#just blacklist salty asks if you don't want to see these <3
emsylcatac · 3 years
i’ve been in the mlb fandom for a while but relatively new to using tumblr specifically for mlb, and today i stumbled onto the less-than-fun portions (ie: the salt). i don’t really know who to ask, as i don’t really know any mlb tumblr users but what are the popular salt tags that i should block because i really don’t want to stumble on it again and any help would be very much appreciated <3
Hey there anon ♥︎ sorry you had to stumble upon it.. :/
I suppose all the kind of salt tags are to ban, so usually it's:
#ml salt #salt #miraculous salt
Then, you can also ban any tag including salt on characters you love, mainly the most recurrent ones are: #adrien salt #marinette salt #class salt #alya salt or the variants with #adrien hate #adrien bashing #marinette hate #marinette bashing #alya hate #alya bashing, and you can also add the same tags combination with their last names for extra security.
But really you should ban any tag involving characters you like with #[name of the character] salt / hate / bashing
Same with the ships, if there's a ship you like and want to avoid the salt on it, block the tags for it like #ladrien salt #ladrien hate
There's also some tags that often smell a lot like there's salt underneath such as #marinette deserves better #adrien deserves better or tags involving Lila
Another kind of famous salty tags to blacklist is everything that has to do with maribat. While they claim that now some fics aren't salty, it's not the major part of it so if maribat ain't much your thing anyway don't risk it and block tags like #maribat #daminette and all.
Sadly, some people don't tag their salt at all, either because they don't consider themselves being salty but just "critical", or because they don't care enough for that. So what I do to avoid stumbling upon salt on Tumblr, and I've got to say that this year my experience's been mostly good (unless I got unlucky cause someone reblogged something from me and decided to be salty or cause I went to AO3) is this:
Follow people you're sure aren't salters, that means checking their blog for any of the main salt tags and scrolling a little bit to be sure before following
Unfollow people who start to become too salty
Never go into the main tag. It's sad but it avoids you a lot of bad takes
Try not to follow too many people who focus on fandom salt. While they're not salters per say, some are obsessively looking to the main salty blogs to counter it and by doing so make you see what salty things are being said that you wouldn't have seen otherwise. Some aren't obsessively stalking salters but still at war enough to dampen your mood, especially cause then salters will come pocking at them. It's ok to indulge a bit in fandom salt from time to time and it can be freeing, but if it's the main reason the blog exists, save yourself the trouble to be honest
[Edit]: and one last thing, don't hesitate to block blogs you encounter having negativity or salt even if you've never interacted with them!
Personally I weirdly enough only have the #ml salt tag blacklisted and not all the others I've listed, and with that and what I just told you above I've managed to make my experience pleasant enough and avoid most of the salt 😊 hope it'll help you anon!
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notfknapplicable · 3 years
Salty asks!!
#3: Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? #8: Have you received anon hate? What about? #16: If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
#3: No. I do blacklist ships and fandoms that I'm not interested in or just don't like, but I enjoy other posts very much and don't wanna miss out on them!
#8: Yes, and I think it was related to some fandom opinion I'd expressed and some assholes decided to jump on me. It didn't last long. I didn't engage (besides telling people to fuck off) and I barely remember it. Now, when I was in popslash someone made an entire website dedicated to hating me. It sucked.
#16: I've got a few TV fandoms that I'm into, so I'll answer this for a few of them.
Hannibal: I would have given them three more seasons and a movie. I just love the final season so much and I feel like it set up a really cool potential 4th season where we could have seen Will and Hannibal being actual murder husbands. I like to imagine that, at some point, we would have gotten to see them kiss. A bitch can dream!
Merlin: I would have gotten rid of Uther way sooner. He was around for 4 of the 5 seasons and his magic hatred got really fucking boring to me. We should have gotten more than one season of Actual King Arthur.  Also I'm personally just done with "complicated relationship between father and son" storylines. It got boring and annoying watching Arthur simp for his dad's love. Also, I would have made the comedy much less slapstick. Maybe it's just the nature of early 2000s television, but I'm not impressed with much of the humor. I also would have loosened Katie McGrath's bodices and corsets. She looks sooo uncomfortable in some scenes. And I would have made the wardrobe more historically accurate. Some of Morgana's looks are unbearably contemporary to when the show was filmed.
Good Omens: nothing much! I would want Aziraphale to be more book-accurate (he adores Crowley in the book but seems much more annoyed with and avoidant of him in the first few episodes in the show) and I would have given Sister Mary Loquacious more screen time. I love Nina Sosanya!
Questions are here if anyone wants to send some!
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phynali · 7 years
7, 9, and 22 for the salty ask thing? any fandom
ilu anon
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
I mean, in general, yes. that’s part of growing up, i think. like i was a Snape stan and now i recognize that although he’s a fantastic character, dude was The Worst. #progress
anyway i guess if I keep this to my general DC stuff, i’d say that i used to some of their shows but them killing off my faves and making my other faves into assholes has… made some of their shows Trying for me.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
oh anon you’re trying to get me into a fight, aren’t you? :P
honestly though, this isn’t even contentious: i think i hate damien darhk the most? or malcolm merlyn? and i’m low-key pissed that Legends bent over backwards to make them funny and entertaining (even though it was, as designed, funny and entertaining to watch) because they are really gross and terrible characters who uphold completely deplorable ideals and any humanizing of them should be done through the lens of “even humans who love and laugh and bring you joy can be monsters and we must reject them when they are because making you laugh does not excuse evil” instead of “even evil people can be cute and fun”.
22. Popular character you hate?
hmmm. this is tough. i’m not one to Hate characters, or at least not the good guys. I have conflicted or “meh” feelings about a lot of them, but don’t hate a lot. 
i suppose for this one i’ll say… i need to rewatch Arrow, at least the seasons I can stand, because my opinions on Ollie are all in a jumble. I want to like him, but I couldn’t connect with the majority of the decisions he made in S3 and it left a really sour taste in my mouth, but i don’t want to hate him. i don’t hate him when i see edits of him in fandom, but then i accidentally built some very negative association with him that i think has more to do with men i know than with him as a character. but as far as Popular characters go, he’s the one i have the most auto,atically negative feelings toward (though the way Sara acted in legends s2 really fucked me up because she was a long-time extreme fave before that). 
anyway, my feelings for Olli are a huge part of why i never watched S4, but… i’m probably not giving him enough credit, and i know that.
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