.
Helena Bonham Carter as the Holmes matriarch, Eudoria, is a pleasure. She steals every scene she’s in, even if there aren’t many. The Mrs. Holmes is mostly absent but the specter of her charisma permeates every facet of this film and it’s very welcomed. I just wish there was more of her.
Sam Caflin’s Mycroft Holmes is a very interesting take on the character. Dude is effectively the villain of this narrative. He’s out to force Enola into doing everything she doesn’t want. Dude is the overbearing pops or whatever. It’s awkward seeing Mycroft this way but he is ably portrayed by Caflin so i don’t have too big an issue with him.
The Bad
This thing exudes female energy. It is every bit Enola’s story. Now, I'm not too mad at that. Millie is decent in the role and it is unmistakably her film but that is, in this current climate, very abrasive to some. There is a strong feminist slant in how this narrative is presented and that might turn a lot of people off, depending on if they feel that is “controversial” or not.
There is just SO much exposition in this thing. It’s the nature of the genre, cats have to talk there way through problems or whatever but I've seen this part of these types of stories done much better. Sherlock, for example, found a way to visualize this and did it very well in the first two seasons. This film does not do that. It’s not super terrible but it did take me out of the story a little bit.
The music in this is very distracting. There aren’t many scene where the narrative just let’s you breathes. There’s always a whimsical swell or a punctuation flare to emphasize a shot. This feels like a callow tactic to give more levity and agency to the film where there really isn’t any to be had.
The writing in this is kind of weak. I thought, with how everything was progressing, that it might have been written by several people bu it wasn’t. One person crafted this tale; Jack Thorne. I’m really familiar with the bulk of his work but, if it’ anything like this, i imagine his is an underwhelming catalog.
This thing doesn’t feel like a movie. It feels like a series or that it should have been a series. I don’t see how this thing could have succeeded in the theater and it should count it’s blessings it found a home on Netflix because this definitely would have flopped. This thing feels like a proper Netflix movie, not a Hollywood outing.
As if to dive my previous point home, this is definitely sequel fodder. This film was made with several to follow in mind. Enola Holmes is a whole ass book series so there is definitely material to be had there. There’s six book so content isn’t lacking but i kind of feel like that ending should have felt a little more finite. This cash grab attempt at film universes and sequel bait is the most disingenuous sh*t ever outside of microtransactions in games and i kind of hate it. It’s wild to see everyone release sub-par entries on the hope they can patch the sh*t with sequels but everyone forgets that Iron Man was exceptional. It’s easily the third best MCU film and was the first to release. That first film has to be solid enough to bare the weight of a entire franchise and Enola Holmes ain’t doing that level of heavy lifting.
This film wears it’s Young Adult categorization like a badge of honor. You can tell this film is just a step and a half up from the likes of Riverdale or Nancy Drew. As a grown as man, this was not for me and i understand that very well. That said, it falls into that same, tropey, nothingness that the worst of the YA genre is known for, which is all the more reason this should have been a serial not a film. It’s not aggressive in it’s cliche but, if you’ve seen as many films as i have, you pick up on it immediately. For me, that’s the biggest issue with the film but for others. it might not even be worth mentioning.
The Verdict
Enola Holmes is a very cute, but flawed, viewing experience. It’s an interesting take on the Sherlock formula, injected with all of the GRRRL power you’d expect from a film starring a teenage woman in the lead. It’s not pretentious or forceful about it’s messaging but you definitely understand that there is a message it wants to convey. Millie Bobby Brown is excellent as Enola, easily the second best thing about this movie after the scenery chewing Bonham Carter, and there are some strong supporting performances. Cavill is a miss as Sherlock and Mycroft might as well be a mustache twirling villain but, in service to this particular narrative, the change in character makes sense. The film, itself, is ably directed and it’s a legitimately gorgeous watch but there are severe shortcomings. The writing is pedestrian, the plot is cliche, and to cover up these weaknesses, the music is leaned on too heavily. The foremost mystery isn’t one of true merit, i figured it out about halfway through, and it eschews the real conundrum for later time. The whole premise of this movie delivers a relatively intriguing situation but that is left for a later film to resolve and i kind of hate it. Sh*t was mad bogus. None of these issues are very pressing but they are noticeable and, at times, a little grating. Still, i was never bored and it is a rather well put together film, overall, even if it does feel like it should have been a proper miniseries. Enola Holmes is worth a watch but, understand, mileage may vary. I thought there was potential going forward but this thing should have definitely been a series and not a film.
