#just know that C is an old language that's kinda hard to debug
crossandchange · 4 years
yuto // segmentation fault
This is a gift fic for @lilyyutodae! Happy holidays Lily, I hope you enjoy this weird little fic :)
Warnings: Some bad words, a good amount of jargon, and weird humor. 
“God fucking damn it!” You cried as you saw those four damn words on your laptop screen: 
Segmentation Fault (Core Dumped)
“I hate my life, I hate this class, and my professor can go to hell! Who in the modern world writes programs in C!” You ranted emphatically, slamming your hands against the grimy library desk.
The figure next to you sighed and craned his neck to get a closer look. 
“I told you to get started on this project earlier, y/n. Why didn’t you listen?” Yuto commented, leaning back in his seat. “Segmentation faults are a pain to debug and you know this.”
“Yes dad,” you shot him a sarcastic thumbs up and started to add some debugging print statements. You yawned and glanced up to check the time on the brown clock on the wall above you. 12:20 AM. Fabulous, you were in for a long night. Why didn’t you bother buying coffee before the overpriced coffee shop across the street closed? Oh right, since it was overpriced.
You turned to face Yuto. “But why the hell are you here when you’re already done?” 
Yuto twirled his pencil. “As I said two hours ago, I’m working on some proofs and I can’t quite crack it.” He sighed, looking away defeatedly. You patted him on the shoulder empathetically and turned back to your own laptop.
You had met Yuto in your freshman year calculus class. You had gotten lost in the endless hallway of the math building and finally stumbled into the right classroom, as the professor was reading from her five-page long syllabus. When she saw you, she stopped.
“So you are y/n? Pleased that you could join us. Welcome to the exciting world of multivariable calculus. Take a seat wherever you can find one,” she smiled, extending a chalky hand to shake yours. You quickly grabbed a syllabus and rushed to the first empty seat you could find, hastily taking down any notes you missed.
The bell rang and you rushed to grab your backpack and head off to your next class, but you were stopped by a tap on your shoulder. It was the boy sitting next to you. 
“Hi, I’m Yuto. I’m an electrical engineering major. What about you?” Flustered, you sat back down and introduced yourself. 
“I’m y/n, I have a class right after this, I gotta go, but pleased to meet you!” The words spilled out of your mouth and you made a motion to grab your papers, but you were stopped by the boy--no, Yuto--scribbling on your syllabus.
“That’s my number. We should text each other for homework help and stuff. See you around!” He waved you off.
Since then, Yuto has been your best study buddy. Whenever you had quizzes, you would study together the night before. You would proofread each other’s papers and debug each other’s code. You also brought him to all the free food events on campus. The two of you would often be seen grabbing pizza, burritos, and donuts--all for the price of signing up on a club membership list.
Your roommate would often tease you as you got ready for a late-night library study session.
“Heading off to see your boyfriend?” She would smirk, leaning lazily against the doorway. 
“For the last time, he’s not my boyfriend. I have plenty of other male friends that I hang out with. He’s just super smart and I’d like all the help I can get!” You retorted, cheeks flushing red. Your roommate raised a knowing eyebrow and sauntered back into her room.
She had a point, though. Yuto wasn’t just any friend. Over the couple of months you knew him, you saw more than just his book smarts. Yuto was kind, intelligent, and orderly. Time and time again, he had been your saving grace--reminding you of deadlines, buying you coffee when you had an early morning class, and being there to listen when you complained about grades and life.
Not to forget that his ass looked great in a pair of jeans.
So it was inevitable that you fell for this sweet, calm boy. You could only hope that he either felt the same, or was too dense to notice your feeble attempts at flirtation.
You let out a whoosh of air and slowly rose to your feet, extending your arms out above your head. You did it. You had finally solved your pesky segmentation fault after two hours of furious typing, googling, and head-desking. You turned to Yuto to shake him with excitement, only to find that he had snoozed off, head lolling against the olive green fabric of the crusty couch.
Well, one could only stare at proofs for so long at the wee hours of the night before sleep took over. His face was serene; the pressure of maintaining scholarships and grades did not affect him in the land of sleep. You sunk back into the couch. Maybe you too, deserved a cat nap before finishing this last report…
When you came to, you noticed a couple of things.
First, the birds were starting to chirp outside as the sky started to brighten from a midnight black to a cerulean blue. Stupid birds and their morning songs. 
Second, your head was resting comfortably on a lap. Wait, what?
You pushed yourself up from the couch and blinked a couple of times to dispel the haze of slumber. Yuto was still propped up against the couch, sleeping away peacefully. At some point in the night, your head must have ended up in his lap. Not that you were complaining, though. 
In a trance, you slowly brought your hand up to faintly trace the contours of his face. You followed the line of his nose bridge, feathered your fingers along his eyebrows, and slowly dragged your fingers along his cheek until you realized that his eyes were no longer shut.
Well shit. 
Some rational part of your brain screamed at you to pull your hand away, but you were caught in his spell. He was looking at you intently. There was no look of disdain in his eyes, no surprise, but rather… curiosity? Your breath hitched in your throat and you leaned in.
Oh God, you were kissing him. And oh fuck, he was kissing you back. At this moment, you didn’t care about the consequences of kissing your best friend. It felt good to meld your lips with his, arms snaking around his neck to bring you closer. It wasn’t until his hands found their way into your hair that you broke away, gasping from the sudden weight of your actions. 
“I am so sorry”, you mumbled, burying your face into your hands. “I finished my program earlier and took a nap. I’ll head--”
You were interrupted by his hands pulling your hands away from your crimson cheeks. 
“Don’t be.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” Yuto said with a half smile, peering down at you with adoration. “I just got to kiss the girl of my dreams.” He leaned in once again, but you brought up a palm to meet his lips, earning you a look of surprise on his face.
“What?” You repeated, at a loss for words.
“God, I didn’t think you were this dense.” Yuto said, shaking his head. He exhaled.
“I. like. you.” He punctuated each word clearly. Your heart was pounding in your chest.
“And I’m pretty sure that you like me too, considering you just kissed me,” he chuckled. God, the nerve of this man. You tangled your fingers with his and shyly looked down. 
“You caught me,” you said in a small voice, the adrenaline wearing off. The urge to crawl into bed and snuggle with this infuriatingly beautiful man was taking over your thought process.
Yuto was thinking along the same lines. “How about we get some breakfast and go sleep in a real bed?”
“Deal. Wait, not my place. I don’t want to deal with my roommate,” you groaned. 
He smiled and kissed your hand. “We’ll take it one step at a time, babe.” 
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