#just fyi it's *not* referencing some particular thing or event. just /gen.
jinneu · 1 year
maybe it's controversial but.... it really shouldn't be hard to be normal about characters and enjoy media without making a manifesto of only One correct opinion and only One correct interpretation of how things would/must be, when it comes to said characters and/or their interactions— including the way they would act in romantic or platonic relationship (as if it's not a two-way street, which often means taking care of each other in various ways, because that's literally how human relationships work— especially if characters we're talking about are multifaceted and nuanced) and yet here we are.
there's no one(1) correct and ultimate way to interact with characters and fandom.
there's no way we know literally everything about the characters, because we, in fact, don't (screentime, them being fictional, and lol a lot of them are literally 15 and like... a lot of things can change and/or develop over time)
headcanons is something that is present in every fandom, because it's the act of expanding the universe and canon material we already have. and there's nothing wrong with it— same about exploring different concepts and interpretations without taking it to extremes. there's also no need for arguing about what thing is more canon, because there's no such thing unless it's explicitly stated in the show— and even so, in some cases there might be various ways to interpret it, unless it's something very straightworfard, like will's favorite candy being Reese's Pieces.
having headcanons is perfectly okay, but policing and pushing your headcanons/theories/etc onto others is not, no matter how canon one thinks they are. different interpretations can coexist! that's how fandom always worked, it's about fun and creation, not about arguing or trying to be the most correct and supercilious. peace ✌️
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