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theofficialcojabrown · 5 years ago
Chapter 4
August 25, 2019 3:00 pm
“So what do you think?”
“I think it’s a good idea," Jennifer responds.
“I won’t stay if you don’t want to. It is entirely up to you.”
“And yet you were the one to check it out. Lizzie, I said yes. If you decided it has been thoroughly considered. I’ll go out there.”
“I’m sorry. I was thinking too much. I thought you wouldn’t want to.”
“I just don’t want to be separate from you. Like we promised last year. I want to get away and back to you.”
“The nightmares have gotten worse.”
---- ---- ----
December 10, 2011 4:00 pm
“Liz, this is Jennifer. Jennifer, this is Elizabeth.” Roxanne says, from my left.
I sigh at the use of my full name and roll my eyes to look at the third person.
“Jennifer is going to be your new bunkmate. Since you’re older show her the way, Liz. I hope you’ll get along.”
I hear the threat in that statement and smile sweetly at Roxanne.
“You almost fool me every time.” She says, before turning and walking away.
“Hi, I’m Jenny.” The little girl says taking a step closer.
“I’m seven. How old are you?”
I open my mouth to answer.
“Do you have siblings? What happened to your parents?”
I glare at the girl.
“Don’t ask those questions here.” I grind out.
The girl jumps back and folds into herself. She’s shaking and keeps opening her mouth.
“I’m sorry,” I say, sighing. “People aren’t going to want to answer you and some might respond worse than me.”
I put my book down and scoot back on my bed.
“Come sit by me and tell me about yourself since you want to talk.”
Jennifer twists and turns. I’m about to pick back up my book when the weight changes on my bed.
“You remind me of my cousin. You’re younger but she was always engrossed with something.”
Engrossed? From a seven-year-old? Before I can answer she continues talking.
“My mom died in childbirth and my dad died flying an airplane when I was 4. Aunt Samantha took me in. I lived with her and my cousin Lucy until two months ago. They died in a fire. I only survived because L-lucy woke me up and Aunt Samantha threw me out the, the window.” Jennifer starts crying.
I put my arms around her and glare at anyone in the room to keep them away.
“I’m sorry, Jenn. I’m so sorry for all that has happened in your life.” I whisper in her ear.
And just like that, I feel like I’m being pulled back to reality.
----- ----- -----
August 25, 2019 6:30 pm
“So you’ve decided…” Delilah prompts.
“Sorry. I didn’t realize I’d paused. I like the teachers, the town,” I look around. “And all of you.”
“Thanks,” Belle says grinning. “What did Jennifer say?”
“She’s cool with it.”
“Yay!” Allison says, jumping up and hugging me.
“I take it you’re happy?”
“She’s been talking of nothing else for two days,” Mandy says.
“Ok, then. We’ll just have to get your transfer papers.” Belle says.
“We’ll go do that and arrange your flight to get your things and your sister.”
Belle glares at Delilah but I don’t think about it long. I’m thinking of all the flying I’ll be doing.
“Yes, we’ll be doing that,” Belle says. “Girls, entertain yourselves. Stephan is a call away if you want to go anywhere.”
“Thank you,” Mandy says.
The sisters walk out.
“So movies?” I ask.
“It’s too bad Finn and Nicole are busy,” Allison says. “They love the home theater.”
These girls spend the summer with him. This should be eye-opening.
----- ----- -----
August 27, 2019 12:00 pm
I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up.
“Finn? What are you doing here?” I ask, sliding off my headphones.
“Flying back to school. Same as you.” He says, sitting next to me.
“Yes, but when did you get here?” I ask and then frown. “Obviously you’ve been on the plane the whole time.”
