#just edited in my better version of raon's fiction in another draft so uh
wordsvomit101 · 6 months
10. Hidden envy
(1 year after the death of Mr and Mrs Lee)
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Overwhelmed by a sudden surge of rage and disdain, Sebastián could only tackle Alexander to the ground, his fists becoming vessels for the tumultuous emotions he had repressed throughout his life. Each blow carried with it a cacophony of hatred, guilt, fear, and a twisted semblance of love, unleashed upon his older twin brother. Tears, unnoticed, traced jagged paths down his face, mingling with the sweat and blood that adorned his visage.
"Always by my side?! Pray, what knowledge do you possess?! How will it benefit us?! All this time, I've merely collected remnants left in your wake! Abandoned to the shadows despite my hopeless endeavors to rise to the zenith of your favor!"
His words, laced with bitterness, echoed in the dimly lit chamber as he dragged Alexander to his feet, forcefully propelling him across the room until he collided with a sturdy table. The impact shattered the once-sturdy surface, sending a cascade of porcelain and shattered wood to the floor. Violent and primal, reminiscent of a savage beast unleashed from the confines of civilization.
"Even if I dedicate nights and days to study until I collapse from exhaustion! Even if my ideas and solutions surpass yours! Even if I imbue every ounce of grace into my very being! Even if I train diligently each day in hopes of earning but a passing glance from them! Nothing come close to you!"
Each word, dripping with venom, served as a relentless push, propelling Alexander perilously closer to the edge of the balcony. Sebastián's mind danced with the image of the accusations that would undoubtedly follow - accusations of harming the future king, staining his reputation irreparably.
With a fervor bordering on madness, Sebastián tightened his grip on Alexander's throat, his gaze locked with his brother's steady, unwavering stare. The sickening thrill of dominance mingled with perverse satisfaction as he witnessed the great future king, revered by all, reduced to a vulnerable state before him. He relished the moment, reveling in the power he held over his superior, even as his own inner turmoil threatened to consume him.
"Ah, so you still possess the fortitude for mercy even in light of my treacherous act. I am sorely tempted to end you if you grant me this opportunity", Sebastián's voice, tinged with malice, carried a weight that threatened to crush them both. His fingers dug deeper into Alexander's flesh, a silent testament to the depths of his fury. Yet, despite the violence of his actions, Alexander remained steadfast, his gaze unyielding.
"Act swiftly - no, simply depose him - Cease your indecision - He is my counterpart - Indeed, the king has already granted me this chance-" Sebastián's thoughts faltered, the weight of his own words crashing down upon him with sudden clarity.
"...What a distasteful display of behavior on my part", he murmured, the bitter taste of remorse lingering on his tongue. In that moment of self-reflection, Sebastián glimpsed the twisted image that his parents, the king and queen, must see when they looked upon him - a monstrous aberration, unworthy of their love or acceptance.
His grip on Alexander's throat slackened, the intensity of his rage giving way to a quiet resignation.
"... I've grown weary of this foolishness", As he turned to leave, Sebastián found himself ensnared by the firm grasp of the silent figure behind him. He braced himself, steeling his resolve as he awaited his brother's inevitable reprimand, too exhausted to summon even a shred of defiance.
As Minhyeok scrolls the mouse, eager to read more of the story, he finds himself disappointed when it abruptly ends at that part.
"Hm? Is that all, Raon?" He shifts his gaze from the laptop to the girl sitting beside him, noticing her nervous demeanor as her hands fidget with uncertainty. She averts her gaze from his, hesitating before finally speaking up.
"Is... Is it okay?" Her question catches him off guard. After beta reading 40 chapters of her story before she uploaded it to the publishing website for original fiction over the past 3 months, he couldn't get used to her low standard for the quality of her work. He might not be an avid reader like his brother, but he recognizes good storytelling when he sees it.
"Honestly, it's great! Your character development is spot on. I felt like I knew each character personally, you know? Like, they were real people," he offers his thoughts sincerely, knowing a simple "it's good" wouldn't do justice to her efforts.
"And your worldbuilding in these last 5 chapters? It's detailed and vivid. I could imagine every architectural marvel and court intrigue of the kingdom. It felt like I was right there alongside the characters, exploring every corner of it," he continues, noticing Raon's demeanor brighten with each word he speaks. Her smile grows, and her posture straightens as she absorbs his praise.
"Well, I did spend a lot of time researching," she admits modestly, her confidence visibly boosted by his compliments.
"You've also shown remarkable improvement since the first chapters. The pacing and plot twists kept me thoroughly engaged, with subtle hints sprinkled throughout that make it worth a second read," he observes, knowing she's been paying closer attention in their English and social studies classes. He wonders if she'd be interested in exploring drama as an elective course.
"She's always had a knack for English and picking up foreign languages on her own, so she'd excel in any elective related to language arts," he thinks to himself. The real question is whether she'd want to further develop her skills.
"Let's table that discussion for another time. We have a story to discuss," he redirected his focus back to Raon's writing.
He looks at Raon again, who seems to be contemplating something, her gaze fixed on her laptop screen while he ponders. Yet, there's an unfamiliar tension in the air this time. Usually, her stare carries a solemn weight, but not today.
"Why did you stop there? Hitting a writing block?" He asks, noting the rarity of such an occurrence. Raon is usually brimming with ideas, whether she's typing away on her laptop or scribbling in her journals.
"...," Her silence is a bit disconcerting, especially with the absence of her usual smug expression. Instead, her face is etched with an unknown guilt. He's about to inquire further when she finally speaks up, her voice slow and hesitant.
"I... can't seem to think of how Alexander would deal with Sebastián."
Raon's fingers fiddle with the keyboard, her gaze distant.
"I want him to punish his brother for what he has done, for him to learn to hate Sebastián, but... all I can envision is him showing kindness towards his twin. I don't recognize my character anymore..."
Huh, Alexander, the noble and kind future king, the protagonist of her story. He finds himself relating more to the character than he realized. The man who's been taught to be generous and compassionate since childhood, blessed with talent and divine power bestowed upon him by the gods of his world. Yet, he's also both courageous and fearful in his opinions.
"He's brave for extending kindness to everyone, yet he's afraid of disappointing those around him, fearing he might become like his brother," he muses aloud, sensing there's more to it.
"I think it's will be love in the end," he adds, surprising Raon with his insight.
"That... is an interesting perspective," Raon responds, her confusion evident. How could someone still harbor love for a person who's caused them so much pain?
It's understandable in a way, but love isn't always logical, especially when it's for family.
"Even I wouldn't be able to cast away my love for my other half, who knows my worst and my best like the back of their hand for my whole life," he says softly, noticing the hitch in Raon's breath beside him.
It almost reminds him of the time he was envious of his older brother and despite causing all the messes for his sibling. Never once has his older brother grown to at least hate him for being an annoyance.
"Perhaps Alexander... could sees beyond just the hurt and betrayal. He sees the brother he grew up with, the one who shared his joys and sorrows. Despite all the bad, there's still... a glimmer of the boy he once knew within Sebastián. The chance for atonement”
"I... I guess I have yet to look at it that way", she looks like she doesn't enjoy the idea of it but she at least considered it. There is a silence between them as they muse in their thoughts.
"Not even I understand my love for you despite all that talk", he doesn't say it but instead says what his mom told him when he confided to her years ago.
"Love is complicated, isn't it? Eomma said it makes us flawed and hopeful all at once."
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