#just rumors but I don't expect anything from Mercedes anymore
pickingupmymercedes · 1 month
If, big if, this hand over ceremony with Lewis and Kimi really happens, I hope Mercedes is ready for the backlash.
You don't get a 6x wdc for your team to hand his seat over to a child debuting in f1.
Mind you, Lewis is not retiring.
You don't get to pressure your biggest champion to leave or retire and then use him for props.
(Also, where does that leave Russell ? The simbology is pretty clear if it happens)
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hanilessa · 2 years
before reading please pay attention to the series masterlist, to make sure you have read the previous chapters!
your likes, reblogs and replies are greatly appreciated! i hope you like it, enjoy reading!
HALF AN HOUR FOR LOVE — Childe x F!Reader Chapter 1. You, him and his Mercedes Benz
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The laptop screen glowed brightly in the darkness of the small room. It was early autumn outside, so it was a little cool inside room. You rubbed your cold hands and looked back at your laptop monitor.
"Honey, are you eating well?" Asked the woman on the other side of the laptop screen.
You just sighed, smiling lightly. Your mother, as always, was in her repertoire. She knew perfectly well, that you're an excellent cook and you can provide yourself with delicious and healthy food. And the woman was always worried in vain. But you knew that it was her motherly heart that worried about her child.
"It's okay, mom, don't worry." You changed your sitting position, because your back was gradually numb. "I ate four times today. If it comforts you."
The woman just laughed. Her wrinkled face smiled with a knowing smile.
"You're right, I'm worrying too much again."
You hear loud noises on the other side of the screen. And your heart immediately felt warm.
"How is Xiao doing?" You asked, remembering your younger brother. And how he was dissatisfied and annoyed that you were leaving for in another city in order to get a good job and help him enter a good academy. He always told you that he could handle himself.
You believe him. Is it true. He was a smart boy. But modern education required not only to have a mind, but also to have a decent amount of money in your wallet. You wanted to help your brother, so immediately after graduating from college, you began looking for a high paying job in a big city.
And as you were about to leave, Xiao hurriedly hugged you, still angry with you, but you felt that he was grateful to you. Even though he didn't show it openly.
"He is fine." Mother's voice brought you back to reality. You looked back at the woman. She looked tired, but she was very happy to see you again. "You know he's always studying. I ask him to take a rest, but he doesn't listens to me. He said he shouldn't rely on you alone."
You just shook your head. Xiao always said that. As soon as you thought about it, you felt that your eyes were starting to gradually close up. You let out a loud yawn.
"It's getting late, go to bed soon!" Your mother said sternly.
"Enough, mom, i’m not a child anymore. But you're right, I have a lot of things to do tomorrow." You took a deep breath, stretching your stiff limbs. The thought of work made you feel very tired.
"You can handle anything, honey. I love you." The woman smiled warmly at you and waved her hand.
"I love you and Xiao too. Bye" You said and closed Skype.
Silence enveloped your room and soul. You missed your family very much, and it was hard to get used to living alone. But you didn't want to give up on your goal.
You sighed heavily and lay down on the bed hugging your soft toys. This created the illusion that you were not alone here. But it was easier for you. Tomorrow will be a new day, and you should try to do everything in the best possible way.
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You slowly walked towards the main building of the company you worked for. It was large and very beautiful. It really got attention. It seemed that the owner was very fond of luxury and prestige. You thought, you were very lucky to work in a place like this.
The salary really corresponded your expectations, and you could easily spend money on daily expenses, save for Xiao's education, and send money to your family in your hometown.
Despite the fact that it was autumn outside, the bright sun was shining today. It gave you strength and energy for today.
While thinking about what things you need to do today, you noticed a beautiful black car outside the building. You easily guessed that it was the car of the owner of the company.
You didn't like gossip and rumors, but sometimes you heard it against your will. You've heard a lot of things about the owner of the company. He was twenty three years old. And he was older than you by two years.
Someone said that he constantly throws parties in his office. Other people talked that he ordering girls from a strip club.
You thought. What is this guy doing with his life? Didn't he have goals and aspirations? Your and his life paths were very different.
You remembered how you were told that Tartaglia usually came to work in the afternoon. That's why it was strange to see his car here so early. It was hard to deny, the car was really beautiful, and you would like to ride one like that at least once.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by a familiar voice. You felt a slight push from your back and someone's hands on your shoulders.
"Hey, Y/n!" You heard Yoimiya's voice.
You turned to the girl and saw how she smiled happily at you. You met her on your first day at work. The girl was kind to you and was ready to help you always. Yoimiya was a good and cheerful person, so you were glad you got to know her.
Because in your current situation, you lacked such a person next to you. But the blonde was always there, for which you were very grateful to her.
"Hi, Yoimiya." You smiled happily.