“Yup. Didn’t my dad tell you I was coming?”
“No. He said that a security guy would be flying back.”
Not that I need it but I wasn’t going to argue with Timothy Campbell.
“And here he is.”
“I would feel safer if it wasn't you,” I say, laughing. “Wait, why did you only wave when I said hello hours ago?”
“I was up until three training and then getting lectured. Sorry for sleeping at 10 in the morning.” He says sourly.
“Well, if you want to be like that,” I say, picking up my headphones.
Finn taps me again after a few minutes.
“Look, I shouldn’t have said that. There’s just a lot going on.”
“Anything you want to talk about?”
“Not today. Not yet. I’ll tell you in a couple of days.”
“But Jennifer and I are flying back then.”
“I’ll tell you at breakfast. I’m supposed to drive you both to the airport.”
The phrase supposed to isn’t lost on me but I don’t say anything.
Finn starts talking about all the different times he’s been on this plane flying to and fro school and on vacations.
“The Simms must really like your family.”
“I guess. Dad’s worked for them for 10 years. But more than that they just like helping out.”
Yes, I know. I owe them a lot.
“If you know this plane so well can you tell me what’s over there?” I ask, nodding towards it.
“What?” Finn asks, not even looking.
“Seriously?” I stand and pull him up.
“What is that?” I ask, pointing to the blue paper on a chair’s wooden armrest. “It wasn’t there a few days ago. It says don’t remove yet it doesn’t seem like it’s holding anything up.”
“You care about the most random things. Does it really matter?”
“It could be life-changing. I will find out.”
“All your secrets,” Finn adds, mocking me.
“Whatever. Hidden things raise the suspicion of curious people.”
“Just remember.”
“Please don’t say curiosity killed the cat.”
“Actually I was going to say revelations may give you more than you expected.”
“That is true.”
“All passengers take their seats. We’re entering landing.” The captain says.
“All? Is there another person on board?”
“Don’t be facetious, Eliza. It was just a slip of the tongue.”
I grin at Finn and ask him more about his summer breaks.
----- ----- -----
August 30, 2019 10:00 am
“I heard you were leaving but I didn’t believe it.” Milly’s voice makes me stop.
“Just ignore her,” Lindsay mutters as I turn around.
“Is it the clothes and lifestyle we have that drove you out? Or the fear that you couldn’t be first this year, either?” Macey asks, coming to stand next to her sister.
“We have 25 students in our year and you have Milly to tutor you. And yet, have you ever even been on the top 15?” Lindsay asks.
Macey mutters and Milly glares at her. That sure quiets her down.
“I don’t care about money as much as Macey does but that must be it since no one denied it. I thought better of you than that.” Milly shrugs. “Anyway, I’ll miss the competition for second after Lindsay.”
Lindsay blushes and starts pulling me away.
“Probably just about how much I’ll miss having a Musgroves in every class,” I say.
I’m glad I didn’t just let them talk, I think smiling. Until I see Finn’s expression that is.
“Really, Eliza?” He asks. “Do you have to be sarcastic with them?”
“Why do you always come at the part that makes me look like the bad guy?”
Finn sighs and shakes his head.
“Where are the others?” He asks.
“They’re sitting on Jennifer’s suitcase trying to make it close,” I say.
“That’s not going to work.” Finn states.
“And why not?” Lindsay asks, glaring at him as he walks to the car.
“Because it’s full of books if I know her. Sitting not going to make them more compact.” He says. “I’ll go get them.”
I nod and he leaves.
“How’s he going to help?” Lindsay asks.
“Sneering isn’t attractive, Linds. He had a duffel bag with him. I’m guessing he’s going to give it to Jenn.”
“And he saves the day.”
It’s just a bag. But I know it isn’t.
“Lindsay, what now?”
She turns to me and her expression softens.
“You decided you like him when school resumed in January. And then ‘your oldest friend’ disappeared for the rest of the year. You can see why I’m not happy with this development.”
“He was busy.”
“The boys’ academy is 3 blocks away.”
