#just like to remind people that I'm legally bllind
sl33py-g4m3r · 3 months
proud of myself
feel like I shouldn't be proud of this; but I am. I feel I shouldn't because it's just normal people stuff to do in the world...
goes to show how I've let anxiety have a chokehold on me for quite a good chunk of my life.
the hang up was just my vision and that the shop had remodeled so there wasn't the signs stating what's there on the windows for the ingredients. as I've stated many other times, I'm legally blind. Left eye has some vision that's very bad, right eye has none and is scar tissue. idk if that's relevant to the post at all tho...
glad anxiety didn't kick me during this today~~ that was kind of nice. cute little sandwich shop~~
Ordered my own sandwich at a sandwich shop~~!! and even got brave enough to ask about a couple cookies. still unfortunately said sorry a lot during tho...
vegetarian sandwich on cheese and herb bread with a garlic aioli. was really good~~~ spinach got wilted a bit and not crisp... but was good regardless~~
didn't realize it at the time but I guess the pandemic years affected everyone huh? I went from walking to the park in town, and to the convenience store alone, to, not going outside unless it was to my siblings place or to appointments, go shopping, take garbage out, get mail... and that was it...
Now I wish my anxiety would chill out enough for me to start walking to the park and around town again.
the "nothing changed" thing I thought of about covid in that my lifestyle hadn't changed, was in fact, incorrect. It had changed, I just hadn't noticed it until it bit me in the ass.
I still mask; I still will continue to wear masks, cause even if you aren't sick, it could prevent germs you have from getting anyone else sick. It's the polite thing to do at this point given we've been doing it for 4 years now. imo covid still exists, it's still mutating, we still need to be careful about it.
tl;dr, day with the family, ordered my own sandwich~~!! today was a good day~~ suck it anxiety~~!! we got a tasty sandwich cause you didn't get in the way~~!! wooooooo~~!!!
sleeping patterns still very weird now~~ i go to bed~~~
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