You and the girl were talking and exchanging news while heading to the office where your workplaces were. The day promised to be busy.
You had a really hard day today. You were on your feet all day, and you didn't have a single free minute to rest. But you happily noted that you coped with all the planned work.
You stretched tiredly and stood up from your seat. Today you had a very busy day, so you felt a little tired. But that didn't stop you from thinking enough about how you would come home and take a warm bath with aromatic oils.
Maybe you can afford some red wine. You loved such evenings, so this idea inspired you very much.
You politely said 'goodbye' to your colleagues and hurried out to the street. The scarlet sunset gradually spread across the sky, bathing you in gentle light. Your mood was good, and, it would seem, nothing could spoil it.
Sharp pain shot through your body as you felt a jolt to your side. You were pushed slightly to the side, and you fell to the cold, hard ground.
An involuntary cry of pain flew from your lips, and you looked indignantly at your offender. But you saw only a black lacquered door, which began to gradually open.
"Damn, I just recently got rid of the scratches on the doors." A voice was heard from inside the car. Although the man cursed, his voice was very melodic and beautiful.
Wait… Was he only worried about his car, when he apparently injured another person?
"Hey, are you serious?" You said irritably, realizing that you had received a injury and were not able to rise on your own. You looked at your hands, realizing that you had peeled the skin from your palms, which upset you even more.
"Hm?" It was heard from the side, and you again looked at the man getting out of the car.
You immediately froze as the realization came to you. It was none other than Tartaglia. Owner of company. You realized that you had never seen him before, and you had to admit that he was really attractive, as your colleagues described him.
The man slowly took off his sunglasses and looked down at his feet, where you were still lying on the ground. For some reason you didn't like that look.
It felt like he was mocking you with just his eyes. His ginger hair shimmered in the light of the setting sun, and his blue eyes carefully followed your every move. The man's lips twitched into a slight grin as he slammed the car door behind him.
"I didn't see you, baby." He ruffled his hair. "Looks like you and I have a little trouble."
"Yeah, and instead of helping me, the first thing you did, was check to see if your car had a scratch!" You said indignantly, looking at the guy with annoyance.
He made a surprised face, as if such behavior was normal.
"I don't see any problem here."
You sighed in annoyance and realized that you wouldn't wait for help from him. You had to try to get up on your own. Raising yourself carefully, you excitedly tried to keep your balance, but your legs treacherously failed you, and you felt yourself falling.
But strong male hands didn't let you fall back to the ground. You felt an unprecedented lightness and looked at the man who continued to hold you in his arms.
You looked at his handsome face and felt your cheeks turn red. It was too close and you felt awkward and embarrassed. Tartaglia noticed your embarrassment and smirked defiantly, realizing why exactly you were embarrassed.
"Okay, let's be careful this time." The man helped you to your feet and opened the black car door, inviting you to sit inside. "You're right, if we don't take care of your injury, it could be a big problem."
You felt like he was doing you a favor. This unpleasant residue remained in your heart. You remained silent, waiting for him to sit in the driver's seat.
The interior of the car looked very nice, the chair was comfortable, and you tried to relax as much as possible with a injured leg. Well, you might ironically think that you had the opportunity to ride this car.
The ginger man got into the car, and the car started moving. He told you that he would take you to the hospital to see his friend who was a doctor, so you shouldn't worry too much. You didn't want to talk to him, so you didn't say anything.
Loud music was playing in the car, and you grimaced uncomfortably. The man continued to talk about all sorts of nonsense, which annoyed you very much. Your head started to hurt. It was different from how you wanted to spend tonight.
"Hey, can you stop being silent?" Childe said in annoyance as he turned the steering wheel to the right, and the car also turned its wheels, heading forward. "I've been trying to get you to talk for ten minutes."
Is he really serious? You had the feeling that he didn't even realize what situation he and you were in right now.
"I don't want to talk to a person who doesn't see a problem with hurting someone." You answered sharply.
To your surprise, you noticed that he thought about it and fell silent. It gave you a chance to relax despite the nagging pain in your leg. Tall beautiful buildings flashed outside the car window, and you realized that the car was passing through one of the richest areas of the city.
It looked very impressive and you looked excitedly out the window. Large buildings, beautiful windows in expensive shops, well groomed streets. It was really different from the area you lived in.
Your eyes lit up. You thought that you will definitely do everything possible so that your family also lives in a place like this someday. Thinking about it, you didn't notice the car pull up in front of a large hospital building.
When the doctor checked your injured leg, you had the feeling that you were somewhere else. All thoughts disappeared, only pain remained. But the doctor reassured you and said that it was just a slight injury, which should pass soon.
You uncertainly thanked the man, after which he and Tartaglia talked about something for some more time, but you didn't want to go into details.