“Fine, let’s just say I agree. What does that have to do with now?”
“His dad works for the Simms family. They offer a slight scholarship for their employees’ children. If he wanted to be closer to home, for I don’t know ten weeks, they would make it happen.”
I don’t see why that would be a bad thing. But I don’t get to voice that.
“Alright, we’re here,” Bianca says.
“What’s this?” Nascha asks.
We all gather around the trunk.
“It’s my luggage.”
“Why is it still here?” Mikayla asks, confused.
Finn looks at them and then me.
“They forgot to tell you?”
“Who forgot to tell who what?” Jenn asks.
“The Simms and my dad asked me to be your bodyguard. I’m moving back. I’m going to school with you two.”
“You’re moving back with your parents for ten weeks to work for your dad and go to the boys’ academy?” I ask.
“You’re right until the academy part.” He replies.
“He is going to school with you and Jenn. He’s going to the girls’ academy.” Lindsay says.
I hear the anger in her voice and hope that it’s as lost on Finn as it is my dorm mates.
“You’re going to be the only guy in an all-girl school?” Tess asks.
Finn nods.
“I would not trade places with you,” Rizalyn says.
Nascha says something I don’t hear as I’m being dragged away.
“If I was going to an all-boys school, Nascha.”
“See? And it’s worse than I expected.” Lindsay whispers once we’re a safe distance away. “He’s going to be around you all the time.”
“Not all the time.”
“He’s a senior and your bodyguard. He’s going to have your exact schedule.”
“And if he does?” I ask more confident than I am.
“Just take care of yourself, Mistress."
“We’re loaded,” Jenn calls.
We walk over.
“Line up,” I call.
They get in line, in age order.
“Lindsay and Mikalya are in charge. I will be getting weekly emails so… Yes, Bianca?”
She puts her hand down.
“I’m older than Mikalya. Why can’t I be in charge?”
“You’re only older by a few weeks. And you’re the troublemaker.”
The girls start laughing.
“As I was saying, I will be getting weekly emails so don’t act any differently than you would if I was here. If you don’t, the winter of 2019 will not be a happy one.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The girls say, standing taller.
“Mikalya, I know this is a new position but I’m sure you can do it.”
“Thank you.”
“Tess and Bianca, I expect you to take care of yourself.”
“We will,” Bianca says looking at Tess. She nods.
“Are you saying we can’t?” Rizalyn asks, shyly.
“I know you can. But the academy is a big change so I want you to use the resources you have. I wish Lindsay and I had more than Headmistress when we were your age.”
Nascha nods.
“Otherwise, keep up the good work. And Rizalyn, follow Tess around.”
“Why would you tell her that?” Tess asks, wary.
I'm losing control of this meeting.
“It’s good for you to be together. However, you should try to be more independent, Rizalyn.”
“I’ll try.”
“Thank you.”
“The commander is having another meeting. They’re so weird.” Macey says.
Ugh, will I ever get through this?
“Do you think they’re actually scared of her?” Bea asks.
“From how they’re standing, I think they are. She can’t even have friends when they live with her.” Macey says, louder to make sure I hear her.
“Nascha, this was going to be my advice anyway but thanks to that, I’m sure you understand why. Don’t let anything said to you or about you get you upset. But at the same time don’t let praise make you egotistical.”
She nods with big eyes. I think she’s starting to understand the dynamics of the academy.
“Lindsay, don’t forget to keep in touch.”
“As if I could.”
I smile and hug her. This ends the meeting and we’re surrounded.
“You’re moving in with the Simms, right?” Bea calls, as we separate.
“Yeah,” I answer back just to be polite.
“Don’t think that just because you look like them, with your big eyes and face structure, they’ll take you in. You will always be, well you.” Macey says.
“That’s not insulting, Macey,” Milly says, leading a driver past them into the building.
That’s the second time today that she semi stood up for me.
“They just had to come back to school early,” Mikalya says.
“We’ll miss you,” Tess says.
“We will too,” Jenn replies as we get in the car.
“Love you,” Bianca calls, leading the group backwards.
“Love you too,” I say.
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