#just being remade wasn't enough he gets his memories altered too
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horribleweasel · 1 year ago
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Babygirl did NOT deserve that
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dubconartist · 1 year ago
Chapter 2 of my Corintheus fic is finally up. It's been sitting in my Google docs for awhile because I wasn't satisfied with it. But it's out now and I hope y'all enjoy it. ✌️
Linkity link to chapter two
Or if you want to read under the cut
Henry fell loosely onto the bed and rolled over to watch the handsome blond prowl over him and settled languidly between his parted legs. Henry was already down to just his y fronts and this gorgeous stranger hadn't even so much as taken off his sunglasses. He felt exposed in the best way possible. The blond gave a short hum and trailed a hand lightly down the hair on Henry's chest.
"I am going to do unspeakable things to you." Cori grinned wolfishly.
"Promise?" The man on the bed challenged. Cori produced a length of nylon rope from the side table and raised his brows in question. "Yes, please."
Cori caressed his limbs as wrapped the ropes firmly. Henry felt secure, relaxed, cared for.
"Can you get out of those?" Cori asked. Henry tugged on the ropes, twisted in them. He felt held.
"No." He grinned up at the beautiful man above him.
"Good. That's good, baby." Cori pulled his jacket of in a smooth practiced motion and for the first time Henry saw the knife holster around his chest.
"...Fuck." Henry pulled against the ropes, as he stuggled the unbreakable fibers bit into his skin.
"We will, baby. But," Cori pulled off his glasses, teeth bared in a wild grin on all three mouths, "I wanna taste you first." The Corinthian crawled atop his victim, taking his time, knowing he wasn't going anywhere.
Henry would jolt awake that morning with a cold, nauseous, feeling in the pit of his stomach, relieved that it was only a dream.
He had feared being remade, being altered in ways he could not control. The reality of it had been entirely different. He had enjoyed the pain of Morpheus' careful hands twisting and tearing within him. And his renewed loyalty to his King had not been altered into him but had sparked to life on its own when Morpheus had plunged his hand into the nightmare's chest. He had forgotten how cruel his King could be and oh how he loved cruelty.
He could feel and catalog each alteration as it was being made and he knew he was still, mostly, the same nightmare. He could fight his new urges, he could work hard and undo what had been done, but why would he? Once you killed a human in the Waking the fun had pretty much ended. Keeping it in the Dreaming he could visit someone over and over and over. They don't remember they should be afraid until they wake up crying for their mothers. He already has so many plans for Henry.
The only thing he misses was the way eyes tasted stronger in the Waking. Missed the feelings and memories and life rushing through him. But he's got something better now, he thinks. If it's something he'd be allowed more than just the once. He'd felt everything and it had been so much, too much, and he didn't want it to stop. When he came back to himself he had been dizzy and sticky with his own spend. Morpheus had stroked his hair and kissed him softly until he had stopped shaking.
"Hes already back on the job!"
"Mhm, sent into some poor blokes dreams last night."
"It took Morpheus years of planning and constant tinkering to make The Corinthian. I just don't see how a few hours of work could be enough to fix everything that was wrong."
"Mhm, mhm. I don't trust it. I know, I know Lord said he was 'corrected,' whatever that means, but after what he did? 'M not sure you can fix that."
The Corinthian lurked, as he was wont to do, just out of their sight. Anger flared in him at their words. He could make them eat their words, or at least their own tongues. They could learn to keep their mouths shut. He could teach them.
He reached under his jacket and wrapped his hand around the cold hilt of a knife. He flexed his grip a bit, settling into the familiar feeling, then snapped the knife back into its holster with a shaky huff. Instead he stepped into their sight, all three mouths grimacing at the gossiping dreams.
They two creatures gasp and hurried off with cries of "Sorrysorrysorrysorry…" and "Please don't hurt us, please!"
The Corinthian did not follow. He only stood for a moment, jaw tight with anger at them for their words, and at himself for very nearly proving them right. He needed to be in the presence of his Lord. That would distract him.
The Corinthian stalked into the busy library still fuming from his interaction with those gossiping dreams. A few heads turned his way with nervous expressions. He ignored them and made a beeline for his Lord who was sitting at a large table, several books open in front of him.
