#just let the doc be a funky little creature who's sad sometimes
day-at-rhodes-island · 11 months
Idk about Lone Trail.
It's not generally bad, but for the big Rhine Labs event there sure was a lot of stuff that wasn't Rhine Labs (it could definitely do with a little less Preserver).
Like, I get that they're following up on some of the RL story bits that they've planted in other things, but they probably should have given more time to Kirsten and Saria and just generally explored the pre-established character relationships more.
Also, Silence and, even more so, Ferdinand are main characters for no reason. Why? Genuinely, what was the purpose of giving them that much screen time?
It ended up being an event about legacy and progress that just happens to feature RL, and that seems off to me.
Also, the Doctor and Muelsyse thing is entirely unnecessary, and I want everyone to give them shit for it when they open the event survey. We can't have them doing this again.
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