When you and he left the hospital building, the sky was already bright with the moon and stars. It was cold, so you wrapped your coat tighter. A small puff of warm steam escaped from your mouth.
You looked at the ginger man next to you out of the corner of your eye, he looked relaxed and calm. Like nothing happened at all. You just shook your head and, without saying a word, headed towards the bus stop.
Childe, noticing that you were leaving, raised his eyebrows in surprise and said:
"Hey, wait! Don't you want to say me something?"
You stopped. "Excuse me?"
He carefully leaned his back against his car and smirked defiantly.
"You didn't even thank me."
You felt your jowl hit the ground. This guy…
"Are you really serious right now?" He looked at you with interest, realizing that you are gradually starting to get angry. "You were the one who hit me with the car door, was rude to me, didn’t apologize. And now you're telling me that I didn't thank you for taking me to the hospital that I ended up in because of you?"
You felt your cheeks flush with anger. Now you were really very angry.
Tartaglia just smirked smugly and moved towards you.
"Okay, I understood. You want me to apologize to you, right?" He carefully lifted your chin with his long fingers, forcing you to look into his blue eyes. “I have an offer for you. You. Me. My bed. What do you think about it?"
What happened after that shocked the ginger man. The scarlet mark from the slap burned like a burn on his cheek. He moved slightly away from you, put his hand to his burning skin, and an unexpected glint of excitement appeared in his eyes.
Childe looked at your face and your facial expression seemed to him the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Now you looked like you were a fierce warrior in the heat of battle.
You suppressed another thought of hitting him again and looked into his eyes in annoyance.
"What kind of person do you think I am? If you were born with a golden spoon in your mouth doesn't mean you can get whatever you want."
That's all you said to him before you turned your back on him and walked away, leaving the shocked man alone.
Tartaglia continued to excitedly press his hand to his cheek, watching you leave. As his shock faded, a cheeky smirk appeared on Childe's face.
"Such a cutie…"
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In the evening of the next day, loud music was again playing in Tartaglia's office. The smell of expensive cigarettes and alcohol was everywhere. Half naked girls danced on the table.
The ginger man sat relaxed on a soft leather sofa and slowly drank whiskey from a small wineglass. His head was empty, he didn't want to do anything at all. He just lived for today and enjoyed it. He spent a lot of money on entertainment in order to get away from the problems that worried him.
By the way, about the devil.
The screen of his iphone lit up with a bright light, and messages from two people appeared on the screen. He lazily picked up his phone and when Tartaglia read the message, he angrily threw the phone aside and wearily ran his hand over his face.
Father [5:15 PM]
Did you buy a wedding present for Lumine?
Mom [5:23 PM]
Dear, did you see our lawyer today?
"I'm so tired." He sighed as he leaned back on the sofa and took another sip of his alcoholic drink.
"Hm?" Childe heard from the side and turned his head towards Ayato.
A blue haired man stood near the window to full height and looked out the window. When the man heard his friend's voice, he turned around.
"You have three naked girls in your office right now. You can go and relax with any of them. Should I teach you?"
"I'm not talking about this." Tartaglia snorted, pushing his ginger hair out of his face. He licked his lips. "It seems to me that I am stuck in a deep hole, and there is no way out. I just want to get away from problems."
Ayato nodded in understanding. He knew about the problems of his friend, he would like to help him, but didn't know how to do it. Perhaps he would have offered Tartaglia to solve problems with money. But if it were possible, Childe would have done it a long time ago.
So he decided to help his friend in another way by offering him a bet as a form of entertainment. They were both gambling people, so the man thought that Tartaglia would appreciate his offer and be able to relax a bit.
"Then I have an offer for you. How about a bet? "
The ginger man looked at his friend in annoyance.
"I don’t care about your damn bets right now, you know?"
Ayato smiled impertinently.
"If you win, I will persuade my mother to help you and your family in law court."
Childe excitedly got up from his seat.
"Are you serious now?"
He walked closer to Ayato and said: "Tell me your conditions."
The blue haired man made a thoughtful expression in his face and looked out the window again.
"The first girl to leave this building should get into your bed."
Tartaglia rolled his eyes. Ayato was always too predictable. For some reason, it seemed to Childe that this wouldn't be too difficult a thing. Especially with his charm. He followed Ayato's gaze and looked at the opening door. Just in time.
And when the girl finally left the building, the ginger man held his breath for a second.
It was you. You, the girl who slapped him yesterday and lit a deep fire in his heart. He followed you with his gaze, noticing how awkwardly you stumbled over a small pebble in the road and straightened your skirt. A cheeky smile of anticipation appeared on his face.
"It's getting interesting."
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— taglist: @httpmitsuya @gojoandelsalovechilde @duckyyyx @i-x4o @chishiyawifesworld
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