He sat himself in the chair next to Morpheus, without a word, a decision that would have been far too presumptuous for even the other major arcana. But The Corinthian knew his Lord better than them, he knew him better than anyone now. He saw the slight upturn of Morpheus' mouth. His King's almost smile that most never noticed. The Corinthian let himself put his head down on the desk and rested for the moment.
Lucienne carried several more books over to the table and gave the briefest raised brow at The Corinthian sitting with their King but did not say a word. He knew that even if she found his presence objectionable, (he does not care for reading) Lord Morpheus was allowing him, and it was not her place to question their King's judgment.
There was a gentle little tapa tap tap along the desk and suddenly there was a small feathery face tilting into The Corinthians eyeline.
"Hey buddy, you good?" The Raven asked in a tone that said he already knew the answer.
"Just peachy." He didn't bother to sound convincing.
"Right, well anyway, we haven't been introduced. You're that spooky serial killer nightmare, right?" The bird didn't seem at all bothered.
"That's Me." He was half interested in the fact that the raven wasn't afraid and half tempted to pick up one of the studier books and use it to smack him into a cloud of feathers.
"Well, nice to meet you." His tiny clawed feet shuffled a little closer as he tipped his head, "I'm Mathew, the new guy. I'd shake your hand but-" He gestured with his wings.
The Corinthian wondered what it must have been like, to open your eyes one day and be something entirely different. The urge to needle, to offend, bubbled up within him."How'd you die?" He asked pointedly."Would I like it? Was it gory?" He grinned viciously at the bird.
"Well I was kinda out of it, but apparently." Well, now The Corinthian was genuinely interested. He absolutely wanted to hear all about this.
Morpheus looked up from his pages with a small roll of the head that said can you two keep it down.
"Oop, sorry boss man. We'll take it somewhere else, yeah?" Mathew said. There was no reverence or propriety to his words. As if the King of The Dreaming was just a pal of his. The Corinthian decided he liked the bird and even let him hop up on his shoulder as they left their King to his work.
He had been allowed back into the Waking.
He wasn't alone, Mathew had brought him along to spy on some mortal. "I could use a hand." He had said, the throne room had been unusually busy and several dreams had volunteered to help the raven.
Dream had not even hesitated, "If you wish, The Corinthian could accompany you." He had left the throne room, head held high, in the face of disbelieving dreams.
Now that he was in the waking world he felt terrified. The Old Corinthian seemed to be screaming out. Every person he passed, he imagined killing. Every item he saw, he knew how to turn it into a weapon. Every street was a way out. He could ring the bird's neck and book it.
He did not. He did his duty, chatted with Mathew, charmed the few mortals he had to talk to, and returned home.
They reported to the palace. Dream dismissed Mathew but asked The Corinthian to stay a moment.
"How did you find returning to the waking?"
The Corinthian tensed "I behaved myself. It was fine."
Dream gave a hum of acknowledgement, "indeed you did, but how did you feel. Being amongst them once more. You must have been tempted were you not?"
"Was this a test? Let me think you'd let me loose just so you see if I'd fuck it up all over again!"
"It was no test. I merely wish to know how you felt. I know you would not harm them."
The Corinthian gave him a doubt-filled look. "I wanted to. Every damn pair of eyes I saw. I want to take them. I wanted to hurt them. Liked the idea of it. My head was so full of all the shit I could do. I…I don't know if you fixed me enough. Everyone's been saying it too." He was trembling now. Dream wrapped an arm around his waist and began carding his fingers through his short blond hair.
"You would despise your role in the Dreaming if you did not enjoy cruelty, my Nightmare. This was not intended as a test, but perhaps it may serve as proof to yourself and any others that doubted you that you are exactly as you should be." He kissed his temple softly. "You were tempted and yet you return to me, little one. Perhaps I should reward your loyalty."
Dream rested his forehead against the Corinthian's, there breath mingling for a moment as the room around them shifted. Pulling back Morpheus guided The Corinthian to the same bed he had woken in after his lord had fixed him.
He had doubted he would be permitted this again. He had thought his Lord had merely been indulging him, letting him show his gratitude the only way he knew how. Only now Dream was pushing him into the bed, nipping hungry kisses anywhere he could reach as he dragged The Corinthian's clothes off him as he went.
Morpheus set the knives down beside the pillows. "My perfect creation, tell me, what would you do to me?" He was kissing down his bared chest.
"I. My Lord." His voice was broken.
"What cruelties would you visit upon me? Here in our domain you may indulge as you please."
"I. I would use my knife. Open you up. Feel You From The Inside like you did me. Own you like you own me."
"Very well." Morpheus had a dark sort of mirth in his eye as if inviting The Corinthian to do his worst.
The Corinthian grabbed Morpheus by his wild tufts of hair and threw him onto the bed. He spared no thought for his clothes, cutting them open with his knife until his Lord was bare before him, laying atop the scraps of what had been his clothes.
He placed the knife on Morpheus' pale sternum and pressed until a small pool of red welled up around the tip of the blade, at the same time he pressed himself against Morpheus' unprepared entrance. As he entered him, he dragged the blade down slowly leaving a long deep cut along his belly. Morpheus cried out, hands shooting up to grip onto his nightmarish lover. He squirmed underneath his attention, both forms of penetration painful.
The feeling of his lord around him and the sight of his flesh tearing under his knife was almost too pleasurable. He slid his hand inside the wound, fingers exploring, almost gently. "Oh, god." He pulled out most of the way and set his hips into a steady rhythm as he dragged his fingers along slick, strange shapes within his Lord.
"I have been addressed as such before." Dreams voice was slightly reedy with pain.
"Oh he's funny. I'm wrist deep in his guts and he's funny." He pinched whatever bit of innards were currently under his fingers and a discomforted noise came from Morpheus' throat.
The Corinthian placed one hand next to his King's head to brace his thrusts. Morpheus muffled whines and cries against the nightmare's wrist.
"Am I really hurting you like this?" He scraped his nails along something solid within him and watched Morpheus arch up, clenching his eyes shut as tears ran down his cheeks
"Y-yes." The King said, "I want to feel it." His nightmare looked at him curiously. Morpheus' desperate fingers kneaded into his shoulders as they moved together.
"You like when I hurt you?" Morpheus didn't say yes but the way he was meeting his thrusts gave him his answer
"You are. The only one. I would allow to." He said between pants.
"I'm the. Only one. -Oh fuck- That'd. Dare. -Hnnn- You're not very. Approachable. M-my Lord."
Morpheus huffed a laugh and gave him an honest to gods smile. "Do you think I should. Make an effort to. Be this. Yielding. With my other subjects?".
"Not on your life my lord." He thrust in harshly with both his fist and his hand. Morpheus winced as he moved things within him, digging his fingers in deeper as he rolled his hips at little harder into the body below him. He wondered if Morpheus always gave himself internal workings or if he made all this just for him.
"Now I think-" He plunged his hand downward as he stopped his thrusts pressing himself as deep as he could and Morpheus understood what he was doing "there we go! Fuck that feels good." He had a hold of Morpheus' large intestine moving it back and forth, fucking his own fist inside his Lord.
"Ah…ah!" He moved his hand and hips together, using Morpheus as nothing but a sleeve. Morpheus curled forward as if he wanted to watch the gore within himself being used for the nightmare's pleasure. He made no complaints, no move to stop him, he only writhed below him and let tears roll down his temples into his mess of hair.
The Corinthian released his grip on himself through his King and explored Morpheus' pelvis from within, looking for something else as he continued to fuck hard into the body below him.
He pressed down and Morpheus gave a punched out moan as he pressed on his prostate from both sides. The Corinthian pressed hard as he thrust in and Morpheus arched up with a shout as he came across his own bloodied chest. He felt it through the thin membrane of flesh as he filled his Lord and Master's with his own spend.
The Corinthian surveyed the mess they'd made of his King as he eased himself out of Morpheus in two different ways. He ran his hands, one stained red, along Dream's pale flesh leaving streak marks through the blood and cum on his skin. Morpheus grabbed his hand and pulled it to his mouth, sucking the fingers clean. The Corinthian nearly collapsed atop him groaning into a kiss.
He pulled back a few inches stroking his King's temples as he looked into his eyes. "May I?" His fingers traced gentle patterns into his temples " -taste them again?" He clarified in case he was misunderstood.
"If you wish it. When you wish